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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 509 KB, 523x488, if you know what I mean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7770516 No.7770516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Old thread in autosage mode.

Comm venting or comm drama goes here. Had to rename thread.

>> No.7770559

>nice joke OP

>> No.7770564

>Thanks bruh

>> No.7770566

Why mini oreos tho
Ain't nothin' mini about 'em, man

>> No.7770572
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>> No.7770578

I just looked up "two oreos" in google images.

>> No.7770601

Bravo, hope you sociopathic cunts are proud of yourselves.

>> No.7770603

Off-topic, but for a solid minute I was really confused about the OP pic because that's a picture that was originally posted on a kpop celebrity's instagram (which I follow), and though the image did cause a little drama, that's unrelated to lolita.

But apparently that photo is a reference to "oreotits" in this context? lol.

>> No.7770605

I didn't know the history behind the pic. My bad.

See my post here >>7770578

>> No.7770606
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HA, I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought it was a Kpop thread for a minute.

>> No.7770620

I'm actually trying to establish a local comm as we speak. We have a Facebook page with a couple dozen members, and even though 80% of them are newbies that don't have full coordinates yet, everyone that's active is asking for help and advice from the more experienced lolitas in the group and they are really open to concrit. Everything is going surprisingly well, the population in this area is pretty sparse so our meetups will be pretty small but I can't wait to have some more local lolita friends.
We've already had one guy try to join the group thinking it was the other kind of lolita though, laughed my ass off at all of the shitty uguu loli art on his facebook page.

>> No.7770636

Gross. Keep him away

>> No.7770641

I denied his request of course, I'm screening everyone who attempts to join instead of just adding everyone in order to keep creepers out.

>> No.7770653

My comm is suffering the yearly ita additions!!!!

They're mostly cosplayers and it weird because they're loud obnoxious weebs

>> No.7770659

Thought this was my comm at first, but then
>really open to concrit
Nevermind lol

>> No.7770709

My comm is starting to do more private and exclusive meets. It's good because they're still advertised as comm meets and open to all members but it's a 'First come, first serve' kinda deal with limited spots.
The good dressers are the most active on the comm page and pay for a spot as soon as the event goes up. So not only do the photos look great but any girl who turns up looking ratchet feel like they need to improve their co-ords.

>> No.7771008

That sort of thing may be bad, new members are important to at least try to include in group activities.

>> No.7771043

Mine is too. We haven't had any meets with them yet, I'm really nervous. I want to talk to the mods and ask if we can implement a 'must have proof of being a lolita in the profile' rule but I'm scared they'll be mad or think I'm an elitist.

>tfw I just want to have a comm where I don't have to deal with annoying pre-teens that don't even have a single lolita item

>> No.7771063

If one of them has tumblr, can you send an anon ask? My comm has a spreadsheet of all members' tumblr blogs.

>> No.7771076

As far as I know, all of them do. I'm just scared that will cause a huge witchhunt of 'who sent this to the mod?'. It happened last time someone posted our comm to BTB. I don't want that clusterfuck to happen again.

>> No.7771450

>Mod starts a discussion about "rules within lolita"
>Everyone puts a lot of emphasis on pettis and blouses under jsks in their entries
>Group's local ita seems to get the hint
>Fucking yes

>> No.7771477

Mmmm, I like the sound of that.

Glad things are going well for you, anon.

>> No.7771528

This also happening in my community. There are a lot private meets these days, because of many reasons. Usually I don't mind. There is one private meet that used to be open for everyone. Then suddenly they decided to make a private meet. I'm not invited and I don't care. It's just that I don't get why it's a private event while the organization is still promoting in public how amazing it's going to be.

