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7684852 No.7684852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>7662651

Why hasn't this been leaked yet? Apparently it's just a rehash of other (free) tutorials that she's charging money for.

>> No.7684878

>Why hasn't this been leaked yet?
Because no one's bought it. All her tutorials are available online and her suits look like shit anyways.

>> No.7684894
File: 51 KB, 305x293, meepy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's implying on her facebook that people are buying it, and an Anon posted zoomed out caps of it.

I want to believe no one bought it thought.
I want to believe med don't actually fap to her.

>> No.7685038

One thread was enough.

>> No.7685092

Not really. People who may be looking to make a plugsuit want a PDF. This is a good place for leak updates.

>> No.7685292

I'd rather paint my butt naked body with liquid latex.

>> No.7685512

So what's up with her mom abusing her and shit?

>> No.7685893

This one is true. Her mom is a fucking crazy Japanese woman who would physically and mentally abuse her; I remember years ago seeing Cristina talk about wanting to be dead rather than stay in the house anymore; I also remember more than one occasion where they got into a fight while out and Cristina was left behind because her mom was so mad. Like I definitely remember one occasion where she was left in Vancouver, which is easily an hour drive from Portland.

Also she spent her 17th birthday in a mental hospital for attempting suicide. I told our mutual friends about it because I was concerned for her, and then she kicked me out of her life.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess

>> No.7685923

Sounds more like she's just a spoiled brat with mental issues and, like all bratty teenage girls, wants to paint her parents as evil assholes and herself as the victim.

>> No.7686045

Spoiled brat doesn't make up for the fact I'm 99% sure she has cigarette burns that I've seen when we hang out on her arms from her mom.... Don't talk shit about her if you don't know anything, her mom is just flat out awful to her. There's a reason her parents are divorced and she lives with her dad.

>> No.7686065

Oh cool, I did the girl on the left on the second night of ALA.

>> No.7686076

This year?

>> No.7686089

She was Ryuko if I recall.

>> No.7686091

Have proof? Sounds like you're making up silly rumors.

>> No.7686200

The truth is that her mom gets really mad and yells sometimes, but Meep exaggerates 90% of her stories to gain pity.

>> No.7686207

I'm pretty sure she wasn't there.

>> No.7686310

Get your facts straight.

>> No.7686314

When I was friends with her on Facebook, she used to go on about how her mom would slap her, call her an idiot, and said that white girls should be cosplaying the characters she liked. I asked once why she didn't just start saving up to move out, and she flat out said that she'd rather keep cosplaying and going to cons than spend her money living independently.
So yeah her mom's messed up but she chose to live with the abuse for years so she could keep playing dressup. That's on her.

>> No.7686335

I may have gotten mixed up, sorry. She keeps canceling cons because "2poor abloobloo" so I probably just confused it with one of the ones she canceled.

>> No.7686499

I used to have a friend who was like her since she claims that she has an abusive mom but refuses to move out because of cosplay shit. She claims that her mom steals money from her by accessing through her account and when somebody suggests that she does something about it by I dunno... Make an another account but she would make excuses after excuses just to gain pity. Once I was done with her bullshit I called out on her and said that you have many options to move out and right off the bat she unfriended me.

So yeah I cant stand people like that.

>> No.7686502

I have a pretty terrible background as well, and my old best friend was pretty much exactly like this situation and.. I have no pity for them.
People keep offering opportunities for them to get out and it's always 'oh I can't move right now but look at this my dad broke another rib' and I'm pretty sure they are just staying in that abuse for the pity and free shit from 'friends' (no joke, friends pay for like most of their cosplay shit and fees).
Like bitch, I was literally homeless to get away from my shitty situation you do what you have to fuckin do.
I know exactly who to avoid though so thanks seagulls

>> No.7686520

It can also be emotionally drowning for the people who care for them like myself. Every day that person would make "Woe is me" posts and its to the point where I don't want to respond anymore because apparently my kind words and advice means nothing to them as they keep on what they are doing. After that experience I offically claim that as a pet peeve of mine.

At least you've done something about it.

