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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 38 KB, 393x400, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7758246 No.7758246[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

W.I.P. Thread! Show us what you got!

Old thread >>7711177

>> No.7758326
File: 184 KB, 588x800, 2014-08-13 22.15.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt many will get this, but working on the first Breath of Fire's Ryu.

>> No.7758533
File: 1010 KB, 2057x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Covering some shoes for a lolita coord.
I've never covered shoes before, but hopefully my sewing background will help me.

>> No.7758802
File: 288 KB, 961x506, zbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about how to design the midsection and back as I want moving plates.

Not sure how to construct them-a little tired right now though, so I'm leaving it be for the moment.

Was thinking of using some sort of foam to get the general idea, but I don't know who good they hold up to wear and tear and if I'll be able to add any sort of urethane or other material to give it structure if it won't.

I plan on designing the forearms, shoulders, thighs, feet, and hands outside of the 3D program anyway-though I might attempt it again later-so I might use the same material for those as well. Not sure yet.

Using the old head as a place holder for now-and I've worked on the body since I made this, but I'm too tired to post the updates right now.

>> No.7759078
File: 135 KB, 540x960, 1937492_327555854073374_5169577580341783642_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, that brings me back. Looks great so far! Will you be altering the belt or leaving it?

Final progress shot. I took the advice of the anon who suggested i dirty it up. I've done this with other outfits before but it's usually pretty heavy looking. I didn't want this to be too heavy on colors. Just enough to give the impression that he's been out in the wilderness for a while. Also having someone else make my sword from wood. They made a CAD design for me and will be working on it monday. I'll be painting it once it's done. It shouldn't take him long. he works for a company that creates custom ordered furniture. He's made some weapons for my sister a few years back and did a great job with them.

>> No.7759397
File: 1.82 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on building a thomas bangalter helm from daft punk

>> No.7759489

How did you do the arm and leg bandages? The only way I've seen it is with an underlayer of spandex with non-stretch bandages sewn on, which looks iffy, but yours look amazing! :)

>> No.7759509
File: 1.37 MB, 3264x1840, IMAG0122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First layer of Gesso sanded down. Going to need a few more before I move onto the outer domes on the side.

Fairly happy so far. Should looke good when I have the lower legs of Escaflowne built and hiding my real feet.

>> No.7759520

What I have done for Shredder. Gonna use advice from people in the old thread and attach the shoulders with a combination of velcro and straps.

>> No.7759522
File: 1.25 MB, 3472x2604, HjI1H2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

opps didnt post pick

>> No.7759580
File: 787 KB, 938x1383, nausicaa_wip_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting so much Nausicaa stuff done, just cut and fitted the hole for the "goggle" lens to fit in her hat (cut the lens out from an old tupperware! Free, thin, and already curved)

Carved and painted the red gem thing that goes on her dress, just sanded down the shape from pink foam, sealed with mod podge, and painted with glossy red enamel.

>> No.7759581
File: 169 KB, 920x1632, nausicaa_rifle_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and the rifle is starting to look like her rifle!!

All the white stuff is sintra heat formed around the barrel. Next step is to attach the handle/grip, glue all the bands down, and bondo the seams.

>> No.7759590

Good call on remaking the sword, the rest of your costume is so detailed and beautiful it would be a shame to not have the iconic sword be in the same standard! Also really like your weathering too, looks like natural mud splatters (that I imagine splashes on Wander when riding Agro). Can't wait to see it all together.

>> No.7759624
File: 712 KB, 1200x2832, ike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from other thread for concrit since I posted as it was dying.

>> No.7759639

Is it gaping because it's attached with hook and eye fasteners? I think you might want to add more, and possibly put some sturdier interfacing in the yellow part so it doesn't sag or stretch at the hooks.

Nausicaa anon, do you have a Tumblr or FB or DA or anything? I have so enjoyed your progress that I want to make sure I don't miss the finished product.

>> No.7759662

I only have a personal fb and only cosplay on random whims so no "formal" page, but I do have a blog I use for my CG work that I've posted progress on and plan to post the final photos on:
>nicolerager dot blogspot dot com

I plan to eventually do a master post with more process photos and explanations, like how Volpin does after his builds!

Seconding the need for interfacing, just open up the seam, cut interfacing the same size as the yellow part, sandwich it in there, and sew it closed. It should make a huge difference in how the opening lays!

>> No.7759802

It also doesn't look like you ironed your seams on the yellow fabric along the opening (I could be wrong, just a reminder to iron open all your seams). Not pressing your seams tends to make the fabric puff up when you turn it right side out.

Thirding the interfacing though, it'll definitely make it have a flatter appearance and hold up its shape.

>> No.7759854

idk about the interfacing being the solution to the gaping. I feel like ike anon should learn about the glory of the separating zipper.

>> No.7759874

Thought about using a zipper but decided it didn't really fit with the theme of the costume. I'll definitely tackle the interfacing though. I don't think it will help with the gap, because I didn't set the hooks far enough back in a couple places and need to fix it. The interfacing making it not quite so floppy would be fantastic though. Gonna jump on that.

