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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7707317 No.7707317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How does 4chan compare the two to each other? Similarities? Differences? Which one is more costly?

pic unrelated.

>> No.7707319

Well, how do oranges and chicken compare?

>> No.7707326

I'm a cosplayer so I can't say much about Lolita... But I'd say both are expensive. They're similar in that, if you're striving to be good of course, you'll be paying attention to detail, getting accessories if needed, trying to get or make the best quality pieces, etc.

I'd say they're also different in that cosplayers aim to resemble a character, Lolitas aim to... be the prettiest in frilly dresses, I guess? One is about bringing a character to life through your outfit and the other is a fashion. Their goals are different.

I hear Lolita can be more costly with dresses being a few hundred bucks at LEAST, and then you have to worry about accessories, makeup, maybe even a wig, shoes, and so on. Meanwhile cosplays generally aren't that expensive but they can be. A fully armored cosplay could probably cost quite a lot, or an intricate cosplay would too. But a simple cosplay, either something casual or something that you can just buy regular clothes for where applicable, that can be done under a budget that wouldn't hurt your wallet.

>> No.7707334

Speaking as a guy who's into anime and other japanese stuff.

Lolitas look like clowns.
Cosplayers can be cute and look cool.

>> No.7707335

>Both are from Japanese culture
>Both attract a lot of attention in public

>Literally everything else

>> No.7707340

I've seen a lot of cosplayers get really excited about lolita, and I feel like a lot of itas come from cosplay.
But lolitas (aside from the ones that came from cosplay) tend to get annoyed with cosplayers.

Both have nasty critical communities, scammers, itas/shit cosplays/weeaboos, and can drive a stake in your wallet.

I think cosplay gets gradually more expensive as you increase your skill, whereas lolita is always around the same price range.

>> No.7707345
File: 405 KB, 676x576, smugfug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>speaking as a guy

aww, he thinks his opinions matter because his penis

>> No.7707346
File: 107 KB, 499x750, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lolitas look like clowns
are you only looking at OTT sweet lolita

>> No.7707359

why the fuck are you posting with a trip

>> No.7707361

It counts because I'm a 4chan user.

Still looks retarded.

>> No.7707363

>how does 4chan compare the two to each other? Similarities? Differences? Which one is more costly?
Cosplayer to Lolita here. (10+ years as a cosplayer 3 as a lolita)

Lolita is a hell of a lot less stressful. It's more like a collector hobby and putting together coords. Well-done handmade is praised, but most of the time you see handmade in accessories not so much in garment construction (usually it's the poor people, fatties, youngins, but I do see amazing handmade every once in awhile, and a number of people I know who are into cosplay and lolita will occasionally make their own dresses.)

Wigs: When I got into lolita I jumped on the "I must get a wig to match my coord" bandwagon because wig styling is my thing in cosplay. Haha nope. A natural wig or two is going to get you far, but if you can use your own natural hair and it actually looks good (unlike mine) you are set. Also, you want wigs that look realistic not the shiny stuff that can get by with cosplay. Pastel wigs are falling out of style now anyhoo...


>> No.7707364

Looks like we have to quit the fashion now since a guy on the internet doesn't like it and we only wear it to get dick

>> No.7707366

I didn't say you wear it to get dick.

I just said it looks retarded.

>> No.7707367

Can you explain how?
'cause I'm just gonna assume some lolita broke your heart and bruised your ego somehow. That's the way you're making it sound

>> No.7707368
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I knew I saved this for a reason.

>> No.7707376 [DELETED] 

It's not sexually attractive.

Those huge ass dressed just make me think you wear granny panties under them.

>> No.7707377

Price: It depends. A cheap lolita coord can cost as much as a less expensive costume. An expensive coordinate can cost as much as commissioning a baller costume from a really skilled person. For me, my cosplays ranged from cheap: $50-75 to $300-400 for more expensive ones. Cheap coordinates for me (bodyline $~100, $1000+ brand). Lolita tends to be more expensive for me because I'm more of a collector.

