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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 166 KB, 700x1050, incredible-how-to-train-your-dragon-2-hiccup-cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7789147 No.7789147 [Reply] [Original]

this guy posted this picture as a RAW image straight from the camera XD

more black sheep?

>> No.7789154



>> No.7789159
File: 7 KB, 282x179, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"That guy" is Liui Aquino and he makes all his cosplays. His photos. at least the HTTYD set, are legit.



>> No.7789179



he doesn't look the same on uploads by his fans. he is basically the Jaja Han of male cosplayers

>> No.7789261

The level of detail and craftsmanship is seriously impressive, we're talking TV costume department kinda level here. Also the wig looks like real hair, so often cosplay wigs look too obviously wig-like and plasticy in my opinion.

>> No.7789266

He looks like a Japanese bishi.
I like it.

>> No.7789288

That's some badass cosplay quality

>> No.7789344


Where the fuck are you viewing those uploads? I've seen collections of his photographs from professional photographers and fans who know a few things about photography and they've all been high quality. You might have just seen shitty picture taking

>> No.7789669

Maybe he used a LITTLE BIT of photoshop and a shitload of concealer and foundation

>> No.7789981


Who gives a fuck? Even if there is a little bit of photoshop, it's not overdone.

>> No.7789998

That guys from Philippines and he's basically male Alodia. Comes from rich family, doesn't make any of his cosplays, is a promotional model, is severely photoshopped, has a crew/production team

>> No.7790025

Stop with this bullshit. There is video of him making this, and giving advice on how to do it. There is video of him with all the gear in and talking to his little sister or niece or something. Yes, he is wearing a lot of high quality makeup, but it looks flawless and should be encouraged.
This guy is not someone to use an an example of bad anything. He should be used as an example of how to do fucking awesome cosplays.

>> No.7790047

Sorry white knight but I hate to break it to you, he doesn't make any of his things. Everyone in Philippines knows he is photo shopped, that's why he bitches about it so much. Yes it is a good cosplay, but it's hard to appreciate it when the cosplayer likes to lie and pretend he looks an animu character and that he makes his own things. If anything it's a good costume maker, a good model, a good photo editor, and a good photographer.

>> No.7790052

Just think of makeup as preproduction and photoshop as post-production

>> No.7790086

still would bang him

>> No.7790107

Do you have like pics to see how he really looks?

>> No.7790121

seconded my curiosity is piqued now because google doesnt seem to yield any results

>> No.7790124

both of you assholes post some proof or stop bitching.

>> No.7790148

Ah yes because we have to appease you and convince you what to think of him. You're a dumbass who needs to fuck off and stop acting like other people care about your shitty approval.

>> No.7790161

OR you could shut the fuck up and post some proof, you lying cunt.
And that goes for the white knight, too. Post these "in progress photos" you speak of.

>> No.7790167

Again on your high horse thinking everyone cares about your approval. Hey everyone, let's fall in line to suck this piece of shit's dick while we teach him how to google. And since he's filipino, do you want us to translate all the tagalog posts for you because we still give a shit about what you think?

>> No.7790174

Jesus christ this thread is a wreck. Can we just turn it into a hot male cosplayers thread

>> No.7790178

I want to engage in homosexual relations with this boy.

>> No.7790179

then please, by all means, continue spewing verbal diarrhea at each other.
Forgive me for wanting to have something interesting happen in this thread.

>> No.7790181
File: 190 KB, 427x640, 1402678675644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7790183


>Bitches about how there's not enough proof to satisfy his drama craving micropenis
>Gets mad when told to fuck off
>Acts like he was doing the world a favor by wanting something "interesting" to happen

>> No.7790184
File: 288 KB, 2048x1360, 1402676439654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7790186

>shit posts
>gets mad when told off for shit posting

>> No.7790192


It was contributing, you were shitposting for complaining that there wasn't enough contribution for you to masturbate your internet tough guy penis to.

