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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7773943 No.7773943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I got two new housemates.
Figured since we have common interests it'd be great. But after 2 weeks, our common area turned into this. It's been like this and worse for the past 4 months.

You guys stuck with any cosplay slobs?

>> No.7774065

Evict them

>> No.7774073

Take everything in the room that belongs to them and shove it into garbage bags. Continue until room is clean. Place these garbage bags in their rooms, somewhere they'll see them, like their beds. As soon as they bitch, tell them that next time, the garbage bags go out with the rest of the trash.

If they can't be considerate enough to keep the common area clean, no reason for you to be considerate of their possessions.

>> No.7774083

How does that even happen that's disgusting

>> No.7774095


Lol I have lived with asshats who pulled shit like this before, resorted to drastic measures without ever talking to anyone about what the problem was.

OP, be an adult and let them know it's a problem.

>> No.7774096

If only it were that easy.

Only one problem. They're room is piles and piles of junk. I'll try to get a picture when they aren't around. Which, btw, is almost never. Only one of them works.

I don't understand either. Asshole stays home all day. You'd think he'd learn to clean while his boyfriend is off at work.

>> No.7774101

Well, one of them is my best friend's older brother. So my friend and I cleaned the house last week then we sat down and had a talk. Apparently talking wasn't enough.

But guys, I'm not posting this because I want help. I just want to see some shit other people deal with so I can feel better.

>> No.7774104

No seriously, have you done the adult thing and fucking talked to them about this? Because I doubt someone who was themselves free of blame would start a thread like this. If you're not a troll, you should rethink your approach to problem solving.

>> No.7774109

And I lived with people who ignored it when they were told there was a problem, and only paid attention to drastic/dramatic gestures, because they were socially stunted brats who thought that leaving giant messes of half-finished costumes in the living room was acceptable. Some people get out of their parents houses and think that mum is still going to come round and tidy up for them.

>> No.7774115

He's 24 and I went to his mother's house. She's a hoarder. It's disgusting. Floor to ceiling the whole house is packed with shit. Literally shit, because there is a rodent infestation in that place too. And you just walk through little pathways to go from room to room, like a rat in a stinking filthy maze.

So, mommy wasn't picking stuff up. Instead, she was a bad influence.

>> No.7774123

I myself am messy but I could seriously never live with people like this. To keep this on topic, I know WAY WAY WAY too many cosplay folks that have disgusting work spaces. Because they procrastinate, they are too stressed to be organized and throw shit everywhere. I remember a friend I had when I was in high school right before cosplay popularity exploded (around 2008) and she lived in a house near Georgia Tech with 2 other cosplayers. The house was a fucking nightmare. We couldn't even see the floor, there was no place for guests to even sit down. HOT GLUE AND WIG FIBERS EVERYWHERE.

I mean, sure I leave cosplay stuff out too, yeah there might be fabric scraps on the floor, left the glue box out, or didn't put the power tools back in the drawer but I at least keep shit in a general small area that does not affect traffic or other people using the space. And I always make sure to tidy up before leaving for the con.

Honestly I could never live with a cosplayer. Ever. Too much drama, too much immaturity, and too much disorganization in the people that are attracted to the hobby.

>> No.7774131

Yeah, now that I live with these two I know exactly what you mean. I've almost always liked cosplayers that I've met. But I learned that living with them can be an ordeal. And, I don't cosplay myself, so for a bit I thought maybe I was just being uptight. But there's a limit...

>> No.7774132

I have two roomies and they're not too bad so far. One of them has a really sloppy room and the other just has piles and piles of clothes in her room. But they keep it in their rooms for the most part so I dun curr.

The hard part is getting them to wash dishes and clean the catboxes. They're living in my place dirt cheap while I work a lot so I asked them to take care of that stuff to help me out, and they agreed, but
>mfw both things still don't get done regularly

Oh well.

