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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 365 KB, 1292x540, dashcon wtnv confirmation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7693430 No.7693430[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

WTNV confirms that the Dashcon statement is a lot of bullshit, and isn't happy about their emails being publicized.

Old threads:
Thread One (1): >>7672973
Thread Two (2): >>7674079
Thread Three (3): >>7674680
Thread Four (4): >>7675377
Thread Five (5): >>7676252
Thread Six (6): >>7677013
Thread Seven (7): >>7677645
Thread Eight (8): >>7678571
Thread Nine (9): >>7680093
Thread Ten (10): >>7681105
Thread Eleven (11): >>7682120
Thread Twelve (12): >>7684476
Thread Thirteen (13): >>7684436
Thread Fourteen (14): >>7689099
Thread Fifteen (15): >>7690503

>> No.7693433

This many threads is not necessary, guys. It's been nearly an entire week since the whole thing started.
You might as well delete this thread. There's nothing happening anymore, if something does happen you can just make a thread about that.

>> No.7693434

How the fuck did we make it to 16 threads?

>> No.7693437

When people stop posting in these threads then people will stop making new ones

>> No.7693439

Must make it to 17!!

>> No.7693445

You mean 17000

>> No.7693455
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But since /cgl/ is a slow board, it isn't that hard to pop into the catalog and find the thread.

I can't imagine any more drama or new information popping up about DashCon. But maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.7693472

They didn't ask WTNV permission to release those emails? Really? Fucking hell they really did not learn their lesson at all.

>> No.7693480

Is this a real thing? Do want. I feel like I was there after having been present in all these threads.

>> No.7693485

Maybe their "legal adviser" told them it was okay.

>> No.7693488

Ha ha. I just googled "DashCon" and it came up in images.


You can always go to some website that let's you design your own shirts and make one yourself to save a few bucks.

>> No.7693505

I saw the email that the unnamed staffer sent to WTNV when they asked if the con was open. It was perfunctory but not rude at all. Did they expect a gushing, "Dear sirs, thank you for your lovely email. I hope my response finds you well on this beautiful day and crowds of virgins throw themselves upon you. In answer to your question, yes! the convention certainly is open and is eagerly awaiting your heavenly bodies to descend upon us. Kind regards, Dashcon Admin"?

I really dislike how their statement just blames some unnamed staff member and says "we have removed them from our staff" - not "we've discussed this with them" or "I take full responsibility for how this was handled and we are writing guiidelines on how to approach this in future". I am kind of disgusted by them for that alone.

>> No.7693555
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>> No.7693574

It now has a Wikipedia page, oh boy

>> No.7693579
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>> No.7693580
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>> No.7693587


that doesn't mean shit. the ED article has been up since this whole thing started. and it's MUCH more well documented, which i find quite hilarious.

>> No.7693611


Waaaah waaaaah There's a thiNG I DON'T LIKE I GOTTA WHINE ABOUT IT! Go back to tumblr.

On the off chance you aren't aware, dashcon's admins keep fucking up as the days go by. That's why more threads keep popping up. There's plenty of new shit to cackle at.

>> No.7693625

but where's her flower crown?

>> No.7693626

Holy shit, dude, calm down. I've been in these threads since #2 or so, I don't dislike them at all. Keep your pants on.
The fact of the matter is that a mediocre imploding convention does not warrant a 24/7 general on what is a relatively slow board. People can just check the catalog if they want to keep talking about it. And the rate of stuff coming out now is slow enough a week after the fact that we don't need to make new threads every time we hit bump limit. For heaven's sakes, >>7689099 is still up. It's just not necessary, and flooding a board with too much of ANYTHING is usually a bad idea, even if I do like it.

>> No.7693632

get over it faggot
you're making seagulls look bad
>and we don't need your help

>> No.7693636

the best part is how they claimed they blacked out the email address for "privacy," but left enough visible that you can tell what the full email address is. Probably in the hopes that their dumblr followers will harass WTNV

>> No.7693637

Why would you buy this

>> No.7693648


>> No.7693671

That is a bunch of dorks right there, no doubt about it. That dancing, haha.
Surprised the song was as catchy as it was though, and I don't usually like live music at all.

>> No.7693679

Those arms on the green haired one, holy shit.

>> No.7693705


>> No.7693730

See, I don't get the email thing. How was it rude? It wasn't as if they were in separate states, they were in the same building (or at least within the same vicinity, either way they were going to see each other that day). WTNV just asked a yes or no question. And another thing, wasn't the email sent from the official Dashcon email? If so, they have no excuse for missing WTNV's message.

>> No.7693742

>all these people making brother/sister posts
>used to do weeb things with younger brother all the time
>conventions even
>as he gets older something's screwy
>Suicide attempt outta nowhere
>Diagnosed with BPD
>has trouble even functioning in every day life now
>brother still loves me and weeb stuff, but can't do it anymore or he'll get stressed and breakdown
>tfw have had to watch brother go from normal kid to emotional fuckup first hand

It hurts

But man this shit is hilarious. Thanks for the ride /cgl/

>> No.7693775

>If so, they have no excuse for missing WTNV's message.
Sure they do. The e-mail was read and responded too by "someone". And "someone" got fired.

Dashcon is innocent yo.

>> No.7693839

Godammit, does this Someone who seems to have been responsible for everything have a tumblr so everyone can go there and abuse them for ruining everyones fun with with their utter incompetence? Someone sounds like a total dick...

>> No.7693878

At least he doesn't have tumblr telling him he's normal and that anyone who tries to help him fix himself is intolerant.

>> No.7693891

I haven't checked in since the 11th thread, did anything significant actually happen or are people just shitting on the con as usual?

>> No.7693903

Official statement released by Dashcon. Nothing really surprising in it. Blamed WTNV on some anonymous staffer replying to an email that somehow the rest of the staff were not made aware of. Screencaps of emails were included in the statement, which WTNV is apparently not happy about. I'm pretty sure that's about it.

