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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 486 KB, 470x250, tumblr_llvjhiOzzW1qky7fbo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7715718 No.7715718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Self Post thread!
Post your latest cosplays and coords, show 'em off!

>> No.7715980
File: 240 KB, 680x900, IMG_4778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suuuurrrre. My Hot Pants cosplay, I'm still waiting on photos back, but I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.

>> No.7715983

Your hat is most likely on point but cannot unsee that penis on your head

>> No.7716052

ahahahahaha yeah I feel that, I honestly was wondering if anyone was going to say that.

>> No.7716468
File: 223 KB, 800x1200, ee73baa6-2808-4167-ad4a-36e4e4200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lady Punisher (Lynn Michaels) my Thor cosplay is at Lydia of Rohan on facebook

>> No.7716478
File: 170 KB, 960x720, taka-tsumu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You looked great. Are you wearing that to Ota by any chance?
My friend will be doing Johnny again, and another friend is finishing his Gyro.

>> No.7716496
File: 70 KB, 460x800, hicgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cgl has been pretty creative lately with the negative comments. so why not.

This turned out so great, your skill really shows - there was so much potential for that fabric to look horrible.

>> No.7716502

Nice scissor blade

>> No.7716520
File: 483 KB, 480x270, what should i do.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I - I think you're really pretty, anon! Construction is super good too.
I mean, I'm 100% straight but oh man, I wish I was as pretty as you.

>> No.7716529

I don't watch klk but after seeing a fuck ton of these cosplays I actually really like yours. It doesn't look ill fitting, your prop is great and you actually appear to eat so bonus points there

>> No.7716530
File: 1.33 MB, 3120x4208, spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not finished with it yet. Going to cut off the current mask and add another one

>> No.7716548

I think you should lose the lipstick, it makes you look old, but otherwise you look great and I love the material you used.

>> No.7716552

Not OP here

Well that has to be one of the stupider things I've heard lately

>> No.7716554

That censor just lel

>> No.7716587

perfect boot covers as always, and the scissor and upper half of the cosplay look spot on too. For some reason the 'skirt' seems a little lifeless to me, like it should have a little more flare. Makeup seems a little too mature for Ryoko but it might just be the facial expression.

>> No.7716591

I actually agree. The lipstick wasnt intentional :< I had just finished shooting Catwoman so I had on a lot of dark red lipstick and i'd stained my lips, I couldnt get it all off since I shot this one right after.

>> No.7716593

>50s diner Ryuko

>> No.7716651
File: 106 KB, 611x541, big E n Me twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some damn good times in my Cactus Jack cosplay this weekend at SDCC. Lotsa love for the Foley, especially in the local bars. Girls love the missing front teeth look for some weird reason. I think some girl named Kate from XboxTv gave me a headlock or something for a video.

Even got posted on the WWE-Universe Twitter with Big E. He's a really chill dude.

>> No.7716827
File: 387 KB, 700x1049, 4c6ffe87c9bceda69141688bf1c771f83bde038a-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done a shoot with Marian so I don't have any decent ones. This is the best I have that shows the costume (but far from my favourite or most in character).
I love your HP, I feel you should have maybe made the boob cape a bit longer to cover your boobs a bit more. Thought that might have made it a bit out of proportion looking so idk. Any way, it looks good.
Man the costume and blade are so clean and nice. The pleather isn't too shiny and everything fits so well. Those boot covers.

>> No.7717168
File: 209 KB, 721x900, quickhot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waiting for actual photo shoot photos back but wore this at SDCC for a while. Not anywhere close to done, my gun and shoulder armor hadn't dried in time before I left. Oh well. Was still fun.

>> No.7717333
File: 58 KB, 423x720, 1238392_10151788310924300_265616537_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've recently acquired some oily looking feather pauldrons to put on top of this coat.

>> No.7717355

Lose the lipstick, work on your eye make up, and work on your Posture and face to emulate the look more perfectly, otherwise, it's super fucking tits.

>> No.7717381
File: 3.33 MB, 5760x3840, Cheyenne01 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still fairly new to cosplaying and not very good but I really liked how my Mamimi cosplay turned out.

