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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 528 KB, 500x560, 3993343900_f84397654f_b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7723581 No.7723581[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Time for a new coord help thread since the last one is in autosage.

I'll start off by reposting some coords people wanted help with.

>> No.7723600
File: 141 KB, 774x736, 14067664CATS45175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7723602
File: 611 KB, 676x977, 14068HALP20323485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas for this dress? I'm pretty new to the lolita community so I'd love to be satisfied with my first coord

>> No.7724759
File: 1.26 MB, 1307x1118, pimploli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tried to make a pimp-themed coord but i'm stuck on items (i know the pinks don't match and the hats are too classic)
is this a stupid idea/should i just give up?

>> No.7724768

>is this a stupid idea/should i just give up?
Yes. That's a lot of money to waste on a stupid idea that most people won't even get, at best people will call you a brand ita.

>> No.7724773

...and at worst the photos will get reposted into ita threads for years to come, no matter how much you try to justify the coord as a joke.

>> No.7724778

Looks nice overall, but a cardigan would cover up the super cute front ruffle detail, stick with the blouse. I'd also go for a shorter necklace (assuming that's long), it would interrupt the neckline weirdly. I love the shoes, but incorporating more pearl jewelry to match the detail would make a great finishing touch. Overall, looks nice though.

A solid dress is usually the best starting piece, you can coord it in lots of ways and styles and if you ever change from sweet to another style it'll remain versatile.

This doesn't look great, especially the socks. I wouldn't recognize it as "pimp" either.

>> No.7724797

I was wondering if I could get some suggestions for this beautiful dress. The coords I've been coming up with have been pretty plain but I'd like to incorporate the pearls more maybe in wrist cuffs, shoes or head piece.

>> No.7724798

>someone else posting my collage
>feels weird man

>> No.7724802
File: 7 KB, 192x256, Gathered Chiffon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.7724803


You can add some meme caption to your own photos, place it in a way so cropping it out is difficult without cropping out major parts of the image. So even if you get reposted to the ita threads at least the joke title will still be on your photo doing all your explaining for you.

Nothing really saves this from being a bad coordinate, though. The colours and themes are all over the place and nothing even remotely says pimp about it. You might want to start over by designing what a lolita pimp would look like, then look for items that fit those aesthetics, instead of tossing a bunch of random things together.

>> No.7724805

Like a sneeze, only better.

>> No.7724819
File: 365 KB, 458x517, hhbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm reposting from the last thread. All I have so far is the JSK and the blouse, is the rest of what I have planned okay, assuming the beret would be black instead of navy? I would really appreciate any input or constructive criticism, suggestions, whatever before I buy any more items.

>> No.7724820

Thanks for the advice! I hope the navy is not horribly difficult to match in person. And really love those shoes but could do without the pearl detail. I wonder if I could ask them to leave it off?

Also any suggestions for rain/rain cloud/umbrella/cat themed jewelry would be appreciated. One of the misty sky accessories in navy should be on there.

>> No.7724869
File: 79 KB, 412x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As others have said - your colors are all over the place. As tacky as they may be, pimps still have an overall color scheme they work with. Also I would suggest going with all gold or all silver jewelry w/a matching pimp cane or cup if you really want to be OTT pimpin'.

>> No.7724874

I like this!
I don't like the gloves though

Not that they look bad, but gloves always look super weird to me. Don't forget the jewelry!

>> No.7724902

Hey guys, how does the lolita community feel about coords inspired by characters? I want to make sure it's not completely reprehensible before pursuing my idea any further.

>> No.7724921

What dress is that?

>> No.7724953
File: 299 KB, 573x600, 1364172389238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generally it's a no-no. Mixing lolita with cosplay reinforces the idea that lolita is a costume. I've seen understated fandom accessories incorporated into coordinates (like a grief seed necklace worn with a gothic coord) that didn't set off my autism alarm personally but it would for some people. Even using a character's color scheme for a coord might be a stretch, depending on the character.
This Kuromi-inspired coord and that one Sailor Moon coord that everyone fusses about are the only two instances I've ever seen of character-inspired lolita that didn't look like a trainwreck, and they were both put together by very experienced lolitas who wouldn't have had to ask the community's opinion on this sort of thing because they already knew. I'd hold off until you've got a couple of years of lurking and coordinating under your belt, anon.

>> No.7725009
File: 649 KB, 837x572, Screen Shot 2014-08-01 at 12.23.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggestions? Anything I should add/subtract? Haven't figured out jewelry yet.

>> No.7725031

Looks solid, anon! What are you going to wear under the jacket? I'd go with pink and/or gold jewelry because you've got a lot of red happening (maybe a red ring wouldn't hurt though). I like where you're going with it though!

>> No.7725036

Probably a cutsew. Not sure what color, but I don't think it can be seen underneath the jacket anyway. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7725040

Understood, thank you for your help!

>> No.7725121
File: 1.12 MB, 1307x1118, pimploli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not sure if btssb's scepters could qualify as pimp canes so i left them out
i changed it to 3 generic-ish rings on each hand and replaced the ETC socks with the candy fun fair socks
i don't know what coat to use that would match so i crossed it out but i did like the animal print
i would have done the whole thing over in purple/gold/white but i don't see a lot of purple in lolita

>> No.7725129

I feel like there should be some pink on the OTKs but maybe it's just me

>> No.7725136

You need more pimp flavor. Be a little more obvious with it. How about one of those bling yen signs the deerstalker people make? Congrats on finding an actual use for those hideous shoes btw.

>> No.7725143

>bling yen signs the deerstalker people make?
link? :O

>> No.7725174

They're all sold out.

There's also MC melody's Yen stuff too.

Wear a feather boa, I really want to see that. With giant loveheart kawaii deco'ed out sunglasses.

>> No.7725185

tbh I am just not feeling the jacket. It seems more punk while the rest is nice and circus-y sweet, but thats just my 2 cents

>> No.7725187

Pic for ants?
Firstly, the "iris" colour is often difficult to match so you're best with black and pearls, possibly some metallic accents. Stick with your chiffon/floaty fabrics and get a black square or scoop neck blouse (like the Atelier Pierrot/millesfleurs ones) and wear a pearl choker, black tulle lace wristcuffs with pearl chain and pearl ring. For headwear, pearl headband and fancy updo with a bit of height, either hime bump with curls or more audrey Hepburn sleek, plus dangly pearl earrings.
Since pearls are a more elegant/mature theme I'd go with tights rather than socks and heels over flats. There are some awesome pearl back seam tights which shouldn't look too out of place with heeled Mary janes or you can get tights that have scattered pearl details on them. If you'd rather plain black tights, heeled lolita shoes with pearl chain detail are pretty common and would go more with a hime theme

>> No.7725188
File: 60 KB, 385x516, 11809-964-2014-02-23335527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitty Kitty Rhapsody has leopard print.

>> No.7725190

What's the name of the jacket? I love it.

>> No.7725213
File: 1.25 MB, 1235x1014, pimploli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks :D i looked on etsy but i couldn't find like total whipple decoden sunglasses so i went with these
i still don't know what coat to use or if i should use one at all, i'll keep looking

>> No.7725215

kirameki star rider i think?

>> No.7725246
File: 954 KB, 890x1277, coord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So after a while of shopping I ended up with this coord. I am still looking for suitable accessories, though/

>> No.7725310

this ideas retarded. are you ghetto?

>> No.7725321

Not a fan of the gold on the tights, and also not a fan of the tea parties - I think dressier shoes would be really nice.

It might be too matchy, but maybe sheer navy hose to match the sheer detailing on the dress?
And maybe heels in silver, or if you can match it, the same color as the beads around the neck.

