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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7743422 No.7743422 [Reply] [Original]

>> 7743379

Lot of people, lot of Christfags, these congoers currently getting turned away from a panel. Oh and Orioles game is about to start so for a free ticket watch from the Hilton.

Continuing from last threads post you age and physical appearance for hookups.

>> No.7743444
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Best Street pass of the con

>> No.7743445

Please no more hookups. Be normal human beings and talk to real people in real life before you wind up with a 600 lb landwhale behind the hotel door

>> No.7743462
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Best hotel view. Getting dressed up for tonight. Can't wait to see you all at meetup!

>> No.7743470

But it makes for quite a story

>> No.7743474


but I am curious about that they look like. who wants to go to these meetup places mentioned in the threads and snap pics of the people hooking up?

>> No.7743485

Well I'm about to head to the fountains. Look for the guy with the Banjo Kazooie shirt and the Akuma beads. I'll be on my 3DS.

>> No.7743488

You fucking degenerates need to be killed. Stop playing video games, you piece of shit. You losers have to dress yourselves up as something that you're not just to seek approval from people you don't even know. You are all hopeless and worthless scum of the Earth "people".

>> No.7743496

Which fountains are the meet up at? I'm going to try and find it. Um, if you see a Lolita and an Asian girl with pigtails wandering around help plz

>> No.7743497

*fountain is, Christ.

>> No.7743500

Meet up is indoor fountains at Charles St Lobby. I'll be there as soon as the alcohol panel ends.

>> No.7743502

So many fat cosplays

>> No.7743512

Welcome to Anime conventions

>> No.7743514

Welcome to America

>> No.7743515

I'll be wearing a cut sleeve yellow venture bros shirt and black shorts. I suppose I'll head over now if you see me say hi

>> No.7743518

I'll be heading to the meetup shortly.
If you see someone who looks like they belong in a boy band, that's probably me

>> No.7743521

Easiest way to find meetup. Find Kuroneko.

>> No.7743546

Banjo anon here, I'm with Venture bros anon and we are by the esclators leading down. Where is everyone else

>> No.7743556

Suit Anon has joined the party

>> No.7743558

Omg I wish I had known there'd be a kuroneko there-- I literally just changed out of my Kirino cosplay :;

>> No.7743583

So we have 4 people so far, any other people wondering around the fountains?

>> No.7743586

Trying to find you guys right now

>> No.7743593

I wanted to drop by, but I'm in line for the Ray Gun Workshop. How pong will you guys be there?

>> No.7743594

Were sitting on the fountain, look for suit anon

>> No.7743607

Sorry, about that. Stupid autocorrect.

>> No.7743614

Everyone's meeting at the indoor fountain, right?

>> No.7743617

How long are you guys going to wait for peeps at the fountains? I'm going to show up in my Rick cosplay from Rick and Morty but I'm currently eating dinner at Tir Na Nog

>> No.7743623

I'm staying until at least 830 just to catch stragglers

>> No.7743625

At the fountain in my Kinjou cosplay

>> No.7743646

Any one else coming?

>> No.7743647

Have 2 badges for sale. Circumstances changed and I won't be able to attend today or tomorrow. $50 firm, must pick up in Laurel, not too far from con. Email if interested: otakonanon@hotmail.com

>> No.7743650

Rick here. I don't think I can make it to the fountains by 8:30. Where are you guys heading?

>> No.7743651

Where y'all at? Charles st lobby and fountains are devoid of seagulls

>> No.7743654

We're sitting right here as soon as you get off the escalators

>> No.7743655

Don't do it, they look like nerds.

>> No.7743657

Walk off the escalator and go straight.

>> No.7743660

Yuyuko remi and a neked beach sanageyama around the fountains, where yall at???

>> No.7743665

The fountains in the lobby. I don't see you guys

>> No.7743673

We now have a nudist beach at te fountain

>> No.7743709

We're at the water street tavern, for those who didn't come withy the group. We're in the basement

>> No.7743727

u mad bro?

>> No.7743737

anybody from the 215? gettin' kinda lonely not knowing anybody from the place where it's always sunny.

>> No.7743750

Used to call the 215 home a few years back

>> No.7743751

cool beans.

>> No.7743824

Late night food rec? water st kitchen open?

>> No.7743841
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Goddam I just got a
12 hour shift on the dealers room. I need to socialize, hang out and most importantly drink. Hit me up or text 2404400207. I am 25 from Frederick

>> No.7743850

What was with that weird dude who said he was doing the Minish Link cosplay? He like just turned 18? Asking about hotel parties and expecting girls to be at these meetups? Fucking ass. He had that guy with a drive jacket with him, what a faggot too.

>> No.7743878

you should cosplay as jesus

>> No.7743879

Sad I couldnt make it to the gathering of the gulls. I did get to see Chris-chan and the Zeni guy from klk (sorry I forget his name) who I think were both seagulls. I hope you guys had fun.

