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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7730343 No.7730343 [Reply] [Original]


> Cosplay Master Post / Guide:

As always, more input is always welcomed. Tutorials, wig recommendations, any suggestion, impartial or personal, or any contribution is great and will be added to the post.

Either way, we can always discuss:
> How many Homestuck cosplays do you see at cons nowadays?
> What do you generally think of AUs and crossover cosplays?
> Out of all of the Ancestors, whose horns are the hardest to get down properly?

>> No.7730391
File: 112 KB, 680x1024, tumblr_n4pgwlgG821rjx7a5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> How many Homestuck cosplays do you see at cons nowadays?
The Homestuck population in my area seems to be shrinking, actually. I haven't been on the con scene long, but I've been able to watch the Homestuck crowd bloom from con to con over the past few years. Now, I think it's starting to skrink, which sucks for me, because I've just gotten really into running events.
> What do you generally think of AUs and crossover cosplays?
They're harmless fun as long as they're not making fun of anyone. If they are, they're just being little shits and they need to go home. Generally, I don't understand why people get their panties so twisted over silly or "pointless" AUs/crossovers. It's someone else's fun, you don't have to enjoy it or look at it.
> Out of all of the Ancestors, whose horns are the hardest to get down properly?
Generally, I feel it's always a big tie between Handmaid and The Condesce, mostly because of shape and size issues.
Condesce issues tend lie more in execution, and Handmaid issues just come from the design.

>> No.7730431
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>> No.7730464

Handmaid no question. Condesce is a close second because of the weight but cutting straight lines looks way easier.

Agree that those two tried the hardest (half their group doesn't even use the right blood colors) but negative a million points for thinking that crossplaying in a bunny suit is in any way a good idea.

>> No.7730652

im pretty curious to see how much homestuck shows up at ota this year. im sure it'll be less but idk what to expect. last year was in the several hundreds atleast all 3 days. at katucon there were almost no homestuck cosplayers friday but then hundreds saturday. might have been cuz katsu's during the school year tho.

>> No.7730723


Katsu also had crazy weather issues. A lot of people didn't even get to con until Sat.

>> No.7731030

I'm excited for Ota. I have a feeling a lot of bnfs aren't going to show though.

>> No.7731062

Are there any other upcoming cons that any of the BNFs will be going to?

>> No.7731509

I know saccharinesylph, pearlgirl, and cbc are going.

>> No.7731558

God that Vriska is so ugly.

>> No.7731578

do ugly people make for a bad cosplay anon?

>> No.7731593


>> No.7731672

who is the kanaya?
I love her makeup

>> No.7732008

honestly, i like ugly trolls. i don't think it's a given that all 24 characters would be drop dead gorgeous.

>> No.7732045

I think that Vriska is quite pretty actually, everyone has different tastes.

>> No.7732243

Disgusting go back to tumblr

>> No.7732285
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>> No.7732358
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yep because Equius would be attractive.
there are ways for you to cosplay and not be conventionally attractive, within reason.
in my opinion, if your craftsmanship is good enough you can probably get away with it. depends on how ugly we are talking...
the vriska in the OP (>>7730343) really isn't that ugly. she's not super attractive, but like equius I really don't assume that vriska would be the most attractive troll anyways. translated to real life, i imagine she'd have sharp features and perma bitch face.
tbh homestuck is the series for you to cosplay from if you're ugly. you can do doc scratch or one of the carapaces and get just as much attention.
>in b4 "GO BACK 2 TUMBLR"

>> No.7732499
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What is this

>> No.7732538

is that the same person that did the bunny dualscar in the last thread?

>> No.7732545
File: 819 KB, 1218x1920, tumblr_n87kvkrFa11r6lummo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No but they're the same Sufferer from this set.

>> No.7732822

wtf is that stupid ass eyeliner goatee oh my god. Looks especially convincing and masculine with that pretty girly eyeliner

>> No.7732832

And here we see Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, cosplaying as the Disciple.

>> No.7732941
File: 595 KB, 1280x1061, tumblr_n87kvkrFa11r6lummo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's sad is that this could have been really nice if they hadn't gotten lazy in the end. The cloak material isn't bad but all that shitty edging and makeup.

>> No.7732961

does anyone have a good pair of lenses for dirk? all the ones im finding are either flat orange or just way too brown. id prefer something off of honeycolor and i do need prescription but its hard to tell from their stock photos and reviews whats actually good when youre looking for something pretty vibrant.

>> No.7733091

nah it all went to hell when she chose to put those fake uggs on. Furry boots. For the sufferer. What the actual fuck was she thinking.

>> No.7733117


I've HEARD these twilight lenses are supposed to be a god looking orange. I've never needed orange lenses, though, so I can't tell you from experience. I've always found doing a google image search on certain lenses to be helpful. There's always at least one or two images of someone reviewing the lenses.

>> No.7733128

>Can't take some random ass anon offhandedly calling an unattractive Vriska ugly

>> No.7733150
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>> No.7733180

Different anon, but I think you're making a bigger deal out of this than anyone who doesn't find the Vriska attractive. The more you or anyone else posts in response to them, the longer it will take for the topic to die.

>> No.7733920
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>> No.7733974

Nice. Who is this?

>> No.7733976

damn she looks like jodie foster or sigourney weaver or something, she's gorgeous. why do her stripes look blue though? light trick?

>> No.7734014

not sure if she cosplays anymore, i can't find anything on her blog.

>> No.7734029
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>> No.7734032

Are there any better shots of these two? They don't look too bad.

