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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 115 KB, 487x862, socurvydesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7757610 No.7757610[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

More cosplay group drama? My favorite.

What LoL cosplays are you guys working on?
Post some of your favorites? Some of the worst?

Pool party/Popstar thoughts?

>> No.7757616
File: 70 KB, 720x960, firefightertrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to dump some stuff.

> And yes I'm aware the colors are different but this is actual bunker gear I'm using. I've fought several fires in this uniform back in my VFD days.

>> No.7757617
File: 110 KB, 720x960, janna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757619
File: 99 KB, 659x960, sluttykarthus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757620
File: 71 KB, 558x689, kinpatsu-syndra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757623
File: 127 KB, 960x720, maxvelocity-femBraum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757624
File: 59 KB, 640x960, drunkenfangshrecke-thisactuallyafemale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757627
File: 81 KB, 640x960, malesejuani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757629
File: 139 KB, 640x960, fantasticleo-ironsolarileona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757634
File: 290 KB, 2048x1366, willothewisp-foxfireahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the better sets of tails I've seen on an Ahri.

>> No.7757636
File: 126 KB, 652x960, psykoto-ducttapealistar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757639
File: 342 KB, 1920x1160, pandagin-syndra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757640
File: 321 KB, 2048x1536, bonniescosplay-pizzobie-sivirmorderengar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757642
File: 83 KB, 592x960, kawaiiringo-janna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757644
File: 124 KB, 960x960, elyrenae-cyberjinxshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757645
File: 132 KB, 647x960, volvagiafortres-Poppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757648
File: 39 KB, 600x600, jnig-gnar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757650
File: 56 KB, 501x752, apparentlypopstarzya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7757658
File: 74 KB, 640x960, illisia-gnar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Annnnd this is all for now.

Anyone have pictures of other Gnar costumes?

>> No.7757696


Wow that was fast.

>> No.7757721

The colors here look awesome.

>> No.7757724

This looks nice.

>> No.7757727

I actually like the head part. Now to wait until she ruins it with a bikini top and dish cloth for he bottom...

>> No.7757732

That's pretty cute. Not too skanky. Needs more fur though.

>> No.7757736

Does anyone have a tutorial on how to get these to stay up? Those look good.

>> No.7757746
File: 63 KB, 717x960, willothewisp-tails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a progress pic on her page that shows the harness and the wire she used in it.

Looks like it's just really thick wire.

>> No.7757750
File: 56 KB, 960x720, willothewisp-tailplate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her support system

>> No.7757768

shameless self post >>7697882
I'll get around to making a tutorial sometime
the spine for each tail is mainly 1/4" copper tube which holds its shape very well considering the heft of the cotton batting,
having a sturdy base is key though

>> No.7757803

Stupid cosplay group won't add me so that I can tell her to cosplay Evelynn. Fark.

Then again, she's got that baby face, so maybe it wouldn't work out.

>> No.7757817
File: 31 KB, 200x215, 1201038583914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>curvy jinx

>> No.7757823

You can PM an admin and ask them to add you. They get a shit ton of requests, and they only add people who look "real" so there's less spam.

>> No.7757825

It's always a gamble going into the group and checking on what's going on. I either see really cool cosplays like

Or shit that makes me roll my eyes like >>7757644 and other Pool party BS followed with a poop load of some thirsty guys.

>> No.7757828

Did it for you. high tilted angles like she did probably gives you a bit of the illusion. It can still work though

>> No.7757851


I actually thought this was a cute idea. She wasn't walking around the whole con like this from what I understand she just did a Jinx inspired outfit for the rave/dance.

>> No.7757864
File: 60 KB, 500x374, i need it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy poo those are amazing.
We need tutorial.

>> No.7757881

Someone please save that fraying fabric.
I don't mind big girls cosplaying if they can make it the way it's supposed to look. But this is just sad.

>> No.7757889
File: 28 KB, 462x499, sanic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7758077

Yo! Were you the one I talked to in the comments? High-five! You're awesome!

Brownie points now and forever.

>> No.7758082
File: 220 KB, 720x1280, c8316891-56af-40f2-be7a-85e5b02a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>snorlax was on the list of recommendations

I snorted.

>> No.7758098
File: 65 KB, 597x960, 10172719_498172230282730_2879559625614376133_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7758102
File: 63 KB, 618x960, 10464053_508786095888010_7016055725528173576_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7758300

SO GLAD you posted this because if the LoL group starts turning into "fat girl/attention whore suggestions" general I swear to god. Why do SO many people baby these people with terrible outfits, horrible OC designs..

>> No.7758341

Tired of this and the Battle Bunny/Popstar/Pool Party posters. Why. Why?

>> No.7758490

is he teabagging the poro

>> No.7758596

I think the problem is the groups a hugbox for way too much crap. I mean, it's great that people are getting into cosplay but when constructive concrits given and people take it as an attack and not just advice it's a little silly.

That and all these girls posting like OP. It screams "I know how fat I am, reinforcemy blubber with your white knighting and tumblr SJW outlooks!"

