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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 41 KB, 500x500, 2003fanimecon24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7700965 No.7700965[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Cosplays that you know they are only doing it because they think they have a chance to hit on girls or be pervs. Also it works the other way around for Girls hitting on me also

Post away

I swear to go every Tuxedo Mask Cosplayer you see is just there so they can be surrounded by girls in skirts

>> No.7700997

>I swear to go every Tuxedo Mask Cosplayer you see is just there so they can be surrounded by girls in skirts

And it works

>> No.7701013

Sounds like someone posted this from their phone and got auto corrected lol

>> No.7701024



>> No.7701030

...People still cosplay as Jack Sparrow? I have not seen a single one, at all.

>> No.7701071

>I swear to go every Tuxedo Mask Cosplayer you see is just there so they can be surrounded by girls in skirts.
No, I'm not into girls. A tux is more forgiving than a sailor scout uniform when tailored right. Plus my guy friends wanted to be the scouts.

>> No.7701073

Deadpool, let's be real here.

>> No.7701091

No Deadpool is an excuse for idiots to act like idiots and claim they are "totally being in character" and of course thinking lolsorandum waypool is how Deadpool actually acts in the comics, but of course they don't bother actually reading any comics, they just seem HIGHlarious memes on their twitter feeds order the cheapest Deadpool costume they can find on eBay, pull it on over their skinnyfat bodies without ever thinking a dancebelt might help, stuff their feet into their tattered and beat up running shoes and it's off to the con for some wacky antics that will be sure to make them the next big youtube hit!

>> No.7701116

They tend to be repeat cosplayers. There's a guy who goes to one of my local conventions every year as Jack Sparrow. He's gone quite a few years in a row in the same costume, always in character. The first time was amusing/novel, after the third, it got old. The only people who don't actively avoid him are the ones who are attending for their first year, or who are also annoying repeat cosplayers who act in character (I'm looking at you, Mario Brothers. Ugh).

Whoever told that asshole that he had a passing resemblance to Johnny Depp should be smacked with a yaoi paddle until they apologize.

>> No.7701198


>> No.7701215

Every guy NUDISTO BEACH cosplay
Every guy Free cosplay

>> No.7701223


>> No.7701262

>it works the other way around
Oh, you mean girls trying to slut it up for attention?

Every Yoko.
Every Zero Suit Samus.
Every Mortal Kombat cosplay.

>> No.7701270

Every Tuxedo Mask (except >>7701071)
Every Hetalia char
Every Sesshoumaru
Every Sasuke
Every Sebastian

>> No.7701368

Any shirtless cosplay involving a fit guy with a visible six pack

>> No.7701377

Flynn Ryder and underage girls.
Or at least this guy in the local Midwest scene i know who cosplay Flynn

>> No.7701488
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he is pretty cool though

>> No.7701496

All men cause all men are rapists.

>> No.7701501

My local con scene was once plagued by a Jiraiya cosplayer who actually went around groping people's breasts. Not sure what happened to him.

anon pls no

>> No.7701537

There's this one old man who goes to a lot of East Coast conventions dressed as various versions of Uncle Iroh from ATLA. Everyone loves him and showers him with hugs, but the fact that he devotes a majority of his time to attending anime cons alone as a 40-50 year old man kind of puts up a red flag for me.

>> No.7701603
File: 448 KB, 800x1174, 1405428390522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sasuke is mai husbando

>> No.7701639

You mean the guy at PCC every year? He wasn't that bad.

>> No.7701652

Itachi and Levi

>> No.7701664

>implying male levi cosplayers

>> No.7701665

Any male cosplayer from Kill La Kill

>> No.7701681

>Same thread implies male Sasuke cosplayers

>> No.7701686
File: 964 KB, 1280x720, nuuudistooo beeachu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been said, but this guy is THE example of this from 2014. Been to a bunch of cons this year and I have literally never seen anybody other than skinnyfat 4/10s cosplay this guy.

>> No.7701697

>someday there will be a hot male Levi with an accurate costume and no flower crown

>> No.7701703

Yeah I am sick of Kill La Kill

Bad enough every female this year has 2 costumes for every con
Something from Kill La Kill and Sailor moon

>> No.7701704
File: 81 KB, 960x641, 10377081_633791526713848_997411382455964140_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all scantily clad male cosplays designed to show off muscles

especially if its a sluttified version of the original character

>> No.7701706
File: 49 KB, 351x440, 8192f_ORIG-5star_post_nigga_funny_2kids1sandbox_info.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fem Anon here

I can't agree with this more. All of my friends have both of these included into their line up

>> No.7701720

Everybody does the main characters and default outfits too.
There are tons of villains, casual outfits, etc in Sailor Moon, but almost everybody just does the generic senshi or some stupid tumblr fanart bandwagon version.

>> No.7701733

I personally love the senshi take-over but I'm a ridiculous fangirl but yes I do wish other characters would get attention...or at least different versions of the main ones.

