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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 32 KB, 456x634, 1387582322782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7763900 No.7763900 [Reply] [Original]

New icky fat people thread. Lets keep this one on topic this time.

1. No posting/bitching about you personal weight. No asking for weight loss advice. There is already a fat thread for that.

2. No posting your personal views on fatties and society. This is not the thread for that, save it for tumblr. This thread is meant to be fun.

3. No off topic shit in general.

This is a thread for fat people stories, fat lolita/cosplay fail, fat pictures, and general shit fat people say.

There is already a thread, >>7759598
for getting fat people advice. Please make a wise decision as to which thread your post belongs in.

>> No.7763910

Aww you're so cute OP, you look just like cotton candy

>> No.7763919

I wonder if the OP is just a fat fetishist here for free fap material.

>> No.7763924

Unless you fatties got a good story to tell crawl back to your cave

>> No.7763928

I love how you braided your wig

>> No.7763947

>no posting your personal views on fatties
>posting images of fat people to call them disgusting because thats your personal view


>> No.7763948
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Re-post from previous thread.

>> No.7763952

Facts aren't opinions, anon.

>> No.7763957

Your charms are so cute, I like the star clips

>> No.7763958

she looks like if peachie got fat

>> No.7763962

you're wrong and that's a fact

>> No.7763965
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Oink oink.

>> No.7763968

what a pretty wig!

>> No.7763970

at least the last thread was one of the nicest and least shitposted threads I've seen in a while

>> No.7763972
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>> No.7763974


>> No.7763975

Don't listen to the haters, OP!

>> No.7763977

The colors are so saturated...why?

>> No.7763979
File: 471 KB, 1280x853, itas_and_homo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except it got deleted. Threads about weight kind of belong in /fit/, we need to keep it /cgl/ related.

>> No.7763981

adorable fairy kei coord! and what a perfect photoshoot location

>> No.7763994

The girl in the purple looks nice, but the one next to her in the red has got some boobloaf going on. Everyone else is ita shit.

>> No.7763996

Why are they taking a picture with a whale?

>> No.7763998

Sorry, marshmallow girls in pastels are super fucking cute

>> No.7764003


>> No.7764019

Little late so I don't know if you're still there but
>but will you be my cute asian gf so we can have asian gf on asian gf-trap nookie?
Yes please das my fetish.

>> No.7764027

That girl is a true whale

>> No.7764037

Well okay, whatever she is it's pretty cute

>> No.7764041

FUCK don't let her eat her finger

>> No.7764054

Everyone else looks so bad, fatty-chan manages to be cutest.

>> No.7764162

She made the effort to pick items that flattered her body and matched.

>> No.7764169

What a great example of a good fatty-chan outfit

OP has a fat fetish, trust me

>> No.7764287

The janitor needs to back off, we all know that these threads would never happen in /fit/.

>> No.7764303

Lol @ the guy shielding his kids face on the bottom right

>> No.7764307

Most of the offenders in awful weeaboo stories are fat aren't they?

Someone should share the story about the fat girl who slit another girls throat out of jealousy or however it goes

>> No.7764372


I think he's actually trying to get this kid to hold on to the pole, you can see that he's actually holding the kid's hand.

....Oh sorry, you were shitposting. sage for interruption

>> No.7764482

Commenting on pictures is shitposting. You're shitposting for commenting on someones comment.

