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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7717801 No.7717801[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

test-your-luck.tum blr.com/post/ 93108872458/

Anyone know anything?

>> No.7717804

great info here


>> No.7717811

>"great info"
>dozens of posts of "I know nothing about this situation but here's what I think happened and why she probably deserved it"

>> No.7717816

>no rape involved
>talks about rape anyway

>> No.7717820

The slut shaming jealous on cgl is real
Hope she's ok

>> No.7717825

If it happened i hope she's okay and that whoever did this to her is found and accordingly punished.

But at the same time i feel like this might be fake. Either way i hope they get help in some way or form.

>> No.7717826

Because there is a serious Slut issue in cosplay that is causing issues that should not be happening

This is clearly J Niigers fault

>> No.7717828

That thread was extremely counter productive as usual.
If people went to SDCC and saw her with people, then we can either piece the scenario together and then dismiss/approve of what might've happened.

>> No.7717830

who cares if someone is a slut though
why is someone's sexual life effecting you so much

>> No.7717832

You still don't blame the victim. You blame the aggressor.

>> No.7717842 [DELETED] 

because she's not having sex with me, and even if she were she is also having sex with other people therefore it wouldn't be special and I am a child who wants everything to myself and pouts when that doesn't happen

>> No.7717845


are you SURE she wasnt raped?
maybe she was sexually assaulted with no penetration

>> No.7717847

But us men can't help ourselves
It would be like putting a steak in front of a hungry wolf pack and asking them nicely not to eat it.

>> No.7717850

I appreciate the humor of the board
but if we could all just stop and post something relating to the incident that'd be cool.

>> No.7717851

It doesn't mean its okay to just attack and do horrible thing to people. Even more so to people that you don't even know.

>> No.7717852

There's this magical thing called self-control, and if you don't have it, then don't go out in public.

>> No.7717857

sexual assault and rape isn't the same thing so i don't know why you're asking this

>> No.7717858
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>> No.7717859

>getting le upset because people have sex
do you get upset if mommy doesn't cut your food into pieces too?

>> No.7717866
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I'm not upset about people have sex.

I'm upset about absolute idiots making retarded comments on a god damn internet forum.

>> No.7717868

I hope she's ok. I don't think anyone deserves that

>> No.7717871

you are upset though
so let's heard it

>> No.7717874

>so let's heard it

Is English your first language?
You should be ashamed.

>> No.7717881

>continuing to avoid the conversation
>I'm upset about absolute idiots making retarded comments on a god damn internet forum.

were you just talking about yourself then or are you actually going to tell us what's wrong

>> No.7717882

I', sure if she got beat she got beat for a reason.... I know I have seen senseless violence before but I am sure she aggravated it in some way

>> No.7717892

Maybe she said "No thank you" to someone who wouldn't take that for an answer.

And every thread is naturally going to revolve around sexual assault because that's the most likely scenario when an attractive young woman is found beaten bloody.

>> No.7717898

>were you just talking about yourself then or are you actually going to tell us what's wrong

I already told you what's wrong.

Idiots making retarded comments is what's wrong.

>> No.7717908

why is that upsetting you
what specifically was a retarded comment and why
it's okay, i'll hold your hand so you can get through this

>> No.7717913

Hey guys she was born and breathing so she obviously had it coming. If she didn't want it to happen then she should have never been born.

I'm using this to illustrate how idiotic everyone blaming her sounds.

>> No.7717915

God damn you're a faggot.

The comments about only men being responsible for raping people.
The comments about men not being able to control themselves.
The comments about people getting uppity about people being sluts and sluts being a thing in cosplay.

Look, if I wanted to have a conversation about sexual relations and sexual assault, I'd go to fucking /pol/.

Mind you, I actually do go to /pol/ often and enjoy it.

However, this is /cgl/-a board which doesn't really have anything to do with the topics at hand.

Sure, I don't mind making a thread discussing the inherit dangers of going to a con-though those are really just the same dangers as going outside in real life.
The only thing is that I hate when people make posts like this because they're being disingenuous or playing this kind of shit up.

It really fucking annoys me hearing about this shit because people say 'I go to cons to have fun' or 'it should be a safe environment for this kind of thing' yet people constantly play up the tension because they're relating the person in front of them as the character they're cosplaying while disregarding the persons feelings. And then no one steps in to defend people from this kind of shit.

I'd prefer not to rant and make this thread about me when the topic of this thread-fabricated or not-should be taken seriously.

>> No.7717917

I think the main issue here is everyone thinks it was a "Guy" who assaulted her nobody knows the sex

>> No.7717921

Why are people taking this as a fact? There's zero proof that this happened, no police report, no pictures, no nothing. Only that tumblr entry and her "mother's" facebook post.

I looked it up and there are no actual news articles, only blog posts linking to that tumblr entry.

People should be more skeptical of things, I'm all for cons having a sexual harassment policy but if someone's faking it to bring awareness to it they're doing a disservice to all the people who're actually fighting against harassment at cons.

If this did happen I hope she's okay and she gets better soon so she can give us the full story.

>> No.7717930

>Mind you, I actually do go to /pol/ often and enjoy it.
really? why?
Anyway, I wouldn't get so angry anon.
It's clear that there are a lot of trolls and shitposters here today. They even admit to it in another thread. It's best to just ignore it or report it if it's really bad.

>> No.7717937

Well nobody should be jumping to conclusions of course. I just have more trouble accepting people willing to blame the victim for anything, or attack her character and call this story into question. We don't know what happened, we're looking for answers. In that course of events a lot of things are done including looking at similar experiences for parallels. If there's one unfortunate thing it's that a lot of similar experiences share one parallel, that is of the man sexually harassing the woman. But again, that's only to help in us finding an answer here and not for pointing fingers.

>> No.7717944

People go to the hospital a lot with injuries and no police report is ever filed. Also when people are in the hospital they sometimes ask for privacy from media.

We should give it some time, this is a developing story, and it's not a topic the news is always willing to jump through hoops to discuss.

>> No.7717945

At least someone else here has a brain.

Truthfully they should be skeptical-but that doesn't mean t

Because /pol/ is unabashedly unreserved in what they talk about and their opinions.

In today's world, I find this refreshing because where else can you find people actually being honest-even if they are disgusting racist bastards or hate women or any of that other crap.
At least they're being truthful and you know what kind of person they are.
Honesty turns me on I guess-which is why I guess I don't have a girlfriend because I find all the beating around the bush to be an issue.
I hate playing guessing games.

Then again, it could all be one big troll-but I know a good percentage of people there really do believe what they post.

>> No.7717948

Eh those just seem mostly like trolls.
My biggest gripe in these threads have been the multiple people speculating that she was hitting on some other girl's boyfriend and this mystery girl hit her
Which is so stupid, where do you even get that from? SDCC isn't the Jersey Shore

>> No.7717951

>We don't know what happened, we're looking for answers.

Would you be looking for answers if she wasnt a cosplayer or had been attending a con?

>> No.7717953

you quoted people on this thread who were talking about slut shaming
this post makes no sense

>> No.7717956

>Truthfully they should be skeptical-but that doesn't mean t

Whoops, got over-involved in the rest of my post.

People should be skeptical-as they should be about anything that is said and not experienced by themselves.
People should seek the truth.
Just because the girl in question may be seen as slutty or any of that other crap has no bearing on the story.

Now, just because there aren't any news articles doesn't mean it didn't happen.
People die daily and yet their story will never be told and the only place they will be seen in the news papers is the obituaries.

Not being able to find a police report is worrying.
But I haven't looked for myself and reserve my judgement.

To be honest, I don't really care about the story at hand and only came to read about the gossip.

>> No.7717958

>where else can you find people actually being honest
Like everywhere? If you've never known outwardly racist people you must be pretty lucky
are you assuming all people who aren't racist, sexist or don't have extreme views aren't being honest? There's a difference between hiding your extreme views and being honest because you don't actually have any
>I guess I don't have a girlfriend because I find all the beating around the bush to be an issue.
Protip, autistic girlfriend

>> No.7717961

Oh yeah I saw that before I went to work this morning, some hearsay about that. SDCC isn't the Jersey Shore but it's got a lot of people in one small area, and like a small beach town in the summer news and rumors spread fast. Of course as with any game of telephone there's no telling how accurate that news is after it passes through multiple people.

>> No.7717968
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>> No.7717971

Well I probably wouldn't have heard of the story unless it happened in my town or something if she weren't a cosplayer. I don't have many leads on answers though so I haven't been proactively looking. I don't even have contact information for anyone who as at SDCC (somehow, usually I know a dozen people there)

>> No.7717974

Also here's some more information, as well as a number to contact the SDPD with any information.


>> No.7717978

>you quoted people on this thread who were talking about slut shaming
>this post makes no sense

Idiotic post about men not being able to control themselves, most likely made in self-defeating irony.

Idiotic comment about how the victim is never responsible for placing themselves in a bad situation in which something bad results.

This is like saying it's not the persons fault for parking their fancy car in a neighborhood known for it's theft of car parts and then their car is on cinder blocks when they return.

>who cares if someone is a slut though
While true, they added this retarded statement

>why is someone's sexual life effecting you so much
Oh I don't know, maybe because cons become known as a place to find attractive women or women who are easy lays which thereby hurts the experience of others?

Your actions have consequences.

Confirms the above-that because of 'sluts' and creeps, cons become a place for drama.

And then they blame J for the entirety of the drama resultant of this kind of shit.

>> No.7717989

So it's okay to make a tumblr or FB post but not one legit article? Things like that makes me skeptical. If this is real then I feel very sorry for the girl. I'm just tired of people trying to use social media with fake sympathy stories (that little girl and her grandma getting asked to leave KFC comes to mind). People are so naive to believe anything on the Internet.

>> No.7717995

I like you anon, why don't you come over to my house and...well, my sister is married, but I'm sure we could figure out something to do.

>> No.7718000

Then what are you doing? Whats your end game? Why are some of you guys in here posting about getting to the bottom of this shit when you have nothing to add? The news it out now let people who actually know shit come forward to the proper contacts not tumblr or cgl with their information.

The family (if this is even true) is looking for answers. Not for bitches to go 'OMG how HORRIBLE! I should reblog this so I look concerned and can feel good about myself!'

>> No.7718001

Also the police are asking for information about this, so they've been contacted.

>> No.7718008

Stranger danger no thanks.

>> No.7718011

> resorting to grammar insults because you know you don't have any real argument


>> No.7718015

My endgame is to hope this never happens again. I'll do what I can to promote awareness that this isn't some issue to laugh at, and I'll also remind people that it's not wise to jump to conclusions.

>> No.7718020

heroesofcosplayconfessions reblogged it. I feel a little bit better about them now for all the drama they're connected to

>> No.7718023
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My heart is broken anon.

>> No.7718031

But no one even knows what happened. How can you prevent something that no one knows about? Are you magical?

>Don't jump to conclusions but allow me too!

>> No.7718040

can't find any info on google, how does anyone know this is even real?

>> No.7718046

Her dad posted that she's in the hospital and her brain is bleeding.

>> No.7718047

Where, at all, did I jump to conclusions? Please identify the one singular instance where I even admitted this story is 100% factual. I'm sharing this story under the circumstance people are telling the truth about it in hopes that, if it is true, it promotes awareness about this issue. That's just basic human decency.

