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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 134 KB, 794x606, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7716275 No.7716275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If so, Time to assemble my seagulls.

>> No.7716285

doesn't sound legit, wouldn't they take her to a hospital first, then the police to file a report?

>> No.7716299

I think they are saying that the husband is going the the police and then the hospital to see the girl, who is already at the hospital.

>> No.7716307

Unsure, OLDFAG here and it really seams legit.
Reddit post:

>> No.7716352

>girl found beaten up
>assume it was whoever she got in a fight with earlier
>somebody apparently saw this
>completely neglect to say who it was
Why are people so useless.

>> No.7716358

Maybe they know the attacker and are afraid of retaliation.

>> No.7716365

If she was dressed like that she probably lead the wrong neckbeard on and he wasn't taking that bs

>> No.7716367

le EPIK b8 frend men just have no self control

>> No.7716370

Pfft, Attack a girl at comicon and have time to hide?

>> No.7716377

You don't need to address yourself every time, that's not how it works and also no one cares

>> No.7716405

6 ft tall? Damn that's a huge bitch

>> No.7716422

it's like they're the anti-oldfag by saying they're oldfag
no one who has been here for ages would just start spouting "lol i've been here forever"

>> No.7716486

OLDFAG here:
btw I'm a boi don't hit on me silly grrls >_^

>> No.7716614

She has nice tits.

But no rape, so this was a vendetta attack. She likely was hitting on some chick's boyfriend and she got a heavy purse to the back of the head

>> No.7716635

>being 6 ft tall
>getting whooped by a womanlet

how embarrassing

>> No.7716658

wow I know this girl from ALA..she was really nice and its kind of upsetting to read all the posts in this thread.
Even if they're in jest it's all just pretty awful.

>> No.7716665 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7716669
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>> No.7716670
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>> No.7716671
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>> No.7716672
File: 44 KB, 720x960, aww yis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716676
File: 36 KB, 480x720, muh tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716680
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>> No.7716682
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>> No.7716684

Panties over tights?

>> No.7716685
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, handful of tittays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716686
File: 56 KB, 640x960, don't u wanna grab them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716687

Suddenly I feel limited sympathy for her.

Dress up like a whore and deal with the consequences.

>> No.7716690
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>> No.7716693

typical cosplayer

>> No.7716699
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>> No.7716703

>share pics of a girl who just suffered an attack
>dismiss the violence bc "she dresses like a slut"
Am I in /r9k/?

>> No.7716705
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>> No.7716706

lol look at the pics and tell me she wasn't a whore

>> No.7716707

I'm not one of those people who thinks someone deserves to have bad things happen to them because they dress skankily, but she seems extremely desperate for attention so it's hard for me to believe she's a pleasant person to be around. There has to be something broken up there if you're so desperate to have greasy neckbeards fapping to your pictures.
Still doesn't deserve to get beaten up, though.

>> No.7716710

>Still doesn't deserve to get beaten up, though.

Beaten up no.

Raped yes.

>> No.7716711

Shes a teenage girl, of course she's desperate for attention

>> No.7716713
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>> No.7716717


I honestly wouldn't take 1,000,000 to 1 odds that she was a virgin. What a pathetic, non-virgin girl.

>> No.7716719
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>> No.7716721

Try not to think of herself only, and maybe you'll find some sympathy in your robot heart? Imagine the terrible situation her parents are going through. If this exposition reached them or other people around her (which is not that unlikely if she has more cosplayer friends) it will only make them more upset.

>I am not sure why I'm trying to convince people to be nice in 4chan of all places either. But it bugs me, idk

>> No.7716723
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>> No.7716724

>responding to trolls
Please just stop before this thread is ruined

>> No.7716725

Is she really a teenager? She looks like she's in her thirties. Damn.
And no, the majority of teenage girls don't take pictures like >>7716685 so nerds can masturbate to them. This girl is an extreme case.

>> No.7716726

It's her parents fault for letting her go to a damn con.

