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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 129 KB, 490x700, 1369094445455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7796910 No.7796910 [Reply] [Original]

Previously: >>7768690

> Cosplay Masterpost: Updated and organized, hopefully a little easier to get through.
As always, more input is always welcomed, be it impartial or personal. Tutorials, wig suggestions, any suggestion or contribution is great and will be added.

Regardless, we can always discuss:
> Do you still think you'll be doing Homestuck cosplays in the future?
> What are some of the best fins you've seen for the seadwelling Trolls? Any good tutorials?
> What are your thoughts on wearing official shirts from Whatpumpkin for God Tier outfits when applicable, such as for Princes or Knights?

>> No.7797242

I feel that when people cosplay homestuck they end up doing pretty much the same over and over again
I mean I don't think that's bad but I understand they feel tired
Anyway what do you guys think about militarystuck, dinastystuck and homestuck designs?

>> No.7797263
File: 140 KB, 1080x720, tumblr_nb7tl3ep671soinazo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7797372

I'll probably keep my Homestuck cosplays around. First thing I really got into and even if the emotional attachment wears off they're still easy to wear first day of con.

Thought on Dirk: considering his shades, it wouldn't be too far-fetched to base his hair off of Kamina either. I was thinking of getting a lacefront and doing this, mostly looking at how it's pulled back at the side. But there's also a number of well-styled and canon-looking Dirk wigs without lace (I think I've seen like, one lacefronted Dirk wig) and I'm not sure if the result will be worth the effort? Any thoughts?

>> No.7797465

So what happened in the last thread about someone being spit on and punched in the face? Got any deets on that?

>> No.7797557
File: 644 KB, 664x1000, tumblr_ms1w64G2f41r8q261o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's old news. Mostflogged is renown for being a crazy asshole with a bad attitude. She spat on some dick on the street and he punched her in the face but it doesn't have anything to do with hs or cosplay. I prefer the story where her boyfriend and her harassed a girl all weekend at Katsucon and eventually poured a drink on her.

>> No.7797634

what the hell is wrong with that persons eyebrows

>> No.7797637

I think that would be interesting, actually. I'm not too sure how well that would look though, mostly just considering I'm too used to the common interpretation for Dirk's hair and I've just not really seen this interpretation, but I'd say go for it and see how it goes.

>> No.7797640

They're trying to look manly

>> No.7797666

This is quite possibly the shittiest edit I have ever made.
I tried to make a comparsion picture but he just looks like sonic so ignore that.

Anyway, it doesn't seem like a really far-fetched theory that he would try and imitate Kamina, he's pretty much your ultimate anime bro so really.
I've never seen any Kaminas using lace fronts, though?

>> No.7797667
File: 87 KB, 483x250, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I'm an idiot.

>> No.7797677

Source on the punched in the face story!

>> No.7797948

Random question that's going to show how new I am: how come MF has such a shitty attitude, yet isn't on shit tier? Is it because she actually has good cosplays or is there another redeeming factor that I'm missing?

>> No.7797978

Their cosplays are pretty quality and would place them on a higher tier (and I do believe they were higher at one point?), but their attitude and (when they were first demoted) high drama-frequency snagged them down. Most on shit tier have both bad attitude and/or taste and low quality costumes. I do believe Urchintier was a slight exception from this as their costumes held low quality but their attitude wasn't particularly awful.
But on the other hand, they hardly took criticism well and continued doing costumes way above their skill level so.

I have to say that I personally never really saw the point of shit-tier unless the cosplayers were legitimately harmful, such as Heaven and the whole scam ordeal. But I don't make the list so hey.

>> No.7798138

My favorite story is way older. Back way before either of them got into Homestuck, she and Pyropi had this huge falling out. Apparently MF and her boyfriend nearly got kicked out of a convention for printing out all these "for sale" flyers of Pyropi with her full name and cell phone number and putting them up all over the con.

>> No.7798145

MF and Pyropi dated.

>> No.7798281

We take people off of the BNF list if they stop cosplaying Homestuck, has anyone gone through the shittier list lately to see if any of them are still cosplaying hs?

>> No.7798291

Dibs on not doing it.

>> No.7798356

I'll take one for the team and do it, I mean I'm not doing anything else right now

>> No.7798389

Bless you Crunchy Anon, you've done enough for the list anyways.

>> No.7798414

alright so everybody still looks active enough (homestuck cosplay pictures posted within the last month or two) except for heaven, kanayastuck and capfin

nobody had future hs cosplay plans posted except for rikala though

>> No.7798416

oh and rosepocalypse hasn't posted pictures in a year oops so they should be gone too

>> No.7798443

I don't even really know who any of the shit tiers are except for heaven, wreckitronnie, rikala, and drunk roxy. I think I remember Courtney being mentioned, but idk.

>> No.7798444

any that are still actively scamming/harassing/making drama for hs cosplayers should stay on imo, but idk if you can really know that from looking at their tumblr.

>> No.7798457

cowbutt crunchies and pyropi all have posted cosplay plans that involve homestuck.

>> No.7798480

yeah i didn't really know any of them either. i think courtney got put on for selfposting?

i was just looking at shit tier not the whole list

>> No.7798501

that's why I think that most of them have faded off into doing their own thing. I understand keeping the newer people, but half of them I might remember if given the context.

>> No.7798511

Nice reading comprehension you've got there.

>> No.7798595

i am shamed ;_;

>> No.7799697
File: 1.64 MB, 1000x785, tumblr_nbb0dh1pk21tyub4eo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7799752

disney-fef is cute af but the other two are super disappointing. Someone please show that eridan how to wear a waist belt while crossplaying cause right now it looks like she's got huge thighs and saggyass boobs

>> No.7799781
File: 228 KB, 720x776, tumblr_nba33uOpkX1rkhttyo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like both pieces rode up. It's unflattering but I'm more willing to forgive bad hallway shots.

>> No.7799793
File: 908 KB, 640x960, tumblr_naxj5nG1Bz1s65v24o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7799796
File: 91 KB, 480x480, tumblr_nbctx4vgPF1rkhj5ho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7799827

Jesus bananas,

>> No.7800438

literally kys for reposting this tavros.

>> No.7801554

Calm down there, friend. I thought the legs looked nicely made.

