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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7696221 No.7696221[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


We all know almost every convention has at least one of these. What are some of the worst panels at conventions you've ever been to?

>> No.7696223

Back when I went to Nakakon 2010, they had this panel for pirates vs ninja's. Nothing else interesting was happening at the hour, and this sounded pretty dumb, so I figured I'd go in and maybe have a few laughs to myself. I went on the ninja side of the room while my friend went on the pirate side.

And sure enough, it was pretty bad. Instead of having an actual proper mediator to host it, it was some pirate diehard who did a shit ton of research just to bring anything the ninja side said down. Naturally most of the quiet people sat on the ninja side while all the loud people were on the pirate side. Im sure you can see where that went. I was tempted to be stupid and raise my hand to say: "Ninjas are mammals. Ninjas fight ALL the time. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people!" but then I realized that no one would get that and I'd look even more stupid than intended.

The lines that ended it were:

"At least we didn't get 4kids One Peice"

"At least One Piece wasn't put on DISNEY!"

Honestly those lines didn't sound quite that bad, but I can't 100% remember how they were said.

>> No.7696228

I think it had to be "How to pick up chicks at a con" panel or something one katsucon. There was a lot of people on line and it was a tiny room. The panelists of 2 males and 2 females was just telling a few stories that made them uncomfortable (the females) and it was a general "take a shower, deodorant, dont stare" advice

>> No.7696233

The masquerade can usually harbor the absolute worst of the worst.

One time I witnessed a bunch of Hetalia cosplayers butcher the fuck out of Schadenfreude by Avenue Q

>> No.7696246

I've been too so many lolita panels run by people who have no idea about the fashion.

>> No.7696259


>> No.7696261

I attended one panel titled "Know You're Waifu" for shits and gigs, expecting to find a room full of stereotypical neckbeards shitting on characters. Instead, I entered a room roughly the size of a pack of gum full of teenagers and a couple older guys and the panel itself was an all-female character quiz with extremely basic questions.
I won and got a Kuroyukihime figure.

At this past SakuraCon there was a panel that was nothing but an hour or so of the presenters reviewing news stories of kids killing themselves (some intentionally and some accidentally) over anime and video games, followed by the whole room shouting "You're making us look bad!".
It was the worst thing I'd witnessed since the previous year's swimsuit contest.

>> No.7696268

Dude in a red robe and a messy white wig doing Closet Cosplay 101. Advice ranged from going to thrift stores to "just be from a school anime."

>> No.7696270

My very first panel was an Ace Attorney one. Out of us 4 panelists, one girl spent then entire time talking about her ace attorney costumes shes done. Every time one of us panelists tried to change the subject, even bluntly, she just talked over us about herself even more. it was a painful hour.

>> No.7696273

Forgot to say, I think he was trying to be Inuyasha.

>> No.7696286


Ask a character panels are usually stupid IMO. Majority of the ones I've witness were ridiculous.

Some Cosplay 101 panels by people who are still in their beginner phase and really shouldn't be giving advise.

Posing Guide panel, It was interesting when we saw actual poses, the rest was some stupid info on communicating with photographers.

Cosplay Photography 101, The one I went to was like the first day of a photography class. I am surprised they didn't teach us how to turn our camera on. The other time was just a big circlejerk from 3 photographers. They showed off their work and talked about how the photo was made (but never really explained that the photos were also heavily edited). It was neat to see except for how does that help someone with just a camera compared to someone with lights and shit.

>> No.7696289

Fucking "Bouncing Boobies" or something from Ohayocon this year.

I never go to panels but I went here since there was nothing else to do. Two pasty landwhales grabbing each other's tits, jumping up and down, shouting at the crowd, and being painfully unfunny. The thing was supposed to be about how unreal anime anatomy is I think, but they even sucked at that. Saying an anime girl looked like she had balls when bent over on her knees, like lardgirl I know you ain't ever seen your mudflaps before but you've gotta have seen pictures of it, you know?

>> No.7696306

I wasn't in that panel but I went to the Yaoi panel right after and it was hosted by the same people and it was a huge trainwreck. Half the time the landwhales complained about how much the "Bouncing Boobies" audience were assholes and misbehaved.

Once they finally shut up the panel itself was composed of those bad images from photobucket like yaoi is my anti drug, ect. All of their topics were really old school run of the mill skeezy yaois that are just filled with rape ad focused on nothing but that.

Oh and butt sex jokes, so many bad forced butt sex jokes while the practically yelled into their mics. They kept heckling the audience, especially if someone tried to leave. It was probably the worst panel I've ever been to.

>> No.7696322
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Pretty much every panel they do is shit and consists of yelling at the audience and feeling themselves up. Their Colossalcon KH panel was embarrassing. Ended up leaving.

>> No.7696323

Sounds like Michelle Flannigan.
>cosplay makeup panel
>Michelle and an older, experienced costumer lady
>Michelle spends the entire panel cutting off the older lady, not letting her get a word in edgewise
>older lady too polite to interrupt, patiently waits up to 10 minutes for Michelle to shut the fuck up for five seconds

Don't go to her panels if you're Toronto-based unless you like one-woman panels. Christ.

>> No.7696352

I usually like watching trainwrecks and had nothing to do after the panel either. But I could NOT stay for the following yaoi panel. Like I actually had a headache from all the one-sided screaming.

Who are they/what are they called? I didn't know they had a reputation since like I said I never go to panels.

>> No.7696604


I went to an Ask An Avenger panel at Shutocon this year. It was terrible. Most of the questions asked were answered with "I don't know." If you're going to do one of these panels at least have some answers written down beforehand.

>> No.7696701

I went to a magical girl panel in june. It looked interesting, but it was just some weeby dude with a powerpoint listing the different genres. There was a ton of time after he was done, and nobody asked questions. Super awkward attempts at jokes where nobody laughed too.

>> No.7696709

Most Anime Boston panels.

>> No.7696721

Stupid threads general

>> No.7696729


>> No.7696748

Sexuality and Gender Issues in Steampunk.

