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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 80 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mngt2e5byb1st3565o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7772986 No.7772986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread >>7758186 is in autosage

>> No.7773009
File: 432 KB, 365x494, 245992e4d8599f893600e2f0ca89331b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from the old thread. It was suggested that I pair this with black chiffon, but because the accents are dark brown I think a cream would be better. Could definitely use more suggestions if anyone has some!

>> No.7773020

With the religious motifs and the memento mori theme this makes me wonder if anyone has ever done something like a witch- or vampire hunter inspired coord.

>> No.7773055
File: 77 KB, 480x640, 1540525600011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a classic-inspired country coord that's suitable for winter with this dress. I was thinking of pairing it with a high-collared blouse and cardigan or shawl, but I'm having a hard time finding one that's suitable. I have a nice pair of heeled brogues that match the accent ribbon, and I have some subtle lace tights in a light cream.
I'm also not sure what to do for headwear, since straw hats feel way too summery.
I'd really appreciate any help/advice.

>> No.7773070
File: 43 KB, 390x581, dear_celine_alice_s_secret_garden_op_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't coord this dress to save my life

>> No.7773084

I think a wig with natural looking texture and uncommon yet naturally occuring hair color would really help this coord stand out.
With tights/pantyhose to match.

Black tea party shoes.

>> No.7773117
File: 20 KB, 250x333, 142944-m-02-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dress itself is so busy that I'd personally go with something rather simple. Black hat with white/ivory ribbon, white/ivory tights maybe with a black Alice-related design and cute black shoes.

>> No.7773138

What's wrong with pairing it with dark brown? I definitely like the idea of chiffon and a floaty feel to the outfit.
I would also consider a dusky rose pink.

What about a brown cloche hat with a gingham bow, brown high collar blouse and cream lace shawl?

Go old school - white knee socks with lace, black Mary janes, and a black hairband with bow like the disney Alice

>> No.7773145

The cloche hat is a good idea, thank you!
I was already thinking of going with a cream blouse and brown shawl (dark blouses under light dresses make my shoulders look huge), but I can't find a good shawl, was my point. I was hoping anons could point me in the direction of specific suitable cardigans/shawls.

>> No.7773297

Nothing at all! I like the idea of finding some brown chiffon - someone had suggested *black* though, which is why I clarified about the accent color being brown.

Guess it's time to hunt down a good brown blouse. I only have a cutsew in that color right now. Argh.

>> No.7773356
File: 40 KB, 320x427, florence-op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels too sophisticated for classic/country but too humble for OTT classic. Halp.

>> No.7773474
File: 831 KB, 1200x1200, rosegardenbasdugrimm1copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Crossposting from the other thread, also with a variation w/ vest. Might just make vest with a similar design since it's not too complicated.

>> No.7773719

The vest seems like an odd choice tbh, it would cover up the lovely high waist of the skirt and its buttons and even if they did show, it would look really awkward (not to mention the buttons on the skirt look gold and the ones on the vest look silver). The original blouse seemed much nicer too imho, the one here looks a bit too bright white for the tights. In the original collage, all it needed I think was a beautiful large, ornate (possibly animal) vintage style pendent with some color contained within the tights picked out in it, in an antique gold type shade.

>> No.7773738

Stop with this OTT classic nonsense, it's a fine classic dress. You could easily style it in a classic/ country way with some tan oxfords, cream lace tights, The classic straw bag covered in flowers, and an equally decorated straw boater. Use some pearl bracelets and pearl flower accessories for the floral elements to add elegance.

>> No.7773762

I hate that the cold pink of the bag clashes the warm tones of everything else. Other than that it's a beautiful coord

>> No.7774441
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x800, ftc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i have so far, i think it might be best with the red shoes and popcorn bag, still looking for other items to go with it, suggestions? thanks

>> No.7774463
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 110859-3918-2014-07-08528326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what to really wear with this except just doing a black blouse and maybe a pair of black sheer tights with opaque vertical stripes black shoes, and a matching accent color on the head. I can't come up with anything not plain and standard.
And having trouble picking out an accent color that I could maybe use on the blouse or legs to make it less boring that won't look tacky. It just has so many colors I was thinking one of the colors has to work instead of just going to default black top, legs, and shoes.
And I really don't want a wa or qi lolita theme.

>> No.7774473
File: 287 KB, 375x747, ap_2009_op_starnighttheater_worn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think if you really want to bring red into this coordthe shoes are cute but you're going to need a lot more for it to work because the red in the dress is just specks. The popcorn bag... yeah it's a cute idea but I think it doesn't look functional and doesn't quite fit with a lolita aesthetic.

Maybe an escharpe or a bag or some sort red placement on the dress somehow would make it work? The dress is so white I think big chunks of accent colors could end up looking funky?

>> No.7774492

thanks anon, perhaps itd be safer if i just stick to ivory for the whole coord? wear the clock purse with the ivory shoes and make all the accessories that color as well

>> No.7774594
File: 790 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to use more red?

>> No.7774660
File: 55 KB, 250x333, 133706-s-04-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm planning on buying a new blouse to go with this; can't tell what kind would fit best though. I want to keep the sailor look of the dress.

>> No.7774672
File: 27 KB, 390x579, dear_celine_sailor_style_dolly_one_piece_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to find shoes to go with this dress. Was thinking ankle socks or navy and blue striped socks but having issues finding shoes

>> No.7774740

That blue is super pretty. I could see that as an accent colour - floral shoe clips, jewellery featuring blue flowers and maybe a hair clip

High collar

Navy blue tea parties, or navy blue shoes from antaina?

>> No.7774841
File: 2.08 MB, 2448x3264, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to try coording my cameo window. not sure if this works.

>> No.7774849
File: 1.95 MB, 2448x3264, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jewelry detail . rather limited.

>> No.7774892

The jewelry looks fine, but the bag and tights seem out of place. I would go with lace-patterned OTKs or tights instead, and for the bag, use something without a theme in maybe brown with gold accents?
Also, if that piece of pearl jewelry at the top has silver accents, I would swap it.

>> No.7774948

yeah i noticed the choker being silver after posting. unfortunately im limited on socks i can use for this. only other pair is reg. pink, but the coord is already too pink. i think brown might work. thanks!

>> No.7774957

Sauce on the dictionary bag? Is it DIYed?

>> No.7774976
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, 080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kate spade

>> No.7774977

>brand name literally on bag

Are you dumb?

>> No.7775012
File: 2.68 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could I have some help with this dress please? I have a date tomorrow afternoon so I don't have time to order new accessories beforehand but I did put together 3 outfits. I don't mind switching shoes/hair accessories/jewelry/whatever between outfits.


>> No.7775016
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2/3 Sorry they're turned funny, my phone is strange.

>> No.7775020
File: 2.59 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_8607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7775027

blouse white, tights ivory.
thats the only problem

>> No.7775036

Would it work if I switched the tights to white lace instead?

>> No.7775038

yes. only if you go with the pink headbow, not the ivory chiffon rose headband. i would suggest a matching brown bag of some sort, too.

>> No.7775040

I like this the most, super cute for a date

>> No.7775043

Is it generally a good idea to copy Kera advertisement spreads and in-store coordinates when making one's own coord?

>> No.7775150
File: 19 KB, 280x373, 1086_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really new to lolita so I'm having trouble finding socks and shoes that go with this dress

>> No.7775172

depends on what KERA coordinate. KERA is very much aomoji, so some of their coords are random/ita.

>> No.7775186

I was on mobile, sorry someone pissed in your cheerios this morning

>> No.7775228
File: 421 KB, 1019x571, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me more about these accessories? Sorry to bring the video up again.

