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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 607 KB, 2048x1497, 10380258_551096054994953_1987942437117716327_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7744003 No.7744003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>random mint used on the hat but nowhere else in the coordinate
>warm straw bag with gold hardware with a cool-toned coord/mostly silver accessories
>those bows on her wrists have to go, no questions asked
>motifs all over the place (crowns and hearts and bows and bunnies and florals oh my)
>silver shoes

How did this manage to get over 240 likes on CoF? Some of the people liking aren't the type to give asspats, but this coord is all over the place...plus, the crooked neckbow is just sad.

>> No.7744006
File: 931 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_na0s67451P1r6rai4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl. It's like she's blind to warm/cool tones.

>> No.7744012


I swear to god she has the creepiest face. It looks vaguely uncanny valley but I can't say why.

>> No.7744014

She looks a lot like my aunt, who has Bell's Palsy.

>> No.7744018

i just thought it was weird she called this a country coord, it's way too fancy to be country. a straw bag and straw hat do not a country coord make. she looks like she's going to afternoon tea instead of a country girl going on a picnic.

>> No.7744025

maybe she was going for southern bell?

>> No.7744029

Her neck, or rather, how she framed it in the first photo, is what's off to me. She just kinda boxed it in and made herself look like a giraffe when she isn't.

>> No.7744032

I think a common misconception is that a straw hat and bag make a country coord.

I wish she had done sax shoes, removed all of the mint, no lace gloves (honestly, the shape looks more suitable for a casual coord imo) or wrist things, etc. Different bag, too.

>> No.7744033

maybe, but that's just not country either

>> No.7744039

I have nothing against this girl but there's just something off about every coordinate she does. Her make-up looks nice though.

>> No.7744045

you forgot
>those ugly lace gloves
>the weird chin strap
>the way the skirt sits with the blouse and that belt

>> No.7744051
File: 393 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_na0msqlHIk1qjas61o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I nitpick behavior in this thread too? Because

" I decided to have some drinks before my brothers wedding reception. ~
#personal #lolita #sweet lolita #drunk lolita #lolita fashion "

This is the kind of shit you'd expect from someone who has never been drunk, is not drunk, and is acting like they think drunk people act. She probably had half a glass of champagne and then acted instantly wasted.

>> No.7744057
File: 505 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_na0msqlHIk1qjas61o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7744061
File: 130 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n9sj0bndE31qjas61o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the full coord, which sucks.
She can't seem to stop posting selfies with her vaporizer either and keeps saying shit like "time for cotton candy puffy puffs ^_^"

>> No.7744062

Welp, you guys made me feel bad for liking these now.

Personally I like the risks she takes. Sometimes cookie-cutter coordinates are old.

>> No.7744063

what are you talking about? it's a pretty good coord

>> No.7744069

it's pretty cute, imo. what's your problem with it? just vendetta over her behaior?

>> No.7744070

People are going to start wearing these to get notorious like that kate bitch, aren't they?
Other than that, coord is fine. No idea why you're bitchin.

>> No.7744073

Other than it being borings as fuck,
>non-matching pinks
>that ratty wig
>those fucking glasses
The bolero and the JSK look cute together, I'm not too keep on the cheap ebay tights but they can stay if she can find some matching shoes, brush her wig, and ditch the glasses. Can't see the bag but judging by the color of the strap it probably doesn't match either.

>> No.7744077


Pretty good coord?

>>Mismatched pinks
>>Washed-out looking tights
>>Ugly bolero
>> No makeup


>> No.7744080

**not too keen
Also I really wish the hairbow was more visible when looking at her head-on. Her head looks pretty plain.

>> No.7744100

I said pretty good, not great

>> No.7744104

But it's not even "pretty good", it's average at best and she loses major points for those damn fake-ass hipster glasses. She doesn't even have the "prescription" excuse.

>> No.7744134

What skirt is that?

>> No.7744166
File: 51 KB, 480x720, 10530828_10201969417631430_6571975993208213852_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on CoF. Freaking bunny tights and that ugly blouse.

>> No.7744171

I think it's really cute. Shame about the waist being so high though.

>> No.7744173
File: 109 KB, 960x720, 10583882_10203177575212643_714521901957929313_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her hair doesn't work and the balance is off

>> No.7744182

It's okay as a very, VERY casual coord but definitely not full lolita by any means.

>> No.7744185

YES I fucking hate this coord. I keep seeing it all over tumblr and it's subpar at best.

