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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7733590 No.7733590[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any drama or costume progress please share

>> No.7733602

>insert obligatory Voldie, Purblind, Meltyfate, Sperren drama

>> No.7733611
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Here ya go:


>> No.7733613


>> No.7733670
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>> No.7734805

Nobody gives a fuck what you have to say voldie. Go run off and make another ita chord for all of us to enjoy

>> No.7734807
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>> No.7734812
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>implying anybody would want to see her flatboard chest

>> No.7734820
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>> No.7734831

How long ago did she start HRT?

>> No.7734835

she's is just the unfortunate type of chubby, all stomach and no chest

>> No.7734840

Flat is love
Flat is life

>> No.7735248

what's that smell?

smells a lot like vendetta in here

>> No.7735618

i preffer a cute girl with small boobs than slut with big ones ....

>> No.7735624

lol faggot

>> No.7735643

isn't there other canadian cosplayers to talk about instead of these attention whores? there's only so much to be said and the rest is repeated over and over..

>> No.7735658

The amount of Canadian drama recently makes me sad to be Canadian. STOP THAT SHIT.

>> No.7735690

There are, but they don't really have drama and that makes them uninteresting.

>> No.7735694

I want to slide my penis inside thigh gap's thigh gap and rub cocoa butter on her soft caramel skin / lick chocolate syrup off her luscious small breasts. She is 100% pure sex. What's her ethnicity?

>> No.7735707


>> No.7735710
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just google canadian cosplayers and never ask for that again

>> No.7735717


>> No.7735738

The Vancouver community is kinda meh and the only drama is kept in the cliques or about what con you have an loyalty too. We have different levels of ppl.

-Weaboos/Teens with shitty animu costumes.
-Asians who buy everything from Taobao or family trips to HK.
-Old cosplayers who keep to themselves and usually cos comic characters.
-Bitches who wanna be the next Jnig.

Any other Vanfag wanna chime in? We used to have more meetups and photoshoots but ppl kinda just do their own thing now. Or I just dont pay attention to them because I just do my own shit. Because its cheaper just to go down to Seattle most of my cos friends are there instead of up here or back east.

>> No.7735787

I saw Enver at a convention in Hamilton a few weeks ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued to the panel I was going to, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to the dealers room later I saw him trying to walk through the doors with like fifteen figures in his arms without paying.

The girl at the door was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the seller table.

When the guy took one of the figures and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped him and told him to scan them each individually “to prevent any electromagnitical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After he scanned each figure and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting him by yawning really loudly.

>> No.7735795
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Anything new on this scum bag?

>> No.7735796

I'm also from Vancouver, but I don't get too involved with the cons and cosplay communities so I'm not that aware of drama. Then again, I don't want to be in the know-how anyway unless it's AA related.

I've only went to one meetup about a decade ago, never again.

>> No.7735850

Yes, Enver is a dick. This is not news.
He also never takes pictures of guys, just women. The only time guys are ever included in his videos or pictures are when they are accompanied by sexy women.

But dickishness aside, he is also a fantastic cosplayer! Who can forget lazy hipster Link?! Or coffee drinking hipster Link? or Douche with a steady cam?
Such great costumes. And he never breaks character. He's that committed to his craft.

>> No.7735883

Majority of cosplayers are girls, but that doesn't mean I shoot with them exclusively. I'm glad you like my douche with a steadycam cosplay tho

>> No.7735909

>not recognizing copypasta

>> No.7735972

No idea how anything is going and as far as I known it's better than most cities.still trying to find other cosplayers so we can do a metro LL group thing

>> No.7735973

Thigh Gap is cool, I met her last AN and her and her boyfriend were pretty nice, no bullshit.

>> No.7736394

She's evil, never responds to my facebook messages on facebook, bitch thinks shes all that (female here)

>> No.7736406

Can we talk about Allie or nah?

>> No.7736413

thigh gap is super nice, clearly you haven't talked to her irl. If you think you're justified in whining like a little bitch about how she doesn't have time to answer you please realize you're not the center of the universe anon
also she has a significant chest my friends. significant.

>> No.7736433

Got any pics of said significant chest?

