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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 839 KB, 766x909, cuntifulsyn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7796214 No.7796214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well this could get interesting. Time to grab the popcorn!

Have any similar experiences, seagulls?

>> No.7796326

Hey, post the reaction from her. I don't know either of these people so I can't tell who's right and who's lying in this situation...

>> No.7796333

Both sides are talking shit but I don't see screencaps from either of them. Sounds like both of them fucked up.

>> No.7796336

I personally don't give a shit either way, but I think it's cute in a retarded way that people are so eager to hear both sides.

>> No.7796354

Both sides are really saying differing things, especially the timeline. Domi says she ordered in Jan. And the Syn girl says March. It would be so simple if either of them just posted screenshots. Obviously shit is weird on both sides since the stories vary so much but neither is posting screencaps.

>> No.7796357

Yeah I would like to see both sides of this story. There seems to be only one side being told here.

>> No.7796359

I'm way too lazy to screencap it but listening to the commissioner and the majority of comments (on both pages) makes me side with the commissioner. The cosplayer being in cosplay deviants doesn't help.

>> No.7796372

sent her money via paypal to work on a chii dress she never responded to anything I sent her concerning size or timelength. I was llucky that I resolved it thru paypal. KEEP EMAILS!

>> No.7796378

Neither have posted proof there's really no way to side with either IMO

Unless one has a bad reputation and honestly I don't see how being on CD matters unless she bitched and accused them of stealing money or not paying her.

>> No.7796380

If you read the article CAREFULLY this is simply a case of customer orders product and pays for it. Producer doesn't produce product. Customer requests a refund. Producer refuses....if you take the emotion out of it this is just a case of bad business ethics on the part of the Producer.

>> No.7796382

You sent the Syn girl money? Post the screencaps on her status saying you've also had problems with her.

>> No.7796386

Unless the buyer is lying... And no proof from either side. Seriously one of them just needs to post the PayPal transaction date and it would kill the whole thing.

>> No.7796397

Obviously this thread was started with the intention to shitpost about the commissioner, it's so fucking transparent.

>> No.7796402

Almost every post in this thread has been asking for proof from either side. So if that was the point then OP must be disappointed.

>> No.7796416

I find that the buyers often are partially to blame because they don't know when to put their foot down.

No product by the agreed time? GUESS WHAT, I'm calling for a chargeback or filing a paypal dispute. Fuck that pussyfooting around about "Oh teehee I'll pay you at x con" or "Teehee I'll refund you so much money but I'm keeping some of it because I think I worked for it somehow plus I bought fabric!" FUCK THAT NOISE.

>> No.7796426

>for anime blues con
I was really hoping that it would be ABC general drama

>> No.7796433
File: 664 KB, 519x966, syn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7796446

Screen caps are up!


>> No.7796462

Pictures for ants...

>> No.7796463

>I made a pattern and used my time so I didn't want to give her the refund she requested
Oh well? I'm sorry that shit happens, but if a customer doesn't get a product then they don't owe it to the maker to pay for unfinished materials. If that's the case, then a non-refundable DEPOSIT should be established before the transaction for that very reason. And poo on the commissioner for not establishing that, they're still in the wrong.

Now, ABC was in June.
Dragoncon was at the end of August and the commission was initiated back in March.
That's a RIDICULOUS amount of time to wait for a commissioner to get their shit together (after exceeding their promised time; meaning that customer should be priority) and it's no wonder the buyer smelled shady shit at that point.
And I'm sorry, but I don't believe a buyer wouldn't send their measurements. I think that's a damn lie. That's like, one of the very first things a buyer on a time constraint would do.

>> No.7796471

screenshots were posted in the comments from tumblr

>> No.7796487

Totally agree with this person, sounds like Beautiful Syn needs to take a couple business classes down at the ole community college

>> No.7796499

Yeah anyone siding with the seller at this point is delusional. If you fail to deliver a product, you don't get to keep half the cash for free because you spent some time screwing around with patterning. That's like accidentally losing someone's commission then demanding half the money anyway because of all the time you put into it.

