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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7805107 No.7805107 [Reply] [Original]

Crossplay/Brolita General

mel kishida best shimakaze

>> No.7805135
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>> No.7805137
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>> No.7805138


cant believe this one is a guy omg

>> No.7805150

how tiny is his dick?
where the hell does he put it?

>> No.7805174

found an amazing (pretty well-known now) picture tutorial on how this is done, very much not sfw however, guy in the tutorial didn't even have a small wiener, mind was blown.

Can email if you really want it.

>> No.7805254

Is that the only way to get it? seems really painful

>> No.7805259

just add a link

>> No.7805346

Christ Yall just Google how to tape sick back. It's the first thing a cd learn

>> No.7805348

I saw a really passable trap shimakaze at AX. He even had the physique for it. Only thing that gave it away was the voice.
Tfw I only got a selfie with him because he was in a hurry and not his perfect body.

>> No.7805367
File: 46 KB, 591x960, maidokun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty obvious, but hes still a qt pie

>> No.7805393
File: 71 KB, 600x800, Br1zp29CQAAVGtN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one? yeah he was pretty cute

>> No.7805400

Dat a girl

>> No.7805560

Looks similar but wasn't in critical damage ver when I saw him also he had sunglasses on because his eye make up wasn't done.

>> No.7805565

shit I saw them and kept thinking "her outfit is torn, thats gotta be awkward"
nooo idea that was a dude

>> No.7805571

I'm not going to lie, I'm a male, and I'd want t trap for a bf. But, then again, so does every female and all the other traps, too, so I guess I'm SoL.

>> No.7805578

I'd rather go full girl and have someone like me, so we could pretend to be girls and share clothes, also wear lolita clothes on our dates

>> No.7805591

Problem with that is I'm 6' and built like a football player. A slightly oveweight football player, but a football player nonetheless.

>> No.7805604

you could do cardio to fix your body as much as possible, learn how to wear make up and get into fashion so you can hide the manliness of your body

>> No.7805609

I should mention I also have the jaw of a woodsman, and am in the military, so I have to stay within certain physical standards.

>> No.7805627

doesn't seem very passable to me
im like 90% sure they were a guy by voice

>> No.7805636

Well, that and without the preexisting physique, I'm kind of worried I'll look like that fat CB who identified as female started going around with a SEAL pin.

>> No.7805643
File: 48 KB, 640x640, 10645091_832614336760013_8826356910044677652_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and my girlfriend got bored at 2am. It was kind of a rush job, so it's not that great.

>> No.7805651
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These two fucked my head all up.

>> No.7805705

You won't knoow unless you try, come on anon don't let this get you, maybe you'll be able to become a gorgeous girl and I'll be jealous of you

>> No.7805707

Shit... I'd need someone who knows about makeup, first, I guess. Anybody familiar with this around VA Beach?

>> No.7805711

You can watch some tutorials on youtube as well, I'd link some but I'm almost as new as you

>> No.7805731

For what it's worth, I don't exactly have the build for it (I'm small but I have a very ugly face and really wide shoulders) and I was mistaken for a girl a few times when I cosplayed Rui from Gatchaman Crowds.

It was only a few times, but I had a lot of fun doing it.

>> No.7805777
File: 982 KB, 1736x2664, ThisisabadIdeaProbably.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always seem to forget to take good pictures of my own costumes at these silly events.

Here's a picture I like though. I thought the guy on the right was cuute.

>> No.7805991
File: 85 KB, 431x4086, 1398068432173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imageshack decided to get greedy soooo I'll take the risk of posting it here instead since >>7805174 is a fag.

>> No.7805995
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And one compensating method.

If you tuck to hard you may feel some soreness for the rest of the day however.

>> No.7806176
File: 13 KB, 2100x900, my sides.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7806793

Why do brolitas/crossdressers refuse to use petticoats? Seriously, it helps the silhouette so much.

>> No.7806859


Panties/skirt falling off white shimakaze is a white guy


long skirt asian shimakaze with sunglasses is a asian guy that posts here.

>> No.7807450


Has anyone actually tried this? I've heard of Shaolin monks doing a similar thing, but I'm still think it might be a myth. It reminds me of the whole 'here's how to make crystals' prank that is basically a recipe for poison gas.

>> No.7807507

Depends on your anatomy if its possible, its a bit straining for me so I just use normal tucking methods but I practice slowly to see if I can get better at it (had surgery down below 7 years ago, not gonna risk it completely).

>> No.7807517

This.. looks like the same art as Nana to Kaoru..

>> No.7807690

I don't do step 5 and 6. I can do it standing, just tuck the balls, hold them in while I pull up a pair of panties, and then push everything back towards my taint, being careful to not have my balls drop. Works for, like, 95% of my costumes and I don't look like a dumbass rolling around on my hotel floor pushing my dick this way and that while telling my roommates I'm just trying to get ready...

>> No.7807736

t-thank you anon

>> No.7807750
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i know this feel i have a very physical job so i have mad work gains

>tfw youll never be a skinny weakling able to crossplay as a kawaii maidu

better just stick to ironic

>> No.7807755

I'm skinny af but i have big ass shoulder and manly face, maybe if you start with cardio you can pull it

>> No.7807761

also you don't look that bad

>> No.7807778
File: 548 KB, 2448x3264, cs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


delivering boxes is about as cardio as you can get for a job with warehouse work too so maybe i should just be running more


best pic i feel

>> No.7808045

c-can you show face?

>> No.7808373

Popping in here to say that Kishida Mel is my idol and hero. He can draw cute girls and become the cute girl.

Going to chill in this thread until I get a feel for the vibe before I start self posting. Hopefully we can continue our cute discussion from last time.

>> No.7808460
File: 439 KB, 600x600, 1397849831703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aw too bad, I noticed that the previous thread died

hope this one will be a good one!

>> No.7808636

post pantsu

>> No.7809148


>> No.7809571

>better just stick to ironic

Sorry, not my cup of joe.

>> No.7809590

i know right. that face is fucking hilarious.

>> No.7809630
File: 39 KB, 541x717, 10457808_832614450093335_4945411955369741775_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have many pics, sorry. We'll take our time some other day.

>> No.7809710

you can always try out picking a character which looks ok on a stronger frame. Like Hoshiguma Yuugi for example

>> No.7809714

Man, I know I need to learn to tuck if I want to crossplay female characters who wear pants, but I am just so scared I'll break something down there.

So in the meantime I just wear skirts with spats underneath.

>> No.7810188

Looking to crossplay Madoka for my next con. Any tips on how to make myself look more feminine?

Also I'm clueless when it comes to bras, what size cup should I go for? I'm 6'0" and I'm skinny.

>> No.7810213

>tfw buying thighighs, spats, shoes, and makeup today for my crossplay later this month
say what you will, but it takes some serious balls to do this, but just remember, any negative feelings you have are all in your head.
I don't think the sales people give a shit.

I always feel embarrassed or nervous but I just think about this and it helps quite a bit.

>> No.7810248

Eh, fuck it. I'm going to try and buff out and do a Yuugi cosplay.

>> No.7810359

bra sizes are measured based on differences in underbust and bust. there are some online sizing guides you can use to get a bra that fits you snugly. Afterwhich you just need to find a way to pad up to fill up the bra. Madoka isn't too heavily racked so good thing you are thin. Good luck anon
Look forward to that. Yuugi is great for being superbly buff and not falling into ironic catergory. Try to maintain an illusion of feminity on the facial features and it should be super epic

>> No.7810439
File: 275 KB, 1108x1478, 93ddc5abdc5ca321932a4f63fcb7a815599a8540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>say what you will, but it takes some serious balls to do this
oh god I know this feeling. I still can't buy pantyhose in the store in fear of getting weird looks. Make-up is all right though, lots of guys use makeup nowadays to hide their imperfections

I'm still shopping around for a good petitcoat for maximum poof. I think I'm nearly there

>> No.7810468

Don't wait on it, I've still got to get the physical part before I can do the outfit.

>> No.7810760

I kinda don't mind it. I really love buying things and buying girly clothes is even better. So many things to choose from it's like paradise. You should learn to give less fucks nobody cares what are you buying for what reason.

