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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 407 KB, 1280x720, pear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7738026 No.7738026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets have a thread for pear shaped characters. Cosplays, reference images and anything acceptable. Help a fellow pear find a good cosplay, post measurements, talk about breast padding etc.

>> No.7738034

Slim the fuck down, fatty-chan

>> No.7738037
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 600full-life-with-louie-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7738040

They're clearly apple shaped you dumbfuck.

>> No.7738043
File: 96 KB, 438x584, pear shaped beauty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7738045

lol this.

Pear? Plus size? big girl?

You fatties are going to run out of words to replace Obese and Fat. If you're supposedly proud of your body, why do you guys keep trying to hide what you really are.. which is obese or fat.

>> No.7738054
File: 96 KB, 397x295, 51824311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the idiot if you seriously think body shape and where fat is stored is some kind of fattie myth.

>> No.7738059

You seem upset, did you have a bad day?

>> No.7738060
File: 341 KB, 471x361, 1406840813683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying only fat girls are pear shaped

>> No.7738062

I'm a pear too, but I'm not anyway near fat. you can be slim and still be a pear.

>> No.7738064

Also we got a plus size thread right on over here: >>7723692

>> No.7738067

The woman looks kind of like a harpoon head to me. Maybe I've been playing too many video games...

sage for no contribution.

>> No.7738069

> what is bone structure?

>> No.7738073
File: 210 KB, 500x855, SeeU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7738076

Girls from Wakfu

Elin characters from Tera Online

>> No.7738083
File: 33 KB, 250x334, SG_squigly_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Squigly from Skullgirls

>> No.7738084
File: 246 KB, 474x548, filia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, Filia from Skullgirls.

>> No.7738100
File: 157 KB, 900x1273, shiki_misaki_3d_rendering_by_thaoiiees-d4pcgzy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 32-24-35 at 100 pounds and sort of stumped on characters. I've been thinking Shiki from TWEWY, but I'm not sure my hips are pronounced enough for it

>> No.7738105

You could always add a little bit of padding on your hips. But I don't think anyone would really mind as long as you're thin. No one wants to see a gut hanging out of an outfit like that.

>> No.7738138

>You're the idiot

Attacking the messenger to avoid hearing the message. Really shows how insecure you are about your physical appearance.

>If you seriously think body shape and where fat is stored is some kind of fattie myth.

Fat is fat, if you have accumulated enough fat around your hips waist, You are still considered fat or obese, you aren't "pear" shape. You are just plain fat.

Nope i'm good, i'm fit, in shape and not "pear" lol

>Implying only fat girls are pear shaped
Only fat girls consider themselves pear shaped. No fit girl would ever associate themselves with fat girls, This is due to hard work.

>I'm a pear too, but i'm not anyway near fat.
Doubt it, again no fit person, who has worked hard on her physique through a good eating habit and lifting weights, will actually call herself pear. She would consider herself Fit.

>What is bone structure

Bone structure has nothing to do with Fat.

Funny how fat people are just so defensive about their lifestyle and in denial about their physical appearance, they're just ready to attack that isn't praising their undisciplined lazy lifestyle.

>> No.7738151

I bet you're actually a land whale

>> No.7738155

Stop responding to this pls...it's very obviously b8 made by an insecure male with moobs.

>> No.7738156
File: 567 KB, 1133x1920, alpha males only.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low test beta male detected.

According to science guys who are high test alpha males are attracted to wide hipped chubby girls or pear-shaped because they're perfect girls to breed with. So why is there so much chubby girl hate in the world today? Is it because males are being feminized more and more and are losing test and turning beta

pic related - what high test alpha males strive for.

>> No.7738158

>I bet you're actually a landwhale

Again attacking the messenger. Nothing states insecurity when you are doing everything you can to change the topic, due to either lack of rebuttals or just can't favor the discussion towards your view.

>> No.7738162
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, fedora.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738164

You'll want to tone down the rage, it makes you look butthurt and discredits your arguments. That said, I agree.

>> No.7738165

Ohhh fitizen.

You should know theres a big difference between high test alpha male quality of girls, compared to what landwhales are trying to pass off as high test alpha male quality.

