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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 714 KB, 625x790, dashbortion 2 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7678571 No.7678571[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Don't stop til thread 17000. Previous threads in autosage >>7672973 >>7674079 >>7674680 >>7675377 >>7676252 >>7677013 >>7677645

Tumblr does a con. It's going as well as anyone could hope.

>Con organisers ask for $17000 dollars in an hour otherwise the con will be shut down because "upper management doesn’t like the people at the con"
>turns out Dashcon didn't read the contract properly and it said payment due on day one
>Saying they'll refund donations once money's in from walk-ins

>Main draws of the convention, Welcome to Night Vale, walk after not being paid
>Anyone who forked out for extra-cost reserved seating for the event gets an extra hour with the ball pit. It dies. RIP.
>Guests leaving left and right
>AA is a sad disaster, artists making no money

>An hour left for someone to die
>Nobody's there though
>Guests left with their own hotel bills despite being told con would pay. Baker Street Babes threaten Lawyers and get it sorted.
>Admin Q&A Finale about to happen. Let's hope they show up

>> No.7678579

At least the police showed up. Wonder what they were there for.

>> No.7678580
File: 79 KB, 600x300, tumblr_n7bypwpsyd1re48nho1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7678584

Anyone else notice that the staff members several threads ago talked about how there was no singing and shit was made up, but the video of the $17k drive included a segment of, oh wait, people singing 'can you hear the people sing'?

>> No.7678585

You forgot
>Sunday: cops show up

>> No.7678588

So a four hour shot of the ballpit?

>> No.7678590

They said nobody was disturbing the weddings or damaging property, not that nobody was singing.

>> No.7678591

Oh no....Although I may buy one only to watch it for comedic value

>> No.7678595

Eh, someone'll rip the entire thing for our viewing pleasure.

>> No.7678596
File: 459 KB, 250x211, dancing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has truly been a fun weekend spent with us coming together. Hopefully, something else will happen after Dashcon that will bring us together once again.

>> No.7678597

I did. Whoops. Did anyone work out exactly why they were there?

>> No.7678598

>actually thinking they will have done this

>> No.7678599
File: 1.53 MB, 500x281, NOTES-MMMM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread

>> No.7678601

considering all the shit that has happened dashcon fallout will probably continue throughout the week at best.

>> No.7678602

Why are they still trying to make this thing out like it was a success?
People who've never even step foot in tumblr know it was a failure, or at least have that presumption.
If they're really planning this con for next year they need to at least do some re-branding.

>> No.7678604

I would too, but the money would just go into a pit of oblivion caused by impending bankruptcy. We're not going to get a video.

>> No.7678605
File: 16 KB, 530x88, theyre there.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ready for incoming

>> No.7678606

>It gets cancelled due to the camera man not understanding that he had to pay for the camera before leaving the store

>> No.7678607

I agree. /cgl/ is more lively then ever. I really needed this with PT dramu being almost non existent and the best alternative being OC drama

>> No.7678608


im more likely to start a con then dashcon 2 happening

>> No.7678610

I think it's just delusions for now.
When the lawsuits begin pouring in, that's when Dashcon 2015 gets cancelled.

And so it begins.

>> No.7678611

Did someone actually piss in the ballpit? I'm hearing talk of it, but have yet to get an official source.

>> No.7678613
File: 64 KB, 420x220, laughing librarians.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice one

>> No.7678614


Origin story of Dash Con, from a former organizer.

WARNING: Extremely long, but with skype pics or conversations.

>> No.7678615
File: 30 KB, 661x329, ss (2014-07-13 at 11.05.43).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus CHRIST
more asks

>> No.7678616


This is the most interesting thing that's happened on /cgl/ since that chick scammed half the lolitas in the US

>> No.7678617 [DELETED] 

Update on the origins of DashCon:


Long post but it's worth a read. Still not sure if this con was a scam from the get-go but Roxanne sounds like a shady bastard.

>> No.7678618

By the way, have this list:

>> No.7678619

But Dashcon 2 is going to Connecticut next year.

>> No.7678620

We're all new here, give us a greentext version of that story.

>> No.7678621

so many ita lolitas...

>> No.7678622

Someone pirate the shit out of that. I will watch it and laugh.

>> No.7678624
File: 931 KB, 640x360, tumblr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The joke is way over their heads. Ignore it.

>> No.7678627
File: 271 KB, 600x800, ballbitchan_repost1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put this over in the autosaging on accident thread but here. Ball Pit Chan needed to be fatter.

>> No.7678628

Scams happen pretty often, so I can only hope this is the right story but basically, if I remember correctly
>Spoiled rich girl's relative dies
>Goes on crazy lolita purchasing spree with daddy's credit card
>Pulls buyer protection card on paypal and gets all of her money back
>Dozens of sellers left with no dress and no payment

>> No.7678629

Wow, I regret hiding these threads every time they popped up because I didn't know what dashcon was.

>> No.7678632
File: 24 KB, 561x636, YALL FUCK UPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's happening

>> No.7678633

If you're talking about Maikodolly you're forgetting the part where the mods claimed that everything was OK and they had inside sources telling them that the girl was going to refund everyone, but turns out that their "inside source" was Maikodolly herself.

Still, Maikodolly is just a pale imitation of Mabetgate.

>> No.7678634


>> No.7678635

no matter how many times I watch this, it's still funny

>> No.7678637

They seriously still think they can do a Dashcon 2015?

Good god, one was enough. The $17k debacle was enough. If you fuck up that badly on the first night you shouldn't think you'll be getting a second chance.

>> No.7678638

>do not go in our tag


>> No.7678640
File: 11 KB, 567x217, con n dash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7678641

I've been out of the loop, what is Dashcon and what is going on with it? I want all the dets from the start and this shit sounds like a gold mine of a story.

>> No.7678642

Right, sorry. I'm not a lolita, so I didn't pay much attention.

>> No.7678644
File: 983 KB, 500x280, Dashcon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to rename this from Kickstarter.gif to Dashcon.gif.

>> No.7678645

Read the thread you fucking shitlord

>> No.7678646

read the fucking threads oh my god it's all there
with links to multiple recaps in each one
you numpty

>> No.7678648

Yap that's the one.

>> No.7678650

I need a translation.

>> No.7678651

Someone peed in the ball pit lol

>> No.7678652


Livetweeting of admin panel coming from this person

>> No.7678653

it was one of my close friends. same dude here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWkYEG_G78XBNZyZu1py-sP28WcikJ5Fh

>> No.7678654
File: 55 KB, 640x804, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678656

your friend is a degenerate.

>> No.7678657

Posted ages ago.

You guys need to quit with this shit.

>> No.7678660

L-Lewd... That man is inside of Ballpit-chan!

>> No.7678662

These are dominant males, the Librarian doesn't have the swollen cheeks

>> No.7678665

Tell him he's a disgusting fuck.

ultra kek

>> No.7678666
File: 40 KB, 604x426, 1399244424376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so beautiful.

>> No.7678669

I knew it was him.

>> No.7678671

>the video with con management


>> No.7678673

Just woke up and am now all caught up (left in the beginning of thread 7)

Today is a good day. I am ready for DashCon 2015.

>> No.7678674

I see they're shifting the blame towards Night Vale. Again.

>> No.7678675
File: 308 KB, 560x1008, admins panel cap1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7678676

I want to cum inside Ballpit-chan.

>> No.7678678

Has anyone got proof of the pool piss?

>> No.7678680

But she's demisexual and panromantic, a-anon-chan.

>> No.7678681

>missing the post about the 11 year old on a leash

>> No.7678682

That one guy throwing a huge fucking fit over it really needs to grow up.

>> No.7678683

Megg is so fat she needs 2 Gs.

>> No.7678684

I can smell the health code violation from here.

>> No.7678685

wait say what

>> No.7678689

Where have you been tho

>> No.7678690
File: 87 KB, 560x1008, admins panel cap2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678693
File: 25 KB, 539x473, ss (2014-07-13 at 11.29.30).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678694

tell your friend to do something about that shit on his face and to stop trying to be so fucking edgy

>> No.7678695
File: 41 KB, 640x228, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pix or it didn't happen

>> No.7678696

Don't encourage that idiot. He's so desperate for attention.

>> No.7678697

She's just pretending to be those things for attention because she's scared of being alone.

>> No.7678698

i didnt know ballpit-chan liked watersports

>> No.7678699
File: 1022 KB, 246x201, orangutan has a scratch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know that. Is that just based on the Paul Kidby's art of him in The Last Hero or something?
Still not gonna rename it, alliteration makes it so much easier to remember filenames

>> No.7678700
File: 127 KB, 960x1800, 129074355517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678701

> "Finally something worth $17,000 that I want to see so badly I am willing to chop off my cock"

You have got to love the responses

>> No.7678703
File: 55 KB, 560x562, admins panel cap3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678704
File: 15 KB, 113x129, 4u378527u902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending otherkin
I still can't believe people think that's a real thing.

>> No.7678705


>> No.7678706

>Bitches about offensive shit
>Calls other people/their art garbage
If only dashcon had a gas chamber.

>> No.7678711


>> No.7678712

She's also scared you won't like her watersports and shitting fetish. She has quite the thing for pinkeye.

>> No.7678713

>#dashcon already has money to go to 2015. Someone asked why not use that money but the money was from 6 mo ago. Down payment made.


>> No.7678717


>> No.7678719

>more space and lower cost
>more space
They really think 5k-7k people will show up

>> No.7678720
File: 68 KB, 560x682, admins panel cap4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678721

This >>7678652

>> No.7678722
File: 1004 KB, 245x245, ibtZcFnz9trJdL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes been a follower for months and he now gets on my case over a joke that he probably knew shit all about
its out of context because he doesnt know all the shit that went down this weekend.
but he still reblogs my shit

>> No.7678724

And the venue isn't even booked yet.
So this really can only end well.

But I guess I'll be seeing you all again next year. Here's hoping that cute fem-Cecil shows up again.

>> No.7678725

>#dashcon 2015 is in Indy for more space and lower cost. "You don't ever have to go outside" CHEERING LOL. Never change tumblr


>> No.7678727


>> No.7678731
File: 989 KB, 499x281, forants.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678733

lol who the fuck would pay for this mess
I can see a lot of people ghosting next year, but barely any paying attendees

>> No.7678734

She doesn't have a shit fetish, she has a fetish for shitty grey makeup. Get it right.

>> No.7678736

We don't care about your bullshit. Fuck off.

>> No.7678738
File: 68 KB, 560x682, admins panel cap5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678739

So is it true that you are 17?

>> No.7678740
File: 3 KB, 172x22, 78934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess he really likes being angry.

Come on baby, don't be like that.

>> No.7678741

People will go next year for the hell of it. Year three will roll around and have no-one show up. Hello dead convention.

>> No.7678742

Oh you're right, my mistake! I also heard she likes when you penetrate her with model magic horns.

>> No.7678743

>It's in Indianapolis
>Indiana is so poor it'll take anything
>mfw I'm literally 20 minutes away from Indy and went to the Pokemon nationals at the convention center a week ago

It's like that scene from the Watchmen where Rorschach's mom is revealed to be a prostitute only Rorschach is the people of Indiana and the hooker mom is Indiana and all we can do is watch as she sells herself to feed us.

>> No.7678745

>#dashcon someone asked if they can make their emails public. "You literally have to take our word for it"
>#dashcon that's so illegal lol they can't show those emails, obviously. Also no more agreements not in writing
>#dashcon apparently the whole legality issue is a non issue for the Illinois dba and artist alley.

>> No.7678746

All the ghosting people would be from 4Chan. Tumblrtards would probably forget about it and pay again.

>> No.7678748

Yeah, but her favorite thing is when I go balls deep.

>> No.7678750


>> No.7678751

>But the fandoms
But they keep doing it by fandoms and it's obvious they only care about like 5 fandoms. Which are all about white dudes most I question why they are so popular.