Another thing about price is that with cosplay, unless you are doing mulitple versions of a character, all the pieces go with one costume generally and can't always be reused or switched around. Lolita is more like an investment. You can coord something many different ways, wear a main piece differently each time you wear it. Pieces and parts can generally be interchangeable, which is kinda cool. So you never have to worry about retiring a dress you've worn at the last 7 conventions. Just wear it maybe once every few cons and meetups.

I find there are more opportunities for me to wear lolita than cosplay too. I can go out with friends for lunch and shopping in lolita as a grown adult and won't feel nearly as silly as going out in cosplay for... tea.

>> No.7707381

It's not sexually attractive.

Those huge ass dresses just make me think you wear granny panties under them.

>> No.7707387

Also cont.

If you have an eye for good design, craftsmanship and materials, you will do fine in lolita. If you've learned how to construct costumes to look more like believable garments, you'll do well with handmade and probably the fashion in general.

If you hot glue your costume from the bargain craft/remnant bin from whatever cheap thing you can find and call it a day, you will have difficulty transitioning. It will be sticker shock for you if you want to actually look good.

I think that's about it from me and my general experience.

>> No.7707392

>anything not sexually attractive is clownish or retarded
How do you function in every day life, where things are hardly intended to be either?
I can understand not liking it, but no reason to be so hostile.

>> No.7707394

Becase lolita takes it to the extreme.

Every piece of lolita looks like grandma clothing.

>> No.7707402

>It's not sexually attractive

HAHAHHHA get a load of this guy
10/10, made me respond

>> No.7707403

If you had a grandma that lived in the 1800s
Again, I'm failing to see where all the hate is coming from

>> No.7707404

>as a male

why do you have to be such a faggot?

>> No.7707405

It's not hate. I just said it looks like something a clown would wear.

>> No.7707408

>posts as a guy about our fashion
>expects us to care because you have a dick
>doesn't understand what I said
>doesn't understand why no one gives two shits

>thinks looking retarded is worse than sounding retarded and being retarded

Who let you be on the internet unattended?

>> No.7707410

I've been on 4chan since 2006.

>ask about 4chan thinks about lolita and cosplay
>I say lolita looks retarded and compliment cosplayers

I don't get what's the big deal.

>> No.7707414

why are you responding to >>7707405 ?

he's obviously b8ing, stop
I swear to god, /cgl/ is the absolute worst when it comes to taking b8

and tip: you can't argue opinions unless you don't mind circular, pointless arguments.

>> No.7707415
File: 143 KB, 792x792, 1404270661108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys come on, just stop responding.

>> No.7707417


This nigga knows. If y'all this bored enough to respond to this bait, just go do something else. Don't feed the retardfish anymore baitu.

>> No.7707419

no one gives a shit how long you've been on 4chan you fucking mongoloid

a faggot is still a faggot, whether that faggot has been on 4chan since 2006 or this summer

>> No.7707425

Just the way you chose to say it, makes it seem you're a little angry.
Thread asked for differences, not opinions, and you jumped at the chance to announce an uneducated opinion seems a little suspicious.
You could have said, 'lolita looks silly and out of place' completely valid

>> No.7707430

Sorry brah nobody wants your tiny flaccid dick around here, and nobody cares about your opinions.

Yeah, honey, but nobody cares about your "opinion as a guy". Your opinion, maybe. "As a guy", not so much. I know, it's hard to understand that a whole bunch of girls might not be interested in your male gaze and attention, but it's true. We don't do it to get guys, so we don't really care whether a guy likes our clothes.

I know, I know, it's hard. Let it sink in.

>> No.7707437
File: 151 KB, 892x590, 1403604924683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.7707457

Ok, I'm gonna make a proper post then.

