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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 109 KB, 688x441, 120817_animegacon_las_vegas_fashion_show_dolldelight_anime_convention_lolita_jrock_designers_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7721246 No.7721246 [Reply] [Original]

Drama in your lolita comm? Share it! Anyone's bloomers getting ruffled? Share it!

>My comm is exploding with drama right now influx posts of efame hungry itas, butthurt girls who got their dream item swiped from under them, and favoritism in the comm. Such delicious drama all in one day.

>>Dolldelight cuz she's always drama.

>> No.7721258


>> No.7721261

Holy shit the carpet is actually the least busy part of that picture.

>> No.7721262

ding ding ding! What are your thoughts anon?

>> No.7721326

I'm hosting a photo shoot meet up. In a thread on the fb page for the event, attendees were talking about what they would be wearing. One girl said she would be wearing a non print replica. I got messages asking her to be told to wear something else or be disinvited. I'm not inclined to tell her to change, but I'm shy and hate drama. Advice? The meet up is fast approaching.

>> No.7721349

How many times are you going to post about this? You got advice in the last thread (the one Voldemort shat on)

>> No.7721368

I'm embarrassed for errybody

>> No.7721379

Tell whomever has the beef to bring her damage to the girl and not you? The drama is already there. Ignoring it or addressing it won't make much of a difference. It's not really up to you whether there will be drama or not, that's pretty much up to the girl with the issues and the girl with the dress.

>> No.7721383

Me too. There are legitimate issues with HLC and we're stuck with these ita idiots crying about not having their dream dress saved for them.

>> No.7721403

This is the second time I've posted. I won't post about it again.

This is really helpful, thank you!

>> No.7721449

It's your duty as a host to do what is fit and to ease the situation or else bigger drama will actually occur. If you are okay or not okay with her outfit you have tell her and tell the other girl to shut it because it's your meet you are in charge of inviting or uninviting whomever, but in a nicer way, of course.

>> No.7721473

The first thread was the usual clique stuff, the second was just unnecessary and the third is just batshit crazy.

>> No.7721493

I am dying, but I saw the HLC stuff coming. What did they expect when they posted pictures of their special cupcake tasting? That only a select few would be invited to. Of course people would be upset that they weren't worthy enough to go. To be honest. AM is tearing that comm apart.

>> No.7721496


I remember when the comm used to actually be a friendly comm.

Now it's just who can kiss John's ass the most so they can feel "special"

>> No.7721509

It was incredibly distasteful to post them. I don't understand how they thought that would go over well. They were just rubbing it in everyone else's faces

>> No.7721513


They just wanted to show off their high quality coordinate pictures.

>> No.7721522

The people kissing up to John and the people like Ke'Avia who constantly bitch about no one making extra effort to include her even though she spends the entire meet on her phone not speaking to anyone.

>> No.7721523

So much this!They all seem so brainwashed that AM was a disaster but it'll get better! I promise it'll get better! We got good things planned!

Last year was horrible, they screwed over superpass holders, fashion show models, vendors and regular attendees. How do you still have such faith in these people?

>> No.7721541

IMO, design replicas aren't exactly frowned upon by the lolita community at large like print replicas are. If anyone has beef with a design replica, they'd best not own any secret shop tea parties, aitaiana shoes, and a chunk of Bodyline's shoes, a good deal of basic taobao bags and what have you.

If it's a handmade item, especially something she's proud of and looks good, I don't see why anyone would get their bloomers in a twist, but whatever.

You can avoid the drama and tell her to choose something else, or tell everyone that you're not responsible for what they're wearing and they need to get over it (in a nicer way of course).

But that's just my opinion.

>> No.7721542

Even more batshit crazy is she hunted down the girl on fb and spammed her to sell the flower crown. OVER A FREAKIN FLOWER CROWN!

>> No.7721561

Pretty sure that's exactly why the girl didn't tell her who bought it. So the crazy couldn't spam her.

>> No.7721577

HLC's hierarchies and the fb page mod oppression suppresses the desire to coord with accepting community.

To be lolita is intrinsically horizontal. To be ruled by the oligarch is simply elegant but not just.

In the eyes of history, HLC will be remembered.

>> No.7721589

Thanks for the input, prophecy-chan.

>> No.7721599

Yeah one meet I went with her, and she literally left the group on her own for a long long time. Barely talked to anyone. She's very quiet IRL.

>> No.7721604

Non-HLC here, anyone care to post a summary/caps of what's going on?

>> No.7721605

I'm really curious as to who it is that bought it. Someone friends with the HLC group? Otherwise I can't see how they were being unfair.

The AM secret cupcake party was dickish, I'll agree on that one.

>> No.7721610

It's not her fault! She has social anxiety! Everyone should accommodate her or they're heartless cunts!

>> No.7721615

My favorite print is the carpet.

>> No.7721617

t one girl is mad because no one is doing all of the effort to befriend her even though she herself doesn't even try. And another girl is pissed off because someone bought a crown at AM before she did. She's blaming all of HLC as if it's their fault when really if the bitch wanted it she should've gotten first in line or pay someone to. But no, because its her dream!!! she should get dibs for no reason.

>> No.7721622

Isn't she the one that made a post crying how no one came to her meet but ppl did show up?

>> No.7721623

It was a NY lolita from what I heard.

>> No.7721624

Anyone got pics of this glorious crown? Like, is it at least worth the crazy?

>> No.7721629


>> No.7721630

Wow, I was going to post caps about the corolla girl.
Just saw the new post so gotta read those first.

>> No.7721632

Yeah, I think so. And she made sandwiches for everyone but they weren't there to eat them. LOL like anyone wants her shitty sandwiches

>> No.7721636

She's also the girl iirc that had a fit when she wasn't picked to model at AM because she was "too good"

>> No.7721637

Are... are you serious? Like, minus the Baby charm you could easily make that if you hunted for not tacky flowers.

Thanks for posting, anon, now it makes the story even funnier.

>> No.7721639

Yes, please post caps. More info would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.7721640

Screencapped the whole thing, just breaking it down and editing out last names for privacy sake. Give me 5-10 minutes.