>> No.7725336

The gold is acually silver, the lightning was very strange on that picture but it was the only suitable one I could use. But thanks for the tips!

>> No.7725341

There's no guarantee of the dress you''re receiving. That shop seems pretty shoddy - supposed to be a Lolita shop but their designs look frumpy and they obviously don't market themselves to lolitas judging from their shoo design...and that shop has no English reviews.

I would recommend buying from a shop that has better rep for producing quality dresses, like krad, infanta, surface etc.

>> No.7725350

Lookin good there. I think it's awesome. Be prepared for a lot of hate though, bitches hate it when our costumes, er fashion, looks like costumes.

>> No.7725436

I think it's fun and the item staples themselves are nice enough to create more traditional co-ords with, it's not a big deal. Also I love that white hat on the left.

>> No.7725440
File: 82 KB, 600x456, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help mostly on socks/tights and shoes? My wardrobe is mostly red and cream, so I don't have much to pull from and want an idea of what to buy.

>> No.7725441

Excuse me but what Sailor Moon coord?

>> No.7725444

Is the jsk more of an obvious navy in person? On my screen it looks more deep purple-navy/soft purple black and doesn't appear to match the tights or necklace (is the necklace from the set?).

The cardigan looks a bit long and too basic for the co-ord imho, not to mention it may look awkward under the bulk of the jsk ruffle. If you need extra warmth a jacket or coat would look a lot better I think.

>> No.7725451

I think that the material of tights lends itself more to chiffony type materials like this, unless the socks are more tights-like anyway. Are you looking to go for simple and elegant or something a bit more dramatic/ott?

>> No.7725452
File: 1.14 MB, 1215x1215, tumblr_muse5seSsp1qfkm98o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7725453

Meant to quote >>7725441

>> No.7725460

holy shit that dress is exactly what I've been wanting in my life. sauce?

>> No.7725531
File: 61 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a serious coord, I would only ever wear it to a themed meetup or something (given I had everything) but a coord I have always wanted to see anyways. Ziggy Stardust everyone. Any suggestions?

>> No.7725571

Simple, probably! Also yeah, I agree about tights being better.

>> No.7725663

Just out of curiosity, how long does it typically take you guys to put together a coord? (i.e. coming up with an idea and finding all the pieces you want to use)

>> No.7725694

I usually only try to put together coords with the stuff I have in my closet, so like 30 minutes?
Only exception would be shoes though, since I don't have enough of those. So maybe more like 2 weeks if I order new shoes.

>> No.7725697

I still want to know where it's from!

>> No.7725698

This is actually pretty great, lose the metal epaulet thingies and it's actually a pretty great co-ord in its own right and the reference becomes quite subtle. I think you'd need some more volume on top of the wig, it's a bit flat looking for the ziggy feel.

I think some gold epaulets that are actually more complimentary to the dress rather than closely accurate to the original ziggy spacesuit version would be better if you still want to use them. Similar shape but material rather than metal and not so large.

>> No.7725710

Do you mean in real life or like making collages for these threads?
In real life anywhere between 5 minutes and 5 months depending on what's in my wardrobe, making collages usually between 5-15 minutes depending on whether I need to go look for something or have seen it before. I usually have an eye on taobao anyway so if I've seen something there I know where to look for it, and then I have normal stores that I know I can usually find things in as well as brands that I know make lolita-friendly pieces e.g. generic places like modcloth and forever21, or looking up Pamela Mann and Polonova for interesting tights.

>> No.7725727

Ah, I guess both? Since I'm new I figured I really shouldn't try to rush it, but I really want to start putting coords together. Although frankly I really don't know where to start. Sorry for the stupid question!

>> No.7725736
File: 217 KB, 736x1050, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a super old school coord where the dress is a burgundy color with white and cream lace with matching maxi pad headdress. I'm also wearing white socks with lace at the top. Problem is that I cannot find shoes for the life of me that match the color of the dress. I have black clunky platforms like they used to wear in the old days and was wondering if it's acceptable to wear a black shoe with the rest of the coord. I'm planning to coord it with a black purse to match the shoes. Also going for a hime cut wig or ringlet curls. The shoes I own are almost exactly like the ones in the pic.

>> No.7725740

What JSK is that?

>> No.7725755
File: 88 KB, 280x373, APSweetCreamHouseApronStyleSkirt-mintmilk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would really like to coord this in a less sweet way if possible, thinking of a blouse with a smaller collar instead of huge peter pan. I'm lost for what to do with legwear though.

>> No.7725759

I personally hate when shoes dont match a coord but thats just me. Taobao definitely has cute burgundy shoes though so you should check there if you have time.

>> No.7725770

http://showishes.storenvy.com/products/8794116-lolita-frozen-op-dress-free-shipping-sw-d-10311 I'm preordering here

>> No.7725778

For a super toned down look, go with the smaller collar you suggested, lace tights, more classic shoes (I personally like heeled oxfords), and metal jewelry. I hope this isn't too obvious, I don't mean to condescend.

>> No.7725797

I'm so tempted... it's really pretty but it's really cheap the rest of the shop is really sketchy.
Do they have a taobao or something? The shop seems like a reseller to me.

>> No.7725822
File: 200 KB, 1270x1174, Mint and creamy house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you're going for old-school, so that sounds entirely fine.

I actually think a blouse with a round neck and ruffles would be nice and more mature - I couldn't find the Dear Celine one I was thinking of, sorry! I've gone with a sweet palette but tried for more mature-feeling items with the mint and tan, although you could go with chocolate brown rather than tan if you wanted to make it a bit darker.

>> No.7725826
File: 37 KB, 500x333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! I was having some trouble with the head, but I would definitely rat a hime bump or something like that on the wig. I still don't really know what to use for the head without it being ridiculous or awful.
I did find pic related though, which is a more subtle touch for the shoulders.

>> No.7725836


Found it



owner weibo:

You should probably take it to the taobao threads at this point for more help if you need it.

>> No.7725841


Gonna add, the anon above was right, the skirt looks too narrow to be get a full lolita silhoutte out of it.

Newbies be warned. Buy at your own risk.

>> No.7725879
File: 149 KB, 500x600, tumblr_n8y09yskYO1t0y2cqo4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I posted in the last thread but I really only got one response and it wasn't especially helpful.

I just bought this, but I don't into sweet very often and own NO lavender accessories/socks etc. I want to pair this with whites and silvers or pearls and classic it up a bit if I can, but I'm sort of lost. Suggestions are welcome, collages are better!

>> No.7725882
File: 182 KB, 709x621, halp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to wear this OP with dark blue tights. Should I waer a dark blue bolero/blouse and a brown hat?

>> No.7725912

I don't think it is hard to coord this with white stuff, just add white wristcuffs, white hair accessories and white shoes and if it is too much you can still DIY some lavender stuff onto all of that, like a tiny lavender bow clip for the shoes.

>> No.7725914

They look really cheap, anon. Most solid coloured tights do.

>> No.7725946

If you want to wear blue tights, get thick, knitted ones. The boots are way too sweet. Try classy shoes in the same brown, preferably not enameled. Examples:

>> No.7725961
File: 1.50 MB, 920x940, help pls im bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been at this for a few hours and wow I'm fucking terrible with taobao help.
I wanted to incorporate the green in the dress but it's such a bright shade that I think it might look horrible and gaudy.

I was thinking some socks with music notes or something but I can't find anything in appropriate colors.

>> No.7725984

Damn, that's a hard to coord dress. I have no suggestions, but I do think this piece is much more suited for otome than lolita.

>> No.7725989
File: 181 KB, 930x1123, ideas01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't go for a blouse with a collar as such since the jsk itself already has one, you'd kinda be doubling up on collars which looks awkward in my opinion. An unfussy high neck blouse would be the best pairing I think, or if you can stand to forgo the blouse, a cute yet mature looking bolero or cardigan.