>> No.7759875

Combine interfacing with more hook and eye closures OR a zipper, and it'll make a big difference. Putting a zipper in without interfacing will still result in buckling/wiggly edges.

Repeat after me: always interface your zippers.

>> No.7759906

it's less about interfacing in general and more the giant holes that it won't close up. so more hooks and a yellow panel underneath as the more tedious fix, or just sew a zipper in there.

if you're sticking with the hooks then you need a yellow panel underneath the front center behind them to hide any openings that pop open. you also need to anchor the hooks and eyes closer to or at the very edge of the edge of the fabric - on the hooks this means you sew the bend of the hook to the edge, on the eye you sew a bar just above the holes, around the narrowest part.

incidentally, what fabric did you use and did you remember to cut with the grain? because you seem to have a lot of stretching and some odd drape that indicates either a stretch/knit fabric or you cut on the bias where you shouldn't have.

final opinion: I'm not loving you color choices, especially on the yellow. I would have gone with something less crayon looking.

>> No.7759948

This is my first attempt at any sort of sewing, I didn't even know you had to cut with the grain lol. Thanks for the advice on the hook and eyes, gonna make sure that gets done. Fabric is whatever they had at local Joann, in the future gonna spend a little more time on fabric. I honestly just intended to learn to sew with this fabric and it somehow turned into a full project.

>> No.7759967
File: 470 KB, 3114x2382, img065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! Yea. I felt pretty bummed after two tries and my second one being the 'better' of the two. It wasn't up to what i wanted and felt like i was just settling. This is what my friend did just for reference. I'm short so hence why the length of the sword isnt that long. I let him know about keeping the center of the sword raised so he'll be changing that instead of just clipping off the edges like he's got here. And yea, i felt the same towards the splatter effect. Just used a spray bottle mixed with paint. Pretty simple. :)

>> No.7760463

Okay just gonna say those plans are hella fucking cool. I wish I could get a CNC routed Wander sword... alas, one day I'll become friends with the Autodesk CEO and he'll let me use his fancy one.

>> No.7760509
File: 825 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a quick wig styling and decided to try on everything I have finished. One week left until the con and I'm so close. I just have to paint the boot armor and make some minor strap adjustments. Feels good man.

>> No.7760571

Looks awesome, i like the chainmail and leather details!

What's the character from?

>> No.7760576

Not the poster, but it's Hawke from Dragon Age II.

(Pic person, as much as I ultimately really hated that game, you make a really good Hawke)

>> No.7760582
File: 286 KB, 370x657, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got the boils right for a silicone prosthetic piece I'm working on. Gonna make an original Star Wars sith character in honor of the up and coming movie.

>> No.7760584

Jesus christ. I opened this without reading the caption and let's just say well done.

>> No.7760590
File: 113 KB, 680x680, 5251295+_4dca2cec8aca7086587c0e8f21e77a83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats, that made me gag

definitely do that for the midnight release, freak some kids out.

>> No.7760615
File: 816 KB, 1361x748, Picture 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awww yeah. I put KY on the pus part to make it look extra gross.

Here's the original idea with the WIP sculpt

>> No.7760629

I hope you post more of your process when you get further! I always really like seeing prosthetic application and stuff.
I feel like I don't see it used in the cosplay community a lot (because of how tedious/difficult it is).

>> No.7760636

Yeah, getting it right is really hard and super god damned expensive. Plus, you have to have a good store/ know exactly what to buy. It's a lot of trial and error that can end up costing you some big bucks.

But it's all worth it if I can make someone vomit

>> No.7760766

>tfw I haven't worked on my cosplay since I moved into my new place...
I guess bills don't pay themselves.
>cries internally

>> No.7760858

It looks wonderful and well detailed. Nice Hawke.

>> No.7760936

Wow, that looks amazing. Is there any way I could commission your friend as well?

>> No.7760944

Hakwe anon here! Fundamentally it's an awful game but some of the characters grew on me and I just really like the Mage armor (even though I only played rogue whoops). I still have a tiny shred hope for Inquisition.

>> No.7761208

Looks better than that old sword. But it'll still look like shit without proper paint and detailing.

When are you trying to get this done by?

>> No.7761361

Yea my husband is friends with him. He primarily does custom order furniture but will use scraps if someone needs something made.
I would ask but he doesn't really do this for a living. Primarily does furniture and shit. He's a really sweet guy and but gives me a little crap like "What the hell are you asking me to do". He's not bothered by it, i know he's just joking but i wouldn't want to trouble him for more. Sorry!
Don't worry about painting/detailing. I'll be doing it differently this time around. I needed a break from it all. Staring at something for hours on end and realizing how horrible it is didn't really help my drive to finish it. I need this within a week and my friend will probably have it to me in a day or two. He's efficient. I trust him. If i cannot get it done within the week, no biggie. Was just gonna do a photoshoot this next weekend with it but if i can't bring the sword, no loss. Means i can go back and get some neat fall photos.

