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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7801517 No.7801517 [Reply] [Original]

I recently started college, and I'm stuck with a weeaboo roommate. She's really nice, but, I guess she didn't grow out of her scene phase in high-school. I basically need to help this girl hide her power level before she kills me of secondhand embarrassment.

>has mint green extensions and messy scene hair
>voice is high pitched, loud, and kawaii desu
>wears poorly fitted green contacts
>expresses herself and love for anime in public
>doesn't even know what a weeaboo is

Weeaboo stories are welcome

>> No.7801519

She honestly has a lot of good qualities about her but that power level. I'd rather have her than some basic bitch as a roommate.

>> No.7801535

I'm taking Japanese and I have to say that 70-80% of the class are weaboo. Some tone it down better than others but the outspoken ones do anime character gestures when they say anything in Japanese. I was expecting something like this when I enrolled but the second hand embarrassment is too intense.

>> No.7801537

A lot of weeaboos evolve into koreaboos.

Koreans are Murkaboos so it's a weird circle.

>> No.7801543

Yeah, my Jap class has been full of weeaboos who back out when they realize it isn't that easy.

>> No.7801544

I seriously didn't believe that there were this many weeaboos in college. It feels like they come from out of no where. I'm scared anon-chan.

>> No.7801563

1st year Japanese -- 10 classes with 30 people each.
4th year Japanese -- 1 class with 12 people

get fucked weabitches

>> No.7801566

I had a pregnant weeb in class.

>> No.7801567

Or people only took the mandatory 2 years for their general education and just stopped taking it, lol

>> No.7801572
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I just started Japanese too but I don't sense any weeb vibes in the room. One girl had calpico the first day and people already know common words used in anime but I was the first to wear an animu shirt and I think I'm the only one with charms on my bag...shit

>> No.7801582

Thats how it was in one of my classes until someone's anime ringtone rang and the whole class besides; a korean guy and gal and myself, blew up into a massive conversation about anime. The teacher's face was priceless.

>> No.7801584

Fuck my punctuation and grammer.

>> No.7801585

Congrats, anon. You're the class weeb. It's you.

>> No.7801588

I dont like anime, and have a general dislike for most people who use tumblr (because sjws). My new roommate tells me within the first 5 minutes of meeting her that she spends 6+ hours a day watching anime and the rest of her time posting on her ten tumblr blogs. We start talking and she often will interject with "oh I know that, I learned it from this anime I watch". Apparently hetalia is educational, guise. Often complained about how there is no internet in the dorms because she wanted to watch some yaoi thing and couldn't do it in the public space. Ruined my artwork by drawing moustaches and random kanji all over it in pen. Discovered my wardrobe (I didn't wear lolita much as I was still getting used to the area and preferred to blend in) and sometimes I would come back to find her dressing up and taking "kawaii" selfies in my burando. She is too fat to wear non shirred lolita, I told her to stop and even offered to let her wear one of my bodyline pieces, but NOPE. Took to putting my more expensive pieces in bags under my bed, and she never found them although was sad when she couldn't find the kawaii dress with the icekurimu or however she said it and stars on it (milky planet). Wore cat ears and showered about once a week.
I believe my low point aside from the touching of my clothes was when she explained "triggering" as "when someone sees something that makes them feel sad." She also tried to make me watch anime so I insulted some of her favourite shows by comparing them to western animations.


>> No.7801594

Yeah that's what I was implying

(I'm really not a weeb though, just the only one with any sort of power level showing, I can just sense the tension of something like this >>7801582 happening although anon I don't believe you weren't in that conversation, this is cgl, come on)

>> No.7801607

That's pretty true for all languages.
First semester beginner's French at my uni had ~350 people, second semester (French 2) has less than 80, with a lot of people struggling. The numbers will just keep dropping.

>> No.7801609

>>she couldn't find the kawaii dress with the icekurimu or however she said it and stars on it (milky planet).
This made me chuckle.

>> No.7801610

Haha, I actually wasn't. I try to keep my power level low. There have been two tines I was exposed though. First time, I accidentally left my sound on my Mayushii (tuturu~) text tone went off. No one, but one guy recognized it. The second time, my music started playing while I was in the language lab with some of them.

>> No.7801615

You should have installed a lock on your door.or if you were living in a dorm talked to them about switching rooms.

>> No.7801618

As a teenager I used to be a massive obnoxious weebatron. However I was also best in class in Japanese so I guess it wasn't all bad.

>> No.7801621


>> No.7801634

fucking casuals

>> No.7801641

ohh she loved that dress... I had the OP with the apron and I never detached the apron unless I was wearing it so it didn't get lost. I never saw her actually wearing it or I would have flipped my shit, but a friend showed me a picture she had put on Facebook and her boobs were too big to fit the bodice so it was like scrunched up above them. Because of this it hit her like upper thigh and Im pretty sure her fupa would have been hanging out underneath if she hadn't taken the picture at such an angle you couldn't tell. I was glad I had moved out by then because I was livid. Luckily the dress didn't sustain any damage.

I did, this was before that though

>> No.7801642

Haha thankfully none of my power levels are in the form of sound. I voluntarily wore that animu shirt today, and that was after waiting ~10 classes in. I can tell a few people are doing the same thing I am by trying really hard not to come off as weeby "that girl" despite a genuine interest in the language and writing.

I really, really hope there's a true weeb among us though so I can finally have some stories to share in these threads.

>> No.7801643
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>tfw actually a huge weeb but able to cover it up by being milfag garagineer who gets super excited about magnets.

>> No.7801677

Sound power levels are the worst to have and as long as you don't act like a total weeb, anime clothing isn't that bad. What do you mean by >>I really, really hope there's a true weeb among us though so I can finally have some stories to share in these threads

>> No.7801678

>daily lolita
>enroll for Japanese classes in first year of college
>everyone thinks I'm a weeb
>people will just magically leave me alone because of that
>I'm an introvert so I'm pretty happy with it
>On presentation about culture, people are doing stuff about anime, food, pop music
>come in my finest antique iromuji and rock a kimono and kitsuke introduction
>no one think I'm a weeb anymore

And that's, people, why you shouldn't judge the quiet, strangely dressed girl at the back of the classroom.
Seriously, my college have some of the most virulent anti-weeb I ever met, and they treat me downright awfull because I wear fluffy dresses. I don't even like anime or read manga, I'm just here for fashion and art history. I'm sure all of them are just closeted weebs who fear too much to show their power level, that's why they are so bitter about it.

>> No.7801680

I can't do shit correct today.

>> No.7801709

>by comparing [anime] to western animations
This is pretty much the quickest and easiest way of pruning out which anime fans are actually worth talking to.

>> No.7801740

I had my very first Japanese class session today and nobody seems too bad. I mean, when the teacher asked where we've seen written examples of Japanese someone mentioned "comics" and she was pretty enthusiastic about it. "Comics? You mean manga? Everyone loves manga!!!"

I have a feeling that if it's anyone, I am the class weeb. I'm just nervously keeping my power level down right now, and trying to dress low key before I pull out the animu shirts and himekaji.

>> No.7801761

not everyone wants to be fluent in a semi-useless language like Japanese, anon
>I say this as a Japanese major

>> No.7801763

That's actually really cute, anon

>> No.7801995

I read that in Hank Hills voice, it was very funny.

>> No.7802157

This is proof showing that lolitas look just as geeky as weebs as much as they don't want to admit it.

>> No.7802170
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Thankfully I'm through with college but so are many weebs and their ranks have seriously grown, not their social skills however.

>reading picrelated on bus.
>girl in seat across looks fairly prim and proper but is acting squirrely and keep glancing at book
>"OMG anon, what manga is that?"
>Yeah... Manga...
>"You can read japanese? Have you been to Japan? I wanna go to japan. I like Naruto. Do you like Naruto?" And so on, and so on.

Can a man not enjoy his classics in peace anymore?

>> No.7802178
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Truth. My SIL has a Japanese language degree and pretty much wasted four years of her life in order to be able to watch animus without subtitles. She works in entry-level retail now. I feel kind of bad for her but girl you could've seen this coming if you'd thought about it for three seconds.
It can be useful, of course, but you'd have to have an actual career in mind either in Japan itself (mangaka doesn't count) or in a company that often deals with Japanese partners. If someone's just doing it to be able to read mangos as they come out that's fine but you don't actually need the degree for that.

I've never met a lolita who doesn't acknowledge they look weird to the general public, they just don't really care. Even someone like Fanny Rosie probably gets a lot of stares and commentary.
I've personally never had anyone think I'm a weeaboo, though, just a weirdo. Even my boyfriend who has a pretty significant powerlevel (runs in the family apparently) didn't believe my printed ETC dresses came from Japan and thought I got them from the Disney store because they look so "Western", whatever that means. Man I wish I could get this shit within Europe because customs are a bitch.

>> No.7802181

Uh just pointing out that I don't have both a husband and a boyfriend on the side, I'm just too lazy to type out "my boyfriends's sister". That clearly worked out well.

>> No.7802190


>looks fairly prim and proper but is acting squirrely
>keeps glancing at your book

That is so cute. I hope you put a ring on it.

>> No.7802200

Oh I totally admit I look like a weirdo, but if I stroll around in a nice 1930's kimono outfit all day you bet that I don't care looking weird at all. And only people interested into Japan link lolita with it, otherwise it's just 'doll clothes' or 'vintage' or 'play costume'.

>> No.7803263

...Sarcasm or serious? I'm genuinely confused.

>> No.7803294

>wore a kimono for a presentation
>has a holier then you attitude for choosing a harder subject than the rest of the class
Nope you're a weeb just not of the animu type. I met some like you, trying to make yourself seem better by choosing a different subject to obsess over.

>> No.7803308

>wear anime shirts and have school supplies plastered with anime girls
>backpack has pins and keychains that definitely say "I'm a weeb"
>also wear tons of sports teams clothing and am frequently chatting with others about last night's game
I've had someone tell me they just didn't know what to think when they first met me because my two biggest hobbies were, typically, for two very different kinds of people. Frankly I feel like if I wasn't so open about my /sp/ power level, there's no way I'd as open about my /a/ one either, I guess because it "normalizes" and makes me a bit more approachable. Plus I tried really hard to hide my weebishness through high school and I just didn't want to do that anymore.
>Brennan Williams is my hero

>> No.7803375

I was serious

>> No.7803381

Well, I guess I'm flattered then, thanks.