I agree with the anon that said lace tights and heels.

You could replace the mid-ish brown of the bag and shoes with dark brown, tan - any of the brown or biscuit tones really.

>> No.7725998

Much better! This is actually turning out pretty awesome. Good luck anon.

>> No.7726020

Agree with the other anons but like the color combos in theory - to balance the blue and bordeaux, use a hair accessory/accessories and pendant that combines the two colors; hat with contrasting ribbon, mixing hair flowers, that kinda thing.

>> No.7726032


I don't know if you've received the dress yet, but be warned; it barely fits any petti before turning into a weird tube shape and it's made of really peculiar material.

>> No.7726039
File: 1.63 MB, 1478x940, help pls im bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update? kinda.
I found some green shoes in the right color... but god they were ugly.
Yeah I know.
I really love it though, I'm a complete noob and this would be my first coordinate.
Maybe I should just give up on it ;_;
I like otome too though so I wouldn't mind making it an otome coord tbh.
And you gave me an idea for the socks thanks.
Nah I'm just looking at it.

>> No.7726043
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about changing the socks from brown to black and adding a black blouse. Maybe a black jacket, too.

>> No.7726050

Ugh kill me now
You have three of my wishlist items in that one photo.
I would advise against mixing a lot of browns and blacks. So, stick with the socks, swap the bag? What blouses/boleros were you thinking of?

>> No.7726054

Can I have sauce on the blouse in the top left corner?

>> No.7726060

I agree with a more otome-like take on it. I like the blue blouse. I think finding a bag in that bright green shade would be a really nice pop of color, you don't need to bring it into any of the other pieces. It may sound dull but I'd be tempted to go for white/off-white tights rather than more colors and pattern, and then perhaps navy shoes and headwear.

>> No.7726062

Uhm I think it's this one.
If not it should be in that same shop.

>> No.7726064

Ignore my questions about blouses; do you have any other than the black blouse? It could work, but usually black and brown (especially a lot of different browns like the ones in the jsk) is difficult to pull off.

>> No.7726065
File: 232 KB, 864x1043, fairymarineideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What wasn't especially helpful about the collage posted in response the last time? Too much brand or too sweet?

>> No.7726094
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm now that you suggest swapping out the bag, maybe i can add white to it. Would it be weird with white?

Heres another coord im working on. I love the "apricot" color. Wish IW would use it more

>> No.7726106

Sauce on cardigan, OP, and ring?
I think an offwhite/cream blouse would work better than a stark white. As long as you pull the colour in with multiple items it should be fine.

>> No.7726112

Any bodyline coords?

>> No.7726113
File: 299 KB, 482x610, 1393467281068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a really adorable coord anon.

>> No.7726116
File: 1.92 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closeup on the accessories

Cardigan is metamorphose
OP is Innocent World
Ring is q-pot., angelic pretty

>> No.7726121

Oh, I knew the OP was IW. I guess I should have asked for a name. Your coord is really cute.
I can only find the meta cardigan in a wardrobe post. so I'll just have to keep my eyes open. Thank you!

>> No.7726124


i have ivory, offwhite/white, brown (has "coffee" colored embroidery). im a bit limited. i have tons of boleros. one might work. all my brown boleros have beige lacing though

>> No.7726130

I never thought about that, I guess you are right.
I thought that maybe with the boots, just showing a small part of the thights it would be just a pop of color. I think I'm going to give up on this coord idea

>> No.7726135
File: 289 KB, 609x494, 1404951966141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was just a whole bodyline coord thread recently.

>> No.7726137
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swapped bag out for something better. Wondering if gold or these bronze shoes go better

>> No.7726141

now the socks are out of place.....

>> No.7726144
File: 414 KB, 450x675, nit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor moon coords can look like shit too tho

>> No.7726161

Source on bag? I was thinking maybe Axes Femme since it's the larger size?

>> No.7726165

yes, its axes femme, but its also possible to get it offbrand, too

>> No.7726166

Where are these tights from?

>> No.7726178

Hmm, that sounds pretty good.
I wish I could find shoes in the right shade of green honestly, Then I'd be okay with some lacy white tights.
Finding a bag in green is frekin hard man.
Tempted to just try with the brown version of the dress.

>> No.7726181

I feel like with sheer white tights and better posing this could be cute.

>> No.7726189

>I think I'm going to give up on this coord idea

that's a shame anon, I actually really liked the colors you were using, it was something a bit different but not in any kinda special snowflake kinda way. If you're not feelin' it anymore, can't be helped I guess. You need to be happy with it.

>> No.7726282

Anyone else have any ideas?
I'm quite the noob and this is really hard.

>> No.7726284

The brown is easier to coord, but honestly I like the white way better. The colours are really unusual, but it works. Maybe you could try a bolero instead of a blouse? That might be cute. Also the pattern of the OTKs is nice, but they are see-through and that makes them a bit tacky. How about some cute ankle socks with navy shoes? Just throwing some ideas out there. I don't wear otome so I'm not an expert, but this dress is really interesting.

>> No.7726292

I like the navy way better too.
>Maybe you could try a bolero instead of a blouse
the green top I posted earlier was a bolero, but I'm unsure about it's color. I'll try looking for more normalfaggy green boleros though, good idea!
>Also the pattern of the OTKs is nice
I agree completely. but I like the idea of them a lot.
>How about some cute ankle socks with navy shoes?
I was just looking at ankle socks actually!

I don't really ever look at otome stuff either but I really love the dress.

Thinking I might just buy it to look at the colors irl first, but I'm not sure if the SS fees and shit would be worth it if I -just- ordered the dress.

clothes are hard.

>> No.7726327
File: 2.52 MB, 1914x999, help pls im bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just made everything worse and too complicated ;_;
I dont even know what I'm doing anymore.

>> No.7726369

with the headwear though.... i would match it to the color of the outerwear, in this case the cardigan

>> No.7726371
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x750, OUTFIT6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to drop pic

>> No.7726387

I didn't see that one, but it's definitely too sweet.

>> No.7726390

Source for the green cardigan please!

>> No.7726400
File: 763 KB, 1536x2333, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im working on the top portion of this coord but does the bottom work so far?

>> No.7726402

The bag and the charm are way too sweet, sorry

>> No.7726406
File: 316 KB, 800x533, blouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Some of the pictures seem to have a taobao URL so you can probably find the real source if you looked.
Thanks for the help!
Might DIY a headbow of some sort in green.
Thinking about going with this blouse instead. It's from the same store as the dress so I think the chiffon bits and the blouse are the same color?
If the green doesn't work out I might go with the lighter shoes and lacy navy tights. And then add smaller green accents.

The bag and charm, while a cute idea are completely off color. Need something darker def.

>> No.7726407

i figure this coord will have to be OTT for it to work. its a little busy

>> No.7726420

Even if you go way OTT, you're still mixing simple and cartoony with classic and intricate and it looks too forced.

>> No.7726457
File: 182 KB, 652x618, second try.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7725882 here
I'm trying again, how about now? I don't have this exactly bag nor the boots, it's just an example

>> No.7726505

I love this!
Add some furry earmuffs to balance it, and maybe a caplet?

>> No.7726513
File: 329 KB, 450x600, INFANTATOYFACTORY[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any coord ideas for this dress? I know it's christmas themed, so I was thinking about striped stockings and black shoes?
Would it look too costume-like if I went full christmas on this?