>> No.7693917

This Someone seems like just as much of a fuckup as Florida Man.

>> No.7693925


You forgot they've apparently hired a hack Bird Lawyer as their legal council as they told Dashcon NOT to refund the WTNV tickets because it would call into question "their other rules and policies" (though the 'rule' included was only added AFTER the show got canceled) but gave the okay to refund people who donated CASH at the con of which they kept no legal documentation. Just email them and let them know how much you donated and your badge invoice number to prove you were actually at the con.

That's my favorite part.

>> No.7693929

He's quite anti tumblr and used to use SA until he got called privileged cis scum.

I just wish he was able to do cons with me again.

When he was 11 and I was fifteen I brought him to one and we had a fucking blast together. He won some contest and got some gifts and a few dolla even.

We had to stop when he was around seventeen, and he's nineteen now. Last time I saw him he lost his second job due to emotional issues and it really bummed him out.

but at least he plays really obscure japanese games, plus he's mega /m/.

>> No.7693953

>used to use SA until he got called privileged cis scum.

The decline of SA is as sad as the decline of your brother.

>> No.7693955

Shut up most are gone anyway.

>> No.7693958

Yes, yes it is. The funny thing is that they created /srs/ as a joke and a trolling gig, then they fell too deep into their own joke.

He said he told them "The greatest privilege is a healthy mind." I chuckled.

I kind of had a nostalgia trip thinking to back then. Totally going to go see him tomorrow. Bring him out for lunch or something.

>> No.7693964

i got raped in the ballpit

>> No.7693984

>this summer
>starring mila kunis and some cosplay celebrity no one gives an absolute fuck about
>I spit on your dashcon: ballpit edition
>watch as both actresses are violently raped, only being able to see colored balls (including their rapists') and hear the grunts of fedora manchildren
>watch as they get their revenge by posting on tumblr about it to try and hurt the rapists' feelings
>coming to a theatre near you

I'd watch it

>> No.7693993

Anybody got a link to OP's forum post?

>> No.7694008
File: 355 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8msqjLYch1sik6zyo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Good Dashcon cosplay

>> No.7694012
File: 552 KB, 1280x1742, tumblr_n8o42wVytU1svrc3no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's all I've got.

>> No.7694018

has anybody read this?

>> No.7694024
File: 37 KB, 500x375, tumblr admin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't understand what went wrong...

>> No.7694025

>Stare too long into the Abyss and the Abyss stares into you
>Any group that gets it's laugh by pretending to be idiots will soon be joined by real idiots thinking they're in good company

It sounds like /new/ and /pol/ in reverse.

When you see your brother, give him a hug for the rest of us.

>> No.7694026

All I know is that it's from somethingawful, can't seem to find the original link though

>> No.7694029

This someone may have a tumblr, but no one knows who this someone is, this includes the dashcon admins. Oops.

>> No.7694032

I wonder if only Cain and Megan are left with all the firing going on

>> No.7694042
File: 50 KB, 704x455, auto-rene-descartes-quote-303304[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7694044

Thanks, I will. I'll try playing armored core silent line with him.

but not personal blog.

I wonder how many people got the firing stick for this shit

>> No.7694049

So out of all of these horrible excuses for oxygen thieves which one cared?

>> No.7694051

Found it

>> No.7694066

I wonder if anybody bothered to look, which of these people suddenly bought a gaming PC, newer used car or a half dozen Dollzones?

>> No.7694069

Didn't one of them go shopping for wedding rings during the con?

>> No.7694080

Roxanne did.

>> No.7694088

What kind of attendance and special guests are planned for the happy occasion?

>> No.7694092
File: 41 KB, 400x367, Die-cis-scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.7694126


So it's under Roxanne, Megan and Cain.

>> No.7694131

>If this were a scam, it would be the most expensive scam I had ever heard of.

Well, they DID ask for $17k that one night.

>> No.7694133

IMO the other one was a lot better in every way (the one on a previous thread with the Simpsons joke on the back), it looks like it's taped onto her or something and about to fall off.
>tfw you can't stop being a bitchy seagull with standards even for stupid joke cosplays

>> No.7694141

>Making threads about the worst convention in human history

Was there even any cosplay involve

>> No.7694150

See >>7694008 and >>7694012.

But that's all I have on hand. There might be more in some kind of Tumblr tag.

>> No.7694158
File: 278 KB, 924x1843, 33GOMxO[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dug up from SA

>> No.7694185

>if we really were out to steal people’s money, why would we register with the government and the IRS to do so?
>These are the kinds of things required to set up a business bank account and paypal page, both of which we have.
>If this were a scam, it would be the most expensive scam I had ever heard of.
Herbalife, Amway, Melaleuca, etc. all have those things and are scams that suck way more than $17,000 out of many of their victims. Just registering as a business doesn't mean shit.

>> No.7694220

The face of professionalism:


>> No.7694230

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.7694238
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>> No.7694263
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>> No.7694267

What's unprofessional about bad art?

>> No.7694272
File: 19 KB, 417x242, stephena4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7694275

Clearly just traced porn... even for what it is I've managed to be disappointed.

>> No.7694277

the icon says enough and the fact this woman is 32 years old says even more

>> No.7694291

so is all this tumblr fanfiction shit just super autism or what the fuck?

>> No.7694305
File: 43 KB, 500x374, W9DhtEI[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to segue into this http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3650030&pagenumber=51&perpage=40#post432238494

>> No.7694309
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for those who don't want to go into SA

>> No.7694311
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>> No.7694315
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>> No.7694317
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>> No.7694319
File: 375 KB, 1280x960, FFNjJDs[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7694322


>dat third bullet point


Is it so they feel like they've justified their shameless fucking smut? I don't write shameless gay smut with canine cocks, I wrote an expose on LGBT/minorities/women and their treatment in society! That just so happened to include shameless gay smut with canine cocks and mpreg because wimmin in ficitions are ickies.

>> No.7694323

>posting DA-tier mspaint traces at 32
I would kill myself first.