>> No.7796510

If the cosplay deviants slut really couldn't be bothered to send out her measurements, keep all the cash and send her whatever was done without her measurements. Don't feel bad, some neckbeard will finance her next one by tomorrow.

>> No.7796515


This girl's logic
>Go to McDonalds
>Order Chicken Sandwich
>Get a Big Mac instead.
>"Hey this isn't what I ordered"
>"Ok we will give you the Chicken Sandwich but you're going to have to pay for cost to make that Big Mac as well."

I don't eat there but it's a great place to use in these analogies.

>> No.7796518

Hi scammer.

>> No.7796523

Couldn't be assed to read any of the caps, could you?

>> No.7796530

Well I would understand her logic if she took the comission, made progress and put effort into it, and then the buyer cancelled. Like ordering a BicMac, then changing your mind and wanting a chicken sandwich.

>> No.7796531

Woah domi is being a total cunt. Why would she keep the stuff about the other chick's divorce in there?

>> No.7796539

looks the "other chic" tells too much of her personal business

>> No.7796541

Literally not even her, I just think that this is childish on both of their parts and that Domi (or a Domi whiteknight) taking it to 4chan is sad.

>> No.7796543

Better question: Why is something so personal such as a divorce being brought into a business transaction if it's so private to begin with? The commissioner is the one who tried to manipulate her buyer with a sympathy card and now you're going to act like she's the bitch for rightfully including it in the screencaps (when I'm sure if she would have cut it you would have accused her of hiding a detail).

That gets no sympathy from me.
All I've seen from this Syn bitch are excuses. Not professionalism.

>> No.7796544

LOL you mad bro?

>> No.7796552

WHAT!?!! Beautiful Syn is getting a divorce??? does her husband know?!?

>> No.7796556

This seller is so full of shit. She's saying it took her 8 hours to 'pattern' a pair of shorts and a tank top? First, if the buyer did link her a pattern, it would be easy to scale them to size (assume this bitch actually knows how to pattern). Even if she didn't, the outfit is very simplistic and could be made off of basic commercial patterns. Her conduct the whole time is shameful.

Yes, the buyer should have been more alert when this girl said it would take five months to make a tank and shorts, but, ultimately, the seller did not deliver and she should receive a full refund.

>> No.7796563

Too bad no one is calling out on syns page the lies so far

>caps show conversation started in Jan, invoice paid in Feb, not march
>momocon not even mentioned

Syn said something about asking for measurements but it looks like Domi asked about some chart and never got an answer on it just a 'send them whenever' reply

>> No.7796566

Because Syn is using it as a way to get sympathy from Domi and also as a way to justify why she hasn't done shit. It's relevant to the situation.

>> No.7796571

saw her at dragon con on some guys nuts. next morning they both smelled like snatch when they hugged me. #EW

>> No.7796572
File: 124 KB, 353x316, Screen Shot 2014-03-09 at 6.51.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's absolute bullshit and I noticed she got at least 16 retarded fans of hers to go to Domi's fb post and spam the shit out of it because

>> No.7796581


>> No.7796594
File: 176 KB, 537x439, Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 11.05.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no negative review of a commissioner can be real if there are positive reviews before it
>lack of professionalism was not the issue about the commissioner, merely that she is opinionated and comes off the 'wrong way' sometimes
>this is their logic
>this is literally whiteknight logic

>> No.7796607

the fuck, a laura croft cosplay? I could finish that at Target or Walmart. How you gonna goof that up?

>> No.7796618

This. Why the fuck did she even have to commission something so easy??

>> No.7796619

Another popular commissioner gets away with being an unprofessional dick to a buyer because a bunch of her retarded weeb fans say so and ignore the facts because they want to kiss ass?
Shocker. Maybe that Trinity idiot will get another well-deserved freebie for so obediently defending her broodmother.