>> No.7726531
File: 1.20 MB, 820x790, Milky Planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never worn OTT sweet before, I'd love some concrit on this

>> No.7726599

I don't have it yet; I'm holding off on buying accessories until I'm sure exactly what color it is.
I'm thinking I need some kind of broach/ribbon/rosette on the cardigan (if I go with it), and I need to replace the necklace with the misty sky necklace in navy.
If it turns out to be too purple to match the navy accessories I'll have to figure something else out.

>> No.7726602

Precious Clove's Singing in the Rain JSK

>> No.7726614

Whoops, I already did change it to the misty sky necklace, not paying attention.

>> No.7726615

So is the dress. It doesn't have to be pastel to be sweet.

>> No.7726617

I like it! I personally would go with otks, but that might be a little too much pink on the legs. I think some black wristcuffs would work nicely, but I'm not too huge on bittersweet, so? Take it with a grain of salt, I suppose

>> No.7726623
File: 614 KB, 761x607, Screen Shot 2014-08-01 at 7.36.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried my best with striped stockings and black shoes! The color feels a little unbalanced because I couldn't find white based green striped stockings, but it should work!

>> No.7726625

The print is a hyper-detailed elegant kind of sweet, while the bag and charm are very cartoony and simplified, not to mention the colors completely clash.

>> No.7726634

>It doesn't have to be pastel to be sweet.
Well obviously, there are many different levels of sweet and anon is trying to mix two that don't work together. It looks very forced, especially with the Disney charm...just because the motifs are the same doesn't mean they work together.

>> No.7726637

and just because something is sweet doesn't mean it's going to look good mixed with pastel when there's nothing else pastel in such a busy print...

>> No.7726642

Anon that green is so tiny, only a person standing directly next to you will see the green on your dress. From afar it just looks white and blue. I won't use green to match this dress. Someone will post you to the ita thread.

Those green socks look like crao anon...

I would stick to this instead >>7726094

At this point it's not even Otome or Lolita at all anymore

>> No.7726717
File: 2.53 MB, 1914x803, help pls im bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the honesty anon you're probably right about the green being called ita.
I had a much easier time once I started looking for blue things.
I found someone on etsy who makes a bunch of cute house jewelry.

>> No.7726724

Go with the tights and find shoes that match the blue net trim.

>> No.7726725

Thanks anon, I think I might stick with the ankle socks just cause I'm a sucker for them. And yeah, wristcuffs would make sense, I'll add em in!

>> No.7726726


>> No.7726727

Not the anon you're replying to, but I think you could still incorporate some green jewelry if it was small and subtle (like the stone in a ring or something). I don't think someone would have to be standing next to you to see the green details though, and if you wanted to use that kelly green in future coordinates I think you could pull it off. This looks much nicer now that you're not stressing out about having to incorporate three different and very bold colors, though and I think you've got the right idea!

>> No.7726735

Thank you!
>if you wanted to use that kelly green in future coordinates I think you could pull it off.
I was thinking the same. I'm trying to keep an out for some green houses and stuff.
Maybe a little green door necklace, that'd be cute.
I might end up making something too.
Still looking!
Doing my best
I can only find shoes in that exact color in suede, and I'm not really a fan ;(

>> No.7726766

I can't put a collage together right now, but if it were me and I wanted to emphasize the green, I would probably do something like this:
+Off-white peter pan collar blouse (or white, I can't actually tell what the base color of the JSK is, but go with whatever it is lol)
+green cardigan
+those navy and green socks from 'help pls im bad.png'
+navy shoes
+navy bag (like an envelope-style crossbody bag)
+a -small- green hairbow
+silver accessories

Good luck, anon!

>> No.7726775

Might look on taobao for more bags. But man these are cute.
I think you're right to tone it down a bit.
I like the idea of those socks a lot but they're see-thru so it's kind of gross.

>> No.7726784

>I don't think someone would have to be standing next to you to see the green details though
This is what I disagree with. I didn't even notice there were green little things on the dress until it was pointed out.

If you insist on going the green route, you'll find yourself explaining to many people that your accessories are green because *explicitly point to green stuff on dress*

Also that streak of green is a very bright colour. Do you know why the designer kept the green so small on the dress? Because its very striking. The designer meant to kept the striking green subtle. If you toss green all over your body then it becomes very busy and cluttered. The green cardigan for example will be louder than the print of the dress. I feel that you should stick to the quieter blue and let the houses on the dress have the main attention.

>> No.7726804

I've seen this dress in person and the green wasn't IN YOUR FACE LOUD, but it was very noticable. She coorded it with mostly navy accessories and didn't include any green anywhere else and it looked a little disappointing to me, it felt like a missed opportunity. I think since anon is also including the lighter blue in the updated collage it looks a lot more satisfying than just going with navy and base-colored items, but I think the green is still doable just like I think it would be fine to coordinate the red and brown colorway of the dress with red items.

>> No.7726805

This is really cute. My only worry is that the blue trim with clash with the shade of top. but it's hard to tell without them being on top of each other irl.
I think little hints of green would be cute. like in the example pic of the red dress, a little green neck ribbon would be adorable.

>> No.7726807

You say the green is "striking", but then you say you had to have it pointed out to you in order to even notice it in a very clear photo. I think you need to get your eyes checked, anon.

>> No.7726812
File: 1.89 MB, 1914x803, 1406950340855e2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this anon, I wasn't really digging the green bolero and shoe examples tbh paired with the softness of the duck egg blue of the jsk trim. I do still think a pop of green in the form of a bag could be kinda cute and otome-like but I think the navy blue and duck egg blue combination is really nice as it is.

>> No.7726824

The blouse is just placeholder honestly, it's old out anyway.
Thank you for the shoe suggestion btw, I've been having the most trouble with them I think. Even finding nice navy ones has proven difficult for me.
Source on the ones on the left?
I think theyd look nice with the white lace tights.
I think it's more that the shade of green on the dress isn't very common in lolita. which is why a lot of people would be quick to call it ita.
The cardigan that I chose was way too big but I think a smaller green bolero would look good.
>like in the example pic of the red dress, a little green neck ribbon would be adorable.
agreed completely. I'll probably be buying some green ribbon and making cute things once I get the dress.

>> No.7726852
File: 69 KB, 425x640, T15A2GFc4aXXXXXXXX_!!0-item_pic.jpg_640x640q90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is okay if i put a red cardigan on? or the red/dark navy blouse? stupid me fell and got a large wound on my arm now.

>> No.7726865

If you're just doing it for photos, I'd say just shoop out the injury (I like the "if it wasn't there two weeks ago it's okay to photoshop" guideline). If it's for a meetup and you really don't want to wear a blouse, I'd say go with a shawl depending on where the injury is on your arm. If you get some kind of overwear with sleeves, make sure you can comfortably fit the shoulder ruffles under it so you don't look lumpy and also mind your waistline making sure whatever you wear doesn't make it disappear (you might have better luck searching for a bolero so it won't fall below your natural waist). Even then, I think it's a stretch given the style of the dress and your best bet would be a blouse as long as you are able to balance out whatever color you choose.

>> No.7726912
File: 76 KB, 1024x826, dmY4rxR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in the last thread and got one slightly vague response, so I'll pose a more direct question; would a "halo" crown with burgundy/wine roses look too tacky with Radiant Candlelight in wine? I was planning on an ivory long-sleeved blouse, gold accessories, and the matching OTKs/gold shoes. As much as the community seems to be split on the Madonna halo trend, I think they can look really elegant if done right.

>> No.7726935

I like the idea, there's a sort of St. Lucy's Davy vibe to it with the candles and flower crown combo and the halo ties back in with the Catholic theme.

>> No.7726936
File: 79 KB, 601x407, sailorsetproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would still like some help with this. The set is very cute but the "beige" parts are much more tan in real life (see lower right corner for an approximation). I was going to use whatever I have in offwhite but I think that's out. Would white stuff (blouse, socks, etc.) still look okay? What kind of head accessories would I need to pull this off if I want to go more boyish?