>> No.7694325
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>> No.7694326



>> No.7694327
File: 148 KB, 1280x960, fFAsCRq[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In conclusion, tumblr fangirls weird

>> No.7694333


>female betas regulated to background "nanny role" while males are considered "more rational and level headed"

Tumblr...in action. How dare media portray women in this manner! Unless it's in that hot fanfic I read once where John and Sherlock got it on, then it's okay.

>> No.7694334
File: 137 KB, 248x365, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7694335

>The trope was popularized in Supernatural fandom

More than enough to know.

>> No.7694337

It kind of surprises me they still take the "alpha/beta" social hierarchy of wolves when that has been pretty much debunked by now.

>> No.7694339
File: 1006 KB, 850x1116, I need feminism because I smoke menthols.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did that onee-chan actually end up sucking off her shota brother?

She should

>> No.7694354

So much work to avoid putting females in fanfic because fujoshi are all eaten up with jealousy.

>> No.7694358


But these people whine about "the media" portraying women in demeaning ways. Jesus Christ. Though apparently they thought of ways for lesbo sex that's actually not lesbo sex because TENTACLE PORN.

>> No.7694360

>can't poop
So how long does that last because...

>> No.7694363

Hello Roxanne Whatever-The-Fuck-Your-Last-Name-Is, and welcome to this thread. Please slip on the stairs and chip a tooth.

>> No.7694369

Why the fuck don't they just give the males a penis and a vagina? It would make more sense than butt babies.

>> No.7694370


I always loved how they would essentially turn one of the guys into a girl to project themselves on to but could never ACTUALLY use a canon woman cuz of icky girl germs getting in the way of their twu wuv.

>> No.7694378

Because they wouldn't be technically male anymore, it's called intersex you transphobic cishet

>> No.7694379


Technically they ARE intersex.

>Alpha girls have tentacle dicks and sperm
>omega males have "magic" uterus's that are accessed through the butt.

>> No.7694382

>still replying
Holy shit, you guys. I suggested that 16 threads might have been enough to cover three days of fucked-up con financial and general stupidty that happened a week ago and suddenly every motherfucker is on my back.
I just didn't want to spam this on the board that is ostensibly for cosplays and cons, because it's a slow board and having one thread open at a time ought to be enough, let alone three.

If you disagree for some fucking reason, that's fine, but Jesus Christ there's absolutely no reason to get so assblasted that somebody had the gall to say "isn't this enough now, maybe?" For heaven's sakes, I've been here for the entire week now, I was just saying it might be a good idea to slow down at some point. We can't keep a Dashcon general going for forever.

is right, and is saying basically what I was saying. I don't even care if you guys are making new threads anymore, but jumping to conclusions and assuming that somehow I'm a shill is downright absurd.

>> No.7694390


You feeling a little anally blasted there mate? Is it /breeding/ time?

>> No.7694391
File: 1.23 MB, 250x170, 1404258362375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7694394

>Redact part of Joseph Fink's email
>Anyone with half a brain can figure out the whole thing.

These people...

>> No.7694400

>Still replying
>Not considering the fact it's the first post of the thread and thus everyone is gonna see it.

>> No.7694401

there will be a thread going as long as there is interested posters and no mods come and tell us to knock it off. if you personally don't like it then hide and report, stop coming in here and throwing your butthurt around.

>> No.7694412

>Underlings such as "16 year old girl with self diagnosed mental disorders that had her pulled out of a regular school and an unstable personality" and "14 year old contracted to beg for art from popular artists" were all working under a set of admins who were the real brains behind Dashcon. There were several other admins not listed here though the others did seemingly nothing and do not matter. Dashcon is owned by Roxanne Schwieterman (20, majors in "hospitality management", intends on professionally planning conventions and weddings, likes A Fault in Our Stars) who was helped by Megan Eli (32, degree in interior design and unemployed, listed herself as a Featured Artist for Dashcon), Cain Hopkins (20, wannabe cosplayer, lives in Ohio but talks with a fake British accent), and Lochlan O' Neil (17, cosplay "model", emotionally unstable, was paid $800 by Roxanne to fly to Dashcon from her home in Denver, CO).

Wtf, this shit was run by kids? I thought it was run by at least people in their late 20's. No wonder if fucking failed. Who in their right mind would let their child do this? Lol the deserved to fail like they did.

>> No.7694427

person who wrote 90% of that article here. thank you <3

>> No.7694432

I'm really NOT upset, I just felt a little self-conscious. I'm not local to this board, and god knows I wouldn't like it if some sort of silly thing went down about... I don't know, camping that everybody wanted to talk about all of a sudden and went and spammed the hell out of /out/, which is also slow. I'm not the first person to suggest that we slow down. Sorry, I suppose.
I should probably take that into account as well. I just didn't expect such a vehement response. I'm not going to report or anything, because it's not against the rules. That would be ridiculous. Like I said, I'm not upset, just trying to be polite.
Sorry for the trouble.

>> No.7694438

Photographer for dashcon just posted pictures
facebookDOTcom SLASH redfoxindy

>> No.7694441
File: 59 KB, 417x625, may.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like

>> No.7694446
File: 42 KB, 515x515, 1397764361059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let me be clear about Dashcon, We worked for them. We had nothing to do with the organization of said event... or the fiasco that followed. We were merely there to capture images of your cosplays and get them on the internet for you! We will still be posting images coming soon so please check those out later this week.

>> No.7694452

>Is it so they feel like they've justified their shameless fucking smut? I don't write shameless gay smut with canine cocks, I wrote an expose on LGBT/minorities/women and their treatment in society! That just so happened to include shameless gay smut with canine cocks and mpreg because wimmin in ficitions are ickies.

That's exactly it.

>> No.7694454

Jesus I got worried when I got to pictures of sick kids like did Dashcon let down sick children???? But that was a separate event this photog worked. Thank god.

>> No.7694466


Can confirm - as someone who reads kinky ABO trash, that is 100% true.

