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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 31 KB, 360x480, 10359403_801687093205316_2154399028168593502_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7708919 No.7708919[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know what to do

>> No.7708920
File: 46 KB, 280x373, DreamyHoroscopeOP-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For comparison

>> No.7708930

Oh wow! I didn't even realize it was that dress. I just passed it off as some cheap crap and scrolled down...

>> No.7708937


How can she put on this dress, look at herself and think "Yup this looks awesome!! Let's go in pbulic."

>> No.7708941

Something about her reminds me of Moitie ita. I think it's the weird pose/face expression that is a bit downsy. And being completely oblivious to how bad they look.

>> No.7708948

Pics of the Moitie ita?

>> No.7708953
File: 114 KB, 720x1080, tumblr_n9a71wF2eG1rigp8fo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh content

>> No.7708955

There's heaps in the archive. You must be new if you don't know of her by now.

>> No.7708956

That could be improved with some nice stockings and a better bodice. She could clean her damn room too. Otherwise, not ita.

>> No.7708958

Voldie can be annoying, but this isn't really ita, it just looks like she hasn't finished getting ready yet. Not sure why she'd post it. I really don't like the blouse, it looks really cheap. The hair is adorable though.

>> No.7708961

Needs to accessorize and put on some socks or tights.
More nitpicky, not ita.

>> No.7708964

Yeah anon, nitpick not ita. It certainly needs a lot of work, but it's hardly anything to cringe at.
Fresh content is more like CoF every other day.

>> No.7708965
File: 54 KB, 576x960, 10426078_10152191954162001_4093848497645347728_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meant to be "aristocrate/ouji/boy-style" but he looks like a waiter

>> No.7708966

she just looks so... dumpy. The bodice only covers half of her breasts. Someone should advise her to sell the dress. There's not way even if she lost weight this would work.

>> No.7708970

Needs legwear, blouse looks awkward, jsk doesn't sit right on the waist.

>> No.7708972

But why would anyone want to buy it? It's been stretched so much it would be permanently damaged. Imagine how stressed the seams are.

>> No.7708982

he looks fine

>> No.7708989

All the guys I've seen at tea parties or dress up with their girl friends look like this.

>> No.7708990

Different anon but while he doesn't look bad, it's just not aristo/ouji at all.
I mean, 8/10 he looks cute but he probably just picked up some formal clothes from a normalfag suit store.

>> No.7708994


No comment on the coord as I don't think mine are any better, but darn her hair is so cute! Anybody know how to get that look?

>> No.7708998

Not even related to her dress, but it looks like she's storing her books and collectibles in the kitchen. There's nothing like aerosolized grease on your media.

>> No.7709012

that dress has a fully shirred back, she could conceivably be within measurements but her cup size fucks up the way the dress fits.

>> No.7709014

thats nitpicky and vendetta-ey as fuck

>> No.7709020

>mfw I could recognize it was Voldie just off her room

>> No.7709022

Apparently they're from F+F but he could have gotten them in a normalfag store indeed

>> No.7709033

So is it acceptable? My SO wants to dress up with me and attend meets without being 'the normalfag guy following us around' and >>7708965 looks doable and nice enough imo. Not gonna go through with it if it's bad, though...

>> No.7709062

Can a guy come to lolita meets? Yes. Is >>7708965 a good example of what to wear? No. Its better than normalfag clothes but it isnt aristocrat.

>> No.7709070

Definitely not ita, but goddamn Voldie's coords are lame. Also, her room is so fucking gross, dirty, and dark. It looks like a nightmarish cave and I hate seeing pictures of it

>> No.7709071

I think I'd rather if someone had normalfag clothes on than look like a butler

>> No.7709072

I don't see anything wrong with her room (other than the mess)

>> No.7709073

The jsk doesn't fit her.
A different blouse would look better.
More accessories.
Stockings for the love of god.


>> No.7709076

It's dark as fuck? Also no decorations at all? It's awful and nightmarish.

>> No.7709082

>Can a guy come to lolita meets? Yes

Only if they're with their girlfriend or are in lolita though.

>> No.7709084

>No decorations
I'm pretty damn sure she's got a bunch of weaboo posters all over her walls. I mean damn, I'm not voldemort fan but there's really nothing wrong with her room. Clean the sand out of your cunt.

>> No.7709085

Its pretty obvious that voldie posted an unfinished coord, i've seen her asking for help in the help thread, she obviously wants to get better, and you sandy cunts need to get over your hate boner for her
inb4 "hi voldie"

>> No.7709089

Well ouji and aristrocrat is an option too, but yes they have to show interest in the fashion.