Its fucking steampunk. Its not like there is a show, movie, lore, mythology, or anything we are following. It is literally made up by you to suit your own personal wants. Yes, those are major issues that face people in real life, but the entire point of steampunk is escapism. You're a lesbian? Awesome. Go put on some brown clothes and gears and get to it. No one cares, because its goddamn steampunk and being an alt fashion/geek culture, every third person is LGBTQ

>> No.7696757

How is steampunk... realted to lgbta+ issues?
I did like the Happiness in Anime panel AB had one year.
But the DRRR one was... I left when Izaya and Shizuo dashed through.

>> No.7696763

hey, at least the sakuracon panel had free lube. but yeah, it was a pretty shitty panel. the dnd 5th edition panel with matt mercer sucked too.

>> No.7696767

Every panel where a team of cosplayers answer questions "in character". Cosplays are always bad. Crowd is always very tumblr. Half the time most of the panelists don't show up and the ones who do have no plan for the panel whatsoever.
Homestuck is big on these shit panels but they're infecting other series now. Nothing is safe.

>> No.7696769

"How to not be a bad fan" panel:

> Panel host sits on table instead of in chair
> They're loud, have a shrill and grating voice
> Apparently we came in late enough (10 mins into an hour long panel) to miss their entire presentation
> Panelist asks who in the room is wearing anything fandom related at all. Entire room raises hand because, you know, we're at an anime convention.
> Panelist gets all smug and brags about how *THEY* aren't wearing a single fandom related thing. Like wow, do you want an award or something?
> Most of the panel is spent with the person listing all of the conventions they've worked at and talking about how experienced they are, though they don't act professional at all and kind of talk down to the audience the whole time.
> They keep getting interrupted by their partner in the crowd, who is a brony that is not contributing a single thing to the stories besides details that don't matter
> Panel descends into the host talking about the two titles that they're obsessed with, how they got into them, and swooning over one character in particular and how they're married to the character.
> Kind of like a bad fan would do...

My friend who went to the panel with me got so angry that she straight up fell asleep just so the time would pass faster. Normally this friend will at least get on her phone and tumblr through a trying situation, but this was just too much for her. The second we got out she snapped and launched into a gigantic rant about how annoying the panel was, and I don't blame her at all. I only sat through the whole thing because if I knew we tried to leave, the person would probably call us out and make it into a big thing. It was really terrible, though.

>> No.7696774

Probably because one of the members of Steam Powered Giraffe is a transgirl. A lot of 13 year olds on tumblr are making a big-ass deal out of it and it's super annoying.

>> No.7696776

>"Know You're Waifu"
>quiz with extremely basic questions
You really can't go that much above very basic for conventions. It doesn't end well. That said the format was rather good as most con trivias (or at least the ones I've seen) don't bother much with audio/visual aspects.

Oh fuck that Anime Offensive panel. Granted it lived up to its title and then some, but sure as fuck wasn't funny. I walked out during the part where they were trying to figure out if it was a dude. Hope it got shit canned afterward.

>> No.7696786

One time at a con a few years ago somebody's panel about memes didn't get approved, so instead they blurted out their meme stuff in the middle of a completely unrelated panel they were helping to run. It was bad enough that it was meme related at all, but it was genuinely annoying that they shoehorned their stuff into the other panel. Pretty sure everyone complained, because it wasn't just a once-or-twice thing... it was almost constant.

The person wound up being banned from hosting panels for a year or so because of that stunt, and I haven't seen them at that con since.

>> No.7696809

He didn't come out until after they were popular though.

>> No.7696817

it's a horrible horrible panel but i can't help drop in on the 'otaku over 25 panel' they keep running at kumoricon. just to piss off the guy running the panel. 3 years running thus far.

>> No.7696823

omg, I've gotta hear deets on this one.

>> No.7696824

Sexuality and Gender Issues in anything, really. They are 0% effective against any issue they present and are at best a giant circlejerk, at worst someone went in there thinking something productive would come out of it and disagrees with them.

>> No.7696832

That's not the same guy that runs it at Sakura con is it?

>> No.7696837

Fanime had a "History of Loli" panel last year. Yep, that's loli as in lolicon, not lolita fashion.

I didn't go, but I saw a video of it later. I couldn't even make it halfway through it was so cringe-inducing. It started out with the audience, a group of grown men, voting on which little girl was the hottest. I don't understand how so many people can proudly proclaim, "yes, I am a pedo and I'm going to get together with a bunch of other pedos and discuss how sexy anime children are." If only Chris Hansen had shown up.

>> No.7696838

depends, there's the crusty creeper (big black guy with scary as all hell looking disgusting hello-kitty doll) and his buddy trenchcoat-creeper (skinny white dude with the full trench fedora odor setup) i think crusty is the main host for kumoricon but he skips sakuracon and sakuracon is hosted by trench. i missed the adult otaku panel at sakuracon this year and kicked myself for it later.

>> No.7696841

in short it's run by a guy we call the crusty creeper who hates the children for not watching and idolizing 70s/80s anime and even though they appear to be having fun they're "not doing it right"

>> No.7696852

The god-fucking-damn yuri panel for sakuracon 2014.
Co-host, you were a sweet heart and I'd have loved to hear you for more than 2 minutes.

>> No.7696861

Ew ew ew ew ewwwww, as an event planner I would NOT let that go on in any con I was running

>> No.7696863

The one that ran later in the evening on Friday? It was largely alright. Didnt' devolve entirely into "old anime was so much better" and and even though the guy hosting the panel fell into that trap, it was interesting hearing about him growing up with anime in the 80s South America.

Also all those fucking spoilers. I was tempted to call her out on it, but I figured as much as a stern look would reduce her to tears. Really should have fed notes to her very much better at public speaking friend. Why co-host if you're just going to be sat there?

>> No.7696867

Come on, just because it's old doesn't mean all of it has aged well.

>> No.7696898

What about booths that you go to?

Phoenix Comicon has J-List every year and we go to buy that grape soda and browse the hentai manga. That thing was closer than ever to some of the more "mainstream" booths, and it had a bunch of girls looking at hentai games.

>> No.7696910

King's Game at PCC

>> No.7696952

Obligatory "Ask [fandom] characters anything Panel!" where it's just a bunch of fat ugly terrible cosplayers pretending to be in character.

>> No.7696954

I hate how any asshat can set up a panel at Sakuracon.