>> No.7694484

>I'm not local to this board

trust me then, you just let the fad threads run their course. if it's truly offtopic and disruptive the mods will see to it. otherwise they'll last 2 weeks tops before everyone gets bored or finds something else. /cgl/ may be slow but making a new thread when the old stops bumping is pretty common practice. we love our horror stories threads and keep them going religiously, it just happens that the entirety of dashcon is a horror story in and of itself so we want to keep track of every little detail 24/7. it'll blow over soon enough.

>> No.7694489

>red fox photography
furry detected

>> No.7694520
File: 137 KB, 1152x768, 10382088_740512482654769_1703541335787425268_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7694534


>trans girl
>hispter girl
>everyone is alone despite being in a (small) group

Tumblr in a single photo, folks.

>> No.7694610

is WTNV worth listening to?

>> No.7694614

Nah, you'd need one more transfolk, one grunge girl, and at least five more demiqueeromantic nan0gendered transethnic landwhales.

>> No.7694617

The weird silliness is nice but the forced relationship plot is cringey. Also all the additional voices they have as guests in the later episodes fucking suck. They all read lines like they're second graders giving speeches to their entire schools.
If you need a lot of something to listen to while you're working on things it's nice filler.

>> No.7694619


It's pretty decent from a kind of spooky weird level as long as you don't mind some slow build up boy love. Plus the Cecil dude has a really fucking soothing voice.

>> No.7694620

It's been aptly described as an /x/-friendly version of the Prairie Home Companion. I listened to the first episode and it was all right. Very comfy, funny at times. I'm not one for podcasts or I would have kept listening, probably.

>> No.7694639


and people think the weird tentacledick the homestucks write is weird

it almost makes the old days of supernatural when fans were mailing dildos and smut fic to the actors was the worst it had gotten

>> No.7694664

Who the fuck watched Supernatural and thought "I wonder if someone in this show has a dog dick"

>> No.7694669


>> No.7694678


Thanks, Dashcon

>> No.7694680

This seem to go a bit beyond just the werewolves though.

>> No.7694684

It probably stemmed from the idea at least.

>> No.7694694

I got to the first two quotes and had to stop. I am so embarrassed for humankind. Who the fuck writes this? Who reads this? Are these people who have actually had sex before? Were they abused as children? I have so many questions.

>> No.7694711

>And the people giving birth to feces-covered babies
Somebody has been reading these threads.

>> No.7694715

>I need to smell your gland"
Okay then

>> No.7694719

I think that is just an obvious conclusion to come to after hearing the baby is birthed from the anus.

>> No.7694722

I don't think I'll be able to watch Sherlock again after this.
and this >>7694220

>> No.7694725

>One Direction knotting fiction
Someone needs to unplug these 12 year old's computers.

>> No.7694728

Boyband fanfiction has been happening for a very long time though.
N-not that I know from personal experience or a-anything...

>> No.7694735

I read once that there is homoerotic shipping about the Bible that is many hundreds of years old.
This is not a new phenomenon.

>> No.7694736

Yes but how often does it involve the boy band members having dog penises and an anal uterus?
Honestly this makes me feel more grossed out than that one Adventure time fanfiction.

>> No.7694738

isn't human evolution amazing
you'll honestly be surprised

>> No.7694757

I read a fic of arthur taking a fat ogre shit on binky's chest. So there's that

>> No.7694768

That sort of thing doesn't bother me since usually it is someone trying to be gross.

>> No.7694774

you misspelled sexy

>> No.7694777

You know perfectly well that out there somewhere, someone is fapping to this.

>> No.7694778

Sorry, I have spelling problems.

>> No.7694779

It's decent for the first 24 episodes. I haven't listened past that yet because Dark Souls 2 keeps distracting me

>> No.7694783
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>> No.7694805


juice from friend of a friend of Megan

>> No.7694807

rest in fucking pieces, finn

>> No.7694817

It's not expensive to set up a scam. About $500 for both things they listed. A mere piss in the ballpit, if you will.

>> No.7694824

So they took female subjugation and made it male fiction so it's ~okay~

>> No.7694831
File: 19 KB, 184x235, 1405325058368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>due to being twelve his weiner etc

I don't get it, my dick was fully grown at 14. Was I an early bloomer?

>mere piss in the ballpit

>> No.7694846
File: 107 KB, 245x138, tumblr_mv8ghmC5qs1rntwkqo4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw there's people actually defending this shit in the comments

>> No.7694851

> mfw I actually read a/b/o
It's weird, but it's not that weird. The universe is pretty fascinating in some fics.

>> No.7694856

>reading fic
Fic was one of my first introductions to sexuality and I can't even look at it seriously or get turned on by it anymore. It's just so ridiculous.

>> No.7694858

Depends on the fandom, I think. I usually trudge through a lot to get to the things I like. Sometimes I read smut and end up laughing half-way through because a corny description ruined the mood. At least I got a laugh?

>> No.7694866

remember back in the good ol days where kinky fanfiction was called lemon and it was pretty much just normal sex?

>> No.7694870

>pretty much just normal sex
r-right, sure.

>> No.7694871


.... which fandom were you in? Things used to be unabashedly kinkier/more fetishy before the sjw police swooped in and tried to make things more PC or have some sort of social agenda. It's part of the reason why I've stopped reading as of late.

>> No.7694876

Inuyasha back in the early 2000's seemed pretty tame and the worst it really got was rape and bondage.

>> No.7694880

Inuyasha had tentacle porn. I remember stumbling upon that distinctively.

>> No.7694885

You weren't looking hard enough, just saying.

>> No.7694895


They had a kink meme, so you weren't looking hard enough.

>> No.7694898
File: 30 KB, 381x205, sweats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty much just normal sex?

Y-yeah, totally.

>> No.7694905

>They had a kink meme
Kink meme wasn't around when I was reading that stuff.
Pretty much just weird Geocities sites and private blogs a bit of Quizilla.

