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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7768874 No.7768874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you pick up girls at a convention?

Alternatively, what are some of the best/worst pickup lines you've heard at a con?

>> No.7768876

You don't.

People go to conventions for cosplay, games, anime, comics, whatever. People usually don't go there for the sole intent to date.

>> No.7768918

Worst getting hit on experience at a con:
>sign up for "geeky trivia"
>on a team with a couple and a neckbeard
>before we start, neckbeard is engaging me in conversation politely enough
>abruptly pulls out a business card
>"what would you think of me if i handed you this after a nice conversation"
>has his name on it and something like "an intellectual with a dirty mind"
>not sure if my face looked disgusted or highly amused
>he snatches it back, scowling
>throughout trivia, he acts cocky even though he gets half his shit wrong
>start gently correcting him when I know the answer so our team doesn't have to miss points
>he grills me about everything I speak up on
>gets more and more buttmad when I know my shit
>everyone saying their goodbyes after
>he looks at me, sneers, and storms away
>feel a little embarrassed until couple starts laughing their asses off and high-fives me

Part of me wishes I were making this up because it's so embarrassingly stereotypical, but mostly it's a funny story to look back on. So I guess don't follow that guy's example.

>> No.7768923

r9k pls go

>> No.7768928
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>How do you pick up girls at a convention?

You don't.

>> No.7768933

Whenever I ask "how do I meet new people", the answer is always something along the lines of, go to a place or do a thing with people who share the same interests. So honestly, why is a convention not a place for this?

>> No.7768936

your loss, he didnt tip his fedora at you

>> No.7768940

Met my fiancee at a con. Just start hanging out with a group not a particular female. There is a truth of safety in numbers. Don't plan on hitting on anyone or try to get a date or something. Just actually fucking talk to the person. If you hit it off, congrats you've just experienced natural chemistry.

>> No.7768942

>Alternatively, what are some of the best/worst pickup lines you've heard at a con?
Are you an archeologist? Because I have a large bone for you to examine

>> No.7768945

>how do I meet new people


>how do I pick up girls

Not the same thing, anon. You'll definitely meet new people, some of them will be girls. If you have game, you might be able to pick them up, but if you gotta ask how to do it on 4chan, whelp, you don't.

>> No.7768950

game is for ugly people

>> No.7768955


Game is for ugly and average guys. Be good looking and talk like a normal human being instead of this faggy PUA pickup line bullshit

>> No.7768963

I been meaning to ask but

do girls really hate short guys?

Im 5'7 and have better than average face and pretty physically fit but not roided or ripped.
I been out of the loop for 6 years after a shitty relationship with a IRL yandere, I realized Im rusty as hell and talk to girls like if they were just another guy, is this good or bad?
I can never tell if they are intimidated or just not interested

>> No.7768967

The dating scene blows nowadays. If this keeps up, we'll be going the way of Japan (50% of females between 18-35 single, 60-68% of men 18-35 single).

>> No.7768969

>Be good looking
This is all you need. Really, just post an ab pic on /cgl/ with your contact info.

>> No.7768972
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>> No.7768976
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>> No.7768979

You surf /fit/ / misc too much

>> No.7768983

these guys have to be like 4'10

>> No.7768995

I'm 5'10 and my boyfriend is 5'6. He's shy and timid and I was the one to put the moves on him. I love holding him and feeling like I protect him.

I never dated a guy shorter than me and used to think guys my height or shorter were out of the question. If a girl falls for you, looks will come second to your character.

>> No.7769004

>He's shy and timid and I was the one to put the moves on him. I love holding him and feeling like I protect him.

This is cute as heck ;__;

>> No.7769013

He cuddles and nuzzles into me and whimpers. Sigh. I love it. Pops up beside my all bright-eyed waiting for me to take him by the waist and hold him.

>> No.7769014

>not wanting a tsundere manlet puppy

>> No.7769026

Are you sure this isn't a dog you're taking about?

>> No.7769027

Just aim to be at boob height, then who cares.

>> No.7769028

this made me laugh so hard thank you

>> No.7769029

all men are dogs anyway lol

>> No.7769030

All Dogs Go to Heaven


>> No.7769032

Femdom is the best. It's to bad I'm a 200 lbs powerlifter, so any women bigger than me are roiding like hell.

>> No.7769054
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sadly ;__________;

>> No.7769063

I'm 5'7 and my last and current boyfriend are both shorter than me by 1-2 inches.

This. I wasn't sure of it at first but now I'm all for it. The two guys mentioned went for me though and weren't shy at all which I dug. Would probably be classified as manlets in this neck of the internet, both are pretty fit. I like feeling taken care of but I don't like feeling like a child that needs protection with taller guys so it's nice being able to switch things up daily.