>> No.7709105

calm down vendetta-chan

>> No.7709107

Looks like trips and trip-haters ruined another thread. GG

>> No.7709123

No trips have posted in this thread...

>> No.7709124

I rather have a the guy that tags along look nice than in a T-shirt and jeans yes the >>7708965 is a fine example of a well dress guy tagging along.

>> No.7709127

calm down, Voldie

>> No.7709130

Don't be an idiot anon.

>> No.7709131

Nothing brings more joy to my heart than brand itas. It's easy to find shitty BL coords or ebay monstrosities, but girls (and guys) who shell out money to buy something of better quality and still look like trash? Priceless.

>> No.7709133

It looks painful. How in the world does she find that comfortable?

>> No.7709134

Just make him dress up in one of your coords and turn him into a brolita.

>> No.7709136

This is why Moitie Ita will always have a special place in my heart

>> No.7709210
File: 59 KB, 465x460, freshita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7709215

To be fair this was already a pretty ugly dress...

>> No.7709404

Did she go back in time to 1999?

>> No.7709429


This one baffles me because in the same thread she posted photos of her "OTT Sweet" coords...and while they're not OTT at all, they were still way more passable than this shit. It's clear she knows what lolita is supposed to look like (as far as a basic coord goes) so WHY would she think this is acceptable? Idgi

>> No.7709433

I think this could have been saved. For starters a better bra. Like that one she has on is sad and dumpy. If she would have one that gave her more lift while minimizing that would have been a good start. Then some tights that a more similar to the dress. After that a bolero for the ill fit of the sleeves. Naturally a wig or decently styled hair, and better makeup.

Hmm... tights like in the same color of the darker brown in the dress and an adjustment on the bodice. That would have been salvaged... so i'm going nit-picky not ita.

I'm used to autistic as fuck boyfriends in jeans and a tshirt or oddly enough camo... so this is refreshing.

So hot topic it hurts. I bet she loves Death Note too.

>> No.7709440

Fat. There's no saving it.

>> No.7709453

ok vendetta-chan

>> No.7709467

stfu Voldie your self white knighting itt is so fucking obvious it hurts

>> No.7709472

It looks like a nightgown. For this i love only the skirt version. Super cute print for an unfortunate dress style...
Not that bad even if really looks like a waiter, but better than boring tee + jeans combo for a lolita meet.

>> No.7709491

hi nia

>> No.7709494

as a guy, I think she looks fine

>> No.7709503 [DELETED] 

hi Chris

>> No.7709514
File: 56 KB, 446x400, check out this fag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a guy

>> No.7709523

I don't know the girl, I just know that she's too fat for this fashion to look good on her.

>> No.7709538
File: 438 KB, 500x334, 1353895712698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for fufilling my dreams of posting this

>> No.7709771

She said it was her dream dress and that she knew it did not look good on her, didn't she? She got carried away I guess. Hopefully she'll do better next time.

>> No.7709792

>love this pic

>> No.7709818

She is accepting criticism, and said she wanted the jsk instead of the op for fit but didnt want to pass up getting her dream dress.

>> No.7710117 [DELETED] 

I like voldie though, she's cute as heck

>> No.7710252

I would be pretty devastated if I bought my dream dress and it didnt fit

>> No.7710270

Ugh I see there's no improvement for Voldie. I'm sure this makes her look fatter than she is but agree with clean your fucking room ya alky

>> No.7710280

Not even Voldie and I can't stand her anyway because she can't put a non-lame coord for shit. But how is she even fat seriously dude? Are you an anorexia chan or something?

>> No.7710304

I believe she's referring to her Nudist Beach Mako cosplay as a visual

>> No.7710349

Making sure I read that right pork roast Voldie did a nudist beach Mako?
If so pix please

>> No.7710366



>> No.7710369

Wooooow ew

>> No.7710407
File: 141 KB, 720x960, 10418309_10152514592960155_564990047936394979_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7710410

Ugh this is turning into CoF thread rehash

>> No.7710420

stark white blouse doesn't work here
weird as hell bodice fit
wrong petticoat type
nonexistent, 0/10
okay but could be better

tl;dr cute hair but you kinda blew it on everything else

>> No.7710441
File: 478 KB, 320x597, tumblr_n97hmlmDYt1sjm4pio1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7710445
File: 195 KB, 720x1280, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7710447
File: 887 KB, 1067x1600, tumblr_n9bcxs4h0o1rl4jgso1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7710450


>> No.7710508
File: 140 KB, 480x640, tumblr_n99lknB4Rd1qkediho9_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7710542
File: 500 KB, 350x265, 324553734.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those socks from a fucking Creamy Mami cosplay?

