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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 4 KB, 564x200, 200_s (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7750516 No.7750516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /cgl/ let's go back to the old times where Gaia was a thing. It can be cringe,gems,... but It has to be /cgl/ related somehow. (weebs,itas,...)
Also let's create our own stupid OCs with this: http://tektek.org/dream_avatar/

pic unrelated

>> No.7750545


No. Stop.

You can't have your stupid thread and then qualify it by explicitly stating that it has to be /cgl/ related "somehow". That mean your topic isn't /cgl/ related in the first place.

There are enough weeb/ita/stupid threads.

>> No.7750572
File: 53 KB, 276x198, Sandy_cheeks_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be fun at parties

>> No.7750679


>> No.7750683

Jesus assfucking Christ, go back to Gaia. Literally.

Why can't you discuss cosplay there?

>> No.7750684
File: 259 KB, 439x508, ss (2014-08-11 at 10.50.40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got an email from gaia a couple weeks ago after not having used the site in years. They have a new "mature" website called tentacl.com. Supposed to appeal to older users. Pic related is their lolita dress thing.

>> No.7750685

wait gaia was actually a thing once
how is erp cgl related


>> No.7750688
File: 36 KB, 499x376, 10347498_223443554531304_4034058886105680218_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7750692

>that ita shit
Frilly rococo lawd...

I guess it was a "thing" in the "myspace days"? it's dead like emo and scene now.

>> No.7750693

Get out.
That looks like shit

>> No.7750702

I kinda miss Gaia...I want to be a careless weeb again,not worrying about anything...I was truly happy back then at least,even though I was dressed like utter shit.

>> No.7750704
File: 206 KB, 416x369, ss (2014-08-11 at 10.58.01).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yuuuppp, there's a whole forum for 18+ stuff, I thought it was just gonna be hentai or something but it is pretty much /soc/

You think that's bad?

>> No.7750709

Maybe as part of a magical girl outfit it could look nice. But as part of a LOLITA outfit? Nonono

>> No.7750711

Im still in gaia.

>> No.7750713

c-can we be kawaii weeb tomodachis together?

>> No.7750720

I miss Gaia days too anon. That and the Myspace days where emo and scene were still a thing,I don't even know why and i feel so ashamed..

>> No.7750734

Haha but i dont look kawaii :(
All nice outfits are a lot of gold and i dont play enough to save up.

>> No.7750736

heres a funny ban message i got from gaia

"It was banned because you decided to post several of these subject materials:

-Speculation as to the nature of My Little Pony feces;

-Expressed a desire to become buttsexed by several donkeys;

-Described circumstances under which you buttsexed yourself with a stick of butter, and also potentially incriminated yourself by describing how you buttsexed yourself with apples in a grocery store;

-Described how you engaged in bestiality with the throat of a decapitated bird;

And others.

The ban is permanent. (As is the ban you probably just received on the account filing this ticket.) "

>> No.7750739

I still use gaia if only because I enjoy playing the marketplace and creating nice avatars.

>> No.7750747
File: 173 KB, 500x537, tumblr_inline_mty8tkvdOr1r3c2vq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7750917
File: 15 KB, 120x150, UWWL7s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this took a while. Too bad this thread died before it began.

>> No.7751121

Oh dang, I still use Gaia frequently since I have a few friends there, and too many items to give up.
I suppose you can add me, my username is up in the email spot.

There have been plenty of new Cash Shop items added that are 'lolita', like the "____ Trixie" sets. J- and K- fashion is on the rise, gold generators are being pulled back as per users' wishes.

I've been following the MP trends, and the beginning of August was the biggest spike in gold revenue we've ever seen, with a steady decrease over the last few days. The goal seems to be to pull as much gold out of the economy as possible, with gold sinks coming out every other week.

It's been an interesting 8 years for me.

>> No.7751153

I got banned for being too active back in like 2008. Tried to say I had some auto click or something. I was a teenager who spent a lot of time online. I had a crapton of the monthly items, like enough to be in the hundred millions at current gaia gold prices.

>> No.7751183
File: 56 KB, 390x445, haloslick_zpsa587f12b[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was kinda the nail in the Gaia coffin to me. Apparently a lot of people actually bought one too

>> No.7751190

You probably were using some botting crap

>> No.7751222

Not really. It happened over summer break. I was spending roughly 12-16 hours online a day.

I bought a couple donation items every month, about $10-20 a month. I was a member from about spring 2003 until 2008 when the ban happened. Had 3 angelic halos and 1 or 2 Easter eggs. As I said, I bought a couple items every month from 2003-2008.

>> No.7751232

I have this picture on my gaia profile right now.
Who the fuck are you anon
and what do you want?

>> No.7751240

Hundred million isn't all that much at Gaia prices nowadays. They're in the billions now.

>> No.7751244

>tfw I can't remember my password.

>> No.7751271

>tfw I do, but I haven't logged in in six months so I'd have to file a ticket on a new account just to regain access

>> No.7751284

So it's like what happened to neopets

>> No.7751312

Opps my bad, I just now checked to see what some of the items I had are worth. If I were to sell just the items I remember having at current lowest listing price, I would be in the trillion range.

>> No.7751324

Hmm, I just logged in into an account I had no care about. lol.

>> No.7751329
File: 10 KB, 120x150, myavatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My last avatar (excuse my narutard phase). It was worth about 6 million when I had it. Worth about 350 billion now.

>> No.7751416

Well fuck figuring my password out then because I haven't logged on in two years.

>> No.7751437

I once got banned for talking about school with my friend who went to the same school as me.
I tried retrieving the account a bunch of times but they wouldn't let me. Now that I check, I think the account was deleted because I can't find my old username anywhere.

>> No.7751442
File: 16 KB, 523x292, worth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just checked mine through tektek...


>> No.7751443

Worse. Gaia is actually trying to destroy themselves. They inflated the prices themselves with the things they released that made gold easy to get.

>> No.7751458

WTF anon. What is the number after a billion anyways? Tens, hundreds, thousands, millions, billions....then what?

>> No.7751465

Don't forget that they release new items practically daily and constantly have Cash sales.

>> No.7751482
File: 16 KB, 563x387, leworryjewface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a way without actually logging in, I had another character who was simply 2rich4u

>> No.7751495

I can't remember my account's password or e-mail, maybe it's for the best.

>> No.7751502

Trillions, anon. Trillions.

>> No.7751515

If you can find your profile you can view the equipped items.

>> No.7751553
File: 6 KB, 107x140, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you tell I never did anything with her?

>> No.7751559
File: 77 KB, 548x325, weeb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Oh dear god why....

>> No.7751563


>> No.7751583


I heard that none of the "donation" money went to Japan also.

>> No.7751588

I tried to get into my 2003 account... It wouldn't let me. For some reason it said I wasn't old enough.

>> No.7751591
File: 112 KB, 758x663, uhwhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, why the fuck is my old page like this?

>> No.7751592
File: 10 KB, 120x150, 315f62a4c069c6_flip[1].0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over 7k posts
>on my post-ban secondary account

Good god why. Now I wonder how many posts I've made on here over the years. This is so shameful...