>> No.7803394

Maybe they left you alone because you seen like a fucking asshole?

>> No.7803409

I was in the mall the other day and I ran into some people I knew from high school in gamestop
>Keep in mind I graduated in '08
>Keep in mind this particular pair of twins graduated in like '06
>See one of them
>Go to say high
>He turns around
>AND AND those GOD TERRIBLE sweet wrist bands with anime shit on them andand
>Abort mission
>Abort mission so fucking fast the guy I usually chat with in gamestop just kind of gives me this half laughing half pity wave.
I then saw them playing magic the gathering in the common area after.
At the very least I don't think they recognized me 100 lbs lighter with a suit and a different hair color.
B-But really? They have to be almost 30.

>> No.7803424

Maybe just start slow. Like in public if shes screaming "anon quiet down"
or "lol anon check out these weeb stories on cgl"
"here anon let me help you with your contacts"
"wow this hairstyle would look really cute on you!"
of course, I tried a method like this on my weeb/tumblr friend and she would just get mad.
If that is the case, don't even try.

>> No.7803447
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I have a similar situation right now with my old roommates friend. I left some stuff at the old place while I was in the process of moving out (wigs, props for cosplay, etc.) and my roommates hamplanet friend with gross as fuck hair is posting photos of her in my wigs. When I asked them about it today they said "oh, sorry anon we took it to 'er house and we don't even know where those wigs are anymore lol"...They fucking jacked my wigs man...fml
pic related. There's that bitch in my Aoki Lapis wig...I'll never see that shit again...

>> No.7803452

Woops meant to reply to the post about the roommate, my bad

>> No.7803465

Call her out on it. Those aren't her wigs and the last time you saw them they were with her. Threaten to call the cops if need be.

>some punk ass weeaboo try to steal my wigs and clothes a bitch is gonna get cut

>> No.7803468

>I'm sure all of them are just closeted weebs who fear too much to show their power level, that's why they are so bitter about it.

But like, that's everyone ITT too. Weebs only exist cause other weebs need to shit on someone else to feel better about themselves for being more normalfag.

>> No.7803473

You...I like you...

>> No.7803483

Reminds me of a story my friend told.
>She's working at a diner after high school, all cleaned up in the diner uniform.
>A herd of high school goths and edgy kids we knew from high school comes in
>still just as tryhard as ever, even though we all graduated years ago.
>They're seated just outside her zone, she's waiting the tables behind them.
>They start talking about all the "cool people" they knew who just disappeared after HS.
>They specifically start wondering what happened to her as she's working right next to them.
>She says nothing.

>> No.7803496

I don't understand weaboos that have a holier than thou attitude? Back at my uni there was this one group of girls who were classic, unkept looking weaboos, all a bit over weight with frizzy hair, glasses, graphic tees, etc. And they would always brag about their anime knowledge and how "cultured" they are, or how they're so much prettier than the other girls in the anime club.

It was incredibly frustrating since yeah, they could be pretty if they had put any effort into their looks or clothes and self grooming. I dunno, people still in that 13-year old unkept weeb phase well into college irk me since they should know how to balance real life and their power level by now...

>> No.7803512
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>not getting the joke
am I the only one who browses more boards than just /cgl/

>> No.7803518

>be me
>clean, nice looking asian guy
>get off lightrail and walk towards work
>notice shoe lace is flappin about
>check behind me so i dont bend down and trip people
>see basement dwelling female directly behind me
>i keep walking
>turn around again and move to side
>musky weeb starts randomly speaking japanese
>no visible ear piece
>tie my shoe

>> No.7803546

People here don't browse other boards much, anon. Once I told "nice dubs" to a girl and she replied with "dubs? What do you mean?"

>> No.7803557

Don't know who'd steal my stuff. 'Specially since it's all military surplus, and I frequently threaten to tab people for less.

>> No.7803560

threaten to stab*

>> No.7803657

the fact that each level of Japanese has less students depresses me. (Although second year was hardest to get in for me) It's so popular it's hard to get in to if you're serious about learning the language

I noticed when I took Japanese at a university it was less weebish or at least I couldn't tell much. at community college there were much more and quite loud about it. one girl would yell out phrases like out of an anime. She would also get some wrong if it sounded similar (like kowaii and kawaii )

>> No.7803660

It's not an holier than you attitude, it's just that they were expecting me doing some stuff about pop culture and I didn't, so it surprised them. Somebody did something really interesting about Japan myths and another one about cultural differences between different regions in Japan, I was not the only one picking up a 'nerdy' subject.

>> No.7803662

more that this board is overrun with idiots from tumblr who don't know shit

>> No.7803681

I agree with the other anon. I think people avoid you cause you're a cunt, but you think it's how you dress.

>> No.7803690

People who get space in exclusive programs and then waste it make me see red. I hate that colleges offer partial refunds to spoiled rich kids who fuck off within the first few weeks.

>> No.7803747

this is true of basically any area of study. As time goes on there are less people in the more advanced courses becauase
1)people outside the major don't require them
2)people aren't interested in them over easier options
3)people fail out or drop out

>> No.7803752

>kid in graphic art class has a stiffy for naruto
>like worse than ive ever seen
>tell him hes acting like a weeaboo and to cut that shit out
>'anon whats a weeaboo?'
>'wow thats totally me! Haha! I love it!'
>No dan. Nooo

>> No.7803761
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>be first year of uni, going to school away from home, don't know anyone
>shy but want to make some friends
>afraid people will think i'm weird because i like anime and cosplay
>walk into first compsci course
>only 5 other girls in the class of 80
>spot a nicely dressed girl in lolita
>decide to try and become friends with her
>she's a really nice girl but...
>never studies and kind of dumb, always begging to copy my assignments and spends our "study hangouts" browsing /cgl/ and egl
>shit on me for "wasting" my sewing skills making costumes instead of lolita
>anytime anime came up in anyway ("hey lolifriend theres a ghibli movie showing at the local theater want to go?") would go on a tirade about how anime/manga/cosplay was entry level garbage and that people really interesed in japanese culture liked things like lolita, tea ceremony and art history.
>eventually just stopped hanging out with her because I ended up hanging out with people i lived with in res
>mfw she dropped the class because it was "too hard" and she was failing
>mfw she angrily messaged me later about how she wished she hadn't dropped it because she needed it as a substitute math option

and my second year wasn't even better

>> No.7803783
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>reach second year
>residence too much $, decide to live elsewhere
>friend of a friend knows a friend who has a place
>"don't worry anon this person likes weeby things like you do!"
>the place is a 5 bed house owned by the parents of weebgirl
>weebgirl constantly brags about how rich her parents are for buying her this house and all of the anime stuff she has
>house is literally filled with anime posters and figurines
>even "shared" spaces in the house just dominated with her weeb crap
>weebgirl is kind of a huge bitch who feels the constant need to be better than everyone
>but it is fun to talk to her about anime and play video games with her so i think it'll be fine
>it's not
>weebgirl is a hyper christian woman child
>never cleans up after herself, kitchen and living room full of used cup ramen/pocky wrappers/half eaten food
>she blames this shit on other housemates and threatens to increase rent if we don't clean up
>plays video games ala pewdiepie style until 2am every day
>then is the whiniest bitch in the morning about how she's tired and someone needs to make her coffee
>constantly going full rage mode about sluts and how sex before marriage is disgusting and even sharing a bed with a man you aren't married to is wrong
>"people who act like whores deserve to get aids and die"
>mfw she says this in front of roommate whose fiance was staying over because he worked far away
>looses her weeb shit and lot and when people find her shit for her she accuses them of stealing it
>she tries to convince that i figure i had just bought STILL IN THE BOX was one i stole from her
>demands I pay her the $75 or she'll call the cops
>it's not quite the end of the month
>pack my shit up, leave my rent cheque on the the bed and leave
>never speak to her again but follow her on twitter
>for the rest of the school year she desperately seeks a new roommate because she "couldn't afford the empty room"

and from then on i only rented bachelors

>> No.7804254
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Why wont people just enjoy things?
Why do they call themselves an otaku if they like anime, or a gamer if they like vidya?

>> No.7804484

There's a difference between a weaboo, and otakus and gamers. A weaboo glorifies Japanese anime/games/culture to the point that they react negatively to any possible criticism of it (no matter how valid or well-constructed the arguments) and are actually at the point where their fanaticism interferes with their ability to be sociable with their friends and family who are not into the same things. I understand being at the point of where you have little in common with some family members, but you should at least talk about the weather with them rather than shut yourself up in your room watching anime while they're visiting your family and are sitting alone and bored in the living room. Practice some social skills outside conventions and your anime groups once in a while.

>> No.7804488

>implying otaku isn't a negative term

>> No.7804491

The only people who use the term weeb are other anime fans trying to make themselves look better. Weebs don't necessarily do any of the things you mentioned, they're just socially awkward. In reality normalfags don't give a fuck and will associate you with an annoying nekonyandesu girl. This is just another way cliques work. It means absolutely nothing.

We're all fucking weebs in one way or another, no one is any better than the other one for liking or disliking something. Socially awkward people are annoying tho.

>> No.7804524

What a nightmare

>> No.7804530

>I dont like anime
What are you doing on a Japanese imageboard with anime banners, then?
>inb4 "I only like J-fashion/only cosplay as comic book characters I-I-I'm not really a weeb even though I'm on a weeb website"

>> No.7804532

how close are you getting to your roomate where her "poorly fitted contacts" are a big enough deal to bother you?

howdo you even know unless you're straight up making out with her constantly

>> No.7804535

God, I went to high school with a similar pair of female twin weeaboos, saw them later, and they were still obnoxious. May be your twins and mine are soul mates.

>> No.7804541

Custom sound files and ring tones are the least offensive form of weebism because everyone does that shit for everything from games to movies to their favorite band.