>> No.7738170

That's true, I hadn't thought of that. The skirt is so small it might be hard to do, but definitely a good option, thanks! I'm just sick of seeing Shiki cosplays where people don't have the defined hips for it, and I don't want to just be another one of those.

>> No.7738171

Are you retarded? Take your angry shit posting back to /fit/.

>> No.7738172

Why didn't you post her sideways shot? Because she looks like shit from that angle and you know it, don't you?

>> No.7738173

This thread needs to be purged

>> No.7738174

He may be angry but he's right.

>> No.7738176

why do you assume i'm angry?

or is it really because you are angry of my factual statements, and you are just showing your insecurity.

Should i add smiley faces to my posts? :D :D :D

lol cute, I love how you just can't find a good objection towards my statement and must deviate the topic being discussed.

>> No.7738181
File: 384 KB, 837x1920, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right, I should have posted it first because this one shows a better shot of her great ass. thanks!

>> No.7738180


>> No.7738182
File: 1.75 MB, 640x360, 1396739192558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738184


>> No.7738186

Look high test alpha male quality

*Stomach is still not a gut
*Boobs still further out than stomach
*Cellulite kept to a minimum
*Nice proportions of ass and tits.
*No Gunt
*No disgusting stretch marks.

High test alpha male quality.

>> No.7738187
File: 1.37 MB, 1024x578, high test alpha male.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738190

Nah, just the person shitposting in it :^)

>> No.7738191

But he's not? If your chest measurements are simply smaller than your hips then you're considered pear. Some people seriously just have large hip bones and aren't fat.

>> No.7738192

What a poor attempt at a face

>> No.7738193
File: 1.79 MB, 1156x650, just a little test boost.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738196

The human skeleton doesn't vary as much as you like to believe, only its total scale does.

>> No.7738200

And what exactly are your qualifications to make such an ignorant statement, you dumb shit lmao.

>> No.7738201

That's acceptable as it is, but I wouldn't want to see what she'll look like in a few years.

>> No.7738207
File: 47 KB, 434x551, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elin race from Tera are hella cute.

>> No.7738209

fucking love this one.

>have lare hip bones and aren't fat.

Then they aren't considered pear shape. Either True curvy, or high test alpha male quality, or just a fit girl with wide hips.

Only people that use the word pear to describe a physique are fat people. Fat people love trying to blur the lines between what is true curvy, a fit girl with wide hips, and disgustingly obese/fat.

>> No.7738210

I hold no formal degree, but I have seen many things. I speak from experience, as you do.

>> No.7738211
File: 233 KB, 500x278, tumblr_n34l6ncjw61sav3ldo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're a small/slim pear I'd actually say Nonon in one of her more revealing or fitted outfits. She's actually got a fairly curvy lower half.

>> No.7738219


If you fatties want to cosplay these fictional characters how about doing it properly.

They aren't fat, they have no Gut hanging out, or cellulite ridden legs.

You want this physique to cosplay, how about you get on a diet and start doing Heavy squats. Clearly they have developed quads and glutes.

But i'm sure its easier to stay in your lifestyle of overeating "healthy" things and not progressing. While being mad that a few are calling you for what you are. Which is fat. and not pear.

>> No.7738223

Don't forget hip extensors and abductors

>> No.7738226
File: 122 KB, 759x917, Funassyi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say pears

>> No.7738232

yup , hamstring and calve development as well.

lol whats wrong, was this statement too factual for you fatties? no fedora gifs? no butt hurt statements?

Hard to admit that you are wrong, but its okay, your lack of rebuttals is enough for acknowledgement.

>> No.7738235

Why not just take the win and get out? Why make an ass of yourself, even if you're right?

>> No.7738238


>> No.7738241

That's really cute, and it actually fits my body type since I've got very little on top but my face isn't cute enough to pull it off unfortunately.

>> No.7738242

Well shit then I guess I'm just fit and cursed with 34" birthing hip bones...