Plus we get to have really fun dom/sub dynamics and are both switches so it's a win/win all the way through.

>> No.7769066

Your relationship sounds awesome.

>> No.7769067

I think short guys are absolutely adorable.

>> No.7769077

I wouldn't mind your height. My ex was the same height as you. Then again, I'm pretty short (5'3), so it worked out.

>talk to girls like if they were just another guy, is this good or bad?
I personally don't mind.

>> No.7769081

It isnt as big of a deal as people will claim. Usually guys who complain that they are seen as too short are actually undesirable for other reasons. The other way is a thing too, some girls are seen as too tall and intimidating.

Personally I am really short, like 5 feet. So if I guy was shorter than me I think it would be too comedic. But for me most adults are tall in comparison (some children are too...) so guys who are seen as short by others are still tall to me.

>> No.7769091

That's not a manlet. That's a teenager. He probably has another growth spurt to hit, and then he'll end up being 6' 3".

>> No.7769101

>Usually guys who complain that they are seen as too short are actually undesirable for other reasons.
I'm going to all out agree with this. As a fairly tall girl (5'10) I only really like shorter guys, so I've seen this shit first hand. Usually a shorter guy who is really unattractive or self-conscious over these kinds of stereotypes will feel this way, which is a big turn off. That said, generally weebs also want to fit into gender role stereotypes to stay in line with animu(and to feel like a kawaii tiny girl with their man) but most people care more for looks than height.

>> No.7769106

I can never tell if you girls are legal though, like youre always cute but like hell I can tell your age.

petite qt >> giraffe "hottie"

>> No.7769107

Enough reassuring the manlet, I want more awkward flirting failure stories.

>> No.7769120

Oh wow yes because clearly the cherrypicked opinions of 30 chicks on twitter represent the consensus opinion of every person with 2 X chromosomes in the entire world. Stop believing everything you read on the internet and go outside and meet people, faggot.

>> No.7769144

Fucking insecure manlets always diverting threads with their height problems. When will they learn.

>> No.7769151
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>> No.7769153

Be /fit/
>Cosplay deadpool
>get laid

>> No.7769156

why is his head so tiny

>> No.7769164

No, but guys with a complex about their height are bloody unattractive

>> No.7769170

I dont talk about it outside of here. So how do you know if he has a height complex or not?

>> No.7769187

So the only tip is "don't be short"? Got it!

>> No.7769189
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Insecure manlets are easy to spot. You can see them tiptoeing in photos, wearing soles that increase their height by 1-2 inches, always wearing boots, etc. Or simply asking an online board if girls really hate short guys.

>> No.7769194

women taller than 5'8 are lanky as fuck.
literally spooky skellys

>> No.7769199

What an interesting thread about cosplay and Japanese fashion!

>> No.7769200

Things like, making preferences an extremely vocal thing, as in "I only like really short girls they're super cute, like 5' short!" Sometimes making comments on how they 'don't get why tall guys are seen as attractive' and just tall people in general. Or just outright asking about it.

To be completely honest, smart people can see through fake confidence pretty quick, so if you are insecure the important people will know(unless you're going for bimbos) in which case, just fake it.

>> No.7769204


>> No.7769206


if he is too /fit/ then he's overcompensating

>> No.7769210


since when is getting wider ever a good thing for a manlet. just makes you look shorter.

>> No.7769213

hmmmm...otter modo ok?

>> No.7769218

I like short men only if they are attractive for my tastes and normal/skinny bodied. A person is unattractive regarless of height i think.

>> No.7769223
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ottermode is best for manlets

>> No.7769244

Jesus christ im a dude from /fit/ and i can tell that this thread is entirely tfw no gf posters from /fit/.

You thirsty ass niggas are the reason why this board is dead.
This is also why cgl meetups are sausage fests.

Fucking insecure autists, go die in a fire

>> No.7769254
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>im a dude

>> No.7769256
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>im a dude
>from /fit/

>> No.7769258
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>im a dude

>> No.7769259
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>> No.7769260
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>i'm a dude from /fit/

>> No.7769263
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>i'm a dude

>> No.7769295

How do you pick up guys at a convention? My gaydar seems to be borken

>> No.7769319
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>i'm a dude from /fit/

>> No.7769332

I'm 5'6 and often wear boots ang big shoes because I like the style. I just so happen to be a gymrat as well. Am I hopeless? I really don't give a fuck about my height at all. I just like what I like.

>> No.7769336

incorrect factiod
>am 5'11" and 155 pounds, but used to be and need to drop back down to 140

>> No.7769337

I get hit on by probably 50 or 60 guys per day whenever I go to anime conventions so my best advice is don't even bother talking to girls unless you've got a bank statement on hand proving that you're worth at least 7 figures.

>> No.7769339
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