>> No.7751599

My avatar...so edgy back in '08. I wish I could remember my password! I don't know the email I used with it to check out my account for shits and giggles. Most of my items would be worth a lot I guess.

>> No.7751603
File: 10 KB, 119x156, ava.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops dropped my pic

>> No.7751604
File: 67 KB, 207x259, Screenshot_2014-08-11-22-20-49-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've already raided through my old accounts and sold everything, so no embarrassing avatars for me. just my recent cute one.

its a shame they ruined their economy, id still play if they hadn't. they had some cute stuff.

>> No.7751613

I dont get it either, they fucking killed gaia's economy and they don't give a fuck about new users or users who aren't willing to spend their real money

>> No.7751618
File: 169 KB, 439x508, rly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it makes for a great reaction image.

>> No.7751627
File: 10 KB, 153x192, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I just can't get back into it. I don't know my password or the email I used and I don't want to start back at the beginning because it's just ridiculous now.

My avatar before I stopped using it and forgot my password. I don't know why I was a guy.

>> No.7751770
File: 9 KB, 120x150, 5609b55337cf3b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here was my avi before I stopped playing. Tried getting back into the account only to find it locked. :/
I must have been sleep deprived when I dressed my avi....

>> No.7751811

So I just started playing it again and I earned 500k on the first day.
This isn't how I imagined playing it would be :^(
Reminds me of Maplestory and all the free shit it gives since it's dying.

>> No.7751841
File: 13 KB, 240x300, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me check my old account and change my outfit. I was active just before the biggest leap inflation, so I was able to grab a few items before it became impossible. But I missed out on almost all the lolita items I wanted.

>> No.7751872
File: 7 KB, 120x150, 10f874f785aacd_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the inflation has gotten worse over the past couple years. I'm pretty sure the last time i went on was at most 2 years ago, and at that time I could sell a chibi in the art shops for like 50-200k??? Up until then, the inflation was apparent, but pretty slow and steady.

Now I just checked art shops and apparently people with art that's not even that great can make like 1 bill to 15 bill????? Holy shit??

I could probably get back into it pretty easily but drawing for virtual money has lost it's appeal over the years.Still, those cute-ass items are pretty damn tempting. My avi was kinda cute when I stopped but eh

>> No.7751881

2mil. My bad.
What the fuck happened? I never did like the community on Gaia so I never developed that Gaia habit of typing outside of the millions of Gaians on Youtube influencing me.

>> No.7751909

I sort of played Gaia but I was more of a runescapefag..

>> No.7751916
File: 5 KB, 120x150, 5029bb142d549d_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cyberpunk cyborg elf hooker? I'm still kind of fond of my avatar, tbh.

>> No.7751959

Might have been banned as a protection, if it's a 2003 account and you haven't logged into it for a long time. I believe they banned some inactive 2003 accounts for their protection?

Something something new CEO? I only logged in to see what was going on recently and the site has gone crazy. Pretty sure they plan to make as much as possible and then sell the site or kill it.

They started releasing gold generators. Pay cash, get something that generates a random amount of gold up to a billion, tens of billions, hundreds of billions and now they are in the trillions.

>> No.7752020
File: 17 KB, 254x314, rsz_gaia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still get on gaia and play dress up. My avi is a simple one that doesn't wear shoes.

The economy is pretty much destroyed. Bought all of my items before they started releasing gold generators.

>> No.7752029

So how do you make money on Gaia now? Nothing in the marketplace is selling.

>> No.7752038

And then they have the whole Spirit Festival thing going on, and the amount of gold you have to donate is fucking outrageous.

>> No.7752040
File: 7 KB, 120x150, gaiashit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gaia online
>donated real cash money every month to hoard donation letters I still have
>stayed up until god only knows when on holidays for items
>300 pairs of jolly slippers
>Planned gaia meetups at cons

I dug this up, avatar circa 2005 or 2006
I also have a bunch of shitty stick figure commissions and a couple of inventory caps. I also want to say I came across a photo of a con meetup recently but not I can't remember where.

I used to spend way too much time on Gaia, mostly in the General Discussion. Sometimes I wonder what all the people I used to talk with all the time are doing. They seemed cool.

>> No.7752046
File: 6 KB, 120x150, 59db6e5e2245509_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

itsa me

>> No.7752050
File: 14 KB, 86x149, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to procrastinate and make a new account since my other's banned for like 3 years or something. Anyways, I really like this jacket. It looks so comfy.

>> No.7752057

Shit, man, I used to help out a lot with supplying image items for Tektek, and then I bailed a few years ago because of school. I wonder how they're holding up with the constant deluge of items nowadays...

Whoa, what? Where'd you hear that? Not that I disbelieve you, either, but how did that not pop up on any radars elsewhere?

>> No.7752082

Looking at TekTek, I remember how much money and time I spent on that site...
I still miss the cute donation items, but I wish I had my account info to sell all of it

>> No.7752099
File: 12 KB, 120x150, avatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The economy is pretty much destroyed.
Oh god, sadly it's true. I dccided to poke around in my purchase history. An item I bought for 190K back in December, is now selling for 375M. The economy's been destroyed pretty much in about a year.

I pretty much equate it to gaia gold going from USD to Vietnam Dong. I think a lot of people knew the new CEO was making a cash grab and it's painfully obvious by the constant stream of cash only stuff they release now on a daily basis.

I still log in occasionally to see who's still active that I used to chat with and go onto one guild. But for the most part Gaia's pretty much imploded on itself.

>> No.7752109
File: 44 KB, 856x293, gaiaonline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was able to find my 3 accounts
>TFW I can't into paint

>> No.7752116

lol What the hell were you thinking when purchasing all that?
Especially the seal girl in the middle.

>> No.7752185

'Cause she's a little seal girl livin' in the real world

>> No.7752287
File: 36 KB, 240x298, ss+(2014-08-12+at+03.46.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man what a blast from the past. I remember being super in roleplaying back in the day. I think I was 12 or 13 or so when I was big into Gaia. My last post was in 2009. Now I'm 22 and still get emails from them occasionally.

>> No.7752349
File: 39 KB, 240x300, 41328265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I logged in for the first time in a while today. SO MANY ANNOUNCEMENTS. Seriously, fuck.
Anyhow, here is the outfit my avi is currently wearing.

>> No.7752363
File: 13 KB, 317x317, FFFFFFFFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I raged when they started selling the rare items for Gaia Cash. Ugh.

>> No.7752366
File: 7 KB, 120x150, a089dd6f1f9b6_flip[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh jesus, Gaia.

I set my avatar to be Syaoran and then sold everything I owned from all the way back in 2008.

>> No.7752368

>did this shit
>but on TinierMe
>gone forever

>> No.7752380

Any kind anons willing to donate any items to me? Like I want an omg hat for once or any wings would be nice plus a devil tail. If anyone has the item L33t gamer I might want that too.
I will accept any items at this point. I lost my account a few years back because it got hacked by someone so I needed to start over and get back the items I had. I also had Nightmare mini wings. And ten demonfly.