>> No.7810777
File: 564 KB, 1318x838, 437543564256463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shameless self post

mtf but still relevant I guess?

I look fat in these pics tho bleh

>> No.7810778

seeing these threads; I really want to get into crossplay but I'm too damned wide and can't sew worth of crap. Any of you /cgl/s want to help a brother out?

I bought this candy maid thing from jlist but I'm a little over the size for it. It was messured 5L but I might be like a 6 or 7L. Not a whale but still a bit big. I want either a modest maid or a lolita dress but I don't know where to go about getting one from a trustworthy, non-china vender who could do around my size.

I know this may be tough to ask considering this place is either full of asian skeletons or people who make their own stuff out of drapery; but do any of you know any site trustworthy to order one my size from? Money might be an slight issue but I can save if it really is worth it.

>> No.7810782

oh anon you look lovely, i wish i could get rid of my giant jaw and my big shoulders so i could become a qt girl

>> No.7810788
File: 18 KB, 320x374, 10592151_10203504514645170_459339336_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you ;u;
Although you can't really see my face in those
Here's a sort-of profile shot. My chin is my biggest obstacle and my nose is meh too.

But but, don't give up you can do it!

>> No.7810873

>It was messured 5L but I might be like a 6 or 7L

What do you mean by this? The sizing is unfamiliar to me. Did you mean 5XL?

>> No.7810906

Japanese or asian charting. I think it equates to like a Large in US charting.

I usually wear XL or XXL clothing or go way over cause I like wearing loose t-shirts. I'm about 50inches bust, 50inches gut, 47 waist and 50 inches hips. I know I'm a lardarse but not to the point I might look ridiculous. But asian charting is all I can find and even then; it's hard to get an accurate for sizes even through conversion. I'd hate to drop 100-200 dollars on a great looking dress just to find it's too small. I could always get /fit/ but I got excuses I'd rather not go into. Bottomline. I was hoping someone here might know about a plus sized or large dress seller. Style doesn't really matter. I'll find something I can like. Just as long as the seller is reputable. I bet this has been asked before but making a topic might not be met with the best results so; might as well ask in brolita.

>> No.7810934
File: 3.33 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_5446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self post
brolita ^^

>> No.7810971

Oh honey, not with that blouse.

>> No.7810993

yeah the colloar is not the greatest for the jsk... is the makeup good though?

>> No.7811010

Things I would suggest:
-shaping eyebrows more/thinning them (cant see them that well though)
-false eyelashes
-lighter shade of lipstick

>> No.7811013

Makeup needs some work.
- Brows are a little heavy. You may want to taper them into a more feminine shape.
- Undereyes look really dark, making you look tired. Try concealer to lighten them up.
- If you did your lashes, I can't see them at all.
- You don't have to go so heavy on eyeliner. I see that you lined the inside of your lids all the way around. Try just the upper lid.
- Lipstick colour isn't super flattering on you. Try going for a less fuschia pink or something lighter like a gloss.
- Blush looks a bit too dark and heavy. Use less and blend it out on just your cheekbones, not all over the entire sides of your face.
- Trim your wig or at least part it to the side, as the centre part doesn't look flattering on anyone.

Hope this helped. Try watching makeup tutorials on Youtube; I learned a lot from them.

>> No.7811018

You might want to get full bangs on your wig and frame them. Lipstick and liner not as bright will look better too but it looks good sk far!

>> No.7811023


I think you are adorable but I don't like the blouse with this jsk.
Black and brown rarely look nice together, best to stay away from that combination as well.
I like your make-up but it's a bit heavy for lolita.

>> No.7811035

okay thank you for the advice ill work at it ^^

>> No.7811040
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the jsk is wine red, although i can see why you say it looks brown

>> No.7811055

>I usually wear XL or XXL clothing or go way over cause I like wearing loose t-shirts. I'm about 50inches bust, 50inches gut, 47 waist and 50 inches hips. I know I'm a lardarse but not to the point I might look ridiculous.

Hey man, I have the deepest respect for you as a person for wanting to try brolita. And I really want to help you find a cutesy dress. Though as a medical professional, and a crossplayer, I would like to advice you to change your diet and lifestyle a bit. There's a lot of cute stuff out there that's not available in larger sizes, and you'll generally feel a lot more comfortable

>> No.7811057

Hey, I'm not that anon but, could you recommend something to get a little bit girlier body without hormones? I'm already skinny as fuck but I'd like to get butt and avoid getting manlier

>> No.7811066

I understand though it's not like I sit around eating junk food all day though. My job keeps me fairly active moving about and running between one area and another at times. I'm more of a burly man rather then a lardo.

Kinda sucks about the sizes though. I've seen "plus size" stuff but it's less cosplay and more just normal wear. Ahh well, maybe I shouldn't bother getting into it. Not like I can pull it off face wise with the way my beard grows in.

>> No.7811074

First pic has some minor risks to it but you will be fine as long as you go slow and don't push to hard.

Second pic is pretty risk free if you exclude body hair getting ripped out by the tape (better tape = better tucking overall = moar body hair removal).

I recommend to shave related body parts.

>> No.7811135

Hmm without hormones..

All right, what do you think makes a person look manly? Presence of muscles, rough skin, body hair? Body curves, perhaps?

This is really ironic to say, but having little muscle mass makes you look quite girly. Aka reduce workouts

Rough skin you can do a lot about. Ranging from laser treatment, to scrubbing, to all sorts of weird and wonderful things you can do to your skin to make it smoother. Also see tutorials on make-up; a layer of BB creme can mask years of skin abuse

Body hair is a big thing for men. You can pretty much instantly look less masculine if you get rid of your body hair. For a more permanent solution there's IPL. It's a home-treatment with strong pulsed lights that reduces hair growth on the treated skin. I haven't tried this myself, but medical literature speaks of 40-80% reduction in hair growth (especially with dark hair), thinning of body hair. This is especially handy for reducing chest, back and leg hair, also arms

body curves are not something you can easily change without hormones. Men just have a lot more muscle in their abdomen. Men usually have like 10 inches of extra waist compared to girls. Though you can sculpt with clothing, corset, petitcoat, poofy dress, tight shirts

>> No.7811160

thank you, also, do you know any method to fix my skin? It is darker on arms, face and neck because of the sun and never taking care of it, i have some weird spots on my body but i guess i could hide those

>> No.7811166

why do I get this impression of the trap cosplayers who do weird shit like do swag version of idol cosplay or touhou like >>7807778 >>7807750
is comes off as them being condescending? or is it just me?

>> No.7811255

>do you know any method to fix my skin? It is darker on arms, face and neck because of the sun and never taking care of it

uh.. wear sunscreen? Or long sleeves. that'll both reduce your tan eventually

If you actually want a tan, get a second-hand tanning bed, though they'll make you age faster so I wouldn't really recommend them. I wouldn't recommend anyone staying in the sun for longer than a couple of minutes per day if you don't have to

>> No.7811352
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Yeah, the artist does a lot of wierd stuff, though that comic is super-cute.

>> No.7811377

lol hons

>> No.7811384


I liked Nana to Kaoru quite a bit. I got annoyed when the other girl came in though. Still, there's a lot of cuteness and quirkiness for a comic about bdsm, which is refreshing for me.

>> No.7811444
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>> No.7811505

qt face

>> No.7811598

Think it's cause they aren't confident enough to think they can pass off as a qt trap, but want to try cosplaying their waifus. What better way to do it but to hide it under the pretense of "being a joke".

Or maybe they are just lazy and can't be bothered.

>> No.7811673

whatthefuck I spent 40 minutes playing with my pistachios and I couldn't make this shit work

>> No.7811677
File: 570 KB, 1195x1257, Mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking lol

>> No.7811706

Holy crap I thought the same

Thanks for confirming, now I'm curious of this manga..

>> No.7811771
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, RIKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard is it to learn how to use make-up if you've never used it before? I've crossplayed before without using make-up (kinda stupid, I know) but Now I'm interested. Any tips?

>> No.7811853

Not as much difficult knowledge-wise, it's more difficult technical-wise. As in it's easy to learn (just look up YT vids), but you need to practice practice practice to make it look right.

>> No.7811856

I'm the anon from earlier who is going to cosplay as Madoka.