>> No.7771531
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I don't know now though, the itas are desperately trying to hoard sympathy now...
Everyone takes things in their own pace, so personally I don't really mind the itas. But don't try to act like you are some victim when no one was called out or anything, the few times anyone was talked to directly was to give advice on blouses, cardigans, boleros anything else you can cover your shoulders with if you feel restricted by your arm size or trouble with certain fabrics against your skin...this is going to be a looooong night

>> No.7771549

Same anon here again.
I want to sit on their faces so I can give them bruises with my bony ass. I hate it when people turn themselves into victims when it's not even about them

>> No.7771553

pls sit on my face

>> No.7771559

Only if I can use your nose as a tampon

>> No.7771588
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>> No.7772248

I'm moving and I haven't told my group of friends in my comm because I'm planing on disappearing

>> No.7772251

They mustn't be very good friends, then,

>> No.7772276

Didn't realize last thread was autosaging. Cry Moar, if you're out there:

If you're so paranoid about being hated, why are you posting girls in your comm to ita threads? No one owes you friendship, you do have to be a nice person first. Nice doesn't mean putting people's photos on cgl and opening them up for mockery. Don't be an asshole and then cry later about no one liking you.

>> No.7772312

I've been feeling disconnected.... I don't know if it's me or they're just tired of me

>> No.7772313

where did cousin anon go? :'(

>> No.7772314

That is some rude-ass shit right there. Not you annon! Cry Moar

>> No.7772316

I've been wondering the same thing.... I want an update :(

>> No.7772323

No updates from her Facebook or known tumblrs yet, so all we can do is wait for cousin anon

>> No.7772325

She did? link?

>> No.7772336

Hopefully to Hell

Snitches are some kind of worst

>> No.7772350

Don't be such a little bitch, anon
Jona had it coming

>> No.7772356

Also stop being a useless namefag. The whole point of this image board is to have a grain of anonymity in this cruel, privacy-less world, and you certainly shouldn't be attaching a name to yourself if you're worried about negative attention.

>> No.7772372

CousinAnon they're is a level of bitch-ness you just don't go to.

Telling your Aunt that your cousin is a camwhore is right there in that level. By doing that you are now a worst bitch than she ever could be. Please do us all a favor and shut your bitchhole before you start dropping puppies everywhere

>> No.7772386

Alright 12 year old, congratulations on using big girl words. There is indeed a level of bitchiness you shouldn't go to. There is also a 7th grade English class you should stop skipping out on.

>> No.7772387

She's pretty useful in the plus size and taobao threads from what I've seen at least.

>> No.7772393

Dude whatever, you're just pissed because no one is rushing to suck your limp snitch-dick

>> No.7772398

She comes off as pretty clueless and new in the threads I've seen. Even so, there's no reason to name or tripfag unless you are doing or regularly do something very specific, like helpfulshoppingperson, or if you do so to reply to questions about yourself directly (e.g. when Choke responds to questions about lockshop).
Her name serves no purpose but to draw attention to her, which is stupid.

>> No.7772420

This is why no one is going to your birthday meet, Cry Moar.

>> No.7772491

Because camwhoring and hiding shit from your parents is healthy behavior that should be encouraged, amirite?

Usually when you're hiding shit, then you know you're doing something you shouldn't be doing. Stuff that will harm you. Shit you gotta cut out.

I think it's good that Cousin is informing her parents. It's already been discussed that her parents won't disown her in the last thread. She'll probably get some psychiatric help and discuss matters with her family, turn over a new leaf and what not. I see no harm in that.

Snitching is a baby term used by people who know they shouldn't be doing what they're doing, so save the waterworks for something more important, because this issue certainly isn't.

>> No.7772499

Is Jona over 18? if so it's not really her parent's business what she's doing imho.

>> No.7772505

She's 19, but if her father still claims her as a dependent when he does his taxes then they have every right to know what she's doing under their roof.

>> No.7772507

It is if they're supporting her financially (which they are).

>> No.7772588

Totally agree with you, anon.

And as long as Jona lives with her parents she pretty much follows their rules and restrictions. If she wants to continue doing what she's doing than she can move the fuck out

>> No.7772613

She also seems to have some psychological issues that could use some real help, so hopefully she gets that from this.
I used to follow her blog, but goddamn, it's somehow more depressing than mine.

