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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7693183 No.7693183 [Reply] [Original]

Mine is that I think a lot of girls are ruining it. They use it as get rich quick tactic because attractive girls tend to be put on a pedestal by the fedora fags.

>> No.7693185

That`t not an unpopular opinion, OP.

>> No.7693234

You're really overestimating how much being an attractive girl in a skimpy costume "pays". You need to be really clever about marketing yourself to get much more out of it than leers and creepy FB messages. Even the girls who are just doing it for attention get tired of that after a while. Especially the ones who make anything themselves, if it's not something they genuinely enjoy doing then it's really not worth it at all.

>> No.7693298

I really hate hot girls that cosplay only when they don't know shit about their character or they act like their pussy is made of gold and you should feel honored to breathe the same air

but thats bitches anywhere, I wish they'd fuck off to comicons or something and leave anime alone

>> No.7693325

That if you buy 100% of your costume you have no business being in a costume. Period. Save that shit for Halloween.

>> No.7693331

does that mean you dislike almost every asian cosplayer?

>> No.7693334

That if you're ugly or your body type looks nothing like the character, your cosplay is automatically horrible/cringey

I really just hate seeing ugly faces ruining otherwise decent cosplays.

>> No.7693335

Not unpopular either, but Superwholock cosplay and other tumblr-tier cosplay needs to fuck right off forever. Nightvale, especially.

Closet cosplay is pretty bad, but closet cosplay on spastic teenaged girls is just terrible

>> No.7693336

I like chubby/plus size cosplay better than skinny cosplay.

>> No.7693350

I don't think dumb hot chicks are to blame. Really if men were smart enough to keep their dicks in check and not be so thirsty then these girls would have gone away.

People forget that it takes two parties to attention whore. One to ask for it and one to give it. If this is such a big problem in the community then why are they STILL getting what they want.

This shit is basic supply and demand

>> No.7693367

I buy 90% of my costumes cause I very rarely have the time to make any of my own. I'll alter storebought costumes if they need altering, but making something from scratch, or even shopping for some parts and making the rest, is not something I have time for.

Also, my country doesn't celebrate Halloween so how about no.

>> No.7693386

I hate cosplay models.
Cosplay is about having fun, not having your picture taken.

>> No.7693397

Well said, anon. But here is full of fedorafags so they only blame the sexy cosgirls, it's always a two sided thing.
>because well men are always innocent so girls are deceiving them *facepalm*
>if men were less "muh dick needs fapping" there would be less attention whoring cosplay too.

>> No.7693398

I think it's unfair for companies to hire single cosplayers as their official models. It just raises a lot of jealousy and unnecessary competition when this hobby is supposed to be fun.

>> No.7693403

This is partially true, but it's the minority that actually want them around where more people either don't or don't care either way. Honestly the people who don't care either way are hurting cosplay more than the people who want them. I think that the idea that 'cosplay is for fun and for anyone~' has made it possible for people to think that it should be about attention, fans, popularity and tits, as well as letting the greasy creeps have a way to justify it themselves.

So honestly those 'cosplay is fun for everyone' people are really what is killing cosplay.

>> No.7693407

I hate when cons invite cosplay guests that don't do anything besides charge for having their picture taken and serve as bait to attract men to the con. That money could go into actual guests - at least have them do a panel about cosplay or something.

>> No.7693417

I would love to see more people using Cosplay commissioners.
Yes it might cost more then making it yourself but if the seamstress is worth the money I think it's worth it.
It would be great to see money go to great commissioners than to print sales.

>> No.7693588

I don't care if people cosplay a character just for the costume design and know nothing else about them/don't consume the media they're a part of.

>> No.7693938

I don't care when dark-skinned people cosplay light-skinned characters. All I care about is the construction of the costume.

>> No.7693954


Nah then we end up with JNig and Monika's "Social Networking in Cosplay". Where all they talk about is how to be internet famous.

>> No.7694014

I really hate the over sexualization of cosplayers. The fap threads make me role my eyes to no end.

>> No.7694023

That's how /cgl/ started, actually. It used to be a NSFW board before actual cosplayers started using it.
I don't like them either, though. I wonder how much the fap thread posters/lurkers and the "whores are ruining cosplay!!!!" people overlap.

>> No.7694027


True, but it hasn't stopped every girl who has ever dreamed of being a model but could never ACTUALLY be one from going "NOW'S MUH CHANCE". I've seen a hundred profiles from chubby or average looking girls that read "Cosplayer. Model." etc. I do blame the facebook douchebags who will like anything with tits because SEX APPEAL.

My real pet peeve is the idea that FB likes mean anything. Saw a girl go from 200 to 5K in two weeks, she's not actually GOOD but she did have the money to pay for them. This practice has also made me leery of anyone who isn't from Mexico having Mexico City as their "largest fanbase".

>> No.7694057

>Find an apparently high quality reliable Japanese commissioner site
>Choose their cheapest option without lowering material quality
>tfw still $700 without shipping and it's not even a cosplay with armor or weapons
It makes me sad because they're the only ones that I've seen that make the character's costume right but I guess I'm just too much of a poorfag

>> No.7694059

So it was originally used as a dumping ground for sexy cosplayers.

>> No.7694094

I like Facebook pages are nice, but only when they post progress pics or photo shoots but not when they treat it like some sort of public diary.
I personally have a fb cosplay page. Those 4 likes that aren't already my friends or family make me swell with pride. So I wouldn't want to tarnish that with buying likes. Like what's the point?

On topic, I like flower crowns with cosplay, as long as the crown follows the color scheme or fits the character being cosplayed.

>> No.7694111


Definitely not knocking facebook pages. Sometimes you can learn a lot. I just hate, like you said, the one's who use it as their personal diary and are all MUH FANS PAY ATTENTION TO ME GIVE ME PITY AND LOVES.

But they buy most of their costumes and "claim" to make them but never post progress pictures and their costumes always suspiciously turn out JUST like the ones you can buy on ebay.

>> No.7694144

Famewhores are the cancer killing cosplay.
Having a page or whatever is fine and all, but going out of your way to promote yourself, like, jumping on like trains and kissing more popular people's asses in the hopes they'll share your page? You aren't getting likes/follows because you're good at shit, you're getting likes/follows because you're in a giant ~popularity~ circlejerk. Whenever people like that brag about their followers or how many likes some picture got it's just so fucking fake and pathetic I want to throw up. Who even needs follows and likes anyway? It's just a number, it doesn't say shit about how good a cosplayer you are.

>> No.7694169

The only like that I care about is my mother so she will stop harassing me for progress pics...

>> No.7694191

Same here, my mother and grandmother always used to bug me for pictures too.

>> No.7694229

I never thought the thing "cosplay is for everyone" is hurting cosplay in itself, because well create a way to gain popularity even if you are a big loser in real life.
Yes, infact. If these fb asses would totally ignore these "cosplayer fan pages" because they see asses and tits even if the girl isn't that stunning beautiful the world could be better. But...many horny fans, more likes, more popularity. I hate this shit also I and i noticed a large mexican fanbase inside these pages, i don't know why.
Hopefully /cgl/ is way less NSFW, but well the presence of creepy fappers, fedorafags, cosplayers and lolita people is a really weird combination inside this board.

>> No.7694258

>large mexican fanbase inside these pages, i don't know why.

Short answer? They bought likes.
Long answer? They bought likes.

>> No.7694262

I hate the army of defenders for bad cosplayers. They have a shitty costume, and instead of taking the criticism they have a ton of people rush to their defense about how "some people just don't get cosplay." It doesn't matter how much you love the show, if you suck cosplaying it you suck at it. Get better, put in more effort, exercise, whatever.

Also I hate the "am I famoose yet?" crowd. They all think they can be Yaya Han or Jnig just by being out there in "skimpy" or "sexy" _______ costumes. It doesn't work like that girls. All you'll get are harassing neckbeards coming your way.

Also my captcha is convention eiodifi

>> No.7694292


I hate the army in the "THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS FAKE GEEK GIRLS" movement. No, just being hot does NOT make you a fake geek girl.

A girl going from "Comics are stupid and inferior to I AM COSPLAYING BLACK WIDOW AND JEAN GREY AM I POPULAR YET WHERES MY FACEBOOK LIKES" in a week isn't a fan.

A guy who claims to "love" Lord of the Rings but has never seen or read more than a gif on tumblr is not a fan. And yes, people male and female like this exist. And it's fucking sad, because most of the time they think pretending to have an interest in _____ fandom will make people like them more. Instead of actually working on what are usually shitty personalities.

But it's also usually really fucking easy to tell these people from actual fans.

>> No.7694462
File: 107 KB, 679x960, 10354678_722309834493963_4523211516658386998_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can cosplay whoever you want!

>And look ~*AMAZING*~ doing it!
Fuck no. Put some effort into your shit. Know your body and work with it.

