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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7669424 No.7669424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Totally feeling the post con blues. Time to plan for the next one! Who's going? Are you cosplaying?Should we have a meet up? Any ideas on how to identify other seagulls?

>> No.7669431

Seagull pool party Thursday 8pm do it faggots

>> No.7669443

85% chance of going. Just need to make some cash for the hotel.

What can we realistically expect from this first year con?

>> No.7669447

Party party party. ALA 2.0

>> No.7669466

I can dig it

>> No.7669538

totally going. gonna drink and party. CA can always use another party con. as far as a first year con, could be worse.

>> No.7669812

Just registered last night but how does one find roomies? AX was my first con but I only went one day and obviously had no need for a room.

>> No.7669958
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>unlimited free ramen

>> No.7670485

I wonder if they are really prepared for the crowd

>> No.7670503

They're saying they expect around 5000 people but are ready to adjust from only 1000 people and up to 9000.

But we'll see.

>> No.7670568

Sounds like people are going just for the potential partycon it may be

>> No.7670601

I bet it's gonna be a party con where people get smashed and don't go to panels, just bang each other all day errday. I mean who actually cares about English dub VA's?

Might go but ehhh

>> No.7670710

You should go anon! We need you there!

>> No.7670905
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Time too sneak in copious amounts of alcohol and get all the cosplayers and weebs drunk then get kicked out again

Just look out for the autistic Guatemalan if you want some free booze

>> No.7670910

I'll hold you to that

>> No.7671009
File: 462 KB, 1920x1080, YO-YO BRO!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of going through with the whole two 2 liter bottles full off vodka again
Might just mix one up with Jameson and Coke
Fuck bringing in beer again, fucking bottles and spilled beer everywhere too.

Chugged a couple of beer with some hairy nudisto beach guy
Shit was hilarious

>> No.7671013

Are you really Guatemalan? You could pass for some type of Asian.

>> No.7671021

when I get drunk I turn into a Filipino apparently

>> No.7671064

Oh snap, dude I'm the finn in that picture! We're definitely heading out to Anime CA. Not gonna lie, I do not remember taking that picture. HAHAHA

>> No.7671183

Yo, I saw you at the con, down to party, need a room. Wassup?

>> No.7671527

Eh fuck that

>> No.7671598

Can we wear inconspicuous seagull pins? I have a table at artist alley and I'd give out freebies if you flashed me a seagull pin.

>> No.7671614

I am thinking that I will go. I will get the trips together for a meetup, anons come out too.

>> No.7671683
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Gutegz is that you??

>> No.7672564
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I doubt I'll get a room for AC, ALA for sure.

I missed the cgl meetup

>> No.7672656

Maybe, maybe not. Depends on if a trip to Arizona is happening and if it is then fuck this noise!!

>> No.7672906

They just tweeted that they hit 900 registrations

>> No.7672918

Still thinking about it but I'm leaning more towards going every day. Fucking post-con depression, shit. Also the other guy who replied was not me.
I met you at the cgl meetup at AX, I'm the Houka who was walking around. iirc, you were talking about how you hung out with one of the guys responsible for megaman and you later hung around a dude who had a color-changing sword. One of the guys has my number, I think.

>> No.7672954

That was decade. I did go around introducing myself and recall talking to you.

>> No.7674432

I am willing to room up. Anime Expo was my first as well.

>> No.7674472



Just a couple of months ago they were touting an expected attendance of 5000 people, then they quietly changed their numbers down to 4000, and now they're only at 900 registrations a month before the con?

i still want to go, but this is going to be a VERY small event.

>> No.7674480

I'm not complaining. After linecon that was AX I can do with not standing around for hours

>> No.7674485


All you first timers were the reason that AX hit capacity this year. Was there any specific reason you all decided to come this year as opposed to all the years before that? I've been going since 2005 and this was the first year that i was legit scared that AX was too crowded for it's own good.

>> No.7674506

For me it was Yamakan and after wanting to go for quite a while, I finally had a job, vehicle, and I was planing to go last year, but I had been in a severe accident and had a pump on my arm that had to be charged every 5-8 hours.

>> No.7674508

>inconspicuous seagull pins

That actually doesn't sound too bad, I'd be happy to make a couple and hand them out.

>> No.7674531

Maybe have a seagull on you table and those who recognize it can say something.

>> No.7674561


Cute! I just got an idea for that. I wonder how many seagulls are staying all weekend. If the con turns out to be less than we expected, I'd hate to have wasted my money on a weekend badge and have nothing to do.