>> No.7743891

Miss I am leaving soon if I dont hear anything back soon.

>> No.7743892


Check out Upper Deck Bar and Grill which is one block north of the Marriott. It's a 24 hour diner that has some damn good cheap eats.

Royal Farms is a good place also.

>> No.7743908


>> No.7743911

yellow sleeveless venture bros anon here. sorry for leading you guys to the rave and leaving. I had to use the restroom.

>> No.7744030

Did you all have fun? I saw a nice Ryuuko during my break, so I'd like to think things went well. I also hope you enjoyed the fireworks.

>> No.7744079

any smokers up? room mate fell asleep and i'm just sitting ripping gbs solo

>> No.7744084

I'm bored guiz. I wanna chill with someone and drink. No bars. One of our roommates is sleeping, so I don't wanna be obnoxious in there.

>> No.7744087
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Made an awesome ray gun.

>> No.7744090

Well I hope to see more of you guys tomorrow and Sunday! It's always lovely to have Otakon here in Baltimore. A little reminder that life isn't so miserable after all.

>> No.7744091

So I don't have a place to stay tonight.

Anyone wanna let me sleep on their floor?

>> No.7744094

Only if you're a cute girl.

>> No.7744101

If anyone's at the persona shoot, I'm with the bath springs group! I'm the Chie~

>> No.7744103

I'm not cute. Or a girl. But I have sideburns.

>> No.7744109

How much longer you going to be there?

>> No.7744110

so what does everyone do once the con closes at 2

>> No.7744112

Im totally goingto dress as black-suit spiderman tomorrow for the marvel shoot. Any anons wanna hang out im pretty awesome company if you just wanna chill

>> No.7744115

You can hangout with us Deadpools.

>> No.7744116

Oh and the rave is pretty bad with aweful music, hopefully it'll be better tomorrow. But for now im totally just miggt call it a night

>> No.7744117

Dunno, drink. I can't drink in my room. People are sleeping in there.

>> No.7744118

Me and my roomies are sitting here in our room. We've just got booze and bored, whats everyone else doing? Our last party was kinda meh, anyone wanna hangout?

>> No.7744119

What hotel?

>> No.7744122

I have a cool yousuke bro that will probably cosplay tomorrow with a few gintama people too

>> No.7744126
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We at baltimore harbor

>> No.7744128

Does anyone want to meet up tomorrow? The friend that I came with is going to work around 7 and it would be nice to have some company.

>> No.7744132

Leaving now sorry!

>> No.7744140
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Posting some of the pictures I took today, to help get this thread back on topic, and make it less /soc/.

>> No.7744141


well I think \cgl\ is having a meet up at the fountains inside again at 8pm. you should come to that.

also venture bros anon here. I'm turning in for the night. have fun all.

>> No.7744142
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This honestly was one of my favorites today. It's hard to get good pictures with so many people constantly moving around so much.

>> No.7744143
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This one was actually playing songs on the harp.

>> No.7744145

up at allstars 2nd floor

>> No.7744146
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I'm wanting to go to the /cgl/ meetup, but everyone else in my group is wanting to do the lounge 21 instead, but I'll see if I can stop by.

>> No.7744148
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Sorry if the picture quality isn't up to snuff. I had to quickly compress them for each one to be under 4mb.

>> No.7744149
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>> No.7744152
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>> No.7744153
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And this is the last one that I'll be posting. The rest are either on my phone or somewhat of a Self-Post.

>> No.7744156

Not a bad cosplay, but why is it that people keep going straight for black when doing sleep deprived eyes? Purples and reds would look much more sickly than black, which just looks like some sort of goth makeup.

>> No.7744158


Agreed. Better than most of the other Tomoko's I see though.I thought the sign was a nice touch, and the awkward bow-leggedness.

>> No.7744170
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> Agreed. Better than most of the
> other Tomoko's I see though.I
> thought the sign was a nice touch,
> and the awkward bow-leggedness.I wonder if she knows that she saved herself from being fap fuel by adding a companion

>> No.7744203

Most anyone that are fap material have companions.

>> No.7744331

B-but Tomoko is forever alone

>> No.7744358

>fap fuel
>doesn't show the least bit of skin or present as the least bit sexy

Pick one

>> No.7744365

I missed today's /cgl/ meet because I had a photoshoot and a room party.

Will there be another tomorrow?

>> No.7744470

Damn I posted in the dead thread, didn't see this one. Whoops.

Help please- Ive reread the FAQ at otakons forums and can't post topics- then remembered you guys yaaaay. Does otakon allow luggage to be checked in at bag check? Or should I use a big duffle bag? Coulvd'e sworn i read it in their website faq. Doesnt seem to be in there anymore. I'm getting ready to leave soon please help a lone traveler. I have no hotel room so I'll be playing a wander. Never not had a room to sleep in so its pretty nerve wrecking. My brain will just go out if they don't let me in. Or luggage gets stolen.