>> No.7721643

Victoria Jewel posted a passive aggressive entry to the comm page asking if everyone had fun at the tasting and why wasn't she invited and why the mods get picked over her for the events. K joins in and agrees that their is hierarchy and favoritism in the comm and she does her bestest to do whatever she can to put herself out there, but she's not interested in efame or anything like that, very lulzy that girl
After that post it all exploded and everyone voiced their opinion and concerns and what nots blah blah blah. No elitism blah blah yes there is after that died down BAM OUT OF NO WHERE!

This girl cries about how she hates AM and HLC because they did not let her have her flower crown at the booth and she has dibs bcuz she was posting WTB for forever on the comm page but the person who bought it was an out of town lolita but she keeps blaming HLC for her entitlement of the flower crown.

After that died down random post of HLC peeps not wanting to be in the comm anymore bcuz of drama.

>> No.7721650

Metroplex Lolita here. No drama that I know of, everyone is super sweet and supportive. The closest thing to drama we have is some people RSVPing for meets and not showing up but it's not that huge a deal for most meets.

I haven't been to a lot of meets lately because I'm in some financial trouble at the moment but hopefully by next year everything will be sorted out and I can be more active.

I'm hosting a small meet at the end of August and I'm kind of nervous no one will show up. Only 2 other girls have RSVPed. It;s my first time hosting a meet, I hope it goes okay...

>> No.7721654
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>> No.7721655

Oh thank god. I was trying to do it, but I have no idea what I'm doing.
First I messed up by not clicking read more,
then I messed up by not showing all the messages.
>>7721630 here.

>> No.7721659
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>> No.7721661
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>> No.7721662

Whoa, that's full on. That entitlement though, top kek.

While we're waiting for screencaps, does anyone have any good ideas for big group meetups? My comm has been a little dead and people keep suggesting the same thing, over and over, and I'd like to do a polished, nice event for everyone to have nice pictures from and have fun etc etc.

A high tea could work but it'd have to be somewhere really polished to stand out, so I'm looking for other ideas, if anyone has some they don't mind sharing.

>> No.7721665
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>> No.7721668
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>> No.7721670
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>> No.7721672
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>> No.7721674

you're doing gods work anon

>> No.7721676

Appreciate the caps!

>> No.7721677
File: 166 KB, 511x1730, 01-v2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PT 1.
Edited out another name of unrelated party. Sorry about that.

>> No.7721680

Find out about special events going on in your area. I'm holding a meetup to go check out a Samurai armor collection at a local art museum.

>> No.7721681

Enjoy! I wanted to share this absolute monstrosity.

I got your back. Even got a mistake in there for you. If you use firefox there's a very nice extension called Screengrab. I just save and photoshop.

>> No.7721686

The file deleted scared me.
Thought somehow the janitor didn't like the post.

>> No.7721691

Literally whta

>> No.7721695

Yeah, this bitch be crazy.

>> No.7721696
File: 58 KB, 511x431, 08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this is the end of it.
With this, we conclude another episode of Days of Our Petticoats: Houston Edition.
I think.

>> No.7721697

I'm literally sitting here thinking to myself is this girl for real? And I thought the cosplay communs were bad.

>> No.7721699
File: 804 KB, 492x1716, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The post that began today's shitfest.

>> No.7721702
File: 449 KB, 245x183, ETW67.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading all the screencaps
Jesus fucking Christ this Emi chick is the queen of entitlement. She's blaming the HLC group because an out of town lolita who's not even part of the group bought an item first she wanted from the booth at AM? A booth not even being run by the HLC?

>> No.7721703
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>> No.7721706

Did he tell her to watch her language? What, is the comm full of 12 year olds?

>> No.7721707
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>> No.7721709
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>> No.7721708

There are some active minors in the comm.

>> No.7721710

Wow, that's... all kinds of messy. I love me some cupcakes as much as the next lolita but wow this is super sensitive. You don't need to be invited to everything because you're part of the HLC, you guys aren't that special, no matter how much you want to believe you are.

>> No.7721713

Notice how Emi, Victoria, and Patrice are all ugly fattychans. Probably just want le attention.

>> No.7721715

From my experience, if a group is over 250 members, only admins can invite everyone in the comm. The person hosting can only invite members they are facebook friends with.

>> No.7721724
File: 69 KB, 438x759, DRAMA1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721728
File: 71 KB, 720x960, 10268697_10154040540485297_1486181254710223382_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emi. I wouldn't call her fat though but I am not a fan of her face.

>> No.7721730

Emi's actually pretty cute. She is not, however, sane and I think that's what all three of them have in common.

>> No.7721732

definitely not fat. has a bit of a wide torso but other than that looks average. Super entitled and bitchy though, which negated any looks the may have.

>> No.7721733

She does have a bit of a mustache issue, which is especially evident in blonde wigs.

>> No.7721735

Anon, you're my new favorite.

>> No.7721739

You have to take into consideration that you're the one hosting the event and thus you have to make sure everybody, or at least a good majority of the people attending the event, are okay with what everyone is going to do.

It's your responsibility to tell this girl what the others have been saying and give her options to solve the issue.

>> No.7721740
File: 53 KB, 497x641, 001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the "horrible" LUV day...just another paranoid chick.

>> No.7721743

Thank you, anon. I'm touched.

>> No.7721744
File: 71 KB, 441x800, DRAMA2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7721745

She is cute! Really nice face structure and a bit of more polishing could be very very gorgeous but her personality stinks and that just so dissapointing.

>> No.7721746
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>> No.7721752

Just for clarification, how many members are in HLC? I mean, clique-ness happens at all stages but they sound huge and it seems unavoidable that people would group up within it. I just do not understand the entitlement at all.

>> No.7721753
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>> No.7721755


>> No.7721756

whoa the last thread already gone...what did i miss in 24 hours geez.

>> No.7721758

I don't think they're nearly as large as it seems. There are probably 300 in the comm but only around 100 actually in Houston.

I don't live in Houston but I'm part of all of the Texas communities since I travel quite a bit.

>> No.7721761
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>> No.7721765
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>> No.7721769

AM's constant promises of unnecessarily grandiose shit that never actually happens paired with HLC's weirdly serious approach to making their comm visible just makes my head spin. seems like most of the active girls rely on the comm for all of their social interaction, and then there's the obnoxiously over-the-top praising of con organizers and designers. it's the most bizarre rimjob contest I've ever seen. I want to yell at all of them to stop taking the cheesy, underwhelming convention that happens once a year so fucking seriously.