>> No.7761747
File: 2.64 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished out Javert's sword. Ended up being entirely hand carved and my first use of my lathe. Pretty pleased with it.

>> No.7761753

I'm not sure if you need to fill/sand/prime or you just have some bad overspray from painting, but it looks kind of...bumpy? textured? Also weather that bitch.

>> No.7761823

I think, unfortunately, the paint itself with the bit of sparkle in it (which doesn't show when wet or on the tube cap..) ends up looking a bit more 'textured' than I ever would have liked when the light hits it.

>> No.7761824
File: 101 KB, 720x960, B---D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building Shovel Knight for a friend. It's my first time with Pepakura/Fiberglass/Bondo, but I think it's coming out pretty good! I finally finished sanding out most of the imperfections, and now I am gonna tackle the major holes with spot filler. Any constructive crit for a first timer?

>> No.7761852
File: 1.29 MB, 916x960, shovelfix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, looking good for first time making a helm with those materials! My advice would be to definitely straighten out the edges of the opening, the top edge is really slanted. Use a flexible ruler to draw a line and dremel/sand/saw it out.

>> No.7761892
File: 96 KB, 720x960, B----D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot, mate! I am definately planning on straightening out the opening. I have been eyballing it for the most part, and I thought I would just wait for when I had the visor cut out. I didn't even think about using a ruler on the helmet itself!

I am also planning on using Pink Foam and Epoxy Resin for the horns. I really want to get this helmet done by monday so I can ship it out to my friend ASAP

>> No.7761902

Hey just as a note, spackle works lovely on getting those dents out of pink foam! Just sand smooth after it dries!

>> No.7761915

I used epoxy resin on my pink foam items and I was frustrated that it bubbled quite a bit. The epoxy came out way smoother on the pieces that had been sealed in 4 layers of mod podge and 3 coats of filler primer. Just a tip to maybe save you some headaches.

The spackle >>7761902 mentioned will probably be good but realize that if you put it on the virgin foam, the foam sands easier than the more rigid spackle. I personally prefer using spot putty on already sealed foam, but experiment to see which you like!

>> No.7763242
File: 419 KB, 3600x5832, I GOT NO RINGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting my progress, sad to say that i'm going to stop working on my Giant Dad cosplay.

I'd say I was less then half-way done with the mask. The top needs to be carved and shaped. He's missing wrinkles on the mask (around the eye/eyebrow/ curls/etc.) because I wanted to make the overall shape. It's much easier to sand a smooth open surface over all the Sculpey curls. I was even thinking about making a mold to make resin copies.

It's just depressing for me to look at now. I have to move for school and i'm going to be too poor/ busy to think about finishing a huge costume like Giant Dad. It sucks because I spent a lot of money/time.

I know there are other GD cosplays floating around. So I'm sure there will be some around next year's circuit. Giant Dad reckted me but, the legend never dies...

>> No.7763251
File: 476 KB, 3952x5592, SWAGLESS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7763283

Dang guys A+ progress thread, there is someday cool shit in here

>> No.7763297 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 672x583, 10458079_10202442579531171_5588260410876765744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The belt is still in progress. Not very happy with it right now after finishing the clasp, may give some detail shots later of how to fits together now. I feel like I over-complicated it and should just start over on it.

Thanks! Here's a closeup of the first bandage I made using this tutorial: http://ohicosplay.tumblr.com/post/80496361849/how-to-make-arm-wraps-without-actually-using-arm-wraps
Once I got to the leg ones, I stopped hemming the strips to make it look more jagged like in the art (also to save time), and I made sure to zig-zag everything after the first one so they stretch and fit better. Used a 2-way stretch knit for the fabric.
Probably going to redo the arm ones later to make them look more ragged like the leg bandages, but they work for now.

>> No.7763300

omg giant dad. Nice job on the mask so far!

>> No.7763313
File: 71 KB, 672x583, 10458079_10202442579531171_5588260410876765744_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The belt is still in progress. Not very happy with it right now after finishing the clasp, may give some detail shots later of how it fits together now. I feel like I over-complicated it and should just start over.

Thanks! Here's a closeup of the first bandage I made using this tutorial: http://ohicosplay.tumblr.com/post/80496361849/how-to-make-arm-wraps-without-actually-using-arm-wraps
Once I got to the leg ones, I stopped hemming the strips to make it look more jagged like in the art (also to save time), and I made sure to zig-zag everything after the first one so they stretch and fit better. Used a 2-way stretch knit for the fabric.
Probably going to redo the arm ones later to make them look more ragged like the leg bandages, but they work for now.

>> No.7763350
File: 833 KB, 1500x823, nausicaa_wip_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More progress, finished the dress (except for the hem fringe and the bullet holder things on her boobs), also am almost done painting the helm which then will get a leather strap to hold it on my head. Got my Teto plush in too!