>> No.7796623

maybe bitch can't sew. at least she's not pretending she can by taking commissions.

>> No.7796631

>want to tell this bitch off so badly
>don't want to invoke the wrath of a thousand unreasonable whiteknights over drama I'm not even involved in
It's so hard to resist........

>> No.7796634

But it doesn't even require sewing, she could have peiced it all together online kek.

>> No.7796638

The most ridiculous lie here is when Syn said she made MULTIPLE PATTERNS FOR MULTIPLE SIZES

I'm laughing so hard at that nonsense. Are you for fucking real? That is the most bs lie I've heard recently. And no opposing screen grabs showing her asking for measurements or trying to get in touch with Domi for them

>> No.7796641

Welp, you make a compelling argument anon. I can see why lack of personal sewing skill and ebayfu merits someone getting fucked out of their time and money by a commissioner who knows better.

>> No.7796642
File: 22 KB, 490x324, 934822_10102021057207335_7631546124405517231_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second? Beautiful Syn is popular? Really?!?! I mean she is TECHNICALLY single now since she's been planning on getting a divorce for months...plus her recent cosplay work is clearly more "risque" If this isn't troll for some STRANGE D I don't know who is!

>> No.7796646

Do it. Do it for us.

>> No.7796647

this strawman lmao

>> No.7796651

I don't actually know, is she not popular?
I just assumed since she had a good number of people blindly whiteknighting that she must have a decent following.

>> No.7796654

People commission for simple cosplay pieces all the time. It's nothing new or controversial.
Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn't get a fb sock account for just such an occasion.

>> No.7796658

I've debated it too.

>> No.7796663
File: 541 KB, 463x543, lara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lara Croft's top and shorts from Tomb Raider Underworld
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but with a bit of hunting around I feel like you could find these for less than $20.

>> No.7796665

Calm your tits I'm not saying it merits shit just making fun of how easy that cosplay choice is damn kekeke.

>> No.7796673

Cool story.

>> No.7796680

Your newfag is showing

>> No.7796683

she'd just delete them because she's scared

>> No.7796686

>Feels compelled to add this sort of parroted snark to a thread without adding anything of merit
So is yours.

>> No.7796688

I saw Voldies comments were deleted so yah probably true

>> No.7796690

>multiple pattern sizes
>7 hours on one

Confirmed for grasping at straws for sympathy. It doesn't even take professionals that long to make patterns, let alone cosplayers.

>> No.7796695

What did she say? Screens?

>> No.7796701

Yeah like... It makes no sense, especially since she isn't coming forward with screencaps of all the times she supposedly tried to ask for measurements. Who as a commissioner in their right mind would go ahead and make several patterns for a supposedly unresponsive buyer instead of, you know, sending them a message that they cannot start making the costume without measurements. This girl obviously didn't even start on this thing and couldn't humble herself to tell the truth. Also the bit about her just saying Domi agreed to have it by d*con is also a lie it looks like, the only reference to d*con in the caps is bringing the money and fabric to it

>> No.7796704

You keep using the word merit as if you're offering any yourself newfag. Don't get butthurt so easily faggot. You her or something?

>> No.7796706

I don't have caps as I didn't think they would be deleted. But Voldie said that Syn was just 'playing nice' and sending her fans over to Domis page. Syn said she wasn't condoning name calling or bashing but Voldie pointed out she had liked every negative comment about Domi on her (Syns) status which is basically the same thing.

>> No.7796707

Exactly. I myself have done the odd commission. My "clients" (for better word) and I go purchase fabric together and I request reference pics and measurements upon that first meeting. Also offer to get measurements if they're unsure. Because a fabric store won't judge you for that.

Obviously I understand that not everyone does local too; but reference pics and measurements are the FIRST things you receive

>> No.7796743

I like how that anon wasn't even me.
How does it feel to know that more than two people think you're an asshat?