>> No.7775231
File: 1.12 MB, 999x909, Screen Shot 2014-08-23 at 12.24.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried for a sweeter more costumey coord and a sweet-classic style one. The costumey one was way out of my comfort zone, though.

>> No.7775233

The teacup clips are Chocomint. I think the sceptre might be one of the ones Baby put out.

>> No.7775235

Thanks anon!

>> No.7775237
File: 457 KB, 743x682, abc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the scepter is Baby, but I'm not sure.

I got some help with pic related a few threads ago, and I was wondering if the coord is okay like this. The earrings are weebish, but where I live no one will recognize them so I don't think it's a problem. I probably need some more accessories, maybe just a casual golden ring or something galaxy-themed? Also looking for more ideas for thights since I prefer them over socks. I could wear skin-coloured thights under the short socks, but those things always look so ugly.

>> No.7775274


>> No.7775306
File: 746 KB, 1000x1000, my immortal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vampire hunter inspired coord
i tried..

>> No.7775316

please ignore that, it's a habit

>> No.7775322

That's not very hard to coordinate, anon. White socks, maybe light sax socks, or possibly sax/white striped socks depending on how thick the stripes are. Though you're best just matching your socks with your blouse.

As for shoes... dunno what you mean shoes that "go" with it. Any loliable shoes in black, white, or even sax would look fine with it. Since it's sweet, I'd go for sax tea parties if you're insistent on buying shoes just for this dress. But you can probably use some lolita shoes you already have.

>> No.7775338

I love how I knew exactly what you meant

>> No.7775347

>my immortal.png

I lol'd
This makes me regret ordering it in navy, I thought it would suit me and my purple hair a little better than the rigid black one but damn, vampire hunter-coord looks pretty fun. That bag is amazing

>> No.7775387
File: 961 KB, 1280x960, SUGAR BUCKETS HALP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help me I might actually be an idiot.

This dress is beautiful and I want to go kind of country with it or slightly classic, but I have never coordinated something this sweet before. I normally wear gothic but I fell in love with this for some reason, the way the red pops out on the white is just amazing and I really want to highlight that. The thing that vexes me is that most of the dress is ivory, but the bustle is stark white! I am not sure what to do with that.

>> No.7775397

This isn't helpful but I am jelly of your sugar buckets, anon.

>> No.7775412

Where can I get short, vertically striped socks like this from?

>> No.7775435

They're all over Taobao. Just search for tutuanna.

>> No.7775478
File: 1015 KB, 998x804, Screen Shot 2014-08-23 at 3.05.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I really want this dress now, even though I'm a gothic-y classic... It's just so elegant and tasteful, I love the strawberries and how they're both subtle and stand out. What a lovely dress.

>> No.7775533
File: 111 KB, 350x467, ista mori nameless poem black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about halfway done with a coord for pic related, but I have no fucking clue about what kind of headpiece to get. For reference, I have a short bob and don't wear wigs.

>> No.7775539


Don't get that clock bag, anon.
I bought the white one for a coord and it just came in yesterday, but it was actually a beige colour. Couldn't even pass it off as off-white.

>> No.7775565


Ohh that is cute! Thank you! And I know what you mean, it is just so pretty, it digs right into my little gothic heart somehow.
>flowers everywhere
lol, yes.

>> No.7775577
File: 62 KB, 720x960, tumblr_nacjo3ItMC1thfcpao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Black wool hats go incredibly well with this piece.

If you want to be more costumey or OTT, I can imagine a veil going well with this also.

>> No.7775586

oh god that is so lolita my eyes are bleeding lace

>> No.7775587

Yeah those might be a good idea, thanks! I was looking at oldschool headdresses as well because a white one would give off the vibe of a nun's veil, but I think it would look awkward with natural hair.
Now for the bag...

>> No.7775593

It is possible to wear creepers in lolita without looking like a wreck train? If so, some examples, please?

>> No.7775595

>implying hats can't look good with lolita

>> No.7775600

Only with punk and ouji, imo.

>> No.7775609

that was not the implication, this coordinate literally just got me so pumped that my heart almost burst

>> No.7775625

I usually hate platforms but oh my god, I love this so much. It's perfect. The contrast with the blonde, too. I love it.

>> No.7776074
File: 370 KB, 684x397, Screen Shot 2014-08-23 at 10.51.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only pic relate; the skirt pic isn't mine
>save me

>> No.7776082
File: 125 KB, 377x435, qwerty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently obtained this magic tea party dress, first non-bodyline dress. I can't figure out whether to get dark or light shoes >.<
How would you guys coord this?

>> No.7776085

You're wearing light tights but ignoring the dark parts of the dress in the rest of your items, so you can get away with dark brown shoes to match the trim.

>> No.7776105
File: 368 KB, 600x800, IMG_20140823_230426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got this on a care package. I'm a Gothic Lolita so I have no idea how to coord this right.

>> No.7776140

This dress looks good on everyone I've seen so far
I've yet to see it coord badly

Do you know how happy that makes me?

>> No.7776179

thanks anon! i really love that circus necklace, source?

i think ill try going for both on separate occasions, i really like the circus vibe, and the sweeter toned down look. thanks anon!!

thanks for telling me anon, its a bit too late for me though since i already bought it. i just hope maybe its not too terrible??

>> No.7776280

I never would have picked out that darker blue. I can see that working. Thanks for the help.

>> No.7776334

sauce on bolero if possible?

>> No.7776406

Cute dress! What is it?
What kind of date are you going on? What'll the weather be like? I'd suggest against a center bow if you're hesitant about normals. Unless you can slide it to be a side bow. The last outfit with the first's shoes would be most normalified. I really like the second's purse. The decision of the lace collared shirt vs the crochet sweater can be based off warmth.

>> No.7776450

this is so simple yet so amazing, also the girl looks super cute.

>> No.7776486
File: 444 KB, 796x859, weirdcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to coord whipped shirring in lavender. I'm starting to branch out from the obvious pink & white, purple & white, etc. While the dress has no pink in it, I do have pink socks that I can use. It's sorta hard to see in the stock pic but the bows decorating the tiers are a more pinky-purple than the rest of the dress, and there are lines of white cotton eyelet lace across the bodice (hence my idea of pink/purple/white).

I feel like I have a potential/base of a decent coord, but I'm not sure what to do to tie it all together. I have a lot of pearl jewellery, pink hair bows, white hairbows, etc. Suggestions would be very welcome!

>> No.7776487
File: 15 KB, 225x300, btssb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to mention I have this bag to kind of break up the solid pink of the cardigan

>> No.7776626

Innocent world

>> No.7776648
File: 10 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.612934721_eiyh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All seems ok to me, although I think an additional bow or clip in white would help pull it all together, the star clip could be shimmer white for instance. Also the cardigan looks a little plain as it is, it could really benefit from some kinda cute brooch or rosette in white x pink or possibly silver if you go for a silver pendant - a delicate little pendant at the neck with a pink gem would be a nice touch.

>> No.7776691


I quite like this coordinate, the colours are nice. I just wanted to point out a couple of problem areas:
- the accesssories, I realise you said you don't have these exact ones, I just wanted to point out that the star clip is a really bright pink in tacky sparkly material. It doesn't quite seem to go with the rest of the outfit.
- The cardigan sleeves may or may not look awkward over the OP since the OP has puff sleeves but the cardigan doesn't. You might be better off with a puffed sleeve bolero/cardigan, or a pink long-sleeved, high necked blouse under the OP, depending on the temperature and what else you want to accesorise with.

