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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 78 KB, 640x960, IMG_89658300752415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7744527 No.7744527 [Reply] [Original]

Found this cosplay on deviantart. Says its her first cosplay. What say you?


>> No.7744536

I say cute

>> No.7744547

Is she cosplaying a whore?

>> No.7744549

those fucking nasolabial folds

>> No.7744557

Looks like a first cosplay to me.

sage for not interesting and possible self posting

>> No.7744565

>dem boots

>> No.7744572

lmao you're really gripping at straws for something to criticize hey

>> No.7744573
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, it's happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>July 18-27: No pageviews
>July 28: 977 Pageviews

>> No.7744576

>witch face detected

>> No.7744586

>fat clinically depressed weeaboo detected

>> No.7744592

>generic /cgl/ insult for when they can't come up with anything else to say detected

>> No.7744605
File: 993 KB, 320x265, laureninwardlylaughs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha oh man you wymyns
who even is 'they' referring to?
>makes specific non-cosplay related 'insult' towards beginner cosplayer who doesn't fit the fat uggo cgl stereotype
your unattractiveness is showing
probably generic insult for a reason hey chumba wumba

>> No.7744609

> I like turtles

>> No.7744617

Idk. It's just a crop top and skirt.
Good for her for getting into the hobby I guess. She might get better and actually make stuff. Then, years later she can compare a really complex, detailed costume to this very simple one that started it all.
That'd be cool.

>> No.7744618

>self poster detected
your nasolabial folds make you look like an old hag
i'm not even female

>> No.7744622
File: 32 KB, 500x375, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not, name a household item and i'll pose with it and a time stamp with enough of my face that you'd be able to tell we're not the same and that you're still a complete loser
>good thing the fat and/or ugly clinically depressed weeaboo thing still applies then

>> No.7744627

>getting this mad about someone insulting your nasolabial folds
do you have a complex or something?

>> No.7744630

> huh

>> No.7744632


>> No.7744634

pose with your dildo and show us your sandy cunt while you're at it

>> No.7744682

>shirt with a logo and a skirt

this is as much of a cosplay as some guy wearing a captain america tee

>> No.7744712

I agree. Self post? OP shamelessly promoting herself. Looks terrible and shouldn't even be posted here. I bet it's OP's first time on 4chan because she heard we can make shit viral and all those comments saying she's cute are all hers

>> No.7744725
File: 59 KB, 260x580, 7294412_f260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face of the guy on the left pretty much sums up this thread and OP.

>Found on DA
>Filename isn't a DA saved image filename
Yeah okay. We regularly have self-post threads you could have used.

My first cosplay involved hand-making a studded belt and a giant sniper rifle. I've met a 10/10 Faye Valentine made completely from scratch as a first cosplay. What's so great about this that it's worth its own thread? Your boots aren't even remotely accurate. Did you even hem the edge of your cloak?

Your DA features fucking selfies. I shouldn't even have to point out why that makes you a massive idiot.

Could this thread get even more summer. Is you ego so fucking massive that you're going to seriously consider off-topic selfposting just to fuel internet baby fights? You do realize that the person you're replying to isn't going to be all like "I was so wrong I'm so sorry!" if you post a pic, and is likely going to insult your looks even more? Come the fuck on, get over yourself, both you and OP

Sage for stupidest non-troll thread I've ever seen.

>> No.7744730





>> No.7744774

She's cute. I thought that was Kirsten Dunst at first.

Sage bc you could have waited for a self-post thread. Or started your own.

>> No.7744942

Found this cosplay on deviantart. Says its her first cosplay. What say you?


OP here.

Not a self post. I'm posting from my phone and downloaded it directly from the deviantart. I can guarantee you that isn't me as I'm a 5'10" Asian dude. I dunno why everyone is full of freakout.

I think she's got the spirit and it's her first one. Reading some of her comments it sounds like she's got a lot of willingness to work and try harder stuff.

I dunno why cgl is having an aneurism that a first timer didn't go and make a full functioning samus suit.

>> No.7744973

I think everyone is missing the fucking point of looking at those breaking into the hobby. Holy shit. Not everyone needs to be making angel sanctuary cosplay every god damned post. Fucking a cgl this is why nobody gives a shit about what you have to say.

Fucking OP here. Someone who slaved for weeks while working their part time job to make that perfect harime nui hair piece is one thing. It's nice to look at new cosplayers and what they're doing to see how far others have come along to make their shit. I mean holy fuck this is a hobby where you dress up as cartoon characters. Calm the fuck down you aspie pieces of shit.