>> No.7694906

I remember a lot of really fucked up ranma lemons from the ancient days. like there was obviously genderbend, beastiality, bdsm, and incest, but also shit like balloon sex and Kuno penetrating Kodachi so hard with is bokken that it was coming out of her throat (and somehow she did not die from this because bizzare ranma porn)

>> No.7694910
File: 19 KB, 369x360, beduffled chabelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty much just normal sex

>> No.7694913

I used to share word documents on floppy drives with stuff my friends found. Sometimes they found, interesting things.

>> No.7694915


The surreal comedy/horror stuff is pretty fun. I'm not sure how to feel about the anniversary and live shows. Cecil rocks, but the additional cast are really hit and miss.

I have to wonder if the Cecil/Carlos stuff was planned from the beginning, or if its something the writers pushed to the forefront the more fans glomped onto it.

>> No.7694918
File: 412 KB, 300x243, nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, and I thought I was into some weird shit, jesus christ. Makes me feel vanilla.

>> No.7694923

Thanks to all the shit that went down at Dashcon, plus the cute cosplayer I posted earlier in this thread, I gave WTNV a listening last week. I enjoyed it; while there were a few moments that were pure fandom bait (as someone warned me before), I still liked the production values and effort put into the show. Also, the weather.

It was probably planned from the beginning, given how Cecil describes Carlos in the very first episode. They might not have meant for them to ever have a relationship, though, given the initial implications that Cecil idolized Carlos while Carlos had more scientific things on his mind. One of those dramatic irony sort of things, you know?

At least, that was the vibe I got from it.

>> No.7694936

It was planned from the start yeah, but they were surprised at how much fans seemed to latch to it. It wasn't supposed to be such a huge focus.

>> No.7694967
File: 338 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8xx6hWIKd1rbzefzo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7694969

Needs more references to Dr. Who & Supernatural. A navy scarf also would have been a better choice.

>> No.7694972

I'll give him credit since it looks like a last minute thing that he threw on top of the titan suit

>> No.7694998
File: 55 KB, 245x200, 564356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god painful memories have just returned to me.
A couple of years ago I was Tumblr famous among a music fandom (not naming who, it's irrelevant).
I'd get spammed with stupid and uncomfortable TUMBLR questions about the band everyday and there was this unstable 14 year old who wanted to roleplay with me as members from said band.
I was jobless at the time, extremely depressed and super bored so I agreed, as retarded as I thought it was.
>Started as drummer (girl) and guitarist (me) from the band, just being bros
>Eventually she moved that to drummer being in love with the guitarist
>Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex (and both of us were virgins at the time so just imagine that)
>They get married
>Drummer gets pregnant
>At this point I start getting super uncomfortable with this awful story this girl has set up for these two musicians
>To give a hint on what band this was, both musicians are like, 70+ years old today
>Drummer gives birth out of the butt and suddenly the guitarist is promoted to home-mom cause his hair used to be long back in the 70s
>At this point I break off all contact because of the retardation of things
>She makes a Tumblr post saying that she is going to kill herself a few days later
>Of course she didn't, but I deleted my tumblr soon after cause people started blaming me for it and getting pissed at me and my blog. Started stealing my art and overall being shit people.
>RP girl sent me a mail about a year ago, adressed to <Guitarist> asking how <he> was doing and letting me know that the baby was ok and that <Drummers> butt still missed <Guitarist>

>at least I got paid to run the blog
Running a tumblr account today is quite hard though, I just can't get myself to post anything on there anymore.

>> No.7695006

This is why I just stick to stalking artists I like

>> No.7695038
File: 628 KB, 488x1000, 1397437012138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know whether to be scared or impressed
i mean i liked some silly sexy shit when i was in a fangirl phase over [probably the same band], but damn wow no. this makes me feel normal.

>> No.7695052

I'm no longer open about my music tastes or really any of my tastes besides anime and video games. Swear to god, music fandoms and real-life tv-shows/movie fandoms are fucking batshit insane.

I've seen some shit anon. I could tell more stories about this girl but it'll wait till we get another terrible-tumblr-people thread.

>> No.7695065

Enjoying weird shit is fine as long as you keep it to yourself, I found. But as soon as you go announcing your fetishes to the Internet non-anonymously you are fucked.

>> No.7695066

Protip: women often take fat ogre shits during childbirth, it has nothing to do with giving birth out of the anus and everything to do with giving the child immunity to bacteria in the most disgusting way imaginable

>> No.7695070

It's not icky girl germs, it's not being attracted to women. As someone who reads smutfics from time to time (albeit not ABO or anything of the sort), I don't like reading fics with girls as one half of a straight relationship simply because it doesn't get me going. Nothing against women otherwise, the female characters are mostly just written horribly (you'd expect better from actual women writers but nah) which is a huge turnoff and I can get straight stories from any movie ever if I want to.

>> No.7695077
File: 45 KB, 500x279, tumblr_m8r46bXW1T1r7ehaz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.7695082

I don't think it's that at all? Like I'm pretty sure it's just that pushing often leads to women accidentally pooping. It's a super common thing.

>> No.7695083

Well yes, but it has its role in the process as well

>> No.7695113

The hipster girl is supposed to be someone from Nigh Vale

>> No.7695119

source or gtfo

>> No.7695130
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>> No.7695134
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>> No.7695205

That photographer is one of the worst I've seen. I like how he has like a professional fb page and everything when he probably just has a cheap DSLR and zero knowledge how to use it outside automatic settings.
Also, is it just me or was everyone at the con really unattractive? I browsed through all of the pictures and found maybe 3 or 4 good-looking people, tops. Everyone else was pimply, greasy, hairy and awkward looking. Ew.

>> No.7695224
File: 62 KB, 228x359, gayas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meg's "published" novel.