>> No.7796747

>implying anyone here is butthurt and you're not just being annoying
Anyone who calls you out is a newfag I guess.

>> No.7796749
File: 14 KB, 200x200, 1409661751204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to be a samefag? Your costume choice is shit. Learn to sew coswhore. Welcome to /cgl/?

>> No.7796754

If anything the only thing worth commissioning would be the tank top, because of the fabric, but yeah those shorts are relatively easy to find.

>> No.7796758
File: 33 KB, 620x410, 12742-620x-12742-620x-Bitches-and-whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not your personal army catty bitches. Go back to fb.
>Both whoring out their work
>Both get upset when it backfires

>> No.7796762
File: 31 KB, 680x173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about what either of us (because there are in fact at least two of us, pic related) is saying makes you think in any way we'd be Domi? I for one decided to call you out because I think people like you are the reason the other boards hate us- quick to anger, refusal to see reason, needlessly catty, throws our buzzwords like "newfag" and "samefag" to sound cool and relevant... Just go away, you're being annoying. And since you were such a cunt that I didn't explicitly express I was doing it last time:
>sage for ot and no contribution
>inb4 "why are you so mad anon?" Because I'm old and grumpy and youths make my piles itch

>> No.7796766

I knew there was something off about this bitch. Nobody in my group Sunday night at Dragoncon wanted anything to do with her. They aren't drama types, either. Just a bunch of older cosplayers and the amount of disdain they hold for Amie is impressive. I didn't ask for any stories but maybe I should now.

>> No.7796769
File: 37 KB, 200x201, 342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7796770

>whiteknights trying to brush this under the rug by making strawmans about personal craft skill and "BAWWW NO PERSONAL ARMY"

We've had scammer threads before.
Get over it, "newfags" or should I say, Syntards.

>> No.7796771

Lol only like two posts said anything about calling Syn out and OP didn't make a call to arms either, moron.

If you're not used to us laughing about stupid cosplayer drama on both sides then you're the one who deserves the welcome to /cgl/ memo rofl

>> No.7796772

>Because I'm old and grumpy and youths make my piles itch

>> No.7796776 [DELETED] 

>Mfw that's every newfags excuse when they have vendetta they want to announce to cgl.

>> No.7796778

I don't have a dog in this fight but as a professional I refuse to give quotes without measurements, because that's how I can gauge materials expenses. No measurements, no quote, no commission.

As for making different patterns in different sizes? Really, that's stupid. Like rock eating stupid. I think a better translation would be "I don't know how to pattern so I found some Butterick shit that will work at JoAnns"

It takes me about 2 hours to pattern a formal dress off of a (bad) sketch onto a dress form.

>> No.7796780

So which whiteknight are you on fb?

>> No.7796782

Beautiful Syn seems to be in the wrong (no need for that easy commission to take that long), but there's no excuse for posting personal info about someone's impending divorce and money troubles. That's just low.

>> No.7796783

She's a bitch to other cosplayers and photogs so no one really feels bad that knows that. Also what was the point in saying it? Pity card for free money?

>> No.7796788
File: 42 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Summer is still here. Commissioner just pay the refund. I've had deals drop like this with hundreds of dollars and I never made a shitstorm as big as this for it. Sometimes you trust the wrong people, just deal with it and move on. If you weren't a talentless cosplayer this wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.7796789

I'm in no way a professional and I believe you in the 2 hours for a complete dress pattern. Bodices are fiddly.

7 hours was probably the amount of time she thought of what excuse to use for "I couldn't be bothered making a tank and shorts"

>> No.7796791

I appreciate this kind of thread, scammers should be called out.

>> No.7796795

>no excuse for posting personal info about someone's impending divorce and money troubles
Whose fault is that for being unprofessional and disclosing that sort of information to a customer in order to emotionally blackmail them into giving them more time to work on a commission?
Wanna know what's low? Taking advantage of peoples' empathy because someone isn't mature enough to admit they can't do a paid job and refund someone their money.