>> No.7694474

>That pic
Tumblr is ruining my internet

>> No.7694477

You wouldn't get hired if you didn't go to college. Why should you get props for cosplaying if you grabbed a linen off your mom's bed the day before a con?

>> No.7694488

I'm really sick and tired of following a decent cosplayer, only to find out much later that they don't make anything they wear. I don't think you need to post I DIDN'T MAKE THIS on every photo, but it should be clear whether or not you constructed your outfit within a few minutes of lurking. I don't particularly dislike people who don't make their costumes, but I do frown down upon not exactly clarifying if you do or not.

And no putting on a costume you bought for a bathroom pic isn't progress fffff

>> No.7694490

Back when I used to admin an anime page I would always block people that commented in spanish. It'd be kind of annoying if I opened a cosplay page and had a ton of mexican likes. Please no.

>> No.7694516

It's fine to wear the same few cosplays to cons. So long as they stay clean of course, who's gonna care or notice? This is especially true for outfits that are meant to be worn more than once, like if they're comfy or whatever.

>> No.7694559


Because you get a trophy and YOU get a trophy and YOU get a trophy! EVERYONE GETS A TROPHY.

Honestly, I feel that this mentality can hurt people because I don't know how many times I've had friends go to cons with their hugbox of friends telling them they look amazing and come back hating EVERY. SINGLE. PICTURE. of themselves because no one told them a neon yellow wig clashed with their skin tone, or they should've cut that dress a bit bigger so they didn't end up with a boob loaf, or that they needed to alter that jacket so they didn't look so stunted.

This "COSPLAY IS FOR EVERYONE AND NO ONE SHOULD SAY BAD THINGS ITS ALL HATE" conflates good criticism which everyone needs to grow and improve with mindless internet troll bashing.

>> No.7694560

Because cosplay is about FUN anonchan! You don't have to put ANY effort into your cosplay to be a fAbUlOuS cosplayer

>> No.7694569

There's always a balance. Everyone can cosplay, some cosplays happen to be better than others, some cosplayers happen to be more skilled and talented than others. That doesn't necessarily make them better as people, just better with skills, construction, whatever it may be.

People need to understand that just because you're not good at something doesn't mean you're a bad person, it just means you're not good at something. Use it to strive to get better if you desire, stay within your skill level, but at the least, acknowledge it if you want to get better. If you don't and you're just there to have fun in character? Great! Do as you wish. But just because everyone CAN cosplay doesn't mean they're all perfect little angel babbus who are exempt from criticism.

>> No.7694586

This is the thing that bugs me THE MOST. You have an army of defenders anytime some craptastic cosplayer posts his craptastic pictures on his page. The makeup sucks, the contacts look ridiculous, the wig is too spiky, the costume doesn't fit perfectly, etc. You have people outright making fun of him, which they're entitled to do even though it's childish, and then you come and offer feedback on how to improve. Suddenly a stream of girls respond to your post "COSPLAY IS FOR EVERYONE!!!!~!~!" since you can't say anything constructive to anyone.

Of course most of those types of people wouldn't have considered themselves "cosplayers" 5 years ago and instead would have just thrown a costume together for a local con for fun. Now everyone wants to brag that they're a "cosplayer" since it is en vogue and hip. You want to put yourself on that kind of pedestal than expect the criticism handed out in the same way it is to people who have a new costume every few weeks.

>> No.7694599


My favorites are the people who just throw on a wig and are like WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK OF MY COSTUME? And you can't tell them it's not a costume without a shit storm.



>> No.7694622

I love you anon.

>> No.7694626

They are right, cosplay can be anything you want. But just as everyone can sing it doesn't mean that they sing well, just because you say you're wearing cosplay is doesn't mean it's a >good cosplay

>> No.7694629

Unpopular opinion:

I've met way more fake geek guys than girls.

Girls will be kinda interested and are usually welcome to learning more about comics/anime, if given the chance and not a tumblrfag.


I'm trying to fucking read, asswipes, no one gives a fuck about how geeky you are for playing games popular with the most annoying people on the planet, like LOL.

>> No.7694631

Sort of related.

I don't think it's a bad thing to ask about the series someone is cosplaying from, especially if they're a girl. Like if you see a girl cosplaying a character from a video game you play, asking,
>"So what other games in the series have you played?"
or just something about the game in general, isn't an accusation of them being a "Fake geek girl", you're just asking a fan about something you're also a fan of, at least from the looks of it. You're interested in both the game and this cosplayer, and you've got something to talk about.

Now, it also depends on word choice. If you asked like,
>"Do you even play any of the other games in the series?"
and if it sounds accusatory, then yeah, that's a jerk move.

>> No.7694636

Oh lawd yes.
I hate seeing people post the Spiral Cats shit to reddit and stuff cuz they're just models. They don't care about what they're wearing. If they're getting paid and look good then they'll be whoever you want. The video game/comic book/anime audience has blown up so that's who they cater to.

>> No.7694637

I think /cgl/ was better when drama and tripfags weren't banned

>> No.7694646

I hate how there's so much stigma attached with hooking up at cons. I mean, we're all adults here (or should be at least). Keep your prude bullshit to yourself. If I want to take someone back to my room, that's our business and ours alone.

>> No.7694652

Wait what?

>> No.7694658

Not to go full Tumblr on you, but seagulls love to hate on men and women for being "whores"

Slut-shaming is bullshit.

>> No.7694665

>I've met way more fake geek guys than girls.
I don't know about relative numbers, but IMO fake nerd guys are MUCH more annoying than any fake geek girl.

It's the smugness that really does it.

That horrible protean smugness that shifts in an instant from "I am better than you because I read a Conan comic book once" to "I am better than you because I don't waste time reading Robert E. Howard's pulp fiction for loser nerd virgins."

If you're going to be smarmy about it pick one way or the other, fuckface.

>> No.7694666

Fuck the haters.
If two consenting adults want to fuck each other in an appropriate time and place let them.

Although I've never had con sex, because every hotel bed I've ever used has been shit.

>> No.7694670

Genderbends are retarded. Males in drag are particularily disgusting.

OC cosplay is retarded

Cross universe cosplay (Snk X Batman for instance) are retarded

I'm guessing the above generally aren't that unpopular opinions.

>> No.7694674

As long as you're not doing anything illegal, inconveniencing your roommates, or making a mess, I don't see an issue.

>> No.7694675

I always thought the stigma was that you shouldn't expect anything romantic or long term out of it. As I've found out the hard way...

But just hooking up to fuck? Sure, why not, as long as it's safe of course. I don't see why anyone else would care.

>> No.7694695

I didn't pay for any of my Facebook likes but Mexico City is my biggest contributing area. A lot of cosplayers are followed by Spanish speaking cosplay groups that share their photos.

>> No.7694714

If you have a cosplay facebook page, you're pretty much a drama and attention whore.

>> No.7694756

I think that someone who took the time to make it their size and make it really well should get more attention than those with some questionable fabric/construction choices, no matter how off they are physically from the character.

>> No.7694758

That people believe that a professional cosplay is a real thing. I just see it as models who are milking another genre. Most of the "famous" ones are making their money of selling photos of themselves.

>> No.7694795

I'm sure my mom agrees

>> No.7694799

Go be a Judgy Judy somewhere else

>> No.7694826

There's something mind shattering about being in a house filled with fanservicey anime figurines, larp equipment, and collectors editions of pleb shooters and hearing one of the owners say "Linux is for nerds." Gah. Makes it harder and harder every day for me to stick to my "Salvage Everyone" mentality. Maybe I'm being autistic about this, but it's feeling a bit difficult to find the people who are genuinely passionate, intrigued and accepting in this broad community apart from the elitists, posers, elitist posers, and down right crazy people, let alone changing these people for the better. Am I expecting too much?

>> No.7694919

Most cosplayers - especially younger/new/casual cosplayers - expect to get a decent costume for under $50, wig and all.
Like, WTF is wrong with you? A decent wig alone is at LEAST $50 alone. And they whinge like sit should be cheaper JUST for them. Er, no, retailers and commissioners have to make a living, too; get a job, earn some money. You get what you pay for. If you pay fuck all, you're going to get shit, particularly if it's one of those crappy Chinese knock-off vendors.
Fucking. Kids.

>> No.7694929

The irony is most people in here who are complaining about cosplay models are the biggest hypocrites of all. I've witnessed several girls rip cosplay models apart then turn around and whore themselves out even worse than said models.
>sewing a bikini doesn't mean you're more entitled to be a slut.
>all cosplayers are attention whores.
>all cosplayers need to get over themselves.
>all cosplayers should stop leeching off artists.

>> No.7694973

I'm not too sure about that - I think it's who and where you buy from. I've gotten some pretty good styled kanekalon wigs for $10-20 while a friend of mine dished out $50 for a shiny unstyled crappy wig. I think it's just shopping smartly.

>> No.7694974

It's for geeks

>> No.7694978

Every Batman cosplayer I ever met only watched the Nolan movies, whereas every Robin (almost always female) read the comics, watched the animated series, and played the games.