>> No.7744206

ITT: Everyone's an elitist cunt

>> No.7744209
File: 76 KB, 465x960, 10556213_10154404549765411_507485354428876901_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needs more petti
>Either needs a headdress in ivory or white (can't tell what the color on the skirt is) OR needs to get black shoes
>Differently patterned OTK socks or tights

>> No.7744212

>all over tumblr
>subpar at best
That's Batty for you.

>> No.7744213

It's a nitpick thread. That doesn't make us elitists, it makes us picky.

>reading comprehension

>> No.7744214
File: 117 KB, 539x960, 1907392_329741663873625_3553482492214545763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get different shoes, those are godawful
>Patterned socks or tights would look far better
>Please wear some makeup
>Please style your hair differently, it looks like scene hair or something
>looks like she may be mixing ivory and pure white tones but can't quite tell

>> No.7744218

forgot to add
>get rid of the bracelets and the hairtie on your left wrist

>> No.7744230
File: 246 KB, 277x530, 1403178143053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone knows her tumblr please let me know.

>> No.7744231

Would it have killed her to wear some makeup to her brother's wedding? Hardly a casual event.

>> No.7744249

Why would she choose that dress for her brother's wedding though?
She looks off instead of fancy.

>> No.7744251

Is that crystal reed?

>> No.7744256

I hate it when people wear longer boots with otk's, it just looks so shitty to me.

>> No.7744268

i think its a rhapsody wig that is looking funny because of her weird face and the straw hat :o

>> No.7744321


Im not keen on the lipstick or the way the belt divides her figure, but other than that- looks good.

>> No.7744327


I cant really see this person's figure, but nothing here seems to fit her body properly.

Shame because she seems generally cute, overall.

>> No.7744373

I think this is a really cute casual coord. I'd wear it to the movies or for a day out around the city. Her hair suites the style well, and I like the hair accessory. The bunny tights could perhaps be replaced with some pink lacey ankle socks but those are definitely minor nitpicks.

>> No.7744377

The hat doesn't work. Otherwise it looks cute. I like her level of poof. She has skinny enough legs for it not to make her look huge.

>> No.7744778

The only real thing that bother me is the excessive poof making the skirt too short, hair are cute but too bright, maybe a jsk with some hot pink would work better. For this neon dyed hair are prone to be a nitpick, because they don't match with some color palettes.

>> No.7744836

i think her shoes are perfectly fine. the bracelets are prety meh, agree that stockings could do with something going on there, but that hair/wig is nasty.

>> No.7744876

I hate this girls face so much. She and the girl in OP's pic could be really pretty if they stopped making this retarded "half-grin"
Fucking smile wide open, or smile with your mouth closed, but stop with that awkward ~oh noez I'm being photographed so embarassing teehee~ look. It looks fake and creepy as fuck, like someone didn't know how to draw a human expression, you've been photographed a hundred times and by now you should know how to work your faces, bitches.

/autism off

>> No.7744929

at least you admit it. Briz looks like she's had a stroke but if there's one good thing I can say about Batty it's that her smile really doesn't look bad. She's showing teeth without looking like she wants to bake your cock, but somehow you're reading that as "fake and creepy" which doesn't make any sense to me. Not all people open smile with all of their teeth and gums showing and most closed smiles look very forced (have you seen Misako lately?). Batty's half-smile looks way more genuine than her closed one, if anything that closed smile looks more like your description of the cringey ~oh noez I'm being photographed so embarassing teehee~. Sounds like you've got a bad set of chompers that you're having a hard time photographing nicely (as well as a raging case of assburgers), my condolences.

>> No.7744938
File: 602 KB, 927x1280, tumblr_na1sai6ymG1syqyomo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and most closed smiles look very forced
Case and point. These two always look like they just smelled something rank.

>> No.7744946

Uh, am I alone in the fact that one side of my smile pulls up first and more than the other side? That half-grin is my natural smile, is there something wrong with me?

>> No.7744949

they're just really awkward when it comes to being photographed I guess
They're not ugly or anything

>> No.7744956

that's normal for many people. the awkward "oh shit what do I do with my face?!" reaction is different
can I call whiteknight? cause she looks BAD, like some sort of realdoll

>> No.7744957

Really cute for casual. A bit more poof and a less frumpy-fitting blouse would fit it up.

I love the poof, but I wish the skirt was longer. Different hair too. She's got cute legs though, it could look far worse.

Looks like a wig that needs to be tamed and styled?

I think I saw a post of hers earlier (or maybe in COF) where she said he asked her to wear lolita? Which is a cute request but at least make it a polished coordinate.

>> No.7744981

>Being awkward when it comes ti beimg photographed
>Being a camwhore
They only get to choose one

>> No.7745132

Does she even petti?