>> No.7758601
File: 95 KB, 512x654, Screen Shot 2014-08-15 at 12.23.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some more drama

>> No.7758622

you know, as a chubby league player and cosplayer i'm always scared of this happening. but all you have to do is toughen up because pool party ~*~speshul~*~ versions will always receive more attention than you. this entire facebook group makes me so sad and reminds me daily that riot's a fucking sellout with a bunch of plebs too scared to try a free game.

>> No.7758636

>recommending curvy Jinx
Fuck you. Jinx is the only western DFC that isn't a child, if you have titties cosplay a character with titties ie. EVERY FUCKING OTHER FEMALE CHARACTER IN EXISTANCE.


>> No.7758641

>that attention seeking.
herr derr how about a champ you actually fucking main teehee?
Also wtf is up with her sucking in her cheeks and then using a cropped shop. Fatface detected. I don't normally degrade girls just on their looks but when she's literally saying 'i wanna show off my body and be sexy' I'm not quite sure what else I'm meant to grade her on. That shallow personality?

>> No.7758686

>who fed Ahri

spat out my fucking cereal. Still fill bad

>> No.7758725


I think my girlfriend made a photo of her! She was looking quite annoyed.

>> No.7759024

If you're fat, it will happen.
If you're chubby, it will happen.
If you're SKINNY, it will happen.

Any mainly LoL events, or events that LoL players go to that aren't anime/comic conventions, they will be dicks.

I cosplayed at season 2 championships and had the worst experience of my entire life.
It was awful. I ended up retreating to the cosplay storage room and crying.
I have much tougher skin now, though.

The LoL community is actually just shit. Especially when it comes to cosplayers.

As soon as someone makes the "fed" joke, some neckbeard is all like "omfg thats so fuckn funny XDDDDDD" and they say it to another cosplay, even if they're perfectly healthy. Because of how funny it is.

The LoL community is actually just autistic irl. No joke.

>> No.7759051

I wanna fuck a chubby Ahri now, thanks /cgl/

>> No.7759073 [DELETED] 

>The LoL community is actually just shit. Especially when it comes to cosplayers
FACT! If you can't handle it, don't cosplay from it. I'm overweight and refuse to cosplay from league because I know I'd be setting myself up for "fed" jokes and snikers...

>> No.7759079

>The LoL community is actually just shit. Especially when it comes to cosplayers
FACT! If you can't handle it, don't cosplay from it. I'm overweight and refuse to cosplay from league because I know I'd be setting myself up for "fed" jokes and snikers...

>> No.7759087

She looks cute to me.
I haven't added her as a friend (because I'm not THAT creepy) but of the pictures I saw she had (pic related), she doesn't seem chubby to me. Most of her pictures aren't that good looking, though. Never did find a picture of her Ahri cosplay.

>That nose piercing in one of her photos

>> No.7759094
File: 52 KB, 800x536, 5a41ce48-b0da-42cd-965b-f00ebdeb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image disappeared.

>> No.7759223

Such a shame. I think she's pretty cute too, and would've loved to see her cosplay more.
Anyone have pics of her Ahri they're willing to post?

>> No.7759227

It seems like either she's making a big deal out of something that was probably much smaller or she's covering up how fat she is with shoops.

>> No.7759232

Or fat girl angle shots.

>> No.7759256

This shit never ever ever happens. I am a total and complete bitch and I hate fat people but people don't talk like this in front of your face. I hate how people will get away with saying this and trying to paint people in a bad light because know 5000 people will jump down the throat of the first person who says there's no way it's possible for victim blaming.

Fuck these kinds of people, just fuck them.

>> No.7759267

Honestly, her attitude is pretty shitty. "Waaah, waahhhh.. Someone called me fat, cosplay group. i quit!!! ):"

But I do believe she got shamed irl. Happens a lot at LoL specific events, like worlds. Because the LoL community is really, really toxic. They don't really have the common sense to not talk about someone within ear shot.

>> No.7759269

My boyfriend has been going to Gamescom for a few years and he felt it was ruined this year by the influx of cosplayers.

I've never been with him because even though I'm a gamer, it's an expo for games and... Yeah, I prefer the con atmosphere.

As much as it's sad and pathetic that she got insulted in public, I also feel these cosplayers should reconsider where/when they cosplay. Gamescom is a games exhibition for new releases and games news, it's not a convention with pannels and yay happy funtimes etc. I know it's changed a lot this year because of cosplay (Riot has an actual cosplay area) but I feel like that's companies trying to cash in on cosplay, when cosplayers actually cosplay for attention... So it's a bit of a dead deal. Cosplayers will cosplay from your shit because it's popular, not the other way round, and LoL is one of the worst examples of this.

But still people. It's like cosplay at the E3, unless you're really good and hoping to get spotted by the actual company... Why.

>> No.7759271
File: 120 KB, 640x960, blackandnobo-ZyraandMaoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7759276

>cosplaying a shitty moba like league

Seriously, why.
If you did Dota you'd at least be cosplaying as something with good design.