>> No.7694988

It makes me happy to see men so whiny over gender-based anti harassment programs.
Nobody cares that you had your butt grabbed once. Literally nobody. Cry on, losers.

>> No.7694990


>> No.7694992

This makes me cringe. These three things have nothing to do with each other other than the fact that two of them share a writer.

>> No.7695020
File: 328 KB, 1200x900, 945 - hikikomori neet room trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my biggest beefs is guys not getting that some (not all but definitely some) of these girls COSPLAY FOR THEMSELVES. Loving a character to a insane extent and wanting to cosplay as that character because you love them so much and, if that character dare be in a skimpy or revealing outfit, people still think that you are doing that cosplay for 'attention' or 'to be a slut' and it's just sooo upsetting.

Even worse is when these girls get figures, posters, desktop set ups, bed sheets and so much other shit in love of these characters and dudes still be saying 'wow, some bitches will blow so much money for attention.' BITCH. BITCH I MEAN- I have never even taken a room picture showing off all my shit in fear of people thinking its all for show. I have made certain revealing cosplay that I have never worn to a con, photo shoot, or even taken bathroom pictures in due to fear of all that bullshit. People who do come to my house are always stoked on how much shit I have and wonder why I don't post more about it on FB. Shit sucks man. Having to hide shit your proud of really sucks. Especially when you spend so much money and time in such a fun hobby and people still think you just 'want attention' or 'have daddy issues' or 'are desperate'. No I just love thing okay, shit, you love thing too, why is this so hard to understand?? Makes me want to stop cosplaying and just become a fat otaku hikikomori supreme. Just me and my anime shit.

>> No.7695060

you can't really stop cosplaying if you only make the cosplay to never let people see it. Just saying. You really should just get over what people think, if you're proud you should show it.

>> No.7695182

I'm still bitter about this, and it happened in middle school almost ten fucking years ago. At some point all the popular proto-bros decided that playing WoW and watching Pokémon was SOOO nerdy but SOOO cool and girls just don't understand how nerdy we are huehuehue! They had the t-shirts and everything. Being a socially awkward aspie with few friends I thought I'd found people with similar interests, but they couldn't carry a conversation beyond "what server do you play" or "what's your favourite Pokémon" (it's always Charizard).

They were only peripherally aware that Pokémon games existed and had no idea that's what started the entire franchise. This led to misunderstandings which they'd explain by "lol girls don't understand nerd shit like us, nice try tho".
Fuck that shit. I still see some of them around sometimes and they're doing the same thing now but with comics and GoT.
>what do you mean GoT is based on books anon pls
>Rob Stark 4 King in the North!!!11 winter is coming lol

So yeah I'd much rather hang out with JNig than these guys.

>> No.7695215

I like Jnig and I would love to hang out with her.

>> No.7695220

Stop paying attention to idiot guys who say bullshit like that
They're just mad because you'd never fuck them

>> No.7695223

Gotta agree with this.

also there's been a recent surge in fake geek guys who attentionwhore their cosplay, do dodgy as fuck yaoi photoshoots, all for attention. And fujoshi drink it up. ._.

>> No.7695231

go back to tumblr

>> No.7695233

Annoying "hurr she's just doing it 4 attention" beta male detected

>> No.7695293

It almost sounds like you're talking about me anon.

I do love that fujoshi attention.

Only catch is I do watch a ton of anime and play League of Legends, the occasional RPG (Bravely Default right now), and a new FIFA or Football Manager game roughly every other year.

>> No.7695296

I spend about $30-40 on my wigs depending on what I need. I take a lot of time working on them though, usually a whole weekend is dedicated to just the wig styling. You can turn almost any wig, no matter how cheap, into a good one with enough time and effort. Sometimes, though, they are just too poorly made.

The problem is sometimes I mess it up and have to invest in a new one.

>> No.7695301

>FIFA or Football Manager game

>> No.7695306

You mean Heather1337

>> No.7695309
File: 192 KB, 1024x683, LittleShitMermaid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not altogether that unpopular, but people covered in tattoos trying to cosplay look fucking retarded. Just another reason why tattoos are a horrible idea, especially since everyone and their mother is getting them.

Pic sort of related, because even without the ugly tattoos, this stupid bitch completely fails with this cosplay anyway, but the tattoos sure as hell don't help.

>> No.7695310

Sounds like you'd get along great with my friend's 13-year-old brother.

>> No.7695311

>Really if men were smart enough to keep their dicks in check and not be so thirsty then these girls would have gone away.
Yeah, I'm sure we'll undo millions of years of evolution overnight for the sake of improving the cosplay community. lawls...

>> No.7695327

How are the girls in this situation to blame for ruining cosplay and not the 'fedora fags' who are putting them on pedestals?
I mean like, people are allowed to make mediocre or sexy cosplay for fun if they want. Even if by the slim chance they're only doing it for attention, they can be ignored. If people are worshiping those mediocre cosplays they're the ones at fault.

>> No.7695339

I don't think the "Cosplay is for everyone" mentality is doing that to your friends. I think that's more likely their own friends being too nice to point out a flaw in their friend's appearance. Especially if they had spent money on it already. Unfortunately, a lot of people stink like that, I know my friends do.

Encouraging people to cosplay despite their skill or physical appearance doesn't mean criticism is evil or trying to hold anyone back from improving that skill, it's just trying to make cosplay possible for everyone and try to help with insecurities. I think that's okay?

>> No.7695353

Fuck this and fuck you. I have horrible social anxiety and cosplaying is one of those things that helps me feel more comfortable in public. So whenever a guy comes up to me just to start quizzing me on my "nerdcred" I end up sounding like a babbling idiot and draw blanks. Fuck off! I was playing Nintendo classics when you were still in a diaper, I don't need to prove shit to anyone but lately it's all I'm expected to do! There's a huge difference in trying to make friends and trying to get a "coswhore" to slip up. Just because I learned how to apply makeup and wear padding now doesn't make me any less of a fan faggots. I'm already nervous as fuck! I don't go out of my way to attack men who slip up on their knowledge so why the fuck is it okay to do that to me? With the amount of harassment I get from bs like this I will pour my drink on you if you even attempt it. Learn some fucking manners.

>> No.7695366

>being thirsty is the result of evolution
No, it's just you. There are people out there that can find a cosplayer and cosplay attractive without putting the on a pedestal.

>> No.7695370

>behaving like a horny bonobo is just evolution
>there's no helping it, boys will be boys
Nice sexism, dude.

>> No.7695379

> people need to learn manners
> I'll pour my drink on you if I get the chance

>> No.7695389

Yep, the "sexy Erwin and Levi" guys (delusor and... The other guy) are not only a major cringefest but they barely watch most of the shit they cosplay. The attention they get is mostly from thirsty chubby girls who fawn over "omg real life bishiez!!"

The guy who does Erwin even made this "tortured soul" persona for himself online for maximum edge, the "I've seen some shit maaaaan" type. I can confirm none of it happened, ever. He's just creepy and in the closet.

>> No.7695399

I thought they made at least some of their stuff? Welp

>> No.7695401

oh, get over yourself. no one is going to baby you in public because of your super snowflake complex. stop being dumb and just ignore it or answer them politely, or even politely decline conversation

fuck's sake, man. no need to be a cunt.

>> No.7695660
File: 28 KB, 512x345, Jay_the_jet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7695745

Cosplay outside of cons is stupid. Just because it's your local Little Asia or some sort of Japanese Festival event doesn't mean you need to come out dressed like fucking Naruto and Sasuke

>> No.7695760

I don't know if it's unpopular but I hate cosplayers that do things outside their body type etc, it looks really wrong.

>> No.7695772
File: 253 KB, 451x308, motherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh look at this shit.

It's even worse when genuinely hot girls do this crap, shaving the side of your head, drying your hair some ugly color? Whatever, that can go away. But covering every inch of your skin in black ink, with tattoos that typically hold no significance to you 'I just want a sleeve, thanks, just ink that shit up with stars, idk, whatever' so fucking stupid.

There's only one girl doing that I know that can get away with it, and she's using tattoos to cover up her cutting scars.

>> No.7695780
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Oh ho! Somebody call the WAAAAAMBULANCE!!!

>> No.7695945

Haha yeah man

>> No.7695960

Why do you care what other people do with their appearance? Genuinely curious.


You sound like someone's judgey mom.

>> No.7696024

Are you 12

>> No.7696034

Wow, you're a cunt

>> No.7696055
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>> No.7696062

I feel really guilty when I can see that someone has worked really hard on their costume, but it's not from anything I recognize.

The worst is when you can see on their face that it's been eight hours of people not knowing who the fuck they're supposed to be.

At least I knew who that Misty Knight was.

