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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 134 KB, 713x950, Truly Darling Boutique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7752569 No.7752569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread is here >>7744472

Let's talk alterations.
What are some pieces you've had altered?
I imagine lots of busty lolitas will be altering their CDC jsks, Truly Darling Boutique has stated that they'd be taking orders.
Pic related.

>> No.7752586

>CDC max bust 101-2
>busty lolitas
>implying they are not just fat

>> No.7752589

Don't start, go write a secret about it or something.

>> No.7752598

Dont buy a dress if youre too fat to fit in it

>> No.7752600

Stop shitposting. Alterations aren't just for fatties.
>don't buy a dress if it doesn't fit perfectly
Good luck finding a wedding dress.

>> No.7752602

> buy dream dress
> measurements should just fit
> dress arrives
> shoulder straps only 30cm long
> dress doesn't fit because boobs end up sitting near waist with such short straps
> cry5eva

It's so frustrating too, the straps are patterned so any extension will be really obvious.

>> No.7752603

>implying insufferable bitches like them attract men who want to put a ring on it

>> No.7752604

it's one thing to alter a dress to make it smaller and fit perfectly, but it's another one altogether to fit someone into a garment that's clearly not their size.

>> No.7752605

>but it's another one altogether to fit someone into a garment that's clearly not their size

>> No.7752607

Ouch anon. What will you do?
Don't humor this bullshit. Some friendless uggo wants to feel superior today, that's all.

>> No.7752608

Not them, but making a garment bigger tends to look shitty, especially for lolita prints.
Unless you buy 2 dresses, but even then, all the seams..

>> No.7752612

>but making a garment bigger tends to look shitty, especially for lolita prints

>> No.7752621

>inb4 anon doesn't deliver or posts a pic of a 300 pound hamplanet

>> No.7752650

I think I'm just going to find a similar colour base fabric and extend the straps in the back.
It took too damn long for me to find this dress, I'm not going to give up on it now!

>> No.7752681

I was just in a similar situation yesterday.

>dream dress arrives
>expect listed measurements to fit right
>end of bodice sits right below the widest part of my rib cage

I hate that even though I have a small bust, my wide ribcage makes everything uncomfortable. It's still a little tight even if I took out the back ribbon. I should stop hunting down for anything pre-2009

>> No.7752723

anyone see the post by a supposed 11y/o on EGL? it's gone now. but hoo-boy.

>i'm 11
>don't look 11
>mature for an 11 y/o

I don't know about you, but since graduating college anyone under 20 has a babby-face

>> No.7752727

>>don't look 11
>>mature for an 11 y/o
Did she say that?
Sounds like something an 11 year old would say.

>> No.7752731 [DELETED] 

>dream dress on y!auctions
>wrong colourway and cut

one day you will be mine.

>> No.7752736

Oh, anons who have used From Japan, they require me to input Address line 2 in the personal information form but I don't have an Address line 2? They won't let me save without putting something in the field.
What should I do?

>> No.7752740


did you even google the problem?

>> No.7752741
File: 184 KB, 640x429, 4586382858_68b9f05aa1_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random Lolita sighting on Flickr.

photographer who shot the photo described it as "possible marie antoinette fan and/or fashion blogger."

>> No.7752743

Unless you are built like a rail with a small cup size, no Japanese brand is meant to fit you even with shirring or listed measurements.

There's also a difference between slightly modifying something to be a smidge bigger (adding a few cms to a shirring panel, or a little more to the side under the armhole) and altering a dress that maxes out at 98cm to 130cm.

>> No.7752747

>no Japanese brand is meant to fit you even with shirring or listed measurements
If I bought something with my money it's within my right to do with it how I see fit.

>> No.7752749

And its everyone elses right to tell you you look like shit lol

>> No.7752752

Except I won't. Stay mad poorfag ugly betty :^)

>> No.7752754

>they require me to input Address line 2
>I don't have an Address line 2
Did you even read my post?

>> No.7752756

what odd assumptions

>> No.7752757

There's nothing wrong with someone bigger altering brand to fit them other than you being upset and jealous that a fat person is doing something you don't want them to do. And heaven forbid a fat person gives you competition, since they're sooo unworthy /sarcasm

>> No.7752763

There would be no reason for me to be jealous, though. If I dont think a fat person can look good, how would I see them as competition? I would only feel like that if I actually saw them as attractive.
That being said, you can look perfectly fine if youre fat. Everything I said above is hypothetical and not my actual opinion of overweight people. Its a bit silly to alter an expensive dress instead of, I dont know, losing weight?
inb4 muh genetics, inb4 muh bone structure.

>> No.7752764
File: 10 KB, 207x322, dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah...haven't been an 11 year old that was taller and more developed than her peers, I can understand. But looking back at my pictures...I looked 11.
try a space?
or a dash?
orput your name in address one again and your address in line 2

>> No.7752767
File: 23 KB, 600x400, seagull pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're just a shitty person then. Your opinions aren't important so stop trying to tote them as facts. Just because you don't think plus size lolitas look good doesn't mean none have ever. No1curr what you don't like.

>> No.7752769

you can do whatever the hell you want, yes. it's your dress. but like the anon said, there's a difference in making small alterations as opposed to changing a bust size from 98cm to 130cm. How can you not understand that?

just imagine. if you're slightly smaller, taking in a dress is EXTREMELY simple. but if your bust is like a whole whopping 30cm too big? where is all that extra fabric coming from? How is the alteration going to be done?

>> No.7752770

Question: How do you know someone isn't working on losing weight just because they alter their brand?

>> No.7752771

Reminds me of IW straps.

>> No.7752772

>where is all that extra fabric coming from?
Are you retarded.......

>> No.7752773

>That being said, you can look perfectly fine if youre fat
ok lol
But theres no point in arguing with someone who immediately goes "well no one wants your opinion anyways" when their point goes crashing down around them

>> No.7752777

Its going to be hard to find matching fabric for a printed brand dress is what they meant, I think

>> No.7752778

>when their point goes crashing down around them
Lol no.
And you have yet to give a good excuse as to why you're harassing someone about altering a fucking dress.

>> No.7752779

There are guides out there.

>> No.7752781

>implying you need to match fabric
Look at the OP's alteration. All the did was just shirr the fabric.
And I'd assume anyone bigger than that would just buy two dresses.

>> No.7752783
File: 19 KB, 298x319, 1352126954165 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7752785

seriously so annoyed with all these fatass sjw's from Tumblr coming in and invading cgl.

what happened to cgl's standards? VERY few fat girls who post their coords look good. it's not impossible, but I think it should be painfully obvious that trying to fit a dress that DOESN'T fit will look bad, unless the dress was altered to fit (and the alterations better look good)

>> No.7752787
File: 117 KB, 500x500, basic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I don't even have a tumblr but I bet you do

>> No.7752794

I like how absolutely nobody itt said that fatties look good in unaltered brand that they crammed themselves into, but you're pulling that argument out of your ass regardless because your argument about altering brand dresses for fatties didn't work. Go away, I'm embarrassed for you.

>> No.7752803

I repost this again because the last thread was saging.I want to bid an item on Mbok, i contacted FJ yesterday, placed an order and deposit but the refused to place the bid even if it's still here the auction! There is only a day now, yesterday two so i was in time, what happened?? I lost an auction last time for a BTSSB jsk due to this too.

>> No.7752809

no, I'm serious. I've never seen an altered dress that looks good on any fat person. if you have pics, I'd LOVE to see.