Besides, who the fuck would just sit here and translate every significant post in his dialect for you? Are you that fucking delusional to think someone is willing to type a persuasive essay in hopes to convince your retarded shit brain of a mind?

>> No.7790195
File: 54 KB, 500x750, idk who this is but i'm sure someone will find him attractive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel ike more guys are cosplaying genderbent female characters. THey're not always good, but I'm glad this is becoming a trend. Eventually, it'll become good. I hope.

Pic unrelated to this response, but possibly related to a hot guy cosplay thread

>> No.7790226

you sure seem to like talking about penises.

Why not just show us one "bad" photo of him? I think all anon wants is some screen caps, not a full translated biography. Same with white knight, I'd like to see these "progress shots" they mentioned.

>> No.7790235
File: 62 KB, 398x600, Fairy_Tail Gray_Fullbuster Jayem_Sison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whiny baby over here.

>> No.7790238
File: 177 KB, 960x742, 10606324_693984113990568_5735349548868772241_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not these dumbshits wanking about him but here's a random fan picture (not posted by him but he's tagged in it)
Still pretty cute.

>> No.7790245


You bitches are seriously killing the vibe in here


God bless

>> No.7790246

10/10 would drool over from afar

>> No.7790247
File: 77 KB, 640x845, 10489691_792113254153904_6144170071454679056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can find a few "WIP" pictures on his fb page if you look.

>> No.7790248
File: 367 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_mpflp7TAOJ1r9sw16o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7790250
File: 95 KB, 640x960, 10489962_494910107306021_7143771699107556999_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7790260


Did you even read what I said? I never said he was ugly. He IS very attractive. I just said

1) He's photo shopped and always denies it.
2) He claims to make his costumes even as going far to pretend to make them.

Even if that white knight brought videos into light of him talking about his cosplays and other things, do you expect him to translate it for you? Do you also expect me to go to Tagalog discussion groups/boards that are talking about him and become your interpreter? Sorry to say it but I don't have enough of a vendetta to go make a PULL style thread. He seems like a really nice guy and like I said again, he is very good looking.

Go to his facebook if you want to look at pics of him. His name is Liui-Aquino

>> No.7790280
File: 105 KB, 960x800, 10352997_792708520761044_6026146558592618446_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what I know, he didn't make the Hiccup cosplay. Seeing as he's both credited these people and they have the progress shots.

>> No.7790283

Aughgh all the quality posters are out at cons so now we're stuck with shitlord autists

>> No.7790306

Cute but why do SnK people always contour their noses to hell and back? Now you look like an Easter Island statue Jean, good job.

>> No.7790315

Because most people who cosplay from SnK are either Asians with low nose ridges or girls with round faces. Both are obsessed with contouring. Asians contour their noses in a lot of makeup looks they do anyway to make their noses appear thinner. The girls with round faces cosplaying SnK are usually from Tumblr and use shit makeup tutorials and/or idolize drag queens.

>> No.7790331

10/10 don't care if Liui photoshops a bit, he's still goddamn cute and I appreciate boys who know how to make themselves look good

>> No.7790334
File: 937 KB, 1263x1170, realliui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no photoshop
>should be a good example
>I think NOT
>he claims his hiccup photos ae by his dad in a >hurry on his roof. RAW
>way to go liui

>> No.7790337

... still adorbs even in "reality". Certainly better than 90% of the guys I've seen in cosplay.

Don't get why people are getting so sandy.

>> No.7790338

because he lies. if he would admit his shoop everyone would be chilled about it. but he lies. others worked hard for their cosplay and don't use photoshop and he denies it and makes himself look perfect. that hurts honest people.

>> No.7790340

Is lying so bad nowerdays?

>> No.7790344

people like you are why cosplay community has become so horrendous

>> No.7790350


>> No.7790376

Then I can now see what the neckbeards see in Yaya (apart from the good craftmanship).

>> No.7790383

Reality is still really cute.
Would bang.

Every good cosplayer photoshops and wears make-up, why does it enrage you so much when it's this dude ?