>> No.7695225

>When King Leonidas and Queen Annabeth announce the birth of their son, Prince Leopold, they are elated and have nothing but the highest of hopes for the future. However, the young prince has a secret. Upon his eighteenth birthday, when his parents urge him to begin his search for a wife, he admits he prefers princes over princesses. He quickly finds himself locked away in a tower, and word of his 'sudden death' is touted throughout the Kingdom of Moreng. While the whole of the kingdom grieves their loss, his best friend, Amod, refuses to believe tales of the prince's death. With the agony of a long-standing but unspoken love driving him, Amod, along with a quirky search party, sets out on a quest to find and save the prince. The less-than-adept group encounters many challenges, new friends, and more than their fair share of foes on their journey through an ancient yet modern-day world of unicorns, dragons, swords, smart phones, social networks, and high-speed internet. Woven in with all the dangers of such a quest, there are life lessons to be learned and deeper personal truths to be discovered. The story is often as dark as it is lighthearted, with plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing. You'll never know what might happen next, and you may even begin to wonder if love really can conquer all.

>> No.7695242

Oh man, I kinda wanna read the book and see for myself if it is as bad as say 50 shades of gray

>> No.7695246

>Are these people who have actually had sex before?

Not with males.

>> No.7695257

Or with humans.

>> No.7695259

Do their dicks knot tho

>> No.7695308
File: 47 KB, 1095x549, 1405719192185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.7695312

Was it their video that someone else uploaded?

Or were they in the video and got butthurt and are trying to censor history?

>> No.7695320

>brother still loves me and weeb stuff, but can't do it anymore or he'll get stressed and breakdown

>can't do it


>> No.7695449


>> No.7695499

This fucking face will haunt my soul to the grave and beyond, thanks asshole.

>> No.7695513
File: 68 KB, 500x500, tumblr_n8ywc7chXZ1swknuso1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

protip, you can copy the image url and paste it in the image filename dialog and post it without saving it

>> No.7695525
File: 443 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_n8yv15oiKL1temnbfo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7695531

>this autism

>> No.7695547

Oh wow, there's a kickstarter for it

>> No.7695599



Her Facebook

>> No.7695611

> “Welcome to the Zone of Roughly a Dozen Badgers, Two Mushrooms, and a Snake! Enjoy your death!

C'mon be subtle in your meme inclusion

>> No.7695643

So you were getting paid to run a blog for a larger band, and you used the account to roleplay with a fan?

Like, I don't want to blame you or anything, but that kind of sounds like a stupid situation

>> No.7695646

Aww this is really cute! I love Firefly.

>> No.7695648

It sounds like they were just a Big Name Fan, and not official at all.

>> No.7695649

Sounds like your average urban fantasy thing that's kind of masquerading as an adventure story, or verse visa. The fact that the story is ostensibly about the adventure itself but spends no time at all describing the party etc. gives me pause or I'd check it out.

>> No.7695657
File: 205 KB, 306x457, leopold_page[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest you read an excerpt here >>7695547
This picture is also a good indicator of what the quality of the writing is.

>> No.7695659

Their journey had already become much stranger and more treacherous than any of them had anticipated. For inhabitants of enchanted Kingdoms, they weren’t entirely accustomed to creatures with such a high degree of articulation and magical skill, nor were they acclimated to any real level of danger in their more mundane daily lives. Once concerned with their overall lack of street-savviness, none of that seemed to matter anymore. It was blatantly obvious they weren’t in any ordinary forest, and it was going to take creativity and ingenuity to beat the foes they were certain still lay ahead of them.

Eternally grateful to the apparently brilliant Princess, the group moved forward very deliberately. Each of them nervous about what they might face next, they feared it could be even more terrifying and deadly than the badgers, mushrooms, and snake. They were, however, relieved to have survived their first real challenge. With one win under their belts, there was an air of cautious optimism, a genuine hope they might just make it out of the forest alive. If nothing else, they were finally all keenly aware that each member played an important role within their party, and their strength as a group came from trusting one another’s instincts in times of crisis. It stood to reason that any idea, no matter how daft it sounded, should be heard out and considered, and nothing could be written off based on absurdity alone. Normal rules no longer seemed to apply, which would take some time to get used to. Unfortunately, if the Prince were to be saved, time wasn’t a luxury they could afford to spare and had no choice but to process the situation whilst still moving forward.

>> No.7695665

Ah, thanks.
Well, this was underwhelming. Definitely nothing to write home about.
I'm mostly still wondering why the rest of the party that isn't pining for their lost lub is involved in the first place.

>> No.7695669

>those teeth

This a british convention or something?

>> No.7695683
File: 1000 KB, 500x281, Detox making silly face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw people actually backed this for more then 10 dollar

>> No.7695766

>Swear to god, music fandoms and real-life tv-shows/movie fandoms are fucking batshit insane.
I've pleasantly found that if a teenager (or <35 eternal teenager) wouldn't find something cool or hipster ironic-cool, the online fan communities are great. Full of adults who are literate, 99.9% sane, can take criticism of themselves and the media, and can actually discuss things on a higher level than sex. It's great. But everything else, man. Most internet people born after 1975 or so have no concept of sanity or decorum.

>> No.7695870


>> No.7695911

What >>7695648 said. Once I reached 5000+ followers (which was a lot for an unofficial 1-band blog then), I had slowly started to realise that my fandom was full of extremely annoying teenagers. Even the few grown-ups that followed me were insane. I did what any shameless person (and convention) would do and found a way to make money off of people's stupidity. Put some ads up on the blog and started taking art commissions after many requests to do so (despite offering free drawings people were desperate to pay me). Mind you, just so you can tell what a horrible person I was/what shit fans I dealt with, my "art" was traced photos of the band, done in photoshop and I was super open about it.
I wouldn't do it today as I've gotten a lot nicer and don't want to insult actual artists anymore and I no longer find it fair to take advantage of insane fans.

>> No.7695917

>no flower crown

>> No.7695921

Diff anon, sadly this doesn't work on macbooks

>> No.7695923

So I actually didn't think this sounded THAT bad until
>smart phones, social networks, and high-speed internet.
...why? Can this girl literally not imagine a world that doesn't have these things?

>> No.7695925

Have you never heard of "urban fantasy"?