>> No.7745139

>can I call whiteknight?
No, considering I hate Batty more than most. I'm just saying your autism is unfounded and dumb.

>> No.7745209

Those stick on face jewels are fucking hideous, who the fuck would wear a cheap plastic heart bindi, it makes you look like trash and your eyebrows look huge and disgusting.

>> No.7745350

>cheap plastic heart bindi
It's a forehead dermal. It's an actual piercing.

>> No.7745474

No I'm pretty sure hers rejected a while ago, so she wears little kid jewels on her forehead now since its gone

>> No.7745699

>cookie cutter
>chocolate vest, chocolate tights, chocolate bag, chocolate umbrella, everything else probably named chocolate thing

>> No.7745705

Every coord of hers ever is barely subpar. They never match, but she's so tumblr edgy so it's ok right.

>> No.7745709

Or they just caught a glimpse of their faces in the mirror. God damn there are some things makeup can't fix.
Plus those fucking hideous glasses.

>> No.7745710

No. The piercing is gone. It's a shitty cheap plastic jewel, stay up to date if you wanna whiteknight.

>> No.7745718
File: 139 KB, 377x750, whythreeblues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those shoes just no. Why the mint hair bow? The tights and bag were a terrible choice, the brown only matches each other and that yellow on the tights doesn't even match the gross belt. Is the necklace black? Please wear a petticoat and do something with your nasty ass roots. Super kawaii waist brooch.
Tumblr at it's finest.

>> No.7745729

It's because she's a dumb cunt in our comm that can't take nice concrit, even when she asks for it.

Plus that coord fucking sucks, she makes brand look ratty.

>> No.7745731

Apparently her brother asked her wear lolita? But she's a professional noob so all of her prints suck for such a formal occasion.

>> No.7745755

This was tagged lolita and not otome, right? I think it looks fine as otome since it's not as matchy-matchy as lolita is. She could have gotten away with the shoes, though I think they're pretty ugly, but the bow is way too many shades off. The necklace is ugly too.

>> No.7745766

I feel it'd be even more of a wreck as otome for some reason

>> No.7745767

It wasn't tagged when I came across it, so it could be otome I guess. I was just generally offended by the colors.
She's cute, and I just don't have a clue who she is, but I'd really like to take everything but the jsk away and start over.

>> No.7745777

Her face somehow looks like it's completely out of proportion to her neck and the rest of her body.

>> No.7745784
File: 174 KB, 498x750, tumblr_n9s3wrFFO21r0n3sjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't aware this many shades of yellow existed..

>> No.7745839
File: 415 KB, 500x609, tumblr_mv3i44m2rJ1qb9ia7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I enjoy most of Peachie's videos, but her face just looks so awful in nearly every picture because of that stupid ~kawaii~ smile she does. I can't even begin to comprehend why she chooses to make that face in every picture when she looks 100 times better with a nice, natural smile. Pic related.

>> No.7745848

I KNOOOOOOOOOOW i usually liken it to sticking elbow macaroni in a marshmallow. It looks so off. I feel its a take on misako's smile but it looks weird.

>> No.7745853

Since this is a nitpick thread I'll say that her natural hair fucking bothers me. It looks so thin and disgustingly greasy.

>> No.7745868
File: 298 KB, 515x334, peachie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face in top pic literally looks like a baby's face. Pic related

>> No.7745875

The thinness might be from the illness she has, but don't quote me on that.

>> No.7745878

it keeps her face looking rounder, and minimizes laughlines, which equals "dolly/childlike baby face"

>> No.7745882
File: 259 KB, 1847x1039, this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7745899

gtfo you ita

>> No.7745903

> sticking elbow macaroni in a marshmallow
I busted a gut

I think maybe she's also trying to minimize her smile lines and emphasize her dimples... but yeah, whatever the reason, it isn't working for her.

>> No.7745907

Have we ever had one of these threads not turn to shit?

>> No.7745910

>sticking elbow macaroni in a marshmallow
You are a wordsmith

>> No.7745911

She has fucking Chronic Fatigue Illness holy fuck. You idiots act like she's got fucking cancer and muscular dystrophy!

>> No.7745925

So.. she's lazy?

>> No.7745976

This girl seems like the most annoying attention whore on earth. Good luck Arizona lolis

>> No.7746022


No. She has a heart problem which makes strenuous activity difficult.

Her hair is just naturally wispy, I think. I know a few people with the same hair texture.

>> No.7746044

I dont think you get it.

Shit like >>7745784
SO MANY YELLOW is downright stupid as fuck. I'll agree with that fluro yellow pin though. Otherwise she wore lots of warm yellows, no big deal.

