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7769486 No.7769486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I follow the fairy kei community/bloggers pretty closely on tumblr and am interested in trying it out for myself.
Do you have a favorite or least favorite bloggers?

Whose outfits are great, and who do you think is terrible?

>> No.7769994
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Sorry OP, I don't really follow bloggers or the fairy kei community. Can you drop some names yourself? Especially people who have blogs dedicated to just their outfits and talking about fairy kei.
I'm interested in anyone analyzing what makes and breaks fairy kei. Mostly focusing on what ISN'T fairy kei. What about pop kei?
Japanese fairy kei girls seem to have a greater range of style, while western girls seem to be tutus, graphic cutsews, baggy sweaters, and leg warmers- with slight variation (my knowledge may be dated by a few years since I'm not active in community).
There also seems to be two sides to the fans: Those who are in for the 80's nostalgia and the ones who focus on the cutesy pastels. Where do you guys identify? I prefer the pastel side, myself.

I have a folder but I can't guarantee that everything is fairy kei. If anything isn't fairy kei or is on the edge, I would appreciate someone pointing out why.

>> No.7770006
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>> No.7770008
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>> No.7770010
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>> No.7770011

I think wearing the most casual AP pieces like mini skirt or salopettes are fairy kei, but many people don't realize and think the style is only pastel tutus, baggy tees/sweaters and cute accessories. There is also the uchuu kei, that borrows from cyber fashions and have a space/alien theme, it's like fairy kei worn by a cute alien girl.
For me, i only dislike some Spank outfits. They look like a mess of random pastel fabrics put together.

>> No.7770015
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>> No.7770022
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So what else is the style then?

>> No.7770024
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>> No.7770030
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Would some of kumamiki's outfits be considered fairy kei?

>> No.7770062
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Pleb-anon here, so don't take my word for it, but some of her outfits are in my folder. Sometimes her colors seem a little too bright and I'd call them pop kei, but I don't know the line yet.

>> No.7770066
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>> No.7770075
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>> No.7770080
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>> No.7770085
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Pop kei is more 80s themed, involves more retro stuff, can incorporate black, and frequently features denim. It's not brighter colours that differentiate it from fairy kei.

>> No.7770091
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So the OP >>7769486 would be pop kei and not fairy kei?
Are the "two types" of fairy kei I was talking about here >>7769994 actually just pop kei and fairy kei?

Do you know the kind of bright styles I was thinking of? If those aren't pop kei, what are they?

>> No.7770098
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>> No.7770103
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I don't know. You're not thinking of decora, are you?
Pic related is an example pop kei (though heavier on the black than a lot of outfits)

>> No.7770105
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>> No.7770110
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>> No.7770111
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It uses brighter colors that sometimes verge on neon. Kind of styled like decora, but not quite decorated enough. Kind of like this?

>> No.7770112
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>> No.7770116
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>> No.7770118
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>> No.7770120
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>> No.7770123
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>> No.7770127
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>> No.7770128
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>> No.7770131
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Again, sorry, I hit enter too quickly. I would consider OP's pic fairy kei; there is a good bit of overlap.

>> No.7770132
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>> No.7770134
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>> No.7770138
File: 122 KB, 480x643, this might be pop kei.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7770142

That's not pop kei, it's decora. A few of those look like 6% DokiDoki's models.

>> No.7770150
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Hm, alright.

>> No.7770159
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This outfit is pop kei, fairy kei in black/pastel or casual sweet lolita? This is too short to be lolita i think.....

>> No.7770167

Casual sweet lolita.

>> No.7770187

This gal is gorgeous, and I am not even into pastel fashion

>> No.7770197

It's not casual lolita

>> No.7770200

This is the infinte dilemma of some AP salopettes. Lolita or not lolita?

>> No.7770212
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With salopettes the main question is how full it is and the silhouette. Salopettes often have a drop waist and a mini-skirt look, instead of a full A-line/Cupcake coming from the natural waist. Some salopettes have skirts that have an almost school girl look to them.

>> No.7770236
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>> No.7770238
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>> No.7770241

god dammit if i have to see her fucking face again i'm going to vomit. it's bad enough i live in her area but fuck i hate seeing her posted on here too.

>> No.7770242
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>> No.7770246
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>> No.7770249
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>> No.7770250
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>> No.7770255
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>> No.7770280
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>> No.7770287
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>> No.7770328
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>> No.7770351
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