Also by sharing it maybe it reaches someone who does know what happened and that helps the present parties involved as well.

>> No.7718049

Guess that would explain the red hair...

>> No.7718059

Is there a screen cap of that?

>> No.7718063

or at least a link or something. i'm not saying that tumblr would whip themselves into a self-righteous frenzy over nothing or anything, i just like to have facts before i unleash the feels.

>> No.7718064

That's horrible.. it's most likely a male that attacked her then, right? Women don't really pack that kind of punch...

>> No.7718066

My little bait can't be this obvious

>> No.7718067

Just because they're a woman doesn't mean they can't continue to beat the shit out of you for long enough.

>> No.7718102

Sometimes bitches who attack attack like cats unless they were formally trained to punch straight out, not "pawing"
If she was beaten, it was a group effort or one person had the strength to cause bleeding inside her skull and/or a instrument to hit her head with

My cousin (i forgot the formal term) got in a bar fight and this dude hit him on the head with a full bottle. The bottle not only cracked his skull but gave him a concussion and his brain swelled/bled.

>> No.7718230

so did she get raped? did one of you fuckers finally give in to your dick?

>> No.7718231

If anyone here knows something make sure to call the San Diego Harbor Police, not the SDPD as they are not the ones handling this case.

>> No.7718258

>All this arguing about rape and assault.

She was found on the side of the road bleeding and unconscious.

Like I know the way a lot of the news sites are spinning it and how her costume might immediately provoke certain thoughts in people, the first thing that comes to mind might be rape or assault, but if she was knocked down that hard and on the side of the road I think the more likely situation is a hit and run.

>> No.7718265

I doubt this was a congoer that did this. Out of all reports of cosplayer abuse/theft/crime over the last couple years this is one of the few I actually believe. While there's lots of people that that harass verbally at cons or maybe try to cop a feel I don't think many are capable of doing this to a person. This sounds like a civilian.

>> No.7718275

it would be easy to tell if she got hit by a truck or if she got punched kicked stomped and shit

>> No.7718287

As mean as it might sound I think what led up to this incident was more about who she was choosing to hang around than her costume.

>> No.7718320

But they said they're looking for information on the incident and the police are "unsure what happened to her". The parents and friends posting about it haven't said anything about either possible case so it's still likely someone could have hit her with a car and left her, especially with all the drinking that goes on at cons late at night.

If it was definitely assault, they probably would have made that clear, but they haven't; all details are vague aside from her being on the side of the road, unconscious, bleeding, and hit hard enough to still be unconscious with internal bleeding.

>> No.7718488
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Confirmed that she was in icu

>> No.7718509


>> No.7718512

Censor first name don't censor "wishing you all the best sean

>> No.7718551

I feel horrible, i read "brain bleed" as brain dead.

>> No.7718579


Yeah sounds like bad decisions were made.

>> No.7718582

Totally fucked up censoring those names there.

>> No.7718605

the cat is already out of the bag so I guess they figured Emily Weyer no longer has any use hiding
it was even worse earlier where there were linked facebook pages and tumblrs

>> No.7718620

Ive never been to SDCC, so what is so bad about it? Many younger kids and teens are going to cons these days, so i SDCC like a super crazy party con or what?

>> No.7718639

in all honesty, nothing. SDCC is just a large level convention. If a 17 year old is going to do something stupid there they'll probably do it elsewhere too.

>> No.7718649

Okay because the biggest con in my area is Otakon, which is pretty big (though i don't know how it compares to SDCC), but nothing ever really goes on like this and there is plenty of underage and dumb kids running around.

But then again things like this don't really seem to happen. Or at least they don't blow up like this.

>> No.7718653

Actually if they're talking about her birthday then she was 16. Not that the one digit dramatically changes you. Its that age where you can get away with going to a con unsupervised and can get away with doing more than what the con book advertises. Yes there's kids at comicon but they're supervised and have little reason to party.

>> No.7718655

her FB says she was born in 1994 so she's 20

>> No.7718659

link her facebook was she hot?

>> No.7718662

But that's not-
oh man I feel so old.

>> No.7718672

Earlier there was a post on her FB from a while about about "CANT WAIT TO GO TO SDCC" and then in her recent photos, a picture of her doing drugs at a rave tagged #sdcc. Sooo.

>> No.7718675

Yet another OP on /cgl/ that combines the following inauspicious elements:

1. Picture of unknown, but attractive female cosplayer.

2. Link to tumblr blog with no further context.

3. Request for further information/allusion to recent and/or ongoing shitstorm.

Maybe this board needs less fucking estrogen.

>> No.7718680

definitely could have used a better chosen link because by today there are much, much better and more informed posts on the internet about the situation. even the slow ass sdcc thread has a better link.

>> No.7718686

Post the pictures. I need the lulz.

>> No.7718695

Ugh I was holding off replying to this but I know this girl though the grape vine.
It is legit, she was in the ICU (may still be I am no longer in San Diego so I have no idea) and they have so far no idea who her attacker is but have a few suspects.

>> No.7718699

What I've been hearing, they arrested a suspect.

>> No.7718701

Welp nope apparently they have the person they think did it in Custody her 29 year old "friend" or something.

>> No.7718709

Yeah just got informed of that by a friend (who knows her through a friend. Really shitty "Connection" but)

Like I said all I can confirm is that it happened and during the evening on Saturday night (Sunday morning, it was like 1 AM I think) on my way from the gaslamp to the trolley there was a circle of police cars and an ambulance around Harbor Dr so.

>> No.7718834

What's sarcasm

>> No.7718861


Police press release.

>> No.7718882

rape is pretty hot.

>> No.7718893

>her 29 year old "friend" or something.
Wow, a male 11 years older than her
Color me fucking surprised

>> No.7718931

some chick got kicked to death recently by two other chicks

>> No.7718939

its in her friends tumblr page people lol

>> No.7719001

9. She's 20.

Not sure where people are getting she's a teenager.

>> No.7719011

Because the official police press release says shes a minor. So they lying?

>> No.7719012

Says she's a "juvenile female", which would imply her being underage.

>> No.7719023

Are you the same guy
from all the fate threads on /a/?

>> No.7719027

It doesn't name names. But if she's really 17 looking like 30 years old then fucking lol.

>> No.7719028

Didn't her mom say she was 17 on that FB screenshot too?

>> No.7719039

Because its an on going investigation and shes a minor. Whenever minors get involved names arent released. It's also why all the 'media' sites reporting on this are removing photos and censoring names with updates.

>> No.7719040

She said it was her 17th birthday so kinda sorta not really.

>> No.7719047

Right, cause that's so much better. This guy was graduating high school while she was still in grade. Are guys really this incapable of keeping their dicks zipped up?

>> No.7719305

Police report is not about her, it's a fake that the tumblr faggot grabbed and are fucking with you. Good job taking the bait so easily

>> No.7719344

For everyone questioning her age MAYBE she lied about when she was born on fb? To hit on guys or something I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's where the discrepancy came from.

>> No.7719508

Oh no it's still absolutely awful and fucking terrible. It also isn't the first incident of violence at SDCC though and only being talked about so much because she's a minor and because tumblr got hold of it.
Asked friend and she is 17 (Going on 18?) I suppose so my bad. Like I said, don't personally know her. Said her facebook age is false so whoops sorry.

Also 90% sure the police "report" is false and not actually real. It did happen, and there is a 29 year old in custody, but it seems weird that the only return searches go to like two places.

>> No.7719515 [DELETED] 

If she was raped, good.
If she was just beaten to death, good.

She had it coming for being a whore. Don't feed me bullshit that she dressed like that because she wanted to "be her favorite comic book character". She wanted male attention and like always women want to pick and choose who they get the attention from. You're gonna attract unwanted attention, deal with it. It's a fact of life you faggots.
The only way you can stop someone from hurting you is to have the willingness to hurt them back.

>> No.7719531
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>> No.7719532
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>> No.7719551

This is gold.

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.7719554

I feel bad for her. Her body is gross so all she can do is try to show it off to feel good about herself. And now she's brain damaged. Poor dear. Teenagers need help and guidance, you can't just let them free, keep them on a leash with slack but you gotta rope em in sometimes. I would say that she probably wasn't raised well enough, plus I doubt that the toketime princess wasn't already drugged up.

>> No.7719644


>> No.7719653
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>> No.7719672
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>> No.7719678

If it's pot I'm going to laugh at you rather than her.

>> No.7719686

You are a broken human being.

>> No.7719726

R.I.P /cgl/ sluts


>> No.7719731

>nobody is blaming the clueless dumbshit mother
>who let her 16 year old (17 now hurr) daughter go to a major event with thousands of people >dressed like a tramp
>in the middle of the night
>without question
>or curfew

Nobody is placing the blame where it truly belongs: With the parents and the pedocreep.

>> No.7719740

>lets blame anyone else but the slut

Hmm, nah.
You dress like one, you´re treated like one.
Alhtough her mother could have prevented this...

>> No.7719744

I honestly don't care much about this. She seems like an irresponsible teenager who had an invincibility complex. She obviously acted the fool
Now I don't slut-shame, but she is a teenager, and the same people crying about slut shaming will also cry pedo because she's underaged. So why let underaged girls dress promiscuously? And yes, she was doing that. There is a difference between wearing little clothing and wearing clothing that gives off sexuality. A tank top and shorts are not going to be sexual but they'll show the same amount of skin as someone wearing a tiny skirt and low cut shirt with a push up bra. Not saying it's to attract male attention, but there's a difference between making yourself look good and making yourself look sexual, she did the latter.(and don't get started about swimsuits, they are made for going into water, it's really uncomfortable to be covered in a lot of wet clothing, some of them are sexual though microbikinis for one, but here is a level).

Either way, I just can't care about this when she herself was such an irresponsible person in the first place with her attention whoring druggie lifestyle and clearly irresponsible parents.

>> No.7719750

>The only way you can stop someone from hurting you is to have the willingness to hurt them back.

Not so easy when the sex that is raping and beating you is much stronger.

>> No.7719752

>implying every male is strong
>implying every female is weak
>not carrying mace or a knife or a gun

>> No.7719756

>because the mother couldn't have been the PARENT and told her daughter not to dress like a slut
She's a minor, there's a reason why we label people as such--because they're too young and naive to make better decisions. It could have been prevented if ANY supervising adult would have stepped in for her.

>> No.7719762

Yeah, totally going to carry a fucking gun into public places

>> No.7719765

>mace or a knife
>focused on gun
>dismissed the entire argument to point out something with little significance

stay stupid.

>> No.7719769

Could somebody link me to her Tumblr? An anon above said it was leaked, but I haven't seen it yet.

>> No.7719828
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>> No.7719834

Women Logic.

>> No.7719836

why didn't this shit happen to that slut whore attention grabbing "oh i'm a geek cause i play league of legends" bullshit JNig?

>> No.7719907

So someone got arrested?

>> No.7719915


>> No.7719918

fedora fag detected
"you have to hurt them back otherwise you have to tell your guild master and let them deal with it"

>> No.7719942

Are you kidding me?
Have you seen her at a con?
The line to see her is HUGE. She has a fucking ENTOURAGE. There's WAY too many people watching for something like that to happen.