My account is in the email field btw

>> No.7752381


You sold it just now jesus why would you do that you should have given it to me depending on what it was Id give you like 8 billion gold

>> No.7752393
File: 156 KB, 409x483, hhpp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god i remember blowing millions of gold in the requests and commissions forum on pieces

a-at least art lasts forever? ;_;

>> No.7752424

it costs a lot of gold to look like a weeaboo faggot

>> No.7752426
File: 69 KB, 236x299, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread prompted me to log in for the first time in ages. i'm so lost, i feel like an old person. when the hell did a figure like a trillion get introduced? why are there so many different colors of the same item? and why are there so many goddamn announcements? jesus christ. pic related. sold a bunch of shit and got new stuff. for some reason i'm irrationally annoyed that i was able to get demon horns so easily. i remember that was shit you struggled for and didn't get unless you lived on the site 24/7 or something.

>> No.7752427
File: 31 KB, 242x300, Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 7.46.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not ashamed of my gaiafaggotry.

I returned to the site a few months ago to troll an RP with friends then made an art shop making some gold and some RL cash. It was nice.

>> No.7752433

if it's any consolation, that avatar is adorable

>> No.7752437

Tektek's still up, so you can still play dressup without all the virtual money involved.

>> No.7752439

Oh fucking christ, don't remind me of them.

>> No.7752442

That's what irked me when I logged back on after a couple year hiatus.
DAILY announcements, constant stream of new items [I can't fucking keep up], and remember that rare item that would cost 200k to get? Well, it's now worth A TRILLION gooooold!
Fuck that shit.
>back in my day..
It used to be that you socialized with other user to get gold, that's what made it fun! Now it's about farming and, well, giving them cash. That shit ain't fun.

I still love the clothes and designs, but there's too damn much going on for it to be fun anymore.

>> No.7752449
File: 185 KB, 702x590, gaiaoutfits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, my current closet of outfits.

>> No.7752452

Nigga this is a nostalgia thread not a begging thread, half of us can't even get into our accounts

If anything I found it funny that my old e-mail turned out to be connected with a dummy rp account, it's like when I logged in and changed my e-mails/passwords a few years ago I did it intentionally so I'd never be able to log into my main account again. Good job teenage self.

>> No.7752461

Same here. I logged in a couple years later to what seemed like a ransacked account. Totally forgot I gave away all my shit like an idiot. *facepalm*

>> No.7752476
File: 6 KB, 120x150, 2b5306f4c88b04_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just kinda poke around and see what's happening.

>> No.7752479

Can someone give tips on how to make gold? I don't have a whole lot to sell.

>> No.7752491

Literally the only way you can make gold now is to spend real cash on their shit and sell it, or buy one of those gold generators and hope you get lucky

I logged in a little while ago and then nope'd the fuck out of there when I heard they were holding the manga hostage for donations at one point

>> No.7752511

lmao, you're so obviously lying, I'm almost embarrassed for you.

I still occasionally log into my account, and it's so weird to be considered having a 'rich' account, just because I've been there for nearly ten fucking years, so I have a lot of the oldfag monthly items.

>> No.7752518

I made some.

Third on the right was supposed to be a clumsy android lady, but I chose to give her the marionette skin instead of using the super ugly dark grey robot skin. Sadly, her ball joints don't show, so she's not really that android-y, so please just pretend she's a kawaii clumsily-moe android girl.

>> No.7752520
File: 127 KB, 746x311, mugi rose and dakotas washed up sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, way to drop the image, self.

>> No.7752521

Yay for Mugi!
>tfw I still play occasionally
What's the maid girl's face item called? I want one.

>> No.7752527
File: 17 KB, 508x484, absolutely disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2mil in one day? What the hell were you doing, anon? When I first started playing in 2006, I was lucky to be making 1-3k/week, and now I can easily get around 50k a day.
This isn't what I wanted.

>> No.7752529

oh man Gaia, can't even get back into my old account because the email it uses got blocked ages go and like hell I know my password anymore.

The only thing that site was good for was that it got me to start drawing digitally for the first time. I remember selling my first digital drawing for 30k and was so proud. And just now I looked at the few items my avatar is wearing and it goes in the trillions. what.

>> No.7752532

I went and checked for shits n' gigs, and, what the hell, when did they get several colours of the CN scarf? That used to be the one thing I was so fucking proud of having.

I'm miserable; Gaia was supposed to be a happy nostalgiabomb for me.

>> No.7752539

nevermind I was blocked for being inactive. Obviously rather then easy being able to get back you have to make or have a secondary account just to get your old one back...

>> No.7752541
File: 379 KB, 456x720, tumblr_n7rtuypXUc1tt72lbo3_r3_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can make a few mil a day selling tickets. earn tickets through games. making art works too if you're like... even slightly okay

> pic related, my art. I make 600 mil to 3 bil for crap art C:

>> No.7752542

Wait, why does Gaia even block people for being inactive?

>> No.7752546

Back in 2008, people complained about inactive accounts with good usernames that they wanted, so it might be because of that.

>> No.7752547

to protect your account against scammers and all that shit. I'm not even sure when they decide you're inactive, I think at 6 months already.

I kind of want to get the account back to erase the shames from my past but tbh it's not like anyone would be looking for my gaia account anyway

>> No.7752549

It's called "Embarrassed Dream (Oh My)".

I had no clue there was item options for hair and eyes for the first two, so I just worked with what I had. That explains why their faces look a little basic compared to Kiki's.

>> No.7752554
File: 8 KB, 133x149, OldGaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to log in again but my account was locked.
Maybe I'm going to make a new account just to see how everything is now.

>> No.7752593

I was active back in 2004. I was a (terrible) mod for the largest guild back then, "Magical Poll Land". This was when there was no cap on the gold you could get from polls so people pretty much farmed them.

I quit when I saw Lancer's post on another site basically calling Gaia a profitable venture, and shortly thereafter they started doing all that sponsoring for stuff no one cares about like that "Last Mimsy" movie.

I went over to another site called UniFaction and worked for them for a bit, then moved on to IMVU and eventually gave up on paperdoll sites in general.

>> No.7752638

I only remember my username, but I quit Gaia intentionally back in 2009 or so. Sold all my items, used the gold to buy my friends' wishlists and gifted it all to them.
I was part of the GD for a good 3 years or so, but it turned me into this bitter dick. I ended up migrating to Ernya because the community was a lot nicer and it'd help revert me back.
I liked Ernya, pretty much only because it wasn't inflated and all items went by some color palette, so you could ensure your items actually matched, but it was a much smaller site so the forums were slower. I ended up leaving that too (but didn't sell my items, I don't think?).

>> No.7752755
File: 13 KB, 120x150, flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was a member since 2004, eventually became a mod, quit awhile ago and just popped back in recently because I heard about all the inflation craziness. I left at a good time, the economy wasn't destroyed and there weren't hundreds of announcements per day.

I never had the patience to farm gold from polls. I was a member of a bunch of those poll guilds though

>> No.7752805
File: 5 KB, 120x150, 4142bae81fe7435_flip (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go on very often now; it's still pretty fun place to be even with all the rampant inflation

>> No.7752814

I quit being active several years ago but since becoming a NEET started up again. MFW that economy. Mostly I still just hang around minishops and roleplays like a weeb. I just sell my shitty art. Made 15bill today for an hour's scribbling. One user pointed out to me with this much inflation you can actually buy every single item in all the none gaia cash stores. That's ridiculous.