Overall I also thought the balance of pink and lavender could be better distributed, for eg:
- a lavender brooch on pink cardigan/bolero, or a pink brooch on the OP (if wearing a pink blouse underneath).
- socks that have both lavender and pink on them, if you can find some (AP has a lot of these, actually).
- a bag charm similar to your hair accessory, hang it off your bag to tie lavender and pink with the white bag.

>> No.7776730
File: 769 KB, 1344x864, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get some crit on this concept?

I'm going to get the fabric to make the matching bodice tomorrow.
>Organza or delustered satin sash?
>Does the wool hat work?
>Black stockings, silver heels?

Literally any ideas would be appreciated. I have a decent amount of the constellation and plenty of sparkle chiffon left to make accessories. Bodice will be solid black cotton.

>> No.7776737

You draw your coords? I love it. Please tell me you have a tumblr.

>> No.7776738

Stick with the headbow without the hat, and make matching wristcuffs with the chiffon and some matching ribbon and maybe add some pearls to them depending on what you are planing to go with jewlery wise.

>> No.7776744
File: 60 KB, 750x617, IMG_9498_a2cd1896-e26a-4b28-8c55-3466f5120bad_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this bag ok for sailor coord or is it too much of a costume?

>> No.7776796

The dress is actually handmade, haha. The date is with another lolita so I'm not terribly worried about normals. I think I'm going with the blouse for today but the third outfit will be for a Japanese festival meetup next week.

Thanks for all the help anons!

>> No.7776805

dont have pink hair, wear a wig, white, grey ,black or even a light blue could work

>> No.7776818
File: 103 KB, 600x800, Enchanted Dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this dress thinking it would be easy to coord what with all those colours (shown here with a flower crown I bought to match)
Tried a simple coord and looked like a bit of a mess.
Help please?

>> No.7776892
File: 437 KB, 366x490, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm lacking creativity atm and have no idea what do with this.

>> No.7777159

It's perfect.

>> No.7777179

Tbh the flower crown probably isn't helping, in your photo at least, the mint looks too greenish and bright for the op and the pink also looks too bright and far too purpleish compared to the rose-pink on the op. Bringing out the rose tone in the head-wear is a great idea for adding balance, but since mint is the dominating color, I think rosexoff-white would be more fitting - then lace tights in off-white would look really lovely (and you could then decide to bring in a brown leather shade for your bag and shoes, or just the shoes, or that same rose color).

>> No.7777194
File: 7 KB, 318x159, lesbian seagull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The date is with another lolita
Unrelated but oh man I love lolita couples.

>> No.7777202
File: 609 KB, 951x658, danddecaycoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup 'gulls.

So I got Elegy's Delicacy & Decay skirt in white a while ago and I've been trying to make a coord. I wanted to follow the butterfly/bug motif but butterfly stuff is surprisingly hard to find with lolita stuff (all I've found that matches on lolibrary is Antique Beast chokers) and even harder to find secondhand. I tried etsy but searching for butterfly accessories on etsy brings me with way too much. I really wanted to do butterflies, but I've kind of departed from the motif and transitioned into florals...

Do you think doing dark floral accessories will work with this? Are there any other better places to find dark butterfly things?

Also aside from the motif, something about my planned coord feels really incomplete. Sure, I'll add shoes and probably a headpiece, but are there other accessories I could add to make it seem more complete?

>> No.7777212

Ivory/off-white matching classic blouse, mix of pink and red roses for your hair (at the side, not flower crown), off-white lace tights, matching red bag for a pop of color, pink heel shoes or ankle boots, beautiful classic style pendant in gold/antique gold, possibly a cameo that picks out color in the skirt (some red would be particularly nice). Pink classic hat with matching red ribbon is another option (plain red could also work if the design has a bit of detail on it, off-white with pink and red embellishments too).

I used to own the black version of this skirt and imho, it lends itself to a mature and somewhat understated look, particularly as the skirt isn't very poofy.

>> No.7777229

I like it but I'm not feeling the rose necklace in black, it would look a lot better in white in my opinion to at least strike a nice balance with the black blouse paired with the stark white base of the skirt. It's also a bit too jet/stark looking.The silver tone on it however I think is a great match, so something solid in that silver tone would also work. I am still leaning towards the idea of white pendant though to pull the use of black and white together nicely.

>> No.7777232

I love you, anon. Thankyou!

>> No.7777282
File: 43 KB, 570x380, il_570xN.452017106_ripz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh thank you anon! I never thought of that but now that you mentioned it I really like that idea lot better. Do you think something like pic would work or should it be more pendant-y? White rose necklaces are pretty easy to find on etsy which is nice. I might pair it with another, more plain silver necklace just to give the neck a good amount of ornamentation.

>> No.7777327

oh my god, that necklace is gorgeous. Link to source?

>> No.7777444

So do I, though unfortunately we're technically not a couple but it could happen in the future maybe. She is taking me out more (this was our first since I moved to the city) so that is exciting. We went to a tea house for tea which was nice but sadly she didn't wear lolita (instead just a normal cute sundress) since it was pretty hot.
As for reactions, the people at the tea house liked our outfits and as I was returning back to my dorm room some girls gushed over me. Some wannabe gangsta gangsta went, "should I ask?" in this really snooty voice. I just ignored him.

tl;dr gr8 d8 m8 i rate it 8 out of 8 also sage for offtopic

>> No.7777448

>gangsta gangsta
Sorry, that was supposed to by gangsta guy. I can't type today.

>> No.7777503
File: 184 KB, 930x1123, 182690680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's that anon again. I do like the necklace, it's beautiful but in my opinion it gives off a slightly sweet vibe, at least in relation/contrast to the rest of your co-ord. To me the rest of your outfits hints at a slight sophisticated gothic touch, or at least slightly alt-fashion ish compared to typical classic or sweet. I think the pendant would be best to reflect that aspect.

I should have been clearer when I suggested 'white', I think avoiding stark black and using different tones including white would also be fitting (depending on design of course).

>> No.7777508

Damn, sauce on all these necklaces? I want all of them

>> No.7777553

not sure if it is just the picture, but the fabric and bodice make it look more gyaru than lolita. it does not look like it was made for being worn with a blouse underneath. maybe you could go for a sorta romantic liz lisa coord.

>> No.7777560
File: 251 KB, 985x619, paired_coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm working on a pair of coords for my hubby and I, and as this is my first time putting together an ouji coord I'm stumped as to what I should do beyond what I've got here.

In reference, this is the basics of what I'm planning to wear, I'll also be wearing a sheer polka dot chiffon blouse and sheer polka dotted tights.

>> No.7777563

I'm so glad to see someone using this fabric so well!

>> No.7777673

No matter what tricks I use, the system thinks it's spam - email?

>> No.7777675
File: 921 KB, 998x894, Screen Shot 2014-08-24 at 3.48.45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7777696

Pastebin it or put it into an image, please? I'm also interested.

>> No.7777699

Any idea where I could pick up those socks?
Not coord anon, but I've looked everywhere and gold/white is either nonexistant or sold out.

>> No.7777755
File: 19 KB, 253x350, babbysfirstdress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone, I've been following lolita threads for almost a year now, but I'm still afraid I can't into sweet lolita.
After a bunch of searching on websites, I came across this dress at a decent price, and have NO idea what to pair it with, or where to start.
All i know is I want babby's first coord to be well executed.
If you have links to decent priced shoes, blouses, hairbows, wigs, etc, please link me, or post a picture.
I need your help guys, I don't really trust anyone else for brutally honest loli advice anywhere else on the interwebs.

>> No.7777761

I really hope you didn't already buy that, considering it's a replica.

>> No.7777802

Searching through the archives, it looks like this Chantilly reseller has them in stock.