>> No.7719975

Wow, I hope her parents find this.

>> No.7719989

speaking of jnig, did she share or mention this incident? I recall some cosplayers saying things like 'we need to have jnig share this' and all

>> No.7720002

No, why should she give a fuck.

>> No.7720052

so her and yaya's kinds are allowed to sit on their throne getting oggled by their beta fanclub while so many other cosplayers did their best to spread the word of this crime and try to get someone to talk to police?

And they call themselves cosplay role-model?

>> No.7720067

0/10 trying too hard

>> No.7720078

your fedora's showing, anon

>> No.7720088


They'll only actually give a shit if:

1. The cosplayer in question was part of their infamous e-famous cosplayer circle, in this case she isn't. She's just an average young cosplayer. Or...

Their fans will question why the lack of spreading the message around about the assault that happened at the same convention they attended.

They do not care obviously.

>> No.7720123

Watch it be someone from Hollywood.. Fucking Jews ruining it for everyone

>> No.7720176

My money is on attempted suicide.

She had a heated exchange with her friends before. She thought she throw herself in front of a large lorry or bus. The driver didn't even know they had hit a slut and carried on driving.

She was later found in the road bloody.

>> No.7720204

Oh fuck anon. You dumb cunts who 'signal boost!~!!!!' did fuck all. By the time that this went 'viral' on Tuesday for all you bitches were late to the party. The moms FB message went out well before all the articles were up and they already had someone in custody.

No one knows what really went on beyond a girl was horribly attacked. We dont know if anything happened on the convention grounds or if they knew one another or if this involves cosplay in anyway so its not up to ~cosplay celebrities~ to post about this incident.

Nothing has been accomplished or learned. People will still attend events and thinking they dont have to be cautious of the ppl they meet and their surroundings. And if you tell anyone they should be careful you get an earful of, "How dare you!! I should be able to do whatever I want without consequences because the world owes me everything!!"

>> No.7720228

if you looked at her tumblr, instagram, or deviantart account you know this was some fucking stupid girl who did everything but drive to someone's house to let something bad happen eventually. she's a little self absorbed cutter slut that does nothing but get high all day on mommy & daddy's dime

>> No.7720292


>1. Look where you're going. Check out the gas station, ATM, 7-Eleven etc. before you pull up/go in so you don't become part of a stickup in progress.

Your local convention center is not your house. It is not safe. Do not fool yourself into pretending it is safe. Fuck your victim blaming, if you want to keep your life, you do not slut around in an area you hardly know.

>> No.7720341

This. ThisThisThis. Besides, this was outside of the convention center (In front of the Marriott? It's close but still off convention grounds). It's not the cons problem at that point. If you don't take normal actions (let people know where you're going, be vigilant of your surroundings, ect) then you're setting yourself up for potential disaster especially if you don't know the area. If you treat a con like nothing bad will ever happen to you, you may have a bad time.

>> No.7720346

Well, slut or not, you shouldn't just waltz around an area you don't know shit about.

>> No.7720397

Fuck off whore. It's the facts.

Anyone with half a brain knows restraining someone is 100 times harder than flailing around. especially if the person being restrained is hitting every milisecond. Fight every second no matter what happens. If you're bleeding or being stabbed fuck it keep fighting.

The problem is women have no idea how to defend themselves and expect everyone else to do that for them. They just become frozen losers.

>> No.7720402
File: 28 KB, 273x310, dontunderstand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fedora is strong in this thread

>> No.7720419

Liz Katz mentioned it. She was commenting on one of the articles when it was first reported.

I mean, she might not be Jnig or Yaya but she falls into the same category at least.

>> No.7720422

Isnt liz katz the crappy princess peach with a booty?

>> No.7720425

sex appeal is only a side piece on the plate of being in the wrong neighborhood.

if you're ugly and have money, you're going to get mugged.

if you're attractive but clothed and have money, you're going to get mugged and maybe raped.

if you're attractive but walking around in a bikini, one pocket knife and 5 seconds later and you're naked. You're more likely to be raped. Being fully clothed means the rapist has to take longer to undress you, making you less likely to be raped.

>> No.7720432

It's not hard for a grown man to restrain any girl, much less a rail-thin one. My boyfriend can pin me down in a second to a point where I can barely move. And what if there's a weapon or threat of a weapon? Rather be raped then dead, honestly. People who believe screaming "no!" and karate kicking an assailant will work is as bad as feminists acting like you don't have to watch your own back. Girls are not usually capable of fending off a male attacker. Not amount of "Kim's Martial Arts!" will help. Knowledge is the best weapon. Knowing how to lower your chances is a stronger bet than acting like you don't have to because you SHOULDN'T have to.

We teach people not to murder and steal, but we all lock our doors at night. Is that prevention or promoting "Murder Culture"?

I feel badly when these things happen now that a name and face can be put to it immediately. She's in an ICU and everyone else gets the fallout. I do blame her mother for fucking making a status about it. She should be guarding of her daughter's privacy.

>> No.7720433

you're thinking of VeraBaby but she did do a slutty princess peach as well

>> No.7720439

>implying this is how rapists think

>> No.7720441

All of the tryhard edge in this thread is mind-numbing.

>> No.7720449
File: 24 KB, 227x364, 10480184_261139264081611_2714630607493032899_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

florita loco on facebook

>> No.7720453

they do if they don't want to get caught.

easy targets, nigga.

>> No.7720464

I'm the same age as her, and when I made my Facebook account a few years back I had to lie about my birth year (I also put 1994, lol). Have to be over a certain age to have an account.

>> No.7720474


>> No.7720479

While I do think you should take means to protect yourself you make it sound like its ok for one to assault another. At the end of the day the other person committed a crime and they are clearly in the wrong for doing so

>> No.7720492

Oh okay, well thank you for clarifying.

>> No.7720494 [DELETED] 

underage ban

>> No.7720502

how about gtfo /cgl/

underage b&

>> No.7720517

i'm pretty sure i saw her sunday inside the con at around noon. she wasn't overtly slutty in her costume but she would bend over and shake her tits during pictures, with no bra on. my camera broke that morning so i didn't take a pic.

other people mentioned seeing her outside smoking and out at bars. which isn't a huge deal since during comic con there's a lot of bars/restaurants turned to event/themed hangouts. but chances are she was underage partying. and messed with some dirtbag. she was seen hanging out with older men.

and the reason age discrepancy is that her family and police as well as news are saying she's 16/17(because it was her birthday that day), while online she was saying she's 20.

honestly she was being a party girl and her parents are to blame, not that she shouldn't have been at the con but they should have gone to stay at the hotel with her. they where in riverside which is not super far but it isn't close enough for supervising an underage child with propensity to do drugs and hang out with older males, as she is shown to do.

>> No.7720535


>> No.7720543
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>The victim, who had been dressed in a creative take on a Roger Rabbit costume

>> No.7720556
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Are you a muslim?

>> No.7720559

"The assault has led to renewed calls in the cosplay community for a strict and more formal anti-harassment policy at the annual comic book and movie convention."

But earlier stating,

"It's not yet clear whether the suspect attended Comic-Con"


>> No.7720567
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>> No.7720571

i hope shes ok

>> No.7720573

i hope she's not

>> No.7720574
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>> No.7720579

you're already late faggot

refer to the first post of this thread


>> No.7720581
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>> No.7720601
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>> No.7720605
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>> No.7720613

Good god she's disgusting

>> No.7720615


Get your CCW, what's the problem. Especially when you have a nice purse to carry it anyways.

>> No.7720626

A reminder of how much I hate this new cosplay generation. Slightly envious of whoever got to beat her up first.

>> No.7720684


>not super far from SDCC

For your sake and my sanity, I'm going to assume you meant Oceanside.

>> No.7720686


gr8 b8 m80 i r8 it 8/8

>> No.7720735

>blue eyeshadow
stop it

>> No.7720739

Is she underage or not? She's 20 years old according to facebook and friends. Why are they arresting people under charges for a minor

>> No.7720751

She's 17. An anon who knows a friend of a friend stated it above, and she claism to be 17 on her Tumblr.

>> No.7720756
File: 72 KB, 600x801, girlfriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updated Info:

She's 17, she apparently told him she was 20. He was arrested and released -- "Stunt Man Justin" of Project Cosplay. He does lots of con music vids at SoCal cons. He denies a sexual relationship with her, says they were just friends.

Which, of course, is bullshit. They were known to be a couple on the con scene.

>> No.7720773


Look at her tumblr, bitch is full edgelord.


Fucking knew it, bitch is a rough looking 17. That's why she can pass as 20, shit 25 even.

>> No.7720774

is that chink him?

>> No.7720777

Her eyes are gross

>> No.7720784

>The girl was taken to a local hospital's intensive care unit where she was treated for skull and eye-socket fractures and cerebral hemorrhaging, among other injuries.
That that was rough.

Reminds me of some guy from here who's always posting how he'd like to beat up cosplayers.

>> No.7720786

>Which, of course, is bullshit. They were known to be a couple on the con scene.

You want him to admit to a crime? Why would he do that.

>> No.7720798
File: 178 KB, 1617x1079, 1406631769499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the one that took all the juicy pics of her

>> No.7720799

yes that's him

lying to the police when you're being investigated for a serious crime just generally isn't a good place to start.

>> No.7720801

So uhhhh why has there been not a single news report of this? It's all second rate news websites, mostly ones that cover turbonerd shit anyway and they're all citing the g33k-hq article rather than a valid source.

>> No.7720807

Why would the mainstream media care about some skanky cosplayer?

>> No.7720815

nbc4 covered it.


>> No.7720819

Huffington Post: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/30/teen-cosplayer-sexually-assaulted-comic-con_n_5632705.html

San Diego Union Tribune: http://m.utsandiego.com/news/2014/jul/30/cosplay-attack-san-diego-comic-con-girl-injured/

>> No.7720822

Doesn't matter what she's into but it was the assault of a female minor. That would be on San Diego Local News immediately

Hell the old lady that got run over was reported super fast. It's 3 days since the incident and no San Diego news department even mentioned it and there hasn't been a police report yet. G33k-HQ claims they have one but why would some turbonerd site no one has heard of have it but no one else in the country?

>> No.7720824

>I actually do go to /pol/
lmao that explains it all

>> No.7720826
File: 87 KB, 301x513, 1406254529313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huffington post
>valid source

>> No.7720828

Why would news report it if they don't even have enough evidence about it? Look at all the misinformation that circled around

>> No.7720831


>> No.7720833

you're not very smart, are ya?

>> No.7720834
File: 115 KB, 500x357, 2578.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't care about this girl and was going to post something to the effect of 'I hope her bubble ass is ok' since nobody else had, but wow! 17? I thought she was much older than me, somewhere in mid-20s, and now I feel really really old and depressed. Thanks a lot.

>> No.7720835

>eye-socket fractures
That is fucking bad. Like you have to hit somebody really hard in the face to do that.
Who ever did it was fucking angry as fuck. If the attacker used his fists, he would have injuries on them from the force of repeatedly hitting her skull. Or he might have used a blunt object. Who knows. All I know that it's god damn viscous.

