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File: 77 KB, 600x600, 10577084_756039894437167_6861895841596460949_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7789610 No.7789610 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone watch this? Thoughts?

>> No.7789875

They All Look Gross Except For The Superior Yanise.

>> No.7790005

Link to episode?

>> No.7790007

That black chick is too cute

>> No.7790022

Trashy, Dakota-wannabe, pretty cute, awkward coord, trainwreck

>> No.7790058

The girl with the nasty looking hot pink hair was pretty cute?

>> No.7790069

The cutest of the bunch, though they were all pretty bad

>> No.7790105

I am so fucking jealous of the black girl's skinny legs...

>> No.7790149

this is their best outfits? they all look like hot messes Middle looks the best, but
those wrist cuffs on her feet
bunny ears
blinding highlighter under eyes
no bueno

>> No.7790157

I don't think you know how to where the middle is.

>> No.7790176

I had to sit through that bullshit live. Nothing against the contestants personally but goddamn that was boring. Came to watch a fashion show not a commercial for some FB contest. Nobody needs or wants "kawaii leaders" it's just lame promotion for NHK.

>> No.7790200

Fuck and I don't know how to where to grammar.

>> No.7790401

I'm watching the episode right now. Their outfits were much better during their segments. Does Lydia have a fan page?
Super QT.

>> No.7790431

4/5 look like brolitas

>> No.7790457

The lolita girl looks like she has drawn on eyes beneath her eyes.

>> No.7790871

Theyre all pretty different i guess. the colorful chick is actually really fucking disgusting.

>> No.7790882

In personality or in outfit? Because I actually like the outfit

>> No.7790890

Haggard face aside, the that the girl second from the left is wearing is pretty cute. Anyone know where it's from?

>> No.7790900

*the dress
Thanks, brain.

>> No.7791908

Anyone got links to watch older episodes?

>> No.7792001

She use to promote herself VIA a FAILED maid cafe. She use to run Doki Doki Maid Cafe, the one that everyone hated at ALA the past year since the girls never showed up.
She actually has a boyfriend so she won't make a fanpage since he is the jealous type

>> No.7792548

In personality I heard she's rather horrid.

>> No.7793399

You can find her here fucking cakes too.
That shit is not kawaii. Its fucking gross
Messyhot. tumblr. com

>> No.7793405

I'm very concerned about getting sprinkles in my cooch after taking a look at that

>> No.7793409 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7793414 [DELETED] 
File: 611 KB, 768x1219, http%3A%2F%2F33.media.tumblr.com%2Ffa5d69e205fbbfb7c695fad98b0b00ef%2Ftumblr_na1hha5Mga1r05b0ro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Def her.

>> No.7793464

I could help you with the clean up part

>> No.7793474
File: 18 KB, 300x323, You sicken me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> why

>> No.7793539


Might be a myth but isn't it kind of dangerous to get sugary stuff on your lady bits? You can get an infection.

Either way this is gross.

>> No.7793551

Naw, it definitely is not a myth.
I cringed just thinking about it.

Yeast infections ahoy.

>> No.7793642

One of our future kawaii leaders.
This is interesting.

>> No.7793690

Sugar feeds yeast, and excess of yeast and other netherbit flora can seriously fuck you up. Basically you want to maintain a relatively stable environment, since it's as much an environment as a forest, so things don't get out of whack. Giving them a huge food source leads to going out of whack.

>> No.7793725


She's Boxxy-tier levels of fake and annoying.

>> No.7793855

ok fuck you for even linking this because ugh, just why.
but fuck me for continuing to go through it. i've got to say though that most disturbing part is the advertisement of Trinity May's first cake shoot and how you get to 'see her turn 18 on camera!' how long was the sexual grooming of this child happening for this fabulous opportunity before she was actually of age? so fucking creepy, that guy looks fucking seedy as hell

>> No.7794793

They all look homeless and hungry. What the hell do you want from me?