>> No.7727104

do you even reading comprehension
of course if you're going to wear a bright green cardigan the amount of green on you -gasp- increases.

>> No.7727121

>do you even reading comprehension
do YOU? that anon said the green itself is a striking color, not that adding more green to the coordinate would make it more striking. she was worried about adding too much green and making the coordinate too busy, and I was disagreeing with her. she and I clearly have different tastes and that's okay, I just wanted to offer anon my two cents.
In the post you're quoting, I pointed out that you can't exactly say something is "striking" if you have to have it pointed out to you, which had nothing to do with the addition of a green cardigan. What were you even trying to get at?

>> No.7727127

**just wanted to offer the coord anon my two cents. It's late.

>> No.7727205

this dress is in every single coord help thread lmao

>> No.7727215

just like the jellyfish dress

>> No.7727229
File: 736 KB, 624x732, augh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if I could get an opinion on something. I have a black and white gothic lolita dress, and I got a pink wig (mainly because it was on sale) to go with it. What would be the best color for contacts? Would purple go okay, or would I need to add different accessories to even it out?

>> No.7727230

I really like those socks - hoping to get a pair myself.

>> No.7727232

Your filename suggests you're a troll but I'll play along.
Burn that dress and never attempt lolita again.

>> No.7727342

I wouldn't say its horribly tan? Maybe its different in real life, but from the photos, off white/cream would still work, imo
Go with a hat. I'd say a sailor hat, considering the neckline. You could do a small tricorn.

>> No.7727562

Totally offtopic but gah, I love these beautiful, detailed chiffon blouses taobao brands have been putting out lately but it feels like they're never highnecked which is my preference. I hate the lowneck ones and peter pan is too cutesy for my coords usually.

>> No.7727724
File: 33 KB, 280x373, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I thought I could pull off a beret with cat ears on it I'd be tempted to wear a beret with cat ears on it.


>> No.7727734

Me too, is krad taking reservations for that blouse? I always miss their stuff

>> No.7729875
File: 82 KB, 240x240, aatp_2010_skirt_sleeping_color11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidentally made another topic like because I didn't check the catalog properly. Thanks to anon that pointed me in the right direction.

I just purchased the AaTP Sleeping Beauty skirt, but I just realized I'm not quite sure how to co-ord it and wonder if you have any good advice?

I usually dress in gothic and classic, I'm not a big fan of sweet

>> No.7729902

I'm not sure how dark the navy is on this skirt IRL, but I think a navy high necked blouse with a pink rose collar brooch would look really pretty! I'll see if I can whip something up.

>> No.7729956
File: 402 KB, 617x597, sleeping beauty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologize for the messiness of the color weight in the coord but here's a quick idea! I'm not sure what the navy is closer to matching-wise but I'm assuming the pinks are very cool like most Baby prints.

>> No.7729969
File: 385 KB, 2400x1800, Musiccoord.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this work? not sold on the color of the bow...

>> No.7729977

ugh the geometric op in that colorway...so jealous.
so far you have too much purple on bottom and too much peach on top. I'd say stick to whites/browns to match with the bag better.

>> No.7729983

It looks super lovely, thank you so much! <3

>> No.7729984

why do people still choose plain one-coloured no-texture no-pattern no-design tights?
it's 2014.

>> No.7729990

Sometimes it can be a nice breath of air from the 'crazy prints on everything' craze. I don't mind them as long as they rest of the coord has a lot of print/texture and they're not stark white because that looks good on no one.

>> No.7729995


Hey where did you find that collar brooch? It's supercute!

>> No.7729997

they make your legs look like juicy sausages. it doesn't matter if the print is busy or not busy. you will have sausage legs...

>> No.7730005


It's 2014 and we don't feel like looking like toddlers chose our legwear for us. Also, having printed tights together with dresses without prints just looks tacky

>> No.7730008

It's from etsy, here you go:

>> No.7730010

anon, in your world there are only two kinds of tights
>one colour sheer no-texture no-pattern no-design tights
>messy busy allovertheplace tights

in my world there are more than two kinds of tights. you need to window shop online more!

>> No.7730011

Only if they're light colored and that will go for all light colored legwear, patterned or not unless you have stick legs.

>> No.7730026

You sound fat

>> No.7730060

Where are the tights from?

>> No.7730087

mu-fish on taobao

>> No.7730093

What is with people hating on solid-colour tights so much lately? They're fine so long as the coord is balanced, and they're only unflattering in lighter colours on bigger legs.

>> No.7730097

Either a new noob misunderstanding like wigs being a requirement, or the same person.

>> No.7730125
File: 554 KB, 547x413, you fill me with unfathomable rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of blouse do I wear with this? I'm lost.

>> No.7730130

Just about any kind you want as long as it doesn't have too much bulk at the hem (like frills, etc) and no decorations that won't fold nicely under the high waist like a very long attached jabot. Or do you mean color?

>> No.7730139

Color. I'm thinking white with gold trim?

>> No.7730145
File: 289 KB, 700x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too ita? I got the blue version of this JSK at a Bodyline shop on a school trip for 25 bucks before I even knew what lolita was. If not, I'd like some advice on keeping the coord casual.

>> No.7730149

The bow doesn't seem to match, anon. I'd say try to find the matching bow from ap for it, but if not I would go for something a little bigger.

>> No.7730174

That would work, yeah. AP has put out a lot of blouses like that as well as a few taobao brands (HMHM, for example) so you should be able to find one somewhere. Lavender would be pretty too if you want more color.

I think it could work if you wear it in a more elegant, toned down coord. Maybe wear it with a brown blazer?

>> No.7730188

too fat for cute tights

>> No.7730291

>too ita?

tfw you have that dress in the exact same color

>> No.7730313
File: 58 KB, 682x1024, b.ella_erika_espresso-2_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a a pair of brown tights like this be better?
sigh, youre right anon. I can't fine anything I like so far... Id prefer to have something to do with music to carry my theme or just a nice sold big bow in lavender...

>> No.7730364
File: 500 KB, 1536x2008, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I think I have an idea for a coord based on the skirt and brown blazer. My colors are probably way off though.
-Should I replace the laces on the first shoe with blue?
-No bow on the long sleeved blouse
-Looking for a blazer with a color in between the two, but a cut more like the second.
Thanks for the help, and please tell me if I'm way off.

>> No.7730386
File: 287 KB, 360x753, 1743590_10152575924824410_6997624425718259896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, trying again. Accidentally started a thread of my own. Thank you to the kind anon who pointed me this direction.
I have IW socks coming in for this coord where the gold isn't quite as vibrant. I got a lot of compliments on this coord, but I would like the opinion of some more experienced lolitas, if you could. Any suggestions? Dos, don'ts?

>> No.7730399

Is the bow on the dress detachable? If so, maybe replacing it with a gold bow would tie it all together. As is, there's a big swathe of white with your dress and blouse and then little bits of gold on top and bottom. That or a very long gold pendant, at least?

>> No.7730403

Why would you assume "too much brand"? I saw both the original questions and neither seemed to imply that they wouldn't buy brand... especially after dropping almost $300 on the OP.

>> No.7730410
File: 69 KB, 640x960, 10306622_326325077525845_7016166944509233648_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard to tell in that photo, but the dress is actually true ivory, instead of being very white. Here's a better example, just excuse my terrible derp face because I can't pose for photos to save my life.
And no, the bow doesn't come off.

>> No.7730411

You look amazing! I think you just need some gold jewelry like a bracelet and maybe a ring.