I have one of my old friends from gaia on my fb. I miss her so much sometimes but I bet she doesn't even think of me but I've survived all her facebook purges. I keep wondering if we should talk. I also met another 2 good irl friends from gaia after we roleplayed for ages. mfw it's the only time I've met someone so far out my social class, visiting her mansion was insane.

>> No.7752818

What are the announcements even about? I don't want to make an account just to see.

>> No.7752820

They stop GG for a while now plus there payout wasn't great. It was way better to buy limits or sell REIs

Like spending 5 buck can get you anywhere between 40b to 60b

>> No.7752821
File: 32 KB, 240x295, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my current avi. I go on once in a blue moon.


>> No.7752846


It's been a while... what are those?

Now I'm tempted to go back, I remember how much free attention I got just from flashing my Kiki Kitty.

>> No.7752852

GG= Gold Generators
REIs= Rapid Evolving Items

>> No.7752857


I summed it up for you. This isn't even a joke, there's 15 announcements like this a day.

>> No.7752859

...What are those?

>> No.7752864
File: 44 KB, 240x300, avatar5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My account's been around sense end of 05'early 06
All I do now days is lurk in Site Feeedback.
Come to think of it, that's really all I've done on the site.

>> No.7752866

Gold generators were items you could buy with gaia cash which gave you a random amount of gold. The amount given out has slowly gone up from hundred thousands to trillions and fucked the economy.

Rapid evolving items are items which, when you first purchase them, only have a few poses, but within a week or so have several other poses, thus 'evolving'. They usually have a theme and it means you have to buy multiple to complete a set.

>> No.7752873

>gaia cash

When they introduced that, I knew it was finally time to leave for good.

>> No.7752935
File: 5 KB, 120x150, 4ed9c911cfc50_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much stopped when all the announcements turned into this >>7752857 a few years ago, but if I remember correctly this account is from '06?

So many years of angst, role playing, underage cam-whoring.

>> No.7752964
File: 40 KB, 240x300, htregwrf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on Gaia since 07 and never was remotely into any of the RP, emo, whatever shit. Pretty much only ever played it for the dress-up and mini-games. I have a big enough inventory at this point that I still have fun dressing up, but holy shit the economy went downhill fast. I remember saving up through posting bumps and voting in polls for some 20,000 gold item way back when. Took me like a month.
God that tentacl site fucking sucks. The avatars look like those ones from Yahoo. Did they even try?

>> No.7752970

I never got into Gaia, but my boyfriend was a part of it back in his ~scene boi~ days, and goddamn, are his posts so cringeworthy.
That plus his internet fame in other places has made me uncomfortable posting photos of us in lolita or cosplay online because I'm sure someone would recognize him eventually.

>> No.7753006
File: 522 KB, 1681x629, Untitled-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7753061

>God that tentacl site fucking sucks. The avatars look like those ones from Yahoo. Did they even try?

I agree. The avatars are a crucial part of the Gaia model, and the tentacl ones look so bland.

>> No.7753101
File: 6 KB, 120x150, town bike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the UI is piss poor as well, dont forget that.

ive been on since 06 and ive had a lot of accounts. gaia is a cute dressup and a vent spot to shitpost in

>> No.7753108

For the last few years, I've only been on Gaia for one or two long running threads.

But now that we're all friends on Facebook, even those threads have withered, and I've left Gaia behind.

>> No.7753130
File: 56 KB, 687x732, Avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually started playing back in December 04' on my original account, I made a new one because you had to pay 30k to change your username after you'd already changed it 3 times. I more or less kept the same avatar since 2008 or something, with slight changes.

>Pic is art an online friend drew for me way back when.

Offically left the website when this shit started happening and I lost touch with all my old online friends who'd left the website already.

>> No.7753132
File: 337 KB, 1167x603, im sorry im a weeb cgl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still very active on Gaia and I'm sorry about it. Here are my current outfits, the one with the shitty mspaint star is my current avatar. I'm not as active as I used to be, but I still roleplay there and dress up; I don't really do anything else?

>> No.7753133

Maaan, I used to have such a tight friend group on Gaia but it drifted apart a little before FB. It's a shame.

Somehow we came together on a Gorillaz thread of all topics.

>> No.7753134

I should mention that what keeps me there is that I've met tons of friends! One of them is actually coming to my state next summer for a con! While yeah it's pretty shitty and lame, I like it because of the people I met and it's helped me become less of a NEET, ironically.

>> No.7753141

Maaaaan. Id like to use gaia still. I miss rping in barton and floating through the cosplay board.
I miss being anti social beause id rp all god damn day. I refuse for anyone to know I roleplay. Not even my husband.
>inb4 u massive fagit
I remember the prommies of GD

>> No.7753142

GD? seen it used in the thread earlier but I can't remember what it stands for..

>> No.7753148

General Discussion

>> No.7753177

P-People finally liked my thread I see
I-It's not like if I wanted you to enjoy it or anything /cgl/-tan

>> No.7753190

I'd love to see that bottom right costume in real life.

Similar with me - it was in a goth music thread.
We got sooooo close to 20,000 pages before we all wandered away.

>> No.7753212

I met my best friend on Gaia. We were both regulars of the music forum. She's been muh BFF for 8 years now.

>> No.7753229
File: 53 KB, 650x651, vynwip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreeing with this anon. if you spend a few minutes doodling shit, people will pay out the ass. Pic related. Get offers of 2 bill for mediocre shit.

>> No.7753243

There must have been so many friend groups on there that drifted apart.

I had a close group in my guild but I used Gaia less and less once I started having serious exams at school. I really regret not staying in touch, we used to chat on MSN almost every night. I wonder what they're up to now...?

>> No.7753251

shut up, we were cool...
I bet you hung out on the ED.

>> No.7753253

Go Gaia and find out?

I'm glad I thought to ask everyone for Livejournal and then Facebook contacts when I saw the writing on the wall.


>> No.7753256
File: 258 KB, 543x800, adviduvoadi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can also confirm, i only do freebies anymore but if you even put just a little extra effort in you can get like 8 - 15bil for something like pic related.

>> No.7753262
File: 79 KB, 450x1000, 2zf1jlh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never get into gaia as a kid but I was obsessed with a similar site called TinierMe. Like, holy shit I'm talking logging on every day playing for at least 4 hours on school days and holidays I must have been logged on for 8 hours at a time. I think over the course of 4 years I spent over 100$ on this thing. It was also my prime weeb years, pic related.
Unfortunately it's closed now but damn did they have the cutest avatars. And it was incredibly easy to get stuff you wanted. Wish it was still around I miss it to this day.

>> No.7753267

I have, only a couple of posts in the last year. My account is inactive so can't post.

Guess I can try creating a new account and asking to join but I'm not holding my breath on getting a response.

>> No.7753269
File: 21 KB, 151x159, Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 12.50.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last login 8/10/2006

I was so weeby holy shit. How is my myspace gone but my gaia profile still up?

