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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 296 KB, 846x742, Dashconned 2014 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7674079 No.7674079[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Last thread in autosage >>7672973

>Tumblr holds a convention
>Organisers say at the end of first day that they need $17,000 dollars in an hour or the hotel will shut the con down
>"We suspect it’s due to the fact that upper management doesn’t like the people at the con"
>Major WTFing, confusion everywhere, nobody has any idea what's going on
>People donate via paypal, donate cash at the con
>They raise the money
>"We are DashCon. We are tumblr. We are fandom. We are the champions, we will stand as one, and we will NOT be crushed."
>Turns out that Dashcon hadn't paid the hotel the money beforehand as per the contract
>17 year old organiser
>Say they'll refund paypal donations, starting with the largest
>There's still a day and a half of this shitfest
>The cosplay isn't that good either

>> No.7674085


>> No.7674086
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I’d never pay for a ticket to go to a movie theater and when everyone is seated they make an announcement saying “we need to raise so and so amount of money in the next hour or we CANT play this movie! Donate to our paypal” like I just went to see a fucking movie I already payed for my ticket what the hell is going on and then people fork over thousands of dollars and are proud of themselves for doing so and then the movie actually starts and it turns out to be fucking bad.

>> No.7674088
File: 1.88 MB, 500x300, Sequence 01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Webm version

>> No.7674090

Feel like I am late to the party here. But a few things...As someone who has ran a con and been on a few board of directors for conventions...

1) What kind of hotel doesn't have a stipulation on payment written into their contract? This is typically section 1.A. Payment. I don't buy for a second that payment schedule wasn't put into this contract.

2) A first year convention, ran by a 17 year old child, and a bunch of kids, managed to get a 3K down payment and a 17K "due at time of completion" stipulation on their payment? No. If this whole thing...room block + venue space cost them 20K then they would have easily owed 10K at the time of contract signing, and 10K before the event started. It takes contacts, good standings with brand, prior business dealings, etc to get net1, net 15, net 30 payments for the rest of your shows venue fees.

3) Who the hell gets on Tumblr and pleads for money to go to a PAYPAL account to get to the hotel asap? I would have called my board, my attorney, the hotels regional manager, CEO, etc first and foremost and worked out something because I was too STUPID to put payment schedules into my contract.

4) Number 3 is irrelevant, because this whole thing reeks of scam.

>> No.7674095

Now imagine if they asked everybody in the audience for $3 after they had already been seated, paid for tickets, paid for popcorn, and were ready to watch the movie.

And imagine if this movie was some kind of SuperWhoLockNatural (or whatever it is) fandub where they forced shipping into every facet of the film, complete with annotations as to where their ships have validity and which male character is the sexiest, in addition to annotations that you should never sexualize women in the media because that is sexist and unacceptable.

And the reason you had to pay was because some person had, word of mouth, booked the theater, and the theater, having no clue what was going on, had talked to them about the lack of money that they were going to "Get" after the showing

So you have to pay extra just to watch the movie, in addition to the fees you paid to watch the movie, because the people who were supposed to be handling the movie theater were retarded fuckups.


>> No.7674096

Sunk Cost Fallacy's a helluva drug

>> No.7674099
File: 254 KB, 724x1280, tumblr_n8lxc49C9B1qg3mkio5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Genderbend Steampunk Cas and Dean!!!!!!!!

>> No.7674101
File: 29 KB, 500x375, 1323830929656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you have more. I'm in need of a good cringe this morning.

>> No.7674102


i also truly dont believe they raised 17k in a half hour idk

>> No.7674104

Wonder if they'll even acknowledge 4chan's part in it all. Have these panels happened yet? This one actually sounds like it could potentially be REALLY stupid.

>> No.7674105

Not sure if it's been posted...

Pleads for cash.



>> No.7674106
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>> No.7674107

Can 17 year olds even sign contracts in the US?

>> No.7674111

No! And they also can't have PP accounts.

>> No.7674112

No, minors do not have the right to contract in the US. Vendors can get shafted hard if they contract with a minor and the minor pulls out.

>> No.7674113

My theory.

As stated, I've worked for cons and ran them.

They didn't raise enough to cover expenses. Rather than taking a huge hit and being in a large amount of debt...hey...let's get what we can.

They raised maybe 5K, 8K, 10K, whatever amount. Then simply said, "k thx we made it giz continu ur party lulz"

They probably just reduced their debt on expenses by a few thousand dollars by extorting it from people. They didn't raise 17K in an hour. Did you see how many people were there? Every damned person would have had to donate $200.

It's the cons responsibility to take a loss or gain depending on how well they run it. These guys fucked up, and fucked all of their attendees. Children.

>> No.7674115

just wanted to thank you, op, for that beautiful thread picture. that's all.

>> No.7674118
File: 124 KB, 500x669, tumblr_n8lv6dyLb21qkaig7o5_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7674124

Quite possibly the biggest scam I've seen since Anita's Kickstarter

>> No.7674125

You're welcome. I'm glad my 17000 minutes in MSPaint were worthwhile

>> No.7674126

From what I've gathered from the DashCon tumblr, she isn't the only admin--there are other ones who seem to be ranging in age from like 20s-30s. I think the 17-year-old is the main admin, though.

This makes it even worse for me, though, that actually adults are supporting this thing.

>> No.7674130

Adults on Tumblr are essentially teenagers with more privileges.

>> No.7674131
File: 79 KB, 500x250, tumblr_n7plk5R7Oh1re48nho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe they're pre-registering for next year already when they barely managed to make this work at all.

>> No.7674132

I'm pretty sure when I was 17 I had a PP account. Considering I opened it when I got my first job/bank account when I was 16. As long as you have a bank account you're golden.
(Although I'm not even sure about needing a bank account, since I once bought something from EGL_Comm sales using PP, then found out the seller was 12...)

That aside, this con just reeks suspicious... Don't know why anyone would fork over money like that.

>> No.7674134


Gotta get the money to the pay off this one somehow.

>> No.7674143

Don't worry, they'll pay off this year's fuckup with next year's pre-registration costs!

Walk-ins will cover the people who will show up in 2015. :^)

>> No.7674144
File: 150 KB, 558x483, make it rain fuckers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674151

This whole thing reminds me of that one time a bunch of SA goons contacted a hotel that was supposed to host a furry convention and got it shut down after informing the employees what furries are (they thought it just meant people who wear/make the big mascot suits)

>> No.7674153

"Night Vale is 45 minutes late for the live show. There is no longer enough time for an entire episode."

>> No.7674154
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>> No.7674156
File: 62 KB, 423x750, tumblr_n8m02sf20K1re9hh0o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ball pit

>> No.7674159

Holy fuck this con only keeps embarrassing itself more

>> No.7674163

Did they really


Did they really put in a fucking ball pit?

>> No.7674165

I am more disappointed in the size. You could barely fit two people in that thing and forget any true swimming about.

>> No.7674166

omfg are they even going to show up?

>> No.7674167
File: 54 KB, 569x253, THERE IT IS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tumblr is so far up its own ass it wrote bad fanfic as a travel guide to the area

>> No.7674168

I guess I can see that. They wanted to go retarded, so they needed to go full retarded.

>> No.7674169

This just in: the hall waiting for WTNV has ordered pizza for everyone. The mystery of the 17K is solved, it is going to pizza.