My text notification sound was the Metal Gear Solid codec beep for the longest time and no one gave a shit. Every now and then someone (usually a guy in his 20's) would hear it and make a one off remark like "haha that's awesome" or "Metal gear, right?" and that'd be about it. Accessories are also not a big deal because they're generally small and discrete. Got a mini-Ryuk keychain on your backback? People who know what it is will take note and probably not make a huge deal out of it, people who don't know won't care.

The problem with weeb t-shirts is that it's being thrown in people's faces all the time. If you have a giant Bakemonogatari Zettai Ryouiki graphic covering your entire torso it's kind of hard for people not to see it and constantly be reminded that you're a weeaboo.

>> No.7804553

Eh. People wear sports jerseys and obnoxious 2edgy band shirts all the time. Why is it a problem if it's some pornographic Malaysian childrens' cartoon on your shirt instead?

>> No.7804555

You're 2 years apart. Yeah that's said but if around 26 is almost 30, around 24 isnt much better xD found that a bit odd. Also saying high xD

>> No.7804562

It's barely a weeb unless it would sound holier than thou when attacked

>> No.7804566
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>x2 xD combo

>> No.7804573
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i graduated in 06
i play magic
no shame

median age inmodern
youngest in legacy

>> No.7804574

>wears poorly fitted green contacts

Elaborate because if they are poorly fitted she could damage her eyes

>> No.7804582

I think that was the point. Weebs are stupid.

>> No.7804603

Yup. Happy to make you cringe. Shocker.

>> No.7804608

How do you know what they were expecting if you don't talk to them?

>> No.7804615

Because they told me afterward. I actually made friend after that because the presentation were also made for that, so we discussed our hobbies and presentation subjects.

>> No.7804624

Could be she complains about them being uncomfortable or they pop out all the time. The fact that someone would wear poorly fitted colour contacts is a pretty good indication that they're a dumb cunt so desperate to be a special snowflake that they're willing to fuck up their eyes.

This thread isn't about you, though.
Or is it?

>> No.7804678
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Magic is great. In fact most people are know that play magic are past mid 20s. It's the behavior that's a problem

In fact, y'all just reminded me of this story:

>public library after school
>my library tries to be hip and cool so they have a hangout/workspace area set up specifically for teens with computers, board games and all sorts of books, including manga
>sitting by myself doing homework
>two fat guys sit at a table close to mine
>perfect neckbeard stereotype: cargo shorts, gaming t-shirts, unkempt hair and acne
>every so often if I glance up I see past my book
>they're playing magic
>farting noises
>farting noises keep going
>they're making farting noises with their mouths.
>when I look up I see one of them looking at me out of the corner of his eye
>these fuckers don't look that young either. like early or mid 20s at least, old enough not to fart with your mouth at the library like a fucking tool
>farting noises continue
>this goes on for the next 30-40 minutes at which point I pack up because my mom texted me she's done work
>mfw I was actually going to walk over and ask if I could watch their game for a bit because my SO was watching me how to magic at the time

>> No.7804689

She sounds hot - post pics

>> No.7804696


I'm sorry, anon. I wish lolis were nicer.

>> No.7804720

I'd love to get into Magic too but the guys at my local /tg/ shop really put me off. I don't even give a fuck about their appearance as long as I can't smell them from several yards away but they've made it pretty clear that they don't want me anywhere near their secret clubhouse.
>poster in window says "MtG players wanted! Come in and ask us about MtG!"
>come in and ask them about MtG
>"UH you probably wouldn't understand it ANYWAY" they snort derisively
>while starting straight at my practically non-existent tits through my baggy sweater
And that's where these fucking stereotypes come from you fucks.

>> No.7804741

I was saying still being into naruto at this point is bad, settle down. I'm about your age and on this board - nerd away man

>> No.7804822



>> No.7804832

>>'wow thats totally me! Haha! I love it!'

>> No.7804839

I'd rather they view me as more than either a potential girlfriend or gross cootiemonster but point taken. Maybe they could smell my boyfriend on me and rejected me based on that.

>> No.7804842

No girls allowed unless you are pure like their waifu baito-chan <3

>> No.7804843

There's MtG on line.

You can learn the basic there.

>> No.7804852

I also forgot to add that every Friday night there's tournaments on every Magic store all across the world, sure you can find some decent player among all them.

>> No.7804868

I would've best that bitch or at least given her a good slap for wearing my shit. I'm far from violent but someone ruining a dress of mine worth several hundred dollars and having no personal boundaries like that would piss me off beyond rationality

>> No.7804874

Otaku is negative, but something completely different. One can be an otaku but not a weaboo, and most weaboos do not qualify as otaku. I count as otaku because I do not leave my home unless I have a good reason to, have highly specialized interests that dominate my life, and don't talk much to people outside of my interest circles. Weaboos are social creatures, even though they show a distinct lack of social skills. They're loud and try to steamroll anime and japan into any conversation they have. They show their fandom blatantly and try to talk to anyone who shows similar signs of fandom.

Otaku are horrible yes, but we're generally a quiet, elusive breed who don't really talk until someone gets us started on our area of interest.

>> No.7804877

That's what I'm doing now actually! I just like looking at the actual cards because they're shiny and I was raised by magpies.
Gonna stop derailing the thread now.

>> No.7805072
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>>Go and hang out with friends who live far away for a few days, they take me to the /tg/ shop, friends be 6ft viking looking fellows, I'm 5'3 skinny as fuck.
>> walk in between them, sit down with one of them as the other buys some cards.
>>They buy some cards, come back to teach me how to play since.
>>Sit down and their both explaining how to play a bit
>>Shopkeeper walks over, the doods 40-45ish, bald and creepy looking as fuck.
>>"Whats a cute girl like you doing with these guys?"
>>*Down right ignores him*
>>"HEY! I said-- what's a cute--"
>>Friend 1: "Just because she heard you doesn't mean she has to answer pal."
>>Everyone in the shop just stares at him, he notices it, he walked over to his desk and went on his computer. >>He is READING FUCKING TRAP DOUJINS
>>I got up to buy some cards for myself
>>You don't have enough, girl."
>>What...? I'm giving him correct fucking amount
>>"You made me look like an ass, that'll be 5$ MORE."

I walked back over to my friends, they saw what happened. They just went up to the desk, took the packs of cards I was about to buy, other friend goes over to this cardboard huge box of cards you can buy, picks out what he was going to buy, puts the cards in his deck, looks at the shop keeper, keeper guy says nothing, we walk out the front door. Fuck you asshole, you got pillaged.

>>Tfw it's nice to have friends who're bigger then you.

>> No.7805118

>Be me
>Closet Weeb
>Usually keep my power level in check
>see some death note weebs at uni
>See the guy across the room visibly cringing while watching them
>Oh hell yes.jpeg
>Decide no one here will ever see me again
>Throw off weeb cloaking device
>Start spouting japanese bull shit
>See the death note weebs visibly cringing
>Guy across the room is laughing his ass off
>Don't know if he thinks i'm one of them but what the hell
>point finger in the sky
>Walk out
>Relise what I've done


>> No.7805169


>I'm going to mock these jackasses by being an even bigger jackass
What was even behind your thought process?

>> No.7805389
File: 231 KB, 424x318, kill_me_it_hurts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually confused as to whether weebs have invaded academia proper or if university staff have lowered their standards to fit their students' demographics.

>Be japanese major.
>Secondary major to master's degree in... let's say it's one of the social sciences... Jobs're hard to come by yo.
>Bachelor's thesis time!
>Fuck yeah, I got this.
>Let's explain some real-life japanese shit.
>Formulate research proposal.
>Shit's heavy on language as a moderator for social behavior.
>Philosophy, social anthropology, linguistics. The whole nine yards.
>Proposal passes inspection with flying colors.
>Dis nigga on a roll yo.
>Ask professor for advise on sourcing material for analysis.
>"Well anon, maybe you could apply this to manga..."
>U wot M8?
>"Or anime... Or maybe dorama... There are many popular sources, anon.."

I have yet to graduate..

>> No.7805420

Y-you and your friends are so cute

>> No.7805425

You.. should've tried befriending the guy. He was probably a closet weeb too...

>> No.7805465

You're that "guy" aren't you

>> No.7805502

I like arguing/fucking with people. I knew you were joking, don't worry about it.

>> No.7805509

>My text notification sound was the Metal Gear Solid codec beep
oh wow, aren't you so cool

>fucking every dude I knew in college or were in my classes has this as their text/phone notification noise and they look so fucking smug when their phone goes off like they're so original and unique

>> No.7805518

"Did you hear my phone?
Am I cool yet?
Anon, Anon did you hear it?
Anon. Do you not know Metal Gear? Oh, you do? Then why didn't you say I was really cool??"

>> No.7805533

That's adorable as shit. Would date/10

As for my weeb contribution, it was club presentation day at my college recently. When I started talking to the anime club guys, they responded as though I was a normalfag eho wanted to poke fun at them. I have learned to hide my powerlevel too well, /ceeg/.

> In the end I didn't even join and they still think I'm a normalfag
> My friend signed up though
> Maybe I can go check it out by pretending I'm visiting her

>> No.7805575

>Are we cool yet?

>> No.7805655

Yeah I tried doing that with Navi yelling Listen!! cause it's cute AF and I don't leave my house unless I'm with friends, at work, or buying groceries so I didn't think I'd ever be in a place where people would hate me for it.
Until I went to buy a WoW card and made the mistake of doing so at GameStop. I got to the counter and got the usual, "Oh you play WoW, that's pretty neat!" and it went off just as I was about to respond and they judged the absolute fuck out of me.

Now it's the level up sound from an obscure MMO I used to play as a kid and it just sounds like sparkles so I'm safe from people thinking I'm a total jackass.

>> No.7805661
File: 960 KB, 300x185, 2459605890827.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Freshman orientation in college
>College goal is to be what my parents have molded me to be: preppy, sporty, not into "immature shit" as they put it
>Spend first day as a successful chameleon, I'm now the outgoing, semi preppy sportsbro girl
>I am miserable surrounded by normal people
>Fuck it, I don't care what my friends look like I just want people with similar interests
>Second night, everyone is chilling out in quad.
>Fuck it, here I go
>Start playing Hetalia on my bright ass computer screen, everyone in my year can see

I'm a weaboo at heart and I just can't stop, I couldn't do it guys. Granted, I got some good friends from that stunt while also getting some shit, but those people are no longer my friends. And apparently because I'm the most normal looking person in my major, people who were mortally embarassed by liking whatever nerdy shit and being bullied for it when they were younger felt comfortable talking to me about it. It made me happy, but also kind of sad since I guess it's not common to just purposely spill your spaghetti and not care what others think?