>> No.7710548

I just woke up and I don't have my glasses on, but all I see is a nitpick. Do explain.
Cgl: my morning newspaper.

>> No.7710550

Not that anon, but are you fucking kidding? Put your glasses on, it's a hot mess.
Those socks, the shoes, the blouse, and what in the fuck is on her head?

>> No.7710554

Oh yeah, I forgot the "3 and out" rule. At least she has a basic knowledge (aka te silhouette) of what lolita is; here's hoping for room for improvement.
Idk, to me the shoes aren't that bad.

Also, wrinkly ass dress.

>> No.7710566

There is no "3 and out" rule

>> No.7710600

Shut the fuck up about voldie already. It's not a good coord and the dress is too small, but hardly cringe worthy.

Now that's ita.

That rule is not real, it was made up by sandy anons to justify their nitpicks being here.

>> No.7710609

>Hardly cringe worthy
Any picture of Voldie is cringe worthy
Her cellulite is always showing

>> No.7710623
File: 97 KB, 451x750, tumblr_n7mfraol8P1s3c303o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7710659

From what I can see in this picture this girl doesn't look fat at all. Her bodyshape looks a bit childish though.

>> No.7710667

I laughed way too hard at the half-assed bow omg

>> No.7710687

I...don't see any cellulite in that picture. Besides, not a whole lot can be done to get rid cellulite.

>> No.7710776

You can't even see her thighs.
This is more embarrassing than anything she's done.

>> No.7710777

Guys, can we stop fucking fighting. Ita is still pretty subjective, but no one is wrong. Pointing out vendetta is fine, but say your piece and don't fucking respond to every fucking comment.

>> No.7710802

I don't ever recall Lex saying she's a lolita. She just makes punkish clothes last I checked.

>> No.7711249

>She is accepting criticism
are we reading the same posts
I don't think we are

>> No.7711250
File: 99 KB, 480x720, 37188_136822213035004_100001216785872_239665_2460945_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found my old ita folder. Are you all ready for a blast from the past? Are any of you even old enough to remember any of these?

>> No.7711254
File: 119 KB, 985x700, 74819_171316566228727_100000511545592_539969_3640332_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711256
File: 72 KB, 480x640, 1286829079010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711259

is that Nancy Lim? That woman is so fucking tacky

>> No.7711264
File: 120 KB, 479x639, 1287073217004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go to egl anymore so I don't know if any of the old crowd are still active

>> No.7711268
File: 133 KB, 800x622, 1286839979519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711269
File: 119 KB, 688x595, 1286840099335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711271
File: 64 KB, 427x643, 1286840903622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711272

>that creepy Mexican woman
aw yiss

>> No.7711273

That fuckin japanese on her arm

>> No.7711274



>> No.7711275
File: 72 KB, 720x540, 1286843073745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711276

Still a pretty fine looking waiter.

>> No.7711278
File: 1.11 MB, 1221x1628, 1286986893598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could be mistaken but I believe that might be the one known as "La Carmina"/La Sardina

>> No.7711280
File: 37 KB, 604x453, 1287015137603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711282

You are mistaken, La Sardina is Asian.

>> No.7711283

The blonde white girl? No, >>7711268 is Sardina.

>> No.7711284
File: 180 KB, 534x800, 1287432199209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah thank you for the correction

>> No.7711288
File: 63 KB, 540x720, 1287641709147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711289
File: 283 KB, 535x799, 1291476616349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711298
File: 128 KB, 839x651, 1291476821866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711299

>dat background

>> No.7711300
File: 124 KB, 600x443, 1291476994188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty sure this is Yaya Han right? I recognize some faces but not names so much.

>> No.7711301

This looks like a Bou cospaly

>> No.7711302
File: 366 KB, 798x1200, 1291803191058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711304

The only problem I have with Voldie is that she has hardly grasped the fashion and she's already trying to give concrit. I'm yet to see a coord of hers where the jsk or skirt sits well on her. She can't pick the right sizes for shit.

>> No.7711307
File: 123 KB, 720x540, 1292080081285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one I definitely recognize as rabbit777

>> No.7711308

What's wrong with this?

>> No.7711311

what isn't wrong with it is a better question

>> No.7711312
File: 70 KB, 360x480, 1292267982118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711324

Other than that stupid neck bow I don't understand how this is ita?

>> No.7711327

shes fat, summerchan

>> No.7711328
File: 72 KB, 540x720, 1292348956574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this might be yokapon?