>> No.7721770
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>> No.7721775


I don't understand this.
Just because everyone knew you were looking for an item, it does not mean they will be protecting it as soon as it appears so you can have it.

Even if she was on a waiting list or whatever, she didn't have any rights to the flower crown.

By that logic I should have one of my dream dresses the moment it appears on a sale because I've wanted it for the most time.

I also see her complaining about hierarchies and fairness but at the same time she's speaking as if she deserved something from the comm for being part of the comm... which is about favoritism.

Whether or not the girl was from the comm, she still had no right over the crown and it's no one's problem if her set is ~incomplete~.

Besides, she was obviously not going to get the name of the girl who got the crown because she looks like she's one special case of crazy.

>> No.7721776

That's the last one I have.
There's another lol worthy thread, but its mostly ass patting a newbie about not leaving just because of today's drama.

>> No.7721780

Why did you edit? You deleted several comments.

>> No.7721793

I didn't edit? I might've accidentally missed something though.

>> No.7721802

/cgl/ seems to change their standards on what is and isn't fat by the hour

>> No.7721804

Remember when they made a huge deal about Dior doing the makeup for the fashion show until they mysteriously "dropped out"' two days before the convention?

I don't know why people still trust AM.

>> No.7721805

Yes, because /cgl/ is one person and only one opinion

>> No.7721810

Remember their "Dior makeover" at the Macy's counter at a mall?

>> No.7721813

Hey girls I'm new to the state of Indiana (and Lolita in general) but would like to know if there's a comm around here (possibly indianapolis) and if they accept people that have basically nothing yet and are just planning to enter.

(I don't have a job yet is what's holding me back and I want to invest in quality pieces rather than buying stuff just so I can instantly go into a comm. I'm willing to wait quite some time before joining, just want to know if there are any in the area)

And wow, HLC seems to be kind of scary and catty, hopefully that's just an extreme example of a community.

>> No.7721820

LOL, yes. they apparently lied to people about giving them copies of the pictures they paid for, too. and then there was some kind of controversy about a car that was supposed to be in the show?? idk why John's weird car fetish is being forced into the AM planning, but it seems like he and Deniece lack boundaries in general. they're really creepy.

>> No.7721823

Drama is lurking in every comm...ususaly just needs a push in that direction and BAM explosion. Most people are mature enough to keep it at bay and vent in private. Or on here i guess.

>> No.7721829

The problem with HLC is that almost ALL of them have this obscene desire to be e-famous. All of them obsessed with likes, reblogs, shares, etc. Most comms exist to have fun and get together...but they've made it clear that they exist to "promote themselves"

Also, besides the guests, Matsuri isn't that great. The Baby tea party was beyond basic and they treated Reika like shit

>> No.7721833

This is the first time HLC has ever exploded with this much drama.

>> No.7721834

I really love my comm, no dramu, but I LOVE reading the drama from other comms

>> No.7721836

Nah its pretty boring most of the time it was just today bam drama in the comm but other than that it's usually drama from certain ppl from the comm that gets posted her.

>> No.7721844

I just think every comm hast he potential for a blowout. it's normal with so many personalities.

>> No.7721863

Doesn't help that John treats the HLC like just another part of his three-ring shitpile of a convention. If HLC had any sense at all, they'd realize that.

>> No.7721864

i think you meant to type *so many shitty, childish, self-centered, fame-obsessed personalities

>> No.7721871
File: 160 KB, 505x1428, Whine1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whining post from some nobody came up tonight playing the "Wah this comm is so mean" drama card.

>> No.7721873
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And then suddenly everything is sunshine and rainbows.

>> No.7721874

The Indiana comm seems nice!
Here's the Facebook group: /groups/Indygothicandlolita/

>> No.7721876


They like it just as much as he does. Matsuri *is* HLC in a sense. They talk about it year round as if its some amazing top tier convention and promote it every single chance they get.

>> No.7721878

Right? I'm friends with a lot of the girls in HLC on Facebook, and it seems that the only thing in their lives is lolita.

>> No.7721886
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I'm not sure how if i think she's cute or not. On the edge

>> No.7721889
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>> No.7721930

Nah, she's pretty cute

>> No.7721947

I think it's fucked up that HLC posted pictures from a "private" and "personal" event on the public community page. It's just sort of rude and tacky. When I do things with my friends from the community, but that are not public community events, I don't post photos to the comm to rub my friendships in people's faces. That said, it's too bad that these e-fame hungry crazies had to be the ones to call it out, it removes any credibility from their criticisms....

>> No.7721981


Meh. There are a few girls in the comm who have lives outside lolita. Of course they are the unpopular ones right?

A few with great coordinates, but don't get the recognition because they aren't "daily" lolitas.

>> No.7721984

There is this girl in our comm whose begging for money on tumblr but still doing shit like meets, cc and dresses. It's not drama, I'm kind of surprised, but it doesn't seem like she's very popular.

>> No.7721997

The girl who was asking for 20k?

>> No.7722006

Is that you Elaine!? No one likes you and that's why you're left out.

>> No.7722042

For anyone curious, HLC will do it's best to try and sugar coat their own bullshit and make it seem like they're these sweet, nice people. But everything they do is shady. AM has always been sketch as fuck. Especially their fashion show. The same "models" get chosen every year and are told that they'll be modeling again before the contest for the next fashion show is even up on the website. And they're all what? In that same elitist group of friends who go on and on about "putting yourself out there" and being "superior lolitas". So tired of seeing the same unattractive chicks (and that one chick's hideous bf) every time I go to Matsuri. Usually the other girls that are actually chosen from the contest are way cuter

>> No.7722053 [DELETED] 

I don't like you either.

>> No.7722059

R u jelly cause actual girls who can be MODELS get chosen?
This is MODELING gig. If the girl has the looks and measurements, they'll get in. It's not a "any girl who wears lolita" show.
Also, he's fucking how wtvr

>> No.7722060

alright, elaine, you can stop self-quoting

>> No.7722071

Which Elaine is this? Both in the comm aren't from Houston, right?

>> No.7722072
File: 12 KB, 492x105, loool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/cgl/, the best source to quote

>> No.7722076


Just finished complementing the other girls that are genuinely chosen for the fashion show and not the recycled 'i gotz da connections' lolitas.