I went to a panel this year called "objectification in anime, manga, and visual novels", thinking it would be either interesting or hilarious. Instead it was infuriating. It was just some guy presenting his senior thesis, joined by with his friends (none of them were women, all had sunglasses on despite it being in a windowless room). 90% of the panel was them playing awkward sexy scenes from select anime (including one which was pretty much a harem molestation), and spending the remaining 10% of the time talking about how both sexes are objectified, and while obviously a lot of women are objectified, don't forget about the mens, it's really the mens who are the ultimate victims. So many people in the audience were visibly pissed, and tried to articulate their disagreements during the q&a, but the panelist's go-to answer was "I'm sorry you feel that way, please direct it to the online feedback system." Their answer to the complaint that they didn't mention anything about sexism in Japanese society: "We didn't discuss that, because we didn't have enough time." You BITCH. You could have cut out all those awkard video clips, and replaced them with slides containing screenshots of those scenes, and just described each scene with one sentence. THEN you would have had more time to talk about those social issues, and sound at least a little informed on this complicated topic.

I had been impressed at your bravery for trying to tackle such a controversial topic at an anime convention. But that was it. The whole presentation seemed like it had been done by a self-proclaimed "egalitarian" with his redpill showing, with no female friend in his life who was willing (or existing) to join him in the panel, and who has started writing this thesis 12 hours before it was due with just his laptop, anime dvds, and a bottle of whiskey in his dorm room. Get a female friend and ask her opinions before trying such a panel again.

>> No.7696975

British Men with Cheekbones.

>> No.7696994

Hentai Olympics, it was at Ohayocon a couple years ago, it was flat chested girls and people threw clothing items onstage to stuff into sports bras the girls had put on them.
>mfw one of them was my friend
>they gave up pulling the clothes out at the end and flipped the bra up
>she flashed the whole room

>> No.7696995

it's going to be even worse at kumoricon this year. they still refuse to move to a larger venue so the crowd is stagnating and they've upped it to 4 days so they'll need more panels to fill it. i forsee either a lot of dead time as they stretch what they have over an extra day or a lot of shit as they scrape the barrel and let anyone in

>> No.7697008

I watched some of it on youtube. I was more insulted by the lack of prep on the person hosting the panel honestly then lol loli public talking. And the creepy host with the hug pillow.

Still cringing though. I get people liking loli but why would you publically go/host these things.

>> No.7697010


>> No.7697018

Was your friend a Hinata cosplayer?

I remember a similar incident during the first (and only) Ohayocon hentai olympics I attended, but my memory is fuzzy.

>> No.7697072

At the very least, they can only get away with it once. I don't think I saw a single fan panel repeated between 2013 and 2014 outside of the Zapp Brannigan panels.

>> No.7697094

Can you get a free badge for making a panel at kumoricon? I'm thinking about submitting one but I couldn't find this clarified on their website. It's not some retarded yaoi panel or anything, it's actually informative.

>> No.7697095

What kind of weirdo goes to Kumoricon and not PAX?

>> No.7697097

Some guy at Sakuracon runs a panel every year that's allegedly targeting fans over the age of 25. So I went there last year, and this awkward guy in his late 20s-early 30s starts yammering about being a fan and how he hoped to get his stories "made into anime" someday. There were three types of people in the room- those of us older fans who were at least a little disturbed, younger fans who were at least a little disturbed, and older creepy-type fans who will either die alone or are married to fellow creeps.

...I walked out after 20 minutes and didn't go back this year.

>> No.7697175

Last year at Metrocon there were a few fan run panels about Doctor Who and Sherlock.
>30 minutes into the Doctor Who panel they hadn't really discussed anything about Doctor Who in general, but they had finished telling us all what Doctor Who meant to them.
>Missed the first couple of minutes of the Sherlock panel. Walking in and they are making fun of every adaption that doesn't have Cheekbones and the Hedgehog.
>Somehow they got an entire track this year.
> I don't even know how

>> No.7697194

First convention this summer, caught the end of the 'Top Ten Transformers episodes' panel. Thought it'd be neat. Just one neckbeard presenting his really shitty opinions as fact, 'everyone says they hate the movies, but they're lying, they're great, the war for cybertron games were shit, prime was rushed'

Told some really weirdly prejudiced and flat out wrong information and I almost wanted to call him out on it.

>> No.7697444

>Aya/Amecon, one of the two
>Go to yaoi panel
>Just a slideshow of yaoi pics with the hosts giggling over it
>Fufag sitting at the front constantly waves around a rainbow plushie penis and shrieking

Never been to one since.

>> No.7697457

>Adding Q
>Adding A+

Do not fucking encourage that shit.

>> No.7697470

I will never forget the year I went to San Japan and was told "Milanoo is a good starter site". Yeah, starter for itas.

>> No.7697471

Here's the best panel of all time:

Watch it.

>> No.7697484

There was a panel at otakon 2013 called "so you wanna build a gundam?"

I'm sort of a propmaker and thought it would be cool to see how some people make gundam suits. It was actually about making toy gundam figures and where to get good ones. Fell asleep next to my friends in the panel, woke up when it was finished feeling refreshed.

>> No.7697500


>> No.7697509

>All those fucking spoilers
"And in this one MC dies, in this one love interest dies, in this one this unexpected couple gets together, in this one they adopt a kid, oh and in this one literally everyone dies."
I went to that panel to get some good names for yuri to watch past Yuru Yuri and Sakura Trick. I have seen none of the shows she talked about, but I sure know a lot about them now.
I liked the concept of explaining the progression of yuri through the years, but she needed to focus on overarching themes, not a book report on every title she mentioned. She needed to move faster. Her co-host was even so kind about it, when she said something along the lines of, "Ok, we have ten minutes left and twenty slides. We've got to get through each slide in thirty seconds, ha hah. Ha." But then of course, "Well let me say this one last thing about this show." It didn't look like she even tried to change her speed. So rude to her co-host.
Did you notice that while the lack of time was blamed on the fifteen minute late start, they actually went another 15 past their slot? I think the woman never did the thing where you practice your presentation beforehand to time yourself.

>> No.7697520
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I already had to stop when he got to Garfield.

>> No.7697521


that doesn't make it a bad panel. Gundam models have a huge following in japan.