>> No.7711331

Her head looks so tiny compared to her body holy shit

>> No.7711333
File: 173 KB, 700x933, 1294173967672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711334

best ita picture
those swords in the back
no shoes
toys hanging up
all those groceries
those giant crisp bags in the groceries
toppest kek

>> No.7711337
File: 85 KB, 482x720, 1295245890564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 85% certain someone posted this to daily_lolita or egl as a photoshoot totally seriousally

>> No.7711340

moment of silence for anyone who buys dolldelight and doesn't realize how ita they look with all those clashing fabrics

>> No.7711342

Yeah that's Yaya but I had no idea she ever tried her hand at lolita. Could it be a cosplay instead?

>> No.7711343
File: 55 KB, 370x425, 1295246151769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone told me yall like shirokuro

>> No.7711344

Well that is clearly obvious. I'm asking about her clothes.

It's like almost unreal, like she is in a fat suit.

>> No.7711346

>see penus whistles
>wtf man

>> No.7711347

Newfag PLEASE, this is clearly top-tier flirty lolita.

>> No.7711351
File: 62 KB, 398x600, 1295248307483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711353
File: 96 KB, 548x730, 1305669551997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mah nigga

>> No.7711355

rabbit777 comes across as super edgy desu
>look at me, I'm in my mid-30s and I'm referencing having sex! I bet none of you have seen a penis, lol

>> No.7711359
File: 52 KB, 203x528, 1313054084206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be totally honest this folder is named "flirty lolita"

>> No.7711361
File: 102 KB, 1024x768, perfect-blue_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Ita, It's a cosplay from Perfect Blue. (Great anime btw)

>> No.7711363

Her clothes are fine is what I'm saying. The reason shes an ita is shes fat as hell.
Also, gagging because I have that same skirt, if I'm correct

>> No.7711364

>Look at me! I dress all cute and innocent (in my dreams) but I'm pointing at something shaped like a penis! Wow! So edgy! Bet you weren't expecting this because you thought all lolitas were lovelies, huh? Think again!

>> No.7711366
File: 1.09 MB, 959x519, babyunicorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't know anything about cosplay

>> No.7711367

horrendous fabric choice

>> No.7711368

I have no words for this.

>> No.7711371
File: 33 KB, 400x300, Cute_Sweet_Lolita_by_Generi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711373

That's what I was wondering. Iwas making sure it wasn't something else that was glaringly obvious that I missed. dhanks.

>> No.7711374
File: 189 KB, 650x650, QA02000135_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the one chick who used to have the edgy tumblr and bragged about stealing an AP dress from one of the stores, doing drugs and fucking strangers? She was gross as hell. I could be wrong, but I remember she had a bunch of piercings and some half shaved hair cut.

>> No.7711375
File: 24 KB, 369x572, czol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is czol. I think this was the only known picture of her at the time.

>> No.7711378
File: 143 KB, 720x960, 10557607_507208246076624_3186287525362726703_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying Milanoo
>everyone is praising her on her facebook
>"your wig and dress is so kawaii you're a kawaii lolita anon hee hee ^_^" "arigatou minna ^///^"

>> No.7711381
File: 451 KB, 600x800, DSC02683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone remember this lady? She should have graduated college by now I think.

>> No.7711383

I have seen that dress so many times.

It's in my nightmares.

>> No.7711386
File: 31 KB, 350x467, tumblr_inline_mjz58yJPzI1qad55j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7711387
File: 1.03 MB, 450x450, tumblr_n8wizbUO3N1ttna5xo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it's not her. This is her, though.
>mfw she captioned it as "tfw i am baby, tfw the stars shine bright"

>> No.7711389
File: 268 KB, 1664x901, -cgl- - Cosplay & EGL_1289965226655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711390

dat pigeon toe

>> No.7711395
File: 19 KB, 238x400, Gothic_Lolita_1_by_uniphoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711396

Definitely Yukapon in her loli days

>> No.7711397

Is it bad that I like this dress and want to do something like it, but without all the ita? I can imagine it looking better with white accents instead of black.

>> No.7711398

You're my kind of person.

Best photoshoot of all time

>> No.7711400
File: 26 KB, 302x400, Gothic_Lolita_239_by_sushia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711403

So now you're ita because you're fat?
Not a fatty but seriously her coord is perfectly fine here. It's PetiteTomoyo,she's actually real sweet I was in the same forum as her,she's really overweight though but she claims being perfectly fine with it and feeling pretty this way...

>> No.7711404
File: 135 KB, 600x800, Gothic_Lolita_by_hayleywarner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711407

I didn't post her. I was just telling them why she was posted.