>> No.7674170
File: 43 KB, 824x621, it's an abstract kind of fast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is every picture I see of someone at dashcon:
-shit sense of humor

why not just put in a fake bomb threat.

>> No.7674171

At least Furries grow up and hold jobs.

>> No.7674173



>> No.7674174

It's a tumblr convention, what the fuck where you expecting?

>> No.7674175

What is it about Superwholock that attracts so many autists and how do these fandoms even fit together?

>> No.7674177
File: 104 KB, 500x436, 1390427878743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lie, someone's going to die. (sorry for the rhyming there)

>> No.7674179

Migratory any two white guys slash fandom.

>> No.7674180

because the dashcon consists of superwholocksand stupid white teens with too much money.
It is the only way to pool all the stupid out.

>> No.7674181

>why not just put in a fake bomb threat.
C'mon anon, don't say things like that. It's too tempting. A couple of weddings have already been ruined by being in the vicinity of this clusterfuck and they don't deserve to be turfed out for a bomb threat on top of that.

>> No.7674182

Well, Doctor Who has timeline fuckery, so it could theoretically be running in the background of any show.
Sherlock was a real guy, so he exists in the history of Supernatural.
It's incredibly retarded, but I guess they have something?

>> No.7674184

This just in: the pizza is not free you must pay for the pizza.

>> No.7674187

>that money should've gone to transgenders looking for surgery

this is a joke, right?

>> No.7674188

I dont think the superwholock style tumblr and the sj tumblrs like each other much, considering the whole "creepily fetishizing gay people who are only dudes" thing.

The irony is so called "Gay tumblr' and "Black tumblr" are chill but mostly insular and drive out sjw shit pretty quick.

>> No.7674189

Transgenders aren't looking for surgery.
They're looking for stupid shit to strap to themselves so they can go back to being a man/woman whenever it's convenient.

>> No.7674191
File: 83 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n8m2hh0Uci1rdox3eo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Security huddle

>> No.7674192

I love how it sounds like he's just talking about a high school clique lol

>> No.7674195

I remember one of my friends inviting me and my girlfriend to go with her to this because her tumblr internet friends flaked.
I would rather go to the dentist.

>> No.7674196

SJWs don't actually care about social justice.
They're just shitty white kids trying to look cool on the internet.

>> No.7674198
File: 1.89 MB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_n8fhgijb7Y1qb9x1g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any more video edits I should make I don't have much better to do while I spectate.

>> No.7674199

Holy shit all the youtube videos of people standing in the ballroom and shouting memes and fandom quotes while they raised the money is probably one of the most embarrassing things I've ever seen in my entire life

>> No.7674200

WTNV walked on the con. The biggest draw to the con has walked.

>> No.7674202


>> No.7674205

>My Little Superwholockstuck Time no Kyojin
>Now with 20% more flower crowns

>> No.7674206

Welcome to Night Vale panel should have finished but the panellists never showed up

People wondering if they were properly booked at all

>> No.7674208


I think you forgot the first rule of tumblr sjws: if I like it, it can't be bad!

>> No.7674209

Ball pits can be fun, especially if it's for photos. But look how fucking tiny that thing is.

>> No.7674210

That was one of the smartest choices they've ever made. After yesterday's bullshit I would've turned tail and ran too.

>> No.7674211

I would bet actual money that the creators of Welcome To Nightvale were never actually scheduled to show up to the convention.

>> No.7674212

"Ultimate Werewolf and Slash"

>> No.7674213




>> No.7674215

Apparently they may not have been properly booked in the first place!

>> No.7674216

They never showed up.
They were never called.
They never even existed.
Who are you talking about?

And that's your average Nightvale story.

>> No.7674218
File: 106 KB, 395x278, LkTBfJ1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a minority!

...she's probably transethnic, though.

>> No.7674220

If this is a Tumblr con why is everybody white?

>> No.7674223


No, WTNV posted about it a while ago on their Twitter. I'll bet they realized what a clusterfuck it was going to be and got the fuck out of there.

>> No.7674224

Because everyone on tumblr is white and only pretending to be ethnic so they don't get their racist shit shut down point blank.

>> No.7674225 [DELETED] 

Well considering the fact they will be attending is not mentioned anywhere on the official website probably not, unless WTNV have already deleted all mention to distance themselves.

>> No.7674228

Looks like they were scheduled, at least

>> No.7674229

cap? I'm not seeing anything.

>> No.7674230



>> No.7674232
File: 434 KB, 575x499, wtnv tour map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped image

>> No.7674234
File: 57 KB, 600x600, WTNV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a major WTNV fan, I'm so proud of them.

>> No.7674235

ok so we need $17000 or wtnv don't go on stage okay

donate paypal

>> No.7674236

where is their twitter.

>> No.7674238
File: 57 KB, 1206x260, Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 2.30.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

google and ctrl+F are your friends

Right??? I'm so happy about this. I can't wait to see how butthurt tumblr gets about this.

>> No.7674240

>Sherlock was a real guy
u wot m8

>> No.7674243
File: 23 KB, 294x300, girl-crying_l1-294x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Night Vale panel was one where people paid extra for reserved seating

hooooooooooooooooo boy

>> No.7674246
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>> No.7674252
File: 273 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8m2rkqorK1qb8lh3o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Browsing the pics, I've seen only one black person so far; that one horrible Jack Frost cosplayer.

>> No.7674253

... yeah, weren't the novels based off of a real detective?

>> No.7674256

>the girl in the background unable to zip up her dress past her waist

>> No.7674258

The inspiration for Sherlock was a surgeon, so no, not really.

>> No.7674259

Oh my God, Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white.

>> No.7674261

About 25 seconds in. Tumblr thought it was 4chan

>> No.7674262

Wikipedia says this:
"Doyle said that the character of Sherlock Holmes was inspired by Dr. Joseph Bell, a surgeon at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh for whom Doyle had worked as a clerk. Like Holmes, Bell was noted for drawing large conclusions from the smallest observations. Some years later Bell wrote in a letter to Conan Doyle: "You are yourself Sherlock Holmes and well you know it." Sir Henry Littlejohn, Chair of Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh Medical School, is also cited as an inspiration for Holmes. Littlejohn served as Police Surgeon and Medical Officer of Health of Edinburgh, providing for Doyle a link between medical investigation and the detection of crime."

So the character was inspired by them, but the character himself is not real.

>> No.7674263
File: 38 KB, 165x424, where is the joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674264
File: 537 KB, 1836x2144, BlackFrost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga Frost represent

>> No.7674265

of course they were darling, and that report by the journalist arthur conan doyle on the time sherlock and watson met santa was so exciting

>> No.7674270
File: 54 KB, 744x419, DAMN SON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674271

Well, at least I'm less of an ignorant fuck than I used to be.

>> No.7674276
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>> No.7674278 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 200x145, mmmgurl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most embarrassing thing I've seen in months.
God fucking bless.

Knowing is half the battle, anon.

>> No.7674279

Don't you dare insult Black Frost with that fucking disgrace in that picture.

>> No.7674280
File: 69 KB, 516x329, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ogre

>> No.7674285

Go back to tumblr, and take your memes with you.

>> No.7674287

How the fuck are they going to pull a disaster for Sunday out of the bag? Do they just blow up the damn hotel?