>> No.7753278

The only thing I still use Gaia for is the roleplaying. There's seriously not one good place on the internet to roleplay. I actually remember when I started roleplaying on Neopets of all places.

>> No.7753284

How does an account go inactive?

>> No.7753291

God, I used to hang out on Gaia and rp with my old Phoenix Wright group. Which had unbelievable amounts of drama, like... the least crazy thing that happened was a fight with another PW roleplay thread. Wonder how the people are doing now? They were really nice to my misspelling weeaboo self.

I think I vaguely remember my password, so maybe I'll check what stuff I have though I quit around 2008 or 9 I believe? I don't remember any gold generators or anything, anyway. I kinda feel bad about leaving my friends though, I just went and abandoned them without saying anything about leaving, and they still left comments on my profile years after...

>> No.7753295
File: 7 KB, 120x150, 24592c5279ff6_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your avatar looks familiar. Were you on the Cosplay & Conventions board?

I was on Gaia from 2004 onward but due to inactivity they barred access to my account. Haven't logged in since 2011. This was my last avatar.

>> No.7753300

Tinierme actually had a pretty decent rp group, but too bad that shut down.

>> No.7753306

There's some talk about from >>7752539 onwards.

>> No.7753318

Nope, I was never into cosplay. I can't remember but I think I was mostly in the "literate spam guild" among other places.

>> No.7753344
File: 89 KB, 358x522, selfyexample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TinierMe really did have the best avis. You can still play dress up on the english one. The japanese version is a bit harder to understand and I don't have the link.

>> No.7753346
File: 9 KB, 120x150, 52d817131716a6_flip (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't logged in in ages. I used to rp all the damn time. My avatar was just one big clusterfuck though.

>> No.7753370
File: 4 KB, 120x150, 67ca6129fddfea_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss those days man. Tried to log in but i don't remember my password
Also found Boxxy's avatar "Moldy Lunchbox"
I was an emo/scene edgyfag back then. That edgy avatar and edgy name I had tho...

>> No.7753378

Damn that's cute
yay for Mugi!! Also that maid avatar is the cutest thing ever

>> No.7753395

>recover the password for my old account
>log in
>"GENERAL ERROR: You have been blocked from gaia until you turn 13"
>until you turn 13

I-I'm 26...

>> No.7753402

Don't lie to us underage b&

>> No.7753410

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, when the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then you may once again have access to your Gaia account, and not before.

>> No.7753426

ngl, teenage me thought the 2 girls were the cutest, I spent hours on tektek making those outfits
I bought the monthly letters, that's how I got all of my items and gold. At the time that was all I spent my money on

>> No.7753430

What hair is that? It's super cute.

>> No.7753437
File: 18 KB, 245x297, darkandtorturedsoul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was never real active on Gaia, I still log on about once a year though to see what's up. Goddamn the economy has imploded.

Haven't changed my av in years, could probably afford a better one at this point but effort.

>> No.7753495

I cant stop laughing

>> No.7753496
File: 68 KB, 558x800, tam1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I spent so much of my time back in 2005-2006 being a 'CB Reg'. I had such a good circle of friends though, I miss them. We would talk in random threads and in guilds and other forums. They all moved on and left before I did though, so I moved on to roleplaying (Gaia has a surprisingly unmatched rp community).

Pretty sure I gave up and just changed my avatar to a sheep, and gave away all of my items. All I have now to remember Gaia by are two pieces of artwork and some graphics I used for my rp posts.

>> No.7753542

It's one of the Wisteria recolors

>> No.7753611

I was on gaia and quit right after they started doing all the movie promo stuff. I found another one that I can't quite remember the name of Sonya, Solana? My google fuu is weak and I can't find it. Anyways it was slow, so I eventually left it too.

But damn I miss avatar forums. I wish CGL was one.

>> No.7753621

My sides

>> No.7753622

Did anyone ever log into soliaonline?

>> No.7753628

Yeah, still do occasionally though it's small as fuck.

>> No.7753640

I can't find my old account so maybe I deleted it? Is it worth creating a new account?

>> No.7753642

trillions, anon.
they're already in the trillions.

>> No.7753648
File: 8 KB, 524x76, misery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine's around 300bil
tektek got fucked up and it's not listing a lot of my items.

>> No.7753767

It's too bad accounts don't gain interests, my gold has barely gone up past the 50,000 I had on hand when I stopped regularly using it 6 years ago.

Meanwhile, prices of things I wanted to buy have exploded.

>> No.7753806
File: 115 KB, 954x299, gaiaavie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still enter from times to times to do shitty art, a week ago I relogged and posted my art prices with the old prices and my inbox died. fuck gaia but I still love to dress my avi. And I still keep my first avi clothing for shits and gigs of how weaboo I was (am)

>> No.7753983

That face look worse than the ita mess she is wearing

>> No.7753995
File: 32 KB, 238x298, avatar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My current avi. p much staying with this one since inflation is retarded.

>> No.7753999


Thank you!

>> No.7754010
File: 5 KB, 120x150, 1b0593136877a9_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My account is so old I still have my 6-character password.

For some reason the tektek account worth generator isnt working for me, but its porbably for the best. Even if I sold all my items, I'd just have a pile of worthless virtual gold I can't use to rebuy any decent stuff.

>> No.7754031

I said the same thing happened to me earlier in the thread.

>> No.7754054


>> No.7754055

it's been confirmed tektek doesn't work well anymore because the staff are adding items quicker than the tektek guys can put it up, the price of everything is fluctuating so badly it's impossible to update everything. When i last logged on 2 months ago 300million was pretty normal to spend. Now it's 2 billion.

>> No.7754065
File: 34 KB, 330x250, ties06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, prommies.
I was never a prommie, I was just known for having pic related in my signature.

>> No.7754090
File: 6 KB, 120x150, 4588e1912850a1_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"adult content" is still a bannable offense, yet i could get away parading around like this

>> No.7754121

Why does it do this?

>> No.7754133

Omg I used to do that same combo of legwarmers , wing anklets and a similar chunky shoe!

>> No.7754143

If you post that you are under 13, even as a joke (I am 12 and what is this?) then it gets taken seriously and they COPPA ban until you would absolutely be over the age of 13. Legal issue, they have laws to conform to. If this was the case, all your posts would have been deleted.

Otherwise, it might have been an early protective ban or something got messed up with your birth date on the account - I think that was an issue?

>> No.7754157


Ah, I see. I'm pretty sure I never said I was under 13. So it must be just a protective ban.

>> No.7754176

I am a reg in the Li and I frankly talk about sex and pregnancy and all that shit. They really don't care anymore about these rules, and the >>7754143
stuff don't matter since it isn't a real concern anymore.

>> No.7754436 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 500x120, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I die inside whenever I think about my old Gaia
I was 9 years old at the time

>> No.7754443
File: 71 KB, 500x120, y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I die inside whenever I think about my old account
I was so young and stupid

>> No.7754450

They care, but mods don't actively hunt for stuff in the forums.

Avatars using items are okay, glitching for a nude avatar is not. Real talk about sex and pregnancy is okay, posting pictures of pornography is not.