Not just "Pirate with huge tits, x with huge tits, etc."

>> No.7759293

How do i fuck a cosplay katarina

>> No.7759299

That just goes to show that it's different in different places. In Rochester they'll call you a fat bitch to your face and look at you waiting to see if you're gonna do something about it. Parts of NC are the same. Depending on the culture of where a person grew up may affect how they talk to you as well.

Plenty of Russians will tell you that you're a fat bitch if you are one, as if it's nothing, mainly because Russians don't usually mince words.

Different situation, different stuff. Also, it's possible that the person was saying it to someone else and she just happened to overhear it. And people also forget to keep their thoughts inside and accidentally blurt what they're thinking. There are plenty of instances in which this could be true.

>> No.7759300

pls respond

>> No.7759307

I decided to look up the DOTA wiki just to see the character design because I've read one or two people saying something similar. I took a look at the Champions and safely came to the conclusion....

That you're fucking blind, bro. Unless you're talking about the in-game sprites, the design is not that good.

>Not just "x with huge tits"

The huge tits are an afterthought, just like in most other games with female characters with huge tits. First they design what they want the character to do and act like, then they dress them up, then they add tits to make the game more appealing to people attracted to that feature (most gamers). People complained about too many titty monsters, so they simply made jinx without them. The design isn't centered around it.

>> No.7759314


I just looked them up, they are terrible.

>> No.7759316
File: 274 KB, 1600x960, dota-2-legion-commander[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Wow, one token flat chested chick because people complained. It's like fucking putting the crippled kid in an 80s cartoon because "WE NEED DIVERSITY". Terrible character for a terrible fanbase.

Look at Legion Commander. Look at the beautifully designed armor. The practical weapon she wields. The banners on her back.

Notice a distinct lack of bountiful cleavage? Notice how this design had thought put into it? How they told themselves "Okay Legion Commander is a commander of a legion, let's make her design fit her background."

This is just one of many, by the way. Hell, don't even get me started on Naga Siren versus the shit tier design that is Nami.

>> No.7759327

I'll admit that I like the banners in the back and the weapon, but not the rest of the armor, especially the headpiece.

Naga Siren and Nami's designs are both simple and to the point, I honestly see no big difference.

I'll admit that the designs for DOTA2 are straightforward and you understand their purpose (somewhat) immediately. However, I feel the same about LoL. The only difference is that the LoL champions have a more beautified design.

>> No.7759333

It's a good design I'll give you that however why do DOTA players keep invading league threads to spout how much superior their game is? League players don't do that, you know what they're doing? Playing (and in this board's case) cosplaying League. They don't give two shits about Dota's existance, Dota's design or Dota's gameplay. Instead of trying to siphon league player, why don't you guys actually work on your cosplay scene and work to have gigantic events for your game. Obviously since its so much better in every way shape and form you should not have a problem gaining fans.I mean given the huge headstart you guys had in the MOBA genre you have a lot of history to fall back on

>> No.7759335

As someone who plays neither League nor DOTA, I'm skimming through their respective Champions and Heroes and I find League has a lot more cosplayable (eye-catching, flashy, varied for different skill levels) humanoid designs, especially for girls (who make up most of the cosplay community). It's not hard to see why one appeals more to cosplayers than the other.

>> No.7759345
File: 407 KB, 768x900, 1401503010393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7759355

Please don't do us the disservice, the disrespect, the disgustingly distasteful and displeasing act of giving us a displeasing, unrelated image of a disgruntling chubby anime character that isn't Ahri.

It is very disagreeable and disconcerting, this dishonesty of yours.

>> No.7759367
File: 484 KB, 600x900, 7857c973b3213b17a8173d0c3d3f53e0-d7kd69n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such obvious bait, but:

The reason why DotA fans are always butthurt is because LoL is very blatantly a game for casuals by casuals, and DotA is most definitely not. There's a lot of resentment from the DotA community (and the gaming community as a whole) about the dumbing-down of genres, and LoL/smite/strife/HotS, etc are examples of how games can attract more players by being easier to play.

You're right, there's a lot of history to fall back upon, but many people will try DotA and drop it within a week with the "this game is too hard" line.

There's also a smaller community of DotA cosplayers because the game is less popular overall - but if you want to find it, you can. Milliganvick has quite a few shots of DotA people, though they're all girls, unsurprisingly.

Trying to pull off male designs from DotA is sheer suffering.

>> No.7759375
File: 424 KB, 600x852, wellfedahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm absolutely astounded by your astonishing alliteration, my apt adversary. Please do accept my apologies for activating such adversity from your animus and appreciate a picture of Ahri more accommodated to your acquired assessment.

>> No.7759377

fake and gay

>> No.7759387

I always thought that people who argued the old LoL vs DotA argument were retarded, but this is something else.

>LoL is very blatantly a game for casuals by casuals

No fucking shit. The more players a game gets, the more money it makes. If you're trying to say that the point is NOT to make money, then you're stupid as hell. For future reference, that's a terrible reason for why LoL is shitty. I don't think LoL is a perfect game nor am I a huge fanboy, but there are a LOT better insults you could use.

