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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7705756 No.7705756 [Reply] [Original]

We post the Do-NOTs of cosplay!

>> No.7705769
File: 60 KB, 400x534, jdidnsoasdhasbhdfhbgahf8333fjdef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaks for itself

>> No.7705776
File: 27 KB, 400x435, ohgodwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my kinda thread

>> No.7705782

there is another bad cos thread =_=

>> No.7705796

I love when you can see peoples dark brown hair out of the sides of whatever wig they're wearing
Is it really so hard to conceal...?

>> No.7705802

You're right!!! That is a pretty spot on Harriet Tubman and doesn't belong in cosplay, but a historical reenactment society!!!!

>> No.7705864

fabric is completely wrong, normalfag shorts, wtf shoes, and rat hair. 2/10 would not cosplay

>> No.7705910
File: 346 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n87v6mpmyp1qff9pvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible Simone cosplay

>> No.7705913

dat guy still mirin hardcore

>> No.7705930

probably never seen a chimp outside the zoo.

>> No.7705932

Damn girl, stop, you're making me sweaty.

>> No.7705934

Nia is so disgusting

>> No.7705937

I was about to call you an edglord and say to fuck off to /pol/, then I noticed it was Nia in that pic.

>> No.7706067
File: 57 KB, 540x960, barfqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this while looking through photos from a local convention. Awful in so many ways.

>> No.7706087

I feel like the vast majority (everyone but the first two people who posted pictures) has no idea what bad cosplay really is. And instead say "I can't fap to this, therefor it's bad cosplay." Because those other cosplays aren't bad, they aren't great or anything, but they aren't bad.
Only thing wrong with this is that she should have worn a wig cap to tuck her hair in properly
I don't see anything wrong with this, except that maybe the girl is the wrong race, I don't know the character, but the costume it's self seems fine to me.
Again, could have used a wig cap, but just because she isn't skinny with big tits doesn't mean it's a poor cosplay.

Seriously... I came here for like the 300lbs sailor moons, the hairy Sailor men, that sort of shit. Ya'll fuckers need to learn that just because you can't fap to it doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.7706090

Are you blind?

>> No.7706095

Nope, and in fact as someone who has judged cosplay contests, and works with cosplayers first hand, I think the problem is that you guys think the only two levels of cosplay are Perfect and shit, that there is no middle ground.

>> No.7706100

People actually want you to judge things and you think that shitty costume satin, unfinished raw edges and costumes that look nothing like their source material are not bad?

>> No.7706106

I don't see what's wrong with this?

>> No.7706108

>I feel like the vast majority (everyone but the first two people who posted pictures) has no idea what bad cosplay really is. And instead say "I can't fap to this, therefor it's bad cosplay." Because those other cosplays aren't bad, they aren't great or anything, but they aren't bad.

>Seriously... I came here for like the 300lbs sailor moons, the hairy Sailor men, that sort of shit.

So, bad cosplays are not ugly costumes worn by people who do not fit the character, and then you go back and say that bad cosplays are 300lb hairy sailor moons? Are you not aware of how hypocritical you sound?

>> No.7706110

Not that anon but there is a difference between being a little off, and being way out of orbit off

>> No.7706113

Sure they aren't going to be winning any contests, but they aren't bad. They're like 4-6 out of 10 cosplays, they ain't going to win, but you clearly can tell who their characters are with a quick glance.
Again, just because it's not perfect, doesn't mean it's automatically shit tier cosplay.

>> No.7706120

>Wrong coloured wig
>No wig cap
>Shitty, early 2000s prom dress
>Long sleeve shirt under said prom dress
>Piece of white tulle sewn directly onto the boobs
>The blues don't go with each other at all
All in all, terrible construction and looks nothing like Elsa except for some vague resemblance.

>> No.7706193

>Ya'll fuckers need to learn that just because you can't fap to it doesn't mean it's bad

incorrect, if you're ugly its bad cosplay because nobody wants to look at the disgusting bastard.

the only reasonable choice is to cover your face (if your face is the only disgusting part and you have a bangin body) and hope for the best

>> No.7706197


>> No.7706220
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Simone, from Dofus.

>> No.7706236
File: 54 KB, 800x600, 121648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u jelly?

>> No.7706771

I don't get it. It looks fin.
Am I missing something here lol

>> No.7707134
File: 3.55 MB, 2448x3264, Wario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide if this is bad or very fitting

>> No.7707686

No, some work clearly went into that and it's sort of delightful.

You guys all suck at bad cosplay threads. These all look pretty decent and reek of vendetta.

>> No.7707822

looks pretty spot on.
vendetta harder, anon.

>> No.7707880

oh fancy that, no responses to anyone asking specifically what is wrong.

take your bootyhurt elsewhere, no one cares about your vendetta we just want bad cosplays.

>is probably the creepy fucking eyefucking her into oblivion or at least looks similar

>> No.7707903
File: 27 KB, 300x301, 1406187884023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7707924

Anybody who says "oh look, a fat flatulent Jew, this is who I want to represent me" is cool in my book.

>> No.7707978

Shippou, is that you postan?
if so, you need to get over your ex.
no one wants to date your creepy ass, not even her.
perfect cosplay

congrats, these two posts have turned this thread into a failure.

>> No.7708111


Whenever I see bad cosplays at a con I just go wtf....and move along, never even thing to take pictures.

Makes me sad, oh the terrible cosplays i've seem

>> No.7708143

same here. I've seen hot glued together cosplays with construction paper for props.

>> No.7709113

>Attended convention back in april
>Approaching glass door, see Attack on Titan cosplayers approaching the door from the other side
>Tumblr contouring levels of bad make-up
>Not even hanging out with anyone at the time but still manage to scream "JESUS CHRIST THAT'S AWFUL" out loud while looking at them, without even thinking about it
>Pretty sure they heard me through the glassdoor as they all looked at me with angry and sad faces (or that might have just been their bad make-up)
>Feel like a massive autist, hurry back to my hotel room to change cosplays so nobody will recognise me later on as 'that one rude elitist bitch'

But truthfully I'm not even that upset about what I did here.

>> No.7709300
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 10399984_10100924026131483_1390957791632311859_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, so bad.

>> No.7709391

what how could.. wh...

>> No.7709497

That's not even close.

>> No.7709518

Who's the character though? They look oddly familiar but I can't put a name/series to it.

>> No.7709537

He's from Sly Cooper, but i don't remember his name.

>> No.7709539

Bentley from Sly Cooper

>> No.7709707

What's with nerdy fat girls and corsets?

>> No.7709713

the think they can hide their fat with the corset.

>> No.7709828

Dat Mooseknuckle