Excellent job at ass kissing though

>> No.7722078
File: 65 KB, 519x471, ss+(2014-07-31+at+01.38.28).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you hate me and I hate you all back but I seriously only just got on the computer 30 minutes ago to find out all this was going on. Otherwise I would have posted in this stuff like 5 hours ago on FB.


>> No.7722080

Weiss lol

she doesn't even live in houston

>> No.7722082

"I feel like to keep the group as cohesive and drama free as possible." - EW

Then posts CGL thread to comm. LOLOLOLOL

>> No.7722083


>> No.7722086

You dumb. gtfo, you don't even live here

>> No.7722087

She's the one everyone wishes would just leave.

>> No.7722088

just fuck off

>> No.7722091


Now she deleted the comment. HAHAHAHA

>> No.7722092

Deleting your comment after posting a cap of it on cgl

good job

>> No.7722098

Wait what? Story?

>> No.7722101

if I get banned from HLC then how will I be able to see Becky showing off her delicious looking cupcakes! :(
The comment was directed at john anyways, I'm sure he saw it so I deleted it

>> No.7722103

I don't hate you and didn't even know who you were until just now.

>> No.7722107

very cute, but the personality ruins it. 7/10 would hit it and quit it

>> No.7722111

glad you realize that your comments, on the thread about the modding/management of the comm, was directed to someone that's not involved with modding or managing the comm

>> No.7722115

Curious do you even like her? Can't tell if sarcastic or not from the text

>> No.7722122
File: 86 KB, 467x590, ss+(2014-07-31+at+02.01.04).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, sorry. Becky is actually awesome, its just the most relevant example.

>> No.7722129

wow she is a qt

>> No.7722132

It's blatantly sarcastic...even her comment on the catch-all mod complain post was slimy and bitter. Elaine, Yui, and all of the other people who don't understand the difference between a close-knit group of friends and a clique created specifically to exclude people need to get out and get over themselves. What a bunch of pissbabies.

>> No.7722134

buuut that hideous bf lol

>> No.7722136

What contest?

>> No.7722142

Backpedal harder.

>> No.7722145

>ronery lolita
>considering joining comm
>well fuck

>> No.7722146

Shes a real sweetheart too... She was even giving away some nice offbrand dresses to new lolitas for free.

>> No.7722147

hideous bf? pics?

>> No.7722151

If you're ever in DFW, the Metroplex Lolitas are really sweet supportive and totally drama free. (plus it's not humid) We'll welcome you with open arms!

>> No.7722153

anon, I promise there are some of us that aren't cliquey or like EW.

>> No.7722155

jealous single loli detected
he's not a 10 but he's not as bad on the eyes as you're making him out to be. besides, they're happy together and he's very pleasant to be around. your sandiness might've been justified if he was a creeper or a douche but he's neither of those so get over it .

>> No.7722157

omg that's crazy. I would feel way to awkward accepting a dress (even offbrand) for free from someone I didn't know that well.

Of course it would be pretty hard to find a well fitting dress as a fatty chan...

>> No.7722158
File: 75 KB, 720x960, 10392271_530433413723448_278723142809341010_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he's hideous. I'd say 7.5/10 would date but that's just my tastes.

>> No.7722159

Just go, don't be silly.
If you don't like it, think of it as a trial meet up.
Though it took me three meet ups before I got close to any of the girls.

>> No.7722168
File: 79 KB, 720x960, 10559936_10203620472765137_6297061674482199759_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmm.... more like a 5

>> No.7722170

I wouldnt be able to accept it either in all honesty. But they did, so just different kind of sensibilities?

>> No.7722173

hahaha look how fucking ugly this guy is in this candid photo of him in the process of blinking and speaking
you sure showed us, anon

>> No.7722179

>>picks best pic
>>picks worst pic
Lets make it an even 6.25.

>> No.7722185
File: 220 KB, 710x688, 1406791023066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7722187

I just the picked most recent pic

>> No.7722190

Eh, not that bad. The nose kinda bothers me but other than that, not bad. I'd agree on the 6/10

>> No.7722194

I agree he has an odd nose but he's not bad looking. He's a really nice guy whenever I've seen him.

>> No.7722219

someone's getting banned

>> No.7722225

Damn that got me excited and made me check the page hoping for new drama.

>> No.7722374

From 4chan for not censoring the names, I assume. The comm wouldn't ban her right out.

>> No.7722432

Some new little things tried to start drama against the mods in our country comm group on FB by inviting people to a secret chat bashing the mods because they oppose replicas.

Guess that's the biggest drama we had except someone posted same girl for weeks on btb, but that seems to be more people from tumblr who seen her post then people from the comm.

>> No.7722525

wtf is that blue shit coming out of her arse ?

>> No.7722538

Does anyone know if there are any lolitas in Rockford Illinois? I know about Chicago, but I don't like Chicago.

>> No.7722540

>bashing the mods because they oppose replicas.
Why does lolita always have to be babby's first fashion experience? They should try posting designer fakes in any real fashion community, and get eaten alive by people who have their favorite brands' zippers memorized.

>> No.7722546
File: 29 KB, 304x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Princess Tutu has these little blue straps that are a part of her outfit. They're supposed to be there.

>> No.7722575

repoastin mine since the last thread got deleted just a bit after I shared

I'm surprised there isn't drama in our comm. The two girls with the biggest incomes stick together and go on trips to overseas cons and Lolita events, essentially representing our comm, even though neither of them dress particularly well. One of them always has her boobs out with sweet (rarely wears blouses with jsks and cleavage everywhere), and the other maybe owns two dresses.
I've only met them once or twice, but from what I've seen they have a really ~ooh do whatever makes you happy~ attitude about the fashion.

We also have a few cosplayers hanging onto our comm group who apparently haven't attended any meets in over a year and a half or more and who never wear Lolita, I don't understand why they're there. Has anyone experience with kicking inactive members? I don't really know our admin very well so I wouldn't feel comfortable suggesting it to her myself.

>> No.7722592

Jesus what an entitled shitbaby.

>> No.7722593

We are almost definitely in the same comm. Anyway, I know the boobs girl fairly well and she's very nice and generally tends to cover up. I don't think brand blouses fit her bust but almost every time I've seen her she's gone for a cardigan or something. Her live and let live attitude with itas is a little bit much for me, though. I mean, very admirable and all that, but I can't say I don't cringe when I see people looking desperate, even if they think they look good.