>> No.7730418
File: 31 KB, 384x512, 1017422_10152575924414410_5509006317330872847_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! It's my first coord and my first brand, so I was super nervous/excited to wear it! ;u;

I do have some jewelry, it just doesn't show as well as I hoped it would have when I bought it on Taobao.

>> No.7730428

Yeah, they just don't show up very well. I just thought you needed something for your arms/wrists, so maybe next time you can try adding cuffs (lacy, delicate ones) or gloves.

I am not a fan of the white/ivory combination, but to take it really over the top, I think you can do something like add a string of pearls across the bust, similar to the top of Gathered Chiffon JSK

>> No.7730433

it's tacky and ridiculous but i love it

>> No.7730434

That's a great idea! Thank you. I agree, it definitely needs more gold. I actually have gold lace fingerless glove type things on the way.

>> No.7730436

the purse and the tights don't match the dress at all.. why did you pick those?

>> No.7730438

fucking hnnghh

>> No.7730440

I think you look really lovely overall, great first co-ord! One thing, though, I think the white blouse with the ivory dress looks a little off. That could just be me, but I don't really like off-white/ivory mixed with true white.

>> No.7730441

The blouse is definitely more offwhite in person. I don't like white with ivory either, and really tried to stay away from it, but I had such a hard time finding a blouse that I thought would really work well.
Thank you very much for your compliments thought!

>> No.7730442

I like the Violin bag better! the teddies are super cute

>> No.7730443

I must second >>7730399. A big brooch could also work instead of a pendant. Also, I think you could use more bracelet/rings, on both arms. With such big head accessories, the plain arms look a little unbalanced. But you look very nice anyway, anon!

>> No.7730448

Literally none of those things go with each other, what were you thinking?

>> No.7730449

Once again, thank you. I actually found a brooch earlier that I forgot I had completely..it's a nice gold too, it would have looked lovely if I'd remembered I'd owned it.

>> No.7730451

Can someone give me advice on wearing wrist cuffs properly? Any instances in which they look stupid/shouldn't be worn?

I've been in lolita and j-fashion a while but I always just use wristcuffs when the cuffs of my blouse aren't fancy enough. I've been trying them with shorter sleeves and princess style blouses and they just look stupid to me. Is it because I'm not used to it or do you need a specific kind of sleeve for them to work? I'll post a picture in a sec if I can find one.

>> No.7730783
File: 1.41 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, my friend just picked up this OP for me at a yard sale. Do you think it looks okay? Any general suggestions? Sorry, this is the first time I've had a lolita garment in my possession

>> No.7730791

Ah sorry, don't know why the image rotated..

>> No.7730792

Umm...you just put them on your wrists. They work with long and short sleeves. Probably not princess sleeves.

>> No.7730827

I hope you're trolling anon, that's one of Bodyline's worse dresses ever.

It MIGHT be doable if you cut off the awkward crossed ribbons and wore it with similar colored accessories, but even then it's pretty ita.

>> No.7730838
File: 238 KB, 1266x684, 1407038566868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on my first coord, and so far I only have the fur stole.

The little cartoon on the right in my collage is my sort of inspiration for this coord.

I'm not really sure if I should be doing more white or more navy accessories. I also think that maybe a string of pearls would be pretty. My sort of theme throughout is just navy with white, pearls and fur. I'd like this to be more of a winter coord.

Any choices in here really stick out as bad or amazing? I'm just kind of stuck. Also, would I need to look for a blouse to go with this dress? Would this be a bad coord to try to do for my first?

I'll take all the concrit I can get!

>> No.7730853

You have a great start for a first coord here, but a few things:
>lace gloves
They have their applications, but almost always come off as ita, especially on beginner coords. I'd also avoid wristcuffs, which I will explain in a second.
>fur theme
The navy blue and fur theme give it a very wintery feel, which is confusing when combined with short sleeves. I'd wear a bolero with this to avoid the disconnect. With covered arms, wristcuffs aren't necessary. On a similar note, go with white lace tights as opposed to the OTKs.
The short boots probably fit the aesthetic better than the longer ones, but I'm personally not a fan.
Since it's an OP, a bolero is a better choice than a blouse. A blouse is typically only worn with a JSK.

Overall, great job! I hope I didn't ramble too much!

>> No.7730858

*personally not a fan of longer boots in lolita.

Way to go, me.

>> No.7730907

Ooooh jeez, I figured, which is why I was checking. Sorry, my friend just snagged it because she thought I might be able to use it. Thanks for letting me know

>> No.7730912

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I'll definitely keep your advice in mind when I work on it a bit more tomorrow.

>> No.7731013
File: 460 KB, 874x960, 10433949_10204466080237553_2374699307184533525_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i get some suggestions on this? i'm not sure what type of shoes to wear

>> No.7731056

Can you tell me where those shoes are from please?

>> No.7731071

I know those socks are supposed to be lavendar, but I can't tell from this picture
>if you dont go with something short like teaparties, you wont be able to see the bitchin' ankle horses

>> No.7731141

Yeah i have terrible lighting. The jsk is grey/cool lavender and the blouse and socks are a warmer lavender.
I was thinking of something elegant with a slight heel

>> No.7731153

Whatever it is, get it in a brown that matches the bodice or gold that matches the trim.

>> No.7731202

Mojo Moxie

>> No.7731253

Too much eyeliner on your bottom kid. Go lighter there.

>> No.7731276

i'm totally biased since i have the same exact items you do in the same colorways, but i like this so far! what kind of shoes do you have currently in your wardrobe?

so far the only suggestion i have is to add more gold, perhaps as jewelry.

>> No.7731362

Would either of these boleros work?


I'm trying to find something that would look nice over this, and I'm just coming up short. everything that I'm seeing looks like it will just be awkward and clunky, and doesn't quite have the right flow to it.

>> No.7731523
File: 626 KB, 750x800, catcoord1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This started as a go darker in color coord and it became a cat coord. I feel a little lost with accessories. I'm not sure about a bag either, but I'd like to keep it classic, probably a simple shape faded black bag.

>> No.7731551

boots sauce?

>> No.7731627

Absolutely! They are Belgard in Black from L'Artiste by SpringStep. They're real leather and sooo comfy.


>> No.7731666

White sheer tights, a white blouse, and then make the neck bow red and keep the hairbow, and it'd be less bad. Also lose hose socks and get real shoes.

There is potential, but I don't think that her dress is the best for a SM coord either.

>> No.7731683

You need to chill with that lower eyeliner. Put it on lighter, just below your bottom lashes (so it's like up against them) because that looks fucking retarded. That white waterline thing doesn't look good ever.

The coord is cute, but maybe wear a longer gold pendant so it'll sit down on your chest farther and bring some gold into the solid ivory of the dress.

>> No.7731700

I'm kinda a beginner loli so I barely have any shoes. I have typical brown and black mary janes, but I want to find an oxford-like bootie in grey or something else that's elegant. I'm totally willing to buy new shoes for this outfit and was thinking of maybe lavender antaina shoes, in the cool lavender color if possible.

>> No.7731807

Agreeing with >>7731253 and >>7731683
Looks like you're using pencil/kohl. Invest in a good, thin liquid or felt tip liner to do your lower lids if you insist on it. Dust some gold shadow in the outer corner of your eyes for a more opulent look, but not too heavy.

Also just a suggestion to really clean up the eyes and bring it together, use a clean spoolie and pomade on your brows, highlight underneath the arch. It would really pop your eyes since you're already drawing so much attention with the false lashes/circle lenses. :)

>> No.7731834

You're right, I looked through a few websites and I can't find anything that wouldn't look awkward under a fur collar. While the bolero is a nice finishing touch, your coord is still very strong without it, so I wouldn't sweat it that much. I'd wait for something to pop up on Lacemarket or the comm sales if I were you.