This is awesome! I love your blade.
This is so clean and cute, good job anon!

>> No.7717406

This is amazing and you are amazing for doing this. You planning to do his other personas?

>> No.7717577

Either I will, or my two buddies will do Dude Love and Mankind so we can all go together. Might get a wrestler group going at Comikaze.

>> No.7717578

That is an adorbs smile.

>> No.7717604
File: 51 KB, 627x879, short wrestling 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute concept, but I'm not digging the black tights.

Ditch em, and maybe get wrestling tights with short bottoms. It'll show off your legs, but still cover pretty well. Pic related.

The undies exposed look sorta looks weird.

>> No.7717607

You need an iron, a nicer wig and a smaller sailor collar
Also probably makeup

>> No.7717623
File: 76 KB, 477x564, loveyaguys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My lack of sewing skills limits my options hard.

>> No.7717679

What did I miss ironing?
The wig itself isn't bad, and I was wearing make-up. I really should have retouched myself on site of the photoshoot though, I was anxious as this was my first one! I'll definitely do so next time! Thanks for the concrit!

>> No.7717696

I don't know, I'd say your shit chest genetics limit you a little more.

>> No.7717725

can't argue with this, pectus to stronk

>> No.7717927

>that point in which you lifted too much.

>> No.7718089

I am! Is it the same friend from CTcon? If he's bringing his Joseph I'd love to get pictures with him with my Suzi Q!

Haha thank you. This fabric was pretty fucking ridiculous but it worked out really well for this costume. I have no idea if it could work for anything else.

Thank you! I can see that, if I made it a bit longer it fit more with her you know, pretending to be a guy.

>> No.7718131
File: 796 KB, 1280x1920, 94a597cb404f78fb3420a3ea43b1ab43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con season is over for me so the most recent thing I have is some Red River from Fanime.
I love how closely the pink fabric and wig match. HP was my favorite character from SBR and you pulled her off flawlessly!
I love the way everything turned out with your fabric choices and your wig is on point. Amazing!
Your head piece is super cute! I'm also loving the shoes.
I love the setting you guys were able to find but I'd definitely starch and iron your skirt next time for a better look!

>> No.7718144
File: 139 KB, 732x732, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Hawkgirl cosplay.
2000 fucking feathers later.

>> No.7718157

What are steroids for 500.

>> No.7718177
File: 2.42 MB, 2448x3264, Photo May 24, 7 30 42 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, why not. I still need to make the boots and get a jericho (right now I'm using an eagle since it was cheap and a jericho is a "baby eagle"). Give me all the hard dirty criticism you can. I've heard that I need to lose the lapels (probably will next con), get the boots instead of shoes, and raise the light blue lapel. Also looking into getting tighter pants, but it's hard to get 32x36 fitted slacks.

>> No.7718244


And cue trigger discipline whiners

>> No.7718259

he's posing, why would they whine about it?

>> No.7718260

Edited out the safety band. People can whine if they want, but it was a private shoot and a fake plastic gun. No danger at all.

>> No.7718268

People LOVE to whine about trigger safety. Fuck it, if it's fake, do whatever you want in pictures. Hell, if it's real do what you want in photoshoots, just don't bring it to cons.

>> No.7718292


Of course her blade looks perfect, she commissioned it. As if she could make that.

>> No.7718397

It is, and I'm pretty sure he's bringing both.
We're both working on Doppio and Diavolo right now too.

>> No.7718496

Fantastic. Do you guys have a twitter or whatever? Some way of keeping contact so we can meet up? I'd hate to miss whenever you guys wear them!

>> No.7718528
File: 3.54 MB, 4928x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Stocking cosplay with a friend as Panty. I was kind of sick that day though, so I'm hoping to wear it to Otakon looking a bit nicer

>> No.7718561

They way your and is covering the top of /a/ makes it look like it says /d/.

Unless that is what it says anyway.

>> No.7718756

I do Tumblr and Facebook. Hold on, actually. I think I can find you through other people.