So I figured out that I need a 36c or 38c bra. Can you return bras? I'm not going to try bras in a store and I don't want to be stuck with two of them.

>> No.7811974
File: 169 KB, 960x1280, Real Trap Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I swung by Sephora the other day and asked the lady what I could do about the eyebrows. She suggested a glue stick and some orange makeup, apparently the process isn't difficult but she mentions it's "a bitch to take off." I can't trim them -too much- but I can clean them up just a little bit. I'm leaving this as a final boss and will concentrate on getting the rest of my cosplay first, though.

Makeup/Products used in order:

UD Naked Skin 3 (Liquid Foundation)
Basic Eyelash Curler (Used Sephora's brand.)
Clinique Basic Compact (Found in gift sets, includes two natural shades of eye shadow and a basic blush for cheeks.)
MuFE's Khol Pencil (Pencil Eyeliner, Black)
Clinique's High Impact Mascara
UD Concealer Pencil (Shade M16, used for shadow contouring.)
UD Concealing Pencil (Shade NSA, wat, used for highlight contouring.)
Estee Lauder Lip Gloss (07 color, apply throughout day as needed.)
Apply blush to cheeks using the basic compact mentioned above.

If you need to remove makeup, jojoba oil and a q-tip is excellent.

Other Products:

Jojoba Oil. Apply it to your entire body after the shower to leave it irresistibly soft. Apply it to your legs after shaving.
Kheil's Original Musk. (Unisex and smells nice. Varies dependent on wearer's skin pH.)
Solia Flat Iron. (Inexpensive and effective. Reduces heat damage to hair follicles.)

It's simple, just practice. Views lots of tuts beforehand because there's many ways to do things. I still have a lot to learn myself.

>> No.7812007

Who's the girlfriend?

I mean it btw

>> No.7812028

I don't think you can return bras... It's a little unhygienic plus people are probably fussy about things like these. Note that different shops carry different cuttings and sizings (just like clothes) so it really is a trail and error process. I'd recommend just going cheap since you don't actually have to 1. wear it for long periods of time 2. have anything really substantial to support.

Ever thought of just purchasing online? In my experience those with foam support and padding work the best for crossing

>> No.7812063

Think ill end up doing this.
What do I pad them out with to give myself the apperence of breast? Do they have little inserts I can just buy?

>> No.7812097

the inserts wont be enough to pad you up from nothing. you can either buy actual breastforms or stack a pile of nubras under it. the nubra method will allow you fake cleavage with abit of contouring etc as well.

>> No.7812193

what a cutie

>> No.7812294

Left: girlfriend
Right: me
I thought it was obvious since this was a crossplay thread. Thanks, I guess?

>> No.7812301

Lol, I honestly thought it was the other way around.

What does the chick think of crossplay anyway? I hear that some girls really love it, and other would rather have a manly guy

>> No.7812309

She thinks I'm cute, so she enjoys it.
I'm not at all manly, so crossplaying or not doesn't make a difference anyway.

>> No.7812543


I like her. It's fun to see somebody who defines herself in concurrence to Nana and with little regards to Kaoru. She is very much pulling her own weight whenever she appears, so I do enjoy those chapters.

>> No.7812586

At first I thought you were Will and that you borrowed my Sakuya cosplay

then I realized its just some not-as-skinny dude who happened to order the same Sakuya cosplay off Taobao as me and doesn't like the apron part

>> No.7813012

Fat ugly mess.

>> No.7813015

You need a better camera, and your nose is kind of big and jewy looking. Your pictures look potato as fuck.

>> No.7813227

Quiet, you. Still looks like a female.

>> No.7813256

>and your nose is kind of big and jewy looking
/pol/ please leave

>> No.7813996

It's a qt girl, don't be an ass

>> No.7814124

Actually I agree her nose is a bit big but more importantly the pictures are just really bad or overly flattering probably doesn't pass irl

>> No.7814128 [DELETED] 

You maggots need to get a life and stop.
You all look like men, no amount of make up will fix your ugly assed.

And how dumb are you people its not a trap its called a tranny you dumb fucks.

>> No.7814135
File: 10 KB, 437x399, le tricky hook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7814161
File: 57 KB, 523x535, 1410148411134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I take a break from /k/ to see what lolita qt's are up to
>tfw I see people from /k/ posting
>tfw I see my love Flandre posting

>> No.7814194


>> No.7814261

Even bait from last thread was better than this.

>> No.7814303
File: 22 KB, 640x480, Photo_00010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah my nose could be better but I've seen a lot of worse mtf noses. I'm a lot more self conscious about my chin than anything else. I wanna get FFS for that and my nose sometime in the hopefully near future.
And yeah I really don't pass irl or even in pics tbh, it sucks.
I wasn't trying to hide that fact though, hence giving a profile shot. Here's a more straight on one.

>> No.7814732

Ita as fuck

>> No.7814789

Listen, shitbagger, come back when you have some decent bait. You couldn't catch an attention starved Yaya with that weak shit.

>> No.7814791


Stop transitioning if you think passing is important (and it is) even ffs isn't gonna fix that.
This is also under the assumption you are currently on hormones, if your a hormone virgin there is a very small glimmer of hope if your under 21

>> No.7814808

Jesus you look like a junkie
Stop doing the open mouth thing and get some sleep

>> No.7814909

To get curves, corsets. Corsets will be your best friend, and iirc, it's easier for a man to mould his ribs than a woman. Failing that, hip padding might help, and general shape wear. These will be your friend, just as they're friends to fat girls everywhere.

>> No.7815580

Don't be so harsh they are here for advice not every crossplayer is gonna look like >>7809630 or that guy from last thread I'd say more them 90% of cross players don't pass but at least they are trying

>> No.7815596

>I'd say more them 90% of cross players don't pass but at least they are trying

Just a question for you.. does it really matter if you pass or not?

When I crossplay, I'm pretty sure people can see I'm a guy when they look at my face. I make no attempt at looking like a girl.

After all, crossplay comes from cosplay, short for cosume-play. It's about your costume, not about you as a person

>> No.7815664

I'm 19 and started hrt early this year
I don't pass super well but with makeup + wigs and clothes people never question my gender irl
It's mostly just lighting, and maybe the fact that I'm not wearing makeup..? I'm definitely not a junkie. And this was just a random picture I took that wasn't even intended for this thread so whatevs.
If you read the other posts I'm not even a crossplayer.

>> No.7815668
File: 86 KB, 720x1095, 10431342_376708259146015_7824818537929112693_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joshua Hart is a goddess

>> No.7815669
File: 385 KB, 1480x2048, 10498678_344486999034808_5200616089508765509_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7815793

Fuck you and fuck your fandom, too.

>> No.7815841

Oh, wow, that was just on instinct, I'm really sorry. I've got a bad taste in my mouth after watching a bunch of homestuck girls play truth or dare and mostly ending up being dared to harass other con-goers.

>> No.7815857

The atmosphere in this thread is pretty terrible so far. There's far too much shitposting and replying to bait. There should be more cosplay and tips.

>I'm not even a crossplayer
The hell are you even doing here?

>> No.7816003

>The hell are you even doing here?
>Crossplay/Brolita General
I'm not a 'brolita' but I'm male bodied so I figured I'd post here, idk

Why are you so sandy?

>> No.7816192
File: 189 KB, 1700x1275, Mesh_ironing_board[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7816381

I will be crossplaying jinx ( from LOL ) this april at anime stl , any advice?

>> No.7816403

A black chiffony blouse would be lovely with this, also the way the fabric catches the light, it tends not to look as stark black as opaque cotton fabric.

Agree with anons on the make up, you've done your foundation beautifully though. I really don't recommend putting black eyeliner on your waterline - it closes up the eyes when to create a feminine shape, you really want them looking bigger and rounder. I'd skip eyeliner on the bottom altogether and if you really want a bit of definition, use a small flat brush and use a soft brown eyeshadow as liner instead (but blend it out and don't take it right to the corners if your eyes).

>> No.7816420

Just learn to make up and be sure to hide your dick properly, it will be weird to see a bulge in those thight shorts

>> No.7816485

Thanks , I have a friend helping with the makeup and the body art , and ya , hiding all that is going to be fun :p

>> No.7816566

What this guy says. I know that I hardly pass too but I still enjoy it. People need to learn to be less judgmental.