>> No.7772847

Same anon again
Just woke up, saw new posts from the itas still bitching and whining. I want to push my umbrella up their asses because I don't feel like dealing with their stupidity anymore
I can take a lot, but when you can't follow three simple rules we put up for you because you read something somewhere on the internet once I just want to go back to bed and smother myself until I don't have to remember your stupid arguments anymore
First I just gotta cut up some cheese, it will go perfect with my own personal whine

>> No.7772872

Not really? From what I've seen she's only just putting an order together for the first time. All she really does is ask questions that have already been answered in the FAQ and ask for searchwords that are in the dictionary.

>> No.7772918


Holy shit, anons, when did seagulls get so concerned over someone's [someone that they don't even seem to like] mental-health?
Just admit to yourselves you don't like her and want her to get caught instead of justifying it.

>suddenly being concerned with her parents rules
>"respect your parents when you live under their roof!"
Am I in a cgl parallel universe?

Look, I'm an ex-camwhore.
I'm not saying what she's doing is good. I stopped because it's seriously a gross and depriving business to be in. The money is good, sure, but at the expense of you mental well-being? Naw.

Honestly, I too kinda' hope she's gets outed. But not under the fake guise that "I want her to get help and be okay, and also because her parents would not approve!"

I just want her to get caught because camwhoring is gross.

>> No.7772924

Cgl does concern trolling all the time. It's the immediate defence when people say "this is none of your business".

>> No.7772947
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>> No.7772950
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I wonder if any of these anons actually believe their own justifications. I mean sure, the fact that she's lying to her parents while being supported by them makes her extra unlikeable, but that's not why I'm gleefully F5'ing this shitstorm. I'm doing that because this is delicious dramu and I'm a terrible person. It's far more entertaining than reality tv.

This sanctimonious posturing reeks of PULL. You know you guys are anon here, right? Nobody is going to find your tumblr and out you as a meaniehead.

>> No.7772954

I'm sure a few do, but given how often it happens, I doubt it's the majority. People have said/done similar with previous lolcows involved in potentially harmful situations ran out of ready drama before: like Charlotte and her weight gain/cam whoring/relationships, or Pixyteri and her many delusions. It's always the same.

"Oh, this is so unhealthy. We should tell her parents so she can get help."

No. You want to tell her parents because you've run out of drama. At least be honest about it. In PT's situation, it did nothing but cause her mother to defend her daughter. And I don't think anyone managed to contact Charlotte's mother at all.

>> No.7772955

what a bitch. ive got her dox if anyone wants em.

>> No.7772972

Was ginseng tea cat in a harmful situation? Or Asherbee? Rosaire wasn't but it caused mountains of dramu when her entire family came anon to shittalk her then disowned her. we masterbated for days over that one kek

We just want the sweet, sweet dramu. And to see a bitch we hate go down in flames.

>> No.7772997

Sociopath in its natural habitat.

>> No.7772999


>I'm doing that because this is delicious dramu and I'm a terrible person.

If you're here itt for anything less, you're either a liar or a Tumblrita faggot.
Or both.

>> No.7773001

schadenfreude =/= sociopath.
I'll bet you think those popular girls at your highschool are sociopaths, too.

Cry more.

>> No.7773016

They're just dumb kids that don't know any better. You're an adult and should know better, therefore you're a sociopath. Legit crazy bitch.

>> No.7773027
File: 313 KB, 820x300, happy-820x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people don't idly gossip just for kicks when they're adults
>wowee zowie!
>celeb mags
>watercooler talk
>office chatter
>socializing in general

Someone sounds like a perfect, self-righteous twat.

gtfo 4chan, legit whiny tumblr cunt.

>> No.7773030

Well, this went downhill fast. More comm bitching, less seagull "snitching" plz.

>> No.7773075

I, too, don't trust /cgl/ to actually care about anyone. At least not for the benefit of the person in question, anyways.

I care about the state of her mental well-being because a healthy mind tends to = a healthy attitude and character/ behavior. Right now she's a cunt, so if she get's caught, there's a big chance she'll be going into therapy (because her parents seem to love the shit out of her). Therapy can help her learn how to become less of a cunt. And people learning how to not be cunts and making progress in becoming less shitty makes my day.