>> No.7719232

The skirt and collar look pretty wrinkled. You should also think of wearing nylons or something, even if the character doesn't, as it will really help smooth out your legs.

>> No.7719243

Yeah, this
Its not bad at all esp for first time cosplay. Also I love flcl. Just thought I'd offer some tips.

>> No.7719418

Is that you Choco Coco

>> No.7720930

keep this going

>> No.7720942

If you want it to continue, then you should contribute

>> No.7720975

Thanks for the help! I'll definitely wear nylons next time I do a character that shows leg like this, as well as pay more attention/give more time to my ironing
Thank you!! I thought the location was perfect, I'm glad someone liked it! I love the detail on your collar/necklace and earrings.
I like this! I dig your hair, it looks nice for this.
I love the blue color as well as your construction and makeup!

>> No.7721019


Here's the thing about the trigger discipline shit: It is entirely dependent on intent. if you are posing with your gun drawn, but not aiming at anyone or anything, in that RE, gun held upwards by your shoulder pose, then you should not have your finger on the trigger. And since they are cosplaying as characters who presumably know what they are doing, then they should pose that way.

This spike though clearly is aiming his gun with the intent to fire it. His eyes are lines up with his arm and he is either threatening to shoot or will shoot. In either case, his finger on the trigger makes sense in this context.

>> No.7721049


Steroids? Seriously? That nigga looks natty as fuck, even flabby in some areas

>> No.7721067
File: 96 KB, 720x960, 10309342_10152533304286584_1522536648294111990_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be eventually fixing up some details of my Nonon that I didn't like but here's a hall shot.

Ahh, your Marian is so cute. Not enough Ixion Saga cosplay.

>> No.7721282

No, I'm Shelbie Savage.
Who is Choco Choco? I've only been on this board for about 2 years.

>> No.7722737

T-thanks, y-you too
Yup, no cheating for me

>> No.7722748

A qt 3.14 tripfag, you guys have very similar faces.

>> No.7724502
File: 76 KB, 498x750, tumblr_n4rm3kWims1qm0z3zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I guess I'll do this. I have a few things to fix up on Hilda, but I'm pretty pleased with how Ravio came out. Too bad I'll probably never wear this again.

You look lovely as Stocking! The construction on your cosplay looks really solid.

Pretty good, maybe a bit of the green tinge to your hair would help? That's something that can easily look like crap if done wrong though.

>> No.7724526

According to some Mexican on /int/ only 16% of Americans are blonde

I wonder if that's true

>> No.7724530

Why did you remove your trip?

>> No.7724601

Thank you. Mamimi is my waifu.

>> No.7724758


Looks decent. It's actually kind of funny how rare a good hommede spiderman suit is.


Don't like the shoese. But it's cute.


I think it's mostly good. Shoes are a little off. And hair, but that is one of the hardest parts that most seem to fuck up tremendoulsy.
Andh imagine trying to get 30x36 pants. Shit's impossible.


Fuck yes. Love stocking. Bangs look a little unnatural though. I'm not sure, but I think hair dresser types do have techniques, and scissors for that that might do the trick.

>> No.7724787

Ah, I never did try to cut the wig (and yeah the bangs were annoying me..), thanks!
Ah thanks so much ^^ I really do hope you wear that Hilda cosplay again though, it looks beautiful
Thanks so much ^^

>> No.7724947

The boots are fuckig beautiful

>> No.7724989
File: 60 KB, 640x960, 10419526_1447819488812924_2734987292340672206_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Shannon cosplay from AX this year! I'm actually really proud of it, besides the wig. I love Umineko so much so I was really excited to wear her, even though Day 3 was kind of a mess for me.
I've been following your progress for a while and I have to say that I'm blown away by how nice the final product is.
Your expression is so cute.
You fit Mamimi very well!
Really loving your construction.
Cute pose!

>> No.7725110

I saw you on the couple cosplay thread!! You look super cute, anon!