Cons simply aren't the sort of place you want your daughter going to. I'd actually be more ok with my daughter going out to a bar than a con. They're seedy, the girls are hyper-promiscuous feminist weirdos who are going to have a bad influence on her, the men are either fat neckbeards or normies who are desperate to be big fishes in small ponds and the whole culture of what cons actually are can be seen at a place like dragoncon.

I wouldn't want my daughter hanging with other nerd chicks,

>> No.7716727
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>> No.7716731

If she's in her 30s and she isn't even married/a mother then that's even more depressing for her.

>> No.7716736

"It's a convention about cartoons"
Do you think most parents know how it really is at these cons?

>> No.7716737
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>> No.7716739

>Do you think most parents know how it really is at these cons?

You're right, which is why more people need to be made aware what a lot of the females who actually have these sorts of interests are like.

It's like how atheism used to just be a statement of non-belief that then got tied up in all of these identity politics things (atheism plus).

There's something about nerdy hobbies that attracts promiscuous, sexually deviant, feminist girls. The whole culture in recent years has been shaped around that ("cosplay is not consent") etc.

But it's older than that too, girls who share typically male hobbies have always had this coven-like sluttiness to them, even back in the days of d&d. High T female engineering students and other assorted fuckups.

>> No.7716740
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>> No.7716744

>There's something about nerdy hobbies that attracts promiscuous, sexually deviant, feminist girls.
no. all people are sexual in nature. go outside and see

>> No.7716745

Sure they are, even my girlfriend is, different is she managed to keep it in her pants until she was 24 and met me.

>> No.7716746
File: 60 KB, 700x960, i'm done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716748
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>> No.7716749

She does horrible cosplays, but she doesn't deserve violence. Hope she's alright.

>> No.7716750

That's rare. Most boys and girls have sex in highschool. With puberty and all you know.

>> No.7716751
File: 53 KB, 639x960, justgirlythings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716752

Unfortunately, she's Asian so it tends to be more common to be a virgin in your 20s over there.

>> No.7716755
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>> No.7716757

>those loose threads

>> No.7716758

This isn't about your idiotic standards on sexual purity. I was saying that to draw attention do your dumb logic in:
>There's something about nerdy hobbies that attracts promiscuous, sexually deviant, feminist girls.

>> No.7716760
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>> No.7716761
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>> No.7716762


If Asian girls can deal with it, why not white girls?

>There's something about nerdy hobbies that attracts promiscuous, sexually deviant, feminist girls.

This is entirely true though. Girls with nerdy hobbies are just undesirable LTR material.

>> No.7716764
File: 50 KB, 539x960, yea dawg i hit dat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716766
File: 34 KB, 404x720, u mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716768

What is with people on 4chan are more uptight about sexuality than an average catholic. Would think it's different since 80% discussion here is about sex.

>> No.7716769

Found the guy who did it

>> No.7716771

Women just don't fucking get it. They don't get that the concept called the slutzone exists and we place them in it. What is so hard to understand about the fact we may want to fuck a more sexually overt girl, but this doesn't imply we like them on any real, meaningful level?

Perhaps if you understood this, you'd not get played all the time?

>> No.7716772

Poor thing was born without an ass

>> No.7716773

>4chan is one person

>> No.7716776
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>> No.7716777
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>implying you've ever had sex with anyone

This. The sexually frustrated neckbeards are just a very loud minority.

>> No.7716779
File: 193 KB, 2048x1367, at least i have tits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716783

I seriously hope she's a 30-something who has had children because if there's no way that's the body of a teenager. No way.

The kids are adorable, though.

>> No.7716790

I would love to impregnate her and then run across three state lines. No child support from me lol.

>> No.7716791
File: 174 KB, 1617x1079, just a reminder i'm 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7716799

From the looks of her you'd probably be at the end of a long list, plenty of time to get away.

>> No.7716813

Quoted from the Reddit post:
>"Furthermore, it is known she was in a dispute with someone and left in the middle of the night."
As much as I feel bad for her, what did she or anyone else expect would happen going into San Diego in the middle of the night? Honestly, she's 18 and should be making relatively smart decisions instead of being some brat who walks out over a dispute. At the very least she could've called to get picked up so she wouldn't end up on the side of the road. Why her parents let her go by herself is beyond me.

