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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7729047 No.7729047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7729153

Cosplay feels?

>tfw guy who fucked you at the last con isn't returning your calls

Why do men do this? It happens all the time to us.

>> No.7729154
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>> No.7729163


Men are mostly concerned about the conquest. They don't see sex as an indicator that you should spend time with the person afterwards like women do. The sooner you adopt the same mind set and view men as nothing more than carriers for that delicious meat stick swinging between their legs, the better off you'll be.

>> No.7729165 [DELETED] 


>> No.7729166

A wild whore appears!

>> No.7729170 [DELETED] 

>tfw want to date a guy from r9k and let him cry on my shoulder
>just want shy awkward guy chad thundercocks
>find out r9k shitposts here constantly
>in this thread even
>date no one
>date only 2d superior boys
>hold deep resent for r9k boys
>cut off contact with real life robot that has been contacting me
>download 5+ dating sim apps a month

>> No.7729173
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I want to cosplay Risley Law. She's awesome and I could do her justice. I'm just not ready for the scrutiny.

>> No.7729175

>tfw want to date a guy from r9k and let him cry on my shoulder
>just want shy awkward guy chad thundercocks turn me off
>find out r9k shitposts here constantly
>in this thread even
>date no one
>date only 2d superior boys
>hold deep resent for r9k boys
>cut off contact with real life robot that has been contacting me
>download 3+ dating sim apps a month

>> No.7729186

What is she from oh my god I want to do this.

>> No.7729188

idg why guys can treat girls like objects and you can call that person a whore. what's the difference?

>> No.7729194

You are a whore.

>> No.7729196

respond to obvious bait, yes, good...

or.. >>7729154

>> No.7729197

people would probably think you're a whale trying to cosplay a skinny girl in a skimpy outfit, sadly. good luck all the same.

>> No.7729202

Fairy Tail

>> No.7729205

>Implying most weebs haven't watched Fairy Tail

>> No.7729206

>tfw bought 2 beautiful brand dresses as an early birthday present to myself
>tfw I just quit my job, my last day is next week, these will probably be the last lolita dresses I can (reasonably) afford for some time

>> No.7729217

Need monies for lolita event in September. Girl messages me saying she wants to buy the 3 dresses I have for sale. In the end days she will consider buying ONE of them because she has no monies.

Meh. Why say you want all 3 have long conversation about dresses then say you have no money so will consider buying one.

Same girl messaged me about a skirt a few months ago and flaked out due to no monies.

>> No.7729220

>Trying to decide between buying regular clothes or lolita
>Trying not to order all the wigs so I can wear them day to day instead of doing my hair
>Found a bunch of cute goth clothes and shoes online I like

I wish I had people to help me make my fashion decisions for me, but I feel like I'm bragging about spending a ton of money and can't bring myself to ask anyone else's opinion.

>> No.7729222

Are you me? I feel like my only contact with "men" now is via dating sims. I just can't handle putting up with real life dating bullshit.

>> No.7729231

You know you could just talk to guys though, without dating them, right?
Some people just like talking with members of the opposite sex without dating.
>you can talk to me, I like talking. Pls.

>> No.7729232

which ones are you playing? I have so many downloaded.

I went to AX and they had a male model for one of there VNs, and I refused to take a photo with him because he was 3dpd. then he made a "nya" pose and said "nya" and I had to. that's my weak spot.

I also completed the "what would you like to see in our games" survey in less than 2 minutes because I knew exactly what I wanted and the woman running the booth looked excited/happy and wanted my picture.

I am such a loser.

>> No.7729239

Men don't want to deal with it either.

It's because men don't think women act like women and vice versa.

>> No.7729252
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>all my regular friends aren't into weeb shit or consider themselves too old for cosplay
>all the people I meet at cons are super young and I feel more like their babysitter whenever I'm chilling with them

>> No.7729257

This is kinda me anon. I love to cosplay and wear lolita but fuck I feel old at 22. most of my friends are too poor or too far to live the con life.
>mfw feeling like this drove me from the rave scene already

>> No.7729263

Do you know what it's like having next to no friends and then when someone of the opposite sex comes along it's hard not to fall for them if you're interested in them.

I practically have to have no female friends for that reason alone.

I'm clingy and I fuckin know it.

What's worse is getting shut down though, ya know?

>> No.7729266
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>Have tons of great cosplays, have worked at them for ages, super proud.
>Don't have anyone to go to cons with or cosplay with.
>Never end up wearing said cosplays
All the friends I /do/ have that cosplay or go to cons are all the way across the country. I live in SoCal, just come over here, there's a shit ton of cons over here. God damn.

>> No.7729268

Doesn't this depend on the con you go to? I am 24 and most cons I go to are filled with 20 somethings. I have only been to one con where there were highschoolers everywhere and I felt really awkward and embarrassed to be there.

>> No.7729282

>You will never be as cute, petite or adored as an asian girl


>> No.7729284

>have a friend I got into anime
>invited her to a convention
>she wanted to cosplay so she just bought a shitty chinese 50 dollars one on e-bay
>on the other hand I made my mine from scratch and was really proud of it
>on the convention we could barely walk because people wouldn't stop asking her for pictures
>for every person who asked for my picture 10 asked for hers
>in the end she was like "omg this is so much fun, when is the next convention?"
>when I checked fb she had posted her pictures and people were all over it

I've become jelly. I wish I had a pretty face and a banging body like her.

>> No.7729290

See, here is where our opinions differ. I don't see Risley as a whale at all. She's more pleasantly plump to me because she almost looks pregnant.

>> No.7729291

Hey don't feel bad about that.

Just make yourself the best you can be.

I'm a guy and would have loved to be to have been able to pull of the bishie look or some crap.

But that's not realistic for me.

I may be tall and lanky, but my facial structure and expressions are far too masculine for that crap. It doesn't look good on me, so I just look for someone who likes me for who I am.

Or at the least sees my potential or some shit.

Sorry, I'm a pretty sappy about that shit.

>> No.7729297
File: 229 KB, 1024x768, My-Neighbor-Totoro-my-neighbor-totoro-27648621-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just one step away anon...you can do it!

>> No.7729306

I don't know but since I got legal seems everything is an all ages crowd and that always means more youngings than anything. tbh some of them could ve my age but just act so immature and weeby they seem 15 to me. also kids be getting fatter and shorter.

>> No.7729310

Totoro gijinka on a fat chick could be pretty swood

>> No.7729314

Yeah I do, I only have a handful of friends, maybe two or three I actually talk to. But that doesn't mean immediately fall in love for every girl that I talk to for a while. And the majority of those people I do talk to are girls. As long as you don't try to to ask every girl you meet to be your waifu then you won't suffer getting shit down by girls so often. Make some friends bro. Having a couple brosephs and a mini wolf pack is all good but having some qts as friends isn't a bad thing.

>> No.7729325
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>be trying to better self
>trying to lose 30-40 lbs
>try to motivate self with cute jfashion and cosplay
>lost self confidence cause i'll never be that pretty
>not enough self confidence to do shit
>always feel like shit because of it
>feel like shit, no motivation to fix self cause piece of shit
>destructive circle of shittiness and self pity

fuck me, i'm pathetic

>> No.7729341

I want to move out of this shitty place I'm renting from, but I can't find a job. I don't want to live off my boyfriend, its been months.

I've applied to every place I qualify for in the area, and am persistent about it,

I keep calling in/showing just to be told "call back later" or "call back at x time"
then go to these places to find that someone has the position I was applying for.
I've applied to about 300 jobs in these past 5 months. I spend all day looking on craigslist and other places.
each and every establishment I frequent that I've applied for has hired someone white who doesn't know shit about their position. at first I was like, whatever, but then my (white) friend and I applied for the same job coincidentally and she got it, call back in 2 days.

I don't want to make it race related, and keep telling myself its not, but when its 10+ bumbling fools who don't know what they're doing who all happen to be white as well as the rest of their employees you know it is.

my (white) boyfriend keeps telling me I'm not trying hard enough. but I am, and its stressful.
I kept telling him "I'm sad, I'm like, break into tears sad" and he kind of blew it off until this morning I woke up in tears saying "I'm a nigger,no one wants to hire me. no one wants me. I'm surprised even you want me"

he was completely taken aback despite me saying how upset this job search has been making me. and he says its not fair. esp when its pretty much required you put your ethnicity on applications.

I just want to buy burando again and move out dammit

>> No.7729355

I'm playing Scarlet Fate, Ninja Love, and MetroPD. I tried Pirates In Love, but it was ridiculous. Compared to male dating sims, they're pretty tame, so I don't feel any shame. If $5 app brings me happiness for a day or two, fuck the world. It's the same price as Starbucks coffee.

I have plenty of guy friends and have no problem talking to men in general. I'm just happy being single right now and feel too comfortable in my bubble of "lack of male bullshit" to leap over the hurdle to 3D. I seem to attract no end of damaged losers who can't dress themselves. It's depressing.
>Or hot douchebags. Fuck that. I'm not that desperate yet.

Meh, more that I think people don't want to deal with the emotional fuckery that comes with relationships. Or the commitment.

>> No.7729358

>tfw no qt 3.14 cosplay GF who will do couple cosplays with you
Feels terrible, man.

>> No.7729359

I'm a white guy.

Don't worry it's not about race.

Hardly anyone can find jobs right now.

The places that are hiring are almost always looking for people who are experienced in the industry.
This eliminates some 80% of applicants-especially since the ones without jobs right now are mostly the ones coming out of college and high school.

The ones that do get jobs get dead end jobs.

I refuse to work at fast food-doesn't mean I don't want to work.

My mom and her fiance are on my ass a lot, trying to find me a job too.

But it's useless.

Been without a job since early 2011 and wasn't there long enough to draw unemployment.

Basically at this point; If you don't know someone you're left with being forced into an industry you may not enjoy.

Health care is exploding, so there's that if you want to sit on $100,000 in debt for a few years, but you're pretty much guaranteed a job as soon as you graduated if you go for RN or CNA positions.

Trucking companies are hiring...besides that and the previously mentioned fast food and dead end jobs-you really need to know someone to get you in there for anything that's going to make you feel accomplished.

It's fucking horrid and I hate it.

Getting so desperate I'm getting ready to resort to doing deviantart commissions...