I just wanted friends who had similar interests..

>> No.7805697


>I'd love to get into Magic too but the guys at my local /tg/ shop really put me off

some people take it too seriously and act like dicks in order to piss you off so they have a greater likely hood of winning "putting you on tilt"

>made it pretty clear that they don't want me anywhere near their secret clubhouse.

you don't have to be best friends with these people, just play them.

also women tend to be inherently great at this game, so if they're older players that are not too nice guys, yeah they do not want you around since you pose a credible threat to them.

idk how to describe it but women at the same age as a young male generally have better resource management skills and the ability to plan further ahead and/or make sound decisions to make them appear as if they were hasty decisions

translates well into games that do not require dexterity

>>while starting straight at my practically non-existent tits through my baggy sweater

if they are the types who play to win packs and or money, at FNM (ie most people since its expensive to play magic and just lose over and over) they stare at your land base, cards in hand then your face to see if you're giving away any tells. then usually stare off and think about cards that are in the set and the likely hood that you have the answer

man, child or woman, zombie whatever same strategy

you may also notice them annoyingly shuffle their hand over and over again, it's to prevent them from starring at the response they're going to play and keep you from knowing what they drew

it's intimidating, annoying but they're not checking you out don't worry.

most guys that play there are in long term relationships, have wives & kids, or in the rare occasion they're single ( i am usually one of the only single males at the legacy and modern events) are not looking for a girlfriend at a magic the gathering event...and we're not there to flirt with random people in front of all of our friends

>> No.7805733

Go the fuck away you fat loser

>> No.7805751

I was thinking the same thing.

>> No.7805752

>fucking every dude I knew in college or were in my classes has this as their text/phone notification noise and they look so fucking smug when their phone goes off like they're so original and unique

Fuck, this reminds me of when "Crazy Bitch" was a hit.
>Hey anon, check out what I set my girlfriend's ringtone to!

>> No.7805823

>I count as otaku because I do not leave my home unless I have a good reason to, have highly specialized interests that dominate my life, and don't talk much to people outside of my interest circles.

Oh god. That's me...

>> No.7805826

Anything can be a class or studied academically. I took a 4000 level art history class about Disney. The professor was really into the film Enchanted which had just come out.

>> No.7805837


>>The only reason I'd ever do this is if I want to be an attention whore!

>>Therefore, anyone else who does this is the exact same way!

Your projection is showing.

>> No.7805856

Your "missing the fucking point" is showing. Let me guess, this was your text notification sound sometime in the recent past, too, right? Or is it still? Congrats, you're a douche.

>> No.7805858

not going to lie, this is the sad truth about college

besides a few core classes that are very specific and tied to your major

most classes are non-sense
most of my psychology classes as an undergrad were my teacher telling us about a show called millionaire matchmaker

>> No.7805874

At my community college there is a pretty big group of weeaboos in our cafeteria that are always there each time I've visited (and it's pretty rare too since our school food is pretty pricey). I've tried to pay them no mind but they are usually seated close by the entrances and because their group is so big they take up at least 2-3 booths. There already isn't too much seating in our cafeteria and it was so annoying the one time I went I saw they left all their shit on two booths, took like 5-6 chairs from the middle row tables... but were seated at a booth on the opposite side of the cafeteria from where all their backpacks and shit were. Like what the fuck you guys if you aren't going to use the space let some other people who, you know, WANT TO FUCKING EAT, have the spot jfc.

>> No.7805883

I've also had a few experiences myself with some at the school. One I felt kinda bad for since he was pretty socially awkward but I felt really uncomfortable around him.

> first semester college
> taking an asian american studies class
> our final is to do a presentation on objects/things that represent us
> one greasy looking dude who wore the same jacket everyday to school is the first to present
> "i didn't have a very good childhood so I found solace in japanese tokusatsu. Do any of you know what it is?"
> "Oh do you mean that kamen rider stuff" I say, seeing as how no one answered
> I feel as tho I make myself a target since the guy keeps trying to talk to me after

It's not that I didn't like him but whenever he talked to me I felt like I was talking to a walking wikipedia page with the way he conversed. It got really bad though when he found me on facebook and our conversations would always turn to him talking about how Japan was superior and he would just shit on korean people/their music. People can have their own opinions and all but like... I never said anything about K-Pop or whatever. He literally just kept bringing it up.

>> No.7805885

>At my community college there is a pretty big group of weeaboos

why do people that attend community college talk down about people who attend community college?

oh you think they're dumbasses because they're not at a university?

guess where you go to school...if you're surrounded by idiots there is PROBABLY a reason why, and it doesn't have to do with money...because merit based scholarships are everywhere to separate the trash from the gifted at that age

>> No.7805901

dude, the cafeteria weeb group is a community college staple. chill out.

>> No.7805905

Wait what

I go to that community college as well. I'm not talking down about them not being smart or not being able to afford going to university. I just mentioned that they all hang out in the cafeteria and take up a whole ton of space that they aren't even using.

>> No.7805912

magic is ass.

Yugioh is where its at

>> No.7805913

oh my bad, hanging out in a cafeteria didn't sound like an insult to me.


is an insult because of the implications of attending a community college

anyways taking up too much space?

they're students too, the seating is there for the students

>> No.7805915

Do any of you guys happen to have weeaboos that play the ocarina at school? We have one here who literally shoehorns his ocarina into every conversation. In the time I talked to him he just kept bringing up if I have heard it or if I've heard it being played around the school. The first time I saw this dude he was leaning against the wall, one foot pressed to it as he was playing Song of Storms (really badly) while it was raining.

My friend has a figure drawing class with this guy and she mentioned to me how he said to some girls to call him senpai since he has taken the class before. She has told me in the class she's overheard him talk a lot about his ocarina and is always asking people if they want him to play something for them.

>> No.7805922

I haven't made any insults to them or anything other than saying they are weebs (I mean, this is a thread about weebs)? My post was pretty much just me complaining about them taking up space that they weren't even using. I only mentioned community college to add that our school is small.

In my original post I was complaining over the fact they left all their stuff on two tables in the cafeteria, only to sit and gather at one table on the other side of the cafeteria. They had two tables to themselves that they weren't even using. Of course they are students and they have the right to sit there, but all I'm saying was I was annoyed that they weren't even using the space they already had.

>> No.7806120

As a 4th year Japanese student, It gets better. Grin and bear it. I say this as a former weeb who was shocked out of her weebness because of the other students.

>> No.7806125

>4th year japanese student

what kind of work are you seeking out with that sort of degree? seriously....

i can't think of any position anywhere in the world where a BA in japanese language would be an advantage over...ANYTHING

>> No.7806131

Allowing kids to use tumblr or watch anime is child abuse.

>> No.7806136

Engineers tend to take Japanese because you'll probably end up having to deal with a Japanese person at some point.

>> No.7806154

most undergraduate japanese programs don't really prepare you for reading research papers and theses in Japanese. That shit's hard as fuck.

Teach was just trying to nicely say you're in over your head.

>> No.7806175


Well, I'd like to get into teaching japanese culture or language at a college level, or maybe work in outreach. I'm actually getting interviewed for an intership for a new Japanese outreach division in one of the bigger companies in my area. If I like it, maybe I'll look for something like that. If not, graduate school in Japan.

>> No.7806183

from the few Japanese electives i had taken this sounds accurate.

>tfw i used to go to night school after working at the office all day, school was 55 miles one way from home so i'd just wear the suit and just toss the tie in the car

>fat bitch weaboo using a deathnote note book to take notes says i look like a gang member, say excuse me, thensays i look like a yakuza member

fuck those little cartoon watching piece of shit, i actually have a job

>> No.7806522
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I'm actually taking another stab at it this semester but with newspapers and magazines.

The language isn't the issue, the sourcing is. Thankfully our library keeps full subscriptions to the major japanese newspapers including digital archives.

Read a few old theses. They're literally all about pop-culture.

>> No.7806598
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>I have learned to hide my powerlevel too well, /ceeg/.
I know that feel all too well.

>years ago, just starting university
>be an aspie who has been hiding powerlevel since early teens
>overcompensating a bit because I'm terrified of becoming one of Those People
>dress like a rather girly normalfag but only have "geeky" interests, incl. Pokémon and aSoIaF (this was about a year before the HBO series started)
>spot a group of nerdy-looking dudes
>long hair in ponytail, neckbeards, anime t-shirts, the works
>two of them are playing the pokemans
>another is reading aSoS
>saunter over
>entire group goes quiet and stares at me suspiciously
>try to initiate conversation with one of the Pokémon guys because we were in the same group during our uni's introduction event
>another guy says "Look, if you're here to make fun of us, can you just fucking go away? We're not in high school anymore and we don't have time for dumb whores who think it's funny to pick on guys who are smarter than them."
>well fuck you too asshole
>cry in bathroom

I managed to make normalfag friends elsewhere but all my geekery has to happen online where people either don't know what I look like or don't give a fuck. I still kind of wish I had more irl geeky friends, though.

>> No.7806652

Curious, which MMO? pls respond

>> No.7806659

>Thankfully our library keeps full subscriptions to the major japanese newspapers including digital archives.

newspapers aren't an academic source and generally should not be included in a master's thesis unless it's just to demonstrate it's presence in popular culture or popular opinion

claiming that you're doing heavy research but cite magazine and newspaper articles as sources is some high school tier shit

>> No.7806665 [DELETED] 

>>saunter over
>>entire group goes quiet and stares at me suspiciously

what the fuck did you expect?
a hug?

>another guy says "Look, if you're here to make fun of us, can you just fucking go away? We're not in high school anymore and we don't have time for dumb whores who think it's funny to pick on guys ."

fuck yeah i love this guy, standing up for his friends, not afraid to hit a woman who started shit with him

>> No.7806733

>>another guy says "Look, if you're here to make fun of us, can you just fucking go away? We're not in high school anymore and we don't have time for dumb whores who think it's funny to pick on guys who are smarter than them."
Holy shit. I'm sorry you got hurt but I think you are better of without those bitter losers.