>> No.7720836

>Anon1 asks why no mainstream news sites have reported on it
>Anon2 links two mainstream news sites who have reported on it
>No one says anything about valid sources

Work on your ability to read context.

>> No.7720838

Thats exactly it, if a valid news source isn' reporting it that means even they think its fishy

>>7720815 this here isn't even San Diego news and has just as much misinformation as all the other articles. As well as them driving down to the hotel in San Diego but not the hospital.

>> No.7720840

You're stretching words
valid source =/= mainstream news

polygon is mainstream but not valid

>> No.7720842

>Sunday night the girl's father updated his Facebook page, writing, "Worst night ever... daughter in ICU San Diego brain bleed still waiting for answers. I love you. Get well. Falling apart..."

Wasn't it originally the mother that said that?

Why is the father's facebook post not linked or screencapped? Is it because the profile is private? If that's the case, then how did reporters find out about this?

If the girl was found in the hotel's pool area, then shouldn't there be camera footage of the beating or the guy leaving the body? How come the police haven't made a press release about this to television? I would think that a potential serial rapist would be something that you'd alert the media about. Especially when there is potential for that rapist to be anywhere in the country. It would be kind of a nice thing to have heads up about. In fact, it's rather odd that the SAN DIEGO POLICE DEPARTMENT has remained tight lipped about the entire investigation.

Why would a 17 year old girl dress up as Jessica Rabbit? More over, what kind of parent would let an underaged girl even make a Jessica Rabbit outfit in the first place. It's not exactly a conservative outfit, nor is it easy to hide. Why would a parent let a 17 year old girl go to a convention without guaranteed supervision? Her friends aren't 100% reliable.

I'm not saying this didn't happen, but there are some big holes in this story.

>> No.7720847

Roger Rabbit, not Jessica Rabbit.

>> No.7720854

you have not read this thread have you

>> No.7720858

No her father was the one who originally said that.

>> No.7720863

It was the mother who said that and the mother's fb has been screencapped. The girl was found on the side of the road. Rapes happen all the time and there isn't always media coverage. That's pretty rare or at least where I've lived it is.

>> No.7720866

Nvm the screencaps show her dad.

>> No.7720871

At least this incident should correct her whore ways of fucking to get on top. The fall hurts. Maybe her parents will take her out of the hobby since she only used it for soft core porn anyways. She was stupid to lie about her age, I can only assume daddy issues? It's hard to feel sympathy for these girls when all they want to do is get fucked up to begin with.

>> No.7720877

Link it

>> No.7720879

>Side of the road at the biggest convention in the world in a major city in California
>Somehow no one saw anything

>> No.7720880

Nobody will feel sympathy for you either when you get bludgeoned.

>> No.7720882
File: 32 KB, 852x359, down by the road.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The girl was found on the side of the road.

Wanna try that again?

>> No.7720884

hey maybe... you might want to read the thread... just an idea...

>> No.7720887

The post from her mother said she was found on the side of the road. More recent reports say security found her in the pool area.

We're just getting snippets of the story from various sources, so it's best to take everything with a grain of salt for now.

>> No.7720891

Until I see hospital photos I ain't believing anything from anyone

>> No.7720904

Since it's drug related, she was literally asking for it.

>> No.7720907

really? that'd be one of the easier things to fake

>> No.7720917

I mean actual photos of her in the hospital. You can't fake those injuries and do a believable job without professional photoshopping

>> No.7720920
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>dat cosplay

>> No.7720922

The underaged cosplay model fucking the photographer, somehow I'm not surprised.

>> No.7720928

This isn't news
Why would people not directly affected by this care?
There are more important things going on

>> No.7720940

>Stop talking about things I don't find important!! There are IMPORTANT things going on, how DARE you care about other things?!?!

>> No.7720945

She went from 600 likes to 2.1k pity likes


>> No.7720949

See thats what I'm talking about
Why are you wasting energy getting defensive and adamant about a situation that has no direct affect on you? You could be doing something that benefits you instead or at the very least something that caters to you

>> No.7720950
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>> No.7720951

Maybe she should stop being such a druggie whore..... Maybe she wouldn't get raped if she didn't get dressed up like a prostitute

>> No.7720952
File: 16 KB, 468x109, sounds legit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand this girl's intentions but this just makes it less believable

>> No.7720954

>tfw she has edgy rape shit all over her tumblr

well, I mean....

>> No.7720955

hahahahaha bitches got rekt

>> No.7720956

>I'm 15 I swear this is true
ayy lmao

>> No.7720960

"still not asking for it"

>> No.7720961
File: 295 KB, 450x452, dw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gr8 b8, very impressed

>> No.7720964

milly makar updated her fb about an hour ago. she must be recovering

>> No.7720966

its not b8 you busted hag, she was absolutely asking for it with her disgusting lifestyle

>> No.7720969

>This is clearly J Niigers fault

>> No.7720970

Why are all you trashy /cgl/ whores such
pseudo-depressed edgy druggies

>> No.7720972

No, both parties have some fault. This whole "vicktum has no responsahbilities" is a load of shit and you know it.

>You still don't blame the victim. You blame the aggressor.
>kid smacking a bulldog up and poking its eyes
>bulldog rekts the kids shit

>> No.7720974

Maybe she'll learn he lesson from this...

>> No.7720976

>implying she isn't going to milk the manhating cunts on tumblr to give her money or something

>> No.7720981

>takes five seconds to troll someone on the internet
>"You could be doing important things right now!! Like ME!"

It doesn't really take much time, effort, or concentration to be in this thread.

>> No.7720986

Even responding with "lol bait" is responding. Come on, cgl, this rule is as old as time. Don't feed the trolls, and they'll go away.

>> No.7720988
File: 306 KB, 513x600, c128451b400afaa6aad32e0e2fa428f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at her tumblr......

I'd say she's gotten what she wanted, actually?

>> No.7720990

>slutty costume
>"rape is hawt" on her blog
>not asking for it


>> No.7720992
File: 17 KB, 289x253, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait, did this girls' friends post about this on the internet? Because if I was the girl who was allegedly assaulted and left on the side of the road the last thing I'd want is my friends spreading all over the internet that I got my ass beat. The only thing that would cause is unneeded attention and trolls saying stuff like 'lol that bitch got what she deserved'. I'd be kind of pissed at them, tbh.

>> No.7720993
File: 40 KB, 525x525, 10371734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she came while she was raped? 90 percent of women do. They also report being attracted to their rapists afterward.

>yfw you realized that women love being hurt

>> No.7720995
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>> No.7720997

SJW's are a bit dumb in the head.

>> No.7720998

She orgasmed and enjoyed it. Skanks like things like that and deserve it. No other sex in her life will live up to the pleasure she experienced.

>> No.7720999

This. Threads over guys, she actually got what she wanted, stop slut shaming her seagulls this is what she rly wanted

>> No.7721000

Being the most important person on this board. this board is a pile of shit I'd like to say she deserved it. Not because of how she dressed, or because she thinks she's an animu, but because she uses tumblr.

Merry christmas, /cgl/ You're all filthy whores.

>> No.7721005

Did this thread get posted in /r9k/ or something? I've never seen so much samefag desperation.

>> No.7721007

Her friends are whores. This is something that can get them attention. Beta orbiters trying to console them for feeling bad about their friends, using this as a stand-off to beat their chest and talk about how they shouldn't be objectified. Stuff like that.

>> No.7721009

Who ever did this wasn't an animal being abused.

But people of all kinds should take responsibilities for their actions.

>> No.7721011

For reals. It's like all the fedora manbabies took a break cumming on pony toys and decided to come here.

^this thread

>> No.7721012

I hope you two get raped next.

>> No.7721013
File: 29 KB, 250x300, 1384378678843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /r9k/ here?

wizards report in

>> No.7721014

You mean the thing she felt when she was getting her skull fractured and a cock up her ass?

>> No.7721015

>What's one sexual thing you've always wanted to try/enjoy?

>I think if I knew them and what not Id kinda wanna do like a rape thing.. where I get like tied up or something.. maybe something like that or just like extreme in character anime role play? Meow idk


She really does seem like she was asking for it. Was probably doing drugs with some random guy dressed like a whore.

>> No.7721016

Why don't you actually go to her tumblr for yourself?

>> No.7721017
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>> No.7721018
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>> No.7721020

To be fair she was literally asking for it m80

>> No.7721022

One day the mods will wordfilter "attention whore" to "normal person I just have no idea how people normally act" and it will make this board such a better place.

>> No.7721023

eww what a fat cow. am i supposed to care that she got raped?

>> No.7721024

>i want to be raped

>> No.7721025 [DELETED] 

>cumming on pony toys

I think I need to educate you on /r9k/.

They do not cum on pony toys, they cum on used panties that they have stolen or bought.

They are not /mlp/

If you continue to be incorrect and a butt hurt slut, I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Also, please use a secure tripcode so I can track this discussion that we are having, thank you. *tips fedora*

~~~~EnFoRcEhEr RaPeViCtIm ExTrArDiNaIrE~~~~ contact me at aimbucks dot global pc for more signatures like the one you see here!!!

>> No.7721027

I'm here friend. We're going through troubling times at the moment but we'll see through to the end. I know we will.

>> No.7721028




>> No.7721029

>shaming a young girl for expressing her sexuality
Fucking shitlords, you should be praising Mr.Rapefriend.

>> No.7721031

>such an desperate attentionwhore that i think everyone else must be so starved for attention

>> No.7721032 [DELETED] 

Thigh gaps don't count if they form from your thigh rolls 10 inches below your thighs.

Disgusting filth, please use a better secure trip code so we can continue this rousing conversation!!!

~~~~EnFoRcEhEr RaPeViCtIm ExTrArDiNaIrE~~~~ contact me at aimbucks dot global pc for more signatures like the one you see here!!!

>> No.7721033
File: 128 KB, 612x612, 4dc5bf3aca5311e28fe822000a9e17dc_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721034

>dat gut

>> No.7721035

>Thigh gaps don't count if they form from your thigh rolls 10 inches below your thighs
I had a giggle

>> No.7721036

We're not shaming her, we're celebrating that she got what she was asking for :^)

>> No.7721037

This thread needs to be purged.

>> No.7721039

god spoiler that shit. is that a gorilla in human clothign?

>> No.7721040

She should try purging to lose all that fucking weight. >>7721017
how is this okay? That poor rapist had to settle for this?

>> No.7721042

We're celebrating the fact her dream came true!

>> No.7721044
File: 52 KB, 500x563, happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721047

>This thread
females confirmed for the biggest slut shamers

>> No.7721048

>cgl femanon

Wow, r9k really is the bottom of the barrel in terms of intelligence. If she actually came on this site, much less this board, we wouldn't need this thread.

I really wish they would stay on their containment board, I hate when they come and shit up the place. I just want to talk about drama, not filter their stupid, fucking posts.

>> No.7721050

Holy shit im dying hahaha

>> No.7721052
File: 13 KB, 501x585, our friend in israel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that nose
Good goy, this sex is completely consensual. I won't lie and say that you raped me afterwards hee hee. Go ahead, hit me a bit I like it.

>> No.7721053

> all these beta orbiting white knights defending this grill

Never feed a woman attention.

>> No.7721056


Don't worry. /r9k/ just had their robot shut down and they're throwing a huge tantrum. It's a hoot.