But a lot of these are people just going out and showing their OOTD - not something that needs to be polished down to every bow and ribbon.
Jesus fucking christ you are downright - as much as its over used - Autistic as fuck.

>> No.7746112

just noticed it deleted my greentext
>that greasy unstyled hair
>just throws on cute flipflops, no legwear or anything
>OTT dress worn in the most boring way possible

>> No.7746124

I laughed way too hard at this.

>> No.7746129

That pose in the middle pic is not flattering at all. it kind of reminds me of horse somehow.

>> No.7746137

This. One of my close friends has Peachie's exact hair texture. There's really nothing you can do for it in my experience. It looks bad worn naturally, or straightened, or curled.

>> No.7746138

That dermal looks really really horribly uncentered to me, though maybe it's just the shadow.

>> No.7746144

I fucking hate it when lolitas smile like that

Just smile with your damn teeth like people do

>> No.7746219


important >>7745474

>> No.7746289

Some people just don't look right smiling with their teeth! I had really bad teeth for a long time, and now that they're fixed it's pretty much too late. It'll always look awkward and unnatural on me. My natural smile is a toothless smile.
I get that that weird fake chubby cheek smile looks weird, though.

>> No.7746316

That fucking wig is bugging me to hell. Like it's a nice looking wig by itself wig but the way she's wearing it make it look like it's floating off her head. Not to mention the bangs are uncut and swept to the side haphazardly

>> No.7746647


Shush- let the kids enjoy their matchy-matchy.

>Somewhere, there is a lolita trying to color coordinate her handbag to her purse.

You could have stopped it.

>> No.7746715


I have a hideous deal called a hypermobile upper lip, so I look really dreadful if I smile with teeth. It's gross. Some people, like me, really look way better with a closed mouth smile.

>> No.7746742

They look happy to me

>> No.7746756

You are a jerk anon.

>> No.7746801

not true. I had the same thing and didn't get my braces off until a few years ago but I just kept forcing myself to smile. It comes more naturally eventually.

>> No.7746877

Some people just looks bad with an open smile, just like some people look bad wit a closed smile. Personally I look pretty goofy with an open one, so I always have my mouth closed when smiling.

>> No.7746911

Someones never been in a nitpick thread
Or you were posted

>> No.7746929

nitpick threads are kind of a containment thread, anon, for the few lolitas who can't get over the fact that if you have a good eye you don't need all your reds to be the EXACT SAME RED OTHERWISE ITA

>> No.7746939

How do these people even function IRL.
Do they ever even leave their house? Or does this level of autism apply to all clothes? Do they freak out and refuse to go to class because their shoes are not the exact same shade of black as their top? Does every outfit require months of planning ahead? I wonder this everyday.

>> No.7746940

the fact this is the only worn photo I've ever seen of the princess jellyfish dress upsets me on so many levels

>> No.7746945

Wtf are you talking about? That's a random baby dress? Or am I missing something?

>> No.7746951

Anon this could literally be fixed with the removal of one small item. You're trying way too hard.

>> No.7746955
File: 95 KB, 480x640, 1358291844570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's this one, the princess jellyfish collaboration dress

>> No.7746957

BABY did a collaboration with Princess Jellyfish a few years ago and I don't think anyone's seen either one of the dresses worn except for that photo.

>> No.7746961

I was just about to post that but yes it's that dress. I was hoping for better things with that collab

>> No.7746964

maybe she' trying to look like Tsukimi with her bad outfit and lack of petticoat or make up?

>> No.7746967

I want to believe anon

>> No.7747002

I get that you're probably a fat ita.

>> No.7747221

I smile outwards, not upwards, when I'm smiling for a photo. So it looks bad no matter which smile I choose.

>> No.7747234

Lolita isn't an excuse to try to make your shitty tumblr hair work...

>> No.7747271

When did Lolita equal to OCD? When did this begin?

The next time we start a thread like this we should call it OCD thread

>> No.7747646
File: 11 KB, 300x217, 030219b7-1413-4105-be9e-75c92e89f21b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top pic is nightmare fuel. Reminds me of these creepy biscuits.

>> No.7747668
File: 945 KB, 500x274, 81d999d6-c4db-479a-9390-fb886ea43c72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Motherfuckers need to learn how to smize yo

>> No.7747707
File: 354 KB, 500x750, tumblr_na3pmklYyM1qcvasso2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a fan of this shoes, socks and wristcuffs combination. Too crazy for me.