>> No.7801965

So is the going thing to use bloodcolor contacts now?

>> No.7802315

Im pretty sure thats always been a thing. Also pretty sure that their eyes are photoshopped

>> No.7802344

Your Tumblr is showing.

Yeah, and the Kanaya in that picture resembles the shitty shoop tag spammer girl. Not positive if they're the same person and cba to look, but I wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.7802348

Looks like upholstery. Most of the designs are pretty tacky.

Again tacky and cosplays are never good.

Nothing wrong with a well-done, non-tacky AU, though, and they're sometimes posted here.

>> No.7802351

It was just posted last thread, there's literally no reason to post it again. Friend.

>> No.7802364
File: 166 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n6ob0jt4cC1rbtkgeo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What crawled up your asshole and died? This was near the top of the tag and looked solid... sorry I'm not looking through every image to make sure repeat posts don't happen. Usually CGL's image verification takes care of that.

You got a vendetta against this Tavros or something? You seem real buttmad for no reason.

>> No.7802366

>being this offended by a repeat image

>> No.7802368

Chick is cute, but desperately needs some contouring to liven up her face paint.

>> No.7802369

>What crawled up your asshole and died?
You seem disproportionately angered that I put an ironic "friend" at the end of my post, maybe grow a thicker skin...
Regardless, most people do catch up on these threads, so posting stuff that was just here is pointless and comes across as selfpost.

>> No.7802370

I didn't post the one last thread, so try again, darling.

>> No.7802372

Nice samefagging in defense of an overblushed and pretty mediocre (good legs though) tavros. Is this is about to be SS's shitty aradia all over again or what?

>> No.7802381
File: 125 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nbf56oWz4y1qj5ob8o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because SS has fangirls and I don't even know who the fuck that Tavros is. I'm just in awe that you're so pissed off about the same photo being posted twice within a week.

>> No.7802389

That jade is cute and i like her army of squiddles.

Also could i possibly /r/ some Porrims? The Good and Bad and anything in between.

>> No.7802397

No one was pissed off or overly angry except you, they were just asking you to please not post things that were in the last thread too. Also:
>that blush
>those horns
>a fucking flower crown
>"pretty solid"
...yeah, I can see why they wanted to call friendfag.

>> No.7802401

Different anon, but yeah, it's usually fishy when an image is doubleposted because as you said, CGL's image verification typically takes care of it as long as the thread the original pic was posted in hasn't 404'd. For a repost, someone would usually have to change the file name to make it work, which implies they really fuckin' want that image up there for some reason, whether they're trying to draw attention to that cosplay or start shit about it or what have you.

And no, this isn't vendetta: vendetta goes after the cosplayer themselves, not the picture they're in. When it's vendetta, you'll know. It's obvious, even if the trolls think they're being sly about it.

>> No.7802423

If you're going to keep beating this dead horse, the least you could do is post some cosplay.

>> No.7802443
File: 500 KB, 800x1200, military_dress_porrim___homestuck_by_mostflogged-d5k50t9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7802448
File: 359 KB, 953x622, 1358124758175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7802454
File: 472 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nbft2cMcA51r3kx68o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This WIP Rose looks pretty well made so far, not sure how the skirt is shaped/if it looks good but it's a wip after all.

...they say, as they don't post any cosplay (also from your posts you think only one anon is talking to you, which doesn't seem to be the case. Solipsism aside, MULTIPLE people think it was stupid to repost a bad cosplay.)

MF's proportions look kind of strange in this pic. Is it just from corsetting or what?

>> No.7802460
File: 724 KB, 1220x1200, porrimfaceoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better yet here's the who wore it better Porrim round.

The pickings from the tag were pretty disapointing.

>> No.7802467

Always wondered why more people didn't do this outfit, i would rank it with Aranea's black dress for cool-looking alt outfits that not many people cosplay. I am not sure about the color of that skirt, shouldn't it be much lighter/warmer than the bodice stripes? Other than that looking real good. They do have a good face/attitude for rose.

Look at all those wrinkles...I always thought Porrim must have some of the hardest appliques to get lying flat bc of the placement.

>> No.7802472

Lirlys, lirlys, lirlys. All the way. That whole bottom row is a fucking disaster.

I couldn't tell you, but there is definitely something wrong with MF's body in that photo. Uncanny valley status.

>> No.7802477

I like lirlys but I wish her horns were better and skirt was longer. That right one looks like an upside down L.

>> No.7802495

Yeah. It's not perfect, but imo it's the best one up there by a pretty sizable margin.

>> No.7802581


most flogged looks sexy as fuck

>> No.7802584

Lirlys has the best wig, but questionable leg and foot wear. None of them have good horns. I feel like Mori-Sempai has potential, but she doesn't seem to be the type of person for improvement. No one seems to have good tattoo's either.

I'd have to say that agehachou has the worst porrim, everything just looks so awkward. And then MF just looks strange as her.

Also thank you for the porrims. >>7802443 >>7802460

>> No.7802597

Best wig: lirlys, best dress: gothichamlet. I'm surprised MF let a pic of her tattoos smudged like that onto the internet.

>> No.7803320

Why the hell is her neckline like that (looks like the bottom tip of the V is swept all to one side)? Usually one thing you can say for MF is that she looks conventionally sexy, but this one is just...not appealing imo, mostly because her bodice is sitting so weird.
And the horns...are they different sizes?

>> No.7803334
File: 251 KB, 731x1093, porrim_maryam___homestuck_by_mostflogged-d5ijfu4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her bodice was weirdly fitted, yes.
Lots of questionable choices here.

>> No.7804002
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nattszJRRQ1r0bscuo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she tried to make it both formfitting and open in the back. It's a mess.

>> No.7804010

It looks like she tried to draw on her tattoo's with a melting crayon.

Also shitty eye shadow application is shitty.

>> No.7804016
File: 46 KB, 250x308, 21a57ec5-2556-429d-9fd4-60eade9d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804020

looks like shes contemplating a fart

>> No.7804021


Any more good or not good porrims? How about alternative outfits?

>> No.7804321
File: 498 KB, 681x1024, tumblr_mwe6n79O451qkr006o7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804324
File: 126 KB, 420x750, tumblr_md34m13WzN1rrep1ro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804330
File: 218 KB, 648x972, 88750-ddf7d374598f604a714369fa033b78dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804341
File: 164 KB, 427x640, 8962490698_d491141d4f_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804342

What the fuck is going on with her dress??

