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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 208 KB, 466x700, tumblr_m3xs2wCo3c1ruwa81o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7758186 No.7758186[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7758257

Post the coords you have or the ones you plan to finish so /cgl/ can give you advice and concrit.

>> No.7758307

Someone post some less popular prints so I can waste some time making collages.

>> No.7758316

I've sorta got a few ideas floating around, but I have IWs Icing Cookie Robbon JSK in the mail. Any ideas?

>> No.7758327

I will also be making collages!

>> No.7758329

I think that would be cute with a mint colored blouse and maybe peppermint-striped tights? I'm kinda busy right now, so I'll link some products later.

>> No.7758331
File: 2.53 MB, 1914x803, help pls im bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a lot of help a few threads ago but... I'd still like to see how a more experienced loli would incorporate green into this.

>> No.7758332

which colorway is it?

>> No.7758339
File: 145 KB, 778x759, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon from lolita general thread, obvs. This is this closest I'm going to get with the cardigan for now. 238USD, though. That isn't gonna happen.

>> No.7758342

Sharpie navy over all the green bits

>> No.7758345

The shoes seem to be a cooler pink than the dress. Try some that are more rose colored?

>> No.7758347

Pink. Forgot to add that, sorry.

>> No.7758351

Oops, disregard my previous advice then.

>> No.7758360

I had baby's antique ribbon shoes there, but I have a feeling in person this pink will be a lot closer to the dress's pink. I was also looking at these http://lolibrary.org/shoes/shoes259 in dpink, but are they too bright?

>> No.7758380
File: 733 KB, 1001x531, Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 9.10.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my take on it

>> No.7758382
File: 513 KB, 2000x2000, cgl coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a beginner coord. Which tights would work best? Also, tell me if the bolero color works.

>> No.7758383

I'd just go with some cream lace tights, it looks a bit unbalanced. A more classic shoe would also probably go better with the country style accessories, those remind me of Nui.

>> No.7758385

Oops, wrong shoe.

>> No.7758387

Sauce on shoes?

>> No.7758389
File: 80 KB, 900x900, Restricted shoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic, damn, I'm having a hard time today.

>> No.7758419

I don't have it right now sorry, but they're from aliexpress.
I like the music note ring and the idea of shoe clips thanks
You're retarded

>> No.7758423

Wow just trying to be helpful

>> No.7758428

>ask about incorporating green into the coord
>your advice is to ruin the dress with sharpie
Yeah, sorry but it was more offensive than helpful.
Why would I want to incorporate green into the coord if I didn't like it?

>> No.7758434
File: 774 KB, 979x708, Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 9.46.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to develop some more taste before posting again, I'd suggest lurking more. This isn't to be harsh, but I don't see a lot of this working. I'll try and break it down for you.
>tattoo tights
I get that you were trying to match the motifs, but this is honestly a little tacky and since the point of leagwear is to, well, cover the legs, tattoo tights in general don't work well in lolita.
>blue tights
If you manage to match the blues, you'll still look like a blob of blue. A beginner rule of thumb is to match the socks and the blouse. In this case, I'd go with white socks.
It looks a bit purple to match the jsk, and would also look really odd over a long sleeve blouse.
>blue bow
Entirely the wrong shade of blue. It's also not a headbow, if you were going for that.
They're the best choice you made here, the dress lends itself to a country look and you seemed to sense that at least in the footwear choice.

Now, to pic related. I'll explain the choices I made. I wanted a country look with this because it's a simple sweet style and a floral pattern, both which lend themselves to country well.
>white socks
As I mentioned before, they can bring balance to a coord. The short length is common in country coords.
>straw hat
Again, keeping with the country theme. The white ribbon and flower accessories bring out the accent colors in the print and tie into the floral theme.
They're the same style as your last choice, but the lighter color works better in a coord with almost entirely light colors. The darker shoe would stand out heavily against everything else.
>bag (s)
You have a choice here, a sweeter or more classic style bag. The classic one matches the shoes, the sweet one matches the hat. Repeated use of textures can keep a coord unified.
Obviously it's not 100% finished, you could add a necklace and some rings, but I hope this gives some insight. Good luck, anon!

>> No.7758435

Are you serious
Are you being serious rn
Am I getting trolled

>> No.7758439
File: 243 KB, 497x750, 1390643889174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, idk maybe the comment wasn't as bad as I took it I'm just in a shitty mood rn.

>sorry for off-topic

>> No.7758453

Yeah, it was definitely not meant to be antagonistic at all. I was just agreeing that incorporating that green into a coord looks challenging.

I think this is pretty good: >>7758380
You could maybe add one tiny touch of green somewhere else but keep it small, like that ring. Maybe a tiny bow mixed in with other accessories.

>> No.7758455

Thank you so much! I could see it working much better as a country coord. The one thing I'd like to clear up is that the blouse under the JSK came with the stock photo. Would a bolero of a different color work instead, or should I stick with a blouse?

>> No.7758458

Oh okay well I'm sorry for being mean. And yeah it's tough to not look like a big ass lime with that bright shade of green.

>> No.7758472

I'd stick with the blouse, to be honest. It'll be way more useful to you in future coords.

>> No.7758502
File: 164 KB, 803x723, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7758545
File: 842 KB, 990x706, Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 11.25.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a little uninspired, but here it is!
Does anyone have coord requests? I'm

>> No.7758577
File: 44 KB, 480x640, 437643486.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help? I feel like a tool for not being able to wear this in a really nice way because it was a dream dress of mine.

>> No.7758585

Thank you anons, these are super cute!

>> No.7758602
File: 453 KB, 718x531, YTDJKBVFDCRWV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know its only bodyline, but i would greatly appreciate ideas for accesories/ bags etc. preferably nothing too extravagant though, thanks

>> No.7758614

Flowy chiffon blouse, lace tights, rose round headpiece with pearl charms, pearl rosary, victorian style brown boots, white coffin bag ? It would make a very regular AatP style outfit and you can litteraly buy all these pieces from them.

>> No.7758623
File: 56 KB, 638x522, a7673e82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Circuis theme? How does it look? Also, needs blond or golden wig here. And someone said that it will look good with shironuri makeup. What do you think?

>> No.7758731


Can't tell if you want to do shironuri, actual clown lolita complete with red nose, or just kidding.

In case of serious:

You should approach both being clown lolita or shironuri more as performance art or cosplay, rather than lolita. Get a photog and take some artsy photos, don't do shironuri/clownface for a tea meet, unless it's some social experiment thing. Aside from coming off as special snowflake of the highest order, constant movement will mess up your carefully applied makeup, in the worst case scenario you may end up transferring the makeup from your face to your hands to something in your environment, which would be rude.

For max effect, don't show skin. Add something with a high neck under the dress so you have less area to paint. I'd also go for gloves and opaque tights to completely conceal any natural skin, even paint the ears if it sticks out too far (the area in front of the ears can be hidden by styling your hair in front of it).

Don't forget to design your shironuri/clown face. Don't slap your regular makeup on top, what's the point of painting your face white if you do? Look up kabuki or clown faces if you need some inspiration.

Overall it might be better to forego shironuri/clown lolita and just add a few details, such as face gems or tatto stickers on your face, if you want to do an OTT look for for a meetup, without going overboard.

As for the coord itself. It looks like the blues may come in mismatched as they're from different brands and the lighting seems to be different in both photos. I'm more forgiving if the other smaller-area-sized colours don't really match up, such as the red bag, shoes and the red in the print, but the gold star clips are blatantly a different gold than the gold harlequin socks. I'd swap one or both of them out for something that matches the other items better. I kind of feel like the blue is a bit too concentrated on top as well, perhaps you could add a blue bag charm to shoe clips to the coord.

>> No.7758733

I'm not quite sure where I want to go with this...suggestions please!

>> No.7758735
File: 18 KB, 300x350, metacatborder4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good cold weather ideas for this? Specifically, including a blouse that doesn't look stupid with the collar shape and a coord that isn't just "wear it with black"?