>> No.7790517

are you a fan of spcats by any chance? if so, stfu. you're just sandy

>> No.7790552


>> No.7790609

Ahh... I enjoy all the hate comments and comparison. Whenever there's a cosplayer close to being perfect all we do is bash them either over concealed make up, photoshoped or didn't make his own costume. Then compare them to shit cosplayers.

We humans are such shitty creatures are we? :3 This is why we don't deserve good things.

>> No.7790648

I'm from SE Asian. Compare to my local male cosplayer. he still hot without photoshop.

I don't if he shoop or not. He still a kawaii hiccup one.

>> No.7790655

Nit pick: true raw off the sensor would look purple ish without debayering. And how you debayer changes the look of a picture. Either Photoshop or adobe were used no matter what

>> No.7790666

When I shoot RAW it doesn't look purple...

>> No.7790682

Your camera /work flow must be debayering automatically

>> No.7790692

Wow. What camera do you used? I have DSLR and Digital camera. The raw picture from both never look purple.

>> No.7790698

Hint: the D in DSLR stands for 'digital'. You have two digital cameras, one of which is an SLR.


>> No.7790752

Shit... I mean the fuckin big one. That you can add a len on. And the small one that you can carry it everywhere. Don't know how to call it.

>> No.7790773

The ones you can change lenses on are SLRs.

The small portable ones are Point and Shoots. (AKA PhD cameras - Push Here Dummy.)

There are a few other types of cameras, like Rangefinders, but they're rare.

>> No.7792059

Guy doesn't wear makeup and cosplay looks bad.
Guy wears makeup and cosplay looks good.

That's you. That's what you people sound like.

>> No.7792070

rooty tooty point and shootys

>> No.7792075

Who cares if he lies about using photoshop. it's not like he's completely changing his entire look (Ex: changing nose/eyes). If we was seriously changing his face like jawline, nose, or completely altering it then yes, i'd get the rage but it just looks like he's making his skin look smooth/blemishfree/taking away shine. He still looks extremely cute in both so i dont see the disappointment.

>> No.7792085
File: 523 KB, 640x960, photoshop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. It's not a drastic change. Just removing blemishes. Now this is a drastic change.

>> No.7792816

another SEAsian here and i agree

>> No.7792838

Wish my guy friends into cosplay looked half as good

>> No.7792979

fuck you stupid filipinos and your lame drama. your thread is lame and you don't represent the whole of southeast asia. get out of cgl.

>> No.7793030

I'm >>7792816 and I'm not Filipino. I didn't even say that I represent Southeast asia? I'm just agreeing with the other poster.

I don't even know who this dude is (the only flip cosplayers I recognize are Jin & co along with Alodia anyway). Did he peed in your breakfast or something?

>> No.7793036

>that chin

>> No.7793316

Oh junkers... If only you weren't a self absorbed jerk

>> No.7794396

Please support your claim with evidence or i will assume it's baseless conjecture

>> No.7795512

requesting moar pics of him for research purpose

>> No.7795537

I'm >>7790648 and I'm not Filipino.
Just want to say that he look fine compare to most ASEAN male cosplay. My country only have shitty coser. Rarely seen a good one.

>> No.7795565
File: 54 KB, 202x200, 1406356484710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hiccup cosplay
>no freckles
Automatic fail.

>> No.7797037

looking good, though

>> No.7797053
File: 172 KB, 1265x493, 13697886445286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looks the same..? Just less clean.

>> No.7797055

I want to see him cosplay Chrome from Fire Emblem Awakening.

>> No.7797056

My only nitpick : he may be a little too good looking to cosplay that Viking boy..

>> No.7797093

actually, with a good make up and light there might be no shoop.
It doesnt mean there no photoshop in op pic, but it`s possible.

Also, RAW don`t look purple.Maybe if you use Canon 500D or 450D. Still not all RAW

>> No.7797269

I know right? so many butthurts in this thread.