>> No.7696074

Oh god, I know this pain. My community college had a 3-day Japanese festival where the last day you could cosplay but a weeb I know from high school wore her fucking fox ears and akatsuki headband the other two days. It was embarrassing as fuck, but from what I heard the cosplay day was a goddamn train wreck. I was too busy with an assignment at the time to snag pics, wish I had though.

As for an unpopular opinion, eBay cosplay = automatic bad cosplay imo. Especially in the case of SnK and Dangan Ronpa cosplayers. eBay can only help you with parts, not the whole full costume.

>> No.7696085

Modern cons have pretty much ruined every interaction between men and women and have brought the same fear-mongering and attention-whoring on both sides from the real world back to cons with them. And it's everybody's fault.

>> No.7696311

I fee like it's a dude who is getting angry that girls aren't dressing the way he likes and catering to him because they don't give a shit about his opinion.

Could be wrong. Getting that vibe from the wording of some things, like, "It's even worse when genuinely hot girls do this crap."

>> No.7696469

i'm actually a girl but yeah admittedly
>hurr she's just doing it 4 attention
is exactly what i think when i hear bitches whining about how girls never dress for others. they're fucking lying to themselves

>> No.7696505


Do you even know where you are?

>> No.7696535

eh i dont see a problem cosplaying in somethign purchased so long as you it's not in a CONTEST

>> No.7696546

you didn't read what they said did you?
> isn't an accusation of them being a "Fake geek girl", you're just asking a fan about something you're also a fan of, at least from the looks of it. You're interested in both the game and this cosplayer, and you've got something to talk about.

nobody is calling you out on your supposed nerd cred.

>> No.7696590

get fucked buddy

>> No.7696749

>horny bonobo
I don't think that needed emphasis.

>> No.7696934

>Girls are ruining it
>Because of what guys are doing
??? You're dumb

>> No.7696956

When I made a facebook account with my cosplay I was always getting attention from Spanish speaking people. Their weeaboos love this sort of thing I guess.

>> No.7696971

>I hate how there's so much stigma attached with hooking up at cons.
Stop thinking conventions are bars and clubs. I don't know about american conventions, but where I live conventions are way more "family friendly".

A friend of mine said he'd come with me so he could "pick up girls" and I ditched him. Go to a fucking bar or something.

>> No.7697015

>I don't know about american conventions, but where I live conventions are way more "family friendly".
That's nice. Big American conventions are generally not family friendly outside of general attendance by children and they haven't been for the 10ish years I've been going. Room parties, raves, hookups, nsfw panels etc. Sorry that your tiny cons are so boring.

>> No.7697169

Diff anon but cons here in Melbourne are marketed as family friendly and while not as big as American cons, they still draw in several thousand people each time. We tend to have big name guests I guess? Like a lot of actors and anime VAs and we've had Stan Lee a couple of times in the past couple of years so while we don't have room parties, raves, etc the cons are in no way "tiny".

Then again, I guess it would be a different story if they were held in hotels rather than convention centres and showgrounds seeing as we kiiiiinda cant stay there overnight or past 6pm at that. There are some private afterparties but I honestly don't think they should count as they're held outside of the con.

>> No.7697235

I'm really getting annoyed with all the jnig wannabes too. I can't even tell if I approve of anyone making a business out of this hobby anymore. I just want it to be like the old days of simply cosplaying because of fandom not how many overly done breast bearing/skin tight characters can a single efame hungry bitch make in a year. I don't want your fucking prints, learn to pay for shit yourself without riding the back of a single photographer. I remember when guests used to actually be talented.

>> No.7697290

The elbow part of her arm is bothering me.
People use way to much blur when they edit photos.

>> No.7697297
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>> No.7697307

>if you don't do the sort of stuff you could do at literally any club your con must be boring
why are you even at a nerd convention
I don't think anime fans show up to clubs and complain about the lack of cosplay, so why would the opposite be normal?

>> No.7697310

don't worry, that's just some faggot that can't get laid outside of a con

>> No.7697329

Yeah OP, I too hate attractive people.

>> No.7697337

I just don't understand how people like this think.
>have dozens upon dozens of venues catering to interest A in every city
>attend niche event catering to interest B held once a year
>insult niche event because it does not cater to interest A

>> No.7698228

I like seeing black people cosplaying white or Asian characters, if it's done properly. I saw an adorable black girl cosplaying Toon Link once and I loved it.

>> No.7698268

I love seeing everyone on /cgl/ get so catty about other peoples costumes being bad. You can just go into the selfpost threads and see how terrible everyone is at cosplaying and how much they just want asspats. Anyone with a speck of talent left months or even maybe years ago. All that's left are attention starved no-talent wannabes and backstabbing drama mongers. I love coming here for shit like this >>7695353

>> No.7698273

If there is stigma over white people cosplaying brown/black people, I think they should also be careful when cosplaying asian characters.

>> No.7698288

I'm not really a fan of people cosplaying characters that haven't been released yet. An example being that I saw one of the new characters from Sword Art Online being cosplayed at AX even though it hadn't even premiered yet.

Different opinion, I think that while you can most definitely cosplay characters outside of your race, there's usually plenty of characters within your race or color to choose from, and I hate when people complain about the lack thereof.

Oh, and another thing, unless your hair is literally perfect for a character, fucking wear a wig. PLEASE.

Sorry some of us don't have skills to make our own costumes. And don't start with, "learn it", because I've tried. I am not good with crafty stuff, nor am I good at sewing in the slightest. I enjoy commissioning from others who know what they're doing or buying costumes from others. At least they get something out of it (and I try to recognize them for it whenever possible), but I would never claim to have made my costume if I didn't. I mean, more times than not I put my costumes together from tedious thrift shopping.

>> No.7698401

>I'm not really a fan of people cosplaying characters that haven't been released yet. An example being that I saw one of the new characters from Sword Art Online being cosplayed at AX even though it hadn't even premiered yet.

You know what source material is, right?

>> No.7698423

You may need to reread what was written. You may be getting angry for no reason.

If someone ACCUSES you of that, then yeah, they're being an ass. Like "oh, I'm gonna test you on these things that I am somehow doubting you're a fan of".

But there is a difference between that and just fucking ASKING someone about it, like, "hey, looks like you're a fan of that too, so let's chat about that for a bit."

>> No.7698487

It's more halfwits thinking its okay to don blackface
Which it's not

>> No.7698495

>Implying you know what black face is if you think that's balck facing

>> No.7698502

I'm rich enough to buy any costume I want and get others custom made, but at least scrounging around thrift shops lets you be morally superior eh?

>> No.7698504

>I think it's unfair for companies to hire single cosplayers as their official models. It just raises a lot of jealousy and unnecessary competition when this hobby is supposed to be fun.
This issue would be fixed by getting over yourself and having fun on your own, fatty.

>> No.7698528

>muh yaya
>muh nigri

>> No.7698534

Bro, it wasn't a negative comment towards any cosplayers in particular, just companies.

>> No.7698630

It's still whiny as fuck. Why should a handful of companies with booth babes affect you? Answer: it shouldn't. Sounds like someone's butthurt because they didn't win a contest.

>> No.7698663

I hate bought costumes. At least 75% of your costume should be made/constructed by yourself if you're serious about cosplaying.

Buying an already perfected costume seems like cheating to me, and is just displaying your body and not your skills.

>> No.7698672

After going to so many conventions for quite a few years now, I'm don't care about impressive cosplays more than the casual , "holy crap that is good", and just walk away. You have a great cosplay, now why don't you and your circle of photographers get out of my walkway.

Another thing is I don't care if someone's cosplay is shitty, if they love the character, I support them even if they are weeaboos and or cancerous fangurls/bois. I'm just impressed that they know what they want to dress up as and are willing to put in the effort to cosplay.

I take pictures of shitty cosplays with my equally crappy point and shoot and post them online to galleries later so they can find themselves online. I don't bother to take pictures of really good cosplay anymore because I know I can find them online easily.

>> No.7698674

I think you should work on your reading comprehension. You obviously missed what I was trying to say, though I can see where it'd be a bit ambiguous.

>> No.7698678

You are forgetting wigs and makeup, I think even if you do buy it, if you don't work on those skills, it can ruin the whole effect.

>> No.7698680


I did say 75% of the costume. I'm fine with wigs and makeup and small hard to make accessories. But I believe the majority of the costume should be self-made.

>> No.7698681

I think it's okay to cosplay if you're fat (though I do have limits).

if you're fat, don't cosplay as Sailor Moon, or anything revealing (be aware of that fact that it's gross,please), but still cosplay if you enjoy it. to say that fat people shouldn't cosplay isn't right.

>> No.7698685

I like some closet cosplays and don't mind when people don't use a wig if they have the same hair color.

>> No.7698687

Not even that poster but its true.

Who cares if Bioware wants to use those crabcat bitches exclusively? Who gives a shit if a company chooses to use a model that worked well for them in the past and obviously was reasonable to work with them and their customers.

Theres literally no point in fixing something that isn't broke.

>it just raises a lot of jealousy and unneccsary competition when this hobby is supposed to be fun

Oh lawdy you are so delusional.