>> No.7758736
File: 466 KB, 2400x2400, PossibleCoord3.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7758742

Thank you for such detailed answer! I'll take it into consideration. And yeah, I wasn't planning shironuri at the meetup, it's for the festival. And no clown nose at all! =)

>> No.7758761

i think camel looks quite bad in this coord, it is too warm.

i like the shoe style but they would look better if they were beige, pale blue or pink or wine as the flower clip.

that camel bag just does not look cute at all to me. would definitely go for the straw hat/bag combo. end of nitpick.

>> No.7758766

Maybe with lavender? Or grey, if you are feeling adventurous enaugh. I'd ditch the blouse and just cover arms with bolero or so, it would be easier to match he collar.

>> No.7758774

The large chunks of black are quite a contrast since the dress is entirely light colours. You'll probably need pink shoes and hairpiece to balance it. I would actually prefer this with browns instead
if you're dead set on a violin theme.

I could see a small navy satchel with this

>> No.7758782

Your screen need a little color calibration there anon, the tights and bag look like a dark brown to me, and the dress looks beige/dusty pink.

>> No.7758784

the bag is a dark brown, and so are the tights, the socks were ordered in a brown x beige as well

>> No.7758801
File: 23 KB, 300x350, 6303-908-2014-02-07744686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love some help with this

>> No.7758811

Classic, gothic, sweet ?

First thing in mind to make it a little bit more elegant is a long sleeved op under it, using the jsk as an overdress. Perfect for autumn. Then a hat, a classic bag, some pumps and tights a la victorian maiden.

>> No.7758823

I never even thought of putting on OP under it. Thanks anon. And yes classic is what I was looking for

>> No.7758869

My bad.

You know the meta lace jsks and OPs that everyone loves to hate? They look fantastic under these

>> No.7759126

Do you think lavender would be okay with the blue-purple on the dress, or would I just look colourblind? It's a really difficult colour to match as royal purples are too purple, blues are too blue and it's not a trendy enough colour to find in stores.

>> No.7759147

This is the easiest thing to coordinate ever. Seriously, how new are you?

>> No.7759149

you need a lighter, sort of caramel colour for the tights and bag if you want them to work with that dress. Theyre so dark brown theyre almost black, and that dress is very light. I'd use tan and cream accessories, maybe work in touches of light brown?

>> No.7759187
File: 1.74 MB, 1914x803, 1406950340855e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I might be flogging a dead horse here but mofoing green bag, seriously! Would be a great pop of color without shoehorning it in, very much in the otome spirit of things. Add in a few other pops of green without taking it too far, an additional, smaller green side bow or clip would be a nice touch. I personally think that adding green shoe clips, cardigans/boleros etc is just going to end up looking a bit awkward and forced.

>> No.7759454

What colors do you think would coordinate best with this? I don't really like the way it looks with a white blouse in the worn photo from IW. Antique/off white? Black?
Any color other than a neutral? I don't wear bright colors a lot so I feel dumb.

>> No.7759455
File: 26 KB, 232x313, iw_jsk_tulletriple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, dropped my pic.

>> No.7759516 [DELETED] 
File: 230 KB, 930x1123, 171478745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really quick, kinda lazy co-ord but yeah, I can see that pure white would make this look a little flat; you suggested, I also think off-white/ivory would look better with this.

>> No.7759528
File: 230 KB, 930x1123, 171478745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that white isn't the best paring with this and risks looking a little flat - black or antique/off white is a better bet in my opinion. Black or dark brown would also be a good match, possibly navy/soft dark royal blue if you're feeling adventurous. Very quick, lazy co-ord but hopefully you get the idea of off-whites looking nicer with this.

>> No.7759564
File: 156 KB, 921x625, 171443290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any thoughts on this? I really wanted to try using a salopette in a more mature fashion to create a goth-punk lolita kinda look.

>> No.7759588
File: 408 KB, 650x456, marionettegirl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you use Polyvore to make these collages, or just do them by hand? If you have a Polyvore please share it, I just recently started getting active there again and I need people to follow.

>> No.7759595

how much did you pay for this? it's one of my top dream dresses. i m so fucking jelly. would sage for offtopic

>> No.7759614
File: 419 KB, 600x420, hiedi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble figuring out what kind of blouse and accessories would look good with this.

>> No.7759622
File: 95 KB, 250x333, NakayoshiRibbonJSK-sax_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit stuck with this JSK.
My only coord for this used light brown/cream as second color, but I'd love to make a more colorful coord than this. Unfortunatly I can't come up with something.

>> No.7759636

Since there isn't much poof, I'd say go for something more in the casual side?
Don't: chiffon blouses and flower headdresses. They'll look very out of place.
I'd choose a cute cotton blouse with nice cotton lace. Maybe a hat or just a simple, small bow.
A patterned pair of otks would look very cute, but plain lace tights could work as well.
Bordeaux is just as versatile as white or black, don't be afraid just because it's bolder. White, ivory, cream, dusty pinks, bowns and blacks... Jewel tones can look awesome too if you're careful enough.

>> No.7759642

Is there a lolibrary listing for this version? I only ever found the AatP one. I'm also so fucking jelly of you, anon. This is also one of my dream dresses.

Sage for OT

>> No.7759667
File: 17 KB, 372x552, 1367651149760284738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like light, unfussy chiffon would be your best bet. Something with more flowy type sleeves would probably be a better bet but I couldn't find anything during my lazy search.

>> No.7759706

Thanks, anon, for reaffirming my thinking more of off-white! And I never thought of brown or navy.

Yes, I was thinking to make it casual. I have a nice cotton blouse in off-white, and a pair of cream patterned otks. Thanks for the advice on the jewel tones! Good to know this color doesn't have to just be paired with neutrals.

>> No.7759715

Personally I love camel in everything, so I'm a bit biased. Thank you for the feedback though.

>> No.7759722

Sauce on shoes?

>> No.7759725


>> No.7759734
File: 225 KB, 930x1123, 171569191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be the best gorgeous and dressy look to go for. If you wanted something less religious kinda themed and slightly more casual yet elegant however, you could try something like the attached. I think the vintagey type feel still works with the print. Also you could use this as a kinda template - for example, if the grey isn't your thing, replace for red or any other color contained within the print that you want to pull out.

>> No.7759737

Pink, or lilac?

>> No.7759739
File: 237 KB, 365x429, fancyegg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metamorphose Fancy Egg skirt in pink?
I'm thinking of doing gold accessories but because the gold on the print is so yellowy I'm a little wary that it'll look off

>> No.7759748

You've seriously never seen the underdress/overdress combo before? JetJ and VM are particularly known for it, but meta even has stock photos with this style of dress being used as an overdress

>> No.7759751
File: 210 KB, 930x1123, 171573503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also love the idea of an all ivory version paired with sophisticated gothy make-up. I think the emphasis on make-up in this instance would be important to stop the print looking too much like it was just floating in a mass of one color, the details and textures help to break it up too.

>> No.7759753

Is it that yellowish in person? The photo in general looks like the saturation has been upped a bit on it and/or the studio lighting makes it look super bright.

>> No.7759755
File: 156 KB, 784x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helped my kid put this together.

>> No.7759761

I actually just made a polyvore. I'm glittery-sugar

>> No.7759766
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1000, black and white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need advice on this one. The skirt has had all the white decal and lace removed and the trim lace will be replaced with better quality white lace.

My dilemma is this: The white blouse I own is more of an off white. would this coord look okay with the black blouse and white accents (and white socks)?

>> No.7759767

looks freaking awesome anon, love the balance of red and pink and how it moves your eyes around the outfit, keeping things interesting. This is a great example of going matchy matchy without things getting dull or too obvious.

When you say 'your kid' did you mean as in your own grown nestling? If so, you just went off the scale in the cool stakes.

>> No.7759780
File: 700 KB, 871x589, Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 4.17.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your balance seemed a little bottom-heavy, and the flowers are pink, not red. This might be helpful?