And as for the inactive members, it wouldn't be a bad thing to suggest, really. I'm sure we'd all prefer a more accurate representation of our group numbers.

>> No.7722645

This sounds familiar. I hope it's not my comm. Are you newer to the community? It sounds like you are.

>> No.7722653

The funniest thing is they even invited one of the mods bestfriends. Good move. Mod's has been good about it tho. They have not called this out or anything even tho they knew it happened.

>> No.7722738

JFC what a spoiled brat!

>> No.7722747

>censoring names
>on 4chan
This isn't BtB honey

>> No.7722772

I think it's pretty egotistical/stupid as well.
Then again, I got pissed when a girl from my comm sold a bag that I'd been publicly posting WTBs for for over a year without saying a word to me. At first I thought maybe it was because I only posted my WTB on facebook (which she doesn't really use), but then I realized that I'd posted it to LJ (which she does use) two or three times.
We're not friends or anything, so I guess I shouldn't have expected anything, but it kind of sucked.

>> No.7722774

Enjoy your ban.

>> No.7722775

But did you throw a public tantrum?

>> No.7722780

Of course not, which is why I don't think I'm nearly as bad as that chick.
I just sulked for a day and complained to my bf. I'm over it now; lord knows I don't need another tiny ass AP pouchette.

>> No.7722785

It's completely different to be pissed in the privacy of your own home, don't feel bad. I'd be upset too if someone I knew sold something I was interested in. Maybe the seller didn't even know you wanted it or didn't want to bother you by soliciting a sale.

>> No.7722868

I grew up in Rockford! I still visit very often (was there last weekend) and always wondered if any other lolitas were around! Considering moving back sometime. Have you ever met any other lolitas there? I had a pt job at the mall and saw some random lolitas wandering around once in a while. Leaving a throwaway email if you wanna chat.

>> No.7722955

holy shit, that Ke'Avia bitch sounds like a whiny cunt. I wouldn't be surprised if no one approaches her at all after this, regardless of whether or not she was on her phone.
"oh I feel so left out 'cause no one approaches me even though I look unapproachable and even if they did I wouldn't bother getting off my phone because I'll freak out and cry uguu~"

>> No.7722963

That Esca girl asked for 20k for medical bills,
but constantly post about buying $250 shoes.

>> No.7722980

She just wants to be e-famous.
She literally thinks she is better than everyone in the comm because a few girls ass kiss her on CoF.

>> No.7723003

The same Esca from this?


>> No.7723021

I just dont understand how social anxiety works. How can you have social anxiety, yet literally act like ke'avia and bring so much negstive attention to yourself??

>> No.7723023


>> No.7723027

because she doesn't have social anxiety. She is just acting like a bratty girl.

I personally have social anxiety. When I am around new people I don't know I just stay quiet until someone speaks to me first. If they do, I apologize for seeming rude that I am just incredibly shy.

She sits on her phone, only talking with her boyfriend/man friend, taking selfless of herself, and then leaves the meet up early.

Then goes online and complains how the entire comm sucks.

>> No.7723037

Nope, I don't even live in Houston, and I dislike that girl, too. She's crazy and self-important.

>> No.7723039

what a load of horseshit.
why are teenagers such fucking babies nowadays?
Nobody makes eye contact anymore Can't be bothered. I just got back to the states from a trip abroad where not a single child had a cellphone--not to mention the adults and teens didn't have their face in the fucking screen 24/7--and shit made me feel even worse.

>> No.7723042

Someone should tell that Emi girl she is just plainly retarded. Why people even reason with her is out of my mind.

>> No.7723117

HLC is full of shit and so is AM. I've heard they are already sending out PMs to people for next year's fashion show and dealer's room booths.

But remember, if you put in an application for the show, you might have a chance!

>> No.7723196

You handled it maturely imo. That girl spammed the other girl to sell it to her and made a public tantrum. I feel bad that you didn't get the purse though anon.

>> No.7723220

What's this crap about HLC trying to involve nearby comms? Are they actually doing that? The fashion show is an HLC circle jerk every year so I can't imagine wtf they mean.

>> No.7723222

I mean AM, AM trying to involve nearby comms. Sage for double post.

>> No.7723232

i think they just mean that not everyone they invited to the cupcake thing was from HLC. But it was still a friendship circle thing, the people from out of town were friends with the mods/AM people even if they weren't on staff. Otherwise... idk?

>> No.7723245

Its mostly HLC but there have been members from dallas, nola, austin, and washington that have been chosen for the fashion show. If that's what they mean?

>> No.7723259

Ooo I re-read it I get it now. AM is saying Texas lolitas and some NOLA to must make the guests as well as other lolitas from all over the world feel welcomed.

>> No.7723268

Karis is fucking based

>> No.7723374

Idk if yall herd this buy loltias is supposed to be lovelies, ok?

>> No.7723395 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 451x112, o5jt9_kindlephoto-57361799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're posting fb screenshots, this happened in my comm a while back. There was a little drama but then it was swept under the rug.

>> No.7723400 [DELETED] 

file deleted?

>> No.7723410
File: 11 KB, 451x112, NWe2ReT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're posting fb drama, I dug this up from a while ago. It caused a minor splash in the community but then got swept under the rug. The same girl is trying to be e-famous now.

>> No.7723421


>> No.7723444

How is the NOLA comm by the way? I'm considering moving to New Orleans fairly soon. Any drama?

>> No.7723488


>> No.7723499


I swear to god this is my comm, but I've never heard this complaint before. We're very quiet, and even if they say they're from ____ comm, they don't stick very well in peoples' memories, so eh, I let it go.

Plus, if you're talking about the two girls I'm thinking about, the one with two dresses has really good dresses, which I admire (going for quality rather than quantity) and makes really godly headdresses that usually go very well with the dress. I envy her arrangement skills. Only issue I have is that she seems flighty from time to time, which can make planning meetups hard. But she's super nice otherwise.

>> No.7723529

I love how that Tati girl is just like "Let me save this bullshit for after"

>> No.7723580

So many things wrong with this urgghhhh

>> No.7723625

repost and block out the name.
I would love to read!

>> No.7723632
File: 12 KB, 451x112, 1406836713898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cgl is archived, the names were removed but I'm not sure why it got deleted?

