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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 489x447, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7666401 No.7666401 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people do this on con pages? This isn't your personal facebook

con page general

>> No.7666438
File: 651 KB, 500x422, 1404770420089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scroll through the Anime North page and just start cringing. Every time.

>> No.7666443

Weeaboos and convention noobs who think anyone gives a flying fuck about their shit cosplay. I like to scroll through them just to have a mental image of who to avoid like the plague.

>> No.7666474

See this is the kind of shit I blame people like Yaya and JNig for. Not for some bullshit "oh noes your special secret hobby isn't secret anymore" reason, but for causing this shit to happen. Where people think that being a cosplayer is akin to be some sort of fucking celebrity and they are gracious enough to entertain the masses with their presence and costumes.
Fuck that.

>> No.7666652
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I'm glad I don't read the con pages anymore. Spares me shifting through this shit.

>> No.7667093


The shitposting on the weeks leading up to AN was always a joy to read.

>> No.7668314

>Colossol Con page.
>Feminisim articals every other day.
>Some guy posts a video of some girl throwing puppies in to a river.

>> No.7668320


>> No.7668325

>"She just like...Idk...I was outside calling my aunt..."
That doesn't answer the question..

I haven't bothered with con pages in a year or so. People in my area tend to treat it like their blog and post the tiniest bit of progress or cosplay-related thought that passes through their head.

>> No.7671508

always the classy con

>> No.7671662

Tenner says she was never making them in the first place

>> No.7674217

attention whores.

>> No.7678747
File: 56 KB, 627x585, kyra1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just now at the acen page
She was buttblasted uncharacteristically by the other members saying how its 'just the internet'. She proceeded to get very very sandy. Its fucking hilarious to say the least
I have the rest of the convo in anyone want it, theres 7 or 8 in all right now.

>> No.7678763
File: 67 KB, 627x585, kyra1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose i should hide the info in case i get banned or whatever

>> No.7678884
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>> No.7678969

What picture is this about?

>> No.7679072

she posted this in the acen page because people took her pictures and posted them on here and in some youtube videos so shes throwing a fit about it after everyone told her to just private her stuff

>> No.7679080
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>> No.7679090
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>> No.7679106
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>> No.7679112
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>> No.7679116
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>> No.7679118
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it was closed after this

>> No.7679123

dat teenage non issues angst

>> No.7679175

what a fucking idiot

>> No.7679326

I have a friend that posts to the AWA group every fucking day, and I get notifs every goddamn time. It's bullshit like, "Bought the costume for my X cosplay! This image is really funny!" He's twenty years old, and he doesn't get that no one cares.

>blocking people from a public page
>thinking that really means anything

Is she twelve?

>> No.7679387

I know the OP to this and they love to be the center of drama and to have people feel sorry for them. It was the perfect bait to get attention and they got just that.
captcha: consequently dverrit

>> No.7681097

Do you know the anon that posted her here? Was it related to her personality? Because i actually like her cosplay, oddly enough.

>> No.7681818

That was me reposting the pics of her and her friends. I thought their stuff was awful. The swag LOTR shit is some of the worst stuff I've seen cosplayed.

I didn't really say anything when I reposted them other than "fucking ridiculous" on one.

>> No.7681830

I think the majority of geek-culture-themed conventions are based upon the implied premise of coming together to talk about anime with fellow nerds, but in REALITY, what happens is they want as many attendees to rent hotel rooms as possible, where the socially awkward losers will fumble through their first sexual encounter with somebody that they won't have to face the shame of ever needing to see again.

Although I've never been to a convention, so I'm not sure how it works, but that's what it sounds like anyway. How off-base am I?

>> No.7681838

at convention: totally fine. Everyone is usually friendly and the chances of having a good time are pretty high
After convention: seagulls and sandies come out with pictures to make fun of people

>> No.7681876

As someone who keeps checking the AWA facebook for photoshoot threads, that entire fucking facebook feed pisses me off so fucking much

Related note, why the fuck can't people use the forums to actually schedule shit?

>> No.7681888

because that would be too easy

>> No.7682039
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>> No.7682060
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>> No.7682429

Oh god my eyes

>> No.7685561
File: 119 KB, 670x328, Dashcon_orgy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7685565

it's so people can have a sigh of relief that there will be one less of the shit homestuck faggots shitting up cons and everything ever

>> No.7685566
File: 74 KB, 503x587, such dedication.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7685567

Keep in mind that the vast majority of the attendees were between 10-17

>> No.7685594
File: 63 KB, 744x615, 1404026781744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gasp buying wigs and feathers to make wings. You really have a challenge on your hands. How will you survive.

>> No.7685647

>look at me I'm buying an accurate wig and making accurate feathers
Her wig is going to look like shit as all sm wigs do. I cut all my feathers too and you don't see me bitching about it. Its not even the hardest part of the costume.

>> No.7685649
File: 17 KB, 432x433, 10403089_10203000551767732_5260175949382807989_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>looks at their profile image.

>> No.7685670

damn anon you're probably right

>> No.7691243

I'm guessing she was posted cos she was shit? If she had been called cute or pretty or what have you she wouldn't have reacted like this

>> No.7691288

I had to just unfollow the AWA page altogether for the sheer amount of NO STOP that it provided.

>> No.7691920
File: 2.56 MB, 167x190, 1402340611748.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7691923


>> No.7692448

is costume technology really a thing?

>> No.7692505

yes, im going for that and costume design. It's usually classified under a technical theatre course

>> No.7692525

>hide the info
Remember the internet old days when somebody would freak the fuck out if you posted their full name, picture, or location? Just one of them? And now people post all of that in public.

>> No.7692528

Youtube used to tell you never to use your real name on their site and now G+ makes you do it. Oh how times are a changin.

>> No.7695128
File: 416 KB, 886x523, Screen Shot 2014-07-19 at 11.59.19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one from what i can tell
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nff7Ljee9ZA

>> No.7696987

She won't survive if she thinks it's going to be making cosplays

>> No.7696989

Oh god does he take so long to get to the fucking point. Stop laughing and talk

>> No.7697233

If it's the person posting about Future Diary, then we know each other and holy fuck, he's been annoying the shit out of me.

>> No.7697240


this is brony-con copypasta, newfags. stop believing everything you see online.

>> No.7697252
File: 127 KB, 1606x490, youmaconfriendfinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmacon is mostly just these posts.

>> No.7697258

Is everyone just friendless? Jeez, asking for friends on fb is desperate.

>> No.7697398

I don't know if he has, I usually don't read even the previews. FB initials T(fake middle name)N?

>> No.7697811
File: 560 KB, 494x993, Otakon2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from the wonderful Otakon group

>> No.7697841

Shit like these posts were and still are taking over the A-Kon Facebook group. It was pretty bad right before the con, and now it's mostly kids and socially awkward people posting shit no one cares about. Look at me posts and I need friends posts. The cosplay attention whore posts were so bad they had to make a separate cosplay group. The admins just delete cosplay shit now which I don't mind. I don't hive a shit about your cosplay page that you posted for the 5th time.