>> No.7759790
File: 10 KB, 169x225, mm7qrCNtx1nL7bJmj2gGCFw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a decent sized blackxwhite cameo brooch to the neck of the black blouse - problem fixed and balanced is restored! I would recommend some better white socks if you want to attempt to rock the old-school look, at least go for something with a bit of quality lace detail on it. I'd avoid an off white blouse, you need to really go high quality with your make-up, styling etc to avoid encroaching into ita territory with this, so in my opinion, stay away from mismatching whites.

>> No.7759798
File: 46 KB, 334x334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! Yes, I'm teaching my five year old important life skills.

>mfw she picked one of my favorite prints

>> No.7759810

The only socks I have are the plain UTKs in white and black. I could sew the leftover lace from the skirt onto the socks maybe? I also have black tights but I feel like that would be too much black and not enough white.

>> No.7759828

This is really cute. I want your 5 year old to dress me.

>> No.7759846
File: 607 KB, 934x569, Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 4.51.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to ignore the tacky cat jewelry!

>> No.7759853

The cat jewelry is cute! and matches the print too.

>> No.7759871

yeah anon its pretty damn yellow

>> No.7759896

If you can't make the white socks look decent by adding quality lace, even opaque white tights would be a lot better than the ones you have as they are in all honesty.

>> No.7759904
File: 16 KB, 400x400, 1535219_673247622723274_673247526056617_59763_2776_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people wearing two dresses at once by choice

>> No.7759941
File: 218 KB, 930x1123, 171646523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, well I just had a quick rummage on ebay and found the attached. It's not too difficult to find items in that bright yellow-gold - even if it's not 100% exact in terms of brightness, the most important thing is that it has a strong yellow tone as apposed to say, cooler gold, antique gold or rose gold.

>> No.7759953

>also Texan
>still wear over-dress-with-jsk-combo

You just stay inside, man. It's not like 95% of the state has the AC blasting in summer.

>> No.7759955
File: 600 KB, 1001x491, Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 5.35.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly it didn't end up very colorful, but I hope this gives you ideas!

>> No.7759960

Alright, I put in an order for some white opaque tights as well as a cameo brooch. Thanks for the help!

>> No.7759965

There isn't one, I don't think. I've also never seen a picture of the white BtSSB JSK on a mannequin either.
I think it was around 35k minus SS and shipping fees.
>>7759734 >>7759751
Thanks for the ideas! I really like that IW bag.

>> No.7759968

I'm gonna get the Crystal Dream Carnival jsk in pink my next paycheck if its still on the site or I can find it elsewhere. This is going to be my first real coord that's not ita bodyline shit. Help me not end up still looking like an ita piece of shit? Also if you happen to know where I could get the pieces you're suggesting that would be a big help I haven't ordered from anywhere other than bodyline. I ordered some crap from there and started coming on here and quickly decided to not buy any more loli until I can afford decent brand stuff. Which I can now.

>> No.7759970

Whoops didn't see this. I was thinking something along that vein too. I guess it's time for me to really invest in a princess sleeve blouse! Thanks :D

>> No.7759989
File: 717 KB, 987x570, Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 5.57.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looooove this idea.

>> No.7759991
File: 32 KB, 570x457, victorianstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just to add, if you are going to stick to the silver additions, better make sure the cameo has a silver or plain surround, and not gold. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious, but it's possible to miss stuff like that occasionally.

>> No.7759993

I searched oxford heels on aliexpress, you could probably source them to taobao if you wanted.

>> No.7759997

just as a note, i don't think that bonnet will work with how toned-down that coord is. I have the black version of it and the brim is HUGE.

>> No.7760007

I just wanted a nice pic of an ivory bonnet, thanks for the advice though! I was considering getting the black version for my more doll-inspired coords so that's good to know.

>> No.7760024
File: 98 KB, 400x400, BH3006-D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this one.

>> No.7760025

I'd like to help because I'm getting CDC in pink as well. Are you getting the tiered jsk or the other one? Also what is your general price range for the rest of your coordinate, and what color would you prefer to work around (the blue in the print, gold, etc?)

>> No.7760049

I think I'm going to get the tiered version. My price range will probably be around 300 more. If you think I need to spend more than that its fine it'll just take me longer to get all the stuff. I would like to work with the gold I really like how gold and pink look together.

>> No.7760069
File: 30 KB, 600x408, AXyWL36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just an idea how big the brim is... I have a big noggin, but this thing is ridiculous and I love it for gothic.

>> No.7760082

Ooh, it's cute! I definitely have to get it now! Iim a classic/ gothic and it looks perfect. I need some OTT headwear because I resort to a felt boater for so many coords. I have a pretty cohesive wardrobe so I want to branch out a little with my accessories.

>> No.7760083


Perfect! Good luck CM.

>> No.7760112

Thanks, i see what you mean with it being bottom heavy, I think ill switch the navy for white tights instead. I understand what you're getting at with the pinks but in this case I was going for complimentary colors instead of matchy-matchy but thanks, the headbow's a good idea too I might try that.

>> No.7760120

Thanks! I'll hopefully not look like a digusting troll woman in my full coord (I'm short and fat). I'll post pics when it's completed!
Ooh that trim is gorgeous! I've always wanted to wear a bonnet but I have a really round face and I'm afraid I'm look like an actual baby if I wore a bonnet lol

>> No.7760121

Is that the Elpress L one? I've been eyeing the ivory one for a while now.

>> No.7760184
File: 70 KB, 500x345, tumblr_mhnzywt5A91qbl6huo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think as long as your wear the right kind of bonnet/wig combo most are alright. If anything maybe try a soft brim or short brimmed bonnet to see how it would suit your face?

Yes it is, I had the white one for a short time. It was very VERY white, I was hoping it was more of an ivory. Didn't suit my closet so I let it go!

>> No.7760186
File: 208 KB, 1091x595, 575656453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shoes and rosary choice are really lovely. I think a less structured looking chiffon blouse with flowy sleeves would perhaps be a bit more fitting. I shamelessly stole your template and kinda added to it.

>> No.7760665

Thanks! I'm more likely to ignore the tights and shoes than tacky cat jewellery, haha....I love tacky cat jewellery. I really want a matching set from taratata, but have to decide on a design.

That's adorable

>> No.7760668

Ah rats. That wouldn't coordinate with mine well either.

>> No.7760772

I wanted to get a bit away from pink, so lilac is a great idea thanks!

Thanks for your help anyways. It's similar to my original coord, but that muted colors are a really good idea

>> No.7761089
File: 1.44 MB, 1128x1034, pink and white coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I add to this coord? I'm so terrible with accessorizing.

Also dumping some more coords I'm not sure what to do with.

>> No.7761097
File: 1.10 MB, 900x1400, black grey coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another

>> No.7761118
File: 1.75 MB, 900x1400, magical painting coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one more

>> No.7761122

These are overwhelmingly monochromatic.. while that's okay for the black if you want to go full classic gothloli, the pink will just look boring. get some patterned or textured tights for the pink (something with pink/gold, or just lace tights) and accessorize with some lace cuffs and white/gold rings. you could even tone down the shoes (no bow, simple MJs instead) and just have a casual classic lolita look. my taste might be really far flung from yours though.

>> No.7761134
File: 134 KB, 717x1098, 172340618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if you're still loitering around this thread but have you considered a tasteful blackxhite oldschool headdress for this rather than the pearl headband? - I think they might look a bit lacking just kinda plonked on your head. A round headdress could be a nice alternative to the 'maxipad' type of yore. Bodyline has an actually pretty nice one up at the moment (decent cotton lace, pic related) or you could have a go at making your own: http://www.mylolitastyle.com/2013/02/tutorial-round-headdress/

Just run it through google translate, it makes enough sense in translation.

p.s.Tie oldschool headdresses around the back of your head, hidden beneath your hair or clip them in, ribbon under the chin often looks pretty tacky imho.

>> No.7761136

I like really simple coords, but I'm trying to avoid boring. I guess I'm just nervous about getting more adventurous because I might mess it up. Do you know where I can get some super stretchy lace tights? even the plus size ones on plussizetaobao are a little under my measurements due to my huge hips.