>> No.7697524 [DELETED] 
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Just to brighten up the discussion brought to you by >>7696221

For me Zapp Brannigan Spaceship of Love is always a hit and proves that in character panels can be glorious

>> No.7697528

Egoraptor shows up 10 minutes in and balances him out.

>> No.7697540
File: 293 KB, 528x384, thatpanelgavemecancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My friend and I went to a creepypasta panel, expecting the hosts to read horror stories and all that spooky stuff. Instead we got a choose-your-own-adventure style thing that was peppered with tumblr superwholock bullshit. Never again.

>> No.7697545

That doesn't sound bad at all, and relevant considering the anime Gundam Build Fighter. Just happened to not be what you expected.

>> No.7697560

I watched more of this, but I had to stop again.

I know HDD was probably trying to be funny by being a gigantic douche, but there's a point when it stops being funny and becomes insufferable. I mean for fucks sakes, it just felt like some spoilt little brat who was payed to come to the convention just came on and did whatever, and tried to be a little nice by giving people random games he probably didn't want anymore. He couldn't even be assed to show them the full episode.

>> No.7697592

I don't have any particularly good dumb panel stories but there are so many dumb ones coming from my local con in the next couple weeks.

"Ask the Dramatical Boyfriends"
"Sherlock Ask Panel"
"Ask the Survey Corps"
"So You Wanna Date Bro Strider?"
"Super Fandom Crossover Mega Ask Time"
"SuperWhoLock Ultra Bogus Adventure"
"Homestuck Oscars"
"Why You Should Go Live and Work in Japan...RIGHT NOW!"

There's like three Jeopardys, two bingos, and informative panels run by people who seem to know fuck-all and are just trying to get attention (the last few times I attended this con the informative panels were embarrassing at best). Specifically a group full of annoying fat chicks who call their cosplay group "kawaii neko baka desu" or something.

Needless to say, I'm not really looking forward to the panels this year. Hopefully the cosplay is decent. I've only ever attended this con a few times and I live out of town so I don't know if this con tends to improve with time or what.

>> No.7697599

Hurgh, I said "local" and actually meant "the next city over". I swear I pay attention to what I write.

>> No.7697605

The dumbest panel I had ever sat through was at a small con, someone had this Cthulhu panel my friend wanted to check out. I thought it would be an information panel, when really it was just some guy plugging his book the whole time.

Recently I partially sat through a Kill la Kill and feminism panel. It was just the worst, and pretty much everything tumblr. I don't think I've heard "agency" used so many times. We left at the point when they said that during this one episode where Mako and Ryuko I guess go on a date, that it meant the most to them because even though it wasn't a real date, they felt represented as lesbians? I haven't watched the series, but that really didn't convince me to.

>> No.7697609

I take that back, because the dumbest point at that feminism panel was when they claimed that Attack on Titan revitalized the anime community. Because they couldn't think of an anime before that that people were really watching.

I wanted to die.

>> No.7697610

I fucking remember this as clear as day. First off, not the whole crowd was "misbehaving", to comment on the yaoi panel anon's thing. The bitches wouldn't shut the fuck up and the crowd got restless. We didn't come here to hear you bitch and complain and screech like the fucking pterodactyls you are, we came for animated titties.
And then even when we did shut up, all they did was show things UNRELATED to boobs, like "lol hay gaiuz look at dis anatomy, no ones back bends dat way." Honestly I think the name was a trap to get people in.
Also, they ran the sailor moon panel, from the stories I've heard.

>> No.7697618 [DELETED] 

yeah, I was sorta watching to watch it for a while, it helps that have a somewhat of a semi-homo brocrush on Egoraptor, so there's that.

>> No.7697623

yeah, I was sorta watching to watch it for a while, it helps that have a somewhat of a semi-homo brocrush on Egoraptor, so there's that.

>> No.7697625

>Attack on Titan revitalized the anime community

ugh, this happened to me but with Naruto/One Piece. One of the panelists claimed that they were the last relevant anime and flipped when I mentioned that plenty of anime have been popular afterwards because "popular in japan doesn't count!!!"

>> No.7697631

Yeah, I think these sort of statements end up coming from people who don't really follow anime. Because their previous examples was like, Gurren Lagan. Which I can promise you, good anime has come out between then and AoT

>> No.7697633

name one, other than naruto

Protip: you can't

>> No.7697666

See, I usually hear things like "Kill la Kill is the anime to save anime" and shit like that.

>> No.7697673

The kinds of people that will say these things don't have the attention spans to wait between seasons, AoT is already forgotten.

>> No.7697681

Don't you mean
British Men with........... Cheekbones

>> No.7697745

that sounds like it has tumblr written all over it

>> No.7697863

It was from Dashcon, so it should.

>> No.7697887

Akon 2013 there was a panel called campfire stories, or something along those lines... Which. I think were suppose to be con horror stories. The entire time i was in there, the panelists were mostly just talking amongst themselves, telling inside jokes; only making comments to the audience when someone finally decided to leave. I think i have a video of the entire thing on my computer somewhere but its more annoying/boring than it is funny...

>> No.7697891

One time some of my friends decided to go to a bondage panel for shits and giggles, and felt the need to drag me along with them.

For starters, the lady running it was some woman in her 40's who seemed to be trying to be in her 20's. Along with that, it seemed like the majority of the people there were just people in their late teens, early twenties trying to be edgy.

All of that wouldn't be so bad if shit actually happened. Instead it was just said woman giving a powerpoint presentation (with very few pictures) about the origins of super ancient japanese samurai way of bondage and trying to sell us rope. Like she'd even mention how much the rope would cost at like Home Depot, and then try to sell it to us for even more on the spot.

>> No.7697892

Sakuracon's panels were such shit this year. I don't even know if I want to go to the next one. I'll definitely only register after they've released the schedule.
Did they sell out this year?

>> No.7697917

>Did they sell out this year?
Literally or figuratively?

>> No.7697928

I remember it like it was yesterday. SakuraCon. . . 2012. Or some shit. Fuck, I can never remember years.

Anyway, Stephanie Sheh and John DiMaggio were doing a panel together. Vic yaoi-fangirl-god-mic-nuggets was supposed to be there, too, but he was doing an autograph session and couldn't make it.