>> No.7734034
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>> No.7734066
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>> No.7734081
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>> No.7734151
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dumping some cherubs

>> No.7734156
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>> No.7734163
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>> No.7734169
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>> No.7734173
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>> No.7734178
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>> No.7734180
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>> No.7734183
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>> No.7734365


>> No.7734376


Ahahahaha stay golden rikala.
No wonder she sold it off so fast.

>> No.7734380

shit i had no idea it was her
i only recognize her if she's a serket, i guess.

>> No.7734894

I updated the Homestuck Cosplay Masterpost with some shit and categories.

>> No.7735499

Anyone know what she's wearing to otakon?

Is drunkroxy going to be attending the drawmeet?

I've got my drama feeding trough prepped and ready.

>> No.7735504

iirc, it's nothing homestuck.
she said it on her fb page during the original rikala drama. i think she's doing scanty from panty and stocking, but the others i'm not sure.
i also hope there's more drunkroxy shit show behavior.

>> No.7735645

It seems like she's avoiding Homestuck because she knows her rep is mostly ruined in that fandom. It's not like word travels though, she was being shit talked in an Aventure time thread recently.

>> No.7735926
File: 1.13 MB, 761x628, tumblr_n9uarcLgAf1sz83zjo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that they came as a set, but I'm bothered that the Black Queen's ballgown doesn't reach the floor, and the waist seems a bit low, which throws her proportions off.

God damn this girl's tailoring is so nice on everything she does. Pity she doesn't often have more photos beyond self-taken bathroom shots.

>> No.7735943

And she seems to have lost most of her friends in that fandom outside of her Terezi and Disciple.

>> No.7736019

Is that it? I know cancerously used to run the photoshoots. Is she or the other bnfs who are usually at ota not going this year? Or just no HS anymore?

>> No.7736248

I quite like this Dirk's wig.

Not keen on Porrims without the train/asymmetry.
Also agreed, maybe the Black Queen could not wear heels or something the next time. And does the Callie not have more pictures? Sometimes it's frustrating when cosplayers only put up wip photos of a cosplay but to actually ask them for more seems rude.

>> No.7736724


time to fandom hop

>> No.7736751
File: 118 KB, 869x571, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those who are curious
>Don't you mean you read this thread and want to cover your ass?

>> No.7736753

Has anyone asked her if they had gone through the necessary steps so they could legally make this calendar? I asked the PB, but she has still yet to answer, furthering doubt that they have.

>> No.7736756

ask the Flame Princess/LSP. She seems to be in charge of it, the kickstarter was under her name.
Their Prince Bubblegum seems to be the most approachable/tolerable.

>> No.7736849
File: 336 KB, 1154x1920, tumblr_n9b48n8QcY1re2zspo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're still using the Adventure Time name and taking money under it, so no, they haven't. Still think everyone should report it to cartoon network for copyright infringement.

>> No.7736998
File: 45 KB, 468x960, tumblr_n9tcyq3lbq1sp5g6mo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tragically, I don't think the Calliope (squishyblob) is the type to go out and set up photoshoots for her costumes. The only quality pictures on her blog seem to be group photos (that someone else in the group probably put together) or convention hall shots -- and none of them Homestuck.

>> No.7737558

I've seen good shots/proper photoshoots of her other outfits (like Handmaid), she just doesn't seem to collect those on her blog or tag them for easy finding.
Seems like a nice, quality cosplayer who is in it for the fun and the craft but doesn't post much of her stuff after it's worn.

>> No.7737577
File: 128 KB, 900x675, 1381090663420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys feel in regards to

fantroll cosplay?

>> No.7737597

Nothing wrong with a well-done original design.
There have been good ones. Those aren't...

>> No.7737602

I don't mind it, as long as it's obvious they are trolls and not a shitshow like your pic.
I know rumminov got shit for her fantroll not being clean construction-wise but that's kind of the standard I see: she was obviously a troll, and it was clear she was doing a fan character, not just rolling around in a closet and gray paint and heading to a con.

>> No.7737603

same rules apply as to all canon troll cosplays. nice wigs and horns, clean gray and nicely made outfits are a must

>> No.7737681
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>> No.7737682
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>> No.7737684
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>> No.7737690


that's the troll from the game

>> No.7737694

and you're a troll from this thread

>> No.7737698



im just saying that's not a fantroll like the other two?

>> No.7737760
File: 132 KB, 639x960, tumblr_mskufhxUKi1qmgvrho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still my favorite fantroll cosplay

>> No.7737766

Too bad his arm sleeves have that very visible edge at the wrist. The cosplay is great, but if they had just made the fingers it would have completed it imo.

>> No.7737800

This. Also adding toenails would have made it look less like they're wearing tights

>> No.7737827
File: 386 KB, 1280x1316, 1395271206429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of feel bad for other anon and their oversensitive troll-sense

This is awesome. A pity about the figners and toes but I'm really digging it all the same.

>> No.7737839

i hate the skirt on the girl on the left (seriously, did she run out of time or something?) but other than that these are the best Ive seeen lately

>> No.7737857

Doesn't excuse the puckering, but that's Rumminov.

>> No.7737866
File: 50 KB, 622x800, pinnip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually really want to cosplay my fantroll, even though I'm not much into the fandom anymore

>> No.7737929


>> No.7737958


So cute! You should do it anyway.

>> No.7738368

really?? she's... actually kinda cute. I've hated on some of her AU designs but now I feel oddly bad about it

>> No.7738602
File: 632 KB, 800x800, 9hmo0h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe for some cold weather con... like the opposite of colossalcon, I'd need a winter wonderland con for him

i miss my fan trolls

>> No.7738734


There's usually snow at Katsu!