>> No.7777830
File: 149 KB, 591x527, 565665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pastebin it or put it into an image

Didn't even think of that. I so smart.

Bottom right is by arteffect but seems to be no longer in store (sorry 'bout that)

The others in the space of a few hours, have apparently been lost in the mists of time.

>> No.7777851

>I'm in america
>tfw shipping makes them about 60 dollars

Thanks for the link though anon! I'll keep searching, haha.

>> No.7777894

give it to me for free!!!!?
good work.
but give it to me for free!
i love you

>> No.7777982

I have not bought it yet.
As for now, I don't really *care* if its a replica, I just want to make a good first coord.

>> No.7777985

If you want to make a good first coord, don't buy a replica. Seriously. You will get so much shit for that, plus replicas usually arrive with a bunch of construction issues and shoddy print quality.

If cost is an issue, why not snag something from lacemarket?

>> No.7777993

Or Closetchild. Or Usagiyouhinten. Or mbok. Or Y!Japan. Or Taobao.
It's unfuckingbelievable that people think replicas are the only alternative to buying brand firsthand at full price.
Do some more fucking research before even attempting a coordinate or defending replicas you lazy fuckhole.

>> No.7778014

Hi, anon. Here some shoes that might match your dress: http://pt.aliexpress.com/item/The-new-high-heeled-cute-bow-tie-sweet-lolita-girls-love-solid-round-princess-shoes-more/1901455845.html?promotionVersion=1

>> No.7779704
File: 229 KB, 500x600, sgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually the first OP I've ever owned, so I'm curious to know how I go about coording it.

>> No.7779859

These are all so gorgeous. Bless you anon. I'm getting a better idea of how to bring this together and I like incorporating silver.

>> No.7779987

MOTHS, not butterflies.
I have the jsk in black, I haven't fully made a coord with it yet, but I wore it out like a sun dress.

>> No.7779993

Not that anon, but i reverse google searched it for ya, look up BijouxKarmaJewelry on etsy. (I would post the link but they keep saying it's spam)

>> No.7780030

White lace tights, brown shoes, sweet/ classic bag, key necklace, brown headbow? It's pretty basic but it should be fine for a beginner.

>> No.7780084

I also own this skirt. Just a heads up if you haven't washed it already, the darker pink roses run. I washed mine the other day (hand wash with cold water) and when it dried I noticed the area around the roses were stained slightly, it's not massively noticeable but it's still annoying :/

>> No.7780184

How do you guys find light, neutral-colored blouses? I've been trying to find some beige ones, but I'm nervous about buying blouses because I'm not sure what color the blouses actually are. Some "white" blouses actually look like they're off-white/ivory...

Any recommendations for finding beige blouses would be very helpful! Bodyline didn't have ones I liked.

>> No.7780195

damn, anon. nice

>> No.7780204

>I just want to make a good first coord.
>Wants to buy a replica

jurassic lel

>> No.7780526
File: 267 KB, 1185x940, coord stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll bite. I mostly(hopefully) need help in the leg department.

Older picture of the jsk I own(different blouse now too). Planning to wear to lolita day at Disneyland in October. I own the bolero and h.naoto bag in the top left. The bag is straight white while the bolero is more off white. It's also missing the front bow, so I can make a different one for it. I'm thinking of picking up an off white beret and adding a bow in the pink of the jsk with a white rabbit cameo in the center with a blue background(try to match it to the blue in Alice's dress.)

I was thinking of picking up the clock bag since it's really cute and not badly priced, but maybe the pink will be too off(the jsk is a warmer pink I believe) I'm up for better bag suggestions. I picked up a bunch of charms and stuff from Michaels to make some AiW inspired jewelry, like some little teapots, bottles, keys, and chess pieces.

I'd prefer heels over tea party or flats(since heels tend to make my legs look better and flats make them look more like trunks), and need shoes that fit at least a US10, also my legs are pretty fat, so I need larger sized tights(I usually wear Queen sized in regular store brands).

>> No.7780875

There is nearly no true/bright white in lolita at all from the major brands, so most of what you see is off white unless you're going for taobao, indie or more gothic leaning brands. IW usually has beige blouses.

That's amazing

>> No.7781343


Fuuu this is so cute.

>> No.7781363

gull yo cat don't match at all

>> No.7781401
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, Sadly she passed away earlier this year. Hopefully she's chilling with some goth loli's in the after life.
>MFW I miss that sweet fluff ball.

>> No.7781416

Fuck. No, I haven't washed it yet, but if and when I do I'll have to make sure to be careful with those roses. :\

How did you wash it, anon?

>> No.7781624
File: 816 KB, 1634x1140, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I want to do a witch coord for halloween. I want to make my own hat but I'm wondering if i should stick with the all black coord and im kind of lost on tights or shoes.

And I'm thinking all black would be kind of boring, so is there any way I can add in color without looking out of place? The dress isnt 100% confirmed either. I have it in my closet but i am shopping around for other dresses so i will take suggestions on that too

>> No.7781709
File: 891 KB, 1000x1000, bittersteam loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what does /cgl/ think of my lolita outfit? ;3

>> No.7781711

9/10 bittersteam-chan. We should have a thread like this.

>> No.7781715

So mega kawaai sogoi!!!!! Spider sparkle chan!

>> No.7781746
File: 51 KB, 419x584, BTSSB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this dress the other day! Has anybody got any suggestions on what I could wear this with? I want to try and show off the collar as much as possible as it's my favorite part of the dress.

>> No.7781760

I think a black chiffon, high-collared blouse with maybe a stripe in the fabric and some semi-transparent black striped socks (vertical stripes) would look cool. I'm very simple in my coords though but I'm sure some other anon can whip up a great coord for that dress, it's gorgeous.

>> No.7781762
File: 37 KB, 240x320, L&#039;Oiseau Bleu Waist Switching JSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought L'Oiseau Bleu in red, but I don't have any red shoes. Any thoughts for coordinates with white shoes instead? Or will that look silly / should I get red shoes? I'm sorry if this sounds like a stupid question but I'm a basic bitch when it comes to coordinating and usually go for shoes in the color of the dress.

>> No.7781769

sure maybe go with black blouse and socks with red details

>> No.7781776

Black shoes could look cute, or white like you suggested if you have some whitexred socks. I wouldn't go with a black blouse, though. You want to balance the white at the bottom of the jsk with a white blouse.

>> No.7781991
File: 399 KB, 656x709, redmousestar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wanted to add stars to this since my wristcuffs have those star charms. Please tell me it wasn't a bad idea.

>> No.7781993

I have those exact Minnie clips. I picked them up at the park.

>> No.7782006

>in red

>> No.7782073 [DELETED] 
File: 156 KB, 402x1000, guro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a real-life dress but i just finished drawing this and i didnt know if it belonged in the draw thread or not

>> No.7782478
File: 62 KB, 640x480, secret_shop_shoes_9807_-_red_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think red tea parties with white ankle socks would look very cute with this dress!

>> No.7783067
File: 62 KB, 480x360, IMG_14238706502808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purchased this skirt a month ago from an local indie brand but I really have a hard time coordinating it, especially in the socks/tights area, what do you suggest?

>> No.7783084

It's trom a fairytale wit a blue bird. The bird in the print is actually blue!

>> No.7783089

so you're the bitch who bought that cardigan

Just kidding. I think the stars are fine, but why the mouse ears? There's nothing really mousey about the rest of the coord and it doesn't look much like Minnie's outfit either.

>> No.7783127

Here's hoping CC gets more cardis soon! lol
It's an animal themed meet and I don't have any prints with animals on them. It was the best thing I could come up with without resorting to pearl cat ears.