>> No.7729372

I got posted to BTB and I've super happy about it

>> No.7729373
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are you ready to leave humanity behind?

>> No.7729378

here's the plot twist that makes it about race.
proir to me crying about it I overheard one of the managers saying
"that's too bad, she's what we're looking for"
"yeah, but you know we are only looking for white employees right now"

I should probably report them, but what proof do I have?

>> No.7729388

Ah okay, just thought you avoided all 3D guys by that post. And that would be a little weird. Well hopefully one day you can find a good enough looking guy that isn't a complete mess that's willing to listen to your fashion advise to dress better. Until then enjoy your 2D. Nothing wrong with 2D husbandos.
I've been able to loose a lot of weight this year to get back to looking good. Actually 65 lbs and counting since late winter. Know there can be a blurry big difference in looks from even just 30 lbs. I'm sure you aren't horrible looking now and the grass is always greener on the other side so maybe you don't think you'll ever look that cute. But you'll look just that much closer if you so want to lose the weight. And it's not just about looks, you'll feel a lot better about yourself and physically feel better as well.

>> No.7729389

>"that's too bad, she's what we're looking for"
>"yeah, but you know we are only looking for white employees right now"
>I should probably report them, but what proof do I have?

Not your fault.

It's employment standards.

In order to be 'fair' pretty much every place that hires is forced to comply with government regulation in the US that says a certain percentage of workforces must be; black, white, hispanic, male, female, etc.

Fill up one quota, you won't have room to make another quota.

It sucked on the one of two interviews I've even been called in for.
After I was walking out I heard the guy say behind me, 'If he came in a week ago I would have took him.'
Said I was a little too unsure with myself and that made me seem a little too green.

>> No.7729394

Very, not blurry. Fuck autocorrect.

>> No.7729404

I understand where you're coming from anon. No matter how hard I try I'll always have a rounder chubby baby face. I've played with making the skin taunt too... it looks worse. Basically my chubby face is the pretty face and the chubby face aint pretty.

>> No.7729423

Similar feels.
>packing a few extra lbs
>fit J-fashion perfectly but feel ugly so start losing weight to boost confidence
>lose 20 lbs
>but still ugly
>bonus: now too small for brand unless it has corset lacing
On a positive note, I ended up selling a ton of my clothes, including all of my lolita, except for one coordinate that still fits, and that money bought me my current textbooks, and will pay for my gas for the next month. That's something.

I have similar feels to this too.
>never had a job
>apply everywhere
>sorry we want someone with experience, don't call us we'll call you
>I-I'll do anything, I'll clean dishes, I'll scrub bathrooms, I'll lap up vomit, I'll do whatever no one else wants to do with a smile plastered on my face
>we'd like to give people with experience priority, sorry
>mfw I have no face because I can't afford one because no job

>Basically at this point; If you don't know someone you're left with being forced into an industry you may not enjoy.
This. Or no job at all.
>you're pretty much guaranteed a job as soon as you graduated if you go for RN or CNA positions
>tfw changed nursing major to psych
Fuck it all.

>> No.7729429

Psych isn't too bad.

Harder to get into.

Right now it's about hospitals, so they're looking for lots of general care specialists.
Later down the road we're going to run into a need for more specialists in rare things.

Now, this all relies on the idea our country doesn't strangle itself, go bankrupt, have another civil war, or the world go into another war within 10-20 years or so.

But the way things look right now...

Most people call me a pessimist, but really, I'm just a realist-and the world's economy is in shambles and is on fire right now.

>> No.7729433
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wait until the end of august/ this month / beginning of september.
The end of the fiscal year and the beginning of it is nearing. Meaning that all the high school kids and college kids will be going to school or back to school-making it really open for lots of jobs.

High turnover rates and the like will also happen as well.

I know it's hard, I've been in that boat.

Now I'm just stuck with a stupid job that botched my hours and I can hardly afford to pay my bills so I'm stuck looking for a new one.

Season is comin up, you got this!

>> No.7729436

Report came out Friday/Thursday for last quarter...was at 2.4 or something.

It's expected to be lowered, and the new one isn't sounding so hot either.

>> No.7729444

that wouldn't be a problem if there staff wasn't 100% white, and with asian stores there staff is 100% asian with maybe half asians. if you think people seriously follow this quota you gotta be kidding

>> No.7729451

Not all places do of course.

They'll fudge the numbers on things like this-they all do.

But there are probably a lot of other laws and statutes to take into consideration.

I don't really know anything about running a business-but if you start to 'fudge' too much, you're just going to draw attention to yourself.

But then it comes down to enforcement.

And basically that leaves nobody but the employers in the know.

So the government is told they've met their positions and the employees and potential employees are left outside of that know-not that they usually know when a position is available anyway.

>> No.7729453

Opposite for me because I'm white I get overlooked for PoC who are less qualified immigrants just so places can claim they're multicultural and equal opportunists

>> No.7729463

Affirmative action helps no one in the end.

It's far more productive to hire people for their skills and productivity and ingenuity than it will ever be to hire someone just because of quotas.

>> No.7729465

and thanks for your support everyone. I guess overhearing that has gotten to me.
esp when these places have ONLY white people and ONLY Asians.

I wish my bf had more to say than "well you're just not trying hard enough and you are black and it IS america"

lets trade places

>> No.7729490
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>got little bears cafe as well as wonder party skirts in pink and they are both in perfect condition
>found the first volume of parasyte for $10.

>> No.7729523

>moved out of home 3 years ago but only just getting my life together, whereas others my age have already accomplished so much
>perfect bf of 3 years admitted he doesn't love me as much as he used to, and now worried every day that we're just prolonging the inevitable breakup
>slowly breaking down emotionally
>self-hate is my motivation for gym, but often too lazy
>it's not like i'll ever be petite anyway
>suck at controlling food portions
>hardly any friends left because working all the time

i don't really know what to do anymore

>> No.7729526

Please lets. You know Canada is fucked up when you hace worked 2 years in a kitchen and you cant get a job at a chain

>> No.7729527

remind him why he loves you then ask him straight out dont put yourself through that extra stress

>> No.7729530

It may suck, but it's worse to be in an non-beneficial and loveless relationship than being alone.

At least alone you have a chance to get your shit together.

>> No.7729536

You sound adorable holy shit

>> No.7729538

Yea, like a lost fuckin puppy.

>> No.7729542

Nah more like very sweet

>> No.7729549

he wants us to try and bring back the 'honeymoon phase' of the first six months so that he can try to remember why he fell in love with me, but it's easier said than done.

>> No.7729554

>social anxiety
>new city and lonely
>"I'm gonna go to this cosplay meetup and make friends! It'll be fun!"
>"...but I'll probably just be awkward."
>"A-and everyone already knows each other."
>"And they'd probably think I'm a loser for being by myself."
>"I'll probably just say or do something to embarrass myself anyway."
>"Guess I'll stay home."

Every freaking time. I swear I'm going to do my best to force myself to the next event. I just wish I weren't so bad at making new friends.

>> No.7729557

Just give him some time alone.

I know that with my ex, after we broke up for a while I didn't really miss her.

It wasn't till a while after that I realized how much I really missed her.

But then she turned into a cunt, and now I don't care.

>> No.7729594
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>Hit plant status
>Need to lose 50lbs but can't seem to fucking do it
>Boyfriend can no longer turn me on
>Need sexy times but dont feel attractive enough even when I am in the mood enough to get beyond his lack of foreplay.
>Trying to get RN-BSN
> BF is lazy and one-track-minded, also over-weight and refuses to work out with me
>I've started with just cardio for now but I still feel like a faggot
>Im fucking whiny. I irritate myself
>Just want a sweet bara buff man who wont mind my frills, but will verbally abuse me to the point of the niagara falls in my panties when we lift and cardio

Pic related for feel scale.

>> No.7729604

But .. that is a real thing.

>> No.7729609
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>thought about going to Midwest Megameet next Saturday in Chicago
>decide to go
>staying at friend's house
>looking forward to seeing my lolita friends again
>haven't seen them in over a year
>find out later that my accommodation plans fell through
>not going to the Midwest Megameet after all

It really stinks how I asked for time off of work. I'm letting my friends down in Chicago and my lolitas in my own Comm down too.

>> No.7729615

Not anywhere near me and her apparently it isn't. All the buff guys I know are weirded out by frilly peeps and are too busy drinking protein shakes or chasing drunk sorority girls to give freaks like me a chance.

>> No.7729618

I'm dating a buff boy who says it's cute and as long as I'm happy that's all that matters

>> No.7729626

I guess I'm the exception.

>tfw no lolita gf to rub up on my sculpted abs

>> No.7729627

joining in on the job feels
I guess I'm not looking hard enough but in all honestly I have no idea where to even look for anything.

to make it cgl related, basically no job means no money for conventions or anything really and after not going to any for years I've been itching to go to a con again.

>> No.7729635

stfu you attention whore
who do you think you are, tomoko kuroki?? fuck off with this "QT.314 SHUT IN NERD JUST LIKE THE GUYS!!!1" shit

>> No.7729636

Cool down there your crazy is showing

>> No.7729641

If you have self control, go on japanese auctions.
I look at the price, not the picture, and if it's under $50, I see if its an okay piece and then open it in a new tab and continue.

>> No.7729647

Are you me, anon? I'm always trying to decide if I should buy cute taobao shit, or band tees, or new tea parties, or barando, or wigs, and it sucks. I hate being a poorfag.

>> No.7729651
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Yeah, you're probably the needle in the haystack. And no where near me in age or geographical distance. I'm going to die alone in a sea of sexless frills.

>> No.7729657

>tfw was like that for the longest time and even robots ignored me because they assumed I was fat and ugly

Now I'm better and I have a life, a very qt bf (I like cute men exclusively) and go outside. I miss feeling like a special NEET hikikomori snowflake but now I'm happier.

>> No.7729667

feel stupid asking but what's a robot?

>> No.7729668

>I may be tall and lanky, but my facial structure and expressions are far too masculine
C-can you post pics? It's... for science.

>> No.7729670

Men from /r9k/

>> No.7729674

>And no where near me in age or geographical distance.
Don't tell me you're 47 and in Afghanistan

>> No.7729675
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Well, I already posted it here >>7718726

Surprised that threads still alive.
But I'll throw in a bonus.

>> No.7729678

I investigated. It looks like 4chan's version of The Red Pill. Ugh.