>> No.7774134

i know this feel; all three of us are slobs in our apartment. im not sure what happened though, we've gotten better (except for the male roommate) about it lately. sit your roommates down and make clear rules about keeping stuff clean or you will move out. make sure everything has a home. anything that is trash, old wrappers, packaging, goes in the trash immediately and trash is taken out when it's full. if it's too big for the can, it goes out. be the dick roommate about it, because there's really nothing worse than coming home and finding a mess every day. becoming the mom/bad guy and cleaning up their stuff/throwing it out is only going to reinforce their shitty attitudes, because "well anonmate will just clean it up/throw it out anyway"

>> No.7774137
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OT but my slob brother is like this. Thinks that it's OK/normal to leave beer bottles and empty pop cans in piles everywhere in every house he goes to because he's going to haul it all to the recycling center "some day." Absolutely does not comprehend a fucking trash can.

>> No.7774138

Shit like this makes me terrified to live with other people. I've had two experiences living with others when I had internships (otherwise I live at home since I live very close to university, saves loads of cash), and both were very lucky only because there were very clear ground rules laid down, and those who could accept them lived there.

Seriously the only way I could do it is if I join a place that already has very clear ground rules like "keep all messes in your own bedroom, clean up food to prevent pests, clean up in kitchen/bathroom, or we'll evict you"

>> No.7774141
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Talk to them about it. Set up some kind of chore chart. Sometimes you have to think with the mentality of living with kids rather then adults unfortunately. I lived with hoarder parents for years, grew up being one myself, and finally broke myself of it after years. Cleaning still kind of tires me out, but it's a relief when I can still take 20 minutes and do stuff like make the bed, wash the dishes, and clean off the kitchen table.

Unfuckyourhabitat had something about living with slob roommates. They brought up valid points about how often passive aggressive shit doesn't work and that most people/roommates are pretty selfish when it comes to things like keeping a space clean.


Even if they hate to clean, NOBODY really likes cleaning(for the most part anyway, there's exceptions) but it's everybody's responsibility. Even if you guys have to kind of work together on cleaning, you'll probably all be happier.

>> No.7774143

>I've almost always liked cosplayers that I've met. But I learned that living with them can be an ordeal.
This. Also a reason why I made it a point to be cautious about living with friends. Just because a person is a really awesome friend and great to hang out with, doesn't mean they will be someone you want to share a living space with 24/7.

Especially considering cosplay tends to attract immature and not the most responsible people. Man/womanchildren.

>> No.7774148

>passive aggressive shit
Oh god, I hate passive aggressiveness. I know you don't want to create hostility or confrontation, but it will be better for the roommate-to-roommate relationship if you be upfront. You'll feel much better about it, and if the other person is mature they will appreciate you saying something rather than harboring bad feelings and talking shit.

Now, if they start huffing and puffing and getting short with you as if you are their mom, yeah then you don't want to live with those faggots.

>> No.7774156

I lived in a house last year with two other girls. One of them got really passive aggressive about things not being clean, like the dishes or the trash taken out. Only problem was was that all the dishes were hers and she had said she was going to take care of the trash. She got so annoying about things that the other girl spent all her time at her boyfriends, and I spend all of mine in my room or on campus.

We ended up setting a chore chart up, which did an ok job at getting her off our backs. But she wasn't doing her assigned chores after awhile, and when she did she made a big deal out of it ("OMG this plate is disgusting, it has mold on it ugggggh" when the plate was hers that she had dumped in the sink a week ago). Not a great experience overall. I tried to find a single apartment but they were all out of my rice range, so I'm in a single dorm room. Pray for me for I have never lived in a dorm.

>> No.7774158

I've kind of learned over time that it doesn't really work with most people(you get exceptions but for the most part it doesn't)

I admit my husband is lazy as hell and I pulled passive aggressive on him for stuff like cleaning, and the shit don't work. Eventually I mellowed more and talked to him more patiently and adult and while he's still lazy, but it's easier to get him to help out now.