>> No.7816639

i'm a 5'11 weakling

still doesn't work

also lopsided manjaw because my life is shit

>> No.7816734


weird...or hot?

>> No.7816742

Hot in the right situation but in public i would be fucking ashamed

>> No.7816754

Depends very heavily upon how attractive the person is.

>> No.7816812

So, guys! I made a montage with some photos of me and my boyfriend doing crossdress ( >>7805643 ) and as a normal so you can compare. My boyfriend suffers a bit because he's like to do cross, but I respect and always help with makeup and etc. I hope you enjoy. lol.

>> No.7816820
File: 328 KB, 1417x945, CrossCouple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The photo, sorry

>> No.7816824

ahhh soo qt I feel jealous

>> No.7816827

You two are qt3.14s

>> No.7816880

you two are both adorable

>> No.7816882

can i see your bfs face normal (head on or something) preferably not blurry

i want to compare features

>> No.7816899
File: 67 KB, 960x720, 30557_432629296827318_1436520555_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here a photo from his face. hahah <3

>> No.7818404


I don't think we were really trying to be Lolitas....



Is that bad?

>> No.7818724

Yes, being a hon is bad. I couldn't even imagine how living as one is, It's not even life

>> No.7818728

U should cosplay my boyfriend

>> No.7818800
File: 316 KB, 1080x1440, Hidden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just been eating all the photoestrogen I can for the last two months, started laser hair removal, attempting to minimize makeup use, and intentionally only working out only the lower body while abusing Myspace level lighting and face obscuring tricks.

I'm hoping I'll just keep getting better and better at it over time until age ravages me.

>> No.7818805

You're pretty qt but make-up is your friend especially during early hormone use, helps draw focus to the right parts of your face.

>> No.7818838

I guess I should correct myself and rephrase that to: avoid overdoing it so I look like a Drag-Queen stereotype and eventually reach a point from regular use of the hormones where they'll do most of the work without the need for caking on makeup and looking like a try-too-hard.

Ironically though, since taking hormones my fairly smooth skin started breaking out and getting ugly acne early on. But it's since balanced out and become a game of patience.

>> No.7818941


What the heck does that even mean?
I could not find an answer when I googled it.

>> No.7819339

Who was that one faggot who got really famous on tumblr, who I think is mostly photoshop, and likes to wear cat ears and paws? Also a pikachu hoodie

>> No.7819345

Frank Wolf

>> No.7819349

Thank you, based anon. More eye candy for my gay friend. He hopes to gain the confidence to be a trap some day. I'm so proud.

>> No.7819649

hon = unpassable trans woman

>> No.7819725

You mean phytoestrogens, as in plant and herbal stuff?
If so, that isn't going to get you far, if anywhere at all. It's very dubious science.
You would be better off trying to lower testosterone levels.

>> No.7819745


Oh. Well shit, I knew that.
I do have a feminine figure other than the height. But I definitely know my face isn't passable at all. Waayyyyy too square.
Too bad I haven't ever cosplayed a manly type. Do want to do an Alucard from Hellsing though.

>> No.7819759
File: 1.42 MB, 1836x3264, 2014-09-13_23-01-39_186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More self posting ahah

Finally wore lolita out with my boyfriend yesterday ;w;
It was so great ohmygod

>> No.7819766
File: 45 KB, 480x640, 10695093_10203745621232684_44208062_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more of both of us
Even if I don't pass, lolita is too much fun I can't help myself.

>> No.7819785

>that room
>that look
>that bf
You are living the dream there.
You lucky bastard.

>> No.7819789

keep in mind the boyfriend is the one on the right in that picture

>> No.7819994

Sorry, phone must have autocorrect itself. There has been some slight but noticable changes so far anyway to my palor, hair, and metabolism, and my plan was to test it for half a year from the start and compare, so the worst I'll be out is for 150 dollars worth of pills.

>> No.7820202

Are there any specific things you're using?

>> No.7820205

wear otks to cover your bj knees

>> No.7820244

oh you are dating tora......

>> No.7820317

Pill form of Ainterol twice daily along with application of Tea Tree Oil to chest and butt. Along with a heavy fish/dairy diet (although I was doing that already).

I'm not going for "full-on" girl anyway, but like the options of being able to switch to guy/girl mode whenever I want.

>> No.7820368

Do you see any changes in your body yet? How long have you been on it?

With changes, I mean body-fat distribution, scents, facial features, etc

I've always really wanted to attain some feminine qualities, to be more ambiguous, but I don't want to take medical-grade hormones, just subtle changes

>> No.7820573

>bj knees
never in my life have I ever done such a thing
yuuuup <3
my handsome husbando~

>> No.7820812

All gave me a boner and now I might wanna pack some fudge.

>> No.7820882

these two both have dicks?

with traps this cute who's needs women (fucking no good feminist scum and dykes)

LOL butthurt dyke lusting after a hot trap only to be disappointed to find out she has a penis.

>> No.7820905

Hidari Shoutarou?

>> No.7821057

Only the one on the left

>> No.7821639

awwww shit, I got my cosplay today in the mail but it's too tight. shouldn't have eaten out so much. gonna see if I can take it to alterations and hopefully it doesn't take too long.

>> No.7821698

I...uh, yeah, I like W. Sue me. My girlfriend actually recomended it to me because I like vests, ties and ~fedoras~.

I ended up buying the windscale vest and might end up buying the W driver.

>> No.7821713

How much is the difference you reckon?

I have one costume that's a tiny tiny bit too small on me, but if I really want to wear it I'll starve myself for a couple of days and then it'll fit fine.

Only works if it's an inch or two of course

>> No.7821770

I will safely fap away.

Some post naked pics of him on sexy male.

IRL traps in sexy male is the way to go not those disgust butch bara-manly faggot men.

Its NO HOMO to fap and to fudge pack a traps IRL.

>> No.7821814

that room actually looks like its from Hong Kong or Taiwan, heck may be even Japan or South Korea.

>> No.7821818

can I suck your dick?

Are you willing to bend over? Want some anal, I love to pack your fudge while your dressed as that Bleach character in the bottom right conner pic. I will stroke you cock and swallow are your delicious cum.

>> No.7821829

Wait what the fuck?
First off, if you read the thread im mtf, so not male.
Secondly, whos posting my nudes? Link?
I don't think they're mine

>> No.7821880

you should ignore that, don't let them ruin the thread

>> No.7821959

It's my friend's house. We ARE japanese (well, I'm half), but we live in hueland.

>> No.7822170
File: 320 KB, 575x800, Raymoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say two-three inches. I'm going to be starving myself anyway because I just spent the rest of my paycheck on dropping it off to a lady who says she can add an inch or two to it.

It fits as is, but it's so tight a little muffintop sticks from the sides of the skirt and it's embarrassing. Mind you, the measurements were for 26-27 inches around the waist but there is literally no slack to it, as opposed to my other outfits.

I gotta say, though, explaining to an old lady that you want a girl's costume to fit you is quite the experience. At the end, she asked me if it was for me and I'm all like, "Umm, ahahaha, yeah, I-I guess." Her reaction wasn't that of disgust or anything, it was more like, "Is this guy for real?" But yeah, a year ago I would have hardcore spilled my spaghetti all over the place.

I guess the final conclusion is that this whole trap business in cosplay takes some serious cash and balls.

That is the dream right there. I hope to someday have a cute gf and crossdress together.
You better be at ALA next year, let's have fun messing with people thinking we're grills.

>> No.7822178

When my dresses came into the mail my whole family asked me ''why did you bought that?'' I just said ''f-for my gf'' and idk if they ate that but i guess they figured out now that those are mine, if not they are just dumb

>> No.7822253
File: 75 KB, 768x1024, Bxl7aiLCcAARZxw.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5 months.
+Gained 1.5 inches on my bust, 1 on my waist, and 2 on my thighs with no changes to diet/exercise.
+Hair is coming in thicker, but that also includes face/body hair so more shaving.
+Skin tone is also lighter, but I'm also feeling the effects of longterm sun exposure earlier.
+More tired than usual and sweat like crazy now despite not having sweat problems before.
+Nipples are super sensitive all the time.