>> No.7738243

Can fit get out of here. Pear shaped just means that most of your weight lies at the hips and thighs, usually hips are larger via bone structure. I am a pear and I've got abs, squat and have no fat on me. It's not about being fat, it's just about bodyshape. My thighs aren't fat, but they won't slim down unless I become anorexic.

>> No.7738244

Sorry, I don't speak imperial

>> No.7738245

Please stop posting. Go back to /r9k/ and your 2D girlfriends. Not every guy is as angry and full of hatred as you are; you are honestly a shitty person. I've been shitty and bitter before, but God damn someone must have hurt you badly.

Before you pull an Elliot Rogers, remember me saying "I told you so."

Sage for no contribution. Unfortunately I can't think of pear-shaped characters at the moment to contribute.

>> No.7738246

Holy mother of god that ass

>> No.7738248

Bro, I'm the OP of the thread and I'm a fit girl with wide hips, that's pear, I fucking hate fat people. Also fatties only call themselves 'curvy' or 'full figured' they don't use foods to describe their shape, it just makes them hungry.

>> No.7738249

You are the 0,1%

>> No.7738250

OP here. Comments like this just make it worse. Get the fuck out of my thread idiot, you're just as bad as them.

>> No.7738251


>> No.7738253

I'm on mobile, it would just take me too long, my phone is held together by duck tape and prayers

>> No.7738256
File: 348 KB, 850x850, Eniripsa_female.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dofus characters are really cute too, but they've still go that cute face

>> No.7738257

not the mom

>> No.7738259

What's the metric unit for body measurements? Cm?

>> No.7738260

She's got tits though

>> No.7738262


>> No.7738263

81-61-89 and 45kg or 7 stone.

>> No.7738265

You can always pad for that. It was the big thighs that got my attention, since I'm always self conscious cosplaying the average anime character. Those fucking tiny thighs.

>> No.7738268
File: 126 KB, 600x815, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umi from Love Live!

>> No.7738273

Exactly seven stones or a few pebbles too?

>> No.7738274

> Love Live

you. I like you.

>> No.7738276

Maybe a handful of gravel.

>> No.7738277

That's simply untrue, see [>spoiler]Sonico and Pochaco[/>spoilers]

>> No.7738280

Or anything by XEBEC, really. Man, I love XEBEC.

>> No.7738281
File: 327 KB, 2048x2034, image-1360532801,artworkHyungtaekim,219,image1,en1360532801,H8000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when extreme pear hip bones and fit.

I'm proud of both. I'm not going to call myself a pear and give off the image of having a flabby lower half, but I'm also not going to call myself fit and give off the image of a mannish boxy lower torso. Fat, fit, skinny, and skinnyfat describe fat and muscle content. Pear, apple, hourglass, etc describes bone structure and where fat is stored (like how men use endo/ecto/meso).

Like I get what you're saying because yeah,I've seen a lot of flabby girls call themselves pears, likewise a lot of girls who consider themselves "curvy" just look like a Michelin man, but just because these terms have been butchered by girls who don't want to admit they're at an unhealthy weight doesn't mean their original definition no longer holds true.

Pear shape is and always will be about having wide illium and a narrow rib cage. Having your body fat primarily carry on your lower body (a trait of high estrogen) also helps but it doesn't mean that you have to be fat to be a pear. There's fat pears, skinny pears, skinnyfat pears, and fit pears. Again, these terms fall into two different categories so no, a fit girl doesn't have to exclusively call herself fit even if she has wide hips.

Cellulite has to do with connective tissue. There are fit women who have cellulite, it's just not as obvious as it is on fatter girls. To be completely rid of cellulite you'd have to be at a disgustingly low bf%, and minimum bf% for women is actually higher than the minimum for men so you'd be entering unhealthy territory even for a fit person.

All that said and done, Hyung Tae Kim has a habit of drawing pears, and his designs are really nice. He's the designer for the Magna Carta RPGs and the Blade & Soul MMO.

Castanics are in between pears and hourglasses. When they stand straight up and you look at them dead on front or behind they have a bell shape, they're just not as extreme as Elin.

>> No.7738282

>implying those are average anime characters
I'm not chubs and I don't have the titties for either of them, no matter how much I wish I could pull of Sonico

>> No.7738283

Pochaco and Sonico are Inverse Triange shapes; they have no hips.