>> No.7783133

That's really pretty anon. Where is it from?

>> No.7783138
File: 690 KB, 500x300, 6a012876c6c7fb970c017d3cfc82f1970c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh okay that makes sense.

>> No.7783203

Pale blue, dusty pink or even a darkish mint green (to match the leaves) could all work with this print. Or if you want to be bold, a yellow cardigan could be super-cute for a fall look.

>> No.7783218
File: 82 KB, 480x480, FLfromJSkirt-ivory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually wear JSKs, not skirts, so most of my blouses are chiffon and thus sheer. I recently got this skirt and want to pair it with a sax blue blouse that matches the blue in the print, but I'm not sure if it will look okay to wear a tank top under a sheer blouse for lolita purposes.

Thoughts on coordinating chiffon tops with skirts?

>> No.7783646

If there are enough ruffles down the front to distract from it, I say go ahead. If the front of the blouse is very plain, I think it'd look weird. Bonus points for a peter pan collar or a neck bow or something to hide the neckline of the tank top.

>> No.7783670

that gif XD

>> No.7783789

oh thank you, it's from argentinian indie brand My Augustine

>> No.7783823

Maybe use a lacy tank top? I don't feel like it'd be distracting. What other choice is there?

>> No.7783842
File: 132 KB, 330x495, DR00145_12__97670.1407881781.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this fanplusfriend JSK in Navy and my blouse is white/gold. I also have a white/gold tricorn hat; I want to coord it as pirate Lolita.

I'm not sure what type of legwear or shoes to wear with it though. Here's the challenge: I have a chest I bought at Micheal's, its wooden with black fleur de lis on the lid, and has gold accents.

>> No.7783845
File: 590 KB, 660x990, Casual_Lolita_Navy_Blouse_Bowknot_Belt_TP00025_01__90480.1407884175.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the blouse. Its WHITE/GOLD but I don't have a picture of it, since it was a custom order.

>> No.7783948

Skin coloured tank top? I have one that's pretty invisible under blouses so that might work.

>> No.7784551

The hat feels out of place to me.
I'd go with a more nautical/sailor one with a cute bow attached or just a regular hairbow.

>> No.7784554

Nnnngh..did you get it online or at one of the Baby stores? I missed the reserve and I want this dress in this colorway so badly.

>> No.7784601
File: 565 KB, 800x600, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first coord and this is all I've got so far. I'm kind of stumped on what color to get the shoes and what kind of blouse would work.

>> No.7784618

If it were me, I'd do something like:
-white short-sleeved blouse with a peter pan collar
-red cardigan
-white/sheer polka dot tights
-lacy ankle socks
-red shoes
lavender accessories (maybe handmake a lavender and white rosette with a cute little strawberry on it?)
-Red hair accessory (maybe a red beret?)

You also have some pink in the print too but I would use it sparingly (at least at first, since it's your first coordinate). Maybe some small pink and red beaded bracelets or a necklace with a pink strawberry?
Sorry I'm too lazy to put together a collage, but I hope that helps!

>> No.7784634

Thanks a bunch! I was thinking of red shoes but since I couldn't figure out anything else to wear that was red I figured it would look a bit off but the cardigan idea was wonderful!

>> No.7784651

No problem! My coordinates tend to be pretty formulaic as far as color distribution; if you think of your outfit in thirds (head, core, and legs), it will be easier to find what looks balanced and what doesn't.
Since the bottom third of your coord will have a lot of red with the border print and red shoes, you will look very bottom-heavy if you don't include red in the top two thirds as well.

Alternatively, if you want to coordinate it with less red you could always go with a pink blouse (with a peter pan collar), white cardigan, white patterned tights, maybe pink lacy ankle socks, and lavender shoes with a lavender bow and pink x white accessories. That's a little harder for me to visualize so it may not look nice when you start to collage it, but it's worth thinking about and playing around with! It's nice to be able to put together multiple coordinates with a main piece anyway.

>> No.7784654

Or you could do this with a pink cardigan, white peter pan collared blouse, and pink shoes with a pink hair accessory. Just mind your warm and cool tones and you'll be fine!

>> No.7784666

>no red

>> No.7784669

Sorry, I thought the inclusion of red accessories was a given at this point. With the lighter coordinates I'd keep the red minimal so that it's not overpowering, but again this is just me talking without actually laying it out and seeing it. For babby's first coord I'd definitely stick to the first list.

>> No.7784698
File: 1011 KB, 972x928, chocberry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own the dress in mint and it's surprisingly versatile. I tried my best to help, please ignore my awful MS Paint skills.

Purple is a bitch to coordinate in lolita with the million different shades of purple being sold. Good luck.


>inb4 My Lolita Dress is unsafe to use
They're a reseller, they're fine.

>> No.7784741

This is great advice! Just an FYI for new anon, the shoes in jaynejezebelle's coord (on the left) are a huge no-no and she's not a great role model for newbies because she tries (and fails) to incorporate a lot of normalfag shit in her coords that just don't work.

>> No.7784886
File: 579 KB, 583x608, timeoftherosescollage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still searching for a bag to go with this coord

>> No.7784912

>My Augustine
How do you order from them? Do they take overseas orders? Ausfag in love with one of their prints...

>> No.7784915
File: 180 KB, 700x904, cashcashhoney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a lunch meet this weekend so I want to plan a casual coord with the Honey Cake skirt. How do I footwear for this? Would short socks look too out of place with the long-sleeved cutsew? Would knee socks with oxfords be awkward?

>> No.7784946

Tights and boots rather than Oxfords

>> No.7785234

Her shoes are fine. Those style of boots are worn in gothic coords all the time.

>> No.7785246

Not in fire-engine red and not with fucking Chocoberry you sperglord

>> No.7785264

>the coord on the left

>> No.7785292

Not the anon who made the graphic, but at least it's much more balanced than the one on the right and used the theme of the dress to pick her bag and accessories. That's about where the redeeming qualities end though, god she used to be so well-dressed before she went full dumbass and tried catering to tumblr's strange desire to butcher this fashion. Few girls have actually regressed in coord quality, but she's definitely one of them.

>> No.7785295

but the cheap solid tights.. the red vivienne westwoods.. the wig

>> No.7785299

Yes anon those things are awful, hence
>That's about where the redeeming qualities end though
after talking about color distribution and theme

>> No.7785368

shoes sauce?

>> No.7785393

Lol someone's mad.
You girls have to stop with the vendetta against this girl, it's getting tiring seeing the same "boo hoo i'm personally offended that other people coordinate differently than me" shtick. Yes, her outfits are hit and miss but I'd rather see someone try and fail than see the same boring coords.

>> No.7785496

Could you tell me where you bought the shoes?

>> No.7785503

They're AP, anon.

>> No.7785871

owner of the pictured skirt here
it's kind of complicated even for us who don't live in Buenos Aires...basically you have to get an Argentinian friend or someone from Buenos Aires as shopping service
quality is not actually great tbh, but the beautiful prints and exclusivity (no one else would own the same skirt in the same colourway) it's worth the price (around 70 usd I guess)

>> No.7785940
File: 935 KB, 1200x1200, uuugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having the worst trouble with this coord. I know what I want to do: a longer style almost OTT classic. But I'm just having so much stinking trouble. I want baroque/rococo tights, like what JetJ does, but I can't find any on their site right now that really seem to just go UNF.
Also still not sure about the blouse.
Basically I'm floundering on this one, seagulls.

>> No.7785947

and yes, the bow on the blouse is removable.