I have no idea about the "the game is too hard" thing, so I'll give you that one. If you really want to argue that DotA is better than League, go ahead, but derailing a thread for it is unnecessary (better to do it in /v/), and you should not say it's because League is a game for casuals. That's actually something that any Riot employee would be DELIGHTED to hear and be proud of, and that League players would happily agree with. It's a positive point of League, it's what gets us all the players and the company all the money.

>> No.7759400
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 1383616899442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7759402

even faker and gayer

>> No.7759403

depends on where you're at too. games get harder based on the people you play against. i know a few people who are really quite good at dota but their first few times playing league they sucked a whole lot of dicks.

same goes the other way around. top tier league players will have a bit of a hard time adjusting to dota, but with some play time might get the hang of it and enjoy it.

Personally my reasoning for disliking dota is all about the pace and art in the game. Dota is very dull, somewhat story-book like. LoL is more colorful and cartoonish. I gave both a decent shot but the overall way that dota looked is what kept sending me back to league.

unfortunately with the new summoners rift update league is starting to lose its original feel and thats a bit of a bummer

>> No.7759408

moar pls

>> No.7759421
File: 315 KB, 1024x596, league_of_legends_karma_by_katsurag-d7utzcz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The complaint isn't that LoL is an objectively shitty game; the complaint is that it's a dumbed-down version of DotA. The people who, from the earlier post, spout about DotA being superior is strictly in terms of game mechanics/balancing/etc.

Who said anything about making money?

Yes, I'm sure Riot is pleased they're properly catering to the fanbase they're aiming for - but that's not the question here, is it?

Also, as far as rerailing the thread goes, I'm at least posting cosplay. C'mon, anon.

>> No.7759425

fuck off
your original post was
"Why aren't you cosplaying dota instead :("
make a dota cosplay thread instead, don't go into a league cosplay thread and start bitching about the lack of dota cosplay

>> No.7759440
File: 191 KB, 900x600, league_of_legends___gender_bender_vi_x_caitlyn_by_xeno_photography-d7u3fgv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admittedly, DotA2 I think tried really hard to retain the dark-and-grungy feel that the original DotA had, which was mainly an artifact of the WC3 mapcreator and not necessarily something the game designers wanted to aim for in the first place. For better or for worse, that's kinda just how it is.

Maybe we'll see a visual update someday, but I doubt it.

In the meantime: more cosplay.
The more I look at the DotA designs, though, the more I realize that many of the male designs would just be plain difficult to do without substantial prosthetics/masks/etc, because even the humanoid ones aren't very...human.
Probably another big reason why it's easier to do LoL cosplays.

>> No.7759441
File: 77 KB, 960x817, vi arm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough. This is an upcoming Vi cosplay picture.

And maybe LoL is a dumbed down version of the original DotA, (I say maybe because I haven't played DotA or DotA 2 yet...mainly because I don't know anyone else that plays it and I find playing games alone to be boring. I love socializing too much for that). But if it was, it was dumbed down to bring in more players, because more players = more money.

The money part pertains directly to the "game of casuals for casuals". It's basically me saying "of COURSE it's a game of casuals for casuals. That's what draws in the money!".

Also, I was claiming that there was a derailing because of the lack of posting LoL cosplay and instead it just being a LoL vs DotA2 argument. But fair enough, I'll post some cosplay myself to contribute.

>> No.7759448
File: 177 KB, 900x601, nidalee___the_will_fear_the_wild_by_benny_lee-d7svmfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't my original post, but feel free to call samefag anyway. What, you think the typing style is anything similar?


Don't gotta be so mad, anon. Just chill out and post more cosplay.

>> No.7759450

It's so badly painted that it upsets me.

It's not even a bad glove.
But that paint job is so painfully shity

>> No.7759457
File: 192 KB, 1024x676, get_jinxed_or_die__fathands__by_xcaitlyn-d7t6vwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw shit, that's a bitchin' looking glove.
I always really want to like the Vi gloves, but so often they seem so overly-large and bulky that they just feel plain unusable. I mean, I get that her gloves are fuckhuge in the game, but it's like those giant boxing mits that weigh 10 pounds or something and are completely worthless. I like my weapons realistic, damnit

There's a few core mechanics that separate DotA from LoL that punish people for being careless that's the basis of most of the "yeah well DotA is harder", etc. And for what it's worth, I can't find friends to play DotA with either, so I play LoL instead.

Rather unfortunately, Rito's got the moneymaking sector of MOBAs on lockdown, seems like, so I doubt there's going to be any serious challengers for a while. It's great for them as a company, but it's kinda saddening as a gamer.

I mean, I'm glad for Activision that CoD still makes money, but if they ever severely overtake other FPS games in the same way LoL overshadows the rest of the MOBA genre, you could imagine there'd be plenty of distraught people, yeah?

And yeah, sorry for the dota cosplay post(I guess?) I meant it more in the sense that "Yeah, it exists, but it's kinda rare unless you specifically look for it."

