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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7683441 No.7683441 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk finances, seagulls. How do you afford your lolita wardrobe? Do you set aside a certain amount of each paycheck? Just splurge whenever you find yourself holding money? Have mom and dad/a sugar daddy buy them for you?

>> No.7683483

I'm in college so I don't have a huge amount of disposable income, but I manage to afford brand by cutting corners with shopping (economy brand, heh), only going out every second week and only having one drink etc.
I also buy pretty much everything second-hand so that saves me a ton.

>> No.7683500

I'm ashamed to say that most of my lolita has been bought by my parents.
However lately I've been spending my own money on it. I'm going to try to get a job soon and maybe take commissions so I can support my own hobby.

>> No.7683513

I'm in college on a full scholarship and I live with my parents, pay no bills, and I (usually) have a part time job.

Unemployed atm cause I quit a shitty full time job I hated.

>> No.7683529

I pay almost everything out of my paycheck. Both me and my partner has well paying jobs in IT, sometimes I use money that I've inherited from my dad, so I guess you could say that he "pays"

>> No.7683577

I have a job and no big commitments (mortgage, car, kids etc) so after my rent/necessities for the month the £2k left over is mine to spend/save as I choose.

>> No.7683666
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I am a college student. I work full time and go to school full time. I buy roughly 3-4 new burando main pieces a month. I dont rely on my parents too much financially so lolita doesnt bother them although my mom would advise me time to time i have too many dresses. My lolita wardrobe is 100% bought with my earned money. My boyfriend prefers to buy me useful things than lolita but he absolutely loves it and isnt embarrassed to be seen with me in it. He encourages me to dress in the fashion whenever, wherever and often compliments me.Pic related.

>> No.7683781

I go to uni and work for a street fashion brand in SoHo, I buy most of my clothes from there so with the discount I save money that way. Everything else from the paycheck goes to savings. My second job is fun/bill money from a work study grant, and that's where I pick up my lolita from, usually one main piece a month and a few accessories/side pieces here and there.

>> No.7683785
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Nice closet

>> No.7683806

What's your job? I'm planning on moving out and would like to know what your schedule is so I could get a good idea of what needs to be done, because you're living my dream life, anon.

You go girl.

>> No.7683829

Do you pay for college? Or scholarship?

>> No.7683831

My husband buys everything and pays all the bills.

>> No.7683849

I live away from home during the school year and my parents give me $140 a week to live on, which, to be honest, is a lot more than I need considering they also pay my rent and I don't go out very often. I also have a very small part-time job (we're talking less than minimum wage here) working from home at an SMS service. I rarely buy first-hand brand that isn't on sale, so I get by okay.

>> No.7683857

I am a uni student who works part time and lives out of home. I normally buy lolita when I either have a bit of extra money or after I've saved a bit or I buy a dream item. Sadly I have very little savings as the place I was previously renting was quite expensive and I wasn't working for a couple of months so I've had to sell some items to afford others/pay for more important things. It was much easier to buy lolita when I lived with my parents.

>> No.7684114

I buy lolita with my work paycheck. I have been in a vicious cycle this year of buying expensive dresses and selling others off to pay for new ones because of guilt i guess and so my dress collection never really gets any bigger. But strangely i hoard bags and shoes, i have at least 3x more bags and shoes than dresses and i can't stop buying them, i feel like i never have enough, i have no idea why it's not the same with dresses.

>> No.7684119

I'm an exotic dancer, I live in an inexpensive area and I buy almost all of my Lolita clothing on LM.

>> No.7684129

I have a full time job and don't buy more than a few dresses a month. I'm considering selling though because I need space in my closet and there's some stuff I haven't worn recently. I was really lucky and got full merit scholarships for college so I don't have student loans but I started working on a career a few years later than people my age. I'm making ~67k doing tech support and my husband and I keep our finances separate (he's in finance) and pool money for pills. After savings and joint expenditures everything else is disposable income for me.

My advice to younger lolitas is to not fuck up college (graduate, at least) but makes lots of friends and network. Every job I've ever gotten was thanks to an inside recommendation and that will get you much further than any degree.

>> No.7684165

I have a shop online (clothing) so what i earn usually goes to lolita expenses. I go to university and where i live no part time jobs and i cannot apply for a full time job because i have to graduate next year and still lots of stuff to do.

>> No.7684174

>pool money for pills
It took me forever to realise that you probably meant bills. I was imagining you and your husband as a junkie couple.

>> No.7684185

I know that feel!I have an obsession for bags, especially plush/animal shaped ones and so i end to buy bags and accessories than main pieces.

>> No.7684369

God I wish. But if we were it'd probably be cocaine.

I have that problem too. They are so impractical too and I rarely end up using them.

>> No.7684412

There are some bigger plush/animal bags like a bunny lop one or kitty face ones i saw on taobao, not sure which brand replica. But again i choose to buy next a small Kuromi bag, this obsession will never end. My most used one is a simple bag in enamel black with a bow, isn't really lolita but i can put whatever i want in that bag. I still use my small bags but i need a more capable bag, maybe buying that bunny lop bag isn't a bad idea.

>> No.7684578

>I work full time and go to school full time.

If you don't mind me asking, how do you balance both? And what's your major?

>> No.7684608

Mine too. Princess4lyfe

>> No.7684737

My family is really rich and pay my CC. Never tell me no. They pay for everything, rent, food, anything. I have been lonely and depressed for years and taking it out on my CC and they never say no and I feel like an absolute shithead. I spent ~$300 this week alone on lolita stuff.

I'm in school and presently not working (they told me I don't have to get a job since having one was stressing me out a lot the last 3 years). I feel like the worst person in the world, which makes me keep buying more... I hate it and want to stop but can't make myself stop, and round and round the merry go round of guilt goes...

>> No.7684777

Oh, and a little over 1k this month... and at least 1k, if not closer to 2k last month. God I need help. I am seriously scum.

>> No.7684786

If you're so rich why don't you ask your parents to bring you to a therapist?

>> No.7684816

Not OP but therapists can't help everyone.

>> No.7684837

I live at home on vacation from school. I work retail full time ATM. I make a good amount of extra money each month (about $500) on top of my regular paychecks by opening lots of in store credit cards. Keeps my manager happy and the burando in my closet. I also almost exclusively buy my brand second hand or wait for the big sales. Much of my closet is also off brand hunted down

>> No.7684839
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I work full time, live at home but help pay for bills and such. I have a really easy job, 2k a fortnight so I have no problem affording brand. I buy 2-3 dresses a month if I want, depends if there's other things I want to buy (as Lolita isn't my only interest).
But yeah, that's dresses. Accessories, bags, shoes, I buy them aswell.

>> No.7684871

>has an addiction that she feels bad about
>self destructive attitude leading down a spiral

sounds like she should try therapy to at least figure out the driving force behind her attitude. Therapy can't help everyone but sounds like it has a good chance of helping.

>> No.7684879

I went to therapy for 2 years and it didn't make my issues budge, just subdued them for a few months and then they came back. I know the problem myself, self confidence issues, lack of social interaction (in person and online), and the inability to get over past fears. I try self help stuff every day, to change, but haven't made much progress. Asking to go back to therapy when it didn't help and cost them thousands before (3 different therapists) would make me feel even worse about myself, which is surprisingly possible.

>> No.7684893

College student with a part time job. Split the bills with my roommate. I afford cosplaying by making them myself and never buying cosplay supplies full priced. If your're buying fabric full price then you're crazy.

>> No.7684898

Oh I should mention, my new insurance allows me 6 free sessions a year. I have the first set up already. I am trying to be hopeful of those. I am open to going on medication. But like I said in >>7684879 I am pretty stuck for certain reasons that my therapists, friends, S/O, and myself all tried to get me out of, but I can't shake it.

>captcha Courage Newsong

>> No.7684918

don't talk about sugar daddies, the janitor will bahleet all your posts.

>> No.7684926

started with a decent checking account fund, then got low, then got a job. quit my job a few months ago to spend time with my boyfriend. now he's going to med school and is going to help fund some of my burando. i want another job though.

>> No.7684954

idk about medication, but it sounds like you should definitely be going to a professional counselor of some sort.
you should recognize that this amount of guilt is not normal.
I've been in similar shoes before & therapy/medication was not the solution for me, getting out of the house and finding a way to support myself independently was. but that doesn't mean it won't work for you
I hope things improve for you.

>> No.7684965

you goo girl

>> No.7685013

Thank you anon, you are very kind. I am glad you found a solution that works for you. Hearing your input helps, I appreciate it.

>> No.7685045

don't buy things from any of the English second hand sites they are too damn expensive. Buy used from Japan. They have things dirt cheap. I can usually buy lesser popular brands (no baby or meta) for around 60 and at most I've spent on things are around 150. So cheaper so much cheaper.

as for money, get a job, pay your bills, put some in savings that doesn't get touched, and then set aside fun money for whatever. So a little each month.

>> No.7690419

Well one semester before I got a second job I used a bit of my extra FASFA money to get a dress and a bag(second hand of course), I regret it a lot but I live at home and most of it went to my parents anyway(and pay them most of my two paychecks now to them for "rent"). I scavenge what I can and use my credit card twice for two different dresses as my biggest purchases. Payment plans are my friends and so is stuff like mbok for certain brand. I don't have a car yet despite my savings that get taken for "bills". I mainly buy bodyline/other offbrand and then splurge on Baby and Ap every few months.

>> No.7690556
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Work part time in Retail and do focus groups on the side. When I lived with my parents buying second hand was easy.
Now I still do the same thing but live in an apt with bf who lost his job. I pay all the bills and have no money for lolita :( Its super hard and been like this for a while. I always wonder how some of ya'll do it. Between bills and saving up to move to another state its really hard to buy anything. So I just sit at home looking at all the pretty stuff.

>> No.7690573

I did this for a while, not anon you're replying to though.

I fucking hated it. I think it was partly the fact that my job sucked so bad. But also I just hated being gone most of the day most days of the week. I literally felt so drained, and I never had time to have any fun, I usually slept on weekends.

So I quit the bullshit full time job and am looking for a part time. I found one, but it doesn't start for like a month and a half and would only make me about $75 a week, but it'd be fun and really easy.

I have no expenses other than weed, but my bf pretty much funds my weed habit. Sometimes when I'm really stressed it's a habit that costs up to $20 a day. So that's pretty pricey.

I've been smoking a lot less, though. I feel bad cause my bf works all day and I've usually smoked up all the pot when he comes home.

>> No.7690638

Husband is an FTE, and I'm a temp that's currently taking the two month mandatory leave after 10 months' employment at my agency. We share single mint.com to track our spending, and we each have our own individual hobby budgets set at $150 a month, and whatever is left over at the end of the month will roll over to the next. I have to go in and assign the category to my purchases, but it's pretty easy. Also, if I end up overspending my budget (which happens often), it gives my husband an excuse to playfully spank me. And of course the next month I refrain from looking at lacemarket or any lolita online store.

It sucks being a temp, but I honestly feel very lucky at our current financial situation. We're not planning on any kids, ever, so we just have to work a little more on saving. I convinced him to start a Vanguard retirement fund, so that's a start for retirement at least. Now if only the client of my agency would hire me full-time. A two-month break is nice, but security it is not. :(

Seconding on the recommendation of making connections while doing your degree, and finish your degree. Both are important. The degree qualification is an easy way for HR at any firm to reduce the 200+ applications they receive on the first day of announcing an opening in the firm. If a current employee at the firm went to your same school or university, or even better, met you there and received the impression that you were putting at least a moderate amount of work, it reduces the work for HR even more.

It's one step away from nepotism. It's not fair, especially if you're not a social butterfly. But really, you should at least try to address some of your classmates and dorm mates by their given name, at least once. You don't have to stay up until 3a.m. drinking (you do need to actually graduate), but interacting with people is a necessary skill, and those connections can help later in the job search. If you're an awkwafina, fake it till you make it.

>> No.7691733
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>smoking weed

You're disgusting.

>> No.7691789

Could you drop those taobao links please?

>> No.7691854

>Had job at local theme park all last year
>Job was shit, co-workers were assholes, but at least I could buy my burando and cosplay stuff.
>Unfortunately, it was a seasonal job and the only people they "re-hired" were the kissass teenagers.
>Now, have no job and down to a hundred or so dollars in savings

I've started cutting down the amount of conventions and meets that I go to while doing odd jobs for my family/friends to make money sp that I can buy little things here and there until I graduate and can start teaching next fall. It's been hard, but I can deal.

>> No.7691871

Have a full-time job and live rent-free with parents. My income breakdown is typically: save (50%), food/transportation/etc (20%), lolita (30%).

I still end up spending almost $1k every month on lolita though and I feel like it's too much xD

>> No.7691881


I did this as well, it's really not that hard, unless you're doing shit labor, I worked in labs and stuff at school, the only thing that sucked was generally not having any time to yourself

>> No.7691885

I had a full time job when I lived at home and blew all my money on I don't even know what. This was before I was a lolita. Now that I AM into lolita I'm out on my own with a different job, part time, making 1/2 what I did before and ugh. I should have been better with money back then.
I should have bought brand when I could have afforded it now I'm just a second-hand-chan.

>> No.7692029

In b4 sex worker

>> No.7692043

Because thats such a shame.
Oh no! Someone making money just like everybody else! :(

>> No.7692086

janitor bans/deletes those posters because they are 'off-topic'.

i miss the bad old days.

>> No.7692091

lop bunny bag
Not sure where i can find the cat face bag.

>> No.7692092

Honestly I spent a good portion of my recent student loan on brand. It was supposed to go towards food/amenities and a new place, but my landlord was a dick so I had to move back home and suddenly the money was at my disposal. I had around $1k~ of cash to blow for the summer.

I have a part time job, but I don't make enough unless I pick up shifts for my check to amount to anything. Some people would call spending student loan money on clothes stupid but I don't know, either way I was going to pay it back eventually and at this this makes me happy. And if all else fails at least my popular brand pieces have some collateral if I wish to sell again. I just wish I could drop out of my master's program and try to get a full time job with my BA.

>> No.7692206 [DELETED] 

I'm working on the sugar daddy thing right now.
I found a cute rich guy who wants to spoil me without even getting sex in return, wish me luck

give me your lives :(

>> No.7692212

What's your wardrobe like?

>> No.7692244 [DELETED] 

Where? I made a seekingarrangement profile and I only got creepers looking for an escort.

>> No.7692254
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Damn, I guess so are all the best people in the world.

>smoke weed erryday

>> No.7692295 [DELETED] 

pathetic lazy whores :(

>> No.7692302 [DELETED] 

awww, so bitter and jealous. don't be upset because we're smart enough to manipulate people into giving us what we want.
have fun with your low paying job, and cheap dresses <333

>> No.7692318 [DELETED] 

Whatever you say, hooker. No one will ever want you long term with your stretched out, diseased pussy, so you will have to prostitute yourself for life while convincing yourself that these men actually care about you while your dad cries himself to sleep. Enjoy.

>> No.7692320 [DELETED] 

> ugly fatty detected

>> No.7692327 [DELETED] 

>yfw easy as fuck job, work 9-3, $150 a day, closet too small to contain my wardrobe

>> No.7692335 [DELETED] 

did you miss the part where I said I don't have to have sex? I act sweet, and get $7,000 a week.
Try harder, or maybe read a little.

>> No.7692338 [DELETED] 

>getting this mad over being called exactly what you are: a prostitute

>> No.7692351 [DELETED] 

Prostitutes have sex anon. OP isn't having sex.
>jealous fatty definitely detected

>> No.7692352 [DELETED] 

Keep thinking that, sweetheart. No man is going to keep forking over money without something in return, and your "sweetness" isn't going to be enough.

>act sweet
Couldn't have said it better, seeing as you are a rancid, foul cunt with a personality and worth lower than sewage. :^)

>> No.7692357 [DELETED] 

Quit samefagging, whore. Shouldn't you be on the street corner trying to sell your blown out cunt?

>> No.7692360 [DELETED] 

Not even the anon you're arguing with, but you sound much worse than you accuse her to be. So what if it doesn't last forever, she just needs to enjoy it while it does.

>> No.7692365 [DELETED] 


Sounds like someone had a bad week at Mcdonalds.

>> No.7692366 [DELETED] 

They act like I'm going to be doing this my entire life, it's literally just a hobby.
Someone needs to clean the sand out of their cunt.

>> No.7692374 [DELETED] 

Nothing is worse than a whore. :^)

>> No.7692378 [DELETED] 

>misuse of literally
Typical uneducated /cgl/ whore. I hope you get brutally raped. :^)

>> No.7692386 [DELETED] 

All I'm getting from you is
>too ugly to get either a sugar daddy or a rich bf
>too poor to afford a cute lolita and her clothes

Is that the official emoticon for douche-face? Every time.

>> No.7692399 [DELETED] 

Sooooo much samefag in this thread from gold digger chan


Also stop taking the b8 m8, just don't argue, we all know it's a lie. And if it's not, then she has to be a really special kind of shitty, not worth even speaking with

>> No.7692407 [DELETED] 
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Ah yes, look at all this samefagging.

>> No.7692409 [DELETED] 

Are you seriously calling yourself cute? Seriously. My sides are in orbit.

>> No.7692420 [DELETED] 
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also not me

>> No.7692421 [DELETED] 

I really don't understand why you guys are hating so hard.
If the terms of their relationships are clearly defined (and with sugar babies, I'm guessing it must be), it's an exchange like any other. Nobody is lying to anybody, why would that be a bad thing?
You guys really need to chill.

>> No.7692422 [DELETED] 

you're really defensive. Also

>using that as "proof"
>people still think you can't easily edit out the (You)

>> No.7692423 [DELETED] 

Keep trying to prove that you're not a worthless, used up whore.

>> No.7692427 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7692435 [DELETED] 

You'll never be better than me, whore.

>> No.7692440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7692722

I spent my last student loan/scholarship money on a bunch of random shit, too.

I normally have like.. several thousand dollars leftover after books and classes are paid for. The time before last I actually ended up going to Europe for over a week with some of the money.

>> No.7693471

eh don't feel bad, I use my student loans to pay bills, and school stuff then I work part time to buy lolita.

>> No.7696945

At the moment I'm a buy sell Lolita. I'm hoping to build up my wardrobe one day but right now I'm saving for college