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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7759969 No.7759969[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /cgl/!

I just wanted to pay a visit to get some cosplay feedback from you guys. Here's my question.

What's your opinion on sexual cosplay? Does it bring down the cosplay community? Do people see it from a different view?

> picture related

>> No.7760036

My opinion is that it's a costume. Done accurately. And looks great.
That's all there is to it.

>> No.7760039

Cosplay is about fun.
If you want to dress as a sexy character, go for it!
If you want to turn a nonsexy design into a sexy design, go for it!

Do whatever lets you have fun.

>> No.7760075

Jnig's cosplays wouldn't be so bad if she put a little more time into them to make them polished (that blastoise she did had so many areas where she taped off the edge of her armor to paint it, the paint bled under the tape, and she never cleaned it up) and if she learned how to do her makeup. Like there are whole youtube channels of doing cosplay makeup these days yet she has the same face no matter the cosplay. The only thing that eyeliner would work for is Rocket Raccoon.

>> No.7760081

I'm guilty of skimping up a character design, and I honestly wouldn't do it again. I can't say I especially like it when others do the same now. But if it makes them happy and they aren't assholes, more power to them.

As for cosplaying a character that is sexy and doing it accurately, I can't see why anyone would care.

>> No.7760090

Guy here. I think girls should do it more often. And then keep the costume on for their boyfriends.

>> No.7760109

>Guy here

Kill yourself.

>> No.7760125

A lot of characters are sexy, so having a "sexy" cosplay that's accurate is good. I am kind of annoyed at the cosplays that are sexy just to be sexy, but hey if you wanna look good, go for it.

>> No.7760168
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>Guy here.
Did you forget what board you're on, anon-chan?

>> No.7760182

"sexy" cosplay has been around longer than every fucking anime con out there

Stop bitching about it and wear It if you think it works for the con

>> No.7760207

If you've got the body for it and want to do it, then sure. Worst-case scenario, you'll get creeped on by some because you're bound to get lots of attention from everybody, but really, any attractive cosplay--well-constructed, sexy, etc.--holds a high chance of that occurring, you know?

>> No.7760222
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>guy here

>> No.7760267

>guy here
>look at me please ;_;
>consider my opinion, i'm a guy

>> No.7760300

Guy here

I like sexy cosplay it makes me hard

I'm a guy btw.

>> No.7760321

Cosplay of a sexy character is as fine as any other character. Juliet Starling is a bimbo cheerleader. There's nothing wrong or weird about how Jnig did her. She's meant to be like that.

Sexy cosplay version of a non-sexy character is dumb. Though I think as long as you are aware of how dumb it is and you're just having fun then that makes it okay, too.

>> No.7760331
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>penis holder here, my opinion is..
stopped reading

>> No.7760334 [DELETED] 

proud owner of a 5 inch penis here

sexy cosplay makes my pee pee happy
do it more

also you should consider my opinion because I have a penis and you don't. that is all.

>> No.7760336

>feedback from you guys
>you guys

Peeps taking OP literally.

>> No.7760422
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itt: butthurt women btfo because their opinions are meaningless to anyone irl, so they pick on some random guy on a messageboard

>> No.7760429

oh, is that the same reason why men pick on girls on every other board? good to know

>> No.7760432

no men pick on women on every other board because they're either incel virgins who are mad that they aren't getting laid, or cool guys who don't want our clubhouse defiled by womenfolk invading it and making it less fun

>> No.7760433

It's kind of up to the cosplayer as to what costume they wear. If the costume is canon and done correctly I don't really care.

This goes to alternative outfits as well. If you want to be the swimsuit version of the character, then all the power to you. I have no idea why as it would be a really boring costume to make/wear but whatever.

If they go out of their way to sexualize a canon costume, I personally dislike it. Makes it seem like you don't care about the character at all and just want to show some ass. Which is fine, but there are generally plenty of ways to go about this without disgracing some nerds waifu.

I have a penis though so idk

>> No.7760594

Is the costumes level of sexy/how much it reveals accurate to the source or has the cosplayer purposely made it 'sexier'?
If it's accurate then there's nothing wrong with it. I have an issue with people who modify costumes to be skimpier than they should be but nothing wrong with cosplaying something accurate to the source if it already shows a lot of skin.

>> No.7760601
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>cool guys

>> No.7760625
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whatever helps you sleep at night brah

>> No.7760628
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>holes thinking anyone important can care enough about a woman's opinion to be trolled by one

>> No.7760630
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Alright, I'll bite.

If you're putting yourself out there, please remember that you did it willingly. If you're comfortable dressing up like that and having fun with it, all the more power to you. Chances are the sexy cosplay is to garner more attention, then I would advise you at least have some idea WHO you're dressing up as in order to have conversation and have fun talking about it among other things.

Yeah, people will probably stare or might ask inappropriate questions. If you're cool with that then great. Don't be that chick who dresses up in a revealing manner and bitch about it on tumblr why guys are starting at you.

>> No.7760641
File: 12 KB, 280x350, 0q34CKo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's accurate and sexy, great. If you're taking say, Deadpool and turning it into a red and black Bikini, no that's awful. If you're in costume and half undressed because we're about to fuck, that's awesome.

>> No.7760716

I'm a dude. you're a faggot.
and I suck my boyfriend's cock every night.

>> No.7760723

Can no one see that >>7760090 is a troll? Is it that easy to derail a thread? Holy shit seagulls. Protip: guys aren't accustomed to declaring their gender because we are almost always the majority.

>> No.7760727


I'm desensitized to sexy cosplay.

My biggest gripe with it is all these wannabe cosfamous attention sluts that make the characters about themselves instead of celebrating the fandom. Cosplay has become a cheap platform for medicro looking women to pretend they are models because let's be honest almost all these girls are pig digesting compared to the likes of Victoria Secret models.

>> No.7761528


>btw im a guy dont hit on me silly grils xD

>> No.7761549


Oh I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was on tumblr. Grow up, /cgl/.

>> No.7761557

Gonna dress like a slut be expected to be treated like one. Expect dirty looks, pervy looks, people asking for pictures just to fap to later. etc. And if you're not mentally ready for that, then don't do it.

>> No.7761571

>I'm desensitized to sexy cosplay.
I figure most people are nowadays. I don't understand how is it any more appropriate to wear a revealing costume at a con than it is to wear revealing clothing anywhere else, but everyone else seems to find it perfectly acceptable.

Personally speaking, I feel uncomfortable with extremely sexy cosplays walking around cons. I don't mind it if you do it for photoshoots or whatever, but I miss the family environment cons used to have.

>> No.7761684

Nigga, it's the same as on most boards. Don't mention your gender unless it's absolutely necessary to the post (eg help with mtf crossplay or something, not an opinion).

>> No.7761705

I just want to know, How does she get her boobs/bodysuit to stay like that in the first picture? Planning on doing something similar but I'm having a hard time figuring it out.

As for sexy cosplay, go for it. I end up doing it myself more often than not. If you feel comfortable with it and you can clearly see the effort put in, I'm cool with that. But bikini versions of characters never meant to be sexy is just lazy and slutting it up.

>> No.7761710

lots of tape. Also there's a clear elastic thing under her boobs holding the two sides of the body suit together.