How likely would that be? Never been to Otakon so have no idea what the bag check and staff is like.

>> No.7744542

Christ i sound autistic. Wrote it on a teeny tiny phone in the verge of a meltdown. I shamed myself, deepest bow. But yeah duffel bag it is. Ok, good luck have fun etc.

>> No.7744566


Otakon itself has no bag check, only the hotels do. I suggest you team-up with somebody staying at the hotel, and check the bags in with them (keep the claim ticket yourself).

Also, no costume except my staff outfit, but I would enjoy meeting some cosplayers after I get off-shift this afternoon, any get-together today (Saturday)?

>> No.7744589

>advert for maiotaku in the program kit

I always figured this to be some kind of joke site. Is this something I should look into?

>> No.7744591

Chicago anon here, had fun last night, will be attending again tonight as well

>> No.7744601

Also I'm having fun , 1st cosplay ever this year and it's doing pretty good. Only 1/2 I've seen which is surprising...I believe there's a 3rd somewhere too..

>> No.7744624 [DELETED] 

So, I just heard some interesting information. Apparently, the BCC network was hit by a DDOS just as registration opened, crashing the remote server. Overnight the staff built a local server, which is why everything is running so much better today.

>> No.7744639

Where exactly is the outdoor fountain area? I hear there's another KLK meet up there

>> No.7744641

Please take more pictures. Even if it's low quality, it's better than nothing.

>> No.7744644

So, I just heard some interesting information. Apparently, the BCC network was hit by a DDOS just as registration opened, crashing the remote server. Overnight the staff built a local server, which is why everything was running so much better Friday.

Note: Edited typo.

>> No.7744659


>> No.7744669

Any smokers want to meet up today? snapchat: speedwagonmoney

>> No.7744676
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Heads up, Baltimore is hosting a footrace today, the Charles Street 12. Traffic is going to be snarled. Plus there's a Baseball game again tonight.

>> No.7744683

>being the biggest pleb and not staying at a hotel connected to the convention center
Psh, traffic.

>> No.7744688

Different hotels have different policies.

There's are tons of hotels right around the convention center, so keep asking until you find one that allows you to check your luggage.

>> No.7744691


Don't forget there are quite a few Baltimore-area locals at the con, who aren't staying at hotels at all. Being able to stay at home and commute to the convention saves a ton of money.

>> No.7744694

Last night was fun, but small compared to last year. Hope tonight's meet is better!

Today I'm feeling like lugging my laptop and stuffs and hang out at the game room for most of the day. Pretty shit this year but they do have that puyo puyo tetris game that suits the tastes I've been looking for.

>> No.7744696

And traffic usually isn't too bad in Baltimore on weekends.

This race is really going to foul things up.

Anyone know what time the race runs until? When will most of the racers be hitting the end, the area around the convention center?

>> No.7744697

Does anyone know where I can find ramen chips at? Dat shit be delicious.

>> No.7744714

Where's tonight's meet?

>> No.7744722

Hello again,
It was to see a few seagulls yesterday. Stop by Anime Sekai booth at J10 ask for Christian.

>> No.7744724

Walking around in a judge Anderson the shirt

>> No.7744744

I could imagine it being at the same spot at the indoor fountains then migrate to the bar that's next to Royal Farms and CVS.

Last night the meetup stuck out better once the 2hu gathering was finished folks like chris-chan and guy with hugpillow were there. I felt like we migrated a bit too soon considering it was before 9 when we left.

>> No.7744750

Trying to find some vidya for mh3u. A group of my friends are trying to start some monhun but it's hard to establish a spot with all of the card games. Who /mh3u/ here?

>> No.7744761

How do I recognize /cgl/ from any other group of weebs?

Do I look for the people making fun of everyone else?

>> No.7744785

Bloody shirtless Kenshin reporting in

>> No.7744813

>haven't gotten laid in over two years
Anyone wanna help a nigga out here?

>> No.7744815

I want to attend the meetup tonight, but I am going to a haikyuu!! meetup at 8. is it possible to catch you guys when the meetup has already migrated?

>> No.7744837

If you're a girl, we're all happy to help out.

If you're a guy, take a number, we're all in the same boat.

>> No.7744839

Do I honestly even need to answer that?

>> No.7744848

Currently laughing at the butterfaced underwear Mars in the Kobra kawaii booth trying to dance provocatively.

>> No.7744894

If there's any /cgl/'s that have any kind of cosplay emergency, we'll be able to help you out. Just keep an eye out for the Fate/Zero cosplayer group with Suit Saber, Rider, Kirei, and Kiritsugu, and just mention this post. I'll also check back in this thread periodically, so we can meet somewhere if needed.

>> No.7744896
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Anyone here going to the Assassin Creed cosplay photoshoot at 7pm? Im heading there as my modern version.