>> No.7754496
File: 10 KB, 193x214, gaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jigsaws are still pretty fun. I edit my avi a bit here and there, but it as always been weebtastic clusterfuck.
Otherwise I was pretty active in the GD back in 2008ish, what a shithole. And it only got worse. I was an EDiot at the same time so you can imagine how insufferable I was.

I kind of want back into my old 2004 account just to reminisce. I was a regular on a huge YYH thread so very long ago. Lost all those friends when I forgot my username and had to make a new account. Boo.

>> No.7754498

Firing DJ Hellsing killed Gaia.

Gaia stopped doing IRL stuff, and stopped trying to appeal to over 18 and over 21 users.

Right after that, it started becoming all commercialized, too.

>> No.7754527

Is it still fun to start with gaia nowadays? I seem to be the only person that didn't play this in my weeb phase but it looks so fun.

>> No.7754542

Wow I just made a new account and in the minute I've been on it I already have 48k. This is actually ridiculous now.

>> No.7754625
File: 13 KB, 120x150, VLJvEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7754667

Man, I could never make any fucking money selling art. Not that I sucked (that much) but the amount of time it takes to whore yourself out constantly to get to any level of consistent comissions... Fuck, I hate that I could never succeed at that.

oookay lets just GRAT GOOGLY MOOGLY! Giant fucking avatars! Holy shit, no, what the fuck? Oh god, it's a giant fucking clusterfuck of roll over poppy bits too! Way to over design everything as usual Gaia creative staff.

>> No.7754711

Not really. If you're in for the avi you'll probably have a really hard time getting items since everything is hyperinflated.
You're better off without an account.

>> No.7754717

What the fuck even happened. Did everything do a nosedive within the last 9 months or something, because it wasn't this bad last time I visited.

>> No.7754744

I remember him at cons and shit. But I also remember the IRL Gaia events. I remember at one AX I was part of one of those, "Cosplay your Avie!" fan gatherings. And it was my shitty old avie when I barely had any gold so of course it was shop stuff and basic hair and only 1 MC I had gotten from a friend who felt sorry for my avie.

My avie improved slowly. I stopped playing after high school since most of my friends and I were on there to talk outside of class before other social media happened. But then I went on back for a while when I left my school after my father passed away, so I was at home a lot and online. I played there and felt better, and over time I moved on. I also spent a bit on it, the obligatory emotional shopping binge except with vitural items.

I still go on it occasionally. The only thing that keeps me there honestly was how much I loved making and editing my profile and making some for other people. That and Neopets inspired me to practice making graphics, and I actually make money on the side doing some freelancing stuff. I don't think I would have ever gotten better had it not been for being so driven to make a better profile each time.

>> No.7754760

To add a little derpy story to that now that, one of my favorite personal Gaia stories is this:

A few years ago just before I stopped going online, my friends and I wanted to do a skit for AX. We were short a person, when I was online and saw the cosplay newbies thread with someone asking about what to do at their first time at AX. I invited them that if they didn't have anyone to go with, that they could go with us.

At some point, we got the idea to ask him if he wanted to be part of the masquerade skit since his one cosplay he had was the one we were looking for. He accepted and we all like met for the first time about two hours before we went on stage in the backstage area. It was our very first skit onstage and we had fun, but it was priceless knowing that of all places, we found our missing person. He's an awesome friend too now.

>> No.7754789
File: 174 KB, 1800x765, Legend_of_the_Guardians_movie_image-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played this for a few weeks so I never had a pretty avi, so I wanted to try it out again by makign a new account.. But every god damn name I try is already taken, no matter how much spaces or underscores I try. And I'm using latin names of owls. wth

>> No.7754791
File: 5 KB, 120x150, 1b8a3adfe94aa_flippngt1247464301_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap. I haven't logged in in a LONG while. My whole main account worth ~206,141,766,394 gold apparently.
the inflation is ridiculous.

>> No.7754819

Adding onto this, as I'm >>7752426, I managed to reconnect with a lot of my old rp buddies that came back for nostalgia reasons, as well as a few people I always saw around but never talked to. One thing lead to another and now we're all going to room at the next con together. I'm not sure what the fuck just happened, but I'm happy to see they're still around and doing fine.
Unrelated thought, but does the Chatterbox seem less like the cess pool it used to be, or is that just me?

>> No.7754836
File: 6 KB, 120x150, fickalick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I have to go through the hassle and find out how much I'm worth and all that.

168,034,917,093 Not bad.

My current avi is gay as hell though.

>> No.7754874

Going back to Gaia is sending my sewing senses tingling through the roof.

I see so many items that I want to wear irl.
I feel only slightly guilty about it.

What outfits/items would you want to wear irl, cgls?

>> No.7754897

I remember wanting those wing hairclips they sold irl as well really badly

>> No.7754898

>I remember the prommies of GD

Fuck me. I was never a prommie, but I remember getting called out for being a 'skeleton woman,' and that was basically the closest I ever got to GD fame.

>never forget the SLA years

>> No.7754932

I haven't logged into my account for years. I started one when I was 15 or 16 so I doubt I ever said I was 13 (even so, wouldn't I get the ban when I was active, not after like 8 years of inactivity?).

>> No.7754942

>the prommies of GD

Oh lord. Remember the hang out threads? I was in one that spun off because we were tired of the prommies of GD thread being so "elitist."

We went on for a while but then the mods started enforcing the no hangout thread rule and it died.

Anyone Remember what's his face? He had a female avi so everyone just assumed he was female and then 2 years later he just announced he was a dude and people were pissed. I think the username was something with horses in it.

>> No.7755204
File: 273 KB, 866x303, 2014-08-13 12.43.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.7755212

I donated my fucking CN scarf to SLA back when I was younger and more retarded. Never again

>> No.7755213

Anyone here used to go on GCD? I still go on sometimes but only to browse the lolita forum and sometimes answer their stupid, shitty, ita questions

>> No.7755218

> post an art auction because bored
> mfw all this gold I'll have soon because of inflation just for a shitty drawing

I'm not sure how I feel about this

>> No.7755313

will be ur gf for gold

>> No.7755341
File: 9 KB, 120x150, mytrainwreckavatar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been active since 2006, but apparently I logged in in 2011 to erase the contents of my weeby as fuk profile. Account is locked now, so good thinking, past me.

>> No.7755349

I miss that hairstyle. I hated that I could never find any clothes that fit the colors + wind-blown look

>> No.7755354

They started to release gold generators every fucking day, and they started to increase the amount of gold each one could give you if you were lucky enough.

This went continuously for a year, and the most a gg can give you now is 175 trillion gold or some shit, it's in the trillions.

Gaia tried to stop the gold generators last week once they realized their shit was wrong, but brought them back last monday anyway. They "decreased the amount of gold gens", but I know they're full of shit.

>> No.7755363
File: 231 KB, 549x454, justwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so obsessed with gaia back in my early teens, I saved a bunch of my avatars on my photobucket account and this is just a few of them, with most recent at the top.
I spent a lot of time at a hangout thread and checking the art shops to buy avatar art, which I also have as a folder on my photobucket.
I remember last year I decided to get back into Gaia and created a quest thread to get a bunch of kawaii items. Someone gave me a lot of them. I stopped playing shortly after again. Apparently I'm worth ~235,357,285,981

>> No.7755375

lol 2 days later and I was banned.
This website is shit, yo.