>> No.7752812

>itt: fat people. a lot of fat people

>> No.7752819

>Your opinions aren't important
yes, and yours aren't important either?

if they think fat people don't look good in lolita, what gives? it's not like your opinion holds any more merit than theirs. this line of reasoning is strange.

>> No.7752825

if you don't match the fabric, and you have a dress that only has a little bit of shirring and you're 30cm too big for that dress's bust, how does the alteration work?

serious question, I hope this doesn't sound rude/argumentative. I've just never altered a dress before and am interested in how it works.

>> No.7752826
File: 142 KB, 776x392, faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, people just have similar opinions.

saging for no contribution

>> No.7752845

I'm not harrassing anyone lol

>> No.7752854


Interesting, I'm assuming this is at Versailles? I've heard they're really anal about letting lolitas in, but I think that's generally the ott crowd, casual looking classic wear seems ok.

>> No.7752858

make sure your addresses match. Also make sure the thing youre trying to bid for doesn't say NO SS PLEASE or something in bold red.

>> No.7752892

>all that autism and shop
Get help.

>> No.7752897
File: 217 KB, 339x500, tryntebrwf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the CDC OP, and man that thing is a real bitch to get on and off because of the sleeves. It only has a side zip so it has to go on over your head, but the sleeves are elbow length so it take a whole lot wiggling around to somehow simultaneously slide the sleeves over your elbows while lifting the dress up and pretty much destroys my hair in the process.

>> No.7752899

When that happens to me I just write my country in the address line 2 box.
The packaging slip probably is computer generated? The parcel I receive will write

> 123 Happy Road, #01-04, Singapore, Singapore Singapore

But that is because I live in a city state, so...

>> No.7752900

Sent my Baroque Stained Glass OP into the cleaners. They're really good cleaners but I'm still worried about the print.

Hope you're doing ok, buddy.

>> No.7752911

Since you guys are talking about alterations, this is a noob question but how do you go about making shoulders wider? I have the OP version of my dream dress but the shoulders are too small.

>> No.7752914

Wedding dresses are pretty much made to be altered because for the most part they're ordered and made on a customer-to-customer basis.

>> No.7752915

so you can't give me a picture of a fat person who looks good in an altered dress. my point is right! :^)

>> No.7752916

Could you extend it out anyways and cover it up by putting bows or another type of embellishment on it?

>> No.7752920

Thanks for your help!

>> No.7752922

a "shop"? not that anon, but taking a screenshot of an area is just a few keystrokes.

for future reference for those who have macs, you can just do cmd+shift+4, drag the cursor over the area you want to take a screenshot of, and bam, you have a screenshot saved on your desktop.

for windows you can use an app like puush to screenshot a particular region.

saged because this is pretty off topic but useful information to know.

>> No.7752938

I tried before without issues, my paypal address is the same as the FJ one. I don't see "no ss bids plz" stuff but i don't know much of Japanese, so i use the translator.

>> No.7752949

I know you guys are just shitposting, but throwing in a discussion point here. I think there are probably plus size girls who wear altered pieces, but maybe they don't tag their posts as "altered brand" so it just looks like any other plus size lolita. It's difficult to find pictures of nicely altered piece, so it remains unknown whether there are many/little good looking altered pieces out there.

Google translate is pretty stupid and jumbles everything up. I would recommend installing rirai-kun and alternate between google and riraikun to figure things out.

>> No.7752958

You could use the waist ties, I guess. But that means that it will be impossible to restore it to its original state. The fabric in OP is clearly matching, otherwise it would look like complete shit.

>> No.7752960

I've been allowed in Versailles in Sailor, they did ask me some questions and one guy wanted to know if it was cosplay but they didn't make an issue out of it. This was a couple of years ago, though.

>> No.7752971

skirts are really easy to alter, i got my DDC skirt altered with two small panels of shirring on the back and it works well. the only issue is that if it doesn't have a ton of fabric so undoing the gathering makes it look less gathered on the back. :\

>> No.7752984

>still haven't posted a picture of altered brand done wrong

>> No.7752989

Their quote is ranging from $70-$100 depending on how much you need altered, jsyk OP.

>> No.7752999

When I was in Paris last year, I asked my tour guide for help getting to the Baby store on public transportation. She was very curious about the store since she'd never heard of it and it happened to be located close to her apartment. When I showed her photos of lolitas to explain the fashion, she said "oh I always see Japanese girls dressed that way at Versailles."

>> No.7753002

Why is everybody assuming that the only people who need to alter brand are fatties? I have really long arms and broad shoulders and have altered some of my OP's and blouses so the sleeves don't ride up and cut of circulation to my forearms.

>> No.7753010

but anon japanese girls will very obviously be tourists and therefore automatically allowed anyway. white girls will be assumed to be stealing attention or being inappropriate.

>> No.7753012

wow let's call someone a fugly jelly slut over 4chan! THAT'LL SHOW THEM!!! XDDDD


>> No.7753014
File: 2.64 MB, 4160x2340, 20140811_165820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just did my first alteration to one of my dream dresses(pic related), and I found this tutorial to be extremely useful.

I was really nervous but after adding the first panel it seemed to get a lot easier.
I hunted for this for quite a while, and besides being too large, My arms and shoulder would never fit. I'm going to be using the left over fabric for a matching beret, and I kept the white cuffs to be used as wristcuffs.

My friend had a similar problem with her melty royal chocolate jsk. She used a bow on the dress for matching fabric, and her seamstress added a v-shape panel to the back. Maybe that might work?

>> No.7753016

Yeah whatever fugly bitch. The only time whores like you shut up is when there's a cock in your mouth.

>> No.7753020


>> No.7753022

I was just explaining that it is a thing that happens at Versailles at least sometimes. (Also, I'm not white.) I didn't bring any lolita because the Paris part of the trip was fairly short and I didn't want to deal with the luggage. (Though I did buy stuff at Paris BTSSB.)

>> No.7753023

are you projecting? :^)

>> No.7753026

>assuming anyone who alters their dresses must look terrible
Are you projecting? :^)

>> No.7753033

except I don't alter my dresses, fatty xDDD

>> No.7753036

You're fat wearing brand?
>fatty trying to stuff themselves into brand, ew.
You alter said brand so it fits?
>Fatty altered my presious brando! Not enough fabric, you look like shit, ew.
Buy a replica made for your size in the first place?
>That bitch supports art theft and bad quality. Doesn't she know it looks so bad, ew.

I can fit into brand just fine (except some pre-2008 stuff and Mary Magdalene) but damn, y'all really need to let up on the fatties. If it's between alterations and stuffing themselves into replicas and shit that doesn't fit, I'm all for altering clothes.

>> No.7753041

>implying you have dresses to alter
Go home jelly uggo poorfag xD

>> No.7753043

the solution is to lose weight.

>> No.7753046

Maybe you guys should stop giving the shitposting skank attention...

Also be empathetic. People like this didn't get enough love by their parents.

>> No.7753050

How about obese people don't try to wear super poofy clothes made for tiny Asian girls?

>> No.7753055

I swear to god, cgl is the worst when it comes to replying to bait. Why can't you all just stfu, hide the shitposting comment, and move on?

Always have to have the last word, always have to SHOW THAT SHIPOSTER WHO'S BOSS.

No. Just stfu.

>> No.7753059

>grasping at straws :^)

>> No.7753076

I have used the Riraikun with the translator, i don't see anything about not shipping overseas, if the translation i did is correct.

>> No.7753078

hello >>7752990

>> No.7753081
File: 102 KB, 500x715, loyal-rosette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who's excited for the impending Loyal Rosette release?

What color do you think will be the most popular?