Regarding her though:
>"roger rabbit cosplay" I thought she was trying to be some devilish bunny hooker.
>shitty sexy cosplays everywhere
>awkward derp face and yellow teeth
>floppy tits and skinnyfat body
>Starfire's outfit appears to be made of fleece for god's sake
>caked on makeup and poorly colored eyebrows
>shiny Party City wigs
Everything is just terrible. If I had to make an assumption, it's that her parents don't particularly care too much about her and let her do whatever. Her maturity level or reasoning is probably of a child. She likely grew up thinking her tits and decent body are all she has to get attention which leads to all this.

>> No.7716819

If I looked like this at 18 I'd kill myself.

>> No.7716848

Hold the fuck up. She's 18?!! Jfc, where are her parents? She's literally on the way to doing amateur softcore porn but currently at the ecchi/gravure level. On the other hand, she does have the saggy body of a 30 year old.

>> No.7716857

>tfw asexual

>> No.7716869

Every face she's made in all these pictures looks fucking retarded. Is she trying to be sexy because it's not working.

>> No.7716884


She and her parents are defiantly idiots, and people like her miss me off to no end...

But it's still sad to see something like this happen.

Now she's just another statistic for anti cosplay/convention dickweeds to throw around.

Also, yes, she looks like a complete fanny. Horrible skin for a girl her age, she probably starves herself but doesn't exercise at all, which would explain why she looks so old and shinny/fat.

>> No.7716900

I blame the parents. Where was THEIR control over their teenager in this situation? Idgaf that she's 18, that's still a teen and still vulnerable to a lot of shit regardless if she's 6' tall.
They let her go to a convention as, let's face it, a near naked character. To top it all off she was allowed to wander out in the middle of the night with no question as to what she was doing or what time she was planning on returning. People knew she was arguing with someone earlier but not even her friends attempted to stop her from going alone.

I'd verbally thrash the girl for making dumb decisions too but I feel so bad for her because it seems that nobody gave a fuck about her until she was found unconscious and bloodied. Holy shit.

>> No.7716906

shuddup tumblr

>> No.7716921 [DELETED] 

pic related

she has tons of photos like this on her instagram

I don't think her parents care

#faded as #fuck #weed #weedporn #weed420 #pot #maryjane #marijuana #smoke #sohigh #high #hightimes

>> No.7716922
File: 40 KB, 612x612, u so bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

she has tons of photos like this on her instagram

I don't think her parents care

#faded as #fuck #weed #weedporn #weed420 #pot #maryjane #marijuana #smoke #sohigh #high #hightimes

>> No.7716925

This is why us men don't respect cosplayers.

>> No.7716926
File: 56 KB, 612x612, sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#loveme #yolo #obey #girls withswag #swag #bored #kik #kikme #weedporn #curvy ? #longhair #redbeanie #belly #girlswhotoke

>> No.7716927

Dem thighs

>> No.7716929
File: 51 KB, 612x612, we homestuck now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7716931

She looks like a banged up version of miley cyrus. Like a 30 year old coked up version.

>> No.7716932

Her dad could have hugged her a few times.
>seeking validation this hard

>> No.7716935

I'd hug her a few times if you know what i mean

>> No.7716936
File: 25 KB, 505x113, Screen Shot 2014-07-29 at 9.07.02 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straight out of her tumblr

her wish almost came true

>> No.7716951

I call bullshit. What mother sits there making posts on facebook about how her daughter was found on the side of the road - a normal mother would be straight to the hospital, as would the father. Police would probably meet them at the hospital too.

The daughter had no ID and was unconcious - so how were the parents contacted? If she was conscious then police would know what happened and would have a contact for her. Since she was on the side of the road it is plausible it was a hit and run accident and not someone bashing and assaulting some cosplay girl for the hell of it.

Or it could just be a friggin middle aged troll woman who thinks cosplay and anime is the devils work and spreads shit like this around to get cons shut down. One of those Mothers Against Everything or whatever they call themselves.