I have a semi simple white bow that I was going to put on the headband. I don't have any pics of it, but it's not too ornate and has a few little pearls on it to match the rest of the pearl decals. Would that be okay?

>> No.7761177
File: 110 KB, 600x800, 69258-3736-2014-05-19271864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first dress I've bought but i'm not too sure where to go from here. I was thinking a white blouse with white socks and lavender shoes just to keep my first coord simple. Any thoughts?

>> No.7761265
File: 345 KB, 1090x1228, 14082117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to add more textures to create interest, the attached isn't too ott cutesy but it's not boring either, I think it creates an elegant yet doll-like look.
It would probably look better than no bow at all if the quality is decent but tbh I'm still not especially keen on the pearl headand with such an oldschool look. I don't think it'll look especially bad, more off the mark if that makes sense(?).

In all honesty the amount of posts you've made here is getting a bit excessive, I'm happy to help out, but needing help with so many outfits at once is a bit overwhelming, esp when others may want help too. I would recommend posting two at most, then perhaps use the suggestions and tips to work on the others yourself; if you're still struggling later on, you could then try posting again with one or two more so things don't get spammy.

>> No.7761272

thanks. and sorry for all the posts. I didn't realize it was getting spammy.

For this cord would I need a wig? I don't really like wearing them, but I have dark down hair. would that clash too much with the light theme?

>> No.7761297

Sounds good. Do you think you can find lavender shoes in that same (or a very complimentary) shade? It might look off if you have two different lavenders going on.
And maybe go for pinkish-red accessories (bracelet, necklace, headdress) to balance it out a bit. Strawberry stuff shouldn't be that hard to find.

>> No.7761298
File: 664 KB, 658x529, crystalbutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this is what you had in mind at all, but.

>> No.7761301

I personally love the contrast of dark hair in light coords/light hair in dark coords but ymmv.

>> No.7761308

Lavender shoes is going to look a bit flat, I think red or dark brown to match the chocolate would be a lot better. I would recommend either red shoes, head bow/accessory and then a chocolate brown bag or Chocolate brown shoes and bag and then red hair accessory - simple but still adds balance.

White frill ankle socks or lace tights would be good.

>> No.7761318 [DELETED] 

Certainly don't need a wig, they're just great if your hair lacks volume etc, you're not confident with styling, and general versatility/convenience really. Dark brown hair would be a nice contrast, I was drawn to the blonde for it's soft dolly look with the co-ord.

>> No.7761321

Certainly don't need a wig, they're just great if your hair lacks volume etc, you're not confident with styling, and general versatility/convenience really. Dark brown hair would be a nice contrast, I was drawn to the blonde for its soft dolly look with the co-ord.

>> No.7761339

Disgustingly, shameless bump - no thoughts on this? Like, hate, 'meh' it?

My main concern was that it wouldn't be considered lolita enough, particularly for the discerning folk of /cgl/.

>> No.7761358

Don't have the will to collage, but you definitely need pink up top with this one. Headbow and neckbow/necklace. Black bracelets or wristcuffs as well.

>> No.7761368

I think the idea is nice but the execution isn't. The print is very sweet, so I think it clashes greatly with the tights and shoes. I'd recommend different tights either way, because I can't see those looking good in lolita. And maybe red shoes?
Or harlequin print socks like this (http://www.harajukuhearts.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=79&products_id=1164&zenid=UFdC3nCqq1uBZ2PvaQ8Tn2)) but black x red would look nicer than red x white.

>> No.7761370

Is the black blouse alright? Maybe wear a short sleeve black blouse and a pink cardigan and pink hair accessories?

>> No.7761390

Thanks for the feedback, the tights are the item that struck me as being the most discordant or 'out there' and not necessarily in a good way. I think the print being purely sweet is perhaps where I see it differently, it's mostly based on cards rather then super cute motifs/animals, plus it's a deep red shade and for this reason I think it's possible to try a slightly darker, punkish take on it. I think the tights are going to make or break this in edition to all that black; I'm kinda set on black boots so taking in mind your comments, I may try a round toe version for something less victorian goth looking instead.

Thanks again, off to look for some more appropriate leg-wear (I own the stockings in the pic anyway so I could always still try them just for kicks!).

>> No.7761391

Not the anon but that would work out better. Getting a pink bag might work too. You could also get a pink neck tie to add some pink to the black blouse.

>> No.7761395

alright, thanks!

>> No.7761422

Requesting dresses to make collages with!

>> No.7761433
File: 159 KB, 921x625, 171443290e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is looking better I think, thanks that anon!

>> No.7761438
File: 189 KB, 830x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7761441


>> No.7761448
File: 110 KB, 588x558, l088-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a coord I want to use for Halloween. I was thinking of also airbrushing some ball joints on some white tights for arms & legs, painting my face white, and wearing some sclera contacts. What else could I add? Is this a horrible idea?

>> No.7761449

First anon, basically I second >>7761391

>> No.7761452

Forgot to ask, if I'm going to do this would a bell or A-line petticoat be best? It looks like a bell one would be good but would like a second opinion.

>> No.7761454
File: 283 KB, 700x1200, l417-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related in the brown colourway. It's a more richer brown IRL, they must have used horrible flash.

>> No.7761559
File: 925 KB, 999x902, Screen Shot 2014-08-16 at 4.21.31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both pretty basic, but I hope you get some ideas!

>> No.7761591
File: 343 KB, 579x549, pancake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even know if I won some of these pieces yet, but I'm trying to coord preemptively. How can I improve this? It doesn't feel right.

>> No.7761595
File: 101 KB, 426x640, Taupe Emily Temple Cute Cats and Music Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something for this? I haven't managed to do anything decent with it apart from pairing it with black and white and music themes. The light blue isn't a colour I have in my wardrobe any more, and the pinky wine colour on the skirt is too light to match the maroon/bordeaux but too dark and too far on the pink side for regular reds.

>> No.7761596

Ditch the cherries and chocolate accessories, maybe try pink shoes and white socks with gold/brown accents, or red shoes with pink/white/blue socks.

>> No.7761598

Swap the white for blue and I'd be more convinced. At the moment you have a chunk of blue at the bottom that isn't really balanced out any higher.

>> No.7761605

>Ditch the cherries and chocolate accessories
but theres cherries and chocolate on the dress

>> No.7761622
File: 301 KB, 573x545, Screen Shot 2014-08-16 at 5.01.29 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blue shoes are way off, I'd try and match them to the syrup bottle. I'd also ditch the pancake head thing for a headbow, you already have lots of pancake accessories. I'm not sure why the bear is there, and I'd personally use short ruffle tops socks in such a warm weather looking coord. You're also missing a bag, I'd go with the pancake bag that's been floating around or a pink and white bag like the one from loris.

>> No.7761626

Go with wine red accessories, just make sure they're cool toned. It'll look fine.

>> No.7761628

So is the color yellow, but you aren't going to walk around wearing Asians

>> No.7761631

that's not exactly what I had in mind but its super cute!! Thank you so much!! This helps a lot.

>> No.7761633

You should pick one motif to bring out, and you picked the pancake theme. Your color scheme will end up unbalanced with only one random brown or red point in the coord.

>> No.7761643

Brown accessories are hella cute with chocoberry.

>> No.7761644

Source on the ring and necklace?

I have the same skirt and I usually use pink shoes with it. I stick with the pancake theme for the most part though. I think it's better to do one theme at a time like other anons suggested - you can do red/cherry with red shoes and red bows and a chocolate/brown coord with brown shoes and a brown cardigan.

>> No.7761649

I love the fact you toned down a sweet Meta print i love!

>> No.7761655

Thank you! Is that an IW bolero?

>> No.7761674

Yup! It's actually from this year, it might still be up in their online shop/

>> No.7761743

Um, this isn't me so please don't think that I'm not open to critique. I think you can top cherries on pancakes so maybe the ring isn't a bad idea, but I do see how I did try to focus too much on pulling everything out from the print.