>> No.7794796

Wow someone should send that to kawaii.i

>> No.7794851

>Messyhot. tumblr. com
I'm laughing so hard

>> No.7795630

I wouldn't want her as an "idol"
everyone would think we are cake-sitters....

>> No.7795670


>grooming of child

You sound hilariously out of touch

>> No.7795676

god, am I the only one who thinks that looks extremely uncomfortable?

>> No.7795692


>> No.7795694

I now have a cake fetish

>> No.7797176

The fact that she turned 18 on camera and that it obviously required talks before she was of age to get it all set up right as she turned 18 is probably what was being referred to.

>> No.7797210

Ditto this. Any links, please?

>> No.7797268
File: 1011 KB, 400x225, 1395273377154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trashy black girl
>Dakooter wannabe
>Fucking hot pink wig

>> No.7797382

ewwww you can see her vag :/

>> No.7797395

What a fucking waste of food. I don't even care that it's cheap sugar sprinkle bullshit, it's a waste. Put that shit on brownies or something.

>> No.7797436

so she has always liked having rainbow crap smothered on her face ?

>> No.7797659

Actually the pink hair is her real hair.

>> No.7797664

Try not to sound like an overweight poor fag next time?

>> No.7800051


>> No.7802123

I wish I didn't vote for Yanise after that shitstorm she caused yesterday. I also found out she begged and cried to all her friends to vote for her through private messages.

>> No.7802136

I sold stuff to her and she was a real bitch about it, like clearly hadn't read my TOS, didn't communicate her needs to me, etc.

>> No.7802141


>> No.7802152

The highlighter almost makes it look like she has a second set of eyes underneath her eyes.

Also isn't that the girl who used to shoop herself white? It was all over lolita_secrets at one point.

>> No.7802153

She posted the comm bitching thread onto her facebook after her friend got doxxed. A girl that wanted to apologize for some past unrelated drama came up and Yanise and her friends continued to harass her for hours.

>> No.7802161

Oh derp. Delayed hivemind.

>> No.7802164

Uh that last gif on the first page, all I can think is having all that shit around your vagina must feel like pouring sand in it

>> No.7803999

So ex-nay of Yanise and Audra for leaders accourding to this thread so far.

>> No.7804005

>Dakooter wannabe

>> No.7804929

She looks like a Dakota Koti wannabe

>> No.7807075

these all look amazing what the fuck, you guys are such fucking assholes.

>> No.7807085

>on brownies or something.
why not give it to kids in africa anon there's starving children there who never have frosting on their brownies

>> No.7807093

it wasn't to clarify, it was a "wat" that meant "that makes no fucking sense"

>> No.7807094

>frosting on their brownies

sounds sexual

>> No.7807101

maybe if you're 14...

>> No.7807165
File: 878 KB, 245x180, 1409080827263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the cakefucker on the right? Really? Look me in the eye and tell me she doesn't look like a hot cakefucking mess.

>> No.7807980

yeah she looks like that foe alien 90s look a lot of bitches love nowadays. Shit looks fly.

>> No.7808028
File: 5 KB, 84x150, tumblr_m4h1qvvHzZ1r6svhdo1_1001004532041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7808054

I recognise that Yanise is conventionally pretty cute, but I just can't stand her face, she looks so horsey.

>> No.7808249

Yep. The girl in the blue dress and the girl in the long dress are actually cute imo

>> No.7812341
File: 11 KB, 300x243, photo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


those teeth

>> No.7813557

Anyone know someone who sulked over not winning this stupid contest?

I wanted to slap the crap out of the person I know and tell her to be happy she got around 100 votes for being a nobody that doesn't offer much interns of content...

>> No.7813558

*interns of content

>> No.7813559


Damn auto correct

>> No.7813563

Is this Yanise as in Stephanie Yanez as in American JPop singer? Because my fucking sides are prepared to launch into orbit if so.

>> No.7813593

The reason autocorrect is fighting you on this is because "interms" is supposed to be two separate words - "in terms". Surrender yourself to autocorrect-senpai's loving guidance, anon-chan.