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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 104 KB, 832x960, lolita_secrets_by_nodamer-d4uijji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7665909 No.7665909 [Reply] [Original]

If you've got pre-BtB secrets saved somewhere on your computer, I'd like to see 'em.

Ideally if there's some storage site with them all catalogued nicely with dates, that would be wonderful, but if not, just dump remnants.

I'm generally interested in how secrets have evolved over time, so if any of you have information regarding how they started, ect, I'd love to hear it.

>> No.7668652

Fuck. I'd be so interested, but my PC crashed last month and i lost everything.

>> No.7668993

back when I was a mod of the now dead loli_secrets, most people would tag their secrets on tinypic under a variation of 'loli secret' or 'l_s'. I imagine you can still search that tag.

And holy shit do I still have bad flashback memories of the horrible shit people submit that I wouldn't post.

>> No.7669001

I imagine they started because of postsecret and its spinoffs. Post secret got so popular but would only post really juicy secrets and people in fandoms and subcultures wanted to ~confess~ too so a billion spinoffs were born.

>> No.7669010

>horrible shit people submit that I wouldn't post
Like what?

>> No.7669023

We took turns posting secrets each week and for some reason most of the fucked up ones came on my turn.

most were really, really hateful or racist secrets. I had to quit after a while because reading them made me physically ill.

There was one where the it described plans on how to rape one popular loli at that time (can't be arsed to remember who now). Like details on where she presumably lived and all that. I think it was fake because I tried googling the address and it was nonsense, but I didn't want to risk the chance.

Then there were the ones who submitted gore, just to fuck with the mods.

And normal secrets with delayed jump scares. Though they were easy to spot because of the .gif extension.

And so. many. foot. fetish. secrets.

Once in a while, you get dick pics too. I don't know why.

>> No.7669030

Hahaha oh wow. That's wild.

>> No.7669332

OP here, would you mind telling me what year you were moderating? Just out of curiosity!

And thank you for the tags tip!

>> No.7669354
File: 57 KB, 550x773, 34oq2c5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These old school secrets are amazing

>> No.7669360
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>> No.7669367
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>> No.7669368

I think it was 2010.
If you're oldfag enough to remember the blowup over that hijab loli girl, that's around the time I quit.

>> No.7669371
File: 71 KB, 500x500, 2nl4l0z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7669377

>Not at all an oldfag
Was it a hijab loli secret or what?

>> No.7669395

as far as I can remember, it wasn't just one secret, but a few about a hijab girl who wore loli. a bunch of butthurt trolls were posting over how horrible a person she was for wearing the hijab and gasp- mixing religion into lolita. The comments were full of people just shouting at each other about islam and christianity and terrorists.

There were a lot of secrets about it for the next few weeks. I think we banned talking about it after a while or something like that. I can't really remember.

I felt really bad for the poor girl, she just wanted to show off her coord and the next thing she got was people photoshopping bombs and osama beards on her and publicly calling her a terrorist.

>> No.7669402

I feel old now, I didn't realize it was already 4 years ago...

>> No.7669408

I remember this! I wasn't even loli at the time I just liked reading secrets.

>> No.7669413

But I'm very glad to have the information! It's great having someone here who's had first hand experience modding the old secrets!

That is pretty terrible. I can see why you quit.

>> No.7669414

Man all these secrets are so lame and tame
Anybody remember sniper_nyan drama? I think that's what I started reading secrets.

>> No.7669419

Making me feel old, guise.

>flashbacks of the EGL post talking about working out at the gym in bloomers

And it's still funny.

>> No.7669423
File: 249 KB, 500x374, 15d4fb7.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone explain this one, please?

captcha; its possessed

>> No.7669428

Do explain, anon.

>> No.7669432



>> No.7669435
File: 54 KB, 832x241, xmloag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early SJWs

>> No.7669445

Thank you!

>> No.7671212

it wouldn't happen to be the Sugar Noor girl would it? People still get buttmad that she tweaks her coords to fit her religion

>> No.7671228 [DELETED] 
File: 82 KB, 630x630, kk her u go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671235

Yeah, the drama about that finally cooled down but it never really left.

Is this really old though? I don't think I've been around that long and I remember this.

>> No.7671239

Not too old, a little bit after march I think is when this one was posted

>> No.7671242

oh whoops I misread the thread, I thought we were just posting secret
I'll try to delete my post
sage because I'm dumb

>> No.7671257
File: 40 KB, 1251x497, 2a7ikas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671259
File: 82 KB, 800x600, lolisecret7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a fun remnant

>> No.7671260
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>> No.7671262
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>> No.7671264
File: 98 KB, 600x600, r7500m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7671290

I helped run community early on. Secrets were pretty tame. People mostly posted about how they wanted a lolita twin, how they hated the weebs in their community, ugly brand items, pet peeves, etc. It only started to get really ugly when people started targeting specific lolitas/communities and new rules had to be implemented about personal attacks. And then it had to be amended /again/ because there would be enough detail to be able to discern the subject of the secret. The posts had to be constantly edited to remove these.

>> No.7671369

... Even if this is old as shit, I really want to know who it was. I wouldn't be surprised if it was Megan Maude.

>> No.7671391

Meh, I think this is too specific to be real. I doubt someone in cahoots with someone like that would put her on the spot.
Confession, I once made a secret stating I shoplifted from AP USA. People got really mad and submitted it to the shop staff... I've never even been to AP USA.

>> No.7671407

True, that could be the case. I wouldn't be shocked if it really did happen though, having dealt with her in the past.

Plus, stealing whatever she could grab would explain the ugly ass prints she uses.

>> No.7671442

Lol, true true

>> No.7671457

Thank you for continuing to upload secrets!
It's interesting how the secrets have become more malicious overtime.

>Also OP here

>> No.7671534
File: 37 KB, 500x457, 10fyfxu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671540
File: 27 KB, 637x228, 121a6f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671545

Holy fuck, just found this treasure trove. It looks like they might have every secret ever, basically.


>> No.7671552
File: 436 KB, 500x281, Arthur-I-m-Proud-of-You-Vingnette-4-3-arthur-and-gwen-29182416-500-281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You done good anon, you done good.

>> No.7671554
File: 74 KB, 777x600, 2mmdamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. I found a few more on tinypic, so I'll post those up too. But damn, whoever had the patience to fill that photobucket.. Sheesh.

>> No.7671556
File: 30 KB, 450x452, i2qauh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671558

This is brilliant... good work anon.

>> No.7671559
File: 56 KB, 721x401, lolitasecret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671562
File: 85 KB, 724x551, 2uswo5w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671563

not all of them, no MM wank that I can see, there most def was several secrets with her in the diaper.

but yes, excellent find!

>> No.7671564

We owe Dolores Hayes a great debt. All bow to the one who created this marvelous collection, preserving lolita ancestor dramu forever.

>> No.7671565
File: 80 KB, 800x532, 9aec7c1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7671567
File: 44 KB, 347x582, 2moq99v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7671569
File: 51 KB, 480x640, 2saaujb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw some Mabet secrets on there, so, I had hope. But you're right, I forgot about the MM wank. That was delicious.

>> No.7671574

That reminds me of my BF.
I love him but there isn't anyrthing more tiring than a professional whiner with a victim complex.

People will buy and empathize with your "problems" the few first time but after a while they'll understand you're nothing but a negative entitled attentionwhore emotinally leeching off people.

Learn to suck it up.

>> No.7671576

All hail St Dolores. This is a goldmine.

>> No.7671579

This reminds me of someone I was growing to be close friends with. She acted out one too many times though and I did dump her. Of course she whined more and accused me if spoiling Lolita for her and turning people against her. I didn't say anything more because I did see people ditch her in my wake but I think they were just looking for the opportunity to jump ship from the friendship too, same as me. No one likes a 'friend' like this.

>> No.7671630
File: 81 KB, 382x540, lsws0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, fuck, this one's kind of prophetic.

>> No.7671634

In fairness, hijab aside, 4 out of 5 of Noor's coords are not really lolita. They'd be cute fairy kei or other JFashion styles, but I think it's the fact that she does stuff like wears jeans and calls it lolita that pisses people off.

>> No.7671792

Glad I'm not the only one who was active at that time. Up to this day I don't get why people got so offended.

>> No.7671796

Was she wearing AP? Creepy...

>> No.7671799

no I heard she jumped off naked.

>> No.7671802

The MM diaper thing made me lose faith that any western Lolita designer could become an actual contender. But on the bright side, it just pushed me to start buying some brand and that was a good thing!