>> No.7721057

>If she actually came on this site, much less this board, we wouldn't need this thread.
Say that to all the jnigz threads. Nice blind eyeing btw

>> No.7721059


Not incriminating yourself is part of the constitution.

>> No.7721063

there is a difference between lying and not saying anything

>> No.7721066

It wasn't even just some guy. He's a well known photographer. Probably told her he'd make her efamous or some bs.

>> No.7721068

Hey at least we didn't get a big meaty cock shoved up our asses :^)

>> No.7721069

>she's got what she deserved!

Men, not even once.
>m-men are the civilization!
>men are civilized!
>women are savage beasts!
>we are civilization. we are rational. women are savage beasts.

>> No.7721070
File: 29 KB, 238x231, 1387125541413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be daydreaming about that day for years to come. That guy turned her sick fantasy into reality.

>> No.7721072

or maybe she had yellow fever. or wanted to piss daddy off.

>> No.7721073 [DELETED] 

>they're throwing a huge tantrum

but you're wrong.

people evaded the filter anyway.

Why are women so uninformed all the time about everything?

You need to get educated about /r9k/ and i'm here to help you, please attach a secure tripcode so we can continue this conversation!

~~~~EnFoRcEhEr RaPeViCtIm ExTrArDiNaIrE~~~~ contact me at aimbucks dot global pc for more signatures like the one you see here!!!

>> No.7721077

ur rite m8 i forgot how intelligent and important women are and how many things they invent :^)

>> No.7721079 [DELETED] 

>You need to get educated about /r9k/

Why? It's going away. What epitaph do you want for its grave, beta?

>> No.7721080
File: 62 KB, 396x385, 1386022728561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone know anything?

>> No.7721081 [DELETED] 

I hope some dude rapes me sometime

~~~~EnFoRcEhEr RaPeViCtIm ExTrArDiNaIrE~~~~ contact me at aimbucks dot global pc for more signatures like the one you see here!!!

>> No.7721086

>"waaaaaaaah I wish someone would rape me"
>"I"ll rape you, m'lady!"
>"ewwwwww not you! Chaaaaaad come rape me :3"
Fucking whores.

>> No.7721088

This is what should happen to every /cgl/ user. You're all terrible people with some exceptions. Like literally on par with a wicked witch.

>> No.7721089
File: 59 KB, 640x360, gosick-anime-victorique1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seasoned internet detective here. she obviously got shitfaced, had sex with her boyfriend, stumbled out of the hotel room, walked STRAIGHT INTO a light pole, and fell down unconscious.

then she was discovered by her friends.

>> No.7721090

hahahaha i like u bruh

>> No.7721091

>can't read and see that she literally asked to be raped

so you were saying?

>> No.7721092

But jnig doesn't come to this board, at all. She doesn't even acknowledge it's existence.


She's in ICU, but she's not dead, right? Can't they just ask her about it when she's out of surgery?

>> No.7721093 [DELETED] 

>have as much money as I ever desired
>a hot girlfriend
>a house in which I will die in years down the road

Do you know what beta means?

I fear you are even more uninformed than I originally feared!!!

Moot isn't shutting it down again. He'll shut down /cgl/ before he shuts down /r9k/ I bet my bottom dollar, and my top dollar.

Now, let the enlightening begin *tips katana*

You have a very UNSECURE tripcode, and you must CHANGE it before we can discuss things further. Please make it secure or you'll have to be filtered, shunned, and excluded from social events.

~~~~EnFoRcEhEr RaPeViCtIm ExTrArDiNaIrE~~~~ contact me at aimbucks dot global pc for more signatures like the one you see here!!!

>> No.7721094

And this is why you don't live in shit states with restrictive gun laws

>> No.7721096

>asks to get raped
>gets raped
whats the problem here?

>> No.7721097 [DELETED] 

Well the problem is it wasn't consensual!!!