>> No.7738286

The day I see someone pull of his designs with detail and accuracy will be the day I die happy.

>> No.7738288

I think you missed something.

Also I noticed girls in h-games tend to be thicker even if they're fairly skinny(probably since soft squishy animus are sexier or something) I certainly think so..

>> No.7738295

No, they're hourglass technically. Also their thighs are huge, that's what the anon was responding to.

>> No.7738302

Get your eyes checked

>> No.7738328


>> No.7738331

>super sonico's measurements are B90-W57-H87

>> No.7738364

>trusting official Japanese measurements
Your new is showing

>> No.7738367

Can people quit with that? It's animu measurements yeah but the proportions are still there. Proportions are more important than actual measurements anyways.

>> No.7738371
File: 1.01 MB, 1079x602, 345645645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edea Lee and Agnès Oblige.

>> No.7738382

>Doubt it, again no fit person, who has worked hard on her physique through a good eating habit and lifting weights, will actually call herself pear. She would consider herself Fit.

haha, I wouldn't call myself fit at all, I don't do anything to keep this shape, I can eat all I want and not gain weight at all. I'm 4'11, 40kg, bust 76cm, waist 61cm, shoulders 31cm and hips aprox. 85cm. I'm definitely a pear shape.

>> No.7738404

You can definitely be slim and pear-shaped. My prof is like that; it all has to do with bone structure.

>> No.7738421

You summed up cgl so well. You're my hero.

>> No.7738438

Bad clothes, great figure.

Well, I only say great because I look just like her, with a slightly smaller chest and belly.

Would smooch/10

>> No.7738442 [DELETED] 


>> No.7738445

Psst, you're making all us fit people look like jerks


>> No.7738446


>> No.7738448 [DELETED] 

I'm pear shaped and underweight. Just saying.

>> No.7738451

What the fuck is a gunt?

I'm thinking it's a portmanteau of gut and cunt, like when the belly is so big that it just kinda joins up with the fat in the mons pubis somehow, but I've been wrong before.

>> No.7738452

I'm pear shaped and underweight. Just saying.

>> No.7738453

>flashbacks to all the pedos on /terag/

>> No.7738455


refer to >>7736608

>> No.7738457

Naw, Alberta.

>> No.7738460

Voldie isn't reall all that pear shaped though. She doesn't have a big enough booty/hips for that.

>> No.7738461

Oh, ew! She could disguise that with a lower cut bikini but as it is it's pretty disgusting. Thank god I don't have that at my size.

>tfw 42-32-46

>> No.7738465

She looks a bit like a pear that's been out too long and gotten all soft.

I rather like her shape, though I prefer softer girls.

>> No.7738469

Skeletons are actually fairly similar. Obviously there will be slight differences because of things like height, but the ratios are typically rather similar. A fat person's skeleton will look the same as a thin person's if you take a peek at an x-ray.

An inch or two here and there in bone length/width doesn't make the difference between a fatass and a skinny person.

>> No.7738473

So what you're saying is - fat distributions.

>> No.7738528

This thread is a wreck.
This dude has serious body issues with women and doesn't really seem to understand women's body shapes.

>> No.7738541

Chun Li is notoriously pear shaped but I don't think anyone could possbily call her un-fit.

As soon as I saw this thread I knew it would degrade into OMG FATTIES quickly. Somehow it did worse than most plus size threads. If it had been instead been made as a Thighs thread you'd be getting better results.

I'm fine with being pear shaped. I'm losing weight slowly, but it's always been concentrated in my butt and thighs so I can hide it a lot easier than my friends who have average legs but huge guts.

>> No.7738544
File: 250 KB, 1366x2048, perfect body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, it's a skinny, pear-shaped girl. Can we all shut up now?

>> No.7738547

>Can we all shut up now?
>bumps thread with heated topic an hour after 1 or 2 posts about a topic that was stopped over 2 hours ago

>> No.7738584

That's not pear shaped, that's coke bottle
Like most of these examples you guys are posting. It's the ideal figure but 99.9% always fail in the ass department

That and their legs aren't usually up to par

>> No.7738587

Coke bottle? Are we fucking making up shape-names now?