>> No.7806757
File: 69 KB, 500x199, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunday sure does attract a load of butthurt seaguls. Bitter due to lack of ability to receive your packages?

>> No.7806760

I know. If it were just a misunderstanding I would've forgiven them and tried again later but I'm not particularly interested in being friends with someone who appears to have a hornet's nest up his asshole.

>> No.7806762
File: 34 KB, 426x438, blockfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is a friendly reminder about how to filter out annoying tripfags (re: sieg fail)

>> No.7806774

Holy shit I thought you'd need to install an app for it.

Thanks anon.

>> No.7806775

>>7805533 here.
I was considered 'weird' in high school since that's where I went through my weeb days and I never quite shook off the reputation (especially since all my geeky friends were weebs too at the time; we were a pack of goddamn weeaboos). Same as you, I have learned to hide my powerlevel and wear girly clothes. It's just odd because I'm used to being seen as strange. Plus, I'm quite sure I saw some of them at the local convention. Not that I expected them to recognize me out of cosplay, but still... ;_;

>> No.7806780

>mfw not impressed at all by people who pretend so hard to be part of a traditional culture that isn't there own

>> No.7806786

I cringe for you, anon

>> No.7806797
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, 1362601574995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in college
>never bother to hide power level
>lived with crazy hippie vegan
>listen to voices of the lifestream while studying
>mfw she compliments my taste in music

>> No.7806800

>Start first year at college
>See group of girls that look nice with bags full of badges of animes like Kuroshitsuji and Death Note
>Overhear them talking about going to a con I'm attending
>Approach them because I had like zero friends
>"Hey! I'm Anon. I just heard you're going to this con? I'm going as well, I'll be participating in the cosplay contest--"
>They give me a bitch face
>"Uh yeah I'm just going for the kpop and the merchandising, probs only going one day"
>"Uh what was that thing you were cosplaying again? Never heard of Homestuck"

If anything, I was actually expecting weebs and not such casual fans omg

>> No.7806809

>try and sign up for clubs to be social
>see gaming club
>sign up
>only girl on list
>never get contacted
i-it's not like I wanted to join anyways b-bakas...

>> No.7806827

are you me?

>> No.7806868

Classic kpopfags looking down on people who are just as into anime and they are their shitty boybands.

>> No.7806941

I find hardcore kpop fans a special kind of crazy. Mostly because I'd rather see people making gay fanfics about fiction characters then seeing them make gay fanfics about actual real life people who happen to sing and dance together.

>> No.7806963

No engineers might take Japanese because many of them are massive weebs. I say this as an engineer.

>> No.7807226

Tales of Pirates, nobody I knew IRL played it so I assume it wasn't as popular as MapleStory, Runescape, or GW.

>> No.7807380

This, goddammit. I have nothing against shipping but real life shipping is pretty much the weirdest creepiest thing ever if it goes anywhere beyond "those two would be cute together"

>> No.7807398

>ooh look at me I'm so edgy

>> No.7807462

Well we have AP (Advanced placement) , 5th year and 4th year all in one class for japanese.

>> No.7807492

more likely Chinese.

>> No.7807493



Anon, are you old enough to be here?

>> No.7807502

>implying 18 year old high schoolers don't exist

>> No.7807569

depends. can i suck your dick?

>> No.7807573

Do you have the autism

>> No.7807576

I have never ever heard the term Murkaboo ever

>> No.7807591

anon i'll be your friend

>> No.7807600

I think it's more of a defense mechanism more than anything else, rather than them being 'bitter losers.' If you've spent a good portion of your life being mocked for what your interests are, it's more than likely that you'd build a protective barrier around yourself. Not saying this is a good thing. Having an attitude of preemptive strikeback before anyone says shit to you probably does more harm to your circle than good.

>> No.7807610

I haven't either, honestly I just made it up a while back.
Americaboo Mericaboo Murkaboo it's all the same

>> No.7807611


i know a japanese guy that took a class like that as a blowoff class. He almost couldnt take it

>> No.7807663

Im curious, whats the racial backgrounds for these classes? are they just a bunch of acne-covered white people? or are there weebs a pandemic between all races

>> No.7807687

Oh sorry I figured that was it

>> No.7807815

weebism knows no boundary's

>> No.7808772

My class is about 25 people (one of five or six sections of the course IIRC). There's four white people total, including myself. The rest are various sorts of Asian. My uni has a ton of asians, decent amount of middle eastern/Indian/otherwise brown and almost no black people.

>> No.7808777

Trust me, everyone hides it as long as possible because of the stereotypes. There was one unwashed weeb with scraggly hair in my class who wore naruto shirts every day, the rest of us were normal-looking, normal-acting human beings. Then we all went out for karaoke at the end of the semester and it was nothing but Vocaloid and anime OPs.

>> No.7808845

I'm thinking of majoring in Japanese, so I'm very interested to hear more about the career prospects! Any more insight you can give?

>> No.7808848

We are your friends.

>> No.7808861

I was sitting next to some fat kid on a train who had an Attack on Titan bag and some anime figurine sticking out of it. I regret not taking a picture now.

Other than that, I can't think of anything particularly weeby that's happened to me outside of the usual things everyone went through in highschool.

>> No.7808881

Sometimes when I'm alone and I remember embarrassing shit I did I yell HAZUKASHII.

Which is even more embarrassing.

>> No.7808890
File: 78 KB, 480x640, AXLoot21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just remembered something that happened last semester in my Jap class. This one guy goes to class wearing this shirt. Our teacher notices it and ask him if knew what it meant. The guy with the shirt then proceeds to ask our Japanese teacher if HE knew what it meant. The teacher just stared at him in disbelief.

>> No.7808893

Mine was a bunch of mexicans, two or three white people, and just two koreans. I ran into a lot of them in at AX this year and they were just surprised to see me there.

>> No.7808895

What does it mean?

>> No.7808898

Something along the lines of "Beware of shock" Biri Biri best girl..

>> No.7808908

Oh my god I want this shirt

>> No.7808909


>> No.7808931


>> No.7809009

This is pretty much my class. 6 white and everyone else Chinese.

>> No.7809122
File: 106 KB, 720x960, 1382399230324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me in college
>start of the year, freshers pouring in
>pink-hair girl spots in me wearing lolita in society room
>"OMGG, can you go 'nya nya'?" *kitty paw pose*
>what in the fuck
>being nice to all the newbies so what the hell
>"uh, s-sure"
>she purrs and meows at people
>this girl is like 18
>disappears for most of the year and then next time I see her she wears a bell collar to a soc end-of-year meeting
>keeps nya-ing during elections
>keeps sending me pictures of her pets afterwards out of nowhere but doesn't talk to me in person

>> No.7809125
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A coworker saw my weeb cig case and goes on and on about Bleach
Kind of disappointing he hasn't watched anything other than that

>> No.7809133

Sounds to me like you're the only one making those implications, buddy. Butthurt much?

>> No.7809517

You guys haven't seen weeb until you have seen the Weeb Mobile.

There is a guy who teaches at the primary school across from where I live that drives a car covered from head to toe in Bleach decals. I have been living in that street for almost two years and have yet to take a photo, but next time I see it on my way to work, I will take a photo just for you guys!

>> No.7809633


>Sit down to play a game at local /tg/ store.
>Dude smiles, looks like he spread squeeze cheese along his gumlines
>Breath smells like sour milk and death

>I'm playing against one of the slowest players in the entire world
>Casual game, taking too goddamn long
>The BO is real. He may not have showered this week.
>I throw the game so I can leave faster and still be somewhat polite.
>I guess no one else plays with him because now he follows me around in the store, just shuffling his cards while sitting next to me and watching me play.

Since I've started playing, like 3/4 of the tcg players I meet fall into these categories:
-severe autist
-old dude making wildly inappropriate comments
-demi-bro dropping lines/game
-whiny teenagers

Sage for OT, had to get it out.

>> No.7809639

forgot to add, the rest have been lovely.

>> No.7809663

Hey Soto, is that custom and where can I order one?

>> No.7809704


This was my freshman year experience. I'm not into the whole wearing anime and video game stuff so I guess they thought I was making fun of them.

I just wanted to join in on conversion. It's not every day I hear people talking about legend of dragoon or chance pop session.

>> No.7809712

I forgot that people exist sometimes.

And then college reminded me that bronies exist.

I almost feel like I have a chance with girls when faced with these people.

>> No.7809812

Are your guys' FLGSs really that bad? Maybe it's because I'm friends with one of the girls who's friends with everybody, but everyone there is always super nice to me. I wasn't able to go for a month and when I finally got to go back, the owner was like "Anon! Long time no see! We missed you!"
Also, all the dudes I've played at drafts and stuff haven't been that spergy, either. I played this one dude who had that autist-look about him, but he ended up being super cool and when we finished playing, we still had some time left so we ended up helping shape up each others decks.
The rudest thing that happened to me was some girl cutting in line while I was waiting to grab my box for prerelease.

>> No.7809877

>start trade school after a while of chasing other options
>classmates tend to be a few years younger than me
>very nice girls but get way too enthusiastic about stuff
>they all know about my cosplaying cus its kind of related to our trade (technically beauty school but I'm doing it as a pre-req to film styling/spfx work)
>every time we get a creeperweeb client and they need to make conversation they bring me up
>"oh yeah anon does all that stuff too! she dresses as like... sailor moon and stuff! its totes cute!"
>creeperweebs eyeball me hard
>t-thanks babes
I've actually had people hang around the lobby after they're finished so they can try to talk to me. This area for whatever reason is goddamn weeb central.

>> No.7809947

Kind of related to all the MTG complaining going on.