Being passive aggressive just makes me feel like a kid throwing a tantrum because I'm not getting my way, even if it's a perfectly reasonable request.

>> No.7774161
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I haven't been passive aggressive.
Don't bring up the mess often.
USUALLY I don't have to clean it. The boyfriend who has a job cleans it up eventually. I did have a discussion with no results. I did make a chore chart, with no results. Honestly, I think the dude was raised in a bad environment and he's legitimately depressed. I've started having his family (like his brother) help. Hopefully it works out. I like the guy and his boyfriend is a fucking saint.

>> No.7774171
File: 100 KB, 550x542, 1377685805656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it might be a good idea to try to get him to set aside a small bit of time each day to JUST cleaning. Even if it's just 20 or even 10 minutes a day. If you can set aside that bit of time and clean it together(or like you said, with his brother) it could really help out.

One of the big issues with cleaning is that often we let the shit accumulate and then you've got a mountain to clean instead of just a mole hill. Especially when you're tackling a task by yourself. A lot easier to climb a mountain when you have a partner with you.

>> No.7774173

I'll tell you about my experience Anon.
I moved in with my close friend way back when and she was VERY slovenly. Her room was always a mess and it smelt quite bad, but she was respectful of all the common areas. Then a bit later when our other friend, who was also quite messy, moved in, suddenly our common area was free game and it gradually became disgusting. Beer bottles everywhere, dirty dishes, and filth. I did ask them to clean up a few times but it didn't do much good, and I didn't feel I should have to nag them or parent them. Eventually, we had ants coming in from the garage. There was also a bowl of soup that had become a bowl of mold. I was quite ill at the time and didn't have much energy for this bullshit, but I decided not to push the matter until I came back from a week long absence to find the bowl of mold had actually run out of soup to feed on and had shriveled up and died. SO needless to say I was pretty miffed, and asked them to clean up again but this time with more of a pissed-off attitude. As I mentioned I was sick at the time, so I usually wasn't in the best mood, being tired and drained from my illness, and all the mess just made it more difficult. This led them to eventually sitting me down and basically demanding that I move out to maintain our friendship. It was such a wtf moment, and it hurt me really deeply. I refused to move out, because I couldn't see how anything I had done could justify drawing a line in the sand like that. Things were really tense, and we didn't speak to each other until they later moved out (after our landlord found out about the ants and maggoty garbage they had laying around). To this day it hurts me to think about it because they treated me like shit over the whole thing. Maybe if I had talked to them earlier or had been in a better place to deal with it, we might have been able to salvaged the friendship.
TL;DR You don't really know someone until you live with them.

>> No.7774178

Damn, that's a bad situation. Thanks for sharing.

Also, this is my first time on /cgl/ and I'm getting the weirdest vibe from everyone. Maybe I've just been on /b/ and /x/ too much but... is everyone here not a man child lashing out at the world in a desperate attempt to not lead a meaningless existence?

>> No.7774181

Nah. This is more of a female oriented board. So it's more of a bunch of woman child leading a desperate attempt to not lead a meaningless existence while we wear frilly dresses and dress up as animu characters, while gossiping about other girls in frilly dresses who dress up as animu characters.

>> No.7774185

And the other boards don't mess with you?
Because that sounds way more appealing to me - even if I'm not the type to wear frilly dresses.

>> No.7774229

wow I go to the same boards.

>> No.7774297


We do get a lot of trolls and cross boarders. If you post someone holding a gun (toy), /k/ comes in and turns the thread to shit. If you post sweet lolita thread someone will always posts "ageplay" in an attempt to derail the thread. If you post some fantasy stuff the larpers and /tg/ will come complaining. /fit/ is always trying to turn fatties into Jane Fonda, despite most girls preferring the waif look. There's always someone complaining "tfw no gf" in some random thread, always a fap thread going (on a blue board, for some reason they think it's important to have a fap thread here) and sometimes a con pickup thread. There was a period of a couple of months where room threads would get bombed, too.

