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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 74 KB, 643x960, sonico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7687342 No.7687342 [Reply] [Original]

There is no doubt Yaya is an amazing cosplayer but I feel she didn't pull this one off too well, her face is a little too harsh. Idk, maybe its just me.

>> No.7687345

as said about 100000 times in every yaya thread, her eye makeup is extremely outdated and really ages her face.

This cosplay is good, besides the eye makeup. If she went a little lighter on it this would have been perfect

>> No.7687347

Is she Chinese or Japanese?

>> No.7687382

I could fucking pop her tits with a needle.

She looks like an elder Sonico. She's a swing and a miss on this one.

>> No.7687385


she looks very Chinese, although I don't know for sure

I grew up around asians so I'm usually really good at determining ethnicity

>> No.7687387


Boobs cosplay aside she really needs to stop cosplaying young girls. Sonico is supposed to be an 18 year old college girl and Yaya's face and body isn't what it used to be. She needs to cosplay more age appropriate characters cuz now she just looks pathetic and in denial.

>> No.7687390

her parents live in germany but they're all chinese

>> No.7687400

The funny thing is this IS her going light on the eye makeup

>> No.7687403

han is chinese. i dunno if she made it up, but you'd stick with your original ethnicity no?

>> No.7687419

Don't forget about the editing job because there is definitely some work on her.

>> No.7687429

Chinese as hell.

>> No.7687442

she's great, if you like orange trannie sonicos

>> No.7687456

Yaya drama aside this costume isn't up to her standard of sewing. (In before she commissions everything.) The trim is really wonky and the material was a terrible choice.

>> No.7687463


I want to bury my face in her tits and suffocate to death

>> No.7687490

Yeah, it looks really ill-fitted on her in a lot of pictures.
Maybe she wanted to wear it to try and show up Jnig at the con since she hates her so much.

>> No.7687495

way too old to be cosplaying sonico. Sonico has such a baby face. yaya why did you have to ruin sonico gdi

>> No.7687507


I really hope that wasn't her reason and actually made it just because Sonico is popular. There's something about Yaya's costume that makes her look even more top heavy then usually. Her shoulders look big and only adds to how larger her breast are making her look really awkward. She should have made the black nurse outfit.

>> No.7687513

In person at AX it looked really messy to me. Like maybe she rushed the costume?
That was my only time seeing her in person and I was really hoping to see some sweet craftsmanship.

>> No.7687514

I think she's a bit too old for character, but at least the boob work fits here

>> No.7687533

She and Jnig both wear way too much eye makeup and look nothing like the character other than having big boobs. Sonico is supposed to have a very fresh-faced natural look.

>> No.7687556

wouldn't be yaya if it didn't have breasts out and funky makeup. it's her trademark.

>> No.7687583
File: 75 KB, 854x1280, image89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think jnig was actually more fitting this time.

>> No.7687586

she defiantly has the boobs for it and her face looks much younger, i have to agree

>> No.7687592

The eye makeup is still terrible. If she could fix that, she'd look good.

It's a good cosplay choice for her though since she gets to just wear a basic bikini and wig and actually be accurate to the character.

>> No.7687595

Inspiration - I try not to collect too many things since my costumes/supplies take up so much room in my house, but I do have a rather large sexy girl figure collection. I can't help it, I'm addicted! I started collecting Super Sonico figures about 2 years ago, and this blue nurse figure was the first one I got, in Akiba in Tokyo! After my 5th Sonico figure, the bug to cosplay her finally bit!

>have a rather large sexy girl figure collection
>started collecting Super Sonico figures

Yaya is only cosplaying her because Sonico is a sexy vinyl figure that is suddenly popular to cosplay.

>> No.7687600


Holy shit that photoshop. Her pores they are gone. Her lips...still look chapped, but I think she's going for that popular Asian style of doing your lips.

>> No.7687607

Her eye makeup totally contrasts with the light pink wig and is so unfitting for Sonico. Besides that, she also needs lighter eyebrows and maybe better contacts, the ones she's wearing just make her look cross-eyed instead of dolly. Also her lips are so gross and dry-looking. Her boobs are the best thing about the cosplay.