>> No.7674290


too long to post. just read

>> No.7674292

Steam Powered Giraffe is also out

Everybody getting fucked over

>> No.7674294
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 1360008996014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674296

Wait, did people really think they were gonna be there? Oh lawdy.

>> No.7674297

>band sends in an intern as recon since it's a new con
>reports nothing but landwhales superwholock
>band books it the fuck out of town

>> No.7674300

Was everything packed into one room? Cause that's what it looks like

>> No.7674301


pics in this post >>7674290

>> No.7674302

Damn, son.

>> No.7674309
File: 59 KB, 600x600, Gundameyestab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's $5 for 2 slices of pizza

>> No.7674311

*sees videos of them playing "We are the Champions" after pulling off the biggest scam in convention history

Freddie Mercury is probably rolling in his grave right now.

>> No.7674313

What the fuck, I almost feel bad for them that's so pathetic

>> No.7674315

That's actually a better deal than my local hy-vee.
They go for $3 each here, but they're pretty loaded.

>> No.7674316

this entire thing has been internet comedy gold.

What a hysterical mess.

>> No.7674319

> We took a full break in the middle of our July tour to attend this small fan-based event.
> We paid for our own hotel and plane fare, and were very excited to be part of this intimate fan gathering.

I feel so so bad for the guys behind WTNV, they had no idea what to expect and they wasted so much time and money on this.

>> No.7674320



hold on ill post it all in separate posts here with the photos

At the time I bought my badge — which was sometime last year (yes, I knew about it back then) — it didn’t entirely occur to me that a Tumblr convention would be a absolutely horrible idea. And I still don’t think it is; it was just executed in the worst way you could possibly imagine. I had no way of knowing ahead of time that it would’ve turned out to be THIS bad.

If you go to the DashCon website (http://dashcon.org), you’ll note that there are “committees,” which are predefined by the convention to represent each major fandom that they expected to be present at the venue. See, back when I bought my badge, there was an anime committee. One of the reasons why I bought my badge was because I thought there would be a lot of anime fans at the event, and I frequent anime conventions. At some point, the anime committee ended up dissolving (all I can remember is that they used to have a blog that wouldn’t get updated for months) and the next time I checked, the only anime-related committee left was one dedicated to Hetalia.

>> No.7674321

of all the terrible decisions of this con, why on earth did they have it at a fucking Renaissance?

>> No.7674322
File: 32 KB, 500x402, tumblr_inline_n8l8ie7lAF1r3iprt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don’t care for Hetalia, so that was a bummer. The majority of people slated to be in attendance were Supernatural/Doctor Who/Sherlock/Harry Potter/etc. etc. fans, which aren’t things I’m a fan of. Still, I’m a local to the area, meaning that I didn’t really have to go out of my way to attend DashCon. And I had already put down a whopping $65 for the ticket - which is the most i’ve ever spent on a convention badge - so I thought I’d at least check it out for a while to make it worth the cost. Mind you, during pre-reg and at-con reg, the staff would continuously try to sell you on a badge bundled with a ticket to a Steam Powered Giraffe concert (who didn’t even end up coming in the end). It was incredibly obvious to me that everything was a money grab, and I only wish I could’ve seen that earlier.

I didn’t plan to stay there for more than a few hours, and I didn’t. The DashCon staff had repeatedly claimed in their FAQ and in person that they expected attendance numbers of 3000-7000, and that they were “right on target” for it, but in reality it looked as if it were half a thousand people at the VERY VERY most.

>> No.7674324

>tries to "raid" /b/
>fails miserably and raided in retaliation
>attempts to host a convention
>the fable "Tumblrcon" that they've been jizzing about for years
>it's fucking terrible

Tumblr is on a fucking roll lately

>> No.7674326
File: 35 KB, 500x402, tumblr_inline_n8l8il5Ueb1r3iprt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Many of the hallways and lobbies were barely populated at all; as a person who prefers going to larger conventions, I was disappointed. The Dealer’s Room/Artist’s Alley left much to be desired. There were practically no dealers selling official merchandise of any kind. It seemed as if everybody in there was a freelance artist, selling the same cheap buttons/stickers/decals/piling-prone fleece shit you’d know all too well if you’ve been to a convention before. I suppose the schedule and the panel descriptions speak for themselves. but I did sit in one panel called “Name That Anime” for a cool three minutes or so before walking out the door. It started 15 minutes late and was so poorly improvised on the spot it was terrible; they were giving out hotel mints as prizes if you could name the anime where “clothes are used as weapons!!!!!”

The worst part, though, had to be the so-called “video game room.” Having gone out to Anime Midwest last weekend, I expected a room full of Xbox/Wii/PS3/PS4 playing stations. In reality, there was only ONE TV in the entire room, along with a bunch of tables.

I legitimately felt bad for the few people walking around who had actually put work into their costumes to wear around there. As far as anime goes, the only series I saw anything of were Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan. I was genuinely surprised that I didn’t catch any Hatsune Miku or Pikachu cosplays (usually see hundreds of those).

>> No.7674329
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>> No.7674330
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I didn’t witness any fighting, but then again, I was only there for an hour and a half in the early afternoon before I got bored and left. Everybody at the con seemed nice, but also very young (most people I saw I’d guess were 15 and under) and you could definitely pick out a lot of the socially awkward ones hanging about. There wasn’t a lot of energy due to the fact that there was literally nobody there, so I guess you could say that everybody looked bored. The convention center/hotel was isolated compared to other popular places in the area, so there weren’t that many outsiders around; however, you could definitely tell that the convention center was pretty uppity and intended for business conventions rather than ones of this nature. Exquisite carpeted floors and chandeliers everywhere.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, in my case) I left long before the whole money/hotel management drama apparently erupted. I decided the con was not worth my time and spent the rest of the day at the local mall. I had a lot more fun there, obviously. So, while I’m not in a better position to tell you what actually happened, I can tell you that my immediate reaction to the whole thing was that it was a scam considering the high badge cost and the low effort/sloppy organization evident all around.

If it’s any additional proof that I was really there, I took a picture of my badge after I went on Thursday night to pick it up: http://kirbeh.tumblr.com/post/91420852017/dashcon-the-first-ever-tumblr-convention-as-far

>> No.7674334

I'm so embarrassed to have an account right now.

>> No.7674336

I deleted mine shortly after the /b/ raid started.
It was a long time coming, but /b/ really cemented it in for me.
I shall miss nothing but the copious amounts of furry porn I was collecting.

>> No.7674337

Man don't be. I have one too but it's like being embarrassed of 4chan because of /b/ and /pol/ judging the whole by the worst is pointless.

>> No.7674338

I have an account too and I stay as far away from these people at possible. The only thing I'm seeing about it on my dashboard is people laughing at it

>> No.7674339
File: 196 KB, 348x405, do it faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

con seems to be going better than I expected

>> No.7674342

Can someone explain to me why their badge has flowers, a power symbol, and a fat chicken? This autismal fury is too great to mentally grasp

>> No.7674346

>Welcome to tumblr
>Welcome to DashCon

>> No.7674347
File: 398 KB, 1127x819, 1394995006598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most embarrassing thing I've seen in months.
God fucking bless.

>that "4chan hacking / virus"

Doshcon of all years has my full non-monetary, side-splitting support.