>> No.7759470
File: 61 KB, 540x960, 94711852-f861-4eee-b4f6-fd5152cf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh. I think it's supposed to look dirty/grimy. What else don't you like about it?

>> No.7759511

One thing I do notice is that Riot actively interacts with their fans in areas beyond the game.

Developer interactions aside (which we have many cases of mods and designers acting like ass hats) how they work with the fan community is pretty stellar. They have several contests of different talents

>Art contests for splash images
>Comic contests
>Unique photos
>League Song contests

Outside of that they hit major game and nerd convetions to give away rare skins and merchendise. Hell their booth at AX had a 360 photo booth you could use for free. Not to mention they have the fan community spotlight where they highlight streamers and draw attention to artists who do stuff for them which only encourages more participation.

To my knowledge Dota sticks to refining the game and does not do as much

>> No.7759521
File: 384 KB, 600x800, IMG_20130706_133050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping from ax 2013

>> No.7759523
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>> No.7759524
File: 448 KB, 600x800, IMG_20130706_161332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy kinda scared me. he wouldn't talk, only used slow gestures. but i guess its difficult since it was like 89 degrees that day

>> No.7759529
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>> No.7759532
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>> No.7759534
File: 67 KB, 720x960, c784bb59-6d73-4f80-abea-2cbbc64b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same person. I've gotta say, she's quite attractive in this cosplay (haven't looked at her other photos).

>> No.7759536
File: 474 KB, 600x800, IMG_20130706_141034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7759539
File: 719 KB, 931x800, IMG_20130706_160537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any sauce on this sona? she was pretty cute. wondering if she made her costume cause it was probably the best i've seen yet

>> No.7759542
File: 256 KB, 375x500, DSC01136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last 2 fanime 2013. sorry about shitty pics in general

>> No.7759544
File: 270 KB, 375x500, DSC01127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7759552

?? That's some shit awful weathering, anon. It just looks like she spammed sloppy paint strokes. It's a well constructed glove, I hope she repaints it

>> No.7759560 [DELETED] 

What's going on with Elise's shoes? Is she standing on that tiny point at the end?

>> No.7759562

I might just be biased as a Dota player but i think Riot may be in trouble if they dont fucking fix some of the long standing issues like the Client being a pile of shit, the whole mobility creep thing (EVERYONE GETS A DASH), lack of replays (its been what, FIVE YEARS since they promised that?) and the whole "only about 25 characters ever get picked by pros" thing.

instead they just distract people with yet another skin.

Its really fucking funny to see that barely a week after the alpha custom game tools get released for dota 2 that people have already ported a number of WC3 custom modes, got WASD 3rd person controls working and a lot of other ridiculous bullshit INCLUDING a version of the league map (summoners rift I think you call it?)

>> No.7759566
File: 301 KB, 2048x1536, Britthebadger-EliseShoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're basically huge clear, platform hooker boots that she made look like they had a point on them.
Pic related

>> No.7759768

VickyBunnyAngel Canadian cosplayer

>> No.7759772

that's why you try to pick an appealing cosplay, Im overweight (5'5''-142lbs) and I always try to keep my pool of champs according to my fucking body, I wont pick Jinx, Ahri or Janna because I know I will look weird and FAT, that's why I have only cosplayed as lulu and poppy. (with the exception of Sona which I did back in S1).

>> No.7759821

thanks anon. i didn't realize she was also the girl who did the dark valkyrie diana cosplay

>> No.7759825
File: 1.65 MB, 300x196, 1391999613194.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's reasons like this that people who don't know the source material probably shouldn't cosplay an online game! Guys, "Fed" or "Feed" is a term used by people who play the game seriously I'm not joking have a look:


Also if a character is "Fat or "Big" it means the character is well leveled and has a good build, it's in the sense that it's powerful and "disgusting Arhi" was probably someone playing the character very poorly.

I'm willing to bet the people playing league in the convention hall who she heard calling her "Fed" or "Who Fed Arhi" were just playing LoL and communicating with the other players.

I'm sure someone must have told her that in her post though, some one MUST have. I can see where she would get that idea though. And it's bad luck for her that there was someone there playing Ahri really well for those comments to be made.

>> No.7759840

Top lel. Anyone have photos of her costume?

>> No.7759864

It's like you're fucking retarded, laughing at people while not getting the joke.

"Who fed Ahri" is a play on words, you twit. It doubles as both a league reference and a reference to whoever is cosplaying that character as being fat.

>if a character is "fat" or "big" it means they're well leveled.

Have you ever played the damn game? You get larger either by having more HP, dumbass. That has almost nothing to do with level and everything to do with itemization. And Ahri doesn't generally go for items that build her HP because she's an APC.

What a fucking retard. Get back on the short bus and stop spewing bullshit out of your ass.

>> No.7759886
File: 44 KB, 540x960, 213e696a-b4e5-46fe-95e2-b6ec23d97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> you get larger by having more HP*

I was going to mention Chogath's stacks and Lulu's ultimate and all of the other enlargements, but they all add onto max hp too, so it's the same idea.