>> No.7674593


Hmm, well it was definitely KLK for me. I only recently got into anime and when I found out that Anime Expo was going to have the KLK event I just had to go.

>> No.7674594

I have seen a couple here saying they are 'almost' certain they will be going. I am going to see how it will turn out and I don't live that far from there, just a 30 minute drive.

>> No.7675791

In the end, I didn't take my DJ equipment to AX. Fast forward to Day 3 and I saw a guy with a Mixtrack Express mixing tunes and all I remembered was AX staff sending me a message to not bring anything because "it wasn't allowed."

If I can bring tunes to Anime Cali, I'll swing more towards going.
>tfw went to DJ Meet&Greet at AX Day 1
>some of the guys talking smack about hardcore
>fast-forward to AX dance
>Mainstream EDM and the amount of anisongs can be counted with one hand
Man fuck that, what does it take to change this?
You guys were a pretty cool bunch, it was a pleasure meeting you guys. Apologies for not remembering your names well, though. It got really hectic at that time for me and my group, as I had to keep track of peoples' phones running out of battery.

>> No.7676300

My sister begged me to take her to meet her Tumblr friends. I ended up being more into it than her once I ditched her and went to some panels though I couldn't make it to many unfortunately.

Sweet. Spam email posted.

>> No.7676911

Do you Endymion, Art of Fighters, and Neopyhte harcore?

>> No.7676918

Alright, just emailed you.

>> No.7676929

How long until all the rooms get booked?

>> No.7676981

Gabba and Hardstyle is good too, but I'm mostly into Japanese indie scene, like RoughSketch, Massive New Krew, USAO. I also like J/UK-Hardcore like DJ Shimamura, kors k, Redalice, Noriken, etc.

If you know Hardcore Synergy in the midwest, my taste is like that.

>> No.7677117

Ah man, I like you. And sorry to ask this, but besides those that you mentioned, would you mind suggesting some other indie artist? I am alway looking for new things.

>> No.7677198

Right now my current flavor is you (ForYouSound) hurce, Moro, 3R2, DJ Myosuke. (J-Core, Makina, Nu-Gabba, UK-Hardcore, Gabba/Hardstyle, respectively.)

Old time favorites are Alabaster, M-Project, Technetium.

I'm not a professional DJ, but I really want to expose japanese hardcore original and remix music.

>> No.7677208

should I staff?

>> No.7677251

So what are the worst case scenarios that can happen here and how do you plan on dealing with them if they do happen?

>> No.7677779

Go for it, seems like it could be fun for this con.

>> No.7677922

Thanks for the suggestion and wow, Japanese Hardcore, I didn't know that was a thing. I will certainly be checking that out.

>> No.7679046

Just bought my pass for the weekend! A couple of friends convinced me to go, and so far it's looking pretty sweet. Kinda like a mini ALA. Is there a pool?

>> No.7679495

Seeing that Dashcon thread has me worried for this con

>> No.7679506

This seems to be run by competent people at least. They aren't from tumblr, they have that going for them at least.

>> No.7680553

Still, I will have that worry in the back of my head until I actually see it for myself.

At least Downtown Disney is only a shuttle away

>> No.7682283

Anyone book their room yet?

>> No.7683521


I got my pass, but no room unfortunately. i'm hoping i can bump into a fellow seagull and throw money at them to let me stay in their room.

>> No.7683569

So is AC related to the failed AM2 at all? I generally do artist alleys at cons and all my AA friends are skipping out on AC because all of them are convinced that it's run by the same people that ran AM2 a couple of years ago.

>> No.7683757


No, it's completely different people. There was an AC thread months ago that outlined everything about the con, from the "ceo" to the free ramen. It's a legit new con by new people.

>> No.7683826

Email if you are still interested. Another Seagull and I are getting a room and are looking for more people.

>> No.7685167

How many people are you looking to room with? I'm still contemplating on whether I should go or not since it's my first con that I'll be venturing out solo.

>> No.7685211

4 people would probably be ideal. That's the amount they technically allow per room and each person would be paying about $50 for two nights.

>> No.7685552


We've had a lot more than 4 people in a room for AX. They never check anyways, much less at a smaller con i think.

>> No.7685562

I'd be willing to room. I'm still figuring out whether this con is worth attending to or not.

>> No.7686060

As >>7685211 we are looking at 2 more guest. The basic room goes for 109+tax, so it would be around 218+tax for the two nights and between 4 that would roughly put it at 50 per person.