>> No.7736443

No she's not, when i asked for photos during AN she said no outright, and she is flat as a washboard

>> No.7736479

She's a 30E but I'm just not seeing the significance

>> No.7736495

But like, what does she look like? I don't think I've seen any pics of her

>> No.7736496 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7736505

Was that when she was trying to fix her boyfriends shoulder piece after it broke? Because that would be understandable.

>> No.7736557
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>> No.7736722

Cool look but shitty cosplayer imo, craftsmanship is bad

>> No.7736735

Montreal community is actually decent. They are so quiet and polite, it's weird.

>> No.7736747

jesus christ your boyfriend must be gay voldie do you enjoy taking it in the ass

>> No.7736759

F9r all the whining, bitching and catty bullshit that Enver posts I totally thought he was a female landwhale. thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.7736770

lol are you serious? Does she know who you are?

>> No.7736790

1. What you replied to is a meme.
2. When have I been whiny, bitchy or catty?

>> No.7736793

>She's a 30E
how do you know?

>> No.7736842


Depends, new faces are trying really hard to get to get noticed by weeaboo-ville and the comm in general.

>> No.7736851

Weaboo-ville? Wtf? Any examples?

>> No.7736882


A facebook group that goes by the mroe formal name "Otaku-Ville". A beehive full of weeabs and there will be the occasional self promoting cosplayer posting their pages or w/e every now and then.

>> No.7737174

dafuq how DO you know

oh gosh superglue-anon I am so sorry again
But yeah there was only a few photos I had to refuse as I was rushing my boyfriend's shoulderpad to the cosplay ER, haha. Really sorry if I had to say no to you, it was a pretty stressful day.

...I don't have any unresponded messages from girls?

Man I miss that meme.
We should start it again

>> No.7737218

I don't know...the Montreal comm is pretty obnoxious and weeby -- unless they have managed to somehow turn that shit down a couple of knotches in the last two years. Although, I have my doubts.

>> No.7737335

Oh yeah any com has weebs. But their veterans are pretty cool. I'm talking people 24-25 years old

>> No.7737338

Who? Sorry anon I dont know names. Is she that blonde chick who did the Samus?

>> No.7737367

Vancouver here as well. Our drama is....relatively pretty tame actually.

>> No.7737472

Who's stoked for anirevo?

>> No.7737892

What happened to the toronto trip circle jerk? it seems like only dill, enver and voldie are left.

>> No.7737898

>Montreal comm
You have never been out with more than 4 of them, yeah?
Don't get me started on Otaku-Ville.
As much as I loved the drama, I couldn't take it anymore.
That stupid blond chick with her roots spurting out makes me want to stab myself in the eye.

>> No.7737900

Shhhhh don't say anything about AR or the AE/NWFF ppl will come! Bc that's all us Vanfags have for drama.

>> No.7737909

Tenleid moved to Cali, Todd still frequents conventions but doesn't post anymore, Derpqueen seems to have dropped the cosplay scene entirely, and a lot of others just stopped posting on here or are anons.

>> No.7737910

Super glue Anon here: Again, don't worry about it. You weren't the first one to break a spike. Plus it's an easy fix I've been putting off doing but it'll be done in time for Otakuthon.

>> No.7737917

I remember Derpqueen. Jesus, it's been a while.

Was there any drama involving her, or did she just give up?

>> No.7737928

Poolboy is basically dead to the world.

>> No.7737947

Now tell me why in the fuck would anyone post under their alias there

Seems fucking stupid and hella dumb like you

>> No.7737976

Except you didn't because he's doesn't do shit like that.

Please make up more fake stories, anon.

>> No.7737981

he does take it in the ass, right?

>> No.7738019

she didn't like the attention she got and kind of just stopped. I haven't seen her in forever.

Gotta buy me dinner, first.

>> No.7738157

it's fucking copypasta holy shit

>> No.7738279

Just found out my city is having a con on the 30th

>> No.7738400

Does /cgl/ do fun meetups at places like Snakes and Lattes anymore? I know there are meetups at cons, but there used to be other meetups too, at least around the Toronto area.

>> No.7738417


>> No.7738419

We've become good friends since then and just kind of stopped having cgl meetups.