>> No.7729679

Aw, anon,I would be your friend.

>> No.7729680
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>> No.7729683

Oh lord this killed me

>> No.7729684

>girl that I had a major crush on in high school just had a kid with a college dropout

weird abstract feels

>> No.7729687

Well, you can't win 'em all.
Off to be a tree.

>> No.7729690
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No, I'm pushing thirty and live in the midwest. No burka or Hello Kitty AK47 for me as of yet.

>> No.7729693
File: 59 KB, 600x450, Vausten and his first gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've moved on from the H&K AK my friend.

>> No.7729695

Cut your hair, maybe even color it light brown, ditch the uh shirt/west combo and just throw on a simple shirt

>> No.7729701
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I guess you were right ;_;

>> No.7729704
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I.. I kind of want it.
>the man in the pink camo looks so damn sassy.

>> No.7729706

You n me need to make friends then

>> No.7729710
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>> No.7729726
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I'm kind of biased against your kind, though I'm sure you're nice. The last hot twenty something that decided I was his type broke the ice by asking if I wanted an "..all-night session. Let me take care of your body." Fucking neanderthals.

I just want someone to work out with that isn't afraid of lace.

>> No.7729740

>Starting to wearing lolita more frequently, adding more versatile yet cute items in the wardrobe
>Starting to take my time in cosplay, slowly working on plans that I truly feel passionate about
>Some friends in cosplay community questions my lack of participation in cosplay and whether I plan to 'retire' from cosplay
>They ended up moving on to other cosplayers who are still active and churning costumes for every event

It sort of sucks to have them just chuck me away when I am not so active in cosplay. But it allows me to see their true side & I am grateful of the ones who stays and still treat me as a friend. I like how am I working on things now and it is relaxing to just do things on my own pace, not gonna change myself to suit them.

>> No.7729763
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that was my first feel before I found anime cons / cgl
>tfw no qt 3.14 gf to lift with
>tfw no chubby gf to help lose weight and transform her into a fit girl

now it's
>tfw no qt 3.14 gf to do couples' cosplay
>tfw no lolita gf to lavish with gifts and dresses

to combine them both seems like an impossible dream
>tfw no qt 3.14 fit lolita gf to workout with and buy her brand

it just doesn't exist.

>> No.7729771

Not close to you anyway

>tfw far away in scandinavia

>> No.7729774

I will workout with you and be your qt 3.14 fit loli gf.

But first, do you smoke pot? I'm a huge stoner so I gotta be with someone who does that

>> No.7729776

just wanted to add I live in FL too. Didn't you say you lived in FL and were 21? I'm going on 20, winkyface

>> No.7729781
File: 1.32 MB, 220x250, ColbertGiveItToMe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, if you weren't on the opposite side of the country in Florida Man I'd totes give you a chance. I'm in the process of working up to a half-marathon next year.
>This love.

>> No.7729783

looks like we found you a match made in Florida, Anon

>> No.7729787
File: 814 KB, 500x281, tfw no candy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't worn lolita in like 5 months
>beginning to feel like I can't even call myself a lolita
>really want to go to big meet coming up
>mfw no car, no solid carpool plans

In other feels:
>living with bf of 2+ years
>no longer sexually attracted to him (don't know why) and we never have sex (it's been months)
>begin to feel really frustrated, emotionally and physically
>don't want to break up with him but also do not want to live the rest of my life like this

He's super great and really supportive of me, but I feel like our spark has gone out. It fucking sucks.

>> No.7729791

If he likes stoners that is

>> No.7729806
File: 2.63 MB, 896x504, wat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, yes I do. Whereabouts in FL? Got a throwaway e-mail? Don't feel like spamming up this thread

>> No.7729808

Have you tried cosplay sex to but the spark back into your relationship?

>> No.7729810

Nearish to Tampa

Derpy email attached, let's chill bro!

>> No.7729813

Neither he nor I cosplays, and I don't think it's his looks or anything.

>> No.7729814

Lolita sex?

Same difference, introducing a new twist to the bedroom. Married couples do that all the time since they don't have any alternative.

>> No.7729815

Do you do things together? What hobbies do you have in common that you could use spend time with one another? Are you communicating with eachother well?

>> No.7729818


>> No.7729827

>tfw you can't find employees.
>tfw in one of the locations you'd prefer a black female employee because they'd be (most likely) more familiar with the hairstyles of other black females.
>tfw only white girl applicants looking for a register job.

Damn it all, where are all of the people that are looking for work?

>> No.7729832

I mentioned it once, but he's not into it. I guess my point is that I don't want to have sex with him. Thinking about it is not arousing in the least.

We do basic stuff like work out, watch movies/tv and cuddle, cook etc. as well as occasionally take in a film or visit museums. We live together and thus spend basically all of our free time together (except for the rare occasions that he or I go out with other friends).
I think we communicate well other than the fact that I have felt unable to bring this up without him getting really, really upset. It's understandable, I guess, but it really sucks for me because I feel like I have no one to talk to about it (friends are all in different cities now, and we're not that close anymore).

>> No.7729837

Break up, as hard as it seems I think it's the only thing to do.

>> No.7729856

There's always swinging.

>> No.7729858 [DELETED] 

You need to have the hard conversation. Make a list of issues you want to address and memorize them. If he refuses to address those issues, set ultimatums. You're not in a functional, healthy relationship and communicating appropriately if you're addressing issues that are deeply important to your happiness.

>> No.7729860

You need to have the hard conversation. Make a list of issues you want to address and memorize them. If he refuses to address those issues, set ultimatums. You're not in a functional, healthy relationship and communicating appropriately if you're not addressing issues that are deeply important to your happiness.

>> No.7729882
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, gYqzB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wish they'd be more honest and upfront about it. If you just want to get your dick wet, that's fine. But don't lie to me and tell me you "really like me" and that we "have a connection" or feed me any other bullshit just so you can get into my pants and then never call me again. It's seriously such a dick move. It's not even a first date thing for me either, there are men who would keep this shit up for months to me before, and then when I'd finally sleep with them they'd never speak to me again. That is just fucking ridiculous, what kind of psychopath pretends to care about someone for months and spends months of their time with them just to get their dick wet briefly?

Sorry for the angry rant.

>> No.7729888

I find it helps to buy things you can wear casually or as lolita. I slowly started to incorporate lolita items into my every day wear and I built up a normal wardrobe of items that go together nicely with lolita items but still keep them casual looking.

http://fannyrosie.tumblr.com/ Is really good for inspiration for this

>> No.7729889

>You will never be a tall and leggy sexy female with large breasts

We always want what we don't already have, Anon. Trust me, you're much better off learning to appreciate yourself and finding your best qualities and accentuating them.

>> No.7729894

You're right. I've been putting it off due to our living situation and my own confusion over what to do, but doing so is probably only making the situation worse.
I know it's going to sound pathetic, but I'm actually afraid of breaking up. This has been my longest and most serious relationship, and not only do I really love the guy, I love his family as well. If we do end up splitting up, it'll mean losing not only my boyfriend but my best friend and the closest thing to a functional family that I have.
Not to mention sorting out all of our belongings, including what was his but is now our cat, would be difficult.
I hate making decisions. Thanks for the help, anons.

>> No.7729899

Are you me? That is exactly my situation with my boyfriend, too. Have you tried getting toys or roleplay? That helped us a little bit.

>> No.7729904

I have the same problem. Everyone else is also so outgoing and "random XD" at the events I go to, and I don't fit in because I'm very quiet and reserved. I wish I was a stupid weeaboo/doctor who type so I could make friends.

>> No.7729907

No problem. I've been there. Just remember that it can be incredibly liberating, even if it's difficult, to leave behind a dysfunctional relationship. You'll feel so much better after you get rid of that pent up anxiety, just addressing the issue. It isn't something that's going to go away. So, it's in your best interest to do something about it if he's not going to. Being alone isn't really that bad, honestly. You'll have fun finding yourself again.

>> No.7729910

I have a pro bodybuilder friend with a weeby cosplay girlfriend, he's also into animu and cosplay and the like. They both lift together and post a bunch of ripped pictures on Facebook all the time.

>> No.7729911

>tfw no Amazon gf to prince(ss) carry me around

>> No.7729916

Good luck Anon, trust me, if you try to talk to him and communicate the issues you have and he isn't understanding or wants to listen and discuss them, then it wasn't meant to be to begin with. I'm sure if he loves you and is as serious about you as you are about him, he should be fine with listening and discussing your issues. Your situation sounds exactly like the one I have with my boyfriend, even the cat thing! When I talked about the same thing with mine he was really understanding and we both agreed to try to make the effort to spice things up sex wise more. When you're with someone for that long and you love them, you just kind of get comfortable with them and that rush of passion that was at the start of the relationship (ie. the "spark") just isn't there anymore, but that's totally normal. If it's your first long relationship, trust me that it is totally normal what you are feeling.

>> No.7729919

Also, here is an article about it too:

This part:
>Reigniting our relationships can be as simple as carrying out those small, caring acts that make our partners feel acknowledged and loved for who they are. Taking steps each day to counter these habitual patterns leads us down a path that is much more fulfilling, much braver, and much more real.

Outside of communication, I find it helps for me to take time to think about the reasons why I love my boyfriend why I stay with him, even if it's just little things about him. It sounds kind of silly, but it helps. There's no spark or flame or anything, but instead it's more like, this is someone who I really enjoy spending time with because they do this and this, and they are this way, etc. I guess reminding myself why I'm attracted to him and love him? I think if you cant remember that then I think maybe you can consider breaking up

>> No.7729923

you're me, except my boyfriend is completely uninterested in sex. not an issue with kinks of fetish, he's just not attracted to me that way.

> don't want to break up but don't want to live rest of my life this way

hug me anon

>> No.7729941

Have you tried asking him what he wants to do in the bedroom or anything like that? Make sure you make it really really clear to him that you're open for whatever he wants to do. But of course, if there is actually something he wants to do but it's too weird for you or you don't want to do it, you're always free to say no, but it might be that he has something in mind but is too afraid to ask?

I dunno, that sounds awful Anon. Was he abused when he was young or anything like that? Does he have any psychological issues? I would definitely try talking with him about it. If he's just not interested in sex at all with you and there's no problems on his end, you should definitely leave, trust me. Any time spent with someone you're not happy with is time you could be spending searching for someone else who you are happy with.