>> No.7755377

what did you do?

>> No.7755378

That's what I'm wondering.
I've just been procrastinating playing zOMG! all day.

>> No.7755388

What's a good gold generator to get? I want to log back in a year from now and find myself rich.

>> No.7755404

Gaias ban logic is completely fucking arbitrary
>had 2 accounts
>my main and one mule specifically for slutty RPs in towns
>mule gets reported a lot
>my main account gets banned, the mule stil active to this day

>> No.7755419

Remember when gaia got rid of all the cigarette items because they said smoking was 'disgusting'?

Remember when gaia decided that the best way to deal with inflation is to gut banned accounts and resell all the items on the marketplace?

>> No.7755420

I remember reading that announcement, laugh out loud and then stock up on cigarette items to rip people off later

>> No.7755425
File: 272 KB, 683x333, avatar7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done. I've finally brought all the shit that twelve year old me wanted.

Now I never have to set foot in the marketplace again.

>> No.7755432

They're cash items. Not hacking tools.

>> No.7755445

Yeah, that was one of the things that told me Gaia wasn't interested in the 18+ crowd and it was time for us to leave.

The site didn't mature with it's members.

>> No.7755448

The fuck is the appeal of underage members? They're too dumb to notice how fucked up the economy is?

>> No.7755452

Mom & Dad's credit card?

Advertising revenue?

>> No.7755454

Go lurk in Site Feedback. It's clear all the oldfags get it while the newfags don't understand economics 101.

>> No.7755455
File: 88 KB, 595x394, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angelic halo is at 3.5 quadrillion.

>> No.7755475

I'm tempted to do more art auctions until I have enough to pay for it.
Just so I can have the most noob outfit along with the angelic halo

>> No.7755560
File: 23 KB, 203x301, oh jesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both avatars on the far right are adorable.

I haven't logged on to Gaia since grade nine probably....here's what my avatar looked like. Apparently I'm worth 4,371,572,765 gold now, which blows my mind. Most of my rare items were worth under 100,000 gold when I bought them. Gaia was a cute dress-up game, but if the economy is that bad now, there's no way I'm going back.

>> No.7755573
File: 93 KB, 200x197, 1360505278274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw my shitty art now goes for billions

so far my nostalgia trip back to gaia has been going well.

this inflation is just ridiculous, I'd rather have them shave down a few zeroes from everything because all these numbers are too long

>> No.7755584

I remember things like this happened with my Roblox account.
My main was an uber sl00t but my alt was super nice but I cursed more on it and then it was permabanned.

>> No.7755591

Girl on far left looks like Vividred Yellow.

>> No.7755595
File: 38 KB, 240x300, Lenoreavi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Found 870 items worth a total of ~201,073,687,345 gold.
I don't even know how to say this number, jfc
I still have a soft spot for Gaia, I really only log on to change my avi and shake my head at the forums.This was my avi for a DnD campaign I played for almost 7 years

>> No.7755603
File: 522 KB, 864x576, Screen Shot 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this one of you guys or

>> No.7755608

This website looks like shit.
Girl is pretty cute.

>> No.7755609

> implying anyone from /cgl/ with taste would be on that shitty site

god those avatars are ugly

>> No.7755612

you should check out her hentai drawings. she posted them for dudes inquiring. would post 'em but they're NSFW

>anyone from /cgl/ with taste
to be fair, this still omits a big population of our lovely board

>> No.7755617

Are they good or hilariously bad?

>> No.7755622

Mmmmmm the slutty RP might not have actually crossed lines or towns might have just been overly backlogged and they went easy on you or something.

Some people say they are reporting, but they aren't really.

>> No.7755633

dooooo eeeeet

>> No.7755635

I remember how ugly Gaia avatars looked at first before they started coming out with cool items.

Still, you'd think after a decade, they'd be clever enough to start off with better looking base avatars.

>> No.7755636

Aren't you a mod? I've seen your avi around a lot, but I can't remember where....

>> No.7755637
File: 58 KB, 240x297, gaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still regret selling my chyaku many moons ago

>> No.7755648
File: 25 KB, 120x150, 55iBIb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how'd i do?

>> No.7755678
File: 118 KB, 832x559, lolgaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some digging around on my old hard drive for pictures of my old avatars and found this instead. Magnifique.

>> No.7755688

I'm working on it anon

>> No.7755692

Shit, you want mine?

>> No.7755696
File: 18 KB, 404x240, ohgodwishlist1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So for shiggles, I'm making two avatars, one with a fuckton of the angelic shit and one with a fuckton of the demonic shit.
>my current wishlist.

>> No.7755704

To think that list once meant something to me.

>> No.7755713
File: 199 KB, 1067x547, ewgaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just logged on gaia for the first time in 5 years.

Anyone want this shit?

>> No.7755715

Holy crap this is a near duplicate of my inventory with all of the sponsor junk everywhere.

>> No.7755724

Is that Stephen Colbert?

>> No.7755729

Yes. Sponsor junk.

>> No.7755739
File: 709 KB, 286x310, 1406217949311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be happy to take SDPlus #187 Jenny and Angelic Manner off you hands...

>> No.7755741
File: 7 KB, 103x37, poor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch pls i dont have the gold for that

>> No.7755742

Will take anything you dont want especially the rainbow item. Forget what its called but its on my wish list.

>> No.7755744

If only I still played Gaia, I would've fucking jumped at this opportunity

>> No.7755749
File: 539 KB, 480x270, 1396036252707.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill take the keiko cake thingy

>> No.7755758

C-could I have your Angelic Manner, please?

>> No.7755764
File: 55 KB, 219x291, melookinglikeashitlord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still go on my gaia now and then....
ikr i am a loser

>> No.7755772

I'll take those demon horns you're wearing, and the book thing in the bottom row off your hands...

>> No.7755777

Anon I will give it to you.

>> No.7755780

I do!
Can I get your Kottan, Demonic Manner and that Seracila Pendant, please?

>> No.7755794

Devil Horns if you're offering them.

>> No.7755829
File: 136 KB, 417x356, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just saw this "sale" lol save 25 cents.

>> No.7755833

Like it's so weird, not even recently I sold my shit for under 100k but now it goes for how much?!

>> No.7755840

Depends on the shit.

>> No.7755843

I can't remember what I sold.
This was way before, but the items I had now where worth jack squat before, ya know?

>> No.7755845
File: 39 KB, 158x140, Screenshot 2014-08-13 19.38.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly because people don't know how to make the face combinations look good, and the artists can't position things correctly so some combinations look like someone put their wig and brows on in the dark. The high arched brows are practically at your hairline.

Plus those eyes look really bad, but they're the only starter eyes that don't look tiny as fuck.

I like how the base avatars look and I like how they aren't chibis like Gaia. The only other sites I knew of that didn't use chibis were Unifaction and Miss Bimbo.

I think they have different artists trying to match one style though, so some pieces look off. It's not as obvious as Miss Bimbo's.