>> No.7698690

>Chamillionaire does a whiteface in his music video, or Dave Chappelle does whiteface
Oh hoho so funny. What a funny guy!
>Any white person does blackface

Fuck double standards. Its either OK to do it and its not, for any race doing it for any other race.

>> No.7698692

That seems kind of elitist. Like to say if you don't have good enough sewing skills, then don't even bother, but if you can sew and you're not the greatest and your costume isn't perfect, then people bash you for that, too. So in other words, unless you're really good at sewing, styling, or prop making, don't bother cosplaying and having fun.

>> No.7698694

or sorry, its either OK to do it or its not.

>> No.7698701
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>> No.7698702 [DELETED] 

Stop proposing at Anime conventions, it is cheap, cheesy, and awkward for all involved. I'm not a big con-goer, I've been to three Anime conventions so far, and I've seen four on-stage marriage proposals, who honestly thinks this is a romantic way to propose?

>> No.7698703

You can't just say something stupid and blame others for reading comprehension.

>> No.7698708

My charizard brings all the boys to the yard

>> No.7698711

If you really have the dedication to become a serious cosplayer then take the time to learn sewing and propmaking. There are many tutorials online and tons of information and help on this stuff. It also feels way better knowing you put in the effort even if it doesn't turn out 10/10. Keep trying, improve your skills, and it all pays off in the end. I think it's worth it.

>> No.7698712

Well, this is an UNPOPULAR OPINION thread.
I understand that this is your opinion and I can only try to persuade you with my opinion.

I feel that if that person spent whatever amount of moola they did for the costume, as long as they are honest that they bought it and didn't pass it off then I have no problem.

You only have a problem with the costume right? I dunno, 75% of a costume is too high for those who don't have the skills to sew/craft, its alright for them to make that up by paying out of their ass for it. Bought costumes aren't perfect all the time. My friends bought cosplays usually have to be 20-50% fixed.

>> No.7698713

Go to bed, anon. Your mind is obviously not functioning properly.

Remember that this is an unpopular opinions thread, not a "let's all get butthurt over opinions" thread. Agree to disagree, it's not that hard.

>> No.7698718

I saw some of that construction in person at AX and just assumed they made it. Them not making it makes a lot of sense because those look like full costume department pro tier costumes. If they do make them themselves, much props to them.

>> No.7698719

What if they buy the costumes but focus on makeup/wig/prop skills instead? Does a "serious cosplayer" have to master all those skills or can they just focus on what they are interested/are good at doing instead?

I'm part of a casual cosplay group and I'm the sewing monkey, and each of my friends specialized in patterns, wigs, makeup, props and one perfectionist that just nitpicks the accuracies.

>> No.7698734

Hard to say with cosplay groups. I'm mostly talking about solo cosplay. But I can understand one person doing sewing ect... for groups so it all looks consistent.

>> No.7698735

But what's your definition of a serious cosplayer? Someone who wants to get a lot of attention? Someone who wants to enter competitions? Someone who wants to attend conventions for fun? What?

I understand your point, and I appreciate your understanding as well. In my case, I either commission or buy costumes second hand. I've only purchased costumes online twice and once it was horrible and I had to replace certain parts with store bought items, the other time it worked out, I just have to lose an inch or two around my waist. But I still work hard on putting together the things that can't be commissioned, like wigs, make-up, shoes, socks, etc.

I always make sure if people ask, to let them know that I buy my costumes or that it's commissioned. I have no reason to lie, especially because if they asked me questions about how it was made I would have no way to answer and would look incredibly stupid.

In my case, recently, I purchased a costume that was way over my skill level, but it didn't come with items such as the tights, boots, briefs, and other little things, so I had to find them myself and make sure they accented the costume perfectly (I also had to fix an issue with the wig). I made sure to let everyone know who made the costume and even searched out the cospalyer I bought the costume from and thanked her personally and got a picture with her. She seemed really happy that someone else was able to love her retired costume, and I was super excited to wear it!

>> No.7698745

yeah no, that light novel has been out, with english fan translation for a long time.

>> No.7698755

I get it, I get it. That was a bad example. But still, you sometimes see it before a character's personality and all that has even been released. They may end up being your least favorite character, but you won't know until something other than a picture of them is released.

>> No.7698888

But are you doing it in a cosplay in order to be funny?

>> No.7698910

Crossplay that makes no attempt to actually look like the correct gender are just as bad as hipster/steampunk/slutty "alternative" costumes, and the people on here who support it while acting like any other type of out-of-body cosplay should be outlawed are the biggest hypocrites.

Also, seagulls need to start settling their problems with actual arguments, and not this dumb "I'm gonna be really passive aggressive and try way too hard to make it personal despite knowing literally nothing about the other person (five ironic smileys)" crap.

>> No.7698955

Anyone who cos plays Deadpool has never read a Deadpool comic.

>> No.7698957

That's not an opinion, that's just the truth.

>> No.7698988

Actually I have a sizable collection of his with most of his runs and what I do not have I try to read online. I have plans to cosplay all of the deadpool corps team with comic accurate costumes I do hate though that the majority of costumes are inaccurate or made of shitty materials.

>> No.7699003

All of this. Cosplaying at a nerd convention doesn't pay the bills. Why the fuck would I spend years on a sewing (+armor skills) hobby I hate when I already work 2 real jobs to pay off real debts/bills/rent? You must be a privileged brat to have that kind of free time/constant flow of income. I try to alter bought/commissioned costumes to fit me and do the wig and makeup but other than that the elitist mind set that says "you shouldn't cosplay if you didn't make every single detail yourself" is laughable. Because all the professionals totally don't have help themselves. That's like telling a starwars geek that he's not allowed to express his love for the series because he didn't make his lightsaber. Are you going to start tearing princess dresses off kids at Disneyland too? That's how ridiculous you sound. If a contest isn't involved fans can and will dress up to support their favorite characters whether you like it or not. Way to take the play out of cosplay. They aren't the problem, you are.

>> No.7699056
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Make some part of your costume yourself.

Everyfuckingbody can put down a credit card.

But how do I know you are a fan? When I walk up to take a picture and compliment you on your sword or some shit and you immediately tell me thank you cause you spent 2 weeks on it. Or if I love your wig and you tell me how you sewed a couple extra wefts in. Or I like the fabric you chose and you tell me about how finding yellow cotton that wasn't dayglo was the bane of your existence.

When you make none of those choices for yourself and instead just plunked down some $$$ I can't barely talk to you about shit. Sure we MIGHT be able to talk about the love of the series. But chances are higher that you aren't a screaming crazy fan about something when you just buy it. Going through at least SOME of the craziness that makes a costume means you utterly love something and that means more.

So make the belt, make the sword, make the crazy fucking eyebrows, make the hair gem. Make fucking something.

>> No.7699081

>getting mad at someone for being privledged
>buys costumes instead of the cheaper alternative of making them
I... don't fucking get it.

>> No.7699107

Or ya know, they can talk extensively about the source material?

>> No.7699218

unpopular opinion (though imo everyone should think this) I hate deadpool cosplayers. Especially when the cosplayers only knowledge of the character are from le internet maymays. then again I also hate the shit writing that are the deadpool comics

>> No.7699247

Or they're a big fan and wanted to put money down on their fandom.

Some cosplays you can't really make from scratch though. Something like Yowapeda since it's cycling requires spandex which you need to buy premade, at least to an extent. You can sew on the letters and some other parts but you run the risk of the whole thing falling apart as soon as you wear it and it stretches out.

Something like Kill la Kill or Sword Art Online doesn't require these special materials though, and you absolutely can and should sew it together.

>> No.7699249

Deadpool is across the board garbage and, like Slenderman or other characters with covered faces, often a good way for people to be creepers at conventions without showing their face.

>> No.7699263

I don't care if people buy or make their costume, as long as it looks good and brings them joy

I've done a mix of both over the years and actually found making my costumes worked out way better than the risk of purchasing them, but on a short notice buying and a bit of tweaking was so much easier.

I've also bought and made costumes and accessories as gifts

>> No.7699358

Chances are if you're this elitist we wouldn't be talking to start off with. Sure some things are nessisary to make yourself due to bought costumes being inaccurate most of the time, but there's no way in hell I'd stand around to hear you insult me/jump to conclusions/put words in my mouth for not fucking sewing my own pleats. Get over yourself. Once again, my jobs prevent me from dedicating too much time on something that I can just put together from bought shit. I don't use a credit card I work hard for everything I make just as much as anyone else! Not sure where you got that passive aggressive idea. If your costume fits well and looks accurate any fan should be allowed to rock it. Everyone starts from somewhere and I only attend cons to party with friends not stare at eachothers hems for hours. Just a fan with no intentions in turning my hobby into a business, no need to get offended by my lack of enthusiasm for sewing kek.