If you're thinking of making a reservation, what cut/colorway would you pick?

I think they're gorgeous. I'm leaning heavily towards the red OP with headbow!

>> No.7753088

>be tiny Asian girl
>bought Holy Lantern at release
>could smuggle a fucking tiger in the bodice
I'm not sure if this fashion is for us either.
Mary Magdalene comes close, though.

I'm convinced it's one fag arguing with themselves. I don't care if people alter their brand, but the raging fatty in this thread >>7753041 has got to be a troll looking to make other fatties look bad.

>> No.7753091

I have conflicting feelings. It's really nice but I can't help but feel like it will look extremely busy. Honestly I'd rather pick a similar print (chocolate rosette) than wear that. It's not as busy. If anything I'm more excited for this years regimental stripes print.

>> No.7753112

I've worn an IW coord to Versailles. No questions asked when I entered. I was also wearing a blonde wig, but it was a lot of people there so they were probably too stressed out to ask.

>> No.7753113

Love it! I'm partial towards the blue.
>tfw poorfag

>> No.7753158


Alternatively, this may just be a seller that FJP has dealt with before and things didn't go smoothly, so they don't want to deal with them again?

>> No.7753189

it looks great anon! you have a wonderful dream dress.

>> No.7753200

>What are some pieces you've had altered?
I used to think that that's just how you properly lolita, you get your wardrobe tailored. I know now that many don't or don't need to. Almost everything I have is slightly altered.

>Shoulder straps
I make extenders (removeable), lengthen them (permanent), alter them into halter style or just readjust where they attach in front, or just completely remove and replace them.

I move darts up a lot, take in seams under the armpits, and occasionally send something away to have a waist dropped. Corset lacing is replaced with sturdier ribbon, sometimes I replace tarnished corset grommets with new ones.

Most of my dresses have a permanent faux underskirt added so I don't have to wear one all the time.

If it comes apart, I will take it apart, and put it back together in a way that suits me better so I don't have an unbalanced pile on my head.

I make new straps, the ones they come with are never long enough. Sometimes I customize them a little.

>> No.7753202

Does alice fururun ship overseas?

>> No.7753257
File: 150 KB, 500x646, boohoobullies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Step 1. Go to fururun website
Step 2. Click on About Overseas Shipping

Ayeeeee gulls I just saw this on facebook. there are only 43 members but any of you inside?

>> No.7753287

I share my computer with multiple seagulls (we're all roommates) and didn't notice she filled out the name field. My bad.

I was being sarcastic anyway. My opinion still stands, that y'all need to let up on fat chicks. Bodyline and taobao are really hit or miss, so altering brand is the best way to go imo.

>> No.7753303

>also dream dress
>I will never own this dress because VV disappeared.
>the 2 times I've seen it on sale it was way too large

>> No.7753327

VV does custom sizing, doesn't she?

>> No.7753345

has anyone ordered from maiden clothing before? how long do they typically take to respond to overseas order emails? I sent them one yesterday for the matching headbow to one of my dream dresses, and I'm wondering what the typical wait time for responses from them is.

>> No.7753348

>got to be a troll looking to make other fatties look bad

Vendettachans who can't get over that fat people wear clothes are making themselves look bad.

>> No.7753368

>Mary Magdalene
>88cm bust on everything, only has waist ties to adjust size
Thank god for Asian push up bras is all I can say. Atelier Pierrot, millefleurs, and IW are much better for small sizes because corset lacing.

I usually give them 3 days at least. If your item disappears from the site it's usually because they're processing your order, they tend to do that before they send you the invoice

>> No.7753400

both sides look bad, now drop it

sage for no contribution

>> No.7753549

I can tell you're the shitposter from earlier. Fuck off, and no, for the record, you're still a dumb asshole.

>> No.7753560
File: 509 KB, 561x418, ver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes they are, sometimes they aren't. Most of the time, anything too OTT will probably get rejected. Pic related, these girls weren't allowed in.

>> No.7753612

It could be! Maybe i can try another ss but others are too expensive or slow compared to FJ. Japonica is slow as hell, Celga is too expensive, Noppin i'm not sure...

>> No.7753699
File: 9 KB, 250x333, 123442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which JSK is this? Does anyone know?

>> No.7753721

Perhaps make it into an halterneck?

>> No.7753733

I love it in blue, but am probably gonna try for the JSK in brown, I can just see the blue as being a bit hard to coord.

>> No.7753835

>shoes are too big

>> No.7753967

That's dedication!

>> No.7753977

>Unless you are built like a rail with a small cup size, no Japanese brand is meant to fit you even with shirring or listed measurements.

Well you obviously don't know what you're talking about. Lolita dresses are actually fatty clothes compared to standard Japanese sizing, most girls of your description find that they're swimming in their brand with an extra 10cm of space or so. You're also forgetting the fact that for awhile Meta was a plus-size brand. And then there's Maximam. And don't forget Moitie's size 3 which was huge. I consider myself chubby (35/27/36) and I have a lot of old Meta that is 10cm too big for me all over at the very least. And my size 3 Moitie is too big too sadly. It's better to be a little bit chubby to fit the dresses with the standard measurements out now, brand has gotten even bigger over the past 10 years.

>> No.7753986

The OP looks a bit busy, but I'm thinking about getting the socks and beret to coordinate with a solid piece. (It would be perfect with European Classic OP, my god.)

>> No.7754013

It's not just the shirring though. Most bodices across all brands are made for a tiny frame and tiny bust. I could get myself down to 15% bodyfat and still have issues because none of this shit is meant to fit a woman with naturally big tits, broad shoulders and an overall wide frame. You can be well within the listed measurements, but if you're not built like the mannequin it was placed on, that shit's not gonna fit, all excess fat aside. Losing will help things look better, sure. But it's not going to solve every problem, especially if it's something that can't be helped.

Case in point: >>7749015
She could probably lose 20-30lbs and still have this same issue.

>> No.7754021

How short are you? Because if you're above 5'8, your measurements aren't exactly in the chubby realm.

>> No.7754052

>twf flat stomach
>tfw i have the same waist measurement and a larger bust and hips than that

>> No.7754069

How is Moitie's size 3 that large on you? Isn't the size 3 waist 68 cm? That's hardly huge.
>tfw 95-71-100
>are you saying there's a chance?

>> No.7754072
File: 268 KB, 1280x1209, tumblr_mmm56yjwkk1sn7qozo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the shit can i cop this

>> No.7754081

Bless your heart, why did you buy it?

>> No.7754085

I want this so badly.

>> No.7754095
File: 1.04 MB, 245x177, zUDETG9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg I just realized cop means to want or to steal. So you actually want this instead of are trying to sell it.

Please don't.

>> No.7754098

it's just F+F skirt with some embroider one it...

>> No.7754102

I know that, but the bodices have become so much bigger since I first got into lolita. I'm a few kilos heavier now and I find it easier to fit into new releases now than I did back then. Baby and AP are very accommodating in the bodice for the most part. I do struggle a bit sometimes with my shoulders with very structured dresses though. How big are your boobs, if you don't mind me asking? 100cm is pretty easy to fit nowdays but it also depends on the cut too.

I'm 5'4". Unfortunately my torso is quite boney but I'm flabby around my stomach/thighs and have a massive butt, but I guess lolita helps hide that.

I only have one size 3 Moitie dress, but it is gaping on me and it would definitely fit you with room to spare. Moitie's measurements definitely aren't accurate at all, you'd fit fine into their size 2 OPs too.