>> No.7738591
File: 68 KB, 450x317, pear-shaped_bodies[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, happy now?

>> No.7738594

dumb nigga

coke bottle = large breasts, skinny waist, big in the booty.

>> No.7738600

Pretty sure that's hourglass.

>> No.7738604

coke bottle is what black people like to describe it in their rap songs.

>> No.7738619
File: 7 KB, 300x300, perrier-75cl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A pear is a perrier bottle.

>> No.7738623

>I can eat all I want and not gain weight at all.

This is what happens when you are just plain uneducated. I'm not talking about being educated in fitness, or taking a basics physics class.

But this is just straight autistic.

>> No.7738636

Are you retarded? This shit actually happens to people. It's the same for me. I eat tons but I'm literally unable to get above 47/48 kg.

>> No.7738638

Coke bottle shape, depending which picture you're looking at
Top heavy, slim waist with matching hips: hourglass
Curvatious, fine lines, long legs, slender with the right amount of meat: she's a dime

>> No.7738639

So you can eat all you want and not gain weight.

Wow you must be the only thing in this universe that defies physics. Amazing.

>> No.7738643


I wish I was a pear shape. . I think girls with pear shaped body types are the cutest
I'm here with 35, 28, 34

>> No.7738653


>There are fit women who have cellulite

yeah just look at those pics of samantha wright training someone in a park

obviously fatties are going to typically have it more but it's just fucking genetic, you can find pics of hungry skeleton celebrities who still have it

>> No.7738655
File: 51 KB, 594x396, Rihanna+shows+off+fit+bikini+bod+jIXO17AJajRl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picky bitches

here, have rihanna, bitch is pear as hell without being fat

>> No.7738671
File: 37 KB, 550x366, 1KzSPAh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like these kind of genetics?

fatties in denial.

>> No.7738674

Kek, you wish you were pear shaped? I think you need lay off the pocky, all that sugar is affecting your judgement

>> No.7738685
File: 93 KB, 512x768, 908548992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can find hungry skeleton celebrities

Typical fat people logic, you are either obese or a skeleton. But yet you lazy fucks don't even think of taking the hard path, actually lifting and getting on a diet.

>> No.7738689

Seagulls, I think this thread is too far gone. Our only hope if to destroy it.

>> No.7738693

Everyone here knows that the fruit shape comparisons are based on proportions, right? It has nothing to do with weight? I thought that was common knowledge..

>> No.7738694

>Wahh people are making fun of my jelly fat rolls, where are the beta fat males that would jerk off into my rotten vagina and praise my lazy lifestyle.

yeah sure end thread lol. This will fix your lifestyle.

>> No.7738697

OP here.

I'm going to burn it to the ground. Why do people reply to trolls? It's almost pathetic but it seems like there is one samefag replying to himself over and over and also posting pics against his point.

I didn't know this would go so wrong, I've seen threads like this before, but I guess I forgot summer.

>> No.7738698 [DELETED] 

Ah shut woman
How would you know

>> No.7738700

>everyone is born with the same bodytype
>look guys its a fat person eating poorly genetics don't exist because this person has a shit lifestyle that's effected their weight

>> No.7738701

Go for it OP. An r9k samefag has escaped.

>> No.7738707

>you cannot delete a post this old
the shit?
I'll porn it up in here and get banned.

>> No.7738710

>wants proof
>blatantly ignores sourced post >>7738528

>> No.7738725
File: 65 KB, 640x960, 624929992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ha lol.

>> No.7738737
File: 560 KB, 1277x1840, 064_P065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7738740

Also, it might be a good idea to remember that you don't necessarily need a character that is the same body type, but outfits from characters that flatter your body type.

>> No.7738741 [DELETED] 
File: 528 KB, 1268x1830, 065_P066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738744

What's with all the fat shamming itt
What's next, cankle and hammer toe apreciation?