And getting "fed" means you're killing a lot of enemies.

In this case it was a play on words. Play the fucking game before you make up stupid shit and spread your toxic ignorance to other people like a fucking plague.

>> No.7759893

lmao u can't be fucking serious

>> No.7759972

Holy fucking shit. You're so retarded.

>> No.7760570
File: 944 KB, 1066x1600, 14925866542_2dad75cf66_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only cosplayed at Gamescom to get free tat. There were some good costumes there though, including a pretty cool Thresh and Kha'zix, so it wasn't all shitty Jinx and Annie cosplays. You can see pictures on the loleu Flickr.

>> No.7760599



>> No.7760605

who is she? or what's her page?

>> No.7760633
File: 760 KB, 1094x769, KamuiCosplay-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not dirty and grimy in a good way. It looks like someone just smudged some red and black paint onto it. Nice weathering means getting the dirt and wear in tight spots where cleaning is tough and much better spaced out "damage." those streaks are way too close and in a regular enough pattern that it doesn't look like accidental damage. It looks like paint strokes.

>> No.7760703

Stupid jerks are stupid. Your Sona looked amazing.

>> No.7760715


>> No.7760864
File: 161 KB, 640x960, 952a87a1-d60f-4484-a83a-f96046a43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lindy de Klerk. Sorry, I'm on mobile so I can't share it.

>> No.7760868
File: 80 KB, 640x960, e6d41cb7-6072-4698-89ec-6e4d2cfe8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7760871
File: 65 KB, 540x960, 56d47732-6d17-4749-a61d-b69244f6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to stop accidentally saging

>> No.7760889


>> No.7760924

The reason why LoL is doing better than Dota2 is because key developers from Dota moved over to LoL and started stripping, what they felt were unnecessary mechanics. Dota2 players enjoy Dota2 because it feels like an updated Dota. However most people enjoy LoL because the game is actually built to be better. Keeping clunky mechanics for the sake of making something harder is a terrible game development move.

Although being hard for the sake of being hard does have it's appeal. Lots of people genuinely enjoy difficult games, and power to them. But Dota2 players got to let this one go. No matter how much money valve throws at Dota2, there are two things they need to fix before it can grow massively like LoL.

1. It needs a game play clean up. Don't go full retard like battle of the storm, but clunky game mechanics need to be stripped.
2. Dota2 needs a way better spectator scene. A huge reason to LoL success is the spectator scene. LoL is a lot of fun for people to watch because the pace moves a lot faster and the colours are more appealing. Dota2 is a farm simulator most of the game, taking up to half an hour for shit to really hit the fan. And when it does hit the fan, most people can't follow it because there can be too much going on.

>> No.7761060

Guinsoo era was massively unbalanced.

And some of those mechanics being removed lead to league having more balance issues (no turn speed means ranged can kite melee incredibly easily)

>> No.7761125

Who are you. What the hell.

>> No.7761378
File: 48 KB, 600x800, 1385676603765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's done it again
bravo jnig

>> No.7761398

why would I want to cosplay a character from a dead game

at least league is relevant

>> No.7761402

Lol if someone ever made a "who fed x?" Joke I'd just say that I got fed myself cause I'm actually good at the game

>> No.7761410


>over 10 million dollar tournament
>dead game

>> No.7761417

Damn those look awesome. sauce?

>> No.7761436

not sure if serious?


>> No.7761544

>incapable of reading filename

>> No.7761562

>newfagging this hard

>> No.7761752

No curvy Jinx ever pls
she belongs to the flat girls who can pull her off
plus awesome flat characters are so hard to find

>> No.7761755

they look amazing but make me think of cheeto puffs

>> No.7761757

People actually like LoL?

>> No.7761768

are you the whiny faggot attacking everyone using names? Or perhaps a different whiny faggot?

>> No.7761777

That's like her best picture because of the angle shes actually fat as fuck

>> No.7761782

No, It was the fact that I didn't know about Kamui Cosplay. I'm not huge into the cosplaying scene and I made a stupid post. my bad.

>> No.7761817
File: 215 KB, 2501x1017, Medusa_splash[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better example is Medusa Vs Cassiopeia.
They both share a "turned into horrible snake person" thing in their lore.
Medusa looks monstrous while Cassiopeia basically just has a silly hat, claws and a snake instead of legs.
Their voices show the same sort of difference, Medusa is very distorted while Cassiopeia has a "sexy" voice

>> No.7761821

>the game is actually built to be better
Better for casual players and making money, but not better for a competitive scene.

>but clunky game mechanics need to be stripped
Like denying your own creeps, turnrate, and having items with activatable abilities? Those are the little things that make dota more competitive and difficult, even the smallest move matters and can change the outcome of the entire game. Lets not forget that most heroes can be played in different roles and lanes, with almost all heroes picked in the meta.

>Dota2 needs a way better spectator scene
Dota has a good spectator scene. Recently at the international the pricepool was 11million usd, most of it raised by fans. The winners got 5million, which means 1million for each player. LoL obviously have more viewers, but the fanbase for dota is at least big enough to raise the biggest pricepool.

>Dota2 is a farm simulator most of the game, taking up to half an hour for shit to really hit the fan.
You can't have watched a lot of dota then. The first few minutes sets the pace for the rest of the game and the first kills and ganks are almost always some of the most exciting. The final games of the international weren't even 30min long.

>most people can't follow it because there can be too much going on.
Most people being people that don't play dota themselves maybe. That's why during this years international there was a casting team specifically for noobs, that explained what the heroes do and why the crowd was screaming/cheering at certain moments. Anyone who plays dota, even casually, can follow a progame.

>> No.7761822
File: 26 KB, 800x300, Ears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Well I'm not sure "fat as fuck" would describe her, she seems only slightly chubby/chubby to me. The thing I dislike most about her are those fugly nose piercings.

I also dislike these ears (pic related). They blend in well color-wise with the hair, but I'm not all too into fur-related fetishes. Well....

Well of COURSE Cassiopeia has a sexy voice. Her whole job before turning into an ugly superpowered snakebitch was to seduce men and then kill them. How would you do that without looking/sounding/being sexy?

And the turning Cassiopeia wasn't so much for turning her into a hideous monster as it was to simply force her to quit her seductress job/lifestyle. It's like if you wanted a model to quit. You'd just have to make her slightly more ugly, not necessarily turn her into a freak. This all being said, this LoL vs DotA convo has been going on way too long.

>> No.7761825

Maybe you don't realize it, but in-universe Cass is supposed to be considered absolutely hideous, which is laughable to us, the viewers.

>> No.7761880
File: 91 KB, 566x960, Arcade Miss Fortune.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>When it was over the blood soaked figure was no longer the ravishing jewel of the Noxian court, but a horror trapped somewhere between woman and serpent.
>a horror trapped somewhere between woman and serpant

I'd say her artwork properly depicts that. She's mixed between a snake and a human. I'm assuming there's nothing about that in Medusa's lore, though, right?

>Pic unrelated, just contribootin

>> No.7761907

this cosplay is fucking hideous

>> No.7761945

Her eyes.

>> No.7761946

If you think that fat turd isn't just a copy cat, I got some news for ya.

>> No.7761981
File: 359 KB, 698x672, my god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the horror going on between her legs? Is that her ass sagging??

>> No.7762003
File: 406 KB, 1280x1919, tumblr_mno1qxyanW1spiyfso4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of Ahri tails, this cosplayer's definitely my favorite. I saw her in person at that con, looked like they were made of some sort of plastic and even moved around similarly to Ahri's sprite when she walked, it was pretty cool.

>> No.7762005

woaah kick ass. Is there a light inside the tails or is that just the sun giving it a glowing effect? Either way, awesome,

>captcha: rivencym ambition

>> No.7762016
File: 290 KB, 374x541, thebest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody has beaten her guys

>> No.7762063

"horror trapped between woman and serpent" kinda implies 0/10 WOULD NOT BANG status to me

>> No.7762066

Neckbeard detected.

>> No.7762088

Being a FA is suffering...

>> No.7762176

>"horror trapped between woman and serpent" kinda implies 0/10 WOULD NOT BANG status to me

That's impossible. There are very few things in this world that won't be fapped to, and no living creature is on that list.

That all aside, even if said "horror" is ugly, it still HAS to have features that a human woman has in order for it to be "trapped" between woman and serpent. Medusa doesn't even look SLIGHTLY human. Alien at best. Of course, you could go the mermaid route...which is pretty much what they did. Upper body is human or human-like, lower body is snake. Pretty much fully covers the "between" part.

>> No.7762192
File: 40 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n9agheP8wA1tdiqtto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a guy cosplays Riven better than her
Delicious tears.

>> No.7762287

I'm gonna guess Fosshape. It's like wonderflex but has a fleecy texture to it. Using it for the tail flames is kinda genius.

>> No.7762303

I always find it funny when dota players call something else casual

dota was a mod for people who were too casual for wc3

>> No.7762521

>I'm a sexy yordle.
Really? Are you really? If it weren't for the ears no one would know who you are.

>> No.7762635
File: 106 KB, 720x960, 2bbe55c1-abd9-42e2-a401-2b9b63eb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7762715

I think it's pretty obvious she's Pool Party Ziggs
it's obvious to anyone who plays LoL

>> No.7762724

I'm hoping to cosplay muse sona sometime soon but i'm really intimidated by that lyre

do you think it would be ok/cute if i walked around with a regular size lyre?

>> No.7763036

Would you do that same injustice to your waifu?

If not, why would you do that to someone else's?

>> No.7763254

the clunky shit means different things to dota and league players.

as a dota player the clunky shit I wouldnt miss is shit like range indicator behavior being very scattershot (why dont active items have a range indicator? why cant you hover over pugnas ward to see its range? etc) and the weird as fuck behavior of blink dagger (you click outside of max range and it only goes 4/5ths of max range, heros with a blink skill dont have this behavior)

the shit league players would remove is often shit that results in dota being more balanced (turn rates, cast animations)
hell, shit like creep stacking and denying is part of why supporting is more than just baby sitting the fucking carry in dota

>> No.7764233

I wana bulk up and cosplay Garren and do some real life cuckolding to a couple doing Darius and Kat cosplay

>> No.7764276

> Her whole job before turning into an ugly superpowered snakebitch was to seduce men and then kill them. How would you do that without looking/sounding/being sexy?
I'm just throwing this out there so don't judge me too harshly, but what if she turned into an ugly superpowered snakebitch BEFORE she killed them? Wouldn't that be an effective strat as well?

>> No.7764296

That doesn't even...

I'll assume that you haven't read her lore, so I'll forgive you for that (In a pretty good mood). Basically, the way she turned into an ugly-ish snake woman was she was seducing a man to take his secrets. In the process, he gave her a weird dagger which, after she told her father all of the guy's secrets, turned her into the snake lady horror thing that she is now.

Not that she could ever be as sexy as my waifu evelynn.

>> No.7764354

So I posted in another thread, but my boyfriend wants his first cosplay to be from League of legends and he wants me to cosplay with him. He plays almost every day, but I'm a baby who's terrible at games and they make me anxious. Originally I was scared that it might be seen negatively since I don't play, but the other thread convinced me that I should be fine since it is, after all, for my boyfriend.
But he has been anything but helpful in making suggestions for me so I thought I'd ask you guys for opinions. I want something to challenge my skills that will look impressive, but I've also been going to a personal trainer and I'd be okay with showing off my new body (but no Jessica Nigri please, I don't want to look slutty)
So if you all don't mind, can I post some champions/skins I was looking at, and if I could get some opinions on what would be impressive or that you would want to see? I don't really know
>Mythic Cassiopeia
>Victorious or classic Elise
>Pop star Ahri
>Lunar Goddess Diana
>Victorious Janna
>Aether Wing or Battleborn Kayle
>Muse Sona
>Amethyst Ashe
My boyfriend's still deciding on his, but I'd like to figure mine out as soon as possible and get a head start. Thank you guys!

>> No.7764362


you have a good sense of what you want to do. just wait to see what he wants/what his choices are. some characters have a pairing/part of a couple thing so you can do it that way

but all are great choices except for pop star ahri cause shes way overdone

>> No.7764379

E3 is a trade show. There were an influx of cosplayers also at it this year. Personally, I don't like seeing cosplays unless they are sponsored and at the booth, mainly because it is an environment to do business and to put your attentions that facet than simply engaging at a social convention. Even if you are there to simply view it, it isn't an event to be spewing around like you want the goddamn attention.

Many of the ones I have seen there the past years have been amateur, which at a social con can blend in well, but at E3 looks like a fucking joke.

>> No.7764545

and people give jnigs version crap

>> No.7764546

and the goggles..and the ziggs symbol

wow stay sandy bitch

>> No.7764657


Not the "sandy bitch," but I have to agree that things like that are lazy as shit. Or at least pretty slutty. It's like, "I like this character, how can I show off as much of my body as possible while still somehow trying to tie it back to the source?" I don't particularly mind slutty costumes, but I mean, out of character, barely recognizable sluttiness for the sake of attention whoring is just annoying/fap material. That's not a "Ziggs cosplay," it's a skimpy outfit that nods to the original if that.

It's not that I mind re-imagined cosplays, particularly when cosplays of little furry people are involved, but there's a difference between making a human version and making a "sexy" version of things like that. I'm pretty sure League has enough scantily clad ladies to dress up as, you don't need to shit on the adorb things like Gnar.

>> No.7764937
File: 770 KB, 1736x609, Ziggs_PoolParty_Comic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is lazy, but if she were to stay authentic to the source material for pool party ziggs, she would just be wearing a life jacket? I'd consider that way sluttier.

>> No.7765016

thank you anon, I feel the same way. Makes me happy knowing I'm not the only one.
>sexy gnar
>just no...

>> No.7765053

who the fuck?


>> No.7765062


Why? I think they're interesting if done well.

>> No.7765064

because majority of the time the end up like shit like the one that was posted. not to mention no one would have any idea who you were, so why put effort into that cosplay? To have people say "Well i think thats zyra but i'm not really sure"

and IMO a lot of fan art skins doesnt fit the character. ahri with her kpop dances and korean decent fits that girls generation look. the majority of the other female champs just dont and they look dumb.

>> No.7765098

>victorious or classic Elise
>Lunar goddess Diana


It'd make my life if you accurately did Masquerade Evelynn

>> No.7765107
File: 91 KB, 697x960, 0aa27d53-a9b2-429a-bc4e-acc8a1b0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart melted. Such a QT

>> No.7765997


KalseruCosplay on facebook

>> No.7766022

>that nasty bathroom

>> No.7766024

Her mum sucks a sewing.

>> No.7766099

At least she tried