>> No.7711408


>> No.7711409

If you want to de-itafy that dress you will pretty much have to completely deconstruct it and use it as a pattern for something not made out of shitty materials. The design is pretty typical for early days lolita, though. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the Otome no Sewing books contained a design just like it.

>> No.7711410
File: 164 KB, 369x276, group-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711412
File: 27 KB, 240x360, GStefani_Harajuku05RxB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original queen ita.

>> No.7711417
File: 674 KB, 1024x768, harajuku-streets1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711421
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711424

Regardless of how nice she is she needs to do something about her weight, it's horribly unhealthy and frankly pretty gross. Not that that makes her ita. (I wasn't the one who posted the image)

>> No.7711425
File: 7 KB, 205x246, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711427

That sushi necklace looks like a weird face growing out of her boobs.

>> No.7711428

edgy game too strong.
I want to punch her face so hard

>> No.7711429
File: 46 KB, 480x640, juggalita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't read too much into whether all these are ita or not i'm just dumping the folder of images frm when trolling cgl for teh max lel in the ya good old days.

>> No.7711430

Yeah, that's what I meant, making it from scratch myself with better materials. I'm just kinda glad that the style's not inherently ita.

>> No.7711434
File: 419 KB, 600x450, lcstrawberryface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711436
File: 160 KB, 669x1023, nekonouta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to feel bad for this girl she was doing the best she could when she clearly lived in some mexican shit hole, nekonouta

>> No.7711438

holy shit her legs are disproportionate.

>> No.7711441

Also she's making a face like she's pooping
"Hnng kawaii"

>> No.7711442
File: 146 KB, 600x800, P1130010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a point in time where someone posted this coat for sale every two weeks like clockwork and it always cracked me up. I wonder if it ever sold.

>> No.7711443

I knew this girl who was like a size 12 on top and a size 2 on the bottom, it was so weird

>> No.7711444
File: 360 KB, 768x1024, S6300745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if this will show up right it looks distorted in my preview

>> No.7711448

Yep, I sold it eventually, bless the heavens for getting it out of my closet. IW LPs always gave me the ugliest animal prints that were a nightmare to get rid of. It was a shame because the coat's fit and construction was nice, but that print...

>> No.7711449

The print is pretty cute but the coat and colorway is a nope

>> No.7711450
File: 206 KB, 768x1024, S6300832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok it worked

>> No.7711452

... As much as I can't believe I'm defending this, I think the shiny fabric choice was an attempt at accuracy rather than just a poor design decision. Mimarin's outfit has what looks like satin bits in the promo material.

>> No.7711453
File: 263 KB, 768x1024, S6300842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to hear it, I'm sure it's really not as bad as it looks but just that picture makes it look like a sad burando bathrobe

>> No.7711454

Oh shit, I remember this girl
wasn't there a push to send her a brand dress at some point? She always posted really sad coords with offbrand and always looked really sad in photos

>> No.7711461

Yeah I tried a few different ways of photographing it to make it look a little more acceptable, but it was what it was. I really don't even remember what I managed to eventually sell it for.

But I wouldn't mind an actual brand bathrobe.

>> No.7711463

every day is upper body day

>> No.7711464
File: 509 KB, 371x800, strawberrypop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victoria Suzanne I really hope this was intentionally bad.

>> No.7711467
File: 138 KB, 285x400, 739507415_1585432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all I got but I have more shit to do at my desk so I might go dump in the memes thread. kbye

>> No.7711477
File: 70 KB, 300x400, wtfisthisbullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am litterally mortified because of this thread

>> No.7711488

This is the WORSE lolita attempt I ever saw and I'm in lolita since 2008. This is just,the queen of itas,I dare you to find anything worse
>mfw she's wearing tongs

>> No.7711502

The only way that could be worse is if she were fat and/or ugly. Cute girls in itatastic outfits make me so sad.

That said, >>7711404 is a pretty strong contender for the title of Queen of Itas as well. Pretty much the only thing in that outfit that doesn't deserve to be set on fire is the boots.

>> No.7711508

slorg is fucking hideous and she went to the government to get benefits and posts shit bragging about how she's spending the money on weed and ~kinky shit for her and her daddy~ (who btw just looks like a giant faggot) the complains she has nowhere to live

>> No.7711529

>flip flops
>flip flops
>flip flops

>> No.7711582
File: 11 KB, 300x171, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OTT hair
>heavy blush
>no discernible eye makeup

>> No.7711607
File: 365 KB, 336x457, do you really though.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711632

Nah mang the other one is much worse,like at least she's kinda matching (blackxwhite scheme" while the blue hair mess is,well,a mess. The dress itself is clashing already (beige/cream colorway and brown print+pure white lace and blackxwhite piano keys)

>> No.7711633
File: 72 KB, 570x760, thatfabric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is that on her head? it looks like a piece of styrofoam.

