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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 904 KB, 561x890, Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 14.50.28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7677823 No.7677823 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't had one in a while. With yetanotherjfashionblog on hiatus any new releases are welcome so I can be nosey

Pic is from Pennyhouse, personally I think they're fugly

>> No.7677830
File: 223 KB, 450x745, f243184c510fd9f9e8aa93aa272dd42a2a34a4eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blouse from the same series, also disappointing

>> No.7677833
File: 37 KB, 349x500, 6a36ab773912b31b47ac0eea8418367ad8b4e169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post some more fugly dresses because they seem to appear all at the same time

>> No.7677840
File: 184 KB, 610x813, T218XmXpdbXXXXXXXX_!!712351225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone bought from Quaint Lass or know if this dress is still in design or has already been released? I want it.

>> No.7677843
File: 425 KB, 440x893, Screen Shot 2014-07-13 at 14.57.51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of the IW playing card series, it has potential but there's something not right about them, especially the salopette but i cant point it out

>> No.7677844

...I actually like that.

>> No.7677850
File: 31 KB, 580x404, 10527895_658058397618829_3459494272464176092_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't this shop called ladylike melody as the watermark shows? Dress is beautiful though! I've not heard the name Quaint Lass until today.

Pic related, everyone seems to love this blouse but...really??? It's like a sack of cheap lace and the shape isn't flattering even on a mannequin

>> No.7677856
File: 77 KB, 960x640, 10551023_1445352552394099_3852099311887647163_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these wrist cuffs from LESE, simple and Baby looking. They seem to have a lot of items being released for preorder even before anything being shipped out though

>> No.7677858
File: 48 KB, 670x670, 10494744_621692557938182_4894658180092930811_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Neverland Lolita's umbrella?
They're riding on the constellation hype from Cosmic, but the ivory is so fucking cute.
I can't decide if I should save for a brand parasol or this parasol.

>> No.7677865

Me too, that's cute as hell.

>> No.7677870
File: 141 KB, 960x640, 10511108_1445352562394098_4007447474577347586_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nail stickers lol, don't look pretty to me but a neat idea

>> No.7677873
File: 46 KB, 580x293, 1a8059b5c9ea15ce0648d9c8b4003af33887b283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fabric shots. that pink..serious?

>> No.7677875

If you go to Quaint Lass' taobao, it's listed. I assumed the dress was called "Ladylike Melody."

>> No.7677880
File: 54 KB, 580x764, e5b89045d688d43f861016337f1ed21b0cf43bf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea which shop this is, but the dress is cute

>> No.7677883
File: 96 KB, 440x712, 8e66a344ad3459829c97f4500ef431adcaef8409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANOTHER new shop it seems. Too bad the shape/proportion isn't right and the print is too empty. The details look ok and the blue is a nice colour

>> No.7677889
File: 100 KB, 532x801, 5f980bf7905298222688c201d5ca7bcb0846d4f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surface Spell's staple design in new fabric

>> No.7677897
File: 437 KB, 532x801, cdbc37fae6cd7b89968ccf410d2442a7db330e4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I remember seeing the shop name as ladylike melody though - need to do some googling

>> No.7677898

Any idea when Krad's March jellyfish rerelease will be done?

>> No.7677900

OK I searched 'ladylike melody taobao' and the first result was a shop called Quaint Lass. Maybe they changed their name or something...

>> No.7677928

me three, looks perfect for christmas

>> No.7677950

I asked Martin last week and all he could tell me was that it would be some time this month, but that there could be a delay.

>> No.7677954
File: 54 KB, 300x265, 1354104395752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, thanks.

>> No.7677974
File: 26 KB, 359x583, classical_puppets_steam_band_one_piece_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about indie...
This is my dream dress; and I'm going to buy it, but...
What do you think?
It is so much?

(always hesitating...)

>> No.7677987

This is perfect if you want to look like a fucking wreck.

>> No.7677992

mmm i feel the shades of purple don't really work well with brown and beige, also is this one dress or put together with several parts like baby's claudia? if the former this dress will start to get repetitive on your second wear...just my opinion

>> No.7678005

When is PF gentle fox being sent out?

>> No.7678023

I like it, but maybe these shaders are hard to combine

>> No.7678030


This looks cyan rather than sax blue on my monitor. Sax blue is a nice colour, easy to match. Cyan is a bitch to work with.