Some of the more boring threads do get left alone though.

>> No.7774304
File: 178 KB, 755x1011, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so lucky I had roommates who were cool with me obnoxiously taking over the entire living room for a week or two right before katsucon every year for the last three years. I mean I tried to keep it actually clean but pic related was what they had to deal with this last katsucon. Maybe they secretly hated me but they always seemed like they liked seeing the progress? And I always bake cookies or cupcakes to try to make up for it.
Procrastination is definitely what contributes to my messiness. The last week before the convention is just FUCK I DONT HAVE TIME TO CLEAN THE CONVENTION IS THIS WEEKEND mode

BUT I could not stand it if people left all their cosplay shit around all the time. Like that just looks gross
>wigs on the floor?
>random scraps everywhere
>everything everywhere
Ughhh it makes me anxious just looking at it. As someone who has dealt with weirdly passive aggressive roommates in the past (as in we think the crazy one stole another roommate's vibrator because she assumed she stole her cheap walmart silver wear) just get it out in the open. Let them know that if it doesn't change it's going to end up in the garbage or they're going to end up having to look for a new place to live. Maybe get the boyfriend who cleans to have a word with them

>> No.7774313

>wigs on the floor

I made the mistake of doing that back when I lived at my parents house.

Ended up with one of the dogs pissing on it.

Also being a cosplayer/crafter gave me a deep seeded hatred for carpeted floors(besides the obvious said animals peeing on it) but pins. Oh god, pins always fucking disappeared into it. You just drop a pin? Enjoy seeing it several months later when you STAB YOUR FOOT WITH IT.

>> No.7774656

Not a cosplayer, but a lolita and I flat share with another lolita who also cosplays. She's the best most considerate flatmate I could have hoped for. Reading this thread makes me feel so so lucky.

>> No.7774666

First of all, that is cool as shit, anon.
But yeah, if it's just needing some extra space and things are kept pretty tidy/only what you need at that very moment I don't see the problem really. Especially when there's an established end date in the near future. It's just the "I'll get this out of here someday" people who drive me up the wall.

>> No.7774667

I was always pretty cleanly for the most part even at home. My mom was super anal retentive about it A friend of mine, her mom, just..wow. Packrat. The living room looked ok but you could tell shit was crammed everywhere. My friend and i were getting into cosplay at this point and luckily not making anything. I was the only one who could sew but i just stuck to capes and shit for renaissance fairs. I remember helping clean the house and i just can't begin to tell you how much shit was truly crammed in that house. her mom went grocery shopping every week even though the fridge was so full you couldn't put anything more in it. She could literally make all the food she ever wanted for a month. I dont really talk to that friend a whole lot since we had a huge falling out. I was around her for ~ 6 years and i cannot stand clutter. If having space was a fetish, it would be entirely mine.
My husband and i have an apt now and have been together 7+ years. He's tidy, does laundry, dishes, and vacuums without asking. I always feel horrible when i'm working on a project and i have shit out in the living room and shit all over in the sewing room. I pick up after myself and if i have to leave something dry overnight, i let him know not to touch it and that i'll move it tomorrow. I also work as a janitor, going on 6 years this month, so i can pick out things now that i never would have caught before. I look at OP's picture and honestly, it just gave me flashbacks of my old friends house. I would say pick it up, organize it if you can, or put it in boxes. Tell your roomate that if they can't keep up, that it's getting thrown. If there's dishes in there i'd flip my shit. Sorry, maybe this is past issues bubbling up but i can't live like that.

>> No.7774668

OP, you live in my dream house. I wish I could find slob roommates instead of the neat freaks who have no interest in starring in their own episode of Hoarders.

>> No.7774673

Jesus christ seagull, hit that enter sometimes.

>> No.7774912

>Enjoy seeing it several months later when you STAB YOUR FOOT WITH IT.
Happened to my friend. She had to use a wheelchair for a few weeks after that.