>> No.7711638

Forgot to mention the random black bows with a silver center...

>> No.7711642

>oh god, maxipad headdress
>open thumbnail
>holy shit, is that literally a maxipad?

>> No.7711647

What is that dress on the right? It's cute as balls mang

>> No.7711649

I hate when people think cupcake fabrice=automatically kawaii and rori

>> No.7711653

This dress would actually be a really cute queen of hearts halloween costume. but other than that, no.

>> No.7711655

Holy shit, an ita thread that is actually an ita thread. wow. I appluad you on your efforts thus far cgl.

>> No.7711656

God damn it quit calling it shirokuro you fag

>> No.7711658

Being super fat =/= ita

>> No.7711661

I think it's a witch costume from HotTopic? I remember it having tea party in the name somewhere. Spooky Tea Party Dress or something like that.

Saw a girl wearing it for Halloween one year and it was adorable. Not anything intended to be lolita, but very cute on her.

>> No.7711663

>"Petite Tomoyo"


>> No.7711667

I like the print and the coat construction, but the two combined looks like a bathrobe.

>> No.7711669

She looks fine. Your vendetta is clearly showing

>> No.7711674

Wrong. She's a whore.
Or at least she's dressed like a whore.

>> No.7711695

That's called cosplay

>> No.7711699

I think that's what they were doing too. It's just really bad.

I'm glad there are no existing photos of my Bou cosplays...

>> No.7711709

that character has other outfits.
She did not have to be fucking naked to cosplay her.
She purposefully picked the sluttiest outfit she could.
That's called being a whore.

>> No.7711710

Oh man I used to be so into watching her videos online...

>> No.7711712

Hasn't she done the other outfits for that character? And you bitches made fun of her in that too...

>> No.7711713

She's so annoying.

But I guess that's how you make it big in glorious Nippon. That's what kota did. Lied and was annoying, and then BOOM - she's a fucking lolita model.

>> No.7711716

and yes I am sandy about both Yuka and Kota

Neither of them are ugly but I know way cuter girls just in my everyday life that are nicer, too.

>> No.7711743

I agree completely. I was an annoying weeb when I liked her.

>> No.7711752

That's a cute ass waiter

>> No.7711759
File: 671 KB, 837x1427, 1403449497429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7711784

it's plain, but a much better brolita than i usually see

>> No.7711820

why dont you
dig all of that sand
out of your gaping vagina?
-Poem by Anon, called 'Sandy cunt'. Truely beautiful.

>> No.7711835

How is this ita?

>> No.7711877

same as the fat one. Hes not. its the fact that hes a guy.

>> No.7711955

the dress was originally a pattern from one of the gosu loli handmades, I don't remember which one tho

>> No.7711987

Do you seriously think that girl wasn't desperately begging for attention by wearing that?
I don't give a fuck if it technically a cosplay, women who respect themselves don't go outside completely fucking naked.

>> No.7711990

This is a nitpick not a fucking ITA. Get it right. You're probably butthurt since 'he' looks better than you.

>> No.7712039

Why give help to Voldie if she doesn't fucking use it and continues to be a pork roast in an ill fitting dress

>> No.7712051

This brolita is cuter than all the girls in my comm - including myself.

>> No.7712054

For being into lolita so long most of her coords are pretty shit

>> No.7712055

>the fucking cards just glued to their dresses
i'm dead inside

>> No.7712084

I hate it when pretty people dress badly.

>> No.7712085

She looks kinda like a cute 50s sock-hop kinda girl. You know, like the ones with poodle skirts?

>> No.7712086
File: 499 KB, 500x289, 2ndhandembarassment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw anon is right.

>> No.7712088

Is she throwing gang signs?

>> No.7712093

You only say that because she's black.

>> No.7712148

bluh bluh hbb b lluhhhh someone doesnt ffit my own personal ideals and morals so im going to insult them cgl!! im not salty!!

>> No.7712150

>those fucking sandals

>> No.7712158
File: 96 KB, 500x667, Casual_lolita_at_its_finest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Casual loli at its finest"

>> No.7712161
File: 117 KB, 720x960, tumblr_n9c9jmee3b1qff491o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7712166
File: 109 KB, 500x669, tumblr_n9ato2KY7o1te2z52o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7712276

I'm 100% certain she cosplayed Mako's regular clothes too.