Id like to meet there, take photos with the group and hang out

>> No.7744898

I thought you were a deadpool cosplayer at first.

>> No.7744940
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My friend said the same thing but alot of people at the meet loved my cosplay and Modern Assassins had alot of good ones. Someone went all out making an Assassin style Ghost Recon

>> No.7744990


Someone should make a sign

>> No.7745006

Battle damage Kenshin here, apparently there was a Shishio earlier this morning. If any of you seagulls catch a guy covered in bandages, please post here to let me know where he is.

>> No.7745020

> buy a pack of top ramen
> munch on dry noodles like a cracker

>> No.7745027

Charles st. Lobby in front of the fountains by the south west corner of the floor. Its the area by the game room entrance. Meetup between 8-9 the people migrate to the water street tavern which is 2 blocks away.

I usually stick around for people to let them know seagulls are gathering as I take photos of cosplay. I am pronouncedly loud and ignorant so it wont be hard to find me.

Also yall thirsty dudea need to chill the market of intercourse works as any market does supply and demand the exchange rate being attention for sex. The thirstier you are the more you flood the market and reduce your worth.

Only when you have absolved yourself of thirst will you ever give yourself a chance to have a chance

>> No.7745028

That's reasonably cool.

>> No.7745029

so, is anybody not cosplaying? how would we pick each other out from the crowd?
does anyone actually meet up from these posts? Fuck man, there's nothing that strikes my fancy at the con today and have nothing to do until later tonight.

also, is anyone's feet killing them? like, that 4 hour wait in line for pre-reg murdered my feet, now I look for panels I don't even want to be a part of!

>> No.7745035

So the secret to getting laid is to get all the other guys to stop paying attention to girls?

>> No.7745062


venture bros shirt anon from last night here.

we meet by describing what we are wearing. then we come up to each other and just ask "\cgl\ meet up? its fine nobody I met there was mean. everybody was bros.

also yes my knees kill and I got sick and sunburned from last night but I'm still truck in on and going hard one more night. sat night is the main party night and I wont be done till at least 2am.

>> No.7745066

I got stood up last night not worth, at least it was only an hour wasted.

>> No.7745070


oh and one more thing, stop talking about getting laid. that probably contributed to last night being a sausage fest. please treat women like humans. no white night intended, I'm just saying.

>> No.7745083

I'll pop in I was looking at the wrong thread last night and didn't know if you went to pickles or water street. Now I know we're doing the basement at water street I'll definitely come by tonight with my crew.

>> No.7745095

I absolved my thirst before I even got to Baltimore, doesn't mean there's thirsty girls out there on the prowl. shit, even if there were, they (1) would not hookup with anything less than /fit/ and (2) even if they did go for scrubs, there's an ocean of them they're already swimming in at the con.

so really, as with real life, it's anyone's game and hookup posts on here do nothing to gain advantage.

call me cynical and/or wrong, doesn't change the fact I'm not getting any this weekend. ha, unless you can prove that one wrong!

>> No.7745104

wearing a black Penthouse Club t-shirt and have a full beard, sans neck. looking for chill dudes and dudettes. I'll be wondering the halls with nothing to do. once I get out of my pj's and into the BCC.

>> No.7745105

Is there any place here or in the dealer room that's selling like Japanese snacks?

>> No.7745112

There should be someone in the dealers room with snacks. It's an anime convention I think it's illegal for them to not have at least one booth without pocky.

>> No.7745114

This is my 4th or so Otakon but I've never been to a cgl meetup.

P-please be gentle.

>> No.7745158

Disgusting. When will women start treating us like human beings with out own feelings and needs?

>> No.7745162

Hey, it's the only Catherine from the afternoon photoshoot, come say hi if you see me! Any in artist alley got seagulls pins?

>> No.7745173

>/cgl/ meetup
>sausage fest

I thought there were no boys on the internet?

>> No.7745176

Dude, I'm a homo and everyone at the meet last night was extremely chill. Don't worry we're not dicks.

Anyay today I'm wearing my midnight channel shirt and will probably be in the game room until .eet up

>> No.7745208
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>cgl meetup
>board populated with mostly girls
>sausage fest

I am delighted with this outcome.

>> No.7745218

Most of the seagulls flocked when a bunch of normies were norming it up. Water street was dope when I got there spat that bullshit and someone gave out fries to a few people. Just go without expectations get some drinks and talk to people a lot of the people were pretty cool.