>> No.7738898

these look so fucking cute, anon!!

>> No.7738902

I feel bad for all the hopes of people wanting to cosplay their fantrolls. Even the normalfags at cons don't like fantrolls, and unless you're absolutely spotless you're going to get ripped several new assholes on here. Proceed at your own risk.

>> No.7738928
File: 383 KB, 800x800, witchofvim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooh that's actually a good idea! but god damn i had no intention of cosplaying homestuck ever again and now i'm wanting to lol

thanks! my friend and planned out a fantroll session together and both were briefly way overly attached to our babies haha

>> No.7739190
File: 97 KB, 1251x679, 10497316_727762690617585_1903687646913043430_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajama sam?

>> No.7739228
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>> No.7739237
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>> No.7739239
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>> No.7739247
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>> No.7739294

All this needs is some over the top goth jewelry.

>> No.7739548
File: 161 KB, 500x667, 1399619806344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genderbent Pajama Sam...

>> No.7739823

>grey pants instead of black
>crappy makeup
>bracelets are innacurate too
>weirdly placed ampora horns
is this self or shitpost?

>> No.7739902

Believe it or not this is still one of the better Cronii out there. I can even deal with the horns because that is still better than most Amporas. Also, Cronus' jeans are blue in the canon variant, not black. The leather jacket variant has black pants but standard outfit Cronus has blue.
My main issue with this person is their lack of widows peak, though. The wig looks okay and it's nice to see a bit different take but they need to style it harder and fix the hairline.

>> No.7739908

...but that awkward packing or just unfortunate posing or whatever it is.

>> No.7739943

Okay, yeah, unpopular opinion time - I don't mind this. She has a fantastic body.

>> No.7739947

Someone post the lingerie Kanaya with the rose.

>> No.7739953

Is Cronus the new Feferi now? The one in that photo has some problems but damn HSG is nitpicky.

>> No.7739972

The difference between Cronus and Feferi is that while Feferi has a pretty intricate design in comparsion (lots of details, accessories, etc) and a lot of room for interpretation (is it a tank top? A swimming suit? A skirt or a wrap?), Cronus is basically the opposite. While it's easy to fuck up on Feferi due to te sheer amount of details needed to be paid attention to, Cronus design is so simple and absolute that any diversion from canon (no widows peak, wrong colour jeans, no triangles on the shirt sleeves) will become glaringly obvious.

It's pretty interesting actually. Anyhow Cronus is less a matter of taste and more a matter of people objectively and constantly fucking it up because they try and impliment taste and interpretation to it. Things which may be passeable on say a Karkat (different cuts of the shirt or pants) because of the vast amount of panels with him with different interpretations just won't be on Cronus. Cronus objectively has a pompadour with a widows peak, there's no way to interpret it as anything but that especially with the greaser connotations. Feferi on the other hand has a dozen ways of how her hair MIGHT be translated into reality.

This got a bit long but you see my point?

>> No.7740068
File: 26 KB, 360x479, 20121002232208!Cronus_talksprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Cronus's wig is subject for debate if you're just modeling off of the sprite. Some people like the pompadour, some people say you fucked up if you add one.

>> No.7740077

Why are all dualscars so hysterically bad? I could understand getting that mess of a design right, but their makeup and fins are always terrible.

Also that sad, faded beard. I guess this cosplayer really likes their eyeliner?

>> No.7740104

In what universe is that not a pompadour? Lady gaga verse? I know people have a boner for Joe Calderone but EVERY canon instance (all four) of Cronus have a pompadour. How is that even questionable? What else would it be?

>> No.7740197
File: 135 KB, 1000x815, tumblr_n1tthgNngG1qe1lg6o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just saying, I've seen people nitpick the hair height/size/wave/atomic weight of how Cronus cosplayers slick back their hair. His hair is pushed backward in some way, but the size of the poof is open to interpretation, which means everyone gets their panties in a twist if something doesn't line up with their headcanon.

Pic related as a solid wig that's still been met with disapproval.

>> No.7740928

It's a pompadour, if it is a pompadour it is canon and if it looks good then it is better than 90% of Cronus cosplayers already. I have never seen anyone give kisbe's wig shit aside from the subtleness of the widows peak (I have seen criticism towards his regular Cronus in other ways though and I can somewhat agree with it but eh) so I'm honestly curious as to where you're getting this from.

>> No.7740941

Wow at the level of rage for the worst homestuck character. No surprise his fans are just as bad.

>> No.7740957


But i'm sure there have been heated debates over other characters hairstyle before. Usually character that have a showing hairline/ no full bangs (i.e. eridan, feferi, cronus, equius, tavros etc).

Though it does seem like there's more of a focus on cronus but that could too be attributed to the fact that his outfit is really straight forward and there's more focus put onto the wig and other things.

(I hope everything makes sense i'm not in the right of sorts at the moment)

>> No.7741233

You just said yourself that people have complained about the widow's peak of what is tbh a perfect wig. How is that not nitpicking?

>> No.7741490
File: 396 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_mhczkcqmA61r0uluxo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually know her.
Nicest person you'll ever meet!

>> No.7741515

she's one of my favorite callies!
she's got a good face for it and always looks so happy

>> No.7741523

Good to know she is nice, from the pictures ive seen she either looks nice, or extremely fake.

Do you have any stories of her nice-ness, anon?

>> No.7741587
File: 24 KB, 342x662, 229857_10151302257469882_104801317_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any homestuck/con related stories, just some personal things.