>back when i was but a wee high school freshman
>be interested in D&D but never gotten to play it before
>friend tells me her brother plays it, offers to teach me
>show up on game night
>am only girl there
>guys are all slightly older (17-18)
>they tell me since they're already in a game, I have to play a pre-made character
>give me a piece of notebook paper with some basic info and a picture of a generic gothy-fairy-princess girl taped to it
>theres no stats or anything, just Gaia-RP level character description
>am basically pointless through game and basically just there to give them a reason to fight and to compliment them after
>stick with it cus I figure next game I can make a good character
>show up for next game
>get handed another paper
>but I wanted to fight this time
>they all keep insisting I have to because I'm still new
>go along with it again
>they start to get more descriptive when dealing with my character to the point that it gets really creepy
>after about two weeks into this game I sneak off and hang out with friend instead
>never go back

>years later
>different group of friends ask me to play with them
>i ask them how long the break-in period is
>"the what"
>yknow where I have to play as a pre-made before you let me really play
>"anon the fuck are you talking about"

>> No.7810265

I've been noticing that Japanese people use it as slang now in the same way we use nerdy or geeky, but a little more extreme.
I've known a couple Japanese people who said they were an otaku for a certain thing. So like "I'm a Evangelion otaku", they're not otaku entirely, they just REALLY REALLY like Evangelion to the point where it's reaching otaku levels.
I've also had people say "you're a (celebrity) otaku!!" when i say I really like whoever.

>> No.7810580
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A friend of mine bought it for me as a gift, he said he got it from amazon, I found it
Its cheap but it's really good quality, has lasted me like 2 yrs

I rarely smoke though, it's only a special occasion kind of thing, got some "Cappuccino" Djarum Blacks stored in there.
Fucking godlike cigs

>> No.7810596

You're making me miss the time when I actually played Magic a lot with my boyfriend! Now he isn't interested anymore and I have no one to play with. Stories like >>7805072 and >>7804720 make me afraid to check out the local store's MtG events even though the owner is really nice.

>> No.7810638

Oh that's.. that's horrifying. Eugh.

>> No.7810645

What the fuck? There is no way this actually happened. No one can be THAT shitty.
These stories are getting to be a bit too much.

>> No.7810652


>> No.7810695

It's always nice when uncle /jp/ comes over and explains why seagulls shit on everything.

>> No.7810727

Shit, they still have some in stock. Tsukiko is my girl.

>> No.7810746

I feel like Zelda obsessives belong in a different category than traditional weebs since their interests besides Zelda are usually western fantasy series, but yeah I've seen a couple guys like that in comp sci classes

>> No.7810752

I feel bad hearing all these Magic horror stories. I met my boyfriend of two years now playing the game. My whole play group is awesome and if some creepy beta shows up we ignore his ass till he leaves.

>> No.7810762
File: 87 KB, 652x700, Response to Name a black anime character_ Mar_ 1st, 2012 @ 04_01 PM ___.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw someone knows BigBlackOtaku

10/10 would also date.

>> No.7810765

>last night
>at 24-hr diner to write in my journal/eat pie
>SUPER PACKED cuz it's late and nowhere else is open
>order taken, pull out journal, let the angst commence
>weeby busboy walks by and comments on how small my writing is
>he's wearing one of those cheap gross pentagram necklaces from Spencer's with all the tacky cheap red rhinestones inset into it and like a dragon hanging off it and shit
>unshaven, greasy
>enjoying my pie
>weeby busboy comes back
>lectures me about screenplays and then starts explaining what a novel is to me
>grunt in reply, no eye contact, he leaves
>comes back again
>"Are you light side or dark side?"
>beg your pardon
>"Are you light side or dark side?"
>starts prattling about chaotic evil and shit
>no eye contact, do not want to encourage him
>actually pull out phone and start texting boyfriend about this fucking neckbeard weebshit
>"What are you writing?"
>"I bet you're super cool. I wish I knew girls that were this cool."
>"Do you know Hetalia?!"
>check please
>waiting for waitress to bring my debit card back
>"I love you, you look like something out of an anime!"
>actual crust punx when I'm not in lolita
>wearing clothes from 3 days ago
>mohawk falling down

bf laughed at me when I told him about it, bc he's never been hit on by a greasy weeby busboy and does not understand my pain. Goddammit.

>> No.7811111

There is this store that's decently sized in ny town. It sells everything from games, to tcg, manga and even figures from well known anime and gake franchises. I have a good fruend who works there. Needless to say, I frequent there a lot.

>go there and greet my friend as I walk in
>start browsing the mtg display case. I play legacy and edh but I also collect cards from a specific artist
>a boy/man who looks younger than me saddles up uncomfortably close to me
>I'm not wearing anything too weebly, but I have fire emblem cellphone charms hanging out the pocket of my skirt
>I ignore him as I continue to browse
>everytime I move to another part of the case, he moves with me
>I assume he wants the same cards
>I look at him and he's wearing an sao shirt with dark yellow swaet stains at his armpits.
>"Are you getting a card for your boyfriend?" He asks me with an accusing tone
>tell him no, and I smile and discretely walk to another section of the store. I felt bad for being rude but the guy was giving me bad vibes. I wanted to see if there were any interesting games anyway.
>I'm reading the back if bioshock when I hear him again, as he stands uncomfortably close to me once more
>"I fucking hate bitches like you."
>I put the game down and turn around and before I can ask what he's talking about, he goes into a rajt about how fake bitches and whores sully his nerdy "paradise"
>am getting concerned aince he was making wild gestures with hus thick arms and I'm a small thing. He could probably hurt me easily
>he steps towards me and I step away
>he's getting more passionate, loud and incoherent
>reach into my purse for my spray just in case
>an arm wraps around me
>its my friend
>he leans his chin on my head like he always does
>"Is something wrong?" he asks
>I get it. I turn and wrap my arms around his neck


>> No.7811116

Also I'm so sorry. I'm terrible at typing on a phone.

>we proceed to make a show out of deminstrating my powerlevel as my friend forcefully joins in the conversation. He's making half the stuff up, but the weeaboo guy looks deflated anyways
>he eventually leaves the store with his head held low and mumbling
>my friend ends up taking me home after he explained it to the store owner

>We're gonna celebrate our 1st year anniversary in october

>> No.7811127

I really hope I'm not seen as a Koreaboo, All I'm doing is learning the language in hopes to study there after I was forced to watch Kdrama.

Their school timetable is awfully harsh though so I'll have to work very hard.

>> No.7811138

So you WERE just there for a boyfriend, you fake bitch whore!
>just kidding
>stories like this are so horrible that I'd call bullshit on them if I hadn't experienced something similar a few months ago
The meeker part of me is considering visibly upping my powerlevel whenever I go to into a geekspace just to avoid shit like this but I'd probably just get some greasy asshole accusing me of wearing that stuff for attention, or saying that whatever series my shirt/keyring/whatever is from is bad and I should feel bad. It's really not about "fake geeks" for these guys, it's about having girls around at all and thereby being reminded that the only women in their life are their mother and their 2D waifu, neither of whom will ever fuck them. At least if their secret weeaboo treehouse is boys only they can pretend they're not so lonely and pathetic since everyone around them is also lonely and pathetic.

>> No.7811146

I know it can be hard to do it, but just ignore those fucks.

>> No.7811155

Yeah, it's a lot easier once you're over the initial shock that this sort of thing actually happens. But it's still scary when one of them corners you in a quiet place like what happened to that anon. I don't think most of these guys are actually violent but you never know.

>> No.7811235

I see where you are coming from. You could always get pepper spray or something similar because you are right, you never really know how crazy someone can get. Just be careful.

>> No.7811281
File: 2.77 MB, 2048x2048, collage_20140910080101741_20140910080353811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /cgl/ I have kept my promise to deliver and here I have it. I present to you, the Weeb Mobile!
This lovely thing I walk past every morning on my way to the train station.

>> No.7811288

this is fucking magnificent.

>> No.7811329

Holy fuck, I am at a loss for words.

>> No.7811335


Now this is weeb dedication.

>> No.7811337

Bruh, I can't even make fun of this. This is fucking next level weeb. I applaud him.

>> No.7811338

When I was in high school I wore seifuku every day and called my boyfriend at the time "senpai" because he was an upperclassman. Oh god the retrograde cringe.

>> No.7811339

Jesus I don't even know how to respond. Why would you broadcast such shit taste in anime to the world?

>> No.7811342


We've found it, seagulls. The worst itasha ever dreamed into existence.

>> No.7811400

You know, I'm not that anon but it is possible to discover lolita & cgl via hobbies other than anime.

>> No.7811579

There's a weeaboo who gets my bus who always asks to borrow my clothes. She's got a 50" waist, at least.

>> No.7811713

Go back to tumblr

>> No.7811741

Go back to shitfarts

>> No.7811756

>garden state
Omg. I gotta take a trip up there just to see if I can catch a glimpse of this thing.
At least it's decently done. I was imagining some Apple Paint, drawn by a yaoi fan girl type shit.
I also now feel better about my weeby license plate.

>> No.7811775

...unless you're an Ausfag, which makes me wonder two things: why does a guy living in Australia have a Jersey license plate? And if you're not, what the hell is a buxton real estate sign doing in the us?
Sage for being creepy...

>> No.7811788

On the Frankston line bruh. I'd say the suburb but then seagulls might find out where I live...

>> No.7811806

I think this is the best post I've ever seen from you. It's not entirely bullshit nor is it /r9k/ as fug either.

Good job.

>> No.7811836


See, I have my phone call me 'oneechan' and i have a loli as fuck ringtone, and a half naked bitch as my background. Only basic bitches get judged as fuck.

btw i'm a girl

>> No.7811861
File: 1.76 MB, 250x157, tumblr_n8i7yy9gyX1rdt2lmo6_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, seagulls... You've already killed the weeb in me, why must you also want to kill the kfag in me?

>> No.7811891

Are you aiming for SKY universities? If so, good luck.

>> No.7811895


You're a koreaboo, welcome

>> No.7811912

>garden state
dear god I'm kind of happy I've moved.

Also holy shit how much did he spend on that. Like, really. My parents have a business doing car detailing, and fully printed custom wraps like that are expensive as fuck. The whole car is measured and scanned in and everything is fitted around the windows and doors and the whole image layout is designed. I think this may have cost more than his car is worth.

>> No.7811923

I wish he had a better car to be honest. Then I probably wouldn't have laughed as much as I did when I first saw it.