>> No.7671804


People get buttmad because tumblr orgasms over her subpar coords purely because she's a muslim, not because she's a muslim.

>> No.7671822

Sweet memories of the shitstorm my blasphemina's closet secret posted.

For those who don't know, some dress by blasphemina's closet went missing. I posted a fake secret about how I had stolen it, and though I can't remember the exact words, I remember I made it all sad (I'm so sorry, it's too late to give it back). I *think* I said I had, or was going to dispose of it to rid my guilt. Can't remember.

People fell for it, big time. The owner posted a pic of her crying. Some psychologist analysing me over the internet, but I can't remember what was said. The best bit was when I said it was all just a lie, and people thought that was me trying to worm my way out of things. People still believed I had actually stolen the damn dress.

>> No.7671831

Oh shit, I remember that. That designer came across as very entitled, even before the secret. The way she was just whinging about how that dress going missing was her entire income gone or some shit.

>> No.7671834

wait, so she really jumped?

>> No.7671836

Are we talking about the girl that was on drugs and jumped off a hotel roof or something?

>> No.7671882


Wow, that brings back memories. What's Megan Maude up to these days?

>> No.7671889

Yeah, I don't think that's the same person. This was probably posted way before.

>> No.7671892

Oh my god I completely agree with this secret. Hitler was probably a better person too.

>> No.7671893

poopan in diapers I guess

>> No.7671918

>>7671822 here

I can't find the main gtfo page anymore, it's been deleted, but this:


I am the cause of all this. Watching this shit storm unfold was glorious.

I've made several troll secrets that caused drama, but sadly they're the only ones I can really remember with any detail.

>> No.7671965

No, it wasn't the same person. The girl who jumped was a sweet lolita, but she wasn't wearing much of anything when she jumped off the car park.

>> No.7671986

> Dolores Hayes

I see what photobucket anon did there. And I approve.

>> No.7671987

>look, I got the Nabokov reference
Do you want a lollipop, anon ?

>> No.7671989

I would like one yes.

>> No.7672032

Were you the same girl who trolled with that secret about shoving jewelry up your butt and then re-selling it on the comm sales? I remember loling heartily over that one.

>> No.7672040

Ok, I have to ask...I missed this one, evidently.

>> No.7672055
File: 43 KB, 480x360, mysecretgs8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People FREAKED THE FUCK OUT about it, even though it was obvious trolling. I can't blame them, since it's super gross, but I laughed. Really, really fucking hard.

>> No.7672076

lel, so much better than "you're such a bitch no one likes you" vendetta-chan secrets

>> No.7672079
File: 1.35 MB, 500x200, IndieSnakes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7672085

Haha, nice!
All I could think of was "damn, those sharp edges..."
Too funny!
Yeah, the secrets are more dull now...

>> No.7672152
File: 65 KB, 500x600, xxx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fantastic, 10/10 trolling.
Trying to imagine someone this up their ass nowadays.

>> No.7672191


godammit, way to make me feel old at 19 anon

>> No.7672194

Nuuuu, no ponies go up the butt, pls!

>> No.7672196

Better turn off your trip because people are going to bitch at you in every thread.

>> No.7672198

I'm think about selling mine in gold because I got the pendant instead.

I promise I won't plug my butt with it first guys...

>> No.7672203

asexuality isn't a thing in humans, though. We're all sexual beings, in some way. No animal is asexual or chooses not to have sex, ever. Animals ARE, however, homosexual.

People who claim to be asexual are just prudes. Also, never met an asexual person who isn't shitty and superior towards people who do have sex. Being asexual makes people assholes.

>> No.7672205

hahaha as if EVERYONE wouldn't want to be library manager

>> No.7672207

is it bad that I've always really liked sniper?

I fucking loved her blog, aesthetic lolita. I wish it was still around so I could read the entries.

Plus I always though Sniper was super cute

>> No.7672211

You guys should visit Mackinac Island

>> No.7672213

sounds like you don't know anyone who is actually asexual. they do exist, sexism-chan
but like transtrenders, there are plenty of speschul snowflake chans who just say they are for attention.

>> No.7672216

I know a good amount of pretty normal asexuals

You sounds like one close minded mother fucker

>> No.7672220

It's not real. I remember the girl who made this. Just a shit stirrer.

>> No.7672223

Is it in the wayback?

>> No.7672224

Asexuality is something that can occur. People need to have certain hormones in order to feel attraction which can be absent in some people. If the part of the brain that triggers arousal is damaged people can lose interest in sex.
Even stuff stuff like major depression can turn people asexual because they lose sense of pleasure and interest in everything. Chemical castration can also cause asexuality. Not all humans are the same and some are just not interested in sex.

>> No.7672233

There are lots of cases of asexuality as a breeding problem in captive animals too? Not ALL those pandas can possibly be Demi-sexual lesbians, I think...

>> No.7672234

Yeah, I agree with this.

I guess my point is that you can't be asexual and, like. be completely normal. You know what I mean? Asexuality is actually a disease in humans, caused by the same things that cause depression.

Saying "I'm asexual and it's my choice, but I'm still healthy and normal" is like saying "I'm clinically depressed and it's my choice, but I'm still healthy and normal"... In both cases it's an illness caused by messed up hormones

>> No.7672237

*causes depression

I do speak-a the English, lol.

>> No.7672245


I feel like you guys defending asexuals are the same bitches who fetish-shame people like MM for wearing diapers and the girls who ageplay in lolita.

Dunno why it's totally okay in the SJW world to be asexual or a whore who sleeps with everyone they meet, but yet it's totally okay to fetish-shame people (and often people with the weirdest of fetishes are in loving, committed relationships)

>> No.7672272

I think >>7672203 is confusing asexuality for agendered or something.

Asexual is just a term for people who have a low low sex drive due to factors such as low hormones and similar things. It has nothing to do with what you're talking about at all. It's also thought to be something that happens at random when populations of animals in the wild are too high.

Pandas aren't asexual, they're just lazy. Legit. Look shit up before you try to talk.

>> No.7672278
File: 450 KB, 1574x947, 1323809903875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ BtB secret about wanting to go home after a meet to fart

>> No.7672288
File: 90 KB, 600x640, toooldforlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I know it's from BtB, but I meant to save it for a future reaction image. I think that image there and this one is pre-Btb though.

Does anyone remember the silly secret about a lolita fangirling over Snape?

>> No.7672294

>you guys are the same ones who fetish shame
>because I just made that up. nothing you said had anything to do with that.

>> No.7672296

Looking constipated, mostly. I haven't seen her in like a year, but I'm not Atlanta local. She just seems to be going about being frenemies with everyone without making too many serious waves herself, preferring to watch and egg others on behind the scenes .

Ah, shame.

>> No.7672299

I never understood the idea that someone could be too 'old' for lolita or any fashion. I guess that the western world has the concept of rebellious youth, but Japan doesn't have that. There's no stage in which you are supposed to rebel or be different or anything, so it's not going to matter how old you are, it was never acceptable. I don't why can't we accept that here, people grow out of things naturally, and that's fine, but there's no reason to force them to just because of something stupid like age.

>> No.7672303

I don't either (then again, I've never posted a single secret either). I think that the person who made this was referring to butthurt ita-newbs who don't bother learning from people who came up with the guidelines in hope for making it easier to get into lolita. I dunno. According to my file, it was saved since 2011, so it was a different time and POV.

>> No.7672417

Fuck I remember you! You said that the guilt consumed you so you threw the dress into the garbage or something. People were pissed as hell- calling cops, forming support groups for the designer, organizing dress search and rescues, lots of crazy shit.
Good times.

>> No.7672422

>Asexual is just a term for people who have a low low sex drive
No. Asexual = not experiencing sexual attraction. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.7672425

Yeah, most of the time when I see people complaining about age, it's because they think a particular lolita is too wrinkly and shit to be a lolita anymore.
Especially if they wear sweet.

So it's just another dumb aesthetic thing.

>> No.7672428

I love it that more people are hanging on to the frills despite getting older. It's more fun because I'm not as self-conscious, my budget is much bigger and I'm more stylish than I was when younger. Sure, young people sometimes say auntie and granny, and hag face, old bitch to some older Lolitas, but funny, we just don't seem to care. We just go buy another dress.

>> No.7672430

I have a close friend who's asexual aromantic (not wanting anything to do with romantic relationships), and she seems pretty happy and normal.

I think like with anything else it's a case by case basis. Like maybe some people are hormonally jacked so they're depressed asexuals, but some aren't, ect. I'm sure there's a spectrum.