>> No.7687616

i think she does that because her face is p weird without the heavy eye makeup tbh

>> No.7687631

as soon as i saw yaya was doing sonico i was like wow lol way to try step on jnigs turf. jnig is like obsessed with her theres no way it wasnt something to do with herrrrrr

>> No.7687654

I think I has the autism now

>> No.7687694

I saw these both in person, they had equal amounts of makeup caked on
they look the same age, I'm just glad that yaya didn't do the hooker lips thing

>> No.7687717

If you could morph them together, it would be ideal. Jessica is still too "white" for the look. Yaya looks older, and I think that has to do with her poses. JNig's not afraid to act the part, and Yaya always has to pose like a queen who's getting a tampon yanked from her asshole.

>> No.7687728






>> No.7687740
File: 151 KB, 600x558, 1332790440305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to AX
>"oh shit Sentai has Sonico posters they're giving out? let's get them!"
>they all have Jnig on them
>mfw 3DPD

>> No.7687795
File: 516 KB, 1216x694, lessmakeedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to edit off some makeup. She doesn't look that weird, just that her mouth and eyes are a little beady.

>> No.7687800

Yaya is an old hag with sameface but good costumes.

It's been said over and over.

>> No.7687951

That looks pretty good. She would be really pretty if she did some subtle browns instead of harsh black.

>> No.7687952

JNiggs is a terrible Sonico. She's supposed to be soft and a little meaty. Niggs is too small to pull her off.

Yaya is seriously lacking in the hips department to balance out her huge tits, but at least if she did pad out her body would be closer to sonico's

>> No.7687994

>She's supposed to be soft and a little meaty. Niggs is too small to pull her off.
I'd have to agree with you there.
>inb4 landwhale
I was considering cosplaying Sonico but decided not to only because I have the boobs but not the pudge.

>> No.7688384

Her neck is bothering me, I know I just woke up and all but... I keep seeing a vagina.

>> No.7688488
File: 48 KB, 779x960, image_sonico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaya and Jnig look too rough/shopped for Sonico, especially Yaya. That make-up is awful and does nothing for the character. Both only cosplayed as her no doubt because of how busty she is.

The only adorable Sonico I've seen lately that's been showing up on my feed on FB and Tumblr is Abi-Pop's cosplay. I have to admit it's really cute.

>> No.7688499

I'm the opposite, I have average boobs but I have a little bit more pudge than I think would be necessary for Sonico (not hambeast level, probably skinnyfat at worst)

If my boobs were bigger I'd probably look into cosplaying Pochaco, but c'est la vie

>> No.7688502

though I think its cute, she reblogged it from herself 3 times a day every day and I'm fucking done with abi pop the drama cow

>> No.7688506
File: 1.67 MB, 1180x800, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, seagulls, who wore it better?

>> No.7688513

This is the problem I have with Sonico cosplayers. Like do they thinks she's just a character for figurines? Do they have any idea what Sonico actually even is?

>> No.7688517

It's funny, as that pudge is the reason why JNIG likes Sonico so much. According to a video she did... it's not like I stalk her or anything.

>> No.7688518

MOST people don't know what Sonico "actually even is". The figure line is the most well-known thing about her. The anime is shit, the only manga she has is 4koma gags, and her video games are mindless fap fodder. I think the songs featuring her just have her as cover art? It's not even on the same level as Miku.

>> No.7688531

>I think the songs featuring her just have her as cover art?
That's not true, her VA for the games and stuff is the singer.

I'm actually planning to cosplay her, and I know she's just a mascot character with no personality, she's basically an anime version of a JAV actress. I like the way she looks though, also Yaya did the worst cosplay of her yet. Ugh.

>> No.7688537

Jnig fucking up
"sonico has blonde hair"

>> No.7688545

Why the hell is Sonico popular now? That anime they came out with about her was the worst garbage, Hyperdimensional Neptunia tier garbage. Is it just because once the animu came about she became mainstream enough for people to wanna cosplay?e

>> No.7688568


That's the only downside to her she keeps reposting to hell and back the same photos. Girl just stop.

>> No.7688581
File: 46 KB, 450x600, lightermake-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Yaya does pull off Sonico, yeah so she's older but I think think all the 'hag' type comments are unjustified. She doesn't look like a woman in her early 20s for sure but that's not a bad thing, god forbid anyone look older than say, 25.