>instant lulz as 75% of the line disappeared after hearing this.

Anyway, we head in, grab some seats, and the questions begin.

>"Hello, I would like to be an ahnie-maye actor. How do I succeed at being an ahnie-maye actor?"

>"Hi! Big fan. So I have this super shitty USB mic and I have absolutely no clue how to stop my voice from bouncing in a room. Wut r acoustics and no, I refuse to upgrade from my shitty 10$ mic, stop suggesting that."

>"I have demos. Can I send them to you?"

>"Hey guys! I want to be a voice actor. How do I be a voice actor?"

>"Hi! Potential voice actor here. How do I go about it?"

It was so bad. Half of the questions HAD ALREADY BEEN ANSWERED FIVE TIMES PREVIOUSLY. I wanted to stalk up to the mic, tell the little shits to sit down and come up with some OTHER GODDAMN QUESTIONS.

Seriously. Going up to the mic and asking the SAME question FIFTEEN times over (worded differently every time, though, so it totes counts!) was ridiculous. I did laugh when the one chick continually called it "ahnie-maye".

Hell, even the VAs put a *slight* emphasis on Anna-may, and she just kept calling it what she did. Ah, well.

It ended on a happy note, though. Somebody walked up and asked DiMaggio to demonstrate how he got into character, and we were treated to some Lord Death lines from Soul Eater.

John DiMaggio's pretty fuckin' rad.

>> No.7697929

Hah, I meant tickets. I've always bought them right away, so I don't know if I'll be SOL if I wait until the schedule's out.

>> No.7697970 [DELETED] 

You won't be. They haven't had to cap sales at all since they moved to the convention center.

>> No.7697984

>John DiMaggio
>Lord Death
I think you mean John Swasey. John DiMaggio is Bender.

>> No.7697988

Stephanie Sheh and John Swasey did Sakura Con 2013

>> No.7697992

Every Lolita, Fairy-Kei and other cute jfashion panel with a fashion show I've gone to has been nothing but full of Ita torture. Majority of the time they don't know shit about the fashions apart from they're so kawaii desu ne.

>> No.7698001

We don't have panels in cons in my country, and every time I see convesations/threads about them they all sound stupid as hell.

Has there been anything interesting EVER? Outside panels with actors/artists/directors/etc, obviously.

>> No.7698008

Zapp Brannigan's Space Ships of Love.


His voice is not a dead on impression, but he nails his character down and his improv skills are sharp

>> No.7698009
File: 55 KB, 481x640, KillerQueen_ASB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jojo's posing panels, AKA Jojolympics.
>basic overview of manga
>90% of the panel is just you and your buddies trying to contort your bodies into fabulous poses

>> No.7698072

I love KLK but I'd shove a foot up my own puckered taint before I called it revolutionary.

>> No.7698081

Animethon panels are usually horrid, why are you surprised? I'd love to see one of the local cons ban ask panels. Think of all the wank.

>> No.7698091

>tfw I hosted one of those and it was probably the most fun at a con I've ever had

Every body gets so into it, it's an amazing thing. If you ever see one of those panels at a con you're at, even if you don't know JJBA, go to it. The posing isn't only fun as hell, but it can improve your picture game too

>> No.7698092
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KImoshi Yume Productions. Are they also the ones who were awarded a shit ton of panels at Ohayocon and a huge stink was raised about it? Or was that some other group?

>> No.7698232


Shit, sorry. I get it confused with another con that I went to not to long ago and got to see DiMaggio.

>> No.7698235



Fuck I love that man. He's hilarious as shit. Not to mention the fact that he's able to turn even the most socially awkward people and make them funny.

That being said, I'm really tired of Beardy and that other dude who show up and force themselves onto the stage every year.

. . . But some people in the crowd. . . Like the Harley who just walked up onto the stage that one year. . . urg.

>> No.7698511

Sage for not really being related to the thread but it really is a bunch of fun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW7biq1XZDY

>> No.7698539

Was this CTcon? I considered going to that just to laugh at it, glad I ducked out and went to the makeup panels instead.

>> No.7698558

there is nothing feminism about kill la kill me please. nothing. it's gross fan pandering in a hypersexualized environment with hyper archetypical characters, the only thing that people use to make it arguably passable is that it's a 'deconstruction' or whatever.

I would say it's overtly trying to be over the top, but that doesn't change the fact that it's not fucking empowering or any of that tumblr tier feminism shit.

>> No.7698563

Not only that, but they have no place at a con. Sure cons are places to share ideas and listen to opinions, but keep your political garble and agendas out. Seriously, there's much more leisure and fun panels to have that aren't so damn fucking social justice-y for no fucking reason.

>> No.7698568

SPG (or rather spine?) hates steampunk though, and just go to steam cons due to moneys.
Yes/No. It bounced around between just crossdressing, sorta genderfluid, trans, and back.

Anyway besides SPG there's works like the Parasol Protectorate books that address those topics and others, hell even victorian society which it's based on. But sadly most people running those panels know shit besides lol gears.

>> No.7698577


Please talk about the KH panel

>> No.7698588

This. I feel like I've seen so many "Ask the avengers" panels on con schedules, and it's almost always fat 14 year olds with drawn on beards and recycled America wigs for Steve acting super out of character.

>> No.7698620

There was a power rangers panel at an this year that was poorly run. The audience was loud and the panelists didn't even try to control it and they just went through what happened in each season. They didn't even make it through them all.

>> No.7698641

Yup. We just sort of wandered in...then decided to wander out.

That's sort of the impression I got from the series. There's a lot of crazy fanservice and stuff. Its one thing if you like the series, but arguing its feminism doesn't...fit. One of their arguments is that there's SO much nudity you just become desensitized to it...which...seems like a rather poor argument in general. You can see violence enough times to become desensitized to it. I don't think either one did real research beyond what was on tumblr. Not that I can really argue that much about this series, I didn't watch it. But nothing they presented to me seem to prove it was feminism?

>> No.7698660

One of the most stupid Panels I ever went to, was when they set up a sort of quiz game-show about Anime, with two of the con-organizers against two of the voice-actor guests to the convention. It was a good idea, could have been a lot of fun.

The issue being, both of the voice-actors were in the video-game industry, and literally knew next to nothing about Anime and Manga.