>> No.7674348

I have one and even though I went full SJW retard for a few months, I still stay for the pretty pictures and crazy drama, like this.

>> No.7674349

True, this is all I see too. Guess I pick OK people to follow.

>> No.7674359

I wonder what it would take to get the whole of Chicago's 4chan population to go mill around that convention without a badge for the luls

>> No.7674361

About seventeen thousand dollars.

>> No.7674362
File: 48 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n8m03yI17G1sugbdfo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Night vale reading!
>‘Tis packed

Oh my god.

>> No.7674364

The promise of tumblr tears would be enough for me, but I'm in the Quad Cities.

>> No.7674366
File: 98 KB, 208x284, Screen Shot 2014-07-12 at 3.16.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674367

"I want to suck a dick THIIIIIIS big!"

>> No.7674368

Free pizza.

>> No.7674371


sorry to inform you but >>7674309
>it's $5 for 2 slices of pizza

>> No.7674374

Dashcon has just activated "victim card"!


>> No.7674376

of course they did. The first rule of hiring performers is to pay them their fee upfront oh my god

>> No.7674377

Staffer report on the WTNV debacle

>Here are the specifics, from what the co-chair announced at the panel itself, and with supplemental information from my department head:

>We loaded people into the room on time (even in the right order, with special ticket holders first).
>Night Vale was paid most of their appearance fee up front. Around the panel’s starting time, the folks from Night Vale asked to be paid the rest of their fee. The delay was due to trying to make that happen.
>The amount Night Vale had already been paid and the amount that Night Vale still had yet to be paid differed by an order of magnitude. (That is: the amount they had been paid was 10 times larger than the amount the were yet owed.)
>DashCon had the funds available in their bank account and the co-chair showed this to Night Vale. The co-chair asked to be able to drive to the bank, withdraw the money, and arrive with it during the panel. Night Vale refused this deal.
>Because of this, the panel was cancelled. This was announced about 1 hour after the panel was supposed to start.
>The status of the Night Vale panel for Sunday is indeterminate. The status of tickets, refunds, seating, etc. is also indeterminate, at least as far as what Security knows.

>This is what I know.

>> No.7674378
File: 1.56 MB, 400x225, 1374726965077.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone is throwing homestuck gang signs and trying to explain “morelles?” I am not entirely certain they didn’t say “moray eels” but hey

>> No.7674380
File: 977 KB, 500x284, tumblr_inline_n2zg1bZmUP1stefdt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TVTropes lingo

>> No.7674381
File: 16 KB, 252x191, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooo how is this going to end exactly? Are the creators of Dashcon gonna be sued or be in debt? Will the con even make until tomorrow? Is $17,000 going to be a meme now? Im kinda worried for the 17 year old admin, I saw caps of her on tumblr crying and word is she's already kinda unstable.

>> No.7674382

also their account of yesterday's mess

>> No.7674384


they're acting like it's the worst thing on earth for them to request having the actual payment in their hands and not just be shown their paypal balance on a smartphne screen "we can do it later" lmao these ppl

>> No.7674385

considering they're already taking preorders for next year, I have no idea

>> No.7674386

It's really not as complicated as people say.
It's just Hate Fucking, BFFs, That Guy That Makes You Not Kill People, and Normal Fucking.

>> No.7674389
File: 210 KB, 431x404, 9985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope she doesn't kill herself, or this con will become some kind of annual memorial thing and then we'll never get rid of it.

>> No.7674390

and it'll turn into an "omg you guys she was young it wasn't her fault how dare you laugh" thing

>> No.7674392

Honestly, not even a Deadpool Cosplay could save this thing.

>> No.7674394
File: 368 KB, 460x247, sGwHT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disasters come in threes. This con is three days long. We've had one disaster each day so far.

Somebody has to die at the con tomorrow.

It's the only escalation left. This amazing story must have its end.

>> No.7674399


>> No.7674401

I hope so, this is really fun to watch.

>> No.7674402

What's with the fake british accent from the teenage boy?

>> No.7674403
File: 33 KB, 435x595, fvnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it must be so

>> No.7674405

Nah, I think it'll be money related.
Maybe the organizers will all be arrested after being accused of scamming the con-goers.

>> No.7674406

Pretty much, except the last one, which is more like Pity Fucking.

>> No.7674408
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>> No.7674410

If there was a purely 4chan-themed con, in the same vein as this bullshit, what kinds of panels and events would there be?

>Your favorite video game sucks, and here's why
>Shit taste in the media
>Social Justice: Could you also have this virus?
>Upcoming Comics/Anime/Video Games/Tabletop Pieces
>Special Guest: Some tripfag/namefag
>Special Guest: Some YouTube idiot pandering for a half hour
>Lounge where literally everybody is judging everybody else

>> No.7674412
File: 19 KB, 350x233, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

Thanks guys. This commentary is perfect.

>> No.7674413
File: 475 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8m63kDs6P1qa556so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its so empty

if their ticketing was limited to 500 a day why on EARTH did they think they would need this much space???????

>> No.7674417

That feels so depressing.

>> No.7674419
File: 450 KB, 250x375, logh nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674421

>history and evolution of memes

>> No.7674422

Special Guest Panel: MODS = GODS
>Ever wanted to meet the highest and mightiest of 4chan? Now's your chance!

The panel goes on for half an hour before everybody realizes there are no mods.

>> No.7674426

>Shitposting: The Live Drama!
>Drawfag tutorial gallery, brought to you by /ic/
>Poverty Cooking Lessons by /ck/
>Gunpla autism and mecha circle-jerking by /m/

I'm certain with enough actual staff, you could make an excellent convention with 4chan regulars. Not to mention if it was hosted by /cgl/, you'd at least be able to direct every board to the correct locations.

>> No.7674427

This, either the hotel is going to call the cops at the end of it all or the con-goers themselves are going to riot, especially now that the "big guests" are all cancelling.
Either way, I got my popcorn ready.

>> No.7674428

Makes me feel bad for those who actually put time and effort into their cosplay and props. No one to truly appreciate it.

>> No.7674433
File: 27 KB, 843x458, dashcon did nothing wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys even see the NightVale panel description because

they never lied

>> No.7674434

That's how I feel at all the smaller cons. Although this one is notably worse, since it's pretty much SuperWhoLockStuck con, so anybody who isn't part of one of those horrible fucking fanbases will not be given attention regardless, and those who are part of those god awful fanbases will immediately be showered in praise for their 10-minute cosplay.

>> No.7674436

Half of tumblr has warned against this sort of thing pretty much since someone first proposed a Tumblr-themed convention.

Thare have been small-scale meetups in the past, some overseen by Tumblr staff members, some independant and unregulated.

The ones overseen by Tumblr staff went swimmingly. The others? Not so much.

This was about as hard to see coming as a sunrise on a perfectly clear day.

>> No.7674438
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>> No.7674439

I follow WTNV's twitter and they just linked to this post: http://happierman.tumblr.com/post/91567505339/apologies-to-fans-in-northern-illinois

"The organizers of an event we were scheduled to be part of today were unable to pay for our flights, hotel, or performance fee.

We tried very hard to make this happen. We took a full break in the middle of our July tour to attend this small fan-based event. We paid for our own hotel and plane fare, and were very excited to be part of this intimate fan gathering. But after a morning of discussion, organizers were unable to pay for the costs of travel and performing.

