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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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7689099 No.7689099[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Old thread:

>> No.7689120
File: 43 KB, 374x891, W.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that tweet is real

>> No.7689134

I had to check it, too. This account is great.

>> No.7689142
File: 27 KB, 858x866, errr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the Dashcon staff attempting to make a 2015 anyway? Doesn't the staff know they're literally the laughing stock of almost everywhere?

>mfw even emo and scene kids are starting the crack jokes about it

>> No.7689143

/cglcon at Denny's. Not any particular Denny's, all of them.

Also WTNV people are continuing to make angry tweets but they are now probably about someone that does show stuff getting run off the internet and doxed for writing Persona rape fanfic, not Dashcon. They've had a bad week.

>> No.7689148

So, anybody got pictures of any good cosplays that accidentally ended up at Dashcon?

>> No.7689155

Well apparently they already paid for the location.

>> No.7689159
File: 42 KB, 500x100, tumblr_inline_n8tdu8rKXp1s2xspi[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The process is fairly straightforward. (It just involves convincing them to give you money.)

guys i'm pretty sure you can lock disney and apple and mcdonald's in a hotel room and they'll just throw $17,000 at you. that's how that works, right?

>> No.7689162

Seriously? They're acting like nothing happened. I hope someone takes legal action before next year comes around

>> No.7689163

>they are now probably about someone that does show stuff getting run off the internet and doxed for writing Persona rape fanfic

Wait, what? What's all this about?

>> No.7689165

Have they even said anything new about 2015 recently? I think they were just always planning that, thinking Dashcon would go spectacularly well, and in their ever-present incompetence just haven't taken down, edited, or even rethought 2015 since the past weekend's shitfest.

>> No.7689167

Well if Hasbro can listen to bronies why not Disney and apple listen to TUMBLR!!1

>> No.7689173


ooh boy, I really want to see them try. Getting sponsors at the very least implies having a detailed and organized plan of what's going to be done with the money (which they clearly don't have).

Once I even had a sponsor try to talk me into committing tax fraud by giving fake receipts so they could get more money back.

>> No.7689174

There was a really cute Card Captor Sakura group, hopefully someone will post it.

>> No.7689175



This looks legit, anybody care to investigate?

>> No.7689181


>but they are now probably about someone that does show stuff getting run off the internet and doxed for writing Persona rape fanfic, not Dashcon

Wait, what.

>> No.7689183

It is legit, it was their first official organizing/etc. forum. The second one, after the name change, is here: http://dashcon.yuku.com/ Some stuff from there was dug up in the previous threads and on Tumblr itself, but I'm sure there's more amusing bullshit to be found.

>> No.7689184
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I mean considering the fact they want to already sell tickets and supposedly 'got' a location already

Anndd wanting to bring big celebrities and sponsors

>> No.7689190

>Persona rape fanfic


>> No.7689195
File: 154 KB, 715x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha oh wow

>> No.7689200


Oh, I didn't know they had migrated, I tried making an account at the old one but you can't see shit anyways. Thanks for the heads up

>> No.7689202

They've already made a down payment on the hotel.

>> No.7689205

they changed their twitter name to dashconindy

>> No.7689207


>> No.7689208

A lot of the original link/tumblrs were dead by the time I got there and I honestly have little idea what is going on.

>> No.7689209


Goddamnit, I wish somebody could take over the BB, you can't see anything and I'm sure there's some juicy shit in there that's hidden, as >>7689183 pointed out. Idk about their new board, I'm in the process of making an account to see what I can see. Probably more of the same

>> No.7689241

is this ride ever going to end

>> No.7689242

Sympathy Crime is/was a victim focused Persona fanfic and wasn't a fapfic. At least that's what my Persona-loving friends are telling me. So it seems more like someone is trying to undermine WTNV for some reason rather than anything else?

basically useless fandom wank that'll be forgotten in a month

>> No.7689246

Yeah, but it's a mess. Like I said WTNV is having a terrible week.

>> No.7689249

It is a mess, although I can't help but wonder if it's fueled by bitter fan rage.

>> No.7689251

What does Persona have to do with WTNV?

>> No.7689252
File: 89 KB, 500x169, tumblr_inline_n8s28rD77A1s2xspi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ooh boy, I really want to see them try. Getting sponsors at the very least implies having a detailed and organized plan

This is Roxanne, the co-creator of Dashcon.

>> No.7689257


Do these fucking monkeys read their own posts?

>> No.7689260

Everyone should feel bad about seeking to drain her of energy and rob her her of her time just to fuel impotent nerdrage. I would make it an international crime against humanity tomorrow if it were up to me. I can't imagine any worse thing.

>> No.7689269

>that means legal work, which I am not interested in
Poor gal, she might have to be dealing with legal work of another kind pretty soon.

>> No.7689273

The writer of the latest episode wrote Sympathy Crime, therefore all WTNV members are rape apologists according to the tumblr mentality.

>> No.7689278

Oh ok. Thanks for clearing that up!

>> No.7689287

inb4 death threats to Cecil Baldwin

>> No.7689288

did anything go right during Dashcon?

>> No.7689293

Well, supposedly DashCon will make a statement in the next couple of days or something...so probably not. At least not right now.

>> No.7689294

What death threats?

>> No.7689301

People who were screwed over got to spend an extra hour in the crappy ball pit that had been pissed in. It was like winning the lottery but even more awesome for those lucky folks, so those winners will certainly be feeling everything went right for them!

>> No.7689313

Was there parents in dashcon?

>> No.7689317

Apparently security was good (not ID checking, flat out security) but they weren't put together by the runners.

>> No.7689342

>Well, supposedly DashCon will make a statement in the next couple of days or something
Does it have to take a week for a post-con writeup? I'm just asking. The longer the wait the longer the shitstorm keeps brewing.

>> No.7689348

The longer it goes on the more obvious it is that there are no easy answers for all of the stuff that went wrong...

>> No.7689359

Wow, someone needs to dig up more forum posts like these, it's a fucking goldmine in here.

>> No.7689365

I agree that it is ridiculous. Hell. Even just a short, but official statement about how they acknowledge their mistakes and errors and what they are going to do to resolve issues.

But no. Instead we got some excuses:
>We’ve only just gotten home and back to our internet connections tonight, and two of us are away from home again tomorrow. More information is coming in the next couple of days, just please bear with us while we put together something eloquent, accurate, and informative. Jumping to ‘defend ourselves’ is not the answer here. You all deserve a real explanation, and we’re more than happy to provide it. Give us a day or two to regroup, and I assure you that our post will be more in depth than askdashcon, and our information will be accurate, whereas this blog gets quite a lot of their answers wrong. I’m truly sorry for the delay, but your explanation is coming very soon. -Megg (June 15th)

>> No.7689408

>More information is coming in the next couple of days, just please bear with us while we put together something eloquent, accurate, and informative. Jumping to ‘defend ourselves’ is not the answer here.

Translation: don't sue us yet, give us time mto make up some bullshit lies that you might believe. If we keep doing this long enough, the statute of limitations for filing a claim might expire!

>> No.7689414

I wonder if they'll take the blame for WTNV not showing up or if they'll continue their "BUT WE HAD MONE IN OUR PAYPAL LOL!!"-routine.

>> No.7689416


Live by the fandom, die by the fandom.

Have to wonder if Nightvale's going to try and steer their stories and episodes back to their usual flavor now tumblr's trying to throw them under a bus.

>> No.7689419

So has anyone contacted WB about the showing of Pacific Rim? I'll definitely do it if no one else has. Are there pictures or videos of the showing?

>> No.7689420

I actually didn't mind the Strexcorp plot that much! But I'd much prefer for them to return to their earlier semi-episodic set up where we didn't have to listen to every podcast to know what's going on. Maybe save the plotline stuff for holiday specials or whatever.

>> No.7689422


Never EVER take Paypal from anyone sketchy for any significant amount of money. Paypal will ALWAYS reverse payments on the claim of their customer.

Especially for scammers who know exactly what kind of claims to make. Google Paypal chargeback scam for examples. Considering they wrote checks as bouncy as their bouncy castle, they were definitely sketchy.

I don't blame WTNV for refusing to accept Paypal (assuming this even happened).

>> No.7689427

I don't think they've been contacted or Joss Whedon over DrHorrible, but if you'd like to be the one to start the fire please keep us in the loop.

>> No.7689428

>I don't blame WTNV for refusing to accept Paypal (assuming this even happened).
Of course the blame isn't on them. I can't even understand why they had a meeting early on the same day they were supposed to show up before hey decided to cancel. Everything should have been paid and accounted for (travel, lodging, performance fees) weeks in advance.

DashCon got all the leeway in the world and they STILL fucked it up for all the fans at the con who wen there to see WTNV.

>> No.7689429

God you sound like such a sad bitter fuck.

>> No.7689432


I'd report directly to the MPAA if you do.

Specifically the ReportPiracy address here: http://www.mpaa.org/contact-us/

Ordinarily I'd consider ratting out people to the MPAA mafia kind of shitty, but I think an exception can be made for these slimeballs.

>> No.7689434

I think it had something to do with WTNV needing to book a flight and haul ass over there, since the offer was quite sudden allegedly.

Also rumors abound that they were promised pay but the admins quickly backed out once WTNV arrived, apparently banking on them just doing it out of the goodness of their heart.

>> No.7689435

Eh, just kind of amazed at how many many fans turned on them and swore never to listen to them or by their merch again because they expected to be paid for their performance and didn't stick around For the Fans for free.

>> No.7689436

>bunch of incompetent kids
I don't really see where the ire is coming from. They're a bunch of stupid pricks, but come on, trying to fuck them over by throwing them to the MPAA sharks like this when they're already in loads of trouble? What's the point?

>> No.7689439

Thanks for this. Should I try to include pictures of the screening itself or would simply telling them about it be enough for them to investigate?

>> No.7689443

Come on, they did this illegally and we can do this for the lulz.

>> No.7689445

It felt like it dragged after a bit, but they did a good job at resolving things with the anniversary eps, with equal helpings of awesomeness and sadness. Live shows are a helluva trip.

>> No.7689448

Scratch that, I found their itinerary online where they plainly state what they're showing at the viewing party lol

What idiots

Writing the email now

>> No.7689456

They're planning Dashcon 2015
They don't get it.

>> No.7689459

>but the admins quickly backed out once WTNV arrived, apparently banking on them just doing it out of the goodness of their heart.
Man I can't fucking WAIT for the admins "eloquent" post about this shit.

>> No.7689462

>for the lulz
Oh, hello /b/. Sorry, I'll let you do your thing now.

In seriousness, though, they're probably already going to get sued. Feeding them to the big bad MPAA (who, let's face it, we all hate) is going to at best push them into bankruptcy squared and at worst going to make them look like martyrs to the system, which is a tactic they're ALREADY using with regards to WTNV.
So, you know, go ahead, do your worst.
Do you really think that their plans aren't going to fall through, after all the hot water they're already in?

>> No.7689463

I'm sure we'll be hearing much about how the admins were sick after the con, how they were having panic attacks, how they couldn't internet because they had to go to the doctor and get new medication (lol j/k none of those self-diagnosers would go to a doctor, it's too triggering)

>> No.7689464

I don't really care, but some anon said that there were video proof of them at least screening dr. horribles sing along blog.

Man I need to watch that movie again, NPH YOU TURN MY DICK INTO DIAMONDS

>> No.7689466

I dunno, I think if anyone comes out of that situation looking better it'd be the MPAA.
Anyway, why hasn't WTNV released more of a statement? A few snippets on twitter isn't looking very good.

>> No.7689468

Apparently they showed a screenshot of money in a paypal account. While Dashcon were begging for money on tumblr because they didn't have enough money to save from being kicked out of the hotel.

I'm sure WTNV were curious about stuff like why if you have money were our expenses and advance fee not covered and why are you begging for more money and how can we be sure this alleged paypal money will go to WTNV and not other people you owe money to assuming the screenshot isn't faked which is an issue given that Dashcon has lied about and fucked everything up so far...

I mean I make paypal monies as a (lesser known) artist and I can understand I would have felt bad for the disappointed fans and worried about my reputation but in the circumstances I think I would have found it hard not to just tell Dashcon to piss off and then vanish to somewhere with booze and floozies.

>> No.7689472

Probably waiting to collect their thoughts together before saying anything. Or they're just being polite, though given how they've since been treated by the convention I don't see that lasting long.

>> No.7689474

Probably because they don't want to get any deeper into this mess. I can't blame them, since anything they say at this point would be lost over the deafening roar tumblr

>> No.7689475

Thread One (1): >>7672973
Thread Two (2): >>7674079
Thread Three (3): >>7674680
Thread Four (4): >>7675377
Thread Five (5): >>7676252
Thread Six (6): >>7677013
Thread Seven (7): >>7677645
Thread Eight (8): >>7678571
Thread Nine (9): >>7680093
Thread Ten (10): >>7681105
Thread Eleven (11): >>7682120
Thread Twelve (12): >>7684476
Thread Thirteen (13): >>7684436
Thread Fourteen (14): >>7689099

>> No.7689476

WTNV had a scheduled performance for their tour in Wisconsin on the Monday after Dashcon so they probably were like no biggie, it can't be that bad?! Well...

>> No.7689477

>looking good
Way to go, movie execs, for fucking those teenage amateur con organizers up the bum for showing a movie at their poorly organized event. You really showed them, getting away with all of the profits they didn't get from it anyway thanks to all the lawsuits coming their way. You really showed those idealistic kids who REALLY owns the movies!


>> No.7689483

Noice, I was wanting to go back and reread thread one

>> No.7689491

Not really. Not getting the license to show stuff at cons is a pretty common occurrence, especially small ones. It's like ratting out unlicensed anime showings at anime clubs or whatever.

>> No.7689492

K. Email sent, will tell you guys what they say (if I get a response)

>> No.7689498

There's a difference between an unlicensed screening at a personal/private event, and an unlicensed screening at a larger convention or gathering, especially one where people have to pay upwards of $30 to get in.

>> No.7689503

Just to elaborate further, if there's any type of profit being made from showing something then the company that produced that something would demand a royalty. How would you like it if someone made bank on your hard work and you got no cut? This is the legal way of solving that issue.

>> No.7689504

And you can't do nothing but respect WTNV for setting up @gingerhazing

>> No.7689505


>> No.7689507

>especially one where people have to pay upwards of $30
It's worse than that my friend.

>> No.7689510

ratting to MPAA?

I thought we wanted DashCon to continue to see the trainwreck continue, not make people's lives genuinely awful...

and by doing so, your going to make the organizer's outright martyrs and guess what? the minute that this gets out, Tumblr will be all over this and will start donation drives and everything to save them. No amount of bad publicity or bad things about them will save them and the gullable masses will still come to their aid at the end.

>> No.7689512

Oh, I know. I just wanted to try and hit an average. Which would probably be more like $40.

>> No.7689513


Bunch of incompetent kids? What about incompetence made them falsely claim to be associated with a charity (Random Acts) and to collect money that charity has not seen a penny of?

That's just thievery.

>> No.7689516

I was with her until she said one of Dashcon's biggest faults was "no gender neutral bathrooms"... really? Sure that's important but it's not one of "the biggest reasons Dashcon failed" and I haven't even seen anyone complaining about it.

>> No.7689518

It was $65 for the whole weekend

>> No.7689521

Oh, was it the whole weekend? I thought it was, like, $45, with extra for the WTNV seats.
My bad, sorry.

>> No.7689524

I don't know how much extra Nightvale tickets cost, but I'm fairly certain a three-day pass for the con was $65--which is utterly ridiculous for a first year con.

>> No.7689527
File: 408 KB, 160x120, 1378359748879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this whole year was just a publicity stunt to get people talking about the con so next year they actually hit 8k between all the Tumblr kids defending them and all the people who want to see the trainwreck in person.

>> No.7689528


That's approaching Otakon prices, ridiculous!

>> No.7689533

>"no gender neutral bathrooms"
Don't most places have one of those giant unisex bathrooms for the wheelchair-bound or mentally disabled to use?

>> No.7689537
File: 82 KB, 1022x768, BRILLIANT-s1022x768-340120_zpsa49a1615[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just blew my fucking mind, friend.

>> No.7689538

Friday: $30
Saturday: $45
Sunday: $20
No weekend-pass prices.

Q&A only: $10
Live Reading: $10
Q&A and Live Reading: $15

>> No.7689545

Yeah, someone pointed out NYCC tickets cost the same. And you might even get to see Mark Hamil or Nathan Fillion!

>> No.7689547

Random Acts did say that a volunteer filled out a form, it's just that nothing was ever actually approved. Stupid of Dashcon yes, but I don't think it was out of wanting to steal money.

>> No.7689548

That's what I said, but they didn't care. /b/ gonna leejun, I guess.
Honestly, I'm as interested in that as you are, because for the most part everything else just points to them having overlooked things. Something tells me that they at one point attempted to contact Random Acts and that it fell through, but miscommunication inside Dashcon leadership (what a shock that would be, huh?) led them to believe that the partnership was still on.
Hanlon's razor. Don't attribute to malice unduly what could be explained with incompetence.

>> No.7689550

WTNV are currently on tour, they're hella busy

>> No.7689551

Well you know, an hour in the ball pit.

Seriously though, when they said an hour extra in the ball pit, they can't have been serious, because that's retarded, but they also couldn't have been sarcastic, because that would have shown an enormous disrespect to the con goers. So what the fuck exactly did they mean by "an hour extra in the ball pit"?

So many questions. So few (no) answes.

>> No.7689554

4chan, the place where things go too far.
I doubt MPAA actually cares anyway. If they do it's only more drama for us I suppose.

>> No.7689558

>Hanlon's razor. Don't attribute to malice unduly what could be explained with incompetence.
I'm with you, I doubt malice had anything to do with it, they were just stupid, naive and as a result complete incompetent.

>> No.7689559

A huge majority of tumblr has been calling the dashcon organisers a bunch of con artists since info started coming out. The only people defending dashcon are the ones who were at the con and need to justify the money they spent. The number of people on tumblr who would actually support them is far, far less than you think it is, especially with their continued demonising of night vale to make themselves look better.

>> No.7689561

it depends on the venue, so dashcon would really have no control over it, anyway. A convention center might have a unisex bathroom, but I have never seen a hotel with one.

>> No.7689564

I'm sure expecting otherkin phantom winged/tailed/penised trans-third-sex tumblr users to use disabled/unisex restrooms like something they were not in their imaginations would be worse than being a nazi and probably a war crime punishable by at least five consecutive hangings.

>> No.7689566

One person suggested that "an extra hour" meant that they were going to leave the ball pit area open for another hour; they should have probably worded it as "ball pit hours have been extended for an hour" or something along those lines.

>> No.7689568

What? How does this compensate people who bought WTNV tickets?

>> No.7689569

Actually, while most anime stuff slips by, Disney will get at you if you show their stuff without permission at a large gathering like a club. Especially if you have membership fees (like a lot of uni clubs do). People like funimation dont care though.

Usually unisex bathrooms are also one stall and are there because they dont have the space for gendered washrooms.

>> No.7689570

Exactly, which is why I'm not calling them thieves and slimeballs or reporting them to the MPAA to enhance their image as martyrs.

>> No.7689571

I highly doubt the ballpit had hours. Hell, the bouncy castle looked more fun than that.

>> No.7689572

It still doesn't. That person was just trying to figure out what they might have meant.

>> No.7689577

I heard another con got a Hilton to designate a ton of restrooms as gender-neutral, so it's possible to negotiate with them.

>> No.7689580

Is it really that hard to designate a bathroom as gender-neutral? Just remove the "Women's" sign and replace it with "No Urinals" or something.

>> No.7689581
File: 11 KB, 502x118, item10e[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, I looked up info on a first-year-con I went to in 2011. At the door prices were $60 weekend; $25 Fri; $30 Sat; $25 Sun. I think I paid around $40 for prereg.

The following year (which I didn't go to) was $35 weekend; $25 Fri; $30 Sat; $25 Sun.

I wonder what's normal for first year cons? Because yeah...$65 for a weekend pass is an awful deal for a tiny con with little events going on. That's the price for more established cons with several big name guests.

>> No.7689589

It's not. It just requires some planning, which was obviously way out of the admins' league.

>> No.7689592

This. Who knows where she would have had to stay if they hadn't offered her their pull out couch since she got saddled with her own hotel costs. I doubt she even sold enough to cover the hotel cost.

>> No.7689595

$65 for the weekend, pre-reg. $80 at the door.

>> No.7689599

Pretty much. The problem is that they relied way too much on ticket sales for funds, and didn't want to "deal with legal stuff" for external advertisements, so tickets ended up being expensive.

>> No.7689600

such narrow minded tumblrtards. Not the first time this has happened in any fandom.

Feeling bad for WTNV for having to cop so muh shit

>> No.7689602

>Dashcon 2015
>"Ball Room"
>Hotel ballroom completely filled with balls

Make it happen dashcon

>> No.7689604

The Persona fanbase instantly jumped on the dumbass OP anyway (who deleted their blog, coward), so at least we know not all of them are retarded.

>> No.7689608

I don't blame WTNV for refusing to accept "we'll pay you later", regardless of the stated method. It's so cartoonishly inept that I can't believe the Dashcon people even tried to convince them.

>"Yeah, I've got your money, it's in the bank. Just let me go and get it."
>Person exits room, sound of running feet, car door slams, revving engine, tires squeal as they drive away.

Tbh I wouldn't have even turned up, or would have walked out as soon as I learnt of the 17k debacle. There's no way you're getting paid for performing at such a financially mismanaged event.

>> No.7689610


Can I just point out that Roxanne, the con owner is in her 30s? Can I? She's not some teenage amateur con organizer, she's a full-fledged adult steeped in this bullshit with a rich dad who apparently saw shit coming a mile away and tried to BUY THE CON OUT. All the people in charge had to be over 18.

I don't think ratting them out to the MPAA is a good idea, but at the same time this will also be a good way to let OTHER would be con organizers know, don't do this shit. Besides, since it's done and over they'd probably just be slapped with a fine.

>> No.7689624
File: 138 KB, 736x490, 62a13937520606d5f2b4f049ccebf0ec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, what we need is Tumblr Prom 2015 to have a gigantic balloon drop but with ballpit balls instead.

>> No.7689626

That won't stop them from playing that angle, and they had enough underage or really young staff that they'd be able to mitigate that. And she may not have been a teenage amateur con organizer, but she was an amateur con organizer and that'll be hard to demonize.

I feel like the con, as it is, is already being mocked soundly by everybody on the planet and is already serving as an effective deterrent to others who would have emulated them.
>just a fine
This entire thing was the result of poor financial planning and logistics in general, you think it's only going to be ONE fine? We're talking about private lawsuits or out-of-court settlements for vendors and other people who sank a lot of money into this. No, most of this will not involve government action, but I highly doubt that the people who wind up being the primary scapegoat are going to make it out of this unscathed.

>> No.7689627

>Hanlon's razor. Don't attribute to malice unduly what could be explained with incompetence.

It's a nice thought when you don't have a mountain of demonstrable lies starting well before the con.

Specifically, falsely claiming affiliation with a charity that's never heard of them.

>> No.7689631


I should also mention there's a complete difference between anime cons showing anime, and showing shit produced in the US that is covered under things like the MPAA.

The Naruto subs might not be covered and might be hard to get permission for unless you're a big name con (Otakon getting the Hellsing OVAs comes to mind), something like Pacific Rim is definitely a no go. Any respectable adult should know this.

I don't think that first year Pacific Rim CON showed Pacific Rim because of that.

>> No.7689637

I want to see her dad drop her completely so she'll have to resort to selling her engagement ring to clear the debt.
I know it won't happen but it'll be so satisfying.

>> No.7689639

I thought Roxanne was 17? The other co-admin is 32 or soemthing (I forget her name).

>> No.7689642

It's already been said that Random Acts has received an application from them, but never had an official affiliation.

>> No.7689643

>a rich dad who apparently saw shit coming a mile away and tried to BUY THE CON OUT.
What? I haven't heard anything about this.
I think ratting them out is good for a couple of reasons. First of all, they clearly don't fucking get it. And they're not going to. I can't see the future but I bet when their "statements" come out it's going to be a whole lot of "baaw the hotel, baaw nightvale, baaw 4chan, baaw the internets" and very very little if any "yeah, we kind of fucked up." I don't think they've really faced the full consequences of their actions yet and they may never. The internet being meanies is one thing, legal action is something else.
Also you have a point about the deterrent.. I've suspected for awhile now that "mini-cons" are going to start cropping up as people realize convention running can actually be pretty profitable. This would just add on to the deterrent, keep scammers out and people that actually want to run cons in.

>> No.7689645

>a mountain of demonstrable lies
>presents exactly one lie
I've already mentioned earlier this thread why that was an anamoly. It was obviously a miscommunication within the Dashcon staff.
Deplorable? Yes. ONLY explainable with malice? No.

>> No.7689646

Nah Loclhan was 17. She wasn't an actual admin, just a special committee member I think

>> No.7689650

There was more than one lie. "An entire room of inflatables" and "we've already paid the hotel and guests, it was really expensive" comes to mind.

>> No.7689651

The dad thing was garnered from screenshots Hythe posted here while doing her interview.

>> No.7689653

It's sad when the Tumblrtards begin to out inner the people who speak up for fandom though. (Not related to persona but ugh get related to another recent case)

Anyway back to Dashcon. Not sure why the bouncy castle wasn't punctured by homestuck horns.

>> No.7689660

Probably because the horns were made from tissue and landwhale sweat and fell off before they left their hotel room.

>> No.7689661

I don't think anyone above the age of 6 could fit in there.

>> No.7689667


This. Virtually every representation of fact by Dashcon has been either outright false or a misrepresentation. I also don't buy this "miscommunication" bullshit.

Seems like they miscommunicated with everyone from Steam Powered Giraffe to WTNV to the BSB.

At what point exactly do you stop extending the benefit of the doubt and conclude that someone just has a habit of lying their ass off?

>> No.7689668

>An entire room of inflatables
They had a room with inflatables in it. Underwhelming, yeah, but not exactly a lie. The second one may have also been the result of a miscommunication, which is again the result of almost all of Dashcon's problems, and was not demonstrably the product of malice of anybody involved. Also, do you have a source and context for it?

What I'm saying essentially is that this was most likely not a scam, and these are most likely not thieves we're talking about. Not until proven such.

>> No.7689669


It doesn't matter whether she was an amateur or not she presented herself as having the knowledge of EVENT PLANNING. Both her and the other co-founder, they said they had an "extensive background" in it. That means they should know common sense shit that APPEARS IN THE WARNING LABELS before every movie ever.

And yes, from the MPAA it's probably going to be just a fine. Which is the only thing I was talking about. Not the thousands of other things that's going to get them in trouble. I have no idea why you're getting so riled up.

So stop painting these people as "stupid kids", they're not stupid kids. They're adults who whether they meant to or not took advantage of those stupid kids. Them getting repercussions for their actions is not going to suddenly "martyr" them except to underaged kids and the extreme tumblr moron. And even then, if you haven't noticed they've wised up.

>> No.7689677


Alright so I did get them confused. But Roxanne is in her 20s not 17 and alternates between saying she has a degree in "hospitality management" and event planning and going to school for it. But in either case, she should probably get her money back on that because holy shit.

>> No.7689678

No Roxanne is the 32 year old one.

>> No.7689682

According to Hythe's interviews they also kept telling vendors they expected 3,000-7,000 attendees. There's no way that was not a bold faced lie, how can you overestimate your con's attendance by 300-700%? Conclusion, they knew they were not going to hit those numbers but had some wild hope they might somehow come close, and told the vendors that to rope in more vendors.

>> No.7689683

>Both her and the other co-founder, they said they had an "extensive background" in it.

Oh, I'm sure that was just another "miscommunication."

>> No.7689684

If she's in college I doubt she's 30.

>> No.7689685

>I also don't buy this "miscommunication" bullshit.
You not buying it doesn't change the fact that literally every inside report of Dashcon we've been getting from admins, committee members, etc., unanimously agrees that communication was a total disaster in the planning of this con. These people couldn't have scammed their way out of a wet fucking paper bag.
>At what point exactly do you stop extending the benefit of the doubt and conclude that someone just has a habit of lying their ass off?
When you have proof, and more than evidence that looks convincing maybe if you look at it from the right angle. Anything else is mob justice.
Have you seen the fines that the MPAA gives out? Those are not petty fines you can pay off out of your pocket, those are bankrupting, backbreaking fines. "Just a fine" hardly does it justice. If we're talking about throwing a fine at these people on top of all the other shit they have to fix, it's simply not a good idea from any perspective, unless you're in the MPAA and stand to gain cash from it. Not accusing you of being a shill, there, just saying it's a dumb idea.
When I said "stupid kids," I mean that is exactly how they'll portray themselves in a martyrdom situation. One should note that they're already doing this with regards to their troubles with WTNV, by portraying WTNV as greedy etc. "The Big Guys are putting down the Little Guys" is their rhetoric, and getting a fine from the MPAA, one of the most infamous Big Guys in the world, is only going to make it easier for them to play that angle.

>> No.7689687

>There's no way that was not a bold faced lie, how can you overestimate your con's attendance by 300-700%?

You could by being unrealistic, but this is undermined by the fact that they knew how many preregistrations they had, and they only made available a number of tickets at the door that couldn't possibly add up to even 3,000.

>> No.7689689

>saying like no one under 25 can possibly attend college

>> No.7689690

Not discounting the possibility, just saying it's unlikely.

>> No.7689691


Unless they changed names I just looked it up. Megg is the 32 year old one. Who in other screen shots talks about having "extensive experience" in event planning.

Roxanne is in her twenties, so point still stands, these people are NOT children and do not deserve to be treated with kid gloves because of it.

Roxanne is the more vocal who often talked like she knew what she was doing so that's why I might've thought she was the older one.

>> No.7689693


If it renders them incapable of doing this again, fine with me. This isn't some kid torrenting some movies, either, it's someone making money off of piracy.

Or trying to. I'd be amazed if these idiots managed not to lose money.

But being stupid doesn't mean they're honest. The fact that they're incompetent scammers and incredible liars nobody would believe doesn't mean they had honest intentions.

>> No.7689695


>> No.7689697

You guys are looking at this too black and white. Why must it either be solely a communication failure, or solely a carefully planned con?
Realistically, it's probably both and they, or at least one person on admin staff, conned people wherever they could, while also hilariously mismanaging everything.

>> No.7689699


I know plenty of people in college and in their 30s. Some people don't have the chance when they're younger, ya know?

>> No.7689700

Hanlon's razor again comes into play. Are you seriously saying that a poorly done ESTIMATION must have been malicious? Clearly, their estimation was based on wishful thinking and little more, but that doesn't make it a "bold faced lie[sic]." It makes it a stupid thing to say, but nothing else.
This is something that troubles me, but even if you people are mocking me for saying it, is something that is also likely the result of miscommunication. It's clear that the people running admission didn't know what they were doing. Remember, that /pol/ guy scooted right in past their nonexistent security, fucking up the number of tickets is not exactly beyond these people.

>> No.7689704

Not just pre-registrations, but they also had only about 200 funders on their indiegogo. So either they were purposely lying, or they were dumb enough to hope that 5,000 people just sort of milling around Chicago with nothing better to do would up and decide to come to their con.

>> No.7689707


This, most likely they realized somewhere along the line they they didn't have the money (or the numbers in attendance....there's NO WAY they didn't know how many pre-regs they had. And they did claim that number was close to 2000) and just started trying to do things and get money to cover all debts by making outrageous claims like "THE HOTEL IS KICKING US OUT" the night of the con. Just so they would have the money to pay for everything that SHOULD have already been paid for.

This would make a hilarious comedy film if it wasn't really life frankly. I mean they collected money in a bag like a bunch of bank robbers.


>> No.7689708

Amber was the one who resigned on Saturday right? I hope we get the juice on that.

>> No.7689711

You'd be surprised, then. There are plenty of people who are looking for a second career, or who dropped out of highschool and are looking to get back into education. Even if it was rare, there's nothing to say that she wasn't one of those few people.

>> No.7689714

Well, she's probably not, since we determined the 30 year old is Megan anyway.

>> No.7689715


That's not a poorly done estimation. This girl in charge is going to college for Hospitality Management. She's taking classes for this shit as week speak. This stuff should be fresh in your mind and they sure as hell stress over estimating but if you've got 1000 people registered you sure as hell don't claim close to 10K are showing up.

That's not miscommunication, that's mishandling. That's gross, gross incompetence that, if taken to court over would probably be ruled as intentional. Especially with the consistency that it happened with this con.

>> No.7689716


With this expansive interpretation of Hanlon's razor, we'd be obligated to treat Bernie Madoff as if the whole thing was just an accident.

>> No.7689720

any news on hythe's interview? anyone know if the staff member decided to man up (soz if I totes offended anyone with my cis scum language)

>> No.7689722

>If it renders them incapable of doing this again, fine with me. This isn't some kid torrenting some movies, either, it's someone making money off of piracy.
Trust me on this, they won't be able to do this again, unless Roxanne borrows a load of dough from her dad, and even then there's no way that Dashcon '15 is going to go off without being plagued eternally by doubts from vendors and attendees about the legitimacy of the convention.
>The fact that they're incompetent scammers...
It's not a fact that they're incompetent scammers. I'm not going to call any of these people scammers or con artists until it is demonstrably proven that it is so.
This is also a possibility, but I doubt that anybody more than two or three people at the very most were potential scammers. If they were, we would have had more people in positions of leadership running off into the night with sacks of cash.
This sounds plausible as well. I feel like if anybody lied here, it wasn't for their own sake as much as it was to prevent the con from being ruined, and if it was for their own sake it was because they had given up the ruination of the con and only wished to save their own skin. This was not a planned-from-the-start confidence scheme, and I'll eat my hat if it turns out it was somehow. Hell, I STILL think this would be a hilarious film. It's practically a Coen Bros. movie come to fucking life. Although, if I were to adapt this with them, I'd include more loan sharks.

>> No.7689725

Nah I doubt they will at this point since we got more juice here >>7689159 They said they'll only come out if nobody else does.

>> No.7689727

>This girl in charge is going to college for Hospitality Management.
What the fuck exactly IS Hospitality Management? That's what she's going to school for, right, not Hospital Management? I have no idea what kind of classes she's taking.
I'm pretty sure there's proof that what he did was all a scheme, which is something that's definitely lacking here. These people aren't in prison yet, if they are going to prison.

>> No.7689730

It's like business management except more tourism-y

>> No.7689731


Especially since at this point they'd have to be pretty much functionally retarded for it to even apply.

They lied about their numbers to vendors and guests
>That's just miscommunication! They can't count!
They claimed affiliation with a Charity
>Miscommunication they probably thought it was still on even without a letter from Random Acts acknowledging them.
They claimed to have paid the hotel and the guests!
>Miscommunication they probably only thought they did!
They had people shoving money into bags because they were going to be kicked out if they didn't pay 17K
>They probably did their numbers wrong.

That excuse only goes so far. This is traveling far into the realm of criminal negligence or functionally retarded.

>> No.7689733

If her daddy's rich, probably what happened was
-graduated high school, went to college
-fucked around
-dropped out to "find herself"
now she's ~found her calling~ so she's back in.

>> No.7689736


It's basically event planning. Like, you know, conventions, weddings etc. Girl said she wants to work as a con planner for convention centers.

You'd think someone who was getting an education in that would...not be so incompetent in the actual application of her schooling considering she's got to be a sophomore or junior by that rate.

>> No.7689740

Here's a question: Out of the seven or eight admins responsible for Dashcon 2014, how many do you think will return for 2015?

>> No.7689742

>And they did claim that number was close to 2000
Christ, what on earth were they thinking? The more I try to wrap my head around this situation, the more it genuinely looks like they knew exactly how many people were set to attend, but pretty much hoped and prayed a ton of people from tumblr were going to show up out of the blue with no prior interest in the convention and save everything.
Or maybe they thought all reblogs = a guaranteed attendee.

>> No.7689744

But she claims to be 17? Man, she's delusional.

>> No.7689746

Well neither do I, so I guess we're both in agreement. Report for being in agreement.

>> No.7689747

>This is traveling far into the realm of criminal negligence or functionally retarded.
Well, I'm NOT exactly saying they were SMART, am I?
Getting this far into a big project or any decision really can blind people to reality and better alternatives, it's a known fact and observed phenomenon. I read an article in Scientific American about it. Criminal negligence might be on the table, but I don't think these people were lairs is what it boils down to.
I guess it's significant that she hasn't gotten that degree yet.
Well, if there's one thing we can accurately claim about all Tumblr users collectively, it's that they have a tendency to overestimate the significance of notes.

>> No.7689749

Where on earth did you get that from? LOCLHAN is 17.

>> No.7689750

I wish I could be there to see what happens when she goes back to college. I'm sure she spent a lot of last semester telling everybody about how she was planning "a REAL convention, with over 7,000 attendees!" and bringing it up all the time. Now it's hit mainstream media and everyone knows the truth...

>> No.7689751

Lochlan is 17. Roxanne is in the 20s. Megg is in the 30s.

>> No.7689752

you're thinking of lochlan, she's the 17 year old, roxanne is in her twenties and megg is 32

>> No.7689753


It's significant that she's had several years of schooling and can't seem to apply one single bit of it in reality. People in Med school can start applying their skills by the second year, people in architecture school can start even the basics of drafting.

Girls in the wrong field.

>> No.7689756

>but I don't think these people were lairs
Except there is proof of them lying everywhere. They lied about the charity, and if they claimed 2k people pre-registered, that's a bold-faced lie unless you're going to argue that have of their preregistrations forfeited their money and just didn't show up.

>> No.7689757

What is Roxanne's tumblr?

>> No.7689760

I imagine she's the type who thinks she's above schooling because she already knows everything. This has been in the works for awhile so she probably spent the last 2+ semesters thinking how great she was for planning this big event before even getting her degree.

>> No.7689762


She managed to change her URL since the con but hasn't been online to clear up any of this mess.

>> No.7689767


That's not lying that's...miscommunicating the truth!

But no seriously, even if it was just "wishful thinking" telling everyone from vendors and artists to your freaking GUESTS that you're getting 8K people at your con...is still a lie. When your prereg numbers don't even show a fraction of that number.

>> No.7689770

Actually getting permission to show anime licenced in the US is pretty easy. Most of the companies you just contact them, tell them what you want to show, often they'll have a form you fill out, and it's done. Funimation and Viz in particular are pretty good about sending discs for screening purposes. the MPAA and RIAA are different beasts, there's more paperwork and they want payment, usually based on how many people are present.

>> No.7689774

And yet, as you said before, almost all of these can be plausible explained by miscommunication. Certainly, the most egregious communication was the number of preregistrations, but I do think that wishful thinking played a big part in how this con was run, and that there were other aspects to that estimation that we might not know. That guy earlier who said that they may have counted notes as reliable attendees may have been perfectly right. Maybe I've giving them too much credit, but I don't think we have all of the facts yet.
Here's hoping that the admins actually get back to all the complaints eventually and don't just fuck off to Cuba with a suitcase of dough, eh?

>> No.7689775

>That's not lying that's...miscommunicating the truth!
I lol'ed

>> No.7689782


No. No they cannot. There is no miscommunication in telling people you're getting 8K people when you barely have 1K prereg'd.

There's no miscommunication in telling everyone the hotel and event space is paid off and then demanding 17K day of "or else"

There is no miscommunication in what happened to WTNV.

There is no miscommunication in claiming you have been affiliated with a charity when you NEVER received a confirmation from the charity. Unless it's a miscommunication to say "I'm going to MIT" just because you submitted an application.

Wishful thinking is STILL LYING.

>> No.7689785

I'm sure the admins will get back to all the complaints eventually - I just suspect they will reply with 'OMG you anon trolls there was a really positive atmosphere and that is more important than anything plz leave us alone now or donate to DashCon 2015 so we can have a ball pit in a bigger room'.

>> No.7689790

I'm gonna laugh when it's exactly the same ball pit, patches and all and the room is like 2x the size

>> No.7689793


Only it'll be a ballroom. With carpet.

>> No.7689796

I support this theory considering that she doesn't seem to grasp the concept of money OR responsibility.

>> No.7689800

and also smelling of year old pee...

>> No.7689816

A literal ball(pit)room, oh man

>> No.7689817

I can already imagine her lying about the event on her resume
>I organized a convention with 4000 attendees
>managed funds, promotion, and service
>totally wasn't a failure at all what are you talking about

>> No.7689824

>would have been perfect if not for 4chan who are to blame for everything

>> No.7689828

>provided inflatable amenities for guests
>expertly responded to social media feedback

>> No.7689852

DashCon? More like DashCON amirite?

>> No.7689862
File: 188 KB, 2000x2000, slowbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7689869

Hello, I am Roxanne here to speak about the events from this past weekend.

Ask me anything /cgl/.

>> No.7689870
File: 74 KB, 466x700, Ive seen some shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading through the tumblr masterpost on the whole thing for the past 2 nights, going deeper down the rabbits hole and Googling names and links, etc. And I've come to a conclusion:

The reason this whole mess was able to happen is because of the dumb fucking people who went and participated. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw people, directly after being told Nightvale bailed, threw more money at the organisers instead of demanding their money back right there and then.
People running committees who knew it was bullshit long before the date of the con kept going and did absolutely nothing to warn other people. And if I had to guess why, it was probably tumblr's indoctrinated fear of offending anyone. Honestly, this con was the cancer-singularity. Everything that is wrong with the internet of the past 10 years could be seen right there.
And the worst bit is, everyone is playing the victim. Of all I've read, not one person has said "gee, that was pretty stupid of me to buy into that". Everyone is pointing fingers, trying to find the Doctor Evil behind it all. It's at the point were only 2 of the group who "organised" it are getting any blame. There's talk of lawsuits, but if I was a judge, I'd tell them to get the fuck out for being so insanely naive, self-centred and foolish in hopes that they'd learn a god damn lesson.


>> No.7689871

Prove it?

>> No.7689878

Do you expect anybody outside of yourself and the other admins to take the concept of "Dashcon 2015" seriously?

>> No.7689879


>> No.7689880

hey roxanne what is the paypal for donations so i can make sure there are enough toilets for all the genders?

>> No.7689884

Post your trip on your tumblr or gtfo

>> No.7689885

they refused to pay their artists and guests after claiming they would, had them check in under dashcon's name and let them find out all on their own that dashcon was letting the guests themselves foot their bill and weren't being paid for any of their services

never mind the 17k debacle which was 100% a grab for money, considering they didn't even need that 17k for the hotel as one of the co-owners already said they paid the hotel 11 months in advance. and before anyone asks:


>> No.7689891

Since you folks are talking about this Con, I thought it would be wise to talk about it here. 4chan has antagonized tumblr and has made things worse since the Dashcon. This board especially has blown Dashcon out of proportion. I am here to set things straight and the truth about what happened.

We are already in planning for Dashcon 2015 and Dashcon 2015 will happen. We have learned a lot from Dashcon 2014 and we hope to apply these lessons for Dashcon 2015. We have contacted Denny's if they are willing to sponsor us.

>> No.7689892

And this is the thing people don't get.
Just because attendees had fun at the con, it doesn't make the organization of the con any less messy and shady.

>> No.7689895



this is worthless to us w/o proof.

>> No.7689897

"It’s as legit as a thing gets." - take that you haters

>> No.7689898

>We have contacted Denny's if they are willing to sponsor us.
Okay, I see what's going on here.

Tell me, Roxanne, do you have plans for a larger ball pit come Dashcon 2015? And what about Benedict Cumberbatch and Laverne Cox; will they appear as special guests as well?

>> No.7689901

More importantly will Benedict Cumberbatch and Laverne Cox appear as special guests in the ball pit?

>> No.7689906

wouldn't chuck e cheese be better because you are absolute children?

>> No.7689907

>Tell me, Roxanne, do you have plans for a larger ball pit come Dashcon 2015?

As co-owner for Dashcon, I will make sure we will not have a ball pit for Dashcon 2015.

>And what about Benedict Cumberbatch and Laverne Cox; will they appear as special guests as well?

We tried for 2014, but we are looking to see if they're interested in coming to Dashcon 2015.

>> No.7689908


They even have their own ball pit!

>> No.7689909

rich kids tend to fuck around in uni for years without completing their requirements, it's not unrealistic at all

>> No.7689911

Booooring. You gotta be witty for this shit or else you're just wasting time here. Give us some good material girl.

>> No.7689920


>> No.7689925

where the fuck did the 17k go

>> No.7689927

Does she even know what the word 'prurient' fucking MEANS?

>> No.7689935

Please stop feeding fake Roxanne you fucking morons. Do not reply to her at all.

>> No.7689938

I can't really say until we post the press release.

We will not have a ball pit after we found out the ball pit deflated late Saturday night. Someone punctured a hole it creating a safety hazard for those who want to use it.

It went to pay for the hotel and conference center on Friday night. They would have shut the con down at 11pm and kick everyone out by midnight

>> No.7689940

I miss the assbabies discussion from the last thread, obvious bait is just boring

>> No.7689944


This. Where did the 17K go? Why did you lie about your attendance rate? Why after everything are you STILL refusing to pay our obligations and trying to screw guests?

And above all, with all that, why the fuck do you think anyone would WANT to come to your con next year? In this community word travels fast, especially as far as guests are concerned.

And honey, Benedict Cumberpatch doesn't even attend DragonCon, you don't have the money for him to show up, he won't do it out of the kindness of his heart. A lot of your problem seems to be you're reaching far too far. If a can with 70K attendees and millions in revenue to fund their con can't get him why would you even THINK you with your rinky dink 1K and absolutely no money could?

>> No.7689950


I dunno for being a fake or whatever she's really boring. If someone were faking her why not turn her into the stereotype we think she is? Yelling, screaming blaming everyone else, etc.

>> No.7689953

Not understanding things seems to be no barrier to her posting on the internet. But it is probably a trigger of some kind to mention it...

>> No.7689955

hi fake Roxanne.

>> No.7689956

because it's a shitty troll
are you guys actually this stupid?

>> No.7689960


Not understanding things seems to be something most of the people involved with this con have in common.

How do contracts work, yo.

>> No.7689961

it's a troll, obviously one who realizes how easy it is to convince people like you.
that or it's just an Anon fucking around since the thread was getting boring.

>> No.7689962

The post saying Cumberbatch was going to Dashcon 2015 was debunked by dashcon's real tumblr holy shit.
I can't handle how far from grace these threads have fallen.

>> No.7689967


Even if it is, it's more fun than arguing about "miscommunications". You got something relevant to the thread, go ahead and post it. If not, who the hell cares if someone's faking being this chick.

>> No.7689968

I'm completely new here so bear with me.

Did Dashcon fail because tumblr is full of people who talk the talk but don't walk the walk?

>> No.7689970

I really hate that fake dashcon admin tumblr. It's not even funny and all it's done is muck up the issue and take attention away from dashcon's real failures.

>> No.7689976


Dude, the Roxanne trip JUST said that they were "trying to get him" in the post that anon is replying too. Are you so up in arms about this troll that you forgot how to read?

Also these are threads about a con that ended nearly a week about that was based on tumblr, there was no grace to be had.

>> No.7689978

It failed because three people don't walk to talk. Nothing inherent about tumblr itself.

>> No.7689982


Issues and real failures you could continue discussing rather than whining about how much you hate a troll. Didn't hear you complaining about "taking away from the cons real failures" when the last thread devolved in to Drainage City, trans issues and assbabies.

>> No.7689985

Apparently everyone else. Are you the fake-Roxanne?

>> No.7689986

In common law legal systems, a contract is an agreement having a lawful object entered into voluntarily by two or more parties, each of whom intends to create one or more legal obligations between them. The obligations are always considered interchangeable with and replaceable by one hours additional time in a ball pool being offered (but necessarily utilised). Yo.

>> No.7689989

the troll is just a lazy shit playing off what has already been talked about.
Old threads were hilarious. I've been in them since thread one but now it seems all good information has already been posted so there's nothing left but for idiots to believe and defend the posts of a troll.

>> No.7689990


Nah, it's pretty much entirely inherent to tumblr itself. None of them took five seconds to look into reality because everything would work out because ~tumblr culture~ is amazing and can do anything!

>> No.7689993


Nah, just someone who gets annoyed when people whine about no one posting anything relevant...rather than posting anything relevant. Like I said, you got something post it. If not, thread is gonna go where it wants. Like assbabies and cockflowers.

>> No.7689996

Not that guy, but those things have nothing to do with the con itself. His point I think was that the fake tumblr was spreading even more misinformation about the con, as it wasn't clear that it was a joke blog at first. This just adds more confusion and as he said, takes away from their actual failures.

>> No.7689998


It...was a joke. Based on the fact they haven't completed their contracts with anyone? Like sticking guests with the hotel bills they were contractually obligated to pay, or not paying them at all as the case may be.

You know what, never mind. Good lesson maybe someone will learn something. Thanks. Yo.

>> No.7690000

Tumblr got someone a fluffy chicken! Tumblr made Free! Tumblr can do it all!

>> No.7690007


They're not talking about the tumblr dude. They're talking about the Roxanne trip who appeared up thread.

The thread's pretty much run it's course until someone posts more caps or they finally release that press release. So if someone wants to pretend to be Roxanne, eh. It's a trainwreck either way and people STILL believe that someone pissed in the ballpit.

>> No.7690008

Nice quads.
It's annoying when tumbr takes credit for everything and thinks their petitions actually did anything. I highly doubt the people who produced Free! gave a shit about the western market at all, especially considering they make almost no money from them.

>> No.7690012


Tumblr is my safe space where I never have to deal with the repercussions of anything because I'm a genderqueer biromantic asexual! My magical Xe/Xer/Xir powers will make everything about this all right and nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong.

What we're in debt and people are talking lawyers? OPRESSHUN!

>> No.7690014

Well they were also complaining about other guy not saying that last thread was "taking away from the cons real failures" when it doesn't apply to last thread at all. That's what I was pointing out.

>> No.7690015

It was also apparently a joke - read a post before replying maybe?

>> No.7690017

People keep saying that, but I don't see why any company wouldn't care about money just because it's not in yen.
Also, I was talking to a crunchyroll ambassador after all that went down and she said she was responsible for the petition and she got a promotion for it and crunchyroll was instrumental in bringing it to the market. Maybe that's wrong, idk.

>> No.7690019


Ending the post with yo doesn't automatically make it a joke you know.

>> No.7690022

Bringing it to the west, maybe, but Free was always in production regardless.

>> No.7690023

Since when has any company pandered to an audience that ONLY torrented their work?

>> No.7690024


Yeah but it wouldn't be TUMBLR that made free, it would have been Crunchyroll. They care about the crunchyroll demographic because they can make money off of them. They don't care about the people who pirate the episodes and make gifs and whine about whose dick deserves to be in whose ass. Which would be tumblr.

>> No.7690026

I think the bit about ball pools isn't in the actual definition of contracts though...

>> No.7690030


Clearly you haven't read Contract Law.

>> No.7690034

He's only an expert in Bird Law.

>> No.7690036

To be fair I was just assuming and didn't check. It would explain a lot.

>> No.7690040

Are you daft? Crunchyroll only did it because of its popularity on tumblr. They didn't just think "yeah, swimming anime, I bet that'll be profitable" they saw fans reaction to it.

>> No.7690041
File: 51 KB, 400x300, thumbnail_42290[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7690043

People pay Crunchyroll for whatever their gold account is so they can stream stuff faster.
Crunchyroll pays Kaoani and anime studios.
It's not rocket science. How do you think Netflix and Hulu Plus make any money?

>> No.7690048

He considered going into Maritime Law, though.

>> No.7690055

that would be seagull law? what would the pronouns be?

>> No.7690060


You...are aware that crunchy roll has it's OWN forums right? Where people were clamoring for it? Crunchyroll didn't look at tumblr and go "Oh hey, that website over there of people who aren't paying for my service like that show, I think I'll bring it over for them." It was "Oh hey a lot of people on here are asking about it, let's see what I can do."

Besides like someone else said, free! was already in production after the reaction of fans in JAPAN was positive. How many of our shows get cancelled even though they have a huge following outside the US? You gotta have the market at home before you pimp it abroad.

>> No.7690066

Well, no, even the Japanese fans didn't affect it much, because the CM was released like 6 months before it aired. It had to have been in production before then.

>> No.7690070


And if the reaction had been negative it would've been shelved. Either way tumblr didn't have shit to do with "making" free! But they think they did, which was anons original point that started this discussion.

Tumblr thinks they made a lot of shit happen they didn't actually have happen. Like they're totally convinced tumblr is the reason Coulson is alive. Despite the fact that his TV show had to have been in production WELL before fan reaction to the movie "death".

>> No.7690071

Are CR forums even that popular? When the Free! PV hit big all the media were reporting about the Tumblr fanbase and how big it was.
Whatever, there was so much butthurt and misinformation over that PV anyway.
>PV comes out
>"Omg you stupid westerners, KyoAni always makes pvs to show off their animation, of COURSE it's not going to be a real thing, idiots
>Anime is actually announced
>Omg you stupid westerners, Kyoani was planning this the entire time, of COURSE it's going to be a real thing and fan reaction had nothing to do with it, idiots

>> No.7690076

At the very earliest it's been in production since early 2012

>> No.7690078


The best part was most of the people saying that were Westerners themselves. Trying to seem "cool" and "in the know".

>> No.7690085


And the teaser didn't show up until a year later. There's no way it'd take them a year to make and put up a what 3 minute video? They'd been planning the series all along.

>> No.7690095

The novel it's based on won a KyoAni novel contest back in 2011 too (with it being released in 2013). So it's likely it may have been picked up at least as an idea in 2011.

>> No.7690098


Yes, the hour in a ball pit thing derives from the ancient Chancery Court precedent of Eccleston v. Cumberbatch. It is considered valid consideration since time immemorial.

>> No.7690123

Didn't the Dawson vs Hembridge case in the U.S. Supreme Court overturn it for the U.S. with the case that in through instances in which monetary value of the deal is over $250,000 that at least two hours in the ball pit were necessary for compensation?

Or was that case thrown out?

>> No.7690138

The case wasn't thrown out it just left after no one would pay it.

>> No.7690144

It was thrown out but only because the ball pit had been pissed in.

>> No.7690184
File: 4 KB, 240x160, laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's a real tweet

>> No.7690189

I know one of you wrote this:


>> No.7690204

I don't know if anyone here watches Doug Walker's (nostalgia critic) legend of korra vlogs, but he definitely made a ballpit joke in the newest one, haha. The subject of well-run cons came up because they just came back from a really stellar one (connecticon I think)

>> No.7690208

>firing shots at the game room
Guys, it has since been confirmed not to be a vidya room but a /tg/ room. The guy in charge confirmed it. There was only one TV and console because most of the people in there were playing Magic and shit like that.

>> No.7690209

> I am going to college to plan events and conventions full time for various convention centers

>> No.7690211

To be fair, the few pictures we saw had that single TV and console in the view; all the tables were offscreen. Plus, you'd think that the front table might have had a list of games available, perhaps.

>> No.7690215

Too late to correct this now, everyone is just running with it.

>> No.7690219
File: 439 KB, 960x1280, game room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To be fair, the few pictures we saw had that single TV and console in the view; all the tables were offscreen.
Completely false. I've been here since thread #2, and this is the only photo of the game room I've seen. I got it from here.

>> No.7690220

I wonder if anybody would ever hire her as a wedding planner now

>> No.7690225
File: 29 KB, 500x402, tumblr_inline_n8l8ugtw2n1r3iprt[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the more famous picture of it. There are accounts that it was usually full throughout the con, so there's that.

>> No.7690226


I wouldn't hire her for a child's birthday party.

>> No.7690229


>> No.7690230

>images hosted on tinypic
lord I hope we're smarter than that

>> No.7690232

I see. I can't help but notice this one has tables, too.
That's a goddamned shame. The guy running the games room was the nicest and most upfront guy I've seen behind this entire affair, and addressed complaints that the game room barely had any video games in it bluntly and directly, without any of the "shut up people had fun and so did I!" of the others.

>> No.7690235

Dash Con: First 10 minutes of Up. Futurama dog. We know those feels, haha. "Them feels." Frozen Song, Adventuretime genderswap, ahhhh the feels. The ragtag sprawl of the View Askewniverse? So awe, much feels. Need to talk with some feelsy folk? Looks like Dash Con is a Thing. Genreshaming? Kinkshaming? Gendering the hero? Uhh, "Can u not." Whedon Feminist? [visibly squinting at teleprompter] Doctor Who? Neil Gaiman Whedon, and Whedon Google and Whedon GIF. Fandom envy. A battered, bleeding Homestuck troll looks defiantly toward a burning horizon. Empowerment in Kill la Kill. Dark Whedon. Chubby flustered Zangoose tugs at tight one-piece swimsuit

Child: I need to give you seventeen thousand dollars.

>kill all dumblrs

>> No.7690236


>read an article about in Scientific American

That shit simultaneously simplifies and complicates concepts in the most confusing way possible, so I sincerely doubt you understood the ramifications of what the original study or paper was trying to say.

>> No.7690238
File: 265 KB, 1966x500, tumblr_n8mrwjU1Zf1rdox3eo1_500h[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder what they were doing

>> No.7690239

I like to think that I managed the gist of it. It was one of those things that I've always felt was sort of self-apparent that they'd managed to prove somehow, or at least show why it was happening.

>> No.7690240

>ck disney and apple and mcdonald's in a ho
no one will take any legal action. people are a bunch of pussies. and morons will go back to the con next year thinking it's "just for fun" while giving these con owners money.

>> No.7690242

This looks like a large game of Mafia.

>> No.7690246

I have always wanted a ballpit themed wedding so we could probably work something out. Plus she can crowd fund my wedding since apparently she can raise 17k like it's nothing.

>> No.7690272

SnK/Jeanmarco thing apparently.

>> No.7690273

>Crunchyroll Ambassador
>Promotion for it

That's a flat out lie. Ambassadors aren't paid nor employed by Crunchyroll in the slightest. There's nothing to be 'promoted' to.

But cool attempt at starting non-existent drama.

>> No.7690274


Yet another vendor confirming the hall doors were unlocked when they weren't there.

>> No.7690279

Spoiler alert: No one is going to sue anyone.

>> No.7690289
File: 452 KB, 1280x960, 1405193840819-jpg[1].45052_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't think this image has been posted yet

>> No.7690297

What's wrong with that chick on the far right with the flower crown? Is it just a weird angle or is her face fucked up?

>> No.7690300

Panorama mode in the camera. Lets you take huge wide shots but you gotta move your phone in a horizontal line to do so. That picture turned out relatively well, considering the moving subjects.

>> No.7690306

why do all these shots look like they were taken in an empty warehouse?

>> No.7690311

Can't tell if same person taking multiple pictures of this ballpit within a few minutes or same homestucks in ballpit for entire convention.

>> No.7690313

It's like everyone interested in Free weren't even aware of whay Kyoani does, regardless of their hate or obsession with it.

Who would've guessed an animation studio that's focused on making adaptations from the book publisher it's affiliated with would make an anime series for one of their novels?

>> No.7690318


Best part the girl in the blue wig who looks all of 12 staring sadly down at that ballpit while it's invaded/deflated by hamsteaks.

>> No.7690348

It isnt like anyone could have read the novel before the anime. It wasnt published until the anime started airing.

>> No.7690352

How dreck is shrek?

>> No.7690401

They've posted their statement.

>> No.7690421

here we fucking goooooooooo

>> No.7690423

>With events like ours, it’s not entirely uncommon for there to be an outstanding balance at the time of the event.

Oh god I dont know if I can finish reading this bucket of bullshit

>> No.7690432
File: 20 KB, 984x166, 1405569298878[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets play a guessing game. Who was the dumbshit who wrote this reply?

>> No.7690435
File: 98 KB, 370x210, 1405214445771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Roxanne had the check for WTNV and never showed up

>> No.7690436

glad they cherry picked the hell out of things to make themselves seem like victims.

>> No.7690442

Can you smell the bullshit tonight?

>> No.7690443

Clearly someone helped them write this, otherwise it'd be full of typos, swearing, and wouldn't be nearly so organized and neutral. So, points to them for finding a fucking adult to help them type, I guess. Makes this far less entertaining though.

>> No.7690445


>> No.7690447

The levels of embarassing in this damage control are unreal. They contradict themselves plenty of times in this statement alone and "embracing the meme" that is the ball pit to save face is the exact opposite of laughing with someone. If they expect anyone to take them seriously in a year's time they're out of there minds. I sincerely hope everyone innocent in this debacle is refunded their money and that this blight of a human gathering stains the backgrounds of everyone responsible.

>> No.7690450

She still didn't address the fact that the doors to artists alley were left unlocked, and the artists/vendors are still waiting for a refund for that.
Also, the most important question: Who pissed in the ballpit?

>> No.7690451

>donate button at the bottom

>> No.7690460
File: 29 KB, 260x506, 0b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Regarding refunds on Welcome to Night Vale reserved seating:

>After speaking to our legal counsel, we have been advised that we are unable to provide refunds on these seats.


>> No.7690461

Am I the only one who thinks the WTNV thing looks weird??

>> No.7690464

Which part
To me it's just a clusterfuck of people not telling other people things.

>> No.7690466

>Roxanne Schwieterman, who was in possession of their aforementioned check. She was unavailable to answer at the time, and we waited for her to return my call while speaking about the next day’s event.

So... What happened to this check?

>> No.7690467
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>> No.7690469

Like the entire thing seems to be to specifically deny they fucked up beyond the 'late payment' thing and really seems to shove most of the blame on WTNV. Who, again, took time from their own tour to do this.

>> No.7690470
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>> No.7690471

>, I [Megan Eli] c

Wasn't Megan the one who actually tried doing her job, as opposed to Roxanne and whoever else the other one was?

>> No.7690476

Oh, to me they seem to be blaming the admin that got sacked. They didn't seem to be condemning WTNV for their decision to leave.

>> No.7690478
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>> No.7690480

I was just thinking the same thing. While they are being very careful with their wording, it seems like they are blaming everyone else but themselves.

>> No.7690481


Wait till /pol/ hears that

>> No.7690483

Hey just so you know, bump limit is reached.

>> No.7690486 [DELETED] 

Another artist account, further confirming that no one knew what the fuck they were doing, and most of the artists left in the red.

>> No.7690490

You might want to read your post.

>> No.7690491

making a new one now

>> No.7690492
File: 16 KB, 350x350, 1402091179483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happened with the now-infamous ball pit?

>DashCon rented both the ball pit and bouncy house from Clowning Around Entertainment in Mundelein, IL. Photos on the website were not representative of products received, and the company has been contacted with photographic evidence of the quality and size of products provided to us. Upon first inquiry, Clowning Around was made aware that the products would be largely for use by adults rather than children and assured us that it would be no problem. We have yet to receive an official resolution to this situation.

>That said, we fully encourage and support the meme that followed. We have embraced and accepted the humor of the situation and are glad we could provide the internet with some comedy relief in this otherwise tense scenario. When the “extra hour in the ball pit” was posted, the Con Head who posted it had never actually seen the product we received, and those of us who had were unavailable to provide input at the time.

>> No.7690493


>> No.7690494

my bad! not sure what happened there.
just another artist confirming the clusterfuck.

>> No.7690506

New thread here, guys

>> No.7690728


What did anon do, though?

>> No.7690847

The person with the press pass has posted their article:

found here:

>> No.7693594

don''t forget the urine

>> No.7693594,1 [INTERNAL] 