>> No.7678144

I actually rather like this, just not for lolita.

>> No.7678154

The shop name is, by right, ladylike melody. But the shop owner's taobao username is quaintlass. They refer to the same shop anyway.

yetanotherjfb here. Do you know why I stopped posting all these new shops that emerged overnight with a ~unique~ print? Half of them have zero experience running a Lolita design shop, yet they handle everything on their own. Things usually go out of hand - production can be delayed forever or major Q.C. issues. To be fair, when things go wrong, the designers do take responsibility for it, but I really don't think they are worth the hassle. I also dislike it when people ask me about these shops that were born overnight. I feel like giving the information just eggs them on to buy it even though the risk of receiving an ita dress is kinda high.

>> No.7678165

sax minus the long striped tier could work

>> No.7678181

If this is really you yetanotherjfb, I just want to thank you so much for your blog.

>> No.7678325

Thank you being so responsible to your followers/lolitas in general. I personally wouldn't want to try a shop that jump onto the bandwagon (yes print dresses i'm looking at you) rather than getting the basics right first.

>> No.7678347

it reminds me of Meta's raschel lace jsk for the sole reason that they're both guilty pleasure dresses. So tacky that I want them.

>> No.7678375
File: 67 KB, 640x960, 10286815_579894158792532_8524393390080672305_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Moss Badger's version better

>> No.7678397

Does Mossbadger make/sell dresses?

>> No.7678430

I think if you ask she does but mainly she sells fabric on Spoonflower.

>> No.7678545

she's working on selling dresses through the Lolita Collective, but as of right now it's really only if you ask

>> No.7678655

its ita as fuck

>> No.7678790

The torso on that salo looks long as fuck, though.

>> No.7679055

4chan has spoken
That's garbage

>> No.7679516

Srsly, seagulls, what's happening? This dress it's gorgeous (amd I'm not kidding)

>> No.7679570

I think it is fine however most people will not be able to coord it properly. The different purples, the browns, and the steampunkish imagery is just too much bait for itas.

Also CP is not known for their clothing.

>> No.7679581

I like that.

>> No.7679598

Theres waaaaaaaay too much shit going on

why the gears? why the random power puff girl looking professor on there? fleur de lys for what? 3 different shades of purple. Brown? Tan? Black? White? STRIPES?

There is TOO MUCH SHIT going on and it just looks sloppy.

Now.. If you got rid of all that shit and maybe went for a simple gear pattern in brown/purple/gold it would look cute. But right now its hectic and and eyesore

>> No.7679640

Gonna have to disagree. I like OTT dresses, but this looks like some kind of "steampunk lolita" cosplay you'd get from fanplusfriend. All the generic vectored-looking gears and stuff printed on it make it look really cheap despite seemingly solid construction.

>> No.7679716

ooh i want this in navy.

>> No.7679959
File: 274 KB, 917x971, 138444098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, in my opinion steampunk is the kinda fashion one might wear in a kinda retro-futuristic industrialized world. For that reason I think anything cogs and gears related should be functional and not just a superfluous motif; not to mention it's become a bit of a cliche that some people may find a bit corny.

I don't know what you think of the dress in pic related also by Classical Puppets, but I think it could be worn in a Victorian way that is reminiscent of steampunk without seeming too costumey.

But hey, if you like the dress, that's cool - it's just the sort of design likely to divide opinion I guess.

>> No.7681035

I really like this style. It seems very edwardian lady....

>> No.7681046

I do like it but why is there a Jewish star?
Salopette bodice portion looks too long.

>> No.7681170

I think it's a little too busy. Like everyone else has been saying, it wouldn't go too well unless you're amazing at coording.

>> No.7681173

Forgot to add: And even THAT will be a stretch.

>> No.7681237

I actually like it... I mean, the construction seems nice. I just don't like those ribbons crossed.

>> No.7682469

>a shop that jump onto the bandwagon (yes print dresses i'm looking at you) rather than getting the basics right first
This so hard. So many chinese lolita indie designers pop up overnight on weibo out of no where, with a fancy new print they wish to release. I suspect most of them have zero experience in designing clothing, managing an online shop (or any business for that matter) and everything else needed to be successful as an indie brand. I think experience is really important, and if you have none you should build it up instead of jumping right into the mess of things.