>> No.7672432

I was a mod for l_s at one point too, there was a week where someone kept submitting some girl's personal info pasted over her nudes.

>> No.7672439
File: 322 KB, 250x156, SirWiig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>older, but
>bigger budget
>not as self conscious
>more stylish

>that feel

>> No.7672453

Social Justice has been around for forever, anon. It's not a new concept or a "tumblr thing".

>> No.7672459

Social Justice=/=SJW

>> No.7672467
File: 1.29 MB, 413x192, youreafag.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baww you guys out-argued me and I don't have a reply so I'ma call you fetish-shamers while I still slut shame and act like a sexist cunt
>mfw my twin sister is literally asexual and I was heavily involved in Osaka's fetish community

>> No.7672469

Jesus christ, don't even try. I was around in 2005. I feel like you guys are my daughters or some shit half the time. Enjoy your youth, it only happens once in a lifetime.
>fuck, I'm old.

>> No.7672471


>> No.7672473

> projecting this hard

>> No.7672476

I am loving this thread. I wish I had some old secrets to contribute.

>> No.7672479


>> No.7672480

How cool is that" still wearing the frills, I hope. What would you say the biggest differences between then and now are?

>> No.7672491

Youngin. Theosakakoneko is a well known lolita longtime lolita that was around since the early 2000's. She lived in Japan for a while and later started her own brand. She's also heavily involved in fetish culture. She's not as involved in the lolita community anymore, though she still wears it.

>> No.7672495

I wish she was. I got into the fashion fairly recently (~3 years ago), but I liked looking back and reading her blog.

>> No.7672506

Oh yeah, still going strong! The biggest difference is the ease of getting into the style. New girls pretty much have the world at their fingertips; tutorials, years of reviews, etc. There was literally next to nothing when I joined. A few vague tutorials in the memories, but purchasing an outfit and putting something together wasn't so easy in those days.

Pretty much says it all, really. I remember when the comm was still only the black and white background, and how we barely knew what the fashion looked like in terms of up to date styles. People would scan Mooks and past issues of the Bibles and we'd basically try and throw shit together that kind of looked similar. It was extremely rare for people to have brand, then.

There was ONE e-bay seller that sold lolita style shoes, and they were so dodgy that we ended up having to boycott the seller after she messed up a whole bunch of orders. Everyone wore black shoes with any color outfit, because of the expense of getting different shoes (Japanese lolitas did too in those days for the most part). I had to use shopping services for everything; Baby and AP, every brand wanted nothing to do with opening up their doors.

When Meta opened up international shipping, it was like the Lolita Gods had smiled upon us. The community grew, by the thousands, and things just kind of progressed from there. When we grew so big and so busy that we had to separate the comm into a sales community and a social community, it kind of came as a shock.

>fuck I'm old. Memories.

>> No.7672512

So fun to hear. How has your style changed and evolved? Still get excited for new releases and such or not as much? (If you don't mind the questions...)

>> No.7672551

Oh, I'm not bothered. I've gone back and forth between different styles. When I started old-school was, uhmm.. not old. Just the style of the time. So, I have pieces in my closet that are from the early 2000's. I eventually got more interested in goth and classic, and even a little sweet, but mostly darker colors. Now I tend to wear a lot of classic and old-school, still in darker colors. Around 80% of my closet is black. I really enjoy collecting pieces from the time when I first got into lolita.

I used to get really excited about the new releases, like, I wigged out with Beardsley Rose was released (still haven't acquired that one yet). But now I'm just kind of not phased. Most of the things I wear are more understated, and there really isn't any "new release" hype for the pieces I'm drawn to.

>> No.7672736

Pandas have the right idea, who the hell wants to raise kids? Giving up years of my life to attend to a wailing potato that won't let me sleep, no thanks.
I also just read if they have twins, they usually let one die. Lolol

>> No.7672797

that last bit is true for most animals. pandas especially though, their diet is so barely sustaining that the milk just isn't plentiful or nutritious enough to support two babies

>> No.7672813

Go back to /soc/ and flash your bloomers some more you skank.

>> No.7672823

Oh that makes sense. I thought it was more like "well I really don't want to raise TWO babbys..."
I wonder with some animals though, like cats. I had a mom cat who was terrible and always killed kittens even though there was obviously plenty of food. It was random numbers so I don't think it was a milk thing. I always wondered if she just didn't want to deal with so many or something.

>> No.7672955

no one was offended. she's an idiot. good god i do wonder what unseelie is up to now adays though...i stopped seeing her pop up after her loli foxtail buttplug thing

>> No.7672966

omg i remember reading that shit! Secrets are so boring in comparison now i just kinda skim through them.

>> No.7672982

I don't care about anyone's sexuality or fetishes unless I know them REALLY well but if people put them OUT there in the public reach, it's more than a bit naive to think they won't be discussed and yes, judged.

>> No.7672995
File: 49 KB, 332x500, 1308943689962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the AP (I think it was AP? Or Baby; I can hardly tell the difference between the two) suing drama l_s? The, "If you discredit us, we must sue you," one.

>> No.7672999

baby. it's always baby

>> No.7673009

Yuuuup. Good ol' wu_chan.

>> No.7673015

I follow her tumblr now, lol. It's all weeby and very... Attack on Titan. I used to love Aesthetic Lolita too, though.

>> No.7673062

She was irritating as fuck, sorry anon. Aesthetic Lolita was like reading masturbatory level blogging on self importance.

>> No.7673089

Why do people try to pull this sort of shit? Do they think the mods don't care?

>> No.7673113

That's kind of a shame, does she still wear loli? She's only like.. 25, right?

She was an amusing troll who had cute fashion sense. And her blog posts were fun to read. Self important? Maybe. Entirely without reason? I don't think so. Do I care either way? Nope.

>> No.7673139

I liked sniper, she was a really good friend tbh. I was a shit to her over something and totally deserved some kind of retribution but that's not really how she is. Also, I was a total ita noob back then and she never called me out on it even though she probably should have.

>> No.7673159

I somehow missed this, sauce?

>> No.7673165

Last time I saw she was hanging out with some Tumblr camwhore and had plunged into some flavor of hipster creepy cute; it was all kinds of not flattering. But, to each their own.

As wu-chan or sniper? Because they had totally different personalities. She kept that rotten core buttoned up tight as wu-chan.

>> No.7673171
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Her name was Megan Bly. The suicide was confirmed by friends and family, and later through obituaries. She jumped to her death on her birthday from a parking complex.

>> No.7673177

No they didn't, that's a retarded lie everyone believed for sone reason.

>> No.7673187

Reasons like the evidence of her own behavior and actions? Dude, that's a new level of denial I haven't seen yet. It's one thing to admit that she was a total cunt and still appreciate her fashion, this argument is something else entirely.

>> No.7673192

Different anon than the one you're replying to. I didn't know Wu-chan or Sniper IRL but she seemed like she was a nice person (despite the silly trolling which is just that.. silly).

>> No.7673199

Different strokes, man. She was total cunt in my book. I didn't find anything silly in her racist rants and various other tasteless shenanigans. Seems like it was half trolling, half airing out her socially unacceptable viewpoints. I didn't buy the fact that none of it was her own point of a view for a hot second. All that hate comes from somewhere.

>> No.7675111

What's her new tumblr? I used to follow her when she and starpower were BFFs, but I lost track of them both.

>> No.7675253

>silly trolling
>saying people who weren't white shouldn't wear lolita
>calling specific people ugly/unsuitable for lolita when she looked like a greasy 14 year old who looked shitty in all brand


>> No.7675271
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>> No.7675305

>people still butthurt years later
What, do you expect every internet troll to be a model? She was trolling. She wasn't serious.
She also cleaned up super well later and became a qt 3.14, shame she isn't into lolita anymore

>> No.7675331

>pointing out facts means I'm butthurt

Are you high?

>> No.7675419

Boo hoo, an ugly goth.

>> No.7675888

"I was just trolling guise!" is a defense used by autistic people when called on their bullshit hth
>glass houses, stones, etc

>qt 3.14
confirmed le epic bacon internet newfag

>> No.7676267

Seriously. She said we should nuke Africa so that the contamination of it being a shithole wouldn't spread to other continents, and that black lolitas should burn their brand and get the fuck out of the fashion because they look horrible in it. She was, and is, a horrible person spreading that very special brand of hate. Trolling isn't an excuse for saying shitty, racist things to people. It wasn't like she was calling people "poopy heads" and posting silly pictures of baby animals. She legit stalked and full scale harassed/personally attacked several community members and only stopped when it was revealed that she was basically the antithesis of all the high standards she was preaching. Fuck her then, and fuck her now.
This, basically.