>> No.7745230

Jo shahn you bess watchya tone boy keep up like dat n you finna get ya toes sucked by a basketball american such as my self. See me come up outchea covered in ice ice cold cold wata n den slob the knob knamean? An ess not gay mang im doin it to display muh fuckin dominance ova a stituachin kid. Nothin pahsahnal dauwg

>> No.7745234

right now I'm walking around in a gantz suit. I'm the only gantz cosplayer I've seen at the con so say hi if you see me

>> No.7745265

Which room I'm staying on the 6th floor

>> No.7745308
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>> No.7745315
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>> No.7745320

venture bros anon here.

if you are reading this, come to the skybridge square, stand on the corner of the square pointing at the Sharton and wave to it. I'll be here for the next hour or so.

in other news, I was at the xeno panel this morning and I met a femanon there who avoids 4chan meetups like the plague. idk what was done last year but we gotta make everybody welcome. get your numbers up.

>> No.7745338
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>Puyo Puyo Tetris tourney.
>Get to the finals playing really well.
>Get rekt like a scrub thanks to big chokes.
>Get a CoD shirt.
That's one way to really rub it in that I lost. Fuckin starving and lazy to go get something nice to eat, just gonna hit up one of the sheraton restaurants.

>> No.7745351

I'm hearing of a kill LA kill meet up today. Anyone have info on that

>> No.7745360
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creepshot of Jojo photoshoot from the top floor of the sharton

>> No.7745388
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I hope these people realize there's a convention going on.

>> No.7745396

Over half the people i meet ask "what's going on". I expect common sense to kick in once a swarm of us stroll by, but naw.

>> No.7745401

I can still take pictures of things I think are worth taking pictures of though, right?
Or does the convention mean I can't take screencaps anymore?

>> No.7745402

Can't read, My bad

>> No.7745407

Of course you can? I meant that some of the people have been standing in front of the webcam for hours, you'd think that there would be more to Otakon than just pandering for attention in front of the livestream for god knows how long. Hello.

>> No.7745411

Whoops, refreshed too late. No problem, anon.

>> No.7745445

when is the meet? watching cutie honey till then

>> No.7745450

Holy shit one of those honey cosplayers gave me the rock stoner.

The other ones look they have been eating at boobies too much.

>> No.7745452

>go to photoshoot for what I'm cosplaying
>hot guy is cosplaying my husbando
>talk to him briefly, he seems cool and funny
>he's pretty clearly dating the whale he came with

It hurts, seagulls.

>> No.7745455

So word on the street is that on thursday Otakon got their servered DDOS'd which explains why the computers were working as much thursday for prereg.

>> No.7745457
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Oh lawd

Actually one of the nicest Ryuko's I've seen

>> No.7745458

I think I just read what I think I read.....and I've got the weirdest anti-hero right now. well, if you see me with the Penthouse shirt, just say hi.

>> No.7745460

Do your stuff and lure him away from his beast

Get photos

>> No.7745466



>> No.7745476

Will be at the meet up tonight, no underagers and more girls this time?

>> No.7745487

What shoot was it? Was it the type-moon/fate one?

>> No.7745499

It already happened. Shit was too hot

>> No.7745511


I honestly didnt they the weather was that bad to be honest.

>> No.7745519

I was in costume so I guess I felt it more than most people, maybe

>> No.7745534


yes its 8pm at the fountains. venture bro anon here. I might not make the fountains but I will hit the bar later.

>> No.7745592

Don't want to name the shoot because friends lurk and I'd never hear the end of it, but no, it wasn't the type/moon shoot. I hope you aren't dating a whale anon.

>> No.7745608

anyone there yet?

>> No.7745610

We are sitting up on the right of the fountains when coming off the escalator
I am wearing a grey hat

>> No.7745611

Can some people going to the bar say what they're wearing? I'll be showing up a bit late and want to know who to look for.

>> No.7745614

I'll be there in like 15mins, I pregamed pretty hard and I got a shoot at 9, not sure if I'll make to the bar tonight, kinda want to wander the con abit with waifu.

>> No.7745615

In the lobby, look for the Kenshin cosplay. That's suit anon.

>> No.7745616

I think I just set something off...

>> No.7745618

Hey I am going to be running late the fountain meetup, what bar is everyone going to?

>> No.7745619

what did you do anon

>> No.7745629

venture bro here, I'm wearing a green cut sleeveless shirt and black pants. be down at 8 15pm

>> No.7745631

can't say. it might have been something theyre looking for me for. promise I didn't murder anybody! wow.... that didn't make it sound any better.

>> No.7745640

Fountain is a really vague description, anyone know where to meet more specifically?

>> No.7745646

If you're looking for other /cgl/'s, look for the fate/zero group cosplay. Kiritsugu, kirei, suit saber, and rider. We'll be to the right of the fountain near the exit. We'll be here unless no one else shows up soonish.

>> No.7745648

There is an indoor fountain kind of near the video game hall
We are opposite the side of the game hall
We one of the seagulls has an Ayase from oriemo daki pillow

>> No.7745654

I hate her wig, but i like the gradient on her boots.

>> No.7745660
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hi guys

>> No.7745671

hai ther

>> No.7745682

>tfw that powerlifter is currently getting it on with that female trip
>tfw that other dude is likely stalking them

>> No.7745683

People are meetung up by the fountains now. P l anning to leave for the water taver. At 9.