At the moment, the pills basically seem like I'm turning fat/lazier. But when multiple people IRL started noticing my face is rounder and lighter and my pants don't fit quite as well, something is obviously happening, but the longterm effects will probably be subtle. And two friends that are undergoing a similar regiment have A-cups at best after a year of it, but at the same time, they've retained their testosterone and haven't gone sterile.

Only going to Fanime and AX in California next year sadly.

>> No.7822256
File: 105 KB, 600x800, Photo Jul 06, 7 03 50 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And at the least, it's opening up options now for smooth-skinned Bishonen cosplay too, instead of just doing standard male cosplay or ironic ones (although the one pictured has always been a hit).

>> No.7822263

He's brazilian. hahaha Born in Japan, but he lives in Brazil

>> No.7822275
File: 291 KB, 337x1022, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try

>> No.7822282
File: 236 KB, 1500x1000, 51ClMmE - Imgur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool, I did a Nyaruko awhile back too. My makeup at the time looks like garbage, but at least it made my Kuuko friend look cuter by comparison.

>> No.7822288

MTF=male, regardless if you have your man junk or not.

No I didn't cunt.

>> No.7822291

Oh god you look kinda like Alan Cumming but tranny trap version.

But any ways you kinda cute, can give you a blow job and a reach around?

Or are you transbian/brosbian?

>> No.7822295

why dont you do Hastur?
Or the boy that Hastur likes?
both look like traps

>> No.7822296

the hell is /soc/ doing here go watch porn or something you casual

>> No.7822299

Lets hook up I wanna buy you a few drinks and dance with you. And may even shak up in my hotel room like spend the night.

>> No.7822348

not too many traps on /soc/ and hate manly bara faggot queer men too butch for my taste I like sexy traps from CGL. Who want a good ass pounding like Bailey Jay.

>> No.7822359

I don't get why guys don't use petticoats or something. The poof will help hide the lack of hips.

>> No.7822368

man why can't we be harassed by qt girls instead. I'd selfpost more often. All I got in the last thread was a bunch of guys rubbing it off and wanting to hold my hand or some gay shit
petticoats don't come with cosplay and I think they're either lazy or ignorant of them. I have a petticoat but it doesn't have a wire frame so it's not as poofy.

>> No.7822370

so your hetero ok thats fine, then hit up on some lesbos! LOL

otherwise your gonna constantly get hit on new converts to fudge packing.

>> No.7822372

> wire frame
> petticoat
Wait, what.

>> No.7822394
File: 134 KB, 960x1280, Front Facing Fotography Failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of them are supported by wires so that they hold even under heavy fabric.

>Lesbo hits on trap
>Loses her shit when she realizes it has a dick
This is my fetish
Actually I just overall get a kick from people when they realize I'm not a girl. I once had a guy give me his business card while wearing pic related for some foot massage parlor and he started stuttering and spaghetting hard going, "Y-You, you a-are not a gerllll!???" and I started dying right there. I took the business card and laughed along with my friends later at a restaurant, I might still have it.

>> No.7822395

/cgl/ pls halp. I really wanna crossdress but a few barriers stand in my way.

1. Clothing, how to get. (Just suck it up and buy it? Im terrified)
2. Family (if they find out I'll be homeless, student so nowhere else to live)
3. Face is manly, how do I makeup?

>> No.7822401

do trick other dudes its good to trick a dyke they deserve it because of the feminist bitches and the lipstick dykes they are the reason why there are so many insecure men.

Anyways what happens if he doesnt care that your a guy and wants to poke your asshole? And then take turns suck each others cocks LOL.

>> No.7822412

>All I got in the last thread was a bunch of guys rubbing it off and wanting to hold my hand or some gay shit

You do know that you give a lot of straight guys boners after all your disguised as a pretty girl and your sorta trying to lure other men to chase after you.

>> No.7822420

That's not what I meant by a petticoat. Most fabric isn't too heavy for your average fabric petticoat (made of chiffon, organza, or even tulle maybe) anyway, unless it's a long and layered dress.

>> No.7822422

1. Fucking buy it. No one cares much unless you live somewhere really conservative. In that case, just online buy or say it's for your gf/sister/mom/aunt/etc.

2. Hide it like you hide your porn.

3. Go to any makeup store and they'll show you. Or as ask a female friend who knows how to use makeup to show you.

>> No.7822424

Forgot to reply, I shall see you next AX, then! I may be able to make it to Fanime but I am not 100% sure.
For makeup please see my >>7811974 above.

The key thing to note here is that you need to suck it up and buy whatever you need in person. Someone at a cosmetics store can help you pick the correct shades for foundation/contouring for your skin tone, and for some items like shoes, it's better to try them on since different stores size differently.

Clothes should be simpler, find out your measurements, check the store's chart for sizes, and probably purchase a size larger than you need. It is still recommended to purchase in person because items don't always appear the same than they do online. Don't fuck up like I did just now with cosplay in >>7821639.

For hiding it, just carry a bag or backpack with you when you go out, put your shopping in it, and when you return home, place it inside something that doesn't change it's location, is close by, and isn't in danger of being tampered with by other family members. I use a power supply box and nobody ever fucks with it because they think it's a power supply.
LOL well it depends, is he really, really cute? I'd rather a girl honestly but I don't even know what kind of person I'll be tomorrow, anything can happen.

>> No.7822699

>I guess the final conclusion is that this whole trap business in cosplay takes some serious cash and balls.

I'm the person you replied to. Really good that you had the courage to ask an old hag to fix the costume for you.

though I don't necessarily agree it takes cash or balls. I can fix or add simple stuff by myself, literally kids are doing this all over the world. And as for balls, well after a while you just stop caring. I won't walk around in crossplay in public (I still have some decency), though at home and at cons I can do whatever I want

wow that's quite a lot of difference you're getting. I haven't seen a before-after pic of you, but when people notice your face getting rounder than the effects must be pretty big.

Where did you get the Ainterol , if I may ask?

>> No.7822840

>MTF=male, regardless if you have your man junk or not.
confirmed for ignorant douche
>Alan Cumming
Looked him up and oh god way to flatter me lmao
Even if I was single, I'd never continue speaking to someone so perverted after giving me that comparison

I still wanna know if my nudes have been making rounds, god dammit. :l

>> No.7823093

1. Stop giving fucks or buy it online. People don't care about you buy or just go to other side of city and shop there. They probably won't see you ever again.

2. Just hide things. Don't risk it if family can't accept.

3. First start with internet research or ask female friends. You can even ask people working in make up store to help you. Regarding using make up again ask female friend, watch youtube tutorials (even drag queen tutorials can be useful because they know how to conturing your face and so on just don't overdo it like they do) and generally practice with patience.

Also this thread kinda suck. Last one was way better.

>> No.7823407

Petticoats are pretty scratchy, would a slip be appropriate under petticoat?
Or thicker tights?

>> No.7823623

>Petticoats are pretty scratchy, would a slip be appropriate under petticoat?
>Or thicker tights?

Not sure if you have a very itchy petit or you're very sensitive. Try a higher denier tights I guess

>> No.7823659

Just get a better petticoat. Mine is super soft.

>> No.7824359



>> No.7824402

>not a brolita
>not a cosplayer

>> No.7824986

hey man, everyone is welcome here

ew, that first link is really weird. Is that even tucking or is that diy surgery?

Yeah, this! Lots of good advice in one post. It amazes and scares me that I've seen so many people in my life for the last time. I think the vast majority of everyone you'll ever see, you're only going to see them once in your life. So don't worry about buying stuff

hey calm down, I don't know about any nudes, but you can try to reverse image-search them if you wish.