>> No.7678755

Wait I messed up

>CAPTCHA: testicle mistake

>> No.7678758

it's because they have cheekbones, duh

>> No.7678759

Wow. This is an even bigger mess than Blythecon. It's like a giant kids' party gone horribly wrong. This is amazing. I'm so coming to next year's just to see the trainwreck in person.

>> No.7678762

You win anon-chan. I'm dying over here lel.

>> No.7678764
File: 72 KB, 560x682, admins panel cap6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678765

Yeah, exactly. Plenty of people will ghost. No-one will pay.

>> No.7678766
File: 51 KB, 340x275, 1402452507775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back up ballpit supply


>> No.7678767

Blythecon? Never heard of it

>> No.7678769

>responding to anon hate
Laugh at it.

>> No.7678772
File: 15 KB, 550x162, tbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678773

>still posting dashcon-staff

>> No.7678775

how many times do we have to bring up this one tumblr

>> No.7678777

>lie about why they need the money
>oh no guys its totally not a scam we used it for shit that had nothing to do with dashcon2014.

>> No.7678782

The main story is on Bad Dolly Deals. TL;DR is a fuckton of money was raised for this con that has been going on for a few years, suddenly the money disappears, and to this day it has never been paid back.

On topic, I cannot wait for lawsuits. I love seeing people crash and burn.

>> No.7678784

Weird to see a Blythe person on cgl. Most Blythe people I meet are 40 year old fat hipster moms.

>> No.7678785
File: 29 KB, 500x334, tumblr_n8n44bwwm51td3k3fo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until all the kids go back home after this con, and the parents are furious that the con went so bad, and they were let into a bdsm panel. The drama isn't going to end here, just wait a couple days.

Really wouldn't be surprised if a girl comes back claiming to be raped or sexually assaulted in the ball pit or something.

>> No.7678786
File: 63 KB, 560x716, admins panel cap7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678792

You know, that ballpit deserves a viking burial after all it's seen

>> No.7678793
File: 224 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_n8nyv3yUd61rhsfsjo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful dashcon cosplay

>> No.7678794

Someone from /pol/ went there, peed in the ballpit and yelled "DEATH TO ISRAEL" without even paying entry


>> No.7678796

Someone pour out a forty for the ball pit.

>> No.7678799
File: 199 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n8nyukJmkZ1qm6aewo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7678801
File: 66 KB, 560x716, admins panel cap8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678803

Videos from the Admin Q&A are leaking.



>> No.7678804

How are these attendees so spineless that they can't even call out these people on their shit. These people are literally surrounded by you.

>> No.7678806

someone pour a forty into the ball pit

>> No.7678808

People still collect Blythes? Most doll people are extremely shitty people though. The higher your popularity, the more you can get away with.

>> No.7678809
File: 12 KB, 601x109, bdsm panel news 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry if i'm a bit late to the party on this one but i finally got some information on the actual content of the BDSM panel and apparently it was actually informative and correct.

>had to zoom in to 150% to get text legible
>fuck tumblr themes with tiny light gray font

>> No.7678810

>one of the only cons I have never been harassed at
Probably helps that nobody was there at all.

>> No.7678813


ultimate kek

>> No.7678815
File: 33 KB, 560x345, admins panel cap9 end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.7678817

>Someone says "one of the only cons I have never been harassed at"

>> No.7678818

i couldn't make it past a minute in either video. it physically hurt.

>> No.7678819

now that dashcon is over all of the volunteers/staff are free to talk as much shit as they want. let's hope we hear some real gems.

>> No.7678820
File: 137 KB, 900x163, 1405277950550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was hard for me to read
fixed it a bit for anyone that cares

>> No.7678821

I hope to see someone wearing this with a dashcon badge and tumblr fanshit at the next con I attend

>> No.7678822


>> No.7678823

Don't forget the guests.

Personally, I can't wait for the lawsuits.

>> No.7678826

Fucking incredible. They're still blaming everyone else.

>> No.7678827

pls make it bigger so I can have it as a wallpaper otherwise 10/10

>> No.7678831

He peed in the ball pit?!

>> No.7678832

These are gold, she sounds on the verge of crying the whole time. Can't wait to see if any more surface.

>> No.7678835


>> No.7678837
File: 21 KB, 471x480, this nigga thirsty as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus damn, you don't have to post it every 5 minutes dawg we already know

>> No.7678840

Has anything happened with Doug Jones yet?

>> No.7678842


16-year-old confirms she went to the BDSM panel despite admins insisting everyone was properly ID'd at the door.

>> No.7678845

Surprisingly not.
I wonder if he was one of the few people they actually got to pay on-time or on-site.

>> No.7678846


here's a song

>> No.7678847

I was wondering if anyone would bring this up. $36,000 "borrowed" then ONOES must have dolly con, they raise enough money in like 2 weeks so they can still have a ONE DAY "CON" Really it's like 4ish "panels" and one big artist alley. The person that stole the money will probably never have to pay it back since everyone got their con.

>> No.7678848

Bretty gud!

>> No.7678850

Yeah, he bailed already.

>> No.7678852

Americunts will cheer anything.

>> No.7678858

Calm down m8

>not funny
tumblrfaggot detected.

>> No.7678859

>anonymous ask

Dude that isn't proof at all. Anyone could say that.

>> No.7678862
File: 106 KB, 397x815, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7678863

/pol/fag detected

>> No.7678864

You can do that shit at literally any and all cons though. Done it since I was 15 with a learning permit.

>> No.7678865


One of the Baker Street Babes talks about it. Also apparently the not being on the con's account was a mistake.

>> No.7678867

needs to be more over the top

>> No.7678871

read the past threads and stop clogging the thread with your old shit faggot

>> No.7678872

You don't have to be a /pol/ack to recognize good kek material.

>> No.7678873

Literally half this thread is reposts now.
Fucking look before you post.

>> No.7678874

Really wish I could make and edit gifs. Could make a perfect gif out of this scene and call it "Dashcon Mods Try to Pass the Blame"


>> No.7678875
File: 136 KB, 500x333, garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no! our evil plan has been uncovered!

>> No.7678876
File: 459 KB, 1280x956, tumblr_n8o04p7FgO1qgqscwo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DashCon Volunteer Security Staff 1/5

>> No.7678877

referring to it as >good kek material is exactly why we know you're a /pol/fag

>> No.7678878

I am

>> No.7678879

Well fuck that didn't go to the time I put it on. But 2:20 anyways.

>> No.7678880

pigs clapping

>> No.7678882
File: 53 KB, 500x373, tumblr_n8o04p7FgO1qgqscwo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DashCon Volunteer Security Staff 2/5

>> No.7678883

Why are there no volunteers posting in this thread? I want some real dirt

>> No.7678885

>desperate public attention seeking
>repost that video several times for more attention
>anyone who doesn't like it is a tumblrfaggot
>top kek


>> No.7678887


>> No.7678888
File: 95 KB, 500x669, tumblr_n8o04p7FgO1qgqscwo7_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DashCon Volunteer Security Staff 3/5

>> No.7678889


>> No.7678892

I'm not the one who posted the video. I'm a proud /int/olerant and haven't been to /pol/ in years.

>> No.7678893

>All white people
There's some irony here.

>> No.7678894

Clearly this is Ms. Officer and Mr. Truffles cosplay.

>> No.7678895

but you are a faggot

>> No.7678896

It was more like 24K (not that it makes it any better) and yes, Blythecon is not a convention like anime cons or comic cons. It's basically a one day meetup with vendors and demos. The thing about the girl that stole that money goes a lot deeper though, as she was friends with many people in the community so it was a betrayal as well as a scam. She had run 2 of them before the "borrowing", and was planning to host several more in the future basically to steal more money. (There was no accounting of the raffle funds that were supposed to go to charity, for example.) And yeah, she totally got away with it since efforts to get the police involved fell apart, and they raised enough money to have the convention anyway.

tl;dr Blythecon is much smaller than something like Dashcon (less than 500 people, one day) so it's not the same kind of disaster.

>> No.7678897
File: 293 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_n8o04p7FgO1qgqscwo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DashCon Volunteer Security Staff 4/5

>> No.7678898


Tumblr is literally nothing but white privileged girls.

>> No.7678899

Still. 5 fucking times. If nobody reacted before, why keep reposting?

>> No.7678901

I didn't even mention /pol/ in >>7678885 but ok. Good job on posting it for the 5th time.

>> No.7678902

more /s4s/ than /pol/

>> No.7678904

I sure as hell woudn't dare to disobey their orders, I'd be afraid they'd touch me.

>> No.7678905

This whole thing makes tumblr look worse than it already is and makes every single post about straight white girls talking over minorities even more true.

>> No.7678907

because 4chan is evil and anyone who goes there is a threat to the lovely world of tumblr

>> No.7678909
File: 475 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8o04p7FgO1qgqscwo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DashCon Volunteer Security Staff 5/5

>> No.7678911

>but white privileged girls.
>white privilege
Gas yourself

>> No.7678912
File: 96 KB, 500x715, 1393868146001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it was the first time I saw it.

It's like you don't visit any other boards.

>> No.7678913

Explains why people could just come and go as they please

>> No.7678916

If the security staff isn't even 18 that would explain underage kids getting into the 18+ panels

>> No.7678917
File: 9 KB, 560x154, Capture du 2014-07-13 21:21:31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7678920

Is it really that difficult to look through the thread before posting? Why even post if you're not following the thread?


>> No.7678924

And now the Question of the afternoon,
Which staffer is Ballpit and which one is SMH?

>> No.7678927



Please, you know damn well how these people act. I'm not saying that all white people are out to opprese minorties but you know damn well these women have a ton of shit they can get away with and haven't had to face any real problems in their whole life.

>> No.7678928



>> No.7678929

I came to this thread, saw a link, clicked the link, watched the video and said I thought it was funny and now you're angry for some reason?

>> No.7678931

Doesn't matter, both fat.

>> No.7678933
File: 37 KB, 250x335, tumblr_n8o0yvPgwF1qgqscwo4_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel so sorry for this guy, he wasted this cosplay on this con.

>> No.7678934
File: 71 KB, 600x600, 1402799059428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7678935

Sorry if this had been posted before but it sounds like the "Baker Street Babes" are going to be pressing charges if things don't get resolved.


>> No.7678937


There is nothing more hilarious than a bored white teenage girl throwing a shitfit over another bored white teenage girl wearing a bindi. They just mean spoiled rotten, not that assbackwards tumblr term.

>> No.7678938

/k/ here. Thanks for the laughs guys. If I knew you all irl, I'd give you mega deals on ammo.

>> No.7678939
File: 494 KB, 1280x956, tumblr_n8o0yvPgwF1qgqscwo6_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these cosplays

>> No.7678941

There needs to be a tribute gallery of sorts to those who wasted their time making good or great cosplay for Dashcon.

I nominate >>7675978 for inclusion.

>> No.7678942

They gave an update and said it had already been resolved.

>> No.7678943

>Update: Things are being resolved.
That doesn't sound like pressing charges to me...

>> No.7678947
File: 460 KB, 956x1280, tumblr_n8o0yvPgwF1qgqscwo7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w o w

>> No.7678949
File: 231 KB, 500x375, hohohohohoho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, we only need one bullet a piece, at the end of the day.

>> No.7678951


What am I looking at?

>> No.7678954

Who the fuck are they even suppose to be?

>> No.7678957

C-can we go to balamb garden together?

>> No.7678958

From what I saw as I watched everything unfold, there were a surprising number of good cosplays hanging about. The batshit ideas were more batshit, of course, but there was a lot of decent stuff.

>> No.7678960

took a while to figure out, but it's more shitty supernatural cosplays

>> No.7678961

This was at Metro? Glorious.

>> No.7678964

Is that an order?

>> No.7678968
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>> No.7678972


>> No.7678973

I don't get this.