I'm not used to using sax blue. Thank you, I'll start looking for a blue blouse.

It's the lighting, trust me the blue matches. I don't want to pull out the brown from the chocolate sauce, I don't want to mix warm and cool tones so obviously. I like the pancake hat, it's basically the whole reason I'm making the coord. I do agree on the bear. I left the purse blank since I'm still hunting flr the pancake mix bag. Thank you for your advice.

Which ring? I have four there. The heart cookie I found on Taobao. The cherry one I photoshopped together, I'm planning on making it myself. The bear and pancakes are on etsy. Sorry I lost most of the links.

>> No.7761916

This is plain as hell, I mean, it's a base, but that's it. Also do NOT use the shoes on the right imo. It might be personal preference but I can't stand bxw shoes.

>> No.7761921

I didn't plan on using the bxw shoes. and yes, it is a base, I wanted advice on accessorizing since Im' so terrible at it.

>> No.7762400

OP version is up on LM atm if you're interested >lacemarket.us/rare-love-moon-princess-stained-angel-ribbon-op/

>> No.7762411
File: 20 KB, 250x333, 255577_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wanted hard mode ?

>> No.7762680
File: 342 KB, 602x568, pancake2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took some of the advice posted here. Does this look better? The shoes are a placeholder, I'm going to try to find clearly matching shoes later.

>> No.7762779
File: 426 KB, 1032x557, 787856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love the print of this skirt but I'm more of a gothic/gothic-classic lolita and I really like the idea of pairing this with grey rather than white, avoiding a more sweet look. I feel like I'm still struggling to create a nice balance between the pale aqua and grey, I'd like to keep everything quite subdued if possible and not rely too much on the aqua, I also don't really want to use white at all if possible.

Any thoughts, tips or suggestions? I don't mind if anyone would like to try co-ording this from scratch, I just wanted to give it a try.

>> No.7762810

The op is so hideous.

I think you should hold off on the two pink bows if you're going to use the pancake headband. Go with the red bows on the wristcuffs and maybe try to find some simple red and pink rings, as the pancake one is so huge that your hands will look weird only wearing that. I am not a big fan of the bag, but it's fine.

For general reference, I think it's better to match your shoes to either your accessory accent colour or your blouse than your main piece. Right now, you're going to have a lot of pink on the bottom (skirt, bag, socks, shoes) and hardly any on top. While I realize that's why you were trying to incorporate the pink hair bows, they don't work with your main hair accessory.
Your bag, if the colour tones are correct, will also kind of blend in with your skirt when held, which isn't the best.

>> No.7762857
File: 244 KB, 500x600, royalcreamy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-sweet, tout de suite

>> No.7762887
File: 46 KB, 300x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone help me with this dress? I want to wear it in a casual way but I'm having trouble with finding shoes that would look right.

>> No.7762905
File: 506 KB, 839x602, Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 10.29.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it needs another color to give it balance, instead of a chunk of blue surrounded by grey. I also don't think that makeup is appropriate for lolita, and the shoes are a more brown toned grey than the rest of the coord. Pic related, it looks like a lot of black but if you visualize it you're mostly wearing grey. You could probably also go for a grey bag if you wanted. Just a note, a white blouse won't make this look sweet. Sweet blouses look much different from classic blouses.

>> No.7762935

Lace tights, red cardigan, light brown oxfords and matching bag, headwear is a beret or simple headbow?

>> No.7763348
File: 135 KB, 815x599, 1408296719121e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much anon, I love it! The addition of black really prevents it from looking too flat, everything pops so nicely. I changed the make-up and added a different hat (it's slightly more to my taste) - I would definitely wear this, it's not such a radical departure from my usual gothicish-classic tastes either coordinated like this.

May I ask where you found the blue flower? I don't remember seeing that shade on rococo soul or ciciwork, I probably overlooked it.

>> No.7763403
File: 1007 KB, 800x1200, imsorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but...
also sorry if its too plain i didnt want it to look too rainbow barf-y

>> No.7763415
File: 45 KB, 540x960, meal time OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this some time ago in an alterations discussion. I changed this OP into a JSK and I'm trying to think of a fun way to coord this. Unfortunately I've only seen coords where they're either gross or they're relatively simple, with a giant spoon as a prop. What are some fun ways to wear these besides just adding gold shoes/tights combo?

I'm also keeping the white cuff-parts and turning them into wristcuffs, and using extra fabric to make a matching beret.

>> No.7763422

It's from surface spell!

>> No.7763426

This looks really cute tbh. I'd wear it.

>> No.7763442

Are the bows brown or black? It's a shame VV died, this is so gorgeous.

>> No.7763473

Ah! Surface Spell completely slipped my mind, idiot. Many, many thanks again sweet, awesome-anon.

>> No.7763505

No problem, haha! I just like making collages and explaining things to people.

>> No.7763684

oh wow, that actually looks decent !
Whip magic is the ultimate hardmode

>> No.7763700

what would be a nice bag to go with haenuli stained glass jsk? also, tights?

>> No.7763702

I thought the the girl is just taking a break to finish school?

>> No.7763705

It's really hard to say. I want to say they're navy? They are a dark dark blue with white and small red stripes but it's not a hugely dominating and noticeable thing. I've thought about making a gold sash/ribbon similar to the one on JetJ's star money, to add more gold to the dress.

>> No.7763715

She's still selling things at events in the Tokyo area, iirc

>> No.7763799
File: 66 KB, 480x640, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this in any way salvageable? old coord but I want to wear the skirt in a good way before I get rid of it.

>> No.7763862

Here's my ideas for it, but the bottom half of your coord is fine. I'd ditch the creme accessories, though, they don't really go. That also doesn't really look like a proper blouse, I'd just pick a random long sleeve white one and a red or black cardigan instead. The beret is cute, but again I'd use red or black for it. You could probably also coord this with pink or green.

>> No.7763864
File: 675 KB, 993x520, Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 4.50.23 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, dropped image. I've never actually done that before.

>> No.7763890

Lol its a t shirt actually. I really like your coord and will keep that in mind next time. Do you think an off-white blouse is ok?
Also is my outfit in the pic ita or just meh?

>> No.7763950
File: 32 KB, 280x373, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a little help with this one. The collar makes it kinda hard to coord.

>> No.7763973

It's just meh, in my opinion. Nothing is obviously out of place or blatantly incorrect. It's just a meh casual coord. I'd post a pic of the skirt with off white blouse to the nitpick thread and see what they think, but as long as it isn't yellow toned I would think it would be fine.

>> No.7763982

That skirt is so fugly. Kill it.

>> No.7763984

Kill yourself. That skirt is adorable.

>> No.7763993

Are you the anon that posted it? Honestly, don't waste your time and money coording bad Bodyline, just get a cheaper, better quality skirt from taobao and come back with a coord for that.

>> No.7763995

It looks like a Christmas sweater designed by Guy Fieri.

>> No.7764142
File: 166 KB, 269x371, Screen Shot 2014-08-17 at 7.07.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, not that anon. I don't even own it or wear sweet. I just think the print is cute.
That would be pretty amusing.

>> No.7764608

This is super cute for such an ugly dress!!

>> No.7764623

Legit question guys, I'm planing a Guro-loli coord for Halloween but I'm wondering if I should go for non-white since I plan on using fake blood/stab wounds. What do ya'll think?

>> No.7764769
File: 664 KB, 900x480, ap_cosmicsailorjsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't choose between wearing the white starry stockings and the ankle socks, or one of the two on its own.

>> No.7764819

Sauce on that blouse, please?

Depending on the weather, that is how you should make your decision. Personally, I think the white tights would look the best. You can even opt to double layer them? Cute coordinate! Please post it sometime!

>> No.7764823

I chose that blouse because it'll be summer here soon. It's made of chiffon as well!
Those white tights with the starts or plain white tights?
In spring I should be able to where both the tights and ankle socks, if they end up looking nice, that is.