>> No.7804343
File: 213 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mub7niVzDC1r35os0o4_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804344
File: 493 KB, 1152x1728, efc78f615278ad6b1fa1ac41ce997762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804348

Is that gray photoshopped? Usually I can tell right away but this is one well edited photo.

>> No.7804350

Her tattoos look nicely painted but God Porrim has such shitty tattoos.

>> No.7804380

They probably tried to recreate the walkaround sprite. Her train comes out to the side in that.

>> No.7804405
File: 913 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_n5tlriW4yy1tsa7q4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CBC's done full body gray before but it's hard to tell here. It looks nice either way though.

>> No.7804449

It's definitely shopped.

>> No.7804459
File: 92 KB, 600x772, tumblr_n36kaoRJrl1r8qcmyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7804481
File: 199 KB, 720x960, defaultrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7804490
File: 269 KB, 469x526, yowhatthefuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still in awe about this

>> No.7804493

Doesn't really have anything to do with Homestuck, though, aside from that person posting it in some Homestuck group.

>> No.7804612
File: 208 KB, 721x1280, tumblr_nbhr9j6AK81qbjtjgo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add one for Yaexrae.

>> No.7804621
File: 25 KB, 300x300, 1374112093814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7804872

Jeeze, all that left applique puckering. Are complex cutouts just impossible to get flat?

>> No.7805022

just an account hacking spam. i see this all the time. similar ones are all over fb.

>> No.7805082

she has such a lovely face for Maryams

>> No.7805774

She did it on jersey knit, which was an unfortunate choice! Stretchy fabric paint may have gone better. :\

>> No.7805775

- but my god she is dignified and beautiful and I will never stop loving her Maryam face

>> No.7805888
File: 388 KB, 1024x678, wieldin rose t1mco (sacanime 2012).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re: the anon who asked about this outfit of rose's above

>> No.7805898
File: 536 KB, 480x733, storm is rising by lirlys rose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7805902
File: 654 KB, 712x1072, mocaw fanexpo 2012 rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7805927

Rose accidentally flashing people is both out-of-character and really awkward to look at

>> No.7805928

What an unfortunate dress design, especially because it looks like her sewing skills are perfectly fine, she just made a horrible choice w/r/t slit placement and how it would drape, and the weird train shape.

>> No.7806059

I'm probably going to be burned at the stake for this. But i think yaexrae looks a bit too old to pull off kanaya. I think she only looks good as the ancestors and the Dolorosa.

But that's just me.

>> No.7806117

Well she DOES certainly look like a older Kanaya if anything, I don't think anyone is going to pretend she looks thirteen or even sixteen.

>> No.7806292
File: 678 KB, 600x911, tumblr_nbi3slLoGc1rmf578o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come some cosplayers can pull off so many different characters but others can't? Is it all just makeup skills or do you need a special face shape?

>tfw I want to cosplay Feferi but look nothing like her

>> No.7806354


>sewing skills are perfectly fine

Those unpressed seams beg to differ

>> No.7806430
File: 257 KB, 521x200, nggnhdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, it's a bit of column A, bit of column B. People with more generic features will obviously be able to pull off more faces than someone with a more distinctive face or someone with a distinctive facial feature. To an extent it's also easier to sharpen features slightly with makeup than it is to soften them, too.

Also bear in mind that people tend to look slightly different in grey paint compared to in foundation so there's that as well. Pic related; white paint vs regular cosplay makeup vs out of cosplay-- aside from the eyebrows and lips and the fact one is obviously white paint and one is fleshtone foundation, i shaded all the same areas on my face and used the same style of eyeliner. (Sorry it's white paint instead of grey, I can't find any decent shots of my only other troll cosplay since I don't have many good photos of my Homestuck cosplays in general.)

I mean, if you look at them side by side they're all obviously shots of the same person, and the different lightings also but depending on what your face is like you can take advantage of how facepaint will flatten your features out some to alter how it looks with shading and different styles of eyeliner and eyebrows shapes.

Sage for selfpost, sorry.

>> No.7806584

Both. Imo kisbe and dei both have really distinctive faces that make the two of them much better suited for male characters, whereas angryjaeger's androgynous shota face can go either way. Casual cosplay makeup can only ever really enhance or downplay features you already have; while professional makeup artists know their trade well enough to give someone an entirely new face, nobody in this fandom has that kind of skill.

>> No.7806672

I think Dei and Kisbe could do female trolls well but they just got used to one way of doing their grey makeup so they're not very good at anything else. Dei has a really feminine face imo out of grey.

>> No.7806770

pyropi has the same problem as dei and disbe. her face is really distinctive and makes her a dead ringer for pyropes, but when she cosplays vantases or captors she looks really off.

>> No.7807119
File: 1.27 MB, 1172x1920, tumblr_ml9cpg9lsi1r1puy6o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7807637

This Aranea's really cute. Would suggest less blush and definitely better horns, but what a nice pic + outfit.

>> No.7807645

>dem unmatched greens
>the fucking horns
Can militarystuck please just go out of fashion already?

>> No.7807649

Ignoring everything else wrong with this porrim, why do so many people put lace trim on the edge of the dress? Looks pretty weird imo.

>> No.7807654

why is squishyblob so perfect
Dammit, I wish she posted more shots/were still doing HS.

>> No.7807661

That pic seems older looking than her other ones, but I see what you mean, she's almost like "older/adult Kanaya" rather than just a straight-up Kanaya cosplay. But still enjoyable to look at.

>> No.7807681

She posted a really casual con picture on her blog where she looks much younger. Not sure if it's the expression or pose or what, but yeah, the pic posted upthread is unusually aging, I think.

>> No.7807692

Her Elsa looked pretty "old" too. But somehow, her cosplays are still really flattering. I almost want to quote the beginning of Roald Dahl's Twits.

>> No.7807887

Her teeth are so weirdly cute.

>> No.7808047

those are called baby teeth you pedo

>> No.7808059

Pretty sure they're actually called scarecrow fangs you fuckmuppet

>> No.7808070

Pretty sure they're actually called teeth you cockgobblingdentist

>> No.7808072

No she's wearing fake teeth (at least on her canines), that's probably what anon meant.

