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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 82 KB, 557x800, meow-meows!-615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7695709 No.7695709 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a thread for some good Bodyline coords going?

Hard mode: no solid-color pieces or carousel print

>> No.7695786
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>> No.7695788
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>> No.7695789
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>> No.7695796
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>> No.7695802
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posting my fave Karine from subarashiilolidays

>> No.7695807

/r/-ing pictures of Japanese girls in Bodyline, if anyone has any? I can never find any myself and I want to see how they work it.

>> No.7695812
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>> No.7695815
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>> No.7695819
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>> No.7695825
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>> No.7695827
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>> No.7695891

Damn. This thread is making me re-think my hateboner for Bodyline.
>tfw you're old enough to remember ordering from BL being an absolute no-no...

>> No.7695904
File: 266 KB, 500x667, 1389764591203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woah, this dress is bodyline?

I saved pic related a long time ago and have always admired this coord, despite being a sweet lolita.

>> No.7695910

I wasn't a big fan of that dress but that coord is so cute

>> No.7695933

A nitpick:
This would be great if the gloves were better quality. Those look like those edgy lace ita gloves you find at cons and emo shops.

>> No.7696009

It's actually great because it's a Millefleurs replica! But it looks awfully pretty in good light and photographs

>> No.7696025

Bodyline actually has a lot of skirts that aren't shoddily made and look really pretty IRL.

This girl looks pretty good, I'll keep the buttload of nitpicks I have to myself, but all in all she looks nice.

>> No.7697066

I've had 2 of their floral skirts and they were pretty impressive

>> No.7697109
File: 294 KB, 700x1200, l324-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good coords with this set? I bought it in my ita days, when Bodyline was still the best brand ever desu. I feel weirdly attached to it, being my first non wa lolita dress and I wonder if I should just give up, or if their are people doing nice things to it.

>> No.7697925
File: 99 KB, 1920x1080, 1392851481617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey does anybody have that one coord with the cards dress? the girl had a long straight brown wig, the dress was in blue, and i think she was wearing black rocking horses? i really like that one and i forgot to save it.

>> No.7698164
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>> No.7700316
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>> No.7700318
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dumping my top five fav i have saved

>> No.7700321
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>> No.7700326
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>> No.7700330
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>> No.7700334
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my all time favorite

>> No.7700341

They probably don't wear it very much. on 2channel the lolitas view Bodyline in the same way the western lolitas view Milanoo.

>> No.7700409
File: 186 KB, 462x750, tumblr_msssr0kwCM1r8awsbo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I owned this dress in pink and sold it but now seriously regretting it, the quality is actually really good - beautiful lace, excellent cut etc. I actually own items from Innocent World that are worse quality than this jsk.

>> No.7700414
File: 119 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mg3xcsKa6U1qij1n6o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7700420

On the contrary, you're only showing us how new you are.

>> No.7702909

A classic. I still want this dress even though it'd go with nothing in my wardrobe.

>> No.7703094
File: 351 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7703107

I bought the skirt version because of this outfit, but I hated the fabric so I didn't wear it out much. Alas..

>> No.7703142

At least she matched the gloves to her tights though.

>> No.7703148

Is it an overdress and a skirt of all one piece? Its kind of horrible, but without the collar, the big back bow and the ribbon on the sleeves it may be okay as long as everything else is good quality. Maybe unpick the lace?

>> No.7703768

It is an overdress + skirt. That sleeve ribbon luckily don't look as retarded in real life. That big bow in the front and on the back are terrible though, so I got rid of that. The quality is actually kinda nice for Bodyline. Might get rid of that lace though, as you suggested.

>> No.7703851
File: 349 KB, 800x1200, l275-2 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have a good coord with the waffle print? I only ever see awful or sub-par coords with it, so it'd be refreshing to see it worn nicely, since it's pretty cute.

>> No.7703887

If it's seperate, could pairing the overdress with a different skirt maybe help? Something chiffon-y would possiblu make the whole look a bit classier.

>> No.7703888

I didn't think about that. I have the brown colorway though, so what would fit with that?

>> No.7703899

What's up with the fabric?

>> No.7703905

the torso reminds me of octoberfest

>> No.7704201

I just got mine in brown and the bib panel gapes horribly, sob. Also the brown is really pink toned IRL, and the zipper is just straight-up pink. Now you've made me afraid of ordering from IW, anon.

>> No.7704236


i'm confused as to how the bib on >>7700330
can gape when it's attached to the JSK??? there's nothing to button/tie/close on it....can you elaborate a little?