>> No.7699363

If you buy your costume you're not a real fan, just another attention whore! Omfg it's not that hard to sew your own shit! Don't be apart of the problem, and stop being lazy.

>> No.7699389

With regards to the buying/sewing debate, I personally make a distinction between 'cosplayer' (someone who makes their costumes) and 'cosplay model' (for lack of a better word, somebody who buys their costumes). I don't think either of those words is quite right but it's the closest I can think of to what I mean. Styling and adaptation falls into a sort of grey area where I think it depends on the level of what you've done. Professional costume shops/wardrobe departments will not make anything they can get away with sourcing. If they made every single thing they would never be able to stay within budget. Once the supervisor's sourced everything they can, they'll outsource the rest to a freelance costume maker or send it to their own wardrobe department if they have one. So I guess that people who buy and people who make are like the difference between makers and supervisors, just different sides of the same coin. I don't think either one is better than the other; you can still appreciate the craftsmanship even if the person who made it isn't standing in front of you.

On a related note, I'm curious about how it works with contests. Obviously you can't enter something you didn't make and claim you made it, but what about a craftsperson entering a costume on a model? Only there's a few cosplays I'd love to do for the technical challenge, but couldn't wear myself. Are there any instances where someone enters their costume in a contest with someone else wearing it? Or like those cosplays where a whole group of people work on them going into a contest?

>> No.7699398

I find it so fucking funny that in the cosplay community, you're a fucking noob if you buy your shit.

In the lolita community, (yes some handmade is cool but still) you're a noob if you don't buy brand.

>> No.7699410

> In the lolita community, (yes some handmade is cool but still) you're a noob if you don't buy brand.

No, you're just a noob if you think that.

>> No.7699413

Yeah, but it's fashion verses craft, which is two different things. If there were amazing, established cosplay brands, it would be one thing, but bought cosplay is almost never better quality than a Bodyline dress, if we're going to compare it to lolita (and many more are Milanoo quality).

The only way to buy the cosplay equivalent of Angelic Pretty is to shell out big bucks and commission someone amazing, and that is not cheap.

>> No.7699416

>liking tripfags

Explain your insanity

>> No.7699430

>you're a fucking noob if you buy your shit.
Depends. Buying something from those shitty 50$ for a costume websites? Yeah, enjoy your garbage cosplay. But no one is going to call you a noob if you buy from, say, GSTQF. It really just depends on the quality.

Commissioning =/= mass produced, generally

>> No.7699440

I hate cosplayers who have ridiculous amounts of costumes to make and boast about until they're finished for just one convention to wear in the morning, afternoon then evening each day of the con. Then when they realised they have too many to make in such little time they take to Facebook to rant about it all and have a meltdown. It's actually quite sad.

I also hate "first" cosplayers. New game comes out? Cosplay of a specific character pumped out in days. Then "look at me I'm one of the first ones to make this costume!!1111"

>> No.7699450
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Oh, that must be why everyone always looks down on lieschenr, iraliina, baroquepetrock and countless others!
>anon pls

Lolitas just have higher standards for handmade because like >>7699413 said we're comparing it to established brands, not eBay or Milanoo costumes. High-quality commissioned costumes are hardly what people think of when you say "bought cosplay".

>> No.7699538
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>posts baseless opinion
>people point out obvious flaw and issues with personal shortcomings
>blame others for reading comment "wrong"
>agree to disagree guys, stop being mean
For real tho? At least three people are pointing out how retarded you are and you keep coming up with excuse after excuse. If you are that easily butthurt, you are on the wrong board.

>> No.7699546

I dont mind slutying up a character.
That being said I hate beta fags that drool over them like if they'd never seen a woman in their lives.

>> No.7699554

>Character wears normal clothes and suits where its more efficient to buy the items
>expecting people to sew items for scratch for characters that wear khakis and jeans

>> No.7699632

I think fans trying to quiz cosplayers on every little detail of a series have unrealistic knowledge requirements.

Take any given series and you can find examples of writers, artists and authors fubbing details of the work they create. Meanwhile there are tons of cases where actors playing these characters never read the source material before.If you grilled Robert Downey Jr about the events of Iron Man he'd answer maybe 10% of the total questions thrown at him yet we consider that guy as the shining example of Iron Man

If writers, actors, directors and artists of the source material don't know the details of the series in and out, why should we expect the cosplayers to do the same?

>> No.7699657

Because by cosplaying a character you're basically labeling yourself a fan of said character. And a true fan would know the source material.
True fans show revulsion at actors and writers who are unfamiliar with the source material as well. You're mixing up true fans and the general public that knows diddly-squat about the character.
Just because the general public likes Robert Downey Jr, doesn't mean that fans of Iron Man like him. Don't confuse "we" with "you"

This all being said, I don't care if someone is unfamiliar with whatever franchise/story/character that I'm a fan of. It's disappointing, but I don't get all bugged out about it.

>> No.7699679

not everyone has it. it's a privilege too in some ways

>> No.7699818

No true scotsman argument right here

>> No.7699910


It's not ALWAYS the cheaper alternative, just most the time. Either way it shouldn't matter.

It depends on the costume contest. Most prefer that you wear your own costume but in most cases models can be used. Just check with your local convention.

I don't like "first" cosplayers either...

>> No.7699913

Oops, I meant to say that in most cases it's preferred that you wear your own costume but some cases they accept models.

>> No.7700497

I had a friend who ended up attempting five costume changes (six costumes total) in one day. Lold hard when she had a meltdown at the con and dropped two group plans without notice. Then she wonders why I wont cosplay with her.

>> No.7700532

male here disgusted at cosplayers who use sex appeal.

it makes cosplay look like a slutty hobby

>> No.7700560

Cosplay IS a hobby. What makes a hobby slutty?

>> No.7700569

Why do guys always need to announce that they're guys like that makes their opinions or experiences mean anything extra? No one gives a shit. Sit down.

>> No.7700585

its an unpopular opinion thread. this is an unpopular opinion amongst males. calm down.

>> No.7700590

As someone who doesn't follow/play recent anime or eastern games, the relatively recent influx of western-based cosplay is the worst thing to happen to conventions since the rave.

Because otherwise they get hit with "ur a jelly fat (ironic emote)"

>> No.7700592

Please Google the actual definition of cosplay. That shit was a fetish for some far before it was a nerd thing.

>> No.7700602
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>male here

>> No.7700768
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>male here

>> No.7700803

I really doubt that as it started almost singularly beacuse of Star Trekkies.

>> No.7700810

What if the costume is more like armor and has to be fabricated one way or another?

>> No.7701687

Why do people act like armor fabrication is rocket science? Literally anybody can do it. Patterning armor isn't harder than patterning with fabric. Most of the rest is slubbing on resin or bondo, which the Heros of Cosplay make it look hard but it's not. It's also cheaper to make your own since commissioners charge hourly rates that are often more than the value of their actual work.

>> No.7701694
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It's quite an undertaking when it's something like this.

>> No.7701898

Because cosplayers are fans and actors are paid to portray a character? Huge difference. I'd be pretty annoyed if a writer is unfamiliar with the source material of what they are writing on because that just makes it more likely they'll fuck something up, but all an actor really has to do is act out the script properly. Some actors purposefully avoid the source material because they don't want to know what happens to their character in the long run, like every GoT actor ever.

I don't expect a paid cosplay model to be a fan of what they're cosplaying, but someone who made/bought their own costume is presenting themselves as a fan of the series. I don't agree with going up to cosplayers and quizzing them but if you don't know anything about the series you're cosplaying from... why? Why are you cosplaying that character? I don't understand people like that.

>> No.7701959

>Sorry that your tiny cons are so boring.
You obviously don't know anything about anime conventions outside the USA. You guys don't even have the biggest anime conventions in the world.

>> No.7702642

Yeah, depends what it is.

If it's something simple like WoW armour then yeah, anyone can do it.

Taken to the extreme you have stuff like mecha which do require a lot of time and good skill to pull off.

>> No.7702739

I honestly don't like cosplayers who choose an innocent character only to slut them up by having their whorish personalities show through.
I feel stupid for saying this but I like really cute and innocent characters to cosplay, like magical girls and soft more characters. Then there's a horde of other girls I know who constantly pick them to be popular and merely cosplay for slutty attention. And my heart breaks a little since they don't even show a genuine love and respect for the character. Honestly they don't suit them. I also don't like seeing their 500+ pictures of them posing out of character.
It doesn't stop me from cosplaying and enjoying the experience but it irks me.

>> No.7703819

i agree with this to be honest! like...if someone's still having fun and cosplaying and they just so happen to get popular, whatever, but when they base all of their cosplays around the fact that they're popular and only using them to get attention and popularity, then naaaah. i just don't see how that's fun, to be honest.

>> No.7703847

>mfw I saw a girl 'cosplaying' as pikachu and she was just acting like a giant slut getting into sexual poses with people.
This isn't cosplay.