>> No.7796802

Sure, just don't get butthurt when we attack you for bringing dramu to our board.

>> No.7796805

She told those details to a client that didn't even need to know. Plus if Domi had cropped those out, I don't doubt that Syn or her whiteknights would have jumped on it and claimed she was covering up details to make Syn look bad.

>> No.7796806

>I've had deals drop like this with hundreds of dollars and I never made a shitstorm as big as this for it.
Maybe you haven't, but in past scammer generals people have been posted for less.
>talentless cosplayer blah blah blah
Good fucking god, get over it. I can tell you're the same faggot bitching about newfags and talent from earlier.

To reiterate: Her talent or lack thereof as a cosplayer does not give SYNPHILIS the right to treat her however she pleases and screw her out of her time and money.

>> No.7796808

>complaining about dramu
>on cgl
It's true.
Newfags are calling other people newfags to hide how new they actually are. Since when the fuck has cgl ever been drama free? Where the fuck were you when other scammer generals went down? Newbie.

>> No.7796809

Okay this has gone on long enough, this is Amie AKA Beautiful Syn. I don't need my fans to fight my battles I can do that on my own. Domi and the rest of her Cosplay Deviant friends aren't real cosplayers, they just strip..THAT'S IT! They will never be real cosplayers and only get likes because they get naked. Secondly, my personal business is my own and it is none of anyone's business if I am getting a divorce, she had no right posting something I told her in confidence. Lastly, I admit I took on this commission and her money up front and no I couldn't give it back when she asked for it because it was already spent. Unlike her I have a family, bills to pay and mouths to feed. So please stop bothering me and messaging my personal fb page Amie Jay, THANK YOU!

>> No.7796813

They were friends, Domi wasn't just another customer

>> No.7796817

Highly doubt it's you. Tits or shoe on head.

>> No.7796818

First time I posted in this thread you sandy bitch. Getting ripped off and sharing the experience so that fellow cosplayers won't make the same mistake doesn't have anything to do with stirring drama, so if you're not interested just gtfo.
>our board
Who do you think you are?

>> No.7796819

That's what makes this vendetta shit. Had they not known each other this would have had more cred. But they're just publicized their falling out and then shared all their secrets like wildfire. We get enough of that from Yaya and Jnig.

>> No.7796820

Kek. Like hell that's actually her. Sounds so fake and putting her real name at the end? Domi fan for sure.

>> No.7796821

It was still a business transaction. Why would you bring personal stuff into that? Mentioning the wreck I understand but why randomly tell someone who's paying you that you're divorcing your husband?

Either way she's extremely unprofessional and that started with never once getting the girl's measurements and completely forgetting she owed her a measurement sheet. Who the hell starts a commission without measurements?

>> No.7796822

Nah don't go putting yourself on a high pedestal when you know you fucked up.

>> No.7796823
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>> No.7796825

Wow, I really hope this is a troll, she can't be that retarded, right? RIGHT?!?

>> No.7796826
File: 15 KB, 236x236, bitch, please..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cosplay Deviant friends aren't real cosplayers, they just strip.
And you waste peoples' time and blame your shortcomings as a commissioner on your clients.
So much better. At least strippers earn their cash.
>it is none of anyone's business if I am getting a divorce
But it's conveniently your client's business to know about your divorce so long as it buys you more time to be a shitty commissioner :^)
>when she asked for it because it was already spent
If you didn't establish that there was a non-refundable deposit for materials and labor at the beginning of the transaction, then you have no damn right to suddenly assume that you can charge for materials and labor of an undelivered good--which BTW is entirely your fault for taking over SIX MONTHS and destroying her trust in you to fulfill YOUR commitment.

So go the fuck away and refund that poor girl.
I'm sure she'll take her shit down if you refund her and personally apologize. Can your shit ego handle that?