>> No.7686316

Hey guys CEO Jeff here for AC. If you have any questions or concerns about us feel free to ask (verify me here www.twitter.com/FavionCast). I know there's concern from the whole dashcon and am2 deal, but hopefully you guys aren't scared off by that. They were both run poorly and mishandled.

Also thanks for the pictures of who to look for when I see minors drunk! :P

>> No.7686363

Will we be getting a ballpit?

>> No.7686368

Who /staff/ here?

Safety master race reporting

>> No.7686375

I don't know how to reply to a post... Fail.

Maybe, I might have to raise 17 grand first. Those things are expensive.

>> No.7686382

You reply to someone by clicking on their post number.

When do you expect the program schedule to be up?

>> No.7686385

Safety first son!

>> No.7686398

Thanks. It was supposed to go up yesterday, but it should be finalized and posted tonight or tomorrow morning along with masquerade judges and rules.

>> No.7686402


It's ok to have a tripcode if you're a known person, jeff. It's nice to know that con staff actually lurks here.

i'm hoping the AA tables turn out to be a good thing, i want to see who ended up buying tables.

>> No.7686417

Sorry I'm super new to 4chan, I have no idea what that means. I googled it and it said something about a password for identity. But yeah our AA sold out really quickly, I'm excited to show off our list!

>> No.7686420

Y-y-you safety too?

>> No.7686422

You should get a trip since we can know who you really are. Also, a little Q/A would be nice. People might be iffy about AC, partly because of the dashcon fiasco (unfortunately) and having you here to answer any question might quell some peoples doubt. Either way, can wait to see AC.

>> No.7686426

Yeah son, lets be safe together!

>> No.7686508

Does the hotel have a closing time for their rooms where events are held? Will there be any 3am anime screenings where only 5 people are there?

>> No.7686560

If you guys know how to get one I'm down :). I'd be totally willing to do a Q&A, I usually do one when I stream too on Twitch and do giveaways for badges.

>> No.7686574
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I am on mobile, but hope this helps.

>> No.7686583

Some unasked-for advice for you is to refrain from using smilies. It's rather frowned upon since it's indicative of a younger, still-on-an-anime-hugbox-forum crowd that hasn't learned how to properly express themselves.
Let your words do the talking.

>> No.7686646

Understood my bad.

>> No.7686735

When are people who sent in press emails going to get a response? I know a few people who have sent them in and haven't heard anything since sending them last month.

>> No.7686808

How much people will get registered by then? I assume it will be at least 2k.

>> No.7686944
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I'd drink with jeff irl

>> No.7686963

We'll all drink at AC

That's probably what I'll be doing

>> No.7686978

That fucking fur suit in the back.

>> No.7687033

Watch out it has lustful eyes it might pop out and get you.

>> No.7687116

Don't scare me like that man. You will give me nightmares.

>> No.7687131

Do you guys already know each other or are you guys seagulls as well?

>> No.7687238

Just two seagulls.

>> No.7687559

I'm working in them tonight and tomorrow, I have a lot to go through I'm going to attempt to streamline the process a bit more, I know it's frustrating sorry.

Realistic expectations at this point are around 2.5k for the weekend currently. Honestly I'm happy with that number, more than that we would start feeling like sardines in that hotel.

>> No.7688520

I have the money and time to go but I would like to get someone to room with me just for getting a cheaper room. Probably gonna cosplay as Swole-doka again or Rei from Free!

>tfw look exactly like you only taller
>also Guatemalan
Holy shit are you me.

>> No.7688561

We are looking for people to room, email if interested.

>> No.7690153
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Oye voz!
Who'd you cosplay for AX?

>> No.7690213

Gualtematecos also say "voz"?

>> No.7690324

Saved, I'll e-mail you in about a week once I have money saved up.

The Boulder!

No idea. I know people straight from the country call each other chapin or something.

>> No.7690381
File: 1.36 MB, 2560x1920, CAM00104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the vos/vosotros is used alot in Spain but also in some parts of Central America
I sorta picked it up due to my family always saying that shit.

Damn you must be a big ass nigga
>tfw no weeb chapin friend to eat comida guatemalteca with

>> No.7690399

I'm kind of torn between going here and Japan Expo.

How are smaller conventions like this for going solo?
One of the things I don't like about larger conventions is that I have trouble making conversation, because my voice is too soft.
Usually end up repeating myself three times, then thinking 'fuck it,' shouting 'nice cosplay,' and walking away.

>> No.7690406
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>Damn you must be a big ass nigga
I can always get bigger.