~~~~EnFoRcEhEr RaPeViCtIm ExTrArDiNaIrE~~~~ contact me at aimbucks dot global pc for more signatures like the one you see here!!!
~~~~EnFoRcEhEr RaPeViCtIm ExTrArDiNaIrE~~~~ contact me at aimbucks dot global pc for more signatures like the one you see here!!!

>> No.7721099
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x717, 54ad747a-0a0e-4bdb-a7f1-9db754a23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews did it

what more do you need?

>> No.7721103

But she wanted it, stop denying her sexual agency shitlord!

>> No.7721106
File: 222 KB, 1024x1536, hehehehe_by_millymassacure-d7ctzrh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721112
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>> No.7721115

Looks like a junkie. Has the physique too.

>> No.7721116
File: 83 KB, 640x640, 915457_602643266492506_504675544_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721117

>that Batman jaw

>> No.7721122

This I don't understand why some people are getting defensive?

People are different, yu girls need to stop putting yourself in her shoes, just because you are the one that doesn't have a rape fetish.

>> No.7721125

>daddy issues
>drug user
>dresses like a whore for attention
>not a skank

>> No.7721127
File: 56 KB, 640x640, 10268953_484023605058315_681860595_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721129

Sounds like she got it pretty bad. Hope she recovers well.

Hypothetically, since I know this is a common response, she didn't deserve it even if she was a slut. There is slut shaming, then there is... I don't know what to call it; condoning violence against sluts.

>> No.7721130
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 1515291_769262666424518_968129901_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721132

Pepper spray, preferably the bear variety is a good idea to carry. I worked security for years and it takes one hell of a man to not crawl away coughing, choking, and crying from exposure to the stuff. Especially if the douse them with it.

>> No.7721133
File: 180 KB, 1024x1536, come_here_soul_by_millymassacure-d7ctzrn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721138

So the guy they have in custody isnt being charged with assaulting her. Who beat her up then? All these claims are that she was attacked but the dude they have isnt being charged with attacking her.

>> No.7721139

Shut the fuck up and back to your board you faggot. I was already hating to see you when I used to post there.

>> No.7721148
File: 65 KB, 641x960, bubble_bath_by_millymassacure-d74ga5s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721151

That's because it's community service. He was just taking out the trash!

>> No.7721153

Make me kid, you can't.

>> No.7721155


>> No.7721162

>be kept away from education throughout history
>the few of your kind who actually did something are forgotten or ignored
>it's bcuz wymmin be dumb me so smart
>I'm a sorry excuse for a human being who is too insecure so I must keep half the world's population as inferiors because then at least I can feel better than them even though I did nothing with my life

>> No.7721164
File: 220 KB, 719x1080, 30_by_millymassacure-d7rbtvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721165

It was inevitable. You dress like a skank you'll get treated like one.

But if the claims are true then the law is the law.

>> No.7721168

But blaming and pointing the finger aside, is it not true that women haven't done shit in history?

>> No.7721169

I like how in this article it says
>her mother said. She traveled to San Diego with a trusted friend who was over the age of 21 and her parents had no reason to be concerned until they lost contact.

And then in this article >>7720882 is says
>Kalior said, adding that he thought she was 20. Kalior was arrested at the scene and later released on bond.

So who is telling the truth? If he was such a trusted friend then why did he think she was 20? So much shit parenting going on in this case.

>> No.7721170
File: 399 KB, 683x1024, 1366719574901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont go to a populated convention dress like this then. They only do it for attention.

>> No.7721173

Why are women so damn easy to oppress if they aren't inferior

>> No.7721174


Whatever you say, Muhammad.

>> No.7721177
File: 60 KB, 450x600, cammycosplayb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah because this chick goes to comic con for the comics.

>> No.7721178

Attentionwhore ruin everything good men create...

>> No.7721179
File: 67 KB, 509x427, projectcosplay1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's funny.
its a close friend when you get arrested.
but before that..

>> No.7721180

Keep beliving in your naive ways sweetheart. The simple fact is society loosk down upon female sexuality and promiscuity. And you know better than me that you dont dress up in revealing costumes to celebrate the character, comics or video game culture. I dont personally have a problem with it but others do.

>Implying these chicks know anything about video games

>> No.7721182
File: 266 KB, 508x695, projectcosplay2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before he can backpedal

>> No.7721189


He was arrested and RELEASED? Why? Did he not do the attack?

>> No.7721192
File: 75 KB, 612x612, df5891f2638d11e28a5c22000a1f8acf_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721194
File: 44 KB, 351x545, 1368003481164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys guys shes not asking for it!

Jokes aside ladies, rape is a crime and its never condoned. And its not the victims fault either.

BUT common sense prevailing its not like any of you dress in this shit for any reason other than to stoke your egos. And if you want to use the argument that these are the only costumes avalable and that they are accurate well then maybe it shows that females are not depicted properly in comic books? They are sexulised. Isnt that a bad thing? I thought women were more than their huge tits and asses? Why would you promote and patriarchal idea?

>YThis is not what the rocketeer looks like

>> No.7721196

she was literally asking for it with her ass hanging half out like that. i mean jeez

>> No.7721200

Maybe because her Facebook says she was born 1994

>> No.7721202
File: 586 KB, 1696x1079, baumeister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scan for "I suppose the stock explanation.." (that's yours)

>> No.7721209

Can someone beat up this shit excuse for a photographer too? For being a manslut? Whoring out your skills regardless of gender should be shamed.

>> No.7721217

no such thing m8

>> No.7721222

Bad example considering that's actually accurate. However still picking it for the sole reason of getting to let your ass hang out is pathetic. Sex sells but look what it's creating.

>> No.7721223

>I left my door open and unlocked all night its not my fault robbers came in and stole
>Its not my fault most people think of stealing everything in my house

>I left the keys in my car its not my fault my car get stolen
>It's not my fault most people think of stealing my car with near 0 risk

>I put my wallet outside its not my fault someone took it
>it's not my fault most people at least look at my wallet

>I dress slutty its not my fault that I get raped
>It's not my fault most people think of sex when they look at me

>> No.7721228

i need more pics of this girl in OP

>> No.7721235

Two words: Grindr Twink

>> No.7721236

Not it isnt your fault. But you can lessen or avoid it by not dressing that way. Its your call. If it doesn't bother you then go for gold.

But ladies honestly ask yourselves this. Asides from those weird asian doll costumes can you honestly go to a comic con and dress in an outfit that isnt revealing? I hardly ever see people dressed like Samus for example.

>Inb4 a million Samus pics.

>> No.7721238
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 926175_1502630863298374_114877314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721239

gay guys are basically women tho

>> No.7721241
File: 532 KB, 640x570, v6cgt6yt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mentality of "TELL MEN NOT TO RAPE" is subtly indicative of the way women see "men" as a vague abstract entity that exists to make their lives easier. If "it" is raping them, it's not doing a very good job! Just nag it until it stops! The answer cannot POSSIBLY be to modify your own behaviour.

>> No.7721242
File: 99 KB, 612x612, 0a2c5704902211e289dc22000a9f12b0_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721243


>> No.7721244


I guess we should all just wear bhurkas then so you men can control your urges to rape us! It's totally not the fault of rapists that don't have impulse control and is all women's fault for wearing cute outfits! CUTE OUTFITS!!! THE HORROR!!!!!!! WHO WOULD WANT TO SEE THAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.7721248

Holy shit this thread, is /cgl/ always this tumblr?
Some of you act like legit SJWs and it's hilarious
Shame about the girl though

>> No.7721250

you mean prostitute outfits? honestly women just need to git gud and stop getting raped

>> No.7721251

>Shame about the girl though

>brain damaged slut gets marginally more brain damaged

maybe it'll undo the original damage?

>> No.7721253

They arent cute they are slutty. BUT that doesnt give anyone the right to rape OR to put someone in an uncomfortable situation. You cant have your cake and eat it too. If no one paid attention to you in those costumes youde go home and cut more and more out of it until they did.

>> No.7721254

oh god that last pic

>> No.7721256

What is your problem? It's obviously not okay to rape under any circunstance, but really, going in slutty outfits just because it's cute?
It doesn't let men rape you, but you're clearly giving a bad message.

>> No.7721257

/cgl/ is the official 4chan board of tumblr. Any time you see a sjw/tumblr type post its a seagull crossposting

>> No.7721264

You're suppose to read the article yourself then go from there, not ask stupid questions.

>> No.7721265
File: 45 KB, 480x720, 1366723159712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody in the world thinks this is cute. She looks like a stripper.

>> No.7721269

Why do we hate Jessica Nigri? Is it because she's popular?

>> No.7721273
File: 39 KB, 550x412, tellthatothisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7721276

Someone post her fb. She looks cute and I want to fap.

>> No.7721277

>Sllutty outfits
>literally the outfits the creators designed


>> No.7721278

Shes only popular because she has a huge rack. She knows nothing about gaming.

>> No.7721279
File: 164 KB, 1280x960, birthday boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7721281
File: 60 KB, 526x720, 2014_01_17_09_18_08_by_millymassacure-d7cu0ji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721284

Yes the creators portray women that way. They sexulise women. I would have thought all these SJW's would have been against that? Lie I said(and no one noticed) no one dresses up like Ripley or Samus.

>> No.7721286

No it fucking isn't. At least it used to not be. I've witnessed some of the most judgmental, non-SJW shit in existence on /cgl/ the many years I've been here.

>> No.7721287

So... basically ever gamur gurl then?

>> No.7721289

So what? There's plenty of female characters that don't look like sluts.
You clearly want to dress like a slut if you're cosplaying as a female character with such design.

>> No.7721293

SJW hate when men portray women the exact way women portray themselves

>> No.7721295

Ermm no.

>> No.7721297
File: 61 KB, 536x720, 2014_01_17_09_18_11_by_millymassacure-d7cu0jn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7721298
File: 111 KB, 480x640, 1366720921347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do they dress up like that then?

>> No.7721301


>> No.7721302

Ermmm yes.

>> No.7721304

Cause its "empowering" to dress and act like a std riddled prostitute

>> No.7721305


Lots of people wonder why there's less women into games and "nerd" stuff, but when women who like dressing up because that's something lots of us like to do go to events like this dressed up this is how we get treated and you people probably still wonder why there's less women interested in the same things you are.


Most of these women are dressed up like characters! And where is the line between cute and slutty? I think it's very blurry and subjective.

>> No.7721307

There you go. Attention seeking is an unattractive trait in humans.

>> No.7721310


I play games because they're fun, nit for attention.

>> No.7721311

>Lots of people wonder why there's less women into games and "nerd" stuff, but when women who like dressing up because that's something lots of us like to do go to events like this dressed up this is how we get treated and you people probably still wonder why there's less women interested in the same things you are.
Because all you do is dress up like whores and try to get more attention than the other whores. Then you whine about games and nerd stuff not catering specifically to you like entitled bitches

>> No.7721312

>Lots of people wonder why there's less women into games and "nerd" stuff

I don't. I don't care and I actually enjoy when there are no women because they shit up any community they join.

>> No.7721314

This is cgl. Make a tumblr and ask them yourself.

I just like varied designs and don't mind broadening my horizons.

>> No.7721316
File: 279 KB, 573x900, 1359267546942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont dress like that then. You arent doing it because you are interested in games. You pick the sluttiest looking characters because of their outfits, nothing more.

There is no reason you cant just wear normal clothes or come as a character that doesnt look like a stripper.

>Most of these women are dressed up like characters! And where is the line between cute and slutty? I think it's very blurry and subjective.

Its not blury and subjective at all. If you are out in public wearing a g-string and showing off your enormous tits then thats slutty.

>> No.7721319

Because baby's got an ass that just won't quit. Sucks that she's not fucking you, right? :^) Poor, poor man whining about it on an anonymous imageboard online.

>> No.7721320


Back to your
sausage party.

>> No.7721322

Awesome. You dont need to go outside with your ass hanging out for the world to know that.

I highly doubt you or any girl on this website look anything like jessica nigri.

>> No.7721323

That's literally all we do. We exist for attention. Just like you're posting on this board for the validation of your own ideals so you can justify the fact that you haven't done anything with your life.

>> No.7721325

Don't you hate how they portray women? Then dress as one of the hundreds of great female characters. It's as simple as that, but you're talking like if there's no alternative but dressing like a slut.
There's creative cosplays like, dunno, genderbent characters. Last con I attended was in my town, and it's usually fairly big, but I saw next to no cosplay sluts. There were a few great female Links and Marios that looked great, and several female characters that are not strippers.
There is literally no excuse. Dressing like that gets the wrong attention.

>> No.7721328


You posed a question with a false premise and I told you so. Don't get upset because nobody wants to have attention seeking cunts in their community

>> No.7721332

>Always with the virgin shit isnt it

Believe it or not Im getting laid atm. One can be getting fucked on a regular basis and still not be blinded by your bullshit. Onviosuly if you disagree with SJW's your a bitter virgin right? No Im just ahead of the curb.

You wana dress like this then go ahead. No one will respect you for it. Angry because you aint getting respect right :^)

>> No.7721334

>Because baby's got an ass that just won't quit

She doesnt have to show it iff does she? And even so the beach is an appropriate place not a comic convention.

>> No.7721337

what a substantial post

>> No.7721340


this wasn't even AT comicon though

>> No.7721342

How could you possibly know what I have and have not done with my life? Seriously lets stay mature here people.

If I told you what I have done, which IS more than anyone on this board you wouldn't believe me anyway.

>> No.7721344