>> No.7716953

8/10 would leave in ditch

>> No.7716964

But she wants that person to play that role in a FANTASY, not in real life. My fantasy is for my partner to tie me up and spank me, not for someone else to do it out of malice.

Ugh, what is it with you people and you shame of sex? Not cool, so not cool.

>> No.7716967

Parents (and adults) put shit on Facebook all the time so it can be shared. I get stuff on my feed from my mom all the time of people looking for lost dogs/relatives/or something similar.

It's generally a great way to help find people and/or answers.

>> No.7716970

e-detectives on the case

>> No.7716996

Honestly from the looks of this girl and seeing as she didn't get raped, she probably just hit on the wrong bitch's boyfriend.

Which I mean, sucks she got beat up and all, but trifling hoes need to be aware that they can't be fucking around or flirting with other girls' men. She got what was coming to her, honestly, if that's the case.

>> No.7717001

I love it when people try to pretend rape fantasies have nothing to do with irl rape. Such retarded, wishful thinking. Fantasy = What one would like in a world with no consequences, it's not detached from reality, it's just reality minus consequences.

Rape makes women cum, there's no easy way around this.

>> No.7717009

It didn't exactly work out for Voldie.

>> No.7717014
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>> No.7717015

g8 b8 m8

>> No.7717018

Fantasy rape:
Consensual (even though you're pretending it isn't), fun, exciting, sex, done with someone you trust, a form of bonding.

Irl rape:
Painful, forced, non-consensual, ultimate breach of trust, unwanted, risky (diseases, pregnancy, violence), traumatizing, done out of malice or selfishness, and disgusting.

Fantasy rape is NOT actual rape.

>> No.7717021



>> No.7717023

>rape makes women cum

your overwhelming scent of edgy virgin can be smelt through the monitor

>> No.7717029

When I have rape fantasy it's usually Jensen Ackles doing the raping and he doesn't kill me at the end. It isn't really rape anyway. You can't force the willing even in imagination.

So yeah it's very different from being raped by an hideous smelly hobos that's going to kill you at the end.

>> No.7717054

why do you trust ryan gosling?

i doubt you've ever met him

>> No.7717081


Does anyone have this girls Facebook/tumblr/whatever? Let's see if you posts anything about it over the next week or so. Of course if she does say it's true it wouldn't be the first time someone lied about being beaten up in cosplay. I also wonder if her "mother's" account is a fake one.

>> No.7717097

ugly chick drama

>> No.7717131

What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.7717132

I have this theory that rape fantasies are often a direct result of the stigma that is attached to sex for women. Like you want to have sex like most humans, but you don't want to want it because that makes you a filthy slut.
When I was a young teenager who first started experiencing sexual feelings I felt really dirty and ashamed of this, so all my fantasies included some degree of force. If I wanted to kiss a boy I couldn't initiate it or actively participate because that's wrong, but if he forced it it was okay.

Now that I'm with my boyfriend I don't have the fantasies anymore but I still can't really actively participate or do anything spontaneous without feeling like he'll think less of me for it. I know the opposite is true and he's told me this several times, but I just can't shake that feeling.

>> No.7717141

As a really dominant female, I find this really weird. I was never ashamed of my sexuality, masturbated from age 14 or so, wanted to do sexual things at a fairly young age, even being labeled as a slut wasn't an issue to me. I made out with and touched who I wanted, when I wanted. Though I didn't actually have sex until i was 19, I did do a lot of sexual things during high school without caring what people said. I still do that as well, taking boy's virginity, fwb, one night stands, I just love sex and I'm not afraid of it.

I really find it fascinating where you're coming from because I've never felt that, not even once.

>> No.7717147

The stigma around being a "slut" isn't really commonplace anymore in the West, there aren't any strict morals here compared to a place like East Asia.

That whole ideal of purity over there is why white men tend to prefer asian women now.

>> No.7717151

you're dumb, and you should feel dumb.

just shut up and move on

you too

>> No.7717154

>Girls with nerdy hobbies are just undesirable LTR material
But...you're on cgl...aren't you undesirable too?