I prefer cosplay and I don't see many similiarities between them. I think lolitas don't really belong on anime conventions because they're just a japanese street fashion, not something nerdy and related to anime. Also I think people are much more likely to think cosplayers look cool than lolitas, who usually only get attention from some women.

Lolita is probably more costly.

>> No.7707476

Slightly better


>> No.7707515

yeah but normalfag go to cons too. or at least randomly attending friend dressed in jeans and non-anime t-shirt. Lolita belong at cons because many (not all) lolita have watched or currently watch anime. plus, we like to look Kawaii as fuck strollin' around at a con while we get our fandom on. (well, many anyway).

>> No.7707519

I do both, so here's my comparison.
-They are both weeby as shit
-Cosplay is a time based hobby. In order to excel at cosplay, you need lots of time to work on cosplay.
-Lolita is a money based hobby. In order to excel at lolita, you need a lot of expendable income.
-This makes doing both properly kinda difficult, unless you are one of those lucky few who gets a lot of money for very little work.
-You can learn a little from both, for example form cosplay I learned how to wear and style wigs nicely as well as sewing, and from lolita I learned how to recognize quality fabric and how to pick colors that look good on me (ie warm vs cool tones)
-lolita is really nice to have to wear at cons for times when you don't want to cosplay, like at night or on sunday
-a lot of lolitas are also cosplayers and vice versa, they just don't like it when you confuse the two

>> No.7707522

>that image

>> No.7707551

From my experience many lolitas don't watch anime and even make an effort to distance themselves from anime fans.

>> No.7707554


This is something lolita doesn't like to acknowledge but nerdy is a similarity between it and cosplay. No matter how pretty or matching you look, those poofy dresses are gonna tell anyone on the street you're a geek.

>> No.7707555

its so amazing I have 5 different versions saved because its so relevant

>> No.7707558

If you're good at either, you have to have lots of money. Either to buy or to make it yourself with good materials. Otherwise, you'll probably be buying random shit that looks 'sort of' like what you're looking for, and you'll end up either as a closet cosplayer or an ita.

I think which is more expensive actually depends on what kind of a cosplayer you are. If you cosplay characters like Mako from KLK and other characters with easy-to-buy/make outfits, lolita's more expensive. but if you're making full suits and really complex shit, I'd say that's more expensive. Because while lolita costs lots of money, you don't need to pay it all again and again for a single outfit. You can mix and match. You can't typically reuse outfits in cosplay like you can lolita. There's exceptions, of course, but typically you can't go 'I'll just use this giant Skyrim viking hat in my Borderlands cosplay...'
I'd also say that complex cosplay also requires more skill. As soon as you get used to making the same kinds of skirts and blouses and such for lolita, you're set. Complex cosplay can include a lot of different and complicated things to make beyond the same types of shirts and dresses.

>> No.7707563

Any with a fedora? I think that would really add to the image

>> No.7707573

Stop defending, he just doesn't like frills. Doesn't matter if that makes him look like kind of a dick.
Your point as been made in a much better way, though I'm sure no one agrees, your opinion is clearer.

>> No.7707577

no, its 5 of the same image, because I find myself having to post it so often.

>> No.7707579

So not true. When everyone found out Sailor moon was getting a remake, they flipped a shit. Not to get any Lolitas ruffles in a bunch but seriously, if you're that happy about sailor moon, you like anime. Plus if we're at an anime con, shocker some of us like anime. and not all former cosplayer lolita are a clusterfuck of terribly dressed itas. honestly it's kinda counter-intuitive but a lot of us have many interests but forever scorn those who express such. That lolita struggle.

>> No.7707586

boredom maybe? Who doesn't like to explore the mind of a wanna-be alpha male going out of his way to scorn the actions of female hobbies he finds less than sexy.

>> No.7707603

>getting this defensive over an asshole

this is why guys assume we do everything for the d

>> No.7707613

All I did was post my opinion. And I'm no wanna-be alpha male, I'm just a virgin guy who watches anime and goes to anime conventions.