>> No.7729966
File: 138 KB, 640x614, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>@ con on Friday
>qt comes up to me, compliments my costume and we talk
>hit it off, talk about favorite vidya , movies and such. Tell her about my impending vacation to see my family
>we exchange fb and I ask for her number
>she tells me to hit her up
>she also tells me that she's working a booth and that I should come visit her
>fastforward to yesterday
>can't make con due to packing and family coming down early (aunt bypassed stopping in gerogia due to being a germaphobe and scared of Ebola)
>shoot her a text
>"hey it's anon, can't make the con today but would still love to do something when I get back :)"
>says she saw but no reply
>see fb status from her saying she forgot her camera Friday and wants people to comment/message pictures they took w/her
>I comment mine
>she comments aww, and likes the pic
>two hours later the whole post is deleted (other people posted pics after me so not sure if my fault)
>gonna text her again when I get back from vacation
>tfw not sure what to expect

Did I supreme gentleman anything that you guys can see? She seemed flirty and into it and gave me her real FB and phone number. A friend of mine suggested she's playing hard to get because I didn't show saturday, but not sure entirely. Any advice /cgl/?

>> No.7729971

Does she know you couldn't make the con on Saturday because of family business? I mean I know you said you told her about it, but maybe it slipped her mind and she doesn't know you couldn't make it on Saturday because of family business. That might help a bit if you make that known so it doesn't look like you were standing her up or anything.

>> No.7729978

I quote his very own words
> I love you the way you are and not because of anything sexual. You are precious to me and I want to treasure you which is why I don't want to step beyond that territory.
In the past "that territory" meant no sex. Nowadays, the "territory" means no sexual intimacy at all. Either I am with him and no sexy anything or I break with him.

It's a religion issue, he is the religious one. Brainwashed by his religion from young. He freaks the fuck out after a blow job and starts feeling crazy guilty, he gets nightmares of going to hell and goes all the way to a church 2 hours away from his usual one (because word cannot get to his usual church community that he took a bj) to confess.

I know that whatever I write in this thread will just sound bad and people will flock to give me advice. Truth is I just want somewhere to rant. I can't really take advice from /cgl/ since none of you could possibly know the full story. And I'm in a bad mood so I'm biased and I'm just saying all the bad stuff now. Don't mind me.

>> No.7729979

I think so, not sure if wether to text her yet. But I'm assuming (since my aunt is a real fb dweller) that I'll be tagged in a montage of tacky tourist pictures that damn near everybody on my newsfeed will see (I may post something to, just to be safe)

>> No.7729981

Thing is though, the honeymoon phase is something that might never come back. It's not something your body can physiologically sustain over a long period of time. Ideally it gets replaced by that nice mellow feeling of contentment.

He needs to be aware of that, and that it doesn't necessarily means he loves you less. And if he's feeling bored, there's things that help. Go out for walks, set a regular date night, have breakfast in bed together, other mushy stuff you can think of.

I went through something similar. Every time I tried I would just get excuses or get rejected. In this case, my SO was simply depressed. We've got a pretty good thing going right now in terms if communication, but back then we didn't. Basically, his issue was that he felt so shitty about himself, that he didn't think my advances were sincere. I know that's probably a bit different than your situation, but similarly, you have to sit down and just talk it out. You're going to be miserable otherwise. And it's only going to get worse over time. Going on a few months I could handle it. But when the situation stretched to almost a year I was ready to break down. And when you feel that way, it'll start to affect the rest of your relationship and everything turn to shit.

A break-up might not be necessary, but you do have to put your foot down in some way.

>> No.7729989

Ahh I see, I dated a guy like that before, too. It didn't work out because he told me he loved Jesus more than me, and that was pretty much a no go for me.

It's really up to you then Anon, if it works for you and you're happy, then by all means, stay with him. But just make sure you value your own happiness and all that, good luck!

>> No.7730002
File: 975 KB, 500x274, hugs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>7729981 here, I guess I should've updated the thread before writing anything.

I'm really sorry, because ultimately, it sounds like you have very incompatible views of intimacy. And unless there is some kind of compromise one of you is going to feel like shit.

I don't want to pass judgement but viewing sex as something so strictly shameful doesn't strike me as particularly healthy. He would probably need a lot of counselling to work on that. A lot.

Hugs and best of luck to you.

And if you feel like ranting to someone, I put a throwaway email in the field. I'll withhold the advice next time lel.

>> No.7730015

I'd say "try your luck with small businesses" but ha. I work at a boutique currently and after a month when my boss was hiring again I realized she only will ever take Korean, Japanese, or white girls on the precedent that they have blonde hair and blue eyes. I was apparently a fluke because my last name "sounds Japanese" and I'm "Italian looking".

So small businesses will have less of a quota but since there are so many people applying to ANYTHING right now they have their pick of the litter. So many people have the qualifications they need so it just comes down to being a person they like or like to SEE.

I went to a hiring party recently for a small store with a big name. No biggie, right? It's August, it won't be swamped. 45 people showed up to this tiny place. 45. Even the people interviewing us were astonished. One of them was like "wow, even when we're hiring seasonal employees--and we take A LOT OF PEOPLE--only around 30 people have shown up, maximum, to the group interview".

I'd say out of that 45, a good 38 of us were qualified, dressed really well, and were vocal enough to leave a good impression. They were looking for like...7-12, MAX.

>> No.7730016

Did you know what was wrong, though? I can't think of anything that would help me get in the mood with him besides him completely changing his style, and even then, I'm not sure it would be enough.
I'm very much in love with him and attracted to him as a person (which is why I've held out this long, as my issues started developing almost a year ago now), but at this point I don't feel sexually attracted to him at all. Even when I give him hj/bj, I don't get excited. It's almost like a chore that I do just because making him feel good makes me happy.

I'm sorry, anon, that really sucks. My first ~real love~ was with a very similar guy, and in my experience, the only thing that helped was putting my foot down. He eventually got over his madonna whore complex and has turned into a really great guy/boyfriend, and we're still good friends.

Yeah, I'm not afraid of being single so much as potentially breaking his heart and ruining a good thing.

>> No.7730025

Oh, in that regard I found that it helped to communicate with him more in the bedroom and tell him what sort of things I'm into. He also got me a toy and focused more on pleasing me first, and that helped A LOT. Also roleplay and dressing up helps, too. It makes it a lot easier to get excited about sex when you know that it's actually going to be pleasing for you.

>> No.7730027
File: 2.07 MB, 2436x438, four different swatches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is completely stupid, but I need to get this out of my system.

I fucking hate Musings of a Muse.

For those of you who don't know, she's a "beauty junkie" and unfortunately (bafflingly) one of the more popular ones.

I do. not. get. it. Every single swatch photo of her is exactly like this. She looks sweaty, unwashed, with that stupid headband and that stupid almost duck-face smirk. She never gives more than one close up of the swatch worn, most of her makeup looks almost exactly the same on her, and she rarely critiques and often sounds like she's shilling.

She's not like Temptalia who will give at least 3-4 different close ups of the swatch and recommendations for other colors like it. She's not like that one woman who's not super pretty, but offers something for the older women or girls with slightly darker skin.

So why is she always the first person to pop up when I'm looking for swatches? There are thousands out there who DO have good descriptions, who DO have good photos

I'm not jealous, I just to google "too faced cocoa powder foundation" and not get the one woman who can make it look like she's not wearing anything.

/ completely childish rant. I have nowhere else mildly relevant to post this that wouldn't be a hugbox.

>> No.7730029

Haha aww you're having a good day, congrats!

>> No.7730034

i'm not mad at people who dish advice, it's just kind of...eh, i'm just reading your advice even though i know i probably won't follow it so i don't want to waste somebody's effort kind of thing.

i am however, very heartened that this kind of guy seem to be a lot more common than i thought, seeing that 2 of you had a bf like that lol.

i appreciate opening up the e-mail too.

he has issues that neither of us can fix. he grew up in a broken family, something i can never empathise with. pretty much all the time we've been in this relationship, i have been offering him a lot of emotional support for every thing in life except religion. he tries to do the same but he's not emotionally strong enough to support or protect me much.

so i'm tired of trying to help him with his issues and i'm not going to try and fix him anymore. maybe his family background does affect the way he perceives intimacy but i feel numb and quite can't-be-fucked about it no more.

>> No.7730036

Hey cutie you better just call me cheese cause I'm all...over your grater? Your...abs...

>> No.7730054

Are you at the marrying age and stage? Can you see yourself marrying him? That's the cure. Can you see yourself accepting his religious beliefs for what they are at face value, and not belittle them? That's also important too.

If you're not religiously compatible, it's a big deal. Bigger than you might think, since so many people tend to undercut this as a major issue in relationships. I was stuck with an individual once who belittled my religious beliefs and made me feel horrible for having them. No one wins in that situation.

You have some decisions to sort out, no judgement, just trying to put things into perspective.

>> No.7730065

>>So why is she always the first person to pop up when I'm looking for swatches?
I've found it's usually because she swatches the more obscure products, because she just buys and swatches EVERYTHING. I don't like her either, though.

>> No.7730092
File: 86 KB, 500x281, laughcry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just pooped at work.

Normally that's not bad, but I clogged the toilet. And it's the employee toilet. I am literally the only employee besides my managers, who aren't working today.

So basically everyone will know my nasty shit clogged the toilet... Feels bad, man.

>> No.7730112
File: 988 KB, 200x200, Smile like you mean it.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Was going to post about relationship issues in this thread
> Talked to bf about instead
> Opened up honest conversation about who we are and what we mean to each other
> Much happier to get it off my chest and create a solution with him
> Really happy we are in a solid place and are starting to plan a future together [beyond cons and cosplay]
> MFW this entire thing goes down and I realize my bf is the best partner in the world both in relationship and cosplay

>> No.7730152

I wrote this >>7730112 before I read the thread and now I feel like a bitch.

To all those ladies and gents out there who are having problems, talk about it. Open and honest communication is the way to go. You don't have to do it today or tomorrow, just eventually talk to your SO.

>> No.7730369

>Getting so desperate I'm getting ready to resort to doing deviantart commissions...

I wish I didn't know this feel.

>> No.7730388

dude, stop selling to her if she's going to keep flaking because she can't budget worth a shit.