>> No.7745697

>beta orbiters jelly

>> No.7745713

That's good.
Guess I'll be there in a few minutes then. I'm the weird dude in the table flip shirt.

>> No.7745732


Hey wandering anon here- thanks for the help, but I managed to squeeze everything in one bag. I planned to hit late movie theaters and squat in hotel lobbies, but eveything shuts down early. Any ideas anyone?

Also found out unlimited bus pass for $3.60, if all else fails go the hobo way and ride the rails lol.

>> No.7745734

What happened to the old 4chan with insane idiot autistic people now it's casuals making friends

>> No.7745737

stuck in the gravure panel for the panel afterwords, anyone wanna know how it's going

>> No.7745742


is everyone gross and fat or skinny or creepy?

>> No.7745750

the gravure panel?
hosts are three dudes, two with cowboy hats and im p sure one of them has a neck beard/porn stache combo going

>> No.7745757

I am at the haikyuu meetup by the outdoor fountains right now. has everyone congregated somewhere? I wanna join

>> No.7745759
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>> No.7745786


>> one of them has a neck beard/porn stache combo going

Kimochi warui...

>> No.7745791

It's just the guy the middle talking about how he always used to outlast his girlfriends and some asshole behind me yelling things at him

>> No.7745813

Powerlifter here she fucking stood me up, me and bodyweight guy are meeting up to hangout.

>> No.7745821

there is a homestuck here passed out in the lobby with her friend cleaning up her puke. speaking of homestuck, did anyone find out about nudestuck?

>> No.7745831


>> No.7745847

I'm drunk at the con and browsing through this thread and I see my assignment and now I'm depressed because I look like a man.

Time to drink more.

>> No.7745942

it's just a bad angle

>> No.7745961
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Any seagulls wanna hangout on the balcony? I got a couple drinks in me, just wanna chill with someone.

This is a picture I took, yay.

>> No.7745986

So does every bar in Baltimore close fucking early or what? Help me and my friends out, /cgl/!

>> No.7745987

Bro come join us at the bar. We are all sitting around playing pool and drinking.

>> No.7745989

sorry I broke the glass bottle at the tf2 photoshoot...

>> No.7745992
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The Saturday meetup.

>> No.7746085

isn't neckbeardhat the guy that ran the super sentai panel last year?

>> No.7746140

Guys. Who wants to fuck? Men or women. I'm an average looking guy in the Shariton.

>> No.7746160

was very surprised to find a wadanohara cosplay of all things (a really cute one too)

made my day considering how obscure mogeko stuff is

>> No.7746164

What a sausage fest.

>> No.7746187

If you get a guy I could be convinced for a threesome. Fujoshi who'd like to get laid. Decent face, little bit chubby though.

>> No.7746224
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Damn, I should have gone
>girl who was too shy

>> No.7746227

does it have to be a 3some or will just one dude work?

>> No.7746231

And who apparently doesn't know how to flip a photo>>7746224

>> No.7746242

I really wish I could suck some guy off right now, but my girlfriend would destroy my face and leave me.

>> No.7746244

Uh, yeah, its why I included the fujoshi label. Google it, and get back to me

>> No.7746257

yes more details

>> No.7746274

Are there any parties going on right now? I'm the cool guy

>> No.7746275

drunk seagulls in the ballroom Chris-chan guy is a bro among bros

>> No.7746300

I need you. Yes.

>> No.7746313

For real though it's late and I'm getting desperate anyone tryna fuck?

>> No.7746333

Fun night tonight, many drink. Kinda burnt out and feel like chilling in my room with waifu tonight. See you fucks next year!

>> No.7746349

I wanna suck dick so bad. Or just rub over your pants a bit. I dunno, I'm drunk and horny.

>> No.7746353


>> No.7746354

>/cgl/- Cosplay & EGL
>Very few cosplayers

What a huge disappointment.

>> No.7746359

If you're a grill and confident in your dicksucking I can accommodate you. If you are a grill and not confident in your dicksucking then prepare your anus because I'm too drunk to feel your pussy.

>> No.7746361

lurkers gonna lurk, even IRL

>> No.7746362

Hardly anyone is going to cosplay to a late night event, only scrubs do that.
>/cgl/- Cosplay & EGL
>Very few scrubs

>> No.7746370


It's just a bunch of neckbeards trying to find a cosplay gf. Most of them didn't cosplay the whole con. Say whatever you want, but it's disappointing.

>> No.7746372

>tfw scrub

Y-you too

>> No.7746374

How the fuck do you know? Did you trail them the whole time? What kind of autist are you?

>> No.7746375

I was expecting to see some really good cosplays/lolita.

>> No.7746376


>> No.7746380

I spoke with them, that's how.