She participates in a lot of homestuck related events (promstuck, picnics, etc), and she's such a sweetheart.

>> No.7742465

Do you have a link to your blog/more art? I love the character design.

>> No.7742476

So many chins

>> No.7742992

that unsealed paint and cronus wig, jfc.

>> No.7743958

nudestuck is only okay if you can pull it off with class. This girl can.

>> No.7744005

and if you have a decent body and aren't doing raunchy poses.
this actually looks like a picture Rose would take.

>> No.7744036
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>> No.7744053

how can you tell the paint is unsealed?

>> No.7744056

Different anon but those cifera/mostflogged nudestuck pics were pretty classy imo. It's possible.

>> No.7744059

It's rubbed off all over her collar and you can see patches of no paint around her hairline where it was probably rubbed/sweat off.

>> No.7744107

that kanaya picture never fails to make me laugh

>> No.7744517

Jesus christ, why would you? He's in a bunch of "educational" point and click adventure games for 3-8 year olds.

>> No.7744567

To score brownie points with the "muh nostalgia" 90s kids crowd of course. I'm willing to bet they'll be all over this garbage.

>> No.7744658

I wonder if the rest of her group will cosplay freddie fish and the dumb car.
What I don't understand is that it's a genderbend...?

>> No.7744824

I bet she's gonna make it sexy.

>> No.7744937

That doesn't seem like her thing, though.
If there's one thing I can give Rikala, it's that she doesn't needlessly sexualize her costumes. She leaves that all to her LSP/Flame Princess friend.

>> No.7745361

Yeah she hides as much as she can because she doesn't want to be like 'all those sluts'. Also has to hide all her shit tattoos and skinnyfat

>> No.7745375

Ota shoots were a mess today. I don't know who ran it but I'm not sure if they ran anything this large before. The organizers would tell us to stand and then the staff would tell us something else. I tried to tell that Tavros running it about it but he didn't seem to give a shit. What a fucking headache, I miss Cancerously. She was one loud motherfucker.

>> No.7745394

How many people were there? do you have any crowd pictures?

>> No.7745405

I would say it's more than last year even (on sat), but I didn't take any pictures or crowd shots. The pictures were taken against the wall opposite the windows and had a large Otakon logo on it. They also had 1 hour for photos this year, and after the last photoshoot finished it took a while before photos started. I dunno. I'm sure someone is going to chime in and say how their shit doesn't stink but I wasn't happy. If you're going to run an Ota shoot, be ready for that amount of people.

>> No.7745406

whose the one on the left?

ah yes, another case of blackhead freckles.

>> No.7745428

I wasn't there on Sat last year but it was super crowded on friday.

I'm actually really surprised that it seems to be crowded.

>> No.7745434

More than last year, huh? That's interesting... I would've thought that by now you'd see less HS cosplays especially since interest has been dying down, hell, at this point last year it was already dying down.

Are there any BNFs at Ota?

>> No.7745462

I didn't see any bnf? Again, there were so many people and I left about 30min in. At that point they were still doing large group shots so I didn't spot anyone. I left because it took that long and they didn't even get to families or characters yet, just alphas/betas/etc shots. I imagine any BNF will post private shoots and probably didn't bother with the huge 1 hr photoshoot.

It looked as big as last year but that might just be the new positioning. Last year we all faced the back wall and everyone else was behind. This year everyone faced the wall opposite the windows (and so there was a huge crowd going back + by the stairs) and then lots of people off to the two branching off sides so.. hard to estimate attendance exactly.

>> No.7745802
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>> No.7746133

that wig is awful

>> No.7747051

You can blame the new positioning and hour long time on otakon staff. They scheduled the rwby shoot in that space for 5:00, but someone didn't get the memo and a staff member led them to the space 20 minutes early. So the hallway was packed with even more bodies and people trying to take big group shots along one wall. I feel bad for the HS coordinators but they worked as well as they could with what they had.

>> No.7747586

Should I color my waterline the color of the trolls blood or grey?

>> No.7747661

I feel like it'd be a nice touch to colour it with the blood colour.

Also, not related but, any good white makeup for sprites? I read you need some kind of powder to make it even and then your spray sealer to fully seal it, is that true?

>> No.7747669


white is a fucking bitch to work with, use clown white (one layer should do it), powder properly and then use spray sealant.

>> No.7747682

different anon, but have any of you tried snazaroo in white? i find it works just fine on my skin in grey but idk about white

>> No.7747695

I've had good and bad results wiith it-- it's either perfect and doesn't move the entire day, or it fucking cracks and flakes like nobody's business and I have absolutely no idea why because the grey is a dream to work with in comparison.
I'd go with clown white like >>7747669 suggests instead, I remember seeing other anons reccing it over Snazaroo white.

>> No.7747971

what about Mehron Paradise AQ? Never used it, but the texture looks pretty similar to Snazaroo.

Mehron has a clown white paint as well that has great reviews between makeup artists on YT so I'm kind of torn between those two options.

>> No.7748135

is it just me or was there even more homestuck then last year at otakon? i thought the fandom was dieing....

>> No.7748150

i would never recommend a water based white paint mostly because white is such a bitch to get good and even in the first place and water base is just more prone to streaking and harder to touch up in my experience

i dont know regarding specific brands since ive just used kryolan myself in both white and clown white though ill say as much as that there is a clear difference between them id say two layers of clown white get you even with three layers of regular white
not that you should use two or even three layers because it will crease and look awful but just as a rule of comparsion

>> No.7748159

no no no god don't listen to >>7747661 at least without testing the makeup first. Coloring your waterline any color except white makes your eyes look small and ages your face. This is especially true when wearing contacts. It also stands out as very girly make up as it looks "made up" and unnatural, so do NOT do it for male trolls. Make damn sure inner lining suits your face and doesn't irritate your eyes before actually stepping out in it. Also be prepared to fix up all the time, unless you want half pink/half blood color waterline.