>> No.7764839


>> No.7764992

White will show it up more and gives you more of that bandaged bloody doll feel, but other colours can work if that's what you're into

>> No.7765336
File: 187 KB, 500x600, wrapping_ribbon_skirt_pk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm considering buying this but nothing i'm doing looks... right. got anything?

>> No.7765364

Have you tried a more otome-like take on it? I feel like the cut of and length of the skirt would lend itself more to otome type styling/approach.

>> No.7765490

oooh, i've never done any otome before. any kind anons have any suggestions?

>> No.7765719
File: 99 KB, 929x749, 67676565e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a go at a quick co-ord, hopefully it might give you some ideas.

>> No.7765931

Ahhh thats super cute! thank you

>> No.7766155
File: 279 KB, 1255x1166, Brown Spoony Coord for anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here you go anon. I used brown and gold as my palette. Kind of hard not to go the spoon and fork route, its so much fun. Let me know if you want links to anything.

>> No.7766164
File: 300 KB, 1350x1304, Spoony coord in black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I couldn't tell if the bows were navy or black, but if they are black here is a black coord with some fun shoes that could incorporate the bow elements in the dress.

>> No.7766196


Not the owner of the jsk/op but I love these, could you give me links for the single spoon pendent, spoon and fork bangle and black tights please?

>> No.7766227

Sauce on the spoon/fork ring?

>> No.7766265
File: 217 KB, 1130x862, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dress is killing me softly. I have no idea what kind of tights to wear since the dress colour is so odd. Was originally going to accessorize with pearls, but I'm thinking of trying to incorporate flowers and butterflies instead. Thoughts and/or suggestions

>> No.7766367

the bonnet looks imho too much for the simpleness/lightness of the dress (plus too warm toned) but the rose headband looks like it would work well. The bolero looks like a nice choice too but possibly a bit heavy looking for the thinness of the OP. The tights (they're gorgeous btw!) on the other hand look too brilliant white/grey-blue white in relation to the bolero. First I think you need to determine if the base of your dress is more of a cool/pure white or more of an off-white - the shoes also look too bright white in relation to the off-white bolero.

The blue shade in the tights also doesn't appear to be contained within your dress but it's hard to tell.

A clearer pic of the dress and print would be really helpful for trying to find better matches.

>> No.7766372

I like it! What bag are you gonna use?

>> No.7766413

This is my dream print and I want you to be the first one to wear it right. #7761622 is close to the mark, I think that that headdress is adorable but with just the skirt it's too OTT. If you had the OP or JSK it would work, I think. Love the necklace and the pancake ring. The cherry ring is genius. I think the pink/white/brown wristcuffs would look great, and definitely pink shoes. I think the top is too plain, so go with a pink PLAIN cardigan or put one of those bows at the neck. For the bag, that pancake bag is probably hard to find so either wait for the HC mix bag or if you really can't wait go with something super neutral, red or pink I suppose. Please have nice, tamed long hair/wig...and for the head, yeah headbow is your best bet, in red or pink.

Please anon. I never see HC done well. Do this for me. I know I sound weird, but let me live vicariously through your coord of my ultimate dream print.

>> No.7766428
File: 40 KB, 550x298, dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was pure white, but the description on IW's shop page says that the bolero is beige.Trying to find a bolero that is a pure white that I like is turning out to be a difficult task. As for the bonnet, I believe they've used a colour filter on the photo. I'm just judging that based on another photo I've seen where the store picture looked more cream, but a worn photo showed the colour of the white to look more pure, I guess.

I really agree with the shoes & tights being off. Honestly, that's the part that I'm having the most trouble with when it comes to building coords. Any suggestions?

Still haven't decided. It depends on the time of year I wear my finished coord.

>> No.7766443

I think if I do get the pancake headdress, I'll only wear it in OTT coords or at cons, so don't worry too much about that. I was planning on using one of the pink bows on my head and one on the blouse or skirt! I can't actually wear cardigans since they accent my broad shoulders too much. Would a 3/4 sleeve pink blouse fare okay, instead? I'm saving for the HC bag, but I do have a few options to pair it with. Depending on the "main focus" colour I have a cream purse to match the pancakes, a pink bag, and red bag to coord with for now. I have very long, naturally wavy hair to deal with so usually it isn't hard to make my hair "work" for lolita.

I'll try my best to make a great coord for you!

>> No.7766446

if you go with the starry tights use white shoes

>> No.7766455


The pink blouse I am visualizing and I think it would be better than the white. Go with pink. And as for the OTT pancake headdress, if you can make it work please do, I do love it but it just seems hard to create a good look with that and the skirt.

Good luck, HC anon!!! I am rooting for you. If I see your coord on CoF and see the cherry ring I may spaghetti all over you.

>> No.7766477

Wouldn't that be too much white in one area then? The legs won't be colour balanced with the headbow, cardigan or dress.

>> No.7766649
File: 92 KB, 280x373, mistysky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently purchased misty sky, it's color is not something i'm too familiar with coording. I still have no solid ideas on what i'm going to be coording it with, specifically headdress and leg wear.

>> No.7766819

What a beautiful dress! I always thought navy was my dream colour but sax is very lovely. It gives a really innocent look so I can imagine it looking really cute with frilly ankle socks, simple Mary Janes, and ribbons in your hair.

>> No.7766847

I think flowy, breezy fabrics like chiffon and see-through socks/tights are lovely with a "light" dress such as Misty Sky. A headdress with a small chiffon veil would be lovely!

>> No.7766859

Agreed with other anons about how beautiful and floaty it is, blue hair ribbons, white chiffon blouse and some sheer legwear could be your friend. For accessories wristcuffs would look nice, and/or some silver jewellery (and blue gems?).

>> No.7766886
File: 80 KB, 309x371, feerierobe-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been finding this dress kind of hard to coord nicely with my current wardrobe. I'd like to do a toned down coord that still does the dress justice. Do you guys have any ideas?

>> No.7767114

Black chiffony blouse or shrug, a beautiful long pendant in silver that could also contain some of the blue-grey colors contained within the jsk, black or grey/grey-blue tights with elegant black heels and a classic lolita bag in black. For hair accessories, a black roses hair comb/corsage or possibly the same style in grey/mixture of black and grey. A silver hair comb with black stones/gems would also be simple and elegant. A vintagey black hat with a grey-blue ribbon around it would look really lovely too. You could even add a touch of gothic class with some elegant more Victorian-esq ankle boots in black if heels are too dressy for your tastes.

>> No.7767118

Not sure if it's your thing but I have worn a thick red belt with the sorry before. It definitely helps break up the white blouse and pink skirt.

>> No.7768276
File: 1.21 MB, 2448x3264, 20140814_165013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought this dress while at a secondhand lolita store in Japan a few weeks ago, and I was wondering if you guys think it would be possible to make a passable coord with it. I'm not sure what direction I should take the outfit in: could this work as a Classic coord, or something else? This is my first lolita dress, so I'd just like some ideas as to where to go from here. I don't own anything else relating to lolita, but I'm willing to buy some new stuff to go with it.

Also, what kind of petticoat should I get, and where would be the best place to order it from?

(And sorry for the shitty picture; that's the only mirror in my dorm room.)

>> No.7768285
File: 54 KB, 250x333, 135933-480-2014-08-04843204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm almost completely at a loss with this JSK, despite loving it so much. About all I have in mind is a white blouse with textured white stockings + brown mary janes and a brown bag. also, this color green is a nightmare to match. everything i've got is too bright.

>> No.7768286

I'd gear this more towards a toned down sweet/classic. For a petticoat, I'd look into an a-line shape. I personally bought mine from an antique store and fixed it up but you can take a look at Classical Puppets or Malco Modes for good petticoats.

Hair, I'm not too sure what you could do with your hair, maybe just a few simple curls and a headband or clips will do. I'd run in the brassy/antique gold/sepia look with sepia shoes and brassy/antique gold accessories. I'd also say keep the legwear simple, nothing with too much of a print.

>> No.7768318
File: 710 KB, 931x826, Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 8.32.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love love love this idea

>> No.7768608
File: 40 KB, 380x507, cardigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this cardigan recently. I really love it but fuck if i have any idea what to wear it with. I primarily dress creepy cute, gothic and nu goth and would really love to have it in something casual but cute. advice??