>> No.7738425

I wouldn't be against going to one if it were planned

>> No.7738450

Would be interested if someone organized one

>> No.7738570 [DELETED] 

I think Snakes and Lattes doesn't take reservations anymore, so it could be really hard to coordinate anything there.

Man I do remember when we used to have meet-ups there. I played Cards Against Humanity for the first time with cgl, and I remember laughing so hard I was nearly in tears.

Good times

>> No.7738578

Castle up on Spadina does I think.

>> No.7738634
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Does anyone know about her? Bec's cosplay wonderland? I've seen her around cons but I don't konw anything about her

>> No.7738660

she's nice

>> No.7738663
File: 33 KB, 480x640, Yin Cosplay complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I-I finished my Yin cosplay dress recently, Seagull-sama.....it fits nice.......

>> No.7738673
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I'd love to have a meetup again.

I did a shoot with her once. She was nice, really great at working the camera and posing. Turns out she's a model (or used to model) so I guess that's where that comes from.

>> No.7738695

She's nice but her makeup drives me crazy. She only puts makeup on her face and doesn't blend to her neck.

>> No.7738709

I sold a wig to her a while ago, she seemed pretty nice. She's friends with my friends and I've never heard anything bad about her. I'm impressed with how quickly she can pump out costumes.

>> No.7738724

Yeah, a few of my friends are friends with her. Her friend circle has an amazing ability to pump out costumes as fast as they plan them, it's incredible.

>> No.7738802

She looks like a guy. I don't mean it in a bad way. I've seen her crossplay and she looked amazing. But she loves doing female characters.

>> No.7739328


Well not fully /cgl/, but we have a pretty large /a/ Toronto group now. We were the ones that showed up as a group for last few toronto-ish area cons.

We meet up once every week or 2. Check email field.

>> No.7739436

Do you have a facebook group?

>> No.7739558



No. Only 2 people in the group ever even mentioned they have a facebook account. I assume most of us don't.

>> No.7739605

what are the meetups like? be honest.

>> No.7739651


We get some downright autistic people show up once and they kind of never meetup again. A few people in the group are a bit quiet but since we are all from /a/ we all get it and include everyone as much as possible. Part of the problem as group getting too big and having trouble with last minute plans and finding places that accommodate us.

All except we got 1 asshole, he knows it, we all know it and you will too if you ever talk to him.

And lets be honest, whatever I say probably wouldn't change your mind regardless, probably already would have made up your mind about us from the IRC long before meeting.

>> No.7739666
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Usually like this

>> No.7739742

We have a good group of people, for the most part we come off as just a group of regular people who happen to like anime rather than obnoxious weebs or whatever. Most of the group is early 20s, some people talk a lot, some don't say much at all, as long as you're not an asshole you'll be welcomed.

We do cons, movies, and hit up cake & tea cafes, as well as things like the beach and jazz fest two weeks ago.

The group has gotten pretty large recently, as >>7739651 said; we had like 18 people out for cake & tea this past weekend, and took up half the cafe. It was a bit awkward, but then we went bowling which had plenty of space.

tl;dr good people variety of events come suck dicks

>> No.7740704


>> No.7740721

>want to date nice cosplay girl in Edmonton, maybe get into the scene myself
>keep going out with barsluts :(

>> No.7740735

Stop going out with bar sluts.

>> No.7740738

Work for small business. Have had same group of friends since childhood (none into any "nerdy" counter cultures).
I've been looking online for DnD groups, something different like that.
But for the most part if I wanna meet girls it's bad scene, as I hate online.
Sorry for off topic.

>> No.7740876

Post pic.

>> No.7740898

Can post after work

>> No.7740899

What's the news on that Nathan guy Purblind keeps hanging on to? He's like ten years older than her it's gross

>> No.7740903

i think she got all of her armor knowledge off of him or something and worships him

>> No.7740908

Word is she's an anal queen and that Nathan guy is giving it to her.

>> No.7740912

But does he have any baggage? She seems drawn to drama so I was wondering? Does he have a reputation?

>> No.7740916

i literally know fuck all about this guy so i'd assume not? he's like twice her age but there doesn't seem to be any drama yet

>> No.7740917

I think he wants to fuck every toronto coswhore tbh and itll probably happen

>> No.7740919

theres no drama around him because he's irrelevant
lets move on

>> No.7740921

Has she even played Mass Effect? I think she's talented and doesn't deserve the hate she gets but I seriously doubt she has.