>> No.7723643

There's a few lolitas in Rockford! A few girls carpool to Milwaukee meetups every couple of months too. If you're in the Chicago fb comm, just post asking about Rockford girls.

>> No.7723653

Save the uneditted version to use against her when she tries to act all kawaii to put her in her racist place

>> No.7723680

Hi. I think I'm your comm admin. At least one of the cosplayer girls is someone started the group, and she still wears lolita occasionally. She just does it on the downlow. With her, I understand not attending meetups because of her job and far-flung location.
I've been wondering about the inactive girls myself. To be honest I don't want to evict anyone because who needs the hassle? I'm already seen as kind of an elitist, removing people who have done nothing strikes me as something that could hurt feelings. I'd be more interested in re-igniting member's interest in attending meetups.

>> No.7723683

The fact that John's stupid fucking comment "I was taking a nap...how is everyone?" got 17 likes is proof of how obsessed with brown-nosing and gaining favor with people in "power" everyone in that comm is. ugh. so dumb.

>> No.7723735

who posted that?? From HLC??

>> No.7723756

i like HLC and all but jfc fuck john and deneice what is wrong with y'all get off that koolaid

>> No.7723775

If non-print design replicas are frowned upon, then Innocent World and Meta would also get frowned upon because other brands like Angelic Pretty did the designs before them.

>> No.7723989

La Carmina is that you? Or better La Sardinia?
>too much ita here my eyes burn

>> No.7723999

No, no. This was the year they had Doll Delight as a guest.

>> No.7724001

I saw way worse boys not only shitty in appearance but also in clothing choice, at least he dresses good even if he isn't breathtaking handsome. He is acceptable for me.

>> No.7724007

My bad, she somewhat looks like her in this picture for this i said that.

>> No.7724020


They are actually ita twins but they just haven't realized yet.

>> No.7724115


Pathetic, a grown man getting involved in petty teenage drama because he knows they'll kiss his ass. He needs to find friends his own age instead of trying to impress 16 year olds.

>> No.7724126

It's like a really quick, terrible, thunder storm

>> No.7724377

He keeps commenting on girls photos in the comm "was this a private event?"

It's pretty damn immature.

>> No.7724558

Wow... seriously. How do you get to be that old and legitimately have nothing better to do? It's almost kind of incredible... but it's mostly just sad.

>> No.7724630

Well... i won't deny that she looks great. i wish the drama would die out completely. they all seem like OK people.

>> No.7725124
File: 269 KB, 873x766, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this nonsense

>> No.7725284

What? What.

>> No.7725568

That's the plan! I know she uses /cgl/, so she's probably already seen it.

>> No.7725729

I don't know anything about Dolldelight. From what I've seen she seems to be pretty sweet, so now I'm curious what kind of drama she's about

>> No.7725737


She's just really bad at making lolita clothes while trying to start her own brand. So everywhere she goes she leaves a trail of lolitas cluthing pearls and writing long rants on how bad her fashion sense is.

>> No.7725783

I wouldn't exactly call her "sweet." I also wouldn't call her "bitchy," or any other descriptor for that matter. She has precisely the personality of a wet sock. Seriously, most boring e-famous person in the world. It's surprising that she has enough brain activity going on to even be able to cut fabric. You'd have an infinitely better conversation with a stick of melted butter than you'd ever have with Dolldelight.

>> No.7725804

So. Goddamn. Extra. All of them.

>> No.7725852

This is on someones personal profile why are you even mad?

>> No.7725853

>Some chick that caused a shitfit in the local Goth community joins the local lolita community
>Girl from the local Goth community who is really big in the local lolita comm throws a massive tantrum and starts threatening to leave the comm altogether if the mods don't throw the girl out

That's just the most recent shit. A while ago someone poked fun at the ugly itas in our comm on BtB for making out and being handsy at meets and generally looking like crap, and the mods flipped their shit. They locked the comm, threatened to throw everyone out if they didn't post a self introduction with a picture of themselves in lolita, and made a separate picture community that's also locked that you're not allowed into until you've gone to at least three meetups. They run that shit like the fucking SS. It's way too fucking unnecessary to protect a bunch of sensitive special snowflakes from ~internet persecution~.

>> No.7725908

It's like they think that all of the BS will be suddenly washed away if they show their silly side. Sorry, HLC, that shit ain't gonna fly. The Internet all ready found out you suck.

>> No.7725927

not really. It was just a girl who was tired of all the fighting who posted it. She didn't post it to the community page or anything so does it really matter?

>> No.7726000

lol, hi there girl who posted it

>> No.7726069

She's cute but has awful eyebrows.

>> No.7726086

How's AZ comm doing? there used to be tons of drama that got posted here but it seems like it died down

>> No.7726110

Haven't been as active there lately, but it seems like everyone is doing well! thank god the drama died down

>> No.7726123

I like her eyebrows

>> No.7726449

p sure it was only one person doing it. idk if they left, or maybe they just got the sand out of their vag or what, but it's nice to not see out comm plastered everywhere, grasping at straws, or blowing things out of proportion

>> No.7726499

What about Alabama? Is there even any Lolita's there?

>> No.7726522


I see Lilith in the background there. Is she involved in this drama in anyway? From what I can tell, she seems pretty drama free.

>> No.7726525


Maybe those other girls were giggling because you brought your mommy to a meetup???

>> No.7726539

She's a total sweetheart. Despite being pretty popular, she's not full of herself. She used to be really quiet, but she talks more now.

>> No.7726551

This. I thought she seemed a little stuck up because she was so quiet, but she's actually very sweet and I feel bad about thinking that way.

>> No.7726573


I wish I understood where this 'stuck up because you're quiet' thing comes from. Like, it doesn't even make any sense. When someone is aggressively quiet that usually means they're shy or have some social anxiety whereas someone who is stuck up acts all haughty and usually wont hesitate to voice how much better they are at this or that.

>> No.7726607

I only understood it recently, I'm the type that's quiet but also very obvious when I'm nervous (fidgety, difficulty with eye contact, the works)...I was reading the "stuck up" vibes from the fact that she was not only quiet, but seemed relaxed and bored (as opposed to nervous or anxious)...as if she was too good to be there and couldn't wait to leave. "Stuck up" and "haughty" doesn't necessarily mean "vocal" or "loud".