My last bits to do are cut the hole for the other goggle lens, attach the ear flaps and hem the hat, dye and sew the fabric on the foam boot covers, get white gloves, bondo seams on my rifle then paint, assemble the parts of the sword and paint, then make the sheath. Woo!

>> No.7763482
File: 226 KB, 1080x720, Foto op 19-07-14 om 18.41 #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, how did you manage to make a helmet with a top that lacks any ridges or the implication it was made piece by piece? It looks very clean in general... unlike mine helmet, though the crest (not in the picture, got added later on) covers some of the ridges.

>> No.7763489

Not the Shovel Knight guy but I assume tons and tons of Bondo haha.

>> No.7763508

I like

>> No.7763569
File: 75 KB, 720x960, B-----D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like >>7763489 said, I used a good deal of bondo, however most I think the most important parts were using Fiberglass Mat over 1-2 coats of fiberglass, and then putting on coats 3-6 over it. After that I put on the bondo, starting out with a really thick layer, and used a rasp to shave off chunky imperfections. Then I put on more bondo in spots where there were glaring imperfections, and used my palm sander with 40 grit to blast away anything that stood out too much. After that I started putting thinner layers of bondo on because there were less imperfections that needed to be fixed and used 60, 100 and 150 between the layers.

Here is what the pep file looked like when the Fiberglass Mat was just put on. It also helps that the pep file I used had a lot of pieces for the dome to give it that smoothed look.

>> No.7765689
File: 296 KB, 2048x1152, 10628875_10152604626185590_1704476877571774600_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend pulled through for me in a day. Knew it wouldn't take him long to cut it out. He said it was fun lol. I just needed something light, basic, and con safe. He blunted the tip for me too. I compared photos to see how large the sword should be in comparison to wander and the blade is about the length of his arm, if not a tad bit longer

>> No.7765692
File: 276 KB, 2048x1152, 10604569_10152604625660590_8661734579023640460_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of thickness to show how much of a difference there is. I definitely learned my lesson and now i have something to compare it to. I'll be painting it today or tomorrow.. Depends on this thunderstorm that apparently will be dropping 3 inch hail.

>> No.7766049 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 1063x512, 2014-08-18 19.52.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continued progress-- made the side (sword?) belt thing. Some of the grommets didn't turn out too pretty on the bottom, I think they guys at Tandy sold me the wrong tool for it :( but it works and I think it looks nice.

Also got a Cold Steel boomerang which I can't wait to modify! I'm just having trouble deciding if I should make it pure red like the in-game sprite, or like an illustration out of the art book

>> No.7766057
File: 185 KB, 1063x512, 2014-08-18 19.52.25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continued progress-- made the side belt thing. Some of the grommets didn't turn out too pretty on the underside, I think the guys at Tandy sold me the wrong sized tool for it :( but it works and I think it looks nice.

Also got a Cold Steel boomerang which I can't wait to modify! I'm just having trouble deciding if I should make it pure red like the in-game sprite, or like an illustration out of the art book

>> No.7766074

That is looking quite nice though. Honestly, sometimes the grommets just bend that way on the underside. I had a couple do that with my leather belt and i had the right tool and all. It just kinda depends on how you're hitting it. if you're coming in too much at an angle or don't have things lined up it happens. :/ Dont worry. At least it's on the underside and you didn't put them on the wrong way.

>> No.7766160
File: 198 KB, 600x450, zia pantssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making your own striped fabric is awful, but it looks so nice

Cut up the fabric for Zia's (from Bastion) pants. Slowly making progress so everything will be done by NYCC
Working on a friend's computerized machine and serger has ruined me for regular sewing machines ugh

>> No.7766300
File: 315 KB, 1312x525, Suit-configurations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to decide how to create the sides of the suit and the spine.
The plates should overlap to allow for full movement, but also be able to be pulled away in order to take off the suit.

The purple shows the areas of the side where I'm talking about.

The green shows how the plates of the stomach and the sides are separate.
Each of these overlap over one another.
They'll either be connected by staples, stitches, or glue to a body suit or will be attached at the spine using straps similar to what you'd find on a backpack.

The yellow is a separate section that moves to allow a little more movement. I'm not sure what material will be used to attach it to the chest.

The red sections are where I intend to attach parachute buckles to allow the plates to be pulled back for quick entry/exit, and for bathroom breaks.

The rest is a solid construction that sits on the shoulders and will have a helm that will be attached by similar plates that I'll use on the lower back/spine to the top of the chest armor in the back.
The front will probably use a cloth 'bib' that will attach to the bottom jaw to cover my skin up which will probably have some plates as well.

Again, I have to sketch to show what I'm looking at and trying to get as close as possible to if you'd like to get an idea of the style and look.

>> No.7766575
File: 2.92 MB, 1837x788, composite_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armor build is practically done. Mostly secured, but some strapping is still missing that attach from my belt to the thigh and some belt keepers on the shin.

For my first armor build, I'm both pleased and rather pissed off. I gained a lot of experience and techniques making this, but also learned some pretty dumb mistakes the hard way.