Why is wanting attention wrong? It's it because it seems inherently selfish and hedonistic? Why is it wrong to feel good about getting attention? It feels good when people notice you. Why should we be the judge of other people's hedonism? Why can't we just let them attention seek?

>> No.7721345

I do more than dress like a skank and go hang around nerds and kids and public conventions in order to validate the fact my father hated me.

>> No.7721348

>Why is wanting attention wrong?
Why is being needy wrong? It just is. If you need to draw attention to yourself that means you seek validation.

>> No.7721353

If you have to seek attention you probably don't deserve it in the first place

>> No.7721354

I never called you a virgin, but keep projecting r9fag.

Tell her, I don't give a fuck. Post more cosplay fap pictures, faggot.

>> No.7721355

>It feels good when people notice you
Does it? You girls seem to complain alot about it. Or maybe its only certain peoples attention you want?

>> No.7721358

What is wrong with seeking validation?

>> No.7721362

lol okay

>on an anonymous imageboard about anime and japanese culture
I think you're the nerd here. And an asspained one, at that. Your fallacies are cute.

>> No.7721364


It's up to women to dress how they want. If they think a character is oversexualized then they don't have to buy that game or whatever or dress like them but if they don't mind how the character is portrayed or like the character anyway then they can and I don't see why people are saying this girl deserved to get raped just because she dress like characters that some people don't like how they're portrayed. There's pictures of guys all over with no shirts on so they can show off their miscles or whateer and nob ody carees, but god forbid a gi woman dress sexy just because she feels like it. I guess that's just the worst thing in the univesrse and she devserves to be assaulted because you don't approve of her dress!


I don't dress like that but it's a free country and women should be able to dress how they want without being afraid of being hurt. I thought this was USA and not middleeast.



>> No.7721365

Why would somebody be undeserving of attention?

>> No.7721369

>trying to reason with retards
Don't bother. Just go to their board and troll them. Their sperg rage is delicious.

>> No.7721370

Is it wrong? Idk about that but it SURE is annoying as fuck

>> No.7721371

>There's pictures of guys all over with no shirts on so they can show off their miscles or whateer and nob ody carees, but god forbid a gi woman dress sexy just because she feels like it.

Funny enough the big muscly men to non-naked men ratio for cosplay is skewed to one side, while with women dressing like skanks versus normal characters it's also skewed to one side

>> No.7721373

This is what you've been trying to find out from your father all your life

>> No.7721377

There's different kinds of attention. Some fulfill others in ways that would put off a normal person.

>> No.7721378
File: 203 KB, 824x1244, 1364676825280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look ladies you have the right to do what you want. By all means if it makes you happy dress the way you want. If it makes you feel good then even better. But you have to accept that not everyone in the world is going to enjoy ir as much as you nor are you entitled to only positive feedback. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, believe it or not some people still find costumes like this to be inappropriate. Especially at a public convention.

If you want to do this in a public place then people have a right to critique it.

If you cant handle this then you are an immature cunt who shouldn't leave the house.


>> No.7721385

I am not approving rape or assaults. Very few people here are doing it.
But if you're getting criticized and shamed for dressing like a stripper, well, you can't say you didn't deserve it.
I don't approve men doing the same thing. I get called sexist too often when I think too much of equality. Mansluts are just as worse as female sluts, and excusing something just because someone else does it, or does something worse, is just sad.

I don't want to low myself, but seriously, you sound like an angry brat who thinks being free means doing whatever the hell you want without consequences. And no, by consequences I don't mean being raped. USA is a 'free' country as much or less as European countries, but we're not that drunk and stupid with 'freedom'.

>> No.7721388

So it's a child's fault that a parent finds them undeserving of attention?

>> No.7721389

Her tits looks glorious. But that's the only meaningful thing you contributed.

>> No.7721391

hahahaha #rekt

>> No.7721392
File: 817 KB, 608x1070, attention guide for stupid whores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple really. It's not simply the act of attention whoring, but it's the act of doing it in a sleazy, lazy way. Guys who want attention usually have to create good art, or work to perfect themselves somehow so they can get attention, and even then they are oft overlooked. Girls who want attention simply need to dress in a slutty outfit and BAM, all eyes on her. It doesn't matter that they are shitty gamers, or bad musicians, or don't really know anything about the fandom discussed, as long as they dress like a stripper, they'd get all the attention. It's simply unfair, and people who are ignored even if they are talented, get bitter about this kind of injustice and develop feelings of contempt towards those who get attention in such a sleazy way.

>> No.7721393

>Daddy issues! EPIC WIN! XD

>> No.7721401

This board is like the daddy issues board

>> No.7721406


all these tumblr tears. Get fucked cunts. Attention whores getting BTFO

>> No.7721411

>trying this hard

Keep circlejerking in your r9fag echocamber. Oh wait, it's not going to be around for much longer anyway.

>> No.7721415

Jesus everyone is so mad.

>> No.7721416

confirmed for mad :^)

>> No.7721417


I'll be coming here to get more delicious stories like the OP of whores getting what they got comin' to 'em.

Nice dubs btw

>> No.7721421

I'm trying to explain my views as neutrally and reasonably as possible, but I'm honestly getting tired of all the shitposting.

>> No.7721422

What about women who don't use the sleazy, lazy way? Do you have more intrinsic respect for them because they are trying to produce quality work without using their bodies?

>> No.7721423

>Oh wait, it's not going to be around for much longer anyway.
Thats what they said last time ayyy lmao

>> No.7721425

He's right though

>> No.7721426

This is one of the dumbest pictures I've seen posted. The whole point is that women should be able to wear whatever they want (or as little as they want) without fear of being raped. Revealing clothes are not a justification for rape. The slutwalk girls are dressed like that to purposely expose the reality that we live in a society where the agency of the rapist is given a backseat to the agency of the victim and how she "brought it on herself".

People should also be able to wear whatever they want without fear of getting mugged. Robbery is still a crime. People should be able to say or write whatever they want in public without fear of being physically attacked. Assault is still a crime.

>> No.7721427

Not that guy but I have as much respect for them as I do any legitimate artist

>> No.7721430

>implying we won't come here and call you sluts

>> No.7721431

We dont live in shouldland :^)

>> No.7721432

Yes, I do. I only hate it when untalented hacks get attention for being hot or having shock value or some emotional backstory, men and women alike. It's just easier for women.

>> No.7721435

That's kind of the point. They're generating discussion in an attempt to move things in the right direction.

>> No.7721436


They're not sluts, skanks, whores, or strippers just because the dress like superheroines or anime characters.


What consequences do you mean then? I saw a article where some girl was complaining about being looked at and having her picture taken at comicon and I think that's silly because that's just going to happen if you dress up in a crazy outfit, but that's not what happened here. And I didn't realize adults with jobs were considered brats if they had different views either.

>> No.7721438

were is the murdervictim walk

>> No.7721441

I'm just bored, and your manlet rage is entertaining. I don't really care about your spergrage, I just want to know more drama, and your spam is annoying to shift through.

They aren't that common, but go ahead. In her defense, she is kind of an inexperience little girl who played with fire, so I don't think she deserved it, but she sure as hell will learn her lesson. And stop doing stupid shit like asking to be raped because it's so cool and edgy
And thanks,

Wait, do we even know if she was raped? I thought she just got beat up.

>> No.7721442

>They're not sluts, skanks, whores, or strippers just because the dress like superheroines or anime characters.
they are if the superheroines or anime characters are sluts

>> No.7721443

Somebody explain the daddy issues argument to me because where did it come from? Like when did people start using like some sort of Johnnie Cochran-esque, ultimate slam dunk way to win an argument?

>> No.7721445

There isn't one, because nobody says the murder victim was asking for it by hanging out with murderers. Again, that's kind of the point.

>> No.7721446

Y-you too.

>> No.7721447

How is it bad?
You should be able to wear what you want without getting raped
You should be able to show your wealth without getting robbed
You should be able to say or write what you want without getting beat down
But it happens, the picture is great

>> No.7721448

>I'm just bored, and your manlet rage is entertaining.
hahaha what, we're the ones laughing it up here you guys are mad, dont try to twist it around hunny
>They aren't that common

>> No.7721451

>There isn't one, because nobody says the murder victim was asking for it by hanging out with murderers.
Yes they do

>> No.7721454

Look, you can't just say something and have it be true because you want it to be.

>> No.7721455

You're really thirsty for my raeg, and your bait is poor. Cute misinterpretation, though.

>> No.7721456

>They're not sluts, skanks, whores, or strippers just because the dress like superheroines or anime characters.
We've been over this several times now in this thread alone.
If said character dresses like a slut, stripper or whatever and you're dressing like said character, yes, you give the impression of being a slut, because honestly, why on earth would you pick that costume?

>What consequences do you mean then?
Critique, and possibly offensive comments in polite or impolite ways, though I don't like being impolite.
Mostly that, though it's pretty late here and I'm really sleepy so maybe I am not expressing myself well, so there's probably more I could say.

>but that's not what happened here
Of course it isn't, but I am talking about the impressions 'slutty cosplayers' cause, and my opinion on the matter.

>And I didn't realize adults with jobs were considered brats if they had different views either.
I don't know or need to know who you are. I said what it seems, not what it is.

>> No.7721457

Thing about some murderers is that they are not murderers until they kill you so…yeah

>> No.7721459

are you kidding me? plenty of people create reasons for why someones murder is justified. hell, plenty of you guys probably think rapists should be murdered, meanwhile, rape is never okay

>> No.7721463

In what way is it bait? Its just explaining the reality of the situation. We didn't come here to be mad. We came here to laugh at the whore. This is whats going on here.

>> No.7721465

>Thing about some rapists is that they are not rapists until they rape you so…yeah

>> No.7721470

No, you came here to shit up the thread because your autism is acting up again. If you want to "laugh at the whore", stand outside her door in the ICU.
Or continue drinking out of your piss bottles and leeching off of your mom.

>> No.7721474

>If you want to "laugh at the whore", stand outside her door in the ICU.

I wish I could

>> No.7721475

>No, you came here to shit up the thread because your autism is acting up again.
No we came here to laugh at the whore, read the thread m8
>Or continue drinking out of your piss bottles and leeching off of your mom.

>> No.7721478

I mean you never fucking know with people these days. They can seem so perfectly well adjusted then suddenly act out on those weird thoughts and feelings they had bottled up for years and just attack. My cousin's husband just suddenly one day handcuffed his whole family to their beds and shot them in the face with a shotgun.

>> No.7721479

That happened because of MURDER CULTURE

>> No.7721482

Robot here.
/r9k/ might be dying but I can have one last laugh, thanks for the thread.

>> No.7721484

>hahaha what, we're the ones laughing it up here you guys are mad, dont try to twist it around hunny
Ahaha, I spit my drink out laughing so hard at this. It's so comical, it can't be something a person would actually respond with ever.

>> No.7721485

whats wrong with what i said?

>> No.7721488

Our last gift to you is 50 dicks bought off of ebay

>> No.7721490

This shit is still on my facebook feed. Plus there is now even more shit of the cosplay is not consent posts and in response posts.

>> No.7721491
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>> No.7721495

She is underage, she deserved it

>> No.7721497

Could you sound anymore pathetic and not even realize it?

>What? You're not having fun, WE ARE! WE'RE HAVING FUN! You're MAD! HUNNY!

You sound like a child.

>> No.7721499

Well i mean its the plain truth. Seagulls aren't celebrating and having a good time itt, we are. seagulls are sad and angry about this.

>> No.7721500
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So /r9k/
Which wonderful dragon dildo set do you want?

>> No.7721505

The biggest one, imma use it to shove up disgusting worthless cosplay attention whore ass and crack their skulls with it

>> No.7721508

/g/ and I have all.

>> No.7721510
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I think Lara Croft is a very sexualized character. I played the original Tomb Raider in the 90's and even though the graphics weren't good, they still managed to give her big boobs and big bottom. I had lots of fun with the old Tomb Raiders, so I don't think there would be anything wrong with dressing as Lara Croft if she was my favorite video game character. There's nothing slutty about it even though the character was always meant to be sexy. I also don't think there'd be anything wrong if I wanted to dress as my favorite character from Guild Wars 1. She was a elementalist and got elite sunspear armor. Lots of people would call that armor "slutty" or whatever, but she was my favorite character I played so I don't see how that's wrong to dress as her at a game event. I just wish I was good enough at making costumes that I could actually make good sunspear amor. Pic is the same armor but not my character. Unfortunately I guess I don't have any screencaps of her which makes me pretty sad actually.

>> No.7721512

This proves women hate women since /cgl/ is highest count of females.

Anyway how is this cosplay related? She was at hotel when it happened.

I still have no clue what actually happened. Really fucking informative /cgl/..

I'll drift back to /int/ now...

>> No.7721516

Siiighhhh, you don't know the customs of our board. Before you start beating people with it you have to suck at least 50 of them. It's the rules.

>> No.7721517

>anon says their not mad, just bored
>asspie has to constantly validate that NO, YOU'RE MAD

Um, okay. If you say so. No one is mad but a few randoms. Most of us are just laughing at you and watching your autistic responses.

You're the best reverse troll.

I own dark natural. Shit is SO cash.

>> No.7721525

kinda fucked up with the /r9k/ bit.

>> No.7721526

>>anon says their not mad, just bored
>>asspie has to constantly validate that NO, YOU'RE MAD
>Um, okay. If you say so. No one is mad but a few randoms. Most of us are just laughing at you and watching your autistic responses.
Keep responding, madling :)

>> No.7721528

>>anon says their not mad, just bored
common booty blasted rhetoric

>> No.7721530