>> No.7686540

UGH no fuck people like this
it's constant victimization on their part like, no it's not your fault that life dealt you a shitty hand but that doesn't mean you can take it out on me. (Or play constant "I have it worse than you!" games gfto with that). If someone is doing it for attention it is really very obvious, because your words aren't going to console them like you think, just fuel them. They don't quite understand what negative and positive attention is and it is a waste of time to try if you are doing more to help them than they are trying to fix their own life.
It took me a long time to take action but seriously I would never regret it. I was miserable and lost before and your stupid fucking HOBBY really should not matter more than your mental well being.

>> No.7686552

>believing Meep's stories
If you know her, you'll know over half of them are made up.

>> No.7686562

wait... shaynii? i thought she was completely out of the cosplay scene.

>> No.7686565

Shaynii's on the right.

>> No.7686606

Meep's the girl on the left he was talking about.
Anon's most likely BS-ing.
The pic is from 2011 IIRC, around the time Shay left the cosplay scene.

>> No.7686722

Her personal FB page is user/bramblehomie, but can someone explain why she claims to still be a Crunchy Roll Ambassador if they dropped her with the YT fiasco? Also, does anyone know if Shay knows that Meepy is trying to use her to make money?

Anyway, with the amount of drama she causes, I'm surprised Crunchy Roll took her in the first place. Do they have low standards or do they just not care?

I would assume she paints her mom as a bitch because her mom is probably yelling at her for ditching college to play dress up. Ngl, Crunchy Roll isn't exactly a good resume building for a job outside of the cosplay community.

>> No.7686813

notto disu shitto agen

>> No.7686861

>can someone explain why she claims to still be a Crunchy Roll Ambassador
Because she's embarrassed and doesn't want everyone to know yet.
>does anyone know if Shay knows that Meepy is trying to use her to make money?
Probably not since they don't talk to each other anymore and basically ignore the existence of each other.

Crunchyroll probably took her because they found her and her cosplay attractive and knew she'd draw in attention for them.

Your assumption about her mom is pretty much spot on. Meepy is just being an immature teenager and insisting that this is what she's ~supposed to do~ so obviously her oldfashioned money-minded mother is pissed because shitty cosplay and YT vids obviously aren't going to get her anywhere in life.

>> No.7686872

>Because she's embarrassed and doesn't want everyone to know yet.

Where does it say she was canned by crunchyroll? I'd like to see some dirt on this.

>> No.7686895

We discussed it in the previous thread.
If I remember correctly, it's because she was complaining about Crunchyroll's service and promoted using fansubs for KLK.

>> No.7686899

I'm so tempted to buy the PDF and leak it hardcore but I'm not sure if I truly want to waste 5 dollars on a shitty tutorial.

>> No.7686918

And lets not forget that despite of years of friendship it goes down the drain because you have the balls to give out criticism instead of stuff that they wanna hear! But like you said I don't care of what shit they've been through with their moms or whatever you just don't treat people like that especially when they are adults who are able to change fates! I know its hard to think positive if your life is in the ruckus but just don't abuse your friends and statuses by having drama everyday.

>> No.7686954

my bad, need to learn left from right.

>> No.7686988

She commented in a video that she didn't want to wait for CR to come out with their subs, since the fansubs had already been released, and that she was tempted to torrent the episode.
Backlash was that she promoted pirating while working for a distributing company.

>> No.7686991

Yeah, that's it.
She did end up pirating it, too, if I remember correctly. She posted screencaps from a fansub or something

>> No.7687019

She's not full fledged retarded like drooling at the mouth but she is mildly retarded and cant talk right, but for some reason I feel something for this chick.

>> No.7687093

As I say now, if you are 20 some odd and still living with your abusers you have nobody to blame but yourself.
It seems like Meepy really does care more about fame than happiness though judging from these threads. Whatever man I'll never get close to her she sounds toxic as hell and as I've said I have had plenty of that to go around.
It fucking stings when I was stupid enough to invest time in assholes like this thinking they just needed someone to believe in them when they just turn into users like their parents. Good riddance.

>> No.7687105

vancouver to portland is no where near an hour unless rush-hour is being worse than usual...or if you're driving from the boonies to the sticks.