So it was an hour of watching two voice-actors swimming out of their depth in Anime trivia, and the con-organizers trying to salvage the panel as best they could.

>> No.7698950

naw she doesnt cosplay. she was just tagging along with her bf. although nice to hear this happens more than once.

>> No.7698997

The 404s 18+ show is pretty good. I haven't gone to many panels at a-thon but have enjoyed that one the past few years.

>> No.7699240

Best/Worst of the Internet.
Just an hour long video of clips and shit.

>> No.7699257

Lmao, I love klk but I've never heard someone tell me it was feminist. Do these people actually exist?

>> No.7699436

It was very hard to sit through Venus Angelics panel about becoming a web celebrity. It was like an elementary school presentation. It was utterly boring.

The worst I had to sit through was a cosplay fashion show that was set up by people who were trying to set up a cosplay webshop. They only showed three bad cosplays and tried to fill in their fifteen minutes by asking audience members to tell about their own. So we all had the pleasure about why one girl went with a crappy tardis dress, and why another wore a school girl outfit. All of them spoke horrid English, and none of them had any talent. Thank got it was only 15 minutes long (though it felt like an hour).

>> No.7699507

If you host two hours or more you can get a badge for $20. Not free, but pretty good deal.

>> No.7700460

>Kill la Kill and feminism panel
...does tumblr automatically assume that if a show has a all/majority female cast that it's feminist? Because that sure as fuck is not the case.

>> No.7700484

I abhor VA panels, especially English ones. Too many lazy kids that want to have their hand held through the entire process of getting into VA work. If you were that serious, you wouldn't need to fucking ask in the first place.

Went to this years Otafest and the chucklefucks running the con put all three of their actors in one panel, including the one they few in from Japan, rather than giving them their own panels like any other con. And also contra to any other con, they took questions at the whims of the moderator, which were about as dumb as you'd expect.

>> No.7700548

>decent cosplay
Hah. Good one.
Well, you might get lucky with something from a video game or western property, but every time I've been there the anime representation has been shitty.

Alberta's con scene in general is shit. Animethon has 3 panels for Evangelion. Two are about the themes -- which they'll probably fuck up and misunderstand anyway -- and a fanedit of the two endings which are very tonally dissonant. And all the western fandom shit in an anime con.

Also they'll probably never ban Ask panels since people apparently enjoy them, despite being pretty content-free and fandom specific. Sometimes I wonder if this is the panel co-coordinator being terrible at screening stuff or if this is literally the best of the applicants.

Really should have submitted the panels I ran at another con earlier this year. At least those ones are about anime and not pointless fanwanking.

>> No.7700597

to be fair, the japanese pronunciation is ah-ni-meh, but I guess it's better to go with English pronunciation when speaking English.
At least it's better than this guy I know who pronounces hentai as henchai

>> No.7700624

Anime North always has "Black Kids like Anime Too!" and it's basically a shitshow of "poor me, I'm black and oh so oppressed"

>> No.7700636

there are a lot of words like that, anime, manga, karaoke, karate. it's just easier to stick to the accepted english pronunciation when speaking english, the same way you should use the japanese pronunciation when using an english loan-word in japanese.

>> No.7700680

Have you ever been to that panel?

This year, they basically shut down some white tumblrinas who were going on about how white people cosplaying blacks was racial appropriation or some shit.

I know that the "transophobia in anime/gaming" panel they always have is tumblr shit, though. They do not know what they are talking about and have no understanding of Japanese culture at all. It's a bunch of kids whining about how the creators of different anime and video games were transophobic for not making certain characters transgendered. No, you little fucktards. Feminine gay stereotype =/= transgendered.

>> No.7700686

No...? It's more or less an excuse for the black anime community, small as it is, to meet up and chat, as far as I've heard.

>> No.7700701

Strange, I know more than one friend who says mochi "moki". Those Japanese t's and chi's man.

Makes me think it's a Hetaboo thing since one of the only animes they watch is that and it has mochi in it

>> No.7700705

I went to a TF2 panel like this at Metrocon a couple of weeks ago, but it was actually pretty good. They had someone for each class and they were all pretty in-character.

>> No.7700712

What con was this at?

>> No.7700717

>"Ask the Survey Corps"

How come you dumb fucks can't into hot air balloons or blimps?

>> No.7700718

I am convinced that anyone that uses this term is an absolute dumbfuck and a complete racist on top of that, despite the facade saying otherwise. Plus it's great when they're all for more representation, but it's only for what they're interested in (and usually something super popular on top of that). They'll almost never support something that has actual stake in whatever the hell it is they're supporting.

tl;dr tumblr = lazy hypocrits

>> No.7700905

This year's MTAC I went to the Cards Against Humanity panel. Wasn't a bad panel overall (except for the fact that they had EVERYONE in the room play so we barely got through three rounds in an hour) but it was run by some of the guests so was still pretty OK. The only thing that made this a cringeworthy panel experience for me was that an embarrassingly autistic Deadpool cosplayer sat in the front row. He made a gesture towards one of the cards and one of the guests laughed, so he took this as encouragement and literally got up and did something obnoxious for EVERY card that was called out. Usually just pelvic thrusting, occasionally something more stupid. God it was awful, and I was directly in his line of sight... why are DP cosplayers always so lulrandom.

>> No.7700927

yeah... no. it isn't.

>> No.7700964

>CTRL+F Ohaycon
Not surprised.

I went with a friend to Ohayocon this year, not sure what panel it was but it was the only one that didn't have a huge fucking line, so we walked in...
And it was one of the worst panels I've ever been to.

The two fat ladies running the panel talked about gender roles in anime, and then the third just sat there.

We left 20-30mins in, after resting our feet.

>> No.7701022

Pretty sure I went to that same panel at Acen this year (Samurai Dan was the guest?) And I gotta say that sounds like you just had one of the bad runs. They got through like 10-15 rounds and it was pretty straightforward and fun. Maybe try it again and hope that nobody acts like an idiot and slows the thing down. That can be a pretty high hope though.