There was a Neo Queen Serenity and King Endymion at the last con I went to--that was a nice change.

>> No.7701823

i really hope this is a joke
>guy who legitimately likes klk and cosplays tsumugu

yeah because all those female klk cosplayers are anywhere close to sexy
hun, you dont know what sexy is if you think more skin showing = sexy
Go read some Nana to Kaoru

>> No.7701844

Don't call me hun toots

>> No.7701852


Don't call her toots, dear

>> No.7701854

Every male Dandy cosplayer I've seen is uggo as hell and acts like a massive tool, but I don't go to cons often.

Butthurt male detected

>> No.7701855

Don't call me dear, babe

>> No.7701862

>just because I'm nearly naked doesn't mean I want attention from the opposite sex!
>cosplay =/= consent!

>> No.7701868

don't call me babe, doll

>> No.7701872

don't call me doll, sweets

>> No.7701873

I'll take solid canon outfits over tumblr fanart bullshit. Every time I see some ugly Sailor Moon spinoff fanart on Tumblr, I see a ton of locals clamoring to be the first to cosplay it, even if it doesn't reflect the characters at all (fuck that Pixiv set of the girls in lingerie, seriously, it's so ugly).

>> No.7701897

It doesn't help that you're a 4/10.

>> No.7701931

Yeah, I don't get why people do stupid tumblr special snowflake outfits when there are tons of alternate canon outfits they could do. And there are ways to subtly set your cosplay apart from the rest while still being mostly canon such as fabric choices, props, etc. If you're looking for attention there are actually illustrations in the manga of the girls in sexy swimsuits. But stuff like cheap lingerie with a wig is just so lazy.

>> No.7701939


Don't call me sweets, hun

>> No.7701951

Hey buck'o watch it

>> No.7701954

What bugs me about the themed ones is that when you put them all in one theme, the characters' personalities seem to get lost, and that comes through when people cosplay them. I see this with the "punk Moon" groups, where they try to pose 2edgy4u with every character, pulling faces and flipping the bird. Only a few characters would even WANT to wear punk clothes; for many, it wouldn't suit their aesthetic or personality at all. SUPER BADASS HARD-EDGED shit doesn't work for say, Ami, Minako, Chibiusa, Usagi, etc.; it just feels like projecting on the characters.

I just wish more alternative-clothing fanart would be thoughtfully individualized for the characters.

>> No.7701970

Any guy who calls other women hun is a legitimate uggo faggot who doesn't get laid. I can see why you cosplay it to garner girls' attention.

>> No.7701973

Deadpool copslay is an excuse to be a "lol random" asshole to everyone.

Getting to anonymously creep on your gender of choice is just an added bonus.

>> No.7701986

I would prolly argue the Zero suit samus, that's a pretty intense costume to do

>> No.7701994

The worst guys are the photographers. I got two invites for "private photoshoots" after the last con I went too, and I wasn't even cosplaying.

>> No.7701999

Yeah except... you're just a prop to the deadpool cosplayers, they don't really even notice you ya know

>> No.7702010

How is that a bad thing?

>> No.7702013

standard tsumugu is not butt naked....
You obviously haven't watched the show
im like a 2 but thanks

white knight
>saying uggo
all i needed to hear to know what kind of person you are.
and i'm handsome as fuark

>> No.7702024

He should have done The Penguin instead.

>> No.7702030

He ate one

>> No.7702036

>cosplaying tsumugo

ayy lmao

sure hun

>> No.7702053

Asking for a private shoot is literally rape

>> No.7703045

Motherfucking Sebastian Michaelis. I swear if you do it right with some fucking good makeup and take care of your face and shit you'll get pussies.
Talking from experience.
Yes I like kuroshit.But the anime is shit.

>> No.7703047

Ah, no. Convention I'm talking about starts with an A.

>> No.7703051

I dunno. I think it depends on the history of the convention. There's a con in my area that's small, very locals-only type affair, which used to be a scifi and fantasy convention. With the proliferation of anime, it's become more general-media with things like Supernatural and Sherlock and shit in there, too.

You get a lot of 40-50 year old men alone, but they've been attending for 15-20 years. It's how they interact with the community, kind of like a once yearly reunion of sorts.

Not saying that this Iroh cosplayer is the same way, but I guess I'm saying that unless he's done something actually creepy, I'd be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.7703059

Really. Every Free! Cosplay.

That show was just for girls and gays. Any guy in a Free! cosplay is in it for the attention.

>> No.7703060


>> No.7703062

or gay.

>> No.7703068


Pretty much. all the guys I know doing it is either cosplaying with their girlfriend or the guy is single/attractive with intentions of getting hit on by girls.

>> No.7703089

I can 100% confirm this.
I was the Sebastian in the drag show at MetroCon this year and I am almost literally swimming in the V.
I've gone on 5 dates this past week alone.

Feels good man.