I really love it when people confuse me for a girl. At a con recently I participated in an FPS tournament and I got some silly remarks about "what's a girl doing here" and they honestly didn't realize until I cheered because I won the first round. Shit was really funny actually, we talked afterwards

I agree with this, petit can help a lot to sculpt a manly body and give it curves

there's plenty of traps on /soc/ I think, but there's not always a thread that's interesting for them to post in. I think if you make a crossdressing thread on /soc/ that you'd get a couple of nice responses

You're quite cute. hairbrows could use a lot of work, and your upper arm is ripped, but ah well.

pretty cute! the shadow on the nose really exaggerates it, so that's unfortunate. but it's a cute outfit, I bet you'd look great if you got a Reisen Udongein outfit

hey dude, you're sweet and cute as fuck. Do you have a before-after pic of you on ainterol? I want to try that stuff for a couple of months to see if it helps me give a smoother skin

I'm just wondering here.. but does your family open up your mail or something? or did you open it in front of their eyes? I can't imagine a situation where a family member would find out what another family member receives in the post. you know, without physically opening it without permission. It's in the constitution that you can't open people's mail

>> No.7824998

over-the-knee socks (and thighhighs) are great for concealing man-knees.. it's a good suggestion!

jeez that looks like fun, I'd love to do lolita with a friend (and have raging pseudo-lesbian sex afterwards)

also the room is really cute.. is it the guy's room or the girl's room? Well not that it matters, pretty damn cute!

Alucard is all right to do, though not many people have watched Hellsing, which is unfortunate.

yeah, cute puffy round face, he should definitely do some cross or brolita

>> No.7825237

>hey calm down, I don't know about any nudes, but you can try to reverse image-search them if you wish.

I don't even have nudes of myself saved anymore, so I can't find them that way

>over-the-knee socks (and thighhighs) are great for concealing man-knees.. it's a good suggestion!

I would have worn otks but I don't have any. The only reason I have 'bj knees' in that pic is because I was trying to take closer up pics before that one, but the lighting was too bad. I was also wearing skin tone tights underneath anyway.

>jeez that looks like fun, I'd love to do lolita with a friend (and have raging pseudo-lesbian sex afterwards)

It was a lot of fun! Everyone was really nice for the most part and asked what the occasion was, since we just went out together and not to a meet or anything. One of the workers at the restaurant we went to took a picture with us.

>also the room is really cute.. is it the guy's room or the girl's room? Well not that it matters, pretty damn cute!

It's my boyfriends room! He's the one on the right in >>7819766

>> No.7825276
File: 1.29 MB, 2560x1920, 20140917_161532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I am looking for some advice for somebody starting out crossplaying/brolita

I figured to start off with id keep myself a little notepad/book on what I am doing so I can set up a routine for legs/face/makeup and such.

For now I currently need help with legs and face my hair grows pretty quick and since I started shaving my legs I seem to get razor burns no matter how much shaving gel I use or how much I moisturize.

Any advice on how to keep legs looking good and fine?
Pic related what I currently use on legs and face

>> No.7825337

When you first start shaving legs its easy to get razor burn. Rather than using moisturizer after you shave, you should probably use a gentle aftershave. You can use apple cider vinegar or coconut oil for this. Exfoliate your legs before shaving.

Oh, and shave with the grain first to get the hairs in line, and then against the grain to get as smooth a shave as possible.

>> No.7825375


Have you thought about waxing? I get my armpits waxed (Ill start doing my chest and stomach soon enough) and it makes a world of difference over shaving. Another nice touch is the hair doesn't grow back as thick after each subsequent waxing.

>> No.7825378

When you do your legs use something like a shaving gel and keep it on for an extra 30 seconds or so before you start shaving.

>> No.7826092

hey anon-kun, really nice of you to still be around!

>It was a lot of fun! Everyone was really nice for the most part and asked what the occasion was, since we just went out together and not to a meet or anything. One of the workers at the restaurant we went to took a picture with us.
Aw sweet! Did they know you were a boy? If so, what was their reaction?

>It's my boyfriends room! He's the one on the right in >>7819766
You two are adorable, and it warms my feelings that it was the boy's room. living the dream!

>> No.7826130

Tranny here. Can confirm is real. If you get in a cold bath your balls should naturally retreat into that area, it's just a matter of poking them along the way.

>> No.7826263

>Aw sweet! Did they know you were a boy? If so, what was their reaction?
I'm not a boy
I'm male bodied, but no one seemed to notice or at least no one commented on it within audible range
There was one guy who might have known, because he asked why we were dressed up and when I replied 'It's just a fashion !' his face kinda froze and he paused for several seconds before being like ~okay well have fun~ and walking off.

>> No.7826297

Unless your voice isn't good I seriously doubt he noticed anything, unless you're extremely flattered by the pics I see.

>> No.7826365

well our reaction at the last con was to catch the fella and give him a good gay rape gang bang for his deception you know a woman and faggot have something in common they like to get fucked by men. Traps got best of both worlds lol more like futa does.

>> No.7826377 [DELETED] 

cmon now you know you wanna let a guy suck your cock and pack your fudge. I swallow your tasty load after you drink some mango, pineapple, or coconut juice. Theres a first time for everything and common you know you wanna explore.

>> No.7826379

Your very beautiful, pretty, and lovely, a true angel. I would like to "gay shit" to you if you were willing. (take you out for drinks, dinner and lunch, movies, long walk on the beach, and spend the night at my place etc).

>> No.7826392

well half of us kinda turned guy for that one guy was a trap. I was like ok so I like you and we both have dicks, I consider myself straight so do you mind being my bottom boy boyfriend/girlfriend?

My new nick name Seme-Smith

>> No.7826479

Chasers pls.

>> No.7826517 [DELETED] 
File: 1.26 MB, 2322x4128, 20140830_123321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Post your room, it looks qt


Cast away the shame, no one knows who you are anyway, people finding out is part of the fun (for me anyway)


Stop giving a shit. Seriously, they are working for minimum wage and probably see hundreds of people a day, a guy buying a dress isn't going to be the highlight of their day
Sure they might be like "oh that guy bought a dress lolol" to their co-worker, but they aren't relevant to you life. >>7822422 this guy knows
Ask someone at a make-up store/booth to pick stuff for you, its their god damn job. If they give you shit, complain to the manager and get their ass fired - they just lost the company money


I'm going to lewdly rape your bf, It's been an interest of mine but finding qt traps is really damn hard,
I've come to learn that most traps are into other traps, but you can't actually tell the good ones IRL at a glance (which is normally all you see)


Sounds like a mind break trap doujin plot


How long has this been a thing? That sound so fucking idiotic, yes I mad
"ey boi lemme pack ur fudge" what even started that? hoooly fug

On that note tried getting the guy in pic to pack my fudge about a year ago but he he doesn't like traps =[, still doesn't
still good friends with him tho, saw him at a recent con

>> No.7826527
File: 2.33 MB, 2322x4128, 20140830_123321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Post your room, it looks qt


That herb shit works? News to me


Cast away the shame, no one knows who you are anyway, people finding out is part of the fun (for me anyway)


Stop giving a shit. Seriously, they are working for minimum wage and probably see hundreds of people a day, a guy buying a dress isn't going to be the highlight of their day
Sure they might be like "oh that guy bought a dress lolol" to their co-worker, but they aren't relevant to you life. >>7822422 this guy knows
Ask someone at a make-up store/booth to pick stuff for you, its their god damn job. If they give you shit, complain to the manager and get their ass fired - they just lost the company money


I'm going to lewdly rape your bf, It's been an interest of mine but finding qt traps is really damn hard,
I've come to learn that most traps are into other traps, but you can't actually tell the good ones IRL at a glance (which is normally all you see)


Sounds like a mind break trap doujin plot


How long has this been a thing? That sound so fucking idiotic, yes I mad
"ey boi lemme pack ur fudge" what even started that? hoooly fug

On that note tried getting the guy in pic to pack my fudge about a year ago but he he doesn't like traps =[, still doesn't
still good friends with him tho, saw him at a recent con

>> No.7826536

you're the shimikaze from the last thread right?

>> No.7826551

lol what happened to you, man? you were so nice in the previous thread.

good shimakaze though

>> No.7826556

anyway, I don't suggest you bother with this this thread, the atmosphere is pretty bad and filled with creeps. it's /soc/ and /lgbt/core right now.

>> No.7826559

thats again no homo, but still a chaser


>> No.7826589


yeah, I didn't plan on coming back to this board but I got really bored and wanted to see if a CP thread was still up


Not sure what you mean, my typing tone has always been slightly aggressive, I always try to be nice though,
I plan on doing Yukikaze for Sakuracon, can't come soon enough


I could tell. People need to be more like >>7815580 and just relax
I just like to come in just in case someone really cute shows up like >>7809630

>> No.7826601

not cute I still see the man.