>> No.7740923

i don't think she games very much, really. from her twitter apparently she plays a lot of league and maybe bioshock infinite? but that's about it

>> No.7740946

>anal queen
my doki doki

>> No.7740967

how old is purblind?

>> No.7740969
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Implying that someone would want to fuck her

>> No.7740970

>anal queen

You made that up

>> No.7740971

She is 17 and a virgin.

>> No.7740974


let's not

>> No.7740975


>> No.7740976

doesnt she call herself jailbait queen

>> No.7740978

I would fuck her silly but it would be hard to contain my laughter as her eyes go in all directions while pounding her.

>> No.7740979

>implying taking it up the ass isn't an attractive quality

>> No.7740981

Arent most cosplay girls virgins? Even if they're decent looking they're too retarded for anyone to fuck

>> No.7740984
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>> No.7740990

I wouldn't be surprised if melty and purblind have already had a threesome together.

>> No.7740995

keep going, i can almost hear you fap from here.

>> No.7741001

She's such a whore and she only wants attention
She's not even cosplaying Vanille or Serah anymore because she says she's too ugly even though she's a narcissistic bitch
She and Purfag belong together

>> No.7741004

no wonder she has bulimia look at those thighs

>> No.7741009

does she?

>> No.7741012
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Woah there buddy, don't throw words you know nothing about!

Honestly if it wasn't for the fact that she's an insecure attention seeking drama-queen, I'd like her work. Her cosplays are above average, she's a natural beauty and she has the body for it.

>> No.7741015

Melty makes me laugh so much on her Tumblr she said sperrens was her 'senpai' and she probably has no idea that she gets trashtalked by her all the time
Her friends probably hate her too

>> No.7741016

She's not though. She just pretends.

>> No.7741017

only popular because of bra selfies=whore
She doesn't even make her own costumes

>> No.7741018

>cosplays are above average
that's cause they're commissioned and store bought

>> No.7741022

who's the girl in the middle?

>> No.7741023

Has anyone here spoken to Purblind or Melty irl? Are they as obnoxious as they are on their pages?

>> No.7741028

"Pretending to be insecure" to get attention and compliments = not pretending

think about it m8

>> No.7741029

She's toothbrushchan on Twitter
I don't know why she's friends with Melty and Pur because she actually seems like a good person

>> No.7741032

Purblind is nice and kinda shy
Never spoken to Melty

>> No.7741035
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you mean this one?

>> No.7741036

Melty goes between being obnoxiously hyper and shrill to really self conscious it's stupid
She's either literally retarded or faking it

>> No.7741041
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hahaha did anyone see melty's 5k like announcement?

>> No.7741042

Yeah but she was fatter then
Also her tits aren't that big

>> No.7741045

what I meant was that she pretends to have low self esteem. So she's not actually insecure.

>> No.7741046

Is she autistic

>> No.7741052
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Good bras, and I think she looked better like that. Go figure.

pic related: an infinitely more respectable cosplayer who deserves all the recognition she gets.

>> No.7741055

Is this true? I hope my friend doesnt bang him...

>> No.7741056

id fuck her. how easy is she?

>> No.7741057

He lives on the east coast and they've never met in person, so no.

>> No.7741058

How bitty is she?

>> No.7741059

Whos your friend? Im pretty sure he only talked to Purblind so it should be fine

>> No.7741060

Are there any Canadian cosplayers more hated than Meltyfate and Purblind?

>> No.7741063

I have nothing against her, I like talking to her though.

>> No.7741064

I don't think that many people hate them.

>> No.7741065
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>> No.7741066
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From experience, drama queens with issues either like you or they don't. You lose nothing by trying.

>> No.7741068

doesnt everyone here? Purblind's fine but Melty only has two friends and I think she stopped talking to one

>> No.7741074
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She's actually kind of cute but based on her Twitter she's a horny slut

>> No.7741078

...Are there any Canadian cosplayers who aren't attention whores

>> No.7741082

she's doesn't put out

>> No.7741083

muh dick

>> No.7741084


>..Are there any cosplayers who aren't attention whores


>> No.7741085

There's tons but you have to find them because they dont want all the drama of being w/e

>> No.7741086

I don't have a facebook account for cosplay, a twitter, or a tumblr. Does that count?