As has been said numerous times, easing up on the make-up a little would make all the difference. The matt stage type foundation is probably the worst aspect it, it's incredibly aging on most people and you need a bit of sheerness/shimmer peeking through your make-up to keep it fresh and youthful.

Having said this, the heavy make-up she's used in say, her yazuza cosplay actually really works because she emphasizes her asian features and creates a look that most non-asian cosplayers would never be able to recreate or pull off. Similar for her Baroness cosplay, she really suits those more mature, dark-haired almost gothic looking femme fatale type characters, but no reason why she shouldn't try anything else out because her look doesn't suit the 'ideal'.

>> No.7688582

won't lie, I have liked her design for years but the anime is what made me finally decide to cosplay her. I know it was shitty but I don't care, she was adorable and her cats are adorable.

>> No.7688619

Incidentally, whilst reading this thread a song came on by Tujiko Noriko called 'Gift' and the opening lyric sounds like 'Yayaaaa Haaan'. I have now decided that this song must in fact be a heartfelt love letter to Tujiko's favorite cosplayer. I won't post the youtube link but seriously, I ain't kidding man.

I like Yaya's Sonico, if her foundation was just a little bit more sheer and she added some subtle shimmer to her cheeks it would be a lot better i think.

>> No.7688631

shes simply too old to be cosplaying super sonico awesome fabrication shit tier on the look tho

>> No.7688636

it is bad if shes trying to cosplay a teen and she looks 40 sorry dude but the pic you posted is just shooped to shit

>> No.7688698

I think Yaya looks "softer" somehow? Which makes her better for Sonico.

>> No.7688703

Abi is so gross holy shit

>> No.7688731

Her obsession with boobs made her get her own done.
Makes perfect sense, especially since she was flat before >>7670621

>> No.7688750

>her VA for the games and stuff is the singer
Fair enough. At least they keep some consistency with the VA.
I'm not a huge Sonico fan so from the outside I see it exactly as you've said it, a company trying to whore out a blank mascot character.

>> No.7688756

cuz no one grows bigger boobs over years right?
>using a photo from her teens to prove your point

>> No.7688767

for some reason her face or facial expression is giving me PT feels...

>> No.7688814

They both did exactly the same amount of makeup and wore similar circle lenses, so it really comes down to who has better craftsmanship and who looks better wearing it.
Craftsmanship: Yaya, obviously.
Who looks better: neither of them are trying to adopt the character's look, they're both just themselves as Sonico. They both look too old for the character and the drag queen makeup doesn't match Sonico's look at all.

I'll give this one to Yaya, simply because her craftsmanship is better.

>> No.7688824

She can't, just like Jnig. I think it has to do with insecurities.

>> No.7688923

I used to have the same problem as they do. I didn't feel comfortable with how I looked without makeup. Cosplaying had that effect on my self-esteem. After wearing more and more makeup for each new costume, I began to feel unattractive without heaps of eye makeup and fake lashes on all the time.

You know what I did? I made myself stop wearing it until I did start to feel comfortable without it.

I started in increments. I stopped wearing eyeshadow and eyeliner, only allowed myself brow pencil and mascara with some foundation on my skin. Then I went down to no eye makeup at all, and only some concealer on blemishes. After that I started going in public wearing no makup at all, not even on my blemishes (which made them heal and go away much more quickly!).

Finally, I posted pics of myself online without makeup and still felt beautiful. It was a huge triumph.

To Yaya and Jnig: I hope you try this someday.

>> No.7689060

>No one grows bigger boobs a month later.

Fixed that for you bro

>> No.7689092
File: 717 KB, 500x333, hank-hill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7689101
File: 139 KB, 931x858, i-know-that-feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, that's exactly why I can identify with it.
Even when I'd try to do just a little I'd end up going overboard because I was way too anxious.
I was hoping that with Yaya's "no makeup" pictures being shared that she was going to let up a little after always receiving positive feedback that she looks better with it toned down for characters like these. It looks like her nerves got the better of her again.