A good brand, indie or otherwise, should be able to produce adorable clothing and/or accessories whether they are a print or otherwise. Of course with the popularity of prints, many people are quick to cash in. I guess China is just a special case - clothing factories are so easily accessible, compounded by labour and materials being cheap, any tom dick or harry can open shop overnight. Other countries don't have that luxury. I think if I were Chinese I may have already set up my own indie brand and be successful by now....

>> No.7682982


>> No.7683423
File: 176 KB, 452x622, madoka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The pink one distinctly looks like a Loli version of Madoka.

>> No.7683446

No... No it doesn't.

>> No.7683494

I like this...the only thing that I'd be concerned about is where the top of the bodice ends. It seems very low for that neckline.

Wow this is cute but you're right--the skirt isn't quite full enough and the print almost looks incomplete because it's so empty...

I could see someone experience coording this for a Steampunk outfit or pirate lolita but it's very OTT and would be difficult to do. I'd caution all but the most experienced to attempt it, honestly.

Same, anon. Same.

>> No.7683533

i really like the cut and shape of the dress, but the actual patterns/prints/slapdash colors break the dress for me. if the designer focused on making a unified theme, the dress would look much better. but right now, as >>7679598 said, there's way too much stuff going on and it looks dischordant.

>> No.7683559

first thing that came to my head, too, anon.

>> No.7683594

Anon stop.

>> No.7683855


>> No.7684211

Me too but the brown/beige palette isn't for me. Maybe if the polkadots were red or black i would totally get it.

>> No.7685988
File: 47 KB, 440x660, ba777ed98d1001e98e8f89c9ba0e7bec56e79784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singing in the rain print, I really don't like the HUGE ruffles but the print is cute! Would like to see a skirt

>> No.7685990
File: 114 KB, 1024x768, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angel print from a shop called mumu I think?

Someone may like it but it's too childish for me and it's a bit boring to see every shop doing nursery colour sweet prints nowadays

>> No.7685997

This reminds me.. does anyone know what is happening with the Classical Puppets Let's Eat Pie? Was that something they posted just to make me squirrel the money away in hopes that they would actually make it. I really really want to own that damn jsk so hard. And then I see that they're selling this travesty.

>> No.7686000

I know I just contradicted myself but for me pastel cats dancing in the rain seem a lot more acceptable(?) than chibi angels that look like they come from a colouring book...i hope someone understands the frustration. Some sweets prints are cute, but taobao seriously needs more gothic and classic pieces.

>> No.7686001

Weren't those on sale like a long time ago? I don't usually follow their updates so idk, but surely they wouldn't just make some dresses and take picture then not sell them...?

>> No.7686003

Were they? idk I know like zero Chinese and have been checking up on it every week since first noticing it a year ago.

>> No.7686036

what >>7686001 said
also good news is that infanta bought up the same print


>> No.7686077

All I remember is seeing a pic of that print ages before bodyline put out their version. mmm

>> No.7686160
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, 1404291595839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is......really cute...
they don't do custom sizing do they?

>> No.7686167

It's a pretty dress that will look good on no one
It would be better to hang it up

>> No.7686170

Ah well thank you very much anon.

>> No.7686191
File: 144 KB, 500x500, pepfox gentle fox milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weh, delay on shipping the Pepfox Gentle Fox skirts. They'll be sending free gifts with the delayed orders though, so it's okay. (I kind of wanted to wear mine for Hyper Japan but I knew it probably wouldn't arrive before that anyway)

>> No.7687063
File: 264 KB, 650x975, T2Y9ixXMxaXXXXXXXX-1992797956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the anon who wanted to buy my medium Soufflesong Mucha skirt in the last couple indie threads is still around, I shot you an email about it. Not sure if that was a throwaway so in case you don't check it much.

>> No.7687084

And also no black or red color.

>> No.7687240
File: 72 KB, 440x586, 4ce4e87cjw1ehw6v8986wj20xc18ggyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooooo happy that I reserved this dress with my friends! It looks fucking gorgeous!

>> No.7687250

Kicking myself for not having the money to order it

>> No.7687265

I was drooling over this dress, but passed it up because I wasn't familiar with the shop selling it. And now I regret it.

>> No.7687926

Fuck I should of ordered one, all of my regret in not doing so.