>> No.7811924

I FEEL YOUR FEEL >>7810765

>I work at a comic/card store
>part of my job is to teach people how to play mtg, ygo, or pokemon if we have the time
>ive been working here 4 years i ve seen alot of nerds
>basically im not even phased by weebs anymore
>guy walks in
>young (18) greasy, needs hair cut, wearing a dragon necklace & has food crumbs on face
>says he wants to get into mtg but doesnt know where to start
>run him through the usual intros
>offer him a quick demo because it s slow
>he gets SUPER excited about this, like way too happy
>starts going off about how nice and cool i am
>sees my phone case ( w luka a friend made it for me)
>almost screams
>proceeds to be super creepy
>gets a call from his mom ;;OTL
>has to go
>asks me on a date
>i say no
>he sighs but WINKS at me and says
>"Well you'll just have to teach me some MAGIC later senpai."
>DIES from DISGUST inside
>all my coworkers laugh ......


>> No.7811971

>Majored in art at Community college
>I'm a full blown nerd, grandparented in by nerd parents.
>mostly into old scifi and tokusatsu but I do like anime and cosplay.
>found a group of similar people who actually talk about everything I love and play games in the cafeteria (win)
>Time goes on and we get younger and younger members but some of them are a bit stranger than others and are actively shunned for furry tendencies or full blown.
>We start focusing more on games and that's when we get a few asians of all different persuations.
>eventually learned how to play mahjong and have a set, although we don't play as much anymore and it makes me sad...

Graduated last year after too many years because of money problems but I still meet with them frequently and everyone on thanksgiving.

>> No.7812014
File: 147 KB, 414x600, Lee Pace 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably a white girl with yellow fever

>> No.7812033
File: 297 KB, 600x484, cainandabelkill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's really not about "fake geeks" for these guys, it's about having girls around at all and thereby being reminded that the only women in their life are their mother and their 2D waifu, neither of whom will ever fuck them.
I don't think that's all of it. Yes, they do hate women, but they are also hostile towards normal, sociable, /fit/ guys. They just can't pull overt aggression on guys who are easily twice as strong and a lot more confident and disagreeable than they are.

I think it has to do with being a loser who is physically, socially, intellectually and usually financially inferior to the peer group, while lacking the emotional fortitude to face or change that.

So they come to rely on a stupid niche hobby for their self worth. Then if someone with actual social worth comes in and is easily as good or better at the only thing they know of, it destroys their self worth. I think they are so thretened because they even know themselves that they are bad at even the things they think they have mastered, and any normal person can become better in a few months.

tldr: Just bully the fucks, they are bad people and they deserve it.

>> No.7812038

I'm not expecting any packages because I'm saving money. I'm not bitter, just sad. It hurts....

>> No.7812040

Different anon but ITA with your assessment.

>> No.7812046

International Trombone Association?

>> No.7812054

So I take it you're one of the people >>7811138 and >>7812033 are describing? I'm sorry your loser clubhouse is being infiltrated with people who aren't failures at life but you're better off trying to improve your own life rather than hissing at anyone whose mere existence is making you realize how much you have failed at your own.

>> No.7812119

Oh man I love these threads so my story may sound a little familiar.
In the middle of last school year (University freshman) I realized I was living the weeb dream- Taking Japanese language, history and politics, being in the costume club (99.99% cosplay stuff), staffing a con, a geeky boyfriend and also being a member of the anime and kendo clubs (left the former for the latter due to time conflict).
I think it was one day after a particularly spirit-breaking practice where I kind of laughed at myself for how lame and weeby my life is but iono I feel like as I become an adult, I'm able to look at my interests slightly more objectively. These things are all really fun and interesting and different. I don't love them due to their sugoi nihon factor but for my own reasons so I feel a lot better about myself now.
But also
>about to become co-president of cosplay club and have no idea how to run it on an administrative or social level
Kami-sama grant me the serenity to accept and tolerate the weebs I cannot change; courage to help the ones I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Running one club meeting at a time;

>> No.7812121

>Kami-sama grant me the serenity to accept and tolerate the weebs I cannot change; courage to help the ones I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Running one club meeting at a time;
anon do you.... go to AA?

>> No.7812185

Sorry, I couldn't find this thread yesterday, so I just saw this today! If you're still there, I'd say the best area for Japanese majors would be computer programming, business, or education. I personally hate business and programming, but I like outreach and education, so that's what Im working on. I'd definitely say studying abroad is must, especially if you actually want to speak Japanese well. (Currently packing to come back home after a year here in Japan myself actually). I'd also figure out where your closest Japanese Consulate is because they offer lots of information about internships, job offerings, and study abroad scholarships. Gonna put a throwaway email here if you have any more questions.

>> No.7812187

and Im a derp with email

>> No.7812233

I totally agree?

>> No.7812241 [DELETED] 

I feel like as I become an adult, I'm able to look at my interests slightly more objectively. These things are all really fun and interesting and different. I don't love them due to their sugoi nihon factor but for my own reasons so I feel a lot better about myself now.
That is the thing, all of this stuff in actually fun, but a large chunk of has been fetishized and made to seem as something lame, geeky, or something a loser would do. Because of this, people judge without trying themselves and go on with their lives without having tried an activity they could have loved just because of the social stigma they carry.

>> No.7812262

>I feel like as I become an adult, I'm able to look at my interests slightly more objectively. These things are all really fun and interesting and different. I don't love them due to their sugoi nihon factor but for my own reasons so I feel a lot better about myself now.

That is the sad part, all of this stuff can actually be really fun, but a large chunk of has been fetishied and made to seem as something lame, geeky, or something a loser would do. Because of this, people judge without trying themselves and go on with their lives without having tried an activity they could have loved just because of the social stigma it carries carry.

>> No.7812291

Anon, please tell me you're in Florida. My college has these obnoxious weebs that fit that description to a T. They sit playing Smash, MTG, etc every time I pass. My friend and I wonder if they ever even go to class.

>> No.7812386
File: 26 KB, 480x360, Sasu-car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh lol, not car-anon but I fond this gem in DC

>> No.7812522
File: 77 KB, 500x623, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: terrible people, terrible people who are rude to other terrible people, and terrible people who argue with other terrible people.

>> No.7812529
File: 52 KB, 210x167, 1407260036573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7812541

The serenity prayer only exists in AA guise

>> No.7812551

You'd be surprised. I got that crap from some guy putting his hands in my face when I was reading. "You don't need to be here! I own this place!!" Dude scared the shit of me - who does that to a stranger??

>> No.7812552

Never consort with them again. I meant it anon, you don't need those assholes.
I'd steal your surplus anon, then we could make the most dangerous game of it.
How confident are you in your ability to survive with a knife, a spool of paracord and a spoon?

>> No.7812562
File: 299 KB, 500x521, tumblr_inline_n8i8gqANFh1qdz33g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My text notification is MGS alert sound
>ringtone is snake eater, used to be codec beep
>iPhone is jailbroken so unlock, lock, key presses, text sent, recieved, email sent, recieved, etc are all menu noises
>pre-ordered iPhone 5 iDroid case
>just spent a stupid amount framing a MGS print
I DON'T EVEN CARE. I love MGS and I don't care if I look like a douche I like the noises.

When I met my bf he thought it was the cutest thing ever. Little did he know how obsessed I am with MGS until I was whinning about how I could have met Kojima-sama if I accepted an offer to go to SDCC to do some vidya game stuff for a company.
>still sad about it

>> No.7812598

If you even have to ask that question...
And the stealing, oh my god the stealing from MtG players is horrible.
I love it, my game store has a 1500 sqft gaming hall, big and open with an alcove for GMs to run campaigns. They literally put up a wall to separate the wargamers and the magic players, and it has kept the smell down tremendously.
I swear to god that the magic players are their own breed of disgusting, and I'm just glad I don't have to smell them from across the room anymore.
/tg/ers aren't all that way, other games draw better people. The card gamers in general are awful, but I'm biased as a Warhammer 40000 fag. There's bad on all sides, there's always a 'that guy' so find other friends to play with and don't bother with the assholes.
It's never as moe as you want it to be.
lol, you're awesome, befriend that guy if you see him again.
You could always just tell him what you think. Aspies require direction. I have had an aspie friend for years and I let him know when he's his nerd rage out. He's gotten much better over the years. Your guy might just be completely unused to social interaction at all and is just glad to be about to talk to someone about a topic he's well versed in. Hand to one I bet if you asked him a direct question about anything related, he'd know the answer.
No, but there was a kid in my high school that played the bagpipes every lunch period and after school. The dude was a weirdo but was nice enough. He was big into building terrain as well, so models of open fields with resin water and flocking for grass- that stuff.

>> No.7812605

That monster.

>> No.7812612

I love following him, he's fucking ridiculous
Not as wonderful as the pink dream machine: someone wrapped their waifu all over their ricer.
It's vulva pink too.

>> No.7812617 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 500x416, tumblr_ms9qt3K1pB1rhm734o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-my text alert is Toshinou Kyouko yelling "tomato"

>> No.7812628

They're kind of right. Only weebs make fun of other weebs as if anyone else can tell the different. Brofags will make fun of you regardless.

Like being the most high-fuctioning aspie.

>> No.7812633

I envy your bf with a passion, by ex hated it since she just wanted to help her with Farmville

>> No.7812658
File: 29 KB, 500x333, tumblr_n3zg2nRIhV1tpfmhdo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw, man, you have to put up with all my game posters and constant MGS stream watching, not to mention my livestreaming, and my other game series obsession... also I'm a hermit who avoids outside as much as possible. Literally, I hate socializing but demand as much attention as possible from my partner.

Also me singing along to Nuclear despite his complaining.

>> No.7812669
File: 214 KB, 871x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga gets it.

>> No.7812734

youre making my envy worse and youre doing it on purpose arnt ya.
What other game anon?

No she always wanted to leave the house and do normie things, as a ex-neet I still crave the comfy of home and just do couple things but noooo cant have that

>> No.7812969

No, as far as things like Navi and the MGS ! noise being cringey I get it. It just screams 'HEY GUYS PAY ATTENTION TO ME TOTALLY PLAY VIDEO GAMES/WATCH ANIME/ETC ARENT I DIFFERENT XD'. Earlier today I heard a Portal turret voice clip. It's almost as bad as the people who actually own and wear trollface t-shirts. It's just awful.
I mean, we're all still dorks for having it as that in the first place but when it's not so in your face, it's not as autistic. A few years ago I was in a Kmart and Chichi Chichi Oppai was some regular looking girl's ringtone and I turned to them and made the stupid gesture and she did it back and it was glorious. But that's the only time I've ever heard a non-painfully obvious weeaboo ringtone.