>> No.7746397
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Maybe I'm just too damn drunk to notice it. Every year is pretty much the same and does kinda sound like it when the ratio is above below average. I do have to say, talking to the ones that do cosplay is pretty alright despite my lack of things to talk about and drunken rambles.

>> No.7746400

Worst Otakon ever! I'm glad they're moving to DC.

>> No.7746404

Who is that fine ass Link running around?

>> No.7746418


Micropenis detected

>> No.7746434
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Hey lads and ladies,
I hope everyone got home safe and has a fun con. Thanks to those who came out and had a good time. See you seagulls next year.

>> No.7746437

Any girls looking to bang?

>> No.7746462

Definitely the most fun night I've had at any Otakon. Had a fucking blast meeting you guys. Also getting thrown out of the hentai room was pretty fun.
-drunk kid with the tableflip shirt

>> No.7746466
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Continuing from yesterday. Time to get this thread back on track and less /soc/

>> No.7746470
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>> No.7746473
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>> No.7746475
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>> No.7746477
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>dakimakura on the street

>> No.7746478
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>> No.7746479

give it up dude. for cereal. it's too late for this shit. it's always too early AND too late. if it were as easy as a post on /cgl/, the whole convention would be full of kids with their cherry popped.

>> No.7746483
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>> No.7746486
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>> No.7746490
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>> No.7746492
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>> No.7746496
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>> No.7746500
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Last one for tonight, computer's about to die, and I need sleep. I'll post more tomorrow night.

>> No.7746515
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fucking awesome night tonight, so glad i met all of you, from dylan from pittsburg. i still want angus to die, charlie is the nut, mitch is the shit my pomp is the shit, gavin is fucking great, etc etc hope andrew, dan-no, dealer bro, and everyone else had the best fucking night yeah11111.

>> No.7746599

Why are women so heartless?

>> No.7746607

Where's the females?

>> No.7746612

You nearly ruined the photoshoot - but you made for a great story.

>> No.7746617

Can love spawn on the battlefield?

>> No.7746729
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Wow, a lot more guys than girls compared to last year

>> No.7746898

bump for more pics

>> No.7746948

That's because 3/4 of this thread is guys trying to get hooked up. Thirsty dudes make women feel like they'll be raped.

>> No.7746979

Heheh, sorry about the yelling.

But seriously, did a video room need three guys running it? I can understand if they were giving insight on the gravure industry or whatever, but the hickish guy was just talking about the last time he got laid and something about "ah wasted all these giggy-bites on this vidya"

>> No.7746980

>eating lunch with friends
>obviously drunk man approaches us
>sweaty, glassy eyes, jumbled speech, can't stand up straight
>shows us a drawing on bill clinton that says "OTAKON 2014" under it
>asks for $2 for it
>we decline
>he asks for cigarettes
>none of us smoke
>friend tries to avoid trouble
>"it's very nice, maybe somebody will buy it.
>man goes in friend's face
>"fuck somebody, i want you"
>man doesn't have a badge
>we get up and leave

a few hours later

>lying in the hallway with a friend
>see paramedics with stretcher
>drunk guy is on stretcher
>he's loaded into an ambulance

>> No.7746998

Coulda sworn there were a lot less drifters around last year. Almost saw a bum fight happen this morning.

>> No.7747010

>All these bitches whining about lack of women at the meetup.

Maybe I just had lower expectations for the meetup, but shit I still had a good time.

>> No.7747013

What happened to you? I've been having a good con. Some guy in the dealer's room bought me a plush after I talked to him for 10 minutes. And he didn't even ask for my phone number, email, or anything. He was just a nice dude. And every single guy who came on to me was clean, well kempt, and ateast a 7/10. We had no drama in our rooms and the worst line I was in the whole con was pre reg Friday morning and we got through that in less then an hour. All in all it was a pretty good otakon.

>> No.7747020

I'm surprised there were even that many girls given how rapey desperate the guys posting were in this thread

>> No.7747037


>> No.7747043

yeah I'm pretty sure the thirsty faggots drove a lot of females away this time

>> No.7747050


Please be a troll

>> No.7747056

Powerlifter guy here like we give a fuck bodyweight guy is brotier bought us a few bottels of sake, and had a good time.

>> No.7747058

gotta wait for that light rail to open around 11...

>> No.7747070

I'm gonna bring in a gun at noon, everyone get down and be ready. All bad cosplays get a shot.

>> No.7747085


They should just go to Dragoncon to get laid.

>> No.7747110

Atlanta is a bit out of the way. Guess I'll have to wait to Wicked Faire to meet some sexy thirsty girls.

>> No.7747126

I guess my ride is still away for the weekend and I'm stuck here for a bit longer than intended. Not sure what I'll do to kill time, maybe hang out at the con playing stuff on my laptop

>> No.7747128

Did anyone see that hot Unikitty walking around on Friday/Saturday?