>> No.7738746

Fuck you that's not what I fucking asked. Holy shit I can not stand when people do this. I don't want a self esteem boost I don't want to get an option that goes against my specific question. I want my damn question answered. This is not helpful, it's almost as rude as the /fit/fags.

>> No.7738751

Why am I so attracted to chubby girls? I have a fucking six pack for crying out loud. Am I just a high test alpha male?

>> No.7738752
File: 451 KB, 1280x1837, 066_P067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738754
File: 512 KB, 1266x1834, 067_P068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chubby is different than fat, anon.

>> No.7738755
File: 469 KB, 1278x1837, 068_P069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738758
File: 521 KB, 1272x1838, 069_P070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738763
File: 51 KB, 612x360, Stacie-Tovar-and-Camille-Leblanc-Bazinet-in-the-ZigZag-Event.-CrossFit-CrossFitGames-612x3602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's with all the fat shaming

and this is why we have an obesity problem, this very thought of fat shaming is a bad thing.

Whats with all the cocaine addict shaming
Whats with all the crack addict shaming
Whats with all the cigarette shaming

Lets shame things that are bad for your health, Unless it takes actual effort and a lifestyle change, this is okay. Like being fat, this is fine.

>> No.7738769

because someone's body is not yours to control. even if it's unhealthy, it's their body to fuck over.

>> No.7738775
File: 480 KB, 1280x1837, 070_P071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738780

But it's the same thing as drugs and alcohol and smoking. If it's parents it affects their children.

Also, did you not read what they said? We shame people for other really unhealthy habits that have negative affects on their bodies, should we stop telling anorexics they have issues now too?

FEELS driven arguements always ignore logic.

>> No.7738782
File: 528 KB, 1270x1835, 071_P072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7738783
File: 81 KB, 653x440, Picture-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's their body to fuck over

In a perfect world, I would absolutely agree with you.

But that is not how our society works, We are influenced or socially engineered according to our environment. Hence why there are more fat people in certain states compared to others. It is through influence and the lifestyle that everyone is accustomed to according to that community.

Certain communities like the ones that are majority of fat people influence their kids its okay to be fat, love your body, those kids grow up to be fat adults. Hence the cycle of just being fat. Unlike certain cities that are more health conscious that lives by a fitness lifestyle.

We grow as a community and we adjust our lifestyle according to influence.

>> No.7738784
File: 504 KB, 1278x1834, 072_P073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this combo insect/loli manga won't get the mod to purge this shit what will?

>> No.7738790

because regardless of someone's implied "lifestyle" you still don't fully understand their situation just because they look a certain way

yeah, a lot of fat people have a shit lifestyle, not all do
lumping everyone under the same umbrella for any situation is shit regardless of what it is

>> No.7738791
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This thread is starting to teach me that I am okay with really obese people. I realized that people are getting fatter, we have access to more food, more time to eat shitty food and less need to run around.
Our technologies have advanced too far for our brains, we can't control ourselves or exercise any kind of restraint so we're going to die. Being fat is just one of the ways leading to the downfall of humanity,

>> No.7738797
File: 67 KB, 650x437, birdsAbandonThread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fly away, fellow seagulls. This thread is salvageable.

>> No.7738803

>Fat people have shit lifestyle, not all do

LOL do you not read your own statements before submitting them?

You don't see any logic behind what you just posted. You are saying that fat people, FAT people can have a healthy lifestyle.

wow your standards for having a healthy lifestyle must be dirt low. I mean wow.

I hope you have higher standards and stop living a mediocre life.

>> No.7738806
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You realize we do that with everyone right?
Every demographic gets that treatment, blacks, whites, men, women, rich, poor, skinny people for fucks sake.

Everyone is lumped under the same umbrella, in pretty much every situation. Hell, people even call for that at times. This is no different than any of those things, why change just this? Why not change those as well?

I'll give you an example. You're asking me to differentiate an obese woman who goes to mcdonalds every day and does nothing else, with someone who has a genetic disorder and tries to keep her weight down.

That's the same as telling me to differentiate a rich black girl from a poor black girl in the ghetto.

Yet we don't do it, we'll act as if the rich black girl has the same situation as the poor one, yet we should differentiate the fat people? I think not.