>> No.7725153

you look so cute! <3

>> No.7725689
File: 57 KB, 512x768, 10502156_530609913732497_5434146942467438616_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my Dio Brando from Fanime 2014, I was super happy with how it came out

>> No.7725692

I love the fabric you used for the black.

>> No.7725707

It was much much easier then the gold i used my first time that was a pain in the ass i could hardly move

>> No.7725717
File: 104 KB, 960x720, 10369860_490788434385779_4999462129887399700_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary Read at this last Anime Expo, hopefully my friend will finish Anne before Anime California.

>> No.7726201

Those look pretty awesome. I've been wanting to do this cosplay forever but I live in a small city so my fabric options have been limited. Where did you find most of your materials?

>> No.7726205

That's pretty good, it's really nice to see a Spike with effort put into accuracy.
Well hot damn. Seconding the fabric comment, it's just the right mix of hideously tacky and sexy.
I have no idea what these are from but they look great.
Thank you!
These shoe opinions haha. They're a bit inaccurate on the bit around the ankle but that's what I get for rushing. I'll fix them up before I get non-con shots.
Thank you both.
Not enough at all. Your Nonon looks adorable.

>> No.7726208

The fabric you used is amazing. I love how it looks like you're basically walking a runway.

>> No.7726221
File: 242 KB, 910x607, IMG_1313-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did Aguri Kusugami from Garo Yami wo Terasu Mono for Sakuracon and Fanime, shit was pretty fun but god the costume is hot as hell. Garo is not a summer-friendly show to cosplay from, idk how they manage to film it between May and October.

>> No.7726265

Are you a boy or a girl?

>I have no idea what these are from
AC4 black flag

>> No.7726271

It's a girl cosplaying a character that's supposed to be a woman disguised as a man.

>> No.7726276
File: 59 KB, 427x640, Arcade Brona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first cosplay, went with a genderbent of favorite LoL champ at the time... Arcade Sona. Was dub'd the title of "Brona" at A-kon 25

>> No.7726293

This is adorable! I love the shade of lipstick you chose, it's a nice touch.
Np anon, Mamimi is my spirit animal. Or spirit anime, or something.
Thank you!! You look super cute, oh my goodness! I want to pinch your precious cheeks so badly.
This is awesome. I love the wristcuffs.
Woah, I love all the details! Amazing job!
I dig the belt and the closures on the jacket, as well as the detail on the cuffs!
Nice platform!!

>> No.7726299
File: 118 KB, 434x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took at shot at Homucifer, one of my dream cosplays, over the summer. Wings didn't get done, gloves photographed weirdly, wig didn't come in time, and I left my anklets at home, but I'm super proud of how the dress itself turned out.

>> No.7726334

Your image is pretty low res but from what I can tell, your prop is really well made. I see a lot of girls cosplaying Sona and their prop always looks like shit with poor construction and a terrible paint job.

>> No.7726338

I'm such a stickler for good Homura cosplays but I have to admit you're one. Good construction (even without the wings), good pose, everything. Your face is even perfect too. I approve.

>> No.7726340

I hated that movie, but I like what you've got there so far.

>> No.7726346

That's godlike!

>> No.7726405


Thanks guys, it means a lot.

>> No.7726410


>> No.7726425

your dress gives the illusion you have a super tiny waist! the dress is amazing, and you look super cute, anon.

>> No.7726475
File: 1.83 MB, 5312x2988, arcade_sona_finished_by_unfylol-d7qz8hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to both of you!

Higher res for ya! And thank you!

>> No.7726491

Also was my first prop to be made! Didnt want it to look like all the other Sona keyboards just made out of cardboard and painted, looked bad to me. So i went pretty hard on it and experimented a ton with it.

>> No.7726511

Too much dick sucking in his thread, time to cut the fake bullshit

Good job painting a skull on a leotard
Good choice, the wig covers that giant deformed nose of yours.
Is your bra supposed to be showing?
I feel like I've seen you working at my local hot topic. You're the creepy 40 year old that hits on all the underage goff girls
Lol those pecs I'm so sorry. Also the makeup is shit
Are supposed to be fake stabbing her? Because there are about a million better ways to have done that shot and you chose the worst. But hey, you're slightly more attractive than her.
Lazy hipster scum

>> No.7726563

Thank you anons! I say I'll never wear it again because I'm planning to move far, far away and most likely won't be bringing cosplays. But I'd love to have another opportunity to wear it with Ravio.