>> No.7754118
File: 440 KB, 710x359, loyal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7754140

Thank you so much, anon! I had given up on my Moitie dreams.
>tfw holy queen can be mine
>twfim probably the only person in love with the jewelry print and it can be mine

>> No.7754150

but it's amazing in a horribly tacky way.

>> No.7754151

I'm so there. My first direct AP purchase, probably going to fuck up. Fingers crossed I get what I want!

>> No.7754175

I'm kind of nervous, I have a meet at an art museum at the end of the month. They always make you take off backpacks when you come in so you don' knock things over. I'm worried that they may not let us in with our giant poofy skirts.

>> No.7754212
File: 72 KB, 480x640, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F9f6f854c692769f13ca25d66c5ed2a81%2Ftumblr_mytj2sJtc31sxsd1uo8_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I know they invented reverse image search for this exact purpose, but I can't get to it from mobile...... What's this dress called?

>> No.7754215

Theatre de l' erreur ~Lost paradise~ OP

>> No.7754219

pls respond

>> No.7754222

I've lengthened the straps on a Baby dress to lengthen the bodice. I'm within measurements to fit, but because of my cup size it gave me boob loaf because it was sitting too high on my chest. Once I did this it fits great. Lengthening the straps can fix a lot of western girls problems I think.

>> No.7754234
File: 34 KB, 424x607, gw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$250 for a stupid apron?

>> No.7754326

What museum?

>> No.7754330
File: 140 KB, 450x525, 2014library-black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Meta ever go back to hand drawn prints or are we forever stuck with clip art shit?

>> No.7754335

Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, TX.

>> No.7754344


Seems like the policy re: backpack is more related to carrying stuff with you like backpacks, umbrellas, large bags, etc.

>> No.7754345

I feel you. I always wanted something from Excentrique but for that much I can buy much more detailed pieces from other brands.

>> No.7754364

Same! I've already made and account and signed up for Tenso... here's hoping we both manage to get something, anon.

>> No.7754373

the Dallas art museum never cares about our frilly dresses. I'm sure FW will be the same

>> No.7754376

are they even worth the extra price? No one talks about them and they hardly ever come up second hand

>> No.7754380

I can't fucking wait for this. I'm so excited and ready for it.

>> No.7754387

Their quality is amazing. I have a few pieces from them and they're all extremely good quality. You just have to be patient about finding them on auction, really. I've never purchased from them directly, so I can't talk about that.

>> No.7754397

oh cool what do you have? I'm kind of interested in their corsets but sooo much compared to other brands and they don't do over seas shipping

>> No.7754412

I have a bustier-style corset in a gobelin print, a pinstriped jacket, a black cropped military bolero, and a couple of non-lolita skirts. All were purchased on Y!JA or mbok.

My chief statement on the corset, since that's what you're interested in, is to go for underbust designs or their princess line bustiers. The ones with cups are generally not going to fit a western frame well from what I've seen. Also, the overbust design I have, though it fits my cup size fine, is a bit long for my torso. My waist is a bit high, so it tends to ride up as I wear it (I'm 165cm; if I were about 4cm taller, it'd be a better fit).

Surprisingly, the corset has a lot of room to spare in it. I thought I might be pushing it at 70cm, since they're rumoured to run small, but I'd say it could easily to up to 76cm or more.

>> No.7754453

Too late to get an SS, so I've set my alarm clock.
Fingers crossed.

>> No.7754471

Silky Halterneck JSK


>> No.7754484

No but this looks like a hotbed of ita and laughs, please someone be our mole. I would but I don't want people seeing that I joined such a spergy group.

>> No.7754511

IMO it's too loud. The tartan with all the rosettes with the border with the other border with the lace with the belt and matching stripes is just too much.

>> No.7754544

Thank you!

>> No.7754549

I searched on fb for it and nothing came up. I guess it's private?

>> No.7754581

I found it no problem and I don't have any friends in the group. Maybe you didn't put the retard apostrophe in?

>> No.7754600

Look up Tokyo Pirates, make sure to write urgent in capital letters in the email subject she may be able to help.

>> No.7754603

I'm crying right now, there's a big meetup this weekend and I'd hoped to wear a specific dress, and it doesn't fit. Not even close. I tried on my whole wardrobe and only two dresses still fit. I want to kill myself, I'm so fat and disgusting and I'm not smart or pretty or talented so lolita is all I have to hold onto and now I don't even have that. I want to slit my wrists and die, I can't handle this.

>> No.7754613

She's on hiatus at the moment.

>> No.7754616

Well, that sucks. I've been planning a trip to France for next year and want to visit Versailles in lolita.
In fact, Versailles is most of the reason I want to go to France. I would be devastated if I wasn't allowed in.

>> No.7754644

Please don't kill yourself, Anon. You can always lose weight or learn a skill, but death is something you can't change. Please don't.

>> No.7754663

In my opinion it looks like a F+F bustle skirt but owner added embroidery. >>7753977
JetJ skirts used to be so tiny and now it's swimming big

>> No.7754822

doesn anyone know how long fromjapan usually takes to precess a mbok order?

and also, which auctions services is the fastest when it comes to bidding?

>> No.7754828

The one mbok auction I did was taken care of within 48 hours. I dunno if their response time improves depending on your ranking.

>> No.7754940

>can't fit dress
>wants to kill self

jfc control yourself
have you even considered losing weight?

calm your tits, put on a dress that fits for the meetup, and exercise.

>> No.7754956

No no
>can't fit ANY dress accept two

I'd be ready to die too.
But seriously just skip the meet if you dont wanna do any of the fitting clothes and try dieting.

>> No.7755014

Thank you!!

>> No.7755048


The fastest? I think chibi_tenshi always has her phone on her and is able to bid on things provided she's awake and hears your mail come in.

Downside, you'll probably need to be someone she's dealt with before to get to that speed. My first experience with her was an AP reservation and she asked for a deposit before locking in my order, she'll probably ask you for a deposit if you're new to her, and she may take a little time to check out your feedback first.

Other downside, she does not hold items for 30 days, and sometimes she has days where her work makes her a tad busy to ship quickly.

>> No.7755066

But this is a really cute print, i want it so bad.
Oh shit. I can only hope the seller after the listing is expired to resell it and item won't be bidded by anyone since the price isn't that low.

>> No.7755067

In my case, FJ took more than a week to arrive and be shipped to me like two weeks.
Feedback like from Egl sales or LM?

>> No.7755077


At the time I contacted her LM didn't exist.

Personally I think she'll probably take eglfeedback after the last scam since eglfeedback is at least connected with the LJ username you'll use to message her, but why not give her everything anyway, and add a message on your LM profile that your username on LJ is so-and-so.

>> No.7755087

Chibi tenshi generally goes through her shop now, not egl, I thought. Tenshishop.com
She responded within 24 hours of me requesting a spot in a reservation recently.

>> No.7755198
File: 88 KB, 480x640, 143794-3925-2014-08-13542147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone put this up on Lacemarket, but the proof picture is stolen from Maidenclothing.
Should I report them? The seller has bad feedback and it seems rather suspicious as they also put up a misty sky op without adding a proof picture, just the stock picture.

>> No.7755200

Yes, report them!

>> No.7755208


Done! Got a bad feeling about this one.

>> No.7755348

I love it! I'm considering the red jsk and the beret. Possibly the OTKs as well.

>> No.7755462
File: 172 KB, 271x358, wonduh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about 3-4 centimeters under measurements for the Wonder Queen OP, in bust and waist. I noticed there's lacing on the back but do they actually help any? They don't look like normal lacing, I was wondering if anyone's seen it in action. Here's lolibrary: http://lolibrary.org/apparel/wonder-queen-op

>> No.7755467

Wondering what the /cgl/ lolita community would like to see/don't see enough/don't see done well concerning jewelry?