>> No.7730390

I've never gotten this mad about it before, but I must second your rant. She's the least useful beauty reviewer out there.

>> No.7730392

>All men are beasts who seek fornication
Thanks for letting me know you're shallow and not worthwhile getting to know.

>> No.7730394

I look awful in photos. The only pictures that I like of myself are selfies and maybe one out of a hundred taken by other people with a good camera. I like posing for pictures and think it's fun but I look so bad that I am thinking of refusing pictures at this point.

>> No.7730404


>> No.7730406

>have a dream
>working at a convention
>helping an japanese idol group with one of their last performances
>white communications manager says they are looking for an exotic foreign member that can audition by dancing ____ dances
>I know these dances
>but I'm black, I know this japanese idol group only wants white girls
>the manager is stressing because she needs to find someone before the con ends and no one knows these dances/everyone failed at the dances
>I tell her I know these dances
>she looks me up and down, chuckles at me
>"well, that's sweet and all, but we aren't looking for someone like you currently, maybe become popular on your own by dancing with your friends and you'll get scouted?"
>"here's my card, contact me if you ever make it big"
>she hands me her card with a smile because she knows I'll never make it big overseas
>no one ever does

the feels were to real for this dream

>> No.7730413

I too am not fond of getting my picture taken but I know I look hella good IRL and in the mirror.

>> No.7730414

Don't give up. I'm 6"2', 200 lbs., I used to weigh 280. Also, attitude is a large majority of how attractive you are, this coming from a guy.

>> No.7730420

I have the same problem :( I totally get you.

I've gotten to feeling a little better at it though. Practice is key. Get in front of a mirror, practice angles, feet positions, tilting your head, and smiling, both with your mouth AND your eyes. Also, remember to relax! I was always so tense whenever other people took my pictures, and it showed a lot.

>> No.7730423


>> No.7730439

Don't know if you've tried this yet but places that have "Now Hiring" signs are typically very desperate and will hire just about anyone. The place I work at just had two people quit because of shitty asian management and we're literally hiring anyone who shows up for and can pull of training at this point.

The only downside is you might be walking into a hellhole but if you're super desperate, money is money.

>> No.7730454
File: 832 KB, 252x188, Sanford_Son_Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this anon >>7729423
>with asian stores there staff is 100% asian with maybe half asians
>new Asian restaurant opens
>they need all positions filled
>"equal opportunist" blah blah blah
>apply with white guy friend and black girl friend
>be Asian myself
>hear same old "sorry, we're looking for experience"
>black friend is told she will be considered, but doesn't get the job
>white friend gets job
>owner hired two male Asian waiters, two white guys, and two white girls
>the Asian waiters are nice
>friend is the best waiter out of all of them, the other white guy is one of those crappy, inattentive waiters
>one of the girls is a Koreaboo
>seriously, I ate there and got her as a server once, she asked both me and the another table of normalfags if we liked K-pop and proceeded to preach the gospel fangirl style to the other table when they said no
>the other girl has bad resting bitchface, complains about customers being "mean" to her constantly, will even argue with customers and then be upset that they left her less of a tip after
>all the white waiters except for my friend get fired within a month
>owner now going through rotations of firing crap waiters just to hire more
>mfw his restaurant's Yelp score is like a 2.5-3 because of his shitty servers
>only good reviews are of my friend

>> No.7730462

Not /cgl/-related...

>people in my work seem to like me very much
>they appreciate my effort and are apparently impressed with me in general
>boss is always excited to introduce me to people, as if I'm the super accomplished daughter she never had
>there's one more girl working in the same position as me
>we've become friends
>the only friend I've had in forever, since I've moved too much and while I have ok social skills, I have a hard time befriending people
>boss and rest of the team don't make half as much fuss about her as they do about me
>she keeps commenting how they treat her differently from me
>I can see she's been measuring herself using me as a standard
>not wanting to take sides, I try to avoid the subject
>she always returns to it
>I can see she's been getting sadder and sadder
>not my fault, I know, but I feel awful

>> No.7730465

It's a pay thing too. They know the white workers are going to expect more money, either up front or down the line. I worked retail for a Korean owner and since I'm a native english speaker she made me stick around for new employee interviews and show them around before she grilled them about their resume. All white girls expected 12 dollars per hour minimum and walked when she told them she couldn't pay more. Also: when she finds white girls willing to work for us she gives them their raise way faster than anyone else since she thinks they're so cute and desperately wants to keep them. Never yells at them the way she yells at the Asian girls too.

But yeah, a lot of asian places will rotate them out faster just around the time they suspect they'll ask for more pay/hours.

>> No.7730467

Seconding this with a warning you sort of mentioned. Management will likely be SHIT. If their turnover is so bad and their "Now Hiring"sign is up for way too long, or taken down and put up too frequently, something's way off. They'll likely keep you just past training and find a way to let you go before your pay raise or something else is wrong. Money is money, though, true enough. Just be ready

>> No.7730470
File: 39 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n83cyohDIX1rsc28xo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Be me
> At a Con about two weeks ago
> Lolita swapmeet
> Meet nice girl selling a replica of my dream dress, not the right color but damn it's 25 dollars
> Get really excited while we are making the transaction, I am rambling on and trying my hardest to make small talk and be pleasant and not creepy
> Get on subject of money
> Trying to make generic and relatable joke relating to how much Lolita costs
> Not exactly how it went but it came out a little bit like "yeah when it comes to choosing between clothes and food I know what you would choose!!"
> Meant to be referencing that she is a lolita and there is that stereotype that lolitas go without food to afford their nice clothes
> She looks down suddenly as if really hurt
> heart drops as I realize she thinks I was referencing that she was overweight and I was being mean calling her fat
> oh shit oh shit oh shit ohhhhhh shiiiiiiiit
> feel like ultimate shitlord, here was this nice lady given me sweet deal on dress and I fuck up and somehow end up calling her fat
> I end up getting the dress and I tried clearing it up with her a little bit after that like "but hey i'm not judging I would choose the clothes too!" but nothing is a worse confidence destroyer than accidentally being a huge cunt
> Still feel so bad and can barely look at the dress without horrible flashbacks of embarrassing moment
>tfw I probably ruined her day by making it seem like I was calling her fat

>> No.7730488

This is why we think before we talk.

>> No.7730504
File: 227 KB, 314x438, plsgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw kind of started distancing myself from some old cosplay friends because they have the maturity of 12 year olds
>tfw watching their slow decline into being divas about everything
>go back and forth between bragging about how awesome their cosplay is and whining about how they'll never be good enough
>"I want to cosplay this thing but it's not popular so I won't even bother"
>You were a lot more fucking fun to be around before you decided that popularity was everything
Completely different but equally annoying feel that a large amount of my chill friends don't like each other for stupid reasons

>> No.7730534

While idly browsing here and watching anime the spark of "I want to be a boy!" I had as a little girl got rekindled. I was always a tomboy, always roleplayed the male when we were playing, always got to gallantly play-defend the princess.

I seriously want to crossdress as a sweet and elegant prince at cons. I don't want to look like a girl in ouji; I actually want to look like a guy. I'm normally dressed as the opposite princess, but I realize I would feel SO MUCH more comfortable dressed as a guy.

>tfw you are a tiny 5 ft Asian girl
>tfw you have a really damn feminine face
>tfw you know you will only end up looking like an adorable little shota rather than a dashing gentleman
>tfw no hypothetical princess to rush in and save because my friends would find the idea of my crossplaying really weird

>> No.7730715

living the dream

>> No.7730736


thats happened to my boyfriend, but he was applying to daiso, and they ONLY hire asians or halfies.
same with the local boba restaurants.

>> No.7730744


well I know where to apply now

>> No.7730753

I know I look good (at least the best I can do) in real life and in the mirror. I don't understand why it doesn't translate to good pictures.
I have practiced before, but whenever I smile wide my eyes narrow too much and my face looks way too flat and wide. I hope I am not stuck with those kawaii uguu faces only.

Thank anons. It felt good to get that out and get some advice.

>> No.7730758
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*mouth waters*

Would /cgi/ marry /int/? We all so busy with the war effort that we don't have time to dress pretty like you girls.

>> No.7730765

Military is good. Something sexy about a man in uniform. Long distance relationships are fun, too, since you have to get creative about things to do with each other.

>> No.7730771

i worked at daiso for 3 years. I'm white as hell. (it was a shitty job, the management is awful)

>> No.7730785

interesting, maybe it was just the one where he was applying.
they said they were looking for white applicants specifically.

yeah, I've heard it was awful. japanese systems like that don't fly in the us. higher ups do less work and get paid more, and push almost all the work to those below them.

>> No.7730787

Because that was all he wanted out of you.

>> No.7730803

I'd bend you over like it was Nanking and you where a 12 year old boy leaving you noose bloody and sore,

>> No.7730829
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Well that escalated quickly.

>> No.7730835

the management did treat me like shit because i was white. Japanese coworkers that had been there for 3 months were making more than me. and the manager never actually came to the store.. not to mention all sorts of weird almost definitely illegal policies they had

>> No.7730881

Pick up a contact sport

>> No.7730914

Oh man that sucks

>> No.7730920

Try to get better at reading people

>> No.7730927

Sorry ._.

>> No.7730955

I was honest, but the girl told me she is not a whore and that I'm a really bad bad person in an incoherent mail.

I was quite depressed about it for weeks

>> No.7730968
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That's okay.

>> No.7730989
File: 176 KB, 1000x600, emitrack_running.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't get fit because Emi will never run by my side for motivation

>> No.7731015

>tfw you have buyers remorse just for PMing a girl about a dress, not even buying it for certain.
I've been swearing up and down I need to buy accessories/blouses/ect before more main pieces but...

I'm also shit at makeup, so I'll never actually look good. And yes, I do practice. The only makeup I've ever mastered is looking like I got into a bar fight.

Not /cgl/ related, but whatever. I go back to school on the 25th, and I still have nowhere to live. Fuck fuck fuck I'm freaking out.

>> No.7731021


I'll think of you anon.

>> No.7731175

You should offer to make her costumes, then you can butt in every once in a while and say, "Oh, I made it!" if they compliment the costume itself.