>> No.7731836

they come in size 11 which means you need to marry me

>> No.7731839

Source of hat?

>> No.7731878
File: 13 KB, 95x67, liner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I hope I'm not overstepping by adding to this anon's post >>7731807 ! Your coordinate is very cute and I have no recommendations that haven't already been suggested, I just wanted to throw down some of liquid eyeliner recommendations for you just in case you need them because I have a couple that I really love.
I adore Sephora's liquid liner the most, the wand is super precise (which took a bit of getting used to for me, but judging by the rest of your makeup you've got a really steady hand). It also stays put even through blistering heat and sudden PMS-related emotional breakdowns, which I really appreciate lol. So of course, I am allergic to it and I was forced to find something else not long after I started using it. Lately, I've been using Revlon's Colorstay Liquid Eye Pen alongside the crayon from the same line and I've been really happy with them both (pic related, sorry for the image for ants). I use the crayon for my lashline and to color the base of my eyelashes (they're blonde lol), and I only use the liquid for the wing tips. You can buy the Revlon stuff pretty much anywhere and the price is more than fair, but Sephora's will last quite a bit longer and you don't have to worry about it drying up as fast as Revlon's pen will. I hope that helps anon, you are super cute!

>> No.7732036
File: 80 KB, 280x373, 03lv_3_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I'm kind of asking for the impossible, but can anyone help me think of a more toned down, classic coord using Fancy Paper Dolls? My wardrobe is mostly classic but I was so smitten by this print that I couldn't help but get it.

>> No.7732162

I'd go for solid on the top and a knit tight on the bottom.
Blue/white hair ribbon
White/ivory bolero or cardigan
minimal-medium puff petti
ivory knit tights
light brown bag with light brown shoes
socks with blue/white ribbon pattern
white bag and white shoes

>> No.7732351

I'm looking for some cream and burgundy tights or socks to go with the charles crown op, any suggestions?

>> No.7732376

Keep the rabbit charm but replace your tea cup bag with a brown clock bag and I think you're good.

>> No.7732788
File: 743 KB, 3200x2600, First Coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help planning my first coord. please. I got the dress in my pic from a Bodyline booth at a con a couple days ago, and it came with the headpiece, but now I need to get everything else, basically. I've never worn lolita before, so I don't have anything to go with the dress. Are any of these ideas good?

And how do I figure out which type of petticoat to get when I didn't buy the dress online and didn't ask the vendor? I'm guessing this dress is could use a bell petti, but I have no idea, really.

>> No.7733041

I'm pretty sure mu-fish on taobao has some wine x ivory socks on their page right now, they might be replicas if that bugs you.

>> No.7733086

Bell petti, and don't buy one from Bodyline.

>> No.7733093

First of all, you're making the obvious mistake of just going with one color, the base.
Don't do that. You will look like ass. Try instead going with red shoes, like shoes251.
Next, for the love of god do not buy those weak pettis from Bodyline. They will deflate after about 2 wears.
Wear white wristcuffs with red or brown accents. Maybe add strawberries to accommodate the print.
As for socks, try white otks instead.
Good luck!

>> No.7733479
File: 197 KB, 1280x640, coord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought this old school Baby dress today and I'm trying to figure out how to coord it. I think I've shot myself in the foot.
This is what I have so far, let me know what you guys think.

>> No.7733488

Do you already own items? Or are you buying items? I'd go with a different pair of shoes and probably a white blouse instead of black.

>> No.7733490

I'm planning on buying them.
Ok, I already have a couple white blouses. Do you think short-sleeved would be ok?
And what shoes would you suggest?

>> No.7733506

I agree with this anon. I also would use a black and white head bow. Personally I think an all white one looks out of place.
If you are going for an old school look black RHS would look good.

>> No.7733516

Depends on the material of the dress, really. If it's one of Baby's cotton ones, short sleeve is fine. But I find old school generally looks better with long sleeves anyway.

As for shoes, the RHS suggestion isn't bad, but I was thinking chunky platform style mary janes. Basically, anything but those boots. They rarely look good because they're just so chunky, and they defeat the purpose of using cute lace-top socks.

>> No.7733616

Coordinate it like every single ETC mannequin ever - blazer/cardigan, tights, boots.

>> No.7734061

Is it too bad if I start making a coord out of the shoes?
My boyfriend gave me a pair of shoes that look like ballerina shoes, but I don't have anythink sweet or pink to wear with it.
Is there any dresses that could go well with it?

>> No.7734094

If the shoes look lolita-kosher there's no reason why you couldn't.

>> No.7734155
File: 2.15 MB, 3264x2448, 49dfe724-1725-47a6-813a-f79955807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the shoes.
(sorry the pic is sideways, my phone always does this)

>> No.7734240

could you stand up and take a picture like that?

>> No.7734244

these are hideous.

>> No.7734325

Are those the nelissa ballerina flats? I was debating on getting them but that picture makes them look kinda cheap and unflattering

>> No.7734330

sorry **melissa

>> No.7734406

Tie your shoes properly, they look silly like that

>> No.7734775
File: 174 KB, 759x903, cooord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, so, this is my first coord. I'm pretty nervous about the socks. Suggestions?

>> No.7734782

Don't try to match the navy because you won't be able to. And I'm not sold on adding in the black . I'd stick with ivories and golds instead. And the cut of the bangs is odd. If you have naturally dark hair I think it would look better.

>> No.7734785

You have great taste anon.

>> No.7734786

Is there any other way to keep it dark though? I'd like to keep it in blues, violets and black than lighten in up.

>> No.7734789

If you want to keep it dark then I'd find another complementary color for the navy instead of trying to find matching navy items outside of the ap accessories. Black works with navy as a small accent but that's a lot of black and it's not meshing well with the vw purse especially (the shape is really sticking out badly IMO). Dunno what else would work if you want to keep it dark.

>> No.7734792
File: 9 KB, 480x640, 1540521690011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the idea of a cardigan like this one but have nothing to offer beyond the advice of other anons, sorry.

Be careful with bodyline's "sax" socks and shoes, they can have a strong greenish tint. Look for reviews if you can.>>7734155
I like the idea of bringing strawberries in, as suggested by >>7733093, but only in the accessories (e.g wrist cuffs,necklace,ring), I'd stick with white and blue for the main colours and go with white socks and blue shoes

I'd go with IW or meta blackxwhite lace knee socks, chunky black mary janes, and a black cutsew with white peter pan collar/cuffs as well as a blackxwhite lace headbow. I love old school black with white lace though.

I personally dislike the shoes but there are plenty of pink tulle dresses and ballerina themed ones out there. ETC has a few, meta has a pink frilly one now, and baby has a few ballet themed ones

The beret seems too heavy for a summery oufit, could you not go with a navy and black hair accessory instead? I can't tell if the socks are the semi sheer "crystal" ones or more like fishnets, but in this case I think sheer navy socks with silver glitter dots would actually suit the outfit more. Wrist cuffs or silver jewelry would be nice as well since you'll have space at the neckline and wrists to show it off

>> No.7734813

What other bag would you recommend? I'm rather lost in the accessories department.
Thanks, silver sounds fantastic actually.

The only reason I was desperately searching for navy and violet was the fact that I just can't tell if the shirt is blue or purple. If it's purple though, does the color have to reappear somewhere else or is it okay to just leave it there?

>> No.7734945
File: 106 KB, 550x416, original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, firstly -- can you replace the ribbons? It's bothering me that the shoes are a cool, bluish pink and the ribbons themselves have a salmonish cast to them. Practically nothing is going to look good if you're trying to match both these pinks at the same time.