>> No.7677341

So what's her new tumblr? I need it for reasons.

>> No.7677373 [DELETED] 

Anon, you don't know the definition of trolling. Perhaps you should spend a weekend over at /b/ and educate yourself.

She was the /b/ type of troll. Lolitas couldn't handle her, and obviously, they're still butthurt about it.

And yes, while on the topic. Sniper is super duper adorable.

>> No.7677389


>Thinks trolling merely involves calling people first grade level insults and posting pics of baby animals for some reason

Anon, you don't know the definition of trolling. Perhaps you should spend a weekend over at /b/ and educate yourself.

She was the /b/ type of troll. Lolitas couldn't handle her, and obviously, they're still butthurt about it.

And yes, while on the topic. Sniper is super duper adorable.

>> No.7677460

You apparently missed the part where that anon said that trolling is not an excuse for full-scale harassment. It doesn't matter if she "totally wasn't serious guize!!", she's still a shitty person.

>> No.7677470


> /b/ type of troll

Eh I'd dislike her just for this reason. She's never done anything to me, and I'm not some black African shiny face so her insults don't even affect me. I just think it's immature idiotic behaviour, and I think the whole lot of /b/ trolls should be shot into the sun for the betterment of humanity's gene pool.

>> No.7677478

Bloomers and HEALS

>> No.7677567

I liked reading her blog but always thought she was kind of ugly. She cleaned up nicely from the pics that were originally leaked but even then there was something really off and unpleasant about her face. I guess it was the combination of her non-existent upper lip and heavy brow.

>> No.7677585

I found Gyaru Secrets to be juicier, tbh. (Not these days tho, noone is even gyaru anymore sigh.)

Still. Anyone remember that incident with that Bodyline model getting preggers or some shit? what even happened?

>> No.7677612

no one was offended? just amazed at her idiocy.

She was "pro-ana" though so god only knows

>> No.7677661

>She legit stalked and full scale harassed/personally attacked several community members
So it's horrible for s_n to do this to people, but it's okay for a bunch of you to do it to Rosaire.

>> No.7677731

go away rosaire

>> No.7677762

This. Trolls in general are the scum of the earth.

>> No.7677776

>reading comprehensions is really hard

>> No.7677792

kill yourself cancer

>> No.7678506
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Yeah, point missed spectacularly. I said "trolling" doesn't excuse that type of behavior. It being /b/ behavior just makes it even less acceptable. People who decide that saying that black people should all die in a fire "for teh lulz1110!!0" are scraping the bottom of the barrel in terms of genetic material. It has nothing to do about being able to handle trolling or being butthurt. Trolls in general are retarded, and you sound equally as butthurt that we weren't happy to lick her balls for being "edgy". As if somehow turning herself into less of an uggo after she got outed for being desperately far from her own standards makes her a better person.
>Other-worldly beings don't have split ends.

I agree. She has this kind of constipated, derpy look in every picture I've ever seen of her. It might be the pug nose, I'm not sure, but she is just not attractive.

>> No.7678520

she quit and got married to someone else. apparently shes still designing. she was a cutie. anyone know for sure if it's a Jr Mr Yan like the rumors said, or not?

>> No.7678523

shit meant to reply to >>7677585

>> No.7678709
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Sniper_nyan's boyfriend. What's on his lip??

>> No.7678714


>> No.7678737
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LOL, that's hilarious. I stopped looking around at this photo. It's the classiest thing I've seen all day.
>Don't hate me for my thigh gap Love me for my mind map
Looks like she hasn't changed very much. She's such a giant ball of crazy. Reading her blog, it always felt like someone trying to play make-believe with real life. And then she'd attack people that were, ironically, very close to what she looked like IRL. So cray.

>> No.7678761

I miss the old community, like back in the days when anonymous posting wasn't common at all.
/man, I used to have the absolute CHATS with people every Sunday. It was actually the highlight of my week.

>> No.7678805

so from what it looks she basically became a tryhard starpowerrr clone? wow.

>> No.7678833
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man, this chick.
I liked her blog, but she couldn't dress herself for shit. it's cool that she managed to make it to the promised land and all, but people gave her way too much leeway because she was in brand.
>tfw remember the shitstorm that arose when she got posted in an ita thread once
it doesn't surprise me that she's involved in fetish culture, her outfits often had the feel of clubwear--but she was too heavy to wear them well.

>> No.7678908

She's a nice person, but she has since shaved the sides of her head and now has a multicolored mohawk. It's all kinds of unflattering. She doesn't wear clothes that flatter her size. Good seamstress, besides that.

>> No.7678921

>butthurt fatty SJWs

>> No.7678944

I don't have her tumblr. sorry anon. I want it too, though. Anybody have it?

>> No.7678953
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>fatties because we don't agree that this is cute

>> No.7678966

Last I knew she deleted it since it got linked back to her being sniper_nyan. She periodically deletes all of her social media when people link it back to her being a trolling twat, which is hilarious.

>> No.7678984

Lol. /b/ is way nicer than cgl once you get past their silly exterior.

/b/ pretends to be assholes and most are actually super nice people once you get to know them. I made multiple friends on /b/ when I got dox'd.

Cgl, on the other hand - full of whiny chicks who don't understand how the real Anonymous works. plebs

>> No.7678990

>7-8 year old picture

Yeah totally. Also, greasy hair doesn't make someone ugly? Try again...

>> No.7678992
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>trolling is totes cool
>ya'll just don't understand how nice i am when i call people fat whores
>bloo bloo bloo

>> No.7679005

According to her, it does. So I guess she must have either been projecting, or she thought "hideous!" every time she looked in the mirror.

>> No.7679006
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>is on 4chan
>doesn't understand what trolling is
>hurr hurr hurr

I can smell your butthurt

also figured I'd post a pic of Sniper being her normal adorbs self, rather than the handful of pics where she's a bit messy (but still adorbs).

You guys are such middle schoolers

>> No.7679010
File: 347 KB, 705x500, 1392776990730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, i'm no SJW, I just came here to laugh. Anyway I'm no fatty, or else Sniper would fuck me like that guy she's with.

>> No.7679013

She was trolling.

Holy fuck, you guys are thick.

>> No.7679019

>shitty haircut
>split ends
>horrible makeup
>can't color coordinate
>>adorbs self

Confirmed for either retard or sniper herself.

>> No.7679061

Which makes it all the more hilarious that she was greasy as fuck and not attractive. Point?

>> No.7679139

I don't get this at all. Unless she gets plastic surgery or completely changes her appearance, or just stops posting her face, the internet isn't going to forget her. Threads about her seem to come up once a year or so and as long as she pursues efame she'll end up on sites like this. I've seen her on PULL too, albeit in a starrrpower thread.
>full-scale harassment
Who did she harass? You're one of those people who thinks getting posted to /cgl/ is "online bullying," aren't you.
The butthurt in this thread is incredible.

>> No.7679150

Uhm, all the things you listed are easily changed. Hair and makeup aren't what make someone adorable. Hair and makeup are what make ugly girls cuter.

Her features are super cute, she's skinny and has nice bone structure. She's not horse faced, big nosed, or squinty eyed like most lolitas I see.

Seriously, the shit you point out to as evidence of her not being cute makes you sound like an ugly middle school girl trying to bring down the pretty girl in class.

Trolling = not being serious, aka "fucking with people"
"not attractive"
Yeah, I'd like to see what you look like or what horse faced hoes you deem "attractive"

>> No.7679153

I agree. Deleting everything is totally fruitless, she's going to be noticed whenever she posts pictures online, pretty much. I know her instagram and facebook, but unlike her, I'm not a bitch and I'm keeping it to myself.

This shit went down on LJ, not /cgl/. So, not really. If you were around when the drama went down, you'd remember. So, obviously you're too new to remember the shit she pulled.

>> No.7679187

This is literally the exact same stuff Sniper used to say about lolitas she thought were uggo. Try harder. She has enormous caterpillar sized eyebrows, a mouth too big for her face, and a shitty personality. Saying "lols I troll you" isn't an excuse for saying that you hate darkies. That shit ain't cute.

>> No.7679197

Sniper confirmed for being overly defensive when people "troll" her back. She always whiteknights herself, remember all those fake livejournal accounts she had? I don't think your hideous, sniper, you just have a fedora-esqe personality and I still came here to laugh at you.