>> No.7744983
File: 248 KB, 720x960, durr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel at the angry asian boy

are you hurt they insulted your precious white wymyns

>> No.7745004

>I dunno why everyone is full of freakout.
Threads revolving around a single person are typically frowned upon, unless they're vendetta thread, in which case they're only frowned upon by janitors and 5% of the board.

The board doesn't have infinite pages, so every new thread made pushes another thread into deletion.

>I dunno why cgl is having an aneurism that a first timer didn't go and make a full functioning samus suit.

Because there's nothing special about it at all that makes it worth making an entire thread around it. If everyone were able to post a "look at me!" thread, this board would basically be soc, where there's very little discussion and a whole lot of narcissism.

It's better to just wait for a selfpost thread or /co/ thread because getting responses like these was pretty much inevitable.

No one is criticizing her for not making a full Samus suit as her first cosplay. What's being criticized is that you felt the need to make an entire thread for a relatively mediocre cosplay. Like, wtf did you expect? A 200+ post thread full of nothing but asspats for this girl?

Could have at least made a "post your first cosplay" thread, and not included the DA link unless someone asked.

You're clearly new, and you clearly don't understand how this board differs from Tumblr and Leddit. If you're going to throw a fit and call people aspies just because you're not getting the replies you wanted, this probably isn't the board for you.

>> No.7745852

I'm tired of all these obvious self posts. There should be a way to delete them. OP is a fucking idiot and we can see through the bs. Now OP is becoming all defensive and shit because we're calling her ugly and that her cosplay sucks. It's like most cosplayers showing skin already have a reputation for being attention whores and you brought it to the next level by promoting her in this website just so she can even garner more attention.

Yea we fucking get it, stop trying to link her shitty deviantart.

>>7745004 is spot on, what the fuck did you think we were going to do, OP? Have a circle jerk where we go "OMFG MOAR HOTTS THAN JESSICA NIGRI AND YAYA HAN COMBINEDZZ" and share her pics to many websites so it can jumpstart her dream of being a famous cosplayer? We're not retarded, OP.

And for constructive criticism, she looks like she got her outfit from Forever 21.A shitty discount party city super girl costume would be an upgrade.

>> No.7748319

Hey a lot of forever 21 accessories and cardigans are totally nice

>> No.7748363

Doesn't mean it's not true....

>> No.7749559

obvious self post..
Stop talking about yourself and posting pictures of yourself, how stupid can you be..go get your daily attention somewhere else.

>> No.7749563

Adding to all the nitpick/concrit: a darker blond would have been more accurate. Also, the hairstyle required minimal effort and none was put into it.

Sage because I think I'm being OT considering OP only wants to be fawned over.

>> No.7750479

Maybe OP is not her, or maybe she thought that self posting would be a good idea. I remember that some years ago some dudes from 4chan wanted to destroy my DA's page because they thought I was self posting- and it wasn't. They even found my FB page and decided to erase it- buuuut it wasn't mine, they just erased someone else's page. Just move on and ignore her.

>> No.7750507

They weren't even being rude about it, they were being very constructive, actually.
Strong self-post

>> No.7754771

Yeah it wasn't that bad.

>> No.7754833
File: 754 KB, 350x185, 62R7JU7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not even female
>I'm a 5'10" Asian dude

>cgls taking the bait
>dudes announcing their gender on this board and being expected to be taken seriously
>mfw when girls are taking them seriously

oh gulls..

>> No.7754838

what makes you think that person is a male when they said "i'm not even female"

they could be cisgender you fucking mongoloid

>> No.7754847
File: 2.64 MB, 264x240, Tc9qaQo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that's right.

My bad.

>> No.7755302

>so edge
Cisgender isn't even an SJW word and just means "not a trannie", that's pretty basic knowledge. So not female --> male.

>> No.7755319
File: 23 KB, 714x536, nicolas-cage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So not female --> male.
or a Androgynous Bisexual Hermaphrodite

fuck off.

>> No.7755324

could you not.

>> No.7755835
File: 48 KB, 344x512, janman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will he do it for free?

>> No.7755889

>Says its her first cosplay.

There's not much to say from a technical level. Most of the items she has there are mostly "closet" cosplay pieces.

But she didn't fuck up in any significant way, so that's good.

>> No.7755899

She looks like a proper slut.
Who cares? Do we constantly have to give attention to any bitch with a pretty face and a body just because she exists?
Fuck off with this halo effect bs, she's not special.

>> No.7756009
File: 37 KB, 494x375, 1404516065820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7756321

What is this a reference to?

>> No.7756333
File: 195 KB, 724x401, he does it for free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7758842

Isn't it a reference to The Simpsons

>> No.7759666

Well that's really embarassing