>> No.7678974


That's some /x/ shit

>> No.7678976
File: 1.08 MB, 3234x2587, czechnology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But you'll go to anywhere in shitty disc 3 if you kill yourself with a shitty gun. At least do it with class.

Pic related

>> No.7678975


I don't get it.

>> No.7678978
File: 236 KB, 720x1280, tumblr_n8nyv3yUd61rhsfsjo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot the other half.

>> No.7678979
File: 151 KB, 500x334, tumblr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7678980

It's the "mishapocalypse"
Something happened with tumblr people spamming him on twitter one day, I think

>> No.7678982

it's from that 'mishaocalypse' bullshit that happened that one april fools day

>> No.7678983

When in doubt, just assume it's Supernatural because there's really no such thing as good Supernatural cosplay

>> No.7678985
File: 323 KB, 512x506, 1405279822190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus even /mlp/ is keeping track of this shit.

>> No.7678988
File: 109 KB, 849x466, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that shitty art on the right

dear god. At least I know i can't draw.

Also, I have officially stopped liking the roman salute.

>> No.7678994


Because some people know a little thing about legalities.

>> No.7678996

/mlp/ guy here, we have some experience in failed/scam cons and this is even worse.

>> No.7678998

LPU and Lunabucks. Mmmm.

>> No.7679001

/k/ here again.

Every gun show is shit. Every one.

It hurts.

>> No.7679000


I'm familiar with LPU but what is Lunabucks?

>> No.7679003

how horrifying

>> No.7679007

LPU's fake money

>> No.7679008

Please elaborate on these

>> No.7679012

what about the ones that are advertised on powerline poles? I wanna go to one of those

>> No.7679014

Gun shows these days exist to swindle shekels from the "obummer gonna take muh guns" crowd.

>> No.7679017

We talked a little bit about all the shit that went down at Unicon last thread, it's still up

>> No.7679018


>> No.7679020

I dunno man, I went to one of the last gun shows in SoCal and I left with a sweet framed picture of two T-Rexes fighting over the meat of a dead dinosaur

>> No.7679024

I'm decently not shit now (I make average income off art alone if that counts for anything), but I used to be worse than that pic when I started doing cons... and people bought things anyways. Even if they know they can't draw, people spend money so there's hardly a reason to stop.

>> No.7679026


Last pegaus happened before horse news was founded unfortunately.

>> No.7679028

I saw a post on my dash stating that someone posted a picture of themselves pissing in the ballpit in the dashcon tag.

I didn't check for myself and it's likely to be deleted or buried under hundreds of other posts by now.

The ballpit was confirmed to be deflated yesterday though right?

>> No.7679030

"The introduction of “Unicon Bits” essentially fake money that can be exchanged for real cash upset many vendors and artists."


>> No.7679032

that was such a good blog until they shilled out to the speglord brony centre of the internet EQD

>> No.7679034

Try it.

Sadly, yeah it is. I'm a little older and lived in the clinton days and right before the AWB was signed it was utter hell.

That's /k/ as FUCK.

Nowadays I just buy my weapons related gear from armslist people not acting jew-y

>> No.7679038

has anyone posted that ballpit pissing video yet?

>> No.7679042

oh shit, I'm in socal! that might be one of the shows that is advertised on the powerline poles!

>> No.7679045

Because the owners of the con took off, nobody could exchange their unicorn bits. On the last day, everyone used money instead in a scramble to make up for the losses

>> No.7679048

This isn't really drama ABOUT the con, though. But there is drama at each single con.

Even with bronycon, there is a drama about stolen money for the fist edition and a fire incident in another one.

>> No.7679050

Have fun getting a non-mutilated gun from a socal show, though.

Feels good being wisconsin, I guess.

>> No.7679052

I am 99% sure that the guy talking about pissing in the ball pit was full of shit. Nobody's said anything about it but uncorroborated rumors.

>> No.7679054

does anyone know who this guy is?

>> No.7679062

I'll say it again, I feel really bad seeing this guy and the few others that actually put time into their cosplay. What a damn waste, I would have loved to take pics despite not being a Borderlands fan.

>> No.7679064

We have /k/ /mlp/ and /pol/ in this thread. What a weird day.

>> No.7679070

"like new"
"sand included"

>> No.7679071

That was proven to be fake even with that letter. There has been no description of the supposed perp. And that cosplayer cut and run the first sign of trouble. It pisses me off to this day that the post has over 40k notes and people almost ubiquitously praising that girl when she should have reported it to the staff members in the first place. Assuming it happened in the first place

>> No.7679073

It was also deflated yesterday

>> No.7679074


im fucking dying

>> No.7679075

>DashCon Volunteer Security Staff 5/5
They ain't securing shit.
>tumblr having a con

All of my why

>> No.7679077

We can all laugh at autism, can't we?

Even though /k/ is the most autistic board ever

>> No.7679078

Yeah, I'd really love this dude's tumblr if he's got one.

>> No.7679081

Wasn't that right after the whole DWM shit?

>> No.7679083

You have fandoms, tumblr irl, scamming money and jews involved. Everyone is happy.

>> No.7679088

here's the offical tumblr page. I say we spam it with questions about how they feel scamming their patrons out of $17000, etc.

>> No.7679093

The amount of dashcon shills in here is fucking staggering

>> No.7679094

Except /jp/

if they had autismbux involved then they would.

>> No.7679102

DWM essentially ended after the blog went down(which wasn't a result of DWM). But really ever since the intial start of that stupid ass thing there has been a heightened activity of SJW against the pony fandom on tumblr it's been ridiculous.

>> No.7679103

Dashcon has turned from a poorly planned con to a downright cult

>> No.7679104

I don't know what you mean. I'm sure Dashcon was great and you should go next year too! :)

>> No.7679115

Its pretty damn sad that bronycon is better organized than this clusterfuck

>> No.7679117

For the most part it's always been more organized than this.

>> No.7679120

The whole PT drama was annoying though.

>> No.7679124
File: 19 KB, 443x750, 1321140988663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do It For Them

It's one thing for you to make a fucking terrible image with your retarded gay ships, it's another to completely butcher something which has an actual meaning in the process. The Dashcon joke only partially makes up for it.

>> No.7679125

You know, the unfortunate thing about all of this is that it would've been a great excuse to get people to stop cosplaying Homestuck and Superwholock at anime/gaming/comic conventions.
Because those cosplayers always bitch that there's no place for it, we don't really have any "random Western shit" conventions.
If DashCon was successful, it'd be the right place for it.

>> No.7679127
File: 86 KB, 526x480, 1347129898210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh my god

>> No.7679129

whaddya talkn about, it's the right place for it regardless of the failure

>> No.7679133


What better place for total fail than a failcon?

>> No.7679135

Look at the other half of his cosplay. He's taking the piss out of these people, not supporting them.

>> No.7679137

SDCC is basically random western shit now that they don't care about comics anymore

>> No.7679140

I’m kinda disappointed that Dashcon doesn’t have a panel about why Tumblr artists always draw people with extremely red noses

>> No.7679141


Or any of the 9 million Wizard World conventions.

>> No.7679142


I am giggling at how stupid this is.

>> No.7679147

short answer: they(tumblr artists) understand that the body has red shades because there is blood, but they dont understand that gradients are a thing, nor do they care to try to emulate what skin actually looks like.

>> No.7679149
File: 71 KB, 601x446, burny-con.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7679151

Probably because they think it's a normal, everyday thing like breathing. They don't realize how fucking dumb it looks.

>> No.7679154

Hahaha, I barely remember hearing about this

>> No.7679155

Two things.

One, holy shit, what happened?
Two, that seems more like a technical problem with the venue, outside of the convention's control.

>> No.7679157

I remember my first AX
>oh boy I get to go to an anime convention
>40% cosplays are not anime or even anime related things
>shitty self made or kickstarter tier superwholock shirts everywhere
>homestuck everywhere

>> No.7679158

Details if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7679162 [DELETED] 

Get raped, nigger.

>> No.7679164

When does the Fond Farewell start?

>> No.7679165

It was a tech problem. It was just an amusing thing to hear about along with the bronycon orgy.

>> No.7679167

>inb4 17,000 buck ballpit on craigslist

>> No.7679169

During the concert the night before people were tossing glowsticks in the air. What happened is that one of them hit the light fixture.

The next day during a panel the light caught fire and the convention center had to be evacuated. Nothing was damaged and no one was hurt. Convention continued after a delay

>> No.7679170

Two and a half hours ago.

>> No.7679174

Ah I had no idea about the glowstick bit. Thanks for that, Anon.

>> No.7679176

I remember loving cons as a teen in the early 2000s, but then I started going again a few years ago and it just isn't the same. AX had just moved to Long Beach when I went and it was an ugly clusterfuck, and I couldn't even get into SDCC. I just stick to the cons in the PNW now.

>> No.7679177

I saw in one of the other threads people grabbing info of other failed conventions, but one I constantly see missed happened nearly seven years ago. It was a big thing, the FBI got involved, but it was quietly swept under the internet rug.

It involved Rich Stott (of Anime Vegas), The Otaku, and the people who scammed the shit outta them. I found these links to show it existed, I kinda wish cons like this and Las Peg and Dashcon had all their mishaps displayed together to warn people of some of the dangers.




At least Dashcon didn't hide behind charity for cancer.

>> No.7679179


Totally fucking agree. Except it's usually first-timers that end up with those shit cosplays. con veterans are such a minority nowadays. It seems like everyone going to cons now is going for their first time. where the fuck did all these people come from?

>> No.7679180

Yeah. I do add a reddish-brown tint to elbows and knees, because those are a tiny bit darker than the rest of your skin, but I blend it out a lot. Red noses are only for winter pictures.

What I wonder is why they have those ugly bulbous noses. My nose looks like that and it's not cute or something to be proud of.

>> No.7679184
File: 17 KB, 260x260, emerald-dorothy-and-toto-pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toto, i don\t think we're in /cgl/ anymore

>> No.7679188

Were there really that many women there? I can't imagine all those MRA dudes boning each other, nor do I want to.

>> No.7679189

The roof the roof the roof is on fire

>> No.7679192

Nah, you're in Kansas still. But the neo-nazis wound up in your neighborhood.

>> No.7679193

oh the bulb shape thing. I could trace that back to penny arcade, gabe used to draw some of the comics with red tint and bulb noses. but you won't get a tumblr artist to ever admit to reading penny arcade.

>> No.7679194

You mean Tumblr.

>> No.7679195

Only gone once in 07. Had a great time. Met a couple of anons from New York back when 4chan was still a secret club.
Bought my friends and I dinner. Helped them figure out the floor. Sad I didn't get their emails or numbers. Lost them before the Seth Rogan panel.

>> No.7679196
File: 4 KB, 127x95, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7679199

Try going to smaller, less industry-based cons.

>> No.7679201

Picture for ants.

>> No.7679202
File: 33 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n8nxjwA72A1ryd09zo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7679203

Back when I was going, you could just show up at the door and buy a badge. I can't see that ever happening again unless everyone's favorite TV shows get cancelled.

>> No.7679204


>> No.7679207
File: 102 KB, 1024x819, dashcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7679208

>The whole PT drama was annoying though.
Making a con on your own name/account without making a bronycon association or company was extremely dumb.

And she still don't understand what she did wrong.

>> No.7679209


/a/, /b/, /g/, /jp/, and /pol/ have been invading /cgl/ for quite awhile.

/egl/ and /cos/ need to be separated imo.

>> No.7679211

and /g/

>> No.7679212

/mlp/ is here now as well.

>> No.7679213


r u haveing le trigger problems?

>> No.7679214

Sorry couldn't find a bigger version

>> No.7679216
File: 4 KB, 125x91, shekles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop shilling dashcon

>> No.7679217

you should be happy you even have this board.