>> No.7755878
File: 51 KB, 180x115, carrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for your kind offer anon.. but i don't think i give enough fucks about gaia. i just like to log in and look at what i have left in my inventory.

>> No.7755890
File: 5 KB, 120x150, 7b633784167458_flip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im worth 1,871,959,113,595 gold
i am also a original grombie, but they re-released the skin, too so i guess im no longer special. use to be less than 1,000 of us.

>> No.7755891
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2176, IMG_20140628_001425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, okay. Have a picture of my cat, instea.

>> No.7755894

>tfw was grombie
fugg, i wish I remember the password to my old one.

>> No.7755895
File: 18 KB, 243x298, uguumotherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the urge to play dressup got me again.

At least I can be a kawaii princess on the internet

>> No.7755902

my original account i forgot the pass for.

>> No.7755906

I played this when I was like 13

all I did was troll around in rally, I still have no idea what the point is

>> No.7755915
File: 13 KB, 297x235, roughnut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, found a way to log on my old account.
Nothing special.

>> No.7755929

Anything you don't want that'd you'd be willing to throw toward an anon?

>> No.7755933
File: 165 KB, 733x400, myinventoryashit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, any other seagulls that hate themselves enough to be on Gaia still want some free shit? Not nearly as impressive as the anon from before but hey, it's free. Anything I don't have equipped is fair game, except the ninja headband cuz' imma sell that for virtual dosh.

>> No.7755935

I always want free shit

>> No.7755944

oh, forgot to say my name is....


...god I was the dumbest fucking kid, I should change it but I don't know what to. Anyway message me if you want shit, pls no porn spam.

>> No.7755945

I'll take some free shit? I'm not really sure what anything is in your inventory though so...?

>> No.7755948

I'd love some free shit too.

>> No.7755949

I would love too, specially since you hae some items Ive always wanted

>> No.7755954

Oh snap, I'd love that kawaii uguu face with the hearts 3rd from bottom on left side.

>> No.7755987
File: 386 KB, 567x504, 1392597413488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would love those wings and that pink star cat thing

>> No.7755990

wings are gone, sorry anon, but you can totes have the kitten.

>> No.7756003

I'll take your Elegant Veil and that blue symbol thing to the left of that (and your Inari's Beads, if you're willing)

>> No.7756012

I kinda wanna hang on to the stuff I'm currently wearing, but you can definitely have the Inari's Beads.

>> No.7756017


Do you still have the icy marionette or the pink marionette?

>> No.7756023

Just sent a trade request for the Stellar Rain recolor. Do you still have one of those crown items next to the purple face left? And that rose think next to the lollipop (sorry for being selfish, I like this paper doll a little too much.)

>> No.7756026 [DELETED] 

Anon i will take anything you have doubles or tripples of.

>> No.7756039 [DELETED] 
File: 176 KB, 733x400, 1407976174984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so awkward... and embarrassed because I've always cringed at beggers on gaia. B-but since you are giving it away for free I might as well swallow my pride? Whatever your avatar isn't wearing that I circled I would LOVE to have... please, haha. My username is C.C.G

>> No.7756049
File: 209 KB, 727x394, eyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically anything you have duplicates of. My sn starts with an "Ae" and ends with an "o" (sorry im embarrassed to post my sn on here)

>> No.7756054
File: 155 KB, 731x398, surprisedhowmanyofyallstillplaythis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on what's left

>> No.7756059

Th-thanks hun! I'm really grateful!!

>> No.7756063
File: 1021 KB, 500x281, REALLLLLLLY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok well ill take the star kitten, the loathing style recolor, and a antique shop? if theyre left! my user slampora!

>> No.7756068

alright, thanks! I'll send a trade request (and I hate to be a greedy bitch but if you still have those backgrounds in the second to last row, I'd love to have them)

>> No.7756086
File: 436 KB, 1280x720, 1398021168541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon, youre too kind

>> No.7756090

I know you.
I didn't know you went to /cgl/.

>> No.7756096

Do you still have the Stubborn Cryptodira (the one I would want the most), Josie's Journey, and Romantic St. ? It's cool if we can only pick one I would pick the Cryptodira.

>> No.7756100

I have the Cryptodira and Josie's Journey, also Passionate St. if that's what you meant. And they can be yours for the low low price of free!

>> No.7756109

Yeah, sweet! Totally PMed you on Gaia as well. I wasn't expecting such a prompt reply! Haha.

Am I the only one thinking all of the seagulls from this thread should band together and make a glorious thread in the lolita forum?

>> No.7756113

Hey, this post >>7756109
was meant for you.

>> No.7756117


i'll take the urban bounce or the persistent penelope off your hands anon.

>> No.7756120

am fuckin bored and have nothing better to do tonight than give away pixels

the thought of seagulls descending on gaia is kind of ironic- does anyone remember the dumb old days when idiots on 4chan and gaia would threaten to raid each other?

>> No.7756125

My husband just showed me the GD and it looks exactly like some sort of bastard child of /cgl/ and /b/.

>> No.7756129

sure thing

>> No.7756140


Sent the trade and a message.

>> No.7756144

I'm interested in the pink star kitten, nsfw, that little crown, the scooter

>> No.7756149

Still have the pink kitten and a crown, send away

>> No.7756155

Sent, the icons are all interesting but since I could never keep up with the newer items I have no idea what they're called or anything

>> No.7756159

Hey anons just to let you know, sometimes Gaia is retarded and doesn't notify you when you've got a trade waiting on you, so if you're wondering what's taking so long with the trade check and see if it's on your end.

>> No.7756166
File: 228 KB, 350x185, tumblr_mahvp3Gm7Q1qc9lhz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks anon!

>> No.7756387 [DELETED] 

can i get that ninja head band? ive been questin it forever.
name in email

>> No.7756497

Actually how I first heard of 4chan. It was when Gaia first put out those meme items

>> No.7756974


They've done that a lot, drove old users away to please the new.

>> No.7757397

There used to be so much porn/gore spam in the /amc/ and I got some pm'd to me back in the day too. I forgot what they did to cut it back but it used to be a huge problem and then it just stopped.

>> No.7757535

Holy shit, that's me.. H-hi.... I saw this thread and then I was like "I'm going to become popular on here."

>> No.7757541

That's a fucking embarrassing photo anon

>> No.7757776

I'm interested in the Bento Bunny and Fantasy kitten star if you still have them.
I'll send you a message in the mean time!

>> No.7757893

Not really.

>> No.7758070

It's a pretty embarrassing everything .

>> No.7758114
File: 1.29 MB, 480x270, 1344623335265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much, kind anon!

>> No.7758165

Every time I fucking turn around the gold cap on this damn site goes up.

We're sitting at a cap of one quintillion right now.


I thought neopets at a terrible economy but jfc.

>> No.7758584

Could I have the marine red/blue/white bow headband or whatever that is.

>> No.7759222
File: 21 KB, 406x240, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Crunchy Christ

I wonder if I should use my old stuff to buy art but then that would require effort

>> No.7759225

I'm trying to get one and it's depressing as fuck.
Is there any stuff you don't want anon?