The paint job is pretty shitty, ain't gonna lie. My dumb ass left the armor to dry outside on some shitty elevated support so some of the pieces fell while drying and ended up damaged. The paint covers up most of the damage but some of it is also runny in spots and has sharp lines in others because of my crap job with painters tape. Although con season is over for me I can't be bothered to remake and repaint what I fucked up since I have more of the costume to do. Gonna move on to the sword build next and do the sewing for the vest last.


>> No.7766578
File: 2.49 MB, 2448x3264, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized how bad the lighting was, so here's what the colors should look like.

>> No.7766582

Excellent work my friend.

Always wanted to cosplay Abel myself...

>> No.7766614

Is the super amazing embroiderer doing the LoGH(I think) cosplay still around?

>> No.7767320

You can fix those dents and scrapes with spot putty, just make sure to feather the edges when you apply it and wet sand it, then primer over the pieces and final top coat paint.

>> No.7767863
File: 77 KB, 540x960, 10629861_10152607018665590_1082932251451250844_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using some stain on the wood. I wanted the handle to have a different appearance from the sword. Last thing i need to do are the white on the edges. I think i'm just going to tape it this time and then paint. It's just a pain in the ass to spray paint it

>> No.7767873

Looks very nice!
It is especially nice given that this is your first time making armor and the curves and raised bits on that armor is quite difficult to do, even for those with experience. What did use to make these?

>> No.7767974
File: 1.29 MB, 2448x3264, mancelty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive the blurry photo.
>tfw middle of summer in black leather
what the fuck am i thinking

>> No.7768148

Where are you wearing this cosplay, anon? This is the best Fayt I've ever seen

>> No.7768162 [DELETED] 

You make me so happy Anon. <3 But you are going to be dying.

>> No.7768163

Who is this supposed to be?

I don't recognize the character.

>> No.7768224
File: 323 KB, 788x1284, 2014-08-19 20.33.57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty much finished with the belt now! Thinking of adding one or two more loops possibly with D-rings, but otherwise it has all of the major points on it now.

>> No.7768228 [DELETED] 
File: 277 KB, 1170x701, 2014-08-19 20.49.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and everything to this point. Leather breastplate was finger painted, still have to make the gold trim and add the jewels to it, paint the belts gold, as well as make a better back part, right now it's just wearable.

>> No.7768234
File: 277 KB, 1170x701, 2014-08-19 20.49.27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and everything to this point. Leather breastplate was finger painted, still have to make the gold trim and add the jewels to it, paint the belts gold, as well as make a better back part, right now it's just wearable. Boots have not been modified just yet.

Next I need to finish the sleeves and hem of the tunic, and add bias tape...which i've never used before. Afraid of screwing it up since I always see people talk about it.

Really wish there was a help thread around so I could ask about the cape!

>> No.7768241

Celty from Durarara. It's a genderbend

>> No.7768325
File: 309 KB, 806x1023, photo 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mentioned in the last thread that construction was all PVC sheets (sintra) and epoxy clay (I like using Apoxie Sculpt) for the raised parts. I thought because of how round the armor was, it'd be an easy undertaking hence why I chose it as my first build. I didn't realize how complicated compound curves were and there was also the fact that I couldn't use PVC pipes around my legs so I actually had to shape two sheets or more sheets into cylindrical shapes.

As for my next con, I'm in California so there really isn't much going on anymore. I'll probably end up wearing this well toward the end of the year or maybe even early next year like ALA or something.

>> No.7768333


bruh get some leather motorcycle chaps, those black jeans look really lazy

>> No.7768335

So this Apoxie Sculpt is like Bondo I take it?

What's the differences?

>> No.7768359

What kind of glue do you use? Super glue seems to be so hit and miss for me when it comes to using PVC.

>> No.7768368


Epoxy clay is different from Bondo in the fact that it takes a lot longer to cure (24 hrs). When you knead the clay's two components it practically becomes play-doh or model magic clay. In my experience, Bondo is much better for filling small gaps and the like since it cures quite fast and doesn't need to be extremely hard. The epoxy clay, when fully cured, is rock solid and adheres to pretty much everything so it's more useful in parts that aren't smooth or parts that have weird geometry like the raised bits on the lower thigh of my armor. Also, epoxy clay is heavier than Bondo so if you're trying to smooth a surface like a pepakura, it'd probably be better to go with Bondo.

>> No.7768369

Use epoxy if super glue isn't doing it for you.

>> No.7768376

I only use two adhesives unless you want to count Bondo/epoxy clay: super glue and weld-on plastic cement. The super glue is enough to stack sheets and I use the cement to seal seams. The cement takes about 24-48 hours to fully cure though, so you gotta plan around that similar to the epoxy clay.

The way I see it, super glue = Bondo, weld-on cement = epoxy clay

>> No.7768401

I love 5 min epoxy. It seriously is the best because it sticks to damn near everything and has a fast cure time.