>> No.7741087
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Arila Insanity

>> No.7741088

That's just 4chan though. I don't see any hate towards them outside of 4chan.

>> No.7741089

ITT: Gabi samefagging

We get it, you're mad because you've been upstaged by other local teens with better bodies than you. Cry moar

>> No.7741091

oh god her work is shit

>> No.7741092

Shed probably fuck anyone who compliments her, I bet her friends cockblock

>> No.7741096

Gabi's hotter than every girl in this thread stfu

>> No.7741097


Save every underage lolita drama queen in infesting the bubble tea shops in Montreal every friday with their "let's talk shit behind everyone else's back and hang out in 5 people groups" meetups, I don't think so no.

Everybody fucking hates them. Even the shop keepers, but they can't kick em out.

>> No.7741098


>> No.7741099

anyone whos friends with tom is shit

>> No.7741101
File: 1.71 MB, 2144x1608, photoee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong?

>> No.7741102

Unless you have a foot fetish she's irrelevant

>> No.7741105

Gabi has the face of a 5-year-old with rabbit teeth and is built like a cardboard box lmao who are you even kidding

>> No.7741107
File: 708 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20130817_174526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a few, they don't have fan pages or "progress posts" anywhere, they just show up. Sometimes you find the ones with the amazingly fitting cosplays, and they're really nice to everyone.

>> No.7741109

Oh my gosh, she's adorable. Please tell me she's actually one of the few nice cosplayers left.

>> No.7741111

Purblind's fine at first but she loves to gossip
top keks when she goes online saying she loves and accepts every cosplayer

>> No.7741113


>> No.7741117

She is, I didn't get her info but i saw her two years in a row at otakuthon mtl. Really nice person.

>> No.7741135
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She says she's going to quit cosplay like everyday and calls herself the toronto miku

>> No.7741147

Aww, that sucks. Hopefully you two meet again and exchange contact info!

I...is that a school? If it's a Halloween or general costume school event, I can understand, but...

>> No.7741148
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Holy shit gabi could you make your trip dropping more obvious? Youre the only top kek sprouting bitch.

It's getting kind of pathetic how much you post about melty and pureblind. All you're doing is making them more popular and making yourself look like a psycho jealous bitch. A lot of Toronto cosplayer a no longer trust you because of what you've been doing lately. I know you're dying to be cosplay famous but this is just sad.

>> No.7741150

Are Purblind and Melty actually friends? I thought they just competed with each other. First to be best Ryuko and now for Elizabeth.
Like fifty girls are being Elizabeth this summer it's embarrassing

>> No.7741151

It's funny that she honestly thinks the others haven't noticed. They're well aware that it's her now.

>> No.7741155

She's making them more popular but also more hated. No one likes them it's why they hang out with each other.

>> No.7741156

i think at first they competed with each other a lot, then ended up as friends. like everyone in their friend circle is going to cosplay elizabeth, i'm pretty sure. dis gon b gud.

>> No.7741157

I hung out with them and yes they are
They all want to be the same character apparently

>> No.7741160

I wish Gabi would just go.

>> No.7741161

Their friend Haburashi is only one who's going to be good
Thank God she's also the nice one of the group

>> No.7741162

I never knew who either of them were before Gabi started posting about them everywhere, and I dont hate them. I dont think theyre good cosplayers or anything, but all this has done was give me a new found disrespet for gabi, and know the name of two other local cosplayers.

>> No.7741163

Didn't one of Melty's cronies freak out when she said she was doing Elizabeth? And now they don't talk anymore?

>> No.7741170

Her only 'crony' is Purblind and she won't shut up about being Elizabeth so no
These girls are boring can we please talk about someone else

>> No.7741172

I'm okay without her info, I have a gf already. Maybe I'll meet her in 3 weeks and get to see her cosplays, If I'm lucky.

>> No.7741177


>> No.7741195

She's probably just like them. Birds of a feather and all.

>> No.7741202

I don't think they are, but I kind of get the feeling either of them will let their ego get to their head. Like if you're a guy you're probably just thirsty, if you're a girl you're probably not good enough since you don't have as many likes

They do have a lot of Likes.