Hey bitter cosplayers, just accept the fact that this guy is good in this cosplay, has tons of cash for costumes and facials and makeup you will never ever have.

>> No.7797315

Her top part of her hair is literally flat man, wtf.

>> No.7797933

>being this anal
Older Hiccup doesn't even have freckles. And fake freckles with makeup look gross no matter what method is used.

>> No.7798093
File: 171 KB, 1280x696, how-to-train-your-dragon-2-movie-trailer-toothless-licking-hiccup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Older Hiccup doesn't even have freckles.
Yes, he does. They're fainter than they were in the first movie, but he still has them. Freckles fade with age but they don't disappear completely, durr!

He could've at least photoshopped them on or something.

>> No.7798283


jesus christ have mercy on my little soul i don't want to go to hell for my thoughts

please tell me these cosplay dudes are as easy as the girls supposedly are

>> No.7798399

Never. There will never be a real boy as handsome as my husbando. He will always stay in the fictional world fucking Astrid while I sit here and cry over the fact.

>> No.7799447

I'm really sad he ended up with Astrid. I wish they would have created a new character to be his love interest or better yet, not give him one at all. That was such a contrived part of the storyline in the first movie and Astrid and the other kids were so unlikeable because Hiccup didn't change, they just all decided they liked him now because dragons.

>> No.7802867

and then you give him shit later for using photoshop.

>> No.7805299

Tfw my younger brother could probably pull off hiccup facial structure and hair color wise but he's too lame and only wants to cosplay hardcore looking vidya characters.

>> No.7806065

I seriously thought that was Changmin was TVXQ, from the thumb.

>> No.7808436

>great face
>body of a boy

>> No.7808696

can you flip post more of that guy

>> No.7808705

Whew, thought I was the only one.

>> No.7809929

It looks like she's chewing gum in front of a UFO landing site

>> No.7810025
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umf. I love men who wear contacts.
Mfw my boyfriend refuses them along with foundation then complains when he sees pictures of himself.

>> No.7810035

I've seen his candids (usually with fan shots at cons), he looks a little different bc of less flattering angles but still looks damn good. it's obvious that in his main shots, he looks that extra bit of nice because of powder makeup and posing basically - through effort), not shoop.

>> No.7810039

Yeah I agree, I look WAY different in candid/casual photos vs perfectly lit, made-up, and posed photos. I look better from certain angles in good natural lighting, and of course I look better with makeup on. Everyone does.

>> No.7810042

>that hurts honest people.
cosmic lel

>> No.7812257

bump for more OP

>> No.7812286

I want to lick all those abdomen muscles.

>> No.7812295

I want to see this as well

>> No.7812576

I'd rather see photoshopped freckles than no freckles, because that's one of his most noticeable traits. Seriously, the first thing I noticed about Hiccup from the trailer was his freckles.

>> No.7813331

UNF, my vagina

>> No.7813890


>> No.7813915

What I find interesting about /cgl/ is that no matter how god tier a costume is, somebody here will ALWAYS find something to bitch about. Always.

Freckles are not something that could just be painted on with photoshop easily, it would most likely end up looking like shit and then it would ruin the entire picture.

>> No.7813921


>> No.7814018

It's our job to point out flaws. Otherwise people would stop improving.

>> No.7815665

oh you

>> No.7815681


...This seems to happen the word Alodia is mentioned, or cosplay in the Phillippines at least.

Are fanboys and haters so blind?

>Fanboys say there is proof
>Haters don't need proof to back up their claims
>Haters are degenerates
>Fanboys are calm and composed

It's a big role reversal everytime, look, both alodia and this guy post "proof" on their respective facebook and or youtube channels, but its usually just a piece...

I know Alodia sometimes buys hers, from some boutique (she usually mentions them) but I have no idea about this other guy.

All I know is fans vs haters usually spiral downhill, but with the Philippino cosplayers its the haters that become degenerate, not the white knight fanboys defending them

Spot on, its called critique.
>Doesn't like being told they're doing it wrong

Oh you