>> No.7731260

Maybe if you break the romantic relationship and regard him only as a good friend? You cannot stay for ages in a totally stale relationship, it's harmful for you and your bf. For me, when the love spark goes, it's useless trying to get back again love isn't forever or also getting into new sexual stuff. Or if you don't feel to see him as a friend, break up. It's hard i know, but at times the only thing to do is this. There would be new love experiences for you and him in future, don't worry!

>> No.7731285

I don't think OP was implying that she's not in love with the guy, more that she's not into him sexually.
I had a similar thing, and the only thing that helped was talking to my girlfriend about new stuff to try. It ended up not working out, but things got better for a bit.

>> No.7731721

Holy shit, are you reverse-me?
>Always loved cute things
>Would love nothing more than to be a small cute loli
>In reality I'm just a 6'3 prince-like guy
>Will never be able to pull of a cute girl

>> No.7731747

Everyone has a niche. Find yours. There's no point in spending time lamenting in what you can't be compared to what you can be. I'm 5'6", broad shouldered, with big hips and feet. I will probably never have a thigh gap or rock the frail Asian girl look but I can look healthy and athletic and eventually cosplay She-Hulk. It gives me something to work to because while you can't change your bone structure, you can diet, exercise, and weightlifting until you get your goal body.

>> No.7731762
File: 19 KB, 411x368, Picture 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Needs to buy ugly, cheap, ita lolita dresses for future youtube videos
>Searches web
>Realizes that somehow the ugly, lace monster lolita dresses for sale out there cost just as much as decent garments you could buy from bodyline/ second hand..

The feels...

>> No.7731787

Are you me anon? My main thing motivating me is losing weight to get into the Air Force and getting my shit together

>> No.7731804

I'm sure someone has some in the back of their closet, put up a wtb

>> No.7731875

Sounds like it.
Someone needs to invent a body-consciousness swap machine stat!

>> No.7731883

Sometimes the filter slips out of place a little.

>> No.7731958
File: 262 KB, 500x690, tumblr_n9de98cuKN1t1ye6to1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friend commissioned me for two skirts, payment = staying in their hotel room for con, ok whatever we're friends, it's cool
>end up not staying in their hotel room because she overstuffed it last minute with whiny people begging for room
>she never ends up paying for commission, never hear her mention it or apologize (i think she justifies it by thinking "i let anon keep her one costume in the room, we're even")
>whatever, this is a minor thing, i am just happy she had a fun time at the con and liked her skirts
>she starts messaging me about how she wants to make a cosplay page
>half of her costumes are closet cosplay
>is plus size and extremely insecure about her image
>after voicing my concerns about being insecure about likes, she sways between "i don't know, what's the point even" and "i wouldn't care about the likes, i just want an organized and accessible space to dumb my progress", which is reasonable, so i encourage her
>makes one
>cover photo is picture of her wearing the skirts i made
>starts begging on tumblr for likes not 24 hours after she makes the page


>> No.7731962

Even on Milanoo?

(also, huge fan; love your work)

>> No.7732015

>The feeling that your buyer might be flaking based on their feedback.

>> No.7732024

>loneliness got the better of me and i made an account on a dating site about two months ago
>talking to a guy on there
>he's cute and seems cool
>ask if he wants to hang out sometime
>"what'd you have in mind?"
I have no idea what to do with a guy. I have no idea what to say during a date. I have no idea what to wear. This was a mistake.

>> No.7732028

Come on anon, you can't mention illegal policies without telling us deets.

>> No.7732068

Wear some skanky normalfag shit.
Boys love skanky shit.

>> No.7732110

Is this your first date?

>> No.7732117

>Dad's birthday this week
>Dad loves Snoopy cards, always buy him Snoopy cards for every big holiday and his birthday
>go to three different stores yesterday looking for snoopy cards
>wtf where are all the snoopy cards?
>'We have my little pony cards anon'
>did not realize the snoopy genocide had happened between christmas and this month

i just want a fucking snoopy card, what the hell is going on

>> No.7732122

Buy online somewhere, rush shipping. Or get him something else he may like until snoopy cards get in, then when you give then to him tell him how you had to buy them online and couldn't find them in stores anymore.

>> No.7732136

If it comes down to it (this is the last day I can mail it and it get there in time) I'll do that. But I had no idea it would be a hassle to find Peanuts cards or else I would have looked last week. It's like, a thing, I always buy him Snoopy cards, like for the past 10 years. And he's one of those old farty Dads that you can't buy an actual present for because he has everything he needs already and just thinks it's a waste of money heh. There's a couple Hallmark stores about an hour away, so I guess I'll just make the trek up there if I can't find anything close by.

>> No.7732149

Buy them online then, hurry. And if you see they'll get here late also get him a peanuts shirt or something to go along with it, to make up for it being a few days late this year. All grumpy old dads like shirts of things they like. I got my dad a breaking bad shirt and he wore the ahit out of it, until it got ruined by some bleach, he seemed kinda sad when that happened and he told me. Have you ever thought of buying him a weekend at knotts berry farm, if you can afford it. That place is a peanuts fan paradise.

>> No.7732153

I have a friend like that who is secretly really into "moe" type girls and the frills. We actually dated once, though for only a few days in middle school.

>> No.7732155

ahhh that would be pretty awesome haha! I'd have to find him a button up, he will not wear t-shirts, but I bet a button up snoopy shirt exists, and yeah come to think of it, he does like weird clothing, like jackets with emblems on them! He's turning 80 this year, and already needs a cane, so I don't think he'd get too much enjoyment out of the theme park, but I could drop some hints and see if it's something he'd be interested in, I'm sure they have some kind of service in case he can't walk too far. Thanks for the great ideas, he's such a hard person to buy gifts for, but yeah I think a cute snoopy button up might be right up his alley!

>> No.7732160

If he's alright with canes, find a custom cane maker and price out a custom wooden cane with snoopy or peanut on the head. That may take a while so maybe for another occasion. And knotts has some calm rides and some shows to see if he's really into that.

>> No.7732173
File: 2.85 MB, 640x360, tfw fit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just want someone to work out with that isn't afraid of lace.

that feel

>> No.7732175

My dream dress is unfindable (in the colorway I want) and I'm seriously considering making a homemade replica since it's printless, but I don't approve of replicas so I don't know what to do.

>> No.7732180

>browse cgl for the past 3 years
>cosplayed once in my life
>own 3 lolita dresses
>shit at both hobbies
>can't stop looking at jfashion even though my body is awful for it. (inverted triangle)
>can barely dress myself in normal fag clothes.

Why am I here

>> No.7732189


>> No.7732191

whats ur dream dress

>> No.7732207

AP Drink Me JSK in sax or lavender.

>> No.7732223


TBH I kinda resist the whole 'body type' thing. Like I have this friend who's an amazing cosplayer and makes awesome lolita stuff, but she's like REALLY far from the petite porcelain girl type. People still admjre her for what she does.
You like being here? You like cosplaying? You're more than welcome to stay.

>> No.7732230

If it isn't a print then it is not a 'replica'. No one can claim ownership to a style of dress like they can to a piece of artwork. Make your dress and take joy in wearing it.

>> No.7732257

Fellow inverted triangle here. I know it's hard since puff sleeves are a Lolita staple, but lolita is still very doable. Unfortunately you can't always use cookie-cutter template co-ords but with some creativity you will look fantastic still! What styles do you like?

>> No.7732286

That was kind of the plan.

It's not even a date yet. But yes.

>> No.7732295
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>dating website
>plans on dressing like she's asking for the dick

>> No.7732423

>be private, shy, and socially awkward/anxious manlet
>working through long-term psychological effects of sexual abuse as a child
>resist showing any signs of sexuality
>99% gay but deep in the closet, tune out of sexual discussions around me
>have little to no attraction to anyone I meet IRL

So then I get fascinated by cosplay and jfash and gain enough confidence to dip my toes into it.

>go to convention in cosplay
>people act upset that I won't hug them when they recognize me
>feel guilty and ashamed
>take pictures of a crowd because everyone's having fun and it looks awesome
>guy comes up to me and tells me not to take "creeper photos" of girls
>feel guilty and ashamed
>read on cgl that guys into lolita are just fetishists
>feel guilty and ashamed

I know I'm not doing anything wrong, and that my anxieties are exaggerating all of this, but I feel so bad. I start to think everyone around me only sees me as a pervert even when what I'm doing isn't sexual to me in the slightest. Thanks to the constant discussion of creepers, perverts, rapists, and whatnot, I can't tell how much of this discomfort is real and how much is my brain being hijacked by my own past trauma, trying to make me hide and shut down so I won't be hurt.

>> No.7732510

My mother's first husband (refuse to call him father) molested kids and myself for years before he booked it. For years and years I was afraid that anything I did was seen as dirty. Smiling at little kids having fun - oh shit, I swear I'm not a pervert I'm not staring at them like that please don't call the cops. Saying a child looks adorable or has gorgeous eyes - I mean, not like I'm attracted to kids or anything I'm totally normal and attracted to boys my age but not like boys boys oh god don't call the cops.
That is basically a sample of what the hell I went through for years. I still occasionally think this.

But It will get better anon. Just because a select few are pervs and pedos, doesn't mean all people think everyone is (except for, yah know, those crazy ass femanazis from tumblr #yesallmen) Most people don't care or don't take it the wrong way. That guy was probably trying to be a SJW badass in front of some preteen to impress her. A group shot shouldn't provoke that idiotic response.

Like I said, you'll be fine and it will get better. Therapy helps.

>> No.7732519

Don't wear something skanky if you're not used to it, you'll look uncomfortable and awkward. Wear a cute dress, something not far from what you're used to wearing but obviously not too casual.

>> No.7732520

This will sound trite, but make sure to act as little as possible and just be yourself, it will allow you to notice possible incompatibilities very fast by the way he reacts.

>> No.7732534

>usually one to organise interstate con trips because I'm great at deal hunting
>friends happily let me work magic
>no dramas
>going to a Cosplay 18+ event
>asking around for company to drive in together
>tell me about the awesome deal with hotels they have
>never asked if I was interested in sharing
>doesn't offer me a place despite me paying half the interstate accom
>merely says good luck finding company
>probably going to spend a fuck tonne in taxi fare now

Thanks guys.

>> No.7732540

Thanks anon, that really means a lot.

>That is basically a sample of what the hell I went through for years. I still occasionally think this.

iktf. Figuring out what normal affection looks like has been helping, so I don't freak out as much over inane shit I do or see others do.