I've been without heavy makeup for so long I have a hard time remembering how to do it now for characters that call for it. kek. However it makes pulling off simple characters like Sonico much easier since in her case, the less amount of eye makeup the better. Takes off ten years!

>> No.7689108

That hat is pretty solid but I just wish the trim in the collar part was better. She definitely made her own bias tape, which I like. It's not that hard to do but a lot of people opt out of it.

>> No.7689121

>neck vagina
Oh christ anon you're right, this is a new level of bd photoshop.

>> No.7689130

I agree w you on most points but Yaya looks way more suited here than JNig, especially in the post you're replying too, maybe just because her face is rounder JNig looks like...a stereotypical fit/thin 'model' look suited to a lot of other characters but not sonico (look at her face in that pic...wow). Even too old Yaya was a better fit.

>> No.7689228

I don't know about you guys but everyday I'm getting more tired about hearing about Yaya the cosplay queen. Its like I can't even go anywhere without being reminded about her by my friends, family or facebook. What so great about her anyways? There are other cosplayers out there who probably cosplay longer than her and there are some people who wore the cosplay better like Red Queen from Alice Madness Returns. Its like if Yaya wears it then she's the best and there is no contest. We obviously know that she can sew and make big dresses and I think we've seen them all. I can't even speak my mind about her without anyone getting offended with my opinion. She was amazing at one point but now everything fades away since nothing is ever new with her. I hope everyone gets tired of her like I am.

>> No.7689295

Because we love ripping famous people apart anonymously then pretending to be their biggest fans/friends on social media. This isn't a new concept, if she wasn't the target there would be someone else. But she's the self proclaimed ambassador of cosplay, making it easy to talk about, whether you're for it or against it. I'd personally like to idolize more people who DIDN'T get any type of cosmetic surgery for fame, but that's rare as fuck.

>> No.7689299

Who even is she? She added me on Facebook a while ago, and I've never met her.

>> No.7689325

>mascot character with no personality
>basically an anime version of a JAV actress

Please don't cosplay a character you don't know. AT LEAST watch the anime and listen to a few of her drama CDs, if not play some of the games she's in. Sonico is cute, timid and innocent and is definitely not what would be considered an "anime version of a JAV actress".

In fact, when you have such disrespect for the character, just don't even bother cosplaying her at all.

>> No.7689382

Lol, Sonico is a JAV actress... look at all the damn figures that suggest that. Idiot faggot.

>> No.7689399

Do you not anything about JAV? She's a 'kawaii sexy model' that's pretty much a sub-genre of JAV. Actually mostly all JAV is just an uguu Japanese girl with big tits and cute clothes. I own some of her CDs and SoniComi, but I'm not going to try to justify that she's even a 2 dimensional character. She's cute and sexy, is popular for being cute and sexy, but that's really it. She's a canon "cute and sexy model" with a band on the side(only because it makes sense from when she was the Nitro+ concert mascot) but she's not like a compelling character, or even compelling moeblob. She's titties and ass and uguu, that's it.

>> No.7689575
File: 88 KB, 450x281, 1513041-bigthumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do wish they gave her more personality, but I also wished Yaya and Jnig had been a fan before the hype. I got better with photography because of that stupid Sonic photo game. So I know all her fucking cute poses. Meanwhile Yaya and Jnig are just reusing their same poses over and over again hoping no one will notice. How dare the lewd up my waifu. I mean, more than the business already did. She would never wear all that thick makeup, point is she doesn't have to!

>> No.7689578

>don't disrespect mai waifu
Back to /a/ you go

>> No.7689945
File: 353 KB, 918x1632, WP_20140705_025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a picture of this girl at AX. She really fit Sonico well and didn't even choose one of the slutty outfits when she could have.

>> No.7689983
File: 84 KB, 599x899, Br1jspoCUAA7q7Y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JNig did that outfit too. She even had the guitar.

>> No.7690001

JAV is not gravure modeling. Have you even ever watched an AV? Please go watch one and compare it to a gravure DVD.

Sonico is a gravure idol, not a AV idol. Just the fact that you misunderstand that alone after supposedly owning her CDs and SoniComi is just sad.

>> No.7690006

JAV are porn. By saying she's a JAV idol you are saying that Sonico is a porn actress.