>> No.7741203

I don't think there's anything wrong with them. Melty's untalented but they've never been mean to anyone as far as I'm aware.

>> No.7741207

most annoying bitch ever. bails on photogs without notice even for private shoots.

>> No.7741208

At least Purblind can sew, I don't think the others do
They're hot and that's about it

>> No.7741214

lol because she only cares about burditt and tom danger savage

>> No.7741215

lmao look at her twitter, it's all passive aggressive tweets about purblind

>> No.7741220

True, and Purblind's craftmanship isn't too bad at least.

>> No.7741224
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 10462557_576801139104185_5237199356436375777_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ironically, even though these cosplayers are shit tier drama queens, all you losers trash talking people you don't know are actually worse than them, and by far.

>> No.7741225

How do you know it's about Purblind?

>> No.7741231

got pics?

>> No.7741237

Its the three girls embarrassing themselves in this

>> No.7741238

Her sewing is shit. If you look up close it's not good at all.

>> No.7741239


>> No.7741241

jesus, why do they appear so often in this?

>> No.7741244

which ones?

>> No.7741249

Maybe cuz they are so shit? or people are gross and think they are hot.

>> No.7741252

purblind: 5/10
purblind (without lazy eye): 7.5/10
melty: 8/10


>> No.7741254

Melty an 8/10

ayy lmao you have shit standards

>> No.7741258

Yah seriously. Has anyone noticed she has the same fucking face in her photos.

>> No.7741260
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>> No.7741263

7/10 faggot. Fuck off.

>> No.7741264

She says so herself so at least she's aware

>> No.7741265
File: 29 KB, 350x526, 10458553_354260744728176_5819687572542142209_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Herp Derp

>> No.7741268


>> No.7741273

When melty doesn't do that face she always does on her photoshoots, she's actually pretty. Without make up she's a natural beauty. Too bad about the rest, really.

>> No.7741276

I didn't get the memo.

>> No.7741277

She's also an amazon woman.

>> No.7741291

Is that supposed to be a good thing

>> No.7741303

I doubt she's out fucking manlets.

>> No.7741326

She's not fucking ANYONE

>> No.7741333

I know who she's trying to fuck it's obvious if you've followed her Twitter for a while

>> No.7741336

god you're such a fucking virgin

>> No.7741337

Who is it, then?

>> No.7741339

who is it?

>> No.7741348

Troy Baker, duh.

>> No.7741376

That's not gossip wtf it's not like that can happen

>> No.7741378

jk its me

>> No.7741379

Exactly. The anons here aren't the sharpest.

>> No.7741383

I'm tired of this circle jerk. Later fags

>> No.7741478

wow you shitlords grow up. this literally is the only post on the thread that's me. please go talk about your petty excuse of wannabe drama somewhere else as I'm real tired of seeing this

>> No.7741483

i honestly believe you dont worry

>> No.7741500

I would sugar daddy you so hard. My 10/10.

>> No.7741524

haha bitch is mad cause we all know that she shittalks voldie purrblind and meltyfate

>> No.7741527

>brags about shitposting on /cgl/
>gets upset when the tables turn


>> No.7741536
File: 794 KB, 213x117, DMC - fuck it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddammit most of you guys are shitty Canadians

>> No.7741537

sorry aboot that yea
i dont even cosplay i just come here for the cute girls eh

>> No.7741591
File: 40 KB, 500x375, tmp_6659-Bn2wGxACUAAIeWF.jpg large-268567852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow Canadians, notice a lot of bitching and drama in this thread. Well I just want you all to know that I think you are all full of fluffy kittens and double rainbows and deep down you just need a hug.

>> No.7741595

Please go.

>> No.7741598

Fuck off.

>> No.7741625

kill urself

>> No.7741643
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>> No.7741661
File: 11 KB, 333x304, 1406763643509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit
I haven't visited /cgl/ in a couple years at least and now I remember why

one thread. half a thread actually. i have seen half of one /cgl/ thread and there is more fucking drama here than 20 /pol/ vs /k/ threads could muster.