>> No.7679234

If she was killing them they either had something wrong or she was stressed

>> No.7679239

Definitely not Sniper. Funny how anyone defending anyone else is automatically determined to be person in question.

example >>7677731

>> No.7679251

Truth. She had multiple accounts that were proven to be hers that she used to compliment herself. Sad as fuck. Not to mention how hard she backpeddled when she got outed with her sock accounts. She would also white knight herself on /cgl/ whenever stuff came up in threads. Her argument style is so easy to distinguish. It's not even subtle. She has a LONG history of pulling this kind of thing.

>> No.7679268

I remember that secret! I had just started attending meets around that time and it came up in discussion, those girls were fucking pissed about it. But the comm was pretty weeby, so most of the complaints were along the lines of, "That's not proper loli behavior!! Lolis are supposed to be demure and do the right thing! Which is not stealing! Stealing is so not loli!" etc etc.

But man I feel old.

>> No.7679270

How'd you find her facebook? I don't want it I just wonder if she posts in fashion groups or something.
> If you were around when the drama went down, you'd remember. So, obviously you're too new to remember the shit she pulled.
Nice try but I was there for her GTFO unveiling. I don't remember any harassment. I know she'd sometimes post about celticfreefall or whatever that girls' name is but I'm pretty sure celtic started it and a few posts =/= harassment.

I love the sniper haters in this thread, first you guys claim she wasn't *really* trolling by your own definition of trolling, even though people are still buttmad years later. then you make up some bogus "harassment" claim. There are plenty of valid reasons to dislike sniper and none of these are it:
>she used to be ugly
>her mouth is too big
>she "harassed" people
>she didn't REALLY troll us
>she's probably here, samefagging!!

>> No.7679273

lulz, this shit rules. Thanks for the compliment, I'm glad I sound just like my idoru-san, Sniper. Maybe that means I'll do well in the future.

I'm totally not Sniper. Just someone who admires the fuck out of her. I kinda look up to her and hope I can troll the lolita community as well as she did, one day. That's the kind of e-infamy I've always longed for.

I just need to wait till I can get more time on my hands.

>> No.7679278

nice try rosaire but we can see your timezones from here

>> No.7679287

Uhm, what? Now I've been accused of being both Sniper AND Rosaire in the same thread. I think that's a new record.

>cause yeah it's not like hundreds of thousands live in EST area

>> No.7679288

Do you mean the shoplifting from AP secret or the stealing fabric secret? Cause I'd pretty amused to find out a secret I made came up in IRL discussion somewhere else, lol
Actually, come to think of have any of you made secrets your comm later discussed? I had a few, it's pretty fun having a little secret to yourself and maybe even pretending to join in the discussion.

>> No.7679303


Uh, you have your arguments mixed up, the "she didn't REALLY troll us part" has been called out as s_n defending herself.

We DO dislike her because of her trolling.

>> No.7679304

I know her full name and what state she lives in. I googled it to find out if she's still alive.

To my knowledge Sniper started it because she disliked celtic's posting on getoffegl, and then she harassed her and several other people through whenever they'd post. And then she later made a full on troll mirror account that looked like exatly celtic's in order to pretend to be her. Getoffegl could be an irritating and shitty place at that time, but that was pretty fucking crazy behavior for a supposedly normal and "nice" person. Nice people don't troll, sorry. I disagree with that to the extreme.

>> No.7679305

>she's probably here, samefagging!!
Mos def.

>her mouth is too big
no one even fucking said that here? The common thing said about her mouth is the small upper lip/overbite.

>> No.7679318

Sniper was the troll we needed, but not the troll we deserved
But seriously, it's kind of a shame that there hasn't been another troll in the lolita community in so many years. I thought her posts were really lively and fun. Now all we have is _ifwinterends and she's actually not trolling and seems to have left, much to my disappointment.

>> No.7679329
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I'll try to live up to her name. You give me courage, anon.

>> No.7679331

>no one even fucking said that here?
>a mouth too big for her face

>> No.7679349

Except sniper has always been proud of her trolling, why on earth would she come here and say otherwise? That doesn't even make sense. Plus, that would mean she'd be admitting that her opinions are real.
Sorry, try again. Clearly, a lot of you are too buttmad to even think your arguments through.
Also I remember the last time sniper came up _I_ got accused of being sniper, because you dumbasses don't know anything. I don't think she ever went here, IIRC when the GTFO post went down she had someone else directing her to /cgl/ threads and only her friends were posting. I could be wrong though.

>> No.7679354

Godspeed anon! I always wanted to troll lolis too but I actually knew sniper so people would just say I was "copying" her and it would be awkward so w/e. I just find other places to troll and shitpost but the lolis are really a goldmine.

>> No.7679361

i love that everyone who doesn't like her is somehow fat. okay, sniper. anyone else remember her being a member of a bunch of pro-ana communties? it would almost make me feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a bitch. between her and unseeli_allure, way to advertise eating disorders as a weight loss club. ignorant wannabe skeletons.

>> No.7679375

>how dare you call everyone who doesn't like her fat!
>calls everyone who likes her sniper
I don't remember the proana comms but she was probably trolling those too. I know people got their knickers in a twist over her being in anti_feminism but she was actually fairly feminist and mostly trolled there and argued with people.

>> No.7679376

The shoplifting from AP one. Augh it was super awkward when she brought it up because it was like... Why would you admit to reading the secrets? She didn't even say someone linked it to her. I don't know, maybe it was because I was younger back then, but I always felt like reading l_s was supposed to be kept on the down-low.

... To be honest... I wrote a secret about myself once just because I wanted to see what would happen and it got another girl banned from the comm. Because as soon as it was posted someone thought it was her, and then she called me a bitch saying I deserved the secret but she didn't write it, people called bullshit... I was like, "Woah." but tried to not talk about it after that.

>> No.7679379

That's totally not true at all. When she got outed, she backpeddled at the speed of light and tried to say that it wasn't her. She took great pains to distance herself from her trolling persona, and when that didn't work, she dropped off the face of the earth for several months. Only when it became really obvious that she couldn't make her past behavior go away did she continue blogging. Even then, after a year or so, she pulled down everything she'd ever done off the internet and tried to lay low on Tumblr. Then deleted that when she got called out there after being mistaken for a powerstarrr clone. If she's so proud, why is she STILL running away, after all these years? And yes, you were wrong about her coming her after the GTFO post. She even tripped after being called out, for a while.

>> No.7679395


I didn't say she was in this thread though.

Why would you assume it's her trying to convince /cgl/ that she wasn't trolling, if at the same time, you want us to believe she's not in this thread?

>> No.7679424

Yeah, it was really looked down on to read or be involved in L_S in those days. But people also posted a lot of genuine secrets then, so I can kind of understand why people too it so seriously? It's actually kind of a shame BtB doesn't get used for it's intended purpose. It could be a great place to air out some undercover feelings for people, but instead it's just a lulz gallery. I'm sure some people are genuine on there, but so many secrets are about random shit instead.

>> No.7679426

I think you're confusing anons, anon.
Her backpeddling didn't pan out so she doesn't really have a choice any more. Still, owning up to trolling is preferable to saying you weren't trolling and your nasty opinions are real, so it doesn't make any sense that she would say that. Distancing yourself from your trolling and saying you weren't actually trolling are two entirely different things.

>> No.7679442

Who's to say that it was trolling, though, and that she isn't just using that as a cover? A whole bunch of the stuff she spouted was consistent and believable for someone using a sock to spout their socially unacceptable beliefs. The backpeddling makes it even more suspect. Trolling is too convenient an excuse for racists to use for me to be convinced, sorry mate. Owning up to something also doesn't make it excusable, either. It's still nasty and despicable, either way you look at it.

>> No.7679446

Oh lol, that's hilarious people actually talked about it. I knew people were pissed in the comments but I didn't know it got discussed IRL. I was really surprised anyone believed it, I thought it was pretty obvious bait and I had never been to AP so I couldn't give any kind of details about the store.
Also, I tried to somehow link it to replicas also being theft but no one really went for it.

That's super ballsy to write a secret about yourself.. were you glad the girl got banned? I have thought about writing secrets about myself just to get efamous because NO ONE ever suspects the person in the secret wrote it. Even though it's a pretty obvious way to make your haters look bad, or gain new fans and defenders if you're not actually an ita or landwhale.