>> No.7768406

It can also be used in large amounts for liquid and air tight seals.

>> No.7768414
File: 1.64 MB, 1200x1588, DSCF6420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gundam Mk-II suit so far. Still alot to do but its moving along at a nice clip.

>> No.7768420

Coming along good man.

Can't wait to see it completed.
I'm shooting for what I'm going to make to be at least as good of quality as your stuff.

>> No.7768485

I keep forgetting to ask, generally how heavy are your builds and how do you bevel your edges?

>> No.7768486

He said he usually fills his gaps with bondo or the equivalent if I remember correctly.

>> No.7768934

Ive acctually never been able to weigh any of my builds since I dont have a scale. When I was at Anime Expo my Goldion Hammer was weighted at the prop check in area and came out around 40+lbs

My heaviest suit so far is Alt-Eisen which if I had to guess is probably 50-75lbs for the whole suit.

Bondo for larger gaps but most gaps I fill with Zap-a-gap slow cure CA glue. I smooth out edges with Tamiya or Squadron brand hobby puddy.

>> No.7769021
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, pregesso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worbla first-timer here! Just finished cutting and pasting last night and started applying gesso, Still feel like I need a lot to refine and practice, tho.

>> No.7769214

I would, but there's limited time to source chaps. There's other stuff I need to improve before the next con anyway so it's on my list.

>> No.7769274
File: 247 KB, 1600x1200, B--------D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally got enough spackle on the horns that I feel comfortable with the shape. I live in Arizona, and monsoon season is hitting us like a fucking truck. So instead of dry times of half an hour, things are taking fucking FOREVER to harden. But the humidity has dropped and the temps have risen so I should be able to get everything done quickly and smoothly from here on out.

Now to resin coat the horns, shape out the face hole, sand some last imperfections, prime and paint!

>> No.7769284 [DELETED] 
File: 266 KB, 700x671, shovelknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what this is for, but please tell me it's Shovel Knight. Lol your filename.

>> No.7770237
File: 427 KB, 936x538, Photo on 8-20-14 at 9.38 PM #2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Donald's shirt tonight!!! Super happy with it.

I've never drafted OR sewn a sailor collar before, so I'm really glad it turned out OK! For the bow tie, I added a layer of quilt batting to the fabric before I sewed it, which really helped with making the bow look super poofy & cartoony. It's attached to the shirt with 3 snaps.

Just need to make his hat & find some yellow tights & white gloves!

>> No.7770341

Those pants <3

>> No.7770357

Decided to ditch having hard armor on the waist and stuff.

Trying to decide what to use instead and how I'm going to do it...

>> No.7770360
File: 1.92 MB, 2316x772, comp_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough cuts. Gotta smooth it out and add some clay to the hilt to give it more dimension. Gonna bevel it last. I kinda ordered my sheets too small so I'm still trying to decide whether I want to just shorten the length of the blade or try stitching two pieces together...

>> No.7770442
File: 1.27 MB, 604x1302, 44d4bf8213fe70953564e15eb6e6d424 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working with foam for the first time, so everything is completely new and strange to me. Foamies+plastidip because I really liked VashFanatic's technique (and its cheaper than thermoplastic),
The seams on the breastplate probly look outrageous but I kind of like how the knobby "welds" look with the ageing I'm giving it with paint. Still have time to re-make since theres like 2 months til the con, but I'm really just having fun with the creative process.

Doing a battle-damaged version of the new Thor that was announced earlier this summer

>> No.7770637

For those 'welds' did you use hot glue to bond the parts of foam? In the future you can try heating up a metal spreading tool with a stove top or something and smoothing them down before coating. Another option would be to use tiny amounts of superglue and squeeze the edges together bit by bit to prevent any excess glue from seeping out.

>> No.7771738
File: 77 KB, 540x960, 1480604_329664180529208_493924582977589605_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done. Photoshoot this weekend. Thank Dormin.

shit, you do amazing stuff.

>> No.7772166
File: 1.52 MB, 1500x1125, DSCF6423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skirt armor final cleanup.

>> No.7772888

thats really good!

>> No.7772948

but donald duck doesn't wear any pants

>> No.7773165
File: 285 KB, 1200x1600, B------D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close to being done I can almost taste it.

>> No.7773473

Clean up those edges on the inside of the mask and it would look so much better.

>> No.7773653

Have you thought about putting a sheet of something behind the visor so the wearer can see out but others can't see in? It'd give it the more game like feel.

>> No.7773831
File: 303 KB, 753x580, Yui_Hirasawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently have for Yui Hirasawa K-ON! cross-dress cosplay:

1. Navy blue blazer.
2. Brown slip-on leather dress shoes.
3. Tall black cotton socks.
4. Acoustic guitar w/ strap.
5. white dress shirt, long-sleeved.

1. Light blue neck-tie
2. Light blue slacks
3. Yellow hair-clippies

Shouldn't be too hard to find, just gotta wait till some more monies come in. Currently out of a job.