>> No.7679218
File: 61 KB, 503x505, 1390868453984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/egl/ and /cos/ need to be separated imo.

That is an incredibly stupid opinion.

>> No.7679219


Yes, we are. Your point?

>> No.7679220

I remember that in 07, the fire marshalls showed up and told the organizers that they were going to have to kick out some of the people at the con. Think that was the first time. Ever since then, you haven't been able to get passes at the convention center. My pals keel telling me that sell out months in advance now at almost triple the price of when I went.

>> No.7679224

Nothing really. Just seeing boards come together to discuss a topic is refreshing.

>> No.7679225

We don't need no funds now let the Dashcon fuckers burn

>> No.7679227

I don't think we need to be /tumblr/ to know shitposting when we see it.

>> No.7679228


I got badges for SDCC this year. It cost $200 and they sold out in less than an hour.

>> No.7679230

I'm pretty sure all the badges sell out within hours, with the 4-day pass selling out right away.

>> No.7679232

I am new here from /a/ (around 1.5 months), but I have noticed that this kind of behavior is extremely scarce in the other threads. It is just so happens to be concentrated in this thread. /cgl/ seems to be one of the nicer boards.

>> No.7679233
File: 552 KB, 1280x1742, tumblr_n8o42wVytU1svrc3no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also from Dashcon.

>> No.7679236

One good thing about this:

I've been trying to find that Night Vale thing for months after hearing about it on the Slate Culture podcast, but I could never remember the name. So thanks for bailing, guys, I'm ready to check you out now.

>> No.7679240

Oh god, here we go.

>> No.7679242

That /k/ guy here. It can be, but my personal favorite, content wise, has to be /ck/ and /vr/.

>> No.7679243

/pol/, /k/, and possibly /b/ and /mlp/ are visiting /cgl/ for the DashCon drama. They won't be here for long, just until everything gets settled.

/fa/ and /soc/ can't seem to leave, though.

>> No.7679247

What's up /cgl/! Long time lurkfag here just coming by to make your day even better by letting you all know that Guillermo del Toro has been contacted about the illegal showing of the film at Dashcon. I can't go into specifics or else they'd know who told because I am on staff but this will hopefully give you guys some more laughs.

>> No.7679248


Maybe I missed it, but isn't there/shouldn't there be some kind of shared doc on common con fiascos, because stuff like that fire code thing has happened again and again.

Never mind idiot simple stuff like finding out if you have to pay hotel fees in advance. Often, hotels are not only going to want to be paid up front for events, but will want insurance or a deposit.

This is especially the case with fandom cons, which tend to descend like locusts and be about as destructive.

>> No.7679249

Shut the fuck up, DWM wasn't convention related you shits.

The fact you people still talk about it after it's all fucking over shows what petty dramafags you are.

>> No.7679250

look up 'spiders georg'

>> No.7679252

Yeah, I payed like 60 bucks for my 5 day pass

>> No.7679253
File: 1.04 MB, 2048x1356, 14460253817_b112ecb933_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh out the box.
Stop! Look and watch!

>> No.7679254

Nightvale gets old fast. I listened to 25(?) episodes and never listened again. (unfortunately, I have friends who fucking love the shit out of it and are constantly trying to get me to listen again)

>> No.7679259

yeah I'm sure he isn't totally busy right now and has the time to stop what he's doing and deal with this

>> No.7679262

that girl's got a belly on her

>> No.7679263

>nobody ever notices /int/

Big brother /pol/ is always the center of attention. ;_;

>> No.7679264


$60 now might get you a one day pass.

>> No.7679266

I never made the connection between them in my post.

>> No.7679272
File: 209 KB, 1132x747, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't she put the pull cord inside the coat?

>> No.7679274

I have only gone to /ck/ a few times and it does seem like a nice board.

>> No.7679276

seagull here, /ck/ and /an/ tend to be all around pretty chill from what I've seen, a lot more than us, but /cgl/ has just the right balance of actual helpful content and dramu for me

>> No.7679277

Searching for it I found two gaia threads ranting about it but there isn't much... Do you have more deets?

>> No.7679281

My friends keep buying that shit and come back from San Diego complaining about how other fandoms are taking over the con. Kind of glad I got priced out. SDDC just seems like a hassle now.

>> No.7679282

If I watched the new Godzilla movie correctly, she currently has millions of eggs inside of her and she's searching for radioactive material to feed them

>> No.7679283

Agreed. I lost interest once they did lots of continuity. The randomness of each episode early on was what hooked me. Also having other peoples voices ruined the illusion.

>> No.7679284

That's kind of a cool way to do wings. The execution could be better, but I like the concept

>> No.7679286

They really hit a stale point around then, yeah. They actually got some good overarching plot going recently though, got me back into it

>> No.7679289

I hear you.

I stay at /k/ because I love it when a cowadooty retard comes in talking about gunz.

Shit, we had a guy yesterday ask about what gun his mother should carry for her job and one guy gave him excellent advice, but kept on insisting his mother was a prostitute for like five posts. It was great.

>> No.7679292
File: 598 KB, 546x640, 2481848-box_civ5bnw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I hate "geek" phenomena.
Is this possible to just like something without having fandom and "fandom business"?
I mean: today, there are a lot of young people who just like stuff that's see as "geek" and try to put these stuff in their life style. Meanwhile, there are people who make money from this because they capitalize on this kind of phenomena...

>> No.7679294

Eh. Ill check it out again. I rather listen to this american life or radiolab though

>> No.7679295

It's hard to beat /po/ in politeness.

>> No.7679296

the whole "carlos is perfect i love carlos he will be mine he is so perfect" skeeved me the fuck out because i've had that happen to me. thankfully my friends are chill with it and don't pester me.

>> No.7679297

He'll probably just pass it on to his legal department and forget it for the time being. I mean, I'm sure the legal team is gonna get shit done, but del Toro himself probably won't get directly involved until an actual lawsuit comes up.

>> No.7679306

that's one thing that changed with later episodes actually

>> No.7679308

If you guys enjoy the style of Night Vale but not the fandom-y lameness of the actual podcast, check out George Saunders and Steven Millhauser. Their stories aren't as /x/-y but you can really see their influence on WTNV.

>> No.7679309
File: 999 KB, 500x281, mmiil1XMdd1qz4rgp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7679310

That's exactly the problem.

This is about Dashcon and the tumblr drama behind it. It's not a tumblr drama board. Tumblr drama about other things non-related to Dashcon is open to being reported.

>> No.7679311

how many days until the dashcon admins suddenly fly the coop and vanish?

>> No.7679312

You need a better summary or no-one will care.

>> No.7679314

/x/phile here

>> No.7679317

Didn't they already confirm DashCon 2015?
If so, it'll be a while. A long while.

>> No.7679321

/ck/ and /tg/ here too

dashcon brings us together as a community

>> No.7679324

> Which are all about white dudes most I question why they are so popula

Because they add homoerotic subcontext into the plot line and that suddenly makes the show okay in their eyes.
And when called out on it, they like to shield themselves by saying everything's about heterosexuality and that's why they think they can do it.

Fandoms on tumblr are so big because of their stupid headcanons.

>> No.7679325

like until they get enough prereg money to cut some of their losses

>> No.7679328

well I meant more of "boy I sure am getting alot of important looking mail from attorney offices..." and then hearing they booked it for mexico to make El guióncon

>> No.7679330

>ITT: we r legion against dashcon XD autists

>> No.7679332

The biggest problem is that it's "chic" now. It's accepted, so tons of them will join up because they are trying to get into what's "in" right now. It's what's pretty much threatened to destroy video games, it's what obliterated animation, and many other things fall short thanks to it.

Fandom bullshit mainly comes from a lot of people who are trendy in "Geek" shit. These are the same people who get into Kingdom Hearts because OMG AKUROKU ^W^ SQUEEE and the same people who comprised 90% of the Invader Zim fanbase. Only now they have become "Sophisticated" by masturbating over British men with cheekbones whilst telling the world to check their respective privileges.

>> No.7679333

Piss off.

>> No.7679334

>DashCon '15 cancelled out of nowhere
>admins aren't to be found

>> No.7679338

I'm not going to lie, it's weird not having the whole of 4chan hating you, infact, it's almost pleasant to have some common ground.

>> No.7679341

Don't be such summerfags in /cgl/ then.

>> No.7679342

dash con admins Q&A from 9/21/13


>> No.7679347

this thread barely even counts as /cgl/ right now, we're bloody well hosting most of 4chan in here today. they'll be gone in a few days, calm your tits

>> No.7679350

Someone already did that in the ball pit.

>> No.7679352
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>> No.7679353
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>> No.7679360
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>> No.7679362

That one woman(?) is revolting.

>> No.7679363

It IS about a con. Also, I'm pretty sure the threads about it on /co/ got blammed, so this was the next place to go, really. It's the same as anytime when IT'S HAPPENING that people go to /pol/, and when Oculus Rift was kill that everybody went to /v/.

>> No.7679364

it's gotten fucking horrifying over the years.

video game fandoms are the absolute worst though. Kingdom Hearts is actually a pretty cool game but fuck 'fandom' man, I just like to play fun games that are fun

>> No.7679365
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>> No.7679369

why not just ignore fandoms entirely? I get by pretty well by doing that

>> No.7679370

Get the fuck back to your containment board.

>> No.7679371

Applefags, man

>> No.7679373

Which one?!! They're all revolting.
Couldn't watch more than 30 secs of this shit.

>> No.7679380

>Fandom bullshit mainly comes from a lot of people who are trendy in "Geek" shit. These are the same people who get into Kingdom Hearts because OMG AKUROKU ^W^ SQUEEE

I never got that impression, actually. The SQUEE XD crowd are obnoxious, sure, but are generally legitimately... strange, and actually care about whatever they're being obnoxious about. "Geek chic" people are generally way more normalfaggy.

>> No.7679381


>> No.7679382

I do for the most part

got my practice in early many many moons ago when I read Johnny the Homicidal Maniac in 8th grade and enjoyed it

people who are into vidya and don't actually play games, though... I can't lie about the status of my jimmies

>> No.7679384

i hate to break it to you... but all of 4chan is just a series of containment boards. So quit sinking to the level of /v/ with the attitude

>> No.7679390

It was probably more like a sad circle jerk (if it even happened)

>> No.7679391
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>> No.7679396
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>> No.7679397

>Some of the recording of finances was done with a crayon and spiral notebook.

>> No.7679398

Here's what I know, I attended the event myself when it was in Vegas, but didn't stick around long. Basically, a guy named Jeff (who ran his own corp so he looked legit on paper) contacted both Adam of TheOtaku to help promote an event for breast cancer awareness and anime. He wanted to hold it in Vegas and asked for Rich's help since he runs AnimeVegas. There was a major art contest for the event, which included winners receiving brand new just came out consoles (it was like 06/07 so getting a PS3, X360, Wii was like a holy crap moment for fans).

Basically, any promise made was a lie. All three guests, brought in by Rich, weren't given a hotel. They were somehow managed to be flown out, but this Jeff guy leaves in the middle of Saturday and no one can get a hold of him. He just takes the entire cash box while Adam of TheOtaku is counting the votes for this art contest (because he still seemed under the impression this was on the up and up). So Jeff leaves for lunch and several hours later you have voice actors without a hotel, Adam has no flight home, etc. I know one of the VOs was Kyle Hebert, but it's been so long I don't recall the others.

Rich actually pays for all of this out of his own pocket. He makes sure the voice actors are taken care of and tries to do damage control for an event he was only trying to aide (it wasn't really his event at all).

Adam went on a spree of trying to reveal what Jeff and his corp did, and how they were shams. The really surprising thing is a good deal of it is off the internet now. Last I knew is that Rich and Adam got the FBI involved. As to what happened to "Jeff" or anyone associated with him, I have no idea.