As for ideas, ballerinas and ballet shoes are a common theme in lolita and otome styles. I don't know if you want to take it in a lolita direction, though, If those are the Melissa flats then they're a bit too flat to work well in lolita (feet just looks flatter in these than in tea parties). They might work in otome or fairy kei, depending on how you coord them.

If you don't want to go out and buy an entire pink closet for the shoes, you could try these ideas:

- Pick a single colour that works well with pink, eg - beige, brown, white, black. Make a monochromatic coord, right down to your handbag, hair accessories, tights/socks, etc. Add the pink shoes as a single pop of colour.

- pick a few colours that work well with pink and make a coord out of it, for eg- if you have a lot of pastel items that match the shoes, make a pastel outfit. Alternatively, you could do neutral colours such as ivory, beige, cream, and browns. This is easier if you're doing normal clothes, as the visual colour blocks are much smaller since normal clothes don't have the poofy skirt going on.

- You can try looking for/buying another item in similar pink, then doing a harmonious coord with a group of colours (same idea as above, but this works better with lolita). Try to keep to a harmonious colour scheme, have different chunks of harmonious colour so that there's no single colour that dominates while all the colours work together.

- Comb your wardrobe and see if you can find a print dress/skirt with the exact same shade of print in it, and work the coord around the skirt/dress and the shoes.

>> No.7735008
File: 14 KB, 236x315, 89f82f01e5fda3821ae3f479ea38ec75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting this dress and trying to thing of way to making either:
a)more ott and exciting
b) or sticking to a retro/ vintage coord

any examples of ideas would be great!

>> No.7735102

not that anon, but I just bought shoes in yellow and this is really helpful, thank you.Now I just need to figure out what colors match yellow besides navy blue

>> No.7735118

Thanks anons! I think that should work with the items I have in my closet.
Also that cardigan!! Do you know where it's from? I'd love to get it.

>> No.7735227

It's victorian maiden, on maidenclothing here:

>> No.7735391
File: 60 KB, 800x600, babyvelvet co ord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up this JSK for a bargain and I'm trying to make a co-ord based on what I already own however something about it feels off to me.

>> No.7735398
File: 20 KB, 238x320, beaty and the rose jsk mauve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could somebody help me to coord The ''Beauty and the Rose Promise'' JSK in pink?
I can't find matching socks because this dusty pink is really hard to find..
I think withe socks or thights with a dusty pink Print would match really good because I plan to wear it with a withe short sleeved chiffon blouse.
But even with this Idea I'm not satisfied.

>> No.7735425

It would probably be easier to find burgundy shoes and wear white lace tights/ankle socks to pull another colour out of the JSK into the coord than it is to find dusty pink anything in that particular shade.

I have two dusty pink pieces in my wardrobe right now and the only thing that matches either one of them is the bow that came with one of the JSKs. Unless they come from the same set, it'll probably be difficult to find matching items.

>> No.7735440

The bag is too cutesey swap it out for something more mature/toned down (preferably in black). Also this is more of a personal preference thing, but I don't think the beret works with the jsk.

>> No.7735477
File: 68 KB, 1000x600, babyvelvet co ord2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this be more suitable?

>> No.7735490

I'd say go with the hairband if the colour match is close enough.

>> No.7735495

Sweet, thanks!

>> No.7735526

Had the same Idea too.
The Problem is that the Print is not burgundy in realty its more of a really dark mauve tone.

>> No.7735625

Id like to incorporate the lavender with maybe a bag or a bow. Is this too silly of an idea? Also the IW Violin socks were purchased in chocolate

>> No.7735630
File: 467 KB, 2400x2400, Geometic-Coord2.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.7735914

Sauce on the blouse please?

>> No.7736163

Here you go!


>> No.7736176

It's quite pretty, thanks anon!

>> No.7736186

No problem, I've ordered a few items from there before and they've turned out decent quality. I own the blouse but it's currently at my parent's place, nice quality though.

>> No.7736287
File: 20 KB, 212x165, ap_skirt_schoolgirl_pochette2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gosh, help is totally needed.

This is so far the only brand piece I own and I haven't been happy with any of my coords really.
My skirt also has that detachable pochette that came with it, just fyi.

Ah, also, if you suggest wigs, shorter ones are preferred!

>> No.7736342

What itens do you have that match this skirt?

>> No.7736383

I thought about ordering from there before but the bad reviews scared me off. They have a bunch of nice blouses and bags though.

>> No.7736470

Nothing too mentionable: red mary janes that match the red in the skirt, a red bow tie as well as an off brand (but luckily cute) white blouse with similar cotton lace around the collar as the skirt's hem.
Overall with what I have the look is really plain and goes with the school uniform theme, but... As I said, plain. Like super plain.

>> No.7736503

Sammydress is a milanoo reseller, buy the same thing from aliexpress or taobao.

>> No.7736546

Please do retro style with short gloves, a small bag, and a beret with some cute heels over sheer tights!

>> No.7738447
File: 30 KB, 235x264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally agreed, plus have short curls like pic related.

>> No.7738813
File: 182 KB, 450x656, IFO0036-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help for a complete and utter noob? Absolutely in love with this dress but I'm struggling so much to find accessories that match that purple/wine colour. I really wanted to stick to just purple and gold as I thought adding any more colours might just end up looking tacky?

>> No.7738829

I can't even coordinate my regular clothes together. I'm such a mess when I try to look cute. How do you guys always know what looks good together? Maybe I'm just trying too hard.

>> No.7738831

Could you please tell me what blouse this is?

>> No.7738834

Taking a page out of how the stock photo was presented, wear a black choker, black shoes, and black wristcuffs. Embellish with gold accents. If the dress comes with a matching hair piece get it because colour matching for classic pieces is not nearly as easy as it is for sweet.

>> No.7738843
File: 2.45 MB, 2172x1604, Slap some roses on that shit. Bitches love roses..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how I coorded my navy OP, so maybe that'll give you some ideas?

>> No.7738859

Ah thanks anon that's such a help! I was really worried adding a 3rd colour to the mix might cheapen it but I love how the red highlight works with the blue and the rose motif looks lovely.
Would it be wise to stick with black then or would maybe some ivory elements work? I'm thinking more in terms of some ivory roses?

>> No.7738891
File: 473 KB, 597x571, anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with your bow, shoes, blouse. Change the hat's ribbon for one in blue and make sure that the hat matches the bag

>> No.7740326


Oh, it's cute, thanks anon~!
I never thought of going into that direction with the skirt, I was so caught up with the seifuku theme.

What colour wig should I use? I usually go for black since it compliments my skin (and then again I stay away from blonde) but I think it might not fit with the colour scheme.

>> No.7740572

I just purchased metas candy shower otks in sax but have worked out nothing i has works with them , and the main pieces of the set don't even come in sax? So i was wondering if any one has any ideas on items that would work with them

I was considering metas popping balloon in sax but I don't even know how hard that would be to get a hold of or what it goes for in sax (it goes for about $120-150 in pink for the jsk)
sorry if this should've gone in the general

>> No.7741956
File: 1.07 MB, 2280x2313, brownorblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After white, what is the next best shoe color for a shiro coord?

>> No.7742544

are you retarded?
it's a SHIRO coord, of course you'd wear white shoes lmao

>> No.7742547
File: 73 KB, 510x652, aajsk1grey1-510x652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I ordered this JSK from Elegy and I'm not sure what to do for shoes. I have a white blouse for it and some white tights, but shoes are going to be a problem.

Should I get gray shoes? The only issue I see is that the gray of the dress looks like it has a green tinge to it? I was thinking some light brown oxfords?

>> No.7742972

why not gold?

>> No.7743009

> after white
Guess I'll go looking for some, but I guess I won't be able to wear it for the event I had in mind.

>> No.7744413

black looks fine anon, i just hope you have a dark wig to go with it