>> No.7748430

Thats what another anon said too. Any photos or bnf shots?

>> No.7748470

I know SS did alpha jade, but that's all I know in regards to bnfs cosplaying homestuck. A lot of them cosplayed from other fandoms.
snowchildhero might have done a human!Aranea.
I know she's not a bnf but striderian did some stuff as well.

>> No.7748474
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>> No.7748482
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>> No.7748487
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pearlgirl/seclusionsalad did aranea

>> No.7748494
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>> No.7748496
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>> No.7748500
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>> No.7748503
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>> No.7748509
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>> No.7748522
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>> No.7748531

She looks like she's done with everything.

>> No.7748548

otakon is hot as fuck so I don't blame her

>> No.7748550

I've used the BN white creme colour paired with their "super white" face powder, and it stayed on for 3-4 hours (but I wasn't doing high-exertion activities aside from sitting in a hot room). I have semi-oily skin and Mehron FX white (the squeeze tube) looks cakey on me and ends up getting sweated off during a convention.

>> No.7748552

That's one mess of a Davesprite.

>> No.7748563

I've been, but if she had the strength to hold up her planets then she should be able to make herself look a little less on the verge of death.

But thats just imo.

>> No.7748668
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>> No.7748687
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>> No.7748703
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>> No.7748704
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CBC had some new god tiers but I haven't seen any photos.

>> No.7748709
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>> No.7748739


>> No.7748745
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>> No.7748794

I was considering using a water based white for contouring purposes only. Would it be fine for that as opposed to using it to cover my face?

>> No.7749007

they look really uncomfortable

>> No.7749091

> to to a comic con
> first group i see outside before even getting in is Homestucm
> go to leave on final day
> another group is at the bus stop

You cannot escape it.

>> No.7749111

Actually, question prompted by anon asking about their waterline. I can never fucking get paint to stick to my eyelids when I grey up. I apply paint, chill with my eyes shut for ten minutes or whatever while it dries, open my eyes, and the skin on my eyelids promptly sticks together and peels the paint off. What the fuck gives, HSG. What am I doing wrong.

Also, discussion question: what's your preferred makeup products and brands for trolls? What's your makeup routine when it comes to slathering yourself in grey and what tips do you have for applying eyeliner/eyeshadow/what have you over paint? My drugstore shit ain't cuttin it, or maybe I'm retarded. Either one.

>> No.7749163

Anyone have any good Equius shots? I've never done a troll costume, but if I did I think it would be him, both one of my favorite trolls and probably best suited for my body type(6 feet tall, 200lbs, fairly muscley looking but far from ripped)

>> No.7749305
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>> No.7749311
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>> No.7749316
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>> No.7749320
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>> No.7749322
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/end mini-dump

>> No.7749439

just use a powder after youve sealed your makeup (make sure its PERFECTLY powdered though or itll get splotchy) or use a grey cream or greasepaint directly on your clown white

why would you even want to use water based for that?

>> No.7749457

Cronus reporting in.

>wash face
>put in lenses
>apply moisturiser because my skin is kind of on the dry side and moisturiser makes it go on smoother
>massive pot of kryolan supracolor gret 32b
>begin applying by just slathering that on
>even out with stippling motion
>make sure it goes all the way up to my wigcap
>ask friend if it looks even because mesh contacts impair vision
>it probably does or just do touchups
>take babypowder
>pour a little on my forehead
>carefully brush it out with a kabuki
>more baby powder
>final powder by dipping the brush in it and powder extra on problem areas (upper lip, below eyebrows, where my ears connect to my face)
>eyeshadow in same or a darker tint of grey on my eyelids because the paint doesn't stick there
>eyeshadow contouring with kabuki brush using a white-to-black pallet from HM
>fill in eyebrows (starting with something brush based and then filling it in and darkening down with a pen)
>eyeliner. I use a dark grey because Cronus' eyes are rather defined
>add a faint tint of violet eyeshadow below eyes (already contoured for eyebags) and on cheekbones and lips
>almost forget scars, hopefully have friend help draw them on using three or so shades of eyeshadow
>final seal
>go out and flirt with people

I use pretty low quality for everything not bodypaint. All my basics (eyeshadow, brushes, eyeliner) were bought from HM and my mascara is drugstore-allergy safe something. Of course for Cronus I don't need a lot of it so I can probably get away with more.

My one tip would be to use a flat, thin brush to outline everything you want to do in eyeliner. Hell I've even used it instead of eyeliner at times because it was dark enough. I just have a lot easier to apply a line evenly with a brush than with a pen.

>> No.7749458


And a thought: my monster of grey paint is really smooth to apply. Like it's almost a bit melted. I really like it because it makes it go on smoother but none of my or my friends' other paints from kryolan are like that and it makes me wonder if there's supposedly something wrong with it or if it was mistreated and actually melted or whatever? It also makes it hard for me to contour with other grease paints because they're all much more solid than my main grey.

>> No.7749654

im using snazaroo so im unsure how grease and waterbased will mix

>> No.7749658

they dont because oil and water dont mix per definition

why would you even...

>> No.7749851
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>> No.7749859
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Why would this even have to be "genderbend?" To avoid wearing a binder and short wig, or for the sex appeal?