>> No.7768612
File: 40 KB, 280x373, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell do I do with this bag...

>> No.7768622

burn it

>> No.7768625

what is your damage lol
that bag is cute

>> No.7768628

You could work it into practically any sweet coord by getting some of those sheer tights with opaque polka dots and combining them.

>> No.7768638

Give it to me. If you can't work out how to work it with an outfit it's clearly wasted on you

>> No.7768643

Yay first dress! I think classic/sweet with butterfly motifs is a good idea
I disagree with antique gold/sepia, because I've owned this dress and iirc it's white, offwhite and gold-gold, so you just run the risk of looking like you threw whatever you had on. The pleated bustle/trim on that dress is lovely as well. I would go with off white lace tights, gold shoes and a gold butterfly choker/necklace/jewellery. If you can find a hairbow in the same pleated chiffon as the bustle/trim that'd be super cute.Petticoat wise Victorian girl dress is fine, the classical puppets daily a line is fine as well. It's not a super poofy dress and because of the higher waist cupcake pettis run the risk of making you look overstuffed and pregnant

>> No.7768651
File: 777 KB, 919x672, itried.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't laugh, send help

I'm trying to go for that kind for that toned down guro that we had going on in the guro thread however many weeks ago

>> No.7768663

have you worn contacts before? allegedly sclera contacts (im assuming you mean the all black ones) are higher risk and a lot more expensive than your standard corneal(?) ones, if you're using bodyline cause you dont want to spend too much you might want to reconsider using the contacts (unless you already have a pair), thats just my 2cents though

>> No.7768715

i'm not sure what type of bag to use

>> No.7768741

>crow accessorie
Dat u rosarie? So obvious

>> No.7768744

Not ankle socks. Tights. It's a nun-style dress. You want to be covered up or it'll be weird.

As for bags, maybe get an old Bible from a resale shop and use one of those book-conversion tutorials to make it into a clutch.

And accessories. Hm. For subtle guro, maybe something pertaining to stigmata? Somehow? A crucifix with a bloodied Christ or something to do with the crown of thorns?

>> No.7768757

I feel a little weird using too many religious symbols but I see you on the tights front. IMO fake blood is just corny pertaining to guro, I want it to be subtly creepy or odd but not in-your-face if that makes sense

>> No.7768941
File: 72 KB, 480x640, B38OJ214-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this from a girl in my comm, and while I have been planning my coord for a while, the blouse is stumping me.
Could someone recommend a cheaper blouse (i.e. taobao or indie) to pair with this dress? All of the ones that I've found that I think would suit it well are Baby's lace and chiffon pieces.
I was thinking of going with either a high-collared blouse or a blouse with a very low profile and princess-style sleeves in chiffon or lace. I think Dear Celine released a blouse like this, but last I checked, the listing was gone and baby was off the shelf.

>> No.7768959

Where's the blouse from ahem anon? It's gorgeous, I've been looking for something similar for an age (I really want a black chiffon high neck blouse that isn't too fussy and/or looks like it's trying to strangle me).

>> No.7768965


>> No.7768966


If you can't find a suitable ready-made blouse from elsewhere, you might want to consider commissioning a lookalike blouse from someplace like the floral notebook or lady sloth?

>> No.7768971
File: 122 KB, 500x751, T2jGb9XehXXXXXXXXX_!!10274962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought about the floral notebook, but I'm looking for something with slightly more embellishment (buttons, lace, etc.). I am also looking for ideas, since I don't want to go totally cookie-cutter with this. I feel pretty stupid, but I'm used to coordinating OPs and not having to deal with blouses.

>> No.7768974
File: 31 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.612078994_o1uq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could perhaps try pairing it with a soft/charcoaly black - simple high neck chiffon blouse, sheer tights and then elegant classic deep brown shoes and bag. Since the color is a difficult match, you could find some base accessories in materials you can change/color and DIY them by painting/spray painting them in the correct color - you can do this pretty easily with artificial flowers. If hat's are your thing, considering the colors available in crafting materials, you could probably find a ribbon to match that grey-mint and then add it to a classic hat.

If you still like the idea of pairing it with off-white or cream with dark/deep rich brown accessories I think the attached comb would look really lovely, especially with a classic, possibly updo hair arrangement.

>> No.7769017
File: 448 KB, 658x416, mistycry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably not at all what you wanted, but damn I want misty sky. ):

I think as far as legwear, ankle socks look really cute with this kind of chiffony material. I think if you had shoes that were blue (or like silver/gold if you were doing that) plain white tights would be fine too.

Also the hairbow from this set looks really cute with a bun.

>> No.7769035

Wow it's like you have no taste at all, good thing the other anon has it instead.

>> No.7769085
File: 181 KB, 408x395, Help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions? I am pretty new so I wanted a simpler look. I am not sure if the ribbon could work. For tights I have thought just a black color, and in the bag I am not sure yet. Blease no bully.

>> No.7769093

Seems like it's going to be heavy black legs down. And that headbow does not match.

>> No.7769108

I thought so, that's the reason I wasn't so sure about that ribbon, so i didn't bought it, thanks for confirming it!

And for the tights, then it would be a blue close to the dress right? Thank you so much!

>> No.7769478

Personally, I would try to lighten up the coord a bit. White tights would work and also be simple, look for a textured tight without too loud or large of a pattern. Absolutely no fishnet or floral lace patterns. Blue shoes would work, but if you'd prefer black, I'd have a black handbag too. I see pearls on the dress, so you could play up the pearl accessories. I'd make a collage, but I'm on my mobile. Maybe someone else could help?

>> No.7769747
File: 85 KB, 480x640, 109P214-w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This JSK seems pretty classic to me, but I'd prefer the coord to be gothic (and shiro). I have no idea how to go about it, though. Any ideas?

>> No.7769765

Go with a bell sleeved blouse like the ones AtPie makes, and either while RHS or platform mary janes if you want a more gothic look.

>> No.7769780
File: 113 KB, 250x372, tumblr_n637w6XmBZ1qcrkr7o5_250[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marie wears it shiro, but I feel the gothic part is more in the photography than the outfit. The same outfit but in normal lighting and her smiling doesnt have the gothic feel.

Just watch out on the whites matching, I think it is stark white.

>> No.7769782


I think it's cute, but that blouse won't work with the necklace, and you have to choose between the wristcuffs and the bracelet. Also the blue headbow doesn't match the dress

>> No.7769794

What would you suggest I should change about it? Since I plan to coord it like this myself soon.

>> No.7769804
File: 885 KB, 1024x768, 0139-1209301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, I know salopettes aren't lolita
but please, I need some help here.

> I think I have a vague idea of what I'm doing

>> No.7769858

Salopettes are lolita if they're worn in a lolita way. Treat it like a regular coord and you'll be fine.

>> No.7769862

Looks nice, just a few additional accessories needed to pep it up a bit - additional hair clip and a bracelet and a bag that pics out some of the color from the print. Socks or tights in a dark brown (like the lace) to add contrast from the lighter choc brown base color.

>salopettes aren't lolita

Is that a thing? Sometimes the cut isn't really lolita (skirt not full enough for example) but yours look pretty damn lolita to me, Japanese lolitas/brands would likely agree too.

>> No.7769872

I asked in a previous lolita general and people said that it wasn't lolita, so I made a bit of research and it seems that the majority of lolitas think salopettes don't fit in the fashion, even with brands making them.
(sorry for any mistakes, english isn't my first language)

Also, it comes with bracelets, sorry for not putting them on the pic.
I'll try to acessorize it a little more! Thanks!

>> No.7769898

VV anon here! Thank you so much! You're a life saver. Can I ask links to:

- black/brown baby blouse in coord 1
- Spoon/cup ring in coord 1
- Tights/socks with spoon/fork on back in coord 2

Thank you again! I love these.

