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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7679986 No.7679986 [Reply] [Original]

Last one autosaging

>> No.7680005

youtube lolitas. What are you looking for in their videos? What are some good ones? What are the bed ones?

>> No.7680013

Can anyone tell me how the quality of Moitie's blouses is? Compared to like Innocent World?

>> No.7680014

Any good binding tips? I've taken other advice but it just ended up leaving huge bruises over my chest and it was hard to breathe.

>> No.7680015

Oh good, I'm just going to repeat my question from the other thread.

Printed tights with printed dresses: how do you pull off this look without being too busy?

>> No.7680022

You don't / one of them has a very subtle print.

Like chocolate dresses with chocolate print tights, the tights are typically more subtle / less detailed than the dress.

>> No.7680026


My favourite.

>> No.7680033

Cleaner patterns. Or things with more space, rather than tightly clustered patterns. Like say you have a rose pattern. If there's less than three fingers between one rose and another, it's gonna look busy.

>> No.7680035

I hate over self-promotion, a little is good. Also content whether it be hauls, unboxing, wardrobes, or new releases. I hate "lolita" videos that have more unrelated content than related.

>> No.7680040

This. If the dress print is very noticeable/vivid, go with sheer tights with maybe a slight pattern, hardly even a print at all. If you want to wear more noticeable printed tights, I'd say they're really only workable with a very subtle jacquard print.

>> No.7680132

I've followed off and on, but I'm not sure if I can take the entire plunge all at once and spend that much cash to look bad. I know 'casual' lolita is a thing, which looks much dressed down, are there any brands which cater to that look?

>> No.7680146

Emily Temple Cute and Milk caters for casual lolita or just otome pieces. If you are into sweet AP has lots of casual items, but some look more fairy kei than lolita.

>> No.7680177

Sorry if this is dumb or on their site, but does Closet Child send out packages pretty quickly? I know they use EMS shipping.

>> No.7680200

In my experience, they have sent packages out within a day or two of receiving payment

>> No.7680246
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Just make sure it matches.

>> No.7680344
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Poor children.

>> No.7680370

Buy a good binder. It sounds like your wrapping your chest or something, which can really hurt you and damage your ribs. Buy an elastic, expensive if you like, actual binder. You'll be better for it.

>> No.7680373

I couldnt find the craft thread, if there is one. I didn't want to make a new one. I was wondering if knitted wristcuffs are..okay? I havent really seen any and I thought about making some, but I want to make sure they work first.

>> No.7680377

Where can you buy one that doesn't require a shopping service?

>> No.7680396

A binder isnt really a lolita thing. Transgender people wear them all the time. I suggest you find one specifically for transgenders, just make sure you dont get one too small, or it will damage your ribs. I don't wear binders, but I found these websites:

>> No.7680415

Made me lol, and I find pretty much every lolita's attempt at "funny" to be fucking stupid. Kudos to this chick for not being an unfunny bitch (cough secret life of the lolita cough).

>> No.7680588


Holy fuck that was amazing. I loved her song at the end.

>> No.7680606

Yeah, I'm really looking forward to more videos from her, too.

>> No.7680844

Girl on Sunday's video linked on the last Lolita General made me wish that the wardrobe theme on EGL will come around soon. January cannot come fast enough. Her video made me also want to ask: How many Lolita items is too much? I recently got into the fashion so I don't have many pieces but I wondered if I'd ever get to the point where I would be mortified with myself.

>> No.7680865

I think it'd be cute/workable if they weren't the only knitted thing in your outfit. Like if you made a matching beret or something.

>> No.7680947


>> No.7680955

Suggestions for petticoats for longer dresses?

>> No.7680978

Ive seen some ankle, just above ankle ones on taobao. They were under 50$

>> No.7681220


>> No.7682111
File: 2.09 MB, 2382x2146, Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 3.09.29 pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi cgl! This is my first time posting on this thread so i do apologise in case if it's not really related.

I'm planning to buy this lovely dirndl but i have no idea which blouse to coordinate it with. I know you anons are really good at understanding coords with lolitas so I'm hoping you can give advice for this one.

I guess the only thing I can think of is to avoid is large ruffles + ruffles (from the hems of the neckline of the dirndl).


>> No.7682479

that drindl thing in y our picture. are you buying that?
I'm not a LARPer but it looks more like LARP than lolita to me. I won't wear any of that for lolita unless you're really pro to pull it off. But you can still buy it and wear it for looking pretty just don't call it lolita. You'll also probably look like a barmaid but if that doesn't bother you then go ahead

>> No.7682486
File: 539 KB, 1005x850, perfumebottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find a coord thread so thought I would post here, hope that's okay. I'm working on my first coord, MM Perfume Bottle JSK in mint, and was hoping for some con crit? I prefer the rosette headress to the berets and I'm not 100% sure on the tights. For the blouse I'm aiming for off-white/cream.

Also unsure of whether this dress is better suited to a bell or A-line petti? I'm leaning towards bell but I'm not sure.

>> No.7682610

Why the fuck do so many people think dirndl's are okay to wear with lolita?

>> No.7682628

Hi anon, I have that in mint as well. I think the round headdress it the nicest - the mint beret is too saturated, and the beige beret doesn't really match. I think a plum, dark brown or ivory beret would match better.

Bell shaped is definitely better here, and I prefer the darker, less saturated shoes. The tights are ok, but I'm not fond of that kind of stocking generally speaking. Ditch or swap the bolero, or wear it open as you don't want to cover up the yoke that is the prettiest part of the dress design.

>> No.7682632

I agree with matching set ( or very closely related to it) or it's just too busy.
That said, some tights are getting so busy that I love them with plain dresses and plain shoes.

>> No.7682633

Ok, is it odd that I've looked at so much teen to adult Lolita fashion that this looked like a strange dwarf to me? I'm creeped.

>> No.7682635

I've seen very dainty finely crochet ones. Otherwise I think they'd be too bulky.

>> No.7682653


Did I ever say I was wearing it as a lolita? No. I was simply asking which blouse would go well with the dress because the lolita comunity here is well-known for their really good sense of coordination. Please, I'm wearing this as a DIRNDL and nothing more. And please, pay more attention. sheesh.

>> No.7682670

I like Carola weiß or Jasmin creme best, if it's very hot, either Lieselotte style. It's a really pretty dirndl, btw!

>> No.7682691

Thank you! I was leaning towards the headdress as well, I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to pull in a plum beret for my first coord! I'm thinking about other tights but I wanted to bring in a floral there to match the headdress a little bit. Will ditch the bolero, thanks again!

>> No.7682723

It's your own fucking fault for posting in lolita general. There is zero indication in your post that you had no intention to wear it for lolita. YOU need pay more attention.

>> No.7682728

Give it a rest, they posted in the lolita general because "I know you anons are really good at understanding coords with lolitas so I'm hoping you can give advice for this one." They clearly stated that it's probably not thread-related, but they wanted advice from a lolita's trained eye.

>> No.7682900

There are a few classic MM pieces on Y! Auctions if anyone is interested.

>> No.7682922

>I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to pull in a plum beret for my first coord!
Why not? If you can do mint, you can do plum.

>> No.7682999

How do you girls deal with guilt when you sell things at the going rate, rather than the cheaper price you bought them for?
I kind of want to charge the same prices as everyone else rather than my usual bargain deals, but even if I'm only making a profit of £5, I feel so shady.

>> No.7683020


I've done the "price I paid for", the problem is that with the less popular stuff, you're going to take a hit, because "lel no one's gonna pay that". Except you did, and now you're taking a huge loss. I'm not talking about being unable to sell the dress back to recover shipping or taxes. I'm talking about having to sell it back at half of retail and paying shipping out of pocket because you weren't good at divining and bought a dress that is ~that~ unpopular.

So everytime you charge something the going rate, think of it as evening out those times when you'll have to take a bigger than usual loss on those items that you just can't unload.

>> No.7683027

Going rate keeps the market stable, and helps make up for the the things we take a loss on.

>> No.7683099

Did you ever send something and got the address wrong? What happened after that?

I feel like such a dipshit, I just found out I sent a package today and didn't put a damn postcode on it.
Called the postal services hotline but the woman said they can't do anything about it and most likely it will be returned to me tomorrow or if my luck is even worse it gets sent to Ukraine and then back to me which will take time.
And the buyer seems like a truly nice person too so I felt like an asshole sending her a message explaining all of this. She'll probably have to wait a bit longer till she gets her package too if I have to resend it.
I know it's all my fault, and don't even mind paying shipping for it to send it again when it comes back (it probably will) but I just feel so bad about messing up.

>> No.7683107


Bah I worded this awkwardly, I didn't find out I sent it today lol, I found out that the package I sent had no postcode on it. Excuse my awful english.

>> No.7683122

Thank you, I'll do just that.
I guess if they don't sell I can always keep dropping the price until they do since I'm used to low-ball prices.

>> No.7683291
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Is AP (Japanese shop) being kinda slow for anyone else? I ordered something 6 days ago and it hasn't shipped yet. I want my tacky dress.

>> No.7683378

Has anyone put any reservations in with the new Baby store?
I'm still waiting for a reply to my email and I'm getting kinda nervous since I never had any trouble with Tokyo Rebel.

>> No.7683412

I can't speak for your country, but I'm from the UK and I was recently shipped something from China with completely the wrong postcode on it. Not just a swapped letter, one for a different address at the complete opposite end of the country. (It was my fault, I entered the wrong one) What usually happens is they send it to be manually sorted, so in theory it should still arrive if the system is anything like this in your country.

>> No.7683487

I need some general advice. I've been in lolita for a few years. My initial outfits were hideous and ita, of couse, and I've improved greatly over the course of time. However, while I no longer look like a hot mess, I don't feel like Iook great. Most of my outfits I feel would be right at home in a nitpick thread though I haven't been posted there (yet). How do you take your coordination to a new level from average-tier to great-tier lolita? What do you feel makes a lolita great-tier or god-tier? I'm just feeling genuinely stuck in a rut.

>> No.7683497


That sounds a bit more positive, hopefully that will be the case here too.
I don't know how the system here (the Netherlands) works and the lady on the phone didn't say much about that tbh.
I wrote her address: street name, house number/apartment number, city, province??, and country but complete forgot the postcode.
So her tracking doesn't work as it needs the postcode. If it arrives I will refund her the difference as the tracking she paid for doesn't work, does that sound fair?
If it gets returned to me, I resend it tracked at my cost though.

>> No.7683680

Learn how to fashion. Pick up books on fashion and outfit coordination, look into some color theory and use it. Dressing lolita is no different than dressing in any other fashion, so many girls don't seem to realize that.

>> No.7683718

I have the same problem. The thing that holds me back personally is accessories. All the god-tier lolitas are great at accesorizing.

Also, having a pretty face helps, but there's nothing I can do about my mug.

>> No.7683728

Before I got into lolita, I was an unwashed dweeb with uncontrolled acne who only wore jeans and t-shirt while playing WoW most of the day, so I never had any clue how to do fashion in general. I don't know what books to pick up and read that would help me get better at lolita especially since I dislike most things I see touted in mainstream fashion and /fa/ seems especially useless when it comes to women.

>> No.7683745

Ramble Rori has some good articles, especially "Coordinating 101." There's a lot of information out there on color theory and body type as it pertains to lolita.

>> No.7683801

reading the nitpick helps so see the small faults to see what every one seems to generally thing. For me the next level is about getting super unique accessories.

>> No.7683872

Totally agreed about accessories. Even if you have a decent basic coord down, if your accessories don't wow, the overall effect will still be boring. Especially if you aren't super pretty with great photography (hate to say but that does have a huge effect on how an outfit is received online... offline, hair and makeup and generally put-togetheredness counts more).

>> No.7683884

Different anon I never thought about this, you guys have a great point!
For me, the next level was getting color coordination down to a T.
Now that I've done that I guess it's on to accessories.

>> No.7683893

In all honesty, if you're looking to save money, casual is not the way to do it. Staple casual brands like ETC are more expensive than mainstream brands, generally, and it's just so much easier to look bad. It's not that casual lolita is a difficult style to pull off, but I think a lot of newbies dive head-first into it with the misconception that it's somehow easier or that you can half-ass it, and they end up looking like hot messes.

>> No.7684276

I need to buy a sweet lolita jsk in red, probably from AP or BTSSB and i want to coord this cardigan in pink and red polkadots but i fear it looks too busy with polkadot prints or prints in general. So what prints can look good with this cardigan? I need also to put some cute buttons and other deco to the cardigan to look more appropriate?

>> No.7684279
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Forgot the pic

>> No.7684350
File: 271 KB, 500x663, alter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get people's opinions on altering brand dresses? Did you regret it? Was it worth it? Who do you go to?

I don't really care about the resale value. A few of my dresses just don't fit well and I want to get them professionally done.

>proper boning to my Twinkle Carnival Halter JSK
Probably a seamstress that specializes in wedding dresses? Will this cost me an arm and a leg to do?

>taking in Rosery Solennel at bust/waist
Not sure who to take this to. I have a feeling this will cost more than a typical alteration because the pleats will have to be redone.

>going from full back shirring to quarter shirring for Honey Cake
To those who have let out the elastic out completely, did the fabric look strange where the channels used to be? How difficult would it be to make it into a quarter shirred panel as well as adding in a zipper in an already made garment? Would any seamstress understand what I'm asking for?

>> No.7684361

I've had minor alterations done to a lot of my brand dresses, they tend to run a little big on me around the armpits so I get them taken in, and you wouldn't even notice. I'm not sure about big alterations, but I'm sure it's fine if you go to a reputable seamstress.

>> No.7684399

The hardest one will be the Twinkle Carnival one as it isnt standard alterations. The actual replacing of boning isnt that hard as long as the channels are good, but you do need someone who has knowledge in this, preferably corsets. Im not sure if wedding dresses are steel boned either, as the corsets on that are more decorative than functional, but they should know about changing boning at least. You may have to pay for them to get materials though.

>> No.7684429

If you're wanting steel boning put into the dress I'd advise against it. Steel boning requires special foundation materials to prevent warping and damage, and would require completely reconstructing the bodice. You're better off wearing a corset underneath the JSK if you're wanting structure/waist reduction. If you're just wanting the plastic boning replaced, that's an easy job, just about any seamstress worth their pay can do it.

>> No.7684448

I have the armpit issue too, and I'm not sure why. How much did the alterations cost?

I wanted to go with steel boning because I had to sell my AAtP Masquerade Theater JSK after having issues with their bodice. The plastic didn't give me much support and since I bought it secondhand, it was already warped and splitting. I have it laced to the tightest in the back and it barely gives me any support. Is there another way to make the bodice more fitted instead of having the weight of the entire dress around the halterneck straps?

Thank you so much for your input.

>> No.7684463

Consider asking your seamstress to install a waist stay.

>> No.7684468

The warping/damage comes from the strain of a smaller garment than the person wearing it. But
steel boning is overkill in a garment like this and a corset underneath is a much better solution.

Find a local shop with great reviews that can do bridal alterations. The tailor there will have plenty of experience dealing with people freaking out over making changes to a pricey dress.

>> No.7684477

Steel will damage the material worse and faster than plastic. Plastic is also, no matter how tight you lace it, going to give you much support. It's there for effect and to add a small amount of shaping, not hold your bust or waist in.

Steel boning requires a material called coutil, which has a herringbone weave and almost zero stretch in order to provide effective structure and shaping. Because of the tight weave and lack of stretch, it doesn't warp when you lace it like other materials would. Any other material will warp and become damaged when you try and use steel boning, or put it under stress such as lacing it tightly.

Like I said, you're better off investing in a custom steel boned corset to wear underneath the JSK if you want support/shaping/structure.

>> No.7684480

Changing the type of boning won't make a difference for the "support" if the dress is just too big. You'll need to have it altered smaller and probably have the warped boning replaced, but putting metal into a dress not designed for it will just make your problems more evident/worse in the end.

>> No.7684522

What kind of fitting do you want from it? It is never going to be able to reduce your waist, and I kinda doubt that you are too big for it.

>> No.7684539
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I think this may be one of the best options for me at this point! I've never heard of a waist stay before and I think it'd work perfectly for me.

Thank you for informing me about steel boning. From what I've heard and read, it would state that steel boning was superior to plastic - I didn't take into consideration about the materials used for the dress as well.

Here's how the dress fits on me. It's cinched all the way and it still gives me no support whatsoever. My neck hurts by the end of the day because of the entire weight of the dress.

Can I get this altered to better fit me or would turning it into a normal JSK be best?

>> No.7684546
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>> No.7685161
File: 11 KB, 184x275, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As there is no coord thread, I thought it might be okay to post this here. I have pic related but would really appreciate some coord suggestions.

>> No.7685240

Why not make a coord thread?
I'm sure your not the only anon with a dress they need help with.

>> No.7685434

Besides Charm City, what other east coast lolita groups are there?

>> No.7685438

turn it into a normal jsk. sewing the straps onto the back portion is a lot easier to undo if you don't like the fit/how it looks than taking in the side, which could get even more complicated and pricey.

>> No.7685605

>taking in Rosery Solennel at bust/waist
My alteration place charged me 50€ for a pleated JetJ dress to take in bust + waist for a few cm. A pleated skirt cost me 20€ once to make it like 5cm smaller around the waist.
The have to re-sew the skirt part in order match the pattern and match the pleats evenly. It's not impossible but it's going to be a little expensive and if your dress has got a side zip, taking in the bust will be a little more difficult as well. A reputable alteration place should be able to do that though.

In a thread a while ago some anon suggested adding some loops and corset lacing to the back of the item. That way they don't have to remove fabric from the dress and it will probably cost less. But is also depends on your presonal preference. I don't like corset lacing on some item, so I still get them fully altered if necessary.

>> No.7686040

The beauty thread was no help. If I'm wearing a bright red skirt, is it okay to wear pink lipstick? My lips are very small and bright red lipstick does me no favors.

>> No.7686043

It depends, how bright is the pink?

>> No.7686054

I've never even heard of people matching their lips to their skirts. Yes, you will be fine, do what flatters your face.

>> No.7686067


I don't know what you are wearing and can't guess the actual shade of your lipstick but most Lolita co-ords don't look nice with bright make-up imo.

>> No.7686095

what do you all think of altering old-school unshirred brand? stuff that's really hard to find? this has probably been asked a million times, but assuming it's done professionally, what do you think? I've always been under the impression that if you own it it's yours and resale value is up to you.

>> No.7686097

I think it's fine. No point in having nice clothes if they don't look right on you.

>> No.7686106

Just funny butcher it. If you need to do more than change the strap length or take something in/out/remove shirring then what was the point of buying it in the first place.

>> No.7686141

I have a bright pink, but I normally wear more natural shades.

Really? I see it all the time, especially with red pieces. I can't attach this picture for some reason, but here's a link.


>> No.7686165
File: 256 KB, 480x750, sloppylipshoop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red is a vey tricky colour because it's difficult to photograph. It depends on how bright your lipstick actually is. For example if you look fine IRL, you may actually look bad in photos...those are easy fixes with photoshop, but if you don't/can't shoop then just choose a more "natural" shade of pink, or a deeper/darker shade of red for example. Or learn to shoop the colour.

Just stick to a natural shade if you want to play safe.

>> No.7686168

If you don't care, get them altered.

I had a JetJ dress altered and has no regrets since I'm more likely to wear it because it fits. I do have ones that are too big and will look forward to the day they fit me properly

>> No.7686231
File: 96 KB, 263x455, gjtyji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could also have a seamstress add some thin shoulder straps to support the dress while keeping the halter ties for decoration. Shitty shoop related (and of course the straps would pull back of the dress up to where it's supposed to sit hopefully improving the fit somewhat but I can't shoop that).

>> No.7686237

How much is it generally to get something altered? I'm personally interested in getting some things taken in.

>> No.7686244

It really depends on the alteration and the skill needed.

>> No.7686252

If you are going to wear a bolero or jacket over the jsk, you could just use transparent/white straps like...bra straps but longer ones...it looks kind of silly but serves the purpose, will be covered by your bolero. this can be easily DIYed, also easily removable without spoiling the quality of the dress.

>> No.7686256

i wanted to go to Rufflecon (in New Haven, CT) but it's too expensive. is the high price worth it? it looked like a lot of fun but i can't see spending $50/day or $90/weekend when there's so little information about it.

>> No.7686292

It is its first year so no one can say it is worth it or not. But if you want to get some triple fortune stuff, meet the Enchantilly designer or you are into some efamous people who are showing up, I guess that is the draw? It is pretty much a lolita meet up that lasts a weekend.

>> No.7686435

how many of you actually buy Gothic & Lolita Bibles? Do you but each one or randomly? Where do you get it? Is it worth it?

>> No.7686459

that was my thinking too, thanks. i'd just rather not have something sitting in my closet I couldn't wear without it looking terrible.

alterations are hardly butchering anything and a lot of designs only come in one size. plenty of things can look good with alterations as long as they're professional.

>> No.7686567

I only collect the older ones. I've paid $30 and lower.

>> No.7686609

nah I mean altering it to the point where it's not even the same/similar design. You might as well just get something custom made at a certain point.
Alterations made or adjusted to fit the person better=good
Alterations where you're basically making a new garment=bad in the sense that if you hated how it looked that much you might as well sell it/shouldn't have bought it

>> No.7686682
File: 245 KB, 611x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does JetJ ever make dresses out of popular paintings? I think a dress with The Swing could be really beautiful.

>> No.7686689


Pretty much. I am so surprised how many weeb girls decide to stay in lolita once their coords get picked apart. Some people will never improve and need to just give up.

>> No.7686792

Buzzfeed did a video on J-fashion Pleasantly surprised by the research they put in, and it's pretty too


>> No.7686806

>linking buzzfeed ever.

I don't care how well researched it is, anything from buzzfeed automatically makes you seem 20% less smart than you were previous to linking it.

>> No.7686812

u mad

>> No.7686820

Not that anon, but this was linked in another thread, and buzzfeed is pretty much like TMZ does the world. OMG look how weird and funny and wacky japan is! Look how strangely South Koreans dress! Woah, there are SO MANY countries in joorup!

>> No.7686824

It's been done by baroquepetrock though!

>> No.7686830

whoa sorry, i didn't know normalfag shit was poisonous to seagulls

>> No.7686833

Kinokuniya, cdjapan, yesstyle, etc. IIRC they go around $25 before shipping new. I've been collecting the newer ones since I've started wearing lolita last year. The old ones are fabulous though.

>> No.7686849

I have a better feeling about this compared to the disaster that was dashcon since their team has legit guests (flying them in Japanese guests costs money or at least covering room and board) and responsible people as the organizers. I can't go since I'm from the midwest and planning on going to PMX the next month, but this convention is at least a chance for east coast lone lolitas to gather and know that there will be a lower percentage of itas there.

>> No.7686853



How illiterate do you have to be to think this is the appropriate spelling?

>> No.7686856

I notice ESL people doing it a lot and I'm really not sure why. It's not like it doesn't make any sense, though, phonologically speaking, and "whoa" isn't really even a proper word so much as an exclamation, so I don't really see the problem.

>> No.7686858
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>> No.7686860
File: 46 KB, 417x442, 10492506_657274224358546_3551819442165917243_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if someone could identify this dress for me? I know it's Victorian Maiden and from the Rococo Bouquet series.

>> No.7686868

It's the brit way of spelling it.

>> No.7686876

It looks like the 2013 lace blouse dress version.

>> No.7686893


It doesn't make sense, though. What English word is spealled "-oah" and pronounced "oh"? The only words I can think of that end in -oah are proper names borrowed from Hebrew:


And the "o" and "ah" are each a separate syllable. Meanwhile, "whoa" has been written in a fairly standard way across mediums for longer than any of us have been alive. It is a word and you can find it in most dictionaries. Test it out in different browsers or word processors that have a spell-check function and tell me what you find.

It's like spelling "yeah" as "yea," which is a completely different word with a different pronunciation, or using "should of" when you mean "should've". This level of illiteracy is absurd and inexcusable.

>> No.7686898


No, it's not. Stop spreading misinformation.

>> No.7686901

>It's like spelling "yeah" as "yea," which is a completely different word with a different pronunciation
None of those are actually real words anyways.
>This level of illiteracy is absurd and inexcusable.
Autism levels are through the roof!

Seriously tho, calm down. >>7686868
>It's the brit way
Problem solved. Now get it together or get off the internet.

It's not like anyone said 'to' instead of 'too' fuck off.

>> No.7686905

No it's not.

Well, take "oar" for example. Granted, the "oa" is word-initial, but in a lot of accents you'll get roughly the same sound. If you take the h to be silent, it's all good. I don't even spell "whoa" like that myself, but you seem to be getting awfully salty about orthography, friend.

>> No.7686922

Wait-- how do other people spell it? I've only ever seen it spelled as 'woah'.

Sage because stupid question.

>> No.7686930

In the UK? I couldn't say for sure because I'm not from there (just the island slightly to the left of it), but it's generally "whoa" as far as I know. "Woah" is non-standard but I really don't think it's a big deal since it's an exclamation that's rarely put in writing.

>> No.7686952

I'm buying a skirt with a waist of 65 cm, and that's my measurement exactly, but the waistband size is fixed so there's no stretch at all. The next size up has a waistband of 70 cm, but I'm concerned I'd be swimming in it and would rather not pay for alteration. It wouldn't be worn with a petti. Is there a rule of thumb about this when it comes to measurements?

>> No.7686965

Its better to go with 70, if you have to alter it it is easier to take it in than out. Usually a 5 cm difference isnt that big of a deal, it may just sit lower on you.

>> No.7687212

I've also got a question about sizing. There's a dress on Taobao I really want, but they've only got large available in my preferred colorway. My measurements fall under their size small, which is 12cm smaller than their large. The dress has corset lacing and waist ties in the back, though, so would that make it look alright or would the size difference still be noticeable then?

>> No.7687281

It may not tie up 12 cm, that is a big difference. It also may have fit issues that arent fixed by corset lacing, like near the armpit.

>> No.7687378


Shenandoah is a word of Iroquoian origin, derived from the word 'deer'.[1]

Taken directly from our good friend, Mr. Wikipedia.

>> No.7687448

Dumb question, never used shopping service before.
Does Tenso work with mbok/y!auctions? As far as I'm aware, they only buy from actual online stores...?

>> No.7687585

Correct. You'll need a regular SS for auctions. Tenso is just a forwarding service (they collect packages you order from Japanese shops and then ship them to you).

>> No.7688107

It's probably going to be baggy, especially in the back/chest area. But if you're up for forking the extra money, you could always take it to a tailor. Making things smaller is a lot easier than making them larger.

>> No.7688117

So how DO you spell it? Don't complain about people misspelling it without giving the correct spelling.

>> No.7688123

I do. I buy them from Amazon JP, and usually the older ones, or when the cover catches my eye.

>> No.7688135

>Some people will never improve and need to just give up
Nah, I disagree. I went from wearing baggy jeans and cheap sweaters to dressing quite decently just by practicing. It helps knowing which colors go together, which colors work on YOU, and which cuts flatter you. You'll just have to experiment a little, and most of them are just lazy.

>> No.7688147

>I dislike most things I see touted in mainstream fashion
Doesn't matter. It's more about what kind of cuts and colors look good on you. Here is a simple PDF that I found pretty useful:
This is about color types mostly. There is also tons of resources out there about body shapes, you don't have to buy a book.
I have a list of books on how to do you makeup (makes a big difference!), but I can't find shit on my harddrive right now. Might get back to you on that.

>> No.7688159

I'm from the Netherlands too and once managed to do the same thing as that other anon. I entered my parents' address and my own postal code while buying something online because derp derp derp. Called the company who sold it, which said "whoops it's out of our hands now, contact the postal service" and then called the postal service which said "we haven't even picked up that package yet, contact the seller" so I gave up. A week later it was delivered to my parents' house no problem.

So all is not lost! Both scenarios you described sound fair btw. In either case it's going to take longer than usual which is an inconvenience but it's not like there's a postal service dragon that eats all wrongly addressed packages.

>> No.7688198
File: 42 KB, 121x112, fuck no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering where this reaction image came from.

>> No.7688262

>>7688117 see >>7686930

It will still look too big.

>> No.7688265

Baby was super slow on invoicing me and then shipping my order because of the sale. I have an event coming up this weekend. Today I check the progress, hoping..
>Origin Post is Preparing Shipment

>> No.7688281

I hate that status so much. Currently have a package with that status, and another in ISC NY. Thankfully when I shell out for EMS I get things in three days.

>> No.7688314
File: 80 KB, 360x420, 120420151609-samp0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like I should just post this dress straight to the ita thread.

>> No.7688316
File: 347 KB, 720x1018, 12042016-web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think the solid blue shoulder straps are actually detachable, if you don't mine having buttons right next to your armpit?

>> No.7688317
File: 162 KB, 720x500, 12042017-web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Least blinding colourway of the lot

>> No.7688321
File: 318 KB, 720x1018, 13042004-web[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this looks cute but maybe it only looks cute in comparison to the other stuff before

>> No.7688324
File: 214 KB, 360x480, 353[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok, not my intention to do an image dump, just curious to hear what other lolitas think

The rest of the collection is here: http://www.metamorphose.gr.jp/reservation.html#series04
although some of them are still just ink drawings for now.

>> No.7688326

jesus, what
these look nice though

>> No.7688339

I would like this so much better if the print was smaller. It's a cute print but way too big for my tastes.
I like the drawing of this but it does not appeal to me at all in reality. That fringe along the bottom... why. The solid blue doesn't seem to match imo.
These two are okay, still think the print could be smaller. I'd prefer a solid ruffle on the bottom of the skirt, printed looks weird.
Dear god why.

>> No.7688340


Oh my! Meta can be so hit and miss.

>> No.7688370

Hey, I'm from Ukraine and usually it's enough to have just the address to get the delivered. So if you put the address correctly (post workers sometimes have trouble reading English/ anything in Latin alphabet) it will work fine. However some countries refuse to send mail to some Ukrainian addresses (such as ones in Crimea). I don't know how it will proceed there.

>> No.7688373

Looks messy to me. It would look better without library print whatsoever, but even then the colors clash..

>> No.7688390

I feel like the print would have looked less messy with box pleats instead of gathers. The way the diamonds look folded up like that is bothering me. Also christ that green x burgundy colorway is an atrocity.

>> No.7688396

I hate admitting that I-i actually really like that. I don't know, maybe it'd look ok worn? As long as someone didn't go overboard with it.

>> No.7688401

How does one know if they're blacklisted from the Japanese BtSSB store? Is there anything on the website that tells you or will you only know if they email you or you try to place an order?

>> No.7688447

They email you to inform you that you're blacklisted. You'd know.

>> No.7688491

Has anyone ever had a bid on LM disappear? I got an email saying I had a new bid on one of my items, but LM still says that no one has bid yet.

>> No.7688522
File: 221 KB, 360x480, 349-4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went to the sales page wondering if the giant collar was detachable and whether it would look better but nope, it doesn't


I'm kinda curious how you would "not go overboard", tbh I can't imagine how to dial this down.

>> No.7688528

Not detachable but you can move them down to give a different look.

>> No.7688577

I was thinking ivory tights with maybe simple texture, burgundy or black maryjanes/maryjane pumps, ditch the head bow for some kind of simple hat and brassy rings. If you use similar tones through the coord and not use any more pattern I think it could be toned down. But that's just my idea.

>> No.7688620

The OP is awful. IDK what Meta was thinking. It looks less horrid without the collar though.
What is going on with the chest ruffles??
I like these a lot. The colorways are all fairly nice to me too, I'm planning on getting the black JSK.

>> No.7688627

Seems like I'm lacking reading comprehension today, whoops.

>> No.7688628

Dat collar sucks, the print is cute btw.
This is good!

>> No.7688710

I actually think these are really cute.
But my taste tends to err on the side of wtf/tacky sometimes.

>> No.7688770

Does anyone have any experience with Meta tights?
I'm 172cm tall and have my legs are not thin, do they stretch?

>> No.7688771

*my legs aren't exactly thin

>> No.7688788

meta is like forever mutating

>> No.7688848

How legit is this?


Replica or just using stolen pictures?

>> No.7688872


Looks like a taobao reseller going by the other products so I doubt its legit

>> No.7688908

This is awful. Looks like some anime school uniform gone horribly wrong.
Skirt version looks cute though. The print is way too busy for an entire dress. The JSKs look okay, but I think they'd benefit from not having the print over the entire bodice.

>> No.7688965

If you prepay for postage through USPS, do you absolutely have to ship on the day of the "mailing date"?
I didn't even see a date option on the stupid thing, and there's no way I can make it to the post office in time to send out the item today.

>> No.7688990
File: 231 KB, 395x288, southwestern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this insane urge to make a JSK/OP from this fabric. It calls to me

>> No.7689009


>> No.7689014

God no, spare us from this lack of taste.

>> No.7689030

If this isn't a troll post, there's much better ways to do a southwestern theme. Use a normal base color and add geometric trims and cluny lace--elegant, but with a southwestern feel.
If it is a troll, 2/10 for making me respond.

>> No.7689034

I think it looks really nice. It would look really good in small highlights, I think.

>> No.7689117

What's so lack of taste?
That I want to do a A Fistful of Dollars inspired lolita outfit?
I ain't gonna use it for the whole thing, silly.

>> No.7689216

You're just going to end up looking like a square-dancer. Sometimes the only thing separating square-dancing dresses from lolita are the motifs, fabrics and patterns used. Seriously, you're going to look ridiculous.

>> No.7689233

All there is to accessorising is keeping your motifs and themes straight. Don't fall into the trap of thinking of anything in your accessories as neutral, most people put flowers into this category, which pulls down the quality of their coords.

>> No.7689234

I was really hoping for a bordeaux colourway.

>> No.7689248

>as if wearing official lolita isn't gonna make me look ridiculous

>> No.7689305

Found incredibly cheap brand, scoping out info for flaws when-
>fits my 107cm bust perfectly!
This is why I can't have nice things.

>> No.7689377

Well...some pieces do stretch above that.

>> No.7689480
File: 45 KB, 480x640, 447922099.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is at least one person's dream dress on the board.


>> No.7689508

It reminds me of old lady curtains.

>> No.7689515

I'm personally not interested enough in grannies' vaginas to know.

>> No.7689546

Yeah, and that means it's stretched out and probably won't fit my measurements properly anymore.

>> No.7689549
File: 257 KB, 1600x1332, curtains-bedroom-amazing-floral-bedroom-curtains-windows-with-nature-wooden-vintage-drawers-cabinet-and-unique-white-shade-table-lamps-also-awesome-pictures-as-bedroom-wall-decor-attach-on-broken-whi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7689710
File: 50 KB, 534x183, Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 7.13.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shouldn't be laughing at this but
>Oh no one bought my replicas at 100
>Knock it down by 4 bucks
>It'll be sold nao

>> No.7689923

Hey at least she finally put the price down a bit. It has been relisted a couple of times now.

>> No.7689973

I don't like this, but the other pieces look ok.

I'm in the fence about this release. I like the concept, but I don't like the color ways that much. I only own one Meta skirt and it feels much cheaper than my other brand pieces. Even the print looks cheaper in person. I'm not sure if I would buy a printed piece from then again...unless this grows on me and I have money to throw away.

When was the last time Meta released something really sought after? I can only think of maybe three things.

>> No.7690096

I think Dirndlbluse Corina weiss or Dirndlbluse Lieselotte rosa.

>> No.7690726

your opinion angers me.

>> No.7690742

Their Sailor sets and velveteen pieces are always pretty popular, as are a good number of their collabs. As far as prints go, Twinkle Journey, Swan Lake, and Moonlight Night are the ones I think of that are popular. TBH I find Meta prints lackluster, but I covet a lot of their solids.

>> No.7690834
File: 42 KB, 458x550, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My birthday Is coming up next month, and I want to buy pic related with the $$$ I will get.
I've never bought from JM before, what are the chances of it selling out before mid next month?
Do I need to use an SS, Tenso, or can I just buy direct online? I saw a LJ post about buying from JM but it was from 2009 and I wasn't sure how relevant it still is.

>> No.7691090

Asking here because I don't think I really need a new thread for this, does anyone know where I can find some nice gothic/classic lolita art to use as a FB cover photo? I like Imai Kira's stuff but as far as I've seen the only ones of hers that are suitable for cover photos are her sweeter stuff.

>> No.7691105
File: 88 KB, 434x500, Aatpbudouhime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it must be lolita specific, i suppose you can hit up yoh for gothic (most of my friends say his art is too scary though)

>> No.7691106
File: 73 KB, 651x444, 25heure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's also the chantilly artist (her name slips my mind)

>> No.7691108
File: 118 KB, 543x727, 1328285849669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sakizo is another popular choice, and she's still lolita specific because she did a print for mary magdalene

>> No.7691110
File: 747 KB, 1008x2146, inquieto_vivere_by_loputyn-d6wue11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no longer lolita specific but just some lolita artist i bookmarked, loputyn or something

>> No.7691111
File: 148 KB, 500x568, l-papillon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another artist who always uses this moitie-esque letter M as a signature, can't remember her name

>> No.7691112

Ah, I can't believe I totally forgot about Yoh and Sakizo! Thanks so much for all the help, it was pretty torturous just searching "gothic lolita cover photos". Shitty animu drawings everywhere.

>> No.7691115

Their time series sold out pretty damn fast. Melody cat was also quietly popular

>> No.7691116
File: 494 KB, 709x1024, naka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's the artist who does a chapter of manga in every issue of kera. Asumiko Nakamura.

the one artist i don't have a single photo of, is the one who does the GLB covers, just slips my mind...

>> No.7691133
File: 45 KB, 320x459, 10527394_749438285094202_7566318147547499130_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I' m not sure if this has been posted yet, but I find this new AP print really cute. I hope cameo window in paris will be in stores when I go to tokyo in october

>> No.7691137

OK, so I ordered from the IW sale right after it started and I got my autoreply email right after. Then I got an email from iw telling me I had filled out the order form wrong (something got copied over wrong)but that they got my order. I still haven't gotten an invoice tho. Should I be worried? I would email them but I'm afraid they wouldn't have time to reply until after all the sale invoices were sent anyway.

>> No.7691470

I would email them if I were you, it's better to be safe than sorry. One of the sale prices didn't transfer to my invoice so I emailed them with the issue, they fixed it then invoiced me.

>> No.7691479

How many main pieces, accessories, and shoes does it take to make a really good working wardrobe?

>> No.7691491

Mitsukazu Mihara

>> No.7691510

It depends what you want from your wardrobe, e.g. are you wearing it to class? To work? Are you expecting to look different every day, or are you happy wearing the same thing a few days in a row?

Kera and sometimes do those 10-items-7-days things, so theoretically you only need one dress, one skirt, and versatile tops/shoes...

>> No.7691524

What do you mean by "working"? A wardrobe that you can get a few outfits out of or one that is suited for daily wear?

Fyeahlolita has a really good post on wardrobe building, but if you want to get a few decent outfits, you will at the minimum need 2 to 3 main pieces (dresses and/or skirts), 2 to 3 blouses (possibly different sleeve lengths, different cuts like high collar vs. round, different colors), at least one pair of shoes, and as many accessories as you can. Maybe you have the matching print headbow for one dress and a bunch of simple bow hair clips or plain headbows for others. A couple of necklaces, bracelets, and rings (you can go big with any one or all three of these - a statement ring, for example). Lots and lots of socks (cheapest and easiest way to change up a coord). At least one pair of shoes that matches all the pieces and works for lolita (although have two pairs will make your life easier.

On top of that, get yourself a cardigan/bolero or two and at least one bag that works for lolita.
If the pieces are chosen carefully you can mix and match and get a few outfits out of just a few pieces. For a dailywear wardrobe, I would think you want at least 7 to 10 main pieces and blouses in the range of 1.5 or 2 times the number of main pieces. How much more of accessories I think will be up to you and how coherent your wardrobe is.

>> No.7691656

I see some series that are moderately popular like the Time one, but I don't see people really looking for them or reselling at high prices is my point I guess. I see that happen with pretty much every other brand.

>> No.7691972
File: 38 KB, 350x175, coverpicture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New group on fb for people looking for outfit critique and advice. The Critical Closet is for people who want to improve their outifts and receive honest.


>> No.7692022
File: 86 KB, 720x960, wtfisthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got CDC in the mail and there's a little spot on it. I can't tell if it's a fabric error, some kind of marker spot, or what. I don't know what to do about it. pic related, please advise.

I have no stain remover or bleach pens/tide pens on me right now. should I invest in one to see if it helps?

I have the fabric swatch too if it helps so I can test on that before I try anything.

>> No.7692025
File: 114 KB, 720x960, wtfisthis2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and second pic related, thumb for scale.
the slightly dark spot is from trying to put a little water on it but I don't think it did anything. the water stain won't stay so that shouldn't be a problem at least.

>> No.7692471
File: 45 KB, 1524x731, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is lacemarket so bad?

>> No.7692475

Try using the drop down menu for colors and search that way. The search bar is really only for auction titles.

>> No.7692479

That's what I did on the left side

>> No.7692483

Use OP/ JSK as opposed to dresses. Dresses is a category sorter.

>> No.7692486

Thank you so much! I feel ridiculous.

>> No.7692546

Quick question. Reserved the guilty meltin' sweets JSK last month and I saw that already JSKs are showing up in CC. I thought they weren't supposed to be released until August? Just curious what the time line usually is for A/P reserves. Do they always release in the store several weeks before the reserve listings are released?

>> No.7692602
File: 45 KB, 800x533, 1017547_348169295331528_3950697344412829296_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metamorphose temps de Fille will be at Anime Matsuri? Plus Innocent World at PMX? Which brand will win out?

>> No.7692605
File: 577 KB, 600x927, 10521974_313614768798748_63988828188150257_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7692619

There's still 3 more brands to be released, maybe one of them will be IW?

>> No.7692622

No problem, I did the same thing myself a few times. If you go to the categories on the top bar it's more obvious.

>> No.7692671
File: 52 KB, 450x600, 137814-w_grande[1].jpg_v=137107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if these are over or under the knee?

>> No.7692675

Under the knee. It will specify in the item name if they're OTKs. They like to call them high socks when they're under the knee.

>> No.7693426

Is this Meta's first time doing an overseas event?

>> No.7693460

I believe so. IIRC, this is the first time that Meta is having an event in the United States. Considering how they were pioneers in selling lolita outside Japan via website, this is long overdue.

Now if we could get Moi-même-Moitié to come to the United States for an oversea event.

>> No.7693464

>Now if we could get Moi-même-Moitié to come to the United States for an oversea event.
Not a chance they'd deal with us filthy gaijin.

>> No.7693482
File: 21 KB, 241x345, mnhbgfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fabric of this BTSSB op it's too thick for summer? it has also detachable sleeves but i'm not sure if i can wear now or in winter.

>> No.7693529

You wanna wear it now? Do what I do:

-Fucking deodorize. Everywhere. Armpits, under your knees, the small of your back, under your tits (YES, EVEN IF THEY'RE ALMOST NOT THERE), anywhere that sweat could possibly exist.
-Talcum powder on top of that (scented if you have can).
-Stay hydrated.
-Bring a fan.
-Stay inside buildings. If you're outside, run for shade.
-Put you "dealwidit" cap on.

I'm a loli from Texas. I'm used to dealing with some heat. Also, that's a cute dress. You have great taste. Have fun.

>> No.7693828

I was watching videos on YT of cute lion cubs and meerkats and shit and one of the videos started with a MC Melody Doll advertisement. What the fuck? Since when are they advertising? I was expecting another ad telling me to use xyz shampoo to attract men and BOOM, lolitas everywhere.

>> No.7693902
File: 140 KB, 400x534, rte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think a lot of gothic brands just don't care about overseas sells. Sure MMM has cd japan and Atelier Pierrot has two US stored that carry their goods, but that it.

Also is it just me or does every gothic brand have the WORST stalk photos EVER

>> No.7693907

This is a jacket.

>> No.7693910

That's really awful.

>> No.7693911

Oh god, the typos.

Also, when I say run for shade, errr... walk. Briskly, but not so briskly that you start to sweat. Yes, even with deodorant on, you want to avoid doing anything that could invoke the sweat demons.

>> No.7694194


I agree though, even Moitie's stock photos are horrendous. I try looking for reviews for Moitie dresses and review photos make their products look so much nicer.

>> No.7694301

Not enough people fit into it to even hold a brand tea...omg, the whining would be ETERNAL.

> my laffs when I tell them to buy a headdress, wear kuro and #dealwithit

>> No.7694306

Wow, that is a very unseful fighting heat practise or "you will die inside that dress if you don't follow the rules". Here in Italy heat is starting to strike so i think better to buy it and wait when winter comes, here fall is similar to summer also. I wanted to buy a jsk to use now in summer or in fall at least in red and i find one of my wishlist (winter!) dresses and my feels are suffering of not wearing now or wearing in summer yes, but dying slowly if you don't find a cool place.
BTSSB said it's an OP and at the same time it's a coat but i suffer cold so maybe this would be perfect as dress rather than a coat. Or maybe a light coat, like when winter is coming or finishing.
>mfw if i have to buy it now or not, but maybe there never will be another time since it's rather hard to find.

>> No.7694310

Useful practise. Typos also for me.

>> No.7694331

Meta makes fatty-chan clothes. Not enough of a market for Moitie in the US.

>> No.7694338

>tfw you fit in old school Moitié
So long, amerifats !

>> No.7694347

>tfw when the only brand you don't fit in is brand that's too big

>> No.7694503

>tfw this is actually a problem and some dream dresses would look like potato sacks on me.
Hold me, anon.

>> No.7694525

>tfw I've actually bought dream dresses knowing full well they'd be too big but wanting to believe
It's such a horrible feel having to sell a dream dress. I alter most stuff but some things are too fussy to take in.

>> No.7694541

>tfw #1-5 dream dresses are all 6-10cm above my bust.
>tfw CDC tiered jsk fits 90-100cm bust, I have 82cm boobies.
>tfw there's no hope
>tfw will probably buy anyways, wanting to believe.

>> No.7695039

I really look forward to reading the replies in the comments of her vids and seeing crystals weeb ass be handed to her!

>> No.7695307
File: 82 KB, 399x600, tumblr_kyb9rrEiy21qaz1aqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't stand Italian summers even with shorts and tank tops
>didn't have the chance to wear lolita during autumn/winter either

voglio morire

>> No.7695341
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>tfw arriving in Italy for a year at the end of August
>was hoping to wear lolita on the plane to save space
>see this

>> No.7695354
File: 8 KB, 234x216, imagese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In inverno non si trovano neanche vestiti sweet lolita tanto facilmente, perchè.....

>> No.7695382

>going to italy for study abroad
>there for end of winter-a little into summer
I'm still torn on whether to bring lolita or not, I'm such a wimp when it comes to weather and I can't afford to waste the suitcase space if I don't end up wearing it
>i don't speak italian anyway
>i-it's okay i didn't want kawaii international loli friends.......

>> No.7695384

Hey, fellow study-abroad friend, where in Italy will you be going?

>> No.7695437

ugh. this so much. I got sick from heat two days ago and now it's 33 degrees out and I'm in bed with a huge cold

>> No.7695634
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oh no, i'm afraid i didn't explain myself well - i didn't wear it during autumn/winter for different reasons other than weather. it's not impossible to wear lolita from september/october to may/june, at least where I live. as for summer, it depends on where you're going to stay and how well you can handle the heat (and as i said, personally i can't). so far it's been cooler than the past years, but now it's hot all of a sudden.

well at least you speak english? they had meetings with russian and finnish lolitas so far, and i don't think any of them could speak italian at all. they're always excited to meet lolitas from other countries.

that's sad anon, i'm sorry. get well soon!

>> No.7695774
File: 338 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_n8z3i1H9451qaziho[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to say this is lor's mii and it made my morning

>> No.7695865


>> No.7695869

It actually looks like her, bless her heart.

>> No.7695915

That is adorable

>> No.7696367

Has any one ordered from Physical Drop before?
What was it like? How was the quality?

Also what are my chances of finding a second hand Nameless Poem jsk?

>> No.7696537

Do wristcuffs work with princess sleeves?
It just doesn't somehow sit right in my mind.

>> No.7696548

>Agnostic Pretty

I would buy from this brand.

>> No.7696563

They work if they're asymmetrical (the front is shorter than the back) or as long as most of your upper arm isn't covered.

>> No.7696567

*FOREARM. Sorry, I'm not good with words today.

>> No.7696650

Same here, it sounds gothic and pretentious in a good way.

>> No.7696688

So I've noticed closetchild has started listing items on yahoo auctions, though cheaper than their web store prices. Has anyone bought their items on auction instead somehow without using an SS to take advantage of the cheaper price?

>> No.7697158
File: 65 KB, 458x348, Richard_Doyle_-_Spurned_Suitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any lolis like old, golden age illustration?

>> No.7697162

This is really pretty

>> No.7697176


>> No.7697313

I do!

>> No.7697375

That is mah burando!

>> No.7697485
File: 54 KB, 400x662, frontskullskirtlolita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know any dresses with skull or skeleton motifs? Whenever I go on a search i get the most ugly hot topic-esq dresses.
>pic related

>> No.7697530

/cgl/ please help me!
After months of lurking, I'm finally about to plunge into lolita fashion and I'm stoked for it.

The one problem is that most of my friends are very conventional about fashion, which I'm totally cool with but I just don't know how to deal with the fear of them judging me.

I know this is a dumb ita question but it's the only thing I can't deal with. I'm not bothered by strangers' criticism so much, but I definitely don't want to come across badly to my friends.

>> No.7697708


Either they won't mind you as a person or you should get better friends.

My best friend hates lolita fashion, but she doesn't mind too much when I wear it. She still respects me as a person even though the fashion isn't her thing, and she gets it's just clothing that I like. I wouldn't worry too much, unless your friends are the type to turn easily on something as superficial as weird clothing.

>> No.7697732

Try Putumayo, h.Naoto, or Black Peace Now.

>> No.7697764

Black Peace Now is dead. Unless you're shopping second hand. There was awhile were you could get all their new stuff right after they went under for hella cheap, but not any more.

>> No.7697950
File: 23 KB, 274x364, kjhgtrggf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to know if this salopette would look too short on me, i'm only 1,58 but i fear its too up the knees

>> No.7697956

158 cm i mean, typo

>> No.7697986

Salopettes are usually shorter than regular jsks anyway so yes, it will probably be above the knees

>> No.7698030

Maybe start with otome and eventually transition into lolita? Otome still has some of the quirky prints of lolita but is more understated and probably more acceptable to normalfags. I agree they shouldn't care, but I can understand your concern.

>> No.7698182

The designer has a new brand called Sheglit

>> No.7698359

What's the best way to wear hair combs? I just got some recently and even though I have thick hair, they fall out really easily

>> No.7698412

use bobbypin to hold it in place.

>> No.7698498

What the fuck is Kate Davis' tumblr? I hear so much shit about her and her glasses but no one ever talks about her url and reverse searching does nothing.

>> No.7698866

Why are the moderators on Lacemarket so useless? They won't even delete items that are clearly against their rules when I report them. There's a Milky Planet print replica up there right now and it's been there for days, they still haven't deleted it. And I'm so sick of all the non-lolita shit that still gets posted.

>> No.7698872

h--o--o--t dot tumblr

she doesn't use it a lot

>> No.7698905
File: 129 KB, 640x360, vsp2ds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for an ID on this dress. Found at a church stuff-a-bag sale. No labels of any kind on the inside but doesn't seem homemade either. Made from a heavy poly.

>> No.7698929

As an ita, is it okay that I press on and keep trying even though I get posted to it a threads fairly frequently. I honestly take what is said into consideration and try to improve. I'm just not there yet I suppose. Also, would it be horrid to chime in when I pop up in the threads with terribly retarded questions? Sometimes I just don't understand something and I would like clarification but I worry it will just derail the thread. I don't wanna sound like the moron that is trying to defend herself.

>> No.7698936

don't speak up in ita threads, keep shut. Instead, bring up your questions in threads meant for con-crit or coord help.

And really, in the long run, you might just LIKE ita shit. one of my best friends is a lolita, and she has just come to the realization she just like tacky stuff. At least she'll get tacky stuff from meta, or indie, or decent taobao though, not like hot topic. But yeah, sometimes you just may like ita stuff, just make sure it's not terrible quality and then kind of... accept it, if that happens to be the case.

>> No.7698947

This looks like very very very well made handmade. Possibly anna house or another old indie.

>> No.7698949

Looks like an eBay replica of an old school baby or ap dress

>> No.7698952

What do you guys think about F+F blouses & dresses?
Are they worth the price? Do they vary from piece to piece or should I pass them over?

>> No.7699019

I just got my first dress and I absolutely adore it but the bodice is sitting a little high on me. It has fixed straps, does anyone have experience altering/lengthening these? I don't want to ruin babby's first brand.

>> No.7699112


Personally, I see no issue in responding to posts in ita threads, so long as it's done appropriately. If you see yourself, just say something along the lines of:

'Oh hey, that's me. Would anyone be willing to give me some advice to improve, or where i'm going wrong? Thanks in advance.'

So long as you're open and mature about receiving concrit, you'll be fine. The key thing is to not start sprouting excuses, or act like a little bitch about it. Act reasonable, and cgl (excluding the trolls) will be reasonable back.

You may get people saying 'nope sorry that's fucking ugly burn it'. Which isn't all that helpful in terms of improving, but it's also not a personal attack against you. It's merely a rather blunt and sarcy way of saying 'sorry but there's no way to improve this'.

>> No.7699118
File: 69 KB, 450x659, DSC09516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hear they are very hit & miss. I have a few of their blouses and the quality is quite nice, the lace is soft and it's nicely made but the buttons fell off really fast.
Their quality is seems a little higher than Bodyline but not as good as brand. I think their prices are fair, but you can get similar items from Taobao shops for less with the same quality.

Pic related, one of the blouses I own.

>> No.7699159

Save yourself the trouble. Don't admit to being posted in an ita thread. I know it sucks be a use we can all be so mean but saying anything at all just encourages the trolls to target you. Nothing productive comes out of that.
Use the co ord thread or Lolita General to ask for co-ord help.

>probably more acceptable to normalfags
Not necessarily. Otome isn't particularly easy either. Frankly let's admit it lolitas can just follow safe and conventional templates for babby's first co-ord but otome doesn't have such templates. People need to stop treating otome like the "easier lolita" unfortunately it's not.

My suggestions, pick one:
> just start wearing typical Lolita outfits out.
If you're more shy and have no preference for substyle, start with classic, you can get away with trying to look vintage, but any kind of Lolita will look OTT to mortals anyway

> join a comm
Obtain outfits, join a comm, hang out with other lolis together.

>integrate small Lolita items step by step
Start off with small items like hair accessories, socks/stockings or printless skirts. Maybe you're just wearing normal clothes but you click wear grimoire stockings with it, or put a cute bow in your hair. Let the Lolita influence bleed in very gradually so that the people around you won't notice a huge, sudden change. Certain plain Lolita blouses can be easily worn as office attire anyway.

>> No.7699171
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>> No.7699200
File: 2.45 MB, 2172x1604, Slap some roses on that shit. Bitches love roses..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can find a warm gold bag to match this coord? Going mad trying to find one.

>> No.7699271

Yeah, I do really like gaudy/ugly things. I keep getting described as "looking sort of punkish" even though that's not my aim at all. I'm also in love with Meta' s leopard dress and pleather skirt, so I totally get your friend's mind set there.


Yeah, I just worry about bringing extra drama my way. I've never been like, "Those sandy cunts! How dare they post me!!!" But I have a feeling that no matter what I was to say it would never end well. Would it be less dramatic if I would just ask what was wrong with the picture and not be all, "Hey, that's me!!1!11"

>> No.7699287

From the pictures, everything is dark gold.

Milk gold heart bag looks warm.

>> No.7699336
File: 58 KB, 525x171, Screen Shot 2014-07-21 at 12.05.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this person always scalp shit like this? She's also trying to sell AatP's Rabbit Paysage JSK for like $400.

>> No.7699368

>Would it be less dramatic if I would just ask what was wrong with the picture and not be all, "Hey, that's me!!1!11"
Yes, it would warrant less attention. But only if you don't get emotional and show symptoms that you're you pretending to be random anon. Let's see if you can manage to do that. Personally, I think good replies could be like

> I don't see what's wrong with this. Am I the only one?
> Eh. I think she's okay why post in ita thread?

>> No.7699437


> I don't see what's wrong with this. Am I the only one?
> Eh. I think she's okay why post in ita thread?

These could easily result in 'are you retarded anon' 'wtf are you blind?'

The issue with pretending to be an unrelated anon is that you have to not give the game away. I've seen people respond to their own posts in ita threads asking for advice, and people are generally good about helping them. You get the trolls, but you'd get them in coord threads too.

You should obviously post in a coord thread if there is one, but if you're feeling up to it, ask the ita thread how to improve. cgl generally likes to help people improve, and are usually civil about it.

If your coord gets a lot of nasty reactions, then yeah, i'd leave it. But if no one comments on it, or it's just stuff like pointing out what they don't like, you should be fine. The issue is the trolls, who you do run the risk of jumping on you when they know they can personally attack you.

>I just worry about bringing extra drama my way

You aint going to start any lasting drama by asking for concrit in an ita thread, so long as your not a whiny little bitch about it. The worst that would happen is some shitty troll told you to kill yourself, and people would attack them instead.

>> No.7699773

Maybe try Evil Live?

>> No.7700347
File: 26 KB, 250x333, 01_895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know the details of when IW puts up reservations (I'm looking for a time)? Someone said the astronomical clock rerelease is this upcoming friday and I don't want to miss it considering how impossible the revival lotta release was.

>> No.7701058

I really like the ivory and wine. But I just bought Secret Library, so I'll have to pass up on it.

>> No.7701148

Does anyboy know if antique beast ist still accepting roders right now? Google translate got my hopes up, but I can't seem to complete the check-out process. Thanks for your help!

>> No.7701152


>> No.7701230


Yeah I noticed too. She's been trying to sell lucky pack things for 2x their price, if not more.

>> No.7701350

The print is way too busy.

>> No.7701414

> I don't see what's wrong with this. Am I the only one?
> Eh. I think she's okay why post in ita thread?
Nononononono that will definitely get her accused of whiteknighting and selfposting, especially if the outift looks like it belongs there. It also makes her look like someone who can't take criticism because she's literally saying there's nothing wrong with it and whoever posted it is wrong.

Like >>7699437 said, just own up to it. An honest "hey that's me, I know the outfit isn't up to scratch, what could I do to improve it?" is usually appreciated even on /cgl/. Of course I'd try the coord help threads first.

I agree. There's too much going on. Plenty of people will love it, though.

>> No.7702204

I was bored so I filmed my Wonder queen in brown. Want to make more of this kind of videos.


>> No.7702252

Pff I made it long as fuck

>> No.7702373

This is going to be a really weird question, but does anyone have any recommendations for a good brand blouse that makes your boobs look nice in either a underbust skirt or jsk? Or at least, what kind of blouse should I aim to get?

>> No.7702968

imo, iw or mm makes the best blouses. i'd suggest going for a standing collar blouse with ruffle details along the buttons

>> No.7702999

Okay, awesome. Ill probably go and look gor some IW blouses on Y!AJ. Thank you!