>> No.7732558
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 1406742264289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking upset. I let someone shape my eyebrows today and they ended up fucking up really badly and making them way too thin. I've pretty much been crying and feeling ugly all day.
It doesn't help that I'm horrible at penciling them in. I feel like an Amanda Bynes clone.
I'm going to be wearing bangs for a long while, I guess.

>> No.7732580

>friends almost finishing their studies
>some of them working
>no studies, living with my family, no job, no bf
>only thing I'm decent is cosplay

I'm just so tired of everything right now. I dropped my studies 4 years ago and now everybody is finishing them. I just can't be in a class or a room for 1 hour without being anxious. Right now I'm in charge of my family (I have 3 little brothers), my dad works and I'm an "housewife" without time to cosplay or see my friends or doing my life.

I'm feeling I'm too old for cosplaying or starting a career right now. I don't know what to do, I just don't want to be a housewife all my life, I love my brothers but I don't want them as my own children.

>> No.7732584


It sounds more like they didn't think you'd come and already got together a group. At least they tried to tell you about the awesome deals as a means of helping out?

>> No.7732585


You can still cosplay! I'm 25, and I still do it. And people change their jobs all the time, so it's no problem trying to get into something. It might be a bit hard with no experience though...

>> No.7732589

Different anon but you could definitely find him a button up, I bet! I have Peanuts pjs, baseball jerseys, mugs, all sorts of shit. Snoopy is so Hello Kitty-tier that Sanrio fucking stocks his stuff in Japan AND in the one I used to work in. Basically any of those junk mail catalogues you get in the mail has a slew of Snoopy shit and I'm 1000% sure they have websites

>> No.7732599



>> No.7732608

Please buy this dress and make a review praising Milanoo's god-tier gawffick lolita dresses.

>> No.7732613

It gets better anon, and it's good that you acknowledge that your anxieties make these things larger than what they are. For the crowd photos--understand that that was a misunderstanding. Are there any friends IRL that are willing to go to conventions with you? I think having someone to help you out or just BE THERE when you have to be social (taking pictures/interacting with fans that recognize your cosplay for example) would help immensely. For things like crowd pictures, someone with experience can navigate you in a way that doesn't look questionable to some randomass dude.

Overall, hey, you made a huge leap cosplaying and attending a convention at all. That in and of itself is progress. That's being way out there. The more you try things like that, the better you will feel. It's work, yes, but you're going for it.

For me, honestly, because I have anxiety, making friends online and carefully meeting them at conventions helped me a lot. Pick the right people (and BE SAFE ABOUT THIS) and you have a protective shell for conventions, which can be very busy and build on your anxiety. You also may have people that already have a "heads up" that you're anxious (no need to go into detail unless you're very close friends and you WANT to) and that is such a benefit to have. You will need people now and then to assure you that your mind is the thing accusing you of being a creep and pervert and hey? Having people you find "safe" around? A really great social LEARNING tool. Acting natural takes so much more practice than people think.

>> No.7732621

>have cosplay friend (A) that i'm pretty close with because we go to the same school
>A starts being bitchier to me
>kinda ignoring me in skype chats, etc.
>ask her if anything's wrong
>completely brushes it off, pretends nothing's wrong
>ok maybe i was wrong?
>invites my other friend (B) in the group chat to a cosplay community event
>A, B, and I usually go together to things so I ask if I can go too
>A: "oh... idk anon.. it's kinda awkward..."
>they both know a lot more people than I do so I guess that's reasonable, probably a private event or something
>fast forward a week
>talking to a relatively popular person (C) in the cosplay community
>"so anon, are you going to the cosplay event?"
>nah, too awkward to go without an invite
>"but anon, it's not an exclusive event! I'll send you an invite right now!"
definitely going to the event just to spite A
even better is that
>C asks if I know two other cosplayers (D+E)
>know that A's friends with them and getting a ride with them to the event
>tell him that I know that A's friends with them, but don't know D+E at all
>C: "oh okay!! I'll ask D+E if they can give you a ride!"
I can just imagine now how much more A is going to hate me...

>> No.7732642

All this drama

>> No.7732676

I feel awkward as fuck in my Lolita comm at events and it just feels so fake and forced when talking about the fashion itself & other topics with the other members. I just don't fit in...

>> No.7732716

>tfw booked a shoot with fairly well known photographer
>tfw petrified he's going to think i'm a horrible cosplayer and feel like I'm wasting his time

>> No.7732744

>buy dress from a lolita friend across the country
>send payment via gift on paypal
>she shipped it, cool!
>delivery date she gave me comes and goes
>can only get ahold of her sporadically
>now 3 days after the estimated delivery day and no word from her
I trust her enough that I'm not worried about being scammed, but I'm worried she made some bonehead error like writing the address wrong, she's gotten a lot less reliable these days... Plus if it never shows up at all I won't be able to dispute it on paypal, I'll be out a good chunk of money + my dream dress.

>> No.7732746


>> No.7732753

Thank you, that seems like solid advice.

>> No.7732754

God damn all these first world problems
>waah my bf doesnt like me
Get a new one
>waah i cba to go to the gym and i eat too much
Gain some willpower and get off your fat ass

>> No.7732778
File: 144 KB, 465x472, 1406618335829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put out a feeler for hand gun marksmanship training
>get a wild hair and decide to put "Specialization in self defense for high populations areas such as events, concerts, and conventions"
>I have no intention of teaching a legitimate class yet as i dont have the license, but its just a feeler and i make that known in the ad
>Get 19 emails, only 6 of which are males
>8 are lolitas who are asking for help with pepper spray usage and combat pistols

I may just get licensed for real.

>> No.7732783

Some DDlg blog followed me on tumblr. I know it's stupid, but I honestly feel grossed out. I mean, I don't really have a problem with them being into that, but I hate having the clothes I wear connected with that.

>> No.7732798

I'm in a DD/lg relationship and am also a lolita, I don't tell anyone lolita is a fetish or anything and people don't know about my partner and my kinks.

But he fucking loves my lolita outfits and loves fondling me when I'm in them. Sorry, but most people in those relationships do find lolita to be both lovely and sexy.

At least they have good taste and like actual lolita fashion instead of that godawful book lolita nymphette trend.

>> No.7732799

then sever the ties.

>i dont know how tumblr works.

>> No.7732801


>> No.7732805

Uh...people in 3rd world countries can still have romantic troubles and care about their personal appearance. Even in ways that seem trivial. You don't magically get that taken from you when you're born in a poor country.

Not that this wasn't weak bait, but you look stupid on so many levels here.

>> No.7732810

Daddy Dom/little girl.

It's a type of BDSM relationship in which the dominant acts more loving than a typical "Master" or "Sir" would. Sometimes it involves ageplaying like scenes but not always actual ageplay (i.e. "I'm <insert age they're not>") but more just acting child like in general.

Nothing to do with incest.

>> No.7732817


I thought it was a city.

>> No.7732824

That made me laugh, heh.

>> No.7732829
File: 75 KB, 671x720, 1338773439210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, you can do whatever the fuck you want behind doors. However, I think people have the right to feel grossed out by being associated and fetishized for what they wear though. After all I mean, literally ANYTHING can be fetishized.

>> No.7732836

>anything can be fetishized

Exactly, which is why people should just get over it, IMO. Unless people are harassing you and being directly creepy to you.

>> No.7732841

I finally got a referral for psychiatry through my general health provider, but it's for child and adolescent psychiatry. I'm 21.

>mfw when I get rejected as soon as I call to try and book the appointment
>have to start this whole godforsaken process of trying to get a new referral/appointment all over again

>> No.7732845

Welcome to America! That will be 400 dollars please

>Plus tip

>> No.7732850


I used to be in the D/LG scene, even had a daddy at one point. He didn't buy me lolita and I never asked him, it was purely sexual. When I got a little older (by that I mean like a year or two after the fact) I realized what a shitty dom he was and I'm glad things never got serious. Now I can't even look at an ageplayer without cringing, the entire scene is one big cringe fest and I hate that everyone acts so stupid and entitled. You see it in the lolita tag on Tumblr too where littles want lolita dresses or whatever and when you explain to them that these are not play clothes they freak out and tell you that you don't own lolita. I remember being on an ageplay chat once and when I politely asked to have an actual conversation about the fetish with people instead of roleplaying they all had a collective aneurysm. One was a baby dragon who kept *swooping down on anons head aggressively*.

Generally speaking, pretty much every fetish scene has stupid, stubborn advocates who lack any and all social grace so they hide behind their kinks, refusing to even try to be less cringe worthy. Just like those itas who never learn but insist they're flawless. Honestly, I still have an interest in D/LG but my experiences in the community have completely turned me off from wanting an actual relationship with any of them. Its completely different from the lolita community where we're accused of taking things too seriously and not being accepting of creative persons. Everything is willy nilly roleplay for them and the moment you get even a little bit serious you're attacked and banned from the site. Terrible, terrible community.

>> No.7732857

Why not do what i and the wife do and enjoy the pleasures of domestic discipline?

>No age play
>Still lots of spankings and games
>None of it is awkward.

>> No.7732858

Ah. I'm not into the scene online, really, so I wouldn't know that. My fiance and I have just always been pervs - we didn't start dating on the pretense of the DD/lg dynamic, either.

Also we're not fucking weirdos who let it be a pervasive part of our lives/personalities. It happens when we're in the bedroom, period. Besides occasional whispering sexy things in my ear in public and his pet name for being "princess", but I feel that's pretty common anyhow.

>> No.7732861

This is pretty much me and my fiance lol. We're pretty normal people.

>> No.7732869

Like those weird RPs on tumblr that somehow get a lot of notes that talk about Daddy in a sexual context? Yeesh. Anyone calling me daddy results in me being genuinely creeped out.

>> No.7732870

This guy I know brought a girl over because she was interested in starting lolita fashion. Problem is, she's 14. I basically told her to give it some time, because lolita is an expensive hobby especially for someone just starting high school and not legally being able to work to afford it, etc. and I told her to not do it until she moves out. I wanted to explain more, like parents getting on your case about it and kids being assholes.

Don't get me wrong. I love it when I see a new girl come into the fashion... but saying to "wait and see if you like this in a few years" makes me feel like my own mother and probably every adult I've hated in my angsty teens. I feel like I shot her dreams down and she hates me for it but I just want her to understand my point of view.