>> No.7808085

lmfao are you in the HSG thread and seriously don't know what fake fangs are?

>> No.7808162

Different anon, but this is the most retarded tangent HSG has taken in a while. Yes she's wearing fangs, yes she also has normal teeth, yes if OP meant "fangs" when they said "teeth" that's what they should have said, and yes it's a weird fucking thing to say in the first place. Jesus. This isn't even fun drama. This is stupid drama.

>> No.7808166

She does have a cute smile, it's not a weird thing to say at all imo. Second anon is either a jackass or someone who doesn't know what fangs look like.

>> No.7808205

thank you, anon

>> No.7808639

Yeah, her smile is cute, but they didn't compliment her smile. They complimented her teeth. What even makes a cute tooth to begin with? It's a fucking tooth. Either they made a poor choice of words, or it's weird. The ensuing argument was still wholly idiotic though.

>> No.7808659
File: 306 KB, 900x600, tumblr_n8v5ovfDBx1r35os0o5_r3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because Mostflogged did it first.

OP already confirmed they were complimenting her smile. Just let it go.

>> No.7809029

But Latula doesn't even have fangs... Her teeth are human-like.

>> No.7809072

Yep. They're just like Aradia's, iirc.

>> No.7809366

Homestuck General Dentistry

>> No.7809500

ITT we discuss troll teeth for far too long

>> No.7809545

Hey man they are important to troll cosplays.

>> No.7809550
File: 359 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nbltvbXC451qcugcdo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for another riveting round of guess the character

>> No.7809551

Seriously? they're just teeth, that's not going to make or break cosplay and if they fucking MUST they just don't have to show their teeth for pictures.

>> No.7809554


Since it's Horuss, guessing Dancestor

Either Porrim or Damara?

>> No.7809562
File: 370 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nb8nzry5Jb1qcugcdo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this from dragoncon? I thought that con was supposed to have good costumes, the entire tag is trash. What's the deal with atlantastucks?

>> No.7809610


>> No.7809619

i object to the use of the term teeth and ask that we only use non-calcium pejorative terms when describing all forms of maceration-capable body parts, mandibles, and other forms of dentata

>> No.7809622

4chan is 18+

>> No.7809645

No shit Sherlock. Next you'll tell me the sky is blue and Gamzee is a psychopath.

>> No.7809669
File: 247 KB, 480x480, kill it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someones salty

>> No.7809676

no mur no

>> No.7809678

About as salty as a lake.

>> No.7809705

Yeah. A saltwater lake.

>> No.7809709

that doesn't really explain how you got past the age-gate on your computer

>> No.7809711

the great salt lake?

>> No.7809715


>> No.7809719
File: 70 KB, 229x183, kanaya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810117

I know we should move on but this seems sort of important to clarify -- shouldn't she have Terezi-like teeth? Since sharpness correlates to blood color and Terezi's sharp teeth are very established.

>> No.7810148

For whatever reason (since I don't think it's ever stated in the comic why her teeth are like this), her teeth are flat. It could just be that's how Hussie wanted her designed and there's no significance beyond that.

>> No.7810151

People are getting this from the talksprites (which are of debatable canon-ness, see: Kanaya's butt-ugly first talksprite.) The artist has actually mentioned they fucked up, so she should have sharp teeth, in accordance with her blood color.

I can get why a Latula would end up going w the talksprite though. What I'll never understand is Aradias who go for a full set of fangs for no reason...

>> No.7810177

So many baby's first cosplay...

>> No.7810344

I think I heard a headcanon about Latula filing her teeth blunt, because violence was looked down on on Beforus and since she already has mental problems was forced to do that?

>> No.7810441

Get out.

>> No.7810482

Yes one shouldnt involve headcanons when cosplaying from a webcomic which offers very little in terms of detail or specifics. Don't be so sandy anon.

>> No.7810522

Calm down, it was a thought on why she canonically has flat teeth, not an excuse to be lazy.

>> No.7810576
File: 806 KB, 1201x1920, tumblr_nb2rt0wgMb1rm1c0vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's up with Sandy McVag in the thread lately? I'm just going to assume that this is the same troll because I refuse to believe that multiple people are this anal about someone having an ***~opinion~***

>> No.7810582

did the horns fall off or...?

also dat gamzee purple shirt. well done

>> No.7810583
File: 191 KB, 950x1267, tumblr_n6bcs05bRQ1r4el0ao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7810587
File: 85 KB, 950x1267, is that a fucking geoduck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god is that lactoria, actually wearing that crap in public?

>> No.7810600
File: 63 KB, 521x521, IMG_2015-8404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got that picture from the Trickster tag but now you made me curious and I had to look at their blog.

Yes that's Lactoria.

I'm going to need years of therapy to forget everything I saw in that blog.

>> No.7810602

Isn't Lactoria 30?

>> No.7810613

I don't know, really it seems to be a bit of a storm going through the fandom right now. A lot of the roleplay tags are also REALLY obnoxious and butthurt over pretty much everything so it might just be a fandom phase.

>> No.7810627


All the junior high kids are pissed they're back in school


If she's only thirty, she looks rough as fuck.

>> No.7810639

While browsing through /cgl/ I couldn't help but notice this and... I'm the only one needing mind bleach and/or extensive therapy to get that dragon dildo thing out of my mind?

I, just, please tell me that shit ain't normal.

>> No.7810641

Nah, Lactoria's kind of big on the whole "nudestuck" cosplay part of the fandom. IT's pretty much regarded as awful everywhere.

I wouldnt even mind most nudestuck if it was classy rather than jailbait tumblr dumasses taking selfies of their nasty ass dicks/vaginas

>> No.7810733

>saying dayum to those chunky fat rolls
>not knowing it's lactoria in the first place
Damn. >>7810576 had it right. Either we're suddenly flooded with newfags or there are some dedicated trolls among us.

>> No.7810754
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 2179-160255b7173bb4b2817cfe94fa32306f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7810773

Considering that we've actually had anons get themselves sweaty over her (and over that exact same image too), your sarcasm translated pretty poorly. 4chan be like that sometimes.

>> No.7812011
File: 487 KB, 500x275, 1337331300420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, what's so bad about

>> No.7812223

She looks about 30. Some white women just don't age well.