>> No.7703856

Honestly, I think guys like Temjin on this board who do the really good mecha cosplay probably don't do anything too crazy, their stuff is excellent because of lots of dedicated time and resources to their builds. Those Mecha cosplays would probably cost easily 5 grand if you charged for man hours and materials, where as the material cost is probably closer to 1000 or less, obviously it depends. But you see, its way more financially feasible for you to learn how to make armor, and make all your cosplays yourself. It also allows you to make other cosplays. Commissions are a one and done scenario. Teach a man to fish kinda thing.

Follow some basic fabrication rules
>Measure twice cut once
>Making sure everything is true at various steps
>Using the right material for the right job
>Using the right tool for the right job

I don't wanna speak to Temjin but his stuff is fucking excellent and he's the gold standard on /cgl/ for mecha as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.7703944

I work at a large bontical (sp?) garden and every Labor Day weekend we have a Japanese (traditional) cultural festival event. Fucking nerds come in cosplay, fursuits, fedoras, anime t-shirts, the fucking works. Last year even, i saw a
Cosplay couple walking around in those fucking bondage chain leashes.

Shit made me wanna grab a butcher knife from the kitchen i was working in and just go on a stabbing rampage against weeaboos and otakus.

>> No.7703999

There is this small video store that is somehow still alive in the mall I work in. Every month they apparently have a special anime event, to bring people into the store and of course remind people it still exists. There are always a couple fucking idiots who cosplay for it. And it's always storebought Kirito or something similar. One girl was in lolita last month which is fine, but that's the only time anyone getting dressed up for it has not looked dumb.

And of course all my coworkers go "are those your friends?" every fucking month.

>> No.7704896

>I work at a large bontical
>can't even spell botanical
Sure you do.

>> No.7705228

>"sexy" cosplay is actually ruining many cosplay communities in different states, just not all of them and also for different reasons (racked contests, drama, etc)

> Most cosplay models have no idea how actually looks good photography wise and make prints of shit no one wants then complaint that no one buys them

>Most photographers either overly photoshop their shit/take forever to post anything/do shady business/have no idea how to use their camera or equipment properly and sadly many "popular" cosplay models go to these people as their go to guys

>Cosplayers love to bitch that some people overdue some cosplays, yet the same cosplayers do those costumes all the time and somehow get away with calling bullshit when they themselves are the bullshit artists

>No one gives a shit about your fucking Cosplay page. You don't do shit other then post "progress" photos and shitty selfies and share photos taken by some horn-dog photographers on there. You don't help anyone in your community by share helpful tips and you are void of knowing anything else in this world besides conventions and cosplays. Read a fucking book, you uncultured swine!


>> No.7705288

What is your unpopular opinion? Let's see...

>There's nothing wrong with sexualized cosplays or "sexy cosplay"

>Lolitas are usually a lot worse than the "sexy cosplayers" that do it for popularity because they make the entire anime community look like a bunch of damn weeaboos.

>There aren't enough professionally shopped photos being taken. Amateur photography is crap photography.

>If a person is cosplaying a character, that person should know how the character would generally act in any given situation and know that character's entire story.

>There's nothing wrong with selling prints of yourself, it's not your fault if people actually buy them for whatever stupid reason. There's no shame in trying to make money without degrading yourself.

>Cons should be 18+

>Every convention should have some sort of food, preferably healthy food. Also, all conventions should have a few panels on health and fitness.


>> No.7705373

>Cosplay is about having fun, not having your picture taken.

This. for me, cosplay (and lolita) is a way for me to show people what I'm interested in without having to be that loser that walks up to everyone going "DO YOU LIKE ANIME? HURR"

>> No.7705379


Stop complaining. you get what you pay for, if you want high quality you're gonna have to pay for it. If you wanna be cheap then be happy with cheap shit.

This shit reminds me of my mom trying to buy a car- refuses to look at anything but old, high mileage cars because they're under $5K but doesn't want to pay for a CarFax to see if they've been in any accidents. Her entire mentality reminds me of the younger cosplay and lolita communities:

>BAWW why can't everything be free?!?!?!

>> No.7705386

To me it seems like girls like JNig are into being "popular" cosplayers because they weren't pretty enough to be popular in high school and are now overcompensating.

Because, really, who gives a fuck about cosplay fame? Cosplay itself is a niche within a niche.

>> No.7705690

I think its cool when girls wanna cosplay sexy characters like Yoko and Faye because they genuinely like the character.

My unpopular opinion is...I dont like cosplay contests. A good handful of entrants are there because they love the character and worked hard, but the dozens of others are there to gain cosfame. Riding on either the newest anime (Kill la Kill, Dangan, DMMD) or nostalgic 90s shit

>> No.7706101

I think cosplay pages are fine since it's usually meant to have a place to put your progress on and to share with others

But what isn't fine is getting so hung up on the numbers, like fans and likes and stuff, to the point that some people let that get to their heads.

>> No.7706272

Likes are a currency. I agree with your point completely, people should just have cosplay pages for them and their friends (and maybe a growing fanbase) to look at and see progress and past costumes.

But, yeah, likes are a currency and more than the vocal approval of friends have been established as the ultimate way to know you're doing something right.

>> No.7706321

I'd rather meet and talk to someone who knows what in the fuck they're actually cosplaying versus someone who just cosplays to be popular! ex: almost all league cosplayers.....

>> No.7708949

Are you me? Shitty cosplay but love of the character is more important to me now than amazing flavor-of-the-month cosplay. It's especially more obvious when it's popular anime of the year series.

On that note I feel bad for two parties:
>People who genuinely love the character from a popular recent series (say KLK or Free) but get associated with the attention whores
>People who put small nice details and overall really good effort in over-cosplayed characters and thus get ignored (Naruto, Pokemon, etc)

>> No.7708999

Unless the event actually specifies that cosplay is a thing there.
Saying that though, I did cosplay to a video-game music concert recently. In my defence I emailed the organisers and asked if it was okay way beforehand.

>> No.7709139

Selling prints of yourself is degrading yourself?

>> No.7709977


>makes a bunch of weeaboos look like a bunch of weeaboos

newsflash: if you're cosplaying anime character, you've most likely crossed that line

which shouldn't bother you because the term weeaboo only serves to make the person using it look fucking retarded

>> No.7709981

attention whores all, if a girl was to tell me she's a cosplayer, i'd keep great distance to her

>> No.7710010

is that what you call barricading yourself in your mother's basement? keeping great distance? lol, whatever, big hitter.

>> No.7710020

Then you're on the wrong board.

>> No.7710036

I think they're saying it's *not* degrading

>> No.7710092
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I'm a guy that cosplays Greece from Hetalia. I actually like the character and i've cosplayed in panels because i enjoy roleplaying as well. I like his laid back personality but i'm worried people think i'm attention whoring and pandering to fandom freaks because i always end up getting hit on when i just want to talk to people about the anime and make some new friends. then again fandoms are shitty social groups anyway so what am I supposed to expect.

>> No.7710234

I like fawn make up.

>> No.7710248

I think plastic cosplay should be banned. If your character wears steel, you should use steel.

>> No.7710253

I like inexperienced cosplayers the most.

>> No.7710261

I'm with you on that. If it's nice and light, it looks really pretty and almost ethereal. Most of the ones I've seen were really greasy and fake looking.

>> No.7710307 [DELETED] 

Colored's should gtfo
Slutbags doing it for attention should be shamed as such not held in high regard
Pretty much all of my opinions are very unpopular

>> No.7713084
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>> No.7713086


>> No.7713469
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>> No.7713477

I'm black. I hate it when other black people cosplay outside their race.

"but their isn't much"

do you even fucking research?

>> No.7713520

that is fucking sweet.

+1 for caring women in our lives

>> No.7713592

I know the pain from the other side. I pretty much always cosplay from stuff no one watches/plays but I love the characters. I learned to stop giving a fuck and just enjoy what I'm doing. And there's always that person who recognizes you and makes your day. That way you can meet someone who's really a fan and have happy long conversations.

>> No.7713607

Lol nice try cracker

>> No.7713614

>>and a new FIFA or football manager game


oh man is that the one who posed in just the snk harnesses and nothing else or someshit cos that makes me cringe so hard. at least get the fucking fanservice in character.

on that note.

/cgl/ what are some other attentionwhore male cosplayers that have y'all cringeing or groaning? it's always the females who get posted and it amuses me but it gets boring hearing bout Jnig and Yaya alllll the timeeee. I would make a whole new thread but that is most likely against rules

>> No.7713647

mmhmmm sure you are

i personally don't give a shit if people cosplay outside their race as long as there's no painting skin involved

but what grinds me is when white people cry "black ppl should stick to their own race!!!11!" and then proceed to cosplay lots of Japanese/Asian characters

and please, anyone who says that Japanese characters with Japanese names are white should go kill themselves

>> No.7713657

I'm pretty tired of the body shaming in cosplay. I'm of the opinion that cosplay is about showing your love for a character and connecting with other fans.