>> No.7747780

I think for an obvious OTT coord it's fine. One of the things I admire about this girl is that even when she goes nuts, balance is still heeded and the shades and hues of color are not too "off." Would nix that moko moko wrist thing but I've never gotten the appeal of those.

OTT sweet is a matter of personal taste and most people hate it, but she does it well.

>> No.7747789

> most people on cgl hate it

Fixed for you.

>> No.7747798

This is the only OTT coord I've liked so far, as well as the only black/ pastel coord I've liked. I think it's very tastefully done. It's one of Cadney's stronger coords, IMO, and she pulls it off very well.

>> No.7747800

I agree with you. I'm not an OTT fan by any stretch but I was impressed by this. Even if it's an explosion of color it demonstrates an understanding of just enough but not too much. Especially when compared to something as pattern and color busy as

>> No.7747803
File: 581 KB, 480x640, sumsum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proportions of her neck and face, does look out of place.

>> No.7747810

Is it just me, or is her facial expression look too forced/fake/pained/weird lately. After she gained a bunch of weight and started attempting classic is when I started to notice it.
Maybe its just because her face dosent look good with the extra weight? (In b4 all fatties are gross, blah blah. some people look cuter with a bit of extra weight)

>> No.7747818

Holy crap I thought it was BL

>> No.7747824

I think so too. An old picture of hers came up on my dash a couple days ago and I had to do a double take because of how different she looked in that picture.
Objectively speaking, she looked a lot better when she was thinner, but apparently that was when she lost a lot of weight due to her illness.

>> No.7747977

Nothing is wrong with you and natural half smiles are my favorite kind ever. It just feels lame when they're forced though.

>> No.7747984

Thanks! I ended up in front of a mirror trying to flex the muscles on the other side of my mouth before realizing this was pretty silly

>> No.7747991

I don't think her face has changed with weight. You can tell she gained some but saying she gained "a bunch of weight" seems pushing it. She has never been skinny. She maybe looks like she gained 10 or 15 pounds.

She used to never smile with teeth and it personally bugged me. Maybe you preferred that, or prefer closed mouth smiles on lolitas in general, but imo she looked lifeless like a drone in many old pictures.

>> No.7748004
File: 112 KB, 500x750, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, the kind of smile that makes lolitas look lifeless but for some reason people think is more flattering because they don't want to show teeth. Misako's expression is like this sometimes.

>> No.7748008

that eye and shooped face doe

>> No.7748018

I wonder if Tokyo Fashion regularly shoops to hell and back like this because you're right, this is very blatant shoop and the photo doesn't belong to the lolita.

>> No.7748030

Fuck I haaaate wigs like this. They ruin every OTT coord even on Japanese girls.

>> No.7748050

As someone with crooked canines, what looks worse? An awkward closed lip smile or a nice open one where you can see my crooked teeth? I try to only smile with my lips closed because I'm embarrassed about my teeth but I look ever more awkward than in your pic when I do it.

>> No.7748057

Can't win, anon. My teeth are straight, but they jut forward at a slight angle that look big and buck, so I smile with my mouth closed, which also doesn't look nice because the sides of my mouth curve downward no matter what anyway, real joyous smile or bad fake expression.

>> No.7748062

I don't think I've ever smiled with my teeth showing?

>> No.7748824

They have to.

>> No.7749015
File: 209 KB, 500x750, tumblr_n9xwbj7R6j1qmrjl9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk but since it wasn't absolutely ita, but damn not having the boobs in the boob pocket of the dress?

>> No.7749040

That's so weird, what is even causing this? Just an unfortunate body type?

>> No.7749046

That dress was meant for someone with small, Asian titties. She doesn't have small, Aisan titties.

>> No.7749048

The dress is designed for an A-B cup at most. Larger than that and the portion meant to gather under your bust ends up cutting across the middle of it. I've sold dresses for that precise reason, after trying them on.

It's just the design of the dress and her boobs being too big for it.

>> No.7749050

na it happens from being taller/ having full bust than the cut was designed for.

>> No.7749060

Dude.... boobs plus that chocker.... borderline ita. But her hair looks great....Color matching skills ok... so yeah.. nit pick. But seriously did a friend not say *Pssst* look at your chest! if it fit she would look just fine

>> No.7749064

IW bodices, especially ones with specific boob-space requirements are only made for smaller, flat girls.

>> No.7749092

wow why did she even force that on in the first place, let alone wear it out of the house and take pictures in it

>> No.7749142

Or even looked at herself in a goddamn mirror.

>> No.7749207
File: 122 KB, 248x413, Screen Shot 2014-08-11 at 12.04.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

112 likes for this lazy piece of shit

>> No.7749390

I think its fine.. you're just a bitch.