>> No.7726610

I got this shit all though HS
>anon I thought you would be stuck up but you're really nice
Like how plus they would follow it with something about another person talking behind my back or bullying me and not understanding it since I was nice. Like maybe the reason I'm quiet is because of the shit ppl did to me. Just trying blend away into the background.

>> No.7726630

Both her and Keavia talk about how "TONS OF OTHER LOLITAS ALSO FEEL THIS WAY", I don't understand how they don't band together and have their own meet-up. like really, literally everyone was staring at her and laughing? Is she delusional?

Thought I might've laughed if anyone over the age of 14 had their parent hanging around.

>> No.7726650
File: 42 KB, 476x504, ss (2014-06-30 at 08.32.52) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't she ever stop to think that this might be someone else's dream piece as well? Whenever I'm outbid on an auction or am 2nd in line to buy something I really wanted, I assume the other person buying the item wanted it just as much as I did. She's acting like someone bought it just to spite her!
I just cannot believe she expected her comm to cater to her like a princess. What a rotten bitch.

>> No.7726651


As someone with social anxiety, I understand how it feels to think everyone is laughing at you. I experience it on a daily basis. But the thing is, you have to realize that you're either going to be too scared to actually live or you've got to realize your mind is usually just twisting things around to seem negative. Thats how anxiety works. You over think everything until even a simple hi seems like a physical attack on your person. I force myself every day to put those thoughts aside and deal with people, I go out of my way to seem friendly and helpful even to those who I think hate me. Even to the people who I KNOW hate me. She needs to actually try and her mother protecting her, and therefor reinforcing this kind of behavior, is just making it worse for herself. She's never going to be able to properly deal with this anxiety unless she learns to act on her own which, yes, is scary as all fuck but you need to be able to function on your own.

>> No.7726653

Indianapolis Lolita here.

We do, and we actually had one new girl show up to her first meetup in Korean inspired street fashion because she lacked any actual Lolita.

As long as it's clear you want to get started and you aren't a jackass, we'll happily accept you into the comm. It's pretty laid-back and drama free.

>> No.7726668
File: 97 KB, 480x640, 137970-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, Victoria sounds like a cunt.

Also I totally have the sleeping beauty rose corolla, and was thinking of selling it, but there's not a chance in the world I'll be selling it to this Emi girl.

>> No.7726675
File: 689 KB, 478x591, 1403688379026.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the atl georgia comm good...? ive heard a mix, my anxiety been to bad for me to go and check it out but i think i might be ready. however i really don't wanna join a comm filled with drama. i rather go alone...

>> No.7726681

I'd put it up for sale and if she were first to contact, ignore her messages and sell to the next person and say they messaged first. Or sell to her at a really scalped price.

>> No.7726685

I hear she was offering like $500 for it. Probably just a rumor, but hey. Maybe it's worth checking out.

>> No.7726692

>$500 for a fucking flower crown

>> No.7726695

Haha post it and then totally ignore her. Have a conversation with another buyer on the image so she gets all the notifications of the sale going down without her.

I'm thinking of posting a WTB for the crown as a joke just to piss her off that someone else is looking for it

>> No.7726700

both of these need to be done

>> No.7726701

They got a Ebola patient there, you might wanna be careful but I shouldn't talk since I live in Savannah lol.
But deets on Georgia comms. Been trying to find the Lolitas who live here no luck even though my sisters says she's seen them at the SCAD cafe she worked at.

>> No.7726709

It was mostly summerfags, and a lot of self-posting for pity
but it's all died down now, thank god

>> No.7726721

Say you're taking offers (normal if you're selling it anyway) and then reject hers no matter how high it is.

>> No.7726728


That ebola patient is going nowhere near people, seriously. Not only are these people coming on a special plane created specifically for quarantine, but an entire building is allocated as an "isolation unit" for two people. The only way to contract Ebola is through direct contact with bodily fluids, so as long as you don't infiltrate Emory and let them slaver all over you, you'll be completely fine.

Anyways, on topic, I just joined since I'm down for a month. The mods are very friendly, one of them even offered to look into things like transport and told me a good bit about the area. I still have yet to attend a meet, because of time restrictions and I'm getting used to the area and where things are.

>> No.7726737

Elaine? Where you raised in a pet shop? I'm just wondering why since you act like a little bitch all the time

>> No.7726743
File: 331 KB, 500x264, tumblr_mqhmm3F7FA1s8scfko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7726758


I think you should sell it to someone in Emi's comm so they can flaunt it in front of her. Imagine the butt devastation.

>> No.7726761


Can't you already tell she's crazy?

>> No.7726762

All of my what

White people man

>> No.7726765

Love how all the Houston girls have facebook like pages wtf is the point

>> No.7726771

>stop to think
Too much effort anon

>> No.7726781
File: 921 KB, 480x270, oooooooooh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scad huh... i took a tour there once and i saw a girl who i saw at an table in the dealers room at a con. i overheard her friend talking about scad while i bought a necklace from her. funny how that works out.

oh its nice to know the ebola patient wont be a problem. and the mods sound great! thanks for the info, i may or may not give this comm a try. still nervous.

>> No.7726785

I don't understand lolita like pages, unless maybe they make dresses.

>> No.7726814

I don't have the crown but I might add it to my sale's album just to fuck with her and then remove it after she messages me about it

>> No.7726868


Dude. I am in her comm. I totally want this.
I think it would look sweet with doll coronet.

>> No.7726876

I have a page because I make youtube videos and to lazy to use a twitter or a tumblr. I post too much NSFW stuff on my tumblr, so its a cool way to keep the people on my youtube channel updated with my life, no matter what their age.

>> No.7726927

Any UK Lolita comm drama at the moment? Lone Lolita here just curious on what goes down before I even think about going to specific frilly events around here and possibly join one of the major city comms.

>> No.7727011

A page for a youtuber makes sense as well...but just a page for someone who wears dresses doesn't. It's not like they're professional models.

>> No.7727054

We've all but confirmed that it was one person with maybe another person or two egging them on, and that person has since dropped off the face of the planet, so yeah we haven't really had any drama in a couple of months, and what WAS here was either entirely fabricated to get attention or blown way out of proportion or old news as fuck.