>> No.7785991

would antique white crew socks be super noticeable with a white blouse and sax JSK? i've never worked with the color befor

>> No.7785994

Have you tried Grimoire, Chantilly, Eine Lilie, and Celeste Stein? Though personally I think something like the Baby lacy lace up socks would look lovely with this.
I love the blouse bib section, but not the sleeves. The JSK would also cover up the lovely detailing. I'd find a ruffly princess sleeve blouse if I were you.
I'd go with a bonnet (Elpress on taobao has a nice one) with various flowers, and tons of pearl jewelry (bracelets, rings, necklace.) Wear a nice cameo necklace or pearl rosary with it as well. Layering pearl bracelets with lacy wristcuffs will add some OTT flair. Carry a fan if you want.
Either wine or black. Personally I'd go with RHS or some elaborate mary janes, maybe ones with pearl straps or detailing.
I think a MM style doctor bag would look cute with this, but any classic bag would work. Clip some flowers to it if you want.

>> No.7786003
File: 93 KB, 936x624, maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're pretty much right on track with what I'm wanting. A half bonnet for sure is what I'm searching for, and I'll double check those sites. I've been at it for so long I can't remember where I checked and where I didn't.
The shoes I'm looking at are the ones pictured.

>> No.7786022

and then I looked more and decided that no, they're not happening.

>> No.7786024

Those look a little chunky for the OTT look you're going for, I'd keep looking. If you're going to take the lacy lace ups suggestion, mu-fish has replicas (if you're ok with replica legwear).

>> No.7786035

Yeah! That sounds like a nice idea for a coord, Thanks Anon!

I managed to snag it online on the release day since I missed out on the reserve too. I was stuck between getting the white, black or navy colorway but ended up getting the black one due to the others selling out very quickly. I have seen a couple of dresses pop up on lace market already so it might be worth having a look on there if you still want it!

>> No.7786118

How about a simple red bag, red shoes, red headbow?

>> No.7786455

Ah, thanks for that. Too much effort for me, lol, but thanks for answering.

>> No.7786531
File: 551 KB, 627x921, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a decent coord? sorry for posting in multiple threads u-u

>> No.7786533

Where can I get these shoes?

>> No.7786562

Personally I'd ditch the under OP for an ivory one. The AP necklace is also way too tacky for this coord, replace it with a cameo or simple pendant. The OTKs are great, the Bodyline shoes are too sweet and look hideous IRL. If you want Bodyline shoes, go with shoes274 owh. The bag looks fine, though I'm not personally a fan of the design, and I love the wristcuffs. I think this would be greatly improved by taking it in a more hime direction, with a bonnet and pearl accessories, and a curled hairstyle (you really don't need a wig in lolita).

>> No.7786579
File: 31 KB, 250x333, tumblr_n8gm8a7ygF1sh87fvo2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help with tight/sock options for this, thanks in advance!

>> No.7786644

*barfs* not boots with this, it is too elegant. Get like heeled oxfords or something in tan or white and then ankle socks with lace tops to cover the ugly part at the top.

>> No.7786649

...Boots? Are we looking at the same shoes274?

>> No.7786652
File: 210 KB, 700x1200, shoes274-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But.. these are shoes274? I think you misread a number somewhere, anon.

>> No.7786657
File: 178 KB, 800x1200, shoes247-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are shoes247, anon fucked up.

>> No.7786666
File: 13 KB, 194x259, wonder party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyway I can coord this to give it a classic feel?

>> No.7786684

well dats awkward. Those shoes are hella cute, I want em :)

>> No.7786694

Sheer white tights or pink/ white printed otks, black heeled mary janes or oxfords, black IW bolero, felt boater or bowler hat with a pink floral and pearl corsage, classic bag (the MM doctor bag comes to mind), subtle gold jewelry & some pearl bracelets.

>> No.7786701
File: 329 KB, 660x589, classywonderparty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did my best.

I think in addition to this, I think it would be neat with black kid gloves and worn with an A-line petticoat.

>> No.7786760

Thanks guys!

>> No.7786780
File: 727 KB, 990x780, aliceyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of doing an Alice coord for Halloween
Should I leave out the apron or not? Kinda on the fence about it

>> No.7786828

Alright, going to see if i can switch to an ivory under-dress. I have pearl necklaces, I just thought I'd use my crystal necklace but I guess it really doesnt match that well...
Oh, I also have the bodyline tea parties in white, if they would be better? And while the boots you suggested are stunning I am tall enough that a heel that high I think would look off on me.
Would the classic btssb heart bag in white work better than this more plain white one? I haven't ordered the purse yet so I can look into getting a different one. I can try and go for an ott bonnet look i guess, would a hard or soft bonnet be better? My dark hair would stand out too much on a light coord like this.
>Essentially, I usually do sweet but wanted a lighter classic coord for upcoming events where sweet doesn't fit the theme. So that's why my tastes are a little off, haha. Thank you kind anon for your critique! :)

>> No.7786890

Thanks for the help. I also like that idea of the darker colors in the dress. And the yellow cardigan. I actually have a yellow cardigan from years ago. Will try that out together.

>> No.7787058


I really feel like the apron would finish the look. Even if it was a half apron. Especially for an Alice look.

>> No.7787068

I hadn't thought of a half apron anon! Thanks!

Know any good places that sell them?

>> No.7787355
File: 149 KB, 500x600, ap_royalribbonsk (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a really dumb noob-tier question but here goes anyway.

How do I coordinate a white skirt in a simple, classing-leaning outfit? All the skirt coord inspiration I have saved have a skirt that is significantly darker than the top and dark top/light skirt never looks right to me. I'm also not really comfortable with going completely white.
I'm lost here. Don't laugh send help

>> No.7787361

I didnt suggest boots anon, please don't use those. Tea parties don't fit in a classic coord either. Also, I wouldn't consider the heart bag classic, I'd stick with the original bag, but you could use it if you really wanted to.

>> No.7787604
File: 53 KB, 142x142, 88d99f76.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh man i love whales

>> No.7787695

pick a second color and work with that?

>> No.7787701
File: 28 KB, 274x320, metafancyegg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how to coord this in a way that isn't white blouse + sax bodyline shoes? I love this dress to bits but it's so hard to make a coord with.

>> No.7787782

Why not try bringing out the gold and red? Red boots would look pretty great with this, as well as redxgold headwear (with an additional pop of that turquoise-ish/sax color perhaps).

>> No.7787849
File: 61 KB, 426x640, 14_6_29_40_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide what kind of top to wear this with. Blouse or cutsew? Off white, yellow or pink?

It'll be great for a winter coord, I reckon.

>> No.7787953

You can make a really amazing first coord without replicas. I'd suggest trying taobao or any of the secondhand websites. It's far better to get brand or an original indie/taobao piece, and you'll look back on your first coord with far more pride!

>> No.7788007

it sounds lovely! And he only pop of sax I could use would be the matching OTKs I suppose, meta used a bitch color on this one that doesn't match anything. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7788025

Buying original dresses is better on the long run, anon. I was extremely tempted to buy a replica for my first coord too, but finding second-hand brand or indie dresses in the same price range is not hard at all. Plus they will look way prettier and have better construction.

>> No.7788041

If you wear a replica it doesn't matter how good your coord is. Try buying secondhand, something like http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_451738089.html?_SRC=li_i0

>> No.7788098

I want to say pink cutsew with icecream print, and yellow in your accessories.

>> No.7788105
File: 121 KB, 450x675, infanta dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this dress look best with plain white legwear, or would hamming up an Alice in Wonderland theme with black and white striped tights look better? Wearing with a white blouse and red mary janes.

>> No.7788107

Don't choose a dark colour as your second colour! Pastels and mid-tones can still be quite sophisticated, or even a bright colour will work as well. Personally I really like the idea of mustard/camel tones and white together, or if that's not so much your thing maybe a light blue?