>> No.7717157

There is still a stigma, though. I'm a virgin and the guys who know that always tell me it's so great, because while they'd fuck a girl who'd had a lot of sex no question, they'd never want to get into a serious relationship with one. And that's a very commonplace attitude.
Also on a side note, I'm super glad I'm not Asian because ever Asian girl I know has some horrifying story about guys stalking them or creeping on them really badly.

>> No.7717160

There are some cute seagulls here actually.

>> No.7717162

>There is still a stigma, though. I'm a virgin and the guys who know that always tell me it's so great, because while they'd fuck a girl who'd had a lot of sex no question, they'd never want to get into a serious relationship with one. And that's a very commonplace attitude.

That's good. Discrimination against promiscuous behavior is good.

>> No.7717163

every*, whoops

>> No.7717165

I didn't say it was good or bad, I said you were incorrect to say it's not still stigmatised in Western culture.

>> No.7717171

I don't even know where I got it from because my parents certainly didn't teach me that and plently girls in my classes were openly promiscuous without getting much shit for it. Too many Disney princess movies? I have no idea.

The stigma is still here. You probably can't tell if you're not a woman and anything but outright stoning is too subtle for you to notice but the double standard is very much alive.

>> No.7717173

It's stigmatized on an implicit level, it's not really considered good form to act against it on any assertive level.

In Japan and China, promiscuous sexuality is looked down upon in pop culture, the whole idol culture is set up in many ways to promote female virtue and distinctively feminine beauty. You could never have something like that in the West, a million feminists would descend on the music company behind it in a minute.

The implicit thing is just males saying on some subconscious level "Yeah, women who fuck tons of men probably aren't good to date".

>> No.7717177

>The stigma is still here. You probably can't tell if you're not a woman and anything but outright stoning is too subtle for you to notice but the double standard is very much alive.

There are innumerable "double standards", there's no reason to believe these are all entirely cultural given the cross-cultural/racial ubiquity with which they occur contemporarily and historically.

Picking which ones you rail against is mostly a matter of what personally conveniences you, in my experience.

>> No.7717180

I find both men and women who fuck tons of people non-dateable. It's really not a double standard, at least where I live.

>> No.7717184

So if a girl with nerdy hobbies is cute, she's still desirable even though
>Girls with nerdy hobbies are just undesirable LTR material

>> No.7717185

They look nice in cleavage, but those kind of titties are the extra saggy ones
She probably takes these kind of of pics to get compliments about them and feel good
Her facial expressions are also weird, and she looks way older than 18 somehow

>> No.7717187

Eh, I dunno. Women consider it a form of pre-selection if a man has had a lot of partners, at least white women do.

American culture, with its Miley Cyrus shit, can hardly be said to be promoting virtue. Even something that cuts against present-day celebration of female hedonism in a mild way, like some of Taylor Swift's songs, are seized upon as evidence of the patriarchy enforcing its standards.

>> No.7717190

Her eyes and nose.

>> No.7717193

This is literally the worst thread I've seen on cgl in a long time. Congratulations.

For the love of god, stop replying to trolls, especially /r9k/ shitposters. The influx of new in here is killing me

>> No.7717194

That anon meant that there's an increasing association between girls with nerdy hobbies and sluttyness, for whatever reason.

>> No.7717199

I am not the person you were talking to originally, I was just saying that there are indeed some pretty cute girls and guys here. Them being nerdy doesn't make them less desirable, if anything, in these days people like partners that are a bit nerdy, in some parts of the world.

>> No.7717200


>> No.7717205

>if anything, in these days people like partners that are a bit nerdy, in some parts of the world.

There are two types of female nerd, all stuff about "fake nerd girls" aside.

1) Females in STEM.
2) Females with hobbies like video games, anime etc.

Both have their drawbacks. Two are considered slutty largely because of the whole cosplay/con culture thing and "fake nerd girl" stuff. One are often referred to as the "real nerds" but they're generally high testosterone slutbags in my experience.

>> No.7717206

the neckbeards can't get laid therefore sex is bad because they're not having it

>> No.7717213

Aw, I can smell the sad little virgin teen boy from here :(
Just because you're not having sex doesn't mean it's bad

>> No.7717216