It seems it depends on the comm if secrets are okay. In my last comm, everyone openly read secrets, discussed them and one girl even said she submitted them sometimes. Only one girl didn't like them and that's because she got posted in them, lol.
/cgl/ is a little different, not many people in my last group admitted to going on it but I think they maybe just weren't interested. I don't really lie about it because I figure it's the best way to make like-minded friends. I don't really want to hang out with "all lolitas should be lovelies!" types. But I am playing it safe in my new comm because they seem pretty laid back and nice. However, in my last meet some girl referenced cgl so hopefully it'll be okay. Some comms actually ban people from cgl and btb, I'm glad I haven't been part of one.

>> No.7679452

If you read her opinions she's posted elsewhere privately you'd know she was just trolling. She had a secret libertarian blog under a different name and some other accounts that didn't really come out. I do agree that you have to be a little racist to say the things she said but they definitely weren't all her real views. Although I do think she thought most other lolitas were ugly.

>> No.7679459

Most other lolitas are ugly

>> No.7679460

>I have thought about writing secrets about myself just to get efamous because NO ONE ever suspects the person in the secret wrote it.

I see people suspect this all the time though, unless you mean people who are total unknowns. But I've never kept someone in mind for being posted to cgl or secrets, either, unless they were already known (in which case: see the above). For example fugly glasses-chan gets accused of selfposting all the time.

>> No.7679466

Yeah, even I agree with her on that one

>> No.7679470

I have posted that opinion on a bunch of secrets so maybe you're just seeing me lol. I don't really see other people say it. But, I haven't read the comments in secrets in a few weeks now.

>> No.7679480


Sorry, it's late, maybe my brain's not working so well. I meant to say I'm not the one saying she's actually in this thread. Personally I'm not invested in this issue, saw a comment on trolling and left the one that said /b/ trolls should be fired into the sun, came back to read thread when I saw someone actually replied.

As for the rest, I just feel >>7679349 is trying too hard. Someone from the past did something that pissed off a lot of lolitas. They can discuss it as much as they want, a big part of this board is the feels thread after all.

I meant to say I don't understand why >>7679349 is so personally invested in the whole issue. If she's really your idol, shouldn't you get started by trolling egl instead of cgl (which gets trolled daily because lolitas are bored anyway)? You won't get infamous for trolling cgl, because it's all anonymous, so you wouldn't be able to live up to your dreams of being like your idol.

>> No.7679494

Yeah I miss l_s, BtB just doesn't have the same feel.

Yeah the girls in that comm were super weeby, so they took it SO personally, it was actually kind of funny looking back.

I actually kind of was happy the girl got banned, yes... She was really bitchy and already had some secrets calling her out on her bullshit. At the same time I felt bad that it was my fake-secret that got her banned. So mixed feelings, but overall relief that she wouldn't be attending anymore meetups. Funny story about this girl, she was very overweight, perhaps in the obese category. I wasn't 100% sure because she was also over 6ft tall. Either way, she kept claiming her replica was "REAL MMM"... And it was a replica of an AatP print... She also had a habit of calling anyone thinner than her (so basically everyone) bitches, brandwhores, etc. etc.

>> No.7679497

You're replying to the wrong person. I'm the person who said she's my idol and I didn't make the post you're replying to.

but... I'm not trolling cgl? Holy fuck, if ya'll think this is trolling... wow this is gonna be fun

>> No.7679514

I think you're confusing anons again, maybe get some rest? Also, it's not just one anon. I think it's at least 2 other people also defending her. I'm not the one who said she was my idol and l wanted to start trolling. I'll I've said in this thread is that she was trolling and with all the legitimate reasons to dislike her, "she wasn't REALLY" trolling is a pretty stupid one and also probably not true. I don't see how that's trying too hard. I just think people are distorting facts and that's unnecessary.

>> No.7679515

Acutally, I read that too. Her libertarian blog was very, very lulzy. And she said some very out there stuff on it. It didn't really help to paint a flattering picture of her in conjunction with all the awful stuff she said while sniper.

I also believe that she though most loltas are ugly, and that she harbors some of the racist views she spouted, although perhaps not all of them. Like I said before, which you seem to agree with, all that hate comes from somewhere. Trolling also doesn't still DOES NOT excuse or negate the consequences of her behavior. If she wanted to be thought of as a nice person and all that rubbish, she wouldn't have done the things she did. I have no idea why people argue that you can somehow separate a persons character from the things they do under a different psuedonom. It's still the same person writing those words and opinions. Cognitive dissonance, etc.

>> No.7679523

I think anon-san is tired. Also yeah cgl is easy as fuck to troll. Even easier before janitor-san, all you had to do was make a post titled "why are women so slutty?" and it was a guaranteed 300+ replies, even if there were already two other threads with the exact same premise

>> No.7679530

*thought doesn't DOES NOT
>I can't keyboard worth a damn

>> No.7679553

Huh, I don't remember her libertarian blog saying anything racist or discriminatory. Maybe I'm misremembering. I know she had some weird opinions but I don't recall anything hateful on it.
I do see what you're saying. I just don't think her real views were as extreme as other people think, so I find it hard to hate her. I'm not an SJW type who turns on someone because they are somewhat racist or sexist or whatever. I can see why other people do, I just personally don't.
Also, I have trolled so I can understand having different opinions. I would never post anything racist like she did but it's not that hard to fake having different opinions than you do. It's actually more intellectually interesting than you'd think because it gives you a chance to get into a different mindset and see the world from a different perspective. But I'm not really going to get into a philosophical discussion about the merits of trolling because that's pretty silly, I'm just saying I can understand how one's true opinions and opinions under a pseudonym can be very different.

>> No.7679573

this one is so true

>> No.7679602

It didn't, the libertarian stuff was enough to make me giggle. She posted a lot of stuff about how food benefits, socialized healthcare and taxes were going to ruin the country. Typical libertard stuff.

I'm not a SJW either, but some of the stuff she wrote was just sickening to me. Trying to get people involved in pro-ana communities for example. It's one thing to fuck with overly excitable frilly people with blatant racism, it's another to try and get people interested in maintaining an eating disorder. You have to be a special, special individual to find it funny to fuck with people who's lives are corrupted by a body dysmorphic disability.

While that might be true for the individual trolling, you're leaving the people she trolled out of the equation. Whether or not it's intellectually stimulating is overshadowed by the fact that trolling impacts peoples lives negatively. Sometimes in extreme ways. It says a lot about a person that they ignore that fact just because they find the pursuit of others misery pleasurable or "intellectually stimulating".

>> No.7679623

ooooh I see, thanks for that.

>> No.7679674

A lot of trolls have this idea that people are oversensitive and too easily "triggered" and need to toughen up. She's probably one of those. And I kind of think that way too, if someone shitposting gives you an eating disorder.. I really don't feel all that bad. I know it's callous, but there are people in the world with real problems so I don't feel bad at all for anyone who cries because someone was mean to them on the internet. It just seems so white girl problems to me.
Does it excuse it? Not really, but I think you're making the mindset out to be a lot more malicious than it actually is. You think trolls are knowingly trying to directly hurt people (and a lot are, like many on /b/) when they see it as frustrating people who need to get over themselves and not take everything so seriously. Is that necessarily better? No, the road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that. I just don't think it's what you think it is.

But I could be wrong, I'm not her and I don't know her. That's just my take on it.

>> No.7679696

Hi anon.

The reasons you listed are the reasons I troll. I think that if you're so oversensitive that my stupid shitposts "trigger" you or some shit, you need to get over yourself. People have real problems and getting your panties in a bunch because of an internet troll is hilarious - basically you deserve to be upset if it's going to upset you.

>> No.7679708

>basically you deserve to be upset if it's going to upset you.
This, exactly. I wouldn't say it's why I troll because I have a different style but I definitely have the same mindset.

>> No.7679714

It's one thing if it's done by accident. If you're triggered by someone posting a picture of cupcake, you don't need to be on the internet. She went to pro-ana communities to troll people. That's a completely different level of being a callous asshole. That would be the IRL equivalent of telling an bulimic to go puke up lunch because she's a fat pig. Or this bitch.

It's not like she was saying these things randomly and people got upset by accident, either. It's one thing to be an asshole because you genuinely have objectionable opinions (not that it excuses racism, etc.), it's another to pretend to have those opinions just to be an asshole. It's a whole lot of effort just to piss people off, and to cause other people problems. Sorry, but, you have to have something a little wrong with you to get joy out of causing other people to feel threatened and upset like that.

No matter if people are being uptight and sensitive, if you're doing things purely to get a reaction out of people, then you're a malicious asshole. There are no good intentions in that kind of behavior.