>> No.7749404

This is adorable. I don't know why some people are so stuck up the ass with colors.

Like what you want, you really want to take CGL opinion on things? They don't control you.

>> No.7749415

>"I am colorblind, disregard my opinion"

>> No.7749427

Are you >>7744006 because it sure seems like it.

>> No.7749557

Nope, just a regular anon who is not a cunt.

>> No.7749585

>what is even causing this
The dress doesn't fit.

>> No.7749806

>headpiece doesn't match
>himegyaru shoes that don't match
>zero accessories
>cosplay wig
>dress way too big on her
>open toed shoes with tights
Are you her friend or something?

>> No.7749814

Oh and it looks like she's rocking that asian "teehee my shoes are too big for my feet, so kawaii " trend

>> No.7749938
File: 43 KB, 417x686, 1926904_623815277712854_2225155178516192342_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lace gloves and the hair it just looks hideous

>> No.7749944

Those are different people, right? The top one looks like she has downs.

>> No.7749948

This belongs in the ita thread.

>Dress Shirt
>Bodice doesn't fit (for reals dawg, she can't even get it over her boobs)
>Messy Hair
>Random black alice bow
>Non-matching whites
>No Make-up

This is just tragic.

>> No.7749964

>This is adorable. I don't know why some people are so stuck up the ass with colors.
Because colors need to compliment each other, or else they look like shit. Her shorts are on a completely different scale of brown than everything else, literally nothing matches it. If she even just changed the shorts it would look 10x better

>> No.7749970

Not to mention they're the color of diarrhea

>> No.7749975
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x1707, idunocglthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

diff anon, the problem with the co-ord goes deeper than the usual surface-level-tier-concrit "the browns don't match"

The vest eats up too much of her upper body, she has no neck, the edges of the pants are just...like...beach shorts...and those shoes look so orthopaedic. and then that angle of her face is just unflattering.

pic related, even if you cast aside the issue with mismatching browns she still looks off.

>> No.7749977

>those pants
>those fucking pants

>> No.7749978

I had no idea you could miss match whites on that level

>> No.7749987

but the crux of her outfit is not the mismatching whites. even if she matchy-matched her whites she still looks bad.

>> No.7750062

This is the most amazing boob loaf I've ever seen.

>> No.7750103

I know that feel, I got hideous braces pretty late in life so I try not to show my teeth.

>> No.7750251
File: 73 KB, 720x960, LovelyLorLief.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't know if this should go in the ita thread of here, but wow Lor. Casual coord or not, none of these colours match.

>> No.7750265

Wow yeah that sucks. It looks like its suppose to be alice-themed, and it would of been cute with black and white socks

>> No.7750281

The print has Alice wearing black and gold striped socks, so I can see what she was trying to do with it. It just didn't exactly translate well to real life...

>> No.7750378

This is awful.

>> No.7750472
File: 82 KB, 364x605, tumblr_n7ymannWdu1qij1n6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>neckline of her blouse looks a bit strange with that JSK
>plain, jet black tights are really overpowering
>needs a better petti (which she admitted herself)
I think maybe this would have been better if she'd done pink tights with black shoes instead of the other way around, and/or used slightly more sheer tights with a bit of a pattern in them.
Not terrible for a casual coord, though.

Not sure if you were kidding or not- but yeah, they're the same person. She does that smile (the top one) for almost every picture. I find it funny because in one of her videos ("Everyone is Cute", I believe it's called), she talks about how to have a cute smile.

>> No.7750500
File: 175 KB, 500x667, sash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The rest of the coord is pretty generic but that fucking sash which is pink and white and does not match! Also its riding really high up, I guess her bust is too big for it?
Why include a white blouse and head veil and not wear white stockings to balance?

Mostly that sash though.

>> No.7750532


I hate this girl, her coords always look off to me. She forces herself into unflattering clothes, wears that awful orange hair with everything and her piercings just look tacky. She looks like a try hard middleschooler and just reminds me so much of the "scene lolita" disaster of a few years back.

>> No.7750671

What's up with the spoon?

>> No.7750724


This girl's coords always look poorly put together. I think she needs to do something with her hair,up her make up game a bit, and get a better petti, her dresses always look so flat in most of her pictures.

>> No.7750758
File: 107 KB, 500x667, tumblr_na5m5omL0r1qb8yrgo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girl on right
>not sure why the flowers in the hair..
>strange vintage looking blouse with sweet salopette
>not a fan of the nude tights
Girl on the right
>that camisole and cutsew? combo..
>lord the hair
>next to no petti
>not a fan of the contrasting lower vs upper body

>> No.7750762

woops left on the first one..