>> No.7707618

>admits being virgin male
troll confirmed

>> No.7707621

you don't have to state you have a penis
thats like me going to /v/ and saying
>"I don't like that game everyone seems to love, I'm a girl btw :)"

>> No.7707625

I just said it because it's usually men who find lolita stupid.

>> No.7707631

T-t-t-troll~! Yeah, no longer fun. enjoy the virgin life brah

>> No.7707633

Just wanted to point out it's not just wanna-be alphas who think lolita looks stupid.

>> No.7707640


>> No.7707731

Exactly my thoughts. Jesus guys. Why does it seem the cosplay half of cgl doesn't get as worked up like that...

>> No.7707783

that's weird, I'm a classic lolita and my bf thinks I'm sexy as fuck in my outfits.

>> No.7707840

Is that the clown your posting or is that the good one?

>> No.7708294

>I hear Lolita can be more costly with dresses being a few hundred bucks at LEAST

That's not true, most dresses max out the retail price at $300 and you can buy secondhand brand for as cheap as $10 if you know where to look.

>> No.7708331

As a guy, lolita gets my dick hard and you're a low test beta faggot.

>> No.7708341

I'm a lolita,so please feel free to discard my opinion, but I don't get cosplay at all. I think it's really pretty sometimes, but I see no reason why one would spend so much time and money in clothes and shoes that are often uncomfortable, and then get to only wear them for a day to have your picture taken by random people. The whole hobby seems attention starved in my opinion.
I know people think lolita is the same, and I'm sure for some it is, but posing, photoshoots, skits and general public attention are actually built in the cosplay hobby. Meanwhile, plenty of lolitas who never take pictures, or never show their face when they do, because the focus is the clothes and not ourselves, nor do we need a Facebook page to publicize our hobby and show off how good we're at it.
Idk, cosplay culture just seems really silly to me.

>> No.7708344

I cosplay but I don't post my pictures or do professional photography. To me, it's about having fun and geeking with people that have similar interests. Plus it's one of the few places that is sort of socially acceptable to dress up as a woman (im trans but cant transition).

>> No.7708360

Ah yes I was definitely aiming for sexually attractive in my knee length dress and covered chest.
>granny panties
I'm guessing you've missed every thread girls talk about how they like buying pretty lacy panties to go with their pretty lacy dresses

>> No.7708362

Because in this particular thread the cosplay half wasn't insulted. Every time someone suggests that cosplay girls are slutty the thread fucking explodes.

I know a few cosplayers who don't take many pictures or do skits at all, and they definitely don't have FB cosplay pages. For them it's like an upgraded version of nerdy t-shirts - you show the world that hey look, I really like this thing! If you also like this thing then come over and chat with me about this thing! Pretty much what >>7708344 said.
I've been to one con in simple lolita (my everyday clothes) and it was kind of awkward and lonely, so I'm considering cosplaying something simple like a Pokémon trainer if I ever attend another con just so it's easier to connect to people. In lolita I was approached by other lolitas, but it turned out we had practically nothing in common aside form the clothes. Cosplay is a great icebreaker and attracts people who are fans of the same thing(s) you are.

>> No.7708363

>justifying yourselves
You're embarrassing us all, just please stop it.

>> No.7708384

As a cosplayer and a Lolita, I say both are different (even though communities at least at my place sees it as the same)

- Both burns your money fast
- Both requires the skill of personal grooming
- Both requires research to understand the hobby

- Cosplay follows guidelines more strictly than Lolita. When it comes to cosplay, the character design is your guideline. Adding on artistic liberty might receive disdain from others due to accuracy issues. However since Lolita is a fashion style, so long the basic silhouette is remained the rest is up to you to play with.

- Lolita focuses on durability more than cosplay. Not to say that cosplay quality is more inferior than Lolita, the fact is so long the character design is achieved all is fine. Lolita goes more than that as it is a fashion style. The garments aim to be durable for long term wearing & it is normal to have garments older than 5-7 years to float around 2nd hand markets still. You rarely see that for cosplay.