>> No.7679734

I don't see any trolling in that video... what?

Also, internet trolling =/= being a bitch IRL. Sorry, you lose.

I guess I'm a malicious asshole. But I fight the good fight against oversensitive pricks like you.

>> No.7679767

The lady in the video started bitching at a woman in a wheelchair because her being loaded onto the bus made bitchy lady late for work. The dude is calling her out for being a huge cunt.

The whole "the internet isn't real and the things I do online doesn't affect people" is so 2002. People have committed suicide from being trolled, not that what sniper did is anywhere near that in comparison. But to pretend that it isn't a real problem and doesn't carry over into real life is fucking dumb. Being a troll isn't an excuse for acting like an asshole; period.

>> No.7679773

>She went to pro-ana communities to troll people.
Look, I don't know for sure she was doing that. That was just my guess. Maybe she was in them for low calorie recipe tips. Maybe she really was pro-ana. I don't know.
And if she was in them to troll, you don't know the nature of her trolling.. also, it's pretty well known that the LJ pro-ana comms were full of wannarexics anyway. It's not like she went to an ED recovery board and called everybody fat.

>> No.7679788

Trolling /=/ cyber bullying, either. If you can't tell the difference, you deserve all the butthurt you get, and I hope someone finds something trivial that "triggers" you and trolls the fuck out of you for it.
Again, you lose.

>> No.7679802

>my behavior online isn't reflective of my REAL behavior

this is what fat trolls actually believe

>> No.7679803

>all that hate comes from somewhere
It comes from other ridiculous morons that are so stupid you don't even have to try and make them look or sound stupid, you've just got to repeat what they say and BAM it's a joke.

>> No.7679829

Just to clarify, I'm 100% against cyber bullying and I know it can have real effects.

However, almost always, cyber bullying involves people you know IRL, and they use the internet as a medium to escalate IRL bullying. Pretty much always, cyber bullying affects school aged kids. The bullies from school make fun of them on FB, the school admin is like "oh it's just the internet, ignore them", and that's when emotional damage occurs.

Trolling is silly. It's easily deciphered from true bullying. You can tell because trolls are overdramatic and say ridiculous, outlandish things like "nuke all of Africa".

Let me say it again. Cyber bullies target people from real life and use the internet as a medium. Trolls often have general, broad targets, aren't being serious, and are easily ignored. They don't usually target individuals. If an individual is particularly butthurt about a trolls broad topic, they may pick on that person, but the main difference is this

Trolls: Broad, general targets. Over dramatic. They don't target individuals - however if individuals give them attention, they may end up singled out a bit. But it's their own fault.

Cyber bullies: Target specific individuals, typically from their real life. Are relentless, and try to get others to hate their target. Typically bullies the target IRL as well.

>> No.7679838

Wow. Was that even English?
>Didn't actually read anything that was written
>Losing "the game"

Confirmed for 14 year old /b/tard

>> No.7679843

Sniper did target certain individuals. So....

>> No.7679857

Lol. I meant you lose in general. Like, at life. Does anyone still even reference the game in that sense?

But if makes you feel better to think I'm a 14 year old /b/tard, go ahead.

>> No.7679864

Were they from her real life? or just individuals who were super whiny on he broad trolling posts? There's a big difference.

>I'll take reading comprehension for $1000, Alex

>> No.7679873

Pretty sure it was the latter

>> No.7679878

>you lose at life because trolling is the bestest!
>i'm fourteen and this is funny

are you really that sad and emotionally stunted?

>> No.7679881

>thinks "you lose" means the game and is not a general expression that has been around long before the internet
Do you even English?

>> No.7679888

>All trolls are 14 and stupid
>Trolls are emotionally stunted


>gets upset and takes bait from trolls

For someone so mature, you sure do let these "14 year olds" bug you.

>> No.7679890
File: 22 KB, 300x393, dr evil 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it their fault for being upset by posts that were designed to make them upset?
>I'll take victim blaming for one billion dollars, Alex

>> No.7679891

Well, it's not. How do people think this?
Like for example I am pretty liberal but sometimes I argue against it online, to make people butthurt because it's funny. Doesn't mean I'm secretly a conservative Republitard, I just play one on the internet.
It's like you guys have never heard of the concept of lying on the internet.

>> No.7679899

It was the latter. Anon is trying to paint sniper as some kind of cyberbully who went after itas and that's not remotely true.
She went after celticfreefall because CFF was outspoken against her. That's it.

>> No.7679905
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1367106247899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because troll posts are designed in such a way that, to people who aren't stupid, they're easy to spot as troll posts.

But sure, totally the same thing as victim blaming.

>> No.7679906

No, but it does mean that you're not completely well adjusted person who gets off emotionally on having other people get upset at you. Amazingly, your actions say something about you as an individual, whether you mean them to or not.

>> No.7679914

You probably think actors who play bad guys are evil IRL, too. You're an amazing subject of stupidity, anon.

>> No.7679919

In other words, she attacked people who didn't put up with her bullshit? That still doesn't make her trolling any less shitty and abusive. I don't think you could go so far as to say it was cyberbullying, but to say that the people who got angry at her racist stuff deserved to be harassed is a bit much.

>> No.7679920

>How do people think this?

Because it's true? Just because you're doing something online doesn't suddenly mean you're not really doing it.

If you tell someone they're a piece of shit and need to die online, you're still saying it. It being online doesn't negate you being an asshole.

>> No.7679930

>trolling is the same thing as acting

The lengths you go to justify you being a piece of shit are truly wondrous.

>> No.7679933
File: 99 KB, 550x550, stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn lolis are idiots. posts like these prove it

>> No.7679937

>I don't have a valid argument against proven logic so I'll just call them stupid.


>> No.7679939
File: 11 KB, 253x199, mootivate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7679956

>she attacked
>she cyberbullied
>she harassed people
Jesus anon, you are trying way too hard. What is your beef with sniper?

>> No.7679963

I can't even argue with this shit anymore, it's becoming pretty clear you suffer from some level of cognitive dissonance.

>> No.7679964

I never said anything about cyberbullying, other anons did. I simply said she harassed and trolled people. Because she did. Is that fact somehow in question?

>> No.7679966

What the fuck else are people supposed to say? We've basically given you a kindergarten explanation of the concept of lying and you still aren't grasping the simple fact that sometimes people say things they don't actually mean.

>> No.7679969
File: 255 KB, 532x465, pimphank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed, I'm out.

But if egl has a new troll in a week or two... you know who it is.

>> No.7679971

Other way around. I say these things to people, why would people think that I mean them? Why would people think that the things I do should impact my character? True cognitive dissonance. Holy shit, anon.

>> No.7679972

Yeah sorry I did misquote that.

>> No.7679975

EGL is dead, and has been for years. Have fun trolling in an empty vacuum. You missed your chance man moons ago.

>> No.7679981

On the contrary, good trolls tend to liven up communities. Post counts go up and people bond together over a common enemy.

>> No.7679984

Murderes sometimes lie about having murdered people. That doesn't mean that they're not murderers. A troll lying about being sincere in their hatred of black people doesn't make them any less of a shitty person for saying that they hate black people. You can't separate the action from the individual completely, anon, the person still said and or did those things. Jesus. It's not a hard concept. Are you autistic? This is basic social skills stuff.

>> No.7679994

Yeah, except for that fact that most people have moved to different platforms and truly won't see anything you post. I personally haven't browsed EGL for months. It's not like your trolling won't be completely and utterly obvious after this thread anyways.

>> No.7679996

You sound like one of those fucks who posts on "thisiswhiteprivilege" and whines about bindis and Die Antwoord being cultural appropriation and shit.

Stop bringing up the racist thing. That seems like that's the thing about Sniper that pissed you off the most.

I'm sorry if you're a black chick with low self esteem. I'm even more sorry if you're one of those white people who desperately try to be "allies" or whatever.

People lie on the internet. They say things they completely disagree with. How hard is that to understand? Like, really, what kind of culture are you from that you can't understand this?

>> No.7679997

Not sure if this counts, but I remember a secret involving a Muslim girl in Madam clothes. It might still be floating around online. It went something like "I don't care how good her clothes are or how pretty she is, all muslims are ita."
Which is stupid since she looked great. I'd chalk it up to jealousy if it wasn't for the nice little package of racism at the end.

>> No.7680006


>never heard of devil's advocate

are you 12?

>> No.7680017

>people online wouldn't say something if it wasn't at least partially true or they didn't believe some part of it
I'm the President of the United States, Barack Obama.