We need to do it for everyone then, but that's impossible because it requires us to know everyone's specific history which we can't, we just go with the most common factor and apply it to everyone, everyone is generalized. In being black it is that you are less well off and will be racially stereotyped no matter what, with being fat it is that it is unhealthy and generally from overeating. Same difference.

>> No.7738815

just because everyone does something doesn't mean it's acceptable or appropriate
"everybody does it" isn't an excuse to be a shithead

>> No.7738817

As much as I love fat shaming, and clearly I do through my posts.

I love how most of our society is becoming fat. Mainly because i love the simple fact that I walk around knowing I am better than most people

I have the discipline, self control, will power to not only eat properly, lift on a strict schedule, but to fit all of that into my lifestyle.

I love walking into walmart being the only fit person there, I love walking into McDonalds knowing I earned this fatty food. I love the shame i bestow upon Fatties in Krispy Kreme when they look at me.

I love it. Ordering pizza is a lot more fun, when you walk in and shame the fatties for ordering something that high in calories without looking like me.

I love fat people, they boost my ego like no other.

>> No.7738818

I think I'm either pear or hourglass depending how you measure with 80-66-98 (31-26-39).

>> No.7738825





i mean wow like wow

>> No.7738828

My favorite thing to do is eat while reading fat people stories. I'm not super fit or anything though, I'm just picky and run every once in a while.

>> No.7738832

Definitely pear. Bust and Hips should be about the same for hourglass.

>> No.7738833

Some people use the shoulders to define the body shape. I have a small ribcage, but my shoulders a pretty average (36 inches, I think?)

>> No.7738838

>run every once in a while.

You're already ahead than the majority of people.

My favorite is whenever i buy groceries, people always ask questions about what I buy, so they can tailor their shopping cart according to mine. I find it hilarious.

or when a cashier looks at me weird bc i'm buying a tub of ice cream and they always ask me if its a fat free ice cream.

Citations are nice and all but, If you're fat and you can't run a mile in a good time, do compound movements at your own body weight, and do at least 1 pull up.

You aren't healthy, you are living a mediocre life.

>> No.7738845

>FEELS driven arguements always ignore logic.

And where exactly is my lack of logic and onset of feels? There is no emotional connotation to 'someone's body is not yours to control'. That being said, your 'think of the children' argument is weak. Children are constantly bombarded with images of thinner, more healthy people in the media. Health education is the biggest topic about US schools right now. Children aren't these empty heads that can only be affected/filled by their parents. And being fat parents doesn't automatically make their kids fat. It's nothing like cigarettes, you can't get fat from second-hand eating.

You're definitely right, but I don't think shaming people is going to get them to want to change their habits and views about what a healthy lifestyle is. There's always going to be people in denial and they are going to make things difficult, but there are people who will be swayed with outright facts and education, and those are the people you should try to appeal to.

>> No.7738849

these citations are citing both symptoms of conditions and instances of where weight will not come off even with a healthy lifestyle
having been an ex fatty and gaining 50lbs in 3 months after weening off of celexa i can say it took me about 2 to 3 years of dieting and working a warehouse job walking miles a day and lifting heavy shit all the time to finally see some actual weight loss results
ignorance makes me sad

>> No.7738853

People are retarded. Buy full fat and just eat less, it has less sugar anyway.

>> No.7738855

>the cashier asks me if it's fat free ice cream
??? kek what the fuck is this shit

>> No.7738856

Not /fit/ man, but children of obese children are much more likely to be obese.

>> No.7738860

You totally missed the point.

We shouldn't do that, but it's fucking impossible to create a system and not do it.

It's like tumblr with their pronouns. We need to use them to speak to eachother, it's not a specialized personally thing, that's what a name is for. Grouping people up is how society works because it's impossible to just treat individuality.

>> No.7738864
File: 58 KB, 181x189, what the fuck am I looking at.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this entire fucking thread

>> No.7738865

>People are retarded.

sigh, yes. Sadly yes they are, or the majority of people that is uneducated about basic nutrition and fitness.