We are disappointed that things were not worked out in a timely manner and that we could not perform for our fans.

We hope to be back in the Chicago area soon.

Thank you for your understanding. You, as fans, deserve better than this."

>> No.7674440

this is gold oh my god
tears. tears of joy.
i feel so privileged to be seeing this unfold.

>> No.7674441
File: 931 KB, 1296x808, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to their blog there's supposed to be "Armed Security" at this con. Like with Guns. Anybody that can confirm?
(I see some hired security in the background)

Though this also begs the question as to why they have volunteers too... <Pictured>

>> No.7674442

The only warning that hasn't come true yet is the one where someone dies.

>> No.7674443

Someone down at ED should be recording this horrid event, there's just too much gold in this entire thread.

>> No.7674451

Damn, what a great claptrap. Too bad his cosplay was wasted on such a shitty convention.

>> No.7674455
File: 195 KB, 724x401, he does it for free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet the janitors. Find out how to cook a hot pocket, and why they do it for free

>> No.7674456

I can almost feel the emptiness of this con just looking at this photo, shame his Cosplay was wasted on such an event.

>> No.7674458
File: 1.68 MB, 250x250, tumblr_n7rztz3vdc1r31n4zo3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lounge where literally everybody is judging everybody else
hahaha yesss

>Ghost Story Telling by /x/
>Why Your Favorite Anime is Shit by /a/
>Everything is a Conspiracy by /pol/
>Get in Shape, Motherfucker by /fit/
>Just Beginning to Shine: "Web-Idols" and Why They're All Shit by /cgl/

>> No.7674461

If you want to explain it quick and simple, yeah. But analyzing it and going deeper is so much more interesting and exciting.


This is pure gold.

>> No.7674463
File: 32 KB, 640x480, CT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friend of mine is making one at the same scale, that's literally 60 hours of this guy's life wasted on this piece of shit con.

>> No.7674464
File: 55 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n8m769Jy8W1qa556so1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reg line

>> No.7674466

The dashcon tag has blown up and it's glorious.

>> No.7674467
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, Steph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Get in Shape, Motherfucker by /fit/
I would have to go to this con EXPLICITLY for this.

>> No.7674469

Long post. Probably the key part:

>One of Dashcon’s admins (not Cain) was responsible for working with the hotel (Renaissance Schaumburg). That admin made a verbal agreement with hotel management for the $20,000 conference fee to be paid on Saturday evening. Saturdays are the biggest day for these types of cons. If everything had gone according to plan, the con would’ve brought in that money and then some Saturday night, no problem.

>However, yesterday (Friday) evening, hotel management came to the admins and said they wanted the full fee by 10pm that night (10pm being the close of con registration for the day) or else the conference would be canceled. Hotel management presented the admins with a letter stating that the whole $20,000 fee was actually due on the con’s first day.

>Cain said the situation was a result of numerous miscommunications between con admins and the hotel. After the admins were told of the situation, they did what they believed was the only thing they could do to try to keep the con going: they put up the donation post, pulled everyone into the ballroom, broke the news to attendees and begged for cash. The $17,000 was pulled together and the con was allowed to continue, but not before snowballing into the mess you’ve all heard so much about.

>I asked Cain why the hotel went back on the verbal agreement. He said the best any of the admins could figure was that the hotel hadn’t fully understood what the con was all about and what kind of people it would attract. He said the hotel also stated they didn’t care about any potential backlash from canceling the con - even violence on the part of attendees. They just wanted their money.

>> No.7674471

Ha, nice.

>> No.7674473

Not really.
I've read the whole damn thing, and it's really just that simple.
They have that "It's complicated" bullshit, but that's about it.

>> No.7674476

Barbell in front of the entrance of the fit section.
"Can't lift? Can't enter."

>> No.7674477

apparently theres no printed out program lmao

source: friend decided to go to see what all the hubub was about

>> No.7674479
File: 485 KB, 500x280, surprised.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what do the creators of Tumblr (david karp or whatever) think about this con? did they give their approval for it or permission for DashCon to officially associate themselves with it with no pay for Tumblr? otherwise, i'm smelling some potential legal issues with associating with Tumblr and stuff...

>> No.7674481

>it's actually styrofoam and you're being judged on form, not strength

>> No.7674484

not associated in any way with it, originally was going to be called tumblrcon or something

>> No.7674489


>And because the original payment agreement apparently wasn’t written down, they were well within their rights to make that demand

thank christ one of these loons admits it

>> No.7674490

That is actually pretty clever. You can barely see the inside as you fail to lift, but what you see makes you want to be a part of it. So you train for next years con in the hopes of joining in the fun.

>> No.7674495
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1393213810284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, just thought of a question about a 4Chan con... everyone would have to be 18+, right? Since this is an 18+ website? This factor alone would make a chancon 18900099% better than a tumblrcon since everyone isn't 12.

>> No.7674496
File: 12 KB, 241x230, 1296376178830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> even violence on the part of attendees
Mental picture of this clusterfuck of hambeasts trying to crush the hotel staff with their backfat.

>> No.7674497

I was more talking about analyzing and exploring the quadrants from the perspective of their function on Beforus resp. Alternia and yadda yadda but that's for another conversation.

>> No.7674500

>Add Booze
>High Speed Internets
>Guy fawkes masks required

>> No.7674501

18+ restriction for almost all panels, but not the con. You'll have tons of underage showing up and realizing they can't go to shit.

>> No.7674504

Any reports on triggers causing mass panic attacks?

>> No.7674505

>free oats 7am-10am, bring your own bowl and spoon

>> No.7674507


This has to be bullshit because the letter shown on dashcon's tumblr page has today's date. Not yesterday's.

>> No.7674510

If we add Guy Fawkes masks, you're pretty much just describing what /b/'s panel would be like lol. It could be held in a bar (since most people there are going to be 21+ anyway) and that way no one would have to deal with "hurrdurr u need an alcohol license" bullshit.

>> No.7674511

the people with those kinds of triggers are probably at home shitposting on the dashcon tag

>> No.7674512

wouldn't they put trigger warnings on all their materials?

>> No.7674514

Here, have a hambeast and a twink begging for cash

>> No.7674517
File: 27 KB, 225x400, ballpitstuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dem teeth
Confirmed: to attend dashcon and enjoy it, one must be a methhead

>> No.7674518

This is brilliant.

>> No.7674521
File: 331 KB, 622x383, yjukyu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /b/ users would actually leave their houses long enough to attend a panel
>pic related

>> No.7674522

Said 17 year-old admin cried until 5am last night and was locked out of her room, if that counts.

There is appearently admin dramu going on right now and I'm trying to grab deets.

>> No.7674523

This one of the reasons why being in the homestuck fandom sucks.

>> No.7674525

Please keep up updated.

>> No.7674527

A 4chan con could just bypass the whole "hotel" thing entirely and just commandeer an entire city.
Imagine thousands of people flying into a city e masse for the hell of it. Panels take place at bars, pubs, drinkeries, or laundromats.

>> No.7674528

lol yeah that's true. Still, it'd be nice to have a bar affiliated with the hotel that could be rented out so that people could go and be weird/in cosplay without the business getting mad because we're scaring away other customers.

>> No.7674529

wait, how much of 4chins is actually at Trashcon?