>> No.7687142

>implying she doesn't live in the boonies

>> No.7687154
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Even other Oregon cosplayers don't like her.

These two are known to dislike her a lot, although they're also both attention-hungry assholes so idk who to root for.

>> No.7687160
File: 403 KB, 1067x1600, gorecore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on a somewhat related note, this chick kind of looks like a somewhat attractive Cristina

>> No.7687169

Aren't we all.

>> No.7687170

>somewhat attractive and talented Cristina

>> No.7687179


>> No.7687208

This is complete bullshit. I live with my mom and my (physically, emotionally) abusive dad because my mom is disabled and he is beyond awful to her unless I'm around to take the heat. She refuses to leave him or move out and her extended family doesn't care. I don't have the money to go to court to obtain POA.There are always exceptions and I don't always feel like elaborating on this fucked up situation so yeah, I just say I live with my abuser. I'm not the only caregiver in this situation. Blanket statements are wrong pretty regularly.

>> No.7687220

One of the people who called Cristina ugly for being skinny. Challenged her to a squatz contest.
She also thinks she's super fit with a 6-pack but she's super flabby. Serious body dysphoria going on.

LOL. Where to begin?
She bought followers for her Facebook page to "prove" to Cristina that Facebook fans mean nothing. She accuses pretty much all the Oregon cosplayers of wanting to fuck Cristina (no one wants to fuck Cristina).
Also she's the one who videotaped Cristina throwing up at a party and posted it to cgl. She's basically an outcast from most of the Oregon cosplay and Lolita comms, I guess Nikkie is talking to her now tho?

>> No.7687225

Forgot to add, I don't like all 3 of them so I can't really pick sides. It's just dumbasses being dumbasses.

>> No.7687243

>videotaped Cristina throwing up at a party

>> No.7687255

>Also she's the one who videotaped Cristina throwing up at a party and posted it to cgl.
oh my god, does anyone have the video?

>> No.7687271

What I mean is they have no right to complain online for pity points if they aren't going to try and make their life any better. I commend you for sticking by your mom, though. Trust me, I know how hard these things can get. It's not complete bullshit and you should have inferred that I was talking about people who use it as a get out of jail free card for being a dick like Meepy.

>> No.7687276


>> No.7687330

Nikkie seems to bounce back and forth between fairly fit, and fairly meh. Wouldn't go so far to call her flabby, though.
Not sure's the type that only works out during con season to "tone up," or something, but it seems like something's keeping her from being what she thinks she is, or at least what she wants to be.

From what I know of Amanda, seems like she outcast herself from those communities and groups when she had that dispute with Cristina.
Though to be fair, you'd think someone in their late 20's wouldn't get in a petty argument like that with a teen.
Personally, I didn't know her when it happened, but she's always seemed fine whenever we've hung out.

Don't really have anything against either one, though I know a few people who'd disagree.
Some certainly more than others. Especially with Amanda.

>> No.7687396

I think Meepy's main problem is that she is completely unnable to keep shit in private. Like, all that posting on facebook twitter what have you. Bitching about posts about her. Bitching about fansubs being faster than official subs. Bitching about everything. I mean, okay, everyone needs to bitch. Most of us bitch where the whole world can't see it.

>> No.7687491

This. Call your SO or friend if you need to complain about shit online. Putting crap on your FB and twitter even if they are private can still get screencaped and passed around. It's like how Kamui had that baw fest on her FB about how Blizzard has done nothing for her and it ended up here. You can bitch but try not to do it online too much because you will get a reputation and ppl will have ammunition against you.

>> No.7687606

I don't have it (why would I save a gif of someone throwing up), but it was pretty much proven that Amanda filmed it, made a gif, and posted it on /cgl/ in its own thread. The thread got deleted pretty fast (since it wasn't cosplay related whatsoever), and Amanda was banned from any parties that group of people throw.

>> No.7687614


Was she wearing a black dress? If so someone posted it either up in this thread or in the other thread.

>> No.7687635

No, that was just a random reaction gif. The one of her at the party doesn't actually show her face, and she's sitting on a couch.