So yeah, I hope she gets caught because there's a good chance it'll help her fix that shitty personality, and that's something that'd be beneficial to us all.

>> No.7773086

Why are you so mad that you're being called out for being a psycho? Stay cray! Gonna call me a butthurt fattie next? lel

>> No.7773090

>implying you don't have a shitty personality
I love posts like yours.

>> No.7773097

I never implied I don't have a shitty personality.

I just said she has one.

We all need help. I'm sure you do. too. I hope we all get it. I support this "snitching" in hopes that Jona receives it.

>> No.7773103

I hope you all kill yourselves because you're beyond help, but it would help me if you were all dead. :^)

>> No.7773106
File: 38 KB, 370x284, Buddy_christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like the only mad one here is you.
Contribute something other than your own whiny butthurt.

>imma chalk this one up as tryhard bait
>i aint even mad

>> No.7773109


>> No.7773114

Nnnnaaaaahhh I don't feel like it. I'm good. Thanks.

>> No.7773129

Moving on.

>first meetup soon
>lots of inside jokes on the main FB comm page, so I'm mostly lost
>coming to realize that my comm seems to be made up of fat girls, weebs, and itas
>[could overlook the fat girls, if they dressed well...... but they don't]
>seems there are maybe literally 2 or 3 that look good
>girls passively-aggressively sighing about how that won't be able to attend because they have no ride there
>18+ agegroup, mostly

If anything, even if I wear an okay coord, I'll still look the best compared to these girls.
I just wish they'd get their shit together.

I just want to make cool friends who I can talk about lolita with.

>inb4 not with that attitude you cant
Can't win.
Just want a nicely-dressed friend. Can be plain or boring, but pls not ita.

>> No.7773131

Thanks for delivering, loser.

>> No.7773134

Most american comms are made up up fat girls, weebs, and itas, anon.
Either that or oldfags who still haven't learned how to wear makeup or style their hair properly.

>> No.7773154

Holy crap, that last one hit the nail on the head for one of the main girls in the comm!

>> No.7773160

When is the meet up that you're going to?

>> No.7773171

I know that feel sis. The majority of my comm is made up of hyperactive teenagers who bought a pastel twin-tail wig before a petticoat and constantly squeal about how kawaii everything is. They're not all weebs and we only have a handful of chubby girls at most but many of them are so ridiculously immature I can't deal with them for more than an hour. So much squealing, so many special snowflakes (you know the ones who react really badly to normal people who take an interest and then smugly sit around talking about how jelly those sheeple are of their uniqueness? yeah), so many awkward conversations because all most girls can talk about is their anime husbando or this kawaii (Taobao reseller) store they found on eBay or how the stupid normies at their school laughed at them when they wore their Miku wig to class.
Although there are also some 20-somethings who still act like this... The teenagers will probably mature in a couple of years but the womanbabies seem like a lost cause.

There are some older girls who are generally really well-dressed but they have all been friends for a very long time and are not really receptive of new people.

>tfw no qt sane lolita bff

>> No.7773631

Ugh you too? Poor thing has people help her and hold her hand but she still can't do makeup to save her life...

>> No.7773781

>Inside jokes
>literally two or three that look good

Oh my god, yes. It's so annoying.

>Tfw no awesome lolitas to be friends and talk about Evangelion or college with

>> No.7773800

My comm is okay, there's no drama and nothing really happens. There are a lot of people on the Facebook page who don't even seem to wear lolita, and a lot of girls who comment and post but never actually go to meets yet they try to give advice and stuff to other active members. It's a mixed bag of good and bad dressers. It's okay, I guess. There are pretty clearly defined friendship groups so I think some new people are a bit turned off by that.

>> No.7773821

Dutch comm?

>> No.7773903

>says she's "taking a break" because it's not worth it
>updates her wardrobe album on Facebook with several new pieces

Come on, Jona.

>> No.7773921

That's kind of the point people are trying to make. You've got anons claiming to be worried about her mental health and safety, and that that's their reason for sending the nudes and everything else to her parents.