>> No.7755473

You want to be a few cm under the measurements given for wearing ease. The lacing could probably be used to take it in a little, but you probably won't need it.

>> No.7755486

Sweet deal, thank you. One reviewer said the bodice fit weird, so I was concerned. Still it looked fine on her.

>> No.7755565

Does anyone wear sunglasses with lolita? They seem to be even rarer than actual glasses.

I'm blind as a bat AND have sensitive eyes so I just can't forego them but I can't figure a style that would go well with it?

>> No.7755597

They want $900 for Misty Sky? Is that seriously what that goes for now? I thought it was around 5-600 at most?

>> No.7755599

Big rhinestone jewelry (kinda like the stuff AATP does sometimes) that isn't stupidly priced.

>> No.7755731

What style of lolita do you wear?

>> No.7755743

I love that stuff, ugh. I'll definitely consider

>> No.7755747

Dafuq? I got a way nicer apron from IW for half that much and at the time I thought it was pretty expensive.
That looks like they used a Simplicity pioneer girl costume pattern. Fug.

>> No.7755761

I have few feedback on egl or LM because i didn't sold a lot of items, it would be ok?

>> No.7755770

You're only going to know if you contact her. It will probably be fine.

>> No.7755786

So I recently bought a few items from Meta. Payment was a little awkward:

I paid with PayPal.
I get an email saying that the system didn't charge me the correct shipping price. I pay the extra cost.
The money from my account was never withdrawn but showed as a pending charge.

I received the items.

A couple weeks later, and the pending charges are completely gone. They never took money out of my account.

Is this common? Should I contact them about this, or just wait for the money to get automatically withdrawn?

>> No.7755817

I think any outfit with a bit of retro influence and coordinated in a summery way makes more sense with sunglasses, so I feel like sweet is the way to go. Dresses/prints that spring to mind are Meta's Pop Swinger, AP Cinema Doll, and basically anything with strawberry and picnic motifs.

>> No.7755857

I think the details that Excentrique has is good, by far the best quality brand beyond IW and Baby, but this is a bit too much

>> No.7755870

I wanted the green but now I really like the brown. The rosettes on the brown are such soft nice colours and I feel like the trim looks better on the brown. But I don't think it will look too nice on my skin tone since I'm brown.

>> No.7755873

Takes them like two or three hours if you get them within their business hours

>> No.7755951

Is lacemarket down? I just went to the website and it keeps redirecting me to yahoo, even when i google the website and click on the link directly.

>> No.7755986

Yep, been down for me too for a little while.

>> No.7755992

For future reference: http://www.isup.me/

>> No.7756001


I didn't even know that website existed! Thanks anon!

And I wonder if they finally got buttmad and just deleted the whole website. I heard from another thread that they were getting fed up with the negative feedback they were getting.

>> No.7756013

Negative feedback was only a small factor. The real reason was because Lacemarket was the project of one sole developer, and she ran the site on her own time and with her own money.

Honestly, it's really thankless work. I'm surprised it had even managed to stay up so long without any external help. The current owner is gathering people to take over and start Lacemarket v2.

Not sure why the site is down, however. That wasn't part of the original plan.

>> No.7756015

Nah. Just general server issues. Last update on fb (lacemarketnet) was 3hrs ago.

>> No.7756029


Good to know, I'm glad they're not ditching the whole project.

>> No.7756107

Are JetJ's prints a little...blurry, for lack of a better word? I purchased one of their skirts secondhand and it was delivered today, and was surprised that the print wasn't as crisp as I thought it would be. Is this a weird misprint, or? I don't own any other JetJ things to compare it to but I'm becoming increasingly paranoid about it.

>> No.7756116

I think I'm going to alter my CDC jsk.
I don't really understand the people who are saying it will look bad though. That alteration looks fine to me?

>> No.7756135

jetj has gone way down hill recently

>> No.7756142

I've seen people on here say that JetJ uses low res photos for their painting dresses, so they aren't very crisp. But I don't own any so hopefully someone will confirm.

>> No.7756179

It is a painting skirt too, albeit from a few years ago. Damn. If this is true I'll be really disappointed. At least I'll know it wasn't the seller duping me into a bad buy though.

>> No.7756190

Some of them are - I have seen a few in person and especially the earlier painting prints are blurry. The book print and the more recent "piles of Victorian clip art" type prints are more crisp.

>> No.7756191

Ignore the retards who were bickering earlier.
The dress is going to look 10x better altered than anyone trying to squeeze into it.

>> No.7756420

Are there any brands with nice rosaries in stock? Indie too, of course.

>> No.7756549


This anon >>7756142 probably meant me. The first time i saw a painting dress i was amazed by the pixelation. Being the cun i am of course i come to cgl and ramble about burando being cheap

>> No.7756567

Shit, so it's really that common? Some of my dream skirts from JetJ are painting-inspired and I had no idea. I thought maybe the seller was passing off some kind of strange, undisclosed damage, especially since I just saw the same skirt for sale on the comms for almost a full $150 USD more than I paid for it. I still love the skirt, I just really didn't anticipate the pixellation. I'll keep that in mind in the future.

>> No.7756602

Ive only seen one up close, i was never a fan of jetj in the first place so i dont rember which print. Go consult jetj's lackeys instead.

>> No.7756706
File: 671 KB, 1000x667, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hope this will help, took some closeups on my Amour d'amants robe JSK.

>> No.7756709
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>> No.7756710
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>> No.7756711
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>> No.7756712

Yikes...this doesn't look nice at all, wtf JetJ...

>> No.7756713
File: 821 KB, 667x1000, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7756714

tbh this just makes me tempted to get the oojia replica.

I can understand why it's so pixelated, but if it's that bad I don't see why I'd pay $300 for something that's more of a design replica anyways since the print isn't exclusively jetj's

>> No.7756718

Stolen kiss was like this too. Feerie is the best I've seen. The smaller images that get repeated on that pattern satinish fabric are the best.

>> No.7756733


I'm so going to regret not getting this but I can't fix being broke atm.

>> No.7756743

It's so blurry, I expected better from JetJ tbh.
I had Luna Rossa's (taobao brand) painting jsks which were just as blurry, the difference is that it didn't cost an arm & leg unlike JetJ.
Also, the the fabric is probably supposed to look like this but it looks like it has so many pulled threads, damn.

>> No.7756764


Much have to do with the fabric actually. It is polyester woven to give it a raw silk feel as the one often used in silk corsets/dresses from the Victorian era. It's just a bit heavier then raw silk fabric and a bit stiffer. The black upper-body is woven in the same way.

(I'm translating this as good as i can since English is just my second languish)

>> No.7756765
File: 236 KB, 480x722, DSC_0880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of Jetj Feerie, not my pic.

Maybe it's just me, but the JetJ definitely looks inferior to the pics on google of the actual painting.

>> No.7756767
File: 181 KB, 458x550, 78776759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend an instore shopping service for Jane Marple? I desperately want their piano dress, but it's of course sold out online.

>> No.7756773

Forgot the part that it looks a bit hard to print on because of the imitation technique.

>> No.7756780

Im >>7756602. Looks like the print i saw was >>7756706
>Amour d'amants robe

Heh! Why get a replica? Seriously painting dresses are for plebs. All of them will be ugly pixelated anyway might as well not even start.

however i can easily agree with >>7756764. Jetj wants to shortchange you weebs with pixelated prints, then they guilt tripped themselves and decided to use nice fabric to try and make up for it haha.