>> No.7764655
File: 560 KB, 660x720, 1353933929296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>move into a new town for studies
>another class is grouped with ours for a project
>get paired with a fattie
>she starts following and joining me on breaks and on bus stop
>for first two days she seems okay
>then she suddenly asks for my phone number and facebook
>say i don't have facebook
>she scrunches her face, closes her fists, shouts "WHAT?!" and gets mad
>"you WILL get it, you MUST have it" she says and hits her fat fist to the table as i just stare in disbelief
>her mood changes in seconds and she starts happily like sunshine telling how she met a police last weekend
>she had called cops to look for her cat
>i thought she was joking, she wasn't
>later i have to wait her while she goes to wc
>now i'm truly scared, luckily there was nobody else than me hearing
>takes same bus as me that day and demands i sit next to her
>her ass takes 85% of the two seats combined and i'm on the verge of falling from my seat the whole time
>i had to do everything in our project while the cow was texting with her phone or talking about her "epic" adventures
>if she was asked to do something she instantly went "ohh i'm not feeling so well... my arm hurts... and my head... i'm tired..."
>later find out she collects facebook friends to like her homestuck cosplays
>calls police weekly to just get male attention, tries to make her friends do the same
>says she's "famous" with cops and goes to adventures with them when she announces herself or her cat as a missing person
>after the project is over i avoid her and she finds new, more exploitable targets

Fatties and homestuck fans... Not even once.

>> No.7765013
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>> No.7765163

My step sister is an annoying, obnoxious, pile of fat and I hate her.
>nephew's first birthday is coming up
>I don't see him often, so I want to get him something really nice for his birthday
>discover program that sends free, age appropriate books to children each month until they turn 5
>the gift that keeps on giving! sign that kid up!
>go to party with first book
>nephew unwrapped hastily
>step sister scoffs
>"A book??"
>explain the program to her and give her the information
>"you think you are so tucking smart, don't you? he just turned one, he doesn't understand books, that's why I never read to him."
>I can't hold my tongue
>"you never read to him?"
>tirade begins
>she snatches book away from him,actually smearing cake on it
>I quickly leave the party
>find out later that every book sent to my nephew, she would throw away, until my step mom started taking them and donating them to a local library

I have so many stories about her craziness, but this one takes the cake. I haven't talked to or seen her since.

>> No.7765165

>takes the cake

>> No.7765169

Oh wow, I didn't even notice I did that, lol

>> No.7765206

Did you say FREE age appropriate books? Can you please link? This would be an amazing shower gift for my sister-in-law who already has a 2- and a 3-year old.

>> No.7765212

Not sure if she'll fatten that kid up or he'll be skinny as fuck cause she eats all the food.
> "Honey you should eat more so you can be big and healthy like momma"
>" Not hungry? Mommy will finish your dinner for you!"

>> No.7765231

Google Dolly Parton's Imagination Library. It's an amazing program, but not available in every country.

Poor thing, he's already a big kid. My step sister is the kind of mother who put soda in his bottle, and since she hardly ever leaves the house, he doesn't get much exercise.He has literally never played with other children.

>> No.7765261

Why on earth she even has kids? Sounds like a horrible person.

>> No.7765476

I hope they have dental care.

There is a girl I babysit for and her parents are so unhelthy. She has so much potential, but I feel like they are both raising her wrong and not feeding her well. I do my best for her when I babysit. She's incredibly smart for her age too. Sometimes I wish I could just take her off their hands. But I wouldn't be able to support her on my own.

>> No.7766622

oh wow what an ingrateful bitch!
and she doesn't even read to him....poor kid

>> No.7767483
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>> No.7767495
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>> No.7767501

Double knees?

>> No.7767502
File: 180 KB, 282x236, ss (2014-08-19 at 08.50.53).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I think?

>> No.7767505


>> No.7767506

>put soda in his bottle
>has literally never played with other children
Call CPS on that bitch.

>> No.7767511

maybe her legs have just merged into one calf, the alpha calf. she is destined to roam the streets and the seas prowling on cute girls to turn into neonitamonster.

>> No.7767660
File: 14 KB, 933x50, Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 10.40.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT, is that you?

>> No.7768964

that sounds eerily similar to the plot of Matilda.
Are you living in a Roald Dahl book anon?
>if so can you send me a Wonka bar?

also /r/ing pic of the girl who tits are literally bigger than her head

>> No.7768992

Nah, her actual ebay is http://www.ebay.com/usr/pixyteri and she squeezes herself into asian M all the time.