On another note, if I recall correctly vendors got screwed over by not having supplies they asked for, enough tables, etc. I never even got to go into vendor room since it seemed like chaos in there (I was also 14 at the time & it was my 2nd convention ever; so I had no idea if this was normal)

>> No.7679400

The best thing they can do with that deflated and abused ball pit is to send it into the sun to fuel the fire. At least then Dashcon will have contributed something to society.

>> No.7679401
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fucking perfect

>> No.7679407
File: 63 KB, 598x601, tumblr_myov75FxE31rpmljgo4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i use tumblr regularly
people are fucking pissed off on tumblr omg

>> No.7679411
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>the snorting

>> No.7679412

People with iphones who think having a smart-deice makes them nerds

>> No.7679413

Also the cool nightvale girl from the /pol/tard video

>> No.7679416
File: 113 KB, 680x680, f5753870a40ccef114a6cb88e7f48531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit with the meta faggotry, literally nobody gives a shit what board you're ""from"".

>> No.7679421

yep. all of 4chan is shit

>> No.7679422
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>> No.7679427

I'd tell you to take the stick outta your ass but clearly there's a fucking totem pole in there

>> No.7679429

Can you please make a creepy pasta of the ball pit?
preferably with skin walkers please

/asp/ here

>> No.7679433

Agreed. I see this as nothing more than a chill discussion over stupid con drama. We can all have fun together.

>> No.7679436

>skin walkers
Pls no I had forgotten them

>> No.7679437
File: 949 KB, 532x1469, ededdeddydashcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite thing from this so far

>> No.7679440


It even has the pool

>> No.7679441

someone photoshop that shit into a ball pit

>> No.7679444

Eesh that's bad. I looked a bit deeper since I wanna know about the FBI possibly being involved and I found this in their archives. I feel pretty bad for them.


>> No.7679447

omg add a "bang" and your golden

>> No.7679450


>> No.7679454

yeah man I'm enjoying myself a lot

/cgl/ is cool

>> No.7679456

fucking blue's clues shit

>> No.7679463

Has someone died yet?

Or at least gotten stabbed?

>> No.7679469

I have a feeling we won't get any more info until later tonight or tomorrow when con goes/staff get the fuck away from the con first.

>> No.7679472

i wrote this at around 2am when someone from /cgl/ came over to /x/. it's about as shitty as you'd expect. might try it out again now that i slept a bit.

She stood at the window overlooking the trainwreck she had helped to create. An enormous empty ballroom, full of lost potential and crushed dreams.

In the center of the room, was a tiny inflatable ball pit, empty save for a few lone rubber balls.

In the distance, she could hear the sound of a bunch of nerds shrieking out music in unison. To the ordinary person, it would sound just like poor singing, but to her ears, it was the cries of the damned.

She glanced at her phone. She saw her paypal account slowly increase as she drained the bank accounts of naive teenage girls.

All her fault. It was all her fault. No. It wasn't all her fault. It was...him. Just thinking about him sent shivers down her spine. She knew she never should have trusted him. She never should have been so gullible. But he promised her so much. Her dreams were as shattered as the souls of the attendees would soon be.

Tears streamed down her face, but with a look of determination, she took the gun and placed it against her temple. 'Forgive me', she thought, as she pulled the trigger.

"Not today, my pet," she heard. She felt his presence behind her. A cold, ethereal hand grabbed her own before she could end her miserable existence.

She openly wept as she heard his raspy chuckle in her ear. She watched as a lone Homestuck walk over to the desolate ball pit and flop down into with a look of dejection.

She knew it was too late. She closed her eyes, accepting her fate.

>> No.7679474

The poor fools that were tricked into going to this or that went expecting something good died a little inside. Does that count?

>> No.7679479

How the fuck do they limit the time you can spend in the fucking ball pit and bounce house? Fucking asinine.

>> No.7679482

We should have a Kekcon. Don't ask any questions, just paypal me most of your money and I'll take care of it all.

Special guests include
>My mom
>Aidan Gillen and Ryan Gosling

Panels include
>Shitposting: Desu's and Desun'ts
>Ebin Jokes For You and Meme
>Muh board culture

>> No.7679488

The kicker is that the ballpit was free to use.

>> No.7679489

from what I've heard they didn't limit time you could spend in the pit. they put the "extra hour etc" thing as a joke in the WTNV cancelation notice, but the pit wasn't timed. but I wasn't there

>> No.7679490

Great find, I've always been curious on looking for more.

I heard the FBI got involved straight from Rich (unlike other convention chairs he's pretty business savvy and not five years old), but never knew if any of THAT hit the net. I also heard the vendors tried to do a class action lawsuit, but I have no idea if that got anywhere.

It was just kinda a shame since all the ticket sales were meant to go to breast cancer awareness.

Not that Dash-Con is peaches and cream. I can't even believe people are so delusional that they're cheering during closing ceremonies and there's "plans" for a next year. ._.

>> No.7679493

Then why did they offer an extra hour in it?

>> No.7679501


It was a joke, basically telling people to fuck off because they aren't getting anything.

>> No.7679507

Offering hotel mints as prizes was a pretty big fuck you as well.

>> No.7679509

Dude come on please!

It could be like " I was sitting in the ball pit forcing some one to check their privileges when a girl behind me started to parrot what was saying in a uneven and distorted voice"
"suddenly a sharp and foul smell coupled with a deep and demonic laughter started coming from within the ball pit"

sorry I suck at writing these things y'all can do alot better

>> No.7679510

because they are insanely retarded

>> No.7679518



>> No.7679520
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>> No.7679526

>It wasnt pee YouTube. It was food coloring. Duh.

Ho hum

>> No.7679533

didn't one of the staffers/volunteers from last night say they kept it open an hour after when it was supposed to close? idk it's like two threads back

>> No.7679534

yeah but
do those cons have BALL PITS???

>> No.7679535

Reminder that there's a Homestuck con coming later this year, for people getting bored of Dashcon happenings.

>> No.7679539


SDCC had a Scrooge McDuck money pit you could jump in. Much better.

>> No.7679540


he probably just said that because it got taken down

>> No.7679546

I am going to take a ball pit to Anime Cali.

>> No.7679548

Better and more efficent than the world cup this, when it comes to bringing people together.

>> No.7679554

just came from the /sp/ threads, non stop shit posting and the occasional cp. GERMANY WOOO!

>> No.7679556
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That hotel is gonna be pissed when they have to start cleaning grey paint off of everything

>> No.7679561
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a whole con eh?

shit's kinda fucked when you think that it's the work of one single solitary man that's doing all this

>> No.7679563

Maan it's a shame there wasn't more about it online. Stealing from charity is pretty awful and really should be listed with the other terrible con stories.

>> No.7679569

things are going to be messy when he unleashes the final update

>> No.7679577


I'll let you know how horribly it goes since I know the people running it. 90% of the fandom can't seal their paint and generally get in trouble with hotels/venues due to getting gray on fucking everything.

>> No.7679582

I did find this account, granted it's from Yaoi Press, but it tells it from a vender point of view... which I can't really comment on.


>> No.7679593

This is pretty good but I really like reading skin walker stories at 3 am with my bedroom window open (it over looks a nice patch of open forest)

>> No.7679594

>Not found.


For the record, this was the blog of the main admin of Dashcon, Roxanne. She paid $800 for the 17-year-old admin to fly down to Dashcon as well.

>> No.7679597

Somebody is going to shoot this guy in the face one day. I won't know about it, but I have a feeling that when it happens I'll start smiling and not know why.

>> No.7679599
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it's been fucking months (yeah I read that shit) and honestly I think he's killed the obsession in a lotta his fans by taking so long. He has 'em by the balls but there's only so long you can wait without losing interest.

...unless it's some really top tier fiction, which Homestuck most definitely is not.

>> No.7679600

link to 17 year old's tumblr pls

>> No.7679603

maybe he'll release it simultaneously with his vidya. because thats stilla thing, right?

>> No.7679604


>> No.7679607

That's nothing, I lived in the middle of nowhere in the northwest for a while and outside my window was an open field surrounded by a line of tall trees and wilderness.

>> No.7679609

try here

>> No.7679611

I dunno what hers is. They removed her listing from the "Meet The Admins" page, too.

Also, apparently the admins told people at Dashcon to use the tag "dashcon 2k14" to avoid being intermingled with "dashcon" tagged posts.

>> No.7679612

Regardless of if it's actually good or not, the final update is going to be a massive update and conclusion. People are not going to like how it ends considering he is going to just kill more people and sink more ships as per usual.

>> No.7679613

I just took the url. That was a really good url. Thanks 17 year old idiot.

>> No.7679614

seems pretty likely

he also alluded to some other big happenings; my guess is that he was poached by an animation studio to do a cartoon

>> No.7679620

i'll see what i can do later

>> No.7679621

guys guys I'm 12 but I have a driver's license because I'm very mature for my age and I went to the BDSM panel and they tied me up and whipped me. later I got raped in the ballpit. AMA

>> No.7679624



>> No.7679625

Oh ok then you write the ball pit /skin walker story....please?

Dashcon needs a really good skin walker / x.

>> No.7679626

did u rike it

>> No.7679630
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>> No.7679633

Offtopic but it's really funny how all these sites hate each other
4chan hates reddit and tumblr
reddit hates 4chan and tumblr
tumblr hates 4chan and reddit
It's like a weird hate triangle

>> No.7679636

I heard some things. it sounded like a decent panel, talked about safety and consent and something about knots or whatever. didn't sound nearly as bad as I expected

>> No.7679637

It was posted by >>7678809. They discussed BDSM. What the fuck did you expect? If there was a riot or if something genuinely interesting happened we would know by now.

>> No.7679641


Yeah, but 4chan wins against the others, because we also hate ourselves.

>> No.7679642

we should all fuck

>> No.7679644

One day we'll all congregate into a hatefuck orgy.

>> No.7679648

Hey no jokes that stuff can happen!

when I was 12 I went to my first con dressed as sephiroth (villain from ff7)

And some lady pinned me down and licked my tummy

>> No.7679649

lots of tumblr people hate tumblr too. that's what you get with such a diverse website all being lumped into one--the weebs, the hipsters, the superwholocks, the porn, the text post/le ironic jokes people, the sjws. everyone hates everyone else.

>> No.7679652

That isnt the 17 year old.

>> No.7679654

4chan and Tumblr are pretty much the male and female equivalent of each other. The amount of parallels is utterly baffling when you look at the histories, userbases, interests, etc. Everything that 4chan does Red, Tumblr does Blue. Everything that 4chan is White on, Tumblr is Black. 4chan revels in mocking SJW's and enjoys the fuck out of hilarious offensive shit. Tumblr ARE the SJW's and are vastly offended by it. 4chan slobbers over teenage girls in 2D, Tumblr slobbers over grown men in 3D. I'd draw more parallels, but it becomes a bit repetitive.

Reddit is that neckbeard who wants to have fun with both, but both of them hate him for different reasons. Tumblr and 4chan are spiteful siblings with very different (but shockingly similar) interests, Reddit is that shithead who thinks he's better than both and that he is entitled to both of their interests.

>> No.7679663

wait, reddit and tumblr hate eachother?

man all I can picture is the girls' fort with the NO BOYS ALLOWED sign and the boys' fort with the NO GIRLS ALLOWED sign

and they're throwing rocks at eachother

>> No.7679665

donate to ballpit con 2014 immediately


>> No.7679671
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Pretty much.

>> No.7679673

If this turns out like the potato salad kickstarter I'm going to laugh my ass off

>> No.7679675

The not crazy tumblrettes are pretty qt.
There were a lot more circa '10-11. Shame the fandomfags and SJW's were toxic enough to slow drive the normal users away.

>> No.7679677

This. They both think they're so edgy and cool and counter-culture. Like it's them vs. the world. The only difference is how 4chan thinks the world is all sjws and they're trying to oppress men and republicans and white-wash everything with political correctness. Tumblr thinks that everyone is a racist, sexist dickhead, that it's okay for them to be angry and rude because they're being oppressed.