Gotta be more passible like Kayo Sato, Bailey Jay, Bee Artimage etc.

I just see a dude with lots of heavy make up and possibly a wig.

>> No.7826614

thank goodness I'm so uninteresting that none of the creeps noticed me

>> No.7826626

there is a big difference between a guy putting on make-up for fun and full blown transsexuals

>> No.7826778
File: 46 KB, 552x824, 10626227_939070966109847_5224779621475351026_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back, senpai.

I'm doing Saber next. Just casual outfit from F/SN. Any tips where to get wig that'd be good or generally advices, pose suggestions etc. ?

>> No.7826838

Please see my >>7811974

Shea Butter is really good, too, so I'm surprised you're still getting those razor burns. I shave every two weeks, as doing it when hair is still too short results in red patches everywhere. Maybe try shaving a little more slowly?
You may have replied to the wrong person, I'm the only who blurted out "gay shit" in >>7822368, lol
I see. In case you're still around: well, doesn't Yukikaze have short hair? Don't tell me you'll be cutting your hair... ;___;
Nice to see you again! Ahh, I'm pretty envious. I hope I can receive my Reimu again soon. We should meet up at a con and be lime, red, and blue Reimus!

Also on a more technical note, I'd recommend renaming your images before uploading them as it is a privacy issue if you're concerned about that.

>> No.7826844

Meet up would be nice but you're probably from USA, right? I'm poor middle european ;_;

>Also on a more technical note, I'd recommend renaming your images before uploading them as it is a privacy issue if you're concerned about that.
Honestly I don't care. I live in middle of fucking nothing.

>> No.7826933

Well I don't know you so I don't know if you have them--though it sounds like you do?--but the post that freaked you out sounded like they were -requesting- that someone post nudes, not that someone -was-.

>> No.7827167

My voice could be better because I don't practice much, but it's not very deep and I understand the differences in male and female speech so I think I pull it off to most people when I actually try. There have been a few times when talking to people on the phone where they've gendered me female and I wasn't even trying to speak femininely.

I already have a boyfriend who does all these things, if you read the thread

so much this

>Post your room, it looks qt
I would but it's not my room, its my boyfriends ;n;
Also if that's you in your pic on the left you're such a qt awww

>Some post naked pics of him on sexy male.
It's really hard to differentiate whether hes requesting or state that it already happens, now that I think about it. Dat terrible english.

>> No.7827168

shit, I meant on the right
you're both cute tho

>> No.7827195

>Any tips


- Make up is not an exact science so you need to practice and experiment to see what works well on you. Youtube is a great place for tutorials

- If you're starting out then I recommend buying drugstore brand makeup (Rite Aid, Target tier) stuff is super cheap (compared to designer makeup) thus you'll be able to spare some during your initial attempts.

- In addition to makeup and brushes don't forget to buy makeup remover, brush cleaner and finishing powder


>> No.7827204

well you look convincing enough to pass for a fugly looking lesbian.

>> No.7827206

Oh darn, that you already have a boyfriend, I wanted to be him so badly, any ways are you hung? I like it when traps have a bigger dick than me.

>> No.7827237
File: 1.02 MB, 1952x2592, IMAG0863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for kind words.

>> No.7827252


Hey don't listen to him, you're qt 3.14

>> No.7827256

Hey don't listen to him, you're disgusting

>> No.7827265

Poster here
By the way, you might get away with alternative number two.


Go number two. Its easier and less risky.

>> No.7827285

I don't mind baits. Poor someone who would take him seriously.

>> No.7827324

Alright so I've been using highlighter makeup, darker foundation and a blending brush to get my checks countered and it works.

How would i go about contouring my nose?

>> No.7827338

Seriously, there isn't a single guy in this thread who I wouldn't automatically recognize as being male and most are really obvious. It's almost like you don't even understand what a trap is.

>> No.7827354

that was fugly lesbian comment was a complement and thanks,

you look more like a library type lipstick lesbian in the second pic.

And you look cute, are you hung.

I love traps, since i was rejected too many times by biological breasted-vag women.

>> No.7827356

>Crossplay/Brolita General
Why the fuck am I even replying to bait?

>> No.7827358

I knew it my co-worker is a sexy trap after all,

you look like this cute girl i used to work with.

>> No.7827363

I think you should start posting on /s/

fuck's /s/ transphobic atittude and there imaginary heterosexuality.

Its time the fine sexy traps of cgl post on /s/ they could learn to suck your trap cocks and enjoy trap ass(as they will learn the truth that trap ass tighter than any virgin pussy they ever gonna fuck).

>> No.7827365

How is that put down if i said he looked like a real ugly lesbian, still pass for female period. He didnt look like some nasty looking drag queen like fucking Howard stern (he sucks at it he just wears a dress, make up and well his hair is already long so now wig dont know if he is closet gay which i doubt just look at his cover of his book miss america)

>> No.7827371
File: 595 KB, 633x986, Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 11.28.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howard Stern in crossplay mode and not very pretty.

you folks here are much better.

>> No.7827372 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 480x360, da872a4e538170e5e9f71d7741dcf64d3f07b20ea729e42b4e6757ea214bb976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7827373

your photo please

Lets go to the men's bath house in Japan alone just us too. If you wanna have some fun.

>> No.7827377

yes sir ree NO HOMO

its okay to fuck traps as long as the look like real hot chick. And even play and suck on there junk (its just a big clit, or vagina flaps look and feel like a scrotum).

Not into manly butch muscular men nor little boys.

>> No.7827384

So traps look like girls but you think they are more attainable because they are boys and that is why you like traps?

>> No.7827398

True Goddess's of cgl

regardless that there traps because mean stuck girls suck.

Sexy fine Traps> /s/

>> No.7827402

hell yeah, there more understanding and sweeter.
And no fake orgasms.

Besides its like I broke up with a chick but only a few months later to start dating her trap brother who looks like her expect more fun in bed.

>> No.7827405

thats stuck up and mean girls

>> No.7827407

this thread sure went to shit fast

>> No.7827420

>complain about thread quality
>contribute nothing
Good job anon! You're helping.

>> No.7827905
File: 100 KB, 442x262, objection.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never in my life have I ever done such a thing

>I already have a boyfriend who does all these things, if you read the thread

>> No.7828036

no it hasnt!
Its not gone to shit.

Look at these men here they are brave enough to admit there cocklust for shemales and traps, there coming out of the closet......well ok there straight-fags like myself were not quite bisexual be are attracted to anything fem and has a penis. I call it momosexuality as long as your male who faps to futanari, traps, and shemales your not gay as long as you dont take it up the ass. Its hetero to suck and swallow fem cock/she cock/lady dick.

Such beautiful white European lady boys today.

>> No.7828228

I got cancer trying to make sense of this and now need chemotherapy.

Maybe releasing your load should reduce strain on your brain?

>> No.7828247

Yes! Bingo!!!

Our frustration and with our semen ejaculation release helps reduce stress and strain.

>> No.7828983

Yeah, I look at that and still see myself. That's what I get for doing it half-asleep, I guess. B-but that doesn't mean I can't be cute as a man~

Thanks, guys! It's nice to get feedback like this.

T-thanks I guess? I'm straight, but I guess if they're as cute as a grill, I'd be willing to try.

Also, am I the only one who thinks it'd be super hot to fuck a girl and whisper "How does it feel to be fucked by a guy who's cuter than you?" in her ear?

>> No.7829005

>Also, am I the only one who thinks it'd be super hot to fuck a girl and whisper "How does it feel to be fucked by a guy who's cuter than you?" in her ear?
Nope. It's like domination in a sort of way, defeating a cute girl at her own game. I am not going to die without having experiencing this.

>> No.7829083

>Also, am I the only one who thinks it'd be super hot to fuck a girl and whisper "How does it feel to be fucked by a guy who's cuter than you?" in her ear?
I hate people like you. Why are you even bringing something like this to this thread or board?