>> No.7680031

I don't even have a Tumblr because it's a shitty platform, nor even know who or what Die Antwoord is, so you can stop beating the SJW bullshit to death. I'll turn it around on you. Why are you so angry that people think trolls are shitty people for saying shitty things? You're desperately trying to get approval for people who troll people online. How sad and fucking maladjusted do you have to be to think that a persons actions don't reflect back on them as an individual. It has nothing to do with racism. Saying shitty things to other people for "teh lulz" still means they're a shitty person. Sorry that makes you a shitty person. If you don't want people to think you're a shitty person, don't troll. I'm just a person who has had their fill of dumbasses who troll and somehow think that because they're doing it online means it's not real or somehow minimizes the impact of the things they do or say. Isn't that the point of trolling? To upset people? Mission accomplished, am I right? Your argument doesn't make sense. At all.

>> No.7680043 [DELETED] 

>blah blah butthurt blah

Awwh poor baby thinks she's a troll, too, how cute

>> No.7680052

>using an bastardized version of a legitimate debate technique to justify being an asshole
Being the devil's advocate involves the other person knowing that you're taking the dissenting opinion simply to further the subject being discussed.

Once again, it has nothing to do with a person believing what they're saying or it being partially true. The fact that they're saying shitty things (even if they don't believe them) still makes them a shitty person. Trolling is not simply lying. It's lying in ways that upsets and disturbs people, among other things. Reading comprehension is hard.

>> No.7680061

How autistic do you have to be to not understand that what you do reflects on who you are, even if you're lying, even if you're doing it for shits and giggles?

if you troll by posting that black people shouldn't wear lolita and we should nuke an entire country, that is being an asshole. Doesn't matter if you're trolling, because, gasp, the fact that you're saying it is what makes you an asshole. Doubly so if you're doing it for the lulzzzzadurdur.

>> No.7680067

>think's other people are supposed to know when someone is playing devil's advocate


>> No.7680075


Seriously. It's pathetic.

>> No.7680078


>> No.7680081
File: 20 KB, 180x119, mastertroll.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trolls are only assholes to the people we're trying to offend. Everybody who's not an oversensitive prick thinks trolls are amusing.

My mission is indeed accomplished

>> No.7680088

>It's lying in ways that upsets and disturbs people
Seriously, if trolls offend this much you really need to get a grip.

>> No.7680094
File: 206 KB, 1500x975, bush_mission_accomplished_uss_abraham_lincoln_reuters_img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How, you proved absolutely nothing.

>> No.7680097


>Troll successfully derails a thread, gets newfag lolitas to argue with a troll about trolling.

Seriously, guys, this is why we get trolled. Learn to ignore the bait and walk away. sigh.

>> No.7680098

Waaaahhh people don't like this hobby I have that involves picking on people via the internet. Get a grip.

>> No.7680107

You think trolls are trying to prove something? No, they just want a reaction from you. Which they got. Good job taking troll bait. FFS

>> No.7680116
File: 21 KB, 342x512, 2559682490_9185389c36_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't two fucks about the original thread. Am I supposed to care? Sniper trolled L_S consistently. It's practically one topic. I also get to remind everyone about this photo. I'm satisfied.

>> No.7680134

>Die Antwoord
>cultural appropriation
People actually think this?
I bet they're Amerilards, too. Fuck.

>> No.7680136

I think that was when Misako went to Saudi Arabia or the UAE? She wore some kind of frilly abaya, and some people freaked out about it.

>> No.7680148

Yes, they do. They think Yo-landi's blackface in the Fatty Boom Boom vid is the most racist thing since the KKK. And apparently they appropriate black South African culture and use their whiteness to get rich.

Also, come to think of it, wouldn't Yo-landi look cute as fuck in a punk loli coord?

>> No.7680162

Which was my point, really. Shitty people who enjoy watching other get upset and frustrated. So, am I supposed to be somehow dismayed that they proved my point for me?

>> No.7680197
File: 27 KB, 500x750, yolandiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes she would.

>> No.7680221

she looks like an uglier helena bonham carter

>> No.7680290

The funnier thing is that she had this posted on, like, model mayhem or some other modeling website as part of her "portfolio".

>> No.7680321
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 4cefa0ce7d6011e3a2331259837c1464_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She reminds me of Sarah Palin for more than one reason.

>> No.7680362

Damn. this is really not a good look for her.

>> No.7680368

when is this pic from? That outfit is unfortunate...

>> No.7680393

Picture is from like six months ago on Instagram. There's a whole lot of unfortunate shit on there.

>> No.7680395

What is her instagram? reverse GIS brought up nothing

>> No.7680404

Not sharing, sorry. I hated it when she stalked people through different platforms, so I'm not lowering myself to her level. I found it through googling, though, so it's possible to find if you look hard enough.

>> No.7680414
File: 113 KB, 640x640, 84ecb9446d1611e389921211b9989b11_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another gem I found, though.

>> No.7680424

Come on, Anon, post it. It's public, anyway, and you're already lowering yourself by posting pics from it.

>> No.7680448

So you'll post pics to make fun of her but you won't share her url? Um, okay?
And I'm not trying to stalk her, I actually like her and her style.

>> No.7680453

>when she stalked people through different platforms,
what? I don't think this happened.

>> No.7680464


If anybody finds her instagram, please post it before this thread dies.

>> No.7680473
File: 529 KB, 606x590, Screen Shot 2014-07-14 at 6.28.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has some pretty cute new looks though. She looks way different and more hispanic now.

>> No.7680477

I found it. It's angel_milk
It got posted on cgl last year already so hopefully she doesn't change it

>> No.7680495

That's because she photoshopped the shit out of her previous photos to make herself look white like the moon (even now her photos look a little color adjusted). She also used to shoop her upper lip and nose into non-existence, which was pretty funny. She's Spanish.

>> No.7680501

Oh my god, do you haters ever give it a fucking rest? I actually saw her in person and she looked just like her photos so you can fuck off.

>> No.7680521

Her hair still looks fried as fuck. Isn't that supposed to be the dress from The Little Mermaid? I can't remember if that's a Hot Topic find or not, since they were doing t-shirt dresses of animated characters for a while.

>> No.7680538

It does look a little frizzy but I don't see how it would be fried. Her hair's naturally black and the blonde happened years ago, it would have grown out long before now. Maybe she uses some black dye to get it blacker but that doesn't really fry hair.

>> No.7680563

>her recent pictures have less and different shoops than the old ones

>> No.7680584
File: 18 KB, 240x200, 1385956165919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay then. Because that ~never~ happened.

>> No.7680604

>she's ugly, she shoops her photos!
>I saw her in person and I don't think she shoops
I don't know if you realize this but people look different as they age.
The biggest difference between her now and her old photos are eyebrows and a sharper face. That's not shoop, that's doing your eyebrows differently and getting older, retard. My face has gotten a lot sharper in the last 3~4 years too and I'm the same age as her.
Also, it's not hard to find photos of her other people have taken of her that she didn't have the opportunity to shop. She goes to conventions and stuff. But keep on pretending that it's all a conspiracy, because god forbid other people think someone you personally dislike is good-looking.

>> No.7680612
File: 31 KB, 441x327, frabz-Omg-guys-leave-sniper-alone--trolling-her-is-meaaan-17a8d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7680616

>all this butthurt over someone calling you out on your bullshit

>> No.7680619
File: 48 KB, 600x600, BlCOsAqIQAAI4KR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, she drew on her upper lip. What kinda kylie jenner teas

>> No.7680622

>spanish people are all brown
Um, no.

>> No.7680649

>calling trollsSniper out on her hypocritical bullshit

>> No.7680666


She European Spanish.

>> No.7680693

I think she's Mexican actually

>> No.7680740

she's euro spanish, used to talk about it on her blog

>> No.7680758

Oh man, that just reminds me of her whole rant on how there is a "European complexion" that basically consisted of her insisting on how there weren't any black people in Europe and there aren't any dark Spanish people. The moors fucked A LOT of Spanish people; not everyone there is lily white.

>> No.7681355

pls go

>> No.7681882

I... don't disagree with what she's saying. It's okay not to like hijabs in lolita because you dont find them aesthetically pleasing, I mean that's what lolita is all about, right? What's pleasing to the eye? Saying you dislike hijabs in lolita doesn't make you intolerant or a bigot or w/e

>> No.7685896

Timezones are shit. I'm routinely on at 3am my time, and I know I'm not the only one who can't sleep.