>> No.7701051
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Anime Vegas 2013
It was a Vocaloid ask panel run by 4-5 teenage girls dressed as the characters. Cosplays looked like shit, they made out with each other because 'fan service' and basically the majority of the panel was spent in awkward silence because no one wanted to ask them anything. One of the girls dressed as Len danced to some obscure Vocaloid song at one point but that was it. There were about ten people in there because everyone else left. I tried to warn people to leave while they still could and some heeded my advice. One of the girls cosplaying at Meiko got pissed that no one was asking anything and threw a baby fit afterwards. Supposedly two of the girls are planning on doing another vocaloid panel as well as a kuroshit one this year. Can't wait to cringe again. Pic related, its the girl who cosplayed as Meiko.

>> No.7701108

One of my biggest complaint about trivia panels is when they decide to include everyone but then clearly can't control it. Either stick to just calling up a small group to play at a time, split the room in half and do two teams or just make a set amount of groups and if anyone comes in late, tough luck.

>> No.7701120

spoiler, and I laughed but if you actually wanna know:

The inner military police (or wall cult? I don't remember) are preventing the advancement of technology

>> No.7701127

Oh my god this guy. He got a random audience member to pierce his lip in the middle of the panel


>> No.7701247

record it, for science and laughter.

>> No.7701255
File: 225 KB, 599x880, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this was the best thread to ask, but is it okay to walk out of a pannel?

Last year was my first con and me and my friend and we would would eventually walk out of pannels because they would get boring around 20 minutes in. I don't know if there's just a common sense or general rule of thumb to it.

>> No.7701267

people go in and out all the time. Just don't be loud or obnoxious and they won't really care.

>> No.7701559

>is it okay to leave
No, you're forced to stay.

Just kidding. Walk in, walk out, whatever. It's expected. Ignore the panelists if they heckle you. Seriously - do NOT respond to them.

>> No.7701642

I look down at my phone with a concerned face and quickly walk out as if I'm needed somewhere. If I make eye contact with a panelist, I hold up my phone at them, and shrug with an apologetic look on my face.

>> No.7702414

Same here. I find that's the best way of getting out of the situation. That way if they heckle me I can just "answer it" and quietly go "Hello? Hang on a second." and rush out the door.

>> No.7702836


I always sit by the aisle just in case I have to exit because it's a bad panel. Midway up so I can see, but if I strongly suspect it might go badly I sit in the back so it's less obtrusive if I decide to leave .

>> No.7702924

Yup, same one. I looove the guests that host it, but because of that experience I'm a little wary to attend again. I missed the one at my local convention, maybe next time there's one I'll give it another shot since this experience wasn't the norm.

>> No.7703046

I went to a panel about sexism at the last con I went to. One of the panelists started crying about 20 minutes in, because she was just happy that everyone was there to support one another. They also brought in krispy kreme donuts for some reason. The panel brought up some good points, but still.

>> No.7703048

I'd start crying too- Krispy Kreme donuts are fucking delicious.

>> No.7703332

How do I not make an absolutely horrendous fandom panel? I'm doing a Danganronpa one in January and I need all the help I can get.

>> No.7703349

A few AWAs ago I made the mistake of going to a Cons 101: Convention Etiquette and behavior or something. I thought it would be interesting and tell con newcomers how to interact with strangers, meet friends, politely ask for photo sessions, etc.

No. it was an hour of one of the con admins and some staff bitching about attendees and all the dumb, uninteresting things people have done at the con. I felt like I was being scolded for an hour.

>> No.7703534

Re-enact the game. The world could do with a few less of the worse fans and sticking people in a death game would ensure people talked about your panel for years to come.

>> No.7704102

Yep, we were planning on doing a mock trial! We've still got months to plan everything. Even so, I'm trusting my panelists to not be complete weaboos. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7704134

>bad fan panel run by a bad fan

>> No.7704165

Cool, a fellow naka goer. I think I remember seeing that very same panel on the schedule sheet many years back and yeah, it did sound pretty goddamn stupid. I don't normally go to panels though.

I did check out the Attack on Titan panel that was at this years Naka-kon. It was completely packed all the way to the wall and as far I could tell, it was just a few cosplayers answering questions in character, several of whom were wearing flower crowns....I promptly left.

Best panel I ever went to was the Toonami panel, again at Nakakon, mainly cause I knew a friend who was hosting it and it was nice to see how many people who fondly remembered it. This was a couple years before Toonami came back, just as an fyi.

>> No.7704187

Being on politics panels at cons used to be fun, back when everyone was some flavor of libertarian and loved to argue and debate.

Now we're being swamped with SJWs who hate freedom as much as the religious Right does, don't have a clue of what they're talking about, and get offended when you disagree with them.

Offend them too much and they'll ban together on a holy crusade to try to get you kicked out of fandom.

They've literally turned politics poisonous. You can't have a discourse with fanatics.

>> No.7704193


You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

But agreed otherwise.

>> No.7704207

You're right, it's figuratively, since they won't actually kill you, they'll just try to kill your social and personal life.

>> No.7704294

Anime Usa 2012
how to get a nerdgirlfriend?
Ran by a bunch of chunkymonkeys who made heckling comments when people left. I left with my fiance
>hrr hrr we know what they're gonna doooo. But its cool I'm not into girls wearing tails.

>> No.7704481


You can get one for $20 for doing 2+ hours of panel time but submissions are already closed and the schedule is already in its third or so draft.

The panel lineup this year is basically shit (some of the stuff they have okayed looks alright, they finally got the Sake Tasting panel back on the schedule) but they're so fucking desperate for panels that they actually let in a how-to panel on fansubbing.

SPEAKING OF TERRIBLE PANELS I duck into the 'Tiptoe Through the TARDIS' panel that they have on Monday every year for a couple minutes just to see how much of a shitshow it is and holy shit. Holy fucking shit. It's just passing the microphone around the room asking every single fucker cosplaying from Doctor Who to talk about how they got into the show. That's it. That's the whole fucking panel. Last year they apparently played The Curse of Fatal Death for everyone at the end though which actually seems pretty neat.

>> No.7704547


>that guy in the Guy Fawkes mask explaining his theory about the unified continuum of all Evangelion stories

You can't sink lower than that. That's a conviction I hold on to for my own sanity.

>> No.7704569
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> Because they couldn't think of an anime before that that people were really watching.

Sword Art Online.

>> No.7704590

Man. I missed last years AV. I wish there was video of this.