>> No.7712283

She took the photo in her bathroom. There's no evidence she went outside like that and why do you care so much anyway.

>> No.7712346
File: 304 KB, 2048x1225, ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7712354

You know? Girls 2-5 all get passes from me / can go in the nitpick thread.

2 and 4 - basic but they have petticoats, tights that aren't oddly colored, and don't look completely messy. 4 can stand to tuck in the petti though, but she looks new.
3 - that dress is just odd but it doesn't feel like there's much to judge outside of the fact that she could go with a wig or do something better with her hair.
5 - The sweetened jewelry feels a little out of place but yellow/beige going with the offwhites of the dress is a nice match, as is the pink and the tote. She could stand for a pink or beige bow instead of white, but again, not bad.

That first one though?



>> No.7712357

I cannot comprehend the size of those tits. like a U.S. H cup at least.

>> No.7712360

She posted it online, which is an even more masturbatory act than going outside wearing next to nothing because she still gets the gratification of knowing she was seen by other people without the extra anxiety of risking real life confrontation.

>> No.7712369

her boobs literally look like watermelons, gross desu

>> No.7712383

I bet they'd drag on the ground if she didnt sruff them in a bra.

>> No.7712394

Are they all just staring at her boobs...?

>> No.7712396

She threatened to go outside in it feel bad for the people who would have to see that fat wiggle and jiggle.

>> No.7712397

is the middle one that princess dri chick from egl or just another unfortunate face

>> No.7712403

#2 is a brolita or a very uggu girl never can tell with sand monkeys since they all have staches

>> No.7712412

just another unfortunate face

>> No.7712414

They did, were 100% serious and were really defensive in the comments. Deleted within a few hours iirc.

>> No.7712423

Why are you so mad, anon-chan? Does the way she dresses affect you at all? Ita & nitpick is one thing but getting angry that someone is a "whore" is so vendetta

>> No.7712426

>H cup

No way man, I am an H cup and I look fairly normal. She's K, at least.

>> No.7712438

At least she's wearing a good bra.

>> No.7712445

I saw this dress at this kinda legit second hand shop a few months ago and just hung my head in shame. I can't believe I'm seeing it in this thread, it's so clownish and horrible

>> No.7712451

>the length
>the vertical lace
>the pigtails
>the jewelry
>the stupid "coquettish/innocent" pose

Hun, that don't look like punk to me

>> No.7712457

ikr. everytime someone on my feeds likes her shit I cringe so hard. pretty sure one doesn't even need to lolita to see how awful some of the pattern combinations are

>> No.7712466

She's probably larger. I'm a J and I look nothing like her.

>> No.7712474

yes, being fat makes you ita, hth
>how newfag are you?

>> No.7712475

I saw this dress at this kinda legit second hand shop a few months ago and just hung my head in shame. I can't believe I'm seeing it in this thread, it's so clownish and horrible

>> No.7712477

that thing on the left.
I wanna fuck it.

>> No.7712486

dang that's a big bitch

>> No.7712495

Last I checked, "providing sexual services for money" was called being a whore.
Choosing skimpy cosplays for a character with a variety outfits is just called cosplaying.

>> No.7712498

Top kek.

>> No.7712505

this is the kind of stuff i like to see in ita threads. pictures where you can focus on absolutely any part of the outfit and everything is uniformly bad.

this is true art.

>> No.7712524



>> No.7712577

I want to fucking punch her.

>> No.7712634
File: 38 KB, 540x960, 10440736_416655811805893_5018558886555538602_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just.. what

>> No.7712640
File: 153 KB, 500x672, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7712641
File: 408 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_n4r885ZnPy1tu7ljfo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7712645
File: 82 KB, 500x667, localconcoord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7712646
File: 1.79 MB, 320x240, 1371432036441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ

are you sure this is even meant to be lolita?

>> No.7712651

yep it was tagged as lolita fashion

>> No.7712679


>> No.7712686

Is that PT?

>> No.7712690
File: 181 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instagram gem

>> No.7712692

It's sad when a man has a prettier face than 90% of the females posted in this thread. Better make-up skills as well.

>> No.7712734
File: 507 KB, 1080x1920, tumblr_mund6cXNfS1s7bo5vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The longer I look at the petti of the fourth girl from the left, the less sense it makes. Does she have the waistband pulled halfway to her knees, or what?
Also, love how the first girl literally just has a random star clip attached to her boob.