Even though I changed my tones, my phone still looks like it's owned by a greasy neckbeard. I have a a K-On logo charm strap, Sylvanas Windrunner BG, a Zelda Healthbar battery monitor, and a dumbass anime clock widgit. Not to mention all my dating sim apps. Just like my phone, I'm only an piece of filthy unwashed weeaboo trash on the inside.

>> No.7813956
File: 1.95 MB, 215x125, tumblr_n6w9n0fpDR1t4wuoro1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't reveal the other series or else it'll be a dead giveaway as to who I am off board. But it's another series from the PS1 era.

I'm currently a NEET, and honestly do not want to change but might need to, but I really want to make a career out of my livestreaming we'll see how that goes.

>> No.7814209

my first year programming class had ~30 people and my current one (2nd) has exactly 12

>> No.7814400


>not using UNH basics

>> No.7814551

Does wild Pokémon encounter music from Yellow count as attention whore casual? It's hardly obscure but it makes me really happy to hear it and I've actually had some really nice conversations with people who recognised it. Of course basically everyone my aged has at least been near a Pokémon game at some point but only a few of them are able to place the sound.

>> No.7814641

>i ask them how long the break-in period is
>"the what"
>yknow where I have to play as a pre-made before you let me really play
>"anon the fuck are you talking about"

I lost it

>> No.7814647

>Literally, I hate socializing but demand as much attention as possible from my partner.

So you like socializing, you just want to do it with one person.

>> No.7814650

Are neckbeard stories okay? Because I have one in progress

>> No.7814660

sure, why not?

>> No.7814679

>people being this judgmental about ringtones
Really? I like the MGS tone because like the Gundam warning they sound acceptable as ringtones or text alerts compared to loud music and character voices from games/anime.

>> No.7814691

>tfw my ex-GF had a MGS codec ring tone
>tfw I suddenly miss her touch terribly

>> No.7814754

>First day of Film Production class
>Oh man this seems pretty cool
>Teachers say something
>Some guy with coke-bottle glasses, a gross-looking beard and a voice like his mouth is constantly filled with spit chimes in
>Teacher says another thing
>He has to chime in to that too
>Eventually he's just responding to everything and being that one idiot in ever class who mistakes the lecture as a one-on-one conversation with the teacher
>Near the end of class asks the teacher how much the editing software costs
>teacher tells him the price, politely tells him that it's kinda dumb to buy it at its price unless he's going to be doing all the assignments at home
>Kid keeps saying "Oh no that's okay... I got money coming in" with a dumb grin on his face like he's the only person who gets a paycheck on fridays
>Next session I'm talking to a friend before class and mentioning that I think I used the editing software when I was in high school
>This guy keeps jumping into the convo and insisting that five years ago is "recent"
>He's doing the same shit as last time, only this week wearing fingerless gloves (normal gloves cut to look like that) on a hot day because he thinks they make him look cool
>First project announced
>I get him in my group
>he immediately calls everyone over while standing up and trying to sound like some sort of '50s businessman pitching an idea to us
>It's this overly complex noir thriller that makes no sense and relies heavily on dialogue
>The project is just a 1-1 1/2 min video to show we know how to use the camera and the kinds of shots (and is silent)

>> No.7814772


>Just dumbfounded by secondhand embarrassment during this
>He asks me why I'm not participating much in the conversation
>"Oh sorry I'm kinda sleepy right now. Didn't get a whole lot of sleep"
>"OH yeah you're telling me. I'm running on a cup of coffee and pepsi I had for breakfast"
>"Wait what? You have pepsi for breakfast?"
>"Yeah I have a high metabolism."
>Just happen to be looking in his general direction, about stomach height (since he's still standing for some reason)
>He suddenly gets ridiculously defensive and starts saying "ITS BECAUSE MY MEDICATION" (his weight? his "high metabolism"? I have no clue)
>Keep trying to tell him that the project is silent
>He either ignores me or gets mad and claims that's not true because "THEY NEVER SAID IT HAD TO"
>teacher walks up and tells us that it actually is supposed to be silent
>He's all pissed off now
>She asks us if we have any ideas yet
>Trying really really hard not to groan at that name
>He repeats his overly complex idea to her and she looks confused but just lets him go with it and then lets us go back to brainstorming and exchanging contact info
>She goes to print out copies of the rubrics for us in the back office of the classroom (a small film studio)
>He starts getting antsy to leave before I stop him and convince him to at least wait for our professor to come back
>He decides to go back to the office and ask her if we can go, comes back with a pissed-off look on his face since she wants to answer any questions really quick before setting us loose since there's still fifteen minutes left in class
>Halfway through her answering questions he just walks out while she has a really confused look on her face

>Curious about him and search him up on facebook
>His picture is literally a picture of fucking Sonic the Hedgehog
>He lists his job as CEO of some shitty website/production company he made up
>Oh jesus

>> No.7814778

I'm sorry anon

>> No.7814787


>We start filming this monday and Neckbeard is dressed vaguely like Spielberg
>"oh goddamnit"
>We're shooting and he keeps giving us all weird directions and anytime someone explains how none of that makes sense, he just shouts "SORRY IM A SCREENWRITER NOT A DIRECTOR"
>Loses his throwaway ballpoint pen on one of the lawns on campus and starts losing his shit no matter how many times we tell him it's just a writing utensil and we all have other ones anyways
>The whole thing ends up literally just being some dude walking out of a building, randomly being followed by a character who just disappears like a subplot from The Room, passes off a flashdrive to someone and then gets roughed up by someone else
>Every plot hole gets explained with "Well it's implied"
>When we finish filming and head up back to the editing room, he literally makes the whole elevator ride be filled with his idea for a cop show with superheroes that's essentially a ripoff of Gotham Central with a really overly complex explanation for the superpowered people
>Professor is helping us load the video files onto our hard drive and he flips out a HUGE amount because she forgot one minor file that we ended up getting transferred anyways

The next day
>See him in the Student Center between classes
>He's wearing a fucking fedora with a superhero t-shirt, a hoodie and jeans

I swear to god if he starts wearing a trench coat once it gets colder out I have no idea what I'll do.

So yes there's the story so far. I really hope he doesn't get worse from here on out.

>> No.7814790

I expect great things from that man.
Particularly more stories of him being an awful person.

>> No.7814792
File: 968 KB, 160x160, tumblr_inline_n0fk02Cjkn1s0q90o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon

>> No.7814793

Ughhhhh... I don't want to get to the editing part because I swear he'll just be nitpicking the whole time and forcing his shitty taste in music on us.

I'm also pretty sure he used to be in med school and then dropped out because he wanted to be a screenwriter. Which is weird since I think he's a film student and that's more production-based, as opposed to the more writing-based Media Arts program.

Oh I also forgot to mention that he smells fucking disgusting and doesn't cut his fingernails. I think I just wanted to forget that part.

>> No.7814875

The rest of you should man up next time and not just let the biggest mouth run everything.

>> No.7814898

Unfortunately one of the guys in the group didn't give a fuck, another was on-screen talent (meaning he had no idea what was happening 90% of the time) and I just wanted to get it done since we only had an hour to work on it.

I'm most likely going to be the one editing the video so I'm just going to ignore the bullshit he says next time.

>> No.7814935

Get em next time.

And perhaps mention to the professor how detrimental it is to your learning experience to have one loud student monopolize class time.

>> No.7814943

I'm probably only going to do that if it's a group we're stuck in for the rest of the semester (which I REALLY hope it isn't)

>> No.7815199

>used to be in med school
I refuse to believe someone that autistic got into med school unless he somehow managed to hide his powerlevel until that one faithful day

>> No.7815575
File: 358 KB, 873x710, 1408657234173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please ask Spielberg-sensei for stories about med school.

>> No.7815633

Actually I think I'm just gonna refer to him as "Spergberg" especially if he actually turns out to be Jewish like I suspect.

But yeah I sorta wonder if he just claims he went to med school briefly on his facebook because he tried getting in and got rejected. Or mistaking training schools for stuff like dental assistants for med school. After all, he claims to be the CEO of a production company that he may be the only member of, so I wouldn't put that kinda stupidity/hubris past him.

>> No.7815646

Please keep us updated on Spergberg-sensei.
I love reading neckbeard-stories, I just pray to whatever almighty power up there that I don't ever need to deal with one myself.

>> No.7815654

Ah Gamestop. I once walked in and saw two employees chatting in horrible weebanese about animu girls. I try to convince myself that they were joking. But I'm not so sure.

>> No.7815776

Not that anon but you know there's such thing as business and science magazines, right? Like Nature and such?

>> No.7815854

If there's any new updates, they'll be sometime Monday night since that's the next time I have Film Production.

>> No.7815919

> what are scientific journals and magazines

>> No.7815923

>cosplaying Homestuck
don't be a basic bitch, anon.

>> No.7816986

On a related note, around 2010 I started going to a comic shop in my hometown with two of my friends. We never saw many other people in there and the owner was really cool and friendly. We'd only go on occasion because he didn't carry some of the independent monthlies I was following. He moved to a larger store and was able to host table top games, and quickly me and my friends became uncomfortable. It was the first time in over a year we'd seen so many people at the shop, and not a soul talked to us.

I think he felt bad, because he still made an effort to chat us up and suggest new titles. We had been driving to a shop a half hour away for the independent monthlies, and soon we just started going there instead. I believe that was 2011. Just this summer, I drove by his bigger store and it's closed. I hope he's doing alright.

>> No.7817015

I meant to explain that the comic shop further away had a friendlier crowd. Not only were there dudes that acknowledged our existence, there were a few regular girls as well.

The hometown comic shop became something of a secret club, and no girls allowed! I didn't feel so bad about it until I saw it had closed. We should've supported still supported our local guy.

>> No.7817871

Welcome to 4chan

>> No.7818012

>implying itasha isnt best aesthetic