The rest of us all know it's really just to stir up more drama because she hasn't provided any on her own, and are rolling our eyes at people who claim "it's for her own good" instead of just admitting that they're in it for the wank.

>> No.7773985

As another ex camgirl, I have no sympathy for Jona. She did absolutely nothing to seperate her real life from her cam life. Two seconds of research (or any common sense) would tell you to do as much as possible to seperate yourself and your cam persona. If what anon said about porn coming up when you search her name, she's already fucked up her life enough before cgl got involved.

I'd feel bad if she wasn't so stupid.

>> No.7774013

Her statement was really vague though

>> No.7774015

Yes anon. When she gets her own shit, she can do what the fuck she wants. And, that cam whore shit isn't safe. Somebody could track her and stalk her. Her and her family could be in trouble. These creepy bastards are doing everything now. I get so tired of these girls talking about how grown they are and don't have a pot to piss in. They live at home with their parents because they can't make it in the real world. They use up all the utilities, eat up all the damn food, get carried on their insurance and all that. And they got the nerve to cry out about how grown they are. Grown people buy their own brand and the house containing the closet to put that shit in.

>> No.7774069
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>> No.7774077

Gtfo. This isn't the place for you. Everybody knows what cgl is all about. You being here proves that you love the drama too. What a "rigtheous" sandy cunt.

>> No.7774078


It's one anon sending nudes to the family.

I really couldn't care about her herself, I'm just a twat who got punished by my parents for way less and I'm now rolling in some sort of weird secondhand schaudenfreude that someone who deserves this more than me is getting it.

>> No.7774245
File: 336 KB, 526x848, cry-moar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crossposting from other thread, is Cry Moar actually Hime Takamura's new name?


Hime Takamura became a lolcow pretty fast.

>> No.7774255

Yeah, that's her. What did she do under her old trip that was so lulzy?

>> No.7774262

Wait- why is that girl using an eraser on her eyeball?

>> No.7774267

She looks like PT...

>> No.7774268

No wonder she's so fucking annoying. I wish moot would just get rid of names and trips for good.

>> No.7774269


Erasing it, duh.

>> No.7774271

I was over exaggerating but she got a bit of shit for tripping uselessly while being new as shit, and being fat.

Trying to show someone how to apply eyeliner on their waterline, I think.

>> No.7774338

>>7772276 She left the comm and deleted everyone from her friend list after this post.

>> No.7774339

While tugging on her skin like that? Hopefully no one listened to her.

>> No.7774347

What comm?

>> No.7774350

Post pics of her.

>> No.7774507

Yup, all the really nicely dressed girls in my comm are also weebs (closeted and out), so I think this rule applies to even stylish groups.

>> No.7774890

She knows which comm, and that's all that matters. She owes an apology to those girls, too.

>> No.7775086

looool this explains a lot, good catch anons

>> No.7775731

Seeing her pull her eye like that pains me.

>> No.7776134
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I have to say I really enjoyed how 'CryMoar' was taken down so quickly.

Good work seagulls. May your vaginas remain ever sandy.

>> No.7776153

I'm not sure how to feel that people on here feel like she should apologize to her (shitty Metroplex) comm for posting an old ita to an ita thread? Like yeah, she tubby, doesn't dress that well and namefags, but she hasn't seemed to do anything particularly worth the large response some anons have had.

>> No.7776158


Gonna be honest here, I'm just a cunt who hates annoying tripfags in general. The hypocrisy is just the icing on the cake for me.

>> No.7776883

>Doesn't dress well
>Post her comm to the ita thread
>Expecting to make friends

I'm with >>7776158 on the hypocrisy thing. I guess the anons put the retribution in for her, but I think it was a low move for her. She seems like just your regular old attention whore who got called out for bitchy behavior.

I like that slipped-in insult you put towards the Metroplex comm there. Feels like this is hitting a personal topic for you. Are you CryMoar/HimeTakamura?

>> No.7777801


I'm not even a texas lolita and I can tell that its CryMoar. Stop attention seeking and gtfo out of this fashion

Well done, seagulls

>> No.7777826

Wait, Metroplex loli here, I had no idea CryMoar was even doing this to our comm lmao. Nobody even said anything about her. What does she look like?