>> No.7812268

You've got a weird idea of what 30 year olds look like. Kitty-maru looks way older IMO.

>> No.7812479
File: 1.45 MB, 1000x1500, tumblr_nbmc57r5Z11qgotqjo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812482
File: 485 KB, 1118x1920, tumblr_nbm17udTSJ1s3u0h4o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprising no one, spectredeflector continues to be garbage.

>> No.7812485
File: 260 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nblitsgGrh1r3qsdzo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812488

>literal sharpie eyebrows

sweet fuck

>> No.7812491
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x853, tumblr_nbghr9nZTn1r33yrpo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812494

That's a pretty awkward bow on the Kanaya. Pretty meh, not really bad.

>> No.7812496
File: 289 KB, 900x600, tumblr_nbk4zjNNAh1r35os0o6_r4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's...really not a whole lot going on in the tag right now.

>> No.7812499

We haven't really had any tag dumps in a while, though. You can probably go pretty deep.

>> No.7812502
File: 1.16 MB, 926x824, tumblr_nbjwhbFMdg1sz83zjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it becomes a question of will, at that point. Just how many poorly filmed gifs and ~*~*~sexy self shots~*~*~ can I stomach before I throw in the towel? In other news, there's a nudestuck up that looks like it was made by a fifteen year old. That did some damage.

>> No.7812503
File: 711 KB, 667x1000, tumblr_nbf56oWz4y1qj5ob8o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812505
File: 201 KB, 683x1024, tumblr_nbm12tmRuY1r8e8rro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do some real damage in battle with your LEGO GLOVES.

>> No.7812506
File: 455 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nb3fy3Dao61rvmk49o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812509
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>> No.7812513
File: 1.62 MB, 1280x890, tumblr_nba80gDVGH1sod0wpo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812518
File: 241 KB, 853x1280, tumblr_nbaebg6BLY1s282feo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Human Tavrisprite.

>> No.7812521

It looks like a bird made a nest in that hair

>> No.7812523

Lord have mercy upon those horns.


>> No.7812526

Nice contrast.

I actually kind of like this? If it had been mfanart I would have liked it a lot.

>> No.7812530
File: 209 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_nbi6jfT4Dt1sdexdlo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no consistency to the design though. Even as fanart, it would have been bad. Why a purple fringe? Why teal eyebrows and lipstick? This isn't even cosplay, it's a fourteen year old girl's excuse to dye their hair wacky hues and shave the side of their head.

>> No.7812532
File: 80 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nb9ad3Xtg11r13a00o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812534
File: 442 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_nbaxralWeT1tffgjto3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7812563
File: 159 KB, 419x750, tumblr_nb3x2kVifO1s11gmfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I've gone past SacAnime, and there hasn't been anything noteworthy for a long time, so I'm gonna wrap up. Go nuts, guys.
>wears a cheongsam inspired ita outfit

>> No.7812664

this is kind of cute!

>> No.7812735

who are the cosplayers?

>> No.7812740

Any recent GOOD cosplay?

>> No.7812761 [DELETED] 


>> No.7812766


>> No.7812778

the thing is ANY GOOD NUDESTUCK?

>> No.7812798

There's something wrong with this pic

>> No.7812812

it's the teeth isn't it?

>> No.7812820

It's the wig and the eyelashes on the glasses.

>> No.7813006

what the hell is wrong with her eyes? she looks like a pedigree japanese spaniel

there's so many things that are silly here but somehow it all works just right for me. I really like this

nice droopy binding and skinnyfat lumps and bumps in girls jeans. A+ best strider

>> No.7813041

Love the body suit, hate the lumpy noodle horns. The not-glasses are so weird I can't bring myself to have an opinion on them.

>> No.7814030

The not-glasses bug me because Condy canonically wears glasses. We've seen her in tons of panels with them, so I don't understand why she would have done it this way.

The horns are trash either way though.

>> No.7814037

eeeeechhhh those unfinished fraying edges lord have mercy

>> No.7814045

Concept is interesting but the horns and the wig are atrocious.

>> No.7814177

This just in: MF won't be making any new homestuck cosplays because the whatpumpkin team is cracking down on cosplay sales.


>> No.7814237


Looks like several BNFs are pissed about this. Thought Rachel had lightened up but guess she's as sandy a cunt as ever

>> No.7814239

I thought individually made, second-hand sold costumes were okay?

>> No.7814252

No, according to Rachel these are more a legal grey area than commissions or whatever. She knows you guys, she's talked to a person who might have taken a few semesters at law school!

Honestly they need to just let this shit go, they've got a video game coming out and if they're losing money to fucking second hand cosplay sales they seriously need to reconsider their marketing strategies, cus that is pathetic.

>> No.7814255


No. No 3d objects are "allowed" according to what pumpkin "rules".

Legally speaking, though, as long as you're not selling anything with the kid's shirt symbols or the aspect signs, you're in the clear. What pumpkin is incorrectly claiming they have copywrite over 3d objects based on 2d designs hussie drew. Including unique designs like " blue striped scarf" and "blue spider dress".

I personally met someone who had WP try to shut down her store because she was selling "anime glasses" and they claimed she was violating their copywrite. Let that sink in for a second.

>> No.7814264

Man that's so stupid.
Honestly, if they're not selling Kanaya's dress themselves they've literally nothing to "lose money" on anyway if it's just second hand sales.

>> No.7814265

Especially with that what, 2.5 million $ that was all but thrown at Hussie's kickstarter?

Rachel had been quiet for a while but suddenly she's back to her old tricks it seems? Cracking down on anyone selling anything.

Are people who still sell just the astrological symbol charms with their near blood color in danger? Like https://www.etsy.com/shop/FrozenCrafts?page=2

>> No.7814274

I've always wondered why they waited so fucking long to release the horn and cosplay merch they have up on the WP store and WLF. They've been whining about cosplay sales for years, so why not capitalize on that cash when Homestuck was at the peak of its popularity instead of waiting for half the fandom to disappear to start rolling this stuff out?

But yeah, the fact that their rationale hits vague shit like what >>7814255 is talking about is outrageous. It's not even based in anything legal at that point. It's just them banhammering because they want to.