>> No.7738868

Do you have any articles on that?
I always find it weird, because my mother was obese and my sister and I are not. I'm not particularly healthy, mind you. No one taught me how to take care of myself once I hit the 'baby bearing' age and I gained a lot of weight. I went from 110 to 130, and I'm only just starting to lose it, after two years.

>> No.7738870

what kind of cashier asks if ice cream is fat free
what kind of cashier gives a shit
this is a fucking joke m8 u mentally ill or what?

>> No.7738872

>you can't get fat from second-hand eating.
Unborn children can develop problems before they're even born from the mother.

Also, the concept of shaming is entirely that of feels. You don't want to make someone feel bullied into something, so it's shaming them to point out obvious issues. And yes honestly, that's what it has become. It's never been telling fat people they are gross, but that they are unhealthy. Also how on earth do you think a parent isn't going to affect a child's weight? The child has to eat what the parent provides, for many people media and schools opinions aren't as important as their parent's opinions as the parents are well, parents.

Even here on /cgl/ people will talk about their fat families making fun of them for losing weight, or that they gained so much weight not being able to eat right as a child. Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.7738874

Can't the cashier just, you know, look at the item, since they're scanning it.

>> No.7738875

yeah but why the fuck do they want to start talking about it ever
especially when they "always" ask you

>> No.7738877

they're obviously jelly

>> No.7738879

>what kind of cashier gives a shit

welp since you are from british land, or a place where your society is socially repressed. Here in America, we actually socialize with one another. We aren't toxic towards other people in public. People here are socially savvy enough to open up to other people.

I know this must be strange to you, since most of europe and british land are just socially repressed. Weird huh? lol

>> No.7738884

They do, but they also ask anyways lol.

Like theres some magical nutrition fact label that only fit people can see.

I honestly don't mind it, I like educating people in public. Plus I also love socializing with other people.

>> No.7738885

>It's never been telling fat people they are gross

yes it is

>> No.7738886

>implying im british because i said m8
alrighty then
i live in california and nobody fucking talks to each other like that don't even lie
i get "have a nice day" "here's your change" not "WOW IS THAT FAT FREE ICE CREAM I CANT READ IT MYSELF U SURE U WANT THIS AND NOT FAT FREE" from every cashier ever

>> No.7738890

The internet maybe, in a few really extreme cases also yes, but this fat shaming idea spills into places where commenting about weight isn't shaming but rather advice, like doctor's offices and classrooms.

Fuck you if you are going to only believe all those sensationalized reports.

>> No.7738893

>I live in California

well then must just be a weird looking person then. I used to live in California, everyone is always talkative and socially open.

Must be you , I meet new people on a daily basis, specially at grocery stores that are just so happy to socialize.

>> No.7738895

I don't know where you've been but 90% of the time they really aren't trying to say how unhealthy you are. Doctors and the alike obviously ARE saying it for your health.

>> No.7738909

Accept that you made it up. I'm from the bay area and while cashiers are polite and friendly they have never mentioned something I am purchasing. I'm fairly sure its actually a policy most stores have to avoid alienating a customer. The only time that someone said something I was at a Trader Joes and the cashier told me the chicken I was buying was delicious.

>> No.7738914

Jesus fuck where are the mods

>> No.7738915

depends on where you live, i lived in a few areas in cali and everywhere is different.
that being said, i fucking hated living in LA

>> No.7738916

I've been wondering that ever since those obvious r9k bait threads weren't being deleted

>> No.7738929

No thanks, i don't need an alpha man nor a beta man. Also, it's lame to believe men could be only alpha or beta, there are quality men around that aren't neither of them.
Finally something intelligent and well said in this thread.

>> No.7738934

My loli/incest doujin is still here. I got blocked for 15 minutes but nothing else. Fuck moot!

>> No.7738935

>Finally something that I agree with because it favors my personal opinion and views, well said in this thread.


>> No.7738949

The cashiers where I am are really talkative about products all the time. Once the old lady who was bagging for me whispered that she'd tried to doggy ice cream I was buying.

>> No.7738954

PT thread time?

>> No.7739003
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Sure, sounds like fun.
Her skype title is now "Mikasa Cosplay possibly soon" God help us.