>> No.7777853


>> No.7777875

Ohhh okay I didn't know if it was actually her or not.

I don't think I've ever met her before at any meets. I don't recognize her at all.

>> No.7777961

Another Metroplex lolita here. I know she was at one of the karaoke meets but she left right after dinner before they even went to karaoke. Has she been to any other meets? That's her in the pictures from what I saw on her facebook.

But it seems like with all the attitude she has here on 4chan it's a good thing. Our comm is pretty drama-free and of course we would attract a lolcow.

>> No.7777972

I don't think she's reached lolcow levels yet. maybe lolcalf.

>> No.7777980


I laughed. That's a cute term.

>> No.7777983

I'm pretty sure this is her?>>7774245

>> No.7777996

Nah she's totally different in person. She's really quite and nervous and insecure. I guess She just kind of vents on 4chan. I more feel sorry for her than anything else.

>> No.7777998

quiet, no quite. my bad

>> No.7778005
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>> No.7778016

I agree. She doesn't really owe anyone an apology. I mean Both parties are being super hypocritical here. Yeah, CM was bitching about not having friends but on the other hand the comm got all butthurt about finding a really old (and ita) photo from their comm on 4chan. So what, it's okay to laugh at and mock other girls, but all of a sudden it's not cool f it's one of your own? Get off your high horses you salty cunts.

>> No.7778111

Okay Sarah we get it

>> No.7778144

not even that anon but
>hurr durr someone disagrees with me, better call them a lolcow
you must be one of the metro lolis huh?

>> No.7778162


>> No.7778180

Nope, not even in Texas bro. Try again.

I just think your logic is flawed here.
>So what, it's okay to laugh at and mock other girls, but all of a sudden it's not cool f it's one of your own?
No one said they condoned that either. There's only so much you can do about an ita thread on a board you don't control.

And she didn't post just one picture, she apparently dug up a couple.

That and given the fact that anytime someone calls her out, she immediately disappears from the thread but someone comes in to whiteknight her, it starts to point towards her. Might not be you but it makes sense to think you're CM in that aspect.

I just like pointing out logical fallacies in threads like this. I really should get out though, Texas has way too much drama for me.

>> No.7778219

to be fair I havent seen her anywhere lately. she probably wised up and either left or dropped the name.

Anyway I havent seen any white knighting in regards to this debacle. just people plating devils advocate or calling out hypocrisy

>> No.7778223

She probably just dropped the name. She seems like a channer for life.

Well hopefully that's the end of her.

>> No.7778224

>dug up
so they were old? who gives a fuck then?

>> No.7778232

According to my Metroplex friend some of the pictures were only up for a day or smth. Only one was older than that.

>> No.7778260

It's not a big deal to post people in your community to cgl. It's retarded to do it while whining about everyone hating you and post secrets begging for the comms acceptence.

>> No.7778328


I think it speaks volumes about her that she took the time to look for an old ita photo of her comm, post it here under an identifiable name, then whine about how she isn't accepted by her comm.

Which leads me to think she's not too bright, or she wanted some sort of attention of some bizarre type, the way previous drama mongering trips wanted as well.

I'm no psych major anyways, but it always strikes me as bizarre when people act surprised that their ugly paper trail is found.

>> No.7778424

Plenty of people post their own comm to /cgl/, hence the reason threads like these exist.
The real point is that anyone with two brain cells to rub together should know that if you're going to shit where you eat while namefagging, then don't use the same name to post personal details in other threads if you're worried about consequences.

>> No.7778479

>I'm no psych major anyways, but it always strikes me as bizarre when people act surprised that their ugly paper trail is found.

People usually think that others don't pay enough attention or aren't smart enough to notice the obvious paper trail.

>> No.7778495

CryMoar = Hime Takamura

>> No.7778767

We already solved that >>7774245

>> No.7779177

She's off hiatus already?

>> No.7779251

Maybe things didn't go as badly with her parents as she may have thought.

>> No.7779318

What a weird bitch.