This looks great, and your cosplay as a whole is hilarious.

You're really beautiful anon, the dress looks amazing on you!

>> No.7726564

Can't wait to see what you look like!!!

>> No.7726591
File: 539 KB, 515x841, 1-4-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more lolita
I wish I had a better spot to take pictures, my room is super lame

>> No.7726609

Vury nice

>> No.7727965

I got all my fabric at Joann's, after reaching for the right textures I then bought a crap ton of dye. Everything was lightly weathered and distressed with multiple dye baths.

I'm a lady anon, but I'm kinda androgynous. I'm 5'9" and very blonde, with long features so makeup is an incredible thing for me since I'm monochromatic. Sculpted my nose, jaw, and cheekbones for Mary.

I'm actually kind of happy that I confused people, hopefully my makeup will get better the more I wear her

>> No.7728124

this isnt a critique thread lmao this is a self post and get asspats thread

>> No.7728133

You need a cuter friend, that guy looks like a loser.

>> No.7728136

This is awful. Did you cut the bangs on that wig? It looks so pathetic. You look nothing like mamimi and even with the location I would never have assumed that was the cosplay you were doing.

>> No.7728138

Your cardi classes with that curtain. Is it really not possible to photograph with another side of the room?

>> No.7728196


It's really not, hahaha. After I took these pictures I decided I'm going to get some new curtains, so you and I are on the same page lol

>> No.7728210

Holy shit the photo makes it look like your waist is fucking tiny

>> No.7728253
File: 256 KB, 1304x2048, 10348947_245685008950342_3173988003228351186_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the right, and my sister on the left. Only my second (and third, if you count my sister's too) cosplay I've made, but I'm pleased with it. Learning various dyeing methods was fun.

>> No.7728383

This is gorgeous! You have a perfect face for Homura.
This is adorable! The colors you chose look super nice on you.

He's my qt bf and I love him.
I did cut the bangs! Sorry to disappoint, I'll try to do better next time.
This is cute! Did you make your boots? They look awesome!

>> No.7728385


>> No.7728387

The boots were the only part I didn't make. I found them on ebay for 25 bucks and the allure of saving money was just too great to resist

>> No.7728412
File: 43 KB, 512x384, 2Fu9KkvNnA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig it, good job.

>> No.7728799


Oh my gosh, thanks so much everyone! I love the fact the dress slims my waist at first glance, haha, never thought that cut outs could be flattering on me. Glad I could do Homu justice.

>> No.7728865
File: 56 KB, 714x960, 10494703_733723103353218_1070180258270068220_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wore this today~ does anyone have any suggestions for accesories/ect? thanks!

>> No.7728886

very cute! I'm not feeling the necklace (I think a daintier one would be better) , but other than that I think it's great

>> No.7729063

More/Facebook? Your super hot.

>> No.7729097

>This is adorable! The colors you chose look super nice on you.
Thank you so much! I'd be willing to bet your bangs looked fine before you put the beanie on, I used to have a blunt cut and even though my bangs were cut nicely I could never wear tights hats without having my bangs sticking out like that. Maybetry sitting it just a little further back on your head next time? I wouldn't worry so much about the catty anon if I were you, I could tell it was FLCL cosplay just from the thumbnail.

This is so cute! I'm with the other anon as far as the necklace goes, maybe a cute cameo on a slightly shorter chain? I really love what you did with your wig too, and the color is perfect with that print because it's not such a yellow blonde.

>> No.7729140
File: 304 KB, 1024x1231, nonon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vendetta detected

Derp and wrong color what a pair

I've seen so many pictures of you and the look on your face always turns me off. Your costume is pretty good but ugh posing please work on it

>> No.7729149

Very cute! However it looks like your blouse is off white and your socks are white. I'd suggest getting a pure white blouse, if that's the case, maybe with a bit larger of a peter pan collar.