>> No.7756805

Amour d'amants robe is an old print though (2011) and I have no idea how their newer stuff looks. I think their painting dresses that are made in chiffon are better actually.

>> No.7756846

Has anyone from Australia ordered from Anna House recently? how long did it take for your item to get here?

>> No.7756870

3 years isn't old in lolita

>> No.7756915

3 years is still good time to improve your dresses and printing technique.

>> No.7756921

An idea:
extend length using similar base color ribbon sewn to bodice of dress and straps. Tie ribbons into cute bows, either in back or front, or both sides.

>> No.7756981
File: 9 KB, 193x104, 111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this guy? He keeps leaving comments on Lolita Fashion Clothing's facebook.

>> No.7756982
File: 7 KB, 288x66, 112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7756987

Some sperglord, obviously.

>> No.7756994

Yes we must understand that we dress for others and not ourselves!

Tbh that I've never and will never understand why guys think like this.

>> No.7757029

It's just another way of voicing the eternal male doubt: "What do you mean, women don't exist to please me?"
>Why are they dating those guy? They should be dating me.
>Why are they talking back? They're supposed to listen and obey me.
>Why aren't they replying my message/picking up the phone? They're supposed to stop everything they're doing when I want to talk to them!
>Why don't they have the same hobbies as me? They're supposed to be attractive and be into the same things as me!
>Why are they dressing like this? They should dress in a way I find attractive.
It's the same thing, over and over and over.
Sage because yeah.

>> No.7757172


>> No.7757209

Oh my fucking god I'm having a hard time being patient for this release.

What colors is everyone else getting? It seems like brown is the only unpopular colorway. I'm getting green I think.

>> No.7757239

A few inches or cms can really make a huge difference in how things fit. I'm in the same boat myself and I'm really down because I'd reached one of my big weight loss goals and then gained 10lbs back within two months, and it's to the point where things are really hard to put on and I'm nearing that point where I'd be worried about damaging some of my things, just from 10lbs, when it was quite roomy before.

Here's some suggestions.
- Lower your calorie intake and keep tabs on it. - Change your eating habits as you go, less sweets and junk (you can treat yourself on occasion without any damage but don't make it an everyday thing)
- Drink a fuckton of water. Seriously, I dropped a lot of weight just from drinking water. Your body will release all the excess water retention and that will help.
- Strength train and do workouts in your own home to tone up. This will help with fit as well. I do circuit training exercises with stuff in my house and it takes 30 minutes and does wonders and works everything. I can go back to sitting at my computer and vegging out until I go to work without having to drive across town to a gym.
- 1 inch / ~3cm = 6-7lbs for the average person. Just that much can make a big difference in the way things fit. Healthy weight loss is about 1-3lbs per week. Ideally you can do an inch in about 2-3 weeks. Depending on your weight and how tight things are fitting or not fitting, it might take longer.

You may have to skip out on the meetup, or maybe see if someone has a dress that will fit you that you can borrow? But definitely don't kill yourself. Fat is easy to lose, if just a little time consuming. You can't regain your life once it's gone. You can do it, anon!

>> No.7757250

I love brown, myself. I dont think I'll go for this release, but maybe if it pops up secondhand and its convient for me I'll go for it.

>> No.7757588

If CDC is anything to go by, fattychans who were too big for the dress will be unloading theirs a few weeks after the release

>> No.7757621 [DELETED] 

Ok, /cgl/ I need help.

I'm making an order with From Japan. I finished the order form and now I'm supposed to make charge 1 by paypal.

But it won't let me do this? When I'm supposed to pay it goes "you need to connect your paypal with your credit card". Is it mandatory? I have the money needed at paypal, but I don't have any credit cards... Am I doing something wrong?

>> No.7757631


I'm in the same boat. I'm also considering suicide and lolita only has a small part in it. But I decided that if I didn't die on my birthday last week after drinking everything I could get my hands on (8+ shots of jack plus a bunch of other stuff) then I was going to start over and become a new person. I'm dealing with a rough bout of depression and I had a breakdown in the shower last night after getting back from a run. I just feel like I'm at my wits end for everything, I was skinny all throughout high school but depression caused me to gain a lot of weight and I'm struggling to accept that I'll never go back to that perfect body I used to have. No matter how much wight I lose, I'll always have these stretchmarks and if my breasts shrink as much as I hope, they're probably going to be saggy and gross. I either want to go back in time and slap my old self or just die already but I'm trying really hard to deal with it and fix everything.

>> No.7757637

Lose weight while using cream to fix the stretch marks, and go see a therapist and get prescribed antidepressants. Its actually not that horribly hopeless? If you lose weight right you wont have any sagging, its simple

>> No.7757649

I want red, which worries me because I'm pretty sure everyone and their mom wants red.
I shouldn't be spending that kind of money in the first place, but at least then I'll feel less bad if I can't snatch it.

>> No.7757651

Weight loss is possible for anyone who puts their mind to it. It may require a trip to the doctor for medication but both of you anons can do it. Go see a therapist, get treated for depression. If you lose weight while you are young your skin is much more elastic and will bounce back. You'd be surprised at how you don't have hanging skin (unless you're like 200lbs+)

>> No.7757653

I've seen equal parts red and green and some people going for the blue. Only that other anon earlier have I seen wanting navy.

Also the OP seems popular as well so its not like usual where everyone jumps all over the JSK

>> No.7757656

8 or so drinks won't kill you. Try drinking a whole bottle of spirits, though even then, it probably won't kill you but just destroy your kidneys and/or liver.

>> No.7757659

*brown i meant

>> No.7757663

I am a small person with stretch marks. After you lose the weight they get smaller and over time they turn more silvery instead of red. If you dont tan heavily they wont be very noticible

>> No.7757666

Is it ok to wear shironuri with a lolita coord if it matches or looks good, or is shironuri just itself a separate fashion?

>> No.7757695

I think it takes a fair bit more than one bottle of spirit to permanently damage your liver/kidneys.

>> No.7757697

Oh, my friend had a similar thing happen! Though I don't recall how exacly did she deal with it, I'll ask her tomorrow. I'm nearly certain that this is a problem with Paypal, not Meta shop - as in, Meta got their money, but the owner of the money was Paypal and not you.

>> No.7757707

Ugh I'd go for this release even though I don't really have the money but I love the OP and I doubt it would fit comfortably at the moment (it won't fit as wide of a range as the JSK right?)

>> No.7757722

They'll take out the money later, this is a pretty common thing. Just try to keep an eye on your account so you have enough when it happens.

>> No.7757723

If people can blend fairy kei and lolita as well as steampunk and lolita, why not add shironuri to the mix? I don't see anything wrong with it as long as it's done well.

>> No.7757729

I actually really love the brown and it's the colorway that I'm planning on getting. I was originally going for red, but it seems like its more brighter red than I thought (especially from the worn pic that was posted above), so brown it is!

>> No.7757733

>as well as steampunk and lolita
The toppest of keks, my good fellow

>> No.7757738

Only in the unpopular colorways, though.

>> No.7757740
File: 141 KB, 500x215, 1384570485013.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just how new are you exactly?

>> No.7757751

>using cream to fix the stretch marks
You can't fix stretchmarks. They're scarring of the skin and an indication that it has lost its elasticity.
At best a cream will make them less red, but they will always remain visible, and unless they're gaining more weight the stretchmarks would fade naturally anyway. Creams are a huge waste of money and I can't believe people buy into them.
>If you lose weight right you wont have any sagging
Can we please stop perpetuating this myth?
If your skin has been stretched and there's no more elasticity to it (as indicated by sag and stretchmarks) you're not going to bounce back just because you lose the weight more slowly.