Thiiiiissss. I really don't get what her angle was. We're all so nice so even if she's awkward as hell all she needed to do was start chatting anyone up.

>> No.7779327

On topic, did ATL comm die? No dramu lately.

>> No.7779433

Colorado comm?

>> No.7779446

My comm had a meetup/teaparty last weekend and the location was very vague (it was listed under the name of the establishment). So I asked the admin for an address as google gave me a bunch of different places with the same time, and she replied by telling me to "google it". I asked her if she could point me in the direction of someone who could help and she never replied. I didn't end up going to the meetup. I'm pretty pissed at how unprofessional she acted.

>> No.7779491

Lol, I love how all the Texas comms are full of drama, when the Texas comm in everyone's mouths is HLC.

DFW comm doesn't have drama cause their too chill and Austin comm has no drama cause they give zero fucks. San Antonio is too new for anything really, so yeah, the drama is in HLC and the venom they spread everywhere else.

Don't confuse the entire state with the popularity princesses of Houston; they ain't even close.

>> No.7779528

*when the ONLY Texas comm

>> No.7780261

I used to think everyone in my comm was lovely...Nice and chill and easy to hang out with.
But at our last get together girls kept passing around phones and giggling and giving me looks, changing conversations when I got close... We have this one member who keeps talking about "Ohhoho I am invited to private things in the big city near by!" "Look at me I'm so important" ectect
She made a point to just invite this one new girl to "private meets in the city" in front of everyone and Ugh I don't know I'm probably over reacting but it is getting under my skin, I thought I found a chill group of older girls to hang with what is with this high school shit.

>> No.7780574

Hahaha, sorry, this made me laugh out loud. ATX gal here, you are correct about the number of fucks we give.

>> No.7780638

I admire this about your comm.

There are so many girls who are concerned about so many little things in mine and I always just think, Can't we be like ATX sometimes and just have fun with it?

>> No.7780866

Yup. We had this one chick who acted like everyone's BFF and then talked shit about everyone as soon as they left the room. Blew her rent money on every piece of brand she could find, flaunt it in everybody's face, acted like the world revolved around her, and she was queen lolita of the universe. Anyone who was lucky enough to get a new popular print, she would shit on to everyone, call them itas out of jealousy, and blow her credit credit score to get something better to one up them(usually by finding out their dream dress and buying it, just to be envied), and then sell it all a few weeks later to attempt to pay her bills on time and go for the next flavor of the month print.
She acted like lolita was a popularity contest, when in reality no one gave a shit.

Eventually people stopped inviting her to meets, and when she still found out about them, some people would make private meets so they could have them with out her noticing and showing up so we wouldn't have to deal with her bitchy high and mighty two faced attitude. Everyone cut her out, no contact through Facebook or tumblr. After being completely shut out, the drama of the comm died out on cgl too. It was never much, but enough for everyone to notice and realize it was her.

Now we live in a quiet happy kingdom of lace and frills. No more drama. Itas and brandwhores coexist peacefully aside from the occasional over zealouse noob, but we just chuckle and point them in the right direction.

I don't think she does lolita much anymore now that she dosent have anybody to show off to, and no one to make jealous. Too sad she ended up being such a two faced lying skank. She started off nice and made a cute lolita(when she wasnt trying so hard to be super edgy and unique with newest rare sought after pieces). But she had this ridiculouse snobby 16 year old jealous high school girl mentality about her.

Sorry for the wall of txt I'm drunk and I just needed to get that off my chest.

>> No.7781015

I agree please don't group other Texas comms into that embarrassing shithole of a place. Other than that heard SA comm fucked up their relationship with SJ. I think they got in trouble for serving home cooked food or used a catering service outside of their hotel policy at the tea party. Can someone confirm?

>> No.7782092

I was about to ask about the ATL comm. I'm joining in September or October, so is there anyone here that can tell me a bit about it? As long as that's okay. I heard there were some mod changes recently, and since then it's been pretty calm. I've never heard anything else about it.