>> No.7687643

how do we know cr took her down for sure tho?

>> No.7687693
File: 7 KB, 256x256, 1314855319700.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm also wondering this. I know that Victoria aka Chola Brows hates her now, and she's gotten in trouble both for shit-talking cons that CR sponsors and for pirating anime that CR streams.

>mfw the second one

>> No.7687700

it's okay to pirate but jesus that girl needs to keep that shit to herself, especially if it is against your professional relationships. post anonymous about it, I don't care

>> No.7687705

I would like some kind of proog as well, but I'm really not surprised. She's the last person I can imagine anyone would want to be ascociated with. If not because of her apparent twitter posts, but just because of her shit personality especially after the online contest scandal with wolverine dude.

All I can think of is that I'm pretty sure she would have been on crunchyroll's call to cosplay thing if she hadn't been dropped. She also hasn't made any mentions/promotions for crunchyroll in a while.

>> No.7687709


She hates her, but she's still following her on Twitter?

>> No.7687712


/cgl/ has an auto-archive if anyone knew what to look for. I don't recommend posting it if anyone finds it because that'll just get the thread deleted. not that I'm not also curious.

Still no book leaks yet?? I wonder how much she's actually sold.

>> No.7687714

You gotta keep an eye on people.

>> No.7687720

Oh trust me anon, I pirate. But if I worked for a huge streaming company I wouldn't talk about pirating the shit they play. That's like... rule #1 of social media.

Oh shit I didn't even think of Call to Cosplay. Wow yeah, you'd think they'd want Cristina if she was still with them...?

>> No.7687764

Please keep in mind that the Vancouver she was most likely left at is actually only 5 minutes from Portland. Vancouver, WA, not Canada.

>> No.7687797

that Vancouver would be more then 5+ hours away........ ...... .....

>> No.7687809

Vancouver Washington is easily an hour bus ride away but not drive. If I remember right neither of them were driving at the time and relied on the buses.

>> No.7687834

Well then why the hell does it matter? They both know how to use the buses well enough. Besides, its not like she's new to ditching people by themselves with nowhere to go.

>> No.7687839

I think the point is that the buses stop pretty early at night compared to most cities. Also That Shay had a nearly dead cellphone meaning finding someone to come get her if necessary would be difficult.

>> No.7687858

We're getting 2 stories mixed up here.

Story 1: Shay got stranded in the middle of the night in downtown Portland when she lives in Vancouver and her phone was almost dead.

Story 2: Cristina got left in Vancouver one day by her mom because they had a fight, and she lives in Portland.

Being stranded in a city downtown in the middle of the night when you're a 17-year-old girl and you have almost no way of contacting anyone for help is fucking terrifying.
Being stranded in a nearby city and having time to bitch about it on twitter and facebook is shitty but not nearly as bad.

>> No.7687870

I know. She wasn't able to get ahold of her sister so she called me (who happened to be sitting right next to her sister at the time). Her sister talked with her and I drove in to pick her up.

>> No.7687876

Colleen pls go.

>> No.7687908

what happened to o-slap i miss her so much <3

>> No.7687915

So why the hell are we talking about this girl again? if people like her/hate her just let her be. you're giving her more popularity by doing this

>> No.7687918

Talked to her a bit at the last party about a month ago, actually.
Didn't really ask what she'd been up to, but she's still around, every now and then.
Last I saw her that night, she was chasing Shay around the house, doing what siblings do.

>> No.7687929

cgl always needs someone to bitch about and feel superior to
not knocking it

>> No.7687984

Would you kindly link to it? I can't appear to find it.

>> No.7687988

Sounds like she's just spoilt to hell and back.

>> No.7688053

>mom as a bitch because her mom is probably yelling at her for ditching college to play dress up. Ngl, Crunchy Roll isn't exactly a good resume building for a job outside of the cosplay community.
> Anonymous 07/15/14(Tue)18:37:04 No.7686813▶
>notto disu shitto agen
How on earth did they confirm it was her?

>> No.7688056

>implying amanda isn't the best of all three for videotaping that