>> No.7690010

Gravure is posing in anything from normal clothes to swimsuits to lingerie for magazines and photobooks. Idols like AKB48 do it all the time, and girls as young as preteens are apart of the business. While some of it is very suggestive, no gravure work is entirely pornographic in nature.
It's just another part of the cute + sexy craze in Japan.

>> No.7690031

Wow, are you serious? Is everyone ignoring Yaya's shoddy bias tape?

>> No.7690044


Well going by that picture alone Yaya actually made something where as JNig is just posing in a bikini top so...her craftsmanship WOULD be better.

>> No.7690052

Not that anon but Nigri did make this outfit

>> No.7690057

I wonder if it pisses off yaya that whenever there's a thread about her, nigri is always thrown into it. Since she supposedly hates nigri. Top kek if she ever comes by here.

>> No.7690061

she should tuck the fabric of the shirt in her boobleavage to emphasis the titties

>> No.7690069
File: 50 KB, 720x480, 1977314_915976241751519_4390427478036993137_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could we talk about this Sonico? so beautiful

>> No.7690075
File: 173 KB, 400x711, BAIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7690083


>> No.7690088
File: 66 KB, 413x578, 75284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an awful attempt.

>> No.7690118

Those fake zettai-ryoiki tights and shooping on her butt to make it not look like tights is maddening.

>> No.7690133

w...what did they do to her butt crack? Paint over it??

>> No.7690135

Plus her face isn't cute
Scene kid makeup needs to go and what are those, snakebites?

>> No.7690139

She only had the guitar because she's a whore and gets used like one.

>> No.7690166
File: 148 KB, 720x480, AllYouNeedIsAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay this was driving me crazy. I'm no photoshop expert but it looks much better to me now.

>> No.7690176

I can't believe she let herself be talked into this. I mean, it's fucking stupid looking. She does well enough cosplay so this is... what the fuck.

Masamune is okay in person but goddamn these after dark things are just dumb.

>> No.7690180

She needs to get her priorities straight. If she's going to butt slut pose she needs to use her actual ass. If she wants to have tights instead or whatever she needs to pose in ways that doesn't display her obvious tights. What she's doing now just looks painfully stupid.

>> No.7690196

Lamp or buttcrack?

>> No.7690829

that photo is clearly from before her going to sdcc as pikachu why dont you cry because people dont pay attention to you irl

>> No.7690855

She's kinda cute but holy shit her tumblr looks like she's a 14 year old weeaboo

>> No.7690864

Yeah but she doesn't have the fat legs like >>7689945 has (which are accurate; Sonico has chubby thighs)

>> No.7690936

Sonico is chubby, shy, casual ,girl next door

yaya and jnig are both skinny but busty and in both pics pull off the sexiness rather than shy,cute demure personality Sonico has.
They both suck as sonico and are known for being attention whores.

>> No.7691261
File: 281 KB, 600x900, sonicobae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kana has been my favorite Sonico for awhile, too bad she's in Germany and I'll never see it in person.

>> No.7692121

that is pretty good

>> No.7692538
File: 2.08 MB, 2500x1667, jessica_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People say that and then that one time she did a shoot where someone else did her makeup and nixed the raccoon eyes, everyone flipped their shit cause it "doesn't look anything like her"

>> No.7692553

Jnig isn't that busty. I saw her up at the pool in the Marriott at AX and there wasn't a whole lot of boobs under her swimsuit. At least when compared to people we normally call busty. She's just real good at making them appear larger than they are.

>> No.7692577

how is this 2mb but the shots with r1ddle are so tiny?

>> No.7692600

depends on how they compress it on export
photoshop even has a "save for web" that helps you cut down on size.

>> No.7692624

it doesn't. not because the less eye makeup, but because the extreme shoop

>> No.7692650
File: 1.18 MB, 1404x1680, ba2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why everyone keeps saying the photos from this set are extremely shopped when the originals were already posted all over the place. You people obviously don't know shit about Photoshop. Makeup makes a world of difference. As does good photography.

>> No.7692665

someone posted some behind the scenes shots of the shoot somewhere as well. JNigs really does look way different with the natural makeup. It's not shoop. I just think she has never let anyone else do her makeup before this shoot.