>> No.7704252

I think she means the bib gapes on her chest, as in the bodice of the dress doesn't lie flat on her. I have a few dresses that do this.

>> No.7704572

Eh mine looks fine anon? Maybe it's because my boobs are small though so the fit is fine on me, but the zipper looks brown on mine???? Maybe they got lazy and changed it.
Also I feel like other anon is exaggerating, they're probably referring to their plainer pieces, their prints are fine.

>> No.7705981

Cream could be lovely, maybe burgundy or, of course, even more brown.

>> No.7706560

Not that anon, but how new are you?
Even just last summer people were shaming girls for wearing Bodyline.
I'm sorry I wasn't around to see the shift, but I guess it happened...

>> No.7706562

Wait, are you serious? Literally nobody gives a shit or ever gave a shit as long as you can make it look good.

>> No.7707025

What rock have you been living under?

This is a thread of exceptions, not what people commonly believe Bodyline products and its wearers to look like..

Bodyline has, does and likely will continue to get hate, because this thread is not an example of the norm.
Seriously where have you been?

>> No.7707030

Only Brandwhores complain about Bodyline. If you can coord it nicely, the majority won't care.

>> No.7707039

You're so new.

>> No.7707053
File: 198 KB, 700x1200, bodyline1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? Not the person you are responding to, but really? Who is new here?

Bodyline has mostly mediocre products (with few exceptions), which makes it harder to coord good. Most of people who buy from bodyline are also newbies which doesn't help. This is why we have threads like this to praise lolitas who can make it look good. And threads like this happen often. No one ever criticises anyone solely on the basis of wearing bodyline.

>> No.7707056

If you give a shit as to whether someone's coord features Bodyline or not, you're trying way too hard.

>> No.7707108

Thanks for the laugh, anon-chan. I've been here for ages.

>> No.7707147

This looks nice on the bed but I guarantee it would look shit on a person
-bright white blouse
-cream socks
-white details on dress
-ugly lace gloves that don't match
-fucking quilted flats, also in cream what is white matching lol
It is a nice dress though, I have it

>> No.7707153

>bad cosplay wig
>no hair accessory at all
>zero accessories in general
I think you need to find a new favorite

>> No.7707831

newbie here, what are good places to shop that aren't bodyline?

I can't into taobao

>> No.7707994

Get into taobao.
ap, btssb, aatp, innocent world, meta, moitie

>> No.7707997

Give up

>> No.7708008
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>> No.7708020
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>> No.7708023
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>> No.7708026
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>> No.7708028
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>> No.7708038
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>> No.7708043
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>> No.7708169

Eh it's a nice casual cord

>> No.7708190

I dont like the bag or the jacket, but dem shoes are qt

>> No.7708191

I hate this dress sooo much, I've seen so many shitty newfags wearing it and they ruined my attitude towards it

>> No.7708263

Anna House
Official brands
EGL comm sales

>> No.7708398

People are shamed for wearing Bodyline BADLY or having a bad attitude about it i.e. "brand is so overpriced and stupid, brb buying Bodyline replicas of brand dresses". Also some people are kind of skeeved out by Yan and the way BL treats his clueless Western model-waifus.

But BL has been a generally accepted option for newbies and poorfags for the past five years or more. The positive egl reviews go back much farther, especially for the shoes.

TL;DR you new as fuck

>> No.7709599
File: 178 KB, 441x640, 1360240183648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BL has been a generally accepted option for newbies and poorfags for the past five years or more
But that's why we dislike BL. Quality is nowhere near brand and we know no coord can look perfect with poor quality dresses. All these coords are great, but we don't aim great, do we? We aim perfect. We aim "so goddamn perfect not even /cgl/ will find something to nitpick about" Post any of these coords on inspiration threads, I guarantee you'll get critics.

Maybe none of you are new, but we do know now which of you is a better lolita.

inb4: butthurt.

>> No.7709618
File: 67 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dying.

>> No.7709726

I would love to see your perfect brand coords.

>> No.7709751

Bodyline is great for when you don't want to worry about your nice expensive dress. If I'm just going out to lunch, I don't feel like dressing to the nines. Same for cons.

>> No.7710391


Anyone got coords with Fairy From Forest? It seems like it'd be very easy to coord but I rarely see it worn anywhere.

>> No.7710392
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>> No.7711917
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>> No.7711922
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>> No.7711928

This is pretty bad. The frumpy sweater is awful, the lack of accessories, and the blouse is barely making the mark. Try again anon.

>> No.7711958

I have a coord using that jsk in pink, but I've yet to wear it or take any photos.