Body dysmorphia is a hell of a thing to have. Also I'm pretty sure there's a picture or two me floating around somewhere.

>tfw no friends at all
>went by myself
>bought way too much shit

I go by myself most of the time. It's nice, no one whining about not wanting to go to this/that panel, no one bitching about the heat, etc. My voice is pretty soft too for my body, so I don't really talk much to people.

>> No.7690418

I'm going to AC by myself. Hoping to loosen up and actually converse with strangers this time. It was impossible to do that at AX for many reasons.

>> No.7690438

Any cute gay guys going and want to cosplay with me?

>> No.7690528
File: 1.39 MB, 1456x2592, WP_20140703_038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em nigga

Lets be friends and get drunk and get chased around by Jeff while he scolds us for drinking in the con
I didnt buy shit at AX, I usually never do.
I wanted to buy an onahole but eh

>> No.7690585

buy it in the comfort of your own home
/jp/ be all up in that shit

>> No.7691517

Do that your house amigo. Go to /jp/for some quality shit man.

>> No.7691837

What do you guys think about our masq judges? http://animecalifornia.com/cosplay

>> No.7691843

Dustbunny a cutie and Geo is pretty good looking.

>> No.7692126

Will this be a party con considering the location? Mini 2.0 ALA perhaps or will it just be a shitfest?

I have the money to go. I'm just deciding whether it's actually worth my time.

>> No.7692158

Is ALA a party con? Never been to it.

>> No.7692165


Considering all these posts in the thread, i highly think so. Imagine ALA like back when it was only 2k people. Awesome times. The multiple pools is what is going to let all the bikini cosplays be acceptable.


>> No.7692170


ALA is basically /cgl/con. You must be new here.

>> No.7692897
File: 110 KB, 269x271, NANI?!?!?!?!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post em nigga
>they never e-mailed me the pictures and I never got the girls names
Th-Thanks autism.

Look for the guy who looks like you with red glasses at AC then. :^)

>> No.7693019

Who gonna be up at 2am looking out their window with drink in hand here?

>> No.7693063

Convince me to go guys ;_;

This would be my first con that I'd be attending solo but usually it's more fun if you cosplay. Sadly, I don't have the budget to do that. So far I'd know I'd just drink some liquor and take some pictures of the cosplayers but aside from that I wouldn't know what to do by myself.

>> No.7693424

Make your own mind, you aren't little babby anymore.
However, I will give you my experience. I went to my first con alone, friend got sick couldn't go. No matter, I will make the best of it. I got there and realized that I can do what I want, stop and take pictures of who ever I wanted to, and in the end I wasn't alone. I always ended meeting people at the panels and hanging out with them for a bit. It is fun as long as you aren't boring.

>> No.7694324
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I'll keep an eye out man

>> No.7694356


Were you with the Kuroko group that was having way too much fun (and possibly inebriated) in the concourse?

I was so jealous.

>> No.7694371
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yeah, you shoulda joined in man
We coulda gotten drunk together and taken pictures with all the cosplayers
I was pretty fucked up at that point though, I couldn't even stand straight lol

>> No.7694375

Large groups of people are intimidating ;_;
+ there were so many cute guys there~

>> No.7694381
File: 110 KB, 960x720, yo god, like real talk right now, would you fuck a loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I missed out on the chance to get drunk with a spaghetti gay guy at AX
Man, that woulda been fun as fuck

>> No.7694550

Spaghetti gay guy and cute Asian Kuroko cosplayers are now what I'm most looking forward to at AC, thanks.

>> No.7694580
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I-I'm not gay tho
I only like traps

>guaranteed replies

>> No.7694730

Wow, maybe if I stop eating protein I'll be able to hemorrhage my gainz and become a cute trap in time for AC.

>> No.7695032

Can a Mexican join you Gualtematecos?

>> No.7696336

anon pls you're beautiful just the way you are

The more the merrier

>> No.7696833
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Looks like there are some new additions to the site

>> No.7696835
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>> No.7697174

I guess I'll end up going if my cosplay materials end up shipping in time.

>> No.7697624


I still don't have enough money for a room! Just one more work week and i'll have enough for me and a friend. Will hotel rooms still be available by next week???

>> No.7697706

tabletop gaming? now im sort of interested. itll probably just be a bunch of fags playing magic but maybe somebody will play squad leader with me.

>> No.7697718

What is that?

>> No.7697766

Mate, book now, they won't charge you until you show up at the hotel.