If it's just my monitor and the colors are off please disregard! so cute

>> No.7729158


Genuinely surprised how attractive CGL is.

>> No.7729169

And yet theres always a group of people giving super harsh criticism.

>> No.7729174


Jelly fatties?

>> No.7729176

>Genuinely surprised how attractive CGL is.
Because only the most decent looking people post in these threads.

>> No.7729177

That or thirsty ass bitches who think they're god's gift to cosplay.

>> No.7729339

You're adorable! But maybe practice posing a little better, your footing looks a bit awkward

>> No.7729367
File: 940 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_3867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time cosplaying. The batman caught me by surprise and wanted pictures with me, hence the weird face I'm making. I have a lot of work I need to do before I'm a decent cosplayer.

>> No.7729982

If I might ask, what materials did you use for the board? I'm making one soon and yours is the best I've seen haha.

>> No.7730050

I'm actually particularly unimpressed by the craftsmanship...

>> No.7730108

If we all posted our best costumes in every thread it'd get boring. In order to keep the thread fresh I and I assume everyone else, posts their most recent rather than their most impressive.

>> No.7730168
File: 120 KB, 960x577, 10455844_403982379740392_6276000386263077896_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally got pictures of Lisa Lisa back from a while ago! I admit the craftsmanship is pretty shoddy but it turned out surprisingly well. I'm so happy I was able to get a small part 2 group together

>> No.7730181

But even a lot of the simpler costumes look shoddy.

>> No.7730219

I'm always happy to see good JoJo cosplay done well and I dig your Lisa Lisa.

>> No.7730456

I used insulation foam sheets (the ones from home depot) for the bulk of everything and glued it all together with liquid nail. Sanded it all down with an orbital and made the raised pieces out of insulation foam as well. Hard coated it with some smooth on shell-shock and sanded it smooth using 240 pads with my orbital and then 320 by hand. Hardest part of the board was the sanding between the buttons.

>> No.7730773

That's a great idea! maybe something gold with a pale pink accent?
omg thanks! that sounds lovely as well. I really appreciate your input! p.s. you are really really cute
Thank you! there is a tiny color difference between them, but the socks are beige/offwhite and the blouse is beige. I can always try another blouse though~!
oops! sorry, my posing is usually a lot worse than this actually ha. i will try to fix it though!

>> No.7733877
File: 45 KB, 500x520, 10434009_10204342360625089_3361231596959962153_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Joseph didn't bind

>Caesar would look better crushed under a rock

>Lisa Lisa overall looks like garbage

Just stick to cosplaying kill la kill or whatever tumblr is on about.

>> No.7736220
File: 68 KB, 720x960, 936074_824908237549678_4363835419738349978_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cutie sister all dressed up in lolita

>> No.7736226

She needs to use a different bra with that blouse.

>> No.7736367

I'm so jealous of her figure!

>> No.7736372

Someone feed her before she fades away to nothing

>> No.7736389
File: 245 KB, 503x523, COF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably shouldn't post to both /cgl/ and Closet of Frills so closely together. Especially since you're both pretty standard ita fare.

>> No.7736422
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 2c7a999b-612e-41ef-943d-0081ed2d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you starve her?!

>> No.7736454


>> No.7736489

You sister is adorable, anon. Ignore the jelly landwhales.

>being an asshole by exposing people's names
>standard ita
I'm not even commenting further on the first issue, because what's the point. But I really do think both look cute. Why would say she's ita?

>> No.7736494

is she the little or older?

>> No.7736593
File: 635 KB, 430x540, 5815imgL81sh11j9o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 would pose with

>> No.7736624

Your pauldrons look like something Ashley would have shit out.

>> No.7737101


Hell yeah, I love this. Especially the makeup, and hair.


Nice straps, and belts. Details.


Adding onto the praise of everyone else, that dress thing is incredibly flattering with those side cutout things.
And I love your jaw line. a lot.

Sibling cosplay; cuuute.


She looks like she could be twelve.
Cute though.