- Cosplay takes the knowledge of source more seriously than Lolita. This is due to the fact that cosplay is a hobby to dedicate to the series that you love. It is generally seen as a disdain to not know the source when you cosplay. However for Lolita, going further to know the source of Lolita (beyond the basic knowledge such as the basic silhouette and so on) is not necessary.

- & finally, the aim for the hobbies are essentially different. Lolita is a fashion hobby and making good coordinates is looked upon. However, cosplay is a tribute-based hobby (can be seen as a fanwork hobby since it bases on the recreation of a creator's work), creating costumes that resembles as close as the character is the aim for the hobby.

>> No.7708392

I do both and for me cosplay is satisfying in a way lolita isn't. Cosplay is cool cos I get to be someone else, usually a character from a game, movie or series I really love but lolita is just fashion/clothes rather than really being representative of an interest beyond hey i like this fashion. The craft and construction challenges of cosplay are also much more varied. Essentially it's like stage costuming vs just sewing stuff to wear

>> No.7708408
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>Speaking as a guy

>> No.7708561

As a cosplayer and lolita, there are things I really enjoy about cosplay that I don't get to enjoy with lolita. I find it really enjoyable to learn new crafts challenge myself, make something out of nothing, put together groups with friends on occasion. It's also quite fun to go from a pretty lolita one day, to a manly male character the next. I've never really been into either for the attention, but just for the enjoyment of making them and being a character I really like. That, and I usually wear my costumes multiple times and only retire them once they fall apart completely. For me, cosplay is definitely a challenge. I also enjoy competing from time to time, simply because it makes me strive to do my best when it comes to craftsmanship and push myself to the next level. You don't really get that with lolita.

For lolita the challenge is spending a boatload of money and hoping that once everything comes in, the colors actually match and they fit. The only skill that's required is makeup, personal grooming, and being able to put together a good coordinate. I find it easy, but IDK, but when it comes to conventions... equally as fun to wear.

Though speaking of attention (not that attention is a driving force but let's face it, it feels good to get photos or have people recognize you whether you are doing it for attention or not), sometimes I feel like I get more photos as a lolita than I do in my cosplays especially when I go really OTT. I don't do a lot of popular or recent characters and I find these days, unless it's something that's popular and well-known you just get left in the dust. Unless of course it's huge and elaborate and has lots of lights and special effects. Lolita is just always kind of universally pretty or cute and anyone can tend to appreciate it.

And then they'll ask "So what character are you cosplaying?" and I just internally laugh because it's been the 5th time in the last 10 minutes.

>> No.7708578


I dunno, I'm a guy too, and those dresses totally do it for me.

>tfw no lolita gf

>> No.7708667
File: 52 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n7zgsw63i21sgg3a8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


same here, except i'm lesbeans
>tfw when every single lolita in my comm has a boyfriend or is not lesbeans

as for cosplay and lolita, i think they're similar in that they're both something heavily judged by the appearance of perfection. i don't cosplay any more but there was nothing more thrilling than getting my costume as accurate as possible. with lolita having the perfect look is just as satisfying. of course cosplaying involves more crafting and lolita more $$$ but hey. i would definitely say that lolita is a collector's hobby though.

>> No.7708706

I'd love to see one of those extremely common second hand brand dresses for $10 everyone is talking about.

>> No.7708713

Japanese auctions, anon. $10 is an exaggeration but $20 wouldn't be unheard-of, though it's fairly rare. Still, the going rate is far from a few hundred bucks.

>> No.7708716

No, I legit got a Baby JSK for less than $10. It was in a set with a Bodyline blouse and some offbrand headbow. I sold the blouse and headbow for around $30 which was what it cost me after all the fees. And I ended up selling the dress for about $50. It was one of those basic black and white JSKs that has been released heaps of times. Cute but not super exciting. I've seen other similar ones go for around $20-30.