Most 'successful' people who've had major weight loss (100 pounds or more) just get tucks and lipo under the table.

>> No.7757753
File: 54 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a replica of these yet?

>> No.7757758

what the fuck are you talking about anon, it's not a myth
source: i fucking did this and didnt have sagging skin because i did it the way you're supposed to???????

>> No.7757762

How much weight did you lose?

>> No.7757766

>it's not a myth
But it is. There is no "right" way to stop sagging.
If you have a gunt there is no amount of "right" exercising and "right" diet that's going to make it bounce back.

NOW, say if you only had, eh, 40-50 pounds to lose that's a different story. But don't give people with 80+ pounds of fat cells and extra skin false hope and shame for wondering why all their efforts didn't amount to the same results as someone else.

So, tell me, how much did you lose? And please post pics of this defiance of physics.

>> No.7757767

it took me over a year and i don't have any "flabby skin leftovers"

>> No.7757770

Losing weight more slowly prevents you from sagging dramatically. This is a problem that people who are obese or morbidly obese have in particular. A drastic decrease in your weight might be detrimental for your body, so no, it's not entirely a myth. I used to go to a nutritionist and she explained this to me.

>> No.7757772

Pics now. Before and after. Preferably gut/arm areas pls.

>> No.7757773

It has everything to do with skin elasticity.

>> No.7757778

100 pounds is a lot to lose in just over a year.
So maybe anon's theory stands correct and your skin elasticity was better and you had fat accumulate more even in your body.

It doesn't prove there's a right and wrong way to lose weight and diet. Even so, why would you want to discourage weight loss anyway? No offense, but you sound full of yourself.

>> No.7757782

>why would you want to discourage weight loss anyway

>> No.7757783

>"Oh you have sagging skin? Teehee you didn't do it right?"

>> No.7757784

I smell bullshit.

>> No.7757785

lol fuck off, if you want to starve yourself and not work out like a normal person i really don't give a fuck what you do to your body or how it looks.
if a post on here made you discouraged in losing weight then you probably weren't very motivated in the first place

>> No.7757787

No, you fuck off liar.
I like how you can't even provide timestamped evidence of your big bullshit weight loss story either.
Are you like 16? Go away child.

>> No.7757795

like i'm retarded enough to post pictures of myself on 4chan
come the fuck on.
you don't even have a valid response to what i said other than LE GO AWAY CHILDE because i'm 100% correct and you aren't getting the results you want so you're taking it out on the internet.

>> No.7757796

Then shut your whore mouth if you can't back up your arguments with any evidence. Nobody is stupid enough on 4chan to take your word for it, that's for damn sure.
Now hush underager (not that you're denying it).

>> No.7757797

>like i'm retarded enough to post pictures of myself on 4chan

>not just blurring out your face
Anon is right, my bullshit alarm is going off. You're pathetic to lie about that.

>> No.7757814
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Shironuri + lolita is possible if you look good and not obese...

>> No.7757815

So you're wrong.

>> No.7757822

How am I wrong?
Also, no.
>While losing weight is normally fantastic -- especially for those who are extremely overweight -- one often overlooked side effect is the amount of excess skin you may be left with. Those who already had poor skin elasticity before weight loss likely will not have skin that is able to adapt to their new body shape; in such a situation, you may need to turn to plastic surgery.
>Those who already had poor skin elasticity before weight loss likely will not have skin that is able to adapt to their new body shape
>who already had poor skin elasticity

So yeah, maybe a 16 year old who's only 40 pounds overweight might not having sagging skin. But a 20 some year old who's been 100+ pounds overweight, has stretch marks all over themselves, and signs of sag will not get that bounce back even IF they lose weight slowly.

There's nothing "wrong" about that scientific fact.

>> No.7757838
File: 86 KB, 720x960, wat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it anon.

>> No.7757840

That does not look good.

>> No.7757848
File: 144 KB, 518x1000, 2014-05-06-bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying people who have saggy skin starved themselves and "didn't lose weight right"

This is what happens when most people who lose a lot of weight. TV shows and magazines like to pretend that you can go from 250 lbs to 120 lbs and look amazing--but for most people, especially if they're older, especially if they've been overweight for a long time, will have loose, saggy skin.They like to hide this fact because people want miracles, not reality. In fact, her story was rejected by a fitness magazine because of this photo--they wanted to hide her sagging skin.

>> No.7757856

I like the jsk more. The sleeves look bulky

>> No.7757857

really fuckin doubt these posters are morbidly obese. Theyre probably ten-twenty pounds overweight.

>> No.7757910

>They like to hide this fact because people want miracles, not reality

Also companies like hiding that reality because they still want to sell miracle creams and special diet foods to help that icky saggy skin. There's money in the weight loss industry.

>morbidly obese
Heh, depends on their height.
Also, again, you don't have to be morbidly obese to have shit skin elasticity.
Can you please stop shitposting now, shitchan?

>> No.7757925
File: 77 KB, 400x713, lunna-in-the-sea-lolita-jumper-dress-with-jellyfish-prints-rs-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any sellers that sell navy lolita shoes?
Looking for some to go with lost in sea.

>> No.7757941

JetJ has really been disappointing lately. Their prices keep creeping upward but the designs get more and more plain and uninspired. If you look at their stuff from 2010 and earlier you could get something with tons of ruffles and details for a lot less money than their current "plain a-line dress with photoshop collage print on the skirt" offerings. I feel like most of the stuff in their shop costs about $100 more than it should.

>> No.7757957
File: 25 KB, 197x245, 1389905793862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh this so much.

>> No.7757985

You do realize this isn't Lost in Sea, right?

>> No.7758013
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1070, lololol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7758051

I can't seem to find the price check thread and was wondering how much Anniversary Rose in red and navy go for?

>> No.7758079

What is it then?

>> No.7758083

new reaction image

>> No.7758086

R-series Lun(n)a in the sea

>> No.7758092
File: 1.66 MB, 320x180, 1407914531525.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calm your tits, put down salt and bad carbs, eat plenty of fiber & drink water ffs

>> No.7758099

Not that anon but thanks for the review.

>> No.7758110
File: 57 KB, 385x578, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I am an idiot and posted the wrong picture.
Either way, does anyone have any recommendations for shoes?

>> No.7758118

I'm going for brown or blue. I prefer the blue but the brown would be a lot easier to wear.

>> No.7758133
File: 140 KB, 769x757, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have suggestions for this?

>> No.7758134

Sauce on fur collar?

>> No.7758137

I think it'd look better with a blue cardigan that matches your hat/tights to balance it out a bit!

>> No.7758146

the tights being all bunchy is the worst thing about this

>> No.7758204

I'm having trouble finding that shade of blue, but still looking.