How much havoc can we pull?

>> No.7674530

Would love to hear the deets if you can get them.

>> No.7674532


js with regard to this post >>7674469 only the admins/con volunteer staff who had their rooms comped by the con were the ones who were locked out

>I asked Cain if attendees who’d booked their hotel rooms through Dashcon would’ve been thrown out had the con been canceled. Cain said no because those attendees had paid for their rooms. The people who would have been asked to leave were the staff and vendors who had comped rooms through Dashcon. Those affected people were in fact briefly locked out of their rooms last night. Again, the only attendees locked out of their rooms and in any danger of being ejected by the hotel were staying in comped rooms. A relatively small number of people were affected and ultimately were not asked to leave the hotel.

>> No.7674533

Make it a small town that just got a big airport too.
We really need to make this happen.

>> No.7674534

He's looking up from hell and shaking his head before being forked in the ass again

>> No.7674537

Suggest trading tumblrs, ask what they want trigger warnings for and preferred pronouns.
Abuse their greatest fears while calling them the wrong pronouns and break the little fucks.

>> No.7674538

/x/ has their panel at a local cemetery
/ck/ is in a super store in the ramen aisle

>> No.7674540

We have enough boards here that you could host one panel for every board just once, and it would be sufficient for multiple days of convention. Maybe twice for the more active boards (/v/, /a/, /b/, etc.)

The crafts boards could be artistic tutorials. The "general interest" boards could be discussion of a variety of things in the industry and a few gag/joke panels. Meme bullshit is kept to an absolute minimum, only used sparsely in the comfort of their own retarded users.

The lounge would have to be pretty damn big, and have capacity for tons of different users from many different boards. Either that, or you are gonna wind up sectioning off rooms specifically for boards (which actually wouldn't be too crazy an idea. A /v/ room could have multiple /v/ panels in it while most people there discuss and play video games, a /k/ room could have gun-related panels while people also discuss their weapons, etc.)

You could make it unorthodox, but brilliant, or play it safe, and still make it cool. The only barriers would be the competency of administration and the entertainment factor of the panel hosts.

>> No.7674541

I think hambeastself will get most of them in a tizzy

>> No.7674542
File: 15 KB, 400x231, 236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES ahahaha. Just imagine the random influx of 1000+ people to a city that has no idea what's going on, and for an unknown reason, all of those strange tourists know each other.

>> No.7674543

could you imagine the artist alley?
god almighty it would be one giant draw thread

>> No.7674544

And a bunch of tumblrtots climbing over them to attack their heads

>> No.7674546

I think the sad part is people would be safer at a 4chan gathering than a tumblr one

>> No.7674548

a team of /ic/ drawfags walking around and criticizing every single piece of art

>> No.7674549

So here's a thought
If this whole tumblr thing happens again, I say we buy badges and convert it. Take their schedule and superimpose our own on top of it. Take over panels, etc.
Con management will make so much money they won't want to stop it, and then we all just stay home next year.

>> No.7674551
File: 48 KB, 304x348, Ahegao11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright. How many dicks do I have to suck to make this happen?
>All under one roof, all arting all day
>Selling prints, posters, and maybe even wallscrolls

>> No.7674552

The names of the admins are Megg Eli and Cain Hopkins. I was there yesterday of the crying speech. It was just overdone and childish...

>> No.7674555
File: 141 KB, 460x489, drama pt 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just showed up on my feed.

>> No.7674557

>/diy/ in a craft store
>/cgl/ in a JoAnn's
>/sci/ crashing a local college's lecture
>/soc/ meets in front of a highschool

>> No.7674562

still better than tumblrites telling me that I can't draw these two people fucking because it goes against some transfag law of traps or whatever

>> No.7674563
File: 16 KB, 461x100, drama pt 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674566

Nobody on 4chan would hurt other people at this point. /b/ are too tame this day and age, /v/ rage is restricted to internet, /pol/ are too much of pussies to do shit to anybody, /fit/fags just want to flex like idiots, and /sp/fags will only fight each other over divegrass or handegg in the local bar.

Meanwhile people on Tumblr regularly get attacked over fandom bullshit and relationship retardation.

>> No.7674569

/co/ goes to a local comic store.
/v/ hits up Gamestop.
/mu/ finds a record store.
/an/ goes to an animal shelter.

/b/ goes to that laundromat.

>> No.7674570

Or would we hold lynchings or faggots that abuse their cats?

>> No.7674571

If freddie mercury really ended up in hell, i'm taking my ass down there when the time comes.
Fuck, with all the furries down there, I can finally fulfill my dream of stabbing them with a pitchfork.

>> No.7674572

This would be a dream come true.

>> No.7674573

please don't tell me that actually happened

>> No.7674574
File: 53 KB, 1024x558, 1393214996661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674576

Yeah, well those fuckers would have it coming.

>> No.7674577

yall are being even bigger idiots than tumblr was if you think this is a good idea at all

>> No.7674580

we know it'd be better-run and that's what counts

>> No.7674581

Surely not the furry I used to follow on Tumblr, noill?

>> No.7674582

This. While I do like the idea of a 4chan convention, town takeover is a little extreme.

Maybe if the ChanCon lasted for 10 successful years, you could try to buy out a convention center for a weekend or some other more sophisticated building, but not a city like that.

>> No.7674583
File: 54 KB, 500x667, 1393214548172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chillax bruh, nothing's going to actually happen; this is just fun to talk about.

>> No.7674584
File: 274 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8m8h5s8Gw1s26ex8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh by the way, Did you guys here this con is going on during not one, but TWO weddings?

>Can’t tell if Sherlock or wedding party


>> No.7674585

I doubt any of us are actually serious about this. Just wishful thinking.

>> No.7674586
File: 55 KB, 500x375, tumblr_n8m8n4T7dE1qlhpc5o1_500-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7674587


He moved to Pixiv. I dunno if it's the same one.


>> No.7674588

I'm sorry, but how exactly did a 17-year-old girl even get this far with an event like this? She's not legal, how did she sign contracts? Or book anything? How it did W TNV even agree to this? Or steam powered giraffe? Where was this girl's parents? Or her friends? People who would've clearly outlined why this wasn't a good idea. Or, at least help the business end of things. Even if they had 500 people, I'm amazed she managed to gather that many with absolutely zero credibility.

I'm sad that a 17-year-old girl is crying and upset and probably a bit traumatized, but how do you even get this far? Someone should've stopped this along time ago. I hate to say that she brought this completely on herself.

Also, I hate when people resort to tears to get in and out of business deals. The real world doesn't really pay attention to that.

>> No.7674589

Didn't one of the wedding parties complain to the hotel to try to get the con shut down because they were being disruptive fuckballs?

>> No.7674590

Must be weird for the wedding goers to see all these retards being retards.

>> No.7674591 [DELETED] 

Not at the convention, but it did happen IRL.
The first year of my college no one told me of this little area in the middle of campus that get flooded with SJW and liberals.

Anyway, I sat under one of the trees, the weather was nice out, and I was drawing porn like any other depraved college freshman.

I'm use to people poking their noses into what I'm drawing, and at this point of so many people seeing nsfw things you stop caring about their reactions. Whats the worst they can do?

Apparently traps are the most offensive thing to college liberals now.

I'm not saying they dont deserve it, but it would be fun to bring back old time memory making for crimes other than being a nigger.