>> No.7713668

It's the fans that are the twats about body image
They have to be exactly like that character or it's bad to them

>> No.7713677


Dunno if you guys are chicks that don't "get it" or are whiteknighting, but saying that a guy can control every aspect of his desire is laughable.

Sure we don't go around raping every pretty thing in sight because of lack of control, but leering at a girl can sometimes happen to even the most civilized and gentlemanly of men.

And you CAN'T prove me wrong, silly girls.

>> No.7713690

It should be some unspoken law that you post a link to the original of every photoshoped picture you put up online.

>> No.7713699

I think race shouldn't have anything to do with your cosplay "options."
I'm really sick of the argument that white people (or people who look white for that matter) shouldn't cosplay "POC characters" when what the people saying that actually mean is "white people can't cosplay a character with darker skin than them, but it's fine to do the opposite." What do you think a majority of anime characters are? They're not caucasian. They're Japanese. If a white guy can cosplay an asian guy, he should be able to cosplay an indian guy, or a native american guy, or whatever, if he wants to, without the social backlash of whiny bullshit or "OMG cultural appropriation!!"
I've never judged anyone for cosplaying outside of their race, that just seems stupid to me.

>> No.7713702

Coming off of this but not being this guy, if people want to be accurate, then only Eurasian girls can cosplay as JRPG females and only the most plastic of East Asian men should be able to cosplay JRPG males.

>> No.7713745

>large mexican fanbase inside these pages, i don't know why.
most of the bought likes come from Asia.
why people assume automatically "speaks Spanish, must be mexican" lel Latin america is pretty huge and has a variety of spanish speakers

>> No.7714391

Typical blacks biggest fucking racists out there also self absorbed retards. Everytime a black plays the race card I want to vomit on them.

>> No.7714396

18+ cons would be great

>> No.7714398

That's not what we're talking about, though. We're talking about guys who actively encourage this shit by openly fapping all over their FB fanpages and sending them gifts. If all women like JNig got were glances then they wouldn't have any delusions about being ~professional cosplayers~ and they'd probably go away.

>> No.7714618

As far as Lolita sales go, the buyer should always pay shipping and fees. There's nothing that pisses me off more than bitches trying to undercut me on a dress, then adding "oh, and you'll expedite this so it gets to Australia in three days, right?"

No. If you're not paying for the shipping, it's not your fucking call. Sometimes the paypal fee thing is okay, but seriously. You wouldn't do this shit to the original stores or a shopping service, why do it to girls selling? I would love for tokyo pirates to get some of the demands on shipping I've gotten

It's really fucking annoying

>> No.7714642

>If a person is cosplaying a character, that person should know how the character would generally act in any given situation and know that character's entire story.

I don't think that's entirely fair, sure, the cosplayer should know at least the basics of the character and the character's story, but some people just can't act.

>typical blacks
>they're the racists
>i don't like be called out on being racist
>so instead, i call it the 'race card'

>> No.7715020

I don't mind when people use their natural hair for cosplays, but only when it's a character with short hair. There are some hairstyles that look ridiculous when recreated with a wig, imo.

>> No.7715043

I'm sorry about that. As someone who was part of the LJ APH community back when we were still doing translations here and there (aka before the big boom with the anime and physical books) I can tell you that you would've been able to kick back and have fun with everyone without worrying about the obnoxious fans (there were a couple of guys in the community too, though ratio was still largely female).

>> No.7715054

Unfortunately Tumblr doesn't realize that most of the characters are Japanese and automatically assume light skin = white and dark skin = black, which is annoyingly hypocritical of them.
>tfw I'm not looking forward to ORAS cosplays because someone is going to throw a fit that a "white person" is cosplaying Brendan/Team Aqua

>> No.7715060

Or even have the "unspoken rule" that once it gets dark, put the kids away like at DragonCon. But I guess that would only work for cons that are in a hotel and not con center

>> No.7715065

I guess this is just unpopular around buyers and not sellers, but your buyers sound like douchebags

>> No.7715069

Yes, that cunt! Good example. Or Megan Coffee, shit you can tell what crap she made versus had boytoys buy her or make her, night and day difference.

>> No.7715073

people who dress as normalfag characters need to stop bitching when no one recognizes them

>> No.7715094

Sadly as a batman costumer I know a few people like that. I grew up on Batman and Dr. Strange personally so its always a little jarring to see a person say their the biggest marvel/dc fan ever and not know the sorcerer supreme is standing right next to them.

>> No.7715734


I am a guy and I have definitely seen way more fake geek girls but I do agree there are shitloads of fake geek guys too. Normally they aren't interested in anime though, they go for the gaming/comic book shit.

My biggest pet hates are related to these though:

People who don't know shit about the anime they're cosplaying.

People who cosplay and use the word 'weeb', 'nerd', 'geek' in a derogatory way. If you do not like these people you should not be cosplaying full stop, these people have been a part of convention life longer than you have. Just because you think you look good dressed up as 7 of Nine doesn't give you any right to look down upon trekkies.

>> No.7715735

black people shouldn't cosplay light skinned characters and vice versa

>> No.7715874 [DELETED] 

Angry typical black retard
People like you are the reason racism is still such an issue

>> No.7715948

In all honesty cgl is what helped me become the cosplayer I am (which isn't fantastic, but much better than before) out of sheer terror. While cgl can be terribly catty, the constrictive criticism is fantastic, whereas coscom and tumblr would never dare to say a negative word against anyone.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, if you ask someone who doesn't know anything about a series something even small, it can feel like they're being quizzed. I've never ever been quizzed before in any of my costumes, but I've had a ton of people come up and start conversations about the series. "Who's your favorite character?" could be seen as some sort of accusation if you have no idea about any other characters. So the only people complaining about people ACCUSING and INTERROGATING them just make me feel like they probably just had a conversation go horribly wrong because they knew nothing about the source material.

>> No.7715951

With the existence of suggestion threads, I don't think it's necessary for a cosplayer to be a fan of the show or character they're cosplaying as.

>> No.7715955 [DELETED] 

>People like you are the reason racism is still such an issue
White people always use this terrible argument when their racism gets confronted. Stop recycling it and say something of substance and truth.

>> No.7715969 [DELETED] 

Blacks are like feminazis everyone else is wrong but they can't possibly be wrong themselves even though their hypocritical views are the exact definition of racism/sexism and they are doing exactly what they claim to be against. Every fucking day.

>> No.7715976 [DELETED] 

Yeah, sure.

>> No.7715986

/cgl/ was better when drama and vendetta threads were allowed.
I did not float to America on a rubber raft with six other people to have my freedom of speech silenced.

>> No.7715993

I sort of agree and sort of disagree. /cgl/ was definitely more entertaining. But in terms of how resourceful, not as much as it is now.

>> No.7715994 [DELETED] 

Truth hurts it's okay black retard. Your whole race is a fucking joke. Might as well don some black sheets and huddle around a barrel fire in your ghettos, It's fitting.

>> No.7715999 [DELETED] 

so much truth.

>> No.7716095 [DELETED] 

firstly, i'm not black
secondly, i don't need to be to know if you use the phrase 'the blacks' then you're still pretty fucking racist

>> No.7716112 [DELETED] 

Oh great some cocksucker that prefers blacks even better.

Yes calling people what they are so racist.
Go back to tumblr you sound really butt hurt.

>> No.7716122 [DELETED] 

then what should they call them then?
Whites seems to be okay, Africans is kinda dumb since not all black people are from Africa, people of colour is racist because it implies white people are colourless, not even going to go into the whole muh racial slur territory.

Just call them fucking black.

>> No.7716135
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Like this.

>> No.7716149 [DELETED] 

Lmao @ "black retard." You're not even trying.

>> No.7716157 [DELETED] 

Don't answer them. They won't change their diction and that's fine since it makes it easier to identify them as racists.

>> No.7716215 [DELETED] 

calling them black and 'the blacks' are two different things. i didn't think i needed to say that calling black people 'the blacks' is a bit dehumanizing, no?

>> No.7716305 [DELETED] 

Yes using proper English and using the plural form so dehumanizing. Black retard theories in action always entertaining

>> No.7716311 [DELETED] 

Another mad black, sand monkey or worshipper of the two

>> No.7716315 [DELETED] 

They mean saying "the blacks" instead of just saying "black people", because that's what they fucking are, black people.
You are so fucking stupid, Jesus Christ.

>> No.7716320 [DELETED] 

holy shit can you not read?
the blacks is not the plural form for a group of people who are black, just call them fucking black people. 'blacks' is not the plural form for black people, you do not call a bunch of white people whities, do you?

>> No.7716338 [DELETED] 

> Whities
Actually by your comparison of "blacks" it would "whites".
You sound very upset maybe you should go take a nap or something

>> No.7716372

Non whites that cosplay and when people say it looks like shit and good good concrit they still play the race and elitist card

>> No.7716378

don't forget the "white girls" comments, those are the best.