Everytime I hear the phrase "booty blasted", I can't even be mad, because it sounds like an early 2000s rap song.

>> No.7721531

First rule of /cgl/
Buy 50 dicks off of ebay and suck them all
If our poor /r9k/'s want to join in on the /cgl/ fun, they must engage in our sacred dick sucking ritual
. They can truly make themselves holy by sucking a whole batch of bad-dragon dildos.

>> No.7721532

You shilling them?

>> No.7721534

>d-dont mind me, i'm just sitting here laughing at all the people laughing about rape, because thats deffo something to laugh about
nigga quit trying whores got btfo and raped itt

>> No.7721537
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>> No.7721538

>Most of these women are dressed up like characters!
Characters designed to appeal to men. On a sexual level.
I'm not going to blame the person for the character design of course, but the design itself still has that unmistakeable purpose.

>And where is the line between cute and slutty?
There's no bright line.

>> No.7721543
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top kek

This is one of the biggest accomplishments of your life. I won't take it from you. Yes, I'm mad. Grr. So angry. I sure got BTFO, you betcha.

If you stay here, we're gonna need to see a picture of you sucking a few dragon dildos first, though. Must be bought used off of ebay.

>> No.7721544

Listen here sunshine.
this is me and i'm a regular.

>> No.7721547

Nah you cant take it back, rape culture makes seagulls giggly. SEAGULLS CONFIRMED FOR FINDING RAPE CULTURE FUNNY

>> No.7721551
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Suck the dildo, faggot.

>> No.7721552
File: 405 KB, 799x452, holypose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok /r9K/ you suck the dragon dildos and we'll do our holy poses for the sealing ritual!

>> No.7721553

>>why is someone's sexual life effecting you so much
>Oh I don't know, maybe because cons become known as a place to find attractive women or women who are easy lays which thereby hurts the experience of others?

>Your actions have consequences.
Holy fuck look at this idiot. Is nobody in the entire world allowed to have a good time with their convention experience unless it fits your personal narrative of what is and isn't okay? Are you societies rightful dictator?

>> No.7721556


>> No.7721560

>Are you societies rightful dictator?
Nah but my dick is, keep them daddy issue rape loving sluts in check <3

>> No.7721566


>> No.7721569
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>> No.7721573

lol this autism. Here, get this attention. I know it's what you're looking for. Have you inhaled the dragon dildos, yets?

>> No.7721582


>> No.7721585
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>> No.7721594

/r9k/ here

oh my god i am so happy these fucking dumb sluts finally got what they wanted, but as soon as they realized it wasn't like how it was in porn they flip and call it rape
ayy lmao what a wonderful day

>> No.7721596


alright im done guys im gonna go to the gym and while i'm there im gonna rapestare every qt i see just for yall ;)

>> No.7721598
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>> No.7721601
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>> No.7721602

Bmore in dis bitch!!

>> No.7721774
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Thankyou. Not all of us are bitter angry virgins. And its not only men who disdain sluttiness, society does too. That doesnt mean that all girls who dress a certain way or act a certain way are in any way bad people. Everyone is flawed and everyone is different, its what makes us human.

Me personally I love these costumes but I also believe that the people who wear them need to have some common sense and decency when doing so.

>> No.7721782

Women dressing slutty makes men respect them less. This doesn't make raping them okay, it just means that feminism is missing the point of self-respect entirely

>> No.7721792

I do think people should realize that people will see them differently for prancing around in scanty outfits, but that doesn't necessarily determine her sexuality.Bitch was obviously not careful at all and her actions brought misfortune to her, but I'm not going to say she deserves to be raped, or something.

respect is relative and feminism isn't a singular collective of non-conflicting ideas. Personally, I wouldn't care if some robot on 4chan thought my clothing was respectable enough when I'm showing love for the character, and I didn't even design the costume. But I do respect myself enough to make it as close to the source material as possible, and go to cons to have fun and keep myself safe.

>> No.7722003

If you're playing wrestling games with your boyfriend then yeah he's gonna pin you down, but can he strip you down while you fight back the whole time? And actually fucking fighting, kicking him, grabbing his balls, going for his eyes, I fucking doubt it.
He'd have to bash your head in before he could do anything, and you shouldn't even give them that chance.
Fight to win, don't fight to live. If you get stabbed don't be a scared faggot, modern medicine will save you, there have been enough documented cases of people getting their throats slashed and still living afterwards.
Don't be a pussy. Train and prepare yourself for an actual fucking fight. If your trainer is telling you to do some bullshit fairy kicking, or guaranteed moves, quit that shit and find someone who can actually teach you.

>> No.7722015

Her whole face is gross

>> No.7722028


I've seen her at a con without any kind of entourage so...

>> No.7722036

Liz Katz is the one who did the IndieGoGo for her Sexy Peach photoshoot so she could buy a sewing machine and materials and camera, and ended up buying it anyway

>> No.7722097

I hope you don't actually believe that.

>> No.7722114

Was she actually raped like everyone keeps saying? I don't see how someone could ever want that.

>> No.7722118
File: 183 KB, 600x851, can you repeat the answer please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in highschool
>date somebody who is at the age where he could have two kids in school already and own a home and two cars
>he does not have any of that, and is dating highschoolers, an indicator that he is most likely a loser
>"lol he raped me, who could have seen that coming give attention+sympathy pls kthx upvote on tumblr too and donate+subscribe"

If had touched a hot stove, then complained I got seared, people would call me a dipshit
If I was a 17 year old girl and was dating a 29 year old man and got raped/injured, people would rush to my aide and coddle me

she touched the human equivalent of a hot stove, and there were consequences

why is this even a fucking story

>> No.7722126

>Can't comprehend wanting to consent to rape roleplay with someone you want to have sex with and getting beaten bloody and raped by someone else are two totally different things.

>> No.7722135
File: 131 KB, 824x1100, u fukken wot cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female boss and female coworkers sexually assault me on a near daily basis
>have had dick groped, ass grabbed, fingers stuck in my mouth, and hair pulled
>male boss doesnt care
>friends say I am lucky
>own family does not give a shit
>if I was a female the problem would be fixed so fast my hair would blow back, I would be rolling in money, and people would be supporting me

>highschool student dating somebody anybody would tell you is a bad idea
>bad things result from it

but double standards are sexist so I'll check my privilege

>> No.7722137

Because women are literal children who expect to not take responsibility for any of their actions.

>> No.7722141
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>> No.7722143

My opinion? If this guy is telling the truth (and if there IS CCTV footage of the pool, and if the con staff are witnesses) then this entire sudden sexual harassment movement is based on muh reactionary feels.

That being said, here's what I think happened.

She got drunk and fell. The fact she doesn't remember anything beforehand makes that suspect.

>> No.7722162

>then this entire sudden sexual harassment movement is based on muh reactionary feels.

It's not even that. It;s just SJWs going on crusade so they can have their privilege checked and enter liberal heaven and women who want to be able to do more to hurt undesirable men who come up to them at cons.

>> No.7722163

>she was completely innocent!
>she cant take responsibility for her own actions!
>she wasnt asking for it, not even when she was literally asking for it!
>nevermind her tumblr is full of bdsm and sadism, and posts of her literally straight up saying she wants to be beaten and raped
>nevermind she constantly cosplayed in extremely revealing outfits and posed provocatively with strange men
>nevermind all that, she din do nuffin

👽 ayyy lmao

>> No.7722252

To be fair, she WAS kind of asking for it.

>> No.7722286

From her tumblr:

"Anonymous: What's one sexual thing you've always wanted to try/enjoy?
I think if I knew them and what not Id kinda wanna do like a rape thing.. where I get like tied up or
something.. maybe something like that or just like extreme in character anime role play? Meow idk"

Does it really count as rape if she wanted it?

>> No.7722306

just cuz she aint fucking you that makes her a prostitute right? fucking neckbeard man

>> No.7722308


>Anonymous: What's one sexual thing you've always wanted to try/enjoy?

>I think if I knew them and what not Id kinda wanna do like a rape thing.. where I get like tied up or something.. maybe something like that or just like extreme in character anime role play? Meow idk

>Id kinda wanna do like a rape thing
Toppest of keks

>> No.7722309

go back to /r9k/

>> No.7722317

because she looks like a prostitute

>> No.7722329

there is consensual rape roleplay? And then there's being beaten and left on the side of the road. You fucking autist.

>> No.7722342

my local news said her parents are in riverside, oceanside is a lot closer and makes sense they weren't around. but then she shouldn't need a hotel. but riverside is far enough not to come home, it's still not fucking arizona or anything but it's still a couple of hours drive away.

>> No.7722348

she got raped by someone she knew. thats literally what she said she wanted

>> No.7722362

i don't think that anyone is saying rape is legal or okay, just that when it happens and the details point out it was completely preventable with safer actions, it's not a surprise.

rape walks are stupid because it's like telling cancer to stop. it's not a negotiable thing it's not like a cancer walk cures the cancer and a rape walk doesn't prevent any rape at all. it's already illegal to rape.

>> No.7722368

i saw a ripley and i took a picture of her it was awesome

>> No.7722477


>> No.7722526

There's people on 4chan right now that can't tell the difference between consensual rape play and real rape that leaves the victim with broken face bones.....

>> No.7722533

m8 she literally got what she wanted, prove me wrong

>> No.7722602


She didn't say she wanted her face beaten to a pulp. That's what happened. I just proved you wrong. Don't use the word literally so liberally.

>> No.7722712
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who asked her this?

>> No.7722827

I mean you know I don't want these stupid CONsent people to use this to get their queer little policies put into cons, but on the other hand someone being interested in even extreme and gross shit doesn't override consent. You can't just shove shit in a coprophiliac's face and say "you're literally asking for this".

You know I thought I'd pop in this thread and end up agreeing with people, but geez you guys are nasty.

>> No.7722922

ITT sexually frustrated virgins from /r9k/ who are upset that they'll never get laid.

>> No.7723101

that stuff doesn't actually happen, you just want attention
you're practically asking for it at that point, and you're pathetic.
go back to /rk9/ you fucking faggot.

>> No.7723104

whoops, */r9k/
been a long day

>> No.7723269

she said she wanted to get roughed up m8

>> No.7723272

wut. we're not upset, we're joyous about this

>> No.7723352


>> No.7723403

>roughed up
>broken eye socket
Is English your first language? Those aren't the same thing.

>> No.7723405

she never specified how roughed up she wanted to get

>> No.7723455

bumping for reading

>> No.7723498

If your partner asks for rough sex that doesn't mean break their bones. "Roughed up" in rape play doesn't mean broken bones unless very specifically stated, and even then it seems dubious.

>> No.7723549

>i have been raped before

LOL, surprise! who didn't see that coming, the slutty underage girl got raped at a young age, fucking textbook.

>> No.7723614

>rape play
where did she say anything about rape play

>> No.7723666

Please avoid sexual relationships with women. You will end up doing something that will land you in prison.

>> No.7723715

haha m8 stop being angry she got literally what she wanted. stop slut shaming her

>> No.7723767

I'm not slut shaming her. I don't think she did anything wrong unless what people are saying about there being a drug connection is true. I'm just saying that she (almost) certainly didn't actually want to be hurt like that. A person would have to be crazy or extremely autistic to interpret what she said that way.

>> No.7723774

>I'm just saying that she (almost) certainly didn't actually want to be hurt like that.

>> No.7723796

>being a relatively normal functioning adult (still odd enough to be a 4chan user of course)
>not being a rapist or other violent offender
>not being an autist
>having been in a relationship before
>knowing english

>> No.7723851

>"i wanna try rape with someone i know"
>"I wanna get beaten"
Honestly I dunno why you're so mad about a young girl expressing her sexuality

>> No.7724163


>> No.7724182


So after all that arguing about sexual assault, she fell down while under the influence of drugs?


>> No.7724223



My sides

>> No.7724226


now we can talk about how drugs are bad

>> No.7724243


Holy shit, I am going to hyperventilate.

It's all so perfect

>> No.7724260


>> No.7724265

for what?

>> No.7724270

funny how all the internet detectives were completely wrong. What are the odds they still use this to push the cosplay consent issues?

>> No.7724273

Because the thrilling conclusion just unfolded and I need to see the butthurt, tears, and backpedaling. I fucking live for this shit.

>> No.7724277


>> No.7724281

Everybody was wrong.
Because anybody who discussed this topic started jumping to conclusions almost immediately.
I'm glad I sat back and let it just play out, because it's very clearly shown me who's an actual retard and who's not.

>> No.7724289

Because women blame men for everything

>> No.7724312

But this anon was the closest to being right, if not spot on.

>> No.7724344

So police think she fell, but they haven't dismissed any charges against Kailor in spite of that. They're unrelated they say.

>> No.7724372


There were never assault charges.

There was
>unrelated allegations of having sexual contact with a minor and providing her alcohol.

>> No.7724375

bump because the truth is out

dumb bitch was drugged up and fell and now some dude looks like an asshole


>> No.7724412

Yeah I was going to say, can we talk about how she was on drugs and fell?

>> No.7724424

The girls on this server do not care now that its not about a male harassing her

They can't belittle men so its all over now

>> No.7724471

>A 29-year-old man, Justin Kalior, whom the girl got into a fight with before her fall, was arrested on unrelated allegations of having sexual contact with a minor and providing her alcohol. He will not face any other charges, police said.

She told him she was 20. Fucking bitch lied to him and now he faces charged because of this lying bitch.

>> No.7724479
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>Girls not even once

>> No.7724504

But on her tumblr she was admitting to have being raped. Could that have occurred while she was with Kalior earlier, they fought, she ran off and fell

>> No.7724513
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>> No.7724683
File: 10 KB, 340x161, IMG_32493586343243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahaha!! Haaaa!!!

>> No.7724901

>But on her tumblr she was admitting

>> No.7725357

This is too good - great job internet detectives!

>> No.7725377