>> No.7703095 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 500x667, free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a faggot that uses his fit body in cosplay with intentions of getting hit on by girls, there are better more elaborate ways than coming off as a try hard with Free! and Nudist Beach cosplays. The trick is for it to look complex while still showing off skin, as if you invested time in making it. JayEm Sison knows what's up.

>> No.7703117 [DELETED] 

I'm not surprised with that hell of a performance you put on

>> No.7703122

I'm not surprised with that hell of a performance you put on

and it helps that you look like fucking Sasha Grey

>> No.7703263

I now need someone to shoop Sasha Grey's face onto Sebastian.

I will be forever grateful.

>> No.7703278

For real, there's a dude at every Utah con who dresses like Jack Sparrow and he doesnt even do it right, he's never drunk, never steals shit, probably never fucks chicks either and pusses out, all around disappointment and his characterization is flat.

>> No.7703281

Privilege is one of my triggers

>> No.7703298

I was makoto for a con, when there were only about 7 eps out.

It really works.

>> No.7703374

If u cosplay any kuroshitsuji character you get pussies and dicks in line. I was literally Ciel Phantomhive and got a male cop, 2 dudes in Applebee's and a hoard of girls messaging me because I was so androgynous looking in cosplay. A cop bro, if u want to get laid go the route of black butler. I didn't even expect the amount of people wanting to tap my earl ass.
Btw, I was also in that drag show mentioned above. Was awesome.

>> No.7703507

More like ten.

>> No.7703594

that happened to my friend alex years ago. she was dressed as ranma-chan at acen and some dumb ass ran over and lifted her over like a trophy bribe. she begged to put her down because he was hurting her.

>> No.7703596

btw he was dressed as kuno

>> No.7703599

You do know that sci-fi "conventions" have been happening for almost 60 years right.

Tons of older science fiction fans have literally been going to cons their whole life.

>> No.7703738


> saying fem anon on a board where majority of the posters are female

I'm pretty sure that person was female as well.
It's implied by the fact that you are posting on /cgl/

>> No.7703807
File: 112 KB, 720x960, Sasha the Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7703811

His costume isn't bad but that shit got old after three years.

>> No.7703815
File: 170 KB, 1360x588, Minako__s_Casual_Doll_Outfits_by_Femmes_Fatales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would forever fucking LOVE some casual cosplay of the senshi.

They've got some pretty obvious casual 90's clothing that would make for great group cosplay.

>> No.7703816
File: 139 KB, 1024x679, sailor_senshis_swimsuits__by_idrilachfra-d6kff1r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>illustrations in the manga of the girls in sexy swimsuits.

>> No.7703822

You need to chat with more Metroid cosplayers.
Power Suit cosplayers are always fans and are great to talk with, ZSS cosplayers only know Samus from Smash and have rarely if ever touched an actual Metroid game.

>> No.7703948

skinnyfat everywhere

>> No.7703976

>sjw detected

>> No.7703978
File: 498 KB, 1350x2000, bait-poster02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7703997

Please no.

>> No.7703998

nitpicking asshole detected.

They all look nice. Stop being a complete ass.

>> No.7704088


In 20 years we'll be going to conventions and wondering where all these kids come from.

It would be the ultimate insult for some snotnose little girl to tell us we shouldn't be attending because we're too old.

>> No.7704145
File: 163 KB, 640x558, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is literally a character named Tubby Mask in the Sailor Moon manga

>> No.7704212
File: 743 KB, 2554x1916, nNAZz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean like this?

>> No.7704223

I think he means "youre in for a raping"

>> No.7704233

They all look so happy. Gang bang imminent.

>> No.7705411
File: 101 KB, 580x300, Leslie-Nielsen_580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am serious, and don't call me Shirley.

>> No.7705417

I talked to three ZSS cosplayers and they all had played Metroid. Talked about their favorite levels and bosses. Only one had only played SSB and no Metroid games. Maybe none of the girls cosplaying when SSBB or Other M first came out had played it, but most of the ones out now have. You sound bitter.

>> No.7705565
File: 100 KB, 433x496, 1406132100427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One day I hope to be half as happy as this guy is. This looks like it's the greatest day of his life.

>> No.7705626

Has there ever been a good Tuxedo Mask cosplay? The cape tends to make guys look bulkier than they are and no one can seem to make a mask that doesn't derp up their face.

>> No.7705679

I haven't seen any good ones that were actually male, no. Like you said, the mask tends to be derpy as hell if you make it the shape shown in the series.

I've seen a few good Endymion costumes though.

>> No.7705684

cosplayers pretty much ruined deadpool for me. i fucking hate it.
sure hes crazy in the comics but people greatly exaggerate it which pisses me off.

>> No.7707670

>whiteknighting this hard over nothing

You're not going to fuck those girls, sweety, just calm down.

>> No.7707736


I wonder who would pull more pussy. A good Ciel or a good Sebastian.

>> No.7707743

There are also a number of girls who crossplay him too.

>> No.7708082

Amen, anon, amen