>> No.7704609

I'm always scared to go to those panels at any of the AZ cons quite honestly.

>> No.7704646

The issue with con etiquette panels is that anybody who actually needs to learn con etiquette is not going to be the type of person to attend the panels.

>> No.7704656



Pick one

>> No.7705249

literally also means figuratively now, as defined by Merriam-Webster.

>> No.7705292

Anime Expo's comedy panel, probably year 2010. It's hosted by that meth baby that comes here. I figured it couldn't be too terrible.

First panel was "tryouts" which was pretty awesome. Very hilarious stuff, even if the only funny people were the ones who made jokes entirely unrelated to anime.

The horrible paneling happened during the second gig, or the real version of the comedy panel. Much larger room with a whole ton of people. The funniest comedian didn't show up. Some guy who made regular jokes tried to make a few anime ones and just got crickets. Some other guy tried to do some kind of insult comedy routine, which is a bad idea when you're an asspie and an even worse idea when in a room filled with asspies. I've never been to a comedy show with more booing than laughing. It was certainly cringe-worthy.

>> No.7705753

I was there. That panel was terrible, and you could tell Stephanie was getting really annoyed

>> No.7706163

AV2014 is not happening but those retards are trying to get it done at another con here. Possibly Sabakon or Otakon most likely.

>> No.7706420

Sword art online.
Not sure if you'd count pokemon the show.
Death note...ehhh..sailor moon?

>> No.7706451

I agree with the reenacting. Maybe throw in a few subtle "fandom" jokes, but only a few and be clever with them. People reducing characters to stupid tropes makes for a shitty in-character panel. (ie Togami just throwing money at everyone, or Fukawa whoring herself on him 24/7)

>> No.7706982

What con? Because I'd totally go.

>> No.7707465

I went to a Pokemon 101 panel. The girl giving the talk kept turning to her friends and talking/giggling. The panel was 1 hour long and she honestly spent half of it talking about Twitch plays Pokemon. The way she spoke about it was as if she was in some super secret club. She didn't even go over the basic rules of TCG or the anime characters but she went into depth about every meme and fanart of Twitch plays Pokemon. I've seen some shitty panels but that was the worst.

>> No.7707786

Didn't go to this (I'm an Ausfag) but apparently at Anime Expo in LA this year, there was a 'Cosplay isn't Consent' panel...held by Cosplay Deviants. Did anyone go to that? Here's an interview with one of the models. It's a lolfest


>> No.7707818

There was a "How to talk to girls" panel at Akon this year. I should've gone to see how cringey it would be.

>> No.7707839

can you believe this is second year panel? last year it was just as laughable

>> No.7708019

Are you serious? What went down last year (and this year, if you went)? That article I linked pretty much summed up everything that is wrong about that panel, especially the bit where it says 'Cosplay is not consent. Just because I am dressed up, doesn't mean I aim to serve your fantasies.' It's like porn stars hosting a panel about how they shouldn't be objectified.

>> No.7708033

The entire trial will be scripted but I'll probably give panelists enough free will to just say what they want as long as the words "I want Komaeda to run" do not leave their mouths.

Ichibancon in Charlotte, NC. Considering panel submissions just opened a few days ago and nothing is set in stone, I can't tell you if we're on the schedule yet but I am hoping and praying we aren't beat out by a generic ask panel.

>> No.7708052

I don't respect anyone's opinion on that word unless they aren't white and are discussing their own culture.
This is how everyone should approach the subject, otherwise ... isn't the irony just too fucking great? White people telling other white people to respect other cultures for tumblr points while not listening to that culture's opinion. Awesome.

>> No.7708070
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There was a much better video, but it's gone now. I DARE you to watch the whole thing.

>> No.7708129

ewwwww. the fuck.

>> No.7708276

The End of Evangelion panel is 2 hours. What the hell are they planning to talk about? I bet they are going to read the wiki page word for word or something .

>> No.7708292

They look so fucking stereotypical holy shit

>> No.7708296

It's just the last two episodes of Eva and EoE spliced together. Again, I don't know why anyone thought this was a good idea in the first place.

>vendor's "hall"
Why the fuck are they doing that again? The parkade is the worst place for anything. No a/c, hardly any airflow and a backed up sewage drain.

>> No.7708323

The people that couldn't get PAX badges.

>> No.7708458

Holy Shit that guys annoying as fuck. He's that one guy in every grou who thinks that "lol im such an asshole : ))) I told that girl her teeth are fucked up" He's like /b/'s older brother that works at Marshalls.

>> No.7709017

most posts i've seen about it on tumblr have been about how you should never ever watch it because it's misogynist shit or some such

>> No.7710316

Yeah, but they don't get posted

I got to see a panel with the woman who play Michonne from the Walking Dead.

I don't watch the show and (unpopular opinion) I didn't like the comic, but she was great. She's a really interesting person and we learned a lot about how she eventually got her role.

I also learned that there's a fucking lot of people who let their dumbfuck six year olds watch TWD

>> No.7713236

I'm pretty sure the Portland Convention Center is a LOT bigger than the Red Lion, anon...

>> No.7713249

Yep... it is.

>> No.7713496



>> No.7713497
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>> No.7713522
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I wouldn't mind for them just to kill themselves before they hurt somebody. I mean they are like restraining order creepy.

>> No.7713675

and if only those stupid bastards running the damn thing would move kumoricon there.
years ago it was at the doubletree, then vancouver, then the pdx hilton for two(horrible) years and now back to vancouver. the attendance level has stalled out and moving to a 4 day system sure as hell isn't going to help.

on the other hand rose city comic-con was at the doubletree and then in their second year moved to the convention center...and they're already 4 times the attendance of kumoricon.

if they want better guests at kumoricon they need more money, to get that they need more people, and to get that they need to stop setting up in hotels where they're fighting with substance abusers conventions for space. (best part of kumoricon is watching the recovering addicts and the weaboos collide)

>> No.7713718

I got :12 in... daaaaaaaamn

>> No.7713775

I was trying to see if anyone had recorded this but instead found this and I've realized that any Vocaloid ask panel has screeching teenagers running it. So much side tracking too.


>> No.7714141

You just didn't get it, it was supposed to be like that to give an example of what not to do!