I'll see myself out.
>>>/a/ way

>> No.7741665

Welcome to Canada
Everyone hates each other

>> No.7741670

She probably has BPD.
That explains the whoring, the self hate, the attention seeking, the cries for help, the sudden mood swings, etc.
Chicks with BPD are incredibly easy to get with, just stroke their ego.
But don't date them, or you're gonna have a bad time.

>> No.7741674

yeah this bitch is crazy, glad someone else thinks this too. she showed up to a winter con in a bikini, and always does shoots with Everage

>> No.7741675

Actually she does have BPD, if you know her in real life she'll tell you so herself

>> No.7741677

...Voldie is flatter than I am... and way fatter... and her tits still look saggier than mine...

Well some things in life are good

>> No.7741682

not sure how those are saggy? just really small

>> No.7741683

>tfw i want to befriend Gabi so i can make fun of those two together but 2spaghetti

>> No.7741684

Whats wrong with Everage?

>> No.7741687

Hers look kinda pointy and like they'd look floppy when not in a bra

But I didn't say they were saggy, just saggier than mine

>> No.7741693
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>> No.7741696

Could also just be a curious cat.

Might as well divulge: he is Tom Danger Savage, a photographer who has a weird thing for cosplay girls and their feet.

>> No.7741712
File: 803 KB, 1169x3731, feetporn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7741720

dont forget all his pictures look like they were taken with a point-and-shoot, and none of them are remotely edited.
he can even edit decently apparently, he just chooses not to and uploads some extremely unflattering pictures of the cosplayers he shoots.
its great laufh material, check him out on fb!

>> No.7741802

what's wrong with that (゚ヮ゚)

>> No.7741856

She's posting tweets about how she's really drunk, misspelling stuff, and how she's "sk fucking easy". Does she read these threads? Moreover, is she...... okay?

>> No.7741906

she does this a lot.
she needs help, and better friends, who understand her illness and what she's going through, really. not some cosplay fame monger with a lazy eye and a backstabbing attitude.
She probably does read these threads, and if you're reading right now, Melty, do everyone a favour and reach out to more people who have their shit together, and can support you honestly, and make you respect yourself. Cuz guuurl, tbh, Purblind probably doesn't even care about your illness, she cares about being ~le famoose kindof blind cosplayer~

>> No.7741967

This is pathetic. Can you faggots get back to the topic instead of discussing your shitty cosplayers you worship?

>> No.7741980

what's BPD? Is it like bipolar?

>> No.7741985

Yes, Bipolar Disorder

I like Purrblind, so sad to see the drama behind those crossed-eyes <_>

>> No.7742167

I live a couple hours out of vancouver and i know a couple of people and dont keep contact withh anyone else because of the drama. its really gross.

>> No.7742173

put it on anon

>> No.7742198

Could they be anymore full retard if they tried

>> No.7742207

BPD is NOT like bipolar!!!

BPD = borderline personality disorder

People with BPD are way crazier and it's waaay harder to control with medication when compared with bipolar disorder

>> No.7742224

It is meh, just like the underwhelming conventions. Does the Cos&Effect crew still doing those random cosplay meetups? I never went to them but I'd see random people in cosplay congregating around Metrotown or Burnaby Library.

Also, where's Maryjane? I'm surprised she hasn't popped by.

>> No.7742252
File: 146 KB, 1200x628, 1264224282_Alien_Assault_rifle_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying for a Wikus van de Merwe cosplay, costume is ready and done but the gun is taking forever to make.

Sometimes I just pace back and forth for hours thinking how or what materials I would use for a specific part while it sits on my work bench, unfinished. First time cosplaying too- I thought this would be an easy cosplay. Jokes on me.

pic related is what I'm going for

>> No.7742669

pretty much

and i'm pretty sure meltyfate has an alcohol problem on top of that??? and her friends seem to be enablers most of the time. it's just bad news all around.

>> No.7742840

Should mention he usually roams in a blood-orange shirt

>> No.7742854
File: 322 KB, 2048x1539, 1978561_665235210206257_3039330838925485551_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So whats the deal with Zombie Bit Me? I had no clue who she was except that she is a guest at basically every GTA con.

>> No.7742920

She does. Before she moved back in with her parents she got black out drunk every night and I think she's overdosed on prescription drugs.
Purblind probably doesn't even know since she only talks about herself.
Melty needs help and I think having a page has only fucked her up more.