>> No.7769908
File: 238 KB, 500x463, tumblr_mp5r2hDgyh1s7ra0yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed with the others, chiffons will be a cute complement to the dress. i'm particularly fond of this girl's coord for misty sky-- the sheer overdress makes me think of a cloudy day.

>> No.7769966

It's just lolitas being sandy, salopettes work fine in the fashion. It's when people wear them in fairy kei or super casual styles that make them not lolita. It's like a lolita skirt can be worn in both lolita, mori, shironuri, etc if you try hard enough.

>> No.7770078
File: 442 KB, 700x500, god what am I doing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love this dress and I can't wait until it's in my hands, but I feel like I'm committing some kind of sin by not being able to decide if I want to wear a blouse with it.

I was also thinking about doing a coordinate with black instead of white, but idk if that would take it too far in a pastel goth direction or not.

>> No.7770093

It really depends on the particular item, some of them are way too short and do not have a big enough skirt to be lolita, others work fine. It is an iffy thing though.

>> No.7770147
File: 147 KB, 1652x945, coord links.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry for the delay, I got a one day ban trying to post the links even with spaces between the urls. I've put them in an image this time.

The brown blouse can be found here: http://lolibrary.org/apparel/ribbon-ribbon-chiffon-baby-doll-blouse

The tights are the Japanese brand - bortsprungt and are titled / スプーンとフォークのストーリータイツの詳細画像 if that helps.

The teacup-spoon brooch is sold out on the etsy shop but she takes commissions so I would just send her the image.

>> No.7770321

All my jelly anon, that jsk is stunning. The rose items seem like a nice match style wise but look a bit too cream for the white/off-white of the dress, especially the wristcuffs. The nails don't match at all imho, they're too 'pop cute' looking for the jsk style and are also too bright lavender compared to the dusky shade of the dress.

The shoes are ok but give off more of a gal vibe than lolita I think, especially in relation to your choice of accessories.

The choker looks like a really lovely choice and looks like a better color match.

I actually love the idea of black with this for a different look, to hell with the pastel goth comparisons, if you avoid the cliches it could look classy as hell.

>> No.7770343


Yeah but the shoes are $14 with free shipping and they're cute as fuck and come in my size, which is hard as fuck with my transvestite hooker size 11 feet.

If you can point me in the direction of a pair that are cute and white and come in size 'hairy woodland cryptid' I'd really appreciate it lol

>> No.7770355

where can I find the wig?

>> No.7770409


Thank you so much for the advice! I really like the idea of keeping the butterfly motif, and I think those are great ideas regarding the accessories. I'm probably going to order the daily a-line from puppets daily as well; now that you mention it, the dress does look like it would be better with a slightly subtler petticoat.

I do have another question for you guys, though, if that's all right: should I be wearing a blouse or something under the dress? And if so, what kinds of blouses do you think would look nice with it?

>> No.7770420
File: 92 KB, 250x333, ChessChocolateOP-mint[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not one of the first aons but no blouse.
It's an OP with cap sleeves so you're already covered there.
Typical you don't wear blouses under OPs.
Some people do, and in fact there are some OPs that look like there's a shirt underneath the original sleeves (pic related) and I don't think that's kawaii at all.

>> No.7770481

Where can I cop these giant shoes?

>> No.7770535



Only a few of the colors are listed at $14.99 but white is one of them.

>> No.7770661

Very delayed but thank you for this, anon! Perhaps it's not obvious but the darker parts of this JSK are a very dark chocolate brown, so I'm not sure how well black would go with it. maybe it would still be okay, though. And this hair comb is so pretty!

if anyone else has some ideas for >>7768285
i would really appreciate any input!

>> No.7770671
File: 1.27 MB, 983x781, babbysfirstcoord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this okay for a first time coord? also I was thinking opaque white tights, to match the blouse, and some kind of red and tan (to match the buttons + lighter fruit on the salopette) accessories but i got stuck on what kind...

>> No.7770678

It'd be cute if you could pull the pastel blue into your coord. I think if you go with a country theme, maybe a straw hat with a blue ribbon, and blue wristcuffs. Your jewelry can be red and cherry-themed; pendants, rings, etc.

>> No.7770679

Oh, I like that straw hat idea! If I did that, I'd have to change the shoes to tan(or w/e color to match the hat), right?

>> No.7770682

I don't think people need to match the colour of straw hats, honestly. Other anons, feel free to correct me, but I see it as kind of a neutral area where it doesn't need to be matched, the same way you don't need to match... hair?

>> No.7770687

Yep, straw is neutral, you don't need to match even if I personally like matching it with straw heeled sandals in summer times.

>> No.7770695

Okay, fair enough! I just feel like having a single straw element might make it stick out, though thinking on it, if i added too much more straw stuff, it'd probably look kind of silly

>> No.7770696

It only bothers me if you combine really warm and cool tones of straw, or very dark or light-colored straw.

>> No.7770699

Well, if you really want to, you could get a straw basket/purse

>> No.7770702

not original anon but how hard do you think it'll be to find that baby blouse? i'm in love with every color

>> No.7770741
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>> No.7771277

I think if you want to go with subtle guro choosing either a bird or big theme is a good idea, however the crosses on the dress distract from a theme of bird or bug. Maybe you could work the crosses in as more of a graveyard theme as opposed to church theme. A necklace with a coffin, aatp coffin bag, a black floral crown, if you're not afraid to get really into it dirtied white tights like you had been digging graves.... Go for more of the grave digger look.

>> No.7771312

>black floral crown

>> No.7771753

Bad idea? Good idea? I was just thinking because it alludes to flowers at a grave..... But is in keeping with Gothic...??

>> No.7771756

The dress I'm getting is navy, I've been thinking maybe a navy flower crown but the black could make it more gothic maybe? My color choice is making this coord a lot harder to plan
Thank you so much for the suggestions, I'm pretty lost on this one

>> No.7771763

This will look so fucking cute.

But the dress always looks like bedsheets IMO unless you put something over it like a peignoir or sheer overdress... I think in white would look nice. Also, I think you need to add something gold on your head.

>> No.7771770
File: 199 KB, 670x967, 13-001_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got the wine colorway in this, but for some reason I'm having a terrible block with coming up with a coord. Help?

>> No.7771814

Oh, I see. I thought the dress was black. Then yeah, navy for sure.

>> No.7771948

This is super cute!

>> No.7771962
File: 100 KB, 495x672, 1outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How subtle? Currently I'm seeing a lot of mixed motifs without any cohesion, you've got a very crosses-and-religious motifs gothic/classic dress, sweet socks, a random flower, and a bug/skull that don't really tie in with anything.
My personal feeling is currently "ravens picking out the eyes of traitors' heads", so I'd get a rosary with navy beads and eyeballs, possibly a raven skull hairclip (I think eyeball would be too gaudy in a hairdo) and maybe a bracelet or ring featuring either motif. Since you said you aren't super keen on religious symbols, you could always go with the original necklace and have the eyeballs as rings. White tights and navy shoes and you're good to go. There are some super nice subtle eyeball rings around that aren't all pastel goth in your face and have nice settings, but you will have to hunt for them.

I went all babby's first coord on this, I couldn't find knee socks with the right type of lace though - and thought having the lace sitting over the shoes would mimic the effect on the dress. Pretend all the off-whites and the bordeaux totally match.

>> No.7771984

I posted in general, but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask here too. I am wondering if anyone knows if the lavender Fairy Marine head bow will match the lavender Dolly Cross jsk? I'm considering the jsk, but hate the bonnet and need lavender head wear for the planned coord.

>> No.7772036

>My personal feeling is currently "ravens picking out the eyes of traitors' heads"
god bless you anon

Yeah I should take out the animal motifs probably, it's just that every coord i've seen with this seems to only go one way and I was hoping to put a new spin on it. For the most part the only guro theme i wanted was to be a little bit creepy/odd looking

>> No.7772060

I'm glad you anons liked it! I've never posted in one of these threads before. I agree with the over skirt and extra gold accessory on the head, thanks for the feedback!

>> No.7772987

New thread >>7772986