>> No.7674596

>Like I said, your opinion does not matter unless you were actually there to witness the events. Or if you donated.
>most of the people complaining qualify as either or both

Top kek.

>> No.7674598

my sympathy to those poor couples.
but I guess after seeing this they won't try and keep any fetus the doctor says is going to turn out retarded.

>> No.7674599

Yeah, it's all for fun.

Though I wonder why "town takeover convention" hasn't ever happened in the past. You'd think some large group might have tried it at some point.

>> No.7674602
File: 94 KB, 253x218, Akarin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using Pixiv.com instead of Pixiv.net SMH

>> No.7674603
File: 402 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8m8lpkGEU1qfh0bqo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674604

Yep, that's him.
What's this Pixivb thing and why does it require a seperate login? I'm a little out of the loop atm after dumping tumblr.

>> No.7674605

>she has a lack of responsibility and accountability
>of course you would get locked out because if she bails then the hotel doesn't get their payment. verbal agreements don't handle well in court.
>no being a sensible adult and approaching it like one, o wait its tumblr-user

>> No.7674606


Here, this might help

>> No.7674609

if this person wasn't a walking lard blob, took off the flower crown, and put effort into the makeup and tattoos maybe he wouldn't look so autistic.

>> No.7674614

Japanese image site, like DA but anime

>> No.7674616

You'd either need a very tiny town, which wouldn't be very useful for long-term stay whatsoever, or you'd wind up being swamped in a very big metropolitan city. The idea is cool, but it would cause more trouble than good.

>Tons of people trying to find places to stay, but absolutely nowhere will allow them space.
>Big City congoers just look like a bunch of bizarre protesters and many people try to avoid them until the cops show up to arrest them for unsolicited gatherings

It wouldn't go well, as cool as the concept sounds.

My biggest question is mostly why there hasn't been a very large-scale gathering yet. Like, thousands of people in a very large park/field area, or at a beach when there aren't too many people?

>> No.7674617

What the shit is that flower crown about? Is it some fairy princess shit?

>> No.7674619

Nah, I mean, what's the difference between Pixiv and Pixivb?

>> No.7674620
File: 93 KB, 338x445, 1337565558623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone think this is a good idea?

>> No.7674622

Pixiv is pretty much Japanese DA. Which means it's better than DA.

>> No.7674623

she's not handling the money, but they were dumb enough to let this fucking child run the logistics

>> No.7674624

>Like, thousands of people in a very large park/field area, or at a beach when there aren't too many people?
Burning Man.

>> No.7674625

Gaijin pixiv v Golden Land pixiv

>> No.7674627

Ugh, I was planning to do a Cecil cosplay but all of these Trashcon fails have put me off the idea alltogether.

Captcha: loudly moaneno

>> No.7674628

Bro, we leave to the accountable people to manage the con and financing not like the tumblr social justice I'm always a victim people. the only thing we would lack is the financing to rent out these places. so for now its a pipe dream.

>> No.7674629


>Angela is a college graduate who works part-time at a large retail chain. She’s never been to a Con and sometimes she wonders how this became her life. She currently lives in North Carolina on her mother’s pull-out couch.


>> No.7674630


>> No.7674635

Me too, nig, me too.
Thankfully the WTNV people they ordered for the convention weren't paid and walked out on them.
I hope they think horribly of tumblr now.

>> No.7674637
File: 214 KB, 641x480, 1355328844787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every fucking person there

Holy christ this was just ASKING to be a hilariously bad convention from the fucking get-go.

>> No.7674638

you can even search common tags in english now, like touhou instead of 東方

>> No.7674644

i just want to say i appreciate your KOTN reaction images

>> No.7674646
File: 810 KB, 225x183, 1404769339928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, this can't be real

>> No.7674648

Here is 17 yr old, highly unstable, admin

>> No.7674649


Wait, do I search for "Furry" or "Kemono"?

>> No.7674650
File: 98 KB, 324x348, 1329395596021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has the best taste out of everybody there
>Her interests are still pleb-tier at best

Well I mean, she's fuckable. That's a plus, right?

>> No.7674654

Gotta wait a year, cowboy.

>> No.7674655

Furry, they did their homework don't worry

>> No.7674657

She's asexual, you cissy trash mc trasherson scum.

>> No.7674658

She has a shit-ton of baggage though. I have mutual friends with her and it all depends how much you wanna deal with. She is still very immature, despite all "grown up stuff" she's supposedly done.

>> No.7674659


>tfw I feel more comfortable here than I ever did on tumblr

>> No.7674660

.. neither of them looks anything like those characters

>> No.7674663

"Here comes the pain train.....on the locomotion of commotion....going down the trail of fail......"

Help me out here, I'm trying to find more creative ways to describe this shit show.

>> No.7674664

>this is a joke, right?
Hahaha, of course not!

>> No.7674665

Well, yeah, they just slapped some trendy shit together and slapped a few identifying marks on it and declared "WE R CHARACTUR"

>> No.7674666


>> No.7674667


>> No.7674669

I want to know if corsets are suppose to look like that.
See how it comes off her chest in that hideous 'I have to keep these things in" kind of way?
It looks sloppy, please tell me its a sloppy corset and not how its suppose to look.

>> No.7674670

My friend, look for the deeper meanings
Dean is always down
Being played by someone with down syndrome

>> No.7674672

Legality varies she might not be an adult per say but she is old enough to understand concepts of being an adult like responsibility, accountability, reliability, and etc. anyone can sign a contract, even kids but that comes down to how old and how well they were told of the situation, then with their gaurdians signature as agreement. 17 is on the fence of adult. also remember she only did a verbal agreement mean that the hotel was give them quite a bit of trust that they could pull through and deliver payment by the time due. during that time the hotel probably had a reasonable change of opinion and wanted money upfront. If someone were to run the con properly they would have done all the research, calling, booking of everything on time, and without error. remember this pretty much tumblr con when has anyone admit to being at fault or with any measure of being in the wrong.
>She did bring this down on her
>hate tears works too

>> No.7674675

yes ofc it's a sloppy corset it doesn't fit at all and looks really cheap, probably got it online and never took measurements

>> No.7674676

i love being part of black tumblr. Shit gets dragged so fast.

>> No.7674677

oh thank the lord almighty.
As someone who loves corsets but keeps seeing shit tier corset cosplays like this I was starting to think the nice fit was only in drawings and photoshops

>> No.7674678

You really don't understand how contract law works, do you?

>> No.7674679

>before this drama happened it was the smoothest run first year con
so literally before the con started?

>> No.7674685

Thread in autosage, new thread

>> No.7674688

/pol/ and /b/ are raiding tumblr

>> No.7674689

>anon hate up the wazoo


>> No.7674690
File: 206 KB, 990x513, 4212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burning man from the sky

>> No.7674692

fucking love that video

>> No.7674698


So let's sum up con management in a quick post
Age, Location - Job - Quote

17, Denver, CO - Paper Pusher, Gopher, Facebook PR - "I am panromantic"
23, New York, NY - Grunt - "I’m generally an accident waiting to happen, but only toward myself"
23, Unk - Personal Assistant - "She’s never been to a Con"
32, Pieoria, IL - Owner - "worthless degree in interior design. Back when I had free time, I fancied myself a novelist"
20, Unk - business work - "I am obviously a super hero."
??, Austrailia - What people tell me to do - "International Superstar. Just ask my mum"
20, Unk - Dashcon’s token male/personal whatever/everything he can do doer - "Doucehbag Rockstar"

>> No.7674699

>Legality varies...
Legality varies on questions of things like necessaries, which the person signing the contract needs. This con was not a necessary, and no minor should have been allowed to sign a contract for something this big. The hotel fucked up in at least that regard.