>> No.7711982

i want that sweater for finals week ugh
sage for off topic sorry gals

>> No.7711994
File: 406 KB, 834x750, fairy-horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the skirt in pink. I have serious trouble with my petticoat.

>> No.7712006 [DELETED] 

that fucking catherine wig right now, I swear

also the reds with the shoe/skirt dont match up, idk

>> No.7712008

that fucking catherine wig right now, I swear

also the reds with the shoe/skirt dont match up, idk

it's really not

>> No.7712009
File: 108 KB, 540x480, bodyline high waist blue skirt zeruda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I got this skirt thinking I could work magic with it/take on a new challenge

I was so wrong I have no idea what to do with it

>> No.7712021
File: 67 KB, 600x531, BL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moar of that skirt

thought of putting it with these heels


wouldn't match anything in my closet except the skirt

>> No.7712201

Ultra-nitpicky, but I feel like the bows on the OP clash with the crosses and chains motif, and for gothic, she should probably have removed them. Pretty girl, though, and the coord is alright, otherwise.

>> No.7712222

If this is your coord, its lovely! You could add some pearls or something to the waist of the skirt to add a bit of colour to it, but other wise it seems fine. shoes are a bit too sweet.

>> No.7712509

oh damn I wish it were me it's some chick named Zeruda or some shit, I think it's lovely

>> No.7713658
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>trying to keep this thread alive

>> No.7713661
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>> No.7713665

I would get red shoes and different colored stockings
everything else very pretty

>> No.7713709

is this jsk still in stock

>> No.7713731
File: 1021 KB, 500x281, wowie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yay! im really late but yes! thats the one! thanks!

>> No.7713845

This girl is fucking awesome it just made me remember how much I love lolita.

>> No.7713852

Sauce on the adorable bunny bonnet? That or something similar with long ass ears. Need to be kawaii for winter

>> No.7713855

It should be. A warning though - that's raschel lace, I had that dress for a while before selling it. It's not awful, but a heads up.

>> No.7713881
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>> No.7713884

>dat Sherlock sticker
my nigga

>> No.7714437

I think it's cute. It's a unique take on wearing that jsk.

>> No.7715181

"unique" does not equal good.
I don't like the sweater, the rest looks fine to me though. It's just casual.

>> No.7715255

I was obviously using unique in a positive way as I was praising the outfit. Better than the bland white blouse and white sock combo every newbie sticks with. Boring as fuck.

>> No.7715409

Wearing a frumpy sweater over said bland white blouse does not really put her above boring newbie coords though.

>> No.7717164

I have a personal pet peeve I need to get out of my chest: her face is a huge rectangle. That would not be a problem if she didn't insist on wearing hairstyles, hats and make up that pronounces that even more.
Her outfits are amazing, though.

>> No.7718907
File: 39 KB, 426x821, 58161_730400137025287_5056007472913249896_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think bodyline looks best as classy casual coords though. I haven't really seen any OTT coords that wow'd me.

>> No.7718910
File: 419 KB, 700x1024, bodyline-L305-antique-clock-skirt-pink-brown-classic-lolita_zpsd52578d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard to find good coords with this skirt (and the jsk) no matter the color way. Anyone got any other pictures that will give me more hope in this print?

>> No.7718930

her boobs look saggy.

>> No.7718941

is qutieland legit? I was told before it was scammy sorta like milanoo

>> No.7718949


Qutieland is just a taobao service. They charge more than other services because they have a catalog and cart system, you pay for the convenience.

>> No.7718964

They have a nasty reputation in terms of their business dealings. I've also heard people hint that she uses her dual-citizenship to dodge paying taxes, but who knows if that's true.

When people first started using Taobao, Qutieland refused to release their sources for items they sold, and attempted to hold a monopoly over international distribution of certain indie brands. They would get Taobao brands to agree to sell exclusively through her, such that other similar shops (Clobba, Mashimaro Girl, etc.) couldn't publicly sell those items. The shops would still sell to those other services on the side, but in "public", Qcute could claim exclusivity and get "special" deals. Other shops could get those same deals if they asked, but most people didn't know better and would buy through Qcute instead.

The EGL mods upheld this monopoly until people started using other shopping services more regularly, and then just stopped giving a shit, because they couldn't police it.

It was kind of shit. She's actually part of the reason that Secret Shop is VIP sales for shoes only, now.

>> No.7718981
File: 216 KB, 700x1200, l511-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any with this dress?

>> No.7719026

Oh that's really pretty.