>> No.7712771
File: 10 KB, 202x249, dddv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That poor Jsk coorded like utter shit
>the hot pink tight win
>tits tee in a Meta skirt
>so edgy desu
Wait, wait... there are two skirts layered or just a top corset with a skirt attached?What is that?? It's a shitty coordinate btw.

>> No.7712797

Disregarding the outfit (as impossible as that sounds), why on earth would you upload this picture on the internet? She looks derpy and greasy, just delete that shit. I don't understand.

>> No.7712807

Might be a case of that terrible friend who insists on taking crappy pictures with her crappy camera at every party and tags you in every shitty one.

>> No.7712969

I dunno why someone posted me in an ita thread but I'm glad nobody agrees. Thanks for the compliments everyone.

>> No.7712981

I remember seeing this post in the tags, her mom took like 15 pics of her looking derpy and awkward. She's just like that naturally.

>> No.7712995
File: 90 KB, 500x667, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7712999

3 looks like an ugly version of my mom holy shit

>> No.7713028 [DELETED] 

didn't this girl have a really bad attitude about everything? I remember some ham planet never wearing a bra or deodorant with fried hair, could be a totally different girl though.

>> No.7713037


If that is really you Anonthen fucking congrats on having such a pretty face and build. I am jealous, and I AM a girl. I neither have a pretty face nor do my shoulders look good in puff sleeves.
Also, nice coord (and I don't see how it is "plain"??) and make up skills. Only nitpick I have are your brow (although this could be the photo quality) and maybe the wig styling; this is a personal preference though. And one small thing: Let your nails grow a little longer.

>> No.7713044

there are stains on the bodice under the corset lacing already. Many itas seem not to give a fuck about staining their clothes

>> No.7713049

Petite generally means short. I'm plus size, but I'm also petite because I'm 5'2"

>> No.7713053

oh I remember this. She was doing that on purpose. My comm was having a contest to see who could come up with the most ita coord and get posted on cgl. looks like it worked.

>> No.7713054

here we go...

>> No.7713067

>PT ever making it to glorious Nippon
anon pls

>> No.7713071

It's probably a square dance petti with most of its bulk near the hem plus the fact that her skirt is squished up against the skirt of the girl next to her.
Her outfit is meh but she's the only girl in the picture with a cute face so good for her.

>> No.7713074


>> No.7713094 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 312x454, Gothic_Lolita_by_ryo4gabiel[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scoring through deviantart. will post results.

>> No.7713101 [DELETED] 
File: 360 KB, 494x541, Lolita_Naruto_by_supernovadobe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Naruto Lolita"


>> No.7713104 [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 534x800, Chuunin_Lolita_by_supernovadobe[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but wait, there's more!

>> No.7713110 [DELETED] 
File: 86 KB, 533x800, Naruto___Lolita_no_Jutsu_2_by_KoiCosplay[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7713111 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 600x800, Student_gallery___Punk_Lolita_by_fayedilion[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"punk lolita"

>> No.7713119 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 640x960, lolita_by_ducklingisaswan-d4zcts4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lace makes me sad

>> No.7713161

Aw mang shit is old I remember fighting in the comments of that exact pic with this guy.
He INSISTED that her grorious gf was a real lolita

>> No.7713252

Don't be sad that he looks better than you in lolita. I'm sure you have a great personality.

>> No.7713263

That's in Brussels, right?

>> No.7713280

Her atrocities were actually some of the first I found labeled lolita when I started looking into the fashion and I'm so glad I kept looking long enough to find the good stuff.

>> No.7713291

You are fucking pretty.

>> No.7713293

No, anon. No. Petite generally means tiny in all aspects. Think fairy children.

>> No.7713421

Nah in fashion it usually means short. Petite clothing/patterns still goes up to fat people sizes.

>> No.7713507
File: 65 KB, 683x919, wtfisthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No blouse, weeb toy, unicorn horn?!

>> No.7713564

thank god for that eh, more people need to realise that reading first page of search results about lolita =/= lolita

>> No.7713590

Yep, petite means 5'3" and under in fashion and has nothing to do with weight.

>> No.7713637

In fashion, yes, but this girl calls herself "petite Tomoyo", not saying she wears petites. Your argument is void.

It's just like when you meet huge ass blubbery dudes named "Tiny" or large violent mongoloids named "Angel"

>> No.7713793

omg this damn woman. she keeps fucking posting, no one comments but she doesnt take the hint.

>> No.7714054

Yep that's me. Thank you! I really doubt you have anything to be jealous of. I might look decent in pictures but I'm 5'10 and have super broad shoulders lol. Can't let my nails grow cause I'm a guy 95% of the time

>> No.7716224

Have you seen her shitty Kawaii-uguu Shop?