>> No.7674703


Seriously, do these people think that /b/ and /pol/ are these kinds of omnipotent godlike hackers? Even /g/ is shit at hacking anything while they masturbate over their Apple products and Smartphones.

>> No.7674704

>panel about hot British dudes
>only three dudes
>includes Ben-a-dick Melonpatch
>not Super Cavill

jesus, fuck. there are more hot dudes that are British.

>> No.7674710

They can always hack the CIA to feel better about themselves.

>> No.7674714

honesty it makes it that much more fun when people thingk /b/ and /pol/ are omnipotent godlike hackers.

Watching people freak out over 'muh tumblr cawn got hakd" is golden

>> No.7674715

>Australian admin
I apologise on behalf of this.

>> No.7674716
File: 563 KB, 569x802, CIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hack the CIA

>> No.7674721

Yeah this con is actually separate from the website. Which is why so many people are laughing everywhere right now and making fun of it. Literally the worst people got together with bad leadership and this train wreck happened.

>> No.7674727

Don't be, I have an account for following all the MLP fandom stuff that passes by, don't let the pasty nerds get to you, and you'll be just fine

>> No.7674729

Sorry, tear down the poster the CIA puts up over its shit.
Unless they switched to some meaningful kind of encryption?

>> No.7674736

They allow ghosts in some panels

>> No.7674742

The /fit/ panel sounds decent

>> No.7674743


>Why your Favourite Cartoon and/or Comic is Trash by /co/
>How to Contain your Power Level and Raging Thirst for Horse Vagina by /mlp/
>Why Tom Hardy is the Best Actor and most Real Human Bean by /tv/
>Pleb? Educate Yourself you Philistine! by /lit/
>You are a shit DM by /tg/

>> No.7674750

>>How to Contain your Power Level and Raging Thirst for Horse Vagina by /mlp/
I get the feeling that as comical as the title for this is, it would be significantly more educational and instruction-focused than /lit/'s.

>> No.7674754

4chan regulars wouldn't be the problem.
It'd be the underaged idiots running around screaming "WE ARE ANONYMOUZ WE IS LEGION".
Which I have absolutely no doubt would make up over half the attendees if you advertised it as a normal convention.
It'd be a level of cringe far beyond this tumblr con

>> No.7674757

only because there would be a large enough turnout to be noticeable at all.

>> No.7674759

The /b/ kiddies who would inevitably flood it would get bored pretty quickly when absolutely nobody but each other actually pull that shit. Especially considering we could do like >>7674501 said. Allow them into the con hall, force age restrictions on all panels and events, forcefully remove troublemakers who spend time constantly stirring shit up.

>> No.7674761

And someone records the entire panel...

>> No.7674767

Given the admin was fucking 14.when he started it.....lol no

>> No.7674773


>> No.7674774

forgot >Why all music is shit and you're gay for listening to it by /mu/

>> No.7674777

No recording permitted in the panel...

>> No.7674780

This is not /b/

>> No.7674803
File: 64 KB, 599x266, ab79aed9-5ce3-422d-8aec-3f5de12cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7674845

Merely the knowledge that other 4chan users were there.
And a plane ticket back to Chicago. :/

>> No.7674890

>implying the average /b/ user isn't 16 years old

>> No.7674903

I'm gonna need to hear this

>> No.7674936

Shrek memes started on 4chan, though.

>> No.7674946

Cavill is ten times the man Flick-a-Bic is and gets me wetter than a fish's gills
Cunts have no taste

>> No.7675184


>pls don't hurt me I'm just a grill

God that was great when I first read about it.

>> No.7675212

Why does every Tumblrite have a 'panic attack' every time they're in a stressful situation?

>> No.7675220

This is so fucking depressing, holy shit. At least try and put some decorations or signage in the room?

>> No.7675223

because it helps fuel their victim complex

>> No.7675227
File: 37 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_ms2p6kpiRs1qeryt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7675362

You do realize that you sound like you just stepped out of Tumblr, right?

"Nobody who's a minority could disagree with me, and if you claim otherwise you're secretly a white racist" is one of a SJW's favorite ways to "win" an argument. It's racist bullshit in itself, assuming that all non-white people think with one mind and can't decide things for ourselves.

>> No.7675581

The best part is: missed out on something you paid for priority seating to due to Dashcon's incompetence forcing it to cancel? YOU GET AN EXTRA HOUR IN THAT BALL PIT, ALL TO YOURSELF!

>> No.7675606

Ugh, trigger warning! Privileges! :P ((lol))

>> No.7675705

I sorta wish I was there during the money crisis just so I could dress up as Anonymous and rub my hands together in a sinister manner while hiding in a corner

>> No.7675781

>4chan con is 18+
>Filled with thirteen year olds with fake mustaches on
>"are you 18?"
>(voice cracking) "Uh... Y-yeah..."
>"Good enough for me!"

>> No.7675809

>And they also can't have PP accounts.
I had one since I was 14.

gg anon

>> No.7675819

The question is not one of ability, but of legality. Did you always listen to the porn site click-throughs that said you have to be 18 to view this?

>> No.7675835


>> No.7675893

They're transblack you transphoobe!

>> No.7675910


>> No.7675973

Get /tg/ to put together the analog gaming room.

Hell, give them the video gaming room, too. I'd never trust /v/ with anything like that.

>> No.7676032
File: 10 KB, 235x215, 23987023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/mlp/ goes to a horse ranch
>/r9k/ goes to a lesbian bar
>/tv/ goes to an elementary school

>> No.7676033

/tg/ at a local park gazeebo

>> No.7676170

I think the whole problem is that it was run by superwholock fans(and superwholock fans are just.... No) and that they allowed a fucking 17 yr old on the organizing team. Plus, no previous con experience? Haha, bad disaster waiting to happen. And possibly sjw, but some sjw are a hella more responsible than these people.

99% of tumblr is face palming while 1% are being "OMG, I had so much fun there, don't hate on the convention!" Ugh.

>> No.7676288

This whole con needs to be cleansed with fire

>> No.7676443

My nigga

>> No.7677202

me too but i literally only use mine for an obscure fandom based around some LPers these days and avoid the rest of the site

>> No.7677229

looks like some autists can't comprehend how to not take things literally

>> No.7677253

gtfo faggot

>> No.7677590

So this represents about a whole 500 tumblr users. Trust me, 4chan. The rest of us are just about horrified and disgusted by this pathetic excuse for a con as you are. There is no undoing this embarrassment for us.

>> No.7679408

More like con and dash!


>> No.7679414

More like con and dash!


>> No.7681555

>/fit/ wants to flex like idiots

You don't go to /fit/ much, do you?

>> No.7681968

Reminds me of UltimaCon in New Orleans back in 2012.

--"Guest" said cancelled convention

>> No.7682400

So...day 2 news of shitcon 2k14?

>> No.7682975

Because no spine.