>> No.7747135

>I'm stuck at a con,what ever shall I do to entertain myself?

>> No.7747149

I normally bolt the fuck out on sunday because I got work the next day and I would like to rest up in my own bed as soon as possible, especially after 2 nights of heavy drinking and fun.

>> No.7747164

I was gonna stay for a bit today, but I'm tired as hell and didn't want to drag my luggage around the con

>> No.7747176

>Thirsty, thirsty, trynna choose
>I mean I know, I'm pretty cool
>My Nitty bag, my kitty boost
> got the juice, I got the juice

I refuse to believe thirsty dude posts were anything but trolling and shitposting that snowballed. Stay classy 4chan.

The meet up was hella fun new people and old people it was a barrel of monkeys. The cosplay was great. The actual convention this year was pretty meh not that many cool panels or premieres. I still had a blast met a bunch of high craftsmanship teams and got contact info. This time next year I may be able to do some crazy ass armor set or mecha design. Also met a bunch of qt grills at the con talking about fighting games or league and anime. I got Ezmeralda's @sign, Elenas tumblr, same for a member of the staff we were chatting up how the hentai showings are like huge laugh tracks.

Ain't nobody going to the hentai showings to pull out genitals they too busy cracking jokes and cheering for/against the different characters. I met up with a friend at the end of immortal or immoral sisters and everyone lost their shit when one of the girls bit the dude and then lit the mansion on fire. I felt like an old man at an Avengers film asking goofy ass questions "wait so is that her sister? Why does she have a penis? Ok so they escaped the mansion but why is she still a hoe???"

>> No.7747239

If you're driving to the con today, watch out - there's a ton of speed traps and state troopers on I-83S pulling over anyone who drives by.

>> No.7747247

hey /cgl/, /sp/ here. I passed by a bunch of yall on the way to the orioles game yesterday, and people kept saying rude shit about "them there dumb costumes". Please pay them no heed, I would rather have been at the con than the game myself

>> No.7747270

I have to say, it's awesome that you can see into the Orioles Stadium from the Hilton.

>> No.7747277

Fuck, nevermind. At 2, I have to wait for my mom to get home from work.

>> No.7747286

>"them there dumb costumes"

As if the endless parade of clones in bright orange Orioles t-shirts look any better.

Occasionally broken up by bright red Cardinals t-shirts. What is it with birds and baseball anyway?

>> No.7747373

Shit like this makes me think love and relationships would be so much simpler if we could just go gay.

Too bad our brains don't work like that.

>> No.7747408

If the team's guardian spirit is a bird, they can invoke said spirit once per game to make the ball fly farther.

>> No.7747419

even if the thirsty dudes WERE trolling. I'm a dude and even I got creep'd out. I kinda wanted to join you seagulls in festivities, but shit, I brought a fuck ton of booze for my room, and I enjoyed the con walking around by myself. glad to see it wasn't a total wash for anybody!

sadly, this might be my last Otakon. I'm looking to broaden my horizons on cons. anybody have suggestions on a good con on the east coast?

>> No.7747425

Baseball suddenly seems a whole lot cooler.

>> No.7747433


>> No.7747438
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Damn I missed the meet, oh well. I had fun at the con in my Mr. Foster cosplay. I was giving out dosh to everyone.

I met some random people and we had a room party. 8 people and we got through 7 bottles of straight liquor.

>> No.7747446

Yang here, it was a bit of a sausage fest and the worst it got was like 5 guys crowded around the sole female left in the tavern basement. But it was still a lot of fun and I met some cool guys

>> No.7747447

Teams with big animals like bears and such can invoke a 50% STR bonus once per game

>> No.7747480

a couple a dudes I know go to this every year! I always want to support their music, so I don't know why I haven't gone yet....

>> No.7747484

Is that why DC's teams always suck?

I can't imagine what bonuses "Senators" or "Nationals" would have.

>> No.7747491

DC teams can summon the spirits of all those who have died in the formation and expansion of the US as spooky ghosts to haunt the other team for 5 minutes

>> No.7747494

That must be fun when they play the Indians or the Braves.

>> No.7747499

As a Phillyfag, I'm now confused and scared as to what benefit our freak of nature of a mascot bestows our team.

>> No.7747508

The spirits won't damage their own, and reflect back onto the DC team
All thrown projection gain a 100% damage bonus and a 50% chance to crit

>> No.7747511

+1 morale

>> No.7747530

I'm gonna die eventually, just give it a good 50 years. In the meantime, stop being so jelly

>> No.7747556

Just let us know when you have a son, because I'm calling him Ribeye.

>> No.7748145

good one XD

>> No.7748257


Im more confused how my team the Yankees always win constantly if we have no animal mascot of any kind to invoke any special benefits

>> No.7748267

>winning constantly
>last season and this season
pls check yourself

>> No.7748533

Bitch, I'm named after meat because the doctor thought I was born with three legs.