>> No.7749867

so she can wear another Jareth Long Arda wig duh

>> No.7749872
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>> No.7749955

I use a waterbase for my gamzee and detail with ben nye over top. Never had any problems really.

>> No.7750651
File: 106 KB, 480x640, tumblr_na3ftnuM9U1r5xobao1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blue and brown dont look so great together

>> No.7750800


>> No.7751275
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>> No.7751282
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>> No.7751561
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Otastuck tag is a goldmine right now

>> No.7751569
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>> No.7751585
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>> No.7751598

Jesus tapdancing christ

>> No.7751602
File: 215 KB, 1280x720, tumblr_na43a88FjA1r3yeneo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it just gets better

>> No.7751605


>> No.7751615

the middle one doesn't look bad
could just look good in comparison to all the others, though.

>> No.7751652
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>> No.7751707

Saw them at Otakon. I've NEVER seen anyone make this particular misguided choice -- basically, this guy did Vriska's lipstick like clown paint. He just painted a thick solid line of blue paint all around his mouth. It looked...really, really funny. I saw him and almost burst out laughing.

>> No.7751711

shit i thought it was a ryuk mask or something...

>> No.7751714
File: 706 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_n4pv219Djx1r8z0ioo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss the part where they were wearing a latex grey mask over their whole face? I had to do a serious double take.

It's also worth noting that the tumblr post this is attached to says this is the "improved" version of the cosplay.

>> No.7751717


It's like looking into the damned ark of the covenant.

>> No.7751719

Oh shit, actually yeah I did miss that. I saw them for a split second walking by and only registered that the blue was around their mouth and not on it.
That's even more silly.

>> No.7751790

Does anyone have a better picture of this disaster?

>> No.7751893

ben nye rubs off on collars and stuff when sealed

>> No.7751938

Would /you/ have the courage to stop that thing and ask for a picture?

>> No.7751949

In a god damn heartbeat. I was at Ota and did not see that monstrosity but I would kindly ask for a photograph because I stone cold do not give a fuck.

>> No.7752058

Guys seriously, who the fuck cares? I mean, if you're real homostuck, who the fuck cares if other peeps are "bad" cosplayers. I mean, the fandom is full of kids anyways. Pointing out the novice stuff seems redundant. I like a good bashing, but homostuck bashing is like not even worth the effort. Literally stealing candy from a baby.

>> No.7752076

Agreed. If anything, make it constructive and suggest things that would make the cosplay better (we need more things in our cosplay guide).
How about we put the information out there for Eridans who are having trouble color matching instead of shitposting kids who are having fun?
I understand this fandom is slowly dying and these threads are pretty good evidence. The only thing we seem to agree on is drama. No one can agree on BNFs and no one can agree on how to apply face paint.
>inb4 this is /cgl/ we're supposed to be mean

>> No.7752078

>novice stuff
>latex mask and clown lipstick
Defensive selfpost or friendfag for sure.

>> No.7752112

...um, because it's funny?

>> No.7752184
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>> No.7752188
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>> No.7752214
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>> No.7752330
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>> No.7752423

Did you even look at the photo you're whiteknighting for, or are you just friendfagging? This isn't novice stuff. This is someone who decided to wear a latex mask instead of grey paint.

You're obviously new here so I'll help you out. There's a master help list linked to the first post.

>> No.7752524

I quite like the wig on the fem-eridan in the shorts

>> No.7752548
File: 166 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n6ob0jt4cC1rbtkgeo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody agrees on how to apply facepaint because there's multiple "correct" ways to do it. How does that indicate a dying fandom?

>> No.7752655

The hairline is down to her eyebrows.

>> No.7752670


The face paint arguments are 10/10 pointless autism. In the end, what paint works for you depends on your skin chemistry, dryness, sweatiness, weather, and a bunch of other factors that are unique to you. As long as its even and won't smear all over your collar and anything you touch, nobody gives a fuck.


Sure is tumblr in here. This is cgl, not Homestuckcosplayhelp. Anyone who puts on a latex mask and looks at them self in the mirror and really think that looks good isn't interested in constructive criticism anyway. Every time the JUST FOR FUN crowd rolls in here by mistake they prove they don't care about quality, only asspats.

>> No.7752855

The dude could have literally not done gray paint/latex/lipstick and no one would have looked at him twice. He went out of his way to be awful. We're going out of our way to point and laugh. Are you new?

>> No.7752868
File: 264 KB, 800x1120, tumblr_na6e1oeOS11s3hq5xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few of the better shots from Otakon imo

>> No.7752869
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>> No.7752871
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>> No.7752930

Alright, I have to admit, those are some neat horns on that... I'm assuming Troll!Dave. They have a gear sort of look to them.

>> No.7753169
File: 174 KB, 700x525, tumblr_na7i54elkM1th261ho2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better shot of mask!Vriska

>> No.7753248

I like this a lot. Trolldave's horns are great.

>> No.7753266

Love how clean this costume is. You don't see too many well done rogues.

I don't get if this is an au or just a fancied Aranea, but she's quite cute.

I passed by them In the hall and could not have been more horrified.

>> No.7753275

I saw them at barstuck and they looked good as usual. Speaking of which, anyone else go? I had a pretty okay time.

>> No.7753297


wtf was the problem with the management?

>> No.7753356

The waiters and waitstaff all seemed actually fairly pleasant. It was the manager with a complete asshole. He spoke to everyone in costume in a completely patronizing manner, And then made fun of us to other patrons. As in, pointing to our table and making a face. We understood that we were a large group, and it would be a little tricky, we're happy to work with him, but he all but spelled out for us of what he wanted in little tiny bite-size words. My friend who's with me sad at the bar, not even with the rest of the Homestucks. It took her ages to get anyone to take a drink order.