>> No.7750976

Since lolita is practically cosplay? Spoon is the prop, duh.

>> No.7750988

Is that her real hair or just a shitty wig?

>> No.7750995

I don't think this is a nitpick, these are straight ita. But girl on the left would probably get white knighted because she's cute.

>> No.7750997


I think it's a bad dye job or a shitty wig.

>> No.7751117

I agree. that office blouse with lace gloves, oh honey no

>> No.7752574

Its a shitty wig

>> No.7752581

It amazes me how she seems to revert in her coord abilities. This is her from the same event last year. Is she just forgetting how to look good in lolita?

>> No.7752584
File: 94 KB, 696x960, 969387_10153130025265054_77632548_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped ma pic

>> No.7752613

are those macarons AND flowers in her hair?


>> No.7752615

I feel like it would have looked SO much better if she picked a better headpiece and wore some appropriate lavender shoes.

>> No.7752618

I think there are maybe too many themes going on. If you are going for a "royal tea party" coordination, you should avoid the fur collar (it seems awkward since you are not wearing long sleeves) and the star brooch

>> No.7752646


How akward. That looks really uncomfortable and unfortunate.
She ended up looking like you have 4 boobs.

>> No.7752652

It looks like she just kind of just sticks accessories on and goes 'yeah that'll work, that's lolita' without actually looking in the mirror.

>> No.7753298

I hate showing my teeth when I smile. My whole face looks so gross and lumpy and I didn't get braces when I should have so I have them now and yuck.

>> No.7753304

I think I remember somebody posting about making a spoon to coordinate a while back. She may just be one of us.

>> No.7753308
File: 98 KB, 500x750, tumblr_na4vswxyUf1qfgn8ho3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those tights
>Srsly tho those tights
>Sigh those tights

>> No.7753328

It's more the shoes that annoy me.

>> No.7753330

I have no issue with the tights, its those ill placed brows shoes that confuse me.

>> No.7753333


>> No.7753347

I want to push her onto the tracks for wearing those tights and shoes.

>> No.7753398

Yeah, I'm gonna look real stoned trying that.

>> No.7753427

I have pretty crooked teeth so I hate it when I smile while fully exposing my teeth, but I have small thin lips so closed smiles look really forced on me even when I'm being genuine.
So that half-smile is the closest thing to some sort of smile you are going to get from me if you are taking photos of me.

>> No.7753443

holy shit her natural smile looks beautiful
i didnt even know peachie was that pretty

>> No.7753576

why does lor wear that fucking biscuit bag with everything

>> No.7753601

I figure maybe it's just her main, go-to purse that she has all her stuff in it, and isn't necessarily meant to be incorporated into the coord.

>> No.7753602

It looks cute with half her stuff, and really out of place with the rest. She needs a couple more bags and shoe options, methinks.

>> No.7753645

How dare she wear such a beautiful brand with her ugleh chink ass face and greasy unstyled hair,lack of makeup,accessories,legwear,...People should take a test before getting in lolita or being admitted to wear brand. Ugh. GTFO my lolita and my brand.

>> No.7753647

No, Crystal Reed is actually pretty.

>> No.7753649

This hipster tumblrbitch in MY lolita? In ANGELIC PRETTY? Please no...Ugh how dear,same anon as before by the way,I'm infuriated. So many cute dresses from glorious lolita brands...worn so badly by ugly itas...

>> No.7753651

ageplay bullshit is bullshit. stop arguing,it isn't lolita,the end.

>> No.7754266


(I know this was asked a few days ago and they probably found it on their own but just in case they didn't, here it is)

>> No.7754293

What's wrong with you? LOL

>> No.7754306

what if she's colorblind? my colorblind gf can't tell the difference between warm and cool browns.

>> No.7754323

I think you're overreacting. I like it how everything is chocolate themed, even her umbrella.

Because it was an Alice in Wonderland inspired coord?
I like it, tbh.

>> No.7754349

Huh, that's an interesting thought. I mean, she dresses really well otherwise and her mistakes are between similar shades. I don't know a lot about colorblindness though other than it's rare in females.

>> No.7754862


it's nice that everything is chocolate themed but the clothes don't really to flatter her.

>> No.7755023

>getting drunk before your sibling's wedding reception just to be edgy and get attention, then advertising it on tumblr
That's super trashy, imo. Whether or not she was just pretending to act drunk, if it were my wedding I would tell her to smarten up or leave. Damn, her face looks so punchable.