>> No.7732879

I started wearing lolita when I was freshly 15. I was fine, first outfit was pretty ita but my other outfits were all fairly cute, just simple.

It's fine if she's someone who has grown up with the internet like I was. I was already browsing /b/ at that age lol

>> No.7732885

Ah good to see a fellow couple :D

>> No.7732897

>buy body pillow
>run with bodypillow

>> No.7732898

Maybe the problem is the makeup you use?

>> No.7732901

You can make one. Find a cheapo circle skirt and sew a lot of lace on.
Actually, I have a shitty handmade thing with plenty of loose threads if you want. Needs more lace though.

>> No.7732909

And she still wonders why I'm so insecure
She giggles, because I sleep with a body pillow

>> No.7732947

I got interested at 13, bought first bodyline right around the time I turned 14, got to be good by 15. I babysat and worked to afford it. As long as teenagers don't go and embarrass their comm, they can do it.

>> No.7732950

my feel is all this r9k bullshit that got to this board since moot decided that r9k really was a shithole

I just want my normal kinda bitchy discussions back on lolita rather then the derailment that goes on in some threads or those "are all girls whores?" ones

>> No.7732955


/r9k/ fags please migrate to /pol/ or /b/

>> No.7732971

thanks for agreeing because I'm surprised about the lack of complaining, especially seeing how obvious bait threads aren't even being deleted

>> No.7733102

A girl I used to be friends with is trying to make her way into my current group by getting into series and hobbies we're all into and half-assing them all, like cosplay. Maybe I'm being an asshole but she's the type who loves causing drama and constantly whines about how terrible her life is and how people are terrible to her. She dumped me for my abusive and cheating ex back when we broke up and I really want her to leave us alone, but she'll whine about being friendless and nobody liking her and me being a drama queen if I say anything.

>> No.7733131

>tell children I take care of I want to cosplay GoGo Tamago from upcoming Big Hero 6
>They get really excited about said idea
>I ask if they'd help me make a mold I can't do myself
>They get even more excited and start making suggestions on how to go about it

They are seriously the coolest 8 year olds I know

>> No.7733144

>Go on a date with a guy
>he asks the waitress for extra mayo
>slathers it all over his steak
>try so hard not to be judgmental

This is why I'm forever alone. If he can look past me wearing lolita, I should be able to look past his mayo fixation.

But it was so gross...

>> No.7733158

well, that's the 2nd story I've heard of daiso being absolute crap. time to report them to the BBB?
seconding on deets

>> No.7733164

You deserve better

>> No.7733241

>on perfectly good steak

guuuuuuuuuurllllll I feel bad for you.

>> No.7733256

Thanks for the validation. I thought it was bad that he ordered his steak well done, but hey, some people like that. I could live with it.

Then he drowned it in mayo.

My family told me I was being too picky.

>> No.7733258

>well done steak
>slathered in mayo
You're better than me. I'm not sure I could live with any of that.

>> No.7733263

That is just fucking weird, my body says 'no' on a base level
Fuck your family, find some one better

>> No.7733265

Is wanting meat to be well-done that bad? Personally I really dislike red meat and while I don't eat steak at all (I don't like the taste) some other types I do like as long as it's well done.

>> No.7733270

It's the mayonnaise thing that's the real problem.

>> No.7733277

At the end of the day, it's all down to personal taste. However, you'll find that anything more cooked than about a medium will start to toughen up the meat and you lose a lot of flavour. Rare/Medium rare is generally considered the best.

>> No.7733289

>love sailor items and summer styles
>hate navy
>meanwhile lolita fashion be like ALL THE NAVY

Fuck you navy you black wannabe

>> No.7733291

Meta and AatP always make their sailor items in black as well as navy, though. And they're the ones that make the most sailor stuff.

What gives, anon?

>> No.7733314

I mostly mean AP and Taobao. The fact that Cosmic and DDC didn't come in black was the major reason I was apathetic about their release.

Also just buying stuff second hand and you're like "oh sweet! Cute black dress and its only $x! Oh... Its navy."
Cocktease colour.

>> No.7733405

>very hardworking
>ambitious as fuck
>worked retail since 2009
>worked at fist job for 2 years, relisted I was going nowhere because I was not a family member of any of the higher ups.
>break foot, company treats me like shit even though I was one of their top sales people
>line up a new job and quit that shit
>start new job as sales, quickly promoted to a key holder, then full-time, now I'm the manager.
>want out of retail
>can't get out of the trap that is retail because everyone thinks we are all lazy and good for nothing
I just really really want set hours so I could wear Lolita and go to meetups.... I make the scedulle now so it is not so bad but I just want out of being a wage slave...

>> No.7733410

I meant the normalfag part

thanks you guys. I'll probably try to keep it more casual and hope for the best.

>> No.7733412

as an addendum to >>7732520
Try also to not be paranoid, as hard as that will be.
Good luck, have fun.

>> No.7733508

i'm pretty sure i look better with short hair. my female friends, acquaintances, and relatives say that i do, and i also think that i do. almost all guys (my dad, ex, male coworkers, current bf) all insist i look better with long hair. the male friends i have that are more conscious of their appearance say i look good with both.

basically, my boyfriend says i look strange with short hair but i feel like he just likes long hair, not necessarily long hair on me. he said short hair suits some girls better, but when i asked him if he'd ever date a girl that looks better with long hair, he just told me he's getting annoyed

>> No.7733513

An update on my feel >>7730462. Friend told me she'll quit. I don't know know what can I say to convince her, or even if I should bother trying. There's no point for her to stay if she's so sad, is there?

>> No.7733515

Most men don't like short hair on women.

>> No.7733519

A steady stream of money is a pretty good reason if you ask me

>> No.7733521

but why?

>> No.7733535

She doesn't seem too worried about it, she told me she has another job offer. It's just nothing to do with our current position, which is what she studied for.

Long hair is traditionally seen as more feminine and associated with a more docile/submissive nature. I guess it's just the connection they make. I wouldn't worry about your bf's opinion yet, if your new haircut is something recent. He just needs some time to adjust. If you're really looking goog, he'll start seeing it soon too!

>> No.7733539

What do I gotta do to be Chad Thundercock?

>> No.7733561
File: 146 KB, 1048x762, 1404871995187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7733566

I'm a sucker for girls with short hairstyles, but not talking Amber Rose style

>> No.7733576

Do whatever you want with your hair. If you having short hair is a deal breaker to your boyfriend kick him to the curb and laugh at him for being a silly fuck.

>> No.7733592

IMO long hair is very aesthetically pleasing, on a superior level when compared to short hair. And it's not like pixie cuts aren't cute as fuck.

>> No.7733593

Women tell other women they look good with short hair because they like it when other women look bad. It makes them feel better about themselves. Basically, they're lying to you so that you stay ugly.

Guys tell the truth. They know women look better with long hair, almost all women do, and they have no reason to want you to look ugly, unlike women.

>> No.7733599

Long hair simply looks like shit when thin.

>> No.7733672

No they know we were all going; it's been planned for months.

It didn't help the one I was venting to then said they were going with others and tried to get me in their car after I finished ranting.

>> No.7733756

Find a job as an independent contractor (1099). By law, independent contractors have to set their own hours and rules and such in order for companies to regard them as independent contractors. You could go into being a Real Estate Broker. It's easy to get into (I hadn't finished high school yet when I got my license), it's an independent contractor work that you could do straight from Home even, and you get to meet lots of people.

>> No.7733764

Fatty-chan here. Lolita is my life and I can't settle for anything less than brand, my entire wardrobe is entirely Baby and AP, even my petticoat and shoes are brand. I don't own a lick of Bodyline but I can't wear half of what I own so I'm working on losing weight. I just back from a run and I'm miserably sweaty.

Sometimes I look at myself and think there is no way I'll ever lose enough weight to wear my OP's and AP blouses with their infuriatingly skinny sleeves. I'm not a landwhale by any means but I was busty even when I was skinny and I just don't know what working out is going to do to my body overall. Feeling pretty discouraged and gross.

>> No.7733787

Where did you put this out on?
>I'm a certified handgun instructor
>maybe want to do this in the future
pls, I want to teach lolitas and weebs how to defend themselves. This will give my live so much more meaning than just teaching normies.

>> No.7733913

Not everyone look good with long hair, i look really hideous with them and i don't care if males don't like. What bullshit are you saying??

>> No.7733942

You can do it! Eat healthy and keep excersizing, you'll get there!

>> No.7734007

I suspect it is for that reason, which is really annoying. I didn't actually cut my hair, so that's alright

it's not a deal breaker. my hair is hideous, but he is encouraging me to grow it out. i shaved my head once because the guy i liked told me he hates short hair on girls (and i was in a bad mood).

i agree that it is aesthetically pleasing in general, but i don't think it looks good on a lot of girls.

>almost all women do
i'm one of the ones that doesn't look good with long hair. my mother's the same.

agreed. mine is thick and not in a nice way. it's like a horse mane. and yeah, i am not going to avoid cutting my hair short because of any guy's opinion, but it doesn't mean that my bf's opinion doesn't affect me. i'm annoyed by it because he wont' explain why

>> No.7734051

>ambitious as fuck
>worked retail for 5 years


>> No.7734074

>i'm annoyed by it because he wont' explain why

Maybe it's because liking stuff isn't always something you can explain.

Why do you like your favorite color?
Why do you like your favorite sweet?
Why are boobs great?

Some things just are

>> No.7734778

It's most probably a simple matter of taste

>> No.7736737

If you, as a white man, are having trouble finding a job then imagine how much harder it must be for a black woman. It's true that the economy sucks but please do not tell this woman that racism and sexism aren't factors.

>> No.7738042

>Why do you like your favorite color?
Because I enjoy the saying "silver lining" and it has many medicinal properties aside from it (as a metal) having a monetary value.
>Why do you like your favorite sweet?
Because it tastes delicious and my taste buds and brain react delightfully at the taste of that sweetened and condensed milk candy.
>Why are boobs great?
Fun to play with. Aesthetically pleasing (possibly driven by evolution).

>Why does your boyfriend like long hair?
Aesthetically pleasing to the eye, long hair is usually thought as "sexy" and "moderate" and other appealing features. Short hair is more so connected with males and tomboys. Guys like running their hands through a girl's long hair sometimes. Etc.