I have worked as wait staff before. I understand the horror of a large group. Or one that's noisy. We were big, but we we were not loud. No one there was under 21, and other than the typical chatter of a large group, we weren't disruptive.

I should also point out that the restaurant was pretty much empty, except for maybe a handful of other patrons. Patrons, who had been "warned" about us by the manager, were curious, friendly, and very gracious. A lot of them asked for photos with us.

I actually happened to not be wearing Homestuck, I just came with friends. But they treated everyone in a costume like trash.

CBC got fucking sick of it and took off to hotel management. On top of all that, they double charged, and had fees that didn't belong there. One of the waitresses noticed, and managed to take it off. She actually comped a whole lot of items herself, and the group left a large tip for her.

>> No.7753396
File: 178 KB, 960x720, tumblr_na7f03xrmP1ruzfn0o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt really bad for the barstuck hosts. They were stuck there for a long time dealing with the management and payment disaster of forcing a group of 15+ onto one check and then charging for extra items that were never ordered. A bunch of people relocated to the hilton afterward but I don't know how much better they fared.

Drawparty was great at least.

>> No.7753492


IMO this is why barstucks should congregate I the bar area always, not in the restaurant. Bartenders don't pull that no-separate-checks BS. Hopefully if it happens next year they don't try and get a seated meal for 30 ppl.

>> No.7753501

Sadly that area was not large enough. Something similar happened last year but no where near as bad. The issue with the Baltimore area was that all regular bars are pretty much stripclubs, iirc. Other cons like AB have much better spots for barstucks, and would have probably been able to fit the huge ota barstuck crowd.

>> No.7753593

The drawparty was way less fun than last year imo, but I do have a feeling that I never managed to find the quality people there this time around in spite of trying.

>> No.7753664

I had a blast. Way better than last year for myself. Go up and talk to someone who looks over 21.

>> No.7753718

I had an okay time. Wish the index card sketch trades from last year had been done this year too (and there was definitely more free stuff last time) but it was fun nonetheless.

>> No.7753738

Why this, saccharinesylph...?
Especially awkward posted above her cute outfits from the other days of the con. It's like she wanted to wear HS but not anything that involved effort.

Grandma Jade would be cool to see done well though, with a rifle prop and realistic gray/white wig. If there are middle-aged fans who want to cosplay somewhere, or a Jake has a willing mom/aunt/grandma who can dress up with them, I would love to see this.

>> No.7753757
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>> No.7753772
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>> No.7753776
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>> No.7753783

>flip up or take out your goddamn septum piercing

>> No.7753791

Ooh, I like those! Still would be interested to see actual old people dress up as these characters though

>> No.7753809

is this supposed to be doc scratch

>> No.7753819
File: 602 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_na7l6jeqRS1r41ss9o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Saccharinesylph's grandma Jade. I'm a little disappointed, but it was just her sunday costume.

>> No.7754028

This is pretty shitty even for normal standards, let alone a high tier bnf. Are we going to have a shakedown to get rid of the people who did little or no homestuck this year, now that the con year is mostly over?

>> No.7754034

Is there even a "list anon" anymore? I feel like there have been no updates to it since our last discussion.

>> No.7754037

What was list anon's job?

>> No.7754043

Eh basically just updating it whenever discussions came around.

>> No.7754045

A list of what?
Shit posters?
Bad cons?
Bad cosplayers?

>> No.7754046

I'm not sure. I feel like there is a lot of time to discuss things as most cons are over for the year. People are going to either drop/vanish or our definitions are going to change because some people did either very little or nothing at all this year.

>> No.7754048

It was a list of bnfs into three tiers as well as notably bad cosplayers/massive drama whores to avoid like they have ebola and an open flesh wound.

>> No.7754049

...are you serious.

>> No.7754050

Perhaps I should take up their mantle...

Depends on the connotation.

>> No.7754058

i was there. the bar manager was obviously trying to take advantage of the 'weird kids' and refusing to admit that they had a bogus charge on the receipt, dodging questions and acting condescending. it was clear the bar had a policy of favoritism, and the manager was a troll. >>7753396
hilton was ok but the line for drinks was too long, didnt end up drinking much that night.

>> No.7754060

Good luck, anon. Their reviews are going to be hard to top. They were detailed and concise without (too much) bias. At least they acknowledged their baises as well.

>> No.7754063

Just fucking drop her off the list and put her out of her misery. She keeps coming up, that ship has sailed.

>> No.7754073

draw party was aite, i make an effort to stick with the mature homestucks, which do in fact exist, though in relatively small numbers. tho the panic about the stabbings was kinda overblown and ppl were over-reacting.

>> No.7754078


What are you talking about anon care to explain?

>> No.7754083

I heard about this as well. Apparently someone got beaten up and/or stabbed by the locals. Someone was going around telling the homestucks not to go to the hotels by themselves.

Incidentally, my group started to get followed/harassed by drunk sports fans right by our hotel since it was pretty late. Thankfully it was so close to where we were staying we just went inside.

>> No.7754091

yeah their name was CrunchyAnon.
you can search what they did a bunch of threads back, it was really detailed.

>> No.7754093

yeah what >>7754083 said p much. i suspect it was sports fans but idk. apparently the incident/incidents prompted a city wide 2am curfew for anyone under 18?

>> No.7754094

Crunchy wasn't the one taking care of the list, though. They were just giving feedback of various cosplayers.