>> No.7708718

Also, the picture of it was really crappy and didn't show the dress very well, as well as being very small. So that probably contributed to it.

>> No.7708722

Not 10 but I've seen lots of dresses go for 40-60$, especially in Japanese auctions since the yen is low now. It's not that rare if the dress is second hand, somewhat damaged, missing parts like waist ties, etc.

>> No.7708796 [DELETED] 

proud owner of a 7 inch penis here

I can't fucking see T or A in lolita, every lolita style looks like fucking froo froo kiddy pagent queen, and its funny to see you fight with eachother about it because you all look like a bunch of damn children.
"only sweets are like that"
"classic is sophisticated, its the sweets fault"

haha you look like you all wear diapers regardless
any idiot that finds that sexy must be in some weird adult baby fetish.

for those who wear REAL cosplay, worked 10 plus hours in your basement on some, I'm gonna assume you ain't fuckin no body in it, and I don't want to fuck you, nobody wants to stick their dick in crazy, shit is terrifying.

but if you are wearing cosplay that shows T & A, I'm going to assume you're just some bitch who wants attention because daddy never loved her. probably doesn't even know the series either. way too many fat chicks do this. an easy lay in my book.

they both look retarded

>> No.7708804

>gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

>> No.7708805 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 748x639, virginity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this obvious bait will still get responses

>> No.7708810

Gonna throw some personal numbers out. The average cost of one of my coords is about $350 (brand and indie), while most of my cosplays don't stray far from $150 (handmade). However my best costume cost me around $600.

It all depends, some people only make extremely detailed cosplays that cost hundreds of dollars and some Lolita's only buy Bodyline and indie.

>> No.7708821

found a slightly damaged (tiny hole) putumayo jsk for $20 on y!j auctions. it was comfy.

>> No.7708831

what confuses me why that baity guys post was deleted and this baity guy's post is still here

>> No.7708834

damn... i should definitely stalk auction sites more.

Does anyone know why exactly japanese girls "throw out" their slightly damaged or more unpopular pieces for such low prices?
I know that they usually sell their second hand stuff for less than say on western second hand sites, but is that because they can afford it (for lack of better wording) ? Or maybe because they usually have to pay les because they don't have to consider shipping fees and customs?

>> No.7708837

the deleted one was too obvious

he tried too hard

>> No.7708838

any post that says "male here" should be obvious b8 by this point

>> No.7708936

second hand isn't really as popular in Japan. It's used and unclean.

>> No.7709018

So this is why the dresses there are sold for so low. I saw MM St. Claire go for $100 recently. I wanted to slap myself for not bidding on it, because it wasn't the colourway I wanted.

Sage for offtopic.

>> No.7712488

Coming from the view of a lolita/ someone who has never cosplayed but has friends who do:

> Cosplay
- Requires a LOT of skill in multiple crafting disciplines
- A lot of new people are into cosplay for the fame???
- No sleep the week before a convention
- Unattractive/ unskilled people are made fun of
- Very dedicated to a character/ series/ look
- Tend to attract more weabs?????? (Probably because it can be more accessible)

> Lolita
- You need money, even if you're buying Bodyline (shit adds up man) or need to be VERY skilled as lolita is about quality
- People seem to think they can get e-fame through lolita???
- A good amount of lolitas also do cosplay/ are total dorks
- We just want that distinction and don't want people confusing the two/ separate ourselves from animu because we don't want to be mistaken as cosplaying (a lot of us watch it though)
- Unattractive/ unskilled people are made fun of

I have more negatives than positives in cosplay but the positives outweigh the rest as the negatives are usually just more vocal cases and what I tend to see more of as an outsider.

>> No.7712526
File: 59 KB, 232x320, 8458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got pic related jsk for $60 on mbok, and it's in perfect condition. I feel like that's been one of the best finds I've had so far.