Except I'd say that the general population of tumblr is at least ~5 years younger than most of 4chan and therefore they kind of have an excuse.

>> No.7679678

>This campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its goal
Pretty sneaky, Goldberg

>> No.7679679

According to tumblr reddit is filled with annoying misogynist nerds, 'nice guys' and 'male feminists' trying to get into girls pants

>> No.7679680

>4chan slobbers over teenage girls in 2D

Well, and traps, teenage boys, children, dogs, futanari, ponies, etc. etc. etc.

>> No.7679681
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>> No.7679684

Guys, Ballpit con needs your help!

>> No.7679686

4chan is the douchey older brother to his two annoying bratty younger siblings, Reddit and Tumblr, that keep stealing things from him and each other.

>> No.7679689

4chan is probably 70% bored college students/twentysomethings and the rest being underage or the rare 30+ oldfag

>> No.7679697
File: 61 KB, 484x350, oprahballpit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see this done yet.

>> No.7679698

someone draw this

>> No.7679699

>tfw rare

Also don't forget the NEET crowd

>> No.7679701

lol no 4chan is at least 50% underage

>> No.7679703

>flexible funding

>> No.7679706

And tumblr is probably 60% 15-18 year olds or younger, the rest college age and a few oldfags with more 'traditional' blogs that no one reads.

>> No.7679709


Wayback machine has snapshots of articles:


>> No.7679713

In the summer.

>> No.7679721

Well, tumblr is cancer, and the donations were for a tumblr con, so kind of...

>> No.7679726

Tumblr really is some sort of bizarro 4chan, just younger on average and significantly more females. SJWs are their /b/ and /pol/. Superwholocks and hamsteaks are their /mlp/. And with both sites there's browser extensions that make the site more tolerable so who cares. I don't know much about reddit culture though. I only go there for attack on titan and berserk news and don't have an account.

>> No.7679727

/int/ here


>> No.7679729

Yeah I would draw >>7679686 like anon requested, but I have no idea what Reddit's culture is like

>> No.7679730

This, Dashcon has been covered in a few places so lots of boards are here now. /v/ and /co/ and a few others are here too.
/fit/ is like always here, so is /tg/ but they are bros so noone minds them.

>> No.7679736

I'm from /v/, but I didn't learn about Dashcon on /v/. I just got linked to /cgl/ because you guys have the thread on it.

Some of your videogame cosplays are really cool.

>> No.7679737

75% underage
with 50% trying oh so hard to be 'sophisticated' and 'mature'

>> No.7679738

>Men's Rights
>PC Master Race
>Epic memes
>Le Le Le LE LE

>> No.7679739

I don't know about you guys, but I've noticed it's totally possible to use tumblr and not deal with much of the bullcrap. I just follow a handful of tags for some anime and toku I like. The only time I began to get the tumblr experience is when I caught AoT/SNK fever with everyone else and the tag brought along some of the most bizarre schlock I've ever seen.

>> No.7679740


Why doesn't it surprise me that a /pol/ster would be that greasy looking or unsanitary.

>> No.7679745

Yeah fandom people are genuinely into their respective fandoms, it's just usually for a retarded reason (gay sex that doesn't actually exist)

>> No.7679747

This is totally right. I don't know much about reddit either, except theres way more underage people and way more real adults. It's also a lot harder to see the shitty, fucked up stuff unless you really look for it, which is why they have more celebrity AMAs and stuff. I think they used to be like 90% memes but that's died down a little. idk the site layout it mostly what stops me from visiting as much. it's really shitty.

>> No.7679752

Spoilers apparently don't work here. Good to know.

>> No.7679757

I thought they cooled off on memes once 9gag breached the internet's surface like a whale made of old cum

>> No.7679759
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>> No.7679760
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>> No.7679763

They do in the archive

>> No.7679764

Reddit is split 50/50 with horrible neckbeard mensrights geeks, and the normalest normalfags who happen to like got and breaking bad and shit like that.

>> No.7679772

As someone who uses Reddit for strictly gaming purposes, there is a LOT less anal-leakage from other sections of the site. I see absolutely no mens rights or memes or other bullshit in my reddit world. However I believe the popular sections have a lot of shit. You have to find your niche.

On my fandom tumblr, I see tons of shit tards talking about how 1 out of 4 women are SUPER RAPED and being a man means you can't help but rape everyone and everything at all times.

And 4chan is 4chan.

>> No.7679774


On it.

Gonna use pic related for 4chan but I don't know what the "siblings" should look like.

>> No.7679776
File: 7 KB, 211x238, euphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds about right.

>> No.7679779

From what little I actually know from using Reddit occasionally, Reddit doesn't have much of a culture. I guess you could say that it's mostly just teenage boys being stupid and trying to be funny.

It's so chopped up from all the subreddits that you could have normalfags everywhere or completely fucked up shit.

>> No.7679781
File: 14 KB, 450x450, nopictureavailable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic

>> No.7679783

I have to say, this is the chillest I've seen /cgl/ in a very long time. And it's not even because other boards are here, it was this way from the early dashcon threads before anybody else picked up on it.
I think it's because we've finally united against a common enemy. No one wants to defend dashcon. No one even has the heart to shitpost and claim this isn't worth having a thread over. It's really nice.

>> No.7679787

Same. I haunt r/loseit, r/glutenfree, r/curlyhair and r/fatpeoplestories and the only time i saw any lel reddit fedoraneckbeard mra shit he was beaten into submission pretty damn quick.

>> No.7679790

new thread?

>> No.7679791

That's my experience with Reddit. I think it's WAY easier to see SJW faggotry on tumblr than it is to see MRA faggotry on reddit. But, I don't use the site too much.

>> No.7679795

is he really still working on that game

>> No.7679796
File: 412 KB, 515x811, dashcon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7679797

i'm tryin' anon i'm really tryin'

I don't think I have a lot of time left. I can hear it outside my house. I hear the scratching. I'm leaving this note in case I don't make it. I want people to know what happened to me. And I want to warn others. If I die, it's all because of a stupid kiddie pool full of rubber balls in an empty ballroom.

It all started just a few days ago. My friend Katie and I stepped out of the taxi, ready to have a great time. We were going to Dashcon, the biggest Tumblr convention ever. We were so excited to meet our internet friends. We adjusted our flower crowns and entered the building. But something was wrong. I didn't know what it was, but the whole place had an ominous feeling to it. The place was room temperature but we were both shivering. We shrugged it off as nerves, a mistake I'll regret for the short time I have left.

The money drama is very well known and barely relates to the story, so I won't go into it too much. After the money was collected, we went up to our shared room. We were sitting around, using the poor hotel Wi-Fi to check our dashes when Katie had an idea. She had heard about the ballpit. That goddamn ballpit. She wanted to go check it out and have some fun with it before all the greasy Homestucks got their grey paint and rainbow colored saliva all over it.

I thought it was a horrible idea. I just wanted to reblog Sherlock photos. I told her I was tired, so she decided to go check it out herself. I sat around browsing the Dashcon tags and then went to bed.

In the middle of the night, a loud noise made me jolt awake. I looked at the clock. 3:33 AM. What the hell could be happening this late? I heard another strange noise. Someone was knocking on the door, but it wasn't quite knocking. It sounded like someone was just punching the door. I was very confused, but I had to see what it was. Nervously, I walked up to the door and looked out the peephole. It was just Katie. I sighed in relief and opened the door.


>> No.7679798


Probably even rarer 40+ oldfag here. Sure there's even older tho.

>> No.7679800

It proves that we don't have to resort to arguing in order to have discussion.

>> No.7679804

The ride's over.

>> No.7679805

Just like 4chan, there are good and bad places on each site. Pretty sure most of us wouldn't bother with /b/ or /r9k/ (at least, not anymore).

Most of the default subs on Reddit are full of shit, especially anything having to do with memes.

The smaller communities, like for specific games, are usually pretty decent.

I still don't like the whole mad dash for upvotes there is on Reddit, though. Every jokes gets so old so fast because people spam them for internet points.

Same would go for Tumblr, I'd say. Everything seems the same because people want notes. So post something you know people will like/react to, and you can get internet points.

4chan is great because no matter what you post, it's not yours. There are no internet points to be had. You can make some anons laugh or save your image, but that's about it. Content stays fresh because it's not a competition for points, it's people trying to be legitimately funny or contributive.

>> No.7679807

Tumblr is usually a girl with dark blue hair and the 't' logo as a hairpin, probably throw fandom buttons on her.
Reddit.. seems to involve the color white with a little bit of grey, and those up-down arrows.

>> No.7679808

I use all three sites, and yeah, I've definitely noticed most of Reddit getting a lot more normal over the past couple of years. There are a lot of douchebags who think they're geeks because their frat house has an xbox or something.

>> No.7679810

but we didn't even hit 17000 yet...

>> No.7679812
File: 117 KB, 894x894, tumblrtan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know tumblr's represented by pic related pretty often.

>> No.7679813

This is so true. I mean I knew it was true, I just never thought about ALL the ways they are opposites.
And that's why anon and tumblr-tan are lovers, and reddit gets no love.
It's too bad 2 of the 3 sites will never form an alliance, think of all the power we could have...

>> No.7679817

the soccer subreddits are awful. Get downvoted to all hell if you don't tow the narrative.

>> No.7679818

I remember there was a 50/60+ something femanon drawfag back on /mlp/

Something about satyrs

>> No.7679819

The "Tumblr University" guy chimes in in an attempt to save face, though they do claim to have experience.

>> No.7679820

literally within minutes of something funny showing up on [insert site] I will see the same joke in different formats in different posts everywhere. note/upboat fever is a powerful sickness.

>> No.7679823

4chan != /b/

>> No.7679824
File: 31 KB, 500x404, Bsc3iIrCcAAhNkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7679825

Yeah. Part of the reason that quote is so popular because it's basically reddit in a nutshell.

>> No.7679827

4chan is top of the internet food chain (in the west at least), Reddit and Tumblr combined wouldn't be able to topple us.

>> No.7679830

HOLD up we are just now getting reports that the bdsm panel might have done a ~live~ demonstration

>> No.7679831

That's the issue with reddit.

Say something that doesn't agree with the hivemind? Downvoted to oblivion.

Post a picture of your cancerous cat watching the game and reacting? HAB AN UPBOAT.

To be fair, it happens on 4chan too, just not as quickly.

It's why memes from a long time ago (boku no pico, etc) are still funny. People don't try to one-up each other with BETTER images or BETTER instances of the joke.

You also don't have to see the front page of the board spammed with the same joke for weeks at a time. I'm talking about that stupid sunglasses kid meme that people photoshopped into everything.

>> No.7679832

And we all secretly use all of them

>> No.7679834

From recent lolita drama that happened on /soc/ we know at least some 50+ hang out on that board.

>> No.7679837

Is this guy autistic? He sure seems like it in some of his other vids, especially that video game one.

>> No.7679839
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>> No.7679840

Cgl isn't that nice, but compared to 4chan in general its not so bad. This is one of the few boards where people know each other irl, so maybe thats a factor.
Y-y-you too :3
Ballpit kun. He... didn't make it....

>> No.7679842

Speak for yourself, faggot.

>> No.7679844

Yeah, he is pretty clearly autistic. One of the girls in the videos (the constitution one) came here and said he was weird as fuck and she didn't even realized she was being filmed because so many other people were taking pictures and talking to her. Also, who pees all over a toilet and videotapes them doing it?

>> No.7679849


Nah, some boards have decent bonds with one another. It's only an issue when one tries to force their way of thinking onto another.

>> No.7679850

I mean the soccer subreddits are worse than their usual problem with their upvoting system.

>> No.7679851


I refuse to get a Reddit account and participate in that shit.

>> No.7679852

Something happened on the Internet and The Daily Dot is there.