>> No.7814275


I've heard WP has gone after those but even kill-first question-never services like Etsy aren't stupid enough to believe that claim. You can't copywrite "public domain symbol in x color#

>> No.7814277
File: 138 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n6z8tnAu6A1sxsqogo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you mean the "anime glasses" Hussie directly ripped from Gurren Lagann? How do they get off on being so sandy about protecting their precious IP while simultaneously blatantly illegally stealing IP from other series?

>> No.7814280
File: 401 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nb2vs12mvh1s3u0h4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Rachel still in charge of WP? I thought she'd moved on to ruling over Paradox Space.

>> No.7814281

Not to mention that time Hussie included the photos of those Davesprite cosplayers in-comic, without asking for permission from either the cosplayers or their photographers (who would have HELD the intellectual property rights to those photographs in the first place). But lol! It's only wrong when people do it to him!

>> No.7814310

Or all the images he's used of historical buildings for the Dream Planets. I'm pretty sure he didn't ask to use those since some of them were pictures taken by people visiting the cathedrals if I recall.

>> No.7814324

Any more links to this dramu?

>> No.7814342

He gets away with any and all photos in the comic because they're non-commercial uses and he's not making money off the fact that they're there. But it's still shady as fuck that he acts like that.

>> No.7814344

Bunch of posts on shinjaninja's blog and MF's as well. A lot of BNFs are chiming in on this one: ceriene, one of the CBC girls, and saccharinesylph all have off the top of my head.

>> No.7814346

Parts of the comic exist in physical format.
There's adverts on the page.
He sell merchandise related to the comic.

My ass he's not making money off of it.

>> No.7814353


What are you talking about? You can buy commercial prints of all of the comic pages including those stolen images.


>> No.7814363

>mfw i totally forgot about the books
>mfw i didnt even know you could get prints of comic panels

Hoooly shit. He better be obtaining release forms for the IP he's ripped off then and for the cosplayers that appear in those photographs or any money he makes off printed material that someone pays for can be challenged since he doesn't own the rights to commercially use those images. I guess it's possible the historical building photos could be in public domain or something, but those cosplay photos sure aren't.

>> No.7814384

Can someone explain what's all about that bunnysuit drama people are mentioning? Idk how I ever missed that but now I'm curious as fuck.

>> No.7814388

Ironically when Rachel was going after people in the past, they had no legal teeth. A copyright is created the minute you create an original work, but in order to actually take legal action you have to register it. Which wasn't done until 2013. And also doesn't proactively cover anything created after the date of registration. (Let the implications of that sink in).

So now they have a registered copyright, but unfortunately the concept of "useful articles" , the exemptions that entails, and how it applies to cosplay still utterly escapes her and WP.

>> No.7814391

Not a HS, just bored on this board, but this is cute as fuck.

>> No.7814394
File: 610 KB, 900x600, 1345598963988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circa 2012 Mostflogged, Mookie, and others cosplayed bunnysuit versions of the characters with a "Hugh Hefner" Hussie. Rachel, who was the PR face for Homestuck at the time, got wind of this and made a bunch of tweets calling the group gross. Drama followed. I can't remember if this was before or after Rachel publicly flogged the girl selling Nepeta hats.



>> No.7814396

Yes, we'll all really miss her sloppy, rushed costumes.

>> No.7814399


This was after the nepeta hat drama.

THAT was a fucking mess. Too bad that girl deleted all her stuff, she had a complete takedown of Rachel's BS and why it wasn't legal. But then Rachel sicc'd the fan base on her and it got to be too much effort even though she was in the right.

>> No.7814408

Does Mookie's face actually look like that or is just some kind of paint trick?

>> No.7814424


>Calling your boyfriend's fans gross
>There's literally underage kids doing terrible nudestuck all over internet (and not so underage aka lactoria)
>And you call gross a group of girls dressed in bunny suits

Does Rachel even know the basics of running a business.

>> No.7814428


the best bit of cerine's post is wecansexy explaining how "wrong it is to want to profit off someone else's IP" which conveniently ignores that she got famous doing work for HS and subsequently selling prints through WP (i.e. profiting off work that isn't her own) WHILE selling unlicensed Avatar and Pokemon prints and shirts on the side in her own store (i.e. profiting off someone else's IP illegally and in violation copyright law) WHILE also missing the entire fucking point that the issue is about selling used cosplay not fucking fanart.

The amount of sanctimonious hypocrisy and ignorance is so staggering I don't understand how the Earth hasn't yet been consumed by the ensuing singularity.

>> No.7814430

Tbh, I'm curious about how it would feel to wear a secondhand costume from mostflogged, particularly the tight-fitting ones like demon roxy and scarlet witch.
>tfw something that has been on her cunt is on your cunt

>> No.7814445

It's easy for Shelby to pull the "HOW DARE ANYONE MAKE MONEY OFF HOMESTUCK" card when she, in fact, does make money off Homestuck, and when other people whose work has been used by the comic DO NOT. She literally said that it's okay to profit from others' intellectual property as long as the creator of that property hasn't said they don't like it. She's in WhatPumpkin's pocket and has been for a long time. I'm glad Ceriene addressed it.

>> No.7814451

remember the Goosebumps books with the nasty ass haunted masks that would become real when worn?

I'd imagine a lot like that.

>> No.7814459

Hussie even treats the people who gave him 2.5 mil like shit, so is anyone really surprised that his staff is a dick to the cosplayers?

>tfw you donated a shit ton of money and get no update for a year
>tfw an update finally comes after the original release date
>tfw the update isn't really an update at all, just some snark about "you guys didn't REALLY" want an update right?

>> No.7814568

What does this bitch Rachael even look like? I bet she is just as gross as her personality seems.

I wonder if her parents are proud of her

>> No.7814656


> it doesnt matter what ur personal philosophy is about ownership, they said in clear terms they dont want people selling HS merch and if people do it anyways and face social/financial consequences that is their own fault.

So basically she's saying if people get harassed and sent death threats for selling a used costume or a hand-knit Nepeta hat, it's their own fault.

Stay classy, Shelby.

>> No.7814662

The best this about this whole shitshow was how quick tumblr artists were to make it alllll about them.

>> No.7814670

Average. So average that you could probably use her picture beside the word in the dictionary as an illustration of the definition. She probably seeks attention/feelings of superiority to make up for never learning how to dress cute or brush her hair nicely.