>> No.7742929

shes hot but reeks of fake geek girl

>> No.7742939

Aren't they all like 17/18? Where are their parents?

>> No.7742947

Anyone know the Dangerous Ladies?

>> No.7742948

binge drinking is a staple of being a teenager you clearly didnt have a social life
its not hard to fool parents especially if you get fucked up at cons

>> No.7742954

I'm friends with a few of them and follow their progress on tumblr. They're really great cosplayers and seem to avoid drama pretty well.

>> No.7742955

Not at all, please explain

>> No.7742960


Just wanted to know what they've been up to. They used to do photoshoots all the time. Now it seems like they do 2-3 a year.

>> No.7742964


What are they like in person? They seem real chill on tumblr.

>> No.7742966

Melty is 19 and a university student iirc, PB recently turned 17 and is probably in grade 12.

>> No.7742983

Melty is only 19?
I always thought she was 20-21

>> No.7742984

real pathetic that meltyfate's too retarded to have friends her age
doesnt she hang out a lot with a 14yo?

>> No.7742993

Kind of a dumb complaint. Two years younger isn't exactly a huge age gap. I'm in my mid-20s and I have cosplayer friends ranging from late teens to late 30s, most in their early to mid 20s. You meet a lot of people in the cosplay community and plenty aren't worth writing off just for their age alone.

>> No.7743019

Didn't she drop out?

>> No.7743026

i had a social life and i didn't drink under age ever

so no

>> No.7743033

I think she was too depressed or something so yeah

>> No.7743039 [DELETED] 

i had a social life and i did drink under age all the time

then I turned 21 and haven't had a drink since

>> No.7743040

They're really nice. Really helpful and their costumes are amazing even up close

>> No.7743062
File: 134 KB, 559x511, e018a6d3-c61d-489d-97b8-0d57da61a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did Meltyfate delete all her shit?
>this thread?

>> No.7743069


No kidding? You've met them?

>> No.7743087

Her pages are probably just deactivated for now. It would be better for her mental health to start flying under the radar, so good on her.

>> No.7743089

I'm so glad
She's gone now at least for a while

>> No.7743113

Wow, really? Well... That's a thing.

>> No.7743118
File: 30 KB, 653x416, ss+(2014-08-08+at+02.49.30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf kind of shit is this why am I laughing so hard

>> No.7743121

a joke, anon.

>> No.7743128

Hopefully she'll get better before she starts cosplaying again.
e-Fame is really not worth her mental health.

>> No.7743130

>not Dota

>> No.7743138
File: 67 KB, 991x661, atY5J1V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy, I feekl like I just opened a can.

>> No.7743141


A casual game for filthy casuals.

>> No.7743149

>playing either

>> No.7743199
File: 283 KB, 680x680, disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7743208
File: 75 KB, 789x346, 1371602970678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing games with more than 4 people.

>> No.7743210
File: 101 KB, 257x353, 1400696541927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But yeah, a shame about Melty, I guess.

>> No.7743227

Since I left /cgl/... none. My life is awesome now.

>> No.7743231

If you left /cgl/ what are you doing in this thread?

>> No.7743473

Her facebook's back up

>> No.7744042

you jinxed it anon shes back already

>> No.7744072

Well, it is her birthday apparently, so she's gotta let people write on her page wishing her happy birthday for her to ignore

>> No.7744245

I swear that same chick was trying to defend shooping the fuck out of your face/body for contests because then "ugly people would be able to compete with pretty people" on the AN group.

>> No.7744245,1 [INTERNAL] 

Melty has issues, but no one picks up on Purblind's -

Do you think she is actually depressed or is it just an attention thing?

>> No.7745465


>> No.7745472

this is already in autosage. Make a new thread if you want to see more

>> No.7745920

isn't she the one with the super fucking ashy skin/white foundation?

>> No.7746132

yeah she's also "sharpie elsa" and the one who literally paints her face like yaya han

>> No.7746240

I met her not too long ago, and I agree she does need help.
I wouldn't mind helping, but I would not know where to start, asides from convioncing her to distance herself from the entourage.

>> No.7746401

>the entourage