>> No.7758212


I'm this anon >>7757631. I'm about 5'3'' and I'm like 70lbs overweight. I want to get even smaller than I was in school so my ultimate goal is like 100-110. Probably wont get there but eh. I think my skin is fairly elastic, the stretchmarks are from how quickly I gained weight so I'm hoping that I wont be completely disgusting afterwards. It was literally a train wreck my senior year when the depression hit hard, I'd done summer gym that year so I was relatively in shape going in and then right around Halloween my shirts started getting tighter and I couldn't bring myself to care. I kept thinking that it doesn't matter anyway because no one cares or wants me, I remember thinking that I'd enjoy food while I was around to have it because I didn't plan on living much longer. Then the next thing I know, I've ballooned up and my breasts are huge (DD) and my knee high boots no longer fit because of my giant legs and my ass is so fat I've constantly got black men slobbering all over me. I hate what I've become and its killing me to know how badly I fucked up. A lot of fatties have always been fatties but I know what it feels like to have a flat tummy that doesn't jiggle when you walk, I know how easy it is to simply WALK without feeling like your weighed down and I know how it feels to walk in to a store and find literally ANYTHING that will fit you. Now I know what it feels like to go shopping and struggle to find even one thing that fits properly and doesn't make you look even fatter than you already are. It hurts bad knowing that even if I get back down to my previous weight that it just wont be the same body. I've fucked up really bad and honestly its just making me even more depressed. I'm never going to be beautiful and no one is ever going to want me and I'll never be a cute lolita and I'll never, ever be perfect. I flushed everything I had down the toilet and this isn't a life worth living tbh. I couldve been damn close to perfect but I was too apathetic

>> No.7758231


I just want to be pretty like I used to be but no man is ever going to look at the stretchmarks on my tummy and think 'wow, what a beautiful body' and neither am I. I know they say that you have to accept yourself first before you can do anything else but I can't do that, how can I accept such a fucked up body? I betrayed myself and this is what I get for it, I'll never be beautiful and that hurts.

>> No.7758242

Anon, there is no use thinking that way. I know it hurts and I know you're miserable. But you can't change the past. All you can do is evaluate your situation honestly and do the very best you can with what you've got. The more you talk down to yourself, the harder it is to take care of yourself, and it will take you that much longer to get to where you want to be. You matter. Your extra weight is not you. It's an obstacle that you can overcome. But you have to fight off hopelessness every single day. You can do it, anon.

>> No.7758247

You'll never be the person you were before and you'll never have the body you used to have. That's literally true of everyone. And it's ok to grieve over these things. But you can't go backwards. You can only do your best, starting today.

>> No.7758265

Where do you think you'll be in a few years? Do you think you'll still be depressed? Still overweight? Or perhaps even gone?

Try imagining how you'd be in a few years as your ideal self. Try imagining you a few years older. You're slimmer, you're happier, you look wonderful in your clothes and have an easier time shopping. Imagine having a crush on some guy a few years into the future and feeling confident and certain that your senpai will notice you.

Maybe getting to that ideal point will take a few years. Maybe it'll take much less time. Have you tried making a list of what kind of things you could do to reach your ideal?

It'd probably help to make some stretch goals. Start off exercising slowly, but surely. Keep increasing intensity as the weeks go by. By next month you'll be X pounds lighter. You'll keep stepping through incrementally, always looking to the future, to your "ideal" body and ideal state of mind.

If you're addicted to certain kinds of food, you could write down exactly how much of something you're consuming a day that's bad for you, and slowly lower that amount as time goes on. Soon, you'll have eliminated the fatty foods and you'll be eating healthier, and feeling happier for it.

Those were just some suggestions. You can do it, anon. I can empathize, and I'm sure others can too.

>> No.7758463
File: 57 KB, 500x666, white-plume-chocolate-butterfly-applique-vertical-strips-lolita-tights-wp-191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question: anyone know where My Lolita Dress is getting these? They look familiar.

>> No.7758491

IDK, anon. The reviews are off putting. All not aligned, white lines, and light printing not matching the photos shown.


>> No.7758520

They're Merry go round tights, a japanese tights designer. Probably a knockoff.

>> No.7758537

Fuck it, gonna try for the JSK in green /wallet weeps. I've never participated in an AP release before, what should I expect?

>> No.7758576
File: 1.06 MB, 942x774, hmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if I'm the first one to notice, but it looks like DreamV is selling some items with a really strange Vanilla-chan knockoff print.
From what I can tell, it's a collaboration with Shiina Pikarin designing the gothic items and (my Japanese is awful, I can't read her name) designing the sweet items.
I included the other sweet designs just in case somebody else might recognize them.

>> No.7758729

Antaina sell navy blue shoes

>> No.7758744
File: 37 KB, 600x445, 5040e59317403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That cat looks like it's doing this face.

>> No.7758748

IMO shironuri is more of a performance art than a fashion. Shironuri is just the whiteface, there's no real guidelines on the clothing other than "go all out and look fabulous". I'd actually say it's closer to cosplay than fashion because you are portraying a fantasy character of your own creation. If that character just so happens to wear lolita, fine. But please be aware that, like with steampunk, you are turning the outfit into a costume. It can (theoretically) look really awesome so that's not necessarily a bad thing but I wouldn't wear shironuri+lolita to a simple hang-around-the-mall-and-get-icecream meet, for instance. It's more suitable for the kind of meet where everyone goes all out, like with Enchanted.

>> No.7758847

Omg it does lol

>> No.7758901

Pandemonium, items being uploaded wrong, and really bad server lag. Maybe better with their new shop though?

>> No.7758927

there will always be a man to love you, there's a man for everyone, but you have to be beautiful for yourself

>> No.7759173

Can we get back on topic, /fit/ is over there

>> No.7759224

The other girl is Matsumoto Ai. Her nickname (cut off here) is Maapipi. http://ameblo.jp/matsumoto-ai/

Also, that is clearly a shitty vanilla-chan knockoff.

>> No.7759302

My internet has been dodgy this week. I'm afraid it will go off during the release.

>> No.7760003

Should we tell AP? I mean I know they normally can't do much about knockoffs, since they're normally in China, but since both AP and DreamV are based in Japan they might have a chance of doing something about it.
>Don't get me wrong, I love DreamV. But I love AP just a little bit more.

>> No.7760604

I overslept through this release and I'm so effing mad, uuugh...
But damn, the JSK and the OP are already gone completely.

>> No.7760774

For what it's worth, I've lost about 70lbs myself and my stretch marks and loose skin aren't terrible. The worst of them seem to be from puberty as I had them when I was younger and smaller, and they're silver now. I'm also older (early 30's). The worst part is my arms. I try to keep them well toned at the very least. I imagine when I get down to my goal weight, I might have a little more loose skin in my stomach area, but I dont imagine it being terrible as I'm fairly close to where I want to be. It honestly depends on the speed at which you loose, how much you're losing, and then sadly, genetics contributing to your skin elasticity.

A lot of times when you see people that have really bad saggy skin everywhere, it's mostly from yo-yo dieting, losing a lot, regaining a lot, loosing a lot again, add in a pregnancy or two and that can really do damage to your skin. Also, people that were very morbidly obese (300-400+ lbs) who lost a lot will get it as well.

70lbs... yeah that's going to leave some damage, but with any luck it won't be terrible. Besides, it's better to be in a smaller body that you're more confident in even with stretch marks, etc than a larger one that you feel entirely miserable in.

>> No.7760942

A lot of Catholic Churches have small shops in the back where a sweet little volunteer grandma will sell you rosaries and bibles and holy water. Or you could google Catholic bookstores or just shops in your area. They won't have burando rosaries, but you can match them with gothic coords easy. Just don't wear them.

>> No.7761094


I just wanted to say thank you all for your kind words of encouragement and that even though I'm pretty miserable atm I don't plan on giving up. Suicide would be the easy choice, sure, but I think it would be more fulfilling to get a hot body and laugh in the face of everyone who mocked my weight and the boys who wouldn't even give me a second glance because I wasn't skinny. I WILL be the one to have the final laugh and no one is going to stop me.

Also, I weighed myself this morning and I've lost 10lbs since the last time I got on a scale which was two or three months ago. Its not much but its the lowest I've been in years so I'm going to take it and run with it. I'm gonna make it guys. ;_;