>> No.7814714

thank god we are a country of laws, not personal philosophy of ownership

it's really too bad "we don't want you to" and "cuz we said so" isn't that great a legal fucking precedent.

now if she could just get that fucking concept through her neanderthal-thick skull and understand that part, we'd be golden.

>> No.7814716

iv actually been really torn for awhile now. i dont do commissions or sell my cosplays but im not really comfortable supporting an artist who ignores his readers and a team of trolls who worship him and crucify people for selling property like 'anime shades' and other generic things he stole/copied from other sources by cosplaying it. aranea's dress? stolen from the grim adventures of billy and mandy. anime glasses....as if you can copyright something like that.

>> No.7814730

What really gets me is the people who say "if they know you're doing anything they HAVE to go after you, to protect their IP!" but...

How about just feigning ignorance except in cases of obvious mass production? It works for every other intellectual property owner out there, and would result in a happier fandom and a lot less harassment/fewer death threats. Instead WP has fostered this environment of infighting and drama.

The problem with WP is that they showed their hand from the beginning and it was full of assholes.

>> No.7814759


And yet the chinese sweatshops continue to churn out god tier jammies.

>> No.7814761

the solution is for us all to move to china where we will be safe from all wp's copyright claims bogus or not forever.

>> No.7814788

I will endure communism and non-breathable air for cosplay. God knows we've all had to fight through harsher conditions in con-crunch

>> No.7814799

i mean, that does create a potential minefield for someone if they do decide to take legal action. Allowing some but not all and determining the threshold of mass-production. It makes for some sticky legal proceedings and doesn't CYA. So I get that part.

The mlp fandom is a great illustration of concept. For the most part the fans are left alone and only the truly large products (like the Mane 6 fighting game get the kibosh for possibly confusing consumers as to its authenticity) Certainly fanfics have long gotten the blind eye and to a certain extent AMV and FMVs, but those all of these are free, non-marketable items.

But in the cases where the fandom is marketable, there is generally enough on the market that it precludes the need for the fan-market or at least to the extent that its infringing on the actual market (I hope that made sense).

Conversely, Homestuck, as wide as its fanbase is, the market is not as deep and does not provide thus fan-artists and creations fill the void.

Now a more savvy business in this position might say, we'll some of these products we're not selling yet or never plan to so we'll let it slide, besides its free advertising for us, and others we can't go after because it's not within our right to do so.

And then there's these assholes.

>> No.7814802


Whats her twitter/ whatever page that has a picture of her?

>> No.7814824

>(I hope that made sense)
Basically you're saying that if a fandom is marketable, there's already plenty of official merch out there, to the extent that any fanmade stuff is just filling the niche gaps that would be too costly for the owners/creators to offer officially?

So with Homestuck,
>the market is not as deep and does not provide thus fan-artists and creations fill the void

There's just not really much there to mass-market other than books/music/prints/shirts and other generic knicknacks. So there's lots of room for artists to come in and provide what would be prohibitively expensive for WP itself to make (this made itself super obvious to Rachel and co when they tried to run an etsy with semi-official merch and it was way too much of a pain and had basically zero profit overhead).

But instead of acknowledging the fact that the fans are there providing things that they can't, they shut everything down. So basically,
>And then there's these assholes.

>> No.7814837


thank you

>> No.7814838

Araneas dress is stolen from billy and mandy ?

>> No.7814891

Hey hsg I have a problem, I ordered a new pot of snazaroo and when I lived in the UK the paint always arrived solid and like a normal cake paint. This new pot is more like Ben nye, looks like a mousse. I stuck it in the fridge in case it had melted or something. Has this happened to anyone else? I'm in the South now for reference.

>> No.7814917
File: 134 KB, 351x273, Butterbean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically. more the whole char design i guess. the point is hs has alot of borrowed designs and stolen google images in it, so its kinda hypocritical for them to go out asserting questionable copyright claims.

>> No.7814940
File: 165 KB, 900x600, Cracked_Glass_Texture_I_by_EverythingIsInStock[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah there's a lot of google image shit in there you wouldn't even notice. I found this on a deviantart a bit ago, it's the cracked glass effect from LE in Caliborn: Enter. But who gives a shit about copyright law, anyway.

>> No.7814942

Oops meant to >>7814917

>> No.7814961

Has Hussie/the WhatPumpkin crew seriously given people crap for selling "anime shades"? The pointy Strider shades are straight up taken from Gurren Lagann, they're not even generic.

>> No.7814964


Heard it from the girl running the shop herself. She had a LOT to say on the subject of Rachel.

>> No.7815108

hello yes, patent office?

I would like to copyright "anime shades". Yes sir, all of them. All shades ever.

>> No.7815163

yes, thats right sir, also i would like to patent this random picture i found on some kids devientart.

>> No.7815187

Do I have permission? What sort of question is that? This is the Internet. It's a brave new world! Men are no longer constrained by such petty rules. Pshaw! Pshaw I say!

>> No.7815316


has hussie himself ever crucified anyone for selling things, though? the only thing i've seen from him personally was the statement about not selling things. i've never heard of hussie himself getting riled up over people selling things.

>> No.7815334

I'm pretty sure he honestly doesn't give much of a shit; I think the only time I ever saw him mention this kind of stuff was when someone was selling Homestuck pages on pillows at a con, and even then I might be wrong on that.
Rachel, and to a much lesser extent the WhatPumpkin crew, seem to be the ones who throw a fit over it.

>> No.7815347

Hussie is too busy swimming in his pool filled with cash and gargling gold coins to give a shit. He lets WP sic the dogs since he can't be bothered.

>> No.7815360


that's what i thought. and that's completely understandable imo.

so clearing that up, in response to >>7814716, i've personally bought from the wp shop to support the comic and the artist who makes it happen. i like what he creates, so i support him so he can keep creating what he creates.

i mean, ultimately it's up to you. if you don't want to give money to them then that's fine and totally your decision.

i don't see how making a costume for your own personal use is going to affect them one way or another though, if that's what you mean by support here. let's be honest, it's not like homestuck is some underground thing and you'd be introducing a ton of new people to it.

>> No.7815410

That's just a different type of waterbase. Don't worry about it and just use it like you would watered up solid water base.

>> No.7815441
File: 41 KB, 307x247, tumblr_lwobk8vDRB1r6rc35o1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire time I worked for them I only heard from Hussie maybe twice? Rachel did most of the stuff and whatever was emailed to Hussie was passed on to her from what I gathered.

>> No.7815553


are you the person who sold troll horns by any chance? jw

>> No.7815565
File: 38 KB, 307x247, tumblr_lwobk8vDRB1r6rc35o6_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup yup.

I first started at a convention after emailing Hussie to ask him if he'd be okay with that. He gave me the okay and was rather pleasant about it. Once I returned from the convention that was the second time he contacted me to ask if I'd like to join their Etsy.

From then on I only talked to Rachel even if I'd email Hussie. And despite how I've heard she treated other people she had always been rather nice towards me.

My only huge annoyance is that after 8 emails over the time I worked for them, they never once mentioned me to the fanbase or apparently the WP team cause I got a nasty email which then I showed Hussie and Rachel's conversations allowing me to sell them. They really didn't say they were sorry but just kind of an "oh jk then". All I wanted Hussie or Rachel to say was that I indeed had their permission to sell my horns but every email was ignored.

Oh well, it helped with medical bills at least! And I got to learn a lot about Model Magic that I have it down to a science now.

The only other thing I sold that was HS related that she probably would of been mad about, were my glowing planets for Jade.

>> No.7815602

they remind me of an aspen tree.
ew ace bandages.
their eyebrows, foundation, freckles eyeliner, everything. but why?
aw their roxy is cute.
i never want to see this again.

>> No.7815607

As someone who've known the Hussie family slightly, he's not the one who gives a fuck and pushes this shit, it's his shitty girlfriend.

>> No.7815612

I generally don't care for MF, but she's standing up against Sandy McCunty's bullshit so she just got mad respect from me.

>> No.7815621

25$ for a shitty 5 minute god tier doodle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.7815627


The fuck??? I think this is legitimately the first thing that has ever made me uncomfortable out of all the shit I've seen come out of this fandom.

Spit bucket drinking, Acne Dave, and raw meat Sollux were almost enough to get me but I shrugged all that off. I think there was an Equius photoset with tentadick a couple years back that I didn't blink twice despite the hardcore embarrassment cringe I felt. I'm seriously at a loss for why this one is bothering me so much.

>> No.7815655

The worst for me was that Dave in the bathtub of urine and/or apple juice. Some of the nude stuck is gross.

>> No.7815675

i think it's the color of the bulge that bothers me the most. It looks just human enough to feel real and yet off enough to look like a diseased organ.

>> No.7815821

Fucking same. It was apple juice but it was still fucking disgusting.

>> No.7815907

If the artist has admitted they just fucked up and drew them wrong it's hardly canonical (I'm wondering how they even managed that since Terezi's sharp teeth are so emphasized that it should be easy enough to remember to put them on her dancestor). Flat Latula teeth look stupid imo.

>> No.7815914

Forgetting the rest of this for the moment -- you're not serious about the glasses, are you? "Pointy glasses" isn't somehow Gainax's IP. Might as well say Viral's giant arms are stealing IP from the Popeye cartoon.

>> No.7815921

Well not quite the same. It's a purposeful homage in this case. however anon is being silly, in no way is the popularity or readership of Homestuck directly contributed to by the shape of Dirk's glasses - its a very small, not directly copyrighted homage.

Now all that very specific Con Air stuff on the other hand, a much bigger deal is made of it and it's definitely copyrighted......

Anyway both the glasses and the Con Air fall under parody law. Maybe that applies to the cosplayer photos and cathedral pictures too... but I don't see how it could.

>> No.7815922

Hussie literally said that the glasses were Kamina-inspired so yeah, I am.

>> No.7815924

The shape of the glasses isn't copryighted, is what anon means, I think. Con Air is though.

>> No.7815927

That would be really stupid if it did. WP has explicitly said that cosplay can't fall under parody, so claiming that they can crib cosplayers' photos for the comic under parody would be a whole new level of wtf.


>> No.7815972


>> No.7815982

Technically they weren't. The forums all started calling them Kamina glasses so he decided to incorporate it into the comic.

He did that with a lot of things.

>> No.7816041
File: 424 KB, 800x533, tumblr_mwttcfbGwQ1r0po6qo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7816240

It's not really covered under parody when it comes to copyright law. Parody according to the USCO, is "is the use of some elements of a prior author's composition to create a new one that, at least in part, comments on that author's works" The glasses certainly aren't a commentary on the previous author's work. And the Con Air stuff is highly debatable. There's no commentary on Con Air (beyond lol this is bad), just that it's a running joke that John and Vriska like it. If someone was to take that to task in court, I don't think the parody defense would hold.

>> No.7816517

Second from the left top, is that a Karkat? Third from the left top, I have no idea what that is. Jane?

>> No.7816522

Either that or kankri, and yeah that is a jane, GT jane.

>> No.7816704

I liked the designs in the fanart but I don't think any of them really pulled it off well.

>> No.7816861

Does anyone have the picture of the Aradia with the fish face? She did red falsies and they made her eyes look like they were bugging out

>> No.7816959

Unless the symbol is on the shirt or something, there's no way I would've related this to Homestuck.

>> No.7816984

Is there a source on this? This hand looks really nice.

>> No.7817008


I remember seeing a photoset of Cifera and Mostflogged as Rose and Kanaya, I thought that was kind of nice. Aside from that, generally Nudestuck isn't so... great.

>> No.7817018

This is a pretty nice Dave.

>> No.7817036

What's with all of these letters?

>> No.7817041

The Gamzee looks alright at least. Tavros's legs look nice but the rest of the cosplay, not so much.

>> No.7817049

Now that's definitely creepy.

>> No.7817069

Are these two supposed to look like a Hot Topic mess?

>> No.7817108

New thread:

>> No.7817118

Probably a somewhat wrong thread for this but homestuck cosplay related so
>have a several cosplays finished alredy
>am fairly good at photography, but noone that lives nearby is decent at it
>have a really good camera
>want to take some decent looking photos that are not selfies
>maybe 4 other very casual hs cosplayers I've heard of living in my entire country
>mfw have more than a few finished cosplays but can't photoshoot

I've considered the remote timer technique but am unsure of how well would that go. What do.