>> No.7796827

Fuck off.
You don't know what that word means.

>> No.7796829

You just took the b8 m8.

Or you're a samefag trying to stir up even more drama by arguing with yourself.

>> No.7796831
File: 15 KB, 560x371, 10481728_843110929033813_6163151548917818259_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K then.

>> No.7796832

What's the difference? Honestly.
It's Syn's same fucking banter. And she'd be wise to publicly deny that outburst now considering the negative reaction she's about to get for it.

>> No.7796833

Okay, and you know this how? Did you write it or something?
Oh, it's you again. Look, multiple people itt think Syn is a shit. Same story on fb. Get over it.

>> No.7796836

Reposting same picture why?

>> No.7796840

Why not?
>Syn making fun of cosplay deviants for pandering
>does her own lewd photoshoots
toppest of keks

>> No.7796842
File: 24 KB, 274x237, 1409660676064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I don't know either of them.
>and will keep it that way

>> No.7796845

>Bodices are fiddly
I know this isn't a sewing thread, but depending on your bust to waist ratio some bust darts are going to always look good on you, and some will almost always look bad (this of course isn't factoring in changes that can be caused by measuring in one bra and wearing with another-- always measure and fit in the same bra you intend on wearing with the item.) When you find a good one, copy it onto freezer paper, iron it (plastic side down) to some muslin and save that baby-- then whenever you get a commercial pattern that you like but has different darts you can use yours as a guide.

A bodice is just a blouse connected to a skirt and blouses are easy, it's just the techniques for fit are a little more precise but they aren't difficult.

>> No.7796846

you're literally as bad as Syn's whiteknights lmao.
both people in this situation are retarded

>> No.7796852
File: 28 KB, 618x564, 7Z1tZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have to write more than 2 sentences explaining why you're butthurt, you've officially lost. I think tumblr would be more your cup of tea

>> No.7796853

>Doesn't say anything more about the situation on her Facebook besides the first post
>says stuff about CD that's sure to incite arguments against her
>Posts real name and asks people not to message her

Yeah, it's total fucking bait. I'm not on her side, but it's clearly an angry Domi fan trying to get people mad at Syn and harass her personal FB.

>> No.7796857
File: 37 KB, 500x281, 1352298443840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw my friend did this to me but she's so popular I kept my mouth shut and let her keep the money after confronting her about it.
>in4b beta fag
>never trust friends with commissions

>> No.7796859

Don't you get it bitch! I CAN'T PAY HER BACK! I don't have the money! Don't you get that?!?! I barely was able to go to Dragoncon this year and finish my cosplays as it is. Why do you think I started posing for nude style sets? It was so I could actually sell some prints on my page to afford to go. No one was buying the regular ones. Cosplay is all I have and the only thing that makes me happy anymore. So just STFU and LEAVE ME ALONE!

>> No.7796860

You said it. You said go back to tumblr. I've just won cgl buzzphrase bingo!

>> No.7796861
File: 47 KB, 290x290, You_got_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody said if did you fucking autist.
>domi pls go

>> No.7796863

Fake confirmed. Not even trying.

>> No.7796864

Neither of the are in this thread would you just fucking stop

>> No.7796866

> I barely was able to go to Dragoncon this year and finish my cosplays as it is.
If you were taking commissions like a professional, you would have put the customers needs before your own.

>> No.7796868
File: 1.80 MB, 282x257, youreperfectjustthewayyouare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so mad and it's so funny.
like tumblr hambeast blog post about thin privilege funny

>> No.7796870

>being this mad

>> No.7796871
File: 63 KB, 800x800, resized_third-world-success-kid-meme-generator-they-ate-the-bait-fuck-yea-3f31da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7796873

>being this much of a walking stereotype in a desperate bid to make people like you because you're "lolsoedgy toppest of keks"

>> No.7796877

Just want to clear things up. If you have the word 'beautiful' in your name, you might be a faggot.

>> No.7796879

Then the only thing you can do is finish the costume and send it to her with an apology. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that you've found the time to come post on forums (as well as FB) and haven't found the time to take care of your client. It's really not that hard.

>> No.7796881

I might also be a faggot. Syn, why won't you come make out with me?! I want to feel you inside of me!

>> No.7796883

This went from amusing dramu to watching some idiot argue and comment back and forth with himself. Time to abandon thread.

>> No.7796885

O bby. Let's make up and make out. We can take nudes together!

>> No.7796887

some fail Syntards and white knights

>> No.7796888

Oh yes! I would sooo love that! Why not go a step further? I'm sure we both may know someone with a good video camera that can edit. <3

>> No.7796889
File: 708 KB, 260x146, 1364724961405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whiteknight raid begins
Too bad your precious Synphilis still looks like a lying ass to the sane and rational person.
>mfw I love watching me some dramawhores squirmmmm

>> No.7796891

Then we can earn back your money! Together! Friendship IS magic!!!

>> No.7796895

No, it's really not. It's like ordering something, getting nothing for hours, meanwhile the manager that took your cash for the sandwich up front is telling you that since you're upset and want to leave that they'll be keeping half your money because they shaped the chicken patty.

>> No.7796898

>what a professional seamstress makes

Drama aside I just couldn't get past this lol

>> No.7796900

Oops, meant to reply to >>7796515

>> No.7796901

Probably just Syntards trying to cover their queen's tracks by KEKEKEUE MAKING EERYONE LOOK LIKE A FAG ITT XD XD

>> No.7796905
File: 337 KB, 1500x1000, 1409661602697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or we just don't give a shit about spoiled brats. All of them.

>> No.7796907

>my niggers
>tfw 64 likes and 15 shares on that fb shit
I have faith in humanity.

>> No.7796909

o shit still posting as Syn. Rofl.

>> No.7796912


>> No.7796913

>mfw scammer thread quickly turns into a cringe thread instead

>> No.7796921

Bad news anon, Syn's post has just as many likes. Though it's clear she only has as many because she saved face, deleted most (good) oppositional comments, and lied about screencapped details.

The world is unfair.

>> No.7796923

she can't handle people that don't suck her ass

>> No.7796925
File: 31 KB, 250x251, 1385777144980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw you don't use mfw correctly. On top of failed scammer.

>> No.7796928
File: 57 KB, 544x144, Screen Shot 2014-09-03 at 1.41.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But can we laugh at the comments pretty please? I like seeing people justify her excuses because they're thirsty for puss and free shit and of course knowing someone ~*~cosplay popular~*~

>> No.7796930

They're probably still lurking. HI CUNTS. I hate both of you for being efame hungry jnig wannabe bitches.

>> No.7796935

Or maybe I just dropped the image. Derp.

>> No.7796938

It's pretty obvious you're the one shitting up this thread. Please take your /b/ tier reaction image folder and leave. I'll pay you at this point, it's not funny, its not on topic, it's just annoying.

>> No.7796939

too bad that fame can't keep a marriage together

>> No.7796942

I can only assume Syn is deleting all the comments that actually point out her lies about dates, the actual cost, the fact she hasn't provided any proof that she ever asked for measurents before she spent five months making different sized patterns, etc etc

though her white knights wouldn't listen to the actual facts anyway, some of them are saying they can't even read the screencaps lol

>> No.7796943

Aw hunny, I'm sorry I didn't give you the video of me fuckin' my side boy that you so desperately wanted. Sadly I deleted it~ Maybe the next one.

>> No.7796946
File: 280 KB, 570x620, 1356930232419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes request seriously
>doesn't deliver and expects to be paid over six months later

>customer is the one who lost money
>but the commissioner needs to be reimbursed because over 9000 hours of PATTERN GUESSING

>> No.7796946,1 [INTERNAL] 

i'll suck her ass if she sucks mine