>> No.7775061

are your roomates furrys? I can see lots of tails in that pic..

>> No.7775179

>I also work as a janitor, going on 6 years this month, so i can pick out things now that i never would have caught before

Do you mind if I ask what sort of things you can catch now? And if you have any professional cleaning tips?

>> No.7775860

Sure! Sorry, had passed out on the couch for a while.
Alot of this might sound entirely stupid but it's things we have to check in bathrooms or in classrooms and i applied some of this at home.

>dusting vents
>edges the edges of a faucet, removing buildup (hardwater)
>wiping around the base of a toilet
>walls where any splatter may be: around towels, by ovens, sinks
>lightswitches, around/on the panels you get buildup
>Dusting, do that shit top to bottom
>buildup between tiles, if bathroom isnt a waxed floor, buy a putty knife or scraper if it's really bad,

Again alot of this is what i can pick up from working but there are some things that aren't as applicable at home. For example:
>fucking waterless urinals. Yes, it's a thing. They're horrible.Dumbest idea ever.

I'm not sure whoever created that shit but they should rot in hell. Does not save water at all.
As for tips/cleaning suggestions, Vinegar works really great to remove hard water stains/buildup. Fuck, vinegar works great on alot of shit. Mix with water. It can be like 1 part vingar to 3 parts water but you can make it a touch stronger if you need it to be. There's a million different freaking uses for it. I work in a district that has a really bad hard water problem. We have to constantly clean around sinks/back of toilets and remove white crusty buildup.
When cleaning a bathroom work from mirror > sink > toilet. Lift up the god damn toilet seat. Get underneath it. Those kids you drop off at the pool know how to make a splash.
Sorry i know this is probably logical to most but let me know if this helps. Sage for partially off topic.

>> No.7775869

Ah fuck. Forgot
>vacuuming edges along wall
You get alot of dust buildup there and in door jams. Look around the bottom edges, both sides, of where your door is.
My apartment isn't in tip top shape but like fuck if i'm ever letting it get out of hand for very long. I don't mind it for say, a week or two and my cosplay is everywhere, but after that i'm like "Ok this shit needs to be picked up."

>> No.7775874

That applies especially for pets, or for cosplayers, wigs.
Tons of hair ends up in those places and I have no idea quite how.

>> No.7775954

I want to be mad, but I see Zero armor in that shit... Damn, I really want to make Zero from Megaman X.

>> No.7775961

Why do people become hoarders? The idea of living in such filthy conditions makes my stomach turn.

>> No.7775977

Is that Silent Hill cosplay, because that looks fucking incredible

>> No.7775979

Oh, nevermind, that looks like a kagune from tokyo Ghoul. Still fucking awesome tho

>> No.7776046
File: 61 KB, 400x428, Agirlonce3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe it or not but often it's genetic, it's like a form of ocd or anxiety, there are a few mental conditions that are not even remotely the same thing, but end up with the same results. You can train yourself out of it but it is very very hard and often takes lots of help and medication, which if you are a hoarder you are unlikely to seek.

For instance, my own family. My mother is a big time hoarder, but she is the type that collects things that are worth lots of money, she says she will sell it, and in her defence she has sold a ton of things and even made lots of money off of it, but there is no possible way she can ever catch up with the amount of antiques piled up in my parent's house, and she keeps adding to it. She has depression and probably OCD, but she refuses to get help for it. I was raised in that sort of home so I never realised just how odd it was until middle school when I started making friends, and even then I thought they were just stuck up or dumb for not holding on to useful or expensive things.

>> No.7776049

It's different for everybody. For some people it's triggered by things like depression, or a major event like a house fire. They feel the need to hold onto everything or think things can be useful when they're trash. Watching shows like hoarders, a lot of those people have a serious psychological problem and the hoarding is a major result of it.