>> No.7769393

Why the fuck are obese girls so loud and conspicuous? In class today, during the whole class, any time the teacher said something remotely funny that elicited a soft giggle from everyone else, the one obese girl bursts out in forced laughter. Every. Single. Time. Their personalities scream "LOOK AT ME I WANT ALL OF YOUR ATTENTION" and it really rubs me the wrong way.

>> No.7770263

is this the pittsburgh com?

>> No.7770282

she had a functioning vagina. for a lot of people, that's all it takes.

>> No.7770590

classes just started this week at my school, so i'm getting to know my classmates a bit...
>in a higher level drawing class, have to complete one drawing a week with an overarching theme
>present previous work and ideas to the class today
>girl who's so fat that her tits rest completely on her stomach when she sits, wearing a meguca shirt, carrying a backpack with free and dmmd pins all over it
>"for my project i want to combine past nostalgia with my future goals"
>"when i was a kid, i LOVED alice in wonderland. i collect alice in wonderland stuff. i haave also loved japanese animation and culture since middle school, so i want to reimagine the original alice drawings in the style of traditional japanese wood carvings."
>"i'm an art studio major with a japanese minor, when i graduate i want to go to japan to teach english to """get my foot in the door"""
i didn't think weebs who wanted to go to ~~grorious nippon~~ to teach english even existed past the age of 14 or so

oh, so ALL fatties do that, then?
the weeb from my class kept doing shit like this too, when other people were presenting she'd say shit to herself, and not very quietly. like she'd start commenting on their art, or she'd interject "I LIKE [X THING] TOO!!!" or "I DO THAT TOO"

>> No.7770663

I'm going to marry Kekfats

>> No.7770666

When I was young I had to bottle up most of my feelings about my family, friends, community, etc etc, and so that led to a thorough depression

I used food to make myself feel better, and so I was fat for a few years until I learned magic and stuff

>> No.7770669

until I learned magic and stuff

>> No.7770681

Mahou Shoujo Fatoka-chan

>> No.7770726

Those heavenly devilish dub trips
>captcha: 776

>> No.7770869


confirmed magician.

>> No.7770875

Well at least doing it on a traditional wood carving style is respectable. I was expecting animu reimagining.

Was it at least good?

>> No.7770881
File: 207 KB, 500x420, 1376886131390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat people using skinny as an insult


>> No.7771998

she decided not to do anime version only because she wanted to be original, and lots of people have done anime alice. but i agree, i was surprised too.
and we haven't actually started our projects yet, but her art seemed alright from the sample she showed the class

>> No.7772026

poor,poor kid

>> No.7774286

That second bulge is her gastrocnemius. It's your calf muscle, it's generally quite noticeable unless you're a stick. It's resting on her knee so all the muscle/fat is being pushed to the sides.

>> No.7774296

Even if you're thin, if you exercise regularly, that muscle pops out disgustingly.
>tfw slim but years of running have turned your legs into muscular trunks that look awful in lolita

>> No.7775599

It's not my story, but rather a friend's.
>be me 4 years ago
>meeting up with a few friends at the mall
>this creepy hamplanet weeb comes too
>we start walking around, i'm avoiding planet-chan
>we all end up going into a dress store
>jokingly say to one of my friends "hey let's RUN AWAY"
>mfw we actually did
>friend and I are going around the mall
>bought her a shake because she's awesome
>we end up having fun and getting to know eachother more
>shit was SO cash
>we tried finding the others since the joke was over but we couldn't for a while
Now for the worst part.
>apparently the other two and the weeb are still going around the mall
>they went to a victoria secret
>planet-chan is trying on stuff
>she ends up talking about how she likes g-strings because they go up her ass
>she is very proud of her planetary boobs
>grabs one of the two, who's pretty short
>shoves her face into her tits
I still feel like an asshole for running away.

>> No.7775612

>that muscle pops out disgustingly

>> No.7775848

I-I know you OP. Keep shining bright. Also you are fucking hilarious.

>> No.7775896
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That is a thing of beauty. I may be in love