>> No.7695932

I used to be embarrassed about all the DBZ porn I read, now I realize I was actually normal all along

>> No.7695935

I'm more confused that she unironically used the word "quirky".

>> No.7695939
File: 153 KB, 704x396, 024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard from normal sane people that Supernatural is actually a good show, but I've heard so much shit like this I don't think I can't ever bring myself to watch it.
Why can't people just enjoy a show/book/whatever for what it is without projecting all this weird sexual subtext onto it? It's like a personality type; people that do this just move from one "fandom" to another doing the same shit over and over. When does it end?

>> No.7695948

>Why can't people just enjoy a show/book/whatever for what it is without projecting all this weird sexual subtext onto it
I think it's just the fact they're REAL actors that makes it weird. When people do the same thing with anime/book fiction it's not nearly as cringe-inducing.

>> No.7695964

Well, it's not even so much the gross factor, but I feel like I can't find people to talk to about media I like without "zomg who do you ship?" bullshit and retarded memes. It's like nobody cares about the story, it's all arguing about which characters are going to have gay sex first.

>> No.7695976

I enjoy ABO shit but that's only because I have an impregnation kink. (Female impregnation only though, none of that butt babies shit.) Then again, I also enjoy shitty porn, hentai and bizarre doujinshi.

There's lots of weird shit out there. The only thing that bothers me about ABO is that a lot of times they try to turn it into the whole 'I'm oppressed!' story or something. Which would be fine if it weren't so painfully obvious as a stand-in for tumblrina problems, which are the very definition of first world problems.

>> No.7695992

It's fucking sad
I wonder if these people chill out once they get into real relationships or if they're still fapping to John and Sherlock when they have a real D to hop on to.
>It's like a personality type
I never thought of it like that, but you're totally right. They don't seem to ever like anything that doesn't have two "gay" guys in it either.
A lot of this stuff is really good. I love Doctor Who, Sherlock, Free, WTNV and probably some other stuff the fangirls are all over. They're genuinely good stories with interesting characters. I feel like people don't even see that, they watch just looking for exploitable screencaps they can fap to later

>> No.7696077

ABO originated in J2 real person slash (so that 1 J could be dogfucked by the other J instead of the real dog having to do it or something) so I don't know if watching the show is even a necessary part of it.


>> No.7696099

I think a lot of them are like all the Final Fantasy people who've never played the video games, just read summaries and watched a few animation clips on youtube. I personally think that a lot of them just want a low effort fixation to distract them from real life, and so they latch onto whatever unfortunate media hits all their criteria and has a constant flow of hype and fresh content.

>> No.7696104
File: 938 KB, 800x400, 1404353262450.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anything other than mostly fujoshit pandering

>> No.7696182

>it's shit

>> No.7696190

Use Appchan X then it has a link image feature.

>> No.7696207

Make a thread. I want to read

>> No.7696216

> what are tenses
> what is description


>> No.7696229
File: 93 KB, 694x642, 1405792171693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, what did you do to me

>> No.7696243

I didn't notice any tense errors...

>> No.7696244
File: 260 KB, 480x270, 1404315617753.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know you like it

>> No.7696249

It's the way it reads that screws up the tense

>> No.7696254
File: 25 KB, 158x197, 1399726187008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7696277
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, 1405779892704[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7696279

>too many muscle
>not enough hip thrust

>> No.7696282

What are you, a girl ? Don't blush, just shlick it away anon. Geez, that's even the point of this animé.
Being a straight male sure is being privileged : when something's cute/attractive, I just fap the feeling away and I'm done with it.
You ladies and your silly emotions.

>> No.7696284


>> No.7696288

please don't use shlick. use fap. girls can fap, it's called using a clit.

>> No.7696292

You can't really fap with your clit though, unless it's like 2 inches long or something.

>> No.7696296
File: 815 KB, 600x338, 1405815072944[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fussy

>> No.7696298

I'd rather not take advice from a guy who wants to fuck his kid brother.

>> No.7696301
File: 123 KB, 1280x1440, 1405779394622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he so lewd?

>> No.7696302

Fap isn't the motion it's the sound.

>> No.7696305
File: 90 KB, 461x295, tumblr_m86vnkDHcv1rsqusgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when ever Rin opens his mouth this is all I can think about.

>> No.7696307

Schlick is more correct then.

>> No.7696310

Depends on how you do it.

>> No.7696317

stop, it's a gross word. fap doesn't sound gross but schlick definitely does, stop it.

>> No.7696326


>> No.7696330

You pussy.

He's 14. He's not a kid anymore.
I mean -I don't wanna fuck him ! Stop it ! I'm into girls god damn it ! Had he been a girl, I dunno, who knows what might've happened, but he's not !

>> No.7696332 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 332x389, 1405472691166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7696338

>He's 14. He's not a kid anymore.
>not a kid
Spoken like a true homosexual incestual Hebephiliac.

>> No.7696350


I think it's honestly boring once you get into it. It's basically male-female dynamics, but sandwiching more males into it and having some sort of pseudo scientific explanation for it. I don't find it interesting, but then again, I don't find universes built around sex very interesting.

>> No.7696355

>It's basically male-female dynamics, but sandwiching more anal rape into it
Fixed for clarity.

>> No.7696403

>implying blushing isn't code for this makes me moist
Are you fucking retarded? And cute bait, but no one really cares.

>> No.7696411 [DELETED] 

>tfw 24 and just learned this

feels bad being perma virgin.

>> No.7696412

>tfw 24 and just learned this

feels bad being male perma virgin.

>> No.7696416

Okay I think it's safe to say that the Dashcon threads are over at this point

>> No.7696418

Guess we could never hope for 17,000

>> No.7696420

Pretty much until another big release/private page of an admin comes along again.

I really want to see if there was any mega scamming going on.

>> No.7696421

Not even 17 ;_;

>> No.7696425

Well, there's this.. http://www.pjstar.com/article/20090511/News/305119856/?Start=2

ctrl-f Megan

>> No.7696426

Thread is still getting lots of posts...