>> No.7776052
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Now I am 26 and having trouble with severe depression, the only thing that makes me clean out my own home ever is my relationship with my boyfriend and lots and lots of meds. Even with all that I am very compelled to hold onto anything worth any amount of money and most days I can't get up the energy to do something as simple as wash the dishes or do the laundry. It makes it impossible to have friends over, I can't say that I like it, in fact I hate it and it makes me miserable when things pile up, but once stuff starts to pile up like that it feels impossible to ever manage to clear it out. Most people, and the rational section of my brain, says to just toss things out if you haven't used them in so long, but my mind always goes back to "Oh I have seen this go for X amount on ebay, i could sell it", or "oh I could use this for cosplay/decoration/storage/whatever" or my biggest problem "One day I can fit back into this (item of clothing) I should hold on to it as inspiration!"... Never mind that none of those things ever happen.

Its really hard to describe it to someone, but it isn't just a matter of buckling down and doing it. It is a ton of mental hurdles to even get to the point where you can recognize a problem. Right now I am at the point where if I invite someone into my home, I am embarrassed at how unorganized my shelves are, but at least everything is on a shelf and I know where everything is. My carpets are clean and uncluttered, my dishes are clean and in cupboards, my bedroom... well I can't let anyone into my bedroom, but my bathrooms are hygienic and smell nice even if my makeup is cluttered on the counter. When you are like me it is about keeping things clean at the very least, clutter comes second, and eventually you can learn to keep the clutter down. I'm not exactly proud of my progress, but at least not living in corridors of dusty junk, and when I have friends over I don't have to rush to clear off the couch or anything.

>> No.7776057

My parents are hoarders and I sometimes have a really hard time throwing things away. I had no idea it's genetic! If I didn't have my bf telling me "Do you really need this?" I probably would be just like them. I never want to be like them, oh god. They didn't even hoard valuable things, they just couldn't throw things away since they might be useful later.

>> No.7776079

Speaking as a shitty roommate who has always had trouble with this, DO THIS. It is the only thing that can make people like me even realize we are bothering you. I am so laid back about what my roommates want to do I don't even realize when I am doing something that bothers them, I just sort of assume that everyone is as laid back as me. Boxes piled up next to the trash? I assume no one cares so long as the trash is taken out before tuesday. Dishes sitting next to the sink? I figure it isn't a big deal so long as they don't have food in them or start to smell. Someones laundry is sitting on the couch? It's all cool so long as there is a spot to sit!

Keep communicating, don't do stuff for people like me, let us know what is a problem and remind us when we forget. We are idiots, don't treat us like anything less. If you have to, move out because it is the only way people like me learn.

>> No.7776099

Yeah it often is. It blew my mind when I was talking to a doctor and I brought up the courage to talk about it, she explained that it is often a symptom of other problems, or even just a genetic trait all by itself. She told me that I was actually doing great just by realizing it was a problem at all, let alone actively working on it by myself.

I am sort of doubly fucked, my grandmother on my father's side horded all sorts of small things like string and tape, and my whole family on my mother's side had depression and ocd along with hoarding issues. With my grandmother though we aren't sure if that was something she was predisposed to, or if it was a product of her living through the Great Depression, because a lot of people her age did the same things... and never used sugar ever if they could help it, which made my grandmothers cookies just terrible.

>> No.7776627

That's awesome, thanks.

>> No.7778358

>pins in carpet
Not nearly as bad as having little pieces of chicken wire in the carpet. Usually with pins you would have had to shuffle your feet for anything to have happened, but I've stepped on shards of chicken wire embedded in the rug before and let me tell you something
It really fucking sucks
Maybe you could consider setting a deadline? Ie the Monday after the con they're working on cosplays for
It's actually neither of those things. It's for Sakizou's Arachne design. For someone who is goddamn terrified of spiders I spent a decent amount of time and money to look like a giant spider queen. Which reminds me
>decide to jazz up said design with random fake glitter spiders
>misplace several of said 1-2" spiders, only to always find them whenever I wasn't wearing glasses/contacts in the middle of the night
>many heart attacks were had