We've had an influx of dumb summerfag questions lately but that's about all. We've got a meetup coming up mid-Aug and then Saboten to look forward to, both would be good, low-pressure opportunities to get to know people if you're interested in becoming a part of the community. Everyone is pretty nice and we all get along except for minor personal problems that are settled privately.

>> No.7727059

Was one of them spidersona? I'm not in your comm but I noticed her trying to start quite a bit of shit a while back. She generally seems like a pot-stirring type.

>> No.7727065

No, where did you see her starting shit?

>> No.7727075

It was a while back (like, last December), when she was more noticably active on cgl and posting in the draw threads and stuff
Some of it was shit with briefly-entertaining lolcows like fluffyrabidkitten...like, she basically egged her on and created a bit of drama and that's the most vivid recollection I have, but I seem to remember some Arizona comm stuff she was involved in as well?
If she hasn't been bothering anybody though it doesn't seem like she's still at it and that's cool, maybe she's chilled.

>> No.7727077

because everyone in HLC keeps adding to it, so its basically a demonstration of friendship by the people who are already friends with each other ????

>> No.7727090

Oh yeah, I remember that. That got a little dumb, for sure. But nah she was never really involved in AZ comm drama. The girl mentioned previously tried to blame her for shitposting Dom here but she was just trying to cover her own ass. spidersona is still around and that girl isn't and guess what hasn't happened since she left the community? Plus everytime I've talked with her or seen her post on the comm fb page she's been nice. Weird, but nice.

>> No.7727096

I'm not Emi and you should sell it to meeee

>> No.7727102

Aaah, okay. That makes sense! Thanks for clearing that up for me.

>> No.7727112
File: 909 KB, 480x251, hellno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, way to call me out. Since, you know, I haven't been posting with my god damn name all thread.

Also, if you're going to use a fucking ARE YOU RAISED IN A PET SHOP joke you need to make a fucking animal reference or it's not even funny, at least be a clever cunt or don't be a cunt at all, ugh.

>> No.7727123

Do you not know that a bitch is a dog?
pretty sure that's common knowledge

>> No.7727131

As someone who knows sweet fuck all about what's going on here but just wanted to read the drama..

Why is there such a fuss over some flower crown? Where did said crown come from? Why doesn't she just buy the damn thing directly from the supplier? Can't she have her own custom made?

>> No.7727136

hahahaha wow I'm dumb
disregard me, I suck cocks

>> No.7727140

....no fucking shit it's still not the first thing you would associate though.
plz go

>> No.7727141

It's because it's a ~*~brand~*~ flower crown and she wants THAT SPECIFIC ONE, a custom crown simply will not do when you want to brag about a brand name
also generally speaking, these brands put out very short runs of each item which inflates the secondhand price. she missed the original release and had a hard time finding anyone selling it, and the got pissed when ~everyone knew~ she was looking for it and someone else had the AUDACITY to purchase it.

>> No.7727145

A dog/cat is not the first thing you associate with a pet store? What kind of depressing life have you lived? Do they only sell donkeys at the one near you? cause you're acting like a ass too

>> No.7727148

What is a double-entendre and where can I get one

>> No.7727149

Put it for sale and post here if she contacts you lol

>> No.7727150

But it is the first thing you would associate it with...

>> No.7727153

stay mad that your joke isn't funny
I'm amused.

>> No.7727155

It was funny until you fucked up, now it's hilarious

>> No.7727156

I just don't think she realizes she is a bitch

>> No.7727158

>It's because it's a ~*~brand~*~ flower crown and she wants THAT SPECIFIC ONE, a custom crown simply will not do when you want to brag about a brand name

Is that what goes on here? Are some people dressing up and circlejerking over what brand name shit they bought? Do they start shit with people who make their own?

>> No.7727162
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>> No.7727164

Not that I know of, I can't really say for any of the comms down south but most up here don't have drama. The ones that did seen to have got the shit together. It's nice to live in a drama free county

>> No.7727179

That's sad that you like this kind of attention.

>> No.7727190

She doesn't take criticism well and victimizes herself to her fans then sic's her fans to the person her criticizes her work. Just overall immature grown ass woman who doesn't have a fashion sense.

>> No.7727193

It's a joke. Done derailing thread. Bye.

>> No.7727778

Side not but you might as well start tripping at this point.

>> No.7727862

Considering how she put the WTB in her comm and made such a fuss about it, I wouldn't trust selling it to her comm because they might buy it to sell it to her or she'll go vendetta and cause drama on the girl.

>> No.7727932

She got her whiteknights attack my friend for writing a negative review. She won't listen to criticism. Then she publicly posted my friend name on her fb like page for something I forgot about and 11k people started attack that friend. She's very stupid actually. Then she asked her fans to donate $20,000 to her business (she makes bank she's full of shit). And told AM to bring her back instead of waiting to just be asked back (which is never going to happen). Then she was stuck up to new Lolitas and make fun of other Lolitas during cons (people watching style). She wouldn't shake the hand of badly dressed Lolitas.

>> No.7728307

Went to HLC once. Left just as soon as I arrived. Worst comm experience of my life.

I'm glad you guys are getting backlash now. Y'all deserve it.

>> No.7728632

>goes to one meet
>meets maybe 5 of the active 70 people
> "entire comm is shit. I hate all of them now."

Good job anon.

>> No.7728678

Did you go to the meet that K hosted?

>> No.7728784


No, generally not. If the handmade item is well made and creative then lolitas will leave you alone. If it looks like a shitty copy of something that already exists then yes, you'll get called out.

As someone who would be considered a brandwhore, I can safely say that it just feels good to have a complete set for something. I don't know about this Emi girl but I don't obsess over getting all the brand pieces for bragging rights, I just sincerely like the feeling of completion. My entire wardrobe is brand from my shoes to my bloomers and petticoats because thats what I like. If you prefer Bodyline or handmade then what ever. It doesn't matter in the overall picture because as long as you look good then there shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.7730035
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>> No.7730452

And how did this go over with the others? I can't see anything about it on the group's fb, and I'm curious.

>> No.7730537


>> No.7730580

Who was this and where was it posted? Help us out here anon, need to read comments.

>> No.7730605

Never mind I found it. I didn't have much of an opinion on her before but I fucking love her for this post. It's about time John was called out.

>> No.7730676

I still can't find it. Post any interesting responces?

>> No.7731291

All of them are basically in agreement