>> No.7692673

Shitty comparison, Yayas selfie is super shooped. Especially under her eyes.

>> No.7692674

God, if she could deflate those like, 2 cups. That skin looks tortured with them so huge.

>> No.7692676

Pretty sure she didnt make this. Looks like one of the ones off taobao, i've looked at a bunch. but I dont follow her, so if someone has actual progress photos to say otherwise..

>> No.7692677

People don't fucking understand makeup and natural methods of looking younger. It's al "shoop" to them because they can't comprehend anything else.

>> No.7692776

She didnt. All her costumes for Sentai Filmworks were made by marshmallowalice and MaiseDesignsSeamstress. A fact Jnig is extremely open about and plugs constantly on her FB. The MaiseDesignsSeamstress chick says Jnig has been working on the stuff /with/ her. She probably just uses Jnig as an intern and to do things like cut out fabric and do small things a beginner couldnt fuck up. Pretty sweet deal if you ask me. I hate doing small shit when making crap.

>> No.7692803
File: 187 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think she mentioned at all during this costume that someone made it for her

>> No.7692809 [DELETED] 

>ITT: wow there is no way a pretty girl could make mediocre looking costumes as her fulltime job, clearly must be fake

>> No.7693359

She has now all over her FB. Whats your point? That she didnt take the time to do it before in two previous shots? Big whoop. Who types out essays on their instagram shots? She never claimed to make it just called it a 'progress shot.' I see other dumb bitches buy wigs and shoes etc and call it progress all the time. Shes not doing anything different then what most people do but because its Jnig its suddenly 'ZOMG LYING BITCH!'?

Also the commissioner who made her Sonico hoodie only joined FB on July 16th. That shot was taken on June 20th. Maybe the girl asked her to wait until she had a FB before she started to plug her?

I know ppl rush to hate Jnig but not everything she does is some nefarious action.

>> No.7694700

I just want to know where she got the fabric. I hate the ones I've seen on EBay, but when I search for the fabric I can't find it on Spoonflower or anywhere else online

>> No.7694708

That's kind of why I prefer Kana, posted here >>7691261 , since her chubby body suits Sonico more than Yaya or Nigri, and Kana has a much cuter face.

>> No.7694775
File: 88 KB, 400x600, tumblr_n6drqvNz3Z1qd9evyo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's cute and has the body type for Sonico so it works for her.

She's trying so hard to be the next JNig; it's bad enough she idolizes her already. And she's one of those "I PLAY VIDEO GAMES EVEN THOUGH I'M A GIRL XD" And she's practically 20 and still such a huge fucking weeb.

>> No.7694794

Why would you pixelate jessica's picture like that?

>> No.7694859

I need to know how to get fabric like that!?!? It's not the first time she's gotten spot on fabric design

>> No.7694867

looks like she photoshoped out all the lines on her face. Kek! She wished she looked that young!

>> No.7694873

You keep saying that like she doesn't have thousands and a personal seamstress to do it for her.

>> No.7694916

Her skin is turning to leather from all the tanning. There was way too much blur used in that photo. Has anyone seen her in person? Are those lines by her mouth as bad as they are in that photo?

>> No.7695009

my mouth does that and i'm 15 with no wrinkles or mega tan. its just from smiling too much, she probably went from smiling to that expression recently

>> No.7695010

Having seen her in person, yes they really are that bad.

>> No.7695014

I saw her in person yes they are bad. and that photo actually makes her look 20x nicer than she does in person.

in person
>makeup so heavy it could properly conceal a corpse
>nasalobial folds that have pools of makeup in them

Yaya looked the same too with the heavy makeup.

>> No.7695024
File: 302 KB, 640x960, 10562945_10203380271260359_4297560297488080626_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really like this girl's sonico. she even had the guitar too during the con.

>> No.7695068

Seamstress or not id still like to know how that fabric was designed

>> No.7696985

It's far too shopped to be able to tell. But I am getting bored of seeing her everywhere

>> No.7697106

Awww she looks cute.

>> No.7697121

The girl she commissioned made the design and had it custom printed onto the fabric

>> No.7699225
File: 139 KB, 600x600, sonico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]