>> No.7697967
File: 2.48 MB, 3264x2448, 041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autism. generally played on a platoon (3-5 squads) level its a ww2 wargame using little square cutouts with stats on them like weapon range, firepower, morale, carrying capacity and other things. I was introduced to it by a bunch of guys who played it since it first existed and whose names are in half the books as testers and they play it on a regimental level which is closer to a hundred squads or more. this is a pic of a game we played. its really in depth but it can be a lot of fun if you know the rules. those counters on the top are all tanks that are niggering, and that is the actual term for it, along the edge of the board to avoid AT fire from some pak 40's. most of the stuff in the center is infantry clustered in buildings waiting for the smoke from artillery to clear so they gun down any invaders at close range.

>> No.7698094

>Our formal dance will give you the chance to make new friends, waltz together, and have fun in this extraordinary social gathering. Anime and video game waltzes and other slower (and perhaps a few faster) dances give you a chance to meet people, dance together, and have fun while wearing your best formal outfit. Dress code requires a minimum of "business casual": no jeans, no ripped things, no shorts, no crocs, no horseheads, you get the idea. Formal cosplays are okay, for example formal Sebastian.

>> No.7698115

Yeah, this sounds terrible.

>> No.7698154

is a maid uniform considered formal? I want to show up as a maid with a unicorn head

>> No.7698158

formal Gaston, here I come

>> No.7698159

Only if I can call you "m'lady" and ask you for a dance

>> No.7698230


Cringe worthy I know, I'm sorry. This was a filler our web guy threw into the event page that was never removed or changed. We might not even have a formal dance.

>> No.7698247

>We might not even have a formal dance.

But how am I supposed to court ladies with my supreme gentlemen ways now?

>> No.7698251

You can be my supreme gentleman any day, anon~

>> No.7698259

M'lady, I...

>> No.7698278

For you anon, I will try to plan one. Also, the maps are going to be updated soon guys. MOST of it's correct, but we're fixing up some stuff. Nothing too major, just my office and etc.

>> No.7698284
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So at what time will the con be closing?

>> No.7698333

ive actually had a lot of fun at one of these before. i took waltzing lessons in college so i can actually dance pretty well and it was fun to impress some girls who either never dance or have only twerked or some bullshit. great place to pick up chicks.

>> No.7698363

2 AM is current plan with the dances. We -might- be keeping game rooms open 24 hours, but this is a really big might.

>> No.7698408

24 hour game rooms are the best. Most fun I ever have at a lot of cons is playing soul calibur or some armored core till the rest of the con starts up again and then going shopping with my new friends. If the game room isn't open 24 hours you'll have people who are bored and don't know what the fuck to do at night since they're alone.

>> No.7698420

Is anything planned for people going solo to meet other people going solo?

Approaching groups of people is awkward, and I'm always iffy about conversing with people after taking their picture, in case they were on their way to a panel or event or something.

>> No.7698421

I'll see you at the bar

I'll be the guy who is alone

>> No.7698494

lonely alone people at the bar meetup when?

>> No.7698499

all day err day

>> No.7698500

it makes me sad because its true.

>> No.7698532

Come fine me at my office. Just come say hi and I'll do my best to help you find some people to hangout with. If anything, I think the best way to make new friends at anime cons is just by volunteering at the con.

>> No.7698545

Nothing wrong with drowning the loneliness with dark alcohol

>> No.7698617
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Jeff, If I were to buy you a drink would you drink with me?
I've always wanted to get drunk with a weeb CEO

>> No.7698626


Didn't he used to post on /soc/

>> No.7698675

Once I have my hotel room sorted out I will put up a facebook event for a cgl meetup. Only the local crew is going to this con, so it will be easier to hang out etc.

>> No.7698802

Would it be weird for a new person to join the meetup?

>> No.7698825

No, it happens all the time. I was anon once too

>> No.7698844
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Dunno man
rarely post on /soc/ but I sorta known of there from their tc's

Yo Dr. Scientist, do you guys get really drunk at the meetups or is it just a sober meetup?
I don't wanna be the drunk guy coming up to you guys with a bottle of jameson and telling you guys to take shots with me
Though thats what ill probs do

>> No.7698856

Just booked a room for the weekend. I wonder how early I'll be able to show up on Friday.

Just waiting on that seagull meet up now.

>> No.7698862

What's everyone bringing with them to the con?

>> No.7698874

We try to be at least a little discrete, getting kicked out of the venue is no fun.
p.s. we all have flasks
Usually its at 9pm, I will consult the bird council to see if most ppl are free then.