I generally hate flower crowns as much as the next person, but I actually think the flowers and macarons are a really cute idea. Not that it goes with her coord. At all.

>> No.7755337

Everything being chocolate-themed isn't a feat by any stretch of the imagination anymore, it's not hard to get a hold of chocolate items that don't look like the exploding diarrhea I had last week.

>> No.7755820
File: 22 KB, 220x293, t02200293_0800106712814756901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own this jsk and it isn't really designed to accommodate a petti; even my least fluffy, barely-a-petti petticoat doesn't really look right under it, and the attached under-slip is almost a straight rectangle. Just sayin'.

>> No.7756469

I hate when people do that. Make some ridiculous prop for a coord. For a photo shoot, OK fine and maybe for a fashion show but otherwise it is just stupid. It is fashion not a cosplay.

>> No.7756504

i think if she had shoes that matched the color of the dress and added a bit black and gold accessories to balance it all out it could have worked.

>> No.7756512

perfect hoover loli candidate

>> No.7756525
File: 324 KB, 423x637, asfgasdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking this, a lot of ETC's skirts look so frumpy with a petti crammed underneath and ClosetChild does it all the fucking time with their photos. Most of anon's other nitpicks were valid but telling someone to wear a petticoat with most Emily Temple is laughable, especially if the coordinate is supposed to be otome (which is what sinneddonuts wears pretty much exclusively, iirc).

>> No.7756749

That bolero looks like it's in pain.

>> No.7756755

>hoover loli

>> No.7757394
File: 149 KB, 960x764, 10501618_10152367455810345_251799427724893514_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know if this should go in the ita thread or here, but this shit got 240 likes on CoF and she looks like a goth flamingo threw up on her.

>> No.7757399


>two bags

Why do you people do this shit. Inb4 "well my kumya bag didn't all my stuff" I don't care, get a bigger bag, or downsize on the crap you carry around. Having two purses looks retarded.

>> No.7757411

What the hell are those leg straps?

>> No.7757415

Bat wing wrist/leg cuffs someone on storenvy makes.

>> No.7757416

That headdress and those bat wing garters look so out of place it ruins the whole coordinate.

>> No.7757419


I think these are those bat garter things everyone on tumblr is wearing. They're pretty hideous.


>bat garters
>ditch the necklace, it's clashing with the dress, I think the choker is good enough.
>ditch perfume bag
>different hair, I feel like it's overwhelming the head wear

I'm also never crazy about this girls makeup, I wish she would drop the red lip, it makes her look super old, and it's competing with her heavy eye makeup.

>> No.7757430

That looks like shit. What an absolute clusterfuck.

Her hair and glasses are horrid and edgy-tryhard-earthbound-teen tier. She looks like she rolled around in a tourist gift shop in Louisiana. She needs an intervention, asap.

>> No.7757437

The garters make her look like a prostitute. The feathery headdress makes her look insane.

>> No.7757565

The headdress and garters honestly aren't that bad. I have a much bigger problem with the two bags (why?!) and that wig seriously needs to go die in a fire. I saw it in person, and it looks like it's starting to get kind of ratty, plus it's incredibly unflattering and doesn't arch the Lolita aesthetic at all. It's basically one of those spikey mullet wigs, and it makes me so mad because all her outfits would immediately be 1000% better with a new flattering wig.

>> No.7757579

>Jeffrey Campbells/Jeffrey Campbell knockoffs
So sick of seeing these. Possibly more sick of these than any other fashion trend that made its way through pinterest and Tumblr and melded into any fashion it touched.

It's like a bunch of clashing trends vomited on her. You know, in a previous thread about the Fairytale Boutique meetup someone mentioned that her glasses were a thing she kept for notoriety so she could be popular. I didn't believe it then, but look at this mess.

>> No.7757633

ngl, with some nice textured tights and more elegant heels (and ditch the bat garters they literally do nothing for this outfit) I would really love this.

Also, pretty sure that's the actual matching headdress for that print. And Japanese lolitas have been doing the two bag thing for ages, so I'm not sure why everyone's throwing a fit about it now.

So, an actually good candidate for nitpicking, imo.

(Kate is still obnoxious and tryhard, though)

>> No.7757643

It's just SO MUCH. I'm all for OTT when it is done well, but she should follow the rule of "remove one accessory before you leave the house".

>> No.7757647

So just because japanese lolitas do it means it automatically acceptable? Doesnt mean that makes it look any less stupid

>> No.7757853

Actually this trend is over, which I'm sooo happy about. Its peak was about 1-2 years ago. Those shoes make everyone look like a club footed hulking raptor.