>> No.7696429


>> No.7696433

Wait, what?

>> No.7696435


>> No.7696437

I was hoping for 17 too you guys ;-;

Let's be honest, they basically have nothing to do with Dashcon and this is like a containment thread where people can talk about weird ass fandom shit

According to this Megan filed for bankruptcy then? Is there a way to find out when?

>> No.7696438

It's okay, anon. Being a wizard is fine, too. 2D will always be there for you.

>> No.7696446

>Let's be honest, they basically have nothing to do with Dashcon and this is like a containment thread where people can talk about weird ass fandom shit

Who cares? If a thread gets people talking, it's good.

>> No.7696452

not if it's about mpreg and /ss/. there are other boards for that.

>> No.7696458
File: 404 KB, 756x733, 3d23b2ac881074696082d0dadf98010a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a cross boarder or something?

>> No.7696464

>Kevin M. Ethridge and Megan L. Eli, 705 W. Eleanor Place, Peoria; (h) IT specialist, Robert Cottingham Property Management, (w) unemployed; liabilities $233,657; assets $92,150.
This is her? I don't typically read the "bankruptcies" section of newspapers.

>> No.7696467


>> No.7696470

I hope so.

I've had two women interested in me, but eventually give up because lolmentallillness.

So...what's so scandalous about megan filing bankruptcy?

>> No.7696475

No 17,000 refunds now.

>> No.7696477

How the fuck a bitch gonna start a business and be bankrupt like a mother fucka.

>> No.7696478


But she has enough free time to do dashcon?

Bankruptcy is expensive. She could have easily used that to file.

Oh, forgot she was the sole bitch in this.

>> No.7696484

Her and some child. She dun goof'd.

>> No.7696507
File: 328 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8zl5qZz3V1sherypo4_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is getting silly

>> No.7696510

Who would want to marry megan?

>> No.7696522

We could hope for the rest of that interview Hythe did to get released.

>> No.7696524


>> No.7696538 [DELETED] 



Furries, Bronies, and weaboos can run functioning cons

but tumblr can't?

explain that shit

cross-posting from /sp/ because they were making jokes about tumblr sponsoring nascar

for the record: i am a fursuiter

>> No.7696539 [DELETED] 


because most furry cons, anime cons, and brony cons are run by people who know how to run a business.

dashcon was hastily organized

>> No.7696543



Furries, Bronies, and weaboos can run functioning cons

but tumblr can't?

explain that shit

>> No.7696544

I don't know about furry cons but I am pretty sure anime cons have had some bad runs and Bronies had that whole attempted murder thing.

>> No.7696549


True, but that is over the course of dozens if not hundreds of cons. (Unicon excepted which was maybe 20% less of a clusterfuck than Dashcon.)

Dashcon managed to concentrate pretty much every imaginable failure into one small con.

>> No.7696550


it's just an observation, you rarely hear of this kind of shit from anime and comic conventions or furry cons

this is the first time in a long time that i heard of oganizers failing to plan ahead

>> No.7696551

Wasnt there a failed brony con that people compare dashcon too? But the big reason is that no one who organized the con had any experience with conventions. The only one who claimed experience lied through her teeth about it.

>> No.7696553

There's also the recent Minecraft con

>> No.7696554


that was unicon somewhere in arizona, yeah, good comparrison, she had no job, and no way to fund it either.

>> No.7696556

Las Pegasus Unicon.

Meeting of the Mines Florida.

>> No.7696558

At least dashcon didn't try to feed the WTNV crew things they are deathly allergic to.

>> No.7696560


is WNTV a tv crew that covered it or the name of the hotel?

>> No.7696571


okay i'm dumb

was the name of a band they booked but they quit after dashcon refused to pay for their hotel rooms

>> No.7696572


WTNV = Welcome to Night Vale. Their main draw, who pulled out when they weren't paid.

>> No.7696576

It's more like an internet radio story.

>> No.7696589

>Bronies had that whole attempted murder thing.
That was Bullshit. It was just a tale made up by someone with an axe against Purple Tinker

>> No.7696606

It was in 2009, check the date in the URL

>> No.7696771
File: 3 KB, 279x237, 1390530528691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didnt see it in thread, does anyone have the link to the dashcon video an anon made?

>> No.7696778

just search dashcon on youtube and you'll probably find it

>> No.7696792

How did you know?

>> No.7696796

What is /ss/ anyway?

>> No.7696802

Straight shota

>> No.7696806

That sounds a lot better then non-straight shota or loli.

Is there a board for that?

>> No.7696820

Google it

>> No.7696842

I get Nazi stormfag bullshit

>> No.7696854

google harder

>> No.7696866

Did you even really try?

>> No.7696914

Ditto, it sounded like something I would've read when I was like 13 until that, and that very linear the description dropped the book even below awkward emo preteen me's standards.

>> No.7696916

*line of the

Not linear, fucking iPhones man.

>> No.7696939

...you'll have to be more specific

>> No.7696944

Congratulations, you just moved up to 2nd place for Most Unnecessary General!

>> No.7697110
File: 735 KB, 1186x1902, Ball pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /cgl/. /sci/ here.
I'm a bit late in this shit, but I did some searches about the infamous ball pit, and thought I would share. It can be useful for the 4con...

>> No.7697182

Which con did that?

>> No.7697216

How many cosplays can one ball pit inspire

>> No.7697439
File: 38 KB, 250x335, 1405280070575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone a bigger pic of this guy? There were some in the first threads but I goofed up.

>> No.7697606


>> No.7697640
File: 25 KB, 420x213, alcoholic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Largest google could find.

>> No.7697688

Are there caps of WTNV responding to the official dashcon statement? I've heard the were not pleased with their emails being leaked but anything else?

>> No.7697785

>almost half of her work marked explicit

>> No.7697975

Seconding, I haven't seen this either.

>> No.7698118

goodbye /cgl/, it was a fun week