>> No.7782118


This sounds like something my comm admin did a few months back which has led me to not rushing back to any event we have held in future due to how unorganised everything is 70% of the time. Each meet seems more and more like a gathering for the "close buddy buddy" Lolitas of the group who never keep anyone else informed of the official schedule for what's happening. Not worth the hassle nor my time-or money.

>> No.7782155

I want to be friends...

>> No.7782181

Where they do dat at?

>> No.7782330

I'm not sure why you replied to me drunk friend but I feel your feels.

>> No.7782365
File: 35 KB, 480x640, crymoar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Crymoar with a duck
>You're welcome

>> No.7782368

Is that not a goose?

>> No.7782371
File: 306 KB, 600x900, Goose-LB1006-8854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man that's a duck

This is a goose

>> No.7782396

Psyc major here. Technically we think people pay more attention to us than they actually do. It's only until shit goes down that others start to pay attention and dig.

>> No.7782407

And a good majority of us Houston polis don't give a shit. The reason you don't know about us? Because we don't start shit and stay out of the limelight. Some of us are smart and realize we won't get famous because we're *oh so kawaii* and get youtube channels and Facebook pages.

Those girls are just . . . Try hards.

Very few of us non-tryhards remain but we're nice, I think? Personally i don't go to meets often because I don't like the atmosphere but I still consider myself a member of HLC.

>> No.7782409

That's not a live one is it? That's fucking terrifying

>> No.7782410


I definitely meant polis and not polis. Shit that happens with wine drinking amiright?

>> No.7782415

Haha you did it again!
We get what you're saying though

>> No.7782418

Oh damn. I'm actually a new drunk anon.

>> No.7782430


Lolis. LOLIS. I meant polis. Not polis. Gosh diggity dang.

>> No.7782437

How's the Portland comm? It kinda seems like it's full of itas, with a few well dressed girls...

>> No.7784775

Pretty much exactly what it is. I've given up on it. The meets last year were pretty good and it seemed like there were two a month but a lot of the good active girls aren't posting as much, and the meets are so sparse now. I'm not sure whats going on but I think there might be a split off coming up in the future.

>> No.7784782

Doesn't make much sense since she doesn't actually have a computer now. Perhaps her parents are just going to be monitoring her much much more closely to make sure she's really doing this 'fashion career' thing she's on about.

>> No.7784807

How would you even know that?

>> No.7784941

yes it's alive. some geese are domesticated and can be pretty tame once they get used to you

>> No.7785054

>That KPOP joke
What is it about?

>> No.7785067 [DELETED] 


google is yer broski

>> No.7785068

oops sorry, misread your post and 4chinz isn't letting me delete

>> No.7785486

Are you saying that both Brooke's are try hards because they have Youtube accounts? That seems a bit silly as both of them made youtube videos before they were even apart of HLC?

The Facebook pages thing is on overload. I support cosplay pages, but Lolita only? I could see that on CoF.

>> No.7785506


My dad had pet geese back when he was in Malaysia. Says they were the some of the most affectionate pets he had.

>> No.7785669

Hmmm...So is it worth driving to meets? I live about 2 hours away, but I wanted to make some nice, well-dressed lolita friends...

>> No.7785702

noob here, is there any drama with her? I vaguely remember some cal post a while back...

>> No.7785704

I honestly couldn't tell you. If its a meet at an actual good place, then yes its worth it. But a lot of meets as of late have been at little kid parks or party places, kareoke bars, etc. I haven't been to one in over a year because they just kind of started sucking. Plus it seems right now the most active girls are the itas and 'unique' dressers.

>> No.7785706

Another Portland lolita: I think we have a pretty normal ratio of ita - average - well-dressed. This comm is about as active as the last one I was in, so I can't complain (about one formal meet a month). I think it's worth it, I've made some good friends in the short time I've been here.

>> No.7785949

Yeah there was one at a place I worked at who would climb up into your lap and nuzzle it's head on your shoulder. man I miss that bird. really messy watery poops though :/

>> No.7786260

See the previous 2 community threads

>> No.7788310

I'm simply pointing out the demographic that seems to overwhelm our not-so-humble community.