>> No.7829581

>How does it feel to be fucked by a guy cuter than you

Well if my sister tells me that she get me or some other guy to rape you fucking trap. Teach you sexy tranny trap a lesson.

Dont you insult the wrong chick.

And dont talk shit about conservative areas, fucking most of you guys suck and fail at being traps, fugly as shit still look like a man with a wig dress and make up, your not all Bailey Jay and Kayo Sato material nor quality.

>> No.7829611

holy shit lmao, was your sister fucked by a trap or something? you look pathetic

>> No.7829687

At first I thought of lesbian sex than she told me and my pa so...... I'm stalking that asshole . Hopefully my buddies who work for corrections will send that trap to rykers island or San quintin and he we'll be raped by 20-50 guys

>> No.7829689 [DELETED] 

It's fun to rape a trap because it's almost like raping a lesbian dyke bitch that's if the trap don't do cock

>> No.7829706

Men and boys shouldn't dress in women's clothing unless u wanna some bacha bazi pleasure boy for Taliban , Al Queda, ISIS

>> No.7829716

Can we get a ban, please? Or at least pick a trip so I can filter you. Thanks.

>> No.7829732 [DELETED] 

No how about fuck u

It's not normal for dudes to disguise em selves as chicks unless ur faggot and ur kinda tranny shit is destroying western civilization

>> No.7829734

>I understand that /pol/ is being a shithole right now but nobody in /cgl/ gives a fuck about your shitty drama so leave

>> No.7829758


>> No.7829769
File: 650 KB, 628x736, Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 10.37.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheer up guys

hey look progressional crossplay

>> No.7829773
File: 459 KB, 358x745, Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 10.39.13 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

professional crossplay

crossplay done right not fugly dude with hairly legs

>> No.7829789

aren't you not meant to refer to it as crossplay when the cosplayer is transgender?

>> No.7829790

Also you, yes you. I finally got my cosplay back and while it's not 100% what it should, it fits and will work, but I have a question since you are a fellow Reimu cosplayer: How do you get the hair tubes to attach to your hair? It seems like there is nothing that holds it in place :<

>> No.7829795

shave them in the shower or bath, after at least 10 minutes. maybe save them for last. exfoliate with a washcloth or similar. then follow the other anons' advice.

>> No.7829831
File: 2.11 MB, 376x368, e0261ad6ab8309a16ccae17887ec7006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a few months away from /cgl/
>come back to this.

What a shitty thread, you pieces of shit need to go to /soc/.

>> No.7829849
File: 450 KB, 600x900, touhou_koumajou_densetsu_2_by_hakimei-d3ioggi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since fucking when are Bailey Jay and Kayo considered cosplayers? much less professional ones. You middle schoolers need to keep your porn discussion on redtube or wherever the fuck you kids watch your 'shemale' shit.

Unfortunately it looks like summer hasn't ended for the seaguls just yet.

You bitches need to stop acting so proud of your fucking faces. You have literally nothing to contribute in terms of good crossplay. If your intent is to camwhore, there are boards better suited for it.

I reiterate. Please gtfo and go back to /soc/

>> No.7829854

>you cant cosplay because u dont belong 2 muh secret club

>> No.7829886

Omg that Tohou cosplayer is a dude?

>> No.7829907
File: 451 KB, 600x900, touhou_koumajou_densetsu_by_hakimei-d3io20g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup! He's pretty rad.

...secret club?

>> No.7829941

Maximum Overb8 Red Alert
Quarantine Thread /soc/ and /pol/ have invaded the premises.

>> No.7829945


With Touhou cosplayers I'll always assume its a dude no matter how much the look like girls.

>> No.7829962

>With Touhou cosplayers I'll always assume its a dude no matter how much the look like girls
there's quite a lot of girls in touhou fandom you know. they just don't play the games as often, and if they do it's most likely hisouten. I'm not saying they don't play the games at all, but at any given con you'll always see female touhous walking around, alongside with twice as many traps

>> No.7829964

I'd suck his dick.

>> No.7829975

Half this thread is hate and I'm just waiting for muster and drinking a Coke, wondering how to do military themed Lolita.

>> No.7830196

What the fuck, guy? Who died and made you the head of the fashion board?

>> No.7830314

Yeah dude nobody can crossplay because they are newfags to /cgl/ and we're at the same level of /b/ when some anon claims to be female so they must fuck off right now

>> No.7830650
File: 126 KB, 678x451, takane_shijou_53_by_nonomy-d7kv9iy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>wanting camwhores to go to the camwhore board =/= hate

It has the words 'CAMS & MEETUPS' in fucking big bold letters, for fucks sake.


Self-policing has always been a part of board culture, and sorry to break it to you, but none of this shit is considered Crossplaying:

>we're at the same level of /b/ when some anon claims to be female

I have no fucking clue what you're trying to say with that (in relation to the thread). I have no problem with traps, and trans people. They can post whatever the fuck they want as long as it's related content, and it's content worth posting. If you want to go around and talk about how cute you are with a bunch of chasers, feel free to do so. Just do us all the favor to stick to the board dedicated for it.

>> No.7830674

>tits or gtfo
>cosplay or gtfo
idk but you called some actual crossplayers shiters, not all of them posted crossplay/brolita but some of them did, it may not be great but it was on topic so please stop being a retard

>> No.7830690
File: 120 KB, 648x698, takane_shijo_43_by_nonomy-d4tcew3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you called some actual crossplayers shiters
pfff, alright.

>throwing on a random wig and taking a selfie
muh cosplay

I don't even know that this is? white trash cosplay?


>> No.7830698

It's probably someone who's upset because they're not getting the attention they want.

Big surprise, men who pretend to be women are histrionic and attention whores just like actual women.

>> No.7830701

''I won't pay attention to the thread so I'll just say he's a shitter''

>> No.7830910

Shameless selfposting.

I like to think that I pass.

>> No.7830914
File: 98 KB, 255x350, 20140920_195640137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opps forgot pic.

>> No.7831338

Who is this Flandre person and where can I see more of this qt?

>> No.7831363

I've been busting my ass for months trying to get in shape to crossplay, and I'm still not even close. But I am getting there! I swear, once I achieve trap mode, I'm going to have my portrait painted that way so I can remember it always.

When I'm old and gray, I can look back and remember that I was once kawaii.

>> No.7831473

Can you just get trip so people can filter your off topic shitposting?

>> No.7831483
File: 58 KB, 422x750, c798a99709cf4ece505a1d6180e9acff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I'm old and gray, I can look back and remember that I was once kawaii.

Wow this is depressing. Makes me realize again and again that I'll only be young once, and right now is the time to try and be a trap because after 30-40 no one will look good any more.

looks pretty cute from this angle, not sure what you really look like but sweet

A military themed lolita? Well I'm not sure how that is going to look like with modern military uniforms, but classic WW1 WW2 era would be super easy. You basically go with white-underneath and that typical army-green or brown or black as a dress colour. Anything with emblems and gold-stripes on them will look military themed. (see pic)

Koumajou Densetsu Reimu looks great, I love seeing these at cons. I think there's some ready-made Sakuya and Ran Densetsu costumes available as well.

Yeah I can attest that soaked skin handles shaving a lot better than dry skin. What I always do is shave in the bath tub (or shower, whatever), put some shampoo on the area I want to shave, so I have some lubrication for shaving. You really don't want to rely on the friction of the blades

>> No.7831492
File: 2.28 MB, 1632x2464, _DSC8066 copy - kopie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't even know that this is? white trash cosplay?
Forgive me, anon-kun. I just posted wrong pic. There is no need to have rustled jimmies, anon-kun. Here have another fugly pic of me, anon-kun.

>> No.7831531

Wasn't specifically referring to you regarding the hate, but now that I look at it I'm pretty sure you're just some neckbeard or legbeard trying to derail the board because you dislike that people can feel comfortable with the fact that they have a slightly less than ideal appearance when dressing up as the opposite gender.

>> No.7832873


>> No.7833327
File: 357 KB, 534x660, Screen Shot 2014-09-21 at 9.52.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here

>white trash cosplay

Hey about go fuck yourself cunt!

Dont you talk like that about pretty sexy fine European heritage cute crossplayer.

What are you some kind of gook?chinky?nip?

Kayo Sato does good crossplay too!