>> No.7679853

Knowing each other irl just means more vendetta-chans and drama posts

>> No.7679855

>Also, who pees all over a toilet and videotapes them doing it?
Enlighten folks who experience euphoria on multiple occasions

>> No.7679856
File: 52 KB, 800x533, father_ted_down_with_this_sort_of_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah dear anon, the ride has only begun.

>> No.7679860
File: 22 KB, 475x267, otacon(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-ballpit had a hard life

>> No.7679862

it seems to be more boards that already have some stuff in common. Like I would say /tg/ and /cgl/ have an ok relationship due to the mutual interest of larping. But I don't go on /tg/ so I could be wrong..
/fit/ used to come here and make threads but there was always a very mixed reaction to that and they aren't allowed anymore.

>> No.7679865

How long until "I SURVIVED DASH CON" t-shirts come out?

>> No.7679867

or le epic trolls :^)

>> No.7679868

why not be a good capitalist and make your own on zazzle or redbubble before anyone else does

>> No.7679869
File: 317 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mjdn06pNbC1s2b6qho9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably just some shibari.

>> No.7679870

This being the /cosplay/ board, I'd imagine a bit of the occasional /tg/, /v/, /co/, /a/, /tv/, /mlp/ input for the "fan" related stuff

>> No.7679871

/k/ likes /out/ but /out/ hates /k/ now and /pol/ is trying to replace that.

Otherwise, Im not even kidding, /an/ and /k/ are like a married couple.

>> No.7679872
File: 19 KB, 434x245, tumblr_n8n675Nw5w1rqr46go1_500[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably posted before but whatever

the irony

>> No.7679874

>It's what's pretty much threatened to destroy video games, it's what obliterated animation, and many other things fall short thanks to it.

Can you explain?

>These are the same people who get into Kingdom Hearts because OMG AKUROKU ^W^ SQUEEE and the same people who comprised 90% of the Invader Zim fanbase.

Honestly the 14-15 year olds who were into IZ were eccentric as hell but they genuinely seemed to like what they did. Not to mention these particular fandoms came around before the whole geek chic thing.

>> No.7679875

Man, this was all shits and giggles for me for a while until one of my artistbros mentioned how they used tumblr as a networking tool and the possible damage to their pr could possibly hurt them... Even if Dashcon is in no way officially affiliated with Tumblr/Yahoo, impressions and viral internet news can do a doozie on your rep, which makes me feel bad and I guess sort of makes me a little wary for myself too.

I guess I can keep laughing until the end of all this, but once it's really all finished I hope more than anything else that the founders/admin of this fucking trainwreck get reamed for every fucking act of negligence and unprofessionalism they've shown this weekend. I hope Dashcon LLC gets utterly destroyed and, at the risk of sounding like a sociopath, I hope every major admin involved in this fiasco feels the financial and professional hurt for years to come.

>> No.7679877

Yeah the layout bothers me too. It's really counterproductive to discussions and makes things hard to read and encourages posts to focus on one upping another person with jokes ad infinitum. I like the way the different subreddits are so separate though, there's less cross board awful leaking into different boards.

holy shit this imagery

>> No.7679879

you do it

>> No.7679882

That one faggy /k/ denizen again.

/tg/ and /lit/ come to us for military history/weapon specs so fucking much it isn't even funny.

>> No.7679883

More cringe


>> No.7679886

hi Tim
I like your tumblr, even your shitposts
imagine all this in a spoiler ty

>> No.7679889

Well that makes sense, you know the stuff they want to know

I can't even tell the difference between clips and magazines, myself

>> No.7679892

I crossboard /tg/ and /k/ a shitload myself actually. To the point where my range buddies are in a game right now.

>> No.7679893

If I were whoever is in charge of Tumblr I wouldn't have allowed them to affiliate themselves with Tumblr in any way whatsoever, or at least I'd have done everything in my power to stop them.

>> No.7679894

>bank limits
Aren't us banks insured for 100,000k?
what kinda shite bank were they using?

>> No.7679898

Sort of. The west coast seagull community is pretty close knit. I think the potential for drama keeps people in line as much as anything. That plus the 4chan userbase in general is a bit older now. People don't seem to want to start as much shit now.

>> No.7679901

>Bisexuals DO read!
Huh. I never would have guessed. Learned something today.

>> No.7679904

Bank of Under My Matress probably

>> No.7679908

This may surprise you but they're probably lying

>> No.7679910


It is, but goddamn they've got a mean streak.

>> No.7679911

Yep. There was a progress update just a few weeks ago.

>> No.7679912

Yeah but is it so hard to look up "how romans fought. What were marius' mules?"

Or even "How would a 20mm FOOTURE handgun work out?"

All it takes is a bit of googling unless you're asking extremely obscure shit. And I mean obscure like "How did the romans fight the sandpeople of Judea" .

Not to mention the occasional grill asking "omg guys i need gun bcuz live in detroit. what shuld first gun b?"

>> No.7679916

dashcon has a disclaimer on their site saying they are not affiliated with yahoo/tumblr in any way. (they also had to change their name from tumblcon to dashcon for that reason)

>> No.7679917
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oh, and...

>> No.7679923
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>> No.7679925

>Business savvy
>Running AV right into the ground
>AV going from "somewhat decent con with surprising amount of guests" to "everyone's pretty sure this is the last year"
Neither here nor there as far as thread relation, but the current mess that is the AV clusterfuck of lack of funds, petty infighting amongst staff, and at the very least some shady shit involving underage girls makes me wonder if it'll even exist this year.
>Source: I would have been staff had I been in town for college. More than half of the current and former staff members are friends of mine. Oh, and Rich tried to date my mom

>> No.7679931
File: 98 KB, 500x375, 1375323074152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was discussed in one of the past threads that the disclaimer on Dashcon's official tumblr/site should be enough to cover their asses from tumblr, at the very least. Still, I'm a little anxious about the "unofficial" relationship between the two-- Tumblr's name is still going get some tarnish since Dashcon is still marketing itself as a "tumblr irl" sort of deal. As much as I'd love for Tumblr-the-company to come crashing down on Dashcon, I don't know if they'd be able to bring real legal muscle since the one thing Dashcon was able to do right was apparently protect themselves from the website they were derived from.

o-oh thanks anon. I like you.

>> No.7679941

requesting a high quality photo of the ballpit

>> No.7679945

Arkh project 2014

>> No.7679946

>“i donated at least $360 from straight out of my bag and was wondering if i would see any of that ever again,”
I hope not because you clearly do not deserve it

>> No.7679947

This is like Ultimacon in New Orleans back in 2012. They over estimated the crowd expected for a first year con. Their hotel required them to fill x number of hotel rooms in the block. They fell way short on quota for rooms booked, so they canceled the event and never refunded preregistration people.

Luckily some Cospayers made their own con to spend the weekend called Aquaricon which is now an annual thing


>> No.7679951
File: 1.68 MB, 300x259, hitler happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it turns out /cgl/ is actually pretty cool

>> No.7679952

>Support video games for queer people and people of color!
>$6,525USD raised of $3,900 goal

Tumblr please stop

>> No.7679955

/pol/ isn't, never has been, and never will be cool.

>> No.7679958

I thought Arkh project was fucking dead

>> No.7679960

Don't believe what most of the other boards tell you.

The gross female shit threads are only once in a blue moon.

Or so it was when I used to lurk here a lot; lately because of working full time and going all over teh place I haven't had enough time to cosplay and post shit all over here. The times are a changing.

>> No.7679968

A fool and his money are soon parted.

>> No.7679973

Hmm. This is actually similar to that idea a bunch of us had fun with on Friday if 4chan were to make its own "convention" by flying into a city and going around and having fun; rather than spending time in a hotel or a convention center, the idea would be to host meetups and impromptu panels around the city at specified locations.

Aquari-con doesn't take place in a hotel or a convention center. It's all in an aquarium instead.

>> No.7679976

Looks like DashCon is trying to sell shirts to get money as well. The parody shirts are better than theirs are.


>> No.7679977

oh it is (last update: 2 years ago)

>> No.7679978
File: 108 KB, 549x501, problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still hold out hope for at the very least more terrible stories by Riley about the MC bullying her little brother until the brother cuts off his penis because he hates being more black than her (somehow the MC is still the good guy in this)

>> No.7679983


More details about the Tumblr University fiasco. Any info about the promo video that was filmed at Wondercon, or the cosplayers involved?

>> No.7679987

Chicago would work. It has that whole museum campus, easy public transport, and god-ter food.

>> No.7679988

/tg/ and /toy/ are my main boards.

>> No.7679991

That's the tip of the shit iceberg.

It's a great laugh for the
> incredibly racist/offensive black transasian head Riley
>worst design document in the history of games
>use of ALL their indiegogo money on cookie cutter concept art
>moar money begging, even after their previous games mitsumata and papapirate baby wtf crashed and burned
> terrible showing on "the next game boss"

>> No.7679992

I'd love to have a shirt that says "DashCon asdfghjkl;" Wouldn't you?

>> No.7679993

>every single one of them is white

Well that's no surprise whatsoever.

>> No.7679995

why does /cgl/ hate white people so much?

>> No.7679998

They're pretty obviously pointing out the hypocrisy of your typical Tumblr SJW decrying the whitewashing of video games and/or representation in the government

>> No.7679999


It's not that.

It's the fact that it's tumblr. who are constantly bashing white people and singing the praises of "people of color", holding an entirely white convention.

>> No.7680001

Doubt it was entirely white. See a lot of hooked noses in those videos, clearly der jude is quite prevalent in tumblr.

>> No.7680002

It got hot again a little bit ago for WHATEVER reason, but it still very much exists, scamming people to this day.

> plot twist: Arkh project was behind Dashcon

>> No.7680004

>not the whitest of people

>> No.7680010

I'm fucking hype for the arkh project to get an early access steam greenlight release :^)

>> No.7680030

Holy fuck sauce?

>> No.7680034

Why is no one doing anything about the thread autosagging? it's slowing down but things are just starting to heat up. It's hitting the media and don't forget ballpit and SMH implied they'd give us the real scoop after the con was over.

>> No.7680038

>that image quality

>> No.7680039

We're only on page 4, calm down.

>> No.7680041

Because /cgl/ is such a slow board we don't need to have a constantly bumping thread.

People will use the catalog.

Someone can make a new one, I guess, but there's no real need for it.

If people want to find the Dashcon thread, they know where to find it.

>> No.7680042
File: 67 KB, 397x815, dashhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're onto you, 4chan. We are tumblr; we don't forget and we don't forgive.

>> No.7680045
File: 68 KB, 500x481, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expect this at SDCC now

>> No.7680049
File: 146 KB, 419x284, ama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hm, I wonder what board you're from!

Nah though, Tumblr doesn't care about Jews. There, you're either white or POC. Jewish probably counts as white to them.
And like anon said, Tumblr has this huge culture based upon "WHITE PEOPLE ARE TERRIBLE, THEY RUIN EVERYTHING."
DashCon really proved that Tumblr's SJWs are just middle-class white girls ripping up their own background.
I think there were 2 black people at the entire con. Maybe some hidden Asians.

>> No.7680053

Never visited this board before.

Thank you Tumblr and CGL for the laughs.

Truly outstanding job.

>> No.7680055


Are we seriously sitting here trying to say that tumblr is better than 4chan? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.7680056

Something Awful is the oldest child who moved out years ago. A good portion of the shit that the other siblings steal from each other are hand-me-downs from him. He's kind of a dick, but, like 4chan, is aware of the fact.

9gag is the kid next door who just started middle school and never. shuts. up.

>> No.7680057

There was like one Asian in one of the videos.

Also I can't really stand their "poc" shit either. Boyfriend is Asian and one tumblr fuck tried to convince him to dump me and date her because "us poc gotta stick together!"