>> No.7698928
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Well yeah, I'm not gonna charge in there with a bottle of jameson out in the open, I'll at least hide it.
What i was meaning to ask was if the seagull crew is down to drink basically, like get fucked up and stuff, assuming everyone is crashing at the hotel or nearby
I don't want anyone drinking and driving

>> No.7699511

Wow, not going to lie, that seems really fun. Kind of like a cooler Risk. Wouldn't mind learning to play this game.

>> No.7699514

Pretty sure most here are.

>> No.7700418

I just reserved rooms, but I'm splitting the bill.
Bad idea?

>> No.7700450

As long as you trust the other person. If you aren't sure, don't split it. Find someone here. Anon tends to be a chill person to room with.

>> No.7700461
File: 2.88 MB, 2448x3264, Fanime 2012 Before.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to cgl.

>> No.7700500


>> No.7700544

You gonna share at AC?

>> No.7700586


>and not a single qt3.14 grill is going to show up anyways.

>> No.7700606

If I only go 2 days what days should I go?
Are most of you sticking all 3 days?

>> No.7700619

Checking in on Friday
Checking out on Monday

>> No.7700658


arriving friday morning to set up table.
leaving sunday night.

>> No.7700896

Are you artist alley anon?

>> No.7700898

Checking in on thursday, checking out Sunday.

>> No.7700949


Yep, no information has been sent so far though and it's a month until the con. It's getting kind of nerve wracking to be honest.

>> No.7701038

Email Jeff again if you already have. Being completely honest, I really want to buy something from anon, so I hope you get a response.

>> No.7701248

It's two people for now. I'd be willing to split it with 2 others max, and I can trust Anon as long as they don't make fun of me for being a pleb. at cons.

>> No.7701798

Cute Asian pleb~?

>> No.7701936

What are your check in and check out dares?

>> No.7702110

check in is the 22nd, check out is the 24.

>> No.7702370

What was the total you will have to pay?

>> No.7702384

218 total, so 54.5$ each for four people and 72.5$ if there's three.

>> No.7702442

Wow, that is pretty cheap, if I can find others, I will get one.

>> No.7702808


you obviously have never booked a hotel before. the actual total for 2 nights PLUS taxes is $255.

>> No.7704316

You are correct.

>> No.7704439


Officially one month before the con and almost no information is out on the event.

I'm kinda getting worried here.

>> No.7705925


Just went to check out the hotel today since I live nearby! I think it'll be alright. I can't imagine the logistics of having thousands of sweaty people walking around the place, but i'm sure the con staff will have it all figured out.

>> No.7706795

Have a room, looking for 3 more, max 5

>> No.7709454

Halp we're sinking

>> No.7709470


>> No.7710108

Did the registration count hit 2k yet?

>> No.7710119
File: 99 KB, 900x600, 1329801576294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LoL-inspired maid cafe gets denied because of the hotel
It begins

>> No.7710129

Their twitter says otherwise

>> No.7710229

Bad feeling already, fuck I really wanted to go to the cafe, fuck you Jeff.

>> No.7710237

Where are you guys hearing that the cafe is cancelled?

>> No.7710683

They said so on their facebook.

>> No.7710745

Good because it was a godawful idea.

>> No.7710933


I don't see anything on their facebook, and their twitter says it's not cancelled as of 14 hours ago.

>> No.7710966
File: 251 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a sticky, open you eyes man.

>> No.7710969
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>> No.7710973


word on the net is that the hotel didn't like the idea of the event and said it had to go or no con.

>> No.7710981

It would make sense seeing what the Cafe said and what Jeff posted.

>> No.7714019


>> No.7714158
File: 929 KB, 264x320, 1392317114670.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just got an email about artist alley. It just said to wait for more information in the coming weeks. The con starts in 4 weeks though, soooooooo, I have no idea what they're planning.

Are they going to require/enforce sellers permits?

Are they going to require/enforce black-grey-market item bans?

Will there be electricity? WiFi? Table skirting?

I need to know these things now!

>> No.7714304

>Are they going to require/enforce black-grey-market item bans?

I was hoping they wouldn't bring this up. Not that I'm selling anything that would be considered illegal. I just don't want to be bothered by the "hey your art looks too much like the actual source material" thing. It sells a LOT more than the more typical fanart stuff.

>> No.7715012

This is starting to seem sketchy as hell. Here hoping we don't have another Dash Con

>> No.7715172


New Thread!
>more official and shit.