Also any make-up/hair tips? What's a good wig?

>> No.7775438

This is adorable

>> No.7775620
File: 3.24 MB, 3000x1727, nausicaa_wip_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dress and hat just went through another round of dyeing to make them more teal, though they are still more desaturated than the movie version (which I don't really mind). Rifle is all assembled and primed, right now is drying after applying the barrel color, then tomorrow will paint the silver metal parts. Finished sewing the bag that goes on the back of the belt and (not pictured) the sword is done with the sheath being covered in a dark brown pleather.

All that's really left is the final touches!

>> No.7775626
File: 1.27 MB, 2000x1030, nausicaa_hat_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hat is almost done too, just have to sew the lining and earflaps on, then make the strap for the helm.

I'm always groaning at the small imperfections in my props, like the uneven cut pieces on the rifle, the bumps/dents/uneven sanding. But sometimes you just have to slap yourself and say STOP. Because if I keep obsessing over it, I'll never finish! Plus its my first time ever making a large prop or sword, so I'm okay with them looking a little messy.

>> No.7775716

Do you have a blog or something? I definitely want to follow you, I really like all of the progress you've been posting

Is the dress's color bluer in person though?

>> No.7775729

Yup, I posted it here: >>7759662
Though I haven't quite updated it yet, I'm planning on doing a master post with a lot more photos and detailed writeup after Dragon*con.

Oh and, the pictures I posted is BEFORE I dyed it haha, its out drying right now. Its still greyish (due to the original fabric being a light grey), but much more blue now. Shoulda said that in the post!

>> No.7775751 [DELETED] 

Damn, I don't follow blogspot stuff regularly. You don't have a tumblr or FB page or anything right?

>> No.7775756

Damn, I don't follow blogspot stuff regularly. You should consider starting a tumblr!

>> No.7775849

Yeaaaaaah I have a tumblr, but I only reblog random pictures on occasion, rarely ever post. I've been a lurker-type ever since I could use a computer. I won't be doing much cosplay after this, though, since I'll be focusing on my career. I'll always post in /cgl/ WIP threads though!

>> No.7777663
File: 187 KB, 701x591, Irene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some progress. Working on Irene from Jojo (Stone Ocean). I started on the little top she wears under her sweater. I'll need to adjust the bow, def depending on how the sweater turns out. That'll be its own challenge.

>> No.7778015
File: 709 KB, 1824x1368, DSCF6429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gundam Mk-II legs. This guy has alot of exposed hydraulic and mechanical details around his ankle area which makes the leg armor kinda short. I will make a cowl with those details out of EVA that I will wear under the leg armor around that area to hide my leg.

>> No.7778018
File: 724 KB, 1824x1368, DSCF6427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forearms. The idea for these is to add alot of rare earth magnets to the slots on the outside. Id like to be able to have my shield peg in magnetically as well as have a spot to magnetically attach the rifle for when I want my hands free.

>> No.7778029

God, every time I go into these threads I get mad jelly. Everyone is so talented.

>> No.7778182
File: 2.93 MB, 2236x2236, DRAGONS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

File under "things I thought would only take a half hour but ended up taken 3 hours"

All Targaryen needs is touch up paint, and for me to apply this. Then he's done.

Baratheons legs are done. 4 days. I really hope we can pull it off.

>> No.7778197
File: 79 KB, 521x498, 2014-08-18-15.22.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been working on Mirai Kuriyama's sword, it's my first prop but I'm getting a lot of tips from friends, so I'm moving along nicely.
I hope it turns out well, being a seagull has made my standards pretty high.

Will be wearing this to Unplugged Expo for sure and maybe FanExpo, haven't decided if I'll go yet.

>> No.7778208

Oh yeah, I should also mention that I'm really proud that I found dark red oxfords for her.
Most Mirai cosplays that I've seen are just wearing regular loafers.

>> No.7778226

w2c those shoes in men's tho

>> No.7778243

I adore this! What kind of shoes will you pair with it? Any jewelry?

>> No.7778343

I'm working on my cosplay for the smiling titan from AoT (I know, forgive me) but it's really hard to paint the shadows onto the bodysuit I bought. I'm pretty new to cosplay, so for now I've used foam shaped like ribs to put under my suit, but the painting is really hard. I've been using acrylics, anyone have any suggestions? :3

>> No.7778475

my Ashe cosplay from League of Legends (which is still a Work in Progress) which I will be wearing to FanExpo this year owo
Any advice on things I should change and such~

I apologize for looking like shit, it is 3AM and I have been working non stop all week.

>> No.7778478
File: 190 KB, 1620x960, ashecosplayprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason the picture didn't post along with it lol

>> No.7779367 [DELETED] 

Thank you so much everyone!!!!

I'm planning on finding yellow/orange sneakers to match the tights I buy (I'm wearing this at the Disney World Halloween Party, so they've gotta be comfy shoes!!!!). And I'll have a short white wig too. I haven't thought about jewelry though. I don't wear much myself normally, other than a plain watch & earrings.