>> No.7680058
File: 847 KB, 245x200, tumblr_ma2vi81TdV1rcyxhzo3_r1_250[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread needs more puppies

>> No.7680062

>They both think they're so edgy and cool and counter-culture.
What? Nobody on 4chan thinks that besides retards on /b/ and /v/. Do you even post on 4chan?

>> No.7680063

>Jewish probably counts as white to them.

It's a bit more awkward, because Palestine.

>> No.7680065

sound really cool, but If you went to del-mar its shit for firearms but pretty good for gearqueers
This guy gets it
Go for the shits and giggles
I go on armlist to one of the only places you can find some decent prices, without someone trying to rip you off.

>> No.7680066

But why are they asking to stop supporting Nightvale?

>> No.7680068

I don't know what's more cringe worthy, the con itself or those videos.

>> No.7680069

>Are we seriously sitting here trying to say that tumblr is better than 4chan?
Are you retarded?

Where does anything that they wrote imply that at all.

>> No.7680070

Except someone has to have fake money mixed in the ball pit

>> No.7680072

>Something Awful is the oldest child who moved out years ago
I thought that was Ebaum's World

>> No.7680073

If I were black, even if I wanted to go to Dashcon I wouldn't. Can you even image how awkward it would be? Every single person at that convention would be trying to be your friend ALL WEEKEND. It would be like that Key & Peele skit where they're in a bar and white people keep coming up to them and apologizing for slavery, only it would be the entire bar and they'd all be landwhales.

>> No.7680076

>Using glorious czechnology for self termination.


>> No.7680077

Whoever buys the ball pit costume for Otakon, please mix some monopoly money into it. Maybe some homestucks too

>> No.7680079

No, it was at the Pomona fairgrounds

>> No.7680080


What? No. E-Baum's World was the shady uncle who nobody ever liked and you always found things missing from your room whenever he came over to visit.

What does this make YTMND, though? And Albino Black Sheep? Heck, what does it make Newgrounds?

>> No.7680084
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>> No.7680090
File: 1.31 MB, 300x169, 1375281468473.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit, the amount of time I spent on those sites...

The stupid shitty flash animations I made trying to be cool, too...

>> No.7680091


/a/, /out/, /biz/, and /vg/ here.

>> No.7680092

What movie is this from

>> No.7680096

Newgrounds is the great great grandpa who fought in the civil war, that everybody remembers fondly but doesn't spend too much time thinking about.

>> No.7680099

Reality Bytes

>> No.7680100

Tumblr is literally black and white. If you are white, even if you're jewish or hispanic and are white passing, you live a privileged life and will never know real struggle. These people are psychopaths.

Newgrounds is the crazy grandpa with tales of the old days. We had to wait for hours just to play shitty dating flash games featuring nge characters AND WE LIKED IT.

>> No.7680101

You poor thing.. it's Zoolander. You now know what you're doing this evening.

>> No.7680102

Despite all things, Tumblr cannot contain their boner for Asians.

>implying they know/care much about that

>> No.7680105

YTMND is the uncle who was always trying to have a good time but got drunk a lot and got into fights with his brother E-Baum during family reunions and stuff.

Albino Black Sheep is the family patriarch.

Newgrounds is the uncle who was once a really rich and successful businessman but now has lost everything and has to ask his family members for money.

>> No.7680108

It sure is tumblr here

>> No.7680111

>Tumblr cannot contain their boner for Asians.

No one can. They are superior. Except the singing. Goddamn, that singing.

>> No.7680112

>Despite all things, Tumblr cannot contain their boner for Asians.

I've never understood what SJWs have against somebody finding a specific race more sexually attractive than another race. Yes, I have yellow fever. Yes, I think Asian men and women are more sexually attractive than other races. I don't understand what's wrong with this. It's not like I think Asians are superior as a people because I think they're more sexually attractive. It's just my personal preference. What's wrong with that?

>> No.7680117

The only correct depiction of 4chan, Tumblr, Reddit etc webpages would be: bunch of sweaty awkward nerds

>> No.7680121

it has something to do with fetishization, like you dont see them as individuals and just single them down to physical characteristics and personality stereotypes or something like that

>> No.7680122

It's kind of like the transtrenders saying it's transphobic to not be attracted to them.

>> No.7680124
File: 170 KB, 567x709, dashcon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7680125

This is what I was going to say, but there's definitely a demographic on tumblr that thinks not being attracted to all people equally is racism. It's probably okay to not be attracted to white people though.

>> No.7680127


That's retarded, though. I can find somebody sexually attractive while still recognizing their worth as an individual. Hell, I can fap to somebody while doing the same, even.

Do SJWs really think it's impossible to be sexually attracted to somebody without sexually objectifying them? Is this a belief they seriously have? And these people are actually starting to gain a foothold in mainstream consciousness and politics and news outlets?

What the hell is even going on?

>> No.7680130

There's a new thread

>> No.7680137

You can't obviously have taste. It's your responsability to say that everyone is beautiful even if you don't think it at all. What, you don't like fat people or ugly people? You fatshaming shitlord!

>> No.7680141

Well, to be fair there actually are a lot of people who fetishize races. I think we all know that guy who believes Asian women are perfect little submissive waifus. Which if you know any Asian women is completely hilarious, but they don't.
I think what it really is is that they have noticed people generally seem to find white people most attractive and black people the least. So they believe this is because of racism effecting people's preferences without them knowing about it. If you are trying to look for better logic in Tumblr thinking, I'm afraid I have some bad news.

>> No.7680145

>calls tumblrtard fans terrible
>is butthurt over ~sacred~ simpson image being violated for worthwhile joke mocking them
Do you even know how many thousands of edits of that poster there are floating around out there

>> No.7680147

... kind of? it's a complicated train of thought that leads them to the "if you do this, you automatically are doing this" idea. And I wouldn't say that the more fantastical stretches of logic have any foothold in mainstream consciousness yeet

>> No.7680153

Funny thing is I find plenty of black women attractive but haven't found a single black man attractive once ever. tumblr can cry about it.

>> No.7680159

This is my favorite fucking thing to come out of these threads ahahaha

>> No.7680173

Apparently this person was also touching people's junks

>> No.7680174

Yeah tumblr doesn't realize it's more complicated. The people whose preferences go down linearly along with skin color aren't really that common. Like, I think asian guys and black guys are top tier, white guys a little below that and arabic guys dead last. A lot of people will like Asians and Latinas but not white girls etc. and I think that's way more common than whatever they think happens.

>> No.7680183


That's the thing though, isn't it? Tumblr sees everything in black and white, so they're entirely incapable of understanding how complicated real people actually are.

>> No.7680186

>arabic guys dead last
O-okay anon ;_;

>> No.7680208

Sorry anon :( I'm not saying I'd never find an arabic guy attractive it's just really rare. And it's definitely highly subjective, I think above anon is crazy for not finding black men attractive but whatever floats his/her boat.

>> No.7680220

>tfw the most attractive thing to me is a really white girl who speaks perfect mexican spanish

>> No.7680222
File: 109 KB, 406x406, shitniggathatsfunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It all comes tumbling down.

>> No.7680227

Someone doxxed Roxanne and Megan in an older thread.
Now I understand why Dashcon was only registered in Ohio.

>> No.7680228

I'm sure there's some out there I'd find attractive but I'm into more feminine men which black men rarely ever are.

>> No.7680288

why are custom shirts so expensive

>> No.7680311

>tumbling down

>not TUMBLRing down

>> No.7680316

They say do not stop.

>> No.7680324

Maybe not 'counter-culture' exactly, but you can't say that many of the opinions expressed on here aren't trying really hard to be the opposite of what's currently accepted, that lots of people romanticise the 1940s and 50s or times when 'men were men and fought in wars and women were in the kitchen,' or that whole mentality of being one of the only intelligent and cynical ones in a world of degeneracy and hedonism. Of course I'm generalizing, but still.

>> No.7680326

I'll just say this: All of this Dashcon bullshit, plus that one cute cosplayer, got me into listening to "Welcome to Night Vale".

So at least there's that.

>> No.7680328


>> No.7680334

Not really. Here's her picture: >>7675978
To be fair, she was still at Dashcon, which was never a good idea. I'm hoping she lived in Chicago and had nothing better to do.

>> No.7680340

don't worry, i find middle eastern/arabic guys super attractive

>> No.7680342

This would be even more hilarious if it was true.

>> No.7680348

I saw you mention AX before it is getting just as bad.
>so many people this year
>sold out on sat/sun
>most lines outside because fire marshal was called.
> everything has become so pricey
>any panel is hour and half wait to be in the middle of the room
>staff is beyond rude and vulgar
>all con goers treated like delinquents and constantly yelled at
>takes 20mins to get from one hall to the other on a good trip
>panels constantly changing/late/or cancelled

>AX14 was just too much for me
>been going since AX07
>told bf that i'm done with AX and want to try smaller cons
> idk where to start...

Flashfoward a few weeks
> havent been online since before AX
>come home and bf shows me this "Are you sure you want to go to smaller cons??lol"


>> No.7680355

She probably went just for the Nightvale guys. I imagine more than a few people went just for them.

>> No.7680365

They WERE supposed to be the biggest draw of the con. Apparently attendance dropped after WTNV walked out.

>> No.7680496
File: 863 KB, 539x269, O5ED4z8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, I feel you.

I've been attending AX since 2011 and so far the only con I've been going to. Seriously, AX has become so money-hungry, I decided to officially give up AX this year after trying to enter the JoJo panel (I was about to have a heat stroke after waiting for 7 hours on Day 0 and feeling sweaty and exhausted with the huge load of crowds this year holy shit)

I'm making plans to attend ALA 2015 since my badge got transferred, and I heard it's WAAY much better than AX. I also heard great things about PMX, Anime California, and Ninjacon too.

Never be afraid to try new cons.

>> No.7680534

Go to small cons that estimate low attendence.

Dashcon bragged they'd have 3000 people their first year.

>> No.7680535

and /o/

>> No.7680542

Go to established small cons
Like Anime California
or Wondercon

>> No.7680551
File: 183 KB, 567x709, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7680608

Thanks anons I've heard good things about anime california and I have had a few friends who have gone to wonder con so I might try those next year.

In 07 AX was the one most amazing thing and was amazing if i got to go one day
and the last 3 or 4 years AX has been the only thing I could afford to go to. Literally saving up all year to get a hotel, badges, cosplays, transportation/parking, food ect for Me, sister, and bf

>> No.7680668

The only worthwhile episode was that "Story of You" or whatever episode, the one where it's Cecil narrating a day in "your" life.

>> No.7680681
File: 260 KB, 636x973, Family.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done. Anon delivers.

>> No.7680694


>> No.7680697


>> No.7680707

Nah that was someone else, but I have had friends who try to get me to go to AX with them. Every year they complain about a new fanbase or how they couldn't buy anything they wanted. I'm way snobbier than they are about weeb stuff, so I imagine I wouldn't have much fun unless I spent most of the day making fun of people.

>> No.7680713


>> No.7680813
File: 795 KB, 604x568, one crack rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7681207


>> No.7681594

What if they used the ballpit as a joke, because that's where they'll be swimming in the 17k?

>> No.7681614

>established small cons
>anime California
Nigga you high? Ac is a first year con

>> No.7681893

>AX 2007

The worst AX in the last 10 years, easily. I did get to meet Oreskaband that year, but everything else about the con was balls

>> No.7682415

tell him to literally commit suicide

>> No.7682431

go be a newfag somewhere else

>> No.7682504

40+ regular cgl user here.

>> No.7682886
File: 168 KB, 425x450, 1344549313986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go be a landwhale somewhere else.

>> No.7683679

*ball pit

there was only one

stupid tumblr fags

>> No.7684193

>If I were black, even if I wanted to go to Dashcon I wouldn't.

If I were black I would use my black status to solicit pity sex from those women.

>> No.7685471

For those who haven't got the summary of it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr73Cs9Ihlo