>> No.7788195

Don't do black and white stripes, it will look bad with such a busy print. If you want to go Alice in Wonderland, use print socks/tights instead or use diamond socks/tights. Plain lace topped socks could also work fine, white or black.

>> No.7788212


>> No.7788289


There's too many ways to do this, so I'll just throw out some ideas

Easiest way to use it in a classic coord is to stick it under a classic lolita overskirt or overdress. Victorian Maiden makes a few overdresses, you can make your own overskirt.

Second easiest to do white +another colour is a white top and socks, then use a second colour to accent things, eg- in your jewellery, as a belt, as your bag and shoes colour, as a brooch, etc. If you want to cover more of yourself in the second colour, throw on a bolero, or cardigan. Try to keep to just one specific shade to keep the look clean.

Third option, coord it like any other skirt -- pick a few matching colours as anon above says, and put together things.

- pastels are the easiest with white, but I guess that's out if you want as classic as possible.
- be careful of ivory or offwhite, they can look like you confused white and offwhite. Make sure all your whites match your skirt.
- less saturated, dusty colours can work well with white: IW's milktea, AP's mocha, dusty rose, olive. You can do a few colours, just make sure they work well with each other and with white, eg: milktea, brown, white, dusty pink. Or: olive green, brown, light green, white.
- It's better to avoid darker colours, saturated colours or jewel tones unless you're using the white skirt merely as an underskirt.
- Another way to wear darker colours is if you can create a fake colour stripe in your skirt by layering 2-3 skirts together: the top layer is your white skirt, second layer is the darker colour, third layer is another white skirt. The top layer skirt can be shortened by tucking it into the other skirts, under your blouse and under a belt, or something. Once you manage to create the dark "stripe" you can now wear a matching dark-coloured top.

>> No.7788958
File: 990 KB, 934x619, Royal crown’s tea package JSK II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help....

>> No.7789012

replicas really aren't as great as they seem. You can spend less money on an actual brand dress with better construction instead of this.

>> No.7789027

Give it to me.

>> No.7789034

I have a bunch of navy items that go well with the slight off-white of the skirt but then I run into the dark top/light skirt issue.

Oh man I don't have anything like that in my wardrobe. Everything is browns and blacks and dark jewel tones, and the skirt was a gift from a well-meaning but clueless boyfriend. Thanks for the suggestions, though!

Wow, thanks! I was actually considering making an overdress to go with it but wasn't sure what colour to go with, or the extent of coverage on the top. I'll keep all your suggestions in mind and go polyvore some stuff together.

>> No.7789128
File: 134 KB, 570x977, il_570xN.504654961_g9no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas for a loli tinkerbell type coord?

>> No.7789133
File: 505 KB, 2000x2000, Sailor Co-ord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas for wristwear? Thinking about knitting lace gloves in white or navy. Planning hair to be in pigtails or would a Bob be better?

>> No.7789202
File: 465 KB, 641x751, Sans titre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you seagulls generally make your mind up about a coord when you can't try all the items on at once? Because this is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.7789208

I think wristcuffs would be cute. If navy is too hard to find then white should be okay.

>> No.7789220

Of and can anyone tell me what they think of these going together with an off-white blouse, off-white OTK and caramel-coloured fur-cuffed boots?

>> No.7789253

Resisting urge to snark with Mechanix gloves on dress blues...

>> No.7789318


>> No.7789797
File: 459 KB, 650x800, crown label.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this? Doe it look alright? I may or may not use the bag since it's a paler pink compared to the bolero and skirt.

>> No.7789799

>dick socks

>> No.7789803

ikr I love them so much

>> No.7789823
File: 184 KB, 359x787, looks dumb as shit though.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw a stick figure and shoop everthing from the coord onto it, pic related

>> No.7789835

I have the Nostalgic Rose Garden and this was my exact problem. Thank you

>> No.7789854


>> No.7790118

If you genuinely are interested in and enjoy lolita fashion, don't support the replica industry. You could literally find this dress for second hand for not much more than you're paying for a replica.

Like another anon said, it doesn't matter how you coordinate a replica because the quality is noticeably poor either way. If you don't feel that you can justify investing enough for brand, buy from a reputable non-replica seller like many of the indy brands or your local handmade community.

>> No.7790119 [DELETED] 

sause on purse?

>> No.7790143

AUGH EW OT but I misread that as Nostalgia Critic Garden

>> No.7790168

A CGL-themed dress? Count me in!

>> No.7790333
File: 78 KB, 240x320, 1_20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering how one would coord this

>> No.7790345

Hime, classic ? Day time, evening ?
I can totally see it with a really traditionnal hime style : high collar princess sleeved blouse, Jesus Diamante heels, lace OTKs, lacy and flowery headress.
But it can also be a nice classic dress for evening, with a shoulder-off short sleeved blouse, a nice choker, long gloves, nice classic heels and sheer stocking. For the hair, a nice updo with roses or maybe an evening hat, and a classical bag. Let's say that the bag, hat and shoes are brown, the blouse would be ivory and the jewerly golden.

>> No.7791373

All of this sounds absolutely amazing. I've definitely got to try out one of your suggestions if I ever get the dress, thank you so much!

>> No.7791730

I think you should try to incorporate more red into your co-ord
Maybe red shoes would even it out

>> No.7792187
File: 26 KB, 250x333, ap_op_melodydoll_add2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got this (didn't come with the cape) and am not sure how to coord it. The white on the print is a bit faded because of its age, so it's going to be hard to match whites. I was thinking of maybe a black beret and black tea parties but idk. Any ideas?

>> No.7792191
File: 472 KB, 750x900, DR00113_09__84183.1407881497.1000.1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halp! What petti do you think would look the best under this dress?

>> No.7792304

I think a third colour like wine or even pink would be nice. I could see it being ok with a wine beret, tights, black tea parties and dark red bag. Music themed jewellery, maybe with a grand piano necklace and music note charm bracelet

A line

>> No.7792876
File: 442 KB, 1580x1280, brandita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please help me /cgl/, I don't want to be ita ;__;

>> No.7792882

don't understand why you have the cape/purse (florals in skirt, bear/cookie theme?), and the color of those shoes don't really match the skirt...

>> No.7792885

too late.


>> No.7792888

What is this collection of stuff? are these things you currently own?

>> No.7792890

I fucking love this.

>> No.7792922

I own everything on the top row, the rest I was planning to get.

Yeah, I was thinking about ditching the shoes and looking for a more fitting bag. I didn't think the cape and skirt went too badly together though, and the milky tea and pink really compliment eachother imo.

>> No.7792928

I'm transitioning from sweet to classic and I was wondering what type of shoes work in classic? Besides oxfords and boots, are there any others? Right now I mainly have teaparties

>> No.7792984
File: 2.86 MB, 1766x1309, Honey Cake..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is off but I can't put my finger on it. By the by, the plate of felt breakfast food is so I can put a pancake on the bunny backpack's head and make small hair accessories out of the strawberries.

>> No.7792996

Get rid of the bunny bag and the socks.
Peresonally dont like the shoes but thats my taste.
That felt food looks really cheap and bad and will cheapen your coord.
I like the chef hat, keep that. She also makes nice pancakes, consider those if you really want pancakes.

>> No.7792997

Without the bunny there's no need for the felt food. Thank you for your critique, anon.

>> No.7793004

ditch everything but the blouse and skirt, they're classic but the accessories are very sweet, and the bear/ cookie theme doesn't work at all. browse the basic bitches thread and observe, then try again

>> No.7793009

You seem to think that honey cake in pink is solid classic so I'm not taking you seriously.