>> No.7754099

also someone told me the sports fans were mad the con goers got hotel discounts and attacked a few con goers, but thats just a rumor so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.7754105

I heard this as well and looked it up that night. apparently it's completely unrelated, and just happens to take effect during otakon.

>> No.7754106
File: 1.12 MB, 1125x2969, HS_escheladder_crunchy_report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the crunchy report file I have. I think the list has been updated since then though. Anyone have the newest version?

>> No.7754112

i kinda figured. ppl were really blowing it out of proportion tho imo

>> No.7754192
File: 377 KB, 900x1369, 1395605314052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting for duty.

>> No.7754209
File: 960 KB, 1280x1077, tumblr_na5ve9tJ2u1r0bscuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't there a newer version with Ceriene and SS demoted and Rikala added to shit tier?

>> No.7754217
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>> No.7754218

As far as I know, this is the most recent one, but it could be that I missed the update. Anyone have a newer version?

At this point, I'd be all for demoting SS and removing ceriene. She sold all her shit. If she does HS cosplay again, we can add her back, but she hasn't put out anything new in quite some time. Obviously seconding Rikala to shit tier though, and proposing spectredeflector as well.

>> No.7754255

I don't even know who spectredeflector is. Is that the Jake cosplayer with the overdone makeup?
also thirding Rikala.

>> No.7754278

The cross dressing Dualscar from last thread. Their attitude is outrageous, and their makeup is consistently fucking terrible no matter what character they do.

>> No.7754428 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7754442
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>> No.7754446


they also did a gifset dressed as jake jerking off a dildo, it got posted a while ago

they also have a god awful attitude so there's that too

>> No.7754474

she's pretty. what're u on anon lmao

>> No.7754479

I was going to call friendfag, but...on second look, she actually is pretty. The angle and expression might be making her look otherwise to anon

>> No.7754486
File: 2.94 MB, 4320x3240, SAM_6715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a caledscratch for my brother's Dave cosplay. I've got one more day to finish it. Any crit on what I've got so far?

>> No.7754621

This thing walked by when I was sitting with some friends, we got quiet and kind of stared as it passed. Then I whispered "boy rikala sure let herself go" and my friends lost their shit.

>> No.7754635
File: 5 KB, 418x198, Caledscratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The end of the blade shouldn't be so triangular and pointy, but rather more of a curve at the end like pic related.

Aside from that, it looks good.

>> No.7754641

I am so peeved she's wearing a morphsuit instead of actual onesie pajamas.

Otakon managed to make the standard hotel-carpet background even more hideous. I am so sorry, Otakon-goers.

>> No.7754652

gotta be form fitting and flattering because genderbend!
tbh, she could have just worn baggy pajamas and not wore a binder (binder would be the better choice, but she seems lazy) + wore a spiky wig and actually pull off the male version and looked better...but alas

>> No.7754715 [DELETED] 

Aw, you're flattering me.

>> No.7754741

This is pretty unfortunate. And what's with that Karkat on the right?

>> No.7754752

You're right, but holy shit, in years of looking at good and bad caledscratches I never noticed this. MSPAG being talented nitpickers as usual.

>> No.7754781

It is pretty nitpicky, yeah. I just something about the end of the sword that seemed odd is all. However, above all what'll matter is the construction, which looks fine.

Also, what's it made of? Like, the material?

>> No.7754821

Aw, I'm flattered! Actually I'm pretty constantly lurking these threads, but there was a lot of ugh about the list a few threads back so I decided to drop it, basically.

Yeah, for one thing it's a lot of work to do either, let alone both. For another it wouldn't help the bias.

I stand by what I said earlier about demoting or removing Saccharinesylph. We also talked about moving Kisbe up without Dei-sandvich something I know I was originally opposed to. This was never done because it is very hard to tell who actually does what of their costumes.

>> No.7754866

I'm calling friendfag anyway because this discussion ended a while ago. Nobody cares about a nobody Vriska.

That's understandable. Still like all of your contributions, though. Just need someone to step up to the plate to keep up with the actual list. As much as people hate list discussions, it is a big part of these threads.

>> No.7754868
File: 322 KB, 1280x1092, tumblr_na7t1olN9p1ri6j9uo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd want more examples besides the bunny suit before voting them for shit tier. That's reserved for the worst of the worst imo.

I think we more or less decided to put SS in pretty tier and drop ceriene completely. Also crowmunist and fromgilbowithawesome both need crunchy writeups.

>> No.7754877
File: 81 KB, 480x640, tumblr_msbjwtkesD1s3u0h4o2_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have done writups on both of them, though since they weren't part of the original list you'll have to look in the archives. All my writeups are signed under Crunchy Anon though so they're pretty easy to find.
Also, more examples of Spectredeflector.

>> No.7754879

You don't think the jacking off gifs as Jake with a fake dick and multiple accounts of shitty attitude enough?

>> No.7754888

holy christ is that supposed to be a blunt? Who is the character even supposed to be, some purpleblood ampora?

>> No.7754944

I think that Aranea is the only decent one there.

>> No.7754964

NGL I'm really loving her dress. You can't tell in this photo but she did a great job with her bodice embellishments.

>> No.7754978

Wasn't there more or less an entire thread devoted to how shitty they are a few weeks ago? Where have you been?

>> No.7754983

Sometimes these threads can come and go in a day or two. Someone else here didn't recognize the name either, but I'm looking for it in the archives.

Is this thread from May the one you meant or is there another one? https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/thread/7576888

>> No.7755001

New thread: