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File: 870 KB, 2500x1667, Hotel-room-renaissance-columbus-ohio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7666751 No.7666751 [Reply] [Original]

tales from the crypt.

>> No.7666770

fucking Black Marra

>> No.7666773

none because im not an idiot that shares hotel rooms with complete strangers

>> No.7666795

Some of my worst experiences come from rooming with friends.

>> No.7666797

Elaborating, sometimes you find out that a friend you have is really awesome to hang out with and is a great friend, but is terrible when financial or other responsibilities are concerned.

Basically, I love hanging out with you, I just never want to live with you.

>> No.7666803
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from AX Saturday night:

>get back from room parties
>people I just met are letting me crash
>everyone pretty much blackout drunk
>fall asleep on someone's Kigurumi and use it as a blanket
>two guys pass out on one bed
>couple on other bed just start having sex
>drag myself into bathroom and try to sleep on floor
>hear them fucking all around the room
>loud banging on door
>door flies open and they stumble inside
>girl throws up on the back of my shirt
>guy throws up all around the toilet and in sink
>completely drunk, take clothes off and start to shower
>they pass out on floor face down in puke
>leave the room and dry self off with kigu
>can't put it on
>sleep in hallway with it wrapped just around my head, dick completely hanging out
>wake up at like 6 and kick on door
>one of the guys opens, entire room smells like piss and puke
>couple still passed out in bathroom
>give caked up shirt a rinse and toss it in plastic bag
>leave hotel and walk down the block without shirt
>change into new clothes in car and drive to con
>never saw them again

was bad

>> No.7666817

I didn't even sleep on saturday. Partied till sunrise and then left home. Didn't even attend day 4 i was to tired and slept all day.

>> No.7666841

yeah I was gonna split after that shit too, but I decided to just check out what was left. Zonked on espresso and hibernated when I got home.

>> No.7666850
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God I just don't know why people don't stop drinking when they get to that puke-level of stupid, like do people actually think it's worth the story later?

Maybe it's different for guys

>> No.7666860
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>> No.7666863

>be 14
>room w/ people at con (like 16 people in one hotel thing. it was two rooms with connecting doors, not that bad tbh)
>sleep in bed with three other people
>two people next to me kind of dating (18 and 21?? 20??)
>they start doing the sex
>much bed noises at 4am
>be next to them
>be 14
>be awake

>> No.7666886
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Sometimes you forget, I somehow went from a bottle and a half of Kraken on a Friday night to just half a bottle and waking up back in my hotel room bathroom the next morning last year.

As for recent horror story, more of a horror story for another guy because I kicked out everybody partying in my hotel room to his (neighbour complaining+security roaming around+cold= no time for this bullshit, even if we're all friends), two of which ended up puking everywhere to the point I had to take in 3 people originally from that room because it was EVERYWHERE, except for the toilet.

>> No.7666893

>allow bff to plan room for bb's 1st AKon.
>bff invites three hambeasts and a cool friend.
>cool friend and I cosplaying Austria and Germany together
>hambeast gets excited, starts asking us kiss and make out for teh yaoiz
>both of us are girls
>She shoves us in the bathroom for an hour until bff rescues us.

That's not even the worst of it, either...

>> No.7666906

i am with you on this 100%
for a bigger con this year our group let one friend take the lead on planning and it was such a bad idea. they completely over complicated everything and in the end that friend dropped the day before the con and we were scrambling to fix their mess with the hotel situation. we still love the hell out of them, but there's no way we are ever letting them plan shit again.

on the other side of things, the year before at the same con, we needed another person for our room, so we took in a stranger. they turned out to be the chillest person ever and now we have a new con buddy.

>> No.7666936
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>rooming with some pretty chill people
>trying to sleep
>Laptop hooked up to TV
>playing some stupid ass accordion russian song on repeat for the entire night.
>Turn it off
>It starts playing from their phones hooked up to speakers
>Have no idea where the phones are to shut it off
>Somehow sleep through it after like 3 hours of this shit
>Its still playing when I wake up
>No one else seems to mind and thinks its funny

>> No.7666938

> 10 people in a 2 bed room
> one person (claims to be but probably aren't) drunk
> starts making out and grinding on gf
> being loud as fuck and disgusting
> tell that bitch to stop
> get shunned for the rest of con

then later
> sleep in bed with 2 roommates (roommates are dating & i am 3rd wheel)
> no funny business
> hear shit from aforementioned prick that it's 'weird' that i slept in the bed with them
> said prick slept in bed with gf & friend also

i fucking hate people, man.

>> No.7666993

How is it to room with strangers? How do you weed out the chill anons from the socially awkward ones.

I wouldn't even know where to look in the first place.

>> No.7667049
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Judge them by their tastes and likes

They're probably socially awkward weirdos or not roommate matieral If they unironically do any of the following:

-Wear fedoras
-Buy H-doujins and H-Games
-Seriously have a waifu and believe in 2D > 3D
-Consider SAO to be extremely good and/or well written
-wear sandals with socks
-Share 9fag epik maymay pictures on facebook
-Be an SJW
-Be easily offended
-Not finding this picture to be funny even in the slightest

Good questions would also be if they use deodorant, if they shower often, and if they're overweight but consider themselves attractive or presentable.

>> No.7667057

Judging process would relatively be easy but where would I find people that won't exhibit these said traits.

>> No.7667059



>> No.7667063

What if someone likes SAO but is willing to admit that its basically a poor man's .hack?

>> No.7667064

Liking SAO doesn't mean you consider it good and well written

>> No.7667069


Online, in the right places. Outside of that, pure luck.

>> No.7667076

>-Buy H-doujins and H-Games
>-Seriously have a waifu and believe in 2D > 3D
I do both of these, and I'm a girl.
Is that bad?

>> No.7667082

Do you do it ironically or because you plan on masturbating to them

I mean you already got big strikes against you for paying actual money for porn

>> No.7667090

Not a horror but something that annoyed me...

>Friend booked a room for 5 of us
>We all pay evenly.
>He did put his name on the room...
>He sleeps on the queen bed ALONE.
>2 of us on the floor, and 2 of us on the couch bed...
>Ask him if he's cool with sleeping on the couch bed alone.
>He tells me he's not comfortable with it, but I can sleep with him on the bed, on the other side.

>> No.7667105

It's fine if you keep your fetishes to yourself, but most weeb girls don't. I'm in the middle of a conversation about the latest Naruto and I don't wanna be interrupted with "ohemgee, naruto ecks sauce gay is my oh tee pee!!"

>> No.7667109


Was that me? I did that a couple years ago after the other 4 people said "Hey, since we're couples can we split the room cost into 1/3rds?"
I said no and kept the bed to myself out of angry virgin spite.

>> No.7667905

>Rooming with friends, most are really cool
>One friend has developed an obsession with me for reasons I do not understand
>It's a creepy obsession and I didn't want her in the room, but it just worked out this way
>Sleep on the floor the first night, she's one of the people on the bed
>She leans over the next morning and goes, "you have the bed tonight, right anon? I'm gonna sleep with yoooouuuu."
>She's not around when the rest of us get ready to sleep. I really don't want to wake up to her groping me or something, so I decide to give up my night on the bed and sleep on the floor again, maybe it'll be too dark and she won't be able to tell which body on the floor I am
>Wake up next morning, completely unmolested, feeling great
>Hear yell from the bed: "WHERE ARE YOU TOUCHING?"
>Felt bad for bed-taker, but dodged a bullet there.
>Best(?) part was creepy girl was really mad at me for sleeping on the floor, like an "How dare you!" sort of thing.

>> No.7668119

>sharing a room with friend
>and her dad

Enough said.

>> No.7668147


>> No.7668154
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>find a room for a con in September that i really want to attend
>cheap as fuck, going with some friends, look into the roommates
>they seem largely okay, though one is a little weird, seems to have some self-esteem issues
>whatever i can deal
>pay for the room
>other roommates still seem fine, friends seem fine
>weirdo gets weirder
>more and more stuff keeps coming out
>first they start demanding to be called by tumblr pronouns
>uh okay
>then they come out as a furry
>a furry otherkin
>a pansexual polygendered furry otherkin who is both a mermaid and a popular anime character
>mfw she gets more insane every single day
>can't say shit because she's the best friend of the guy who booked the room

>> No.7668156
File: 413 KB, 704x396, 1404794285899.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh noooo, looks like you can't fuck her anon. :(((((
Put on your friendzone-fedora.
Ohhh you poor baby, oh noooo

>> No.7668186
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If I were you anon I'd have jumped out the window and slept on the street a long time ago. Stay strong buddy.

>> No.7668188


You want us to ask?

>> No.7668266

she musta been fairly fugly to be turned down by two guys at once, or you're all a buncha gays

>> No.7668276

You don't stick your dick in crazy, anon.

>> No.7668289

I mean....don't knock it until you've tried it. especially if you can get away from her later

>> No.7668370

Worst story from bb's first AKon:
>All three hambeasts claim bed.
>None of them booked or helped cover the security charges, but whatever.
>Sleep in the chair.
>Wake up at fuck off in the morning to the biggest of the hambeasts standing in front of me.
>She's completely naked and has something white between her legs.
>"Oh, Mr. Austria..."
>Mfw I realize it's my cravat.
>nopenopenope, try to close eyes and ignore it.
>Bff (who was sleeping on the floor next to me) wakes up and screams loud enough to wake the whole room.
>Lights go on, to reveal her not only getting jiggy with my cravat, but wearing my wig.
>She tries to claim I asked her to, and starts fake crying.
>"Anon-chan, why won't you defend me?"
>The hambeasts on the bed all blame me.
>Bff loses her shit and kicks them out without refunding them.

Aw yeah, good friends. Never did use that cravat again.

>> No.7668377

>be at hotel with 8 friends, most whom are pretty cool and very close with
>be a girl (just for context's sake)
>one girl (I'll call her Tay) however has been a little strange to me in the past, only known her for less than a year but we've been to two past cons with her and everything was fine
>One night we all get drunk as hell
>I'm realizing perhaps I've taken one shot too many, so it's hard to stay upright
>Suddenly someone's hands are around my waist, pulling me flush against their boobs
>Realize it's Tay and push off of her with an awkward 'what the hell are you doing' laugh but she continues to advance, everyone else is way too drunk to realize how uncomfortable I am
>Spend the rest of the night running around the room trying to avoid her, but get really tired because I'm drunk and it's almost 4 am
>4 of us were sharing the king bed, and I lay down pretending to pass out hoping she wouldn't bother me while "asleep"
>Arms encircle my waist from behind and I hear a whisper in my ear "You're mine."
>nope the fuck out into unconsciousness
>wake up acting like i don't remember everything and she makes 0 mentions of it
>mfw when I know she'll be at our next con despite the fact that I'm not rooming with her I have no idea how to go about this situation because I'm awkward as fuck when it comes to rejecting people

>> No.7669147

Sometimes it just doesn't hit right away and you feel you need more. I remember drinking, and I shit you not with this number, fifteen beers and felt (keyword:felt) like I was cool to drive yet ended up blowing a .25 bac on a friends breathalyzer so I obviously didn't drive

Weed is also very similar in that it takes quite a while for the kickin, however the one time I tried Vicodin it hit me in less than eight minuets...

>> No.7669232

>Katsucon 2006
>I decide to get a room and share it with my group of like 7 people
>Get to my room and it is super fucking small
>The 7 of us still manage
>Friend gets a call about 2 of her other friends needing a place to crash for 1 night so I take them in
>They end up staying the entire weekend
>One of them thinks it was alright to invite a few more of her friends in the room while everyone was at the rave
>I walk into my room as it is a huge mess with 9 people staying in it
>See 2 people on the bed fucking
>Complete strangers
>I speak up and tell them either I get to film this or gtfo
>They said go ahead
>Obviously I want them just to gtfo so I just kick them out along with the 1 girl who was supposed to be out a night ago but she ends up back in the room anyways
>The next morning I wake up and notice there is like 3 or 4 extra bodies in this very small ass room. I had 2 girls laying next to me in the bed and a ocean of bodies on the ground
>The room is completely rockstar trashed
>Lamp is broke, chair is upside down the whole 9 yards
>I leave the room with my things to take to the car and tell everyone to clean this shit out I am turning in the keys
>Everyone meets me down in the lobby
>Friend forgot something in the room
>Manager and another Manager take me and my friend up to the room to get his thing
>Opens the door and the room is somewhat cleaned but still fucking trashed
>Manager flips out and threatens the cops on me
>I am stupid and start to breakdown and become the managers bitch and starts cleaning the room out
>Manager threatens to charge me extra for the extra people even though he has no proof there was
>End up cleaning the room and leaving going back down the elevator
>Ask to shake his hand and apologize
>I am only 16 at this time
>Manager tells me to fuck off
Yup fuck that hotel and that convention

>> No.7669248

I'm a girl, you fucking idiot.

>> No.7669251

I tagged along with this guy I barely knew that well from online at a con, and had fun with his friends and him. We ended up staying up all night and then crashing in the room in the morning. When we woke up, he tried to get me to shower with him and I didn't want to. He kissed me, and I was kind of ok with it, but then when his dick was whipped out and my top was being groped at I was just kind of done with it all and spaghetti'd out. Was post-breakup after like, a week, and it was just awkward and wrong and too fast. Ended up never seeing him again because I just felt too weird about it and he was kind of weird. It's my fault for putting myself in that situation anyways, it's just that the more time that passes the more I look back and wonder if I was actually retarded.

>> No.7669253

no cravat deserves that

>> No.7669259

not that person, but what was the problem then? It might be a bit awkward with the dad in the room, but that's not much of a horror story

>> No.7669265

becuz he's an icky old man who was gonna grope her, duuuuh

>> No.7669266

because my friend was in the room and I wasn't able to fuck her dad

>> No.7669270

the struggle

>> No.7669274

This is mostly on you and your inexperiences because you let a bunch of people you did not know into a room you were responsible for and somehow you act like its not your fault when the room gets trashed.

Sorry, its hard to be sympathetic at a time like this, how do you even book a hotel room at 16? What kind of place would let that happen.

>> No.7669277

>don't even remember which con
>two friends and I are splitting a room
>two days before we're set to leave friend #3 calls me
>my parents are going to split the room money with me
>ask for clarification
>his parents are coming because they don't trust him
>but really they're just crazy control freaks
>he's 20
>laugh and ask if he's serious
>i know you're mad but this just how its going to be anon, my parents have to come, friend #2 wont mind and if he does he can find someone else to room with
>this is his actual logic
>i tell him that there is no way in hell that I am rooming with his parents

We ended up replacing him and not talking to him for a year after that.

>> No.7669290

>>i know you're mad but this just how its going to be anon, my parents have to come, friend #2 wont mind and if he does he can find someone else to room with

Oh lawdy. I'd agree and laugh as they we're all stuck there alone as I ate the cost and just gave friend 2 the other key and told them good fucking luck.

>> No.7669298

He ended up getting a room with his parents, who were mad because they wanted to spend "quality time" with his friends.

They proceeded to hover around him for the entire con, where he still tried to pick up women.

I'm pretty sure this was AX two years ago (it was a busy time for me so I don't remember 1005), so if anyone saw a gawky looking Itachi with his parents that was probably him.

>> No.7669319

if the minor has a credit card (who the hell gives a 16 year old a credit card?) then it can be possible if the hotel assumes that you're over 18 and doesn't bother with an ID check.

>> No.7669333

My mother booked it for me haha honestly I had a room on my own before with some people and it was never that bad

I am 26 now obviously and know better just thought I would share it. You know what it is like when you are 16 and trying to have a good time

>> No.7669334

Expensive lace, too. I wanted it as frilly and wonderful as possible. Wound up covered in cooch gunk.

>> No.7669375

You have a right to say no, everyone should split evenly.

Typically with bed privileges in my friend circle its whoever scored the room who gets the bed (we really only go to D*con, so scoring the host hotel room is a big deal) and we negotiate from there. We usually end up giving up the bed to a couple though, people who (obviously) don't mind sharing a bed together. We never allow one person on a bed, at least 2, if its a king, 3. But usually we are all too drunk as shit to care about bed arrangements, your friend sounds like an ass.

>> No.7669388

if I cant afford a hotel room, im not registering for a con nor will a share a room with a stranger or acquaintances.

>> No.7669397

Yaoi? or like, just hentai?
Girls into hentai are usually pretty chill, but yaoi is a different story. At least from what I've known.

>> No.7669406

>3 if its a king
I have a King and jesus christ that would be terrible.

>> No.7669464

even if it's local?

>> No.7669497

>ALA this year
>Have been planning hotel stuff for months. We usually get two connecting rooms since we have at least 8 people at a time.
>Few months before, boyfriend cheats on me, then still expects me to let his hussy room with us
>Fuck that shit.
>2 months later, my now ex ends up getting into a fight with said person (Calling them X) and they stop talking
>Other 2 friends who were rooming at ALA with us are still friends with X and say they are still bringing X to ALA and X has to stay with us or else they're dropping out too
>This was 2 weeks before ALA
> Tell them no. They say they're dropping out.
> Crying because now we're short 3 people and no way to cover their portion.
>Sick of shit, say fine as long as everyone keeps to themselves and no drama
> X decides they want to bring another friend with them to stay with us
>I hate this girl (Z) so of course I say no
> X begs me to let Z stay with us. Won't drop it. Keeps making up reasons why Z has to stay with us.
> I say no again and if they were gonna keep pushing, I wasn't gonna let X stay with us anymore.
> X keeps begging. Z starts yelling at me.
> Tell friends of X that he is trying to get Z to stay too. They say they don't want Z there either and tell X they aren't driving Z to the con.
> Fights ensue everywhere.
>Hate everyone and almost cancel entire trip because people wouldn't get off my ass for putting my foot down when it was my hotel room to begin with
> X and Z end up rooming with other people and spend the entire con mad dogging me

>> No.7669515
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I've noticed a common pattern with almost every single one of these stories: everyone getting drunk.

Why not try these pro tips, then?
>don't go out of your way to get drunk at a con
>don't room with people who might be likely to get drunk at the con

>> No.7669522

>every single one of these stories
Most of there stories are about creepy randoms or drama llamas, not drunk people.

>> No.7669523

That's why I said the word "almost" immediately before the part you chose to quote.

>> No.7669526

Its not even almost. Its like 1/4 at best. The real pro tip would be
-never room with randoms
-if there is a potential for drama, there WILL be drama. dont let it happen

>> No.7669544

>AX last year
>Got flaked on the day of the con
>From out of state
>No money for hotel
>Ended up meeting this couple
>Go out to dinner, they seem normal
>Go back to their place
>sleeping on the floor
>Still awake
>They start having sex
>They try to hide that they're fucking
>They start talking me acting like nothing is happening

wtf do people do this

>> No.7669554

What they're like talking to you while they're having sex?

>> No.7669562 [DELETED] 

>do people actually think it's worth the story later?
As someone who doesn't drink, and has never been drunk, it's always worth the story later.

>> No.7669563
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>do people actually think it's worth the story later?
As someone who doesn't drink, and has never been drunk, it's always worth the story later.

>> No.7669568
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Please say this is Kumoricon.
Best of luck to you, Anon.

>> No.7669569

I can't wait for the con horror story that comes out of this

>> No.7669595

Only one way to settle it, one up them on the multigender game somehow.

>> No.7669602

Tell them you are a xenophobic grey-a ichthyophobe and that she is not respecting your boundaries with her forced TMI. Bit of her own medicine...

>> No.7669728

We live in the same area and have a lot of the same friends, so nope nope nope. And she could be the hottest girl alive and I would not want to be with that crazy.

Plus, I'm in a happy, solid relationship.

>> No.7669792

just reading this makes me never want to consume alcohol again.

sometimes I think it would be fun to room with friends, but then again it's so nice when you can hog the bathroom as much as you want and have sex with your partner and no one cares.

>> No.7669803

Unfortunately this doesn't weed out all the creeps.

It also makes it very hard to find roommates.

>> No.7669810

Sample bias. You aren't gonna hear the "we got drunk and it was awesome" in Con Horror Stories threads.

It's a bit of a toss-up because, guess what, drunk people are unpredictable!

>> No.7669815

I've slept 5 people in one before

>> No.7669836
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>Live 20mins away, that didn't factor in till later
>College friend books room, says I can stay
>Its her, one fat betamax, and one squeaky-fat betamax
>My hungry skeleton beta self feels the need to assert dominance
>Arrive at room, say hellos, claim only bed w/ friend
>Strip down to boxer-briefs, slap on sleep mask and pass the fuck out

They ended up on the pull-out couch, and there was a wall of pillows between me and her. But you need to take the moments in stride were you aren't the biggest loser in the room.

After the first night I just drove home anyway, saved me some cash.

>> No.7670125

Her dad has a breathing machine and he gets up to go piss every five seconds.`

>> No.7670632

Yes, they were trying to hide that they were fucking by trying to hold a conversation with me about what's on T.V.

>> No.7671992

Bet you're a fatty.

>> No.7671999

...So what was on TV?

>> No.7672017

I feel bad for laughing so much but ew...poor you seriously it's awful...

>> No.7672035
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>Pretty frilly cravat
>covered in cooch gunk
Even if it was cheap I would still be disgusted.
I don't even words to explain how repulsed I am right now

>> No.7672049

Why were you rooming with adults ?were you the only child ?

>> No.7672202

The Nanny

with Fran Drescher

>> No.7672204

>share hotel room with some guy I don't know
>he says he's a "nice guy"
>but then he tries to rape me anyway
Literally always the same story. Men are the worst.

>> No.7672209
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>> No.7672281

Wow, seriously?
>doubting that it happened
What's next, are you gonna tell me that it's my fault that they tried to rape me?

Misogynistic piece of shit.

>> No.7672283
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>> No.7672285
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>> No.7672293

FUCK YOU, what gives you the right to doubt my experiences with sexual assault?

>> No.7672295
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>> No.7672307

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.7672319


>> No.7672330

I hope that someone does the same to you when you get raped. Maybe then you will understand my pain, you neckbeard fuck.

>> No.7672332
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>> No.7672339

>when you get raped

>> No.7672341

If I book a room myself and split it with my friends at the convention, does that give me bed rights every night even if we split the price evenly? Or should we still rotate? Just wondering on the general consensus since I saw it come up in this thread a few times. I would assume we would just rotate it evenly, but..

>> No.7672343

Depends, I think. You booked it, but how long before the con, and would they have been able to find a room as easily?

>> No.7672347

If you had already been raped then you wouldn't be posting shit about my own rape experiences.

>> No.7672352

It's not hard, I've got friends I've made 2 years ago that ended up helping me out. Hence why I got a place on AX Thursday night.

That said, I didn't really sleep much, the circumstances that got me a spot in that room made me feel like a black sheep, they weren't really comfortable earlier that day about having a hobo around. I thought about it the whole night I stayed there so when I woke up at 4am to get ready for the PreReg line, I just paid my fill and walked out.

My way of life apparently serves as a detriment, even amongst friends, so I'll probably get my own room for next year to avoid this kind of bullshit. I honestly just wished that they were far more honest with the matter instead of being all plastic about it.

>> No.7672355

Yea you booked it, are liable for whatever damages they may do to it too so you're taking the risks

>> No.7672356

It's for Otakon, and I booked it a pretty long time ago; probably last September or October? It was my first time booking, though, so I'm not sure how difficult it is to book for Otakon

>> No.7672360

For Ota, fuck yeah. That bed is all yours. Unless something bad happens to them, then you pity-let them have the bed for a night.

>> No.7672370

I don't find the picture funny, then again I've never watched Gundam outside of Toonami.
>wear fedoras
You know some people don't care about or are completely unaware of some shaming meme? Or they're cosplaying as characters (i.e., detectives) who are depicted to always wear one?

The rest of the stuff you mention are nothing but board stereotypes, common like being easily offended, or unreasonable such as buying H-doujins/games.
If nobody buys them nobody uploads them.

The only real non-memetic advice you give concerns SAO. And single quality such as that doesn't mean that an entire person needs to be ignored.

>> No.7672371

Not really, the person who ends up being billed is the person who's card is on file.

If you book it but it's preauthorized by someone else's card, they will say you're liable but they'll pull it off the card they have on file, not yours.

>> No.7672373

Alright, thank you for you your opinion :) Apologies for derailing the thread!

>> No.7672376
File: 11 KB, 625x626, you just killed a fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you had already been raped then you wouldn't be posting shit about your own rape experiences and demanding pity so categorically.

>> No.7672380

At AX this year I ended up rooming with a large hambeast who happened to be a untreated epileptic and didn't tell us. We found out when she had had a seizure out of goddamn no where one night.she also had no friends at the convention, and paid for the hotel room using Paypal....

>> No.7672387

This thread is literally about horrible xperiences so I am sharing them you neckbeard scum.

>> No.7672390
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>and demanding pity so categorically.

>> No.7672397


>> No.7672401

>Last Year San Japan, decide to room with different con buddies
>been friends since High school
>One friend (lets call her H) has had a crush on anon since high school.
>H is very touchy
>H said there will only be a four people in the room
>H invites 3 other people in the room, saying they're only stay one night
>they still till Saturday
>Room is smelly, and someone's gross underwear is in the restroom
>H is the cause of the smell
>H is smelly
>H wants to stay with anon whole weekend.
>Anon just wants to go off on her own

con was horrible as worked called me in cuz someone didn't come in on their scheduled shift, only got a few hours of sleep and all my cosplays were shit. .n.

the smell in that room was horrible.

H is not rooming with us and still acts clinging to me

plz help.

>> No.7672404

>Let's call her H
>Anon just wants to go off on her own

They're both chicks?

>> No.7672405

>Lesbians are actually real and not mythical creatures?!

>> No.7672408

looks dead

>> No.7672416

h is female
anon is female
h does not smell good
anon has sensitive nose and isn't lesbian or bi
anon likes dah d

lesbians are nice when they have a refreshing ordor.

i can't stand BO
plz gtfafm

>> No.7672424

So all 3 people in the post are all girls?

>> No.7672433

I am anon, lol sorry for confusing you

>> No.7672447
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>Agree to room with a group of people months before con
>Night we get there, 2 extra people invited to stay in our room. Notably, this one douche me and my bf hate
>Room is small as fuck. Told it would be a suite with 2 beds, 1 couch, and 2 bathrooms. Only had 2 beds and 1 bathroom
>Everything is cool until the next night where the douche comes back to the room acting really aggressive because he had just a little bit to drink
>Me and my bf see him get up in the middle of night and fucking PEE on his own bag. We think he meant to pee on my bf's stuff because he doesn't like my bf and his stuff was next to his
>Next morning he doesn't remember what happened and insists it wasn't him
>He avoids everyone all day
>We go buy alcohol and he shows up wanting some
>Since he's under legal age and aggressive when drunk we tell him no
>Can't possibly hide it since he's right there the whole time
>We leave to go to the rave, already tipsy
>See him later while waiting in line, he's super hyped up
>Hour later we see him on a stretcher being carried out
>Take a shuttle to get back to our hotel but driver doesn't follow the fucking route and ends up dropping us off in Wal-Mart parking lot at 1AM and we fucking walk to our hotel in the cold
>Turns out he had alcohol poisoning and needed stomach pumped
>He downed full bottle of vodka, full bottle of honey whiskey, and half bottle of regular whiskey to "get back at us telling him what to do"
>Had no idea he was that fucking crazy and does this all the time but asks people to keep quiet
>Dude gets mad we didn't visit him in the hospital
>Individually takes us aside and asks not to let it get out and wants "to still be friends"
>mfw dude still owes me and another guy money for our alcohol

This dude has had problems in the past of stalking Japanese exchange students and being a general obnoxious douche in public

>> No.7672451

>First Ohayocon long ass fucking time ago
> with anime club from college, we had three rooms. Dicks, Chicks, and Officers
>Fat annoying 'muh curves' chain smoking pig and her piglet roommate were in the girls' room
> They stank up the room and ate everyones food
> Pig Prime also announced she hadn't brought underwear
> MFW she was on her period. I know this because she left blood all over the loo.

So now I get my own room an only invite a select few people to room with me.

>> No.7672462

You asked for it.

>> No.7672474

Best advice I can give you is that if you can't deal with her directly, Make your friends indirectly intervene by hanging out with them instead.

It's cruel, but you've got no other options

I don't lie when I say that going to cons makes me a better person everytime, since when people don't find you cool to hang out with, you get to figure out which part of you needs to be tempered to make yourself a better person overall. Hopefully she gets the message, moreso when San Japan is less than a week away. If you are a better person though, you'd tell her straight up.

>> No.7672537

>telling rape victims they asked for it

You are the worst person on Earth.

>> No.7672543

are you trying to be funny? I honestly can't tell

>> No.7672544

I didn't see any rape anywhere in that post.

>> No.7672549

I don't think either of you actually read the post.

>> No.7672553

Don't put words in my mouth.You guys allowed a retard to stay with you, should've told the person who booked the room that having him around isn't included in the deal you guys agreed with.

My argument isn't the same as "HURR DURR SHE WAS DRESSING SKIMPY SO SHE CLEARLY ASKED FOR IT", and even I think that's an awfully idiotic belief.

>> No.7672562

worst tripfag of the summer

>> No.7672595

I second this. Not just in this thread, but in most threads >>7672553 has been an annoying little shit. Literally shut the fuck up

>> No.7672596

I was planning on attending a con this summer and was looking into finding some cool people to stay with as I thought the hotel thing would be fun. Now it doesn't sound so fun anymore.

Arigatou /cgl/

>> No.7672599

This is irrelevant but I misread that first line initially and I thought you meant that you fell asleep in your hotel room bathroom and slumbered for an entire year and I was like Huh wow, that's some next level drinking.

>> No.7672601


>> No.7672604

Naw, she's not rooming with us this year, nor do I plan to hang with her as much.
I legit can't stand BO, this year it's just four in the room, and I'm sharing the bed with my lover, so all is good. Looking forward to SJ this year, but hopfully i don't end up here again.

>> No.7672670

Don't fuck with kraken.

>> No.7672679

You'll be fine, you only hear bad stories because what's the point of talking about the ones that go smoothly if there's nothing to talk about?

>> No.7672795

What the fuck is up with people having sex with other people in the room?!

My first con, back in 2006, I was sitting next to my friend and her boyfriend (we were both 17, just finished junior year, he was 18-19, early college) and we were watching TV. Someone turned the tub into a ramune cooler, had 72 bottles and ice in there (so of course our room of 13 meant no showers until we drank all that shit) and young impressionable me thinks this is totally what happens at cons.

We're laying in one of the beds watching TV during the down-time, and the bed starts rocking. I'm sitting here like "uh what is happening" and turned to find her dry-humping him not even a foot away from me. She tells me "I'm celibate, not dead" and keeps going.

Friend calls, she ANSWERS THE PHONE, "Nah it's just me, my bf, and anon in the room, we're watching tv, you coming up?"

I bailed so fast and didn't come back til that room had at least 6 people in it. And then slept on the floor by the other bed. Fuuuuck that.

>> No.7672800

That's crazy. Could they not go to a different bed at least? Some people just have no class...

By the way, what's up with this trend I'm seeing about people having to share a bed? The rooms can't be THAT expensive...can they?

>> No.7672814
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Ignoring the dry-humping for a minute, who was the fucking genius who decided to block the shower with soda instead of using an ice chest like a normal human being? That is the dumbest stank-ass weeb shit I have ever heard.

>> No.7672829

You'd THINK so, especially since the room had two beds and there were just the three of us.

But no, the rooms weren't overly expensive (roughly $150/night) but in high school, that's a ton of money. And my mom wasn't helping me because she said I needed to learn responsibility, so being in a room of 13 meant the price was like $25 for the weekend. I just got used to packing my con rooms so as long as everyone has somewhere comfortable to sleep, we'll put like 6-10 people there. We've since backed off (9 in a suite now instead of 17 five years ago, etc.)

Apparently nobody thought that far. THANKFULLY all 13 of us managed to finish off 72 bottles of ramune in 12 hours. So the shower was free by Saturday morning and I took a shower ASAP.

>> No.7672869

This, I'm a fucking princess and have a queen all to myself at home, I can't imagine sharing any bed with more than one person.

>> No.7672923

>my boyfriend got shitfaced drunk on the 2nd night in the hotel room we were sharing with internet friends.
>He is a very bad, emotional drunk (it amplifies his depression and he ended up crying in the bathroom most of the night).
>He ended up peeing on the bed, my purse, and stepping on one of the other guests in the room.
>He had to call his dad to come pick him up at 4am
>I left the next morning, missing the last day of the con.

Probably didn't miss anything important, most of the panels were shit anyway.

>> No.7672936

how the fuck to people end up pissing all over the place? No mater how hammered I've been I've never pissed in somebody's purse, bag, in the dresser

>> No.7672946

Why are people fucking sick.
Like I have friends who don't wear underwear but they still wear it when on their period.

>> No.7672959


Dude just save up some money and get your own room. If you have a job, put aside $50 per week and you'll have enough money to get your own room.

>> No.7672974

>that one friend that can't sleep on any surface other than a perfect cozy princess bed that's exactly this amount of soft and yadda yadda
>or some other bullshit about sleeping preferences
>she always INSISTS on getting the bed while everyone else who payed earlier or more sleeps on the floor

A lot of people (25 and older nonetheless) I know do this and they're always guilt tripping everyone else into giving up the bed. Stuff like this makes me crazy
>abloobloo my pillow is too warm, I don't like these satin bedsheets and I hear traffic outside and now I can't sleep!
Just stay at home.

>> No.7672996


While we're on the topic of liabilities, if you're doing something like a corporate discount, management will take a copy of your ID beforehand and if shit goes bad, responsibility can fall under the employee that gave you said discount as well as you in the future since they have your ID info and all.

Basically, if you plan on turning your room to a party zone, don't use corporate rates.

>> No.7673025
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I have no idea, I don't drink very much. Here's how it went down basically:

>we come back to hotel room after con
>I take my sleeping pills (can't sleep without them)
>other roommates come back to room, say they're going to drink
>oh shit, I've heard horror stories of my boyfriend drinking (we had been dating for ~4 months, I hadn't seen him drunk yet)
>try to stay conscious to watch out for boyfriend
>it's no use, I pass out
>wake up to boyfriend getting out of bed around 4am
>his pajama pants are pulled down, his dick is out
>what is he doing?
>look at dick, he's peeing
>he finishes peeing on the bottom of the headboard, between the bedside table and the bed (where my purse is) and on the corner of the bed
>he lays back down in bed
>he says "it doesn't count" (???)
>tell him to go to the bathroom
>He goes into the bathroom, steps on roommate who is sleeping on the floor (luckily didn't get peed on)
>I wait a few minutes and get worried
>go to bathroom, it's locked
>boyfriend refuses to open door
>"Well boyfriend, I guess I'll have to get someone to break down the door then"
>he unlocks the door angrily
>I go in, he's sitting on the toilet with his head in his hands
>saying something about how he tried to kill himself (that's a while other story)
>crying about how he wishes everyone would disappear
>I don't know how to deal with this
>I go back into the room, sit on the bed and start crying
>wakes everyone up because I need help
>everyone says to just leave him alone
>boyfriend calls his dad to come pick him up
>I call his dad to make sure
>dad is coming
>dad picks him up, i go back to sleep because I'm exhausted
>wake up in the morning, roommates are going to con
>I stay at the hotel with one of the other guys who is also sleeping in
>wake up in the afternoon, pack up and go home

That's about it. We had an argument afterwards but everything worked out alright. The roommates still haven't forgiven him though.

>> No.7673032
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>get shitfaced in the concourse hall with a bunch of cool people
>con security comes and asks us if we think we can just come inside and make up our own rules
>"We're all just having fun here man, no harm in enjoying a little bit of drinking"
>guy asks for my badge
>I lost it lol
> friend gets his badge taken away as well as some other guy
>get escorted out
>sneak back in to take a piss
>see some of the guys who were drinking with me and explain what happened
>they had alcohol on them
>drink more
>see con security patrolling
>thank the dudes drinking with me for being awesome and good ass drinking buddies then book it
>don't know how I got to the hotel that night
>remember some Asian on a skateboard walking with me
>wake up in my hotel in my boxers and a bottle of cheap sake
>8 new numbers in my phone with selfies sent to me and random ass shit like "Yo this is mike!"
>lol what even
>friends said I got to the hotel at like 4am
>lol alcohol

>> No.7673033

Ain't a real party until you have a bathtub fridge set up. Never heard of anybody setting up one for the purpose of putting just ramune, that's just a waste of space.

>> No.7673053

I swear everyone on /cgl/ is a fucking basket case.

Makes me feel like a fucking normie.

>> No.7673060
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>Room with extreme waifufag with daki
>He doesn't let his daki touch the floor without having a sheet between
>Nobody is allowed to touch it without washing their hands first
>Doesn't even let anybody see the lewd side
>if we sleep near it, we have to wear socks
>he gets pissed and almost calls security because my friends were vaping near the daki

This lasted 4 days

>> No.7673076

Well? Who was his waifu?

>> No.7673078

I mean, yeah, if you are at a house party where everyone goes home and they can be transferred to a fridge later. I just can't imagine how a bunch of sweaty ass con goers can logic putting a shit ton of ice and 72 glass bottles in their only bath that 13 people are supposed to have access to. It's just a really bad idea for many reasons.

>> No.7673081

>looking down on him for treating his waifu with the respect she deserves
What's your problem?

>> No.7673102
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>> No.7673117

Ugh I had this one friend who claimed she couldn't sleep because it was too hot, people snored too loud, ext Not like people can help snoring, she should've bought ear plugs. :P

>> No.7673123

This passed weekend at AX:
>15 people in room
>6 of them cosplayers with bulky props and a workstation.
>At one point partying with 24 people in remaining space because we downloaded the new sailor moon.
>people getting piss drunk didn't pay for any of the alcohol.
>trash everywhere
>people unavoidably on everyone's sleeping stuff
>girl I didn't know kept losing the bottoms to her costume and blaming us for stealing her underwear.
>The air conditioning never worked with our combined body heat.

.... it could have been worse because one of our girls was sexually assaulted in the lobby and security was called to the room. Luckily we were playing card games and watching Kamen Rider so it looked like we were just a bunch of friends watching what we wanted but we could have easily been charged up the butt.

>> No.7673126
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>> No.7673127
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sounds like your girl almost got charged up her butt

>> No.7673137
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It's a thing anon.

>> No.7673144
File: 504 KB, 571x500, hores_faes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$50 a week? Where are you staying, the Ritz?

>> No.7673148
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Give me her email. I'll do it for you.

>> No.7673219

>room with two chicks from a forum
>very nice room
>girls seem nice enough
>go off enjoying con
>go up to room to change for dance
>they are splayed out across both beds with food and booze
>ok whatever just don't spill anything on my bed please
>they find this hilarious
>too hilarious
>what the fuck
>go farther into room to get my clothes
>slapped with cloud of pot smoke
>come back to room after dance
>sleep time please
>one is on phone with hotel
>demanding room service
>it is 4 am
>she literally has a bottle in her hands with a blunt stuck in the top
>entire weekend goes by like this
>they are wasted entire time
>I get my stuff out (which now reeks) and shove it in my car well before checkout time
>hand over room key
>figure thats the last of that and go enjoy the con
>get a call halfway through a panel
>"you need to pay us"
>i already paid you
>"...oh yah. well its more now"
>uh no
>"but they said its a non smoking room"
>what the fuck
>you want me to pay because you smoked in the fucking hotel room
>be glad its a fee and not being fucking arrested for posession

>> No.7673234

What am I looking at here.

>> No.7673237

The wonders of alcohol.

>> No.7673245

I wanted it to look as gay as possible. I didn't even take it out of the hotel room. We all just left it where she dropped it.

>> No.7673254

>$50 a week? Where are you staying, the Ritz?

I stayed there for Dragoncon 2011 as a treat to myself...

Real talk though, it is a good idea to start building up savings for yourself anyways in case shit hits the fan. A few of these "con/room horror story" involve not having enough money to room it on their own, so they have to room up with strangers who range from "pretty chill person" to "this motherfucker is a potential serial killer"

If you've come the point in your financial situation that you have to share rooms with strangers just to go to a con, then don't go in the first place until you can afford the room.

>> No.7673256

This sounds like me. Any kind of snoring or breathing keeps me up at night. I need my own hotel room.

>> No.7673263

Of course, just $50 a week seems a little much, unless you're staying at Swanktown, USA or the con's in a month.

>> No.7673450

>anon likes the d
D likes you too

>> No.7673544

>and paid for the hotel room using Paypal....
There something bad about that?
When I book a room, I prefer for people to pay via PayPal about a week before the con, so I don't have to worry about it, or deal with it at the con itself.

>> No.7674016

I think it's fine to pay with paypal before hand,but she paid using paypal on day two. As in she was already in the room when she used paypal to pay her share instead of just handing the money to the girl in charge.
That's why I found it weird.

>> No.7674700


You didn't pay right?

>> No.7674713

maybe she wanted to pay credit isntead

>> No.7674831

>will never have a story like this because only friends with money end up rooming with me
>this weekend I have 6 in a room and they feel bad I paid for half of it and refuse to take more off them

Just, how do people get stuck with disasters? I don't understand

>> No.7674967

these stories make me want to start going to cons again.

This shit is golden, and i've had some pretty funny things happen in my room, but nothing of this caliber.

Half of this shit wouldn't ever happen though because I'm willing to pay for a majority of the room if it means I have nondebatable claim on a bed

>> No.7675005
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>Looking at rooming with randoms at my next con
>This thread makes me question if I should

>> No.7675020

Do it. Post results.

>> No.7675025

I'm still looking.

>> No.7675239

this year at anime expo.
room with randoms for fairly cheap.
though since everyone liked lol i would hate em. they mostly all turn out to be awesome outside of one dude (but he had assboigas but meant well so i wont dock on him, but other girl asks for room key to go smoke after i say im just taking a break for the dance and im leaving in 45 minutes. she doesnt come back.assboigas is tired for the day so when i ask to use his key he was cool with it.
other roomies came in an hour later and she just gotten back.I mean it wasnt too big of a deal but i dont care what gender you are have some respect for your other roomies.
one of our roomies bought a hentai.
We are all waiting for the other dude roomies (just the 4 other dudes atm)
I say it would be a great idea to blast the hentai turn off the lights and throw towels over are laps. I say out loud "its gonna be great when the next person to come in is the girl"
it was. Everyone scrambles one guy throws towel off lap and goes to hit space bar. we are all laughing are asses off. We continue to watch this hentai together and make jokes and read the next lines in a circle. Exchange contact info before i head out. I love random roomies.

>> No.7675249

ALA 2014

invite a girl to ALA.
cool guy is hosting rooms for people and for fairly cheap.Everyone is cool in the room except this guy who immediately asks if im girls boyfriend.
Say maybe in the future. but for now just friends.
one time while we are dancing in hotel room tells her to take off her top.
give him a stare.
secure spot next to girl for night.
wait for guy to come in room before i close my eyes.
he comes in later
keep an eye open staring at him as he comes onto the end of the bed as he comes a bit close i open my eyes wider and cough.
before i leave room and con after i help bring girls stuff to her mum i tell him to back off.
week after he starts sending love letters to the girl and she tells me about it.
tell her not to respond.
she does.he does it again.
she telling him stuff like we literally roomed once what the fuck are you talking about and stop sending me shit.
ask her if she wants me to call him and tell him to fuck off.
she says dont.
but make a point that i dont want to hear about that shit anymore.
guy fucks off eventually.
see him at this years anime expo during dance
gives me a high five
in dance mode so not thinking.
Damnit. but whatever having too much fun.

>> No.7675329
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Not really a scary room story, but more of an annoying hotel story

>Anime St Louis 2013
>Doubletree hotel
>friend and I are sharing room
>get back to hotel after 1st day of con
>Fire Alarm goes off at 10 PM
>everyone is evacuating
>It's freezing cold outside and my dumbass forgot a jacket
>Firemen come to hotel
>turns out it was triggered from some asshole smoking in the hotel
>everyone goes back to rooms after 30 minutes
>alarm goes of AGAIN
>Everyone is pissed the fuck off
>one woman goes down the hall saying "I don't care if I fucking burn. I'll die in my sleep"
>fire alarms finally stop
>friend and I head back to our room
>some guy who's drunk and probably stoned is following us to our room
>"Hey sorry I'm lost, can i use your bathroom"
>my friend and I say "No" at the exact same time and close the door
>It's now 1 in the morning
>people next door are loud as fuck
>decide fuck it and go over and tell them to be quiet
>person who opens the door is the drunk and stoned guy
>ask if they can be quiet as we're trying to sleep
>says ok and closes the door
>never quiets down
>somehow find a way to fall asleep anyway

Other than that the hotel was pretty cool

>> No.7676213

I was wondering if anyone knew about a girl that goes by the name of Black Marra, I recently read a horror story about her fucking her twin brother in the hotel room. I'm really curious and I was wondering if their were any other stories about her.

>> No.7676219


>> No.7677312

i can obviously see why you'd need to tell a group of strangers your pronouns but why would strangers need to know you're a furry/otherkin. how do you 'come out' as a furry.

>> No.7678760

i wonder if anyone has ever lost their virginity during a con

>> No.7678997

I wouldn't doubt it.

Probably the same way you come out as gay.

>ppl don't know you're gay
>tell them you're gay

>ppl don't know your a furry
>tell them you're a furry

>> No.7679985

I know a couple of people who have. They went to the con with full intention of getting wasted and sleeping with a stranger.

>> No.7680023

here goes nothing

>> No.7680044

It was planned though

>> No.7680158


>not toking up


>> No.7680260


Definitely, I know people who just go to a con to try to get something to fuck them. There is probably the occasional couple that takes advantage of the hotel bed for a special night of sore hips as well.

>> No.7680300

Can I post general con horror stories here?

>> No.7680302

no this is con HOTEL horror stories.

>> No.7680643

well, from the response of my lover's d pretty sure the d adores me.

>> No.7680761

>assuming genders and going into defensive feminazi mode
*tips femdora*
gb2tumblr legbeard

>> No.7681503

>being this edgy

>> No.7681777
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heat keeping people from being able to sleep is actually extremely common. it doesn't even have to be that hot. i have a really hard time getting to sleep when i'm hot, myself, and it always annoys the hell out of me when other people in a room don't want the ac lower than like 78 or something because they're "too cold" but can't be bothered to even cover themselves with the sheets

>> No.7681870
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>This thread
>Rooming with Fatties
>Rooming with psycho's
>Rooming with beta's

You are doing it wrong /cgl/

I understand budgets are a real thing, butif you associate yourself with any of these kinds of people YOUR GONNA HAVE A BAD TIME.

>> No.7681895

I have the opposite problem. Two of my old friends demanded the ac be 60 (or under at times), but I can't sleep unless I'm at least warm. Ended up shivering and keeping myself awake.

Should've pulled that I paid for the room each time they roomed with me (both friends were broke as fuck and I figured it was whatever), but eh. Hindsight is 20/20.

>> No.7682195

I did. It was... unfortunate.

>> No.7682249

Go on....

>> No.7682263

This! It's a waste of all your time plus everything you spend if you end up like one of these stories so just be smart and budget a little extra. I'm a little too far the other way, won't ever let anyone stay with me, take up a suite away from the con room block if I can get one and lay my clothes and cosplay gear out in the extra room. Order room service. Use the gym and pool. Get decent sleep. Treat convention time like the vacation it is.

>> No.7682266

Housekeeping has extra blankets, I'm always cold so I bring warm stuff because I know others want the AC on freeze. They suck.

>> No.7682288

It was the result of 2 1/2 days of being sexually harassed and pressured into it by the only person at the con that I knew. It was also pretty bad quality. I was pretty spineless as a teen and had a really messed up idea of what was romance.

>> No.7682427 [DELETED] 
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>Friends want me to go to Yaoicon.
>Can't afford plane ticket.
>Friend offers to cover it for me.
>He also plans on taping a piece of paper to hotel door with tally marks of "How many times Anon loses his virginity over the weekend."
Personally, every idea they've come up with for Ycon sounds like a trainwreck of bad ideas to come.

>> No.7682430
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>Friends want me to go to Yaoicon.
>Can't afford plane ticket.
>Friend offers to cover it for me.
>He also plans on taping a piece of paper to hotel door with tally marks of "How many times Anon loses his virginity over the weekend."
Personally, every idea they've come up with for Ycon sounds like a trainwreck of bad events to come.

>> No.7682448

Could not remove kebab

>> No.7682746

I once roomed with a chick who was known for being level-headed and not to wild.
During the first night, I woke up to a strangled gasping noise. It's coming from her and I freak out - is she choking? I wake her up, ask if she's ok. She's groggy but says " Sorry it's just my snore". She goes back to sleep pretty quickly.
I eventually get to sleep after more guttural, choked wheezing from her.

Even though I knew she was ok, the sound was horrid. Like a death rattle.

She didn't list this in her room share info. :I

Other than that, she was fine and helpful a lot of the time.

>> No.7682762

>come back to room when no one else is there
>add a ton of tally marks to the sheet

>> No.7682763

>Babby's first anime con
>Friends push me and my sister to come with them
>They get the hotel rooms set up
>Some shitty hotel 2/5 stars
>Whatever, at least it's close to the convention center
>Girl A and Boy B are dating
>Girl A and Boy C are best friends
>Boy B and Boy C start fighting over Girl A a week before the con
>Eventually we have to get two rooms to split up Boy B and Boy C
>We get two rooms, but no one can afford now
>Girl A recruits two other guys to room with Boy B
>everything going well
>Girl A, Boy C, my sister and I, in one room
>Boy B, and the two other boys in one room
>Tell Girl A that we should have divided prices since there's more people in our room
>"No, because that's not fair to the other room!"
>u wot
>Calculate everything
>Girl A is pretty much taking an extra $10 each from everyone
>Confront her about this
>She gets all pissy saying that I'm making up lies
>Show the whole group the math in a skype group chat
>Everyone still sides with her because they're all her friend and I'm the outcast friend
>Girl A eventually brings her mom into this to bitch me out and show me some emails from the hotel that had nothing to do with it
>Fuck it
>Camps at a campground nearby
>$18 a night (for me and my sister) instead of $62 (Individually)

>> No.7682775
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I guess for a part two of this

>Girl A tries hooking me up with one of the guys she recruited, we can call him Guy D
>Guy D is your typical rave-fag
>He is ugly as hell, just no
>Mohawk, overweight, big nose and tiny lips
>He starts messaging me on Facebook
>I be nice, not wanting to stir up drama (this was before the hotel finance situation)
>He's ok, he talks about himself WAY too much
>He gets really personal, asking if I've ever had depression, side effects from drugs, WEIRD STUFF
>mind you we've only been talking for a day then
>He mentions that Girl A said that I looked really pretty irl
>he starts getting creepier, asking all these questions about what my routine is, what color my panties are, what size and color my bras are
>nope the fuck out of there
>I tell him I have a boyfriend and he would not like me saying that (I did at the time)
>also tell him that some of the questions he was asking were making me uncomfortable
>He stops messaging me
>Show up to con and see him
>He doesn't even talk to me the whole time

>> No.7682786

that's fucking disgusting and this is why weed should be legal

>> No.7682829

Rooming with people you don't know very well. Or complete strangers.

I'm the same, I've only roomed with my best friend or another friend and her extremely-financially-responsible parents (who let me room for free). I don't have a single horror story from a convention because of this. Maybe boring, but I'd rather not be put through this kind of crap.

>> No.7682857


Man, my supervisor has the worst snore ever. I got used to it after a night or 2, but a few times I woke up and he had got up early or went to the bathroom. I was sure he was dead because I didn't hear snoring.

>> No.7682902

yeah i understand the progress, just more like why bother... you're not gonna be denied your rights because you're a furry.

>> No.7682909

>it doesnt count
fucking lost it, my sides are gone

my nigga, we need to hang out next AX

>> No.7682926

I wonder if a furry/otherkin has ever complained that a vet clinic was discriminating against them and refusing to examine them (like instead of going to a doctor's office like a human)

>> No.7683167


Lol I remember running into you in the concourse, seemed like you were having a blast. I was hanging with that Kurokos Basketball group after my friend's took off early (I'm the tall Kagami in the back.)

>> No.7683627

This is more of a pet peeve than anything, but holy fuck I wish my mother would stop trying to talk me into cramming my already packed room with my cousin and his friend.

>Cousin is an aspie
>Also wears a fedora unironically
>Threw a fit and insisted that "You picked the WRONG day to be WRONG around me, punk" was a double-negative
>hit that point of his teens where he tries to fuck everything that moves
>my mom thinks I'm just being mean because I don't want this and someone just as bad in my room

>> No.7684025
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For sure man.
We need to all get drunk and go around talking and taking pics with people
Its one of the best feelings man

I had to sneak in Day 4, and I was assuming the exhibit hall was gonna be free that day like last year but I guess not.
My friend still managed to get me in the exhibit hall tho
You guys were cool as fuck, not really sure if you guys drank with us though

>> No.7684046
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I was with a friend and one of his friends was apparently drunk and in the middle of the night i Hear him do this disgusting half burps. I didn't think too much about it but I could tell he was going to the bathroom.

Later that night I go to the bathroom and it was literally covered in watery shit.


>> No.7684281

Am I the only one who didn't have a negative experience with rooming with randoms? I think all of us were pretty chill. We had laughs together, drank together, and after the con we all added each other on facebook.

>> No.7684290

Have you tried telling her no?

>> No.7684299

I didn't have a negative experience but it was pretty neutral/slightly positive. One of them ended up being a furry, but he seemed alright and I didn't spend much time with him. One guy was actually very creepy, but never did anything about it.
I don't know why he was so creepy. And I know how people like to bitch when women call guys creepy, but it was actually my boyfriend who brought it up first. He just had this aura around him, like he's probably raped a child at some point.
But like I said he was courteous and didn't do anything so idk if it really counts.
The other people were completely unnotable, except for this one older guy who was super chill and I still hang out with at some cons. I think he's a seagull too.
So I would say it was a net positive experience, no one was horrible and I made a friend.

>> No.7684322

Unless they either turn out to be not bad or anon ends up in a plastic bag in the woods somewhere

>> No.7684395

I had to room with that asshole brony, GeneralIvan, one Otakon. He kept trying to invite me to MLP circlejerks the entire time, until he brought the circle to the fucking hotel room.

He got plastered every night and would whisper in my ear about all the things he wanted to do to Rarity.

Good experience otherwise.

>> No.7684466

For me, most cons go without a hitch.
Randoms are usually perfectly fine.
On the flip side, all the drama that has happened, happened because of people I already knew / friends.

>> No.7684628

>tips fedora

I support you pot smoking anons

>> No.7684644

Define messed up, when I was a teenager how I met your mother pretty much made me too inclined to meet "the one" that I didn't realize that just because an instantaneous spark didn't happen when we met didn't mean we wouldn't get along and such.

Took me a while to figure it out, also I was generally afraid to talk to women due to being former fatty

>> No.7684653

So I have two issues with posts in this thread and the general concept of finding it acceptable to do this.

1. Why would you ever book more than 5 fucking people in a room? There's absolutely no real moving room like this when you need to get up in the middle of the night or whatever. Another thing that really makes me wonder what people are doing is the fact that apparently if you are going with friends, that it's impossible to get 2 people on a bed. Are you really that afraid that your friend might do something to you?

2. How can you even contemplate rooming with complete strangers you know nothing about? I could understand if you've gotten to know them online and this is your first time meeting them in real life, but at that point, they aren't really strangers because you know a bit about them. Like the risks you have to be taking to save 30 bucks a night is just no where near worth it. Sure, don't get me wrong, I'm sure there are quite a few people who are pretty cool out there and it would be fun to room with them, but the fact that you're spinning the wheel and praying the other people in the room aren't shit isn't worth it man.

>> No.7684672

You sound like the one with a fedora to be honest

>> No.7684699

If this was 2 weeks out why didn't you cancel one of the fucking rooms?

>> No.7684773

That line isn't a double negative. The two words don't cancel each other out.

>> No.7684784

1. Money is the main factor in cramming people into rooms.
2. Also money. If you dont know people who are getting a hotel, you are stuck either paying for a room on your own or transiting from wherever you live otherwise.

>> No.7684849

It's you, your the person we avoid

>> No.7684858


Most people don't. You're in the horror story thread, not hotel sharing general. The stories here aren't even from one con, they're the worst experiences that people remember from their lifetimes of con trips. Given that most cons pull in thousands of attendees and this thread hasn't even reached autosage after a couple of days, horror stories don't happen much at all.

>> No.7685194

Not all hotels are the same size. The main hotel for one of my local cons can easily fit 8 comfortably in the standard room. (Two on each Queen bed, two on the pull out couch, two on the floor with plenty of space to spare.)

>> No.7685340

Your parents let you go to a con alone at 14? What the fuck

>> No.7685415

Wait, how old were you?

>> No.7685453

That changes things?

>> No.7685459

So to save money you potentially ruin your entire weekend and at worst, put yourself in line to room with psycho Suzy? Doesn't make sense.

>> No.7686414
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>Sin Melancholy
Holy shit, I remember hearing fucked up things about her. I used to have her fb and most of her posts were fucked up too.

Hahaha, good times

>> No.7686433

Usually they dont have many other choices? For some people they need to room with someone to they cant go. But if you dont have anyone to room with among your friends, you have no other choice than to look for people to share with you that you may not really know.

>> No.7688050

In the hotel's defense, that is shit they definitely want nothing to do with.
>source: I've worked at a hotel.

From these stories, I would honestly ban anyone under 18 going to a con from staying at a hotel I work at, or I wouldn't hesitate to charge extra if they trashed the room.

>> No.7688139
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>Pig Prime

>> No.7688175

That's some /x/ level shit.

>> No.7688210

I slept with some guys who enjoyed listening to shitty metal music when they slept.

Almost ended up punching one of them who turned it back on after i told him it wasn't staying on, and that he's an autistic retard for sleeping with metal music playing.


How can you sleep with music playing.

>> No.7688606

I grew up in a real noisy area, people screaming, partying and sirens all the time. Also super thin walls and windows so I used to used to put my walkman on with the music turned up all the way to tune that shit out and would end up falling asleep.

I still do it now but with an mp3 player, usually rock music, but I don't fucking force other people to listen to it.

Most annoying thing is when I explain to people I'm going to sleep and then they start talking to me. I can't hear them because of music and they always harass me till I respond.

tl:dr can't sleep without music

>> No.7689081

You, I like you

>> No.7689270
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Anext this year

>I come day 2 because I had to attend school on Day 1
>room with a bunch of friends, all girls majority are lesbians
>Best friend and I cosplaying Police Panty and Stocking seems gonna be
>Was fun the first few hours
>Our good friend has the key, and she went off to find other friend who was sweating a gallon
>We wait outside of room for hotel key and to be able to get our money and other things inside
>No show
>Two girls and a guy pass us and are from the room right next to us and just stare at us
>We're sitting on the floor, carpet whatever now because we're tired and wearing heels
>They finally open their room door
>Me being a nosy bitch I peaked and saw bottles of gin and other things all over the floor
>tells best friend she didn't really care
>Continue to wait
>An hour or two passes and I get up and start knocking on the door
>I put my ear against the door and hear things
>"People are fucking in there"
>Best friend starts banging the door
>"Maybe we should just go downstairs and find them"
>Best friend says no, shes really mad
>After banging the door more and more our friend finally comes up rushing and opens the door
>Turns out there was a bunch of girls sitting on our prints and threw our bags on the floor watching Gravity falls and others were making out

They didn't pay for the hotel, we did and a our friends did. They weren't invited and we all suffered with them all there (it was a one bed, and it had atleast 11 people with about 5 people who paid including me). They had a lesbain orgy too when we came back from the rave. And the person who brought them all in was one of the people who paid 's gf

Getting my own fucking room next time, that was a disaster

>> No.7689763


As someone who has dealt with hotel roommates being... hotel roommates, I can't even explain in words the piece of mind having your own hotel is. I splurged and got one for the con I went to this year, and my god it was the most peaceful experience of my life. So glad I saved up the money to do it.

>> No.7690146
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>having your own hotel

>> No.7690159

>two of which ended up puking everywhere to the point I had to take in 3 people originally from that room because it was EVERYWHERE, except for the toilet.
I seriously don't get people like this. I'm no stranger to drunk vomiting, but never in my life have I done it anywhere other than a toilet/dish. How are people so sloppy?

>> No.7690221

I haven’t had super shitty roommates for AX in the years that I stayed (2009-2014, minus 2010 being the one year I didn’t go). But every year up to 2013 we always had some annoyances or drama.

>> 7 people in room total, 2 were my friends
>> the other 4 were friends of my friends
>> one guy in particular apparently really like >> my then friend K, even though she is dating someone
>> he’s just being a total creep to her in >> general during the weekend
>> I’m a pretty heavy sleeper but other friend (R) was telling me how the dude would come to the room super late from the dance and just be obnoxiously loud when there are people sleeping
>> I didn't think much of it until I started catching on to the guys annoying behavior
>> He’d wake up super early in the morning and blast the music from his laptop while ironing his clothes
>> He brought with him a big ass suit case
>> K also being a big annoyance as well
>> Bringing in random people into the room and those people were all very loud
>> At one point on phone asking R if they wanted me to grab them food
>> Get interrupted by loud group entering room
>> They are all are taking off their clothes and leaving their shit everywhere
>> Can’t say shit- I’m the youngest in the room and I didn’t pay my share
>> K is constantly flirting with guys in that new group
>> K borrowing some of R's expensive clothes
>> R specifically said not to get them dirty
>> When I'm with K she just drops the clothes on the con floor before trying to floozy her way over to some guys

So glad I don't talk to her anymore. I was pretty young when I met her and that girl has some big yellow fever. Pretty sure it's the only reason she even wanted to talk to me.

>> No.7690237


im not complaining, but after 20 min of greentext, non-greentext messed with me so much

>> No.7690250

Not an anime con but

>Go to a huuuuge gun show in another state
>bring sister
>She's only seventeen at the time
>get hotel, get separate beds at same price
>done with one day of show, still more con to go to and more jerky to buy (I don't buy firearms or other weapons there, 2expensive. I did pick up some incendiary 12 ga rounds shells tho)
>Go out for night with sister, get bomb ass food and whatnot
>both go our own ways for a while
>I go to a bar and have a few drinks
>come back from hotel (note we were able to walk back)
>sister comes home thirty minutes after me
>somehow mega-fucking drunk and has a guy carrying her in almost
>wait what
>"Hey anon's sister, i sthought you said that you had a private room"
>My sister is more drunk than a west virginian father at this point
>"no worries he'll be fiii-iiiine"
>"No I wont."
>"Thank you for bringing my sister here, but please leave. Now"
>"fuuuuck youuuu maaan fine"
>sister gets mad at me rest of night, i have to hold her hair back while she pukes
>"you fucking cocklock anon all ifucking wanted to do wash get laid and you fucking stopped me you're a p-p-pussy!"
>tries doing normal angry drunk things to me
>farts all night
>next morning
>she has a hangover from hell
>remembers little
>Talk to her about her choices
>No, I won't tell mom.

yeah, shit happens. Kinda sucked.

>> No.7690292


was she actually appreciative you stopped her, or still miffed?

>> No.7690295

No horror story, but I'm curious now, where would I find randoms to board up with? Kumoricon in particular.

>> No.7690304

Should not say "come back from hotel". It's late and I meant to say "come back to hotel"

Yes and no. She was extremely embarrassed by what she did but apparently really wanted to lose her virginity in a drunken stupor. I don't know. She went through a phase.

>> No.7690317
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>"you fucking cocklock anon all ifucking wanted to do wash get laid and you fucking stopped me you're a p-p-pussy!"

10/10 sister

>> No.7690345

If nothing else, I live in portland and could probably have people in my apartment for some small fee. I don't know how many days I'm going or anything yet though.. where are you from in the area? Vancouver is like a 10 minute drive so I don't think I'm going to get a hotel for it.

>> No.7690346

Haha she can be funny. However, at the time, I wasn't laughing at having an underage, inebriated girl in my hotel room.

>> No.7690454


Jesus christ why would you ever want to room with randoms at Kumoricon. Find people you at least KNOW aren't crazy, or people that your friends can vouch for as not being crazy. Kumo is full of fucking nutjobs.

>> No.7690457

Diff anon, details?
I'm the apartment-anon but it's good to know what I'm up against...

>> No.7690474

>Fanime 2014
>Everyone in the room is hella fucking chill
>Except for the trash. Oh god, the trash. Hotel staff never came in the room the entire weekend even though we didn't have the privacy card up
>One girl is chill and nice to be around except for the part where she's a dirty unwashed hippie
>Dirty unwashed hippie on her period
>She doesn't wrap up her tampon applicators when she uses them at all
>Trashcans overflowing because maid staff never came in our room
>Used tampon applicators everywhere in the bathroom
>Spent the afternoon of the last day apologizing to the one boy in the room while he helped me and two of the other girls clean up all the trash in the room from dirty hippie and her girlfriend
>Dirty hippie even spotted on the bedsheets and I didn't know until we pulled the sheets off the next morning when we left
>Also, sink and shower were clogged upon check-in and the concierge didn't send a plumber until fucking Monday night

Other than that the con was pretty nice. Avoid the Fairmont though, their parking garage fucked up my car and then told me that they weren't liable for the damages. PLUS the service was basically just all-around shit the entire weekend.

>> No.7690482


Not much to tell besides the whole 'convention is full of twelve year olds and creepy sperglords' thing. Thankfully I'm at the Red Lion instead of the Hilton this year so I don't have to hear the rave going on until 2am from the fucking 5th floor, or the hambeasts squealing and running up and down the halls at night.

>> No.7690535

m saving up 600 dollars for myself. I made sure to have 200 extra dollars with me, just incase.

>> No.7690591

Where do you guys find people to roommate with?
And how do you approach them?

>> No.7690654


I love that hotel to death and my room was top tier, but the parking is sketchy. I didn't have any scratches, but my gas cap was magically not screwed in when I got it back from valet. Which is interesting since its locked in place and didn't manage to "fall" out during the 4 hour drive there. That said, if you read the fine print on your valet card, they aren't liable for anything that happens. Kinda shitty cause you don't get a choice on parking there tbh

>> No.7690778

I'm in portland as well. by the Sylvania PCC campus. Don't have a car though. getting across the river and back is a royal pain in the ass. think it's 2 hours to catch a bus from my place there at 8 in the morning and there isnt transit back after the raves.

>> No.7690789

Why the fuck would you park at the Fairmont?
Everyone knows you leave one passenger with the luggage and then go park else where. Fairmont Valet are known for being irresponsible dicks.

>> No.7690796

I know I shouldn't be laughing, but having met you I can absolutely see you doing this.

>> No.7690805
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Try the forums, or the Kumo thread whenever that pops up here on /cgl/.
There's also the Kumo Facebook group.

Kumo seems to be an interesting con where it has a high number of weebs / cosplayers, which is a pro / con in itself.
Speaking of Kumo creeps, pic related.

Ugh, my first con was Kumo '11, staying in the Hilton. Hearing the noise and rave at all hours was terrible. As were the elevators (as most con elevators are).
Have stayed at Red Lion every year since then.

As I said for anon above, generally the con's forums, Facebook group, or the /cgl/ thread if you're desperate enough for a last minute room.

Sounds like you shoulda tied up the trash bags and set them in the hallway outside your door, if it was bad enough. There should've been extra bags at the bottom of the can.

>> No.7690840


Not a horror story but hot damn it rustled my jimmies.

>Going to first Anime Expo
>Don't care for the expo, just there to spend my entire 4 days at the game room and play in a card game tournament
>Friend, lets call him Goof, ask me if I want to room with him, I don't know the guy all that much but he seems pretty cool, we play cards together, I say sure.
>Room is going to be shared me, Goof, his girlfriend, and then two other dudes
>Entire drive is going by swell, cars cramped but I'm a positive dude, ain't gonna get me down
>We get to Californa, Goof driving, doesn't know where the hell he's going
>His girlfriend is trying to give him directions
>He's flipping a literal bitch, insulting and yelling at his girlfriend, she takes it and plays it off all cutesy or some shit.
>Okay whatever, he has one-sided relationship issues. Good thing his girlfriend can take it.
>We decide to drop me and one of the other guys rooming with us, we stand in line waiting, all going good.
>Tragedy strikes
>Goof goof'd and didn't register the hotel room properly
>God damn it Goof.
>They're forced to run around the city for the next 2 hours looking for another hotel, which I wasn't there but can only assume was more asspain because Goof can't into directions
>Finally get us a hotel, tragedy avoided. We good.
>Haha nope, Goof's girlfriend and the other friend drag their feet all day, literal slowpokes. When they finally get too us, we were pretty much in the front of the line and moving fast. They had a hard time finding us because Goof again doesn't know how to be directional. When they finally find us, they almost get cut off because they're walking at snails pace to catch up, me and the other guy flipping out at them telling them to catch up
>They catch up, Goof continues to bitch about this and that, saying how his girlfriend and the other friend at 2slow2furios, and would've rather taken us.
>Finally get into con, all is alright
>Except not really.

>> No.7690849

>Everyone is hungry, another want to change, okay cool lets go get some grub
>Goof is driving again, refuses to let girlfriend drive. Jesus christ here we go.
>Drive around for a hour looking for a McDonalds
>Goof complaining and freaking out because he can't find it
>We find one in the ghetto, but he's too scared to get food there, it might've been the teddy bear hanging from a streetlight.
>We suggest to eat other places, autism intensifies as he refuses to eat anywhere else because of how long we've been looking for this god damn McDonalds
>We find a McD's in a rich area of town, can't eat there however because it has timed parking, and Goof is poor so he doesn't want to pay to park. I had no face at this point.
>Goof looks like he's about to break down crying, this is only day fucking 1
>We give up and go back to check into our new hotel room
>I'm starting to get a little frustrated because we wasted an entire hour and I've been stuck in the corner of a cramped car while Goof bullies everyone in the car because he can't drive
>Finally get to hotel, check in, find a burger king and get some food, everything seems to be cooling down
>Head back to con
>Goof can't find parking, here we fucking go again.
>Eventually find parking, it's 15 dollars for all day. Goof can't pay up, so we have to pay out of our wallets for expensive we didn't plan.
>I should mention that Goof and his Girlfriend payed 40 dollars less then us, again because poor. Got kinda fucked on that one, but a friend is a friend right, maybe he'll make it up later.
>Split away from Goof and gang, do my own card game thing where I get merch and trades. Good stuff.
>Meet back with Goof, his girlfriend is tired, and he forces us to all go back to the hotel
>Didn't get any extra card keys because he says we won't need them. Reality - he's just being a control freak.
>Thanks, Goof.

>> No.7690852

You are the shittiest person ever like fucking shit its not the hotels fault you fucking packed your room like a chinese sweatshop or the fact that you have shitty friends who clearly dont respect you fucking shit i hope you get hit in the face with a fucking hammer

>> No.7690857

Good lord, Goof sounds just like my ex.
So glad I was always a driver, so I never had to deal riding with her. And there's a few good reasons why we never let her be in charge of rooming situations, or booking the room itself.

>> No.7690865


>Day 2
>Think Goof just had a bad day today, now he'll have everything planned and ready to go
>Friend goes to get more door keys, Goof argues with him saying we won't need them
>It's 3v1, we get extra card keys
>For some reason we only get 2 extra, which go to one of us 3 guys, and his Girlfriend because she is his Girlfriend and 'DESERVES' a card key more then us
>I don't get one because I'm the youngest of the group
>Apparently card keys to where we live are now a privilege.
>Whatever, it's cool. I guess I won't need one because Goof will be there and we'll just head back together.
>Goof plans to take shuttle to Expo, say sure lets go for it.
>By plan I mean of course walk confused towards where the phone directs us too without an idea of what he's actually doing, typical Goof stuff.
>He walks us in the wrong direction for 5 minutes before I take the phone out of his hands and lead us in the right directions
>No idea where I'm going, but I get us there eventually, Goof criticizing me the entire time.
>Get there right as the Bus is picking up people
>Get to con, enjoy more card games, hang out with some of my other buddies there that came from town
>Goof calls, tells me hes going out with an old friend from Californa, tells me I can't come because this guy doesn't like meeting new people and is 2edgy4me
>Side note, apparently this friend trash talked Goof years ago, along with trash talking other friends of mine.
>Clearly Goofs friend is a special kind of social awkward, give him the greenlight assuming he'll be a responsible adult and get back in time to pick me up
>Haha nope
>It's 10PM, I wanted to get to sleep early because card tournament is tomorrow, gotta wake up early
>Call Goof, ask him where he's at
>He's an hour away from us
>What the actual fuck
cont. We're close to finished.

>> No.7690879

>We argue, he tells me to drag one of our friends out from a panel, I tell him I'm not shitting on my friends con experince because I'm not a shitty friend
>Tell him I'm walking back by myself because apparently someone is already back at the hotel
>Flips out, tells me I can't because 2dangerous, I'm only 19 and not allowed to walk on the streets by myself. Yeah fuck you too Goof.
>Wait AN HOUR for his friend to pick me up. Only bright side to this was eating some crazy strawberry chocolate waffle thing, and even then it wasn't that great, but I digress
>Finally picks me up, we get back to the room, trying to apologize for fucking up my sleep schedule knowing how this tournament is basically the only reason I'm down here
>Still upset, but we manage to patch it up. Get 6 hours of sleep because of how late Goof picked me up. Figure it will be better tomorrow.
>Day 3, I win card tournament, super rad, mad hype.
>Goof is out with his friend AGAIN. Two days in a row that he has basically missed out on the entire con day to hang out with what is apparently a shitty friend
>Ask him if he can pick me up
>He gets mad at ME, because I'm apparently an inconvenience even though he still hasn't given me a hotel key. Tells me I have to wait it out until late at night again.
>Yeah nawh
>Go hang out with some other friends from where we come from, they also came down for the week
>Are really cool guys, congratulating me on my win, all around great fun
>Go out to eat at an IHOP
>We get there without any problems
>Spend an hour or two at IHOP, get some great food for once this week, our server is a great person overall
>Best time I've spent with friends this entire week, and it's not even people I came down with
>They walk me back to the hotel room
>Have some trouble at first because again because Goof refuses to give me a room key.
>Manage to get a hold of friend who is already inside.
cont. In the home stretch now.

>> No.7690880

>our server is a great person overall
I love a good ihop waitress/waiter. Theyre the best.

>> No.7690884

>Goof and girlfriend get back from spending time with edgy friend, I tell Goof about my win
>Gets mad he didn't win, gets mad I didn't help him win, gives me shit like it's my fault for not training him harder, complains the entire time without saying good job or asking how it went. No excitement for my win at all.
>Tell Goof we got to get up early so we can get to Con early, need to be there on time for registration for day 2
>Goof says "Why should I? I didn't win. I have no reason to go there tomorrow"
>Continues to give me shit
>Tell him to shut the hell up, get in bed, and that we're waking up early whether he likes it or not.
>Day 4
>We wake up, he is pissy as usual. Had it up to here with his shit.
>Tell him to drive me over there because the shuttle comes to late for us to get there on time.
>He won't do it
>Forced to PAY him to drive me there.
>We're friends.
>In good news, I get there on time, day goes great, get second place in finals, even get a cool little trophy
>Meet up with the two dudes who sit in the back with me
>Apparently Goof and his Girlfriend are off eating by themselves
>Whatever, we go get food, talk about Goof and how much he's pissed us off this entire weekend.
>Eat the best fries I've ever had in my life. Like holy shit.
>Goof finally comes to pick us up, we head back. Finally, it's over.

>Just kidding. When we get back in town, I ask Goof to drop me off at my Moms house, which is like 5 minutes away
>His Girlfriend is driving, she finally got controls, she says sure
>I tell Goof it's like literally 5 minutes away
>Goof ain't havin' it, forced to drive back to his apartment where my parents have to pick me up because he refuses to drive me back.

>> No.7690887


The best part? We bump into each other at the local card shop back home and tells me all his bitching and yelling is just him joking.

Literally the biggest manchild I've ever had to deal with in my life. Lost all respect for this guy, can't even deal with his shit anymore after this. I don't think I could ever room with him again without punching him in the face. I'm not even responsible myself and I got more shit done then he did.

I forgot to mention, the room only had 2 beds, so someone had to sleep on the couch. I was fine with that, and on day 2 I asked Goof if we could switch it up, either him or his girlfriend sleep on the couch. He flips a bitch at me and tells me no because he's the one who drove all the way here and set up this trip, and we're just his tagalongs. Lucky for me, another one of my friends bit the bullet before we got into another big fight and slept on the couch for me during my two tournament nights. Yet Goof and his girlfriend not only payed less for the trip, but also didn't pay for parking all 3 days, but deserved the bed more then us. He could have at least pulled the couples card on us, and I'd be fine, but he told us that he DESERVED it.

Fucking Goof.

>> No.7690888

jesus, she puts with him all the time? She must be really.... fuckin goofy.

>> No.7690890

Fucking hell bro. This whole story. This is why I refuse to share a room with everyone.
Hue. Though I was thinking too, how the hell does this man child have a girlfriend.

>> No.7690902

Might be a big g(oof) but he probably has a great d[spoiler](bank account)]/spoiler]

>> No.7690920
File: 193 KB, 480x291, tumblr_inline_n8ufadHNho1r4itqj.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be internet friends with guy for 2 years
>Basically entire friendship is sexual/romantic tension
>Never met before due to distance, all opportunities to meet have gotten fucked up
>Japan Expo USA pops up, conveniently on my birthday weekend and right near where he lives
>Convince him to room with me, offer to pay for it all
>He agrees, also offers to pick me up from the airport and take me to dinner + bring me flowers since I'd be arriving on my birthday (day 0)
>Birthday/Day 0 arrives
>Head to airport, fuck up times so I have 2 hours to kill
>End up just hanging out at gate, end up chatting with another girl who's going to the same con
>Up until the minute I got on the plane, friend and I are talking about how excited we are to finally meet, etc. Says he'll meet me at the airport when my plane got in.
>Girl at gate asks if I want to split a cab to the con center, I decline since friend was picking me up
>On plane, on my way to Shitsville, California (Santa Clara)
>Plane lands, extremely excited
>Turn phone on to ask friend where I should meet him
>5 or 6 texts from him from half an hour earlier about how he got cold feet and wasn't coming
>Try not to cry because a) makeup and b) I'm in public
>Find girl from gate, ask if she still wants to split a cab
>Quiet, uncomfortable cab ride
>Split ways and decide to check out what's happening at the con center
>Literally nothing is going on, there is absolutely no reason to be there
>End up crying in a bathroom stall
>Take another cab to hotel
>Almost unable to check into hotel since it was booked under my dad's name and he wasn't there, luckily the manager was nice and let me in
>Get to hotel room, order shitty pizza and watch South Park all night
>Happy birthday, Anon-chan

We met up for about 60 seconds a couple days later, but he obviously didn't want to hang out with me so I let him go. I told him to go fuck himself a while later when he refused to say goodbye to me and we haven't talked since. Con was decent, though.

>> No.7690924


They've been dating since High School, and for them that was a good 5 years ago. At this point I can't blame her for not wanting to break up. That's a lot of wasted years.

Well, that, and apparently she is a little crazy. Before Expo my opinion of her was like "DAYUM, SHE FINE, HOW YOU GET WITH THIS?" went to "Oh, she's kinda EHHHHHgusting. Attractive rating dropped to 10%". She's kinda a huge weeaboo who does like some sort of half-lolita deal? I don't know but it lowered my opinion on her. And that she has to backbone to stand up for herself, that's kind of a turn off too.

>> No.7690954
File: 41 KB, 646x812, Ican'tfeelwithit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it's not all that bad Anon. Consider it this way, it's better to have loved and lost than to never loved at all, right?

A-at least you get to feel those emotions instead of sitting there trying to bottle up your feels and wondering why you're so unattractive that no girl has ever talked or approached you even when your friends tell you that you don't look all that bad, questioning why you haven't gotten a girlfriend yet and making you feel even worse and confused.

It's a lonely world out there Anon-chan. Just gotta suck it up and roll with it.

>> No.7690969


In all fairness, could you kick his ass in a fight?

Cause I hella would.

>> No.7690992
File: 19 KB, 300x309, 1914e5f4-5bc8-41f8-b5bf-120e9867f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking kidding me? What type of asshole does something like that?
Was there more to his reasoning then just getting cold feet? I mean two fucking years and he leaves you hanging. I would beat the shit out of him if I saw him in real life

>> No.7691003

It sounds like the poster is a girl. Maybe he found out she's a hambeast and noped out of there.

>> No.7691008

Only an /r9k/ incarnate would enter a /cgl/ feels thread just to one up someone on their misery

Or maybe you're subtly trying to hit on my precious anon-chan? In your dreams fatty chan

>> No.7691010

He probably discovered that she was in fact fat.

>> No.7691019

I don't have any related to hotels, cause most cons are one day only in my country. However I do have this:
> Friend and I plan to go to a con and discuss what we are going to cosplay in our lunch break at school (We were around 15 at the time)
> Girl we somewhat know overhears our conversation and begs if she can come
> ''Uhm I don't know...''
> Friend says we should be nice for once, and let her come with us
> Day of con, she tells us she doesn't feel so good
> ''Why don't you just stay home then?''
> Insists she is just a bit nauscious and that it will blow over, and she can definitely come with us.
> ''Kay, just don't be a bother''
> She doesn't want to go to any panels/karaoke or vendor rooms, because it is so crowded and it is making her dizzy
> After a day doing all most nothing, because we would feel guilty of just leaving her behind. She suddenly says ''I have to puke''
> Rushes to the bathroom, but can't make it in time and pukes all over the floor
> The smell and sight of puke is making me nauscious and I weasel away, because I have to gag and I am so not gonna be the person to help cleaning.
> Girl calls her mom to come pick her up
> I whisper to my friend ''Good, we can finally do whatever we want then'' She agrees. We just have to fix a new ride however. Since her mom would bring us home.
> Mom arrives and we are ready to wave her off
> Her mom then demands that we go home too.
> We keep insisting ''No its fine, one of our parents will come pick us up, or else we will go with public transport.''
> Her mom goes all batshit angry about how we are ruining her girls life if we don't also go home
> Both to scared to ignore her, so let her take us home

Never again

>> No.7691025

I am a terrible princess when it comes to sleeping preferences. And have a lot of trouble getting some actual sleep done, if the bed isn't just right. However I still rather lounge on the couch, the ground and only sleep for maybe an hour or two, then be ''That person''

>> No.7691029

Shhhh Elliot Rodgers-chan

>> No.7691047
File: 57 KB, 758x427, 1403674641277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for reminding me how much I miss HIMYM and how disappointed I was in the ending

>> No.7691058

>And that she has to backbone to stand up for herself, that's kind of a turn off too.

Don't you mean that she doesn't have the backbone to stand up for herself?

>> No.7691144

while she was on the plane though? thats the weird part...

>> No.7691148

If your friends tell you you don't look "all that bad", you probably look terrible. Ask someone who isn't biased, you'll have your real answer.

>> No.7691772

We both know that didn't happen. How long did you work on that one?

>> No.7691879

How do you even find random people to room with?

>> No.7691887

Sounds like your ride situation would've been resolved quickly if you used Lyft. Lyft is like a taxi service, but people use their own cars to drive you places. It's cheaper than a cab too. Not even going to give you my promo code, just download the Lyft app.

>> No.7691942

>Always been stick thin, just sitting at home playing WoW and watching anime.
>No one questions why I'd never dated before, and never talked to women.
>Don't really care to get with people in the first place.
>Get swole.
>Still don't care about relationships / sex.
>Now everyone thinks I'm gay, and suddenly it's everyone's business.
They stress over it more than I do.

>> No.7691970

Important question is did you play Horde or Alliance?

>> No.7691984

did you even read the story

>> No.7691990
File: 40 KB, 100x100, gift_03-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gosh that sucks. How is one so beta. On the bright side, whole hotel room to yourself!

>> No.7692104

Horde from Vanilla - WotLK, Alliance for the short time I played Cata. Haven't played since then.

>> No.7692459
File: 215 KB, 387x333, tham.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should have fucked her

>> No.7692634
File: 512 KB, 480x480, moot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I giggled

>> No.7692642

and this is why romantic relationships thru internet are bad

>> No.7693212
File: 595 KB, 1456x2592, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its okay anon we can get drunk next year at AX

>> No.7693270

Rooming with somebody who basically Tumblr personalized is basically a horror story in itself. How you may ask yourself?

>Nigga's an otherkin of sorts. Dude honestly think he's a fairy one day, a mermaid the next.

>Have a few social justice tendencies. HATES it when you use the words "faggot", "tranny", "retard" and so on.

>Starts drama over the most minor and childish reasons and make them known publicly.

>Defends women against "creepers" but mostly the girls wanted to be with the dudes and the dudes aren't really creepers.

>ALWAYS seek attention. ALWAYS. He'll cry if you do not give him any.

>Did I mention this man is around 22-24 years of age?

There are so many bullshit I dealt with having him as a convention roommate. At first, he used to be cool and chill but over the years he just went crazy. This past June at a local convention was the final straw. I let him stay in our room but only because I was being super greedy for cash and weed both he gave as payment for the room). I'm just gonna assume I got punished for my greed and had to dealt with his faggotry all weekend long. Here's some highlights

>True to his otherkin self, he was bitching about how the Friday the 13th full moon was going to destroy his powers as a mermaid

>Started drama with a girl for some childish reason I am not going to investigate

>Tried to sleep in another person's bed when they needed it more than he did

>Being a general white knight

>Got angry as fuck when somebody used the words "Retard" or "Faggot"
Ain't no telling what I'll do for the paper but rooming with an otherkin drama starting fag is not on that list.

(There's a happy ending though. Somebody got fed up with his bullshit at the convention and punch him in the face. He started getting pissed off and ran off and literally crie.)

>> No.7693311

>was bitching about how the Friday the 13th full moon was going to destroy his powers as a mermaid
holy shit wat

>> No.7694290
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It's too late for him.