>> No.7793012

Thanks anon. Is there any way I can work the skirt and blouse into a coord on the sweeter side of classic?

>> No.7793026

Don't wear a pink blouse with this. It will look weird as hell. Just do white.
Use more blue with this, small ribbons in your hair should be fine. Do red shoes and you'll be good to go!

>> No.7793027



>> No.7793028

this whole coord has no balance because it's all pink. having a non pink blouse and shoes would really improve it. like the other anon said, no bunny bag. maybe since you're bringing out the cherries with the necklace, go with a red short sleeve bolero, white ankle socks, pink wristcuffs, and red shoes
heeled mary janes with a tasteful amount of ruffles & bows are common, and sometimes people can get away with more normalfag style heels, but since you're a beginner I can't reccomend that. overall shoes have many more options than sweet. some common brands that people buy from are mojo moxy and fluevog

>> No.7793031

The blue ribbon idea is a really good one, I considered red shoes but didn't like how any of the other coords pulled it off. With the right shoes though, I think it'll look balanced enough, hopefully. I'll reconsider the blouse, too. Thank you very much.

>> No.7793037
File: 88 KB, 1155x632, $(KGrHqJ,!hoFETEUPmQsBRL59)KB!Q~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honey cake anon here. What do you anons think about this bag in the normal colorway? I think the other two would match, but be too overwhelming with all of the pinks and whites already.
I wanted to aim for something a little more "different" since I see this bag around so often but I think it suits the theme well.

>> No.7793039

i didn't reply to the honey cake coord with that, and the floral skirt and blouse look very classic to me.
of course, i'd coord it with pink. get some printed tights with sweeter elements. wear frilly mary janes with a heel instead of TPs, and a pink headbow. for the bag i'd go with something like the briefcase shaped bag from loris, it's obviously sweet but in a more classic shape. the way to sweet/ classic imo is just take the sweet elements and tone them down a bit.

>> No.7793042

I don't know how I confused that, sorry for my stupidity.

>> No.7793044

That bag in brown is a good match.

>> No.7793056

That bag in brown would do really well!

>> No.7793067
File: 452 KB, 753x565, honeycake pk:red.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, >>7792996
Made a coord for you out of things I already had saved on my laptop. Maybe it will help you out a bit.

>> No.7793069
File: 2.33 MB, 1616x1131, Honey Cake..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, so that's one step in the right direction. This is the updated version, although I'm still changing things around. I just ordered the socks and will probably change them if I don't like how they look with them overall. I wanted the striped look because of the original honeycake otks, so I'll just have to see how it is pulled off. The blouse is a place holder for one I already own that looks a billion times better. Thank you for your help seagulls and I'm sorry to be such a nuisance.

>> No.7793071

Oh this is really cute. <3 I like the blouse and everything you picked out. Not really for the sparklies on the shoes, but I really like the tights. Thank you thank you.

>> No.7793072

no problem, i actually freaked out at first since i thought i actually replied to honey cake anon. i also wonder why honey cake turns up so much in these threads.

>> No.7793186
File: 283 KB, 1100x1350, brandita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thankyou anon, you're very helpful. Something more like this then, maybe? (I just used some pictures I already had saved on my computer)

>> No.7793342

Nitpick I know, but I wouldn't wear striped OTK with that.

>> No.7793349

I'm working on a coord for halloween, can anyone help me come up with some ideas for legwear? I'm wearing black ankle boots and a mostly black coord. On mobile so no pics unfortunately

>> No.7793420

...Are you the one who is buying the HC dress in the picture? Funny enough I have the same chef's hat.

>> No.7793778
File: 419 KB, 500x1000, way too pink coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an overly pink coord and I'm not sure what to do to it.

Note: I don't plan on wearing the tights and the socks at once. I'm torn between them. The stockings have a beaded floral type design.

>> No.7793827

bump for this

>> No.7793839

Bumping for feedback on this.

>> No.7793845

-Low pigtails, maybe even braids would look good with that hat, but definitely not high pigtails.
-Red shoes to help balance out the red on the dress, since u have no other red accessories.
-Ideally, white wrist cuffs with little red accents. Completely white wrist cuffs would work fine, of course.

Love the purse, glad to see someone coording with it.

>> No.7793853

I think it looks good, the only thing I would be worried about is the pink of the bag.
You could probably go with any bag that matches with a color in the skirt/socks. I think a pale purple bag would be cute, it is a bit of a stretch tho

>> No.7793857

Maybe a brown bag, and some cream tights?

>> No.7793858
File: 1005 KB, 998x909, Screen Shot 2014-09-01 at 4.38.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7793860

Definitely the white tights. Then you'll have a floral theme as well. I always saw diamond print socks as a lot more classical anyways.

>> No.7793889

thank you!
link to cherry hat/bracelet and both bags?>>7793860
noted. I figured the color on the socks was a different tone too. too dark and cold than pastel.

>> No.7793921

I was actually planning to wear cream tights with this, I just didn't think to include them in the picture. I'm looking for a brown AP chocolate bag at the moment and you're right, they would work well in this coord. Thanks!

>> No.7793941
File: 361 KB, 864x770, sweet_rose_anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your themes are all over the place. Classic skirt with roses, chocolates, deer, and sweet ass shoes? You're in the right direction with the shoes being brown, but as it is I would not put these things together.

Here are my suggestions, working with the skirt. The blouse you originally had is a little too stuffy for the sweetish feeling vibe I'm assuming you want given the shoes and bag. I suggest going something with a little more open, but enough detailing to match the skirt. The blouse and bag are from taobao.

The shoes and tights are from Bodyline, and the necklace I just threw in there from etsy because you're going to need something to break up all that off white on the top - preferably something that incorporates brown. But obviously jewelry is to individual taste - and I suck with tracking it down online since I make so much of what I need myself.

I don't know what that headband you have is, but the flowers are a lovely color, and the size is appealing, just nix the antlers.

I'm not saying what I'm offering is some amazing end all coordinate, but what you have right now is a hot ita mess.

>> No.7793944
File: 176 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 9-1-14 at 7.47 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first coord. I'm wearing the matching headbow but I left my head out of the picture. Is there anything wrong with it? Am I thin enough to do lolita without looking bad?

>> No.7793950

also, a lot of these things aren't the greatest, but I'm too fucking lazy to spend hours tracking down something when you're not even sure what the hell you want yourself. Sorry if I sound sandy.

>> No.7793968

it's very plain, and the heels of the shoes are too damn high. I think navy shoes would be better than red, since I'm assuming your headbow is red too. But maybe a red bag would help balance the red out?

Your weight looks fine to me personally, but if you could downplay your bust a little it might be better. It looks like you have quite an hourglass figure.

>> No.7793977
File: 180 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 9-1-14 at 7.59 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would flat black mary janes work? The headbow is the same navy as the dress. I was going for plain in the hopes of avoiding ita.

>> No.7794007

I would rather see black mary janes than what you have now. I also personally have issues with wearing colors that are lighter than the body of the dress as shoes, I feel like it doesn't anchor the coord enough.

>> No.7794014

Ok, I'll make that change. Any other input?

>> No.7794029

Not as of right now, it's a very safe and basic coordinate and shouldn't get you any hate. I apologize, I'd like to be more help but I don't know anything about coording card prints.

>> No.7794032

Nope, I appreciate it. Thanks

>> No.7797442

Don't use any of these suggestions, they are shit.

>> No.7798665


>tea parties with ankle socks
This combination looks terrible on everyone, the end. I don't care how slim or long your legs are. I would go for OTKs and a slight heel, just please don't wear those damn AP replica tea parties jfc