>> No.7689090
File: 458 KB, 521x688, TB2BIrjXVXXXXbZXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!1919435942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this dress on the same shop as that Frozen inspired jsk. None of their stuff has sales from Chinese lolitas so maybe CG can help us out here? Also, how many almost replicas can you find on that webshop? http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=39824424023

>> No.7689263

This is some serious stock photo lolita collage

>> No.7689275

What dress is that?

>> No.7689286

This one, anon.

>> No.7689302

FUCK. I forgot to pre order the skirt. I'm so mad right now.
....how hard would it be to find this secondhand?

>> No.7689356

it's meh. I'd have to see the pattern at the bottom close up, the people look a bit out of place. I think if coordinated very well it'll look good.

>> No.7689369

Anyone have more photos of this dress? I can't into weibo despite having an account.

>> No.7689388

The fabric looks cheap, the print looks washed out, construction and design too simple. Why are people so excited about this?

>> No.7689413

this is legit my dream dress. I like it better than any burando. Tiny dancing kitties dressed in ouji and lolita with cat-eared umbrellas?? sign me the fuck up

>> No.7689442

>The fabric looks cheap, the print looks washed out
how can you tell from such a small picture that clearly has a filter on it?
>construction and design too simple
some people don't like ott. some people actually like simple!

>> No.7689632

I really wish they didn't sell out so quickly

>> No.7689849

They aren't just a lolita brand, they more cater to otome, which is why the design and construction is simple.

>> No.7689997

I also share your feel.

>> No.7690045
File: 233 KB, 1024x768, 4ce4e87cjw1ei5l59vub5j218g0xc7m1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magicatstreet is planning a new dress design. For all those cat lovers out there.

>> No.7690051
File: 78 KB, 640x858, 4ce4e87cjw1eiaw2lbw42j20hs0nujto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7690064

hnnng adorable

>> No.7690067

Where'd you find this? Do they have a twitter or blog/fb?

>> No.7690079

Their weibo over here!

>> No.7690090

I wanna see photos of the other colorways

>> No.7690107

The Facebook Lolita updates group only posts ita crap from taobao.

>Howdy every Lolita
Who is this person with such ita taste anyway.

>> No.7690669
File: 75 KB, 500x667, such dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was really only a matter of time

>> No.7690979

Wait, this is real? I thought it was shooped.

>> No.7690980

In the nearby future, the most popular styles will be:
- Sweet lolita
- Gothic lolita
- Meme lolita

>> No.7690995

orders closed on the 20th, dresses have a 6-8 week production time on the website. emails were sent out to those of us who bought skirts.

>> No.7691061

Unfortunately, this is very much real. If for some ungodly reason you actually wanted to buy it, you can get it here:http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-1883320007.44.SLyoiG&id=39972640301

>> No.7691092

>Moi Meme Moitie

>> No.7691141

You are the best, anon.

>> No.7691150

Shit, it's been so long I forgot I ordered one, now I'm pumped all over again.

>> No.7691154

Pretty hard. There might be some available when people start getting them in a couple of weeks but since everything sold out in a couple of hours when they opened orders there'll be fierce competition.

There's a chance they'll do a re-run, but not soon.

>> No.7691502

Omgawd...cat shaped sweets!

>> No.7691505

I was hoping for punk lolita instead. But meme lolita i'm not sure if would be a good idea
>even if i love the concept of meme lolita
>i want a trollita coord

>> No.7691528

This is cute but dat print is so so simple. As a graphic designer I can only say that I pray it took them less than 1 hour to make.

>> No.7691534
File: 429 KB, 500x791, TB2aZ7EXVXXXXXVXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!199340297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chess Story [Le Ballet]

>> No.7691539
File: 441 KB, 500x750, TB2dI.CXVXXXXc7XXXXXXXXXXXX_!!199340297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chess Story [Le Ballet] Luxury version??

>> No.7693447
File: 163 KB, 720x1083, grocery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Preorder

>> No.7695849


>> No.7695902

i'm not a lolita but as an art student i'd wear the shit out of that

>> No.7695969

is this fashion tips person one of you?

>> No.7695973
File: 103 KB, 562x640, CC closeup pile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7695975

Yeah they go here

>> No.7695993

Anon, the shop still has the listing up for the chiffon layers dress! It will be shipped later on August 10th instead

>> No.7697067

It looks beautiful

>> No.7697339

>As a graphic designer

and some people prefer simple

>> No.7697342

Wow, I love this. I really like the navy colourway.