This cosplay is WONDERFUL! I'm excited to see the final product!!

>> No.7779374

Thank you so much everyone!!!!

I'm planning on finding yellow/orange sneakers to match the tights I buy (I'm wearing this at the Disney World Halloween Party, so they've gotta be comfy shoes!!!!). And I'll have a short white wig too. I haven't thought about jewelry though. I don't wear much myself normally, other than a plain watch & my hockey bracelets.

I'm SO EXCITED to see the final product of this! Cosplay looks wonderful so far!

>> No.7779383

Lose weight.

>> No.7779387
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>this girl will never sit on my face while wearing that cosplay

Why even live?

>> No.7779509

When are you going to MNSSHP? I'm going on the Oct 2!

Cutie! Also looking great!

>> No.7779868
File: 2.04 MB, 2988x5312, BGSwip17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current commission im doing for a friend, currently stands 4 inches taller than her. All thats left is to finish the handle, attach a skull onto the bottom of the hilt and clear coat the entire thing! So close to being done i can taste it.

>> No.7779996

Damn looking good. How heavy is it?

>> No.7780016

7lbs 2oz, pretty light when you take in the fact its 5ft 6in.

>> No.7780652
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Hilt is acrylic rod with PVC end attachments. The pommel is a faucet head that's been cut up. Added some of the face plate that'll go on both sides of the blade.

>> No.7780664
File: 78 KB, 1161x516, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beveled the crossguard and the edges of the blade to give it more dimension compared to the blockiness of the rough cuts from >>7770360. Drilled a threaded rod that goes up the crossguard and blade that attaches to the rest of the hilt.

>> No.7780673
File: 165 KB, 1800x800, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These photos came out pretty bad, but they're more to show the shape of the thing (it's starting to look like a sword!)

Finally cut the tip of the blade and beveled it and although I haven't actually put on the face plates of the blade yet, they're there to show what it should look like.

I bevel stuff with a simple Dremel rotary tool but kinda wish I had an angle grinder for some of the bigger stuff like the blade. Gotta sand/prime/paint and start on the scabbard.

>> No.7780718
File: 2.87 MB, 4128x2322, Padded Armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The padded armor for underneath it all.

Targaryen is almost done! at this point the armor needs touch up paint and the dragon added from >>7778182
The shield fabric needs to be dyed and painted and the sword needs to be painted and have the hilt finished.

59 hours. No sleep.

Oh and excuse my bfs face.

>> No.7780738

Could you post the link for where you got your oxfords from or even the brand name? they're so cute.
Also the sword looks really nicely beveled and smooth. You might want to consider a darker wig for Mirai though, yours looks a little on the light side. Good luck!!

>> No.7780770

q t3.14 and really clean sewing
looks lovely so far!!

>> No.7780945

>already painting it

why arent you cleaning up those edges?
its looking pretty bad ass but those really rough edges on the inside is really killing it.
please dont get lazy on this

>> No.7781122
File: 77 KB, 450x600, RussScarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there on Oct 17! Our family's never been to Disney during Halloween, so we're pretty excited!

So the thread doesn't derail, posting progress on the BF's costume. He's going as Russell from "UP" All the main pieces are bought, but I'm making his little neckerchief, sash, & patches.

>> No.7782631
File: 1.27 MB, 1400x1538, nausicaa_rifle_weathering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish I hadn't gotten sick, or else I'd be completely done with Nausicaa by now. Alas, cosplay always must be a sweatshop up until the last moments. Thank god my mom is a wizard seamstress that has really helped me with sewing related stuff, else I'd just be saying FUCK IT and wearing the Nausicaa dress with no boots or hat.

The rifle is DONE AS DONE though, only things Im doing now is a quick black acrylic wash to weather it. Makes a huge huge difference. Really proud of myself about this rifle, though. Its the first prop I've ever made like it, and I made it 99% by myself (only had help screwing the original PVC pipes together).

>> No.7782646

good job

>> No.7782952

Damn. That is one fine prop, very clean work!

>> No.7784760
File: 1.68 MB, 1741x801, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bondo to even out low spots from the beveling + primer and first base coat. I hate that the Star Ocean 3 character portraits and their 3D renders have minor differences so it makes it a little hard to stay consistent. I kind of took the easy way out and chose Fayt's portrait for the sword since it was less work vs the 3D render for the armor. The result is a more "flat" looking sword since the 3D render and ingame model swords are slightly different in the crossguard area.

>> No.7785078

Ew fuck it's well done but disgusting

>> No.7787890
File: 51 KB, 541x960, Progress 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire norman as fast as I can before things get busy! Jacket's put together, needs to be lined and pockets and trim will be added soon~ Comfy cosplays are the best kind.

>> No.7788202

looking good already!

>> No.7788209

This is a stupid question, but I was hoping maybe you guys could help